Minutes of Annual Meeting of Kea Parish Council

Thursday 16th May 2019 at Kea Community Centre.

Present: Cllrs Alvey, Chamberlain, Cock, Hill, Johnstone, Roberts, Treseder, Verran, Cllr Dyer,


1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair of the Council – Cllr Treseder was nominated as Chair by Cllr Verran and he confirmed that he was happy to stand. The nomination was seconded by Cllr Alvey and in the absence of any further nominations was agreed by a unanimous vote. Cllr Verran nominated Cllr Hill as Vice-chair, and he confirmed that he was happy to stand. This nomination was seconded by Cllr Alvey and in the absence of any further nominations was agreed by a unanimous vote. Cllrs Treseder and Hill duly signed Acceptance of Office forms. Cllr Treseder took the chair 2. Apologies: Cllrs Baker (leave), Rutter (health), Spenceley (leave) and Wear (work commitments). 3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) and any Other Significant Interest (OSI) - None 4. Public comment – Cllr Hill offered a vote of thanks to the outgoing chair Cllr Chamberlain, and stated that he has chaired the council well resulting in fair and considered comments and decisions being made. This was agreed by all. 5. Receipt of Annual Reports a) Chairs report – Cllr Chamberlain b) Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer – Emma Jenkin c) Highways – Cllr Chamberlain d) Footpaths – Cllr Baker e) Play area – Cllr Treseder f) Community Network – Cllr Spenceley g) Joint Parish Illegal use of Footpaths – Cllr Spenceley h) Kea Community Centre – Cllr Roberts i) Councillors -Cllrs Alvey and Dyer All reports were received in written form and are attached to these minutes. 6. Review of delegation arrangements to working parties : It was agreed that no changes were required to the current arrangement that is that working parties bring proposals to full council for consideration and agreement. 7. Review of members of working parties : Some changes to the working groups were agreed resulting in the following representations: a) Parks – Cllrs Chamberlain, Roberts, Spenceley, Treseder, Verran b) Footpaths/ Project 2026 – Cllrs Baker, Hill, Verran


c) Kea day / Picnic in the Park – Cllrs Treseder, Roberts, Spenceley, Verran, Wear d) Finance Committee – Cllrs Alvey, Hill, Johnstone and Treseder. 8. Review of standing orders and financial regulations – It was agreed that the Clerk along with Cllrs Treseder and Johnstone would review the current Standing orders in line with NALCs recently issued new Model Standing Orders and CALCs suggestions of changes to these. Clerk to arrange a meeting, and ammended Standing Orders to be brought back to the full council for adoption. 9. Review of representation of and work with external organisations: Some changes were agreed in line with the change of Chairman. a) Highways joint meeting - Cllrs Alvey, Baker and Treseder and the clerk b) Community Network – Cllrs Chamberlain, Spenceley, and Treseder c) Joint Parish Illegal use of footpaths group – Cllrs Chamberlain, Spenceley , and the Clerk d) Kea Community Centre – Cllrs Roberts, Spenceley and Verran 10. Review of inventory of land and assets – reviewed, no changes necessary 11. Confirmation of Insurance cover – Clerk confirmed that Kea Parish Council are tied into an agreement with Zurich with a fixed price until 2021. 12. Review of Councils subscriptions to other bodies a) CALC - membership fees have been paid for this year: It was agreed that although membership to CALC can seem expensive it is worth paying it for the support received. 13. Review of policies and procedures – Policies are displayed on the Parish Council website and are up to date. Clerk to add other policies as they are adopted. 14. Planning a) To receive and comment on planning applications - none b) To note planning decisions - noted c) To note planning appeals or inquiries- noted d) To report any planning problems (In closed session) - none Cllr Alvey reported on some changes in the planning system. As planning is based on delegated decisions, if the Parish Council make an objection to a planning application, it will come back to the elected member to decide if the parish council are making a sensible recommendation and should be taken to committee. The planning officer for our parish is likely to be Janice Taylor.

15. To confirm minutes of the meeting of the council held on 18th April 2019 –Cllr Alvey proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record of the meeting, this was seconded by Cllr Verran and agreed by a unanimous vote.


16. Matters arising : Clerk reported that she had sought advice from CALC regarding the discussion of planning enforcement. CALC had confirmed that this must be done in closed session. They also advised that it is best for individuals to be directed to report issues directly to . Clerk reported that she had received a report from Dale Cook at Cormac to say that pot holes had been repaired on the road from North Lodge to the stone pile. This section of road is scheduled for further treatment in 2020/21 and will be regularly monitored. Clerk has made an application to The Woodland Trust for a pack of fruit trees to put along the park hedge and has made an application to Clean Cornwall for a grant for a recycling bin for the park. A letter has been sent to Chacewater Parish Council to ask that they consider a small change to our adjoining boundary, they will be considering this at their meeting this week. Clerk reported that she is currently awaiting a quote for works to Baldhu Bus stop. 17. Specific highways issues: Following some discussion about the poor state of the road from North Lodge to Sparnock it was proposed by Cllr Alvey that we now carry out a site visit with Cornwall Council Highways so that they can justify the delay in repairs, this was seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed by a unanimous vote. Cllr Dyer asked that he be copied in to the communications. Cllr Alvey stated that he would be able to attend a site visit. The visibility splay at Cross Lanes and Meadowside is in hand , we are currently waiting to hear back from Cornwall Councils Highways safety department. Cllr Cock reported that the Railway company have cut back hedges adjoining their property , and asked why others have not done the same. It was agreed that we would chase up the cutting of verges on the road past Meadowside. And write to Cllr Dyer to ask for his support with this. It was also agreed that we would request that the verges and visibility splays at Quenchwell crossroads, Mill lane, and Kea Turning towards be cut. It was asked that the issue of road signs being placed on verges in the Bissoe Valley be raised at the next highways meeting, as this can block drivers views at junctions. Cllr Johnstone reported that many lorries are waiting in gravel pit near Sparnock to unload raw sewage. Taps on the holding tanks are being left open and there is a constant trickle of sewage across fields. Clerk was asked to raise the use of the gravel pit area as a waiting area with Cormac and write to the Environment Agency to raise the issue of the ongoing drainage of raw sewage in this area.

18. Specific footpaths issues: a) Project 2026 – update from working group – none yet available


b) Footpath 14 – Cllr Verran has walked footpath 14 following a complaint from The Ramblers and feels that it is OK, Cllr Hill will also walk it and report back. Clerk reported that Footpaths 8 and 9 have had their first cut as they were getting overgrown. 19. Play area, MUGA and Skate bowl: a) Annual inspection –Clerk reported that the recent inspection had raised some issues. Some issues related to the safety matting not being pegged down well enough. Clerk has now put in extra pegs. The report stated that the top joint on the Birdsnest swing should be taken apart and inspected as per manufacturers instructions. Clerk has contacted Outdoor Play People who installed the swing and they recommended that a visual inspection of the outside of the unit would be sufficient as long as the safety chain was intact. 20. Weed Spraying: Clerk reported that she had received a quote for £130 from EHS. It was proposed by Cllr Chamberlain that we accept this quote. This was seconded by Cllr Johnstone and agreed by unanimous vote. 21. Baldhu Bus Stop: To consider works needed – painting and brambles. A discussion around the benefits/costs of removing the bus stop was held, but it was agreed that we should get a quote for repairs. 22. Boundary review: Update from meeting with Truro City Council – Cllrs Chamberlain and Treseder attended . There is no current intent to take land from Kea Parish at present. They currently want to take some land from the West. If they wish to make a bid they would need to make a good case for this with evidence. All agreed that they would fight any bid to change the Kea Boundary in this direction. 23. Finance: a) To agree and sign cheques for invoices received.

E Jenkin Salary and broadband -

HMRC (NI and Tax) not yet calculated

EHS (General Maintenance) 132.00

Ben Brown (Skate ramp repairs) 1000.00

Playsafety Ltd (ROSPA inspection) 168.60

Zurich (Insurance) 1115.32

b) To receive monthly budget report


c) To agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 : It was proposed by Cllr Chamberlain that the Annual Governance Statement be signed. This was seconded by Cllr Verran and agreed by a unanimous vote. d) To agree and sign the Accounting Statements 2018/19: Cllr Alvey proposed that the Accounting Statements 2018/19 be signed as a correct record, this was seconded by Cllr Verran and agreed by a unanimous vote.

24. Correspondence: An invitation to the Community centre AGM was shared.

25. Items for next agenda – drains, safety on road outside Spar shop, tree quotes 26. Date of next meeting is 20th June 2019 at 7.00pm at Baldhu Chapel.

Public copy of minutes available via www.keaparishcouncil.org.uk or on request at Playing Place Post Office

Annual Reports – Kea Parish Council 2018/19

a) Chairs report – Cllr Chamberlain This is the end of a 2 year stint as Chairman of Kea Parish Council for me. I have enjoyed the experience and consider it to be an honour to have been allowed to serve the community in this capacity. As a Council we have achieved a considerable amount with a very limited budget. None of our projects would have been possible without the continued support and hard work from our cheerful and energetic Councillors. However, I have to single out the particular effort put in by our relatively new and very keen and able Clerk, Emma Jenkin, who has quickly become our most prized asset. I think also that my Vice Chairman, Ross Treseder and his ground works knowledge and machinery have also helped with the major regeneration of the Skate Park and children’s play area. At the very least, he has helped us keep costs to a minimum. The ‘usual suspects’, our lady Councillors, appear at every event and work hard to set up and clear away. They continue to be the backbone of the Council and all deserve medals for their consistent support. Councillor Nigel Baker’s ‘painting the Forth road bridge’ efforts with maintaining our extensive system of footpaths also deserve unreserved praise, he too should get a gong! The Council is in good heart, with a sound financial situation and pretty much up to date maintenance and safety record. I hand over to the new Chairman with the confidence that any of our Councillors would get the solid support they need in the post to continue Kea Parish Council’s success story. Many thanks. Steve Chamberlain Chairman Kea Parish Council May 2019

b) Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer – Emma Jenkin


Projects achieved: The beginning of the financial year saw us completing the refurbishment of play equipment in the park. This has now had time to settle in. We have had to carry out a few minor repairs over the year, but these have been minimal. The Skate ramp has been repaired now and is looking much improved. Having spoken to some skaters this week, the users are pleased with the repairs and feel that the tomb stone is much improved. The fibreglass coating on the tomb stone seems to be wearing well. Finances: We finished the year with a total of just over £37000 in hand, which is slightly down on last year due to additional spending on works in the park. GDRP: Some changes have had to be made to how we do things this year with the advent of GDRP. This has particularily affected the ways in which we discuss and are informed about planning issues. Plans ahead: We have initiated some tree works to be carried out over the next year, including both the cutting of some trees and planting new trees. Requests have been submitted for trees from the Woodland Trust and a new recycling bin from Clean Cornwall. c) Highways – Cllr Chamberlain With the continuing lack of resources reported by Cormac, the answer to any of our many questions on Highways issues has generally been an emphatic ‘No’ for a number of years now. However, I have recently detected a slight change in attitude and we seem to have received a proportionate slice of the very tiny pie as a result. There is still a backlog of work to do but at least we are in the longer term works programme. I’m aware that many Councils at this level feel the same and that Cornwall Council is heavily into ‘managed retreat’ on many back roads. We will continue to report and re-report problems as they arise and apply pressure where necessary to solve safety issues at the very least. d) Footpaths – Cllr Baker 1/ This year has largely involved following up matters resulting from the path survey I did in the previous year. 2/ In October a meeting was held with officials of the County Council and Cormac. The meeting was largely about our frustration about getting anything done about the problems I had raised. 3/ Since the meeting some issues have been resolved by Countryside Access: Footpath 2, Calenick Ropewalk has a new stile and a new sign from the road. Footpaths 5/6, Old Kea to Calenick. The right-of-way which had been blocked for about 25 years at the Old Kea end has been cleared and a new gate and signpost installed. At the Trevean end a new stile has been installed. Footpath 7, Halwyn, the right-of-way in front of the farmhouse has been opened and way marked. At the same time the contractor planting tea in the field behind the house has also opened up an excellent alternative route. Walkers now have a choice! Footpath 9, Turnapenny, the eroded path has been reinstated by Cormac. Also several new waymarking posts were supplied by Cormac and installed by the Parish Council. 4/ Separately, on the initiative of the Parish Council, new steps have been installed leading to the stile on Footpath 8 in Coombe.


Much has been achieved over the past year. A remaining challenge is getting Highways to replace missing or badly damaged signs marking paths from the public highway. It is hoped that Byway 4 is reopened soon. My thanks to the clerk for all the support given. Nigel Baker May 2019

e) Play area – Cllr Treseder This has held up well under it’s first full year of use, a couple of issues have been highlighted and addressed namely the muddiness at the bottom of the slide, as a result we have had “bitmac” placed at the bottom to help in this respect. The Rospa report was OK but picked up a couple of items that need addressing primarily to the “” unit and the matting beneath it. Quotes are being sought for this.

Other aspects of the report were totally at odds with a presentation given by the head of play safety at ROSPA not 24hrs before we received the report. These minor aspects are being challenged.

The Skate Park: All the joints of the park have now been repaired with kerb repair this year and that work is now complete, we need to keep an eye on this and see how it performs. The tombstone hs been covered with a GRP coating and appears to be working very well. We need to keep an eye on this as if it continues to perform well it is probably worth covering the entire park in this finish.

Landscape A favourable season and the fact that we have continued to remove the leaves in the Autumn and throughout the winter have meant that the grass is looking as good as it ever has in recent memory. It would appear that maintaining clearing the leaves is a priority for maintaining this finish.

Tree work has been done between the Community Centre and the Snooker Club, this has removed scrub and “weed” trees such as sycamore and opened up the area really well. This area will require some improvement over the next year or 2 if it is not to revert to scrub.

Planting, we need to plant some trees in the park and are researching planting a hedgerow for birds etc to the rear of the park, potentially a further 10 trees need to be planted around the park.

I would like to finish by thanking everyone for their help and support throughout the last 12 months, including the council school and many parents. I think we have a park to be proud.

f) Community Network – Cllr Spenceley


Truro and Roseland Network Panel Meetings Topics covered at these meetings during 2018 and 2019 have included Traffic Management as a standing item, Litter, street sweeping and fly tipping Crime and community safety Coast to Coast Local Action Group Funding Cornwall Council draft budget 2019/20 Update on the Hall for Cornwall Refurbishment Winter Wellness – Inclusion Cornwall Litterless Cornwall Update on Unauthorised motor vehicles on public rights of way – 4 Point Plan Climate Emergency Declaration Police and crime update Update on Community Network Highways Scheme https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/community-and-living/communities- anddevolution/community-networks/truro-and-roseland/ g) Joint Parish Illegal use of Footpaths – Cllr Spenceley Joint Parish Illegal use of Footpaths 2018/19 The Joint Parish Illegal use of Footpaths group was set up in April 2017 as a response to parish concerns about 4x4 vehicles and motorbikes destroying footpaths in certain areas. Kea Parish does have some evidence of this, however Chacewater and Gwennap have a significant problems at Wheal Busy and Wheal Maid respectively, Lanner with motor vehicles on the Great Flat Lode and St Agnes in the Parc Shady area. In March 2019 the Four Point Plan initiated by Inspector Ian Thompson was presented to the Truro and Roseland Network Panel by Cllr Knill (Chacewater) and Cllr Chamberlain, and to , Pool, Illogan and , St Agnes and Perranporth Network Panels by Parish Councils in those areas. Cllr Wells, Chair of Truro and Roseland Community Network Panel sent a letter to Councillor Nolan in March this year asking Cornwall Council to support this draft plan. We await the outcome. Many thanks to Emma, who has co-ordinated and attended all the meetings and written up the minutes. Future quarterly updates will be on a revolving parish basis, probably quarterly. The hosting parish will relieve Emma (and Kea Parish Council) of these tasks. h) Kea Community Centre – Cllr Roberts This is my 21st annual report to Kea Parish! The monthly calendar is still very busy. It is usually necessary to update it several times during a month, as late bookings are requested. The memory café committee has cancelled their booking, and a regular morning keepfit session is booked. Alan Hunt, representing of Kea Garden Society has joined the committee, making up the full complement of 12, regular members.


We are pleased that Shane Dudding our cleaner, has made such an effort in keeping the Community Centre clean and tidy. This has produced many kind and complimentary comments from Hall users. The funds which were in excess of those required for the defibrillator were passed to the Parish Council and put towards the installation at Bissoe Bike Hire. Data protection regulations have been covered by letters to all users and the receipt of written responses. Investigations have been started into the provision of Wi-fi and broadband to the Community Centre. Two committee members attended a helpful CRCC conference at Lanivet when these matters were discussed. Quotes were requested for a ceiling mounted projector and a wall mounted screen, both of which are motorised and have been installed by Kernow A-V installations of Launceston. The Insurance of these new items, the audio system, and the kitchen equipment has been increased appropriately. The exterior of the building was redecorated in August. The Quiz was not held this year, owing to the indisposition of the Quizmaster. In autumn the carpark leaves have been cleared by Shane into large bags and kindly removed by Mark Hood to a local compost heap. A Stihl cordless leafblower has been purchased for Shane’s use. A replacement meter box cover has been installed. More LED light fittings have been fitted as light bulbs fail. A broken key in the Main door lock meant the purchase of a new lock. Replacement curtain tracks have been fitted. After much discussion and delays a new water heater was fitted in the kitchen in February. The Community Centre Audited Accounts will be available after the AGM on June 4th. i) Cornwall Councillors Cllr Alvey, Member for Feock and Playing Place

I continue to enjoy being your Cornwall Councillor for what has been another busy 12 months. Hopefully I am seen by residents to be working hard in the interests of the community that I directly represent and strategically for the wider interests of Cornwall.

My role as a Cornwall Councillor broadly falls into three areas: Firstly, it’s to represent the interests of my constituents, undertaking casework on their behalf and support the two Parish Councils within my Electoral Division. Casework can involve any of the myriad of issues for which residents are reliant on Cornwall Council, ranging from Social Housing and Social Care needs to Planning, Pot Holes and Waste Collection. However, from time to time I am also asked to advocate on matters important to residents outside the direct control of the Council, such as with South West Water, the Marine Management Organisation or The Environment Agency. In these instances, I have a close working relationship with Sarah Newton MP whose intervention can often carry more sway. I receive a small annual budget of £2000


(known as a Community Chest) which I can allocate to local groups or projects to enhance their facilities or kick-start community initiatives. In Kea Parish I was again able to allocate some of my 2018/19 Community Chest towards the Playing Place Monday Club and would welcome bids from the parish for grants from this year’s Community Chest.

Since being elected, the majority of my casework locally continues to be planning related. Primarily the Parish Councils and residents seeking support in objecting to planning applications or complaining that an individual has breached a planning condition or damaged protected trees. Whilst I have no authority to overturn a planning or enforcement decision, I often ask officers to review and reconsider their recommendations and can call planning matters before a committee of Cornwall Councillors to decide the application. I have had a good record of success with the Central Planning Committee and even where applications have eventually been passed, my intervention has at least reduced the adverse impact.

The second role of a Councillor is more strategic and expects me to participate in the work of a number of Council Committees. I sit on the Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Central Planning Committee and the Standards Committee. I am also a member of the Shadow Cabinet, shadowing the Environment and Public Protection portfolio and represent the Council on two outside bodies – The Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership and as a trustee and Chairman of the Cornwall Community Flood Forum.

The third role of a Councillor is to have an overview of all work of the Council and participate and vote in those matters for which the whole Council has a collective decision-making responsibility such as the setting of the budget. However, it should be understood that many important matters are decided by the Cabinet of 10 Councillors made up from the Independent/Liberal Democrat coalition administration and as a Conservative, I am a member of the ‘opposition’. Nonetheless, every Councillor can influence strategic policy, for example, I seconded the Motion that led to Cornwall Council declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’ earlier this year.

I continue to maintain a 100% attendance record and look forward to another 12 months representing the residents of Feock and Playing Place at County Hall.

Cllr Dyer, Member for Chacewater, Kenwyn and Baldhu


The major application in our area is and has been for some time (since 2009 when outline planning permission was granted) is the Langarth application

Cornwall Council have recently (during the parish year) decided sensibly to call the whole development spread over 2.5 miles -the Langarth Development. It has in the past been named after the individual farms or simply the land north of the A390 west of Truro.

Cornwall Council, who are behind this development, are supportive because of the total number of houses planned will have a great impact on the national governments requirements of houses needed to be built by 2030 in Cornwall. What the Council have done again very recently is to set up a working party of both Truro and Kenwyn Parish Council due to partly the revision of the Truro and Kenwyn Local Plan with all the Cornwall Councillors elected for this combined area. Cllr Dulcie Tudor has been elected the Chairman of and I am the Vice-Chairman, and it seems we shall be meeting every Tuesday afternoon from 4 – 5.30 for the foreseeable future.

The whole development frustrates me as no one will plan or take decisions about ensuring that the infrastructure will cope e.g. drainage, traffic, etc. etc. Only yesterday, as I write it took our daughter over 40 mins to get out of Threemilestone (where she lives) at 10.30 am and drive to the Treliske Hospital roundabout, a maximum of 2 miles, mid-morning after the commuters have been through. – it just does not get any better.

Two other major issues-

i) Drainage. - although as Cornwall Council Members we have seen sketch plans for the sewage disposal system from South West water the detail plans have yet to be submitted nor the whereabouts of the 4 proposed pumping stations en- route from Penstraze to Calenick which is a distance of at least 4.5 miles. There has also been an application submitted for an anaerobic digestion system that has also yet to be considered by the planning system. This will have to be studied in detail because any failure will lead to raw sewage ending up in the River Kenwyn and via the river course will quickly end up in in the centre of Truro at Victoria Square. Smells, air pollution and wind direction towards the hospital are another significant concern.

ii) The proposed Northern area access road, this road will take most of the traffic from the development areas and even the Planners admit 2 cars per household per dwelling need to be allocated. Cyclists and pedestrians will find this route difficult because of the hills. To date the plans of the Northern Area access road are to end at the Eastern end (of this so called relief road) into the Royal Cornwall Hospital complex at Treliske -but the question is will the RCHT Board allow this as they own all the land and the road within the hospital from where it goes past the Innovation Centre, Gravel Car Park, Mobility Centre and Helicopter landing pad.

It has been a great privilege to represent this area that I have always lived in and one I still enjoy. As part of my role this year I have been able to give several grants from the Community Budget that each Cornwall Council member is allocated. I am delighted that I


have been able to help people and organisations from all three parishes that I represent through this diverse large geographical area. On the edge of Kea Parish I was able to support the Defibrillate and training of people to use this vital equipment installed at Bissoe, just hope that it never has to be used!

If I can help any Parishioner, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on Truro (01872) 273329, mobile 07962217665 or by email on [email protected]