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Spirituality St. Francis of Assisi Library Author Title Section Call#1 Category: SPIRITUALITY Allen, Paul Francis of Assisi's Canticle of the Creatures ALLE 12 Arminjon, Charles End of the Present World ARMI 16 Barry , Patrick Saint Benedict's Rule BARR 07 Barry, William A. Finding God in All Things BARR 08 Bodo, Murray Enter Assisi BODO 15 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Cost of Discipleship, The BONH 08 Brady, Ignatius C., Translator Writings of Saint Francis of Assisi BRAD 10 Cantalamessa, Raniero Sober Intoxication of the Spirit CANT 07 Carrigan, Henry LIttle Talks with God CARR 16 Casey, Michael Guide to Living in the Truth, A CASE 09 Casey, Michael Strangers to the City CASE 07 Caussade, Jean-Pierre Abandonment to Divine Providence CAUS 12 Caussade, Jean-Pierre Joy of Full Surrender, The CAUS 16 Chittister, Joan Rule of Benedict, The CHIT 12 Collier, Winn Let God COLL 15 Cousins, Ewert Bonaventure COUS 07 De Montfort, St. Louis Mary God Alone DEMO 07 De Sales, St Francis Introduction to the Devout Life DESA 11 Deming, Lynne Feminine Mystic, The DEMI 14 Evans, G. R., Translator & Bernard of Clairvaux EVAN 10 Fagin,Foreword Gerald Putting on the Heart of Christ FAGI 12 Fenelon, Francois Talking With God FENE 16 Hindsley, Leonard P. Margaret Ebner HIND 07 Horan, Daniel Francis of Assisi and the Future of Faith HORA 15 Hughes, Serge (Translator) Catherine of Genoa HUGH 09 John-Julian Complete Julian of Norwich JOHN 12 Johnston, William Cloud of Unknowing, The JOHN 07 Jones, Tony You Converted Me/ St Augustine JONE 16 Kavanaugh, Kieran OCD Interior Castle St. Teresa of Avila KAVA 11 Kavanaugh, Kieran OCD Way of Perfection, The KAVA 11 Kavanaugh, Kieran OCD John of the Cross KAVA 07 Kempis, Thomas A Imitation of Christ, The (Large Print) KEMP 08 Lane, George Christian Spirituality LANE 12 Lawrence, Brother Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual LAWR 09 Maddocks, Fiona HildegardMaxims, The of Bingen MADD 17 Madeleine of St. Joseph, Sister Within the Castle with St. Teresa of Avila MADE 08 McGinn, Bernard Early Christian Mystics MCGI 08 Meninger, William A. Committed Life, The MENI 09 Merton, Thomas Life and Holiness MERT 00 Merton, Thomas New Man, The MERT 06 Merton, Thomas No Man Is An Island MERT 12 Merton, Thomas Monastic Journey, The MERT 06 Merton, Thomas Thomas Merton MERT 16 Merton, Thomas Seeds of Contemplation MERT 11 Murray, Paul I Loved Jesus in the Night MURR 17 Mursell, Gordon Story of Christian Spirituality, The MURS 14 Muto, Susan John of the Cross For Today MUTO 16 Nelson, John Julian of Norwich NELS 04 Noffke, Suzanne Catherine of Siena NOFF 07 Nouwen, Henri Return of the Prodigal Son, The NOUW 07 Nouwen, Henri Road to Daybreak, The NOUW 14 Nouwen, Henri Life of the Beloved NOUW 09 Pennington, M. Basil William of Saint Thierry PENN 03 Ramsey, Boniface O.P. Conferences, The RAMS 07 Ratzinger,Joseph Great Christian Thinkers RATZ 12 Rohr, RIchard Lever And A Place to Stand, A ROHR 12 Printed on: April 20, 2017 12:39 PM Page: 1 of 2 St. Francis of Assisi Library Author Title Section Call#1 Rohr, RIchard Wild Man's Journey, The ROHR 07 Rolf, Veronica Julian's Gospel ROLF 17 Rolheiser, Ron Shattered Lantern, The ROLH 14 Rolheiser, Ron Forgotten Among the Lilies ROLH 14 Rolheiser, Ronald Holy Longing, The ROLH 07 Roncalli, Angelo Secret to Happiness RONC 14 Roncalli, Angelo Spiritual Wisdom of St. John XXIII RONC 14 Ryan, Frances Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac RYAN 03 Sheen, Fulton J. In the Fullness of Time SHEE 09 Silf, Margaret Inner Compass SILF 07 St. Catherine of Siena Little Talks With God ST.CA 16 St. John of the Cross Ascent of Mount Carmel ST.JO 16 St. John of the Cross Dark Night of the Soul STJO 16 St.Augustine Confessions of Saint Augustine ST.AU 16 St.Teresa of Avila Way of Perfection, The ST.TE 16 Swan, Laura Wisdom of the Beguines, The SWAN 17 Therese, St. Complete Therese of Lisieux THER 16 Tobin, Frank Mechthild of Magdeburg TOBI 07 Van De Weyer, Robert Roots of Faith VAN DE 07 Van Kaam, Adrian Spirituality and the Gentle Life VANK 07 Von Hildebrand Transformation in Christ VONH 08 Printed on: April 20, 2017 12:39 PM Page: 2 of 2.

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