Felicitations on the Day of Arafah & Eid al-Adha U.S. Soldier Killed in Northern Iraq One Injured in Shooting at in Norway BAGHDAD (Dispatches) -- A United States service OSLO (Reuters) -- One person has been injured in a member advising Iraqi security forces on a mission was shooting inside a mosque in Norway, police said on Sat- killed on Saturday in the northern Nineveh province, the urday, adding that one man had been apprehended. U.S. military said in a statement. The suspected shooter at the al-Noor Islamic Centre “One U.S. service member died today during an Iraqi near the country’s capital was described as “a young Security Force mission in Ninewah province, Iraq, while white man”, the police added. The victim was a 75-year- advising and accompanying the (Iraqi security forces) old member of the congregation, mosque director Irfan during a planned operation, the statement said. It added Mushtaq told TV2. “The man carried two shotgun-like that the name of the service member would be withheld weapons and a pistol. He broke through a glass door and until next of kin have been notified. fired shots,” he said.

VOL NO: LV 10954 TEHRAN / Est.1959 Sunday, August 11, 2019, Mordad 20, 1398, Zil-Hijjah 9, 1440, Price 30,000 Rials

Viewpoint Celebrated Wrestlers Bag 11 Fighting Rages in Virtuoso Kalhor Iran’s Good Neighbourly Policy More Medals at 2019 Yemen’s Aden, UN Makes Persian Gulf Granted WOMEX 2Secure From Foreign Meddling 19 Award Tbilisi Grand Prix Calls for Dialogue 3 Ayatollah6 Khamenei’s Appeal in Message:8 Importance of Arafah & Happy Eid al-Adha Help Defeat Ploy of Century By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz pression and the rule of “arrogant world powers”. Today, the 9th of the sacred month of Dhu’l-Hijjah is the Day of Arafah in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Every year, the Leader issues a India, and most of the world with the faithful engaged in prayers and supplications to God message on the occasion, giving Almighty for bestowing them “Ma’refa” or proper cognition of the dynamic teachings of , the universal message of the holy Qur’an, the immortal legacy of Prophet (SAWA) guidelines on the need to uphold and his Infallible Ahl al-Bayt, and concept of the near-sacrifice of Prophet Ishmael (AS) by his the rite of Bara’ah or the “dis- father Prophet Abraham (AS) that Divine Providence ransomed with the “Great Sacrifice” (Zibhin avowal of the infidels” and unite Azeem), and thus decreed the 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah, the climax of the annual Hajj as the glorious Muslims around the key messages Day of Eid al-Adha. of Islam. Yesterday, Saturday August 10 was marked as Day of Arafah on the plain of the same name, some “The ritual of Bara’ah which 17 km from holy by the Saudi government on the claim that the crescent was sighted a day means shunning all forms of cru- earlier in Arabia, or perhaps it was not seen at all. Anyway, some 2.5 million pilgrims from all over the world assembled around Jabal ar-Rahmah elty, oppression, vulgarity and cor- (Mount of Mercy) to observe this major ritual of the Hajj – little knowing that it was from this ruption of the tyrants of the time, hillock that Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) during his delivered his famous and rising against bullying and ex- sermon saying that all mankind is from Adam and Adam is from clay and therefore none has any tortion of the haughty of the eras, claim to be superior to any other on the superfluous basis of colour of skin, language spoken, is one of the great advantages of ethnicity, social status, supposed qualifications, and geographical area, except on the grounds of Hajj, and an opportunity for the piety and sincere adherence to God’s commandments. The gist of the Messenger of Mercy’s memorable message on that day in 10 AH was the famous oppressed Muslim nations,” the Thaqalayn as recorded in the books of both Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, and which he Leader said. proclaimed in a clear tone: “Today, renouncing the front of “I am leaving behind among you the Two Weighty Things (Thaqalayn); the Book of God (holy shirk (polytheism) and kufr (disbe- Qur’an) and my progeny the Ahl al-Bayt. Hold fast to them and you will not go astray for the lief) of the arrogant powers headed two never part with each other even when they return to me at the Fountain (of Kowthar on by America means rejecting the Ayatollah Khamenei has outlined the most pressing issues of the in his Hajj message, released on Aug. 10, 2019. Judgement Day).” killing of the oppressed, and wag- He then specified by name his Divinely-Designated successors, of whom the first was his cousin and son-in-law, Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) – the formal proclamation of whose mission as TEHRAN (Press TV) -- Leader is doomed to failure vis-a-vis the homes, farms, belongings, dignity, ing wars. Vicegerent would be made at the historic plain of Ghadir-Khom near Juhfa to a record gathering of the Islamic Revolution Ayatol- efforts and faith of the resistance and identity— has been confiscat- “It means condemning the centers of 120,000 pilgrims on the 18th of Dhu’l-Hijjah with the immortal words: “Man kunto Mowla fa lah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Satur- front,” he added. ed,” the Leader said. of terrorism such as Daesh and the hadha Aliyun Mowla” (For whomsoever I am Master this Ali is his Master). day said the “deal of the century” The “deal of the century”, a back- “This nation, with God’s assis- American Blackwater. It means Yesterday, the 88,000 Iranian pilgrims to the Hajj devotedly observed the rites of the Day of which is to be unveiled by the U.S. channel plan to allegedly reach a tance, has not surrendered to defeat the Islamic Ummah’s shouts at the Arafah on the plain of Arafah, in the footsteps of the Prophets Adam, Abraham, and others, is a crime against humanity, urging peace settlement between Israel and has not given up and today, infanticidal Zionist regime and its especially the Seal of all Messengers. backers and sponsors,” the Leader They – as well as pilgrims from other lands – recited the famous supplication for this day taught “everyone” to help defeat it. and the Palestinians, is reported they are fighting evermore passion- by the Prophet’s grandson Imam Husain (AS) – the Zibhin Azeem whose sacrifice on the 10th of “The ploy of the ‘deal of the cen- to recognize Israeli occupation of ately and braver than yesterday, but said. Muharram in the year 61 AH fulfilled the ransom that God, having ascertained the firm faith of tury’ which is being plotted by the Palestine in exchange for econom- the ultimate outcome requires as- The ritual of Bara’ah, Ayatollah Abraham, had foretold by saving Ishmael from being sacrificed. oppressive America and its trea- ic incentives. The plan has widely sistance from all Muslims.” Khamenei further said, is an op- One of the moving passages of this supplication is produced below: sonous cohorts is a crime against been rejected by the Palestinians. Ayatollah Khamenei’s mes- portunity to “condemn the war- “I affirm, my God, with the veracity of my faith, my resolute conviction, my positive profession human society, and not just the Pal- Ayatollah Khamenei described sage came as millions of Muslims mongering of America and its as- of Your Oneness, the inner depths of my consciousness, the connections of the conduits of light estinian nation,” the Leader said in Palestine as one of the most im- poured onto the plain southeast of sociates in the sensitive West Asian of my eyes, the lines on my forehead, the hollow passages of my breath, the pliable tissues of the ridge of my nose, the auditory meatuses of my ears, that upon which my lips come together and his annual Hajj message. portant issues of the Muslim world the holy city of Mecca to mark the and North African region where close, the vocal movements of my tongue, the joint of my mouth’s palate and jaw, the roots of “We are inviting everyone to ac- regardless of their sect, race, and Day of Arafat on the second day of they have brought the pain and suf- my molar teeth, the organs that facilitate the swallowing of my food and drink, the stem of my tively participate in defeating the language. the annual Hajj congregation. fering of the nations to the break- brain, the hollow passages of my neck’s cords, that which is enclosed in my breast’s cavity, the enemy’s ploy and deception and “The greatest injustice of the re- The Leader said the pilgrimage ing point and yet they bring grave vessels of the trunk of my aorta, the veins of my heart’s diaphragm, the lobes around my liver, believe that with the power and cent centuries has happened in presents an opportunity for op- tragedies on them each and every that which is contained in my ribs’ cartilage, the sockets of my joints, the contraction of my legs, strength from God, this and all Palestine. In this painful drama, pressed Muslim nations to “spread day”. the tips of my fingers, my flesh, my blood, my hair, my skin, my nerves, my windpipe, my bones, (Continued on Page 7) my brain, my veins, and all of my members, and what was woven upon them in the days of my other ploys of the imperialist front all that a nation had—their land, awareness” and denounce op- suckling, what the earth has taken away from me, my sleep, my waking, my pauses and the movements of my bowing and prostrating, that had I taken pains and striven for the duration of epochs and ages—were I to given to live that long—to deliver thanks for one of Your blessings, Iran Unveils Upgraded During Visit to Site of Mass Shooting: I would not be able to do so, except by Your favour, which would make it incumbent upon me to offer You never-ending thanks anew and to celebrate Your praise afresh.” Radar System The followers of the Ahl al-Bayt also commemorated yesterday on the Plain of Arafah, the Trump Gives Thumbs-Up martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Muslim ibn Aqeel (AS) the cousin of Imam Husain (AS) and TEHRAN (Dispatches) -- Iran es, said. his emissary to the people of Iraq, who was killed in a brutal manner in the city of Kufa by the unveiled on Saturday a locally Sabahifard said the Falaq was tyrannical Omayyad governor, Obaidollah ibn Ziyad. upgraded radar system with a a locally overhauled version of With Orphaned Baby A fundamental ritual of the Hajj pilgrimage which the Iranian pilgrims observed in Arafah in range of 400 km (250 miles) that a system which had been out of obedience to God’s commandment was the Disavowal of Disbelievers by denouncing the could help defend against cruise operation for a long time. NEW YORK (Dispatches) -- A The orphaned child, named Paul, archenemies of Islam, such as the US and the Zionist regime – a ritual which the Saudis have and ballistic missiles and drones. The Falaq is a phased-array backlash is building over a picture had been brought back to the hos- been trying to suppress. The announcement comes at a radar system which can be in- posted by Melania Trump on Twitter pital – reportedly at the request of “[This is] an announcement from and His Prophet to all the people on the day of the that showed her and Donald Trump Greater Hajj: that Allah and His Prophet repudiate the polytheists” (Holy Qur’an 9:3) time of rising tension between corporated into Iran’s larger White House during the visit by As is clear the repudiation of the polytheists or disavowal of disbelievers (bar’aat min-al- Iran and United States. Iran shot integrated air defense, which smiling broadly while holding a the Trumps on Wednesday. The ba- mushrikeen) is a commandment of God Almighty and His Last and Greatest Messenger, Prophet down a U.S. military surveil- includes an S-300 surface-to-air baby who was orphaned in the mass by’s uncle, standing next to Donald Muhammad (SAWA), to be observed during the Hajj. lance drone in the Persian Gulf missile system that Russia de- shooting in El Paso. Trump, is reportedly a Trump sup- Alas, following the Prophet’s departure from the world, when the political power of the Islamic with a surface-to-air missile in livered in 2016. On a visit to El Paso this week, porter, as was the deceased father. state was usurped by former idolaters and after them by the second, third and subsequent June after it intruded into the “The (Falaq) system was de- the president flashed a thumbs-up The baby was injured, breaking generations of Arab Muslims, who were in fact the descendants of polytheists, pagans, atheists, Iranian airspace. veloped in order to counter when posing with the two-month- his fingers, in the shooting, after idolaters, this divine commandment was totally ignored. old, whose parents Andre and Jor- his mother died trying to protect It was only in 1980 that by the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Seyyed Ruhollah National television showed sanctions restricting access to Khomeini (RA) – a direct descendant of the Prophet through his 7th Infallible Heir, Imam Musa the Falaq, a mobile radar and a spare parts of a previously for- dan Anchondo were shot dead last him and her body fell on him. His al-Kazem (AS) – this fundamental principle of Hajj was revived, with clear instructions to Iranian vehicle housing a control room, eign-developed system,” Press Saturday. When the picture was father had dived to try to shield her pilgrims to preach Islamic unity during the rituals, while proclaiming in an organized manner the which it said was an improved TV said on its website. posted on the first lady’s Twitter as bullets flew. repudiations of the polytheists, especially the present archenemies of the Ummah (the US and the version of the Gamma. Iran has made major break- account on Thursday, it prompted Some Americans believe Trump’s Zionist entity). “This system has high ca- throughs in its defense sector outrage. anti-migrant rhetoric has stoked Many Muslims welcomed this, but those who had usurped the political power of the Land of pabilities and can identify all and attained self-sufficiency in On a hospital visit in El Paso, racism in the United States and led Revelation, were firmly sitting in the lap of the US and Britain, and were direct descendants of the Trump then reignited a dispute directly to increased violence such pagan and polytheist Arabs (or Israelites in the case of the Saudi clan), who had troubled Prophet types of cruise missiles, stealth producing military equipment Muhammad (SAWA), not only opposed the ceremony of “bara’at min al-mushrikeen” but used planes, drone systems and bal- and hardware despite facing with 2020 Democratic contender as the mass shooting in El Paso batons and firearms to shed by blood of the Guests of God in the most inviolable of all places – listic missiles for a range of 400 sanctions and Western econom- and former local congressman Beto that left at least 20 people dead. beginning with the 400 Iranians massacred by the Aal-e Saud in 1987 and reaching climax with kilometers,” Brigadier General ic pressure. O’Rourke over crowd sizes, before Condemnation of the picture – the stampede in Mena in 2015 by the mischievous Wahhabis that resulted in the death of at least Alireza Sabahifard, commander The country has indigenously getting into a Twitter row with the which was circulated by Melania 7,000 Guests of God pilgrims, including over 500 Iranians. of the regular army’s air defens- (Continued on Page 7) Dayton mayor, Nan Whaley. (Continued on Page 7)