This is the last issue of the semester. If you haven't sent in your subscription—you may do so. Information may be obtained by contacting The VMI Cadet, Box 7, VMI Post. Cadet- * One of America's Last Independent College Newspapers VOLUME LXXV Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, November 30, 1984 NUMBER 13 Thalman Cormack Relieved Retires by: JohnM Powers. Jr loss. "I think the alumni were II had been rumored by generally unhappy with the She was hardly more than a many, and hoped for by some results of the program. If you bride when she came to VMI in who had muttered their frustra- were a VMI alumnus, would you September 1949 Her husband tions after each of the season's be happy with a 1-9 record? ask- was the new geology professor nme losses So it came as no ed Harry I.«e, President of the and head track coach, and surprise that on the Monday Board of Visitors and an alum- though she never planned a before Thanksgiving General nus, Class of 1947 "But I fulltime office career, today she Sam S Walker fired Bob haven't heard a lot of com- approaches retirement after 35 Thalman, who had served plaints because most of us can working years at the Institute longer than any other VMI head appreciate what Bob Thalman Ruth Cormack, whose distinc- football coach Along with ran into when he came to VMI ." tive South Carolina drawl has Thalman went the entire foot- But is it realistic to expect com- made her instantly identifiable l)all coaching staff, an action petiveness with such up and to all who call the civil that bothered the newly coming programs as George engineering department, will dismissed head coach "I'm Welsh's Virginia Cavalier and retire at the end of December especially distressed that my Bill Dooley's Hokies of Virginia A Cool Analysis: Motivation And while she says she will miss total staff has been dismissed I Tech, both of whom are atten- the daily contact with the just hate to see families torn up ding Bowl games this season? wonderful friends of her work- And The Military College ing years, she is ready to pursue and forced to relocate. We have The decision to release never had a better togetherness the interests and pleasures that Thalman was made Sunday by Do you as a cadet often find motivation Such factors in- she's never really had time for between the staff and the General Walker, who based his yourself having to deal with clude: punishment, learned before players I'm extremely proud of verdict on input from the ex- contradictory or conflicting helplessness, and self- (continued on page 7> the total team because they had ecutive committee of the VMI motives and drives for attribution. that "never say die" spirit And Athletic Committee' Walker academic achievement? in a When a response is punished, so did Coach Thalman, who fired Thalman Monday, and military college, how does the frequency or probability of coached the smallest school in Thalman informed the team at militar> motivation influence recurrence decreases Punish- Arson Update the nation playing Division 1- the noon meeting. He then academic motivation? How ment on a 100% schedule AA football He had lost one- issued a prepared statement does military motivation in- depresses the response rate by: Tim Perez third of his recruiting classes which said "1 am sad and disap- fluence educational com- more quickly on intermittent Former VMI cadet Matthew from 1982 and 1983 which did not pointed that I have been petitiveness and academic ex- schedules. Punishment can B. Walrod, who was charged for aide the Keydets in their push to dismissed from my coaching cellence? This analysis will br- cause frustration, thus eliciting the alleged arson that took become competitive; the two- position at VMI...I want to go ing to your attention various undesirable behaviors. Such place in an academic building deep roster this year occa- out with class...1 want to be psychological principles of frustrating behaviors include here on post, is currently sionally included as many as 15 judged by my peers." Bob motivation and learning which extremely rigid and nonadap- waiting for a Lexington grand freshmen Thalman was judged by one of will allow you, through your tive emotional responses which jur>' to convene. The grand jury his peers, a VMI alumnus and a Competitiveness seems to be own reasoning, to interpret how may endure even when the is set to meet beginning on recognized football authority. at the core of reasoning for the a military setting may in- punishment is removed Februar>'4,1985. Maryland Head Coach Bobby dismissal of Thalman. His loss fluence academic motivation. Moreover, observing the un- Walrod, who is being Ross felt Bob Thalman should record in the past three years The purpose of this essay is necessary and unduly harsh represented by Lexington At- not have been fired. "1 was apparently cast a shadow of didactic, not polemic; punishment of another may pro- torney Eric Sisler, waived his very disheartened when I read doubt upon whether or not he therefore, the intent here is not duce lower morale and motiva- .preliminar>' hearing in General that Bob Thalman has been could steer the Keydets back in- to attack the VMI system, but to tion in the observer. Hence District Criminal Court fired. I coached against Bob to competing with their counter- point out the potential conflicts "vicarious punishment" can Walrod's arrest concluded an when I was at The Citadel and I parts in Division 1-AA. Pro- between military and academic have deleterious-effects not on- investigation conducted by VMI know what a great job he has blems began with A 5-6 record motivation. This essay is based ly on the punished but all who Post Police Chief C. L Burch. done there. At a military in 1982, followed by a disappoin- on psychological evidence and have witnessed the punishment with assistance from school, there are so many ting 2-9 season last year and a theories which were discussed Learned helplessness refers Rockbridge County Sheriff's things which happen to affect further disheartening 1-9 season in an educational psychology to a lack of goal-directed Department. your program that you ab- this year. His team in 1983 was class. responding and passive accep- The incident allegedly took solutely can't control. Sure, outscored 339-100, while this Motivation refers to the tances of avoidable aversive place around 2:00 a.m. on May Bob had a couple of hard years, year it ended at 320-121. Cer- dynamics of behavior: the pro- stimuli (Seligman, 1974). A 5, 1984, in Scott Shipp Hall. but at a military school thing tainly it was enough to shake cess of energizing and directing military system can remove Damages were estimated to be run in cycles. It's always peaks even the loyalist of the VMI the activities of an individual control over daily activities close to $6,000. and valleys." alumni ranks, those traveling toward achieving rewarding from the individual. Such a The Cadet will continue to run for miles only to witness either Much focus had been given on goals. Several factors strive to (continued on page 7) updates as the Walrod case con- a rout, or a frustratingly close .,, ,(con;inued,on page 5) either enhance or reduce tinues Pagt 2, Tht VMI Cadtt November 20,1984 Letter To The Editor

The last issue of The Cadet really my son? Something hap- I know that what I have said are contained an article written by pened that year, I saw it in your the thoughts of every parent The Paradox your staff to the Rats regarding faces and the way you walked. associated with your class, motivation and it was a point At the beginning of your third those that have proceded you well made. Over the last four class year, you had grown and those that will follow. I Of Pessimism years I have read your paper, closer and you were the class of know that these thoughts are Whenever friends approach me with problems, they Init this was the first time I have 1985. Remember how bad the also shared by faculty and staff openly seen the hand of kind- food was as a third? If it had not and the way to the top at the In- seem always to look for immediate and simple solu- stitute. When we look at you we tions. Patiently, I listen to their narrations of ir- ness and understanding extend- been for the Chaplain a lot of ed to a group all of us know are you might have walked. As a would like to see a reflection of revocable hardships and grave dilemma. Upon their having a hard time adjusting to parent I began to view VMI as a ourselves knowing all the while completion, one by one, I propose various and the Institute. Oftentimes a huge psychological rubber your image is far brighter than reasonably viable solutions only to have them re- public statement such as yours room designed to make you ours will ever be. jected (often with little consideration). It seems as is the sort of encouragement a mentally tough. During your se- Sometimes you get so close to though these people are resolved in their p^simisms young man needs to tighten his cond class year you really put it the trees you can't see the l)elt another notch and plan together and drew upon your forest. Your Rat who wrote and have submerged themselves in utter ahead with renewed determina- strength, for no man can stand about motivation was lost in the hopelessness before they even begin to speak to me. I tion into that unlyjown and for- alone, when things begin to trees but you showed him the guess they come to me—a man often referred to as bidding land known as the In- really get tough. As a parent on forest. Such insight might t)e the "arch pessimist—in the hopes of gaining some stitute. You are to t)e commend- the outside looking in, I, no we, unusual at a college but in the sympathy for their situation. Their misery, in a sense, ed not only for your statement were proud of you. Class of 1985 at the Institute but for your own growth and The Class of 1985 is now in its such thoughts are com- loves my company. Underneath my apparent developing maturity. first class year and moving monplace. As parents we salute pessimism, there really is an awareness of ap- Not too long ago I left my son ahead just like you have done in you; for you and the Class of proaches that are optimistic and hopeful. It is a at the entrance to VMI with a the past. My son always told me 1985 belong to us logical and healthy conviction that these approaches whole mass of other ball-headed the class of 1985 was going to be Those words above the should be cultivated at VMI. Everyone must ultimate- kids. That first year was the t)est the Institute had ever Jackson Arch really do mean ly realize that solutions come only to those who objec- something else, I'm sure you seen and a cadet's word is never something very special, you remember. I'll never forget questioned. We know a number have proved it. tively search for them. A closed mind only leads to those pictures of breakout and of you on a first-name basis and Yours truly, continued misery. By adjusting our attitudes, we can the look on the face of my wife never in my life have I known a Clarence B. Neblett, Jr. Esq more readily find solutions to our problems or, at when she saw them. Was that finer, truer group of young men. a father in the Class of 1985 least, endure what cannot be changed. Those same people who turn down the suggestions offered them eventually find that their problems were not as insolu- ble as they at first had convinced themselves. The passing of time often gives us the perspective Regarding The W&L Library necessay to see all dilemmas as they are. It, in many cases, also changes the situations we were originally faced with. Time often teaches us that a more active My name is Gordon Ham- W&L students utilizing VMI conduct themselves in a proper approach to our problems brings about a faster and mock and I am the Senior Law facilities should be mindful to and gentlemanly manner when more effective resolution than inactive pessimism Representative Director on the exercise, at least, a standard of utilizing the library at W&L. Executive Committee at care towards the facilities It is your privilege and right ever would and could. Washington and Lee. I write to which you cadets exercise. And to use the W&L Library. Rather than condemn ourselves to an unchangeable the Corps in reference to use of concimitantly, VMI cadets Remember, however, that you situation, it is better to pursue a definite course of ac- the library facilities at W&L. should be attentive in following are guests when at W&L. So tion. It is important to adjust our attitudes and accept VMI and W&L students enjoy the above principle toward use please, be mindful to exercise the privilege of using either of W&L property. the same conduct at W&L that what confronts us. Likewise, we should seize a course school's facilities, whether they I have received several com- you would expect from W&L of action, right or wrong, to keep ourselves from be- be academic, athletic, or plaints about cadets being loud students were they to use the ing drowned in our troubles. Finally, one must realize recreational. This shared use of and unruly in the W&L library. VMI library. Thanks that there is no problem that cannot be resolved facilities is a privilege to Such conduct is not acceptable. Gordy Hammock somehow, someway, at some time. students at tx)th schools. Hence, I therefore request that cadets VMI Class of 1982 B.H. W&L Law Class of 1985 The Wattrside, Norfolk. Va. KurtW. IversMi 627-3575 Editor-in-Chief Southern Inn Restaurant Pslmtr Hamilton Matt Hatfloy ICaNty OillonborflM- AMOCictt Editor MaMfiiig Editor Bwtintt* Mana«*r Serving VMI Cadets and Brant Hoam Wayno Fulior Mlciiaal P. Dittamo Gordon Poindoitor Randy Ward Their Families Proudly Edttortal Editor* Patrick Gill Tim Porti Advortiting Manafor* Oav* Adam* John Moody for the Last 50 Years BritUh Beor, Ales It Spiriu Mow* Editor* •rwco tw*ila Gro« Moyor* Taaty Pub Foods Woo Kirtloy CircuiaNon Managor Memhern of the VMI Keydet Club Come Pary with Tom Qroampon Layout Editor* Stan The Man" and the entire crew on JakoSfftvoy JoH Riddlo MAIN STREET Sport* Editor* Mkhaol P. Mttamo Oavldson Scott Norfolk* waterfront. Co^ Editor Circulation A»*i*tanh Ckarlio tclwofi Omni Inumational, AUanU John Kopfol John Adam* •rottHayo* Entortainmont Davo Irvin Mtrihwtion Billing Managor Franca* Arohart Tom Mitcfcoil Matt Etaniol Typi*l PotoSnMNn Humor Editor Aluin-Bermt0 MIfcoMooro Kurt Vogan Foaturo Writor* Cartooni*t PhotogroFhor Headquarters for Corfam Shoes Tho VMI Cadot. *tudont now*|Mpor o< tho Virginia MHitary ln*tllvlo, I* publi*hod ovory Friday during tho acadomic yoar oicoFt during Cor^ TrifM, holiday* and and Blue Blazers oxam porM*' tho oNico* o< Tht Now*-Gaiotto of Loxington, Va. A yoarly •whscrirtion t* tU.M on po*t and «1I.M mailod oH poet. Tho VMI Cadot wst 102 West Washington St., Lexington, Va. owlorod a* Socond Clou mattor Soptomhor If, l«M, at tho Po*t Offict in Lox- iMfton. Va., undor tho Act o« March I, itT*. Tho VMI Cadot oltico* aro locatod in Charfl® Accounts v ISA Masttr Chargt MM VMI barrack*, and tho mailing addrt** i*: Box 7, VMI, Loxington, Va. 244M. postal nwmbor-USP«S4-M0 Bill Dyer - Cadet RepreHentative The VMI C«det, Novembtr 30,1984, pagt 3 Band Travels To Atlanta Features Dave Adams Tim Perez VirRinia Military Institute's raising event benefitting the parade is seen by some 100,000 rcRi mental band and color Henrietta Egleston Hospital for people along the parade route Ruard will be among some 80 Children in Atlanta. Over the and by another 200,000 watching units taking part in this year's last several years, the Festival it on television. The Chaplain's Davison's Egleston Christmas of Trees has raised more than Housing arrangements for Parade in downtown Atlanta on $750,000 for the hospital. Funds the 140 cadets making the trip to Saturday morning, December from this year's festival and Atlanta are being made by In- 1 parade will go toward the stitute alumni in the area. The Corner The Christmas parade is the nuclear medicine facility at the cadets leave VMI Friday by lead-in and opener for Atlanta's hospital. chartered bus and return on Festival of Tre

Three Bars Restaurant n/ix^iaia Countx^ Cooftin^ Oceanfront Scenic View from Live Entertainment TRAVEL UNLIMITED nc SKYI.INC Dining ROOM 463-7174 Stone Shop Restaurant Welcome Cadets 21 West Washington St. KXIT 78. INTCNSTATC 01 Regular Delivery To Barracks o. aox 2e» — Bill to Parents, Credit Cards -- STMASBUnO. VIROINIA 32697 Mile F(»t 10'a COME SEE OUR NEW COMPUTERS Nags Head. N.C J7n cy/u <=^iUoxie

by: KenHirlinger 2nd W&L 5, VMI 6; 3rd W&L 5, teresting While VMI takes on A lot has happened in the VMI 6 Richmond's Mens Team, Rich- Quality Ball In Virginia swimming world since Although there hasn't been mond's ladies will be taking on our last article appeared three much opportunity to see us in the ladies from Sweetbriar. weeks ago. On November 10, action until the W&L meet, That's right, there will be swim- VMI lost to a very strong JMU these next two weeks will mers of the female type at the Cameron Hall swimming team 72 to 40. As that change that For W&L the only meet on December 7th. Of course with exams the next day by: Palmer Hamilton Dorsey accounted for 18 re- meet was a tri-meet we were notification happened on meet bounds and Current pulled in 10 also swimming W&M which we day and thus there wasn't a this is a perfect way to get your The Keydet basketball team mind relaxed by watching has played its first three games more had beaten earlier in the Ship- single turnout. However, now pensburg Relays by 30 points. there is plenty of notice for the Keydet Swim Team in action. of the year, and, despite their Keep those dates; November 30 1-2 record, they have displayed Wednesday night the scene However, W4M pulled in a lot of upcoming meets. This Friday. was Norfolk's Scope, and VMI points we had not counted on Saturday, and Sunday W&L is to December 2 and December 7 a calibre of play not seen in Lex- in mind, as we are looking for- ington for some time. Two close turned in an admirable perfor- and was able to beat us this hosting the Virginia State mance against the 1-1 OkJ time (still losing to JMU by championships (JMU, W&L, ward to your support, losses to J M.U. and O.D.U. and s a route of Bridgewater bring Dominion Monarchs. VMK -about the same margin we did). W&M, VMI) with preliminaries VMI to its weekend matchup jumped out to a quick 5 point Then on the 14th of November at 12 and finals at 7. It would be Swimmers to look forward for: against the Lynchburg College lead but could not get an early we swam W4L in a very close nice to see us get a little suppcH't Karl Feddler in the 50 free Hornets and Monday night's grip on ODU's pressing defense meet. Throughout the meet both from the Cwps when you're on (Swimmer oi the meet for the contest with U VA. and fell behind by 18 points teams exchanged the few points your way uptown for a nice cold JMU-W&M-VMI tri-meet); 29-11 After Marty Fletcher call- to be had (8 per event). The one. Tom Peer in the 1000 free; our ed time out and regrouped his divers, Tom Roltsch, Jack This past Sunday night VMI final score showed W&L winn- Now if supporting us is not go- fcH-ces, VMI ran off a 11-2 point ing 62 to 51 which is the closest ing to bring the Corps down to Rose, Blair Shelton, and Ben took a 28-27 halftime lead into advantage and was down by 9 Griswald; "Crash" Donovan in the locker room against the that meet has been in many the pool, except for Rat Drown- points 33-24 at the half The years. To give an indication of ing, then this next piece of news breaststroke; and our 400 Free J.M.U. Dukes but were unable Keydets gradually chipped Relay of Paul Jarvis, Dan to bring home a victory. Despite the battle that went on to deter- should. On December 7th the away at Old Dominion's lead mine the outcome here is the day before exams VMI is Whalen, John Barnard and Gay Elmore's game high 18 and were down by four with two "Mac" McClelland See ya points and perfect 12 for 12 from amount of playing that each hosting its first home meet and minutes left. Key free throws by team did; 1st W&L 8, VMI 5; it should prove to be mighty in- poolside! the free throw line VMI lost the freshman Frank Smith settled game in overtime 67-63. Cedric VMI's fate and VMI left Norfolk Wins threw in 16 points as his with another setback-56-48 Gay hot hand hit 8 of 13 from the Elmore who sat out the field. Fellow guard Mike Huff- Bridgewater game while nurs- man was the only other Keydet ing a tender ankle and wrist in- to score in double figures with juries, once again paced the his 10 points Big Mike Herndon Keydets with 16 points Elmore and Stephen Dorsey each haul- has yet to miss a foul shot this ed down five rebounds to lead year, having hit 16 straight VMI on the Boards. Darren Sawyer added 13 points, including a key turn around J M.U. is not an experienced jumper down the stretch and an team, but they demonstrated awesome dunk from a Herndon poise and played well to hand feed VMI its first heartbreaker of the year Defensively, Sawyer's full Monday night brought the court hustle, coupled with Hern- Bridgewater Eagles into the don's shot blocking and solid Cameron Hall home opener for performances from the whole VMI, and Coach Fletcher and team, shut down a potent ODU his squad enjoyed the game offense and kept VMI close up which saw five Keydets score in to the end double figures Kevin Everhart brought the crowd to its feel On Saturday night, the several times as he led all Keydets will return to action scorers with 18 points Wins ad- against Lynchburg College, a ded 14 Huffman had 13, Mark division III school that returns Current 12, and Bobby Gardner three starters from last year's had a strong performance, hit- 12-14 team. Another home game Rat Dorsey eyes a freetiirou ^ ting 3 of 5 from the field and 4 on Monday night will see the as 3-year Letterman Cedric ^ out of 4 from the paint to score Virginia Cavaliers in Cameron Wins looks on. ^ 10 points. The Keydets won easi- Hall. Last year's NCAA final ferro's Pizza & ly 86 to 46 and statistically four participants from Charlot- demolished Bridgewater by tesville will be a challenge that shooting xa hot 72% to the VMI is finally ready to play Italian Restaurant Eagles' 44.7%. VMI controlled against. The team has shown the boards at both ends of the depth and quality play which court and had 52 rebounds to have surely kept Coach Flet- Bridget a ter's 31. Strong play cher pleased as he prepares the by VMI's version of the Twin team for four more games in Towers, Steven and Stephen the next week. 42l9Starkey Rd. S.W. Roanoke/ Va. 24014 EAST LEX 989-8289

NATIBON $5.53 BUDWEISIR $5.24 fSHOES,eLOTHING^ 7226Wmiamson Rd. LONGMfdCS 12-Pk. ^ACCESSORIES p/u8 Tax and Deposit , Hollins,Va. 24019 Skoal & Copenhagen 96' 5 563-9776 l0m0m0i I JheVMKadjt^ovemb^^ Thalman V.M.L Boxing (continued from paKP I) the valleys, but the peaks of which there are many have been neglected. Bob Thalman replaced Vito Ragazzo in Card December of 1970 and after seasons of l-io 2-9, and 3-8 he won the Southern Conference Championship in 1974: It was the Keydets first winning Dickinson College Ohio University season in seven years. The next seven seasons brought another conference title in 1977 and se- cond place finishes in two other Notre Dame Miami of Ohio seasons. But the peak of peaks was the 1981 season, the season of the upset over West Point, winning the first five games, Citadel ^ VM.I. beaUng Virginia Tech in the season's final game'6-0 and spoiling the chance for a Bowl bid, and wrapping up the season with a 6-3-1 record. In addition, ssociat Thalman was named Southern Conference Coach of the Year in 1974. However, Bob Thalman is prouder of the fact that 95 per- cent of the scholarship atheletes recruited during his fourteen year tenure who completed Saturday December 1 their eligibility, received their VMI diplomas. at "It wasn't just a matter of wins and losses." said first-year athletic director Kric Hyman. "Competiveness had something Cocke Hall todowithit" Competiveness, Thalman's BOUTS BEGIN 2:00 P.M. (10 Bout Card) overall record of^ 54-94-3, although not overly impressive, does not reflect the number of ADMISSION: 81.00 adults; children under 12 free losses by a touchdown or less, as seen this year in the Citadel and JMU games. "Making a decision like this is always Estelle's Grill tough." said Hyman. "But it Congratulations was considered the necessary move at this time, in an effort to 123 South Randolph St. turn around the fortunes of VMI To The Sole Survivors football. Bob has given unique Foot Long Hot Dogs .00 service to VMI for fourteen of '83 and '84 years and his loyalty has been Homemade Chili ^1.00 unswerving. Added I.«e. "I Good Luck "National Bo" Beer ^ .50 really can't account for what happened the last two years. He Cold Betr ond fost Service did a helluva job for us, though, Mr. & Mrs. Davidson and I'd like for him to know we appreciated it." It simply did not seem like the proper thing to do, acknowledg- Dr. Robert M.A. Nochimson ing Thalman's loyalty by firing him. Was he given the oppor- From Newport News tunity to resign, or at least make change in his coaching staff? At 62 years young and 37 g seasons of coaching football, a •a better fate could have been ad- a ministered. Thalman, Wishes The Best understandingly, feels it would § be best to break off Ues with Of Luck During Exams VMI now and General Walker has honored his request to be paid close to $80,000 for the last two years of his contract, in- BRENCO stead of an offer for a six-month INCO*PO«ATED leave of absence and reassign- ment to other responsibilities Natural Bridge Hotel for a year-and-a-half. He does plan on leaving Lexington. "We need new scenery." Hopefully Fine Dining/Cod(faih P. O. BOX 389 alumni plans for a fund that PETERSBURG, VA. 23804 would add to Thalman's State 15 miles South of retirement benefits will be ap- proved; it is the least that can Lexington on U.S. 11 804/732-0202 be done for a nuin who gave of 291-2121 himself for fourteen years. Page The VMI Cadet, November 30,1984 Entertainment Tracks: Charli's Srh(N>n Exam Preparation. ''Heartbeat City by: JohnKeppel Cadet Style and Co. defy easy lyrics, it is clear that he wants most fun song on the albv This weekend is the last fun tickets early at the W&L book categorization. This is one of to be considered as intellectual "Magic", a more typical Car's weekend before exams start, so store. Beer will be 50 cents a those bands that throw together and artsy (case in point: Andy uptempo song, mixes some fun have your party now before the single or three for a dollar. such different influences that Warhol directed The Car's little electronic noises and long nights start next weekend. Sounds like a really fun even- you can't figure out what kind of "Magic" video, from this tricks in with the pumping bass, Ha, I love exams! WashingUm ing, too bad most of us can't go! music they play. This can be ). power-chord-guitars, and swirl- and Lee is having a big weekend The Fraternities will be rock- good sometimes, but at other He does an intelligent produc- ing keyboard for a poppy little here in Lexington with a big gig ing Saturday night, so get an in- times it can dilute some good tion job, and the band does play tidbit. The most compelling Friday night at the new vitation and go out for a little qualities, not to mention make intelligently with just the right song here, "Drive" has a Pavilion, and Fraternity Par- fun. If you don't get an invita- the music doggone tough to touches of this and that. beautiful mood setting curtain- ties Saturday night. tion then play musical stick describe to someone who hasn't If anything, this album will of-sound keyboard melody pro- Starting at 8:30 Friday night checks or Tac tag! heard it. boost this image of intelligence. pelled by a pulsating drum-and- the band The Nabobs will be At Randy Mac on Saturday Anyone who hasn't heard the But is is not art. It is entertain- bass beat. Sweet, bell- opening a really big evening. night the Voltage Brothers will Cars, though, has probably ing, though "Heartbeat City" percussion riffs add a nice Now I've never heard of The be jamming in the Smith Ban- been listening to WREL for the slows The Car's normal pace touch to the texture while Benn Nabobs, so let's move on to the quet Hall. The party is from past few years (really too long). down quite a bit. The sound is a Orr's vocals plead romantically next twol>ands. 9:00 till 1:00 a.m. and should Blending a psuedo-avant-garde little more sparse and not as "Who's Going To Drive You big boys will t)egin to play. really t>e a good time. Tickets sound with just enough quirky layered as other efforts. The Home?" The Producers will play from are $3 at the door and beer is 50 dance pop to make music that background vocals float nicely Overall, this album is a 9:30 till 11 -.00 and get everybody cents a cup once inside. Make appeals to the medium-core- through this album, filling in creditable effort, presenting really rockin for the band to fo- sure you bring your ID's to new-waver as well as the Kelly- very well at times. "Why Can't some very listenable material. low. The White Animals will avoid any problems at the door. green-and-rubber-souled-prep. I Have You" features Ocasek But it is to easy to wonder why play from 11:30 till 1:00 a.m. It looks like a really good Sometimes, though, one must breaking out of his cold, imper- Ocasek doesn't do more with and really bring a fun night to a weekend around the area before wonder whether Ocasek suffers sonal mold with plaintive, his, and the bands, considerable close. All of this will be happen- Christmas break, so go out and from lack of credibility because heartfelt vocals layered on a talent. ing at W&L's new Pavilion just have a good time. Be careful if of this blend. lush whispered chorus that you drive anywhere and we'll behind the law school. From the cold, detached look creates a very moving song. J.K. see you after Break. The tickets to hear these on Ocasek's face to his quirky With its percolating bass-and- bands will be $5 before hand and voice and cryptically puzzling keyboards melody, it is the $6 at the door. You can get


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VIRGIINIA • Finance • Contract Administration services MILITARY • Retail Merchandising INSTITUTE • Food Service • Inventory Analysis and Purchasing A.R.A. Supports • Transportation and Distribution • Fuel Planning and Analysis VMI Basketball • Computer Systems • Operations Analysis Papa D's Visit with representatives of the G.S. Navy 362-1855 5434 WUUamson Rd. 10:00 A.M.-II :00 P.M. Supply Corps to learn how your degree in Roanoke, Va. Fri. le Sat. 10 A.M. • 12:00 P.M. accounting, economics, business administra- COLD OR HOT SUBMARINES tion, computer science, or engineering can Half Half Tiiiia Z.S* 4.7S lUlianHam ZJt 4.U prepare you for an exciting business career. RMilBeef 2JS 4.M Dam. Ham Z.I* 4.IS Twrfcey 2.iS 4.2* Prov.CkcMc ZM 4.W Sateoil 4.IS lUlUa Keg. 2.4t 4.M Feyyereel Z.l« 4. It PreMnUiUon: Dictibwr 4 HOT SUBMARINES AMERICAN SANDWICHES L^mmHSIMM I Half ttlfik 7:i0 P-ikmi . Iteak 2.3* 4.M Hamburgrr i.n SiMk A Mtmhruom 2.«« i.m Clime b«trgrr I.M InlMrvtewK himmkliPtpprn ZJS 4.U HamACkene I.W Plus SUak 2JU 4.U Ha* l.u Cerw Dewelopmeirt Centw Papa U'lKpr^ i"' Z.SS s.w CrtlJCkceM .HS M«al BaH 2.tS 4.M Krrark .W Ha«b«rgrr Z.M 4.W Papa I' tiMtad 2.S5 HcM l>«ft» lUUaa Mawiilir Z.4S 4.SS Onton Kkig* Ad f Oppoflijfiity t-aiplo/e Plua Bmr$rr 2.10 4.IS Tht VMI Cadet. Novmbr 30^ ifM. Paa# 7

Cormack Retires (continued from page 1) Motivation Mrs. Cormack, den mother to the Virginia Intercollegiate she entered the state's more than three decades of civil Track and Field Coaches classified system. engineering cadets and an Association established an Today, Mrs. Cormack looks (continued from page 1) environment of a military almost equal number of track award in his honor. Throughout back with happy memories to system can be alnised to the school? Theoretically, the and field athletes, was in her these long years, Mrs. Cormack her long years in the civil disadvantage of an individual. stressful atmosphere will cause first year as a VMI faculty wife was never far from his side, engineering department— "When a man is faced with nox- a switch from an Internal locus when she was "talked into" cheering from the side lines and especially to the satisfaction of ious events that he cannot con- to an external locus of control. helping out in the athletic giving her support in endless having seen three whom she trol. his motivation to respond A success oriented internal may office—"just for half days," she ways to the track and field pro- first knew as cadets rise to head is drastically underminded" become an external who feels says, working for the late Frank gram at VMI. of the department. They are (Seligman, 1974). Moreover, he has no control over his Summers, who was then VMI's The former Ruth Owens, a Col. Donald K. Jamison '57, cur- once such a stat of uncon- academic requirements. He athletic director. Mostly, she native of Marion, S.C., was rent and previous department trollability is established, a begins to think that no matter says, she took care of football working in Columbia when she head; Col Jay R. Sculley '62, man can respond successfully how much he studies, he still ticket orders, and while stuffing met her husband, who was who is now Assistant Secretary or properly, yet not see his can't win. all those envelopes, she fre- teaching then at the University of the Army; and BG John W. response as a successful one. In consideration of the issues quently talked about her belov- of South Carolina. They were Knapp '54, now dean of the Psychological research on raised above we see a need for ed Bernard. married in 1946 and came to faculty. learned helplessness indicates greater reapproachment bet- "I'll never forget," she says, Lexington three years later. With retirement next month, that an individual student's ween a rigorous program of "the day Mr. Summers slipped "We arrived with nothing but Ruth and her French poodle will perceived helplessness in military training and the in- over and asked quietly, Mrs. our car and a vacuum cleaner," stay right in Lexington in the specific situations gives him no tellectual growth of the in- C(Hinack, just who is this Ber- she said, adding that they Meadowview home to which she motivation to try to alter the dividual. Included for con- nard you keep talking about? " bought their furniture after and Major Cormack moved problem, for he can see no sideration are the following: Bernard, who was better their arrival and assignment to after his 1975 retirement—and reward for his efforts. At a (a) an efficient use of positive known in VMI circles as VMI quarters. She had barely there will be plenty to keep her military college, the military and negative reinforcement Walt,was of course, Major finished helping out in the busy. Reading and crewel em- and academic aspects are often contingencies, (b) an abate- Walter B, Cormack, who died in athletic office before she was broidery are favorite pastimes, in conflict, since both are ment of punishments which in- 1976 after becoming almost a needed by another department, in addition to a long-standing in- demanding and both control the terfere with academic perfor- legend in Virginia college track. this time civil engineering. It terest in art. She began painting life of the student directly or in- mance (e.g., removal of punish- In his 25 years as VMI's head was the beginning of a long in oils about a dozen years ago directly. This perceived conflict ment for late study) and, (c) a track coach, Walt Cormack led association with VMI's oldest when she took a studio art between the two systems in- removal of all non-contingent the Keydets to 13 Southern Con- and largest academic depart- course in the VMI Evening Col- variably tends to place punishments which potentially ference championships; ment. lege. "After all," she reminds academia in a secondary role interfere with academics. In organized the first Winter "I was almost a lifetime hour- us, "Grandma Moses was past compared to the more im- order to establish and nourish a Relays, which he nurtured into ly employee," she says 90 when she became famous!" mediate pressures of the successful scholarly drive, one of the premier collegiate in- laughingly, having worked for Happy retirement, Mrs. Cor- military. This is evident when there must be instilled in the door competitions in the 25 years in part-time status so mack. observing the individual who academic setting, the oppor- Southeast; and originated the that she would have the holiday neglects his academic respon- tunity for intrinsically- 10,000-meter Lexington-Buena and summer periods to be with sibilities while worrying over motivated intellectual creativi- Vista Road Race still held each her husband. After his death his next inspection, parade, or ty. Should these suggestions be December. The Virginia other military demand. The two heeded, an effective integration Association of the U. S. Track systems are seen as an- of the academic and military and Field Federation gave him tagonistic. This conflict pro- cadetships may be accomplish- its first service award in 1968, duces stress in the individual ed so that "we may be and in 1973, a year before illness Er^ which reduces academic per- whatever we resolve to be." f(H-ced him to leave coaching. formance and motivation to learn. Therefore, military col- leges which strive for academic 1he2i-Hour^ excellence should try to minimize situations which im- HODGE PODGE (jMivenience Of pede the process of learning. SPECIALTY FOODS Imported and Domestic Wines Current attribution theory and Beer EXPRESS BANK suggests that people use one of Cheeses four explanations to explain Snacks. Party Platters their success and failure: these Best Candy (^ounter in Town Vour CoflvtfilMt ExpvMS are ability, effort, difficulty of Deliveries Sank LoootlomArt: task, and luck or chance. Ex- GIFTS-TOYS-JEWELRY-GADGETS • 4M NOflk Moln StTMt. FIRST planations that students use are VIRGINIA determined by their locus of 116 N. Main St. 463-3683 BANK control. Students with an inter- • tovol Floio Shopping Cwiltf. Front Royoi SHOtANOOAH VALUV nal locus of control will at- woodcock 4S».3771 Mt JK*10n 477-3197 tribute their success to ability • Word Ploio Slioppliig Slfilbofg 4®5-3714 and effort, and their failures to Froni Roycl Slwh«»CilV 86^4500 lack of effort. Students with an Winch««tr 8e5-08» external locus of control at- f FOC tribute their success or failure to difficulty or chance. High RICHMOND school students who go to col- lege tend to have an internal CORRUGATED BOX locus of control, and beheve their success is a result of their COMMNY own work. They also tend to be more self-motivated What hap- pens when you place these students in the high pressure See Toyota's "Hoavy Breather" VMI SUNBATHERS! 16 valve sports cor perfomionce LUV the Sun? All 1985 Toyotas 7 nights / 8 days Now on Display in Ft. Lauderdale (Sp«clol K§rd0t discovnts as «•*•!) "Country Kitchen" from $109" McDonough Toyota Home Made Bakery Goods Rt.2S0(By l-t1 Exit) Staunton8M-4201 **Eat In Or Take Out'* S NofHi KImIb loKlwyton, Vi. 244Sy Paot Tht VMI Cadtn Novtmbr 30,1f84 to rid their domicile of all con- fiscated and punishable contra- band. Through the course of their quarter's purgation they nZZASALE: Humour disposed of the following items: Malt Daniel two quarts of Smirnoff vodka, a small coffee pot, several Mic- key Mouse T-shirts and match- $2 OFF. ing Pluto ball caps, and last, but fanuly.lS Well mle on layers not least, a 3 Kg. wedge of Better hurry to your home town Pizza Hut" restaurant! of pure moaHarefla cheese and A Day In The Life Mother Mahoney's Magnificent It's not often you save this kind all your favorite toppings. by: Alexander Imadashelski Mozzarella cheese. Suddenly, of money on our fresh, hot There's no better time to try prisoners scanned the over- without warning, the cold gray They say the sun never shines seer's box to catch a glimpse of and scrumptious pizza. ^ So our unparalleled Pizza Hut" on those wretched souls who the man that would decide their eyes of Kommandant Cum- come on in. Bring the whole Pan Pima. See you soon! have been misfortunately cast very survival for this day. Ivan mingsorkov appeared at the en- by fate into the abyssimal dep- turned to his friends Tovarich trance of their quarters. ths of a Siberian Gulag. Days, and Geeknev and said: "Gud Mornick, degenerates," weeks and months seem to fol- "Comrades, it seems that the said the Kommandant without low a cold, hard and a detached overseer will t)e Maj. Motska warmth. He and his death mode of survival for the incar- from the Cavcausus." squad (Maj. Tisovich, Capt. cerated inmates One Ukranian "Da," they retorted less than Dittrickski, Capt. Neasechenko, peasant, Ivan Keydetski, wakes enthusiastically. Capt. Ludvigenko, Maj. Mad- on a frost chilling, tundra morn- Joining them in the breakfast denifzyn and of course, Maj. ing. The straw from his rack fell line were Emersonska and Motska.) proceeded to com- from the floor as he placed his Pearsonovich. None of them pletely tear their quarters feet on -20 degree tile Ivan had seen Ivan's roommate, Tro- apart. After sifting through a didn't feel well today, his belly gorin Another day had begun particularly ripe pile of ached and his head spun from at VMINASKA. , Trogorin's underwear, several the natural intoxification assoc- After the breakfast line had rather malicious grins broke iated with oversleep. It was to dispersed, the inmates of out over the faces of Da Kom- be a long hard day of work for VMINASKA returned to the mandant and his death squad. "Zo, you stupid. Kaputnik, Ivan as B R.C. fell (as it always barracks for M.I. cleaning. Eat In, Carry Out Or Delivered did) at 0645. Ivan had gotten to When Ivan got back to his room, thought you could hide dis from l)ed rather early the previous his bunkmate, Trogorin, told us, ah?" night, and was well rested from him some distressing news: A terrible look of anguish fell from Trogorin's face and terror 12 off any lar|F puza 0420 to 0645 The prisoners of "Comrade-bunkmate-it or $I off any medium. In- filled his eyes. clude Pizza flut* Pan i'lzu' fiOO E. Nrlion St VMINASKA * clad in their grey seems as though Kommandant Hurry, ofTercxpimi noun Dm- licxlngton, V«. prison rags trudged mindlessly "Nyet!", he screamed, coupon per party per vimt at 463-7000 Cummingsorkov is making de "Nyet, Nyet!' Da Kommandant participatinK Pizza Hut* to roll call surprise inspection this morn- mtaurantu -Hut Ivan hoped for a slack over- smiled and held the soup war- ing." .•iMrnHvt I seer for this particular morning mer in his hands. "Dis is bad, comrade" "Take Him!", bellowed Kom- so he could hopefully take it replied Ivan. easy during the work detail to mandant Cummingsorkov. "We must act quickly," add- Trogorin's screams became give his body ample time to ad- ed Trogorin. In desperation, the just to the harsh conditions. The more and more frantic as the two inmates worked radically death squad dragged him away. Ivan Keydetski never saw Dartboard Trogorin again, (end of Parti),

Congratulations to 3rd Other signs might explain his In his second Dartboard ap- Classman A1 Tolley on his "Fist-Head" haircut. pearance, Third Classman Texas style greeting on his Second Classman Roy Dave Furness catches our eye birthday of the O.D. We've Woolwine showed all his B.R.s sporting the "Divot-Head" hair- heard that everything's bigger at Ring Figure that he knows cut, just in time for Christmas in Texas, but you went ahead how to handle an irate female, furlough. and proved it. which just happened to be his Captain Dittrich, "Square T.C.F.C '87- What the Cadet date! After taking "the ole yourself away" and get a rain- wants to know is, how do y'all drink in the face" routine, Roy cap cover to go with your rain pour an extra dollar and a half's retaliated bouncing her off the coat! worth of filling into those cal- hotel wall repeatedly with a Quote of the semester goes to zones between Frank's and The steady Jet Stream from a handy 1st Classman R. Gerstbrein Concourse. firehose. (Cadet Captain No. 8) who was Capt Barker, please do invite While the Producers and The overheard saying "There's your wife to The Corps Christ- White Animals light up Lex- nothing more important in life mas Dinner next week, or would ington, Band Co. goes on its than stripes on your blouse at • you really rather sit with Kevin "Victory" Tour by rocking At- V.M.I.!" "Wedge-Head" Jenkins and his lanta this weekend Plans are in The S.J. Hodak, '83 Award for regimental sewing circle** progress for taping a "Killer" Questionable Accomplishments If you do have a high and video, which spokesmen say in Physics goes to 2nd Classman tight... Why? will include the Band "mar- Greg Weddle. Well Greg, which Rumor has it that there is ching up the field, marching had the greatest trajectory, The photographic evidence (i.e. down the field...and. er, mar- VMl Class Ring-or-The Empty Blotter Decoration) that 2nd ching back up the field." MTV & Beer Bottle? Started on i/our Christmas shopping y^t.? Classman Michael Chapman is Friday Night Videos refuse Of course you have, YoQ always get planning to make The Big Jump comment. that out of the way early. Right. from Private to Regimental Commander in the near future. Wc thought you'd like to know that, since you're in Staunton half the time any way, It's a great place to pick up gifts for WINTER everyone on your list. No kidding. The Happy 50th streets are lined with interesting shops full BREAK of things for Aunt Mildred and the rest of Join 2000 other the folks. college students for a Nancy Hostetter Stop by and we'll help you out. And if you winter break ski fest at decide to get something to eat while Killington—from $I77" you're here, well, that would be nice, 06 The WhaH Deli The Gang •cross from the train station in Staunton (•W) Hi-mn TOLL nux