Dutch Village Road Complete Streets Functional Plan
P.O. Box 1749 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3A5 Canada Item No. 9.1.1 Halifax Regional Council June 9, 2020 TO: Mayor Savage and Members of Halifax Regional Council SUBMITTED BY: Jacques Dubé, Chief Administrative Officer DATE: January 24, 2020 SUBJECT: Dutch Village Road Complete Streets Functional Plan ORIGIN On July 19, 2016, the following motion of Regional Council was put and passed: “Direct staff to undertake preliminary design work to confirm the cost and feasibility of providing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and potentially other streetscape elements where needed, on Dutch Village Road and report back to Regional Council, and further that if approved by Regional Council, the project be considered for future delivery through the active transportation capital program and include a public engagement process.” The Making Connections: 2014-19 Halifax Active Transportation Priorities Plan, approved by Regional Council on September 9, 2014, lists Dutch Village Road as a Candidate Bicycle Route. The Integrated Mobility Plan - Action 69: Deliver the following Priority Sidewalk Connection by 2020: Dutch Village Road; Action 121: Identify “Strategic Corridors” – existing road corridors that are key to regional traffic flow, transit, goods movement and active transportation – and develop plans that will guide their development over time. LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, subsection 318(2): “In so far as is consistent with their use by the public, the Council has full control over the streets in the Municipality.” Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, subsection 322(1): “The Council may design, lay out, open, expand, construct, maintain, improve, alter, repair, light, water, clean, and clear streets in the Municipality.” RECOMMENDATION ON PAGE 2 Dutch Village Road Complete Streets Functional Plan Council Report - 2 - June 9, 2020 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Halifax Regional Council 1.
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