
CPP Assessment Guide (v. 9/2020) Please select one from each domain for the foundational phase

Child Trauma History Child Developmental Functioning ❑ ✭​♪​Traumatic Events Screening Inventory ❑ ♪A​ ges and Stages Questionnaire (A​ SQ​) Report Revised (T​ ESI-PRR)​ ; in CPP ❑ Clinical interview and observation Toolkit

❑ ❑ Other comprehensive tool: Other: (e.g. Bayley Scales of and Specify: Development, Mullen Scales of Learning, WPPSI) Specify:

Child Trauma Symptoms Child General Symptoms ❑ ✭♪​CPP Symptom Screener​ not yet ❑ ✭​♪C​ PP Symptom Screener ​ not yet psychometrically validated; CPP website psychometrically validated; CPP website ❑ ✭​♪E​ arly Childhood Screening Assessment ❑ ♪T​ rauma Symptom Checklist for Young (​ECSA)​ ; ages 16-60 months) Children (T​ SCYC;​ age 3-12) ❑ ✭​♪S​ trengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (​SDQ;​ ages 2-4 and 4-10 yrs) ❑ ✭​Young Child PTSD Checklist (​YCPC)​ ages ❑ ✭♪S​ urvey of Well-Being in Young Children 1-6 years: (​SWYC;​ 2-60 months) ❑ ✭​Child and Adolescent Needs and Strength ❑ ✭​Po​ sttraumatic Stress Reactions in ​In​ fancy (​CANS)​ and ​Ea​ rly Childhood (P​ IE)​ ;​ ​ages 0-6; not yet ❑ ✭​♪I​ nfant Toddler Social Emotional psychometrically validated; in CPP Toolkit Assessment (​ITSEA;​ 12-36 months) ❑ ♪D​ evereaux Assessments ❑ Clinical Interview (​DECA;​ 1-36 months) ❑ ♪B​ ehavior Assessment Scale for Children 3 ❑ Other (​BASC-3;​ age 2-5 & 6-11 yrs.) Specify: ❑ ♪C​ hild Behavior Checklist 1 ½-5 (C​ BCL)​

❑ ♪E​ yberg Child Behavior Inventory (E​ CBI;​ 2-16


❑ Clinical interview

❑ Other symptom measure

Specify: Note: For research also could use D​ IPA​ or P​ APA

Many of the instruments that are free can be found in the CPP toolkit: h​ ttps://tinyurl.com/CPPResources ✭Indicates measure is available free of charge ♪ Indicates available in Spanish and links to measure if Spanish version not available from main link

CPP Caregiver Assessment Guide (v. 9/2020) Please select one from each domain for the foundational phase

Caregiver Trauma History Relationship Assessment ❑ ✭​♪L​ ife Stressors Checklist-Revised (L​ SC-R​); ❑ ✭​Zero to Three:​ ​DC:0–5™ Resources in CPP Toolkit ❑ Dimensions of Caregiving (DC 0-5) Axis

❑ Other comprehensive tool II Relational Context, Table 1 Specify: ❑ Infant’s/Young Child’s Contributions to the Relationship (DC 0-5 Axis II Relational Context, Table 2 Caregiver Trauma Symptoms ❑ Dimensions of the Caregiving

❑ PTSD Diagnostic Scale for DSM-5 (PDS-5) Environment (DC 0-5 Axis II Relational Context, Table 3 ❑ PTSD Symptom Scale (PSS-I) in CPP toolkit (but linked to DSM-IV not DSM-V) ❑ ✭​What to Look for in Relationships ​ (Osofsky, Hansel, Graham, & Kronenberg, 2018) ❑ Clinical Interview ❑ Stress Index-short form (PSI-SF) ❑ Other instrument Specify: ❑ Other tool or observational procedure Specify:

Caregiver General Symptoms Additional Optional Tools ❏ ✭♪C​ enter for Epidemiologic Studies of ❏ ✭​♪ ​ Angels in the Nursery Interview ​ Depression Scale (​CESD-R;​ ​scoring)​ ❏ ✭♪G​ eneralized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (​GAD-7)​ Scale ❏ ✭♪S​ trengths and Difficulties Scale (​SDQ-​ ) ❏ Clinical Interview ❏ Other instrument Specify

✭Indicates measure is available free of charge ♪ Indicates available in Spanish and links to measure if Spanish version not available from main link