Towns County Herald Legal Organ of Towns County Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1928 50 Cents Publication Number 635540 Volume 80 Number 3 Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009 Local Weather Tournament time means dollar signs for businesses By Charles Duncan nesses, especially during the and TOWNS COUNTY HERALD current economic situation
[email protected] for the country,” Towns Lake Levels County Indians’ Head Eleven teams, 154 Wrestling Coach Jeff wrestlers. That was the King Stowers said. “It would be Thur: Cloudy 54 32 of the Mountain middle interesting to determine how Fri: Showers 48 31 school wrestling tournament much of an economic im- Sat: Cloudy 52 30 pact our local sports teams Sun: Sunny 54 34 in a nutshell. Mon: Showers 56 37 But the tournament’s have on the local economy.” Tue: Showers 55 37 impact reached far beyond There were more than Wed: Partly Cloudy 49 34 the scope of wrestling in 40 coaches accompanying Towns County. Cash regis- those wrestlers. The athletes ters were ringing over the also were escorted by count- weekend and that spilled into less fans and family mem- Monday and Tuesday, all bers. The Reservation was impacted by middle school packed on Saturday. and high school sporting Afterward, the teams events. converged on local restau- rants, pouring welcomed Indians Head Wrestling Coach Jeff Stowers, tournament director for the middle school King of Athletic events such as the Mountain wrestling tournament explains the event’s format to competing wrestlers on the King of the Mountain dollars into the local cash Saturday at Towns County Schools.