NEW MEXICO STATE LIBRARY Books By Mail Rural Services Summer 2011 Catalog Attention: Books by Mail is a service of the New Mexico State Library funded through a LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Under the requirements of the grant, we are required to evaluate the service on a regular basis . *Please note, older catalogs from Summer 2003 (AG) to the present are still available to order from . Also, please visit our website at where you can access some of our most recent catalogs. For those of you who are also receiving the paper copy of the quarterly catalog and would rather access it online through our website or by email, please let us know so we can take your name off the mailing version. If you want the catalog by email or have changed your email address, please notify us so we can update our records. Thank you again for using Books By Mail. Editor: Veronica Tapia, Renee Payne Design & Layout: Teresa Martinez NEW MEXICO STATE LIBRARY BOOKS BY MAIL RURAL SERVICES HOW TO ORDER: Send us your NAME and ADDRESS and the Catalog Numbers of the books you wish to read. Mail to: BOOKS BY MAIL New Mexico State Library 1209 Camino Carlos Rey Santa Fe, NM 87507-5166 or use the Order Request Sheets included with your last order of books or Email to:
[email protected] [email protected] Or CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-395-9144 DAY OR NIGHT ** Due to U.S.