


J S CHARLTON Tracerco Australasia, Lucas Heights Science & Technology Centre, Lucas Heights, NSW 2234, Australasia


Radioisotope techniques utilizing both radioactive tracers and sealed sources of radiation are being used increasingly as diagnostic tools for process optimization and trouble-shooting on Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Units in . These studies are among the most challenging in the field of industrial radioisotope applications. Case studies are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the technology in obtaining information about the fluid dynamics, mass transfer properties and material distribution inside full scale operating units. This information is difficult or impossible to obtain by any other means and is of great relevance to the operator because of the economic importance of the units. Technological trends and potential developments are also discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION of the fast-moving catalyst makes it very difficult to study mass transfer and fluid The Unit (FCC) is dynamics using invasive instrumentation. arguably the economic heart of an and is used widely to upgrade relatively low The most effective way to obtain information value heavy to and other light about the operation of the FCC is to utilize . The optimal performance of the radioisotope technology. Radioisotope methods FCC is vitally important to successful refinery are particularly suitable because of their operations since relatively small improvements sensitivity, which allows flow patterns within in unit efficiency can lead to substantial the large-scale units to be traced successfully, increases in revenue, resulting from increased and because of their unique ability to gasoline yield. effectively visualise the distribution of materials within the operating plant. From an operational point of view, FCCs are notoriously difficult. Even though the This was first recognised over 40 years ago technology has been in use for many years and when radioactive tracers were used to study in spite of the fact that hundreds of units are catalyst flows inside fluid catalytic systems installed world-wide, inefficiencies and (2,3). malfunctions are, nevertheless, commonly encountered. This results directly from the Since then, the technology has been inherent complexity of the process. The continuously refined (4,5,6) so that, at the reaction section of an FCC is a dynamic system present time, radioisotopes are used extensively in which vaporised high-molecular weight to trace catalyst, vapour and flows. chains are fractured in the presence of a solid catalyst, carried in a high- Radioisotopes as sealed sources of gamma- velocity flow of steam (1). The vapour radiation have long been used to locate catalyst residence time in the reaction section of the levels inside the process vessels and to measure unit is usually significantly less than 10 catalyst density distributions 7,8). These seconds. Because of the arduous process methods, and variants of them are still in use conditions, the units are of heavy construction today (6). and this, together with the abrasive properties This paper presents a number of case studies as sample of catalyst from the unit and irradiating examples of the many ways in which it in a nuclear reactor to produce the radioisotope techniques are used to study radioisotopes 140La and/or 24Na. The attraction FCCUs and identifies developments in the of this approach is that the catalyst is its own technology which hold promise for the future. tracer and this facilitates detailed study of its behaviour in the FCC environment. For 2. RADIOACTIVE TRACER STUDIES example, the dynamics of different particle size fractions can be investigated. 2.1 Principles An alternative to catalyst irradiation which may The movement and distribution of all of the be useful in certain applications is the process streams in the unit - catalyst, vapour technique of "in-situ labelling". This involves and steam - can be traced individually using the injection into the catalyst stream of an radioisotope labelling. Radioactive material in aqueous solution of a radioactive salt (for 24 an appropriate form is injected as a sharp pulse example Na2CO3). Once inside the unit, there into the process stream of interest. In this way, is a rapid evaporation of the water and the 24 + a representative portion of the flowing stream Na ion attaches itself to the catalyst thereby is "tagged" with radioactivity and its producing a pulse of labelled material. subsequent movement through the unit can then be followed using radiation detectors 2.2.3 Field Measurements: Equipment strategically located on the vessels and Arrangement pipework. To follow the movement of the radiotracer The volume of the injected material is small so through the FCC, sensitive radiation detectors that the process is not perturbed. Additionally, are positioned at appropriate locations on the because of the high detection sensitivity the unit. The precise deployment obviously varies activities injected are relatively small so that from one application to another but a typical there is no measurable hazard to plant arrangement for studies on the reactor, riser and personnel. Access to the unit need only be stripper is shown in Figure 1. restricted for the duration of the injection so that operations are not disrupted to any Tracer is injected into the system using backing significant extent. pressure from a nitrogen cylinder. The response of the detectors to the passage of the 2.2 Methodology tracer pulse is recorded as a function of time on a data-logging system. 2.2.1 Scope The general principles of measurement may be Radioisotope technology has been applied illustrated with reference to a simple example. successfully to study all parts of the FCC. So Suppose that it is desired to study the wide has been the range of applications that a movement of catalyst up the riser. The radio comprehensive survey is impossible in the labelled catalyst is injected as a pulse at the space allotted to this paper. Instead, attention base of the riser (Figure 1). By studying the is focused on studies of the reactor/riser and responses and time-sequencing of detectors Dr stripper sections as being illustrative of the D4 (Figure 2) the velocity of the catalyst range of possible applications. through different sections of the riser can be measured and from this information the catalyst 2.2.2 Radio tracers acceleration can be calculated.

The vaporised feed and steam flows are almost By carrying out similar measurements using a always traced using one of the gaseous pulse injection of gaseous radiotracer it is radioisotope 4IAr, g3Kr or 79Kr. possible to measure the vapour velocity. Comparison of the results of the two The catalyst is reliably traced by taking a measurements permits the vapour/catalyst slip velocity to be calculated. This is an important parameter since it influences the contact time of The purpose of the Riser Termination Device vapour and catalyst which in turn influences the (RTD) is to direct the catalyst downwards into cracking pattern of the hydrocarbon chains. the Stripper and the reaction products into the overhead vapour line. In reality, complete Analysis of the shapes of the detector response disengagement is almost impossible to achieve curves provides information about the mixing and for this reason the vapour passes through and dispersion characteristics of the flow up the cyclones, the function of which is to remove riser. For example, by computing Inverse residual catalyst before exiting the vessel. Peclet Numbers, deviations from perfect plug- (Figure 1). flow can be quantified. Should changes subsequently be made to the riser to improve In the case in question, in spite of the presence the dispersion characteristics, the measurements of the cyclones, catalyst dust was exiting in the can be repeated to check the effectiveness of vapour stream. The problem was investigated the modifications. by injecting irradiated catalyst into the base of the riser. 2.3 Case Studies The response curves of detectors D8 and D9, The following case studies relate to an FCC located in the upper part of the reactor (Figure which was operating at reduced efficiency. 1) are well-defined and contain at least two Catalyst circulation was impaired and components (Figure 5). From the time of additionally, catalyst powder was appearing in arrival of tracer at the detectors, together with the gaseous product stream. Radiotracers were the sharpness of the response curves it is clear used to investigate the cause of the problems. that a significant fraction of the catalyst is passing directly up the vessel. The response of 2.3.1 Flow Maldistribution in the Stripper detector D10 (Figure 6) located on the overhead line provides confirmation of catalyst This was investigated by injecting a pulse of carryover. irradiated catalyst into the base of the riser and examining the responses of detectors D14-D17, It was deduced from these results that either the placed around the stripper at N, S, E and W termination device was of inefficient design or locations. The response curves are shown in it was damaged. At shutdown, visual Figure 3. The asymmetry of the response inspection confirmed that the device had curves is apparent and is indicative of excessive become partially dislodged. catalyst flow down the South quadrant. To investigate the reason for this flow The above examples are illustrative of how on- maldistribution, the flow of stripping steam was line inspection can provide important 8i investigated using a Kr tracer. This was information about the condition of the unit. On injected as a pulse into the stripping steam ring the strength of this information, maintenance (Figure 1) and the responses of Detectors D14- and design engineers were alerted to potential D17 were compared (Figure 4). Again, flow problems with the steam-ring and with the riser maldistribution is apparent, but in this case termination device and were able to plan there is a disproportionate amount of steam modifications prior to shutdown. The steam going up the North side of the Stripper. ring was realigned and the termination device was replaced by another of completely different From this evidence it was deduced that the design. steam ring was the source of the problem : the large upflow of steam in the North quadrant Radiotracer tests subsequently carried out after impedes the downflow of catalyst and gives start-up showed that the objectives of the rise to excessive catalyst traffic down the South modifications had been achieved. quadrant - hence the catalyst circulation problem. 3. SEALED SOURCE TECHNIQUES

2.3.2 Investigation of the Operation of the Gamma-ray transmission is the most commonly Riser Termination Device used technique for the investigation of FCC performance. If a beam of gamma-rays of investigated. intensity Io impinges on a material of thickness x and density d, then the transmitted radiation, ANSTO fullerines (9) offer interesting I, is given by: possibilities as carriers for gaseous radiotracers. Noble gases can be incorporated within the C60 I = Io exp - udx (1) structure of the fullerine. Neutron irradiation results in a system which contains a high where |i is a constant known as the mass volume density of the activation product, thus, absorption coefficient. Therefore, if a enhanced activities of isotopes such as 41Ar or radioactive source is positioned on one side of 79Kr may be transported to the -place, a medium and a radiation detector on the other thereby alleviating problems associated with such that their separation, x, is kept constant, using these isotopes at sites which are the density of the intervening material may be geographically remote from a nuclear reactor. inferred from measurements of the transmitted radiation. This principle may be applied in a 4.3 Industrial Gamma-Ray Tomography number of ways - for example, to investigate density variations over time as the catalyst It is clear that the use of a tomographic system circulates, to measure catalyst levels in the would greatly improve the definition of the Stripper or to determine the mean density of catalyst density distributions obtained from catalyst across a pipe diameter. matrix point mapping (Section 3). This is dependant primarily on the development of a To provide information about the spatial system sufficiently rugged to operate in (often) distribution of catalyst in the cross-section of a harsh industrial environments and with vessel, a technique known as "Matrix Point sufficient flexibility to be adaptable for use on Mapping" is used. The principle is illustrated pipes and vessels within a wide size-range. in Figure 7. This technique is useful in determining relative density distributions. For 4.4 Data Interpretation absolute measurements it is desirable to conduct equipment calibrations on similar The interpretation of detector response curves pipework. Ideally, a blank scan would be is often complicated by the fact that the curves performed on the actual when out of may be composed of several overlapping peaks, service. this results from the fact that the process time constants are comparable with the width of the 4. TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS tracer peaks. The situation is undersirable, since peak-overlap may conceal important 4.1 Data Collection information.

The most obvious trend is in the use of Recently, excellent work on response-curve increasing number of detectors for radioactive decomposition has been reported (10). tracer studies. It is now common for 20-30 Application of this technology will increase detectors to be deployed in an FCC study, this both the quality and the quantity of the reflects the plant engineers' requirements for information obtained from tracer studies. more detailed information about the operations of the process. The trend is expected to The results of radioisotope studies have already continue as process models became more proved to be of great value in developing and sophisticated. validating mathematical models of FCC units. These applications will become even more 4.2 Novel Tracers important as the sophistication of the models increases. It is anticipated that radioisotope generators will be used more and more for catalyst 5. CONCLUSIONS labelling. The mSn/u3mIn system has already been used successfully for this purpose but Radioisotope technology is a powerful tool for other generators, such as 68Ge/68Ga are being the investigation of many aspects of the •I2-M-

performance of FCCs. The information P.C.C. DETECTOR LOCATIONS obtained about the fluid dynamics of the process streams, mass transfer properties and material density distributions is often crucial to the understanding of process operations and leads to significant economic benefits in terms of optimization and trouble shooting. Rl«er Termination Generally, it is impossible to obtain this D«vlc information in any other way.


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FIGURE 2. Flow up the riser. FIGURE 1. Equipment Layout for Radioactive Detector Responses Tracer Studies.


-j 1 1 1 r- TIME IN SECONDS TIME IN SECONDS DETECTORS V«.1S.»e.t7 OETECTOfiS M.15.16.17 FIGURE 3. Catalysy t Flow Down Stripper. FIGURE 4. Steam Flow upp the Stripper Detector Response Curves Detector Response Curves CATALYST TRACER CATALYST TRACER

o o O o c c z 2 •o fn a

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TIME IN SECONDS TIME IN SECONOS OETECTORS 8.9 DETECTOR 10 FIGURE 5. Investigation of Riser FIGURE 6 Investigation of Riser Termination. Termination. Response of detectors on Response of Detector on the Reactor. Overhead Line. PROHIE


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