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The Jewish Herald Rhode Island VOL Temple Beth 81 10 70 Orchard Ave . Pro,vldence , R. I. Rhode b lond's Only Anglo-Jewi1h Greatest Newspaper Independent In Weekly The Jewish Herald Rhode Island VOL. XXXX, No. 31 FRIDAY, SEPT EMBER 30, 1955 PROVIDENCE, R. I. SIXTEEN PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY Orthodox Rabbis' Group Blasts Mixed Seating in Synagogues Rap Moscow's Support of NEW YORK - The Rabbinical ish purity mixed pews have al­ Council of America. wh ich repre­ ways been foreign to the syna­ sents orthodox rabbis. this week gogue Those who have at­ Active Anti-Israel Bloc announced the launching of a tempted to destroy this aspect of LONDON - Moscow Radio 01 campaign against the spreading the syn3.gogue have been motivat­ Arabic) has just come on recon. custom of mixed srating of men ed by a desire to imitate non­ saying that the Israel defense and women in the synagogue. Jewish practices a nd to achieve an GJC Women to Hear Capt. Goldberg budget is far too high. The tim­ Rabbi David B. Hollander. pres­ actual separation from the tradi­ ing of t h is statement is somewhat ident of the council. announced tional rabbinate and traditional Captain Joshua L. Go\dberg, the m aladroit what with Gaza. Khan that the campaign has been en­ community." U. S. Navy's highest-ranking Jew­ Yunis and all that, but it is quite dorsed by the Chief Rabbi of Is­ ish clergyma n and district chap­ 'Un fit for Prayer ' true that few people in Israel rael. Dr. Isaac Halvey Herzog ; lain of the T hird Naval District, would not prefer much lower de­ Dr. Samuel Belki:-i, president of Di·. Joseph Soloveitchik said , "I will be the principal speaker at fense· expenditures if only t h eir Yeshiva University: and Dr. Jo­ hereby state that a synagogue the Inilial ·Gifts luncheon of the neigh bors would perm it it, Ze'ev seph B. Soloveitchik, whom he de­ with a mixed seating arrangement General Jewish Committee Wom­ Laquer stated this week writing scribed as a religious a uthority. forfeits its sanctity and is unfit en's Division 1955 campaign, it in the Jerusalem Post. In his slatemcnt to the Rab­ for prayer. With cognizance of was announced today by Mrs. My­ binical Council, Dr. Herzog said. the implications involved I would ron Elias, general chairman. T he What they will dislike about the "The sea ting of men and women still advise every orthodox J ew to luncheon will be held on Tuesday, Soviet statemen t is its inference: in the synai;og ue is contrary to pray at h o m C' even on the High October 11. at l he Sheraton-Bilt­ that i)1 view of th is Soviet arms Jewish law This law dates Holy Days, rather than to worship more Hotel. have to be supplied to Egypt, in a synagogue with mixed seat­ Syria and Saudia-perhaps K ing back to the Holy Temple in J eru­ As in previous years. the mini­ ing. Saud cannot afford to buy them salem which had separate sections mum gift. at thi's affair is $100 to himself, poor man. for men and women .Pray ad­ "No rabbi. however great in the GJC campaign. As a special here to this sacred rule . Think scholarship and moral integrity, incentive, prizes have been don·at­ There can be no doubt that Is­ not for a moment that this sepa­ has the authority to endorse. leg­ ed. There will be an attendance rael will p rotest as emphatically ration of the sexes in the syna­ alize. or eyen apologetically ex­ prize to the lucky t icket holder. and alarm world pllblic opinion gogue implies a ny inferiority on plain this basic deviation. Any In addition. there will be a special as much against this attempt to the part of the women. Nothing rabbi or scholar who attempts to prize for "Plus Giving.'' <Each $10 increase Middle East tension and was further from the minds of our sanction the desecrated syna­ increase above the 1954 gift will the danger of war as she has done ancient teachers and proph­ gogue casts ipso facto a doubt on entitle those attending to one against the ill-advised Western ets." his own mora l right to function as ticket for the special prize). JOS H UA L. GOLDBERG arms shipments. Dr. Belkin stated. "It is a hi~­ a teacher or spiT itual leader in the When Irak received Western toric fact that as a symbol of J ew- traditional sense ·of the word." Captain Goldberg will speak · on sp111tual leade1 of the Centei of arms she had to give at least some Israel and the needs -Of the pea- Is1ael Congiegation 111 AStOna. unde;tak1ng, howeve1 th1eadbare, pie there. He is well qualified to Long Island, he was the first that th ese weapons would be used talk on lhal subject, having re- 1abb1 to be com misswned a Navy for the defense of the Middle East Red Police Units Search Homes cently compleled a lengthy tour of chaplain du, mg the Second Wm Id Iagamst outside attack only LONDON-The attack on J ew- their families were a rrested after the new state. For 16 years the Wai As fo1 the announced Soviet ish culture in t he Soviet Union the searches, and no word has ai ms shipment. even such sp~11 - been received from them since. • ous pt om 1ses would most Pl ob- a nct mass anests of Jews for pas- Considerable anxiety exists GJC Lists Schedule of Events ably not be given. The ai ms would sessing J ewish books have not among Jews in Moscow as a re- be d irected, openly and avowedly, ceased despite the "Geneva Spir~t" suit of these arrests. the ''Man- With the Holiday Season over. final pla ns fo r t he In itial Gifts for aggression against Israel. But shown by leaders of the Sovi<:t chester Guardian" says. T he plans are now complete for the dinner. it is wron g to think that there is Government in other. respects. it pa per stresses the fact that these General J ewish Committee's 1955 A breakfast for the workers of nothing Israel can possibly do but was reported in the "MancheSter are the first J ewish mass arrests campaign a.:1d the dates for the the importan t T rades a nd Indus- to resign herself to t h ese unfor­ Guardian" by a visitor who juSt since the "Doctors· Plot" in 1953. various even ts to be held during t ry Division, under t he co-chair- tunate developm ents. returned from Moscow. "And t h is occurs at a tlllle the fu nd-raising drive h ave been mensh ip of J oseph K . Levy and Much can be achieved by speak- The visitor reveals that hund­ when hopes were high t hat with announced by Henry J . Hassen- Irving J . Fain. will be held on ing ·up fearlessly and without in­ reds of J ewish homes in Moscow the new policy of the Soviet Gov- feld, GJC president. Sunday morning, Novem ber 13 , at hibitions-a course of action rec­ were raided last month by police ernment Jews too would be per- Both Hassenfeld and Al vin A. t he Ledgem en t Country Clu b. ommended by Marx vis a vis Rus­ units who searched the book­ m itted freedom to li ve a full J ew- Sopkin . chairma n . are urging an This division, H assenfeld pointed sia exactly 100 years ago, and gen­ shelv es for signs of Jewish publi­ ish li.fe ," the " Manchester Guard- all-out eff ort by the entire P rovi- out, covers most of the large busi- erall y speaking, t he only way to cations. A number of J ews and ian" comments. dence J ew ish community to make ness and industrial firms in t he achieve anything when dealing t his campa ign one of t he most Greater Providence area . with a big power . successful campaigns in t he 10- D-Day - t he one-day house- Non-Aggression Pledge Dubin Named Day School Head year h istory of t he GJC. to-h ouse solicita tion for funds - The fi rst affair will be a dinner has been set for S unday, Decem ­ Russia, in other words, should Dubin was eleclcd president of I sponsored by l he Ledgemont ber 4_ Prior to the start of t he be reminded that when diplom atic lhe Providence Hebrew Day School Country Club Div ision of t he GJC home canvas, t he workers will ties between Israel and Russia at a recent general meeting. O th­ ca mpaign on S unday, October 16. partake of breakfast during which were re-esta blished in June. 1953, ers clec were Archie Smith, under the chairmanship of Ar - t hey will be given the cards of P r i m e Minister Sharett an ­ honora ry presid ent; Max Brod ­ t hur Kaplan. Natha n Samors is persons whom they will contact. nounced in a letter to Molotov that Israel would "not adhere to sky, honorary president: Philip co-chairman. The all-day a ff air Hassenfeld said t he Young Ad­ any aggressive anti-Soviet bloc." Goldberg, vice-president: Morris will include a golf . tournamen t ults Division Initial Gifts Dinner Some observers then doubted the Klrshenbaum, vi c e-presidcnt ; followed by the dinner._ T he will be held at the Garden Room wisdom or necessity of such a Lewis Korn, treasurer : George speaker_ will be a nnoun~ed in next in the Sh eraton-Biltmore Hotel Labush, financial secretary: Sam­ week's issue of the Jewish Herald.
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