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12-16-1985 The oN va Knight Nova Southeastern University

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NSUWorks Citation Nova Southeastern University, "The oN va Knight" (1985). The Current. Paper 73.

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Vol. 4, No.7 Nova College December 16, 1985 Treasurer President Nova's Hurricane Resigns vs. Kate Fiasco President Luckily Hurricane Kate never posed to fill jugs of water, stock hit South Florida. However its the house with food, prepare detrimental effects were cer­ flashlights and emergency uten­ tainly felt at Nova University. sils, tape windows and essen­ The story (and the confusion) tially prepare to survive. Nova began Monday evening, No­ students are merely supposed vember 18. to continue their studies and be On Monday evening, every prepared for school the next T.V. and radio station went on day! Sowhat if the hurricane hits the air with their warnings of and you're not ready, at least Kate. "Brace yourself," they you'll have been intellectually said, "for Kate could very likely stimulated. As the weekly Student Gov­ comeourway."Theyannounced A qUick view of the Florida ernment Meeting wound down that Virtually everything in Panhandle makes the sheer lu­ on December 5, an action sur­ There has been muchtalkthis Dade, Broward and Monroe nacy of this attitude apparent. prised everyone. President Ro­ year of all the misdeeds of the had been shut down or can­ Had Kate actually struck South bert Lamelas read a letter S.GA The Constitution has celled for the next day to allow Florida it would easily have which stated: been broken several times by people to prepare for Kate's struck here. I pride myself on many of the S.GA members; wrath. Itwas a veryserioussitua­ being a good student (i.e. show­ L Kimberly Reis, am turning however this does not mean tion, with emergency shelters ing up, reasonably prepared, in my resignation for Student they are doing a poorjob of rep­ set up and coastal areas being etc.). I had two midterms that Senate Treasurer. This resigna­ resenting. It simply means they evacuated. It was a night to pre­ Tuesday morning. I've also tion is effective as ofDecember are ignorant and/or abusive of pare for the worst been in a hurricane or two. If 19, 1985, due to the fact that I the law. Of the long list of government every radio and T.V. station in am not enrolling at Nova Uni­ Oneparticularmemberofthe jobs, court and city employees, the state is screaming "Hurri­ versity for the January term. S.GA is Robert Lamelas. He garbagemen and schools which cane. Hide yourself." then you Sincerely, was an M.I.A. atthebeginningof had closed toallow workers and better believe I will reject my Kimberly Reis the year but he is now at the studa:lts to prepare for the hur­ studies to make sure my family school most every day working ricane, one name strangely did and I are safe and prepared for The s4rprise came shortly for the students. Since ques­ not appear. Nova University. anything Kate can dish out after the S.J.c. put Miss Reis on tions have arisen as to his gov­ Unfortunately, a hUrricane What about Nova students a 10 day probation. The formal erning aptitude, I will compare warning is not a sufficiently who were evacuated from coas­ letter allowed the S.GA to him to his predecessor, Ed­ serious danger to close Nova. tal areas? They spent an anxiety Nova students are not sup- recognize that Miss Reis did ward Artau. Cont'd to 1'9. 7 have enough respect for her Eddie was a stickler for position to give advanced diplomacy, back - scratching, notice. domination and power. He did Nova Gets Reaccredited When questioned after the not bother to let the student populace know about his ac­ meeting in the reason for her New Orleans was the sight of traditional academians who do leaving Nova she answered, tions or those of the S.GA He an important educational deci­ not believe in our far-flung pro­ granted favors only when he "Medical reasons." Her tone sion which occurred on Decem­ grams. Nova serves nearly could get something in return. was rather subdued and with ber 1. The Southern Associa­ 7,000 students in a total of 23 the answer being terse, it was The opinions of S.G.A. mem­ tion of Colleges and Schools states in addition to Great Bri­ recognized by this reporter that bers were listened to only when Committee met in southern tain, Panama and Colombia. it was a serious and personal hesupplied them. Mr. Artau was Louisiana to decide whether or A few of the criticisms which matter and I should inquire no especially cheap. The clubs not Nova University should be have surrounded our day col- further. barely subsisted on his meager reaccredited. . lege in particular are: that we The resignation of the treas­ handoutsofmoney. He used his The formal visit by SAC.S. do not have a student union, we urer is a terrible repeat of his­ position to reap benefits (didn't took place last year during do nothave a full-time account­ tory. Last year's treasurer, anyone ever question the fact Nova's twentieth birthday. It ing professor and we do not Mitchell Taylor, resigned his that all party leftovers: food, was not until December of this have a liberal arts major (the last post due to his job. The person utensils and drink went north to year that the decision was criticism being made by a Con­ to take his job was Gary Silber­ Boca). The nameplate purchas­ made. gressperson). man. Itshould be noted that Mr. ing tradition was initiated by Nova was the most con­ In summation I would like to Silberman candidly exposed his none other than he. The tradi­ troversial school up for reac­ congratulateeveryone andthen inability to keep records oreven tion of giving plaques (funded crediation. Since we, as a uni­ say, "Abe, Ovid and Phil, you resemble a treasurer. His job by Dr. DeTurk andthe students) versity, have a large population made my day." . was done by the President, to friends at the end of the year of off-campus, cluster students, -Jeffrey Grimm Cont'd to 1'9. 7 Cont'd to 1'9. 7 we fall into doubt in the eyes of Page 2 The Novo Knight Letter to the Editor remember my 1stday of school, ... Dear Editor, ------.. As a freshman and an officer they were in the lounge. Also when I decided to run for office THE CORNER of the Student Government, I feel it is my responsibility to re­ and asked for one, which they spond to the concerned student most willing gave to me. All one who wrote a letter to the editor has to do is open up one's in the October15,1985 issue of mouth and ask. BOOK The Nova Knight. I am new to If you have anything else to the college scene at Nova and say about my friends and family; that is a very frightening feeling, every Thursday atfour p. m. you hut through organizations such may attend our open S.G.A EXCHANGE as: The S.G.A., The Nova meetings! All I know, for some­ Knight. andCheerleading, Ihave one who was going to go to the felt secure. That is the reason University of Miami, I'm sure why it infuriates me when Ihear glad I didn't. or read a negative attitude to­ - Dorene Alberts wards the school. Since I have Dear Editor, been in S.G.A. (this year) I have Regarding your edition of only seen improvements for the The Nova Knight dated No­ better. If one compares last year vember27, 1985;letmejustsay and this year, there is a big dif­ that if you are going to take "the ference! Since our school is mickey" out of us Brits then at small, we do not have the funds least get the name right. Please / or facilities like a B.C.C. does, note that it's "Princess Diana" I though we do have the best with not "Lady Diane" as Ari's Hide­ what we have! Have you beento way states. And as for being f rf t the Halloween Party, Free "celebant", that may be someth­ Movie Movie Night or a basket­ ing you Americans suffer from L • ball game this year? If you have -I think you mean celibate. not, you are the one that lacks weill And by the way, I've just been to I' I. spirit! There is/was enough ad­ the beach this weekend and I vertisement for these even;s for don't consider myself silly look­ you to see. ing although Idid forget to wear The concerned student also my socks! said that he could not find -A Disgusted copies of the constitution, but I British Subject Business In Orlando On November 20, 21, and tureres, six of the Business Club 22, 1985, The Business Club members attending the con­ went to an AS.P.A Conference ference enjoyed presentations in Orlando, Fla. The A S.P.A., is from representing businesses the Associated Society for Pro­ and a special show atSeaWorld fessional Administrators. The to see Shamo the Killer Whale conference, taking place at the and her brand new baby. luxurious Windham Hotel in The Orlando trip to the Orlando, manifested many net­ AS.P.A Conference was ar­ working ideas in regards to ranged by Donna Schaeffer. Human Resources and Person­ Donna Schaeffer is actively in­ nel Management. A couple of volved with the A. S. P.A., and NOVA UNIVERSITY the outstanding lectures were: hopes to institute a chapter of Dr. Morris Massey's talk on A S.P.A. atNova College in con­ "What Are You is What You junction with Nova's Business See", Skip Everett's wonderful Club. If you are interested in SCHOOL SUPPLIES wellness speech on "If I am so finding out anything else about Successful Then Why am I so concerning the activities of the Unhappy?", and Herb Cohen's Business Club, please contact lecture on "Everyone's a Ne­ either Donna Schaeffer, or 4/34 S.W 64 Avenue gotiator". Arthur Greenspan. Besides the dynamic lec- -LA Davie, Florida 33314 saM MAINTENANCE Interiorand Extertor PIIlntlng COLLEGE TEXTBOOKS 1700 Embassy Dr. #904 West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Office: (305)626-8888 Res.: (305)472-3540 792-7778 Page3 The Nova Knight Bits: Sunny Hansley Basketball At the St. Thomas game, Nova University Nova fans (20 in total) were out­ Athletic Director, Sports numbered 7 to 1 by St. Thomas fans. At the post-game party, BasketballCoach at F.I.T.-Melbourne there were at least 150 Nova Twelve hundred FIT fans students present. The party was Accomplishments: Star­ Basketball watched the game at Melbour­ held to encourage attendance ted the Nova basketball pro­ Games: ne. Nova played inspired ball at the game. What a shame. gram five years ago. Had 11-13 vs. Springhill and at half held FIT down to Kenny Hall, the junior, player record in 1984-85 season. Springhill was the first game 47 pts. from New York, has left the Personal: 38 years old. of the season. It was filled with At resumption, Nova settled school. He couldn't make the Born in Chicopee, Mass. Mar­ action and excitement. At half­ down but with three minutes adjustment. Mike Cable, who ried Donna in 1971. Children time, Nova trailed 38-44 and left, they led by four pts. Coach has shown a lot of promise, will are Michelle (8) and Keny (5). the starting line-up was on the Hansley said, "You could have probably take his place. Hobbies: Golf, tennis, bas­ bench. Perry Holst looked lost heard a pin drop." FI.T. came Soccer ketball. and tired. Smart substitution back to win 85-87. Barry Kaplan, the soccer I'd give anything to meet brought Nova back into the vs. St. Thomas coach, is away recruiting for Larry Bird, Micky Mantle. game. Fatigue, set in from FI.T. next year. If he gets players of The worst part of my job The Knights had fallen be­ game, and uncharacteristic er­ the talent that was evident on is: Losing. hind by 12 pts. at the 10 min. rors by Nova won this game for the team last season, he'll have a The bestpart ofmy job is: mark. Slowly but surely they St. Thomas. Nova tried to force great team. Watching the improvement in kept chipping away. With 1:03 passes, didn't coverSt. Thomas' Volleyball our players. to play, Nova took the lead with big men and were outbounded. Arthur Jong-a-Kiem (I still If I wasn't coaching I'd four pts. Springhill came back St. Thomas, 85, Nova 72. can't pronounce it) is off recruit­ love to: Play shortstop for the and went ahead. Nova tied the vs. Palm Beach Atlantic ing too. He hopes to get in the New York Yankees. game at85-85 with 25 sees. left. This was no contest. Nova NAIA next year. Springhill drove down to Nova's Quote: "We're shootingfor a outplayed Palm Beach. Final Football half and lost the ball to the betterthan .500 record this year score Nova 96-78. Observers could have told Knights who played the last and the District 25 NAIA play­ vs. Saint Leo you both the Dolphins and Hur­ shot. They moved the ball a­ offs." Nova can't seem towin on the ricanes would win big against . round and at the :03 mark, Ric­ road Bucky Taylor led all Nova Chicago and Notre Dame. At .------.. key Stanley shot...bang! Nova players with 18 pts. Score: St. about the same time last year, 87-85. Leo 82, Nova 66. both teams lost big matches vs. Tampa against their opponents; the Army Lost 59-93. Dolphins to the Raiders, and . vs. West Virginia Wesleyan Hurricanes to Boston College. Lost 69-118. It's only appropriatethatthe vic- Navy 1Ii .. tories came in such a dramatic and convincing fashion. It only goes to show that anniversaries are notcelebrated the same way Surplus every time. -Joel Onigbinde 4130S.W.64thAve. (DavieRoad) Opposite Wendy's & McDonald's 584-7227

~ Jungle Boots ~. Overalls ~ Back Packs ~ Eurkea Tents ~ Army Clothes ~ Converse LEE JEANS ~ T-Shirts ~ Puma ~ Camping Supplies ~ Raingear MENS $14.99 1------, LADIES $19.99 ilO% OF' : : With thiscoupo.n : WRANGLER WESTERN : EXCLUDING SALE : I MERCHANDISE I SHIRTS $14.99 I I I I Page4 The Nova Knight Reviews Yes 9012 Uve-The Solos THE BEST OF ELVIS COS­ checking his watch to see if he group's material comes from a A companion piece to the TELLO AND THE ATTRAC­ can leave yet single city in central Texas, Aus­ video of the90125 tour, this EP TIONS is a my-t-fine . Also, what do people see in tin, capitol of the state, home to of solos is good, but is definitely This "Best of' album is like an their music? Exempting the the University of Texas, but for Yes fans only. Live versions introductory course in Elvis' debut, TheCars music has been most importantly, source of of "Hold On" and "Changes" music, covering the extremely a shallow, mindless excuse for much of contemporary rhythm seem added only for airplay, as broad range of and . pop music, and is devoid of any and blues. And most of the therestofthis EPiscomposedof styles Elvis fans have come to redeeming philosophical or so­ music you'll hear over at the extended solos by each Yes know and love. Billboard mag­ cial values. Quite simply, their Blue Midnight is from Austin' member. Especially notable are azine claims "this 16-song col­ music is DUMB!!! 's currentmostfamous son, Stevie Jon Anderson's "Soon" and lection is a nice stopgap for unemotional monotone deliv­ Ray Vaughan, who played here "Whitefish", a rhythm section listeners who'd rather not cher­ ery certainly doesn't help the at the Knight Centertwo weeks duet between Alan White and rypick through Costello's cata­ fact One can argue that The ago. David Bowie called Stevie Chris (the fish) Squire. Enjoy­ log", and that's a great reason Cars are fine musicians, but on Ray Vaughan the best living able EP, but not much more. for non-Elvis fans to pick up this the last couple of albums many blues guitarist, and Stevie Ray one. Established Elvis fans will of the instruments had to be was to play on Bowie's most probably want this one just to digitally sampled and played on recent world tour, until contract Ste~e Ray Vaughan and have so many great songs on a Fairlight by Gregg Hawkes. problems nixed that (he plays Double Trouble one album (not all the great GREATEST lead on the album version of Soul to Soul ones, but many). It is also very HITS is of course going to be a "Let's Dance"). John Ham­ SOULTO SOULfinds Stevie easy to follow Elvis' progression huge smash regardless of my mond, the man who discovered Ray Vaughn continuing his suc­ as a songwriter on this chrono­ opinion. The one previously and produced Bob Dylan, now cessful single handed crusade logical package. This album is a unreleased track of the albums produces Stevie Ray, and en­ to put electric blues back on the fine cross-section of material twelve, "Tonight, She Comes", thusiastically endorses Bowie's charts (the album is already top from one of rock's most literate is an especially unpleasant judgment. Not since Jimi Hen­ forty). Stevie Ray, recently members. THE BEST OF EL­ musical experience (rejected drix and Eric Clapton has a voted best electric blues gui­ VIS COSTELLOAND THE AT­ from the HEARTBEAT CITY guitaristcreatedso much excite­ tarist by the readers of guitar TRACTIONS is highly recom­ sessions), and is already climb­ ment with his virtuousity. player (for the third year in a mended. ing thesingles chartsand receiv­ Stevie Ray Vaughan was row), proves his virtuosity again ing heavy airplay. Is there no born in OakCliff, a lowermiddle onSOULTO SOULThealbum DISCLAIMER:*** The re- hope for humanity? Iguess The class section of Dallas. After is a scorcher from the opening mainder of this review rep­ Cars' fans are the ones respons­ dropping out of high school, he notes. Stevie, while staying true resentsa relentless attackon Ric ible for keeping "The Dukes Of moved to Austin in the late Six­ to his blues roots, has crafted an Ocasek, The Cars andthe valid­ Hazzard" on T. V. for ten years. ties, to be with his brother Jim­ album slightly morecommercial ity of their music which may As for THE CARS GREATEST mie and play in the Austin club. than his first two. The result is an offend certain readers. In other HITS, I highly recommend you While California was experienc­ album of solid songs, which words, you may hate me for stay away from such mindless ing the psychedelic Summer of should help Stevie bring the writing this, but fll hate myself dribble, andseek more intellec­ Love, the music scene in Austin blues to more mainstream lis­ more if I don't. tually fulfilling music (i.e. finger­ was generating an equal, if not teners. "Look At Little Sister" nails on a chalkboard). as publicized, intensity. The and "Change It" are currently Vulcan Gas Company was the Anotheryuletide***compilation -Barry Feingold putting. rhythm and blues on is THE CARS GREATEST first psychedelic rock and roll the airwaves. HITS. Why do these guys make club in Austin, but by 1969 its Looking for good blues in any money? Not only do they house band, Shiva's HeadBand Broward County? No really, make money, these guys are All albums reviewed supplied by (think of the Grateful Dead right here in Broward? If you bloody stars! This thought dep­ PEACHES Records and Tapes nevercoming down off acid and are, read "Blues in Broward resses me to no end. 8160 W. Broward B1vd,·Pltn. you'll comprendo their sound), County" by Steven E. Alford, I have many reaso.ns for a had gotten famous and moved appearing in this issue. You vendettaagainstTheCars, butit away. At the same time, two won't regret it. wasn't always this way. I abso­ other clubs sprang up which lutely loved their first album. It were to capture the hearts and The Can Greatest Hits was original, different and excit­ minds of Austin music fans: a The Best of EI~s Costello ing. However; since their debut, small, smoky, biker bar called and The Attractions even Cars fans will admit it has the One Knite, and the famous, It is always easy to tell all been down hill. I ask, "Why but now defunct Armadillo· Christmas is coming atthe mall. do these gnats have such a World Headquarters. The Arm­ I don't mean the rows of Char­ hardcore follOwing?" adillo was a giant bam, in the min packaged in red and green, Have you everseen The Cars Filmore tradition, where Merle R&BIn Haggard first discovered that but by the number of repac­ live? Ifyou have, then you have hippies loved his music, where kaged "Greatest Hits" compila­ my sympathies, because The Broward Roy Buchanan dazzled the tion albums that spring up this Cars are without a doubt the The bestguitar music in Brow­ crowd with his talent, where time of year. An extreme exam­ worstlive band I have ever en­ ard county can be heard any Willie Nelson and Doug Sahm ple (and a fine one) is the repac­ countered. Though musically Friday or Saturday night, start­ were likely to drop in, where kage of nine Bob Dylan albums their performance was flawless, ing about 10 p.m. at the Blue CommanderCody and His Lost in the limited boxed edition no Cars members actually get Midnight Pub over on 3521 W. PlanetAirmen backed up Linda BIOGRAPHY (including some into the music. They stand like Broward. There you'll find the Ronstadt, where every Hallo­ neverreleased stuff). Two other mannequinsand play; no danc­ Midnite Blues Band, a five piece ween there was the annual yuletide repacks recently re­ ing, nojamming, nofun. Justthe rhythm and blues group that Pumpkin Stomp (participants leased are a "Best of' from Elvis songas it appearsonthealbum. plays the music for which God prepared by getting monumen­ Costello, and a "Greatest Hits" Apersonwatchingtheshowcan created the guitar. Much of the tally loaded and then, at the from The Cars. almost visualize Ric Ocasek Page 5 The Nova Knight climax of the evening, stomped for several years), Frieda and On Monday there was Storm, Soul to Soul, you can hear the hundreds of pumpkins into the the Firedogs, Balcones Fault led by Jimmie Vaughan, Stev­ best R & B in the country concrete floor), where this and the fabulous and unjustly ie's Ray's brother. This band today. skinny kid from New Jersey obscure Tracy Nelson also would later become The Fabu­ You can hear Stevie Rayon playedfor a dollarcover. Spring­ played that curious blend of lous Thunderbirds (check out albums and tapes, but if you steen, I think his name was. country/psychedelic music. their album Butt Rockinl want to hear this music live, go When ZZ Top came up from TheOneKnite was a different When Stevie Ray moved down immediately (do NOT pass go, Houston you could hear them story. While the Armadillo was from Dallas, he hooked up with do not collect $200) to the Blue here, if you could spring for the run for a profit, Roger and the Thursday band, Paul Ray MidnightPub, the3600 block of two dollar cover, and Country Roddy ran the One Knite for andthe Cobras. Paul Ray's band West Broward. No, it's not a Joe McDonald would lead the love of music, and so did the played much more straight dangerous area. Drink a beer, crowd in the Fish cheerwhen he musicians: halfway through the blues, but their style was trans­ drink several, have a seat, and passed through town. Asleep at evening a girlfriend ofoneofthe formed into R & B when Stevie wait for John to open up your the Wheel, a country band, band members would pass the Ray joined. Unfortunately, Paul soul with his guitar music. moved in from California, and hat, usually yielding· fifteen developed throat problems and -Steve E. Alford became the house band. bucks, maybe thirty on a good the band broke up, but from Greezy Wheels (whose leader, night. There, six nights a week, there Stevie Ray went on to Cleve Hattersley, recently re­ you could hearsome ofthe best form his current band, turned to Austin after managing rhythm and blues music in the Couldn't Stand the Weather, the Lone StarCafe in New York country for the price of a beer. and the most recent release,






that Amando needs "new" The first initiation is a trial by Have any of you maahvelous Ari's Hideaway material andsince Ican only rely fire; this means whoever eats people wondered what role Ft. on myself to provide it, well you the most knockwurst-on-a-stick Lauderdale plays in the Univer­ get the picture. gets elected. se? Not that Amando is waxing Saludos my daahlings and This leads me to a topic of The second initiation is a trial philosophic, but when you think welcome to the Hideaway. I interest. Do any of you maah­ by strength. This means that about it, there must be a reason would like to express my con­ velous people know who this anyone able to stand the breath for the existence of the Ft. Lau­ dolencesto my dearcousin, Fer­ person is going around saying of the first contestant wins the derdale Police Department. nando, who is no longer a "Whasss Up?"? Amando is second seat on the Senate. The only revenue that the city member of the now defunct thoroughly confused. Lately I The third trial is a trial of makes is from Spring Break. By "Saturday Night Live". Have have been looking up, but I see knowledge. This seat is of great raising the drinking age to 21, you been watching the new nothing. The owner of the importance, and is second only and eliminating open-drinking S.N.L.? It's absolutely rot­ phrase is none other than the to the Emperor himself. at the beach, they are creating a tenous. Billy Crystal, Eddie President of the Student Gov­ In the trial of knowledge, the ghost town. A close under­ Murphy, Joe Piscapo, Martin ernment, Robert Lamelas. Ro­ candidate must know who play­ ground informant, Chico-X, Short, Mary Gross, Brad Hall bert is a full-time student and ed Beaver in "Leave it to Bea­ told me that El-Salvadoran and other former members of part-time gladiator. You know ver" (hint: it was a male), sing to death squads have infiltrated S.N.L. are gone forever. NBC when he was young he could Lawrence Welk's greatest hits the Ft. Lauderdale Police De­ has kept a low profile through­ notafford a G.!. Joedoll, instead and know the capital of Ar­ partment. The conspicuous evi­ out the changeover, crossing he had a "G.!. Rodriquez". kansas. dence is due to the recently their fingers that somehow the You know, I propose that the Have you ever wondered passed mid-torso decapitation new cast will work-out. Unfor­ school have new student gov­ why Andy Rooney is allowed to penalty for parking tickets. tunately daahlings, Amando ernment titles. Amando per­ wonder? Where is this guy Well that's it for the Hide­ has never seen such a group of from? Is he Russian? Does he sonally feels that an Emperor away, and remember it is better losers. It seems to me that the wear anything other than grey? must be installed. Of course to look good than to feel good. new cast has no hopes at gain­ Does he have a mother? Did she everyone should elect Amando e Stay tuned for information ing the lost ground stolen with die ashamed? Did you ever because it is my idea. I like the on Amando's new fan club. the departure of the former wonderwhy he's getting paid to title "Emperor Amando", it has Remember this is only an ex­ talent. Of course this will in no wonder? Iwonderwhy I'm won­ a certain ring to it. hibition, not a competition, way affect the Hideaway that dering, and you know who you You know daahlings, you please no wagering. you so devotedly read each are! There are three words to could be eligible fora seatin "Ar­ -AriRoloff week, however; you may see describe Andy Rooney: omni­ nando'sSenate", butfirst we will more interpretive qualities ad­ present, purple and c1air­ have initiation rites. ded to this column. This means voyent NOL'A BOOKS, INC. ·.....n"·.:

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• Goddess: The Secret Lives ofMarilyn Monroe By A Summers. • On The Road with Charles Kuralt By C. Kuralt • The Road Less Traveled, By Scott Peck AND MANY MORE! 5V4 Disks $1.29 SS/DD. $1.59 . DS/DD And Do Not Forget We have the We Also Have School Supplies! TEXTBOOKS YOU NEED! Page 7 The Nova Knight When Mr. Artau had S.G.A. 30 minutes away, to make my school was open and my test meetings they turned into bat­ 8:30 class this would have was taking place despite the tles. As a matter of fact, a poll by meant leaving my home during continuing tornado warning, Treasurer The Nova Knight last year in­ the hurricane warning. I did gale warning and hurricane dicated that the afternoon what I thought was the logical watch. Is it me or is the whole Resigns S. G.A. fights were more popular move and began to call Nova fiasco utterly ridiculous. than any sport at Nova. The University to no avail. [ called A school with the high stan­ Cont'd from pg. 1 meetings underthe Lamelasad­ the University school and was dards Nova claims, and which ministration are orderly and ac­ told by a taped message they truly cares about its students, tually follow an agenda; there is would follow the decisions of would not adopt such a hap­ Eddie Artau, and the Vice-Pres­ even a guest speaker now and the Broward School Board. The hazard policy where safety is ident, Robert Lamelas. then. The Artau administration Law School was closed, but still concerned. Theyalso would not A repeat of last year's budget was described by one high rank­ no answer at Nova. When decide on the spur of the action would surely ruin the ing Nova official as resembling, someone finally answered at moment whether or not to hold S.G.A. economically. Moneyfor "the Medici rule" (of Florence). 8:30 (on the tenth ring), they classes, allowing students no clubs, parties and activities The advisor for the S.G.A. last claimed a decision was current­ time to prepare. I hope Nova would be so delayed that the year was Dr. Goldstein (of vice­ ly being made, could I please University will take into account S. G.A. would once again reekof president fame), but after a few call back. Unfortunately, Scotty the safety of its students more inefficiency (not like The Nova disagreements Eddie cut off re­ can not beam me in for classes seriously in the future. I also Knight which has a personal lations and proceeded to do instantly, so deciding at 8:30 hope they repair the obvious accountant who is of the best everything on his own. It is no whether or not to hold an 8:30 student-faculty communication quality). wonder that he was named class is simply not enough gap, so the resulting confusion Whoever takes over Miss "King Edward [". warning. and embarrassment will not Reis' job is undertaking one of When the Lamelas adminis­ When I finally got through occur again. the most important jobs in the tration is attacked, it is not due to again at 8:50, [ was informed -Barry Feingold Senate. Let the voters be aware lack of accomplishments, rather of who they are electing. a lack ofobservance of the Con­ -Danny Defoe stitution. Keep up the good work, Robert Lamelas, your AM IMVITA TIDM TD EIDTIC hard work is appreciated. But don't think we are going to stop IMDfJMEnAN DINIM' watching you. President vs. -Jeffrey Grimm NIUDA 1IIIHJllfllAlllflTAUIAIIT President

Cont'd from pg. 1 Nova's party was also initiated by him. Hurricane Kate Anyone here at Nova last year knows of the many crimes com­ Fiasco mitted by Mr. Artau. Itis lucky for the students that Cont'd from pg. 1 Mr. Lamelas did not follow the footsteps of his predessor. Our present President has weekly ridden night on some gym floor Jacaranda Square meetings, listens to suggestions, in a shelter waiting for Kate. Are 1861 N. Pine Island Road and works for the students. Stu­ they to be prepared for classes PLANTATION dent clubs are strong and pros­ the next day? There are at least (N.W. Corner of Sunrise Blvd. &Pine Isle Rd.) pering due to his approval of two Nova students to whom this their proposed budgets. He has did happen. If this were not worked hard to encourage at­ infuriating enough don't worry, tendance at sporting events (it the madness does not end For Reservations Call 475-0004 was a unique sight to witness here. Mon.-Fri. Lunch ~ial omy 13." Eddie at a game). He has work­ When the first news show [ which includes drI....(non aJcohoIic) entr.., deuerta ed with JR's to establish a Nova watched Monday night failed to Rathskeller and to get student mention Nova's closing, I rates initiated. He has approved watched a couple of others. the establishment of a Student Some gave long lists ofclosings, 14.00 * 01"CaRTIFlCAn * 84.00 Athletic Council (to assist ath­ with Nova not listed. Others Towa,.. Eac:tl Ordar crt Our T~I claimed all schools and univer­ InaTTAFEL letes in need of guidance help) The Moat Famous crtlndDMelan ow­ and is working to have the Stu­ sities were closed. When I went 16 DeliciDua eour- dent Union built. As a matter of to bedMonday night, Iassumed This certificate expires 12/30/85 fact; articles concerning him are logic would prevail and Nova not taken as a personal affront would close with the others. ~~------~--·OR------(90% of the time) but rather as Besides, Kate would be there by constructive criticism. Mr. Artau morning and Iwasn't going any­ 12.00 * QIFrCaIn1FICAn* 12.00 would fume and attack the where anyway. Of our exotic dinner entrees minute he saw his name in print Tuesday morning was like the (the way he will when this paper night before, wet and windy but This certificate expires 12/30/85 is sent to him in Georgetown). no hurricane. The hurricane The list of fine constructive work warning was still in affect until goes on. 8:00 a.m. Since Ilive more than Page8 The Nova Knight philosophers refused to allow 'The Inquiring Mind'? Do you Future Issues their words to serve a political have to tolerate reading this Inquiring system? What if all philosophers drivel that seems inspired more Now at the University of Florida by an editor's deadline than by a Into called for a nationwide alert by journalist's sense of what is Another FI.N. report, re­ their colleagues, asking them to worth reading? No? minding you to think ahead. Government "call a spade a spade"? (Would ONLY 88 DAYS UNTIL Policy this affect reruns of THE MAL­ Hope that's enough for this THE MARCH!! TESE FALCON?) Would you issue, John. Alley oop. What March? expect every political philoso­ Steve The March in March on Have you seen the video for pher to call a press conference Washington, D.C.! SUN CITY? What is the name of every time he or she saw a mis­ Art UnlimIted Here's a simple formula for the group which produced the use of philosophy for pro­ setting up your own COUNT­ album and what are the aims paganda or for justifying a DOWN sheet next to your they hope to achieve through ruler's unjust actions? How Modem calendar. its release? many professors would keep 31 days in December Did you see the Phil Donahue their jobs if they pointed out the and 31 days in January program with Stevie Van --­ misuses by the government 28 days in February arguing with the manager of which directly or indirectly pays Abstract 9 days in March (the march SUN CITY? (Where is Sun their salaries? How many begins March 9) City?) would-be doctoral candidates ART Was that a hostile situation or would be waiting for another 99 days from December 1, what? Can you imagine what philosopher to denounce a mis­ 1985 to March 9, 1986. would happen if the entertain­ use of philosophy, hoping for In Substract the days which ment artists who are scheduled another vacancy to appear? have passed in December (this to appear at SUN CITY heed Wouldn't it be natural for phil­ PrIntand Poster issue appears on December 11, the album's call for a boycott of osophers to wantto shut up and 1985, a Tuesday (hopefully) this idyllic casino located in take care of themselves before Designs and we arrive at our headline. Bophutoland? (Is it obviousthat helping others? Does the con­ from As mentioned in a previous Iguessed atthespelling andthat cept of "clean your own house article, you would do yourself a I don't know if it's really called before you offer to clean some­ favor to save now for the future. Bophutowana?) (Does it matter one else's house" apply with the If you travel in a car with three if I tell you that Kenyans call notion of abused human - Amsterdam- other people, transportation South Africa "Azania"?) rights? - Dusseldorf- might be under $40 and the Do you think that the third­ Do you agree with StevieVan -London- hotel room for three nights (two rate performers who can't make .--- whoarguesthattheprincipal nights will be onthe road) might off-off-off Broadway are going problem in Africa is freedom? and be $30, plus a two-dollar limit to resist the opportunity to per· Do you think that the manager -Paris- on food ($16) and a 15% safety form as Frank Sinatra's alter­ of Sun City is hiding behind his'll be glad you star­ nate at SUN CITY? Do you feel pragmatism when he claims ted saving a dollar a day start­ sad when you think about this that the chief problem threaten­ These Prints in ing tomorrow. Art "most politically aggressive ac­ ing Africans today is starvation your home or office are For information on how you tion taken in thehistory of enter­ caused by economicdepression can participate in the March or tainment" (Phil Donahue's and underdevelopment? Does unique, because they are how you can get on the "Free­ words)? Does it seemto youthat this South African fellow need a not for sale in United dom Train" and ride to D.C., to SUN CITY will weather this COM 112/COM 102 review of States Galleries. see a member of the Nova Col· whirlwind just as South Africa's logic, argumentation and, more lege Forum on Women's Issues government has successfully specifically, fallacious argu­ .472·3540. (formerly upofficially called the survived its Soweto boo-boos? ments? Whose band does Ste­ Nova Students Women's For­ Why don't we take a similar vie play for? To whom would um). To find'out who is a mem­ proposition? Did you know that you turn to find out? Who on -Charles- ber, speakto Bonnie"Those are some people think that "ideo­ The Nova Knight staff could my streetlights" Rosen or Ms. logy is philosophy atthe service answer that question? Why did Erica Henry, President of the of politics"? What if all political John Hartsell call this column NCFWI. -Steve Conger , Staff: Editor John Harstell

Assistant Editor '!. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Elizabeth Armstrong Business Manager Charles Reichenberger Sports Editor ~ Joel Onigbinde Entertainment Editor Barry Feingold Future Issues Now ' Steve Conger ~'s Hideway Ari Roloff

Staff: ~ ;. .• s .- • Doren~ Alberts. Steven E. Alford. Danny Defoe. Jeffrey Grimm. and Juliet S~lIette

The Nova Knight is a bi-weekly j.iUU.lcation, written and editeu oy students of Nova College. Any opinions expressed are those ofthewriter and do not necessarily reflect the attitude of the administration, faculty, staff orstudents. Letters to the editor are encouraged and may be submitted to the newspaperboxin room 245 ofthe ParkerBuilding. Letters mustbetypedandsigned in orderto bepublished and aresubjectto editingfor condensing purposes. Names will be withheld upon request