About Us

Umang International is web based marketing site to provide you with best Indian traditional snacks and sweets, and are domestically famous for their authenticity and savour. Our utmost concern is to provide you with best of these snacks and sweet from the kitchen that are hygienic and efficient.

Chikki is the most famous product brought by our customers. Chikki and Rewri are traditional Indian sweet snacks which were invented way back, thinking of years ahead.

In late 80s, the Railways made its way to , then Hindustan, and the labourous work was required. It was obvious for the rulers of the time to make colonial natives do the manual labour. Due to the heavy laborious work put in by the workers, they required something healthy and light at the same time to eat so as to sustain them. This is how the idea of chikki was invented. The innovative idea of making and providing chikki to the workers was that it had three simple reasons, one it was healthy, two it tasted good and third it was affordable to everyone. Even nowadays, Chikki is preferred over any other snack for reasons like, it's healthy, tasty, affordable, and can be grabbed as a snack whenever you're craving for small snack or meal. Even after about a century, the technique required to prepare chikki is still very simple and common. Compared to any other sweet and snack Chikki is considered to be healthier and here's how :

1) The groundnut chikki is known to lower bad cholesterol in blood, thereby preventing coronary artery disease and strokes.

2) chikki is known to pose anti-inflammatory effects thus preventing the diseases like psoriasis and eczema (as are rich in Vitamin E, zinc and magnesium).

3) Peanuts are also known to help with cell regeneration by boosting collagen synthesis

4) is proven to help in diluting blood clots and preventing nervous diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's.

5) It is a perfect to munch for evening snacks instead of junk food like chips and crackers. Groundnut or peanut chikki is good for kids to snack on these healthy which provide nutrition and also fill the stomach.

It is also advised to pregnant women.

6)Since the vegans are increasing numerously, mostly for the sake of environment, Chikki can be consumed by vegans too, as it's not prepared from any animal produce.

Chikkis can be made through many different recipes and ingredients but the basic chikki is made up of jaggery, which tends to be a great substitute for white , and peanuts, which have high nutrition value.


At Umang International, technology has transformed traditional methods into modern techniques. In our journey, from domestic suppliers to world wide marketers, we've gained trust of our customers world wide. We've taken a technological jump from conventional manual manufacturing process to precision industrial manufacturers. Presently, our production site is in New Delhi, where we have most recent technology of International Standards.


It is our earnest endeavour to to provide quality products to our customers. We have uncompromising and strict quality check, which assures the world class quality and taste for our every product. We have extremely dedicated, experienced, and self dedicated team of professionals to make sure that the food we are delivering maintains our quality standards by ensuring quality control, assurance, and compliance. Walking towards our milestones, we have added many certificates to assurance of quality.


We have adopted International standards guidelines of packaging for all of our products. We ensure both attractive and protective packaging. We aim to provide long lasting packaging values to our products. Our forte is to provide tasty, hygienic food, rich in quality for a yummy experience, and to provide that we make sure of a quality packaging to preserve the authentic taste.


We have transformed from traditional techniques to modern technology for manufacturing and packaging products, while maintaining the integral international standard guidelines of hygiene and quality. We have successfully developed the array of varied product catalogs under brand name "Umang International".

At present times, our products are being patronized by both Government and Private Companies in India. With world class quality products, long shelf life, and healthy and nutritions products, our products are now available in major World Market, that is in Asia, Australia, United States, Canada, Europe, Africa & Middle-east.

Every single one of our products is trusted by the customers and are already tried and tested by us from the beginning of our business. We have passion for providing the healthy and appetising snacks to our customers. Because we care about our customers, as in the words of philosopher, Shep Hyken, "All of your customers are your partners in your mission", and our mission is to provide everyone the best of best.

Business Opportunities

As much as we, Umang International, cherish about our customers, we also care about our business associates, providing that they're dedicated to supply our customers with healthy and delicious snacks and sweets.

Since we're a growing business, we have a lot of business opportunities opened up. You can be our business associates by :-

1) Providing us with healthy and delicious snacks and sweets.

2) Investing.

Providing us with all the nutritious and delicious snacks and sweets, can be profitable for you since economical graph of our providers has gone up. So, signing up a deal with us is a definite profit to your business. The only condition to be applied here is, the snacks you provide us with, should be both wholesome and tasty. We would like to personally examine the shops and their kitchens, and test the snacks and sweets. For the last thing we want is our customers to be disappointed with us.

Investing in us, if you see it from business point of view, is a very remunerative deal. In the world of social media and online shopping, we think it's understandable why this deal is an all win. Moreover, we're providing authentic and traditional taste to our customers, which is what they wish for. So, practically speaking, we're providing what the customers desire without them taking the trouble of going to a shop. More precisely, we are only gaining customers with acceleration. More the customers, better the business. Since, the website is international, we'd love to and very much oblige to be associated with International Marketing, but both domestic investors and local investors are invited. After all, Umang International is like a small family, intending to supply the best we can around the world.

For any further details about this contact Umang International.


We're in contact with most traditional and trusted domestic suppliers, we'd like to expand our business for two soul reasons. First, we know there are wide range of people in this very own country and they have different tastes. So, to provide everyone for what they crave for is our number one priority. Second, we would love to have more and more people to be our customers and have a experience what authenticity and tradition tastes like.

To be our business associates, we just have one condition : Provide us with most traditional and authentic Indian snacks and sweets, that are as healthy as they can be. We don't want our customers to fall sick or be complaining about their orders. We hope for the same dedication as ours from anyone who'd like to work with us. We are trying to bring in the healthy and tasty snacks to our customers and provide them with the best services.

For your interest, the economical growth of our business associates is probably more promising to anyone who would like to be associate than any other web based services.

We're here stating facts and not just guessing about our associate's business. In addition to financial growth, we promise our associates that they'll be loved by all our customers, gaining fame amongst the the domestics and foreigners both, and broadening your customer range.

We hope you would be interested. Please, contact us if you're interested in being our domestic business associates.


We're largely progressing business. From where we started, we just had hoped and dreams, and now we're working internationally, striking and thriving to be the best supplier of snacks and sweet.

For many have asked us, "What are the business opportunities internationally?" We are planning to associate with the international suppliers to expand our business and to provide more and more people with healthy snacks and sweet. The suppliers have to do our deliveries and export our products internationally purchased in the respective country they have business in. What's in for them? Well Adding international advertisement to financial growth and breaking a good business deal for decades, we hope to be handful and have you handful too. Taking steps together towards something big, we hope to achieve some dreams of touching people's heart and yet be the one of the most successful business of all time.

We're looking up for International Investors who can be with us for the long run. No business has blossomed overnight. We assure you of the business opportunities internationally here at Umang International and that, you won't be disappointed to work with us. We would like to make you home and talk to you about business partnership and show you how we function. It will be complete transparency between us during the business. Umang International is like family at work, trying to uplift one another. We hope you'll enjoy working with us.

For further information please contact.


Being the web based business that brings trade and tradition together we are a progressing business. We are what people are wishing for : Convinience and Tradition! Since we have both, we are what customers are wishing for. We're in the era of online shopping for one's convenience, and an eye for health, which people seem to forget about sometimes.

For any of you who still is wondering, that why is this a lucrative business? We want you to see the graph and possiblities of our business to be successful, for which stakes lay low. Investment in our company would pay off slowly and nicely but we assure you that it will be the best step of your life. We will also promote your business, but we will also give you the benefit in business. Thev idea behind this business was of a genius brain, and to execute it we need some more genius and visionary brain who can trust us. Endorsement can be done after you contact the helpdesk or contact to Umang International.

Product Review

1) Peanut Chikki

Peanut Chikki is the most basic and traditional Chikki and is made simply by four ingredients : Peanut, Jaggery, Water, and some greasing ingredient like Oil.

As it was made on the first place with the idea of providing energy, peanut chikki is not only healthy but provides energy.

Peanuts are considered to be food with high calories. More the calories, more is the energy provided by the food. With high calories provided by peanut, chikki also have the goodness of jaggery. Jaggery is a non centrifugal cane sugar, which is a great substitute for sugar. Jaggery has many health benefits, including : It provides energy, cleanses blood, etc. In other words, with peanut and jaggery as major ingredients, peanut chikki is one of the healthiest to be consumed.

2) Chikki

With time, Chikki was evolved and made from different healthy ingredients. Cashew Chikki is one example of that. Cashew are considered to be good for heart, eyes, skin, hair and prevent heart disease. are also a rich source of dietary fibres. With Cashew and Jaggery, Kaju Chikki is considered to be a quick healthy snack.

3) Chikki

For ages, are considered to be health beneficial around the world. Almonds are rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper, and niacin. Compared to all other nuts, they are richer in nutrients and beneficial components.With health benefits like, sharpened memory, regulated cholesterol level, improved bone health, almonds certainly increases the already existing benefits of jaggery.

4) Chikki

Pistachios are rich in minerals,carbohydrates, protein, amino acids, fats, dietary fiber, and essential vitamins. not only improves body's metabolism and boosts immune system but also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and is beneficial for digestive system.

This gives Chikki not only taste but increase it's health benefits.

5) Chocolate Chikki

Since children, consider taste over health, Chocolate Chikki is the best blend of Tasty and Healthy. It's made of various dry fruits (mainly pistachios and cashews) and chocolate. Cashew are considered to be good for heart, eyes, skin, hair and prevent heart disease. Cashews are also a rich source of dietary fibres whereas pistachios not only improves body's metabolism and boosts immune system but also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and is beneficial for digestive system. More to this is actual chocolate is not added but rather white and dark compounds are used. Dark Compound is considered as super food due to high antioxidants in it. If chocolate is used, it is also considered to be healthy due to it's high calories. In all, it's the best healthy snack with taste that everyone likes.

6) Rose Flavoured Chikki

Rose Flavoured Chikki is another example for health and taste going hand in hand. It is basically Chikki flavoured with rose for better and refreshing flavour.

7)Kesar Flavoured Chikki

Kesar Flavoured Chikki is also a healthy and tasty snack to be consumed with refreshing flavour of Saffron. Saffron not only add fragrance and flavour to Chikki but is also healthy as it has medicinal qualities. Its powerful carotenoids and antioxidants that can protect your body from free radical damage.

8)Peanut Rajgira Ladoo

Peanut Rajgira Ladoo are made up of peanut and jaggery but, the only change is it is not Chikki but Laddoo. Since some people have affinity for Laddoo, we made Laddoo healthier. Like other Laddoo it does not have excessive oil or any greasy ingredient, making it more healthy for heart than the rest of Laddoos.

9) Peanut Chikki

In addition to the goodness of peanut and jaggery, it is also filled with nutritious sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are a high source of both essential fatty acids and certain amino acids. It lowers cholesterol, protect heart health, improve blood pressure, balance hormones, fights cancer, etc. So, the only thing better than a peanut chikki, in health, is a peanut sesame chikki.


Since sesame seeds holds special significance during festivals like Lohri, Makarskranti, and Pongal, Rewri is really popular in India. It is believed that sesame seeds provide body warmth and has an ability to promote health and longevity.

1) Jaggery Sesame Rewri

Jaggery Sesame Rewri holds a special importance in Indian festivals when Hindu New Year starts. A perfect health package with goodness of jaggery and sesame seeds. Where jaggery is good for your blood, digestion, and energy, sesame seeds are good for balancing hormones and blood pressure.

Jaggery Sesame Rewri are available in three shape size :-

1.1) Flat

With compressed bar like structure it is convenient for an individual to grab while hanging out, or during game season.

1.2) Round

Round rewri are best as snack to be shared between family and friends.

1.3) Coin

Coin sized Chikki is convenient to carry and is best for snacking outdoors.

2) Sugar Sesame Rewri

Sugar Sesame Rewri also holds significance in Indian Tradition as it is also very popular during the festival at the start of Hindu New Year, especially Lohri. Sugar is not a super food but provide many health benefits including calories and, blood and insulin benefits. Sesame seeds again are rich with nutritions that are good for your heart and blood pressure. Overall, it can be consumed by anyone due to the health benefits and taste.

Sugar Sesame Rewri are available in three shape size :-

1.1) Flat

With compressed bar like structure it is convenient for an individual to grab while hanging out, or during game season.

1.2) Round

Round rewri are best as snack to be shared between family and friends.

1.3) Coin

Coin sized Chikki is convenient to carry and is best for snacking outdoors.


1) Sesame Gajak

Gajak are well-known dessert or confection. It is a dry sweet mainly made up of sesame seeds and jaggery/sugar. It is said that it is due to some components in the water of the Chambal river that a sweet came to be developed from it, that is gajak. Sesame Gajak are very famous in , especially during the winters due to the fact that sesame seeds provide warmth to body. Sesame Gajak is health benefit bar that is better than any energy bar as it has no synthetic preservatives or colouring or anything that can be bad for your health.

1.1 Jaggery Gajak

Goodness of sesame seeds and jaggery blend in together in one healthy sweet, what else one wants? A tasty and wholesome snack to bite whenever you want and not worry about your health.

1.2 Sugar Gajak

Energy provided by sugar and health benefits of sesame seeds in one sweet, is nothing but wholesome of health goodness.

1.3 Jam Gajak

Since children these days wants something new and of their own taste, we have jam gajak too. Worry not! The jams used in our jam gajak are tested and have no added preservatives or coloring, that means, it is absolutely healthy and tasty. In this way, it is a good substitute for a lot of unhealthy snacks consumed by children.

1.4 Kesar Gajak

Imagine a healthy sweet with a very refreshing flavour and fragrance of saffron. This what Kesar Gajak has to offer you. It also has the medicinal properties added by Kesar.

Gift Box

We're happy to inform you that we also provide the gift box for special occasions especially like Lohri. The gift boxes are perfectly arranged by our employees such that they are liked by most of the people who recieves them. It mainly constitutes of our products exhibited well. A healthy gift box during festive season not only provides taste but happiness too.


Since we're not totally biased towards sweets, we also deliver salted snacks. We assure you to provide you with the quality Namkeens to your home. We'd like to present you with tasty Indian snacks. Namkeens are considered to be best tea time snack in India. Namkeens Industries are unarguably the top grossing snacks/food industries in India. From slightly salted to spicy, Namkeens have varied range of tastes to provide. One thing is for sure, once you find your taste, you're gonna fall in love and get used to it.

Client Review

I think I speak for everyone when I say your service is best. It's such a pleasure to receive such tempting snacks and sweets yet didn't played with our health. Thanks for bringing to us the best sweets and snack that everyone in our family absolutely loves.

Client Review 2

I have been away from my country India for a long time, and it was hard to get authentic Indian sweets and snacks. Through you guys now I can taste the traditional and authentic Indian sweets and snacks while being away from home. Thank you for this happy and yet emotional experience, Umang International.

Client Review 3

My parents lives with us and my kids aren't grown up enough to move out, so I live in a family of varied age range, but everyone has something that they love. Your snacks and sweets are very delicious and many of my Indian friends also tell me it's the authentic taste. The quality is very good and gift boxes were liked by people who we gifted them to.