Long, Armistead Lindsay. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee: His Military and Personal History. : J. M. Stoddart & Company, 1886.

Family background, 17-23 Boyhood, West Point, engineer, 24-46 Mexican War, 47-71 Indian campaign, 72-81 Slavery, Kansas, John Brown, secession, Fort Sumter, Texas, offered command of the army, Blair and Scott, commands, Virginia forces, 82-99 North vs. South, Lee organizes army, Gorgas, Manassas, 100-113 Meets Lee in Richmond, Lee described, businesslike, 111-13 Western Virginia campaign, De Lagnel, Loring, Cheat Mountain, Letcher, Kanawha, Wise, Floyd Traveler, 114-33 Confederate coast defenses, Charleston fire, Port Royal, Roanoke Island, Fort Pulaski, Choctawhatchee, Richmond, Pemberton, 134-44. Peninsula campaign, Big Bethel, Butler, Magruder, Huger, Merrimac and Monitor, McClellan, Johnston, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Norfolk, Drewry’s Bluff, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, Lee appointed to command, 145-160 Seven Days, attack, Stuart raid around McClellan’s army, Jackson, Mechanicsville, Reynolds, Magruder, Savage’s Station, Frazier’s Farm, Malvern Hill, useful entries from Long’s diary, much information about Lee, 161-81 Pope outgeneraled, Stuart, Early, Jackson, Lee and Longstreet have dinner with women, Lee comforts a woman from whom Yankees stole horses, stores captured at Manassas Junction, Second Manassas, Bull Run,, Germantown, 182-202 Antietam campaign, morale, Lee horse accident, Frederick, Maryland, Harpers Ferry, A. P. Hill, Boonsboro, Longstreet, Burnside, 203-224 D. H. Hill, 221 Lee’s temper, 222 Fredericksburg, McClellan, locating camps, Stuart raid into Pennsylvania, Stuart and alcohol, religious revivals, Lee popularity, Burnside, delay, Marye’s Heights, Lee refused to occupy a house, food, 225-45 Chancellorsville, conscription, Hooker, Lee and Jackson, Reverend Lacy, Sedgwick, army reorganized, government finances, 246-66 Gettysburg, Culpeper, Meade, Longstreet, Sickles, Little Round top, Hood, Ewell, Pickett, retreat, 267-302 Lee and a wounded Federal soldier, 302 Campaign of strategy, promotions, Meade, Brandy Station, Stuart, women, Sedgwick, Lee and a scout, 303-8 Bristoe Station, Buckland Races, 308-312 Mine Run, 312-17 Religious revival, 317-18 General Long and artillery, Kilpatrick and Dahlgren raid, 318-21 , Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Cold Harbor, Longstreet, Venable, Hancock, Stuart death, Sheridan, North Anna, 322-51


Early’s Valley campaign, Butler, Beauregard, Sigel, New Market, David Hunter, death of General W. E. Jones, Hampton, Monocacy, Kernstown, Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Creek, barbarism and burning in Valley campaign, 352-369 , Smith assault on Petersburg, Birney, Reams Station, earthworks, Petersburg mine, Hancock, Sheridan, Carter’s reminiscences, camp slave, Lee and sparrow, Hampton, buttermilk, 369-89 Siege of Petersburg continued, Fort Fisher, Reams Station, Weldon railroad, Fort Harrison, Lee and newspaper editors, Fort Steadman, White Oak Road, Five Forks, death of A. P. Hill, 390-408 Petersburg to Appomattox, Petersburg breakthrough, Richmond fire, Amelia Courthouse, food train missing, skirmishing, Ewell, Farmville, Colonel Jones, General Wise, Venable, Lee and Grant, Appomattox, General Hunt, 409-27 General Lee as a soldier, general qualities, 428-36 Lee as college president, 437-55 Home and social life, 456-470 Death of Lee and funeral, 471-86 World’s estimate of Lee, 487-500 Staff, correspondence, reports, parole rolls, 501-706