
What's the difference between a and a shrub?

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service — Galveston County Office

June 18, 2014

PHOTO BY William M. Johnson Dr. William Johnson is a Banana are grown by local gardeners and will produce when favorable weather conditions occur. While horticulturist with the we call them banana trees, they do not produce any woody growth. The banana is not a tree, but the world's Galveston County Office largest perennial . of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Visit Q: What's the difference with Mother Nature formed canopy or his website at between a tree and a here and the distinction of foliage, and a mature http://aggie- shrub? is not always clear-cut. height of at least 13 .tamu.edu/ galveston. A: An interesting question We are challenged when feet." that would seem to have we try to categorize eve- In contrast, a shrub is News printed in a one-size-fit-all answer. If rything under neat black characterized as a the Galveston Daily we look at only the most -and-white headings " with sev- News, The Post, and other Galveston County obvious examples, there that humans feel most eral perennial stems Newspapers. would be no debate over comfortable with. that may be erect or the difference between The generally acknowl- may lay close to the trees and shrubs. edged definition of a ground. It will usually Nobody would look at ma- tree is a "woody plant have a height less than ture trees and call having one erect trunk 13 feet and stems no them "shrubs." Nor would at least three inches in more than about three anyone mistake Indian diameter at a point 4 inches in diameter." Hawthorne shrubs for ½ feet above the The above descriptions trees. But we're dealing ground, a definitely provide sufficient dis- Page 2 What's the difference between a tree and a shrub? tinctions to categorize most or shrubs that lose their our Gulf Coast summer heat trees and shrubs in the land- seasonally — most commonly would present a serious chal- scape. As is true with most during autumn). lenge. But it would not be a bad things in life, there will be the While pecans are typically idea or too major an investment exceptions. Some trees may among the last trees in a home to try a small scale test to see if have multiple trunks—crape landscape to establish new my cynicism is unfounded. myrtles being a prime example. leaves in the spring, they should Q: I would like to a build raised Some shrubs can be shaped into have put on some new growth bed around my tree and a small tree by training one by now. If a pecan fails to grow grow in the bed. Will trunk. One of my Master Gar- new leaves during a growing this harm the tree? dener volunteers has shaped her season, it will not survive. A: I strongly recommend against red tip to grow as a Q: Is there any truth to the changing the soil grade under small tree. statements made about Canada the dripline of a tree. The And where do banana trees fit? Green’s “Perfect Grass ” can actually suffocate if you add While we call them banana and Grassology’s “Ultra Low soil over the top. Instead, why trees, they do not produce any Maintenance Grass Seed”? not grow in containers woody growth. The plants are A: I have not seen any university and group them near the base among the world's largest plants -conducted research trials con- of your tree? You can even add a without woody stems. ducted on either product. Both bench beneath the tree and set The banana is closely related to products are promoted as a a few pots of colorful flowers on ginger and ornamental plants breakthrough secret to a lush, the bench. such as birds of paradise, ama- green, . Other claims state ranths and canna lilies. The ba- that homeowners will save tons nana plant is not a tree, but the of money, time and aggravation world's largest perennial herb. by using these grass . More Q: I have a 4-year-old pecan tree claims include no more high wa- in my back yard. As of right now tering bills and no more weekly it has no leaves on it and does mowing. not look like it is trying to get American home improvement any. Do I need to worry about it television show host Bob Vila is being "dead"? promoting the claims of Grassol- A: I know from experience to ogy's "Ultra Low Maintenance never say never on things horti- Grass Seed." So, forgive my cyni- culture-related. cism and even with Bob Vila’s However, given your description endorsement, I remain skeptical. and since it is already mid-June, I Unless and until I see unbiased think it very, very unlikely that research/field study data that the pecan tree will put on any reflect our local growing condi- new growth since it has not tions, my advice is let the buyer done so thus far. Pecan trees are beware. (a term meaning At the very least it would be an "falling off at maturity" and typi- expensive undertaking to estab- cally used in reference to trees lish a large yard. I really think