Application Number: Wd/D/18/002046 Application Site: Muston Farm, Muston Manor Farm Lane, Piddlehinton, Dorchester, Dt2 7Sy Prop

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Application Number: Wd/D/18/002046 Application Site: Muston Farm, Muston Manor Farm Lane, Piddlehinton, Dorchester, Dt2 7Sy Prop APPLICATION NUMBER: WD/D/18/002046 APPLICATION SITE: MUSTON FARM, MUSTON MANOR FARM LANE, PIDDLEHINTON, DORCHESTER, DT2 7SY PROPOSAL: Alterations and extensions to agricultural building and change of use to residential dwelling (part retrospective) APPLICANT: Frontiers Agricultural Ltd CASE OFFICER: Chris Poad WARD MEMBER(S): Cllr B Haynes RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: APPROVE 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE: 1.1 The agricultural building, known as ‘The Old Pump House’, is located within the Puddletown Ward and sits within the holding known as Muston Farm which itself is located in Piddlehinton. The application site, including the access, spans both wards and is to the south-east of Muston Farm. 2. DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT: 2.1 The development seeks to regularise the erection of 2 No. single storey side extensions and proposes to alter the roof form of the existing building from a flat roof to a pitched roof. 3. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: Application No. Application Decision Date of decision Description WD/D/18/000161 Change of use of an PARA 26 March 2018 existing agricultural building from agricultural to residential and association building RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES: 4.1 National Planning Policy Framework As far as this application is concerned the following section(s) of the NPPF are considered to be relevant; 2. Achieving sustainable development 4. Decision-making – Para 38 - Local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way. They should use the full range of planning tools available, including brownfield registers and permission in principle, and work proactively with applicants to secure developments that will improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Decision-makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible. 12. Achieving well-designed places 4.2 Adopted West Dorset and Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (2015) As far as this application is concerned the following policies from the Local Plan are considered to be relevant; INT 1. Presumption in favour of sustainable development ENV 1. LANDSCAPE, SEASCAPE AND SITES OF GEOLOGICAL INTEREST ENV 2. WILDLIFE AND HABITATS ENV 4. HERITAGE ASSETS ENV 5. FLOOD RISK ENV 10. THE LANDSCAPE AND TOWNSCAPE SETTING ENV 12. THE DESIGN AND POSITIONING OF BUILDINGS ENV 16. AMENITY SUS 3. ADAPTATION AND RE-USE OF BUILDINGS OUTSIDE DEFINED DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARIES SUS 5. NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLANS 5. OTHER MATERIAL PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: 5.1 WDDC Design & Sustainable Development Planning Guidelines (2009) 5.2 Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan 6. HUMAN RIGHTS: 6.1 Article 6 - Right to a fair trial. Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life and home. The first protocol of Article 1 – Protection of property This Recommendation is based on adopted Development Plan policies, the application of which does not prejudice the Human Rights of the applicant or any third party. 7. PUBLIC SECTOR EQUALITIES DUTY: 7.1 As set out in the Equalities Act 2010, all public bodies, in discharging their functions must have “due regard” to this duty. There are 3 main aims:- • Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics • Taking steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of other people • Encouraging people with certain protected characteristics to participate in public life or in other activities where participation is disproportionately low. Whilst there is no absolute requirement to fully remove any disadvantage the Duty is to have “regard to” and remove OR minimise disadvantage and in considering the merits of this planning application the planning authority has taken into consideration the requirements of the PSED 8. CONSULTATIONS: 8.1 Puddletown Parish Council – No comment. 8.2 Dorset County Highway Authority – No highway objections. 8.3 Conservation Officer – Support. 8.4 Environmental Health – No comment. 8.5 Natural England – Apply standing advice. 8.6 Technical Services – No objection. 8.7 Piddle Valley Parish Council – Objection the development is outside any defined development boundary and conflicts with policies 7 & 11 of the Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan. 9. REPRESENTATIONS: 9.1 1 No Letters of representation were received. 10. PLANNING ISSUES: Principle of Development Design Heritage Amenity Biodiversity Flood Risk 11. PLANNING ASSESSMENT: 11.1 Principle of Development 11.1.1 Policy SUS3 of the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan supports the re-use and replacement of buildings outside defined development boundaries subject to certain criteria being met. Whilst it is acknowledged that the preamble which forms Policy SUS3 reads that new open-market dwellings in the countryside should be avoided, the policy does allow for the re-use of rural buildings should the building be of a permanent and substantial construction, makes a positive contribution to the local character and would not need to be substantially rebuilt or extended. 11.1.2 Addressing each of the aforementioned requirements in turn, it is considered the agricultural building is of a solid construction and would be capable of conversion. With regards to local character, the external alterations to the building would result in the building benefitting from a more traditional rural appearance than the Pump House’s current form which appears somewhat alien within its setting. In this respect it is considered the proposal would make a positive contribution to the local character. Equally, whilst it is acknowledged the proposal involves two extensions to the building to serve as additional living accommodation, the projections are considered to be modest and would not be significant additions. 11.1.3 The Parish Council objected to the proposal on the grounds of the development being contrary to Policies 7 and 11 of the Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan. Policy 7 – Development outside the development boundaries, is not relevant in this instance as the application site does not relate to the erection of a new dwelling. With regards to Policy 11 – Re-use of redundant farm buildings as dwellings, the development is considered to satisfy this policy. Again, whilst it is appreciated the proposal involves the erection of two single storey side extensions, these elements are not considered to result in the existing building being substantially extended. 11.1.4 Nonetheless, the principle of a residential dwelling in this location has already been established under previous prior approval application WD/D/18/000161/AGD. The conversion of an agricultural building to a residential dwelling (C3) was considered against Part 3, Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) and prior approval was granted. Thus, it is for the Local Planning Authority to consider whether the benefits of the change of use with associated external alterations when compared to the extant Class Q permission would result in an enhancement to the local character. 11.1.5 In light of the above, the conversion of the agricultural building and the extensions to it are considered to be acceptable in principle. 11.2 Design 11.2.1 With regards to the 2 No. single storey side extensions, these elements are both of a lean-to design and finished in brick external facing walls sat under a slate tile roof covering. The brick used matches that of the existing pump house in terms of its colour and appearance. 11.2.2 The roof formation of the existing building is to be altered from a flat roof to a pitched roof with a slate tile covering. 11.2.3 The proposed extensions are considered to be in scale with the main building and would appear as subservient additions. Furthermore, the introduction of a pitched roof is considered to enhance the rural character of the building. It would therefore not have an adverse impact on the visual amenities of the character of the site or locality. 11.3 Heritage 11.3.1 The building known as Muston Farm Pump House is within the vicinity of a Scheduled Monument, 3 Listed Buildings and Structures within the curtilage of Muston Manor; all of which are grade II listed. The building itself is recognised as being a non-designated heritage asset. 11.3.2 The retention of the building is supported. Furthermore, it is considered the extensions to the building will not have an adverse impact on the setting of the above. 11.4 Amenity 11.4.1 It is considered the development will not have an adverse impact on the residential amenity of neighbouring properties. 11.5 Biodiversity 11.5.1 Owing to the retrospective nature of the development and the existing flat roof structure it is considered the proposal would not have an adverse impact on protected biodiversity. The applicant is to be made aware the development must be carried out in accordance with national legislation regarding protected species. 11.5 Flood Risk 11.5.1 The development site falls within zone 1 of the EA’s flood zone map – low risk of fluvial flooding, however, it should be noted that part of the access track leading to the development is within flood zones 2&3. The EA’s surface water flood maps also indicate that there is a higher risk of potential surface water flooding to part of the site to which the applicant should be aware. However, it is noted there are no known previous reports of flooding incidents in this location. The proposal involves the conversion of
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