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Article: Dobson, J. and Powrie, P. (2016) Bibliography for Jacques Audiard. Studies in French Cinema, 16 (3). pp. 269-271. ISSN 1471-5880 https://doi.org/10.1080/14715880.2016.1238169

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[email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/ Bibliography for Jacques Audiard

Julia Dobson and Phil Powrie


Dobson, Julia. 2008. “Jacques Audiard: Contesting Filiations.” In Kate Ince (ed) Five Directors: Auteurism from Assayas to Ozon, edited by Kate Ince, 38-58. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Dobson, Julia. 2010. “Asserting Text, Context and Intertext: Jill Forbes and French Film Studies.” In Studies in French Cinema: UK Perspectives, 1985-2010, edited by Will Higbee and Sarah Leahy, 117-126. Bristol: Intellect

Rouyer, Philippe and Yann Tobin. 2012. “Entretien avec Jacques Audiard: qu’est-ce que le discours amoureux aujourd’hui.” Positif 616: 9-14.

Rouyer, Philippe and Claude Vassé. 2005. “Entretien avec Jacques Audiard: et si tuer quelqu’un au cinéma, c’était difficile?” Positif 529: 21-25.

Tirard, Laurent and Thomas Baurez. 2006. “Jacques Audiard.” Leçons de cinéma 2. : Nouveau monde éditions.

Regarde les hommes tomber / (1994)

Marsolais, Gilles. 1994. “Regarde les hommes tomber de Jacques Audiard.” 24 images 73-74: 56-57.

Met, Philippe. 2006. “Oedipal Mayhem: Rituals of Masculinity and Filiation in Jacques Audiard's Regarde les hommes tomber.”Australian Journal of French Studies, 43 (1): 94-102.

Un héros très discret / A Self-Made Hero (1996)

Bowles, Brett. 2002. “Screening les Années Noires: Using Film to Teach the Occupation.” French Historical Studies 25 (1): 21-40.

Forbes, Jill. 1999. “Politicians and Performers: Un héros très discret.” Australian Journal of French Studies 36 (1): 125-135.

Herpe, Noël. 1996. “‘Je veux que tout soit faux’: entretien avec Jacques Audiard.” Positif 423: 18-22. Translated as ‘Self-Made Hero’ in Projections 9 [1999], 175-182. London: Faber and Faber.

Lauten, Kathryn M. 1999. “Dusting off Dehousse.” In French Cinema in the 1990s; Continuity and Difference, edited by Phil Powrie, 58-68. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sur mes lèvres / Read My Lips (2001)

Mirandette, Marie Claude. 2003. “Sur mes lèvres de Jacques Audiard.” Ciné-Bulles 21 (1): 56-57. https://www.erudit.org/culture/cb1068900/cb1090322/33371ac.pdf, accessed 7 September 2016.

Rouyer, Philippe. 2001. “Sur mes lèvres: à l’écoute.” Positif 488: 27-28.

Stone, Alan. A. 2006. “Exploring Love and the Human Condition.” Psychiatric Times 23 (3): 86-86,88.

De battre mon cœur s’est arrêté / The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005)

Dobson, Julia. 2007. “Jacques Audiard and the Filial Challenge.” Studies in French Cinema 7 (3): 179-189.

Ferrari, Jean-Christophe. 2005. “De battre mon cœur s’est arrêté: accepteras-tu un homme aussi haletant contre toi?” Positif 529: 19-20.

Ferré, Bastien. and Thomas Steinmetz. 2015. De battre mon cœur s’est arrêté. Paris: Réseau Canope.

Mongin, Olivier. 2005. “Regarde les hommes monter: De battre mon cœur s’est arrêté de Jacques Audiard.” Esprit 5: 204-205.

Un prophète / (2009)

Alberico, Danielle. 2010. “Script Q&A: A Prophet.” Script Magazine 10 February. http://www.scriptmag.com/features/script-qa-a-prophet, accessed 7 September 2016.

Camy, Gérard. 2009. “Un prophète.” Jeune Cinéma (Summer): 104-105.

Celik Rappas, Ipek A. 2016. “Corporeal Violence in Art-House Cinema: Cannes 2009.” Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies (14 May): 1-9.

Kaganski, Serge. 2009. “Jacques Audiard: ‘Je n’ai pas fait un film sur la politique carcérale’.” Inrockuptibles, 26 August. http://www.lesinrocks.com/2009/08/26/cinema/actualite-cinema/jacques- audiard-je-nai-pas-fait-un-film-sur-la-politique-carcerale-1138044/, accessed 7 September 2016.

King, Gemma. 2014. “The Power of the Treacherous Interpreter: Multilingualism in Jacques Audiard's Un prophète.” Linguistica Antverpiensia. New Series. Themes in Translation Studies 13: 78-92. https://lans- tts.uantwerpen.be/index.php/LANS-TTS/article/view/51, accessed 7 September 2016.

Loftus, Maria. 2012. “Jacques Audiard’s A Prophet: The Carceral Environment as a Mirror of Assimilationist Policy Gone Wrong.” Transcultural Visions 1 (1): 31- 35. file:///Users/pp0011/Desktop/Archive/6012_TransculturalVision_06.02.131.pdf, accessed 7 September 2016.

MacDonald, Megan C. 2013. “Humanism at the Limit and Post-Restante in the Colony: The Prison of the Postcolonial Nation in Jacques Audiard's Un prophète (2009).” International Journal of Francophone Studies 15 (3-4): 561- 580.

Oscherwitz, Dayna. 2015. “Monnet Changes Everything? Capitalism, Currency and Crisis in Jacques Becker’s Touchez pas au grisbi (1954) and Jacques Audiard’s Un prophète (2009).” Studies in French Cinema 15 (3): 258-274.

Pezzella, Mario. 2011. “Phenomenology of a Revolt: Notes on A Prophet by Jacques Audiard.” Iris 3: 161-164. Translated by Nicholas Walker. www.fupress.net/index.php/iris/article/download/10167/9401, accessed 7 September 2016.

Rossi. Katia. 2011. “A Prophet: A Bildungsroman in Film.” Iris 3: 165-165. Translated by Nicholas Walker. www.fupress.net/index.php/iris/article/download/10167/9401, accessed 7 September 2016.

Solomons, Jason. 2009. “Cinema's a Very Shocking Tool. You Must Ask Yourself What You're Using it for.” Observer (6 Dec): 20-25.

Vincendeau, Ginette. 2010. "Between the Walls." Sight and Sound 20 (2): 16-18.

White, Rob. 2010. “Only Connect: A Prophet (Jacques Audiard).” Film Quarterly 63 (3): 4-5.

De rouille et d’os / (2012)

Brown, Emma. 2012. “Jacques Audiard's Flesh and Blood.” Interview Magazine, 15 November 2012. http://www.interviewmagazine.com/film/jacques-audiard-rust- and-bone, accessed 7 September 2016.

Hastie, Amelie. 2013. “Rust and Bone.” Film Quarterly 66 (3): 53-57.

Kaganski, Serge. 2012. “De rouille et d’os: beau film sur la fusion des corps.” Les Inrockuptibles, 15 May. http://www.lesinrocks.com/cinema/films-a-l- affiche/de-rouille-et-dos/, accessed 7 September 2016.

MacCabe, Colin. 2012. “A Sentimental Education.” Film Quarterly 66 (1): 9-11.

Nikolaidis, Aristotelis. 2013. “(En)Gendering Disability in Film.” Feminist Media Studies 13 (4): 759-764.

Prédal, René. 2012. “Cannes à Paris: De rouille et d'os." Jeune Cinéma (July): 12-13.

Dheepan (2015)

Alion, Yves. (2015), ‘Entretien Jacques Audiard: .” Avant-scène cinéma, 20 September, http://www.avantscenecinema.com/entretien-jacques-audiard- dheepan/, accessed 12 November 2015.

Dobson, Julia. forthcoming 2016. “Dis-locations: Mapping the Banlieue.” In Filmurbia: Screening the Suburbs, edited by Graeme Harper and Jay Rayner. London: Palgrave Macmillan.