Univerzitet U Novom Sadu Poljoprivredni Fakultet Ključna Dokumentacijska Informacija
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UNIVERZITET U NOVOM SADU POLJOPRIVREDNI FAKULTET Mr Aleksandra Konjević, dipl. inž. FAUNA STENICA (HETEROPTERA) RAZLIČITIH EKOSISTEMA I MOLEKULARNE KARAKTERISTIKE VAŽNIJIH VRSTA Doktorska disertacija Novi Sad, 2015 UNIVERZITET U NOVOM SADU POLJOPRIVREDNI FAKULTET KLJUČNA DOKUMENTACIJSKA INFORMACIJA Redni broj: RBR Identifikacioni broj: IBR Tip dokumentacije: Monografska dokumentacija TD Tip zapisa: Tekstualni štampani materijal TZ Vrsta rada (dipl., mag., dokt.): Doktorska disertacija VR Ime i prezime autora: Aleksandra Konjević AU Mentor (titula, ime, prezime, Dr Pero Štrbac, redovni professor za u. n. o. zvanje): Entomologija MN Naslov rada: Fauna stenica (Heteroptera) različitih ekosistema i NR molekularne karakteristike važnijih vrsta Jezik publikacije: srpski JP Jezik izvoda: srp. / eng. JI Zemlja publikovanja: Srbija ZP Uže geografsko područje: AP Vojvodina UGP Godina: 2015. GO Izdavač: autorski reprint IZ Mesto i adresa: Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja MA Obradovića 8, Novi Sad, Srbija, Departman za fitomedicinu i zaštitu životne sredine Fizički opis rada: (broj poglavlja / stranica / slika / grafikona / referenci FO / priloga) 8 poglavlja (plus Prilozi i Biografija)/ukupno 166 strana/71 slika/4 grafika/3 dijagrama/9 tabela/165 referenci Naučna oblast: Fitomedicina NO Naučna disciplina: Entomologija ND Predmetna odrednica, ključne reči: fauna stenica, Heteroptera, Vojvodina, pšenica, PO lucerka, spontana flora, COI, filogenetsko stablo UDK 595.754: 574.5(043.3) Čuva se: Biblioteka Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Novi Sad ČU Važna napomena: - VN Izvod: Istraživanja faune stenica na prostoru Vojvodine u IZ poslednjih nekoliko decenija baziraju se pre svega na praćenju brojnosti i štetnosti vrsta u pšenici, lucerki i soji. Malo je podataka o korisnim vrstama, kao i drugim vrstama koji imaju mali ili gotovo beznačajan uticaj na biljnu proizvodnju. Stoga je u ovom radu istražena fauna stenica različitih ekosistema koji obuhvataju useve pšenice i lucerke, ali i biljke ruderalnih staništa i poljozaštitnih pojaseva navedenih kultura. Istovremeno je istražena i fauna stenica sa biljaka spontane flore na lokalitetima viših nadmorskih visina Fruške gore i Divčibara, koje predstavljaju mesta prezimljavanja određenih vrsta. Podaci o prisutnim vrstama navedenih ekosistema predstavljaju dodadatak dosadašnjim istraživanjima faune stenica naše zemlje. Stenice su uzorkovane entomološkim kečerom i ručno na više od 48 lokaliteta na teritoriji Bačke, Fruške gore i Divčibara. Determinacija uzorkovanih jedinki rađena je prema morfološkim karakteristikama uz upotrebu odgovarajućih ključeva, pri čemu je zabeleženo ukupno 59 vrsta iz 14 familija. Najveći broj vrsta zabeležen je na biljkama spontane flore, ukupno 42 vrste, zatim u usevu lucerke, 26 vrsta, a najmanji broj vrsta, ukupno 17, zabeleženo je u usevu pšenice. Među uzorkovanim stenicama najviše je bilo fitofagnih oligofagnih vrsta, ali je zabeleženo i prisustvo ukupno šest predatorskih vrsta. Kao dodatak morfološkoj determinaciji vrsta urađena je molekularna analiza osam vrsta, u prvom redu žitnih stenica iz familija Scutelleridae i Pentatomidae, ali i tri izrazito polifagne vrste čije prisustvo je zabeleženo na velikom broju lokaliteta. Kod pomenutih vrsta analiziran je mitohondrijalni citohrom c oksidaza I standardni barkod fragmet i formirano je filogenetsko stablo. Ova istraživanja predstavljaju preliminarna istraživanja stenica sa našeg podneblja na molekularnom nivou. Spisak registrovanih vrsta stenica, koji je jedan od rezultata ovog rada, predstavlja značajan doprinos poznavanju faune Heteroptera u gajenim kulturama, pšenici i lucerki, ali i na biljkama spontane flore. Molekularna analiza ukazala je na sličnost pojedinih vrsta i rodova na molekularnom nivou i istovremeno potvrdila pozdanost morfoloških karaktera u determinaciji stenica. Najvažnije osobine svih registrovanih stenica koje su iznete u radu predstavljaju prilog izučavanju faune stenica u Vojvodini, pa i Srbiji. Datum prihvatanja teme od strane 17. decembar 2009. Senata: DP Datum odbrane: DO Članovi komisije: predsednik: Dr Dušan Petrić, red. prof. za užu n.o. (ime i prezime / titula / zvanje / Entomologija, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad naziv organizacije / status) KO ____________________________________ član: Dr Pero Štrbac, red. prof. za užu n.o. Entomologija, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad, mentor ____________________________________ član: Dr Slobodan Krnjajić, naučni saradnik, Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja Univerziteta u Beogradu _____________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE KEY WORD DOCUMENTATION Accession number: ANO Identification number: INO Document type: Monograph documentation DT Type of record: Textual printed material TR Contents code: CC Author: Aleksandra Konjević AU Mentor: PhD Pero Štrbac, Full professor, Faculty of MN Agriculture Novi Sad Title: Faunistic research of true bugs (Heteroptera) in TI different ecosystems and molecular analyze of certain species Language of text: Serbian (Latin letter) LT Language of abstract: eng. / srp. LA Country of publication: Serbia CP Locality of publication: AP Vojvodina LP Publication year: 2015. PY Publisher: Author’s reprint PU Publication place: Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja PP Obradovića 8, Novi Sad, Serbia; Department of Environmental and Plant Protection Physical description: 8 chapters (including appendixes and biography) /166 PD pages in total/71 pictures/4 graphs/3 diagrams/9 tables/165 references Scientific field Phytomedicine SF Scientific discipline Entomology SD Subject, Key words fauna of true bugs, Heteroptera, Vojvodina, wheat, SKW alfalfa, ruderal plants, COI, phylogenetic tree UC 595.754: 574.5(043.3) Holding data: Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad Library HD Note: - N Abstract: Faunistic research of true bugs (Heteroptera) in AB Vojvodina, in several last decades was mainly focused on the most important pest species in wheat, alfalfa and soybean. There are very few data of beneficial species and/or species of low importance to named crops. Therefore the main focus of this work was to investigate the whole fauna of true bugs in different ecosystems, including wheat, alfalfa and ruderal plants in and around the cultivated fields. At the same time true bugs fauna of spontaneous flora in localities of higher altitudes, such as Fruška gora mountain and Divčibare, was also investigated. List of registered species is a great contribution to the fauna of true bugs in Vojvodina and Serbia. During research true bugs were sampled by sweep net and by hand, at more than 48 localities all around the Bačka region (Vojvodina), as well as in Fruška gora mountain and Divčibare. Specimens were identified according to their morphology, using many keys for identification. 59 species belonging to 14 terrestrial families were recorded. The most species were recorded in spontaneous flora, 42 in total. This was followed by 26 species in alfalfa fields and only 17 species registered in wheat. Most of these species were phytophagous and only six were predaceous. Presence of zoophagous specimens is important as indicator of biological balance which exists in described environment despite the human activity. Molecular analysis of eight true bugs species was done as additional method for identification of sampled specimens. Species were chosen by their importance in wheat fields, and by their presence in each sampled ecosystem. Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene was analyzed and phylogenetic tree was constructed. This is a preliminary survey of true bugs in Vojvodina on molecular level. List of recorded true bug species, as one of the results of this work, is a contribution to the list of species in wheat and alfalfa which includes not only pest species, but beneficial and neutral ones as well. Knowledge of true bugs species which inhabit spontaneous plants around the fields is of importance for cultivated crops having in mind bugs vicinity and ability to live and hide inside of different plants. Molecular analysis revealed the similarity of some species and genera at molecular level and at the same time confirmed the reliability of morphological characters in identification of true bugs. The most important characteristics of recorded species were given as contribution of true bugs investigations in Vojvodina and Serbia. Accepted on Senate on: December, 17th, 2009 AS Defended: DE Thesis Defend Board: president: PhD Dušan Petrić, full professor; DB scientific field Entomology, Department of Environmental and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad _______________________________________ member: PhD Pero Štrbac, full professor; scientific field Entomology, Department of Environmental and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad – mentor ________________________________________ member: PhD Slobodan Krnjajić, Research Associate, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade _____________________________________ Zahvalnica Zahvaljujem se pre svega mentoru i članovima komisije na ukazanom poverenju i strpljenju koje su pokazali dok su čekali da ovaj rad ugleda svetlost dana. Najsrdačnije se zahvaljujem dr Ljiljani Protić, dr Tatjani Kereši, dr Dejanu Stojanoviću, Dušanu Pejinu, dr Muradu Ghanim (iz Izraela) i njegovim saradnicima, dr Aleksandri Torbici i dr Željku Popoviću, na nadasve korisnim savetima, nesebičnoj pomoći, podršci i osmehu, onda kada je to bilo zaista potrebno. Svakako, možda i najveću, zahvalnost