Fireman Named Ers' Association Ut Lincoln School Onal High School
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Patrolmen jUMl))l Mr. Grush" Is an alumnus of DelUrio, C*orge Kerim,, *] Roselle, la •-graduate of Cranforq Jtcy: third District, RoV Fitulm- Attract* Large Audience 1 No Contests High School, and. took business motw and MIBS Doris T, Col well' Jonathan Dayton Regional High frank Mulford and John I'' courses at Rutgers Univcnlty, fourth District, John Malko and SPHlNGnELD -- rive hundred Near. $1,000 School; Springfield, and is an avia- Fir* Defaartmrat pinners u Newark'. Mrs Francis Knight. perspna attended the Variety Show tion electron iiro technician, second Noolcy Davis, Joe Tripodi presented by the Parent-Teacher An army veteran, Mr. Wehrum Mayor Daub, who was named Mark, Leader Says clais^n the! Navy. He is serving Ralmondl, Jim Corclone unej j,,h j In mayor for five successive terms; Is Association of Jonathan Dayton aboard the aircraft carrer USS wn« dfcchnrgcH us. n sVrgcnnt. He Regional High School- in the KfcNILWORTH — The Girl is S3 yean old and- la employed not seeking reelection this year Bennington. «vhich recently re- Following the match, th. f, but filed potltiodh for Republican school auditorium fVtday l^ght. Scout Fund Drive Sunday was turned from a tour of duty-In Uno a •• department supervisor in The »how was under the direction Department was host at a sti i GARWOOD C R ANFORD KENILWORTH wFglnor "Chain qJ fttrminKtiotv-for-rrMhokier-with-th* The »h was uner th most-aueeesstul.-Mrs. Morte Shnp. the Mrditi-rninf«n Sf. dinner at Snuffy's, Scotch PiJ, backing of the Good Rcpubllcoha of MrsM . BettBt e SchaSchaferf , rWt Entered for Local iun. He is vice-pres dent qf the ord, - chairman, announced.' To. llputd. of EducutlonEdti aiid fformer «f Union County. .. r; fleld, and music for dancing which followed In the gymnasium was date, $821 has .been collected from Radio School Members - Weather Check Nominations April 20 '-yd of its education" committee. " furnished by Don Gibson and hi* Mr. Wehrum Is vlce-commonder Theatre Party Plans residents and some Industry. Re- GARWOOD — There will be no of Garwood Memorial Post. 317, orchestra. • . turns-from Industry are incorpplete loin Civil Defense Unit Making Jalousies Campaign Leader f j • contests locally In the April 20 pri- Mrs. John J. Mayer, Jr., of Oar- American Legion, is murrlcd and Made by Teachers and it. is hoped that in the next "HENILWORTH — The Kenil- The Weather Check Com,,; maries,, it was revealed this week has three duughtors. He resides at wood, and Mrs.. Ralph Dlety of worth Civil Defense Radio School Johnson Cancer 'Cinderella* to Help^iH Scouts Two Policemen by Borough Clerk tynlter S. -Me-, week the. total .will go over-the. Ganftood, aluminum winilov 323 Willow, avenue,; - , GARWOOD — Plans (or a New Mountainside, w e r e - choirrnen. completed its first week of opera- "'•.•••' . • • • . • • • •• j Manus. Deadline for filing of pe- Ushering'were Miss Gale Shaffer, door manufacturers, today A resident of Garwood 13 years, York theatre party, in the near.fu- thousand dollar mark. tion-with a class of students from "Cinderella'* wiU appear in, town •, titions last .Thursday night -m Mi\ Cusubonii. lives with his'wife ar : Miss Dorothy Walker, Misi Lois Girl Scout Week ended Sunday Elizabeth. Hillside. Cranford, nounced that its factory fi,( Saturday to help raise funds for .both Republicans ami Democruts ture wcrc_ made' at thq M « h Walter, .Miss Susan Buchblndcr Reelected ut 229 Third uvunuc. Born In Buf- with the girls attending the church have been expanded to in,. Drive Goal ho camping program of the Cran- offering unopposed slate* for nom- WILLIAM H. BEVERAGE meeting of the. Garw'ood Teach- Moumainside and tCenilworth be- alo, N. Y.. he is u gruduntc.of Rcg- and Arthur .Curtis of the senior of .their choice'. In the afternoon: ing sworn into the communica- manufacture and sale of' j;,i inations for the posts of mayor and class, under the direction of Mrs; ford Glrl'ScouU. The Junior Serv- Fireman Named ers' Association ut Lincoln School onal High School. Springfield, and 69 parents, friends and lenders tions unit of the local council. windows and-doors. ce League play for benefit of the two borough councllmen' to\, be and Bortoliimy w'ns »do last n)tended Union Junior Collnge, lust-Thursday. • Shirley Secllg. helped With the house-to-house filled at the November?.election. m The next regular meeting of the The school, wtuch is under the Practically unknown in thl.a r I By cumping fund will be presented'in Cranfoid. It Was also decided to send o canvass. :•>••.:• . ea a few years agp^jalousi, *• Samuel Cyinlialuk, Henry I'ululoro A|»|»oiiil«<| Both organizations nlso rtU-d peti- week in on ondorsfctnojit • by the PTA will be held March 25 in direction of : Donald L. Brownr law •* *w* J^~* •• w^m/jniuuMr'; ttliUU the. high school auditorium ut 10:- Discharged n second class petty representative to u New' jersey Mrs. Shcpard said she wishes to communications chairman,' Ralph rate among the .most desired of »|i tions for slivti-s of unopposed mu- Ilt'pKlillciiii Club'. ofilcer. after three years with the the school auditorium • at 8:1ft Itiarh ^uhmits Report 30 a. m. and 2 p.^jp., and the pro- u Education Association legislative thank all who donated time, effort Kirchberger and Jack Willey. has types qf home improvementv TI,,' McMahon,. Chairman, To Police Force, Ijriwunl Kouvrt as Fin-man; nicipal cttm'initteo candidates.. Counrllimlii—Suv yenrs ftj * '' W 11 Mr p.m. Mrs. .Harold Danlelson of and money to make this drive a gram will --Include music -and meeting and lUiUineon td Be held Kvllllwortk president, will pre- as iu object the procuring of FCClend themselves to all tv)>,>;',. (hi \MJi Year's Drive; Councilmiln William H. Sevcr- old, V ii "native .of "VVostllold and Cusabona served as n member of In Trenton on Saturday. Mrs. success.' '.;•'. amateur radio operator and staconstructio- n and to any part of ih,i JLittUt Committee dancing by tho cast of 23. Fritfc Sayn K«M»t l'utroln Help Curli MolcMtutioiiH • uge tiled for the''Democratic .nom- has lived. In Garw'ood' for 41 yearn, j the recreutlon and entertainment side. ...'... Myrtle Christie presided. tion licenses for each of the stu-house. (;iv<ii Vote of Thu'nkM Tickets will be available at the Two new policemen and n Ilicrnail win- :ii>|,iyint.<l •|*u«-:**l;«y ination as .mayor, und Dcinocruts He attended Garwood schools, Ro- committee for the 50th Anniver- dents with the aim of using them For Annual Effort filing for-.thejtwo council nominn- :clle Park High School and Elir.u- sary celebration of the borough Keniiworlh Navy Man, Albert E. Johnson wus reflected door, and they also may be. had night by the Township Committee on. lei-iinimiMidatinn of I'ulihit New Police Car Here in the operation. of emergency nMiU'iit of the'Cranford United Edward C McMahon, local "tions were Frederick ,C. Wehrum, X'th .Vocational School. last summer. He Is an accountant CPEATeainVbitM radio equipment in the event of a Cotnmitteeman Nai N from members of the Junior Scrlv- Safety Commissioner C. I.. Fritz.' The trio willbeijni Ilicii proba- An- rnginin'r with Buonsod- with the Hyntt Holler' Bearing Di- GARWOOD—Police Chief Fred KoselleGirl Engaged chairman, announced today a goal Jr.j a member of the'Hoard of Ed- Falzone announced today that the disaster. ,(v in [the munld- icc.League pK Girl Scouts. 1 tionary duties next Thursday, " ' ucation, and I. George Ciisiibomi, Staci-y,-inc.. New Yorkuir condi- vision of General Motors, Clark. (Continued from pttae ,one) Republican Municipal HH. of $4,000, the largest ever In this recently purchased new police car KENILWORTH — The engage- p;M luiil'linR. Other ofllcers, ulso town, has been set for the annual cast arc: Cin- , The new policemen :n'<'- KiiuiUt-l W.' Cywbaliik. 2H. year; old, 11 past commander of Garwood ioning Him. Councilman Sevcrngo Candidates tor the Republican intendent of schools In Bradley last Wednesday, the menihns derella. "Mrs. Robert B.Wlnkcl; s in the lliiiil year of a three-year Municipal.. Committee arc: First has been delivered and is sched* ment of Miss Patricia--Ann Der- ,,cl<'<lc(l. were: drive in' Cranford of the Union .— • if 111 Noclh IIIHIIIII avrniic, .IIKI Memorial-Post 317,' American l.**g.- Ueuch. ulcd to replace the old car in serv- mociy to William E. Crush, son ofPolice Bowlers Down pressed their - sympathy r,., Virc-prenldcnt,"Robert Harmon; prince, Mrs. Milton Boycttc; first ' ion. ' cpn on cotincil;. He Is chairman District. Councilman Louis M. The tonm toured the town to family of the late John !ounty Chapter of the American Henry I'oli'luni, .'id year:vizirs; nlrl, (,( ice tnduy. Mr., and Mrs. William Grush of M(ntiii'y, MM. H. R. McCullouRh-; sister. Mrs. John-D. Oathout; sec- f the buildings unrl grounds and Ross and Mrs. Tillle Spnta; Sec- Doran, a member of the ciunliiL Cuncdr Society. 71) lii-njJimiri .tirct. wlillc the ni-vj". Filing petitions -for ^Republican study the residential and indus- 391 Coolldge drive, has been an- Fire Department Five "tri .isiiii'r, Nelson Llghtcnp) and Mr. McMuhon announced, thnt ond sister, Mr». A. B. Cloud; queen, nominations " .were .Councilman tx-rvutlon connmittees, and is n ond District.