Bechdel at 36 Lifeboat Productions) Were Indefi Nitely Post- Group Called Reality Theater Run by Omni Poned Due to COVID

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Bechdel at 36 Lifeboat Productions) Were Indefi Nitely Post- Group Called Reality Theater Run by Omni Poned Due to COVID THIS WEEK CHICAGOREADER | JANUARY | VOLUME NUMBER TR IN THIS ISSUE - @ 12 NewsAcaseofdisappearing BrokenNosetheBechdelTesthas 36 EarlyWarningsRescheduled hoopsingentrifyingneighborhoods beentweaked concertsandotherupdatedlistings PPTB 15 Isaacs|CultureTimSamuelson 36 GossipWolfGoodWillsmith PECKH Chicago’sfi rstandonlycultural returnwithanacidfriedlivealbum ECS K FILM CLR H historian 25 MoviesofNotePromising Cincheldropsanambientcassette GD AH YoungWomanisacandycoated thatdoublesasanartobject MEP M killerofafi lmSomeKindofHeaven andBobNanna’smidsband TDEKR INDOORDELIGHTS CEBW 04 SnackBreakHowoyatsumakes isanunfi lteredlookatlife’sfi nalact Orwellreleasesanoddsandsods AEJL theChicagowinterbearable andTheWhiteTigeroff ersasalty compilation SWMD LG DI BJ MS takeontheragstorichesstory EAS N L FOOD&DRINK OPINION PM KW 06 Sula|FeatureForthefi rsttime 37 NationalPoliticsWho’sreally L CSC-J SJR inthemidwestaWisconsinfarmer controllingTrump’simpeachment F AM R bringsrareanddeliciousheritage CEBN B hogbreedstomarket L C M DLCM C NLC J F S F JH IH BJ C MJ MK SKND LMM TMJ R N JN M OAP-AK S DSCS 16 Tu Stuff Rugmakingis ---------------------------------------------------------------- experiencingarevival MUSIC&NIGHTLIFE DD J D 18 BookDropFindinghappinessin 26 FeatureChicagoimprovisers SMCJ G emptybookshelves TimDaisyandMattPiethave SSP ATA 20 ChillOutApsychology respondedtothechallengesof 38 SavageLoveDanSavageoff ers professordismantlesthe“Laziness COVIDbylearningnewwaysto adviceonwhentodisclosethat S IDM N Lie” record you’reHIVpositive D DCW MPCY NEWS&POLITICS 21 TurnOff Movingawayfrom 30 ShowsofNoteApandemic D 08 Joravsky|PoliticsJohn harshlightingreducesanxietyand can’tstopthemusicandthisweek CLASSIFIEDS E ASL K Catanzara’s“apology”isclassic improvescoziness theReaderreviewscurrentreleases 39 Jobs MPD AA C MAGAdefl ectionprojectionand 22 ShoppingSpreeSupportlocal byHospitalBraceletWardruna 39 Apartments&Spaces SECK K mediabashing secondhandshopperswithout theThirdPatriciaBrennanShame 39 Marketplace An steppingfootoutside andmore ADVERTISING 10 Dukmasova|Housing -- ­ @ evictioncourtjudgeslamsthe 35 ChicagoansofNoteSteve O I S C moratoriumas“utteridiocy”It’snot THEATER Waltersartistandscreenprinterat T FT’ - @ ontherecord 24 PlaystoWatchOutForAt ScrewballPress VPSA M SDAN CRM TP SAR L M-H L S CSM WR THIS WEEK ON CHICAGOREADER.COM NA VMG-- - JLSB ---------------------------------------------------------------- DC -- ­ CHICAGOREADERLC BPD R L TE R A- S V READERINSTITUTEFORCOMMUNITY JOURNALISMINC C E R TCB DA CV F KL HJK-P D R Even more at risk Memorial The ‘big gap’ LSV Violence against people Alejandro Morales’s death Domestic violence survivors ---------------------------------------------------------------- experiencing homelessness has doesn’t just leave a hole in battle to keep legally protected RISSN­- RLC advocates worried. Chicago’s DIY music scene. housing subsidies. ­S M S­C IL­ -- C ©­C R 2 CHICAOREADER - JANUARY ll EVANSTONWhen you do the math, you chooseSUBARU McGrath! GRAND OPENING SALE All-Wheel-Drive Experts! VOTE NOW! 7 or 8 Passengers % Ase Oa On EvEry nEw 2021 SubAru OutbAck 63 MONTHS And 2021 SubAru AScEnt 0NEW 2021 SUBARU IMPREZA $ All Wheel Drive PER MONTH NO SECURITY DEPOSIT! 136 month2 lease. $2,9959 due at signing. MJA-01 #76803 NEW 2021 SUBARU NEW 2021 SUBARU CROSSTREK FORESTER ALL WHEEL DRIVE VOTING Now - February 8, 2021 * PER PER $ MONTH $ MONTH BEST OF 2020 16 9 All-Wheel-Drive, , HD Radio, USB 18 9 AUTOMATIC, Roof Rails, Alloys, SPECIAL ISSUE Bluetooth, Back-up Camera EyeSight, All-Wheel-Drive NO SECURITY DEPOSIT! 36 month lease. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT! 36 month lease. March 18, 2021 $2,995 due at signing. MRA-01 #76804 $2,995 due at signing. MFB-01 #76805 TOP-QUALITY INSPECTED USED CARS & SUV’ S IMPORTS & DOMESTICS SUBARU FORESTERS ‘16 Honda CR-V Touring AWD/Navi. Leather, Sunroof, 27K, Black, 25605A ....$19,995 ‘17 Forester Touring ..........................Leather, Sunroof, 25K, Silver, 25407A ......$23,995 ‘18 Honda Fit Sport .............................. Automatic, Bluetooth, Silver, P6810A ....$15,995 ‘18 Forester Prem. ........................Automatic, Heated Seats, Blue, 25813A ......$20,995 ‘17 Nissan Rogue Sport S AWD ......................Auto, 1-Owner, Black, P6736 ......$15,995 ‘18 Forester 2.5i ..............................Automatic, Full Power, Black, 25684A ......$19,995 ‘14 Honda CR-V EX-L/Navi AWD....Auto,. Sunroof, Leather, Coffee, 25008A ......$14,995 ‘16 Forester Prem. ..........................Automatic, Heated Seats, Red, 25478A ......$14,995 ‘13 Honda Civic EX-L .............. Auto, Leather, Sunroof, 52K, Black, 25571RA ....$13,995 ‘17 Nissan Murano SV AWD................Auto., Full Power, Gun Metal, 25057A ......$13,995 SUBARU OUTBACKS ‘19 Outback Ltd. ..........................Auto., Blind Spot, Leather, Tungsten, P6711 ......$25,995 ‘14 Honda CR-V EX AWD ......................Automatic, Sunroof, White, P6743A ......$12,995 ‘19 Outback Prem. ................................Auto., Eyesight, Alloys, Silver, P6695 ......$23,995 ‘13 Toyota Prius Four/Navi............. Auto., Heated Seats Sea Glass, 25610A ........$9,995 ‘18 Outback Prem. ................................Auto., Eyesight, Alloys, Silver, P6738 ......$21,995 ‘16 Scion iA ................................................Automatic, Full Power, Red, 25561A ......$8,995 ‘18 Outback 2.5i ..............................Auto., Eyesight, Full Power, Grey, P6802 ......$20,995 ‘13 Hyundai Elantra GT ..........Automatic, Heated Seats, 24K, Silver, 25795A ........$8,995 ‘15 Outback 3.6R Ltd. ......................Auto., Moonroof, Leather, Red, 25750A ......$16,995 ‘07 Toyota 4Runner Ltd. 4x4 .. Auto., Heated Seats, Leather, Grey P6787A ........$8,995 ‘09 Toyota Camry Hybrid........................Automatic, Full Power,, Grey, P6732 ........$6,995 SUBARU CROSSTREK / LEGACY ‘09 Toyota Matrix XRS....................................Auto., Full Power, Grey, P6790A ........$6,995 ‘17 Crosstrek Prem ........................ Automatic, Heated Seats, Blue, 25381A ......$18,995 ‘09 Nissan Altima 2.5. ..........................Automatic, Full Power Silver, 25567B ......$5,995 ‘18 Legacy Prem. ..................................Auto., Full Power, Alloys, Red, P6764 ......$17,995 McGrath Evanston Subaru A+ RATED presented by 3340 OAKTON - SKOKIE • 847-869-5700 *Add tax, title license and $300 doc fee. **Finance on approved credit score Subject to vehicle insurance and availability. Monthly sponsored in part by payment of $15.87per $1,000 borrowed. *Lease on approved credit score. Lease, 10k miles per year, 15 cents after. Lessee responsible for excess wear and early termination of lease. Lease end option to purchase; Impreza $11,495, Forester $16,702. Crosstrek $13,977. Ends 1/31/21 ll JANUARY - CHICAOREADER 3 FOOD & DRINK RACHELHAWLEY While the water burbles, I rummage in the cab- inet for a blue ceramic teapot and two teacups mind. “Winter is coming,” I found myself pro- with saucers. Once the water is done boiling, claiming wildly to my husband, unabashed that I pour a bit into the teapot, swish it around to I sounded like an extra from Game of Thrones. warm the inside, then pour the plain water into “We have to strategize how we’re going to the teacups to warm them too. I fi sh a tea bag survive this season!” I began to research out of a drawer, something herbal and without snowshoeing. I bought wool socks. I vowed to ca eine so I don’t keep myself up worrying half haul myself out of the house every day to walk the night, and plunk it into the teapot, covering outside, no matter the weather. it with steaming water. I pour the hot water Enter: oyatsu. I say oyatsu because it is the from the teacups into the sink and use it to word that is most familiar to me. Oyatsu (some- scrub a few spots of grime away. times called osanji) is an Edo-period word re- The smell of peppermint and ginger winds ferring to what was then considered the eighth its way out of the pot. I place it and the teacups hour of the day, around 2-3 PM, when people onto a brightly patterned tray next to a plate would break to eat a light meal to tide them with whatever cookie I decided looked interest- over till dinner. As a child in Japan, I was raised ing at Devon Market. Last week it was a sleeve to follow this practice, eating breakfast, lunch, of fudge-covered Oreos, on sale near the en- and dinner without snacks in between, only the trance of the store, wedged between gallons of designated 3 PM break for something sweet. Of vegetable oil and boxes of Medjool dates. This INDOOR DELIGHTS course, the practice of taking a break midday week, it’s a sort of Ja a cake-digestive hybrid, for something hot to drink and delicious to nib- a crumbly, wheaty biscuit wearing a shiny cap ble is hardly unique to Japan. There is fi ka and of orange-flavored chocolate. The energetic, Giving myself a break: khavi and tea time and merienda. One winter sky-blue box informs me the cookies are Lithu- my mother went to Finland and came back with anian. I carry the tray into the living room and on oyatsu stories of a deeply snowy country where people meet my husband, who has just turned o his of all ages stopped what they were doing to own computer. We sit for 30 minutes and chat How a snacking ritual makes the Chicago winter bearable drink dark, bitter coffee and eat sugary pas- about nothing in particular, sipping tea and tries. She explained that it was a way
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