Journal of Business and Management

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Journal of Business and Management J. B.M. ISSN: 1535-668X 9RO4,1RMarch 8 Journal of Business and Management (GLWRULQ&KLHI (OGRQ</L3K' ([HFXWLYH(GLWRU :HL+VL)UDQN+XQJ3K' 3XEOLVKHGE\Department of Management Information Systems &ROOHJHRI&RPPHUFH1DWLRQDO&KHQJFKL8QLYHUVLW\ Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018 Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018 SPONSORING ORGANIZATION WESTERN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE The Western Decision Sciences Institute is a regional subdivision of the Decision Sciences Institute, USA. WDSI organizes an annual conference and provides financial sponsorship for the Journal of Business and Management published by the Department of Management Information Systems at College of Commerce, National Chengchi University. California State University at Dominguez Hills initiated this journal in 1993. The annual conference and journal facilitate the dissemination of theory, practice, and research in all areas of education, business, and organizational decisions. PRESIDENT 1DWDVD&KULVWRGRXOLGRX &DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\'RPLQTXH]+LOOV PRESIDENT-ELECT $OEHUW+XDQJ 8QLYHUVLW\RIWKH3DFLILF VICE PRESIDENT PROGRAM CHAIR FOR 2018 MEETING gPHU6%HQOL &DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\/RQJ%HDFK VICE PRESIDENT PROGRAM CHAIR ELECT 7KHRGRUH%\UQH &DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\'RPLQJXH]+LOOV VICE PRESIDENT FOR MEMBER SERVICES 6DOHP%RXPHGLHQH 0RQWDQD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\%LOOLQJV SECRETARY/TREASURER 6KHOGRQ56PLWK 8WDK9DOOH\8QLYHUVLW\ DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS .KRVURZ0RVKLUYD]LUL &DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\/RQJ%HDFK IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT -RKQ%HOO 8QLYHUVLW\RI7HQQHVVHH Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018 Journal of Business and Management Volume 24 Number 1 March 2018 EDITOR6 Eldon Y. Li, National Chengchi University :HL+VL)UDQN+XQJ1DWLRQDO&KHQJFKL8QLYHUVLW\ ISSN: 1535-668X 9RO4,1RMarch 8 J. B.M. +PVSOBMPG#VTJOFTT BOE.BOBHFNFOU EDITORS (OGRQ</L1DWLRQDO&KHQJFKL8QLYHUVLW\ :HL+VL)UDQN+XQJ1DWLRQDO&KHQJFKL8QLYHUVLW\ EDITORIAL BOARD 1DQF\%RUNRZVNL 8QLYHUVLW\RI$ODEDPDDW%LUPLQJKDP .ULVKQD6'KLU 8QLYHUVLW\RI+DZDLLDW+LOR 6RQLD0*ROW] 0LFKLJDQ7HFK8QLYHUVLW\ 5LFKDUG/-HQVRQ 8WDK6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ Miles G. Nicholls RMIT University 7HUUL$6FDQGXUD 8QLYHUVLW\RI0LDPL Chwen Sheu Kansas State University -HIIUH\$6RQQHQIHOG <DOH8QLYHUVLW\ 9LFWRU+9URRP <DOH8QLYHUVLW\ PAST EDITORS %XUKDQ<DYDV&DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\'RPLQJXH]+LOOV 5D\PRQG+RJOHU&RORUDGR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ $P\(+XUOH\+DQVRQDQG&ULVWLQD0*LDQQDQWRQLR&KDSPDQ8QLYHUVLW\ EDITORIAL STAFF /DXUHQFH)DQJ.DL&KDQJ'D<HK8QLYHUVLW\ 0DULDQ&KDQ(GLWRULDO$VVLVWDQW Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018 Contents Editorial......................................................................................................................................i Eldon Y. Li The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employees’ Protean and Boundaryless Career Attitudes: An Empirical Study of the Banking Sector in Turkey......................................................................................................................1 Bahar Suvaci Insight into Blog Retailers.....................................................................................................27 Florence Jiayun Ng The Moral Development Index of Future Business Leaders: A Study on the Impact of Changes in Economic Systems and Gender .......................................49 Dinah Payne, Marek Pawlak, Sathiadev Mahesh The Amazon Go Concept: Implications, Applications, and Sustainability...................79 Alex Polacco, Kayla Backes Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018 Li / Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018, i-ii Editorial Eldon Y. Li Historical Retrospect The publication of Journal of Business and Management (JBM) was initiated in 1993 by Prof. Burhan Yavas at California State University Dominguez Hills, who was a member of Board of Directors in Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI). In 2000, he transferred the journal to WDSI and the Board selected Prof. Raymond Hogler of Colorado State University to take over the journal. He then served as the Editor for five years and transferred the journal to Chapman University in 2005. Since then, JBM has a nice home and two passionate editors, Prof. Amy E. Hurley‐Hanson and Prof. JBM Cristina M. Giannantonio. On behalf of the Board of WDSI, I wholeheartedly thank them for their tireless effort and excellent services devoted to . We salute them for their immense contribution to WDSI community and the business community at large. Last year in 2017, the journal was transferred to me, Prof. JBM JBM Eldon Y. Li, at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. It is a great honor for me to assume the role as the Editor of . I shall do my best to let flourish and be included in Cabell’s Directory, Ei Compendex, and Scopus in the next few years. Editorial Objective JBM is a double‐blind refereed, authoritative reference addressing working or potential business and management theories/practices as wellJBM as the emerging issues of interest to academics and practitioners. The primary editorial objective of the is to provide a forum for the dissemination of theory and research in all areas of business, management, and organizational decisions areJBMas. We invite research articles, comprehensive reviews, and case studies that provide insights into the business phenomena occurring every day. Authors of are always encouraged to offer recommendations to readers exemplifying the applicability of their research findings. ii Li / Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018, i-ii Research Topics JBM In this issue, we have accepted four research papers for publication in . The research topic of the first paper is “The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employees’ Protean and Boundaryless Career Attitudes: An Empirical Study of the Banking Sector in Turkey,” authored by Bahar Suvaci. The second one is “Insight into Blog Retailers,” reported by Florence Jiayun Ng. The third one is “The Moral Development Index of Future Business Leaders: A Study on the Impact of Changes in Economic Systems and Gender,” examined by Dinah Payne, Marek Pawlak, and Sathiadev Mahesh. Finally, Alex Polacco and Kayla Backes present a study on “The Amazon Go Concept: ImpJBMlications, Applications, and Sustainability.” Please note that the views expressed in these articles are those of the authors and not of the editors, editorial board, , WDSI or National Chengchi University.We hope these papers are interesting to read and useful to your future research. On behalf of the Editorial Board, I thank you very much for your continuous support. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Li, E. Y. (2018). Editorial. Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March, i-ii. About the Author Eldon Y. Li is Distinguished Professor and former University Chair Professor and department chair of the Department of Management Information Systems at the National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan. He holds a bachelor degree (1975) in international trade from NCCU and both MSBA degree (1978) in management information systems and Ph.D. degree (1982) in information systems and quantitative sciences from Texas Tech University. He was the Dean of College of Informatics and Director of Graduate Institute of Social Informatics at Yuan Ze University, Chung Li, Taiwan (2003-2005), the Founding Director of Graduate Institute of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chia Yi, Taiwan (1994-1996), the Coordinator of Management Information Systems Program, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, USA (1986-1989; 2001-2003). He has published over 260 papers in the areas of electronic business, service innovation, decision systems, human factors in information technology (IT), strategic IT planning, software engineering, total quality management, information management, and business management. His papers have appeared in top journals such as Communications of the ACM, Communications of Association for Information Systems, Computers & Education, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Journal of Association for Information Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, Omega, and Research Policy, among others. Suvaci / Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March 2018, 1-25 The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employees’ Protean and Boundaryless Career Attitudes: An Empirical Study of the Banking Sector in Turkey Bahar Suvaci In this study, the relationship between organizational culture and protean and boundaryless career attitudes and hence the impact of organizational culture on protean and boundaryless career attitudes were examined. Results from three banks’ employee data (N=1,224) indicate that the organizational culture is positively correlated with protean and boundaryless career attitudes. In addition, organizational culture affects positively employees’ protean and boundaryless career attitudes. These findings suggest that the organizational culture is an important factor which determines employees’ decision whether to stay and carry on their career in the same organization or leave and look for another job or organization to work for. Keywords: Organizational culture, banks, protean career, boundaryless career. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Suvaci, B. (2018). The impact of organizational culture on employees’ protean and boundaryless career attitudes: An empirical study of the banking sector in Turkey. Journal of Business and Management, 24 (1), March, 1-25. DOI: 10.6347/JBM.201803_24(1).0001. 2 Suvaci / Journal of Business
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