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be given every opportunity to se- and wercoff in their baserunning. So cure it of course they couldn't even beat the He was developed in the minors by Cards. Manager Rowland and the. new Sox When Vaughn gets battered it is pilot is proud of his protege. He has time to worry. He is the only pitcher , seen him come from rawness to the on active duty who has shown abil- stage where he is holding his own ity to cope with even the weak attack with the best of the game. It took being offered by the western clubs of a lot of work and determination on the . There are no the part of Jasper to achieve this men in the background who can be feat, and both qualities are necessary rushed to the front for a rescue and to the makeup of a big league pitcher. the team must simply rattle along, Bobby Roth doesn't look bad as a hoping to bat out a victory by main third baseman. He fields compara- strength. tively well and bats importantly. His Frank Schulte busted a home fielding, of course, will improve with in the first inning, but in the fifth he practice. Outfielders are not con- thought slowly and spiked a chance verted into third basemen of the forseveral runs. Meadows, the spec- and type over tacled pitcher, couldn't see the plate, night even with his powerful glasses, and But, even should Roth fail in the started walking parties with gay defensive portion of his endeavor, it abandon. Two were out when he is possible Manager Rowland would staked Fisher to a pass, forcing in a try out another fellow before going run. Up came Schulte and drew back to Jimmy Breton. And that fel- Then Meadows accidentally low is Russell Blackburne, who has stuck one over, the first in seven-throws- . been almost overlooked in the scram- Schulte biffed at it and flied ble for positions this spring. qnt the side. The left side of the diamond is In that position Frank could have Blackburne's home. He was never afforded to wait at least for one more comfortable at second base and did strike. The young pitcher was in? not have an opportunity to show his bad" straits and apparently getting f full worth. His time in the minors worse. He was digging a pit for him-- T after being sent back by the White self. Sox was spent at short And in that Like all the National league games'' job he made himself a star. in which the Cubs have participated, His fielding this season has been this one took considerably over twoi fully up to the standard set by Buck hours to turn in, and that is too long I Weaver, which is about as high a for a ball game in which nothing un- -' compliment as can be slipped any usual occurs. There must be an im--i one. At third base Blackburne would provement Otherwise the attend- -j cover the position like a shortstop, ance at the ball games will drop or 2 and he and Weaver would make it the patrons of the divorce courts will difficult to Doke hits throueh their increase. - I ' territory. has an excellent chancel Of course, if Roth succeeds, it will to bring his Whale team back to the not be necessary to give Blackburne local lot in first place. A three-gam- e i a shot at the job, but there need be no series opens with Kansas City today 1 discouragement over a fall down by and the Kaws have not shown much 1 Bobby. Russell is in the offing, ready so far. Newark is but a few points j to jump in and play baseball every ahead of the locals. rr minute of nine innings. Tinker is gradually shaking the Jim Vaughn was hit hard, the Cubs Whale aggregation into the sem- -j erred badly behind him on defense blance of a real ball team. He has I

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