
Clubs: Massive Sven Vath and New Bohemia competitions r-' A year in arts: what's been hot and not (chill out Brad) tJ) N Friday / May 15 / 2009


Cc mmen & Should there be quotas for football? MPs expenses and the BNP Paddy Ashdown interviewed Plus BUCS 2008/09 reviewed Is 'no platform' the best strategy? Plus the ups and downs of drug use

..., •,• the streets around the of student changeover on universities, and contributes the local communtty, while to bad feeling between the reducing the amount of useful LEAVE student population and more ttems going to landfill. permanent residents for the rest of the year. The information In this leaflet will help you look after your LEEDS Student households often local area 'Nhen leaving leave packing until the last and to dispose of unwanted minute so all rubbish is put belongings in the correct way. TIDY~oM out at the same time, 'Nhich If you need more informatton creates a mess as rubbish is please vistt the website: left all over the streets. Not e1eecfa dy.com or Leave Leeds Tidy only does this look untidy but rt call O , ., 38ul 329. is here to help also blocks traffic. Another big you when moving problem are scavengers 'Nho go through bins and bags of Changeover house over the rubbish to look for ttems to sell summer! or for personal informatton on Wardens bills to steal. Every year, during the summer, A team of Changeover thousands of students move The environment also suffers Wardens will be on the streets between properties or away as a vast quantity of useful promoting the 'Leave Leeds from Leeds. Much of this stuff ends up in landfill sttes as Tidy' message. They will be 'changeover' occurs over the rt gets thrown out during this reactive ·eyes and ears' same couple of weeks at the change-over period. alerting relevant agencies to end of June/start of July, 'Nhen Leave Leeds Tidy is a project any issues as they occur. housing contracts end. coordinated by Leeds If you see anything that University Union's Volunteering you'd like to report to these This 'big move· usually & Community office, 'Nhich wardens please call: causes a massive amount aims to reduce the impact of rubbish and chaos on Clubs: Massive Sven Vath and New Bohemia competitions r­ A year in arts: what's been hot and not Cl) N Leeds

Leeds marking system labelled 'perverse'

Leeds University's degree classification system has been branded 'perverse' by extemal examiners. Yet this report was never passed on to the Quality :\ssurance Agency, an orgamsaaon that reviews university standards. Gavin Reid, dfrecmr oF learning and reaching in the School of Chemistry in a statement to the lnnovarion, Universities, Science and Skills Committee said ·''O,c QAA onl) secs what manab,cmcnt puts in frontofir." ·n,c news, reported yesterday by the Ti111es f-li,gher Ed11calio11, comes as Leed.r Student is going to prim, and just as many srudents are preparing to sit exams. Dr Reid explained how, under the Leeds system, marks of bcrv.-een zero an

Comment & Debate Features Final issue round-up MPs expenses and the BNP Drugs and Lib Dems Should there be quotas for football? Is 'no platform' the best strategy? The ups and downs of drug use BUCS 2008/09 reviewed Plus, a look back at the year that was Interview with Paddy Ashdown I Friday, May 15, 2009 " " le<·dsstudcnt.org Leeds Student 02

The Leeds Student newspaper is the voice of the students of the University of Leeds. We are one of Leeds University Union's largest and most active societies with over 200 members. Interest Whether you have Uni papers in danger aspirations of being a top rates fall journalist, or just enjoy From front writing and want to try an absence in issues means anr publications forced to slash S"tudenl that NUS rccogmscs the to zero something new, we want deficit cannot be cannot be clawc(\ workforces or close altogether. unportancc of student newspapers, Dafydd Pritchard you to join us. back; in a catch 22 siruation there 140 staff were out on strike at the in parocular the "crucial means of simply isn't the space for money Leeds based Yorkshire Evening Post communication they provide for generating advcns. group m March, after compulsor)' students at university." Nash went Got a Story? Advertising worries mean that redundancies arose from on to acknowledge the broader role Student debt worries couJd be of the student press: ''They play a Has a crime or a dodgy over 25 per cent of editors have unmanageable levels of debt. The eased with the announcement serious concerns about their financial group has acknowlcd!,,cd revenue is vital role on campus, nor o nl y that the Student Loans providing students with information landlord made you the fu rure. at an all time low, with their position Company will apply a Oper cent but also offering volunteers practical victim of injustice? E ight o ut of thirteen newspapers reflecting that of many other regmnal interest rate from 1 September face advertising resuictions put in newspapers. experience of journalism." 2009 -31 August 2010 in the UK. Are you fed up with your \X,' ith place by their w1ion, at a ume when But the news that student most national newspapers While the rate of interest makes School's constant advertising revenues have rumbled publications are suffering just like running news websites, o nline no difference to borrowers' advertising offers an additional blundering? nationall}'· Such bans typicallr their larger-scale countcrpans could mon thly repayments, it will prevent student ne\\·spapers from be another blow to the industry. source of income for man}' We're here to inform as effectively freeze the amount owed advertising companies that compete Many srudems grun experience at publications. Despite all those Repayments will remain at a well as entertain, and we with union services, preventi ng many newspapers li ke Leeds Student before surveyed having websites in place or fixed am o u nt, with borrowers planned, on.I ) Yo rk newspaper from advertising businesses li ke clubs going o n to gain jobs in joum alism repaying 9 per cent of theireamings want to hear from you. Nouse is able to 1,,cnernte a and bars, which tend to rely o n large or related fields, with this newspaper over the income threshold of promotions. boasting a long li st of alumni significant income through o nline £15,000. Email us at A referendum mouon put currendy employed by national advertising. For the vast majo rity, T raditionally, student loans have publications. websites provide no additional cash [email protected] or fo n.vard in March attempted to hft been subject to an inrercst equal to some o f the restrictio ns the / .,eer/s Srudem newspapers can also at al l. the Retail Price lndcx. Some have Whilst the recession continues, call 0113 380 1450. Shl(knl faces but was unsuccessful, ful fill an 11nportant duty in criticised the decision by the SLC to new casualties continue to appear. It All correspondences will falling sho rt of the 1500 votes supporting the clemocraoc process of implement a O per cent interest rate remains to be seen whether srudent required to reach quorum. anr sn1dem union, bonging instead of the current -0.4 per cent be treated with the credibility to the process br offeri ng journalism can be sustained on life­ Srudem newspapers are no t alone. set by the RPI. utmost confidentiality. The financial struggles o f local, an independem voice, and holding suppon until the economy shows The S LC made the decision regional and national press has been those elected accountable. signs of recovery. If it can't, the because loans are already well Susan Nash, NUS vice president srudent journalist may become a the subject of media focus over the subsidised, and it would be difficult Make contact. Right a last few months, with a number of (society and ciozenship) told Leeds thing of the past. to justify to taxpayers a situati~n wrong. whereby students take out loans m 2009 / 10 and thei r balances are immediately reduced. Classifications unclear T he repayment threshold u·ill Corrections also remain at £15,00CI for the next If you feel we have From front 12 months. Had a negative RPI rate been used to calculate this, the reported something spokeswoman said. v-lne system is Abinh,don asked University CoUcgc could be done to mcrease threshold would have reduced innaccurately or unfairly, under conti nual review.'" Union representati\'cS if they felt transparency. "T here's certainly a This will affect those who have we want to hear from you ·n ,e Q AA did not disclose the pressured not to speak out ag.linst disconnection between the intncacies an outstanding student loan taken ~pccific details of the University's thcir msti tutions. of the academic system and the out after September 1998 as well as to put things right. report, but ~aid that the rcpon listt.-d D r. Reid said: "Some feel they srudenL~ it is applied to," he said. applicants for both mamte~ance Contact us at good practice and recommendations 0tn't speak out in staff meetings, let The news will do little to alla) lo ans and tuition fee loans m thr identified by the auditors. alone to 1imes I hgher Education." editor@leedsstudent. org fears of bias in marking, which has current and next academic year Trle T l IE a.l so rcponed that at the Rob l leath, a third year Physics been the subject of many discussions Loans taken out before this dare :ut sdect committee hearing, the I jb under!,,mduate, who is famihar with 111 recent years. paid through a different, fixed Dem ,\IP fo r \'l'.'cst and t.hc processing of results. feels more payment.

djtor ew [email protected] Laurie Whitwell Virginia Newman, Adam k':f;:S dziewska, Rachel Wyncoll Meet [email protected] Richardson, Oaire Freeston, r Clare Pidsley, Sarah Matthew Power Allen, Caitlin Vandertop ~(\Pl hdi,tors As!".9_dAt& [email protected] features ~leedssrudent.org Mark Sellick, Phil Lewis, Naomi the John Puddephatt Wilkinson, Sam Raman [email protected] ',pprt Fi Deb.- A

£15ktodear Play that funky ntusic live, boy up student Emily Dexter final where he performed Joan Osbourne's 'One of L·s· ,rn

Accident Library fines still n1ounting victim on hiswayto £110,919; Liver pool recci\'ed Laurie Whitwell la'>t year grew to a whop ping significant amounts repetiti\·el}' £ 106,059.93; Brisrnl coll ecte d Alex Doorey £160,(MlO. collected suggest t h e deterre n t recovery Claims that the cash flow from strategy is not working, with Leed s £ 102,11 5; York took £99,.13 1; and borrowers had fa llen this year were collecting far more than simila r sized Bim1ingham chimed /__:98,357 .93. The Univers it y li brary continues met wnh sums that rem ained sky ums. Leeds' ti1-,1"Urcs fo r the current year to rake it in from slack borrowers :!:c: !;;C:~~~~~~=~:~;"1 high, with a fall of 1ust 9.5 per cent. Lmls Studmt p laced f·rcedom of are equally as eye-opening. l·rom and still to p s the n atiomtl table of pub is making a good on T he total fu nd from August rn Information requests with nearly all -\ugw;t 08 to 1.-cbruar \" 119 Leeds fine coUecting, Leeds Student has according to one of his~· l·'.chruary still stood at a sh ocking Russell Group um vcrsities, a'>king rccci\'ed [144,415 in libran· fin es learnt. \ car struck Scott Mulligan, iJ 1. 144,415, four times the amoum fo r the tot;tl amounts coll ected in while from . \ug:ust 08 to ,\larch 09 In \ larch we rc,·caled how Leeds in the early hours of l\ovcmbcr 28 fi ned hy neighbouring um fines b)· their libraries for 07 /08 .1 nr:1du.ue, foiled m respond 10 \\ l· can now cs.pose how the ).,"J.p :~llm~·cd _borrowers to obtain. higher is ,mprovmg. Imes bdon: havmg lcndmg pm·1 lc1,..rcs with the tot;tl srnnding at [1-2,446. the request and 1s now the subject of between the two 1able-tnppmg unis re m oved. ''T hc threshold was \ftcr this came Sheffield with an mtcrnal rcvit:w. origtnally introduced in consultation with st.udents to pn:\"Cnt their Student borrowtng being blocknl mo rapid]~ when_ usmg our ,df...,cr\"ICc lending promoters foc1ht1L·s m the CH:nmg," Coutt" said. \\ 'hile tht: fi1-,~n.:" for the current yea r ha\"C dippcd, they still rcpn:..,cnt continue a significant income from stucli.:nt:. Action is yet to be taken who .uc already paying f\1)0(1 a year ag:ainst s tudents who are tu111on fccs with the rc..,ults once distributing promo1ional 1 flyers around h a ll s of ~:~t:1~.a~~~~l~n~~e'lt~l:~:~ ~~:~t71\~~ residence that .. the sole purpo"e of I .ihr;lr\ Last October, 1~ed ; Studrnl lines is to pn:,·cnt mdi,·iduals frrn;, l_earn1 lhat _students working L ______J ket:ping h<,ok" f(1r unn·a<,

Apex Housing woes continue fined

Tom Knowles he.fore \\"arncr sent new mattresses bonds to he returned. The tenant, Apex Homes studen1 !cuing Marcus Chippindale after their original ones broke. The 1hird year student I.con Scale, agent has become che first in first time Sam received ;1 wriacn lluwns.sa1d: . Leeds to receive a fine after lcncr from \lr. \X 'a rncr about the .. \\·e were repeatedly told that the.: failing 10 license a shared Housing has once again filled matrresses was after his houst:matc che(1ue was c1thcr 111 the post; waiung student house. numerous column inches in Leeds failed to pay his rem on time to be sii-.Tfled; or that \\'a mer was off Tht: companr was f1nnl S111denf this year. ··J k stated in a lawyer's ktter that 1\1 and would not be able tO sign the.: [},500 and ordncd to pay T:mq /.,unan, fom1t:r thrcctnr of our claims w<:re 'without mem', but chec1ue. It was onl\ after repeatnl [1,SOOmcosts. foiled stucknt lctung ag1.:n1 that 'once the arrears ar<: brought up lctters threatening court acaon, and Th<: fine was handed out after PrO\·idt:ncc Properties, w.1s ,pom:d to date, our client will furth<:r repeated calls to the agenc~· with l·utur:t pkaded guilty to on campus this wcck, wnh n:pnrts imTstigate your concerns'; which is .1 whom he 1s currently le1t1ng br<:achmg tht· rq.,'t1lat1ons of the suv.gcsting th,u he came m co ,;,pc;1k bit comradictory." S0m1 e,plained. prnpcr11es that the bonds were 20(J4 1lousmg . \ct. 11i1s rc1.1mrt:s to thi.: l.ll1 housing managu ··The lawyer said 1her would rctun1<:d." all shared hm1~<:s ;md bedsits Discussions arc said to have included threaten to take us to court if the rent Rc.:adcrs will recall that 1n our with mort· th:tn four tenants an agn:1.:mcm th:u he.: will hcg:in IO w:1sn'1 paid up. But that \\·as th<: first prn ious artick on this subject living O\"t:r rwo ,;,core\'s to ha\·e a pa\' back some of the dcprn>ll mom:~ time w<: had got a r<:ply ;tbout the 1-'ebruary 20 2009), we rqxmcd th;u I louse in .\luhipk c·>ccupauon hcmn:s fromJulr. mattn:ss. ,It goes siraighl IO the Ludr St11dt11I h,1d b<:cn informed h} 11.\10) liccnct:. There \'i OOI such positi\l.' m.:ws aggressive. .\Ir. \\"arncr's solicitors that \\'arncr l'he compan\' rcnted ou1 a howc"·cr from the Studcnt Propcn, This :tcadcm1c \T:tr has seen a Properties no longer take deposits. house to se\"en stlldcnts in Shop which conunucs to trade.: r<:cord attcntbnce at I.LiL.:'s housing In I ...reds St11de11fs last amck on i-.:.ensing1on Terrace:, dcspm: not being: rcgistcrcd with Unmerited excuses talks for thos<: looking for a house to \\. arner Properties, James \\ arncr's Hc.:admglc,·, wHhout rq~istering­ Cnipol or appear on Compan~ rent .rnd cons1stemlv high numbc.:rs solicitor Stated that it was important thc property as ;t / 1\10. I louse ~adia ll1hal, thc owrn.:r, h)llowing an inspcction, by ;111 of studL·nts coming 1n to ha\'C a to remember that out of ,1 \Oil() Councillor I .cs ( .artt:r, I _,:eds previously assured l.uth S!Hdo1I independent bed c,pt-rt, ;umngcd by c(1ntract checknl. tenants onlv two had complain<:d. Cit\' Council's t:,<:cUt1\·e hoard (h.:bm:1ry 6 2009) that th1.: compan~ \Ir \\"arm:r, the tenants rccci\'ed nnv J"hc fi1ul cts<: aµainst l:tndlord Y<:1 as more students ha\·<: come would be n:gisu..:rcd "hy tht• cnd" of tnattresscs. Ror\' \nkins, who failed to return me~ba for housing, w:ts high!) forward to stat<: th<:ir problems with cruical of the ktting a.l!cnt's that week J.1m<:s \\ arm:r respondnl, \"i,1 his nuny s1mkn1 deposits or co place \\ arn<:r Propcrti<:s it s<:t:ms such a conduct. \nother problem landlord, solicitor, stating: '"Thc tenants 1n tht·m m th<: go\-crnm<:m scheme, has statement may ha\"C to b<: r<: cm-cn:d lw l.rrt/J.fou/m/11-chnury 2tl qu<:stion ha,·c still not m<:t tht· rem now lx:cn closed succosfulh· "\s .m n.pcn<:ntnl comp:tny, considcrcd by J~m<:s \\ 'arnt:r :tnd his they ,hould h:tH' known b<:m:r 2009;, James\\ arner has faced arrears and the bcl1d is 1ha1 th<:sc Rob D.um;10, I .L L' C:o~munm S(1licittirs. Thousand, of bndlords further eompl.unts from unhapp~ 1ssucs arc bcmg used as c,eus<:s. ·111e ( )fticer who co ordm:ttnl man, 1;f ren,rnts .1bnur his comp;tn\' \\ .uner nuuresscs were replaced ;1fter the 1hc c.101p;U.L,'llS, commcntt·

Support for a National Bursa'), Scheme for !iUJdents Meredith trial edges to verdict became official Leeds Cit\· Council policy last Tuesda~:. Adam Richardson Pros<:cu1ors h;\\ e told the court l.tcd, ~tudt·H rtporttd sh<: was murdered :tf1cr refusing to < lctoht r l- 2nOH h ll 111<: tak<: part in a drug--fuelled orh~ l m, ("r,11, lud u der ,pcm on i-.:.nox proclaim<:d her innon·ncc hursaric b~ ,., ntlilon and The trial of rwo suspects accused .lt ;t closed-door mal on ( k1olx·r I .. lut 1hcrc \\i.:fl: c.ills for of murdering Leeds Er;.1smus n;t 1onal h ir:.:nt sch( nc 10 211118. She has subsn1ucmh' gcnt.·rated student Meredith Kercher much m<:dia CO\"crag<:, g;1thcring <:n,urc t.111ncs,. continues in Italy. support in .\menca. D:1n1H \dil\pour, l.ll Thn.T pcoplc \\-crt· :1rrc,cnl 1n Gut:dc was calkd 10 g1vc t·\·itknc<: 1.dut·,mon ( >ffin·r, c>.plam<:d: conneccion with \tiss l,.;.erchcr·s in the trial of hnox and S0tlccit1), hut '\ .\ result of thl pn.·scnt.1t1on mun.la. One man, Rud~ I krm:1nn r<:fuscd to respond to t1uesti11ns, \\(.' m.1dt In th( Snuum Board ( iuc.:dt:, w.1s com·ictcd of murder in exercising his right, under lt.llian law, for ( it, .rnd Rq.~11111:d ( ktohu 2008. Two othcr suspt:cts not toansw<:r. Parint·rships thq .uc no~ ;arc currt:ntly on tri.1l. Prosccutors claim that there is \\Tttmg 10 \IPs asking tht·m to Gut·tk w,1s scmcncnl to 710 ,-c;1rs p11~1wm D\. \ eddcnce on ;1 knife ,llld on supp11n 1n1r .1s wdl." imprisonment in .1 fast tr:Kk tri.11. It is \liss i-.:.crcher's br;1 th;ll allegedh Counctllor J.tnlls Lewis believed th;lt Gunk opted for a links tht: murder IO .\Ir Sollccno. · who sn· "n zhi.: Scrutlll\ Bo.1rd, tjuickt·r tn;tl in le;1r th,n 1he two othcr i-.:.no, ,ind Solkcito both tkn\ cc1mmc•1tcd: su,;,p1..·c1s \m:1nd:t "no, .1nrg Leeds Student Oil projects Shock as VC n1edals discovered trigger LUU Julia Richardson !"he c.hscnn:ry of the med,tls was to close RBS hought to the attention of prop<.:rl~ m:rnagn \like J,e<1nard -'Rt:s1dc:nti,1\ and Commercial Scn:icesJ, :m 1.:, account The rcmark .. blc disco\'cry of 17 Royal Fnginc:c:r with a kcc:n int1.:r1.:st war medals on campus h:u; in local ;1nd milit,1n history, " I t wa:­ Matthew Power unravelled the lost histof) of an ,l hit like Tune Tc:a·m - we\m:w his ex Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the n;une and could identify some of the Uni\'crsity. most thsuncun: medals, but tht:n we Leeds Unfrcrsity Union (LUU) riv.: mcdal\, hdongtng to I .t Col c.1me to ;t lktd c:nd," expl:iins \like. has confim1ed that it "ill close its l11hn"I1111ma,\\ 'hctt

Brad's greasy views the performance as amateur, which, well observed Bradley, it was. \X1c nc\·cr Health drink title misleads -Did we have news for you- Dear Editor, claimed to be anything more than a 1 am writing in n::sponsc to the rc:vicw group of students; this isn't the \~'est Dear Editor, I laving of Grease which appeared in last End. worked with this specific ln response to the '\X:'hat's your Alibi?' What a year it's been. lvlet's VC resigned in a group of students though, 1 personally week's Leeds St11dmt. As co.director of article in the May 8 issue of LJerls St11de111 Leerls St11dmt's finest have funding furore, there was this production, put on and pcrfom1ee team ,md actors C\'Cn if for slightly the wrong reasons,' I when there is still no rigorous scicncific themsch·cs to the odd to be

-Clean up, look sharp-

Students are like Vikings: first, but when they start to they swarm i n a t once, rot an's c.oreers serv-.ce, l. around 'helping' students can pick up a copy of obto;,,e,J. "':i tr"°""\J CD\froc.t- before I even to move. Jimmy Hill's autobiography stortetJ. t/....e Gl:>L" Most likely this will be in while you're there. the same way that your Priceless. Jonathan Reynolds Full-time GDL Manchester, 2007/08 mate 'helps' you clean up And if it gets to July and Trainee, Addleshaw Goddard after a house party you're still out of ideas for (shouting instructions from how to get rid of your 0845 078 0932 underneath the duvet) but stuff, just carry it to Hyde [email protected] you get the idea. Park, pile it up and burn it. Sofas in the street might Joking. www.bpplawschool.com look cool and bohemian at 08 Friday, May 15, 2009 '\\.ie,·

u Vt; ::, ty. a::. ct.11 ""0 it? v~c II.Jo

KieranToms Maria Yasin [email protected] [email protected]. uk

o qar1 hluntlv: mc:aninglcss. I .1fr 1s not :1 mad he end of the actualh it is Just pan of a massi\"e t·ni,-erstty gradu;ttcs charge towards somc: arhttrar) academic vi.:ar scam to roh \'OU of \"Ou r monc, c:lrn on aH:ragc mont:tar~· t'1gure that must bl' Results from usually fi.tlls me "w·1th.· ,md sanity. I'm tn·ing not to comt: ,ll1oul a quartcr more.: acl1ic,"t:d as early as po!-.sihlc nostalgia, anXJ(.'t, ;1cross as ;1 die- hard sociali ,;1 but th;tn pt:opk who Pkmy of pcoplc ha\'t: increased last week's poll: and excitement fo r rcalh isn't I hghcr Lducation iust lean: 'iChool after tht:tr bank haLmce to unmugmablc th(.' future. But wtth about 1nst1tutionali;,ing us and th<-·1r \ kn:ls [e,·cls hut no nn1..· lus c,Tr nunaged Tthl· c:nd nigh such frclmgs do fail charnmg us to a job. :111~· iob, that 'fhus. from a fin,mcial poin1 of to extcnd th1..·ir lik to permanencc. mc. Instead anger and regret, I'm \\·ill pay off the student debt? I'll \It:\\, going to unin:rsity i, worth il. Time is more \'alu:1hlc. If you st;irt Should we be afr:1id to s:ly, pen-adt: emotions lca,·c that thought with you. C)f course, thl·rc's a n.:ccssion on, ,,·orking \\ hcn \'ou'rt: I 8, you'll th.ti I app:1rently should be feeling \ maior misconception is that a hut in the long term, If is srill worth spend ;1hout 52 H';1rs nn a carcer worrying about as a final-~·car student. Lnlikc my degr1..·c wi ll hd p us secure a well­ H. It's not as if not having ,t dcgn:c Thi.: ni.:xt thing to look foru :trd 10 swine flu? peers I havi.:n't found myself paid inb with a prestigious fi rm. will m,1.l:icill~ gift ~ou ;l ioh :rnyway, wilt Ix reurc.:1111..·m. rhc.:n de;Hh. \\ In longing for morl' lecturt:s "Dr I lownt:r, rcccnt ligurc.:s refl ect the it•._ tough for n <.:r\'onc. \\ ht:n all not han: a shghtl~· more enioyablc Blah Ulah Ulah !litnallyJ was thc mnilocrny of the currt:nt financial these cnrpor.ue l>l·hcmoths han: start to that slog ..md work just tht: bc.:st lecturer" or ,,·ishcmmunin pl(.'asure and c.:xcitl.'.lllt:nt on 'ln1roducuon to ah

coalition in the next election, it's a for tertiary education increases." description that's made with This notion of online learning is increasing frequency. On this note, I not one which Ashdown restricts to ask Ashdown who the Lib Dems solving the funding crisis in should side with in such an education. He argues that it has far eventuality, a question to which I'm wider implications, which he realised damned if I get a straight answer; "My almost a decade ago: only advice is 'don't listen to old "My solution to the millennium warhorses in the backseat' (himself project was to create this database included). Every leader has a hand to with all the information in the known play and only Nick will know what's world stored on it, sort of a modem right for the Party at this time. I'm day technological equivalent of the sure Nick will make the right British Museum, in which we would decision.'' have accumuJated and stored all the Surrende,ing to the fact that I information. We would have been wasn't going to get a definitive information brokers, just like response, we then tum to education, insurance brokers." a topic I introduce jovially: "So, Yes, but wouJd it have been safe? education, education, education", I ''It would have been perfectly safe, say. "... which I invented. Blair stole because what you do then is open it our idea .. , Paddy remarks abruptly. I up completely, so every British citizen seem to have touched a nerve. has free, full-time access to that "It is the fundamental investment information. So you have new you have to make, especially in this technologies serving not the post-industrial age. We will prosper government, but the citizen. And I as a nation on intellectual capital. still believe that if we'd have done That's how we will survive. Labour that, it would have helped to generate have invested in education, yes, but I the intellectual capita! of this country don't think they've done it how I in a way like no other." would have done it, and 1don't think With time running out, I ask it's achieved the outcomes I would Ashdown if he had any \.visdom to have liked to have seen." I probe this impart to the students of Leeds. The a ck.track to a month or so ago signing with half an hour of the Switzerland. There seemed to be little further, asking what reforms question prompts a bashful shrug of and I was making an insomnia allotted time remaining. My star-o good fortune about trading this in to Ashdown would have made to the the shoulders and a 'Well, I'm not Bfuelled coach journey back up meter began to wane. Then we met. take on an active yet unrewarding role system He draws upon two main sure about 'wisdom"' response. north following a brief excursion to a Ashdown has this aura of wisdom at the heart of British liberal politics. points. "Okay", I ease towards compromise, landlocked fishing village down south about him - one of those people "] am a political animal. l only Firstly, 'Td like to see a second "what about some advice then?" that goes by the name of Sheffield. whose confidence simultaneously discovered that in my thirties. Once chance education ... ! want an Tlearnt far more after I left formal To stave away boredom, my friend reassmes you whilst making you feel you're a political animal, you're always education system for the late education", Ashdown remarks. "It and I decided to indulge in a little extremely helpless at the same time. a political animal. My days of developers", he says. doesn't matter if you don't get U1to quiz. Nothing too taxing on our He orders a coffee (plus one celebrity frontline politics are over, but I'm very Secondly, and rather more the career of your choice straight weary brain cells, just a few simple point) and starts displaying happy to help from the backseat. It's controversially, Ashdown states: away. Take some time to experience questions; "Name three different somewhat of a Crackberry addiction not all about power; it's about "Now, you're not going to like this life, explore what you want todo. types of French cheese" being one by checking the beast on a regular something you believe in." I at Leeds .. .! think education systems didn't fall into my chosen path until that springs to mind. basis (the true mark of a VIP, surely?). Speaking from his backseat role, are the centre of networks, but I think late into my thirties. Never ever stop Round one successfully executed, We're back in business. Ashdown talks highly of the current we're too tied to the idea of them learning." cue round two and my starter for ten: The autobiography, entitled 'A Lib Dem leadership, including the being building-based. To solve the As soonto-be graduates of the 'Who is the current leader of the Fortunate Life', is more a tale of Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, conundrum of funding. we should recession, it comes as a great comfort Liberal Democrat Party?" Ah, I knew personal than political triumph. It Vince Cable; "He has this amazing not be so tied to buildings and should to hear that we've still got a few years this one. At least I thought I (lld, or documents Ashdown's ability to take a complex issue and engage more in remote learning. We on our side. maybe I'd confused actually knmving extraordinarily varied existence; from phrase it in terms that people could educate much better, I think, if the answer with the fact that I should his [ndian beginnings in 1941, his understand. He is an asset to the education wasn't so tied to buildings. Sarah Allen knowit? It'safineline. Swallowing family's migration to !reland, his Party, an asset to the country as a I think the building itself should be my pride, I asked for his initials and experiences in the Royal Marines, whole.Q Likewise, he holds Nick Clegg somewhere that's visited maybe once finally arrived at Nick Oegg. Oh, the time spent serving as a Foreign Office in high esteem, stating that the two of a year. There's a lot of interactive shame. representative, working as a factory them are quite similar, both in terms learning today that doesn't have to Just imagine my bliss, then, when employee and then as a Youth of policy and character. take place in the classroom, or I discovered that Paddy Ashdown, the Worker...the list is endless · and all Like Ashdown, Clegg is pro­ even in the presence of most well-known leader in the Party's this before his political career kicked European and a "passionate teachers. It would be better if (albeit brief) history would coming off, which is where our conversation internationalist", yet he also possesses be we treated lecturers like we to Leeds to promote the recent begins. the same impatient streak that treated doctors and only went release of his autobiography. After '1be key decision in my life was plagued Ashdown in his youth and to them for the high values booking the interview, scenes from not about fate. It was also the most "... must learn the habit of patience - it that you really need personal 'Frost/Nixon' conjured up in my mind irresponsible decision. [twas also takes time to break through as contact for." as I anticipated a month's intensive potentially the worst decision. The leader", Ashdown notes, with a heady "Look, it was a radical idea thing I can't resist is when someone self-awareness. Itcomesasa political study in advance of our when f proposed it ten years says, 'It's impossible, it can't be done'. refreshing change to hear the two scheduled showdown. ago. No doubt it11 still be a Given my earlier demonstration of Something I've learnt is that if you're leaders phrased in similar terms since radical idea now. Perhaps it's presented with two options, always the media often portrays them as political knowledge, was 1 scared? Oh not ideal, but it responds to the take the more difficult one", remarks being at different ends of the political yes, I was petrified. demands of our time. That's Ashdown in relation to his decision to spectrum. Titis owes itself to Upon arriving at the city centre what our economic become a Lib Dem MP in 1976. He Ashdown's Labour-oriented past, bookshop on an non-descript competitors are doing in and his wife had set up home near rivalling Clegg's Tory values. Ths is Wednesday afternoon, I was Japan, Korea .. .it provides a Lake Geneva and were leading a " ... not accurate description, but one disappointed to discover that staff way of educating the masses comfortable and stable life as he that is easily made", Ashdown states. were already packing away the stall on a large scale as the demand that had been set up for Ashdo'NT!'s worked for the Foreign Office in Indeed, with the potential for a 10 Friday, May 15, 2009 w leed tu

By interviewing current and past students, Leeds Student considers the ups and downs of taking illegal drugs whilst at university,,.

he liber.ation of becoming a student in a smoked it with my friends at college back new place, and freedom from the home. It was almost like a rite of passage, Ttyrannical rule of Father Hitler and but you had to be wary of your folks. Coming Mother Pot is a big part of life. "It can be home red eyed and nearly in a comatose state ~uch a liberating experience to suddenly have was risky business ... Coming up to Leeds I this realisation that you are able to do what met a lot of people who also smoked it, plus you want: says Sam·, a guy I had managed to without the parental rules and it being able to meet through chance, a former student at the be delivered to your front door, I began University of Leeds. smoking it a lot more." he explains. Sam was not just a graduate, however; "I did drugs as a way of escaping from the during his time at Leeds he used to grow stress of uni. After a long day of lectures and maniuana. reading, there was nothing like coming home, "J had a big set up, but I only grew two putting on the TV and skinning up ... taking plants a time, with a total of 6 grown that first toke after a stressful day was altogether. I never sold any of it, it was heaven", Sam tells me, smiling, as if strictly for myself. It was just cheaper in the remembering that feeling. long runr he says with a cheeky smirk. "J had around 10 different dealers in my According to tht• Times Higher Education phone bl'fore I grew it for myself ... there are Guide, 33 percent of students use illegal so many dealers in Leeds, I even know drugs. This figure doe; not include those who students who have dealt weed for extra misuse prescription drugs, drink alcohol or spending money." Sam had begun to tell me smoke tobacco ( the taxed drugs). The that illegal drng taking among students was percentage would then be much higher. My larger than most ,tatistics presented by the research experiences have led me to media. "1 1sed to stay in I'etle'Y I !all (a incorporate legal drugs into the equation. I have found students do drugi for different reasons and have tried to interview a section from each different rationale and look at 33 percent drug abuse rather than illegal drug taking. Of course, the biggest one to look at is alcohol. By the vomit stained pavements and of students alleyways from the morning after and the infamous 18 bar gauntlet known as the Otley Run, one can see that Leeds has a student use illegaJ population who like to drink. But that's not the focus here. I met Sam at a house party and managed drugs to persuade him to let me interview him. He agreed as long as he remained anonymous. We met in a cafe in Headingley and spoke University of Lt,ed~· Hall:., now dosed) and over coffee: "I began growing it (marijuana) pretty much everyone there smoked weed or two years ago when I realised I was spending took pills, or even both!" £80 a week on the stuff. .. I grew addicted to "It can be quite dangerous taking drugs the stuff and was spending a stupid amount. though. Of course you hear about pills and I came into some money one summer and powder being cut up with all sorts of decided to buy my own set up,n Sam explains dangerous stuff, but about a year ago there quietly so as not to be heard by the other was an issue with marijuana. Some weed was coffee revellers around us. being sold that had been sprayed with really 1asked when and why he had started fine lead fillings to give it more weight. .and smoking in the first place: "I occasionally people were smoking it.Think about the

2 ~ IHE I IST/ Ways to spend the ~ 4\ summer.,, ~

Life's probably looking a bit bleak at the moment, especially if a 12-hour stint in the Edward Boyle silent area isn't your idea of a 'party.' But soon the freedom of summer will be unleashed - which, judging by the job market, the majority of us will spend on the sofa trying to scrape up enough dole/pocket money to buy an ice­ cream. Luckily, to save you from a summer of tedium the entire Leeds Student team has banded together to compile THE essential list of summer activities 2009 ...

Watch1V Be arty Why should the fact that it is summer have any A creative streak is the secret to any well-spent holiday, and th.is summer's all about the bearing on how you spend your time? Just because it installation art. Make love to your partner on a home-made lunar landscape using egg· is now sunny and warm outside does not change the boxes, PVC and muesli. Help Joanna Lwnley make amends for colonialism and make fact that inside, in a living room, on a sofa, is where 1 indigenous cave paintings on the insides of tube tunnels. Tum an airport departure you really want to be. Block out that glaring sun, tum • lounge into Turner Prize-winning art as you walk around in a hired bear suit making a 3. on the artificial lights. Pop a cooler on the floor beside STop house of cards using 'Warning: Wet Floor' signs. you, pull a table with.in reaching distance, and if you Or, dress like a tit and see how long you can stand in Topman's window. A long time have a cathater handy you will never need to move. probably. You don't need a tan, you hate frisbee and sunglasses 0 make you look like a giant fly so why put yourself WAR Arts through all that? TV can give you everything you need: someone to laugh with, someone to cry with, someone to show you the best of the great outdoors from the comfort of your big comfy sofa. But, what is great about the summer, what you should really look forward to is that when all those fools are running Join a protest around and frolicking in the sun, there will be no interruptions during your Come Dine With Me According to the media, the police are anticipating a 'Summer of Rage' this year as the marathon. UK revolts against the powers that be in this economic crisis. And with so much that is really quite rubbish in the world, why not wile away your summer waving a placard at a TV figure of authority? Personally I think what the world needs is not a 'Summer of Rage' 2. but another 'Summer of Love'. Unfortunately there are too many angry people and too many coppers whose Top Ten list for summer activities includes such things as 'Truncheon a Lefty' and 'Gas a Green'.


Observe Leeds Student does not condone any kind of sick voyeurism, but if that takes your fancy why not perve on people happily basking in the sun and then ruin their day. Water guns filled with paint anyone? 4. Observations

Support your country The fourth Ashes test will begin at Head.ingley on Friday August 7, and unless you're a member of the Wakefield Lawn Bowls dub, you should acquaint yourself with Yorkshire's OAP population here as strive to reclaim Test cricket's ultimate prize. Pack some 5. sandwiches, Werther's Originals and a hipflask of tea, rock back ina Panama hat, and enjoy a ten~wicket England win. Sports 03 LS2


Expanding your mind Disco biscuits. Youll hear music in a new way, enemies will become friends ___ - ... and, if you're lucky, you'll fall in love with someone as high as you- what's ____ .. ---- the catch?!" Musically, try SYSTEM's COCOON IN THE PARK featuring Sven Vath - Saturday June 2712pm-11pm. One of the greatest DJs in the world, Sven is coming to Leeds alongside the musical delights of Luciano, Steve Bug and 6. Adam Shelton. This will make your summer.


Take an interest in random things What better way to spend a summer than by inexplicably taking an interest in the world around you. Delve into the mysteries of your local town: do they recycle? Is there an obesity problem? Are there any aspiring magicians? Perhaps you could get hold of that distant friend of a friend and quiz her about her sex-addiction. Why, you ask? Well, by September, you'll have morphed into 7. one of those people who knows everything about everything; dazzling people at parties when you throw in a statistic about some pressing social issue, and .. leaving people breathless at your ability to quote various figures of authority ad hoc. Note to remember: steer dear of experts whose grasp of the topic may surpass the mighty oracle ofWikipedia, in which case you will come across as a mere fool with no particular field of expertise, and too much time on your hands. Which is definitely not what you are.


Try photography Have you had enough of taking 1000 pictures of your friends posing in dark, sweaty nightclubs? Well, if you feel you want a change of abnosphere and want to dabble in the world of Pulitzer-winning respectability with some iconic action photography, taking some pictures of the Metropolitan Police can be a good start. Hanging around kids playgrounds to capture the innocence of youth is another good one. And then use 8. iphoto and get it bound into a suave book for less than a tenner. They even laminate it for you. Sorted. And for the budding inventors; you can even custom-tailor your camera by sellotaping a phone to it, a la Flight of the Concords. Cheaper, and (arguably) better than the iPhone.


Read Summer is definitely the time to catch up on all that reading you've been meaning to do. Why not get a head start on next year's set texts and make sure you're familiar with the lesser-known Elizabethan playwrights? Only joking. Why not take up the alternative challenge of tackling the entire Mills and Boon back catalogue, or work through the autobiography of every naff 80s popstar and Big Brother failure that the WHSmiths 9. bargain bin has to offer. Sense of achievement not guaranteed. Books

Recycle those newspapers It's rather difficult to think of fun things to do with newspapers over your summer break. All that text ... Their only use - now that sanitised blank sheets are used wrap fish 'n' chips - is to make papier-mache ornaments. Revive those pre-pubescent memories by inflating a balloon, tying a knot, and slopping a mixture of PVA glue and your favourite pages of Leeds Student all over it. A quick pop here and a meaningful slice there and you'll have 10. yow- very own, erm, vase. To put stuff in. Repeat the process and add a couple of mached peanuts in the appropriate places to create a comedy pair of breasts, to be unfurled whenever the summer mood takes. Bowls and boobs: what more could you want?


So now you've read these ever-so-slightly biased suggestions, you can spend those gruelling Edward Boyle hours (silently) counting down the days until liberty.

words/ leeds student * Leeds Student does not take any responsibility for death by drugs 04 F

Back to the 80s for two Body beautiful beach totally rad retro dishes bum? It's yours, if you want one ...

"I've got love for you if you were scientologists is also embarrassing), wnmer is com~g! Everyone is looking use it as energy. Furthermore, you will feel born in the 80s," .... sang Calvin throw on your acid washed denim, fonvard to their post-exam, post­ grumpy, tired and generally unhappy if you Harris. Well, rather kick off your Dr.Martens and tuck in. Sdissertation holiday, whether it be start depriving yourself of your treats or embarrassingly, I've got love for food Just remember that flambeing and Eurocamp, backpacking to South America or meals, particularly around exam time. if it was eaten in the 80s. Leeds hair spray is not a good combo .. an all-inclusive on the Costa Brava. Either The trick to a beach-friendly body is not students seem to have a real way, swimwear angst is at an all time high. For dep1ivation, but a balanced lifestyle, not only penchant for all things vintage Macaroni Cheese: the majority of us (girls and boys alike!), just in what you do but what you think. If you (Who'd have thought Dr. Martens the idea of digging out our cossies from our don't already enjoy eating fruit and vegetables would make a comeback?) Anyway, l 250g macaroni pasta bottom drawer is enough to provoke sweaty (5 different types a day), try to find new ways: thought I'd capitalize on the love of 250g cheddar cheese palms. Oh, the shame, when it feels that bit Soups? Smoothies? Salads? Simtlarly, keeping retro fashions and share my love of 250ml evaporated milk tighter than it did last year, or, worse still, active helps work off any extra little retro food with you. A little tenuous I 2 eggs - beaten won't even go up over the thighs! indulgences that you shouldn't feel guilty for, know. I hasten to add, this love isn't Nutmeg But really, gaining weight is an unfortunate especially around exam time! an unconditional love - I do not love side effect of being a student. Days spent Just try walking/ jogging round Hyde Park cheese and pineapple on cocktails Preheat oven to 220. sitting, reading, writing, studying, or sleeping before you settle onto your favourite revising sticks, for example, and I don't love Cook the macaroni. Put into an oven off that hangover. And of course, the social /sunbathing/ barbequeing spot. That's about boiling vegetables until you don't proof dish. side of Uni doesn't help! However, we can do 25 minutes walking and 100 calories burned, have any need for your teeth. But l Grate the cheese and mix with the something about it. And lam NOT talking or if you look at it my way- a guilt-free ice do love retro puddings from the once milk, eggs, pinch of nutmeg and crash diets, which seem to be the quick fix of lolly! glamorous Italian tirarnisu to the season. choice for most of my friends. No, dieting is Use www.walkit.com/cities/leeds/ to plan ultimate granny favourite of sherry Pour over the pasta and put in the not a solution at all. how long walks around Leeds take and how trifle. This was the food era before oven for 15-20 mins. On top of the fact that dieting doesn't many calories it will help you bum. Now the organic, before size zero, before work for permanent weight control, depriving sun is coming out to join us, walking is the Jamie Oliver and before the I admit this is not culinary wizardry yourself of things, whether it be that muffin in perfect, student-friendly, free-of-charge obsession with risotto and butternut but I promise you will feel happier the morning, or your whole lunch, is harmful. Sunday activity. squash. ft was the era of dinner after it. Your body will start wondering where its next parties, shoulder pads, profiteroles meal is coming from and so start storing words/ anna wiseman and prawn cocktails. Crepes Suzette: sugar, calories and fat rather than letting you l realize that we are all in work panic mode and the idea of leaving Juice of 2 oranges and zest of one the library after a day of frantic 175g butter highlighting to go home and whip up 75g butter your own choux pastry for some 8-12 shop-bought crepes profiteroles or throwing together a 80ml Grand Marnier or Cointreau casual Coq au Vin is less than appealing. So here are two quick, Pour orange juice into pan and add comforting, and most importantly, zest, butter and sugar. Bring to the totally retro recipes to try out. boil and then simmer for about 10 Firstly, Macaroni Cheese: tacky, mins till syrupy consistency. fattening and utterly delicious. Secondly, a Fawlty Towers favourite Fold crepes into quarters and put in (strictly speaking a 70s classic - give large dish, pour over warm syrup and me a break I've been highlighting all gently heat up for three mins. Heat day): Crepes Suzuette. up the alcohol in the syrup pan, pour So give yourself a break from the over the crepes and carefully flambe. Edward Boyle, rent Top Gun, Cocktail or Rain Man (my love of short words/ laura pullman

S V YOU COULD WIN: 1st Prize: Wii Ga mes Console 2nd Prize: 2 Apple iPod Nanos 3rd Prize: 3 Sets of HighStreet Vouchers Runners Up: LUU or LMSU Clubnight Tickets 05 ?

BURSTING THE BUBBLE/ Leeds Student abroad: Why contemporary China is more interesting than its past

he big question I often get asked is, the everyday living in and around Chinese outdoor gym, with her get enough of this place. Things 'why Chinese?' Is it the fascinating people in Beijing Lhat has mostly made me grandson in front of her, shocked me at first~normal T5000 year old history, the challenge fall in love with the country. whistling and shaking him to things from a Chinese of learning such a difficult script, or even China is, for the most part, a bizarre make him pee through the slit at the _,,...,.,..,_,_. I' perspective, that happen daily the overly friendly "hair-dressers"? For place. Just the other day I was getting in a back of his trousers. It is more than .. around town. Ultimately though, these me, it's far more subtle than that. taxi on my way to the local park to watch strange to observe the overly nationalistic things do make me giggle and think to Granted, the culture born out of those the old biddies practising their "tai-chi" military adverts they have blaring out of myself: 'God, I love China' .. thousands of years of rich history is for instance, and within five minutes, the screens at the supermarket or teams of Don't get me wrong, I'm a keen reader extremely colourful, traveling out of the taxi driver hawked up half of his lungs, restaurant staff sent out on team bonding of Chinese history, but I live in Beijing for big cities offers the onlooker the chance to opened his door in moving traffic and missions to run around town in perfectly now. not for the past. experience the sheer diversity of the spat out before slamming the door to symmetrical lines singing at the tops of numerous different minority groups in reach for his thermos of green tea. One their voices, slowing down for the fat chef words/ dominic kinsky China, and the monuments of China's day I watched open-mouthed as a granny at the back to light his cigarette. Weird? past are many and grand; however, it is squatted down at the government issued Yes, but aU the same, it's the reason I can't D845 555 3966 nichehomes www.niche-hames.ca.uk ? ~ •

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The Answer until around half way through when it kicks l 'Tonight' off with some simple but effective rock and Silversun roll drumming and d istorted guitars. A1so (7) noteworthy is 'Substitution', which bears t,, Pickups quite a resemblance to their previous hit, t' 'Lazy Eye', but is still a winner. Quite The Answer were almost chemically possibly the two strongest tracks on the engineered by Classic Rock magazine for Swoon are 'The Royal We' and 'Panic their readers. Regardless of what the u 1, rt ,r,-J Switch', with the former really utilising copyright credits tell you, you'll still be trying producer 's studio prowess, to work out if this song is a Thin Lizzy cover Three years have passed since Silversun with layers of violins and synthesizers Nonetheless, it 1s fairly uplifting hard rock Pickups' debut album , and since mixing perfectly into the ensemble. The anthem that's bound to please its then, the band have been hard at work on latter offers a more raw sound, quite demographic. the infamously difficult second album. So reminiscent of on occasion, with how does it fare? Well, not bad at all. It's all a truly anthemic chorus. Ellen and the you'd expect plus more. There are some If one criticism has to be made, it is that Escapades after the first five or six tracks, some of the typically ambient chill out numbers, such eing more aggressive in some of their 'Without You' as 'Draining', well spaced out enough on the songs lose a bit of the energy of openers; rockier tunes not a bad thing by any that said. the album finishes on a top notch album so as to not adversely affect the account. Brian Aubert's vocals are perfectly (7) exciting pace. There are also heavier indie melodic rocker, 'Surrounded (Or Spiraling)'. in tune and balanced, while the rest of the Overall, this is a very good album, with a rock songs like current single 'There's No band keep everything tight. from the This local folk pop five piece impre Secret:; This Year' stadium filling sound that bodes well for immediately with their classy sound and catchy pounding drums to the recognisable tone of their live show. Swoon presents the band as a Their sound has progressed since the the Gibson Thunderbird bass. songwriting. They're accessible without being first album, whilst retaining the essence of more mature, more musically adept and, trite, and spacious without being pretentious. Stand out tracks include 'Growing Old Is probably, more likely to make it big. (7) what fans love about them. However, Getting Old', in which a calm melody and One criticism the vocals are strong and Swoon sees the band less restrained about words/ richard blenkinsop professional but could be rawer, more honest. A almost U2-esque guitar part guide the track very promising first single. MORE ALBUM William David Saw Baddies Fitzsimmons Broken Down 'Holler for My Holiday' Goodnight Agure (6)

It's slightly depressing when every major music publication's'[ iotly Tipped Band for 2009' Goodnight is not at all funny. It's not an 'David Saw is not a complicated man' states George Reece is an upcoming pop folk artist ,ounds exactly like all of those bands from 2008, exuberant electro pop romp, nor an anthemic his website and, quite honestly, neither are based in Leeds, who, despite being young. now 2007, 2006 and so on. It simply suggests that rock exultation. lt is an angry, bleak neo folk his songs. Broken Down Figure is hardly the has a third album under his belt. Having British music is trapped inside a sonic Twilight album about the divorce of William most exciting of , showcai;ing a very previously delved in prog. he now rums his ham Zone with no hope of getting out of the rut. Fitzsimmons' parents. Incidentally the heavily samey mix of Michael Buble-esque songs to m.1king simple three to four minute long pop bearded songwriter's own marriage broke down that rarely show much of a sparkle. Having songs. .a!. he recorded this album, and he describes it as played with Carly Simon, who sounds as All one needs to hear to notice this change is absolutely one of the most depressed and dark though she should be strictly confined to a the lcadoff single Tm Running Free' which St.'ts periods I've ever been through'. It i.s not a barrel tacky Texan country bar along with Shania the precedent for the majority of the album wit1 Gloria Cycles of laughs. What it is, however, is jolly pretty. Twain and the reputable, if not a little its traditional pop blueprint and catchy 'Chancer' Fitzsimmons voice is light and breathy, his wishy washy sounding Ben Taylor, Saw is choruses. An apparent influence, central to the guitars wann and resonant and the songs are taking a break from touring to promote this songwriting displayed here. is Randy Newman, (4) good. simple, melodic, rock songs. Some, record. (the singer responsible for a number of Disney howcwr. are directionless given their length. Joining the endless list of unimaginative, soundtracks) and is most evident on tracks like 'U'ave Me By Myself i.s a case in point. It 'relaxing' artists that appeal to mothers 'Last Week' See above, but replace Hotly Tipped' with 'Orn" starts out suggestive and guarded, but just atros. the world yes I'm looking at you, the Made on a tight budget, one of thea1bum's to Watch'. ThepE'rSlstent hi hats in 'Oiance builds up interest and then -;toutly refuses to hay this CD could send one off into the double edged swords is the drumming. With a keep the tempo up but even by the time the first deliver the payoff · it's like il'aning in to hear a land of dreams, and not in a good way. drum kit being too big to fit into his home chorus. with its ska riffs and the repeated lad Joke and having the teller forget the punchline 'Heaven knows I've been sitting here for studio, all of the beats have reported1y been chants of.Scream, scream, scream .. :. you ·Jne build ups almost always seem to end in too long,' could be applied to the long hours made on his Playstation. When this works, it cannot help but feel that you've heard it all anticlimax as the low end fails to materialise at in the Edward Boyle and I suppost.' most works well. lending occasional abnormal but before. the bottom of the texture. This absence people have 'wished they were a little bit DrY, clicking rhythms to a track like 'All I Wan11; becomes starker still when the rough. dirty more dewr.' Equally, every girl ins ,ecretly Do'. Most of the music on the album is acoustic el~ronicpercussionenter. tlwpJC 'Jre t wished 'hurry up love, you've only just though and consequently, syncopated, The Alps imply begging for a beety, tld y .illy to elp it begun· However, in spite of telling me 'Buy skittering beats. like the ones on Tell Me', don'l bring out the anger and pathos · th"' lyric"$.! ut My Record'. I wouldn't even if that is, by ncc.css.1.rily do the other stripped down elemen 'Obstacle Race' 1 Fit immons' vocal line IS JJ foro nat0 ly nt far, the best song on the all um, surprisingly of the song justice. Having said this, don't be (5) ounding tired and cynical, d · •.he 1gh has enJoyable to listen to with it 1cmorable surprised by the electric guitars when they do ilrcady given up. rhythm. come. There's no questioning the man'sabibty This could have been a very good record As Mother's Day is a yec1r away, and to solo when The Look' takl~ a tum for the A re~onably niCl' 00.ll.id Vvith hummahk if only Fitzsimmons h.ld sung.ind produced Christmas a whole 7 months in the future, breakdown. melodies and a moving bassline. thesP rock songs in a more i1istinttive fashion. It tht.'re i:; actually no market to pawn this The album liner notes make note of the fa t 1 . howl'ver, quite dull and it' .mlikely to lodge dc~ri·t have to belikeothcrrockmu. '-, tjwt record off onto. A cup of Ovaltine would be that the music on this album was not made Wl~ w t: If mt, many people nll'n )nc , :ncariin'"' th r'l! to idrnit that that' what it L f a r more pleasant way to end yourself to innovation in mind. Listening to the a1bum i.!. ndd ~·tstai muc if~c aa eatg&ng Fitz 1mmoru. wa!. half~ self 1warc m h~ leep I expect 'Broken 1 ow• ,~•ue will proof enough that these songs were made r: -wne"'ltaily huge 15 t ir nan we .ti ex 11.10n ~ hP 111 his compoc tlOl"l he be n be r,athering dust m ~ ou e c re . the withmtheframeofasimplistic ingalong sugg JOf :nw cal fore by now (5) atu n (2) fom lt:uid:ueall Pbettt>rfor11 (6) words/ george reece and luke fear words/ george reece words/ lizzie edmonds words/ luke fea 07s,, I I I www.leedsstudent.org COLUMN/ GIG OF THE WEE TOBIAS GINSBERG

susceptible to real world influences; by the make it clear exactly what relation they bear end of a sweaty, dancey set, she struggles to to the music. Are they just live session La Roux keep her quiff erect. But for all their musicians? Are they co-writers? Maybe I'm just a nerd who's more interested in the Academy sleeve notes than the music, but I find it ,. ) somewhat unrewarding to listen to this faceless art. With whom should I be Heartbreak are the best support band of this impressed if I like it? Whom should ( blame evening's NME -sponsored line-up; if it's crap? Was the drummer of Busted entertaining in their self.effaci ng irony, actually part of the band, or what? In fairness, the music's not bad at all. lt they're the sort of thing your mum would refer to as 'fun'. The only possible criticism suggests a modern amalgamation of Prince of their set is that vocali st Sebastian and DaV1d Bowie aggressively quirky and Muravchix seems wildly over-excited at the colourful electro pop. The album will certainly be worth a listen when it's released audience's reaction and looks like the whole later this year; Just want to know who to experience is brand new to him. Musically I pat on the back. That's all though, they were certainly worth seeing, - It is worth mentioning, though, how very Recent y. f ve en contemp ating t e move and wa rmed up the room well impressive it is for such a new band to sell to a new, smaller house this summer, which La Roux, fronted with a whimsical out a headline tour, even a relatively small has led to me reluctantly consider leaving my effortlessness by Elly Jackson, play a short one like this. La Roux. on the back of just turntables and record collection at home. but effec tive set. She sings strongly. but i~ .lpolished profe:.. ionalism, the band still lack one hit single, have generated a buzz that Then something happened, which I can only appears almost too cool at first, as she holds something: clarity. most bands can only dream about over their put down to an act of God, a disparaging herself haughtily above the audience;only a What is La Roux? After two songs lifetime. They just have to hope that the reminder of what I'd be missing out on if I few wry smiles and chatty turns to her Jackson introduces her two on stage eighties revival wave they are riding keeps turned my back on my stacks of wax band mates betray the fact that she's a 'real compatriots (neither of whom is studio on rolling. (7) Early last Monday morning, unsuspecting person'. Even her striking hairdo is collaborator Ben Lan maid), but fails to punters across the nation, who were just having their regular poke round their friendly, local independent record store may have come across a record with a plain black label. Perhaps they overlooked it at first as Academy one of many forgettable test pre5sings, only to have the man behind the counter hand it right back to them. with a knowing grin. "What's this?" they ask. "Gold du.st,H he replie!. So what', on this mystical black platter' Two tr.. ch. WolfCuh" and "Moth". put 'Support act Malakai fail to make an The billing for Gallows' comprc ensive Taking the pi ,s out of upport bands is the together ma :oliaborattve effort of near impression; their particular mix of psychedelic tour is a somewhat bizarre one. American easiest, bziestand most pathetic way of getting a mythical proportions by two of eleclronica's rock and hip-hop breaks is often interesting hardcore veterans Every Time I Die declare the laugh out of your mares. So it's pretty initating most revered product•rs: Burial 01nd FourTet. on record, but unfortunately doesn't transbte night 'fucking amazing' and indeed their set is. that the early birds for tonight's gig choose to do It s11unds too good to be true but fear not, 1t well live. Without the samples and beefed up The band are tight and Buckley commands the just that. partio.tlarly when the band in question doe n't disappoint. Listening to "Wolf Cub", production of their recorded counterparts, the stage a! the band chum out gt•m after gem are, not only pretty gcxxl, but al'iO have a ,imilar you can di ·~cct the different influences of songs sound empty and no amount of much to the crowds ddight. A~ the pit opens sound to the band that people have paid money each producer, from FourTet's low of Far chilrisma can cover up the fact that the band'.; up and everyone head bangs .1\ong it set.·m. to see. Bhkfish couldn't care less though Tht> Eastern instrumentation, to Burial's mger is simply not very good apparent that thi~ band are a litdl' out of pl.Ke band tm1t the gig like Lt's their last, throwing o;ignature warped vocal samples. Yet. =it the In the publicity surrounding Kingdom of supporting as they perform a n 1y triumphant thenl!·elves into their hardcore and Jokingly ted iri Sht·fficld, trying something brand new, resulting in took to labelling the band's sound 'man rock', Gallows are a highly contentious band, 'bt:.>c;.1uSl' we're mental like tha( what has to be one of the most original perhap: insinuating that a band has to be thl'ir visceral lyrics and violent live HORSE the band, were playing their own ,Jubstep tracks I've ever heard. Continuing m young. attractive and charismatic in order to perfonnances have drawn comparisons to the brand of NintendOCt lr years before ie m •mbc-r. thi. innovatJ.ve vem on the other ide of the grab the attention of its listeners. The three Sex Pistols many hailing them as the future of Crystal Castles had l.'V'Cn met each other ingle, "Moth" sounds lik, nothing I've ever members of Doves that take to the stage of English punk. They do really excel live, their Although, as Napoleon Dynamitl' doppdganger, heard either Burial or FourTet produce, tonight are fairly ordinary looking and stag<.' antics arc entertaining to say the least. Erik Eng.strom, points out, the band have although not as antht'mic as the likes of pushing forty; these men can, however, lay The high point of the night comes during gradually been declining in popularity since 2CXJ4 Buna\'s ·Archangel", this ism my opinion the -laim to a back catalogue of beautiful, The Great Forgiver' which 1s accompanied by a The keyboardist stands at the front of the tage, no t Jub fnendly piece of music either have m. tantly appealing tunes, performed with m circle pit encompa.<;..<;ing the size of the room whibt handlebar mustachioed vocalISt, Nathart made ft•P1r uniqut> beat , usually too iittery unassuming charm. with a sprawling human pyramid at the Winncke, stays hiddt"O away in the left hand for the darn.efloor, have been replaced by a Singer Jimi Goodwin's relaxed yet heartfdt centre. Musically, however, questions still com~r. 'lnis isn't to say he11 keep quit't though. pulsating four to the floor rhythm in this perfonnance lulls the crowd into a real sense remain unanswt.'rt>d. Despite the spitting. I le spends the nldJ nty of the night rnaking entrancing deep burning house number of comfort. HaVIng previously witnessed stage diving. and sdf mutilation there are ant:1qtut1.'C! ,okes .iho11t A.IDS and child rape th :it perfoct for last tune of the night, when you re Doves live in support of 200S's Some Citic. several lulls where even the angsty fans appe,1r reamAmeri<.:awa!, niJking half a dclade':lgo. ">reax:.ng out of the club 'ind into the early ilbum, it is surprising to see how little their ;et to grow a litcll' impatient, with one l'Ven ''luswouldbelC": initatingifitdidn't morning sunshine has changed since then. New tracks shouting out 'play the hits!' strange really for comprise half of the set. After a puntt'r scream Why. then, was musk of thi. magnitude 'Jetstream', 'Winter Hill' and particularly the a punk band. There is no denying the stir that for thm to play a 50ng_. Wmneke shouts back. If only released on a very limited, 1onland out; however, by the time old favourite and 'London is The Rea">on' are truly amazmg whothefuckwearel" 0untry as if left there overnight by a crack 'Pounding' and 'Black and White Town' where and the surprisingly diverse audience scre;im Evtdently the band put tl 1eir comedy before tl1t.'1r team of angels, or some other etht•rt•al force? wheeled out, the crowd wen.' completely back every irnpas.<;ioned word music, which is a .sh.mie considering. whereas om• Whatever the answer is, it's refreshing to =ibwrbed. Likewise, come the Northern Soul Dt•spite all of tlu~. however, there are rr\l)re in tl'nof their Jkt"J,ireai. tu.allyfurmy. :illof the1r krow t, at. u a time when the next throwback 'Here It Comes·. or the samba drum than 1 handful of people not on the way out rnus111Sprettyex hng.Evrntuallytheyc ,:,the generc1.tum of laptop DJs are turning t lf'ir olo that rounds off There G0t·s the Fear" t'1r t~ 1t enkrtaining as tonight was, Gallows are flaw -ishowwith ncircl..' 'Cut.lTllll basc:i ses up at tangible re( ords, two llf thr ong sound so good you hope they'll play it JUSt not as revolutionary as they may like to around the evil Mc,ga,mn l of th CJ.mt n..u genre pioneering artists still identify just the same in years to come. (7) think. (7) (6) thcmsdves amongst the dying breed of vinyl words/ tobias ginsberg words/ rebecca atkinson words/ Juke fear love . y eyed,_ sw_eatmg, surgrng mass: the there is very little more a crowd Calvin Harns ~:~:/i~o;i m~1de the Cockpit. Soon the "I get all the girls .. I get member could ask for: good fir Th pp n_g from the roof as it is on tunes, good atmosphere e. . e venue IS maybe a little bit too all the girls ... " and a good front, and The Cockpit ~usy: it .feels more like a fire hazard than With a set like that a good man. 06/05/09 ance gig: ther~ is barely any room to a Onwards to Ibiza :aoktehesomf e she nous shapes, potentially Calvin, it's no surprise. Harris, and we ail 1t r ire azard. Scot~ish commercial dance DJ Calvin hope your luck d€ ~onsequently, when the electro-beats mighty likes ~arns., who shot to fame with the with the ladies gL ~egm to pulsate through the crowd (f of Faithless and tntatmgly catchy 'Ac~eptable in the 80s' a azard?), it feels as though the latter ire Pendulum 111 ew ~ummers back, bnngs in the summer should?: far heavier. Regardless, as soon hasn't qui~e of Festival season with an extensive UK words/ lizzie as Harns well·known tracks are la ed been achieved: Iii war~ up tour. Having collaborated with edmonds the ';~wd goes wild (FIRE HAZ:RJi 'The there is still ~h~ l'.kes of ~eadmauS and Dizzee Rascal Girls is. soon broken down into football­ some work to tra vm ~arns is best known for his top-t~n chant smg-a-long and fl ·r do on the Fir acks, interestingly arrogant song lyrics release 'I'm not Aione' is a;~~fy at~:sbe~~test seamless yo~ t~ack of the n_ight, and finishes the gig on a transformation sen high. 1 he main surprise of the night is from computer ma how:~~ell the band can play. Harris' to gig for ~us1cia~s r~rely miss a note and the man Although a par imself is pitch perfect throughout majority of his ind However, the set doesn't 'gel' parti~ularl songs have been one well: the~e certainly could have been far y remixed into con better mixes between songs. Indeed oblivion, you fhe_re are occasionally awkward sile~ces subsequently eitl osmg the crowd almos~ entirely , producing far ben That said, the order m which ~h superior music des, are pl~ye~ is nice: dipping from songs th: Calvin Harris ' ha~ ~cstat1c highs of commercial tunes to proves that he is a _ousey, disco album classics such as th star (FIRE per: title track of his first LP I Created Disc;. It HAZARD) in his ant~is taste in un~ractical shades would ~eem that the difficult step from DJ own right. For e strobe Lighting abates, revealing ·a set to hve, performed successfully by the Wednesday night Tl ei re accomiri.iidation in. Leeds desrgu9,9J2.,,,.. .. ~ § .:... ,e,}.t~F Y" ~t,:,: J ll.,. (u Ol M


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DOWN GOING UP A --, with Paul and Prijay BBQs There is nothing better to distract you from revision then the smell of a The end of the year is drawing nearer. The Lowdown needs new writers. The only thing is, we can't BBQ. Throw in tunes and some decide (we're also keen to prove that cliques-aren't-us. Arnm). So, in the final instalment, here's cold cider and it is the perfect way guest writers number three, Paul and Prijay. to enjoy the sun. The permanent writers for next year will be decided based on your comments, so in a typical display of democracy-ernbracy character we're calling for your comments on each week's writers. Send them to us at [email protected], and have your say. Festivals First impressions are vital. What would this in mind that I bring to you, 'Marijuana she was a joke from the moment she was The festival season is upon us, and you have thought if I had started with the Pepsi Jackson'. A bleary eyed and giggly born. As for celebrities, it's just another this year there are even more vying sentence'[ hate the sunshine'? 1 doubt layabout with a huge appetite? Not at all. sign of their complete removal from reality for your attention than ever. many would be yelling in agreement that's Rather, a sharp suited teacher with a that their children usually end up Whatever your tastes in music, for sure. Nor would I come across as a Master's in Higher Education sounding more like pet dogs than people. there is somewhere for you to go particularly sociable and spirited Administration, who will soon begin work In the case of Fifi Trixi belle, Pixie and and get smashed in a field. individual. Instead, the first impression on her doctorate. It is bizarre to think Peaches, I think it would be kinder to have one would probably get is of a hermit who parents could ever want to subject their them put down. constantly grumbles about life. In reality, children to a life of misery with such a Anyway, while the fad to name your you will be pleased to know I am not really name, but then again, it didn't turn out all children something that almost always either. Perhaps balanced somewhere bad for Marijuana did it? guarantees a career as a sociopath seems a The Economy between the two is a more accurate This isn't a joke either, there really is bit grotesque, the trend of renaming Once again we've had a few days description-depending on the day you some (un)lucky soul out there named oneself in later life seems to be perfectly of sunshine and, despite the happen to meet me that is. Marijuana. Even though I wouldn't be acceptable. With the advent of Facebook, it So what would you do if you met a particularly pleased if that was my name, I is of course even easier to try out a new evidence of every previous year, person named Ben Dover, Mike Rotch or think it is a great example of the name for a while, such as Maddy Rage or have convinced ourselves that this individualism and quirkiness that still Oliver Garth Snake-Bake Swazey, as a summer will be the one. Fingers exists. Celebrities often get ridiculed; quick browse of your friends will no doubt crossed, eh? names such as 'Apple', 'Petal Blossom reveal. This isn 't a joke Rainbow· and 'Fifi Trixibelle' immediately According to Norwich Union, spring to mind. But aside from being a ~Sometimes a simple change of name can either, there great conversation starter, it marks one unlock the potential that was there a!! out from the crowd and people take notice. along. If you want people to remember Daytime TV What a first impression you could make you, it helps to have a name that sticks." really is some Probably never up, but now with with the name Marijuana, be it good or If it worked for Richard Starkey and bad. People wouldn't be short of Walter Willis, then l can't see why it won't the sun beginning to shine there is (un)lucky soul nicknames for you that's for sure. for us. The Lowdown writers formerly no need to stay in. Get to the park known as Paul and Prijay has a certain ring and work on that that David out there named Prijay to it, or perhaps we could emulate George Dickinson tan you have always Eliot and adopt female pen names. I can't wanted. Marijuana At the risk of sounding like a hermit who speak for Prijay, but I've been toying with constantly grumbles about life, I have to Barbara Hardacre, or possibly Vivien disagree. I find this trend for ridiculous Sinclair. I think being able to play the names incomprehensible and mildly drums helped Ringo Starr more than sadistic. If you're not a celebrity, surely changing his name, but as a pair of Builders even Richard Head, aside from burst out this is just another obstacle that your poor talentless chimps aimlessly bashing at a With the house next door being with laughter? Names often define an child will have to navigate in their journey typewriter, we could do with all the help redecorated, drilling has become individual, and as you get to know to the relative safety of adulthood? we can get. my new 9am wake-up call whether somebody their name just seems to fit However well adjusted Marijuana Pepsi I like it or not. And I definitely do their personality and character. It is with has turned out, she still grew up knowing Barbara not.

"I got beaten up on the way home. They didn't even take my phone but my shirt Can you believe that they Jade Goody the mu sical actualfi.' rmc:1e rm walk horre topk3ss? / "A bong? Is that a gold thing you hit?" / ·1rs Tire, ycu ain Of course it is sad that Jade passed away, but is there really thrON 1rat b9rara El

fi ee ay zer n The fat lady clears her throat Leeds Student's fabulous editorial team say their thank yous and goodbye~

LS LUVVTES: Heroes, the lot of them. photo/ barry carlyon

Well, the year's up already. That went pretty beer. .. I-laving you with me at the death each l remember coming to the end of last year. The bloody fuck they got rid of those pastel boxes, quick I will never be able to shake the feeling Thursday has been a much~needed injection of year before that, l'd only spent the odd five yeah? And the Ch1istmas tree was pretty shit. that I'm not quite working long enough or hard talent and comedy. minutes in the Leeds Student office, but by the (Luke Fear actually said d1is, so thanks to him.) enough in any future employment. The fact that Oare, you've pretty much held the features end I'd accumulated quite literally scores of I'm confident in their replacements, if only almost 15,000 pairs of eyes locked on the pages section together this year and made it full of hours spent sat at a computer, enjoying free through sheer quantity BUT, SERIOUSLY, the each week was motivation enough to ensure topical, worthy, and often hilarious pieces with takeaway food or generally avoiding the last two years have been made significantly every issue was to the best standard we could've an organisation I cannot fathom. Simply mountain of degree work that always seemed to more possible by the ongoing supply of writers, delivered. Each issue I feel so proud of the astonishing. You've taken (too many) calls from hang over me. especially those who have consistently turned collective effort put in. me asking for a guiding hand when you One of my biggest fears was that the next up and met deadlines. Thanks to Laurie, There are so many people to thank I could should've sent me to voicemail purgatory. year wouldn't be as good as the last. How could helmsman and friend (respectively), and the rest dedicate a whole issue to it. But-due to the Ali, a character like you I'll never meet again. the team be such a great group of people yet of the editorial team (first and second mates, inevitable waste in un-read papers it would leave To be the sole photo editor this year has been again? Well it was, and it's been an amazing year respectively). Certain of my writers deserve a - I won't. But there are some I simply have to nothing short of momentous. as a result. It could be luck, but I'm convinced it flagon of love. George, in particular: you have show a massive gratitude to. Special mention to the musical demi-gods wasn't. We don't handpick team members and shown dedication and exceptional ability John, the paper would not be what itis that are Helena and Ramzy- two years at the put them through some kind of social vetting throughout our editorship, for which we are without you. This year has been as much yours helm of the most in·demandsection and you've process, we're a society that's open to anyone. inexpressibly mild grateful (we're not a as mine. The time you have spent in the office done it better than justice. Some of the best people seem to appear at cunysays Helena). Your literary and musical when you should have been finishing a Masters News, you've been fantastic, proactive and random, popping into the office now and again futures are , and we're sorry for being so is simply ridiculous (3am anyone?). The sheer incredibly dedicated. f applaud you for all the before they're sucked in, keen to feed what 11 l Michael, you've been tl1is year's intelligence, creativity and dedication you hours spent in front of those Mac screens. becomes a genuine addiction. But somehow, White La.dder, and we're very happy about possess is flabbergasting. An inestimable Virginia, she's your baby now- be gentle with and I don't know how, we end up with the best eventually leaving Music in the hands of your amotmt of pages look the better for having your her. Thank you to Doorey for bringing that team of people anyone could ask to work with. successors. Lizzie and Rebecca! For your superb design eye cast over them. I would have professional air to proceedings. I had high hopes for this year, and they've all commitment and dependability, l thank. Helena died.of a thousand heart attacks if l didn't have F'rom Vicky and Jack- what you have done been exceeded.. Sharing a house with the editor and Ramzy would like to thank each other. The your knowledgeable self here all along to with Arts is nothing short of majestic - to !for­ has meant I've literally never escaped, but as a first words Ramzy ever said to Helena were I reassure, aid and tead1. You are a sponge of a dude in the purest sense - and Owen - the result we've achieved an incredible amount. But don't think f'veseen you at the meetings but my information, there to douse me whenever I get filth you spew everyday has been hilariously the LeedsStudentisn'tjustabouttheeditor, far GOD has he seen her at the meetings since. heated with frustration. (Enough inappropriate and back again, everyone of you from it: it's the team as a whole that puts Good looks (7 /10 or over) will always open The homoeroticism ?) You will go on to bigger things. I've been lucky to meet this year have made it all together the Leeds Student, and when just one Doors for a girl (10% of the time, every time). (There we go.) worthwhile. person is missing, they're missed. I'm not going (6) Daf, what can [ say? Witty, hard-working and They say don't mix business with pleasure. to thank you all individually .. you know who you Helena Goodwyn [pictured] and Ramzy Welsh (we all have our faults). It has been a But with this newspaper it's impossible not too. are. Here's to next year's team I wish you all the Alwakeel [semi-pictured] pleasure to get to know you this year - the When you spend this much time with so many best! sound of you whispering the language of Cymru fantastic people, colleagues qUlckly become John, Associate Editor extraordinaire The newly requisitioned, newly christened 'Arts down the phone to a lucky listener will live long friends and friends best mates. It's been an Sofa' has never seen so many cherubic, brightl~­ in the memory. honour. I'd like to thank their mums, the brother Ramzy bt faces peering back at it. (That's because Jacks Rob, calm, collected, and then we buy you a Laurie never had, and the brother Helena does. Thank hair is emitting a powerful UV glow ... )Toall those faces, the Arts Sofa would like to say a big written for the Big Debate this year, and all numerous hours of my first year at Uni whilst the trek out to Weetwood, especially when the "Thank you, thank you very much" and offor those who have read it and voted online. We waiting for it to do its thing. Thanks for showing weather was shite. round the pick'n'mix again. But don't eat the have covered some divisive issues, and those your ugly face in my dreams and well and truly I would not like to thank: News Team- sorry lips. Those are the Arts Sofa's favourite. Its floral contributing to the arguments have never failed fucking me over this year. Nice one. your one--word descriptions of the photos you print, padded rushions have cupped the bums to impress with their wit, humour, insight, and Finally, a serious big thank you to all those need just doesn't make the cut-You're meant to of many a wonderful writer, and it is thankful passion. Thanks to everyone working on the people who have given me help and guidance in be journalists- your whole job is to elaborate on for that. Particular favourites (that's wliters, not paper for helping me think up head.lines, and and around the LS office this year. Too many to things! Giving me 4word sentences doesn't bums) have been respectively inquisitive, generaUy making the office a fun place to spend mention. Much appreciated. make getting you a photo easier! But it could be imperious, and sofa-enthusiasts - that's an afternoon: I've made some great friends and Matt 'I've got the' Power good for I laikus. Charlotte, James and finally Matt and Nal.i. they will be sorely missed. Finally, a special But yes, thanks everyone in the office- Andy (Arts Eds - I wonder why the Arts Sofa chose the mention goes to Jack Cullen for his contin\.l.lng Well, a year in news. Firstly, I'd like to thanks for and Rob for the Beer O'Oocks, Owen Bradley's latter pair for new eds?) Fiona is the best web support and creative input, especially regarding this fantastic opportunity. Being a news editor is mum, sister and dad and granny (god rest her editor the Arts Sofa has ever seen in its long, the Mountaineering: Top 5. I couldn't have simply the best job on the paper-the lovely soul). 111 always remember the curries, shabby life. The Arts Sofa would like to thank done it without you. excitement, the rush, the inevitable late nlghts. and the pizz.as- guys, the spinach pizza must live itself for being so really, really, ridiculously good.­ Andy 'always' Rogers Even the 'wheel of doom' deserves a mention. on. It Must live on. looking. And finally, the Arts Sofa wo,ud like to Seriously though, I'd like to thank my feUow Ali 'well' Hungx thank the rest of the Leeds Student team, To all the writers I couldn't print: t'm sorry. Both 'newsies' for being fantastic this year- and for without which its days in the office would be Comment and Observations have been putting up with me, my puns, and my diatribes For those of you still reading, congratulations, less pizza-filled, less innuendo-fuelled. and incredibly high-demand this year, with plenty of on building occupiers and environmentalists. you've reached the pinnacle of thanking: LS altogether less GLORJOUS. Ta. fantastic writers. !f you're one of them, please Firstly, a big thanks to the writers, who've stuck Sport. Jack and Vicky continue to submit work next year -the new with us. Without you, I'd have to write Commiserations to our flailing competition team are fantastic, but nothing without everything, and that would be an interesting for flying the flag for mediocrity, but thank you A whole 20 issues has passed? Wow that contributors! And to all the writers I have experience for all concerned! Natasha -- you for taking the 'other' Paul Scholes off our hands. happened quickly. I think (hope) that the Oubs printed: thank you for a great year were brilliant, knew everyone and left far too How we'd have coped with him this year, I'll section has been entertaining to read over the To Andrew and todos los Hispanohablantes, soon. However, we were lucky enough to have never know. year and that we have tried to find where gracias para hablanne cuando estoy borracho (y two equally brilliant replacements in Oa.ire and Huge thanks to the new crop of writers who student nights and specialist dance music si entiendes espallo\, me disculpo. Estey Matty, who jumped straight into the breech have braved the stormy dimes ofWeetwood to events somewhere meet. PersonaUy, 1know borracho otravez.) without thinking twice. A massive thank you to make our pages interesting; without you, this that this position has opened my mind to new Ali. You're the best damn photo editor a boy Virginia, my partner in crime. We've seen it all would not have been possible. music week in week-out, and for this !'m teally could ask for. Your Observations articles this year. and arc still standing. You will be great To Carl and Wendy (before she jumped ship) thankful. A year ago I couldn't have seen myself without a doubt betray the state of your mind, in your new position as editor next year. cheers for putting up with our never-ending with a fascination of techno, planning trips but it's certainly an entertaining read John - you've been immense this year. Alex demands for fixtures/results/phone numbers. abroad to feed the habit! Zupnik, you are the cancer that is killing the also deserves a mention for making News as Again, without your help, this would have been Oubs has managed to feature a number of Leeds Student. Without your tireless good as it could be. And Lawie-A huge thank.<; balls, instead, it is die balls. big profile interviews and run huge distractions, the paper would be finished on to him. He has been with us through every issue, Rob and Ali 'the piece' Hung - the photos that competitions in affiliation with various local and time... but we wouldn't have cut-outs anywhere every complaint (and I've had a few!) and t>very have appeared in print have nearly been as good national events (don't sleep on this week's two near as good as we do now. triumph. He has succeeded in making tl1e paper as the ones you send us in private. Nearly. competitions!), however it would be arrogant to To Laurie. Sorry for the consistently late accessible to as many people as possible, and I'm Other sections: good effort. We apologise for say that it has all my doing. I must foremost Thursdays. I'm sure we'd be finished earlier if it sure he'll go on to greater things. leaving you all in the starting blocks once again. thank Jon and Jo, who have regularly written a wasn't for Beer O'Clock, but if nobody stymied Adam 'Richie' Richardson You really must try harder next year. piece for the section. Jon has even shown his the system things wouldn't be half as To Laurie. We'll miss harassing you on a daily talent as an illustrator in recent months. interesting. We've had a great (and sometimes stressful) basis. You're commitment to both the paper and Promoters across Leeds have been instrumental Daf. Machadaynu, abadaynu. machadaynu­ time putting together the fashion pages for the to your home town dub, Stockport County, has in allowing us access to the nights we feature, daynu-daynu! Thanks for making Thursday avid readers of Leeds Student this year to ensure been nothing short of remarkable. You've been a and within the Union, Lucy in Events is as nights as enjoyable as they were (and hopefully everyone has no excuse to wear Ugg boots gent. always a star. Within the paper, I must foremost will continue to be, fellow Assistant Associate.) (please please burn them if you have a pair). To those of us who are staying on, we wish thank John who has improved the design of my To everyone else in the office: thanks for a Aside from that we truly hope you have enjoyed you all the best; you have been a pleasure to pages to a point where the section is great year. You're all stars. the page and its contents. Big thanks have to go work with. Next year will be a roaring success. unrecognizable from its fonn last year. Further Rob 'making love on the' Heath firstly to God Qoke, of course) but seriously And finally, to borrow a line from Kipling . . thanks go out to the whole paper team and Laurie our lovely editor for putting up with our Peace out, A-town. Pizza Cano, for feeding me every Tuesday since Ah, Leeds Student...Where else would l get to incompetence at IT, the team at Leeds Student, Owen, Oaf and the Sports Crew September. write front pages about poo and redundancy? all the businesses and contacts we've dealt with, The quality of DJs and live acts that have Thanks go to all three of my News and our extremely enthusiastic team of writers Thank you LS for being like a weird but lovely played in Leeds over the last year is testament to counterparts for a year of fun and frolics. I'd like and stylists who have really made our job a lot family for four years, surviving together on only what a thriving city we live in musically. My to mention Adam's seemingly bottomless and easier with their efforts. Thanks and wishes of pizza and curry. There have been ups and advice is to keep your ears open and to take equally fabulous Pun Generator in particular. good luck also go to Virginia Newman, next downs, but mainly JUSt dying computers and advantage of everything Leeds offers. To next Matt and Virginia - I'm pretty sure that we years editor and my housemate, for helping me articles 300 words too short. I'm going to miss years editors Coco and Guy, I'm sure that the should all feel ashamed of ourselves for being with just about everything throughout third everything about it, apart from the fear of combination of your talents will lead to further reduced to hysterics by Adam's weekly antics: year, if it wasn't for her organization I would bumping into one of the rowing team ... improvement, if there isn't, there wiU be trouble! "NEWS! "Voice breaks... " and his drunken probably be wandering aimlessly somewhere Love Doorey Sam.x. exploits as a result of three pints of Strongbow, indistinct by now. but somehow we all manage to soldier on and Alex H Most importantly I want to thank all the writers As 1V editors, Evie and myself have had to let him get on with it. Good.show. we couldn't have done it without your overcome some technical hurdles, as we were Big congratulations to Rob Heath· you] Thank you so much to all the writers who enthusiasm and commitment. A massive thank slightly inept at using the major programmes of make a fine Associate - you ... (be prepared, I'm produced such brilliant work this year, and to you to the other news editors Adam Richardson, both Quark and Photoshop at the start of the going to push the boundaries here) GOOD OLD everyone in tl1e office who made 1...5 so much Matty Power, Claire Freeston and Natasha year. However with the continual support of BOY.you! fun to be involved with. I'm proud of the paper Evans (who left too soon) and weU done for all both Laurie and John we have both learnt a lot May the Wheel of Doom keep wheelin ', the and J'U miss being part of the team! the work that we have achieved this year. Also a and the pinnacle of our success can be seen server keep crashin' and the Cut-Out Editor Rebecca mention goes to Alex Doorey who [ have learnt a through the inclusion of cut out pictures in our Wars never cease ... Here's to next year! lot from during my time at Leeds Student. From section - a massive achievement in my eyes. I Cheers to Laurie and John who have worked I would like to thank my photographers for the never ending eventful and scandalous unlon would also like to thank Clare for helping us to damn hard throughout - the paper looks better being extremely patient with my slap-dash politics to going under cover to suss out dodgy write the argument each week, we've forced her than ever. photomeetings and onslaught of weekly emails· landlords this year has been excitingly varied. to write about everything from who's the biggest Claire x i'm grateful to see many friendly faces every Bring on the awards! wanker on The Apprentice, to arguing for the week that definitely lightens up my otherwise Last but not least a huge thank you to Laurie for benefits of watching Snag, Marry, Avoid. I'd like to say a massive thanks to the other mundane life. all the work he has done get out my seat now Finally, thank you to our loyal team of writers members of the News Team - Virginia, Adam Special thank to all the photographers who though please! who remained reliable regardless of dead.lines and Oaire for putting up with my regular rants constributes week- in and out, despite the stories A massive thank you to everyone who me and other priorities. I will be sad to leave the on Trotskyism, scruffy environmental ever being referendum/election or housing supported in the election, especiaUy Alex, Nat, Leeds Student next year but wish Evie and campaigners and building occupiers. Anyone bullshit. Perhaps next year we can hire a Jess and Dave, it means so much.To everyone everyone else staying on the best of luck. else would have given me a damn good telling publicity stuntman. staying on next year COME TO PAPER Hatti off. Maybe I need one... but thanks anyway! And definitely a word of appreciation to MEETINGS FRJDAYSAT SPMI My other expression of gratitude must go to Sarah Greene and the other photographers who Thanks! Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has Apple Mac's 'wheel of doom' for wasting managed to do the "graveyard shift" and made Virginia Fest Fest LS2 instructs regarding summer funs upcoming. Remember Music this way.

LEEDS/ 28-30 AUGUST Pretty much Radiohead. Fresh from spurning Miley Cyrus, the most mentioned band of Music's last 24 months of columns return to West Yorkshire to promote a shockingly exhaustive reissue campaign from which they have publicly distanced themselves a number of times. With every date pushing back their studio time, we're sure you will want Oxford's best band offstage asap.

Both plugging new albums, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Maximo Park make up the between-three-and-five-members contingent. Having returned with their most acclaimed record for some years earlier in 2009, The Prodigy promise to olden the school, while the infuriating Kings of Fuck could use somebody (or a kick in the head) on Sunday. SUMMER SUNDAE/ 14-16 AUGUST Plugging their upcoming self-releasec seventh album Post Bectric Blues, ldlewild appear somewhere or () other on the bill for Leicester's Summer Sunday in August. Saint Etienne, hot on the hees of Foxbase CROPREADY/ Alpha's 18th anniversary tour, promise a stormer, as do 65daysofstatic, whose recent electroclash work 13-15 AUGUST thrilled many. Best Of Usts dar1ings Bon Iver make a Legendary folk-rockers Fairport Convention are set to headline their very own showing on the back of the slow-building success of 'Cropredy Convention' yet again this year. Renowned for being 'the friendliest festivai For Emma, Forever Ago (and an EP ear1ier this year), in Britain', Cropredy boasts a number of attractions for all the family, from face­ while The Char1atans and the controversially panting and carnivals for the kids to plenty of real ale and local pubs for the adults. incomplete New Beautiful South take up the Often seen as the younger sibling of the Cambridge Folk Festival, Cropredy this year rear/centre. Bring a bowl. will see Steve Winwood headline Thursday night; godfather of folk, Richard Thompson, the Friday: and, of course, Fairport Convention (and friends) closing the show on the Saturday. Other acts bringing in the fans·this year include one of the biggest punk bands of our [oul'? - ed.] time, The Buzzcocks; young, mainstream folk act Seth Lakeman; and dub/techno/folk group, Dreadzone, originally championed by the late, great John Peel.

BEACH BREAK LIVE/ 16-19 JUNE Now in its third year, and self-touted as the 'UK Student Festival', Beach Break LJve is a relaxed affair in North Cornwall whose combination of wacky activities (such as 'blindfold long jump' and the 'Granny Grand Prix'), a beach (to cater to the unlikelihood of the sun shining), intriguing venues (an abandoned quarry, a rock-mine[? - ed.] and a main stage with a stunning view) and a 'green' conscience, SEEMS to be the perfect way to start the summer. Main acts include Mystery Jets, Friendly Fires, Ladyhawke and Delphic. + 13 LS2

www.leedsstudent.ar INTERNATIONAU

Exit Serbia, 9-12 July ROCK NESS/ The rise in our desire to hit foreign festivals has risen in the past 12-14 JUNE few years: Benicassim grows more and more popular with those it's a Nesstwal. .. if you will. Headline acts include Flaming Lips, not satisfied simply by Global Gathering; Dour in Belguim grows in Basement Jaxx and Orbital. Featuring a tent auspiciously size, as does the Reggae Sundance Fesitval in Amsterdam. No one, tenned 'Bollywood Sub-Club Party', this three day party is by the way, has any idea why the biggest reggae festival in the situated in Dores, near Inverness. Windproofing would seem world is in 1-lolland. lt would seem that the Brits simply cannot refuse the excuse to have fun, get drunk, listen to music and get neoessary burnt at the SAME time. Exit, though, combining the allure of a r--.. far-off foreign land with an excellent array of musical talent, is one r of the most popular and talked about festivals of the season. From Andy C to , Arctic Monkeys to Moby, the festival really caters J for all. Madness are also tipped to stonn the main stage, the first \ major appearance for the band in a long time. The lower slots are mainly taken up by underground DJs, bought in, apparently, to set the mood for the likes of Korn. Invest in a few different stages: no DOWNLOAD FESTIVAU one really wants to go from chilled out summer bme house to Korn. The lovely Lily Allen also 'hits' main stage on the first day of 12-14 JUNE proceedings, undoubtedly showing off her new album. This year, Dennington Park will play host to a decided~ older loolong Download line-up. Following on from Kiss' triumphant headline set last year, 2009 sees the main stage return of golden oldies such as Def Leppard, ll Top and Faith No More, alongside last year's Benicassim Leeds/Reading dropouts Slipknot. Elsewhere, highlights will include the ever hilarious and Spain, 16-19 July awful Papa Roach, J-Rock gods , and Leeds' very own Pulled Apart by Horses. So if you feel most at home amongst Wits, beards, and sweaty, middle-aged men, then get Benicassim is not for the fa.int­ yourself down to Dcwnload, and headbang away those post-exam blues. British. It is HOT. The music starts atSpm and finishes around 8am. By 10am your tent will be so unbearably hot that you have to crawl to the beach to fry whilst SONISPHERE FESTIVAU trying to catch a few winks, not rays. Unless you take at least one 1-2 AUGUST illegal substance you will not stay New festivals are always a risk for all involved. You'll either witness the birth of a awake, and may find yourself asleep in a plate of paella. Shower queues if you are female inclined last for approx. three hours so dynasty or be put through an organisational balls-up on an apocalyptic scale. If take a book, and a towel. This year's headliners are Oasis, Kings of either of those options appeal, Knebworth hosts the inaugural UK leg of Leon, and the Killers. Acts worth seeing are Elbow. Sonisphere on the 1st and 2nd of August. Helmed by Metallica and , the event boasts over 30 bands across three stages, including the last UK show of ' farewell tour. Tickets are still on sale, so if your tastes swing to the more metallic end of the musical sale you'd be mad to miss this Fauxstival one. Iceland, January (all month)

Hosted in a badly insulated complex of abandoned banks, Fauxsbval has been carefully designed to accelerate climate BESTIVAU change. 11-13 SEPTEMBER Possibly the most arrogantly titled festival of the bunch, Bestival is also best surred to psychedelic drug users, children or those who enjoy dressing up. With rrs annual fancy dress theme set months before the shows kick off, to allow plenty of time for creativity, the last major festival of the season ·Sasquatch promises three days of fun once more, with the theme Washington [US]. 23-25 May 'spaoe'. MGMT headline main stage bringing home the 'THIS AMPHITHEATRE,' screams the Sasquatch website, 'IS NOT space-age theme. The mighty Massive Attack are also set to LOCATED IN SEATILE.' Presenting Nine Inch Nails, Jane's play, and will certainly wow the crowds. The line-up is jammed Addiction, and Kings of Urrrrrrrghhhhhh, Sasquatch promises to packed this year of thousands of up-and-ooming indie-electro be in "The Gorge" If you leave now, you might get there in bme. bands. Main ones to go and watch are Leeds-based Dinosaur Pile Up and filthy electro artists Casio Kids. However, although arguably the best line-up in that respect, whoever was put in charge of the DJ sets was errher lazy or xazy. Only notable occurrences are Zane Lowe (who is hardly Bestival­ trendy), Falke Blood and DJ Yoda, although he is hardly exclusive and could be seen at most Metropolises.

words/ ramzy alwakeel, rebecca atkinson, richard blenkinsop, lizzie eclmonds, helen a goodwyn, alister simpson + 1~FASHIONL THE SUMMERBALL What better way to fill the last fashion pages of the year than with one of the biggest annual student parades of fashion - the Summerball. This weeks issue provides you all (guys included) with some great ideas for the ball or any formal event you're attending.


It's that time of year where we're allowed to get nostalgic and look back at the academic year. .. but we'll refrain from doing that and just get on with it! So we'll leave you on a note that doesn't dwell on the past, but looks forward to the future, here's five fashion tips for the summer:

1. Buy a one piece: bikini's are oh:! news, unless you're on the beach in Magaluf/Benidonn (de ete as appropriate). Cut t styles look amazing and and out. Team with a pair of retr sunglasses and get a cocktail.-1 . our hand. Sorted.

2. Ch ngf' your usual footwear: flip flop, never look good, this season has th,1r1kfully provided us with gladiator andals and the return of.. .. the jelly shoe. Wear it if you dare, and want to feel eight again.

3. Go original with your summer ball outfit, customize an existing dress or create a head piece that you can try and pass off as haute couture. Be warned though, wearing wellies is too far, yes they're comfortable and practical but you tend to look like a farmer's wife. Cool at a festival, not at the ball.

4. Speaking of festivals, use any you may be attending this year to trial some of your most outrageous looks, fiags as dresses can only be pulled off when screaming the words to Kasabian or lying back on the grass to Radiohead.

S. We never thought we'd say it, but maxi dresses look good. Perfect for summer evenings or events where family members may be attending, hence no tiny pieces of clothing. As usual, asos.com provides us with some great styles at student prices.

Finally, we'd like to wish good luck to Tom wears shirt, Piscador at next years fashion editors, Anna Debenhams, 28, Chinos, Hackett Temby and Tom Purdie, both of whom London 49.99, Bow Tie, Eton London, we're sure will do a great job of 29.99, dinner jacket, models own. continuing to improve the page. Assisting them on shoots will be our Sarah wears dress, Topshop, 40, shoes, esteemed stylists Charlie Bland and E'aith, 30 Caitlin Leslie, whose creative visions will hopefully inspire you al! with next Vicky wears dress, Bentalls, 49, shoes, years cutting edge fashion. Goodbye Carvela, 40 Leeds Student! words/ alexandra haddow & Alice wears dress, Zara, 60, shoes, hannah vasdekys Faith, 40 15 LS2 inside www.leedsstudent.Of' YOU SHALL GO TO THE BALL {AND LOOK GOOD TOO)


The summer ball is the perfect acceptable way of standing out. If the Summer ball fashion for girls generally why not go for the two colours that go best opportunity to peacock• . Too many play idea of a full tux is intimidating then try means one thing- it's all about the dress. together. As Alice demonstrates- black and it safe when they see 'black tie' on a a velvet bow tie. On the subject of ties, High street, vintage, designer· the price tag white gives an elegant, sophisticated feel. party invitation. do not arrive at the ball with yours is irrelevant. What really matters is that Polka dots are also another route you can Indeed the classic look is timeless draped round your neck. Yes it will your love for your dress is equal to its go down to combine the two. and risk free, but if ever there was a make you look like 007 but be patient. practicality· you will after all be partying for time to be a little too jazzy and get away Wait until later in the evening to at least 6 hours or so; and will essentially be BE BOLD- The spring/ summer 2009 with it, your university summer ball is unleash this lady killer. in a field. Added to this are all the joys of runways were awash with neon colours it. If you want to rent a Dinner Jacket the ever unpredictable British weather- all paired together. From tangerine and Accessorising is a great way to then Moss Bros is probably your best white may not be the best way to go. fuchsia pink to electric blue and highlighter loosen up your look. A pocket square bet. If you want to buy one then M&S Alcohol is also going to be one of the main yellow. Try fuchsia or canary yellow paired can informalise a black tie outfit and have all the classic styles you could ingedients of your night which means all with neutral accessories. can also have the exact opposite effect. want. Have a browse round the vintage varieties of spillages are going to be coming Why not take the opportunity to shops in Leeds before splashing the cash your way. From wine to puke, nobody ALTERNATIVE- gids shouldn't just be incorporate some stripes, polka dots or or if you're skint. You never know what wants their dress ruined by unavoidable limited to dresses. High waisted skirts can even tartan into your outfit. Just try to you might find. accidents- best stick to the easily dry look just as lovely; or for those of you avoid pattern clashes with your dickie­ We recommend Piscador dress cleanable dresses. However, this does not daring enough why not try a tailored suit bow. Also I would scrap the shirts, available at Debenharns. The in any way limit your choice· dresses in all with this season's harem pants. cummerbund if you are planning on classic version modelled this week is shapes and forms are out there. Here is a Of course, nothing goes better with dresses dressing down. very similar to the Turnbull & Asser hot list for the best dress styles out there: than sky high heels; but remember that you If you're planning on investing in a evening shirt worn by Daniel Craig in will be on your feet for a good number of new tux then consider a few options. Casino Roya le, but more affordable on a SEQUINS Nothing says a ball like a bit of hours. Don't make the same mistake I Don't reach straight for black. student budget! razzle dazzle. Sarah shows how you can do made first year when my friend accidently The midnight blue tuxedo was sequins subtly and elegantly; but for a more stamped on my foot with her heel and originally worn when the Edison light "'PEACOCK - verb: to dress in loud dramatic effect try a dress purely reduced me to a hobbling, barefoot mess bulb replaced the candle, and black clothing or with flashy accoutrements in comprised of sequins. Just hold back on for the rest of the evening- bring a pair of looked Ughtly green under the basic order to get attention from women. the bold accessories. flats with you. artificial light. Velvet is another perfectly words/ tom purdie BLACK AN D WHITE- For a classic look


3 course meal Professional Photographer 3 bottles of wine 6 bottles of beer per table DJ

l'IUNlll''\l ll:\', ll 'r '' ,. ,, ... COCOON IN THE PARK with SVEN VATH/ •• PREVIEW - LS CLUBS EVENT OF THE SUMMER cocoonclub •• system .

Sven Vath can only be described as a master have booked Sven Vath once more, this relentlessly work a crowd. of modern dance music - a true leader of time to play in the Voted as best northern event the party scene. Whilst not new to his beautiful settings of by DJ magazine, this is not trade, Vath is amongst a small group of DJs Temple Newsam in Leeds only the biggest event that who stand at the pinnacle of sound on the 27th June to bring Leeds will see all Summer, but creation. Those who recently ventured to the joint venture Cocoon­ the biggest Summer event in London to witness his set at Matter claimed System. Set in the grounds the whole north of England. that the night made them 'hear music in a of a 450 year old mansion !tis advisable to book whole new way'. And such reports do not house, the festival site is an these tickets soon, as the come from club virgins, rather they are area of outstanding natural demand has already been from the mouths of people who have beauty surrounded by forests huge! Tickets are a bargain chased the scene worldwide to bring some and a lake and wUI be open at £35 and can be bought of the finest electronic acts to Leeds in the from midday until eleven. Not on line from Resident last decade. Sven is a serious DJ. happy with just playing Advisor and It is only natural that Sven, one of the himself, Sven is bringing with wegottic.kets.com and in World's be5t DJs, lets his Cocoon nights be him Luciano, Steve Bug and Leeds from Crash & run from Leeds best club, Mint. Mint is Adam Shelton. Luciano himself Jumbo Records. one of those clubs th;il gels it just right is an incredible DJ that is often Great doot st.J.ff, a punchy Funktion 1 viewed as one of the demi-gods words/ sam donnison Sound.sytern, a lights show only rivilled by that will soon be propelled to Watergate ir1 and a team of st;iff superstardom. l !is rare appearance adds an ensuring nil mt':; like Loco Dice, Richie extra draw to an event that will feature Hawtin and a just announced System night dancers and a full lighting show. featuring Cassy and Pedro (30th of May) Rather than have an event stuffed with play in our city, makes for a phenomenal mediocre filler, the promoters aim to give iB•WiNiiiiMUI night out. all the DJs (including the man himse!O an System (Mint) extended set to do what they do best t 'Iii r1a Ill JI j, 111 'lled r M F'/-\IH,c, if tic ~ •t for ti ' E VHI( '"1 E Ee i:' c t Jdent w1r 1 ~ 111 m, 'l, E''T 111 JI Lil r 111 f 1-ff :111 -Jcinr, -,, -ir :J mot if nu1r11 Alt: darren@ hEornintclut GOIT EVENTS AT WIRE/

A last issuo wouldn't be con1µlete wthout a little l1omage to Wre. F'ar f,orn slowing down in the c1rnount of quality boo~11qE ir1 ll• 1e run up to tl1e emf of le1rn, he1e ail 3 11iql1ts that you shoulci tr ink sbout getting down to NIGHT ONE NIGHT TWO NIGHT THREE

Subdub presents Exodus at Wire Friday May Momentum - Friday 29th May-10pm-6am Ruffage-3rd Birthday- Wednesday 3rd June- 22 10prn-4arn 10prn-4arn Leeds' underground smasher Subdub brings the welcome return of 2562, returns for another instalment this time It is hard to believe Ruffage is three years old Cyrus and RSD to Leeds alongside up and featuring the talents of none other than Marcus already. From humble beginnings, Ruffage is coming producer and DJ Jack Sparrow, who is lntalex. now a serious contender in the Leeds club fresh from a Mala invited set at the legendary market. They have managed to book Peverelist DMZ night in London. Marcus lntalex (Soul:R/ Metalheadz) Tec.hno > to return to the North for only his second 2562 (Tectonic) DnbSet performance in Leeds. His productions are Cyrus (Tectonic) Lenzrnen (Metalheadz /Shogun/ Critical) peerless in their effortless originality, attracting Rsd (Punch Drunk/ Tectonic I Earwax) Julen (Samurai) Alternative Set support not only from the dubstep scene but Heny G (Gangsta Boogie) 3rd Generation Digital also from house and tec.hno heads such as Shed, Jack Sparrow (Earv,;ax/rectonidContagious) Subvert Ricardo Villalobos and Pole. Exodus (Subdub) Joga Signus (Radio Frequency) MCJC Peverelist [Punch Drunk/Tectonic] Hosted By MC Farze L.D. [Hyperdub/Transition Studios] Sound on the night by the Central Beatz& Supported with a ton of extra bass from the Rarnadanrnan b2b Ben UFO [Hessle Audio/ Symbiosis Sound Systems Central Beatz Soundsystem SouUazz] Signus [Ruffage] Tickets £7 / MOTD. Tickets-Tribe, Jumbo & .£.5 before 12 / £6 members/ £7 normal .£5 before 11. £6 after. Crash entrance words/ cryptic pete 17 I I UNOFFICIAL BALL AFTER PARTY/ PREVIEW i ,,, 'r 'llT Jr 1 clll

On the night of the Friday June 5 every Roots, Reggae THE ·suMMER BALL '. student is going to be partying in Leeds. Why? Well the day officially marks the end CONSERVATORY - Hosted by Heads Up! NEW BOHEMIA HAS of tenn and there's also the biggest student and Bigger the Barry ANNOUNCED ITS lARGESR EVER lllFTE~ _~~ "!!I.. . Summer Ball in the country going on. Some Music Policy Grime, Garage, Techno, Indie, COMPETITION IN ASSOCIATION people like to party, and then some people Bassline and Ghetto-House WITHLEEDSSI'UDENT. ~1;;,:' @ THE FlVERIHAM REALLY like to party. To accommodate for GIMP ROOM Hosted By Asylum, Hang the ' '- . . TUIIJlY &TH JUNE the latter grouping (and to be honest, if it's Dj! and Mystic Brew This prize includes: 0 your last night out in Leeds, if your gonna go Music Policy· House.Disco, Electro and the ; ITRAIIIIT AmR THE BALL T.D out, why not go ALL out), all of Leeds' most finest underground dance music. 1) Free entry(+]) to every New infamous party crews have collaborated to Bohemia event on Friday at the bring you a special event that Leeds has Tickets are selling extremely well for this Faversham. never been seen before. event already (after 2 days onsale) it is looking likely that it will sell out. The only 2) Free entry (+ 1) to every New Brought to you by the people behind HANG way to guarantee entry is to buy a ticket Bohemia event run in conjunction THE OJI, ASYLUM, MYSTIC BREW, with LUU (approx 3 a term). VAGABONDZ, NEW BOHEMIA, CENTRAL TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE ARK BEATZ, HEADS UP! and BIGGER THAN RECEPTION UPSTAIRS IN THE UNION 3)Apairof tickets to Exodus Festival BARRY is the AFTERPARTY 3-9am FOR£5 in Petrcane, Croatia (Saturday morning) at the Faversham. and also available from: 4) A whole load of First Word, Ninja The ONLY party to hit after the Ball will Tune and Tru ·Thoughts goodies. have 3 rooms of groundbreaking. Ticketweb.com// Jumbo// Hukaz // underground fresh·to-death music to keep Student Union (ARK)// Sam (079217059S3) THE PRIZES TOTAL OVER £1000! you partying until the early hours. II To win this prize, simply send your ROOM 1 Hosted by Vagabondz, New Don't be square. One last rave. name and phone number to Sam Bohemia, Central Beatz [email protected]. Music Policy D&B, Hip Hop, Dubstep, Dub, words/cryptic pete Ir's that easy.

~ STAG AND DAGGER FESTIVAL/ ~X'°" ~ 1~ toCroaba10U9 ~ ~ • '-IV Hill· OlhSeplfnwer PREVIEW \tm1 iu: venues acrosc eeds

Sometimes an event is put on where you can't The event starts at 6pm across the following help but feel the organizers are spoiling you a venues in LEEDS: The Faversham, TJ's Liberal little. Such events usually pack in a slab of Oub, Upstairs at The Library, The Packhorse, quality music into a short space of time. If Brudenell Social Oub, Joseph's Well, Nation of you're luckier still, they do it for as cheap as Shopkeepers, with the after-party being held at possible, saving us punters a few more pounds the Faversham to the daylight hours. for alcoholic accompaniments that day. Afterwards in your daze you look back and think Get your tickets priced at £15 from 'how could something have been that good?!'. www.staganddagger.com

The upcoming Stag and Dagger festival on Its all very coincidental that such a road-show Friday May 22 is one such event. Started in comes to Leeds as the following night sees the 2008 in London's east-end by the uber--cool Vice public opening of a unique new pub, 'NATION magazine, S&D has now extended to take the OF SHOPKEEPERS'. Nation ofShopkeepers is Nights out aren't always just festival on the road to Leeds and . 'This brought to you by the people behind North about the biggest , it's year, Vice have teamed up with Adventures In London institution the Lock Tavern, as well as about those unpretentious the Beetroot Field, Margaret and The lron the Amersham Anns in New Cross, Bungalows Wagon to bring you more bands and DJs. and Bears in Sheffield and Start the Bus in evenings of party anthems. Instrumental in bringing it all together has been . Taking over Grade I I listed building that Moustache seems to do that one of Leeds' un-sung heroes, Ash who has also is currently The Courtyard (thank fuck!), the every Tuesday at The been responsible for dozens of gigs in Leeds and venue will feature a wide, irregular array oflive Subculture and it sells super the ever-popular Nastyfest series. But enough music evenlS, DJ nights, and everything either cheap booze as well! All for £2 of the sponsors when there are musical delights side. It opens on Saturday 23rd and keeping the NUS - bargain. to discuss. A handful of the acts playing (at time party going will be: of press, more TBC) are: Sat May 23 · Openeing Night ABE VIGO DA, CASIO KIDS, CASPER C LOVEFOXX (CSS DJ SE'D and friends (BLOGGER'S DELIGH'D, COLD WAR KIDS, CRYSTAL ANTLERS, HEADS UP, KING Sun May24 CREOSOTE, LOVEFOXX (CSS DJ SE'D, THE NATHAN FAKE (BORDERS COMMUNITY) MAE SHI, MUMDANCE, RNSED BY WOLVES, SKULLJUICE, TOMB CREW, TWILIGHT SA, Who could ask for more. Viva Nation of VIVIAN GIRLS, YOUTH ATTACK, WHITE Shopkeepers. DENIM, WINTERSLEEP words/sam donnison 1~ARTS t-lLIVI /

The best been and gone: Slumdog Milh'ona.ire. Danny Boyle originally never too old to love a bit of Hany Potter and ART SHOWS/ had concerns that they wouldn't be able to sell v,.,:ith the young actors improving with each Rachel Getting Married. Th.is floated quietly this film to a studio. Thank god they did as film, the sixth instalment looks set to be the through cinemas in March of this year. this film stole the hearts of everyone who best yet. Now filmed partially in 3-D, fans will Bypassing the larger cinema chains, this watched it. It's fair to say that of all the kids in be able to immerse themselves further into The best been and gone: fantastic film failed to gamer the attention it Skins, the lanky Asian one who got naked all the darkest film so far of the franchise. With rightly deserved. Starring Ann Hathaway as the time is not really who people would expect the death of a rather important wizarding Against Nature: The Hybn·d Forms of an ex-addict who returns home for her sister's to be in an Oscar winning film. figure - oh bugger the hidden message, you've Modem Sculpture wedding, this film marked a change in the all read itanyway­ How natural is nature? This Henry already booming career of the young actress. The best still to come: Dumbled.ore this may be Moore [nstitute exhibition explored the No longer was she simply a chick-flick star, another film where a box hybridisation of all that is God-given and but an accomplished dramatic actress. Don·an Gray. This timeless Oscar Wilde fable of tissues could be handy. that which is man-made, man-meddled is set to grace our screens in the and man morphed. 100 years of The Curious c.aseofBenjamin Button. autumn with an impressive Bruno. (pictured) Laughter is sculptural hybridisation were spanned Winning the 'Mannite' film award of 2009. collection of British talent returning to the cinema if the with famous pieces from Hans Arp, Movie goers either loved or hated this film. As including Colin Firth and 'vunderful' form of Austrian Umberto Boccioni and Louise Bourgeois, if people didn't have enough reasons to be Emilia Fox. gay fashion reporter Bruno. along with many previously unseen jealous of Brad Pitt, in this film he actually Ben Barnes In a similar vein to Borat, works. An exhibition of juxtapositions­ ages backwards. With a running time of (Prince Sacha Baron Cohen's the famous and the un familiar; the old almost three hours, some complained they Caspian) newest character travels and new. The interesting positioning of wish they could age backwards so they could playsthe around America the sculptures shed new light on classical erase that film. However, the film was still dissipated fop with the generally making precedents. able to earn a shed load of awards and make magical portrait. Let's hope Oliver Parker everyone from homophobic conservatives to gazillions at the box office. (director of 2002's Importance of Being white trash single mothers look ridiculous. If William Turner: Watercolour Ernest and recent success St. Trinian's) does the trailer is anything to go from, Bruno will Masterpieces of the Northern Landscape Slumdog Millionaire. it would be hard to this English classic some justice. be an hysterical film which people will be Ongoing exhibition at Temple Newsam make a list of the top films this year without quoting from until Baron Cohen brings out an House bringing Turner and other mentioning the gigantic success that is Hany Potter and the Half Blood Prince. You're even better creation. heavyweights in landscape watercolour words/ fiona lament & david hayes back to the North. Turner has often been celebrated for his paintings of Venice, but the North of England was an rl::STIVALS / inspiration for him, especially Otley, which he returned to time and time again. Although the Temple Newsam is a fair trek, the exhibition is a fantastic opportunity to see works from the likes Festivals reign supreme - the summer trillionth year running. So book a megabus Th e best been a nd gon e: of Turner, Cotman and Girtin. equivalent of Christmas, they're what seat for a pound, a hostel bed for under Until 19th July. you've been waiting and wishing for all year. twenty quid, and set aside time to seriously Cinderella Uncut- (pictured) LUU's first student And the arts has their fair share of them~ indulge. pantomime delighted and excited audiences The b est still to com e: whether it be a Glasto-style Latitude fest in Latitude is a unique festival and with a modem outlook on "Cinderella." Written July, a theatrcxomic-dance-extravaganza particularly popular amongst undergrads at by a group of undergraduates, it put smiles on Postmodern, Britart, cow dissecting, that is the Edinburgh Fringe in August, or top universities- for it magically balances everyone's faces with lts v,.,:it, fair share of sexual shark embalming extraordinaire Damien (closer to home) Leeds uni'sown Barefoot big acts and woodland rave parties bizarrely innuendos and great acting cast. Hirst is going back to his roots, with an in the Park: Poetry Festival in June... v,.,:ith intellectualism: lakeside poetry events exhibition at his old stomping ground, The Fringe. Imagine Edinburgh city and big author book-signings. A Street Car Named Desire- TG's production of the Leeds College of Art and Design. Pop centre overrun with kilt-wearing bagpipe­ The atmosphere is the friendliest of any the Tennessee-Williams classic delivered a across the road from campus to check men, cheered on by a crowd, and making an UK festival, with lots of families buying day compelling evening of intense, powerful drama. out his latest work and engage in the almightly ruckus. Nothing out of the tickets, and all set around the woods of a A brilliant acting cast, especially Skye Stoppani ongoing debate on contemporary art: ls ordinary? Well then, now picture private estate in Suffolk. This year's as Blanche, Huw Beynon as Stanley and Lucy lt Art or is it bullshit? Until 8th June Edinburgh city centre overrun with men head.liners are Pet Shop Boys, Grace Jones Wells' as Stella, all of whom did great justice to and women dressed in nun outfits and and Nick Cave. Other popular acts on the the play Gay leans. This exhibition, opening at period costume, singing in harmony, while line-up this year are Bat For Lashes, Passion the National Portrait gallery, races men all in black perform comedy routines, Pit and White Lies. Bookworms - check out The best still to com e: through the past one hundred years of passersby are pelted v,.,:ith readings from Brian Patten, Jackie gay, social and cultural history, with flyers by man-sized Kay and Simon Annitage. Comedy Alice in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland ... ? portraits ranging from Quentin Crisp bananas, AND kilt­ fans- Shappi Khorsandi, Jack Think.again. Alice in a nightclub ... ? Spot on. and Haivey Milk to Will Young and the wearing bagpipe men are Whiteha.Li, Mark Lamarr and Robin From Ravenrock, the creators of the sell-out Village People. surrounded by a massive Ince. show, Drarula, comes another 2nd July -18th October cheering crowd. And that's Bai·efoot In The Park. One of the Total Theatre adaptation of just the promotion. few events to happen right here in a popular classic. The glorious Tate Modem conjures up For the main event, I tyde Park, and it's beautiful and free. Combining Acting, Dance, yet another gem with an exhibition think thousands of Barefoot is a day-long poetry festival, Puppetry and an original dedicated to 'Futurism'. This art performances at hundreds a mixture of stmy-tellers, acoustic dance sound track; movement, innovated by the Italian poet of venues, from theatres to musicians, and some rockstars of the 'Alice' will be another Marinetti, shortly before the outbreak of tiny tea rooms, all taking spoken word world. Picture lying explosive spectacle the First World War. engages with the place in a month of arts· back with a flask and some cake, with Ravenrock's dynamic power of modernity and fuelled insanity. Glorious. letting acutely chosen words drift signature dark twist. technology, rejecting the classicaJ Participants vary from across the air, poetry brushing the 20th-23rd May 7.30pm traditions of renaissance art. Highlights students to devoted tips of your hair in the gentle Stage@Leec/s Sat mMinee of the exhibition include sculptures and theatre companies, and summer breeze, and when it aU 2.30pm paintings by Picasso and Duchamp. finishes- you're only 3 minutes away 12th June September LUU's own Theatre Group words/ from the pub. Bliss. are taking up two charlotte future words/ carmen mccullough productions for the w o rds/vicky e llis & jack culle n gill past words/ nali sivathasan 19 LS2 I ~ www.leedsstudent.org weaving together of urban realism and The best s till t o com e: Oluwale's chilling, from-beyond-the-grave THEATRE/ narration. Performances were His Dark Materials ( pictured: Lyra with lorek HE HOUSE phenomenal (particularly Daniel Francis Brynison) Philip Pullman's trilogy is magically in the title role), with the bleak northern recreated on stage once more in this new, two­ Of- urban landscape looming over the story ;s part touring adaptation. With 25 puppets, 25 The best been and gone: a character in itself. members of the acting company playing over 70 characters, and 100 costumes all sewn and Othello (West Yo rkshire Playh ouse) Hl::f ~NARDA Mine (WYP) A well-off couple are happy created by a team of 7 people (including 8 fake Yeah, yeah. Lenny Henry doing with their newly adopted daughter. But fur coats for the polar bears) this is a massive­ Shakespeare. We get it. While the . .rv soon the peace of their middle-class family scale production. It's set to look glorious too, comedian-turned-thespian just about life is disrupted by the arrival of the girl's with 307 props, 2 pairs of fake breasts, 2 pairs of managed to live up to all of the hype, the mum - a drug addict working as a fake hands complete with chopped off finger, THEATRE REVIEW real treat here was Conrad Nelson's prostitute. Here, images of parenthood and approximately 960 fairy lights used... scheming, morally and physically Seven Arts Centre and childhood cleverly became caught up 28th May- 20th June WYP contorted Iago. Almost singlehandedly, it together in the ghostly character of the 1,j/)5 l"i/05 was his relentless stalking and adoptive mum's 'inner child' who Bedroom Farce. I had a hard time understanding manipulation which made the Playhouse's hauntingly appears to her throughout - an the short summary of this spaghetti plot, but trtrtr{:J , < wide stage feel so small and innovative presentation executed well this looks like it could be a lot of fun. The gisl - claustrophobic, making the eventual through lighting and video. "'four couples, only three bedrooms" - suggests a The thought of an existence without tragedy as inevitable as, say, a Vicar of cheeky romp and between-the-sheets politics, men can sometimes seem tempting. Dibley Christmas special. (unless you're watching a Louis Theroux However, TG's production of Lorca's documentary, in which case it means overweight play The House of Bernarda Alba, The Hounding of David Oluwale. couples who like swinging). effectively take this notion one step (WYP)Juggling themes of place and 6th June 4tl, July 7.45pm WYP further, to present the dire displacement, justice, family Jove and consequences of a world where men institutional hate within the city, credit A Night Less Ordinary. Remember: To those of are strictly forbidden. goes to Oladipo Agboluaje for managing to us lucky enough to be under 26, "A Night Less Set in the J.930's, The House of just about contain this true story of a Ordinary" is handing out FREE tickets for Bernarda Alba follows the lives of a Nigerian immigrant's 1969 murder at the theatre showings all over the country (London tyrannical mother, Bernarda Alba hands of Leeds policemen. Far from being included). Be sure to make the most of it! Visit and her five daughters, who have a straightforward retelling of a murky anightlessordinary.org.uk for details. suffered from a domineering lack of episode in the city's history, the contact with the opposite sex production was brave and innovative in its words/ matt hutch i nson throughout their lives. Following the death of their father, Bernarda imposes a period of mourning on THE BEST OF the house which is to last eight OPERA/ years. The play follows the repressed THE REST/ lust and passion of the five girls, as the eldest daughter prepares to marry. The plot begins to unravel when the youngest daughter starts a c.landestine affair with her older The best been and gone: The best still to come: The best still to come: sister's fiance, monitored jealously by her other sisters. with tragic The Magic Flute. LUU's Opera Soc performed Paradise Moscow. Another Opera North Eternal Light. Possibly the best way to truly consequences. Mozart's The Magic Flute with magnificent production, this is a version of Cheryomushki, celebrate the end of exams, after a relaxed For those of us with a greater results. Focusing on themes of Shostakovich's forgotten 'opera' · a fast-paced, day in the park, go to see the Rambert Dance appetite for sausage, this ban on enlightenment and freemasonry, they aimed light hearted musical that sends the audience Company, coming to Leeds for only three men might sound hellish. lndeed, to modernise the production with a 'Mighty out into the street humming a rousing chorus of nights at the start of June. This dazzlingly the play evokes a sense of Boosh' touch. Scott Penn and Julia Bower 'Cheryomushki!' Paradise Moscow mixes talented creative force first came to my realism and fantasy, romance and villainy, in a imprisonment and oppression particularly excelled in their roles and left the attention as a result of their collaboration comedy satire. The music goes from wildly masterfully, with a stellar cast audience reeling for more. with costume-designer Stephen Jones, who tuneful dance music to lyrical ballads and all has designed outfits for Marilyn Manson directed by Nathan Wood and points in between. concerts, Goldfrapp album covers and Gwen Rachel Ashwanden. Roxy Faridany The Convicts' Opera. Ok, so this may not be 19 May& 26June 7.15pm Grand Theatre an ope_ra in the traditional sense but it says Stefani music videos. Mark Baldwin creates provides some much needed comic his second major show for Rambert called relief, as the tragedy unfolds. pitting opera m the title so it works. Stephen The Abduction From the Seraglio. Opera North Jeffrey's adaptation of John Gay's The Eternal Light. Don't miss the opportunity to herself against the disturbingly continue their season with Mozart's comic Beggar's Opera at WYP was overshadowed see it here in Leeds. The dancers are simply unsettling Bernarda. played by slightly by Lenny Henry's residency as opera. Mozart's music is full of drama, beauty Imogen Turner. The five daughters and youthful energy. ln this new production, incredible and the sheer energy of any Othello. However, this play was an Rambert production is enough to inspire you are equally successful in exuding the interesting take on an original opera. sung in English. director Tim Hopkins gives a jealousy and overbearing lust of modem interpretation to the story that was for a whole summer. Exchanging the traditional arias for 4th-6th June Leeds Grand Theatre 7.30pm & repressed youth, contrasted with more modem runes such as The originally set in 18th century Turkey. This comic tale explores tensions and Sat matinee 2.30pm the terrifying insanity of their Proclaimers '500 miles,' served in imprisoned grandmother. once again modernising the play misunderstandings that can arise when one In the Mood for Love. A multi award winning The distinct lack of male actors for a younger audience. culture collides with another. 20, 22 May, 23rd, 25, 27June 7.15pm romantic drama, evoking dream like heightens the sense of forbidden Grand Theatre sensuality and an unusually powerful passion, and we become fully Don Carlos- (pictured) immersed in the matriarchal world Stnl playing at The Grand synthesis of imaginative music and minimal of an obsessive, tyrannical mother. theatre, this Opera North The Weatherman. To mark the 200th dialogue. Directed by Wong Kai Nai, the film anniversary of Charles Darwin's The setting of the play adds to this production of Verdi's classic is set in Hong Kong in 1962, and tells the birth, a new chamber opera by is a triumph. Sung in story of the developing relationship between sense of confinement. The white composer Paul Oark and librettist English, with a cast of a lonely secretary and a newspaper editor. walls are stifling and the birdcage John Binias will be at the Howard outstanding singers, this 28 May 8pm Howard Assembly Room hung from the ceiling is symbolic of Assembly Room. The opera follows the entrapped lifestyle of each girl has received a number of the story of the relationship Oh What A Lovely War. Royal Academy of Much of the audience will have glowing reviews. Julian Gavin between Captain Robert Fitzroy and Jane Dutton both sing Music's final performance includes 3 Leeds left the performance with a greater and Charles Darwin during their sense of gratitude to their own with amazing talent, bringing epic, five-year circumnavigation Uni graduates in this stage musical about out their characters' true of the globe. WWL Hot talent from tip-top, up and mothers and perhaps a newfound emotions. [t may not have 17th & 18th July 8pm Howard coming performers. doubt in former "nerves of steel~ the 'youth' appeal, but this emblyRoom 25th 28th June 7.30pm, Sir Jack Lyons This is surely testament to the opera sticks to its roots Theatre Royal Academy ofMusic spine tingling success of the play and comes out on top. words/ fiona lamont words/ jack cullen words/ shirin marker 20

Orientalising the Orient Spain BOOKS COMMENT FIVE OF THE BEST

Adreyo Sen explores how lnd,a i.s presented in fiction Spain is officially the number one holiday destination for British tourists. One of my undergraduate English courses, a maiden slave dancer is chained by a monarch books is that their (hopefully) gentle readers You're probably going there this seminar called Sympathetic [nk, amused me in the masque scene in Vanity Fair and a cruel thoroughly misconceive Indians. And when greatly. The authors wrote about an India magician in Gaskell's provincial Cranford is they do encounter them in real life, they are summer, aren't you? Read up on that didn't exist - complete with flying believed to spirit away pianos and savings unable to fit them into their pre-set category. where you're going and earn that carpets, dark intrigue and dancing nautch from the houses of unsuspecting spinsters. A The poor 'other' becomes doubly mysterious sangria. i018! girls. magnificently angry sage condemns a young and is unable to satisfy the demands to see his In an Archie's comic, deliciously snotty English blood to perpetual penury in Lalla pet elephant. Tales of the Al 1mbra Veronica Lodge flirts with a bejeweled young Rookh. In Kim is the superb English Of course, the Orient is equally guilty of Washington Irving rajah complete with an elephant. The comic invention: the docile babu, the Westernized, fetishising the Occident. In Jaines Oavell's Imprisoned princesses, headless horses, was published in the 90s when rajahs were slightly ridiculous Indian who finishes his Taipan, Third Toiletmaid Fung is entranced dashing Moors and sexy guitar music more or less extinct and elephants existed sentences with an 'old boy' and asks for your by her hotel's Californian guest and her, err... Irving's short stories evoke ancient, exotic only in the zoos or the jungles. 'good name'. umm ... pubes. Nicknamed Golden Pubes, Granada with a large helping of fairytale In The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins, three What's potentially dangerous about these poor woman is unaware that she is the this and a spoonful of history lesson. priests Vvith magical powers and a Bond-like subject of the lustful fantasies of the entire penchant for disguise come to England to hotel staff. take back the gem stolen from their temple. The English woman fares badly in books oma9 u Ca Ionia Not only do they kill and loot with finesse, about pre-independence India by Indian George Orwell they speak excellent English! writers. She is portrayed as a pushover who Tn 1936 Onvell set off to fight against The most annoying misrepresentations of can easily be conned by any handsome Indian fascism in the Spanish Civil War, living in India are by Indian film makers catering toa man. In the Indian independence struggle trenches, fighting on the front line, and Western audience. In Mira Nair's film series Gaatha a married English woman lusts very nearly getting himself killed. An adaptation of'!backeray's Vanity Fair, clerks' after the exceptional testimonials of her interesting insider's perspective on offices and officer enclaves were replaced by husband's secretary and ends her life as one of political idealism and disillusionment in vast expanses of sand and garish women his many abused mistresses. [n Bhishain Spain. dancing to the tunes of film music. Sahni's Tamas, the collector's bored wife who Bollywood made my classmates believe that lies on the sofa in her housecoat all day long all Indians are stinking rich, live in mansions, seduces the gardener and has a child by him. Giles Tremlett dance around bar poles and fight daily with Ditto in Ruth Prawer Jhabwalla's Heat and In a bold attempt to understand the their mothers-in-law. Dust. modem Spaniard, Tremlett investigates According to the novel, Indian exports to Now I really must see what my pet themes as diverse as Basque terrorism, the England were chivalrous magicians, elephant is up to. roadside sex industry, prison flamenco voluptuous slaves, magnificently auel words/ adreyo sen competitions, and the notorious 'Costa del aristocrats and, oh yes, oily clerks. A nubile Crime'.

same demographic, namely budget travellers bars and so on that I feel the main stylistic I l J A~I I '-"'U A'C., l\..J on longer trips attempting to spin a small difference from the Lonely Planet guides can amount of cash out for as long as possible, be observed Personally, I find the Lonely Carlos Ruiz Zaf6n Cenfral Ar'"'er Cd each takes its own distinctive approach. Most Planet easier to orient, in terms of finding Novelist Ruiz Zaf6n is possibly Spain's nuAt travellers will use one or the other, and are precise information about a particular hotel or third finest export, after Rioja and siestas. liable to have any number of inventive restaurant quickly and easily. However, what In 1940s Barcelona, ten-year-old Daniel is REVIEW reasons for their preference. So what is all the the Rough Guide lacks in specificity, it more taken to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books. --,.....-.e-,,..."" Being an avid user fuss about?The Rough Guide to Central than makes up for in content, and the main He becomes obsessed with as certain book of the Lonely Planet America on a Budget provides a great deal of body of text is broken up with all sorts of he finds there, and discovers frightening guidebooks when background information to k:now-before-you­ fascinating snippets of infonnation written in similarities between himself and the exploring pastures go, and it is presented in a witty, informative the same lucid, engaging style as the author. new, switching to and enjoyable style (along with a few iconic introduction. Overall, the Rough Guide gives the Rough Guide in photos at the start to get your imagination you everything you need to know before you planning a trip to running wild). It begins by covering go, from tips to stay healthy to useful info on Chris Stewart ...! Central America was comprehensively the basics of rulture, health the rultural idiosyncrasies you may encounter. Ex-rockstar goes to live on rundown farm an interesting and safety, history and etiquette so that Speaking as someone currently planning a trip on isolated Andalusian mountainside, experience. Whilst before you even begin planning the specifics to Central America, it has really whetted my makes friends with local peasants and these two giants of of your trip, you have a good idea of what to appetite to get going and see all that this oddballs, and acquires some sheep. It's the independent expect from the places you will be visiting. It is region has to offer. now a standard fonnula, but charming travel sector both in the main body of the guide, with location­ nonetheless. cater to largely the specific information on sightseeing, hotels, words/ andrew rogers words/ rebecca miles exhilaration of finally getting a lift, thanks to yet Mack offers some interesting perspectives the kindness of strangers. and experiences. The very fact that he For those who havn't, let me fill you in. essentially offers two accounts- one, of his Hitchhiking is nothing like the films with eclectic travels, and two- his disillusionment Rutger Hauer/Sean Bean. I'm 99.999% sure of America, highhghts the escapist ideals that of that.. It's an adventure and a half and you echo Kerouac. There is a constant debate meet the most interesting folk. between politics and society everywhere he REVIEW Joe Mack's '1968 and I'm Hitchhiking goes, which is insightful given the whole Cold Through ' is an excellent account of War backdrop where apparently you coulclnt Joe Mack hitchhiking as a 21 year old and is littered even trust your allies. with fascinating encounters that actually Hitchhiking culture today has an Some of you who've done the RAG happened from riding with political prisoners extremely miscondeved view of knife-­ Morocco//Amsterdam Charity to Slovenian monks. Mack keeps pace wielding maniacs; however, if you want to get Hitchhike knows the kind of experience you throughout, and opens to you the unknown. a taste of a time when people were genuinely get- The weird but thoroughly amazing Given that the critical event during this trusting. this is it. banter with drivers, the seemingly endless period is the Vietnam War, American opinion wait in the sun/wind/rain .. and the in Europe isn't exactly the most welcoming, words/ ali hung I II To gig or not to gig Paddy Considine is famous for his powerful portrayals in front of a camera. Now he's turned his attention to performing on stage with his new band He talks to LS2 about their struggles for credibility, music videos and inhibitions (or lack on C( efme I had a band I called myself verbalise the difficulty of coming to terms with the actor these ventures came at a time when he depressed. BRiding the Low," Paddy some of the crowd's pre-gig expectations. hadn't worked for a while and was "skint, sitting "I got it really bad after doing my first film, Considine growls in his elusive 'There's quite a satisfaction... It's like they're all around doing nothing." While these projects Romeo Brass [in 1999]. I remember reading this midlands accent, explaining the dumbfounded when they say, We didn't expect came about through circumstance and weren't book and Lee Marvin having this same thing. He genesis of his recently-formed it to be'... I honestly don't think they expect it to linked to his own musical efforts they still was talking to his psychiatrist who said, 'You group's moniker. For a man who made his name be any good; they think it's gonna be crap!" publicised his involvement with the industry. should call that period in your life 'riding the in film - perhaps most famously as Richard in It seems quality is the only way to persuade So, now that he could be required for his own low'.' It's when you should go out and do the Shane Meadows' 2005 classic, Dead Man S observers of his authenticity and generate a band's videos soon, what is their music like? things you wanna do. I just remember reading it Shoes, - this switch to music will come as a more genuine backing: "Now we're getting a ~I just think it's quite immediate," Considine and going, That's the name of my band,' despite surprise to many. Yet Considine is at pains to following cause people are getting past that states laconically. "We come from that90s indie not having one at the time." impress that the area of artistic expression to thing of 'it's an actor in a band' they actually just rock place. It is lo-fi but it's not kind of twee. Considine seems fuelled by a desire to spread which he has now turned his focus was within think, 'Fuckin hell, we really like these songs."' What we are basically is a rock 'n' roll band. Chris his talents, unfettered, across a variety of him all along. "I was bought a guitar about 15 Hailing from Burton-upon-Trent in Staffs, [BaJdwin, guitar] likes The Smashing Pumpkins platforms, with originality and creativity being years ago and I just started writing songs. I didn't Considine made his name through a string of and Justin [Chambers, drums] likes Metallica. the driving factors. Yet this uninhibited know how to play guitar but I leamtandended stirring - and at times disturbing - performances All these influences seem to come in the room abandon is something that, for him, public up writing abcmt 50 different songs and in highly-acclaimed movies. He starred as an and, I don't know, it seems to work." stereotypes can limit sketches, different bits and pieces. Now I'm at a Irish immigrant in 2002's Oscar-nominated In Considine says the initial spark of creation "J think there's too much pressure on people; JX)int where I just wanna do what the hell I America; a psychotic killing-machine out to came from listening to American there's too many restrictions. It's only other's want" avenge his retarded brother in Meadows' Dead band Guided By Voices. ~I really started to get cynicism thatdoesn'tallowforpeoplelike History is littered with actors who've turned Man S Shoes (which Considine co-wrote); and a into [songwriter] Robert Pollard's work. That myself to say, 'J wanna write this year. I wanna musicians with just as many singer/songwriters born-again Christian in the 2004 film, My was really the main inspiration for me getting up direct. I'm gonna be in a band.' I think people making the reverse journey; from Russel Summer oflove, which was set and filmed and wanting to start a band. It was like the punk kinda see it like all this stuffs done on whimsy. Crowe's 300ddFootof Grunts to Keanu thing. In '77 when people were saying. 'Man, I Riding the Low's a part of everything. It's a part Reeves' Dogstar and back again with Madonna's can be in a band. l don't have to have been of anything I've ever done, anything I've ever numerous cinematic attempts. For the most If Riding the Low playing guitar for years and know all the scales.' written or anything I'm ever about to direct," he part these film/music translations are failed- or It gives you the courage to get off your ass and explains befo,e adding categorically: "If Riding at least short of the heights climbed in the initial took off go and do something." the Low took off tomorrow, I would have no profession - with only a few maintaining As well as starting the band, Considine regrets about never making a film ever again." credibility in each domain. With this less than christened it. In fact the name can be seen as a It's intriguing to contemplate the successful track record behind others like him, tomorrow, I symbol of relief from his films, home out of a comparisons between acting for a director in Considine reckons he's fighting a battle for reaction against his acting career J front of a lens and delivering a song on stage to a proper recognition. would have no yet inextricably entwined with crowd of revellers. Each is a performance "People come to these shows and think, 'Oh it. requiring varying degrees of persona and it's Paddy Considine. It's the guy from Dead regrets about 'The name is from a characterisation. for someone who has done Man's Shoes, let's go',~ he says. ''Let's be honest, fantastic book about Lee both, is there any overlap between the tvv'o? actors who say they're in bands, you know, nine Marvin, written by his lNife,~ 'When l act I try and find something truthful. times outta ten the band ain't good." never making a Considine says. "Marvin was I think that's the only thing that overlaps. It While the motivation for people to attend an amazing, amazing actor. doesn't always make for spectacular acting all RTL's musical performances may be rooted in film ever again Reading it I found I was the time but it's truthful It's the same with Considine's success as an actor-and not how having similar symptoms to the band. We're not bullshitting; we're there the band would essentially want to attract fans - him. He would do a movie and 'cause we mean it. I'm not in a band because I it unavoidably grants them a ready-made entirely in West Yorkshire. He has also appeared when he finished he'd find it fancy bein' a rock star for the weekend and I following nonetheless. But is this predicament a as a Guardian journalist in Hollywood quite diffirult to get back into get an ego buzz. It needs to be done." gift - with a level of interest acquired before any blockbuster The Bourne Uldmatum; as a normal life. Just because of the Riding the Low come to Leeds to play songs are played - or a curse- v..rith a stigma comically inept small-town cop in Hot Fuzz; and characters, just because film sets The Cockpit on Saturday May 30 and attached from the off that is always diffirult to interestingly, due to its musical significance, as are not very normal Considine is anticipating a clued-up getaway from? Rob Gretton, Joy Division/New Order's environments to be in - it's quite audience. ult's inevitable people do come along for that manager in the fantastically trippy 24 Hour concentrated. You're under the "We're really looking forward to it. We've reason," Considine concedes. "I'd be lying if I said Party People. Titis year he played the detective in microscope for a couple of played a few times up in the North and the people didn't come through the door at first and cbarge of the 1980s hunt for the Yorkshire months and the rest of the crowds have never had any inhibitions. think, 'Here's the guy, will you sign this? Can I Ripper in the grim Red Riding trilogy. It was a world don't exist. You've got We're hoping Leeds is the same." get an autograph?' We've done a gig before and performance that sent a chill down the spine of people around you all day then Could he see himself making a living someone used a picture from Dead Man's Shoes anyone who lived in Leeds at the time. all of a sudden you go from from gigging? 'We'd love to play these ,.( on a poster. I said, 'Dude, you gotta get rid of At various times in his career Considine has that to being back at home songs to big audiences if they caught that picture because it's the wrong message: also starred in a handful of music videos, most again. You're relieved but on; selling out is a teenage notion. We we're a band. Don't kinda use that film angle notably for the Arctic Monkeys' track Leave somehow there's an just wanna be a band. We've just gotta roll because it's non-existent when we play and sing Before the Lights Come On and Coldplay's single adjustment period where the dice on ita bitandseewhereitgoes." all together,· he says before struggling to God Put A Smile Upon Your Face. According to you start to feel a little words/ laurie whitwell + 22 TVL OIi 'I loved filming in Hyde Park'

LS2 grabbed Lucy Davis, star of the Office, for a quick chat as she came to Leeds to open the new Virgin Media store. She is eager to chat about her new tv programme, Mar­ ried, Single, Other and fills us 1n on her comedy history, some gossip on Ricky Gervais and how glad she is to be back 1n the country.

CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Lucy alongside Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead; as Dawn in the award-win­ ning The Office; and with our two TV eds in Leeds

So you are filming a new programme in by Shaun Dooley, and Eddie and Issy have as Dawn from The Office, what was it felt it was at the right time. Leeds called Married, Single, Other. been together for 16 years. They have kids like working on such a successful come­ Could you tell us a bit about it? but she is set against getting married, dy? Do you watch the American equivalent It is a comedy-drama, which is comprised although they are a great couple; probably We had no idea how successful it would of The Office? of six one hour episodes. It is written by the strongest couple. There is a good mix· be, but everyone was really nice and really Yes, they are on their 4th season now with Peter Souter. His words are very lyrical ture of drama and comedy and the director funny. I kept thinking I would be fired as 22 episodes per season! I am a fan, Jenna and follow a pattern which makes you knows when not to be too romanticised. I'm awful at not laughing. It is a comedy so Fischer who plays the equivalent of Dawn enjoy saying them. Declan Lowney is the I'm enjoying working on it and being back I excused myself by saying that must mean actually came to my wedding. Steve Carell director, who also worked on Father Ted in England. it's funny. Ricky [Gervais] would always is hilarious, he has such a funny but vu\ so I was very pleased to be working with try and put you off your lines. For exam nerable face, this means although his char him. The producer is who How do you like Leeds as a city, work­ ple, I can remember one scene where he acter is a knob but you ca n't dislike him. produced so overall it was a ing and living here? was sitting at his desk and I had to open This is very rare in an actor; he is very tal great team to be working with. I don't know the city but I'm getting to the drawer next to him and every time I ented. know it more now. I loved filming in Hyde did there was a new, fresh, obscene draw­ And what is your character like? Park and the Victoria Quarter - there are ing, they were extremely detailed, it would You obviously have a love of comedy, I'm the 'other' part of three couples who some great shops. have taken an artist months! I kept trying are you influenced by your father? all fall under the categories of 'Married, to blur my eyes so I didn't have to see (Comedian Jasper Carrott) Single, Other'. My partner Eddie is played A lot of our readers will know you best them. I'm sad the programme ended but Obviously I watched him so I watched ·23 S.,


comedy but my parents kept us out of the also watching The Inbetweeners and The media so we had a very normal upbringing. IT Crowd. I have Ti Vo where I live in Even now however, I prefer watching com­ America, which is like Sky Plus here, and l edy. I have a short attention span so I find am recording Dr Phil, Ramsey's Kitchen it easier to get into. I love programmes like Nightmares and lots of food programmes. TV summer highlights The Vicar of Dibley, Father Ted, Only Fools and Horses, Peep Show, Flight of the Are there any comedy icons you would Concords and Frasier. like t o work with? Rupert Everett in Search of Byron England and with more swooning and ! have been really lucky as l have got to Channel 4: July less Eva Longoria. Hmm ... Rafe Spall and What other programmes are you enjoy­ work with Matthew Perry and Gary Shan­ Maybe English students get a bit more Tom Hollander star. Tom Hollander by ing at the moment? dling (who plays Larry Sanders) and then l excited about this sort of thing than most the way, seems to star in every period ! am catching up with 30 Rock and I am would love to work with Steve Martin and normal human beings, but even so, this drama going. This may have something to Lily Tomlin. As an actress I'd love to work should be great viewing. Lord Byron is do with the fact that he looks like every with Ashley Jensen because we are good one of history's most seductively roman· painting of a prominent Victorian you've I can remember friends. tic figures - poet, sexual adventurer, revo ever seen. lutionary soldier - Shakespeare, Russell Finally, why are you supporting Virgin Brand and Che Guevara rolled into one. one scene where M edia? This series sees actor and rather obvious Mrs Mandela Tt appeals to me because [ am rubbish with Byron enthusiast Rupert Everett, touring BBC4: July Ricky was sitting technology and here everything is under through the shining landscapes of the Winnie Madikizela· Mandela- one-time one roof. I would not want to go to multi­ Mediterranean that Byron made his anti-apartheid campaigner, now promi· at his desk and I ple stores if I was moving apartments and home, tracing the footsteps and imagin nent South African politician, yet still, here they also let you try things out in the ings of the poet. Nearly 200 years after ironically, most famous for being Nelson had to open the store so someone can actually show you his death, Lord Byron can still cause a stir Mandela's ex wife - as the title of this his how to use things. it seems. torical drama series suggests. We can trust the people at 88(4 to make a fair drawer next to and balanced of a complex and difficult him and every Desperate Romantics life. Madikizela-Mandela is as reviled by BBC2: July some as she is worshipped by many. This Maybe Art students get a bit more excited series explains why. The excellent Sophie time I did there about this sort of thing than most normal Okenedo takes on the title role, one that human beings, but even so... hold on a will require all the talent and sensitivity was a new, fresh, minute we've been here before. Judging she can muster to do it justice. Should be by the title this drama series about the a good, uncompromising look at an obscene drawing. scandalous activities of the Pre­ extraordinary history and an even more Raphaelite Painters is aiming to be 'Des­ extraordinary woman. perate Housewives', but set in Victorian words/ charlie cooper


Jam-lovers and Domestics That's not my name Fuckyou, Jonathan from Spotfy

wrote an article in this section of the newspaper a n toast, in sandwiches .. .! d.on.'t know. w. ha.tit. is he.re !tis. You can fe~l it coming. You'_re happil.y about jam. l just love it.' Thus spoke the couple of months back on punk rock and my bitter hstemng to your favounte band, but as their best song fashionably dad young male to his group of disappointment in i_ts cur.rent _state of aff.airs. It. may comes to a close, fading out like a happy childhood friends, all of whom replied m the affinnabve have shown a certam society m a negative light and memory, you get the fear. Call it a sixth sense: the that, yes, they too loved Jam. Oh, the JOY of controversy surrounded 1t in the followmg edition. hairs rise on the back of your neck and you get a chill T it overheard0 conversations. Not long ago I was lucky enough to WordsI such as 'narrow minded' 'simplistic' 'uninformed' and down your spine. Then happens: the split-second pause. hear' a harrowing story between two friends of one's 'stereotypical' were just some of the accusations that came Followed by thatgashful duh-duh-duh-de·duh ring. And then, experience of 'those men at the car-boot sale who were selling my way, names were mentioned but thankfully nobody's the moronic voice booms: MHI!!!!!! I'm Jonathan from meat.' Excellent. mother was dragged into the conflict. However, it was the Spotify'" There is something about eavesdropping that is inherent last quoted lexical item that got me thinking recently (when &$%@!"$£$! (roughly translates as 'fiddlesticks) in all of us. Whether you think you are a nosy person or not, I really should be concentrating on dead.lines and revision Who are you? Jonathan. who apparently is now my friend, as soon as you overhear the words 'naked' or 'illegal' your for impending exams): if my article on Punk Rock was given his buddy-buddy persona, has a Mormon-esque air interest will immediately be piqued Whoever said that when considered a bit radical and simplistic, then allow me to stay about him that stalks my ears. The same applies to that sultry you listen to other people talking you will never hear true to form and challenge the stereotype of challenging temptress called Roberta. anything good has clearly not spent enough time pretending stereotypes. "Everyone loves music. Especially in the bedroom .. n to listen to their iPod on public transport, whilst at the same Actually, my friends love their music uninterrupted. You can't time taking a lot of interest in the couple's domestic in front. peer·pressure me that easily - I've fallen for this trick before He certainly looks sorry to you, but can she ever trust him music in the bedroom? You crazy. crazy fiends. again? Asa nation obsessed with soap operas and reality 1V, Now, don't get me wrong. I love Spotify -a million songs at it can hardly be surprising that we are all very interested in (h I am X because I my fingertips, and it's free! (Well, financially anyways.) the gossip we can hear for free. No, it doesn't matter that you However, I feel there is a higher cost as my steely reserve is don't know them; a good ten minutes of people-watching am notY being worn down faster than a Czech prostitute, given this and you'll feel like you're practically family considering some Ll..J onslaught of overchummy banter. It's like the friendly hobo of the things they have decided to tell the entire train. on Millennium Square who wants money, but does so by However, the more I seem to learn about other people's trying to seduce me with ravishing tales of his golden lives through the stories I listen to, the more I wonder about adventures across far and mysterious lands in years gone by. the kind of things J must be broadcasting about myself Generally stereotypes are regarded as a negative way of It's more epic than the ending of Return of the King. without realising it. Granted, I pride myself on the fact that I living your life. If someone decides to place that nametag on I'm extremely baffled by adverts not getting to the point (if you then you can guarantee that it is not a good thing. someone can explain to me why a person jumping into the Similarly the person saying it to you \.Vi.11 be uttering it in a ocean has anything to do 'Nith perfume fragances, please let pompous and all·knowing voice that suggests that they are me know) or worse, telling me about things that I already better than you because they aren't stereotypical. However, have. Oh, the joy of what I want to suggest is that stereotypes aren't a bad thing For example: toothpaste. Is there ever a time you're at all. They are actually quite good. Quite essential. In fact, watching one of those adverts, and you think, "Shit, this is overheard they are quite necessary to most people's perceptions of amazing that's what I need! All this time I've been using sand themselves as an individual. Stereotypes are not to be to brush my teeth! Wait, darling! Have you heard of this conversations ignored. product? It helps deans and whitens your teeth! It's called, Stereotypes are essential to our everyday lives because toooothhh ... tooooth ... wait, what is it again ah yeah, that's it we constantly measure ourselves by them. For better or for toothpaste!" worse, when we are confronted with a stereotype, on the Yes, we can be a rather apathetic society at times, but I'm have never had a full scale argument with anyone in a public street or on the 1V, how well or poorly we conform to it is pretty sure we're not that dumb. Not yet anyways. space, but J cannot say with conviction that I've never relayed how we identify ourselves. I am X because I am not Y. We And can the BBC and newspapers please stop "twittering" ( an embarrassing story to a friend in circumstances that were define ourselves through what we are not. All of those yes its a word, now, deal with it) me updates about the lives of far from private. Isn't it those morning-after-the-night people that have shunned Burberry, Adidas and gold chains Jordon and Peter Andre. I know these are the pillars of society, before conversations that we all most enjoy hearing? I because Chavs started wearing them. All of those people and that their love must be celebrated since it's more fairytale remember with clarity my naive sixth form days when l who sneer at Ugg boots, denim skirts, intentional bed hair than Disney could ever think up, but I just can't relate to them. would spend many bus journeys to college with my friend and nondescript hood.ies v-tith a nickname on the back. And Not going to get ahead of myself here, but I'm not a witless Phil, taking turns in telling each other stories that would one particular friend back home who hates camp buffoon and my breasts definitely aren't worth more than a invariably begin with "So this one time, when l was totally homosexuals despite being gay himself: you should all be fiver. Not even dose. wasted ... ". The image of myself as I must have appeared to thankful that these stereotypes exist, because they allow us J1l think I'll hibernate from commercialism now with its the rest of my fellow commuters is unpleasant to say the to take one look at them and do something completely the cra-azy ideas. least. opposite. Ali Hung. who is by coincidence the Photo Editor to this So, before I judge those arguing couples or jam-lovers So the next time you catch someone being stereotypical, publication, endorses Leeds Student please pick up a copy. that I encounter, I think I might consider turning my iPod. just remember that having them around is helping you be Ali Hung also endorses a job If you are an employer looking back up, and just hope that they haven't been listening to me. just that bit more inruvidual, or stereotypical ... depending on for a charismatic and youthful graduate, please contact Ali how many people you inOuence. Hung - he will be available from this June indefinitely. words/ robyn law words/ matthew allinson words/ ali hung Friday, May 151 2009 w, w.lccd t df"nt Leeds Student damage.~ Sam informs me. upcoming exams at the mo. We are all in our Of course that is not the only issue here. last year and want to do well", Sally explains. Marijuana is being genetically modified these I asked where they got hold of this drug, as its days with chemicals to boost the THC distribution is quite controlled. "Joe's content of a plant. THC is a mild form of acid girlfriend has ADHD so we get it from her", and experts believe it to be the problem explains Danny. They all laugh as Joe gives linking marijuana and mental health issues, out a big grin. such as paranoid schizophrenia. "It helps you focus for longer periods of "Whether or not you believe the experts time and we're not the only ones doing it on the link between mental illness and either, there are few other people I know who smoking weed, one negative that made me do it too", Danny tells me. I asked if it could quit was the fact that smoking takes away be compared to an athlete taking steroids to your motivation to do anything... You can sit enhance their performance before a race, and around being bored on weed and not mind. therefore be cheating. They stop to think, But when you're bored you should be then Sally pipes up, "Yeah, I guess it could, learning a new skill or something." Sam says. but we feel under so much pressure, Sam told me he had grown up a bit now especially me, as l am a woman going into a and did not touch the stuff anymore. He was male dominated profession, I feel I need a setting up a company abroad and was off to little more help." Vietnam the very next day after our meeting. Earlier this year, l came across an article Before I met Sam though, 1 had met another on Online website about an guy named Ben who _had started taking drugs academic calling for students being allowed when he came to Umversity, mainly down to access to such drugs as Ritalin to help them all his new friends doing it: improve their brain power. Professor John MI had never done anything except try some weed with friends before University. But when I came to uni, most of the people I I know became friends with did drugs nearly every weekend ... we did ecstasy, MDMA, cocaine, mushrooms, ketamine, GHB and smoked weed." students Ben is a 22 year old from Manchester and graduated last year with a degree in Business and Mathematics. He seemed very chirpy who have and a cheerful kind of guy. Six months previously, though, it was a different story: Mi had issues with drugs. l grew a dealt weed psychological dependence on drugs and alcohol, and I lost friends over it," he explains, his cheery demeanour slipping away for extra as he recalled past memories. "It got to a point where 1 was sitting in my friend's house watching TV, just the two of us. I couldn't get hold of any weed so I got some pills (ecstasy) spending instead. I basically did three pills to myself in front of the TV while my mate sat and watched it.... This kind of behaviour saw me money alienated from my friends, which then saw me get into a state of depression and on to a Harris, of the University of Manchester. talks downward spiral of more drug use." about different studies which have proven Ben told me he had never done anything that they do improve academic performance. as hard as heroin, but he knew he'd had He was quoted as saying: "There was now a problems and did something before it was sizeable body of evidence to show that ·too late.~ He now has a job and had been stimulants such as Ritalin, Provigil and travelling in South East Asia whilst planning Addera!l significantly improve concentration a road trip across the United States. and perfonnance and their side effects were For me, meeting Ben had reinforced the proportional to their benefits.b ~essage the government puts out there with Such an attitude could never really come its Talk to Frank campaign. I have always to fruition. Two of the side effects, been a bit suspicious about what the nervousness and insomnia, are just what a government tells us about drugs, as there can student wouldn't need at a time near exam be a smidge of over-hype on the negative periods and coursework deadlines. Plus, if aspects. For example, while interviewing students were taking it, what about those Sam and Ben, I asked them what they who were allergic or suffered from the side thought of the new Frank advert on smoking effects would that mean they would just cannabis and they both said that it was have to be left behind? complete scare mongering: "It's just a Overall, the impact of drugs on student government tactic to scare people off of life varies depending on the individual. The weed. If smoking weed was that horrible, why negative effects should not be forgotten. The do so many people smoke it?" Sam remarks. dangers of an unmonitored scene, where you Nonetheless, I had also met Ben who had don't know what you're getting involved in, is become depressed because he had abused nothing to be taken lightly. Plus, where does drugs. "J nearly did not pass my degree all that money go? There will be students because of drugs", Ben had told me earlier, who will want to experiment with drugs and looking almost ashamed. experience the sensation from doing so. I felt sorry for Ben, it seemed he had a Surely there's better ways to spend your time made a big mistake in his life and wished he than taking so-called 'recreational' drugs could go b~ck and change it. After meeting though. After all. who wants to wake up one Ben'. l was tnformed of a group of Civil day aged 30 and realise they've done nothing Engineer students who were taking Ritalin to with their life except smoke weed and watch help them with their studies. I had read in an re-runs of Family Guy? article that some students were taking ~ertain drugs to help them focus longer, For advice about drugs and information including speed and cocaine. on how to come off them visit the Talk to They did not want to be named through Frank website www.talktofrank.com. ~ar of repercussions, so I have named them anny, Joe, Jonny and Sally. We met on a John Dean sunny day in St. George's Fields: "We are just really stressed out with coursework and "Names have been changed for anonymity tS,l::il\i§lii 12 Friday, May 15, 2009 J www.lcedsstudent.org I Leeds Student ''Engage and expose'' Banner-waving will get us nowhere. The way to combat the BNP is a political debate that will expose their unworkable policies

crusade against Nick Griffin's party have only "stealing their jobs and causing crime" and more immigrant populadon from the country ·would mustered an offensive uf sensationalist quotes state provisions which affect them directJy sound benefit us during the current economic crisis, and name-calling-. Yes, the posters which brilliant - so brilliant that it makes one wonder and had him debate the topic with others better­ denounce the BNP as "fascist" and which take why the government aren't offering this. versed in the field of economics, then we could things party members have said mit of context So when we go banning them from speaking expose the party's failings and lack of credibility make great reading for those who already publicly or use vague pejoratives like "fascist", on real issues. lf this kind of approach were undcrst:ind what a terrible party this is, but are taken across the mec\HI spectrum then their whol!r 1neffccti\·c when it comes to the people popularity and subsequently the likelihood of \\·ho might actually vote for them come June. A no platform any elccroral success would be greatly This tactic shows a great misundcrstnnding diminished. of just how appealing the Bi\ P arc to lots of stance As for putting up signs CaIT)ing allegations people around the countt)', 'J11crc arc people In of fascism, the only response which this is likcl} the more deprived areas of Britain who are to bring about in someone swayed by BNP James Legge sufferin~ greatly because of the economic denies our poLicies is "so what?". The fact is that many Second Year Philosophy dowmurn, who sec a corrupt parliament with people like fascism if they think it can help them [email protected] nobody currently in h,o\·ernmcnr or opposition right to reply as an individual. That's how fascists get inro with the \\·ii! to affect real chan!-,rc for them. :\ot po\,;er. Bandying around 1hese rem1s, which few ·n,crc i:-; a C<.'rta.in musk in 1hc politicaJ air at the only that, but there arc certain pockets \\·ithin the people actually understand, docs nothin~ to rnonH.:nt. \ musk of fear ;ind consicrnatlon. Far m.-v.·s media in \vhich the belief dw.t most crime we're helping their cause. \\'hen we take a no­ undennine their credibility as percei\'ed by those from the splendour or the J louses of Padirum:nt, is committc:d by immigrnnts and non-whites is platform stance in universities and political or who might vote for them. in the places \\'hen: real people live, there arc the actively propagated. civic events, we not only den)' them the right to And so a new plan of attack is re<1uired in the portents of significant and dangerous ch,mgc. And that i:- why, to these people, the BNP speak, but we deny ourselves the right of reply. fight against the BNP. Instead of preaching to Am.id the paranoid hysteria of an establishment can seem to be exactly wh:u this count1} needs. Tlun is a missed opportunity because most of the converted in a tone of righteous inuignacion t1ying to sikncc dangerous religious lcack:rs with Their left-wing social policies: large increases in their policies arc unaffordable, economically we must, as a whole nacion, unite agaim;t racism one hand and for-right parties will, the cJLher­ state pensions; more money for the NHS; unsound, or just plain diF.t1srefu! (did ! mention and prejudice, whilst adopting an ethos of and nm knowing which one lO dislike more the improved worker protection and state that thcr would also bring back capital and "engage and expose" in which we rake seriously BNP, clearly the most popubr of the far-tight ownership of key indusmcs, as well as their corporal punishment?). The fact is chat these the appeal of the supposed far right to manj parties, ha.\"C m:ulr..: n:al dccLOral gains across d1e obvious '·rc-p,1trintion" of a!l immi~ams and policies won't st,md up to proper scniciny. If one voters, as ,ve!I as respecting their right to free country's local councils. But \\"1th the local and descendents thcre()f, all appeal to the people were to simply stand Nick Griffin on a podium speech, and allQ\v them pl:ufom1, only to show European elections loommg, those on the moral described abon.;, to whom less foreigners and :tsk how be thinks thl'. n.:mova! of our how ghastly a cowury nm b~· them would be. House of co0101on thieves Revelations of MPs exploitative expenses claims casts the integrity of our elected representatives into doubt

should have been clear that an issue so close paints a vi\·id picture of a systt:m being to ministers' own pockets should have been abused in a manner which is grossly breached under more sympathetic offensive to a country feeling the pinch of a The integrity conditions, so the backlash from i\lPs across global recession. the political spectrum has been hardly No claim seems to have been too big, or of our MPs surprising. And yet, despite the angry fallout too small. At one end of the scale, Alistair and behind the grotesque, laboured Darling is renting out his second home (paid has come pleasantries, Brown actually made a very for by the taxpayer) at a profit, while at the good point: that J\!Ps' expense payments other end, an ex-Tory J\l'P e\'r.:n claimed back should be based on how much time they money spent on tampons for his wife. under the actually spend in the Commons. The list is tao long and too nauseatingly J \is proposals of 'a flat rate daily odious to det:iil further here. A <1uick read of spotlight allowance', available on!)' to ministers not 'in it is enough to anger C\·cn the most Sam Leach travelling distance of Westminster' make generously spirited member of rhc Third Year Geological Sciences sound, logical sense. Expenses arc not a electorate. There can be very little defence have so spectacularly failed to stand up for [email protected] bolt-on, free-gift salary extension; they arc of the actions of many of these i\[Ps. The their beliefs in rhe past. an allowance for extra costs incurred during details which have come to light expose a Almost every prorrnse

The world in ~lay 2009 is a qunc different place to the world in September 2008. \rn,·1ng in Leeds last September, some of us for the fi rst time, somc returning from UnbndlEd frse market ;1 Jong, careless summer away, none of us can han appreciated that we were on the economics has brought bnnk of such a turbulent . T o illustrate how much has changed. about a financial collapse that consider that, back in September. George \'C Bush was still 1n the \\ hitc I louse, wll be fe~ by ordinary r::e:::iple politic:,; was dull \' predictable. the world economy was still growing and ,·ou could still bU\ Pick'n'\ILx at \'{'oolworths. throughout the world There's even been ncw words added to Charles Cooper, Oct 3 2008 our ,·ocabulan·. \\ e wouldn't ha\'e unden,tooJ what It meant to be 'credit crunched' m September.\\ c do now. \\'i1h the media playmg the cn:r-prcsent rnlc it docs in to&n 's society it 1s perhaps not surprising that, whcn the world changes these dars, it does so ,·er\' self consciously. Fn:n 1h~ usuall~ staid, non-commitul BBC Tr e E:'1Pc 't c)n of 8arack ran an ach-en for their C20 coverage to th1.: musical accomp;rniment of lioh D~·lan's l 'The Times T hey .\re \ 'Changm" Obama ~; .ertainly a In so doing the) were indulging in a widespread tendency to look back to the '.J art 1eap for rranklnd, Sixties to gi\'e meaning to our own time. Th1.: Sixt1cs, when people cared and bclic\'cd ci.nd r ne which should 1hc world could changc. One of the common complaints of pol1t1cally-·minded n ~pire us student:,; before 2008, was that no-one cared anymore - where wa" th1.: spirit of the Alex Smith, Nov 14 2008 SixUcs, or c,·cn du: anger of the Sc\'enties? People, young people first among them. seemed to ha,·e forgouen the pan the~ cnuld pla~ in responding to and opposing the people in pown. But as old certainties ha,·e collapsed fa.s the Vv111te phosphorous since September, so too has the assumption that change only comes from abon:·. smoke begins to settle in the :\II year Leeds students ha,·e filled these pages with 1he1 r responses to and opinions Gaza Stnp, popular opinion on the defining events of this turbulent time. ~lcanwhilc mdividua\s and societies from across the l'ni,-crsit\ h:we exercised throughout the world has the poli tical muscle <;f t h e student populauon in a way reminiscent of norhmg tumEd against . less than the 1960s. ) leanwhilc the poltcical landscape loob Lawrence Carter, Jan 30 2009 more open and unpredictable than it has for many years. The new cho ices and chaltenges 1his will prescn1 wtll define politics and people's li,·es for a generation. There's no need to wish it was the Sixties an\'lnore. \X'hat's ~oing: on right no,\ 1s pro\'\ng even more mtercsung. Protesters were showing no resistance and chanting "this 1s not a mt " They were charged by ponce Paul Haydon , May 1 2009

April: The G20 summit. Police brutality responsible for many injuries and the death of Ian Tomlinson. Words: Charles Cooper 14 Friday, May 15, 2009 www.lcedsstudent.org I Leeds Student Bruised Hearts Where do you tum when the love of your life becomes a threat?

Two women will die a week in the UK at the hands of their partners

partner and walk away, as this will resolve the problem, but it is never that simple. There are many reasons why they might not be able to leave whether it is shame; fear; finance; isolation; nowhere to go; low self-esteem or even love. Often this fear is well-founded as women are at their greatest risk of homicide at the point of separation or in the first few months after leaving their partner. Once somebody has lived with the abuse, it becomes very hard for them to break the cycle of behaviour which is why it is so important to implement accessible options and support for those who want to make a change. The government needs to focus on creating resources that will help make a safe transformation such as money, housing, help with moving, transport, ongoing protection from the police, legal support to protect the victim, a guaranteed income Photo: Sarah Greene and emotional support. If a woman or man is not sure that these will be men should be warned more effective and comprehensive Although gender is described as threats, sexual violence, physical available to them it may prevent bout their boyfriends' solution to the ongoing problem of a 'significant risk factor', as women harm and denial. As strong them, from leaving. We need W:violent past: this is the domestic abuse is desperately are more likely to experience independent women at university practical support for those who are government's answer to domestic needed. interpersonal violence than men, it is easy to think 'it will never in an abusive relationship and abuse but is the perpetrators' The Together We Can End the British Crime Survey in 2005 happen to me', but studies have tougher custodial sentencing for register just another gimmick? In Violence Against Women and Girls estimated that of the 15 million shown that women aged 16-30 are the perpetrator, especially if they proposals published by the Home Strategy has been launched in incidents of domestic violence that those at the greatest risk of finding are a repeat offender. The Office, mlnisters are supporting the London, which hopes to create year, two and a half million were themselves within an abusive government's involvement in creation of a register for convicted national debate and discussion in against men: a considerable relationship. And even if you have discussing the options available in domestic abusers, as part of a plan how we can unite in challenging the percentage. It is important for the not directly experienced domestic the campaign to resolve the issue of to allow potential future victims to attitudes that allow abuse to linger public to recognise that men also violence, take a look around as 75- domestic abuse is positive, but be warned of any possible danger. in modem society. Domestic abuse suffer at the hands of their partner. 80 percent of abuse takes place in there is along way to go before a However, the plans to combat is defined as 'any incident of In actuality this female on male front of children, which means that satisfactory and successful solution domestic violence were condemned threatening behaviour, violence or abuse can often be harder to deal Leeds University will be home to is found. Until then, I hope that by campaigners from the charity abuse whether it is psychological, with as men are less likely to admit students who have been affected by they can see the failings in their Refuge as utterly 'useless' since physical, sexual or emotional' to their sufferings or to ask for the emotional and physical strain weak suggestions to date. they amounted to 'talking tough within an intimate relationship. help. Similarly, society tends to of living with domestic violence. and doing little'. A crucial criticism One episode that has been made classify the abuse as less-serious There is often a feeling of Info/Advice: of the register is its ineffectiveness into worldwide news that seems to which demeans the severity of the responsibility or guilt for not in dealing with the majority of meet this criterion is the Rhianna problem. stopping these events which, 0808 2000 247 E'reephone 24 hour domestic violence across the UK as and Chris Brown incident. Every situation is unique but combined with the secrecy of it all, national domestic violence helpline it remains, mostly, unreported and However, this demonstrates that there are some common factors can place a huge strain on any concealed. The police dealt with appearances can be deceptive; you that link the experience of an individual. This is why it is Broken Rainbow Helpline: 0845 over 13 million calls involving cannot have any preconceived abusive relationship, and important to talk about your 260 4460 LGBT domestic violence complaints of domestic violence notions about what an abusive acknowledging these factors is an experiences whether it is with a last year and yet figures show that relationship looks like as research important step in preventing and friend, help group or councillor: Men's Adviceline: 0808 801 0327 only 49,732 cases actually reached shows that one in four women in stopping the abuse. Often the emotional abuse is just as court and of those only 68 percent their lifetimes, regardless of age, severity escalates over time from damaging and there is nothing to Respect: 0845 122 8609 resulted in a conviction. With two social class, race, disability, destructive criticism and verbal be ashamed of. Perpetrators who want help. women dying a week in the UK at sexuality or lifestyle will become a abuse to pressure tactics, People often argue that the the hands of their partners, a much victim. disrespect, isolation, harassment, victim should just leave their Charlotte Stedman Friday, May 15 2009 Leeds Student 15 LS por

THE A foundation for a bright future

WEEK IN ettling down lO write your last that horrible purple tribe from we're limaed." rcmams sccondan· tO their studies. ever Leeds Student Sport down the road, and c.:vcry year m And n,u realise thar John has hit That is what m'akcs their NUMBERS Scomment. \"OU suddenly the aftermath we have to spm a the nail on the ht.:ad. achic\'cmcnts on the field all the become very aware of ~our own positive headline out of what looks After this year's \'arsity loss, I more remarkable. The Varsitr result mortality. like.: :'I terribly one-sided scon.:linc. wrote an arriclc highhgh1ing the may have been 15-5, but 1ha1· You also become acutely aware But as you ponder chis, you way that the t-.let had actively dnesn't tell the whole story. The of the pressure on you to produce a remember something that was said recruited sporting professionals to home side was right there in ever} half-decent piece of prose. to you earlier this week by John S\\'ell thc ranks and i.:nsure a health\' contest, with grit, determination Your thoughts become Robinson, the new LL1 U Sports victory in the annual showdown · and commitment the likes of which dominated by what t0pic ro Represenrati\·e; \\'ith their citv cousins. \X 'hat mam I am yet to see in any other sportmg address. Should I discuss the ··\X'e have a lot of talent and we will not knm~' is that plans to • arena. impending exodus of Ferrari and nurture that talent to the best of extend the eompetitton tO include ·111at is how Leeds is able to Millwall fans Renault from Fl? \X'hat about our abilities, but a lot of people many more 2nd and 3rd team have teams consistently in the top staying in Leeds for Manchester United and their focus on their education. \X'e do match-ups were shelved, primarily d ivisions, and have squads regularly victory over \X'igan to all but well, but in terms of ditc-ness, out of a fea r that Leeds Uni would competing in leagues out of their the weekend. guarantee the Premier I ,caguc title? hit back in these depth. And those qualities filter J\laybe, it should be why points con rests. throughout every level, which is deductions arc actually fai r and just What john says exactly the reason why the l\kt and how it 1nfuriatc!i you that some is dead right. didn't want to face our 2nd and 3rd sports fans simply cannot Students come to teams; because Leeds' strength in understand this? 1..ceds Universirr depth is immense. Instead, your thoughts turn to to be just that; · So as I sign-off for the final whal it was you set out to achieve students. For time, here's to the furure of I .ceds two years ago, and so you settle on 99%, sport is a University sport. Ir has· been a the issue of Leech; University sport. past-time for pleasure to cover you these last few The highlight of the season's which they hold a years, and l am sure all who calendar has always been the lot of passion and compete in Leeds colours Number of Alan Varsity showdown with the J\lct at pour themselves remember the qualities that rhe Shearer-related the start of the }·car. Each October into, but one that shirt embodies. the hoards of green -clad when it comes Owen BradJey tattoos drawn this competitors have facc.:d off against down toit, week by Newcastle­ based body artists. You wouldn't like these Defending fans' right to when they're angry be blissfully ignorant

he ongoing Test match graduate Strauss, he could rake heed s pan of the sniclem opporturnty to prove once and for all between England and the \X'est from England flop James Om1oncl, demographic, most readers of thal Didier Zokora is indeed crap - if PUNDIT T 1ndies has apparently gained who replied ro a jibe from J\lark A l..cccls Student will be familiar you don't believe me tr)' analysing his grudge match Stanis because of the Waugh (the legendary Steve Waugh's with the suspect haircuts and perfonnance yourself. 'feud' between che captains, Andrew brother) by saying, "at least I'm the unnervingly tight shorts of the SO's, Something doesn't feel quilt.: right WATCH Strauss and Chris G:1y!c. best player in my family." only via the nnstalgic reminisces of though. Being a football fan is about Their exchange about the ·n ,e tepidity of the Strauss-Gayle older generations. bemg im1t.ional, not calculated - importance of Test and Twenry20 cxchanh,-c docs at least deflect some 1n recent years though the beautiful Travelling 400 miles to a nondescript cricket has been referred to by certain attention from the 'war' of words game has been cultivated into a town on a Tuesday to see your tcrun sections of the media as a "row'' but, between Sir Alex Ferguson and Rafud different animal, not least because of lose 1-0, buring the dub shirt because in reality, it brings rifts into disrepute. Benitez. the influence of modem technology. this year it is red with white stripes For a sport so richly endowed with Benitez had the audacity to suggest Few of us would still abide by instead of white with red stripes. fiery verbal duels, cricket's recent so­ that J\lanchester United are treated Gra.ndad's mantr.1 that the 'wireless' is \X'hen it comes to ~alysing Ill) called confronmtion between the favourably by the FA., while adequate, when we can happily sit tcrun's latest drubbing I feel the same. skippers is made to look like littJe Ferguson said, well, no thing. around admiring Cristiano Ronaldo's 'J11erc's something satisfying about more than a mild disabrreemcnt If suggesting tl1at United arc delicate quiff in crystal dear detail on enjoying a few pre-match beverages, between two elderly women about the "nervous" about Liverpool's title bid Sky Sport's J ID football coverage. nourishing the mind with a dodgy state of Ben Foglc's hair. qualifies as mind games, it seems that Reccntly'J11e Guardian advanced steak pie, and then abusing a man witl1 "If this West Indies team To justify the mg of'fcud', Strauss Benitez may need to reassess what he the matchday experience even further years of experience in football because went to Mexico, they and Gayle could do worse than believes to be a ri~ J\laybc he can ask by introducing their Chalkboards he subs on 'that total waste ofspace' at consult a handful of fonncr Strauss. facility onlinc. Essentially, the urilit)' full-back when you arc already tlm_-c would catch absolutely professionals. D afydd Pritc hard provides fans '\vith access to the kind &roalsdown. nothing!" Australian wicket-keeper Ian of expert kit used by hi!,,h budget I don't want to know thi.: smcistiatl I lealy, for example, had a colourfi.J tabloids co produce plush looking science behind my side's ineptin1dc. relationship with Sri l... -u1ka's Atjuna diagrams, replete with multicoloured It's far more satisfying to make a Ranatunga. Michael Holding bemoans the arrows, explaining exactly why player scapegoat of one player and, to the After hearing Ranarunga call for a West Indies' inability to hold X went wrong on Saturday. agreement of your fellow supporters, runner, Healy opposed in a less than onto their catches during their Catering to the ·Football !\ fanagcr' dedare him to be unerly useless, rntl,er recent defeat to England. polite manner: "You don't get a addict in all of us, the hi-tech gimmick than bi.: forced to accept that the fans runner for being an overweight, unfit, offers fans a tantalising chance to fa\'(>urite has m fact slung every shot fat cunt!" analyse the underlying factors behind tntorow-l. 1f this is a little rnde for O U!ham their sides ailing performances. The Mike Glenister 16 Friday, May 15, 2009 Leeds Student Fighting to represent talks to new LUU Sports Representative and outgoing Athletics Captain John Robinson about the past season and his vision for the future groups. Now, he has added the job Spons Rep) do a great job this year John Robinson of Sports Representative to his listof and now she's shown me the ropes. I responsibilities. feel that this is the next step along." Interview "l saw Sophie Kirk (out-going Robinson's new task will be to sit on the Activities t\sscmbly alongside reps from other activity areas and The rain-drenched figure sat in the "I saw Sophie provide a political voice for Leeds Union's Info Point radiates all the University Union's sports tcarns. l lis calmness of an individual who has Kirk do a great other duties will include organising recently been vOLed into office. the annual Spans Ball, and worlcing "It's been a really successful year. job this year and closely with co-ordinator Carl 1 hope next year is even better." Brown to ensure the smooth­ John Robinson is like most now she's running of the BUCS season. students at Leeds University; he I laving spent the past year as turns up to lectures (most of the shown me the Athletics Captain, Robinson became time), enjoys a drink (all of the time) known as an active member of the New Sports Representative John Robinson, far right, with the 2008/09 Athletics Committee and like many spends most of his ropes" Union's regular sports assemblies and - having stood unopposed for the position - it is dear to see the the minibus." waking hours involved with activity an:a in which he feels he can make Unfortunately, transport and the most impact. venues remain an issue for a team "[ think I can bring in a lot more who have seen their membership money for the clubs. Limited budget double over the last year. l .uckily for is horrible. At athletics, we get by, athletics though, Robinson - who but in terms of equipment we've had along with his committee was the same stuff since I arrived. All our nominated for the A RC Award at rnon1.:y goes on competition and the recent Riley Awards - won't be transport. J\for1.: money means more completely neglecting his old team as success in terms of sport." he starts his new post. Since a successful referendum "I'm going ro be involved. I'm morion in November last year - going ro dedkate most of my time to proposed by Boat Captain ·Adam this (position as Sporrs Rep), bur I'm Young - the Union's sports teams the sponsorship guy still, so I'm have been exempt from the current responsible for bringing outside advertising policy, and Robinson money into the club." bdicves that decision is crucial for As the recession continues to bite the future of the University's squads. and companies reduce spending, ··\X'ith the opportunity ro explore Robinson will likely have a tough job cvet)'(lllC, it's greal. on his hands. Despite this though, "There's :1 partnership open with it's clear that the new Sports Rep will Proctor and Gamble but that hasn't be bringing d1e same energy tO the been cxploitcd. J'm going to try and office that he docs co the track. re-open that link and do a whitewash 'Tm going- tn st:iy impartial blll with companies. I'm going to speak athletics is close to my heart, !'ve got with Josh [,andy and try and open up a lot of passion for the sport, but in m;w avenues for sponsorship." the new role I want to help everyone. From his rime leading the I want to bring in as much money as athlt.:t.ics te;un, Robinson knows just l can, make the best Sports Ball there how difticu!t finding funding can be. e,·er will be, and J belic,•c I can do [...;1st year, they received only .£1000 it." of the £2500 they requested from And luckily for the Union's sports the L'nion but - despite the black teams, he's probably will. hole in their accounts - the 400m sp<:cialist is pleased with his ach1ncmcms as Capra.in. ··\'fc've been good this year. The BL 1CS competitions haven't been great but that's because the standard is so high." "I'm going to stay Though the BUCS compct.it.ion was a disappoinnncnr, the team did impartial but com<: a close second at the First Dr.:loinc Northern England athletics is close Univ<:rsiry .\thktics Charnpio;1ships. The l 2 team event to my heart, but was the brgest mccting of its kind outside of BUCS this year, and was in my new role I hostr.:d and org:iniscd by Leeds. The club also engineered a switch in want to help trammg n:nue after a disagreement with pr1.:\·ious landlords, Leeds i\kt. everyone. "\\"e\·e set up a link with South Lecds Sports Centre. It's been a believe I can do great link. \\'e set up a car sharing­ scheme bu1 again the. number of it II athletes is timiw

label. Clubs like Crewe, famous for their rich history Premier League teams look likely to follow Owen Bradley Joe Hibbert of player development, could be given a the example of the Football League and proportion of lhc TV money specifically to be demand that four of every match-day sc:iuad used for an academy. to.fore English players must be home-grown. There remains issues ebate surrounding the his week the Premier League would come through at lower league clubs and with their definition of what a 'home-grown' eventually bought by tap flight teams for a fee introduction of a quota system buckled to pressure from Ucfa player is; under their definition, Cesc Fabregas to British football have been and Fifa and announced that it chat benefits the club. This is a far more o ngoing throughout Scpp would be cligibk: as one of Arsenal's four. would be seriously considc.:ring natural and mutllally beneficial method of Blattcr's term as Fifa President. Surely that goes aga.inst the spirit of the introducing player <1uotas, improving the amount of home grown players rule? DHis most recent "six plus five" proposal was Tpossibly as early as next season. The lluoras in England than introducing strict player quashed by rhc European Parliament in The Premier League will not, quite adopted would not be as extreme as Sepp quotas. 2008. rightly, implement a propi.:r quota Blattcr's proposals which stipulate lhat any Player quotas will also prove to be yet Regardless of some of the S)'Stem unless it is copied across starting eleven could only have fivc foreign another limiting factor on managers. There is demerits of his presidency, to Europe, and 1s phased in players (he's looking at you, !\Ir \X'enger). already a transfer window; player quotas his credit Blatter has ,. gradually. Failure to do this Rather the proposals made by Premier 1.caguc would further restrict managerial decisiom;. continually highlighted a vital would lead co a sudden drop Chief Exec Richard Scudamore would enforce This is fine for the likes of Manchester United issue to the future of .. in the quality of competiuon a 4+4 rule, whereby four players in the Sllttad who have the pick of home-grown players and football; the need for and, as the footballing world musr have been brought through the rank5 at large transfer funds to back them up, but for I revolves around television promoted teams it is just another limiting greater regulation and the dub and four developed :lt other clubs in protection of domestic player revenues, would almost England. A lor less harsh, but as far as I can factor that will cause controvers\'. development. certainly have huge financial see, completely unnecessary. Under this proposed systcm,'alrcady over­ The UK academy system is implications. The main argumem for the introduction of inflated prices for English players will rise. continuing to produce great If a quota system were to be quotas is that they would improve the <1uality \\'hen something is in demand its price alwars talent. Arsenal's Kicrnn introduced it would have to be :-ts part of a of English players and thus benefit the rises, and in this quota system English players Gibbs recently dominated raft of world-,vide changes to the t,"1me at national side. But there arc clear alternatives will be very much in demand. This week, the elite level. The recent example of Bolton c1uoted £15 million for Chelsea Ronalda in rhc first leg tO a quota system that would provide the of their Champions Federico i\lacheda at United shows that dubs same result. Rather than stifling every club's • target Gary Cahill - a player who has to l.,caguc semi-final at ~ on the continent and ar home need freedom to select players of its own never played for the senior England side. ;,., have their young talent proper!) Imagine how much he would be worth if Old T rafford. Aston ~ ~" choosing, wh)' not distribute the l'remier Villa's bright start ro ,.,. V ~ protected, to stop mp clubs swooping League's wealth more evenly across the he was ri.:ally in demand. in and cherry-picking talent from other f\luch of my gripe with the the season \\'8S due in -. lcagui.: and also gi,·e moner to lower large-pan to the strength of their home-grown youth set-ups. Legislation would be necessa~ leagues. This money would be quota system lies with the man contingent. "11,ese examples arc, however, the tO stop excinng young footballer-. playing used specifically, and for no who proposes implem<.!nting il. exception rather than the rule. academics off against each od1cr and other purpose. than improving R1chard Scudamore has simpl} There may well be glimpsc.:s of qualily manipulaung the system for rhi.:ir own gain. academy fac1hties. agreed to impose this quota commg ll1rough, but the number of British The issue of a salary cap would a.!-,r:Un need The Premier League is system to get the heavy breath players breaking into the top flight is falling to be examined. Yes, Champion:-;hip clubs midway through a three-year of Scpp Blatter off his neck and has fallen consistentlr over rccem years have held discussions rhis season regarding television contract that earns (now there's a delightful image). Over-innated prices for hume.grown such a move, but surely Fifa or Ucfo shou.ld be the league £2.7 billion. Scudamore docs not act wilh a players arc also becoming an increasing issue. introducing plans for a \\'orld-widc collcctivc Current!v a proportion of the cksire to do what is rig-ht for bargainin~ a!-,rrcement that will giw the f.,>amc \X"ould you consider paying £3.5 million for an money is distributed according to English football. if he's not ageing striker who had scored four goals in his the stability it craves? league position:; at the end of rhe attempting to appease Fifa or 1 previous Premier League season? Probabl) The siumbling block to all these season. Lltimarely this means rhc L cfa he's looking to make not, but that's cxacth· what Aston Villa did for suggestions will probably be domestic and rich get richer ·and the teams moner. The Pri.:micr League Emile I lcskey. Simil;r outrageous prices have imcrnationa.l l:tw, as was thi.: case wnh Blattcr's outside of the Premier League get would do far better to look been lOutcd for J\larlon King, Dave K.itson, proposal, but surely thi.: law-makers must poorer. Furthermore, it is those and mosl young British players automatically realise that fomball is not the same as other teams outstdc the Premier League carry a higher price tag than their foreign industries? To preserve the future of football, that have the larp;c!it percentage or counterparts simply becausi.: of thi.: 'local' these changes are needed, and a lluota syiaem home grown plarcrs per squad. is as good a place as any to start. 18 Friday, May l5, 2009 Leeds Student No money for non-league Funding duel Feature se,1son. \\"nmouth :md '\orthwich an: 2004. Thev reci.:ntly lmt in ;1 play-off ,rnr other spon out there'. n,·o of the dubs 10 rrouhk who h;1,·i.: final ,1g.uns1 GaH:shead for the chance Fencing \t present th<: h.-amble appear!'- to ,IYoidn\ !11<: emlx1rr,1ssmu11 of the to rcmm to tht: IC\·cl lx:low lht: lc:lh'l.lC. Interview: Piers Martin have been well imlged ,is Bri11sh specifics of thcir plight bt:ing Both clubs reguhrl~· set: crowds in t.ht· l'l'ncing enjoys some1hing of ,1 \lom.:r m football pools :u the top of puhlicised. C11nhrid.1-,.re and ( hi.ford ;m.' thousands, with 'The Dons' hirnn~ renais:s,rnce followrng a fort)· -ye,u the most high proiih: ctsualties of th<.: food chitin ,md trickle-., in mam 4,IX"lfl on seH·ral occasions last scasoc;. drought 111 result~ at international rumours surroundin~ thi.:ir futures. \\ 'hen: th<.:sc clubs ha,-c !'-ucet:cdi.:d, {.runch empties C(lffer.- ... ·ron· sk:aze ca'-t·s unsucct:ssfull~-. down thrm1gh the.: scandal'. ·111ere's no douhr about it, k\cl.'ln the last two ,·cars wc·ve hat..! k,ll,..JU<:s, \\ith dubs the most in need the Camhridgt: ha,c spcn; lu:a\'il~ n:ccnth others in chi.: non lca.1-,.'tie p~ r:tmid have clichl:-saturateothall pla,ed in l.1..~'tll' Two.\ian~ hit the headlines \\ith rumours of rhe provokt:d ,1 ~im1brly sensationalist football pla\'coth,tll spoke IO British I·i.:ncing's CLO, Piers \\ cymouth side made up o( ~outh \lartin, exploring the realities of team players grabht:d the nation's difficult~· in getting back into the l..cat,ri.ie. l 'nfonunacdy its \U\ future 1s \;r-., t ir btgue. '111cy h,H c lar.1-,.f\: s1,1dia, bi!,!gcr uncertain and \·en· litde is IX'.1ng done funding issues m the spon. interest while the demist: of 11:tlifax las1 ·1 want to make it quite clear that budgets 1han most, but p,irachutt: about it. rT I ,QUI )tE d SC season mav Jun: passc::d many by. I'm not criticising our funding \\ i:\ mouth is a pnmc cxampk of pa\"mcnts do not last ,------~ foreH:r. prodders or the go,·ernment. the problems facing non-leag-m: Journalists art: calling me up e,·en· fi"e rT ,any time 'S foolha.ll. ·n1e, built themsekcs, on the J lowcn:r, there art: somc succt:ss stones minu1cs asking if I'm annored. I '\'e investment <;f ;1 ,n.-:1hhr owner, into a bet:n misquoted so man,: umes', team that was chalk:nging for a p!a,·-off below lhe media le\-cl. \IC \\ imhlcdon, a remarked 1\ lartin, who felt spot in the Blue Square Premier nvo foilist in Richard Kruse. Lawrence club horn from the disappointed by lhe CO\'erage 10 the seasons ai..,Y(1. \\'hen the moncy went, I louse is not far behind. Our men's contnl\'ersial fonnaaon nauona.l media: 'we sec the moner we they dropJx."I down the di, ision before gee as a privilege; nor a right'. foil team arc beating people in the top implodmg rather spectacularh· JUSt of ~1"- Don°', ha\·e just three.' secured pmmotion into I le was, however, kecn to di"-Cuss bcfore the afore-mentioned game British Fencing's use of LK Sport t\lartin is confident that British at,rainst Rushdcn. \'<"ith debts of around the Blue Square Fencing's recent success will provide a Prem1t:r. Thjs leaves funding, which grants governing L3lX), 000 (a drop in the ocean to those bodies the flexibility to take four years catalyst for an increase in financial in the premiership) the~· could no them only two steps support looking forward to the a\\'a\· from the club that of funding in a two yt:ar, from loaded, longer afford to pay their players pa~ mcnt. '\'\°c recei,·ed just over a London 2012 Ol)mpics: 'If we don't insurance for matches and were forced the; replaced Ill get any funding beyond what we have London and one a\\'a\ million JXlLmds. \'(c'vc taken that m a to release the first team and field the two year pcricxl which is a major risk in then there won't be anr \X 'orld Class yout.h team. from a 1m·ous rcmm to funding m years thrc.'C and four'. Martin the Football League. some ways. \X'e've taken the risk to The number of clubs hitting the show what we can achieYC in two continues, '\X'e arc already showing fmnt pages of the 'Non 1.£:1!,'Lle Paper' \J-'C Telford was what we can do, so ves, \\'e arc formed after Telford years. \X'e want to prove that the vaJue for the wrong reasons has pretty much for mone~· for the BOA and UK Sport absolutely confident'. ' kept that publication in business this United succumbed ro .,.,_~~-.-!"',-,-~- ~ financial troubles in Max Griggs aka Dr Martens celebrates promotion will be much greater with us than for Diamonds labour over birth of the Supporters Trust

playmg 111 the third tier of Engl1sh Dirccror. This was the first time a LI.Sm to L:600,000. The club, leaving the dub: 'the budget for the Interview football. Their rise had been funded by football dub had been handed over to however, remained unsustainable until playing side of the business has been the wealth of owner Max Gri!©i who its supporters trust in 13ntish football Keirl1 Cou,.1ns bought it in 20J6. substantially reduced for the new also owns the Dr J\lartens shoe history. It seemed like the model for "Inc club has realised that it is no season'. Rushclcn and Diamonds epitomise the company. As so often happens in football ownership may have been longer able to survive on football alone 'Thompson is cautious to answer promise of non-league football ru1d the football, the money dried up leaving challenged; unforrunarcly things were and 'swears' its remaining facilities to questions on other clubs in the division dangers it faces.Just 12 years after the Griw m the position where he had to never that smooch. maximise income. According to because the clubs have to work creation of the football club with the sell the club. Eventually the club was Almost four years later 'lnompson Thompson, her current job sees her together. \X'hen asked about Rushdcn's merger of Rush.den Town and sold to the supporters trust for a pound has taken on the role of Strategic 'working on projects such as increasing position relative to others, she refused lnhlingborough Diamonds Football with funding for the next t\vo seasons. Director at the club, which is no longer usage of the Sports Centre, Pre­ to be drawn into any substantiated Clubs, this small club from Upon the handover Helen owned b y the trust. During the Olympic Training Centre, Proposed opinions: 'I cannot answer for other Northamptonshire found themselves Thompson, a member of the Tnist's supporters' time in charge, the Trust I lotel etc' as methods to increase the clubs, but it is f,IOing to be a challenge - board, took over as J\ lanaging reduced the yearly losses from over income of the football club. prudence is the key'. She \.vas not to be From the beginning, the Trust pushed imo a more in depth answer. knew rl1cy were undertaking a massiYe Moving into the future of football task in owning the club: 'l~ver since the the party line is that the club plans for Want to be Trust took over, it has been a constant the future is the 'ambition to be involved cf~o.rt to r:duce costs to an absol~ce successful'. She opens up, however, as . mm1mum. The budget for the playmg the interview closes co give a revealing With Leeds staff has been subsrnntially reduced as it answer on what she believes the future Student 1s anticipated that there will be less of non-lC:lh,ue football holds: 'Looking fon.vard 10 years, there will be more Sport next :J:i:~ ~rh::~r:~~~ ·:i~:;)~~ ~} amateur football clubs at the grass year? £35m under Griggs during Brian roots level and more an1.'llgamations to Talbot's extravagant reign as manager. sustain the non•league football This was never sustainable, with low­ movement'. This probably reveals how ticket prices also funded by the owners hard running a professional outfit al Email the crowds were nor sustained as the this level has become, the appoinonent club began ro descend toward the non- of Keith Cousins initially to the board lcague. of the club, before buying it outright Even after a spending spree in pre­ staved off the near threat of to season the club still found itself on Administration for Rushden but other unstable ground this season. clubs may not be so lucky. The future find out Thompson states, in the guarded of non-league football is hard to more. manner she has had to become predict, but I lclcn Thompson's vision accustomed to while working 111 may well be what we sec coming in !he football, that insmbility has led to man} not too distant future. of the players bought in the summer r Friday, May 15, 2009 Leeds Student 19 BUCS 2008/09 Reviewed LS vs the I .<.'eds team this !-,P.1.mc had all the "n1is was a Just a prccurmr for what season. ln!-,>rcdicms m be exciting, and it did was a fant;tst1c season for the table nm disappoint. tcnnis team, winning the next five T cam to watch for next Season LSR: I chink the 2008/09 season has been a Going down to the bst !-,,nmc of the t,>amcs to \Nin the k:ahri1c and end d1c g<>od one for sport within the last much, l "rn eventually pulled offan league season undcfc:ucd. Men's fencing lsts. \\l1cn I wcm 10 L'nin:rsity of J.cccls. Being a first ~·car, cxhibmang 1-2 victory. "I11is is also 1m C:ongrntulacions to the team: an watch them this season I saw ;l tense I threw mysclfimo l~\".\porland found gaml.! of the season because of the cxcdlcm scason. cncoumer, wtth the Leeds side a hot lx.'tl of spon talent. Face­ cffon pur in h~ all players, cn:I)· one of winning by a prnnt. 1llts was ;lh>ainst whom Wa.Jltl'<-1 to ,vin this 1,,>';lmC. Player of the Season C\"Cntual second placed team, Game of the Season llm,·crs1ty of 1\lanchester, with the Team of the season Philip Hammock of the 1\lcn's University of 1..cL'Cls coming first. Men's Squash lsts vs Durham lsts Basketball 2nds, mainly for his [ f they can keep hold of thc off 28thJanu:uy 20)9.111c most tense and Men's table tennis. I was lucky contribution to the game against majority of their tcam and build upon nail-biting game I ha,·e con:rcd all enough to sec them play their fir;t ;\.cwcasrk l. niversity 2nds, where the on the \\'Ork they have done this season. \'C1th the added factor of !,,.>ame of season against the U nivcrsity team looked threatening every time he season, I can sec 2009/2010 being a Durham being \·cry Preview of ~lanchcstcr in what was a very dose was on chc coun. very successful season for the fencing unaccommodating to the Uni side game, ending 9-8 to the University of I ha,·e not seen another player team. when they tried to rcarran!-,JC the away Leeds. make such an impact on a game all leg. causing deduction of poinLs from \'("cet,vood will be a cauldron of hostility later today, when the annual Leeds Studrnl vs f _)J?.j,11 football ma1ch kicks off at 4pm. T he make-up of LSR's stamng Gytnnastics fantastic eleven has been the subject of much scrutiny recently, as last year's side was Gymnastics somewhat bereft of r egular contributors to the stanon. Regular DJ 1:.llionCawwill need to The BUCS Annual Gymnastics pass a late fitness test to play, but will Competition was h e ld at City of have !\l ichael Essien on standby. Newcastle G)mnasocs Academ}' on Thcrry I lcnry, meanwhile, will put his May 9th and 10th. Leeds University breakfast phone-in on hold to mke his G)•mnastics Club sent in total 13 place on the bench. gymnastS to compete, reruming with LfR, however, have been swift to gold, silver and bronze medals. dispel the notion that their sqtmd will The Men's team competed on be comprised almost entirely of Saturday, winning A and B team players without any real affiliation to bronze medals. Placing 3rd behind the radio station. Loughborough and Leeds Me t on both occasions. Men's grade two team consisted of Adam L1ughton, Sam Routledge, Scott Gebbie, Devin Reilly and Sam I laigh. No indiv idual apparnrus medals were given this year but Adam Laug hto n rook home overall gold for the grade 2 Men's Championship. The Women's A team sadly missed out on a medal placing and came 4th, however the B team placed silver just behind Loughborough. The scores from the women's competition ''To suggest that we'll be fielding a have not yet been released due to team of ringers is outrageous," said computer error on the day. We are not captain Paolo r-.faldim, "\'Ve'rc all full) sure who made the A or B team for the fledged members of the University's women but all should be congmrulaced sccc.md best srudcm media !.,'TOup. on their efforts. Staying away from controversy, L"ds Student arc expected to field a side chiefly comprised of L.S Sport Q: \X.'ho is your player of the season? losing the first t\VO games. I lowever an more suited to this year's third team. writers and editors, as well as a an,a7jng fih>t'lt back saw him tum the tic Squash smattering of other sections' A; For the men it has to be Tom Lee complc1cly and win 3-2, helping the Q: \X'hat do you think we can expect Interview: Nigel Howell conuibutors. And, smalling from last for his committed and consistent Leeds second team stay up at the from d1e women's seconds after they year's defeat, they ha,·c rc\"cngc in 1 performances c.xpcnsc of Durhrun's second team. missed om on promotion by a point mind. all season. For the ,,•omen, it's l(jtty thiSSL"L'-011? Q: I low do you think the reams have LS' editor and team captain l..aunc r,,.;ewsham. She has plarccl a lot of Q: During the season the sc1uash tearn performed this season? Did they fulfil \'(.'hitwell was 10 abrasive mood ahead m atches dtis year, had to chant,rc home venue from the A: All we can ask for is exactly the expcctauons? of the game: " If l~S'R can resist roping pcrfom1ing very well for the first team Sports Centre to the Gl)phon. D o you same. 'J"l,e only reason the)· missed oul in six players from the University's and getting to tl1c qua.rter-finaJs m the think diis had an impact on results and was due to the team being unable to A: The women's teams did very well second team, then we have a good BUCS individuals. JX.'rformances? travel to Ncwcasdc, resulting in them this season. The first team came chance. ha,·mg m forfeit the match (which second in their 13UCS premier division "l lowcvcr, if they persist with a Q: \X'hat was your game or the sc.-ason? A; 111e new courts dcfirntcly took ame results in a point deduction). final behind a vet)" strong Birmingham ringer policy, there will be blood," to get used to. l lowcvcr, after training It i.s incredibly fn1strnung since the) L'ru team, and the second team came roared a dnmken \X'hitwell, who \\.ill ~ A: It is ddimteh' thc men's second on them twice a week and p laying were easily the strongest team in this sc.x:ond be leading the team for a second team's final game ·of the sea.son ~>';lltlSt pknty of matches on them, I can safcl) dl\.1!-ion but I believe that prornoaon 1s in d1cir league, and were arguably the successt\"C ycar. Durham seconds. say t.'\·cryone has h'Tit then: for the 1:1king for them next year. strongest team, finishing as ninncrs up LS" \l>ort also spoke with esteemed 1 Both teams were fighting for uSLx.l to them. ·1nat said, the old courts m the BL(:S cup. fom1cr player. coach and bro;1dcastl'r surn,·al with the loser of the contcst \\illlx:missed! Q: \\"l,;11 arc the aims for the teuns The men's teams weren't as Ron \ lanager abou1 the match: lx:ing rcle~ratcd. I ..ceatcct seconds just about St:t)ing up. This was \\ ·l.-ct\i;o<.xl on a I :riTiinst tht.: Durh.m1 number being on placements, it was ,·cn firsts cm !-,'( l a step funher two. difficult to gt:l ,1 strong tc:tm out cvt.:n :md win 1hc BL"(::S prcmicr division. Tllings didn't srnrt wdl, with P;rnJ Wl.-ck. But this di,·i~ion should hc much t- BIG DEBATE: SHOULD LS SPORT LOOKS AT NON-LEAGUE FOOTBALL USE QUOTAS? FOOTBALL, BUCS and LS vs LSRfrn

Leeds on the road to glory

Champ1onsh1ps by winning team team gold. point of view. has been the Men's Cycling gold in the XC race. D uring the week before the cons1s1enq of the riders, Chaimbcrl:lin led the team home 'This year has 'lational Student 25 Time Trial, the performing when they have co and w1th a fifth place finish despite team \vas named the Deloitte Leeds getting the job done ncry mne. rolling a tyre dunng the early parts been amazing. University sporrs team of the year, "'l11e ream time cria1 performance of the race. for the second rime in the club's from a personal point of view was a Leeds University cycling team looks t\t the Team Time T rial, the t\ clc\·en-year history. great ride. set to cap off a great year by winning team ofTunnicliffc, Dales and King Next year, we At the national 25, King won "We went down the day before, the BUCS National Studcm Road rode a fantastic rnce to complete the ah,ain on a tough and windy course rode the course in training and on Race this weekend. 31 mile course with a ume of hope to see a with a time of 55.16. Tunnicliffe the day we had a \'Cry fast, smooth The team of six riders aims to 1.07.39, beating second place finished 6th with a 57.00. ride. win the race and the ream prize, and Cambridge by 30 seconds to claim Leeds rider Dales suffered a mechanical " \ special mention must go to with a line up of Lee Tunnicliffc, gold for the second year ma row. problem before the start, and had to I larry King, a double British student Jack Kirk, 1 larry King, 1\ lichacl The team averaged 28mph as abandon his TT b ike for champion in the IO and the 25. Dales, Jack Cutsforth and Cal um they flew around the course, hitting represent Tunnicliffc's road bike. "The focus is now on Saturday, Chaimbcrlain, things arc looking speeds of up to 35mph on the flat. Sadly the team missed out on a with a \·cry strong team, we have the good. At the ten mile Nauonal Student team GB at team medal for the first time this ability to get another win with a few The year started off well for the Championship, the team came back year by a minute. riders like Tunnicliffe, Kirk and team with a team sil\'Cr at the with a },JTeat haul of mccla1s. the Student The ccam heads to the road race King. N:aional Student l ltll Climb. King won the event and beat the on saturday looking co take the wm "!\ext year, we hope t0 sec a Out of 150, King ,vas fifth, Kirk course record on the way to a and round off what has bet:n a VC[) I .ccds rider go t0 the Student W'or\cl sixth, Dales twelfth and Tunnidiffc personal best for the d1srance with a World Cycling successful season. Cycling Championsh ips and fifteenth. ume of20.40. i\ lichacl Dales, captain of the represent team G Bl'' This performance signalled a Tunnicliffe was third with a omc Champion­ cycling: club, was full of praise for !,>TCat srnrt to the year. of 20.51 and Dales recorded a the season's performance. The mountain bike team stunned personal best with a time of 21.48. ships." ''This year has been incredible. the BUCS r-.tountain Bike This performance also won Leeds The most amazing part, from Ill) The Leave Leeds Tidy website pr0vides loads of Info to help you when moving ou1 of your accornmodotlon lncue!lng a usehJI CheckliSt: a map of off the bottle banks, Green Streets collection dates and a list of useful servlees and contacts. Belew are top IIPS to rooving ou1 and leaving Leeds 11dy. www.leavektedstldy.com

TAKI OUT YOUR messy, ond tt increases the chOl"lCe of BLACK BINI someone going through yeur bins. Put your black bin out the If you're leaving Leeas before oln night before a collootfon ooy you can regf&ter wtth our team and brtng It bock In 111e of Changeover Wardens and they'll day ofter. If you leave them put your bin ovt and bnng tt back In out you may be fined up for you, Just coif o113 380 1329 to USE YOUR GREEN BIN to £75, It annoys local residents, as tt register. Put all clean tins and cans, makes the streets look clvttered and non-confidential paper, magazines and cord and plosttc bottles and bogs (mol1

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