

He said to His disciples, liThe harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field." Matt. 9:37-38 LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGINATION


CHAPTER ONE "Chuckles from Northern Neighbors 1-4

CHAPTER TWO "Daddy, I'm Hungry" 5-8

CHAPTER THREE "Remember Pearl Harbor, Again" 9 -12

CHAPTER FOUR "When You're Green You're Growing" 13 -18

CHAPTER FIVE "Want Help? It's Available!" 19 -24

CHAPTER SIX "Seeing His Hand In Everything" 25 -40

CHAPTER SEVEN "From Comfort Zone to Power Zone" 41- 50

CHAPTER EIGHT "Blessed Is He Whose Quiver Is Full" 51- 58

- CHAPTER NINE "Love, Genuine and Unconditional" 59-66

CHAPTER TEN "Beware When All Speak Well Of You!" 67 -76

CHAPTER ELEVEN "I Thought You Were A Bus Driver!" 77 - 100

CHAPTER TWELVE "Call A Toe Truck!" 101- 120

CHAPTER THIRTEEN "Beware Of Men Speaking III Will!" 121-134

CHAPTER FOURTEEN "New Scenes and Old Habitats" 135 - 152

CHAPTER FIFTEEN "New Bottles For New Wine" 153-166

CHAPTER SIXTEEN "Making Sense Of Coincidence" 167 -178


Page i "Get ready to be inspired and challenged as you read this book. It must have been in the late winter or early spring of 1970 that fifteen or twenty preachers descended on our home in the suburb of Chicago for a two or three day visit. It wasn't a preacher attack. Mary Jo and I had invited them. We knew of Marvin Pegg's "Precious Encounter" material and the work he and Silas Shotwell were doing to turn God's family into an army of soul winners and soul keepers. In my extensive travels among churches of Christ, I had found few congregations that were aggressive in winning souls. And almost none that had aggressive programs to keep the saved.

For a few short days we sat at the feet of men who loved the Lord, the lost, and those redeemed by the blood if the Lamb. Our lives were enriched and I know the churches we served were enriched as a result of our "precious encounter" during those few days.

Your life will likewise be enriched by reading this book. Some entries go back many, many years. But while you will share the experiences of Marvin - and Pawnee (his helpmeet and fellow sojourner for the Lord) - there's more. You'll gain insight as to why fields are always ripe unto harvest if we have eyes to see and hearts to care: hearts that care enough to take action. And you'll gain insights in how to take action.

This is a journey that twists and turns, moves through a variety of setting, cultures, climes and times. As it does so, you'll marvel at how the Lord works through Marvin and Pawnee to reach out to many in such a myriad of ways. It will become obvious that just as God used them, He can use you, me, any of his children in almost any situation, if we're sensitive and willing.

The tapestry of this soul-winning story has woven into it certain factors that are repeated and blended: "Love ' em, be ready, serve 'em. Watch for opportunity, love 'em, take action. Gently prod, plead, persist, love 'em. Don't be a soil inspector, sow abundantly, nurture, love 'em. Know you are a co-worker with God, love Him and don't set a time limit on Him." There are other elements, but these are a vital part of the fabric of this book. Bottom line is that you (I too) can be a soul winner.

Enjoy the journey this novel takes you on. As with a Michener novel that has plots, subplots, multiple locations, and many characters, you may occasionally find yourself saying such things as, "Wait a minute, where am I? Is this Oregon, Hawaii, Canada or Matteson Illinois? Is Marvin a salesman in Salem or an Old Salt at sea?" The thing to remember is that whether we're with Marvin talking to a hitchhiker on the highway or a mechanic under the hood of a car, we're watching a soul-winner at work. In the process we learn how we, too, can share God's good news.

Enjoy the journey. The Kingdom will be better because you make the trip."

Philip Dale Smith - Preacher, Teacher, Novelist, Children's Books Prize-winning Author, and Conductor of "Every Kid a Winner" seminars. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER INTRODUCTION: SILAS SHOTWELL

Page ii Marvin Pegg is an exceptional man. I remember the first time I heard his name, the first time I saw him, and the first time T met him: events that took place when he retired from the Navy in 1959. Marvin is truly unique. As an old Washingtonian used to say, 'the likes of which there is no whicher.' There are several traits that stand out in my mind about my good friend Marvin.

1. He has a thankful spirit. It was some years after I met Marvin that I went with him into a Bank in Bourbonnais, Illinois and the Bank Teller asked Marvin, "How are you?" He replied, "Grateful." And to me that's Marvin's trademark. He is "Mr. Grateful." He appreciates life, people, and the grace God has given.

2. He appreciates the little things in life that others miss. The prophet Zechariah asked, "Who despises the day of small things?" (Zech. 4: 10) And my answer to that question would be, 'Not Marvin!' He is observant, sensitive, and relishes even the smallest detail. He can quote songs, poems, Bible verses, and names that he learned many years ago. He can give you facts, trivia, and precious tidbits that most have forgotten and some never knew.

3. He has a generous heart. Marvin believes in sharing the things that he holds most dear. He will tell you, with a smile on his face, of the message of grace and the love of his dear Lord. He will tell you the funny story he just heard, or tell you where to get the best clam chowder on the Oregon Coast. He believes that things worth having are things worth sharing. He is unselfish in all that he has and does.

4. He is HALF of a wonderful combination. It is impossible for me to think of Marvin without also of Pawnee. "Marvin and Pawnee" go together as surely as "Adam and Eve," "Abraham and Sarah," and "Aquila and Priscilla." Like the finest porcelain candlesticks, they are a "matched set," Edna Mae and I have no finer, truer friends. And we thank God for them.

On that first day I met Marvin I had no idea what an impact he would have on my life. We've worked together in so many places, laughed at so many stories, and cried over many hurting people. When I reflect on the countless memories, I don't recall one where Marvin and I were not together in our thinking. So if you ask me what I feel, as I consider my friend and brother Marvin, I'll qu ickly tell you ... 'Grateful!' "

Silas Shotwell, PhD, Minister, Author, "Good News" Publisher, Regional Director of "Safety Net."

[Author comment]: Years ago, there was a song titled: "We Belong To a Mutual- Admiration Society." The things Silas and Dale have written about our friendship HAVE spanned several years. I'm reminded though, of a story about the badge for humility that the City fathers awarded one of its citizens. Later, they took it from him - because he wore it! In Provo 17: 17 is written: "A friend loves at all times." And even if they see my many faults, they wouldn't be apt to tell you about them! And r feel like I should have my "badge" taken away for including their comments. MEMOIRS OF A SOUL WINNER DEDICATION

Page iii Many are they to whom J owe a debt of gratitude for help in knowing, and in efforts to live, a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit guided life: my wife who stayed with me through thick and thin (a lot of which was transparently thin at times); my brother Walt who baptized my wife and then taught me about the Lord; Ed Latham who fed my spirit and greatly helped me in my spiritual infancy; Silas Shotwell who carried me along and got me involved in numerous projects; Dale Smith whose lessons and love were inspirational and who encouraged me in writing this; Lynn Anderson whose sermon style I endeavored to imitate and whose letter of condolence warmed my soul when our oldest son was killed. His letter came at a time of need. Thank you, one and all, I dedicate this to you in full assurance that you will accept its intent and overlook its flaws.

"Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me." Or, as go the words of a hymn: "Jesus paid it aU, all to Him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow."

Pamela Pegg, the wife of our son Gary, wrote the following poem she titled: "God Words." The thoughts speak to me and perhaps to many of you who are reading it.

Lord, © Who has the right to speak for You? Who dares represent You? How do I, a sinner, even dare to speak Your name? When I speak to neighbor, friend or child Who see me much more clearly than I see myself When I say the God words Do they simply remember my most recent sin? Loving You, thanking You, my reveling in being Your child, How can I not speak of Christ, forgiveness, Heaven? For all that You, full of power & grace, have done for me.

Wicked as I am, I must tell all that I know When I think how You can help them, Make their lives so much more, I must tell them of you. So use me, Father, flawed tool that I am To show them the Glory that is You. Forgive me continually for the sins that beset me, Marring Your Glory for those who must see You through me Forgive me the God Words from these ungodly lips.

"If I say I willllot mention Him, or speak anymore in His name, there is as it were a burning fire shut up inl1lY bones, and I am weaIJ) with holding it in, and I cannot!" (Jer. 20:9) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER PREFACE Subtitled: WISDOM? JUST ASK! (James 1:5)

Pageiv Having spent several years as an avowed enemy of my Lord, I was overwhelmed by the fact of my forgiveness. I wanted everyone to know that the promise of Heaven was open to all. I was in charge of an office at a Navy Meteorological School when I came to Christ. I could not keep still about what I had found. So much so that I was mocked, but I was not dissuaded.

In one way, that was as it should have been. My zeal (or His house had consumed me. (Psa. 69:91 119:139; John 2:17). Mine was the TRUE doctrine! 'Here's where your belief is WRONG!' I had a little booklet titled "Ready Answers to Religious Errors." I lost friends quite rapidly. Of course 1 considered myself a martyr: Anyone who loves (anything) more than me is not worthy of me. (Mt. 10:37) But I deserved to be mocked: "Grandma's Lye Soap" was a popular song then that the men in my office came to know real well!

Oddly enough, I had read Dale Carnegie's book: "How to Win Friends and Influence People." However, I had not read enough, at that time, of the "Good Book," or could it have been that neither James 1:5 had soaked in nor Dale Carnegies' "How To ... "! To paraphrase the verse in James: "Are you in need of wisdom? Just ask!"

The first two years, following my spiritual rebirth, were over-zealous years. Were all my efforts in vain? The approach was terribly wrong. I was intolerant, to put it mildly. But some may have been moved to take their own belief more seriously. And a shipmate whose name honored a reformation leader (he was not a Jr., he was the 8th in line to bear the name, and the first five were preachers ofthat denomination), was moved by the "Restoration" gospel and while we were stationed together, he married the preacher's daughter! Our daughter was their Flower Girl. He later rose from the ranks and became a full Commander in the U.S. Navy.

Prior to a transfer to Hawaii with my wife and five children (3,d Hawaiian tour for me, 2nd for my wife), in late 1954, I went with my brother to hear a man holding a meeting in The Dalles OR. His topic was "Personal Evangelism." He emphasized the necessity of reliance upon God, and not on one's personal ability to present Jesus: "If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask (~f God who gives to all men liberally and upbraids not, and it shall be given him." I bought his book and on the ship to the Islands I read and reread all that I had heard him say and all that hadn't "taken mental residence" at the time I listened to him.

At the Pearl Harbor church, every 3'd week, I would preach a sermon (loose use of the term) there of a Sunday morning, and the same sermon at Schofield Barracks that Sunday evening. I wrote and printed the church bulletin each week and I taught personal-work classes. Was I working out a fit of religion? Satan would have us think so. Was my approach a "works" religion? Perhaps. Of course, Satan does not want us to be zealous and would discourage us from any and all efforts for Jesus. Can you hear him say: "Let's be politically correct here!"

Now that I understand grace to a greater degree than I did at first, I'm even more anxious that all might come to know the love of our Savior. I have asked for wisdom with every approach. Within the pages of the story to follow, allow me share with you some of the answers my Heavenly Father, through His Holy Spirit, supplied. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER PREFACE Subtitled: WISDOM? JUST ASK! (James 1:5)

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This Spring, at Camp Yamhill Men's retreat, a young Cascade College student (Dustin Dandliker) overheard someone comment on past personal work I had done. He asked me to recount some of my experiences, which I did. I then misunderstood him to say that he was writing (a treatise?) about the topic of evangelism. I obtained his E-Mail address and asked him which of my stories he would want repeated. He said that he was not writing about them; that he was wanting me to write about them! I have since been moved to accept the challenge.

As events occurred, about which I shall now write, I regret that I had not kept a written record. I do wish I had done so. So much has elapsed of which 1 wish I had greater detail. However, I hope that which comes to mind will be sufficiently inspirational to motivate you and others to speak up about the salvation available to any and all, which is my motive for compiling those things I do remember. I'm too old to seek either fame or fortune. If it should suffice to help you gain confidence in the Lord's willingness to give you the talents with which to reap a harvest for Him, then it is worth the effort. He does stand ready to help, y'know.

What is important in becoming a "personal" worker? "Smarts" are not required. I ought to know! Attitude is everything. First and foremost is an attitude of love. There are so many Scriptures that could be quoted relative to that. I did not count them all, but my concordance lists around 500. "Which is the greatest commandment in the Law? You sh(dllove the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind aud strength. And the second is like unto it. You shal/love your neighbor as yourself." (Mt. 22:36-39)

Much is required to fully practice Jove: not only having a deep concern for your fellow­ man, but an ability to deny self as well. The apostle Paul spoke of being " ... dead with Christ." You can't hurt a dead man! Kick him, insult him - you'll get no response. Self-denial is an attitude of love. What follows is a bad example and a good example.

Our house in Monterey CA hadn't sold. We were making a house payment there and paying rent for Navy housing. With five children, my Navy pay fell short of covering our needs. J took a job selling Fuller Brushes during off-duty hours. Homes in one area on Oahu where I worked had to be built upon "stilts", a requirement needed to protect from moisture and to deter termites. On the uphill side of the street, winding steps led to the front doors.

I had left catalogs the night before. They cost $1 for 12, and I usually distributed from 50 to 100, depending on time available for follow up. That was big money then! I climbed the steps to the door. A child saw me and called to her mother, "Mommy, the Fuller Brush man is here." Through the screen door I could hear "Mommy" looking for the catalog. I had noticed their name on the mailbox and I called in not to worry about finding the catalog. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER PREFACE Subtitled: WISDOM? JUST ASK! (James 1 :5)

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She then apologized. 1 said, 'What did you see in the catalog you would like to ask about?' She said, "I don't believe there was anything." 1 said, 'That's fine. What would you like as a gift?' She said, "I believe I'd like one of those pastry brushes." 1 handed it to her and said that I'd be back in about a month, and left.

As 1 started up the street, she came back out on the landing calling "Just a minute, 1 know r can find your catalog somewhere." I couldn't walk off, that would be rude, so ] climbed back. The door burst open and her husband said, "Look! We don't want any of your products or any of your gifts. Get off my property!" I said, 'I - T - 1 just ... ' "Are you getting off my property or do 1 call the police?"

Well, I left! But I was a young Christian and I was seething inside! Fuller Brushes were excellent products I never had to apologize for. And even though 1 was part-time, 1 had the highest sales record on Oahu! I was hungry for earnings. 1 averaged sales at 6 homes out of 10. Now, for ten houses IN A ROW! no sale! I was saying the same things. 'Fuller Brush Man. How are you today? No complaints or no one to listen?' Ab, but 1 was an angry man and they sensed it. I was giving off bad vibes! I tossed my kit in the car and went home.

There was a sales meeting in Honolulu that evening. I attended, and I related what had happened to me that day. The Manager said, "That's pretty good. You had something like that happen and you went away feeling sorry for yourself. You should have been feeling sorry for that poor woman that had to live with that man!" His derisive remarks hit home. He was right! They weren't waiting there for me to arrive. Besides, who knows what may have happened, behind a door where I'd knocked, before I got there. Was there a family fight, a family death, a financial loss? I learned not to take such things as though they were directed at me personally or otherwise.

What else did I learn from that? The way we feel communicates itself to others. We do give off vibrations that others sense, good or bad. Oh, it's highly unlikely that those sensed feelings are put into words. Nevertheless, people instinctively respond to the way we feel. If you can't love your fellowman, you have nothing to share. "And ifyou can't love man whom you've seen, how can you love God whom you have not seen?" (I John 4:20)

Later, in Portland, for four days r would leave (excellent) tracts; wouldn't knock, just leave them. A first was a cartoon: "What Do You Want?" A second showed a white ghostly figure on a blue background and titled "It Walks By Night." One day, as 1 followed up knocking, and saying to my Lord, 'Father, help me to love, help me to love, help me to love,' a fellow cussed me out: "Don't leave those ... tracts," etc., and on and on and on. LEARNING TO BEA SOUL WINNER PREFACE Subtitled: WISDOM? JUST ASK! (James 1:5)

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As I walked away down his sidewalk I prayed 'Father, I don't know what happened in that man's life to cause him to react as he has. You know what he has gone through. He needs help to get over what ever it was. Father, please help him.' How could I respond as J did? Because I had been praying for love. Now, and this is the honest truth, I SET UP STUDIES AT THE NEXT THREE DOORS I KNOCKED ON!! Attitude, and especially an attitude of love, is vitally important. Ifthat is a weak point for you; a flaw in your character, keep asking. God will supply your need.

Must we take umbrage at criticism, just or unjust? Think about it. I don't know about you but I'm fairly certain this is true: I never learned a thing from people who agreed with me! I already knew that! I have learned from those who taught me something new. And I've often learned from those who disagreed with me. I didn't always agree at the time, but often I've found myself thinking, 'He's got something there!'

There have been preachers who have greatly influenced my life; who opened the Scripture to give me better understanding thereof: Ed Latham, Charles Fuller, Silas Shotwell, Roger White, Dale Smith, Lynn Anderson, and even my brother (Walt Pegg) to name a few. And I even learned from James Tabor who was half my age when we worked together. While at Park Forest, Jim received his Doctorate in Languages at the Univ. of Chicago. And in Jim's work today I find helpful material. And, of course, there have been many expository writers, who have written a wealth of material, from whom I have mined a few nuggets of discernment. Keep an open mind.

If we believe we have something to share, something worthy of passing along, what should be our motive for doing it? Accolades and praise from others is fleeting and short-lived at best. Solomon said that all is vanity. That which is lasting must come from the Lord. So why put this in writing? In Heb. 10:24 I believe we find answer: "Let us consider how to spur one another 011 to love and good deeds. "

In 2001, at Lincoln City, someone said to me, "You don't know who I am, do you?" said, 'Your face is familiar.' She said, "You baptized me in 1970." That was joyful! But think of the joy that will come to the sower, the harvester, and the harvested," and of the praises to be sung to our Savior, when Heaven' s fellowship begins! "Marvin! You made it here! Amazing!"

I met a fellow traveler from time to eternity in Michigan. Wes was a preacher there and an instructor at Michigan Christian College. Later, he became a Prison Chaplain. He made the state­ ment that when he invited someone to a fish dinner, he expected him to pick out the bones. It's quite possible, even likely, that some who read this will find a bone of contention here and there. Please throw those away. I pray you'll find some meat now and then.

One thing I learned from my brother Walt was this: "Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better's best." And so I find myself editing, erasing, adding and hopefully, improving this. But what we need to seriously consider is FROG! What's that? You' IJ find the answer at the end of Chapter One. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER CHUCKLES FROM NORTHERN NEIGHBORS About \967

CHAPTER ONE Page \ I wish to begin my story with a humorous incident. Even before 1 knew the expression that "Laughter is the Best Medicine" or that "He Who Laughs Lasts," 1 have appreciated humor. The lady to whom I was opening the Word laughed uproariously at the reply my Lord supplied. Sharing the word should be full time. As Lin Yutang wrote: "Only those who take leisurely what the rest of the world is busy about, can be busy about what the rest of the world takes leisurely."

I was palt of a group of 30 elders and preachers taking part in an evangelism effort in Kamloops B.C .. Kamloops (especially south of the river) is a beautiful city with extra wide tree­ lined streets. I believe I was the only "layman" in the group. Lynn Anderson, Canadian Preacher, was directing our efforts. Most of us stayed (took our meals and listened to pep talks) at a hotel.

We knocked on doors for 3 weeks. That's a HARD way to obtain listeners! During the mission only three people were baptized (I had studied with and baptized them), although others were baptized later as a result of our door knocking. 1 will relate the stories of those three also, but first the story of one r did not reach. There were many other unsuccessful studies across the years most of which I have forgotten. Allow me to repeat myself. 1 learned to ask the Lord for wisdom in speaking with those I studied - most of the time! Of course, not all will listen.

Back to the one whose funny bone the Lord tickled. I arrived at her door at the appointed time and presented the Scripture outline I was following. At the end of the study, she said she appreciated the things 1 had shown to her. "However," quoting her, "I believe that Jesus and the Apostles were men from another planet who came here to our earth to teach us how to live." I replied that that was a unique approach 1 had never heard before. And 1 added, 'I hope some day you can come to know the love of God so you can say, "my cup runneth over --- therefore my flying saucer is all wet!" She'd laugh, take a couple breaths and laugh some more.

What happened to her? The Lord knows. Prayerfully, she did come to know God's love. never saw her again. It was about twenty years later that my wife and I, with Claud & Regina Miller, journeyed the beautiful Fraser River Canyon to Kamloops. It has beautiful scenery: water­ falls, rapids, (& bungee jumping which we did none of). We passed through Kamloops that time and arrived in Kelowna in time for worship. The preacher remembered me from Kamloops!

Of the three mentioned above, one was a young lady who tended the Laundromat where I took my clothes. Of our 30, several had taken their clothes there. She was eager to listen. There was one door where the study was very unusual. She asked if! could return at 9 a.m. on Saturday. "My husband is leaving early and will not be home. He's a Baptist preacher and wouldn't appreciate my studying with someone of a different belief."

I arrived at her home and began the study. Suddenly the back door opened and her husband stormed through and into their bedroom. He was a big Swede named Bjarney Stumpf. He had left the bedroom door open and he was listening to what 1 was saying. He stomped back out of the bedroom and said, "What are you teaching my wife? - That you have to be baptized to be saved? That's not true! You are teaching her a pack of lies!" LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER CHUCKLES FROM NORTHERN NEIGHBORS About 1967

CHAPTER ONE Page 2 I replied, 'Bjarney, I don't blame you for being angry. If someone were teaching MY wife that which was contrary to my belief, I'd be angry too. Please sit down with us and look at some Bible passages we've been looking at.' The Lord prompted me to reply softly and with a smile. "A soft answer tllrns away wrath." (Prov. 15: 1)

"You're right! I am angry! Let's just see where you think you're getting that baloney."

I don't recall the manner in which we proceeded. We studied until 1 p.m .. I said, 'Why don't we discontinue the study for the time being. I need to get some lunch and you probably would like to do the same.' Bjarney said, "Could you be back by 2 or 2:30? You will be back, right? I'd like to pick up the study where we're leaving off, if its okay with you." I returned.

Toward the end of our study he said, "For years I have been part of a Canadian Radio Broadcast teaching people that all they had to do to be saved was to believe in Jesus. I can see now that there is more to it. But tell me, why did God let me go on teaching what I did?"

[Listen to the answer God provided.] 'Bjarney, since I've been old enough to realize that death brings an end to relationships here on earth, J have never lost anyone close to me. As a result, I don't really know how to relate to people who are grieving. Someone who HAS lost a loved one has gained some understanding and can help. Let's see if I can apply that.

'It has taken me nearly eight hours to help you to look into God's word more thoroughly. You, on the other hand, would know exactly what someone, such as yourself in their struggle to do God's will, needed to hear. It wouldn't take you eight hours to shed light on their need; you'd know what to say. God has prepared you for the task much better than He prepared me!'

He stared at me for a few moments, got up from his chair, didn't say a word, walked into the bedroom and returned, putting on his coat, and said to his wife, "Honey, let's go with this man and be baptized."

Last I heard of Bjarney, he had quit his preaching and broadcasting work in the Kamloops area and had moved to work in a mining town to the north. (I did know the town's name but I've forgotten it.) He was working as a miner, but he was teaching the gospel to people in the town.

Because of his love for truth, he gave up, what well may have been a soft, cushy, ego­ satisfying assignment in order to bring people to a better understanding of the sacrifice of Jesus. He became simply a servant of God. I'll meet him again - with joy - in heaven - the Lord willing.



There were 30, "missionaries" to Canada, in the group. I no longer recall the number assigned to a room, whether it was 2, 3, or 4. All 30 would get together for breakfast with thanks for our food, in a set-aside Hotel dining room. Following breakfast, Lynn Anderson would then direct us in a "pep" talk followed by prayer, or prayers.

About 9 a.m. we would be ready to begin our hikes through the streets of Kamloops. We each went to our assigned areas singly. We should have known better than to "go it alone." My area was in the south side oftown: ritzy homes, extra-wide streets. One advantage, at times a dis­ advantage, was the radio information broadcast that Kamloopians could expect us. Canada is almost a Government-authorized National Church: The Church of England.

Sundays and Wednesday evenings we attended church worship and Bible study in a church of Christ on the Northwest side of town. Wonderful people, in every way, those Canadians. They immediately took my "Laundromat Lady" under their wings and made her welcome.

Not all our time was spent in serious endeavors. There was one Canadian, from some Canadian town other than Kamloops, who gave up a "Nashville"-"Eddy Arnold"-type singing voice career to become a preacher. He was a BIG TIME radio singer becoming well-known.

He brought his guitar and amplifier to the room I was in, and it never took long for the room and the hall-way outside our room, to fill with spectators. He sang and did a fantastic job of accompanying his singing; some songs that I knew and a few that were new to me, such as: "Four Strong Winds," "Five Hundred Miles Away From Home," and others.

He was a comedian as well as a singer. He'd do a skit of a Swedish Woman answering the phone. "Is that you, Gertrude? Yes, this is Hilda .... Oh, I'm fine, yust a little bilious. I bane on a diet, yah. Las veek, I loss six ounces. My son-in-law said, 'You aint losin' veight, you yust got a slow leak.' ... Vell, Gertrude, what can you expect from a son-in-law who gives you a bottle of Milk-of-Magnesia for Mother's Day? ... Veil, Gertrude, I got to go now. You keep varm and vatch out for you don't catch cold in a vinter snow storm . .. . Yah, me too, bye now."

[In 1986, about 20 years later, Pawnee and I took in Expo-86 in Vancouver B.C.. We stayed at a Bed & Breakfast in Burnaby (suburb of Vancouver) and had a wonderful time. Met a Kamloops Brother, asked him about our singer (remembered his name then) who told me (the singer) was preaching for a church in another suburb. Called, but was unable to get in touch.]

* * * * * * *

You need not be brilliant to share the gospel. My daughter-in-law Carol (who was married to our son who was killed) sent me several things depicting in one way or another, a frog. I suggest we each "carry a frog." What is its significance? F.R.O.G. = Fully Rely On God. Do that. You'll find He will give you the way to reply to every man as you share His word. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER CHUCKLES FROM NORTHERN NEIGHBORS About 1967


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I. What personal preparation to a shared study is recommended on page one ofthis chapter? (See paragraph 3)

2. Three individual studies are mentioned. As to "walk of life" how would you classifY the individuals?

3. What promises of help to conduct studies can we depend upon?

4. Did the Preacher have a right to be angry? How should we deal with anger?

5. You may never know a situation where the same answer given the preacher would apply for you. Even so, would your Heavenly Father be able to supply a "fitting" answer for you in s similar situation? Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. (proverbs 3:5-6) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "DADDY, I'M HUNGRY" 1952 - 1954

CHAPTER TWO (Where did that money come from?)

Page 5 Kamloops was an event in the middle of my pilgrimage. So we go now to the Monterey Peninsula in California, the beginning of my travail, transference, transport, travel, after having been (to quote Pliny the Elder): " ... cast forth (spiritually) naked upon the naked earth."

It was late, late fall of 1952. The Korean "Police Action" continued. I had spent two years duty in the Sea of Japan aboard an Aircraft Carrier. My task had been to help determine where our aircraft should make their strikes: Chosin Reservoir, the 38 th Parallel which was known as "The Bomb Line," Communist supply roads or elsewhere. 1 briefed the Admiral. The question was always, "What weather will give our pilots the best visibility for attack?"

The Carrier still had one more tour "on station" when I was transferred to a transport load­ ing up in Yokohama. We had a regiment of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on board who were being returned home from combat. One Sergeant had been born in Liverpool, England and had joined the Canadian Army. He hung around with us Yanks who were being returned. For me, it was a billet to the Navy Post Graduate School at Monterey CA.

The Liverpoolian had an accent I'll not endeavor to imitate with print. He mentioned one day that he had a daughter 8 years old. Someone said, "You must have got married pretty late in life, Jack." He mulled that over and then said, "Oh, I don't know. I'm not any older than any of you blokes. I'm not as old as that Chief over thar," and he pointed to me.

Someone asked, "How old are you, Jack?" He replied, "I'm 42, be 43 my next bilthday." I said, 'You're older than I am. I'm 32.' He said what sounded like: "You're wat?" 'I'm 32.' He said, "I don't believe it!" I got out my I.D. Card and handed it to him. He looked at the picture on the front and then up at me, turned the card over and looked at the birth date. He looked back up at me and said, "Mon! You're bloody well beat up!" * * * * * * * I had a month before I needed to report to Monterey. I was back home at Odell, in the Hood River Valley of Oregon, with my wife and three children, where we had bought a house before I went aboard the Carrier at Bremerton. I was carrying Gary, our l±yr old, in my arms. Some­ one said, "Gary, where's your daddy?" He quite angrily replied, "My daddy's aboard ship!" This "beat-up" fellow couldn't be his daddy.

Sunday came. (It often did that. I didn't mind; I usually had them off and could relax.) Pawnee said, "Are you going to church?" I said, 'No, I don't think so.' She said, "Well, I and the children are going. You can stay home if you want to." I had been away from them for the worst part of two years! Now? Well there was no way they were going somewhere without me. [I thought I was in control. God was behind all of it, and He had other plans.]

My brother was preaching. (He had baptized Pawnee while I was gone.) Now he was preaching Sun. a.m. & p.m. and Wed. p.m.! And every sermon was directed at me! 1 loved my brother. He had always been my hero. I felt constrained to obey the invitation. 'Because I believe or because I love my brother?' Could not decide. Mixed emotions like watching your Mother-In-Law drive over the cliff in your new Cadillac! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "DADDY, I'M HUNGRY" 1952" 1954

CHAPTER TWO (Where did that money come from?) Page 6 We loaded our belongings in a tag-along U-Haul trailer. Snow and ice on the Highway as we went over the Siskiyus, wind whipping the trailer and the end of our car! "Sweat-city" in the dead of winter! I was silently praying, 'Lord, if you'll just get us through, 1 won't put it off next time." We even missed, by a couple of hours, a disastrous fog-caused traffic pile-up. * * * * * * * We began attending church assembly in Seaside. I agonized over my spiritual condition. Then 1 decided that I didn't need to be baptized. 'I was baptized when I was 14 yrs old. Or was I? What do 1 remember? Oh yeah. I happened to attend church one Sunday. One of the boys in my Sunday School Class said to me, "Marvin, it's Easter Sunday. All of us guys have decided to be baptized. Why don't you come with and be baptized along with the rest of us?" 'Okay.' * * * * * * * I had drawn a "dead horse." For those of you uninitiated in Military terms, that's advanced pay. What with the Christmas Holiday w/presents, our rent of a U-Haul and travel expense, rent where we were staying, last pennies used to purchase a few food items of which nothing remain­ ed, we were flat broke! I was too scared to steal and to proud to beg and you could only ride a dead horse once. After that it was NO PA Y DAY until the dead horse had been buried.

We woke up one morning with a week remaining until I would get paid again. No solution in mind . A cold, wet fog came rolling up Monterey Bay and dampened our spirits even further. J put on a coat I had no memory of having worn before and went outside. Didn't want to listen to the kids saying, "Dad, I'm hungry." Reached around into pockets of my coat to see what had been collected there. Felt something crinkly. Pulled out a $20 bill!!

Hey! J started out getting paid $21 a month! We kept close tabs on every dime, let alone knowing where dollars were. Where did that $20 come from?? I never did find out. We never did know. "J was young and now J am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." (Psalm 37:25)

Could it be? Nah, God isn't a forger. Besides, I'm not righteous. Pawnee is. She turned to the Lord when 1 was aboard ship. (My brother was baptizing someone and Anitra (age 3) tried to wade out, but they made her wait.) Could God, foreseeing the future, foreseeing our need, have made provision for one of us to forget that $20? Where did I get that coat anyway? I don't recall ever wearing it before! Someone else must have ... ? 'Thank you, Father.' * * * * * * * We hadn't been there very long (a month or two) when we got a new preacher by the name of Ed Latham. His wife's name was Sue. I'll have a story or two about them again later on. I decided that I had been "dunked" & not baptized and that I had done so because of peer pressure. It didn't have a thing to do with my faith in Jesus' resurrection. We didn't have a baptistery in the Grange Hall where we met. Ed took me to Pacific Grove where I was buried and raised through faith that God had raised His beloved Son out of our sins in which he had been buried.

Ed took me under his wing as it were; had me learning songs, memorizing Scripture. undertook to read the Bible from stem to stern. (Some of it is pretty stern alright.) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "DADDY, I'M HUNGRY" 1952-1954

CHAPTER TWO (Where did that money come from?)

Page 7 I would have eight hour "on-watch" shifts, in the gate "sentry" shed, wherein it was permissible to read. 1 could concentrate. Pawnee was home alone with the kids at such times. I read through the Old and New Testaments in short order. * * * * * * I recall going along with brother Ed, down the Coast to Big Sur, on a Sunday afternoon to bring them a sermon and communion. One time Ed said, "Marvin, why don't you lead the open­ ing prayer this time?" I said, 'Oh no, I couldn't! ... but maybe r could if you'll write it out.' But he wouldn't do that.

Bible stuff was somewhat new to me. But Ed helped a lot. Ed had been raised in an Orphanage. I doubt he had ever had what he considered to be "family." Now his acceptance of us all, as his family, was obvious. And he didn't feel that he had to "tiptoe," as it were, around those who were family. We were delighted that he thought of us in that way. To Ed and Sue, our Directory was made up oftrustworthy brothers and sisters, and we were all one in Christ.

Later, one of the dominant men of the church, who thOUght that Ed was not tactful, that he took his "church family" too much for granted, called a men's meeting. (Ed wasn't asked to be present.) He argued for Ed's dismissal. It was voted upon and the motion was carried. I was appalled! Even more so when they turned to me and said, "Marvin, you're Ed's closest friend. We're caJling on you to tell him he's been fired."

So I did what I was told to do. It hurt to have to do that. For a long time, Ed thought that I was part of the "conspiracy." He, himself, had taught me that gossip was wrong! I could not tell him who was in the meeting; just the result. I couldn't say who voted what. I had been pledged to silence. Ed was my mentor and I hated to see the Lathams leave. * * * * * * * We got a new preacher: Charlie Fuller. Charlie was a tall guy. He liked to tell people that he was five-foot-eighteen. He had me preaching on Sundays at times. I had preached in Gilroy CA (known as The Garlic Capitol of the World) one time. My "sermon" mimicked the odor. My zealousness wasn't sufficiently harnessed. I was also obnoxious at work and at home.

Eph. 5:22-23 was a verse I loved to quote: "Wives, obey your Izusband\', For the husband is tlte head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church ... " If you know Pawnee, she didn't knuckle under very well. And my brother (and Jewel) who came to visit stuck up for her! Back then that angered me. Later, I was glad she hadn't, but at that time my pilgrimage had just begun. * * * * * * * Seaside Church of Christ on the Monterey Peninsula: what a wonderful family that was. I could regale you with story after story about them. When someone had a picnic, the whole church was invited. The skating rink was rented for a night every month by the church, and only church members and their guests were allowed admittance that night. "Seaside" was a loving, caring group. The "dominant" member couldn't curtail the family loyalty that Ed and Sue started, and that Charlie and Verda Mae Fuller continued. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WfNNER " DADDY, I'M HUNGRY" 1952 - 1954

CHAPTER TWO (Where did that money come from?)

page 8 We descended en-masse on the home of a family having it rough and gave them a pounding consisting of five pounds of this and ten pounds of that, etc. He was trying to get a Shoe Repair Shop started. We loaded down their kitchen table; on top of the pile was a check for $50. Today, $50 doesn't seem like much but back in '52/'53 that was as a LOT of money!

One Sunday evening I asked a couple to join us at home for refreshments. 1 told Pawnee and she said, "I invited two couples. We don't have enough for them and their families. Why don't we stop at the store and buy a dozen apples to give the kids. We did that and as we got near home we saw cars lined up around the comer and on both sides of the street. 1 said to Pawnee, 'What did you do; get started asking people and couldn't stop?' The whole church came! Turned out they had already intended to surprise us that Sunday, and they had brought shrubs for the yard, this'n that for the place, and had all brought dishes and desserts.

We had bought a house on Washington St. next to the Ft. Ord fence. At times, during Pawnee's pregnancy with the twins, needing to get away for a bit, we would go for a drive. We'd return and find the clothes off the line, ironed, folded and ready to be taken in from the garage. When the twins were born they had to remain in incubators for a month. One of our members was in charge of the maternity ward at the Army Base and he saved Wayne's I ife. A nurse had neglected them and Wayne had already turned blue.

When we later got orders to Hawaii, a month ahead of leaving, Pawnee cried the entire month! Naturally, we were going to miss our blood relatives - some --- but we were going to miss our church family A LOT! They had nurtured us in our spiritual infancy. But when the Navy says, "Pack up and git" you pack up and go. Oahu, Hawaii next stop.

Chapter Questions:

I. Why do new converts have such a zeal for God?

2. What happens to the zeal of most people?

3. How do we regain/maintain that zeal?

4. What lessons did Marvin learn through the experiences related in this chapter?

5. Was your own zeal ever squelched by someone either in, or out, of the church?

6. What might be done to help us regain the excitement we once knew?

7. What insight/sl have you gleaned from this chapter, ifany? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Remember Pearl Harbor. Again" 1955-1956

CHAPTER THREE Page 9 Aloha oe opala. If memory serves me (don't bank on it!), the introduction means "hello, or farewell, to you, Sweetheart." I spent enough years in the islands that I could say (part Hawaiian, part pidgin): 'me no malahini (newcomer), me kamaina boy (old timer). Hilo Hattie was quite famous in the islands. She invented a dance call "the Hilo hop." At a special event for service men (1942 or 43), I danced with Hilo Hattie. She and Admiral C.W. Nimitz, whom I met while stationed at Hilo in early 1944 are my only claims to fame. 'Admiral, I don't make the weather; I just guess at it!" He laughed. I'm glad he had a sense of humor! ****** Pawnee, Skip and I, came to U.S.N.S. Kaneohe in 1946-47 (where we lost twins: girl & a boy), but now it is 1955. I'm back with the Kanaka people for a 3rd tour (Pawnee is back for a 2nd time and with 5 children). Now I'm a Christian as is Pawnee. We began attending the Dominis & Keamoku Ave. Church of Christ, except they were not meeting in their building. It was undergoing renovation. We met in a Honolulu school building on Sundays.

No one spoke to us. We quit attending on Wednesday evenings; after all, it was a 12-mile drive. Then we quit attending Sunday evenings. For a time, no one said we had been missed. So then we quit attending Sunday momings also! I supposed that because we were Military and transients as well as new converts, we couldn't be expected to have much to contribute.

There was a Commissary Store nearby and Pawnee would have me do the shopping when I was off duty. It was a huge complex attended by hundreds of Service Personnel: Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force. A family of seven eats a lot of groceries, and so I was there quite often. Even so, it seemed that almost every time I shopped at the Commissary I would meet Major Crawford who was stationed at Hickam Air Force Base.

Almost every time we'd meet he would greet me with, "Hello, Marvin. I didn't see you at church Sunday. Had Duty; been ill?" Don't you know that began to get to me. Finally, one Saturday I replied, 'We've decided to be there tomorrow.' Another couple, Filipino, named Val and Mary Dumlao, also came to encourage us and made bamboo leaf hats for us. * * * * * * * There began to be so many Military Personnel attending in Honolulu that some decided we should be meeting closer to our Bases and homes. A clinching argument was that new men coming to the Island could be encouraged to attend if they only had to walk a few blocks from their barracks. We were able to get information as to their religious preferences and visit with them. We began meeting in a Quonset hut in Navy Housing Area Two.

Our Quonset hut (an echo chamber) wasn't the greatest place to meet. Metal chairs would scrape as five children followed Pawnee out the door for the scolding of one. Even so, attendance grew. Then we got up a flier: "Remember Pearl Harbor - Again." Contribution came from all over. We assured the Navy's Admiral we could build a building commensurate with other such in the housing area. We were leased an acre next to Housing Area One; 20 years for $3 !! LEARNfNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Remember Pearl Harbor, Again" 1955 - 1956

CHAPTER THREE Page 10 (We got to meet in the "new" building in 1995 on our way to Australia & New Zealand.) Back to Pearl Harbor and our congregation. Several there had an evangelistic spirit. Betty was one such. Everyone soon came to know that if they missed assembly she would be arriving at their door immediately after church to check on them. "Everyone O.K.? Anyone ill? Need help?" Betty's studies with others resulted in a number of baptisms. * * * * * * * The Navy Fleet Weather Central, where I was stationed, was on the Kamehameha Hwy which divided Navy housing area 1 from Area 2. I was in the "enlisted" category, but I had been assigned Forecast Duty Officer shifts and had also been given the title of Fleet Weather Central Educational Officer (no pay increase or I might have been impressed!). In the latter chore I came across some Moody Bible Institute films available in a Navy store at Pearl Harbor.

The M.B.I. films were some of the most attention-riveting documentations of God's hand in creation that I had ever seen. The enlisted crew (of about 100 men) was under obligation to sit in on whatever educational materiall had for them. I "sprinkled" the Moody movies in among their other studies. These films elicited considerable comment from the men attending.

They also served to evoke an interest in religion in most of the men attending. Some of them attended church services with me, but then they heard me preach and quit coming. Just kidding - I think? As said in the Preface, I preached every 3rd Sunday for awhile. * * * * * * * Homer Hailey was holding a Gospel Meeting at the Dominis & Keemoku church in Honolulu. Sunday evening, I went to hear him. He was an excellent speaker and his presentation was easy to understand. The following evening, I took a Sailor (Jack Mc ... ) with me. He was impressed also. (Homer Hailey later became President of Florida Christian College.)

The next day, Jack went to see his Priest and received from him an agreement to meet Homer Hailey (during the day) in our home. Then he broached the subject with me! We went to see Brother Hailey and he agreed to come to our home the following day.

In the course of sharing doctrinal viewpoints, the Priest said, "We don't use the Bible very much, we rely on tradition. You have me at a disadvantage." To Jack, that was a shocking admission! Jack was baptized that evening.

Later, Jack said to me: "When I agreed to go with you to hear that speaker, it was to point out your religion's weaknesses. I had no intention whatsoever of being converted to it!" Sometimes taking someone to hear someone else is the best "argument" we can make! Try it! * * * * * * * r have often wondered why we use the label: "Black American"? We don't say, "White American!" or "Bleached American!" I had quit Fuller Brush and started work with a Sterling Silver Co. in Honolulu. It gave me an in at several Military bases, and resulted in many new friends of every stripe. At one time, we took 14 Servicemen to church; had to make two trips with our station wagon. Some of them "baby sat" for us. Pawnee served noon meals to many. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Remember Pearl Harbor, Again" 1955 - 1956

CHAPTER THREE Page II One Air Force man flew to the Big Island and brought back flowers for Pawnee. None of the white Servicemen had thought to do that! ] taught and baptized several. One army man (Schofield Barracks), of two I had baptized, had met a Japanese girl. He brought her to church with him. She was impressed and wanted to learn more. I studied with her and baptized her. * * * * * * * Captive Audience? Well, almost! Must have been early '56 when a representative of The Herald of Truth made a visit. At that time there was only one TV Station. The Herald of Truth was broadcast from 2pm to 3pm (as best as I now remember). Each Sunday, a number of us would select an alphabetical section from the Oahu Telephone Directory and. while the Program was being broadcast we would dial as many phone numbers as we could squeeze in.

Our spiel went something like the following: "We are taking a quick survey; are you watching television at this timeT We would answer "Thank you. You've been of great help." We would place a "Yes" or a "No" beside the name.

Perhaps 80% or more of the answers were "No." Results weren't immediately encouraging. Why classifY it as either encouraging or discouraging? We will never know how many went to their TV to see what was playing. How many of those remained to watch the program. No doubt several because we had, as it were, a good percentage of a "Captive Audience!" * * * * * * * I did exceptionally well with my Sterling silver sales. The spoons had the thickness of a silver dollar. A complete $1000 set was offered to anyone who could come up with a guarantee that even equaled theirs. The Co. had three Sales Divisions; I headed up one. One month my salary with Manchester was $3600; half from my personal sales and half from an override on the sales of the men in my Sales Division. My Navy pay was $500 a month. The reason my Navy pay was that high, it included perks because of five children.

In the sales contest, we competed among ourselves only, but several other well known Companies were involved such as Ford Motor Co., etc .. At the end of the six months, there was a banquet given at the Oahu Country Club honoring the top salesman of each Company. In one six-month contest I sold $29,805! My figure was tops. Mayor Blaisdell of Honolulu gave out the "National Sales Executives" trophies. J. "Aku-head-Pupuli" (Henry Kaiser's Radio Announcer) was Master of Ceremonies. The full, and original, cast of Guys and Dolls were part of the entertainment. The banquet food and the mixed drinks were free.

I had taught and baptized Norman. He was Air Force. The winners were allowed to bring a certain number of guests. I invited a LCDR and Norman. Pawnee attended also. During the festivities I saw Norman eye-balling a high-ball. He looked at the drinks on the counter and then looked up at me to see what I would do. It was obvious that he only sought permission.

I was no longer a boozer but saw no harm in imbibing, in moderation of course. So 1 got a glass of something, don't remember what, except that I detested whiskey. Norman's eyes lit up and when I had a second one he had a second one. No harm done, right? Wrong!! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Remember Pearl Harbor. Again" 1955 - 1956

CHAPTER THREE Page 12 The next day, Norman went into town on his own power; he was returned to the Air Force by other power: a Military Police Paddy Wagon! He was confined to the Hickam Air Base Stockade. Seems that he had blitzed out and tore up a bar in Honolulu.

The General commanding the Air Force Base was a member of our congregation. I went to see him and explained that it was my fault, and that I had just baptized Norman. He said, "Marvin, I'll release and confine him to quarters. You can pick him up for church on Sundays."

I went to Norman in his barracks to tell him the good news. He was not interested. I could not get him to go to church with me. I learned what Paul meant when he said, "It is better not to eat meat 01' drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall." (Rom. 14:21) I was sadder, but wiser. I hope Norman returned to his Savior. I rely on God's grace for my own forgiveness. * * * * * * * As an aside, one of the men in my Sales Division married while he was out there. Jane flew from the States to marry Harvey Miller. We made it to the reception. We had a full-time Preacher by then. Jane became our church Secretary and she was truly put to work. Those Miller newlyweds were a wonderful addition to our good-sized Pearl Harbor church family.

(45+ years later, we still stay in touch with the Millers. They Jive in Seattle and have been to see us often. Their two oldest grand-daughters, Jessica and Jamy, call me G'pa, and we stay in touch with E-Mailletters. They are very dedicated Christian girls. Their Mom and their Grand­ parents have raised them well. They are a credit to them.)

My pilgrimage in Hawaii ended and I was transferred to Chula Vista, California.

Chapter Questions:

I. The author's family was nearly lost. What was the probable cause?

2. How did a church member deal with their " back-sliding"?

3. What service to the church at Pearl Harbor did Betty perform?

4. What form of outreach was used by the author while at Pearl Harbor?

5. Are the approaches of#2, 3, & 4 something most of us could do? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WHEN YOU'RE GREEN YOU'RE GROWING" 1957-1959

CHAPTER FOUR Page 13 My next Duty Station was U.S.N.A.S. Brown Field on the border of one mile from Tia Juana. We looked for a place to live in National City and searched ads for a place to rent. Every time we were asked if we had children. Finally, after three days of being turned away, I was tempted to ask, "Do you suggest we drown them?"

The cheapest Motel we could find was charging us $50 a night! Finally, in northeast National City, we were accepted as renters ($100 a month) in a large and lovely home. We were determined that we would leave it in as good or better condition as when we moved in. Pawnee is not only a good housekeeper, she has never had a lazy bone in her body. Military personnel with or without children they would accept again. A year later we moved south (!) into San Diego Navy housing. San Diego wraps itself part way around National City. * * * * * * * In the Preface, I wrote that our house in Monterey hadn't sold. It had, but it hadn't, and that was the problem. A Lieutenant had purchased our Monterey home and made a substantial down payment. Upon departing from Monterey we were allowed a month vacation (Xmas time) to the Hood River Valley. The trips, Xmas gifts, and waiting in San Francisco consumed the sum.

When we got to Hawaii, we learned that the Mortgage Holder had refused to accept the Lt. as buyer! He still wanted to live in the house and made the offer of using what he had paid as rent. I don't know what we would have done otherwise. Even so, house payments still had to be made, and we had to make them without rent coming in for a time!

There was an earthquake in the Monterey Bay area that cracked walls. He made the repairs at no cost to us. He sanded the hardwood floors. And when his tour of duty ended, he found us an Officer as a renter and raised the rent to more than what he had been paying! Would that every home owner could find renters like that when they needed one! Several months after we arrived in So. Calif. we sold the house and were out from under. * * * * * * * When we arrived for duty at Brown Field, we looked around for the nearest church and found one in National City. The very first Sunday we were there we saw a Pearl Harbor friend: Betty! We had had no idea that her husband had been transferred to the area. The following Sunday, Betty wasn't in attendance. The next Lord's Day the same thing: no Betty. We were aware of her diligence to learn the why of absences at Pearl so we got her address from the church file and called on her. (Pay back time.)

She said, "When I was baptized, I had been married before. No one told me that I needed to divorce my second husband FIRST. Here, they have told me unless I do that I'm not welcome. My husband is a good man. I don't think I can ever be happy in my faith again. I'm sorry, Marvin and Pawnee; Ijust can't go back to church again." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WHEN YOU'RE GREEN YOU'RE GROWING" 1957-1959

CHAPTER FOUR Page 14 No one need know me very long to learn that I'm seldom wise; only when I remember to ask for wisdom in sharing the gospe\. Pawnee and I were both so shocked at what she had been told; all I could say was that's not right. 'Surely, that's not right.' Two more examples of such teaching came to light; one no one pushed and another that was almost terribly destructive. * * * * * * * [In the early 70's while in Illinois, I wrote a paper denouncing the conclusion given Betty and made comments about the other two. (I'll write about them later.) I shared the paper with some agreement, but also with some disagreement, at our once-a-month Chicago area preacher's meeting. Since then there have been others taking my view point so I don't stand alone.

I'm wiIling to share my reasoning with anyone, but not for the sake of argument. You could not sway me from the belief that Jesus is talking about vow-breaking (" ... cause her to commit adultery") rather than about sexual immorality. You don't correct one sin (vow-breaking) by doing it over again (breaking later vows). Two wrongs do not make one right! The true meaning of adultery is breaking promises you 've made. "Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay."

I knew a highly educated and talented man who would not even discuss the gospel with someone involved in a second marriage! Will I see him in Heaven. I'm sure of it. I'm far from being perfect so why should I expect him to be perfect? Besides, he's a lot more perfect than I am! In one sense, we are both perfect having been washed in the blood of the Lamb!] * * * * * * * We learned to appreciate our National City church family and made many dear friends. Pat (an RN) and Jim Tucker (Navy Warrant Officer) were two of those with whom we became very close. They had three children that bracketed the ages of our five. (Later on, they visited when we had a farm in the Hood River Valley, and again when we had moved to P0I1Iand.)

I did not make it to church every Sunday. Once a month I had duty on Base and could not get away. Since I had to take the car to get to the Base, the family made it only when someone picked them up. On other Sundays I was present and often brought a Navy friend. * * * * * * * 1 traded in our Station Wagon for something cheaper and bought a reflex camera, a developing tank, a dryer, a contact printer and an enlarger; expecting to recover the cost. I bought a tripod to take out "errors of parallax" and went down streets of new housing development taking pictures of homes. So far as I know no one had, or has, ever done that. r purchased post­ card paper and printed the pictures on one side. On the other side, information "This is a picture of our new home" with sales to nine out of ten homes! Pawnee oil-tinted some and she did marvelous, artistic work. We had soon recouped our expenditures and began earning money.

r brought some of my Office help to church with me at times. I had told one or two of them about my photography earnings. I was asked to do portraits which Pawnee tinted. I took Amos' portrait, then that of several. One, a Navy Wave, was so pleased she paid double the charge! * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WHEN YOU'RE GREEN YOU'RE GROWrNG" 1957-1959

CHAPTER FOUR Page 15 I was learning a little from my Monterey experiences. One: "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar." Another: "He who is persuaded against his will is of the same persuasion still!" Another: I needed God's answers and not my own. I continued to make con­ tacts but God helped me to be more tact full. Even so, I lost the Christian fellowship of two young men because of someone else's lack of tact.

They were buddies: Second Class Petty Officers but first class in intelligence and morals. One was from Missouri and the other from Washington State. I had baptized one and the other was considering it. A church in the area had made arrangements for an outstanding speaker to hold a meeting. I thought it might serve the purpose of strengthening the faith of these two and I took them along to hear him. At one point in his message, he came down hard on a denomination I shall not mention. It was a denomination to which one of the young men belonged! * * * * * * * One of my gospel sharing efforts was with a nephew of my sister-in-law. Another was with my nephew, the son of my sister, both of whom had become Navy men and were stationed in the San Diego area. The first, David H., rose high in the ranks. He is still a pillar of the church and now lives in northern Idaho. The other, my nephew had returned to Hood River. I may have driven him away from his faith by action of which I shall next relate.

My sister and her husband were Catholic. They were so incensed at my having turned their son from Catholicism that, for a short time, I was no longer welcome on their property. His dad, a husky Belgian cowboy, made threats that frightened me at the time. I'm sure Jim saw me turn pale. Is fear in such instances a Christian reaction? No, it is not! "Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matt. 10:28)

However, to keep us from judging ourselves, or others, prematurely, we need to realize the Christian life is not a plateau to be reached, but rather a continual pilgrimage. That is how apostle Paul (the hardest, most sacrificial worker God ever had other than our Savior) saw himself. In Phil. 3 vs 12-14, Paul spoke of his pilgrimage in this fashion: "Not that I have already obtained this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press Oil toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Someone with sagacious insight said, "When we're green we are growing. When we are ripe we are beginning to rot." A lad was berated by his Sunday School teacher with the following observation: "You're supposed to be a Christian but you certainly aren't acting like it." And the lad replied, "Well God ain't finished with me yet!" I turned 82 near the end of 2001. I'm glad God continues to help me. I need all I can get! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WHEN YOU'RE GREEN YOU'RE GROWING" 1957-1959

CHAPTER FOUR Page 16 Our Lord will help us along the way, but while that is ever so true, it doesn't keep one from regretting past mistakes, and I made many. However, like Paul, other than gratitude for cleansing, we should try to forget what is past. Press on. There's always room for improvement. * * * * * * * There was room for "improvement" in my Military standing also. Two new ratings had been created that were referred to as E-8 and E-9. A jump to E-9 was possible and I was recom­ mended for it. It would have increased my retirement pay! A board of Officers convened to interview me.

They were disposed to grant the advancement but then one asked if I would stay in beyond 20 years if! were made E-9. r knew my answer would decide the outcome, but I could not lie. I did attempt avoiding a direct answer. I said I would think about it. Wrong answer! I did not get the promotion. It was obvious I planned on retiring. * * * * * * * Several years later, after I had been long retired and had moved to the Oregon Coast, my sister called to ask if she and Rene could come and listen to what r had to share about my faith. They were to come the next weekend. That Friday, Rene went into the Hospital with some sort of virus infection. Saturday Rene died; Wednesday we buried him. He was the first of five siblings and their mates to die. We had a picture made of the rest of us that afternoon. That night, my sister got up to take her heart medicine and died before she could get to the medicine cabinet. I did not get to study with either ofthem.

Do r rail at my Lord? No. r know that Jesus does all things well. Satan does his thing well too! If anyone is to blame it would be me for not keeping closer contact with the spiritual out­ look of my sister and her husband. God has said that He wi II have mercy upon whom He'll have mercy. Perhaps their intent will carry weight at Heaven's door.

Lucifer got in his licks again. My oldest sister called and said she would like to discuss salvation with me. I did not get back to Kennewick in time. The morning Mabel and her boys were planning her husband's funeral, sitting at the table, she fell over backwards to the floor. Her pet Chihuahua did something it had never done: it screamed and went running to Mabel's bed­ room and wouldn't come out. Mabel was taken to the hospital but she had died as she fell.

Is there an urgency (time wise) to our sharing the gospel? Yes, because we never know but what today's unused opportunities will be lost in tomorrow's events. As the poet wrote, "The saddest words of tongue or pen are these few words, it might have been."

I preached Cecil's funeral. My sister's sons asked me to do their mother's funeral service. Most difficult chore I have ever had. Never again will I preach a loved one's funeral. Shortly thereafter I was in Madigan Hospital at Ft. Lewis for Surgery. I developed a heart fibrillation that sent me to a Cardiac Care Unit. Pawnee followed a hurried gurney-journey. That caused a post­ ponement of surgery scheduled: infection in the skull bone behind my right ear; less a bonehead? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WHEN YOU'RE GREEN YOU'RE GROWING" 1957-1959

CHAPTER FOUR Page 17 But back to Chula Vista, National City and San Diego. My mother and Step-Dad visited us while we were there. Pawnee took me to work and then the three of them took a trip to TiaJuana! They knew I wouldn't take them! J would sometimes come home by way of TiaJuana in order to buy cheap gas. But I always made it a fast trip in and out again. Too many sailors had given the Navy a bad (deserved) reputation. The local gendarmes would as soon lock you up as look at you. * * * * * * * I smoked at the time. So did several others at the National City church. I thought about quitting, but then I had an experience I used to excuse the habit. I was sent to Treasure Island. (Not a TV fantasy location. A bridge connected it with S.F. and Oakland.) I was sent there for "Temporary Duty" while being schooled in nuclear warfare defense.

When Sunday came, I went on over to the Oakland side and took a bus to an address where I had learned a visiting preacher was holding a meeting. After the morning service, I was invited to the home of one of the elders of the congregation. The elder smoked; so did the local preacher; so did the visiting preacher! I decided that smoking was fine. Look to my Lord for my example? Well, of course He didn't smoke; they hadn't learned about tobacco yet! I'll have more to say about how the Lord cured me - after I got down on my knees, figuratively speaking and literally! * * * * * * * I did not know that Ed Latham (who had baptized me while at Monterey some six years before) was preaching for a down town San Diego church. I guess, somehow he had heard where I was. He called to say that he was "trying out" at another congregation elsewhere in California and would I "fill in for him in San Diego next Sunday?" After my morning and evening sermons, the elders called me in for a meeting. I guess Ed had told them something about me because they began the interview saying, "We heard you were soon to retire from the Navy. Would you consider staying in the area and take on the work of being our preacher?"

I had sent monies to Walt while in the Navy, and before I met Pawnee, in the form of an allotment: $20 when my pay was raised to $36/month; $40 when it was raised to $54; $60 when it was raised to $72; $80 when it was raised to $96. I had further pay raises after that, but from then on I kept the allotment at $80. During that time, I was paid half the remainder twice a month: $8 and then $7 and then $6 and then $8 again; enough to buy toothpaste, soap and shaving cream.

After marrying Pawnee, and while working as a successful Silver salesman, Walt wrote to me of an orchard for sale adjacent to the one he owned. And so we had bought into apple and pear growing before moving to the San Diego area. I told the elders I appreciated their confidence but that it had been my dream to move to Oregon and farm . While I enjoyed being a part of "Pegg Bros. Orchards," for other reasons I later wished I had accepted their offer. * * * * * * * Shortly thereafter, in June 1959, I retired from the Navy. I learned that 19 Yz years counted the same as 20, and so I applied for a discharge. 16 Days later I had my discharge papers in my hand. Chiefs at hand salute lined the side walk leading from the Admin. Bldg to my car at the curb. Tears were supposed to be running down my cheeks but I had a grin from ear to ear. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WHEN YOU'RE GREEN YOU'RE GROWING" 1957-1959


When the Navy came to pack our furniture, we were out of the apartment spending the night with Pat and Jimmy Tucker: dear friends; dedicated Christians. We began a long trip north the next morning, stopping en route with Buster and Millie Barnett in Watsonville CA. They had been close friends when we were living on the Monterey Peninsula. It's nice to have "family" wherever you go: Christian brothers and sisters, spiritual family. What a fantastic reunion awaits.

My retirement pay was about $lOO/month at that time. Not much! But then, we weren't going to have to pay rent in Oregon. Some consolation, but I supposed I would have to work out anyway. End of Chapter Four. Next stop, Parkdale, OR in the Hood River Valley


1. Do you believe Betty was treated right in National City?

2. Have you ever been disappointed with answers you gave, or didn't give? How do we stop self-flagellation?

3. What did the poet write about missed opportunities?

4. Have you looked forward to finding church-family when you traveled? Can you give examples? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WANT HELP? IT'S AVAILABLE!" "But Don't Put Up a Smoke Screen" 1959-1965

CHAPTER FIVE Page 19 The next six years involved not only farming, but additional, simultaneous occupations as well. My brother continued to work in the woods as a lumber jack while I endeavored to keep pace with the farm work. My sister, and Rene (her husband) joined us . Rene had farmed in Montana and he would get much of our farm work done while I was wondering how to go about it! Our wives also worked in the orchard with such as thinning fruit or helping in the strawberries - chores too numerous to mention - that they took part in. * * * * * * * My brother had been doing the preaching for the Mt. Hood church. Before we left the Navy a Columbia Christian College Instructor, Silas Shotwell, was hired as their preacher. Silas had preached his first week-long meeting when he was 14, so he was not a stranger to the pulpit. He had married Edna Mae Pirtle (Columbia High School Student) shortly before we arrived. * * * * * * * Not long after we arrived in Parkdale, we received a letter from Pat & Jim Tucker asking for Pawnee's prayers about a problem - "Marvin's too, providing he doesn't have a smoke screen between him and God." (Subtle?) Then one of our members objected to my teaching the young people's class because I smoked.

I tried quitting. I'd throw my cigarettes away, then later in the day I'd hunt them where I had thrown them. I'd quit, but I'd be climbing the wall; I'd be irritable. Pawnee said one time, "Why don't you get out of here and get a pack of cigarettes; you're impossible to live with." I kept thinking, 'But if this is bothering my brethren that much, I need to quit; but how?"

One day (Sept. 26, 1959 - my mother's birthday - which didn't enter into it but did help me remember the date) I got down on my knees in the orchard and took my incurable habit to God: 'Father, You know that I have tried to quit, but I can't. If I'm ever going to stop smoking You will have to do it for me.' Not ONLY have I not touched a cigarette since that prayer, I did not have any withdrawal symptoms!! [He'll help when we get off the do-it-yourself kick!] * * * * * * * Three other preachers came and left during the six years we were there. All three were excellent and enthusiastic. Karl Love followed Silas. He was an ex-Marine who, in Korea, had received a battlefield commission for bravery. Karl knocked doors and attendance grew.

Karl was followed by his half-brother, Stuart Love. Where Karl's lessons were personal and down to earth, Stuart's lessons were profound. Stuart has since had lengthy tenure as a Bible teacher at Pepperdine University at Malibu CA. His wife, D'Esta, has also been in great demand as a speaker and lecturer for women's groups.

After Stuart, we were again blessed by another fine man, Roger White. During one of Roger's sermons, his not yet 2-yr old had picked up her toys from the pew for the third time, thinking her dad was about to come to end. Roger took off again. Kelly looked up and loudly said, "Amen!" Kelly had a serious diet problem for a time. We both shared the same birth date and we each got a cracker with two candles on it! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WANT HELP? IT'S AVAILABLE!" "But Don't Put Up a Smoke Screen" 1959-1965

CHAPTER FIVE Page 20 Roger left for Goldendale W A after we moved to Portland. Then his wife got involved with another and Roger quit preaching for a time and moved to California. He began preaching again a few years after that. What a loss that could have been to the church. He is a fine man. ******* My first "outside" employment was as a Fuller Brush Man and I knocked on every door in the Valley a number of times. One fall after harvest I went to work at a Cannery canning pears. That was followed by work as a "Furnace Tapper" in an Aluminum Ore Foundry in The Dalles OR; then in a Saw Mill at Dee OR making, sawing, grading and stacking Fiber Board.

During Aluminum Plant employment, we planted several acres of fruit trees and planted strawberries in between rows of trees. During picking, I drove our bus to Harvey Aluminum for a "graveyard" shift. When the shift ended, I'd pick up a bus load of kids at the Employment Office and drive them from The Dalles to Parkdale and our strawberry fields. We had berries in four locations: 21 acres in all. We also hired Hispanic people to work picking the berries.

We had a pet skunk at the "Receiving Wagon" named "Tabu." It was born in a trap in which its mama died. It was given to us and we fed it from a doll bottle. One little fellow saw it and said, "Look Mama! A stunk!" We really appreciated the hard working Mexican Pickers and we were very grateful they came to work for us.

By early afternoon, the berries would become too soft from the mid-day heat and picking would stop. I then would drive the kids (37 miles one-way) back to The Dalles. Return and set the sprinklers, move the Receiving Wagon in place for the next day's picking, then grab a bit of sleep before returning for the Aluminum plant graveyard shift. * * * * * * * Before strawberry harvest, we held family devotionals at our evening meal. One of the five children would select a couple songs and lead them, another would have opening prayer, another would read a selected passage of Scripture for discussion, another would have a subject to consider, and one would have closing prayer. Each responsibility changed daily.

We became unusually busy during harvest. All five kids picked. Pawnee worked at the Receiving Wagon. I was the field boss. After the day's picking ended, the berries had to be taken to the Buyer in Odell and weighed. Empty crates would be picked up to take back. Once while returning the steering broke and the Pickup went between a pole and a bridge into a Canal.

Our family devotions had gone by the board. No harvesting was done on Sunday. Money wasn't that important! We were coming out of the church building one Sunday and Wayne (one of our twins) said, "Dad, when are we going to start our family commotions again?" Later on, when our oldest and I were working at the saw mill, I accidentally ran over Walter's foot with a fork lift. The Dr. wanted to know more about our "family commotions." * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WANT HELP? IT'S AVAILABLE!" "But Don't Put Up a Smoke Screen" 1959-1965

CHAPTER FIVE Page 21 A very traumatic incident involved our oldest son, Walter. (This was before the saw mill employment.) He was burning trash in the back yard and decided to hurry it along. He poured some of my saw-gas into a quart jar. When he poured it on the fire, flames shot up the stream of gas and exploded the gas in the jar. His clothes were covered with flame! He had the presence of mind to roll on the ground, but as he rolled, the flames would reignite that which he had just put out. He then ran to a black mud swamp and rolled in it. It stopped further burning but he was in the hospital for a time. * * * * * * * Through Walter's enrollment in High School, we met and baptized a few young people. I was also doing some door knocking in an effort to set up Bible studies. I was using a series of five film strips (Jule Miller) at the time. A one home-study, toward the end, Cecil said to me, "Marvin, when Helen and I first married, we made an agreement that before retiring we would study some from the Bible. During one such study, we determined that we needed to be baptized. We went to a preacher where we were living and asked him ifhe would baptize us, by immersion, for the forgiveness of our sins. He told us they didn't do it that way. We told him we hadn't asked how they did it; "Will you do it the way we requested?" He said, 'If that's the way you want it.' We told him that that was the only way we'd have it and so he baptized us.

"Since then, we have looked and looked for a church that taught that. We wouldn't attend one for very long when we would discover they were in direct contradiction to Bible teaching. We finally decided there was NO church that taught baptismal regeneration in the blood of Christ. It seems you are. On the basis of what I've said, would you accept me as your brother in Christ?" I said, 'God bless you, yes! You are my brother and my sister in Christ!'

Other studies resulted in other memberships and the church grew. George and Esther came to Jesus; my wife' s sister's husband, his brother and my Father-in-Law. The last was a "National City, Betty" situation. Pawnee's dad had been married as a young man, it was annulled. Later he married Kitty and they had four children and several grandchildren. Now, at the age of 60, he has turned his life over to Jesus. Is he to divorce the children's mother, go back somewhere in Okla­ homa, find that first wife and ... ? Yet some would either teach that or that he and Kitty wou ld have to sleep in separate bedrooms. Ridiculous!! * * * * * * * We had four feet of snow on the level without drifting pile up; some winters as much as six feet or more. There came a Chinook Wind (snow eater) along with torrential rain! Bridges all over the valley were being washed out. Someone asked how we had got to town. We said, 'By way of the Dee Hwy.' They said that we could not return that way, that there were cars with water over their tops in some places on the Highway.

So we returned home by way of the Mt. Hood Loop Hwy, which skirted the east side of the Valley. (Eventually the highway went around Mt. Hood.) When we neared home, we had to drop down off the ridge and turn west off the highway to a bridge crossing. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WANT HELP? IT'S AVAILABLE!" "But Don't Put Up a Smoke Screen" ) 959-) 965

CHAPTER FIVE Page 22 When we made the turn toward the bridge, a gentleman flagged us down. I rolled down the car window and asked how we could be of help. He said he didn't need help; that he had stopped us to tell us that he didn't think we should go further. I said, 'Why not?' He said, "Come look."

So I got out of the car and walked with him toward the bridge we were intending to cross. The river had piled boulders and tree trunks against the bridge making a very effective dam. The water had turned east and then it had washed away all of a wide stretch of road bed leading to the bridge - except for the black top! The road looked passable.

Had he not stopped us we would have fallen through and all seven of us would have drowned. (Picture a torrent of mud and debris rushing down a roaring icy river.) Some might say it wasn't our time to die. I'll not question that except to say there is One Who determines when.

Here is an amazing part of this. At the time, I was President of the P.T.A. and the Parkdale Grange as well. I attended County Extension Classes. We were members of a Hood River Bowl­ ing team. I had knocked on every door in the valley with Fuller Brushes. I thought I knew every one in the valley, but I did not know the fellow that flagged me down. Nor did I ever see or hear about him again. Who was he? I think I have an idea, but I'll leave it for you to consider. * * * * * * * Some of the flood's aftermath I'll recount. We drove further south on the Loop Hwy and found a bridge intact. A work crew was grading away a landslide on the other side of the bridge but they waved us through. Not longer after we crossed it that bridge washed out. Sundays, we would drive to the bridge, walk across on remaining timbers and Lewis Green would pick us up on the other side and take us on to church.

Our house was on a hill. Even so, our basement filled with water. Our furnace was in the basement so we were without heating. Jars of fruit on shelves in the basement fell through the water and burst when they hit the cement floor. Things were a mess! For a time we cooked in, and got some heat from, the fireplace in the Living Room. Then we put a stove in one corner.

At home from church one Sunday, I was reclining, reading the paper. Gary (9) walked up to me and calmly said, "Dad, the house is on fire." I said, 'Where?' He pointed to the ceiling in the corner behind me and I said, 'Gary, you're right, it is on fire. Well, Pawnee, call the Fire Dept.. I've got a Fuller Brush spray they say will put out fires.' It did! Lewis Green, church member, was a Volunteer Fireman at Parkdale. He recognized the address and was the first one to arrive. He crawled around in the attic and made sure nothing would cause the fire to start up again. * * * * * * * Two of our children were having school problems. Our daughter was to begin partnership dancing classes being taught in her class. Her Mom and 1 told her that she ought not to be taking them. She told her teacher she needed to obey her parents. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WANT HELP? IT'S AVAILABLE!" "But Don't Put Up a Smoke Screen" 1959-1965

CHAPTER FIVE Page 23 Some sins are regional in nature! A church member who smoked in California wasn't given any static whereas in Oregon it was severely frowned upon. Mixed gender swimming in Oregon was acceptable but in California it was a no-no. We brought a dancing no-no from California.

Her teacher told her that she needed to write three five-hundred word themes while the rest of the class took dancing lessons. No problem there. She needed an assignment to work on during that time. She finished them and brought them to teacher who said, "You don't think I'm going to read those, do you?" and threw them into the wastebasket in front of her. She got a C grade in the class which was the only grade that kept her off the Honor Roll.

At that same time, one of our son's teachers was telling dirty jokes in class. We said, 'That does it! We're moving to Portland to put our children in a Christian school.' * * * * * * * I checked Portland availability for a Fuller Brush Dealership. There was only ONE open in all of Portland! It took in N.E. 60 th to N.E. 120th. The school was on N.E. 92 nd and we found a home for sale on N.E. 126th ! 'Pawnee, I believe we have the Lord's okay for this.'

I told my brother we were going to sell out and move. He said, "Marv, don't do it this year. Next year I'll be in position to buy the place from you." So we stayed in Parkdale another year.

The next year, I again checked with the Manager of Portland's Fuller Brush operations. The area of the year before had been taken. Now the ONE area open was from N.E. 33 rd to N.E. 60 th and from Burnside to the Freeway. The home on 126tl1 was still available and the school would be on the way to my work and I could pick them up on the way home after school!

When we got ready to move from Parkdale, Harvey and Jane Miller (remember a wedding at Pearl Harbor) and Charles and Jean Van Hausen came from Portland to help us. And there were others who helped us make the move. * * * * * * * Of course, we had many occasions for returning to the Valley. After all, my brother and his family lived there: my wife's parents, my mother and step-dad, my sister and her husband, Pawnee's sister and her husband & family. And once in awhile, the church would have me come back and preach a sermon.

I first came to the Hood River Valley in the Spring of 1936 and worked summers there, and in Yakima WA, until the fall of 1939 enlisting in the Navy in November. During 20 years in the Navy, Parkdale was my home of record. Now it is 1965 and we are making preparations to leave the Valley. We did not think we would ever do that! Mixed emotions indeed.

While living in the Valley, my appreciation for hunting & fishing grew. I have done a great deal of fishing and hunting with my brother. We have hunted for elk in Eastern Oregon, for deer in the Valley, for catfish in the Snake River (OR-Idaho border), and for trout in the Hood River. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "WANT HELP? IT'S AVAILABLE!" "But Don't Put Up a Smoke Screen" 1959-1965

CHAPTER FIVE Page 24 But none of those "outdoor sports' are pertinent to this narrative. Exception: one trip to the Snake River that we took in 1999. I will write about it in a later Chapter. My spiritual pilgrimage was about to take another turn not long after we moved to Portland.


1. What did the author learn in his attempts to stop smoking?

2. How did Karl go about increasing attendance at the Mt. Hood church?

3. How were family devotions conducted at the author's home?

4. What "avenues" for arranging studies did you read about in Chap. 5? How were studies conducted?

5. What thoughts came to mind regarding the author's family escape from drowning?

6. Our "meat" should be to-do-the-will-of-God. Does the author advocate all work and no play? (See the end of the chapter.) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 25 We made a down payment on a 4-bedroom home on N.E. 127th one block north of Burnside, four blocks south of Glisan. Columbia Christian College, High School, Grade School, and the Eastside Church of Christ, occupied acreage that extended five-blocks from Burnside to Glisan Avenues. We placed our membership in the Lord's church at Eastside. I was installed as a deacon and not long after that I was teaching personal-work classes.

I sold Fuller Brushes for a year, but it was demanding work. I would return in the evening to call on day-time-not-at-home addresses. On Saturdays, I would spend all day making deliveries of items ordered. Late Sundays involved making up the order of products. I then took the order to the downtown P.O. to be sure the products came in time for packaging Friday nights. Sunday afternoons and Monday evenings required return trips to people who had not been home during Saturday's deliveries. * * * * * * * I did well - financially - but family time, or time for any other activities, was sorely limited! Someone told me that Mayflower Dairy was looking for Delivery Men. I called and applied, but J was told I was too old. J made rebuttal: 'I can handle anything (probably more) than any in their 20's can hack.' The Manager said, "I'm sure you can, but we hire for the long haul. Will you be able to keep it up 20 years from now?" I mentally added 20 years to my then 46 years and could not give an answer. First time I'd been turned down for a job! and that on account of my age!

Back to selling Fuller Brushes. One of the church members was a Mayflower Driver. He said, "Marvin, Mayflower fired all their Salesmen awhile back. Now they're looking for new men to line up customers." I went back to see the Manager. This time I got the job!

Mayflower had "quality control" from the feeding at their dairy farms, to the milking by machine, to the pick-up with refrigerated tanker trucks (others picked up milk that sat in cans at the ends of dairy driveways), to their constant protection of the milk from light, to refrigerated delivery. (Four hours of light can destroy over 90% ofthe riboflavin in milk. Without riboflavin, the consumer gets little, if any, benefit from Vitamin 0 in milk.)

Every year, Mayflower won more State Dairymen's Association awards, for all their products, than did any other dairy in the Portland area! I utilized the photos, etc., that proved all of that and I rapidly proved my worth to the Company. I took an hour to leave printed material at homes before returning to the Plant. I had a Station Wagon with a large metal container filled with samples of products: Milk, Cream, Ice Cream, Cottage Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, Orange Juice, and other such.

A neighbor had three children, their ages in the middle of our five. They finally talked their Mom into trying Mayflower - skeptically, I might add. We each poured samples of the Carnation milk she was having delivered, and of my Mayflower product. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 26 Then we called the kids in one at a time. EACH one of her children picked the Mayflower milk as tasting best. She switched. The sampling (when I could get housewives to try it) worked almost every time. * * * * * * * The Manager called me in one evening - he had been waiting for me. "Do you know anyone like you that can do what you're doing?" I said that I thought I might. He said to bring him around. (I later set a one-month record for increasing the quantity [420 units] for daily delivery.)

I had met another Fuller Brush Salesman named Claud Miller. We looked a lot alike, so much so that restaurant waitresses would usually ask if we were twins. Mayflower paid well. I told him of the Teamster's Union wages, of other benefits. Claud said he was interested. Took him to the Mayflower Plant to see the Manager. He said, "Marvin, when I asked if you could find someone like you, I didn't mean that he had to look like you! How will I tell the two of you apart? (Claud figured in my pilgrimage in other wayS of which I'll speak in later chapters.)

The Manager was having me train other salesmen. I took Bill with me to an area I had started on that was five blocks long with streets running north-south. There were streets at either end but no intersecting streets in between. Bill was covering the west side of the streets as we came to them. I was covering the east side. Every now and then, Bill would cross over to my side to listen to what I was saying to people. * * * * * * * We came in one day, and the Manager assigned Bill to another area, and asked me to go south to build up a delivery route in a different area. There, in order to sign up the daily quota I had set for myself, I had to run from door to door! I came in one morning saying that I was tired, and might I return to the area that Bill and I hadn't finished. The Manager agreed.

Bill hadn't finished calling on the last four homes of the street he was on so I did that. This street had an intersecting, short street at the north end. I parked on it, looked across at the next street and selected a house to call on that would have been on Bill's side. It was three doors down from the intersection. (!) I knocked on the door, introduced myself, and the lady said, "Are you the Marvin Pegg that teaches Personal Work Classes at Eastside?"

I confessed, said I was guilty, she said, "My husband and I have talked about looking you up. We've been mailing Correspondence Courses to homes in Portland. It's been expensive and we've received very few answers and no one has finished the Course. For some reason, my husband hasn't gone to work this morning. He has a good crew, and they work well when he isn't there. Would you have time to come in and talk with us?"

I said, 'Mayflower authorizes a nine o'clock coffee break. It's nine-thirty and I haven't gone, so yes, I do have time.' "Come in and have a cup of coffee with us." We talked. I said, 'Hugh, it seems to me that more good could be done by someone going door to door to set up studies. In fact, I've told others (at Kamloops, B.C. and people at Eastside) that I hoped some day a church would hire me full time to do just that.' LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 27 He said, "Do you really mean what you just said? Look, we're living in a run down house in a relatively run down part of Portland so we can give money to the church. I build church buildings. No one knows the kind of money I make or give, and I want it to stay that way. But if you meant what you just said, I'll put enough money in the bank to pay your salary for the next year - whatever you've been making at Mayflower."

An inner discussion with self ensued: 'Put your money where your mouth is, Marvin! Just last week, a driver wanted his job back and was turned away. The Company doesn't rehire anyone who quits.' But I said, 'Yes, let's try it.' Hugh said, "I suppose we should discuss this with the Central church elders."

We went to them and they said they thought six months would be long enough to see if this would work. I went to the Mayflower Manager, told him I was quitting, and why. He said, "Marvin, you know that we don't hire anyone back again once they quit."

I said, 'Yes, I am aware of that, but I have to give this a try." He said, "We do make an exception however. Whenever anyone goes to work for a non-profit organization, they can have their job back any time they want it." !! * * * * * * * [ met with one of the Eastside elders to tell him we were placing our church membership at Central. He wanted to know why and I told him. He said, "Marvin, we have considered doing that here. If you'll wait, six months from now we'll have you start that here." I told him that I had already given my word to Hugh and the Central church.

I started calling on doors in the general area to the east of where Hugh & Joyce lived; the 5- block long area of SE Portland. Cars were parked on the street in such a way as to make parking at the end ofthe street too difficult. So I drove south and parked in the middle of the street on the west side, crossed over to the east side, knocked at a door but no answer, went to the next house and a lady came to the door.

I said, 'I'm Marvin Pegg - Central church of Christ - is there any way we can be of help to you folks?' She just kept staring at me. J said, 'My name is Marvin Pegg; yours is?' and I nodded my head. She said, "B b b b betty D." I said, 'Mrs. D., would you rather I came back some other time? tomorrow perhaps?' She nodded a yes.

A few doors further, there was a young lady who was pregnant and nearing full term. She had a five-year old daughter, did not know anyone in Portland, and wondered where to leave her when she went to have her baby. Arrangements were made to take care of her daughter.

A few more doors beyond, I was shown a cupboard, pantry and refrigerator, all three of which were empty. We brought them a large load of groceries. Another party had a husband in prison, visiting rights but no way to get there. Arrangements were made to provide once-a-week transportation. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 28 All of the foregoing came about on the first day of making calls from door to door! Before sharing the gospel, we wanted to be of help to our neighbors. The Central church was a very caring congregation more than willing to get involved.

Oh, I came back to Betty's door the next day and she told me that she did need help. She had quite a story to tell. A son's wife was taking the children out of State and she wouldn't get to see them again. A young son was in trouble with the Authorities. A cousin who was going blind, couldn't see to administer her insulin shots, and was talking suicide. She had one nervous breakdown and felt that she was about to have another.

Arrangements were made for Dick Ady to counsel with her. Later, after she and her youngest son had been baptized, she told Dick Ady, "When brother Pegg knocked on my door, I had been praying for ten days and ten nights, "Father, please send someone to help me. And when he said, 'Is there any way we can be of help?' J felt like God was standing there with him, and I couldn't speak." ******* Things went "down hill" after that. I would call on as many as a hundred doors without visible results. Then I had hernia surgery at the Fort Lewis (Madigan) Army Hospital. Pawnee came to take her stretched out back-seat patient home. Before we reached home, an ice storm struck and J had to drive, which opened up the incision.

I spent the next ten days with my head lower than my feet! T had time to think. 'Lord, I know that I'm the one You are sending. You know that I'm the one You are sending. But how do we get them to know it?!' And then J thought about how much better I did with Mayflower delivery-sign-ups when I left materials at doors the night before. So I started looking for leaflets I could leave. I found some Peak Publishing (Colorado Springs) tracts that were just the ticket!

Some time after, with the help of Steve Partlow and others (Steve provided most of the help), we began leaving tracts in doors for four days. We would put out about 50 tracts each, every evening. Steve was 12 then. He said, "Marvin, I could never be a preacher." I said, 'Steve, if you really want to be of help to your Lord and His people, fix your sights on becoming an elder.' (He's an elder at Oregon City today.)

The first tract was a cartoon titled "What Do You Want?" Inside a figure was depicted as gathering money and a sentence saying "Riches? Yes, but you'll never have enough." Then a figure with smiling faces around it and a sentence: "Friends? Yes, but you'll still be lonely." A third figure had applauding hands around it with a sentence: "Success? But you won't really believe it." A 4th figure gathering stuff and a sentence saying, "No matter what you get you'll still want more." Then a perplexed looking figure sitting on top of the world & a sentence saying, "Because nothing on ealth can really satisfy you." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 29 Those cartooned figures were on the inside of the tract. On the back were two more frames one of which said, "Why? ... because God made you for Himself1" The other frame showed a serene face with hands cupped below the chin and a sentence that said, "And you' Il never be happy until you love Him!" In small print at the bottom was written: "Theirs is an endless road, a hopeless maze, who seek for goods before they seek God."

One of the essay tracts depicted a ghostly figure on a blue background with a title in large black letters saying, "IT WALKS BY NITE." In the final paragraph on the back was written: "What changed these very ordinary men (who were such cowards that they didn't dare stand too near the cross in case they got involved) into heroes who would stop at nothing? A swindle? Hallucination? Spooky nonsense in a darkened room? Or Somebody quietly doing what he said he'd do -- walk right through death? What do you think?

I'll sum up the next cartoon tract (you illustrate it in your own mind). "Everything has a purpose - forks are to eat with - and hoes are for hoeing - you don 't eat with a hoe ...... or garden with a fork ... because that's not what they are for. .... if you don't know what a thing is for ...... how on earth can you use it? Christians believe that you were made by GOD to serve and to love him." And then the back: "So if you're aiming for wealth, popularity or pleasure .... DON'T! Just aim at loving GOD Because that is what you are for!" At the very bottom, in small print: "Love Him (Christ), and keep Him for thy friend, who, when all go away, will not forsake thee.

The cover of the final tract showed a beady-eyed fellow, with a pencil over his ear, tearing up a blueprint. The title above it said "CHUCK THE BLUEPRINT! The back page came to this conclusion: What about you? Do you say, "Chuck the blueprint!" . . . and then try to shift the blame for all the mess on God the Designer? * * * * * * * At one door (follow up to four days of sowing), the party said, "Why are you knocking on our door? We go to church every Sunday. When we get back, our neighbor's car is always in the same spot it was when we left for church. Why aren't you knocking on their door?"

I replied, 'I'm going down the street knocking on everybody's door. I don't know who lives where, and I don't know who might need help.'

"Oh! I see. Well then, what are you trying to teach?"

I told her something of it and I said, 'We're making an effort to drop man-made creeds and simply go back to the Bible for faith and practice.'

"Now that sounds interesting. We've attended the same church, here in Portland, for the past 40 years. I've been teaching Ladies Bible Class for 25 years .... can't always find something interesting to teach. Maybe your lesson will give me some new materia\." I agreed, and we set an evening for a study. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 30 Toward the end of the study, Cora said, "This is astounding. Here I've been a Christian all my life ... No! ] just thought I was. Isn't this amazing! Mr. Pegg, we're going to have to study about this - we're going to have to pray about this. Give us your phone number and we'll call." To myself, I thought of the old saying, "Don't call us, we'll call you. Sure ..."

Early Monday morning, our phone rang and it was Cora. "Mr. Pegg, my husband and I would like to be baptized this evening. Could that be arranged? I was talking to a friend and she said that she had never been baptized. I suppose you'd like to study with her first."

We had an additional, but short, study. Then I added more: what the Scripture had to say about the Lord's Supper and how the disciples took it every first day of the week. Cora replied, "Marvin, I have an obligation to my Bible Class, to teach them the truth I had left out all these years. I don't suppose you have Communion in the evening, do you? (More statement than question.)

I told her that we did, for those who couldn't make it in the morning. She said, "Praise God, we'll be here every Sunday evening; we'll make our contribution here, but I have to teach that class Sunday mornings." I agreed that she did. Not too long after, Cora and her husband were seated in the auditorium on a Sunday morning when I came in. I went to them, exclaiming with joy, 'You're with us today!'

She said, "Yes, and we'll be here Sunday mornings from now on. They told me they'd be just as happy ifI didn't teach that class any more. And I don't belong there anyway." Later, the Campbells hosted a weekly group meeting in their home that one of our elders Jed. (The group meetings were something we began at a later date and that I shall be writing about.)

Another one of our elders made the statement that if our door-knocking had not produced any other results (referring to the Campbells) that all of our efforts would have been worth it. (Many efforts at outreach were to follow.) * * * * * * * The next one (well, not the next one I don't suppose since I only remember those that were unusual and made an impression one couldn't forget) involved an elderly, never married, School Teacher on whose door I knocked. The conversation went something like this:

"So you're from the church of Christ. Come on in. Someone came by from your church, and he was nice. And then someone else from your church came by and told me that unless I was baptized by immersion, I was going to hell! I've devoted my life to the Lord. Took pictures and made slides of the Holy Land, which I've shown to churches all over Portland. Much of my income has been given over to church work. I told him to leave! What do you teach?"

I replied, 'It doesn't make any difference what I teach, or what that man taught either. The important thing is what the Bible teaches; do you agree?' She said that she did. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 31 So I suggested taking a look into Scripture to see what the Bible had to say about the subject. We sat down and opened our Bibles.

[Now consider this: was I smart enough to come up with those replies? No way! But I had been praying both for love and for wisdom to know how to answer! I fully believe that was the Holy Spirit speaking - using my tongue. That doesn't make the speaker anything special. God used another donkey to speak for Him one time (Null. 22:28-30). To God be the glory.]

She became convinced that full commitment had been absent from her life, and replied: "Well, that certainly says that I need to be baptized. Well, tell me, will I have to join YOUR church?" I explained that the Lord adds children to HIS church, and we turned to Acts 2:47.

She said, "You'll have to baptize me. But right now there's a problem. A couple will be here in less than an hour. We're going to a theatre play and then dinner afterward. I have a slide showing tomorrow, and other commitments. Could you call for me on Monday about 1pm? We could take care of my baptism then, but I just don't have time to spare before that."

Monday, there was no one home. No one home on Tuesday. She opened the door to me on Wednesday saying, "I've changed my mind. I don't need to be baptized. I've been His child all my life, and to deny that would be to deny the work He has done in my life. You don't need to come back again."

That time I did not know what to say. I thought about the seed sown along the path that the birds took away. (Mt. 13:4) I hadn't expected such an answer and I, most likely, had not been praying for wisdom before I called back.

We don't have to do the reaping; that's the Lord's prerogative, not ours. Not everyone Jesus called stayed with Him. Our task is simply to sow. Nevertheless, I was saddened. * * * * * * * Barbra Miller (Claud & Regina's daughter) called me one night. "I'm with a friend and I was telling him about Jesus. He wants to know more and wants to know tonight! I told him I had a friend who would be happy to study with him. He wants to stay in your parking lot to study. Will you study with Tom now even if it is almost midnight?" What do you suppose I answered? I'd never pass up a chance like that.

Barbra had asked her parents to take her out of Columbia Christian High School and put her in a public school where she would have opportunity to witness to others about her Savior. "Dad & Mom, everyone at CC is a Christian and there's no one there in need of salvation."

They arrived: three High School Seniors. One was asleep (or passed out on marijuana) in the back of the Van. There was NO indication that Tom or Barbra had "been on the weed." She had probably told him not to light up or else to take her home. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 32 Tom wanted to go up on Rocky Butte which is a high promontory overlooking Portland. That December night, looking down on the City, was a beautiful scene. We talked until 4 o'clock in the morning. Barbra listened.

Our family spent Christmas in Parkdale. The next day we were home and Tom came by with a present for me: a Moody Blues album! As a lad listening to music, when the vocalist began the orchestra faded & when the vocalist ended the orchestration increased. Nowadays, they seemed to compete to see which one can drown the other out and, as near as I've been able to tell, they both succeed. But Tom's choice wasn't that bad: the words were all written out and 1 could follow along and understand what was being sung (",").

A few days later, Tom was back again. "Marvin, my folks are telling me that I've already been baptized. I don't remember it! They say that if I go through being baptized that they'll disown me. That's a problem, but it's their problem. Let's go do it."

'Do what, Tom?' "You know, be baptized. I want to be buried into the death of my Savior, and 1 don't want to put it off any longer." [I wanted him to say it.]

Those "dirty birds" aren't able to snatch up all the seeds that are sown, so don't give up, keep sowing. There will always be some seed that will fallon fertile soil. Tom started the next term at Columbia Christian College.

At a later date, after we had moved to Pullman W A, we were back at Eastside for a College lectureship. Tom's parents were there with him! Ed Latham and I were talking when Tom saw us and came smiling. I introduced him to Ed and told Tom that this was the man who had baptized me. Tom said, "Well, you baptized Marvin. Marvin baptized me. And last night I baptized two more!" * * * * * * * I believe the name of the next fellow was Long. There were two events indelibly imprinted. When I baptized him he wanted to keep his wallet in his pocket. "My money is going to belong to the Lord & I want to dedicate it also." Another event later on, while riding a motorcycle, a car turned in front of him. He said to me, "Marvin, as 1 went flying over the car, I remember thinking: I'm sure glad I've got Jesus Christ!" His only injury was a broken arm! * * * * * * * The next is someone else's story. 1 got acquainted with Dave when he flew me to Bend for a week of door-knocking (we landed in falling snow and a lowering ceiling in Redmond). Dave had received "a year to live" from Air Force Doctors and was given a full disability discharge and pension. He had been an Air Force Pilot.

Some time afterward, he passed his physical for a Civilian Pilot's License! They could not find anything wrong with his health! He tried to discontinue his pension and was told, "What we have diagnosed stands. You cannot cancel your pension." !! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six

Page 33 While in the Air Force, Dave had taken everyone but one of his enlisted personnel to church with him at times. Some were moved to obey the gospel. However, there was one fellow who couldn't say a sentence without a curse word, his was a garbage mouth. (Reminded me of myself for much of my 20 years in the Navy.) Dave never did consider inviting him to church.

Which was sad, because one day "garbage mouth" came on duty talking about God, and they couldn't shut him up. You see, he had been contacted by the Jehovah's Witnesses! So keep in mind that God did not call us to be soil inspectors (I believe I got that from Dale Smith), He simply called us to be seed sowers. He will take care of where it falls; we don't have to do that. Keep scattering the seed, He'll see to its propagation. His word won't return to Him void. * * * * * * * Then there was a young lady 1 met while knocking on doors. She was of Filipino national­ ity and was getting ready to leave for Manila where her mother was Assistant to the Minister of Education in the Philippines. (There are other ways we can "go into all the world.") I baptized her with a prayer that she would take the gospel to the Philippines and that it would grow in exponential numbers. * * * * * * * How could 1 ever forget the following young man. He had been hitch-hiking in Wash. State and had been picked up by a Columbia Christian College Student who brought him to my Wednesday evening Bible Class at church. He asked me what could be done for Chuck. 1 said, 'More than anything else, he needs Jesus. Have you talked with him about Jesus?'

"Other than bringing him to your class, no, I haven't." 'Tell him 1 want to talk with him about Jesus.'

The following Sunday, Chuck walked up to me and said, "I hear you want to talk to me about Jesus. Far out, man! When can we get with it?" Chuck wore a black stocking cap, a leather jacket with a skull and cross-bones on it, a sash for a belt, blue jeans with a gore sewed in at the knee and tassels hanging from the gore, and moccasins. He was French-Canadian Indian.

We set aside a time for the very next day and Chuck met me at the church building. presented the gospel to him. He said, "I'm wanted in Washington & California. 1 was a member of the Gypsy Jokers and we rumbled with the Hell's Angels. 1 shot one fellow's legs out from under him. I've been strung out on cocaine for three days at a time. I'm not a fit subject to be baptized. 1 have to get my life straightened out first."

I said, 'Chuck, you haven't done all that great without Him up to now. What makes you think you can do any better without Him in the future?' [Did you hear the answer God supplied? He will help you too, if you just ask! But ask in love and ask in faith, nothing doubting!]

He replied, "I see what you mean. I'd better be baptized." He was about 5'3" and 1 was 6'2". We made quite a sight at my son's basketball games: Chuck in his regalia and me in my suit and tie, walking arm-in-arm across the gym floor. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 34 In one of our group meetings, Chuck led a prayer that almost brought us to tears. He didn't talk to us. He talked to God.

One morning at breakfast in the Commune, someone said, "There's sure getting to be a lot of Jesus-Freaks around." Chuck jumped to his feet with his fists balled saying, "I'm one of those Jesus-Freaks." The fellow apologized quickly. Chuck was a tough hombre.

After he had been with us for a few weeks, he called me from the Commune. "Marvin, come get me." I drove there and asked him where he wanted me to take him. He said, "To the Bus Depot." r was shocked and wanted to know where he was going. He said, "I'm going to Fort Lewis and turn myself in." I heard from Chuck twice after that. First, when he was in the Stockade at Fort Lewis, and then when he was in Chino State Prison in California -- teaching men's Bible Class. When he had served his time he was planning to go to a Reservation in South Dakota, where his dad was, and take the gospel there. (Never inspect the soil, just sow.) ******* Steve Partlow carried a small tablet, as did 1. And we wrote down the Street names and the house numbers of every house where we left tracts. On Tuesdays, we added more homes to our list so that, on Saturday, there could be many doors to be knocked on. Some of them were apartments and we kept written record of those also. We cut the eraser of a pencil into a hollow square so we could "picture" homes, and apartments, in the tablets.

We began holding early Sat. morning meetings wherein we discussed previous results. We talked about the need to pray for help before arriving at each door, "God help me to love, help me to love, and help me to listen with my heart." We read Scripture such as that of a sower who went ou.t to sow. And we prayed for God to open hearts before we arrived

As a rule, twenty or more workers would be there, and a few people from other churches, having heard of our work, came to take part and to learn our method of outreach. Someone would say, "I can't talk to people, I'm not a salesman or anything." I'd tell them, "That's okay. Go along with someone who can. You stand back at the end ofthe sidewalk, and then if that little lady gets tough, you can get a running start.' Soon our "can't-talker" would be getting her say in.

We had purchased booklets (tablets that fit within hard covers) and we glued a tract cover to the front and back of the booklet to identify us with materials that had been left. We would go out as a team and each team would have about 20 to 25 doors to contact. My partner was usually Maridine Douglas or Carol Seeley. Cherie Miller (Claud & Regina's daughter-in-law), who also took part in the door knocking, and Carol Seeley now live in Lincoln City, OR * * * * * * * At Mayflower, we had learned that, as salesmen, we did our best work when there were two of us. Housewives were less fearful of opening the door to two men who came calling. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 35 Once, as we walked up a sidewalk together, through a large front window we saw a lady jump up from her Easy-chair and stride rapidly to the door just waiting for us to get there and knock. She opened the door and Bill went into a crouch with his fists at the ready: "Wanta fight?" She found it difficult to quit laughing. We signed her up. Bill was listening to her before she spoke!

One of us would be talking about the advantages of home delivery, but if an objection was raised the other one answered it. She had voiced her objection to the first party. Had he answered, she might see it as arguing with her. She hadn't spoken of her doubts to the other party and so, when he answered, he wasn't arguing with her. That's effective!

Bill came back to the plant one evening with a story to tell. He had knocked on a door and the lady read him the riot act about being bothered by so many milkmen. He went around to the back door and when she opened the door he said, "I sure hope you're nicer than that lady I met at the front door!" When she stopped laughing, he signed her for dairy products delivery.

By the way, there were two Bills. Allow me to refer to them as Bill A and Bill B. and one time they knocked on a door. Through a thin curtain they saw a guy coming down off of a ladder cussing as he came. " ... you guys. 1 can't get any work done for having to climb up and down my ladder to answer the phone or open the door. Now get the .... out of here!" and he slammed the door! The more timid of the two (Bill B) said, "C'mon, Bill, let's go." Bill A said, "No, I'm gonna wait." Bill B: "Wait for what?" A: I'm waiting for him to go back up on that ladder." After the guy had climbed the ladder, Bill A knocked again.

The guy came down cussing, opened the door, and Bill A said, "You know, you weren't very nice to us!" The guy was silent for a moment, then said, "You're right, I wasn't." To shorten this story: he told them when his wife would be back. They came back and signed them up for home delivery! * * * * * * * And so our "door knockers" went out two by two (sound familiar?). We talked about being alert to switching roles at times. Not only were there general prayers, we prayed a specific prayer: that God would direct each team to people they could relate to best. Then one person of the team would select their (closed) tablet at random from the ones scattered on the table.

One young lady picked up her booklet, opened it and said, "Oh no! Oh no!" She had moved the day before to a new apartment some distance from where she had been living. Guess why she was in shock. Her booklet pictured the apartment to which she had just moved! God proved His presence again and again, in that and in other ways! [Why should that surprise us?]

There was another whose booklet showed an apartment complex. Someone suggested that it might be best to knock on the Manager's door last because of the possibility of being told not to knock on the other doors. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 36 So they did that. Called there last. Spent some time at the Manager's apartment. Brought them to the church building to be baptized! * * * * * * * Many we reached with the good news I don't remember by name - some I don't remember at all other than knowing there were others. But I do remember driving down Burnside one day, on my way to the church building on 52nd. I passed 81 S\ on my right lived a couple who had spoken of having problems with a son. I said, 'Can you hope to help your son before you straighten out your own lives?' I had baptized them after that but they were no longer attending.

I went by 79th on my left where the McM's lived. They hadn't been inclined to listen to me at first, but I asked if they would mind it if I prayed. Cancer had disfigured his nose, and I prayed for our Father to help him with his present health and with later cosmetic surgery.

He said, "Our preacher, and others, had called but none of them had prayed for me. When can we study with you?" They too put on their Lord in baptism, but now they were no longer in attendance at worship.

I went by 76th where the W's lived knowing it had been awhile since I had seen them at church. I passed 68th on my right - Sandy was no longer coming to church. By the time I got to the church building, my stomach was tied up in knots. I didn't care if! ever knocked on another door or not!

I agonized, 'Why can't we keep these people in the Fellowship?' And that question kept repeating itself over and over in my mind. And then a possible answer occurred to me: 'Wait a minute. What Fellowship?' Someone said that a fellowship was a bunch of fellows in the same ship. The ship wasn't sinking but some were abandoning ship anyway!

We say this is something they're to give their life to and then all they're allowed to engage in is spectator sport! And new babes have a problem that we lose, to a degree, as we grow in faith. They think they are worse than they ever were. They think they can't live the Christian life. Because, NOW, they are more conscious of sin in their lives than they ever were! * * * * * * * So we started group meetings where new members had a chance to ask their questions, air their doubts, and take part in every discussion. One long-time church member was so shy he would not help serve communion even when (with four others serving) he would not be required to lead a prayer. After a few months in our sessions he was leading singing at assemblies!

We made sure that every newly-baptized member was put in a group. We had five of them going, three of which the elders led, two of them I led. We never lost a new member after that! This was prior to Cora, Chuck, and others. They, too, became part of a weekly group session. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 37 We shared serendipities, although we didn't stick to the "unexpected" part. We took our turn speaking or, if not, our remarks had to be directed to the one "having the floor" at that moment. No "private meetings" during sessions were allowed. We asked ifthere was a question, a prayer need, a Scripture problem, a faith problem.

Groups were made up of people whose backgrounds, whose interests, whose ages were different. Several began by wondering what they had in common with this person, with that person. They soon realized they had Jesus in common.

Then they came to realize there were other things as well. "Hey, that old codger is smart!" "Why, that youngster has a lot to offer!" "I daresay that if I got acquainted with others in the church I'd like them too!" Group members soon reached out to others. They did not become a clique. * * * * * * * We're told to "Teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." We claim to believe the Scripture passage that says, "I permit not a woman to teach but let her keep silent in the church." Yet joint observance of expression in song (teaching, if you will) is allowed! Prayer is not a teaching situation (though I've known of men who so used it). We held hands and passed the prayer along. Would I advocate it in "the solemn assembly"? No way!

Once in Corpus Christi, Texas, I went to a certain church gathering. The woman who was preaching talked only of her travels. Very little Bible was presented, and I was wanting Scripture explained. (I wasn't a Christian then.) I noticed something else: there were only two men there besides me! and they appeared to be timid souls. 1 never went back there again.

God gave the male a big ego. If he can't be the "cock-of-the-walk" he doesn't want any part of the proceedings! "You ladies are doing a good job. I'm going fishing!" Women have been given a lesser role - or is it a "lesser role"? As a poet once said, "It takes more grace than I can tell, to play the second fiddle well." Women have more grace than men. Our heavenly Father knew what He was doing when he gave us specific gender roles for the assembly. * * * * * * * The small group that met at our home for two years continued to meet for three more years after we moved away! (Later, in Albuquerque, Silas had me put together a "how-to" treatise on small groups, which he published. The Lord had laid back-door departing-babes on his and my heart. Silas put together "Spiritual Pediatrics" lessons, lessons that are excellent.) * * * * * * * 1 have learned that even among well-meaning brethren there can be opposition to what we say and do. In a class session, where I was a returning guest, my comment was that we should never run rough-shod over another's beliefs. I said that if I were to go to a country where they believed they could use cookies and apple juice at the Lord's Supper, that I would accept what was offered and have them study the subject further as soon as opportunity arose. I wouldn't stand up & say 'You are wrong and hell-bound!" I would have my own communion later. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"

Chapter Six Page 38 It was reported of me, to another congregation, that I believed anything was o.k. to use at the supper. The congregation "dis-fellowshipped" me and I had never even been a member there! One of our wonderful elders (Heston Havens) called the one who had received the report and had asked for my dis-fellowshipping. He told Heston why they had done that.

Heston asked him if he had heard Marvin say that. He said he hadn't heard it but had it on good authority. Heston asked him again, "Did you hear Marvin say that?" "No, but I have it..." "Did you HEAR him say that?" "No." Heston said, "Where I come from, we call that gossip." And he slammed the receiver to the cradle.

Another brother there, who had been convinced of my having gone astray, and who had voted to dis-fellowship me, later learned the true story. We were both at a lectureship in Abilene TX. He saw me. Came up to me and cried on my shoulder, asking my forgiveness. I told him, 'None is needed. You acted on that which you thought to be true.' * * * * * * * The Central elders sent letters to other congregations telling them what we were doing in our outreach and offering to send someone to help them with it. They supported me in taking our door-knocking-approach to others. (Pawnee had become the Secretary there.)

From farming to Portland & a good Fuller Brush area that kept us in beans and cornbread until Mayflower and leaflets in doors. Then salesman Bill taken aside at the right day so that I had to cover the next street. But first, being sent south until Hugh was at home.

Then to begin our outreach in the middle of a long 5-block-length street to meet a lady who had been praying for ten days and ten nights for someone to come to her assistance before she had another nervous breakdown! Have you seen the Lord' s hand in all this? Are you yet fearful? You are His hands and His feet and His lips. Get a move on! He is generous with His help. * * * * * * * The following Chapter will be an attempt to recall incidents that took place in Pendleton, Lebanon OR, Portland, Milwaukie OR, Ketchikan Alaska, Omak & Okanogan W A and Seattle. In effect, I was "still in Portland" but traveling. Again, there are many incidents I have forgotten. So results will be limited to highlights. A sower went out to sow; some seed fell on good ground. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"


TAKE NOTES LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Seeing His Hand In Everything" "What waits behind the screen door?"




I. Should our vocation involve all of our time? Why yes, or why no?

2. The timing of events was totally unique and led to a meeting with "two angels" who pledged support in a door-to­ door effort! If our will is to do God's will, can we expect His guidance?

3. How would you define Marvin's meeting with one who had spent 10 days in prayer to receive help: a) an amazing coincidence; b) providential; c) one or both?

4. What did a stay in the hospital followed by 10 days in bed accomplish? Do aU things happen for the good to those who love the Lord? Have there been examples in your own life?

5. Is it possible that some of the "seed" we sow will fail to bring a harvest? So give up, right?

6. Should we wait for "more propitious" times to do our sowing? What kind of soil did the author find on Rocky Butte and at what time of day?

7. What was the first name of the Pilot we might label "a soil inspector"?

8. What sort of soil was the cocaine-using, law-breaker you read about in Chapter Six?

9. What did you see at (beginning at the end of page 34) that gave possible evidence ofa best outreach effort?

J O. What is shown by salesman Bill's refusal to take "No" as a final answer? (Page 35)

J J. what event, or events, in Chapter Six (Page 35) that illustrates the wisdom of Jesus in Luke 16:8? (KJV)

12. What did the author begin agonizing over? How was his dismay overcome?

13. Do you know someone who has fallen by the wayside? Would inviting them to dinner followed by asking them to become part of a small group have the possibility 0 their return to the fold? Jesus left the ninety and nine to do what?

14. How effective is condemning someone in getting them to return to the assembly? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

CHAPTER SEVEN Page 41 The Lord's hand in our outreach to the lost was becoming known by other churches of the Pacific Northwest: "Come over to 'our town' and help us." The Central church (S.E. 52nd & Stark Ave.) elders decided we should grant their requests and I became a traveler with our program. Two other towns were wanting preaching help as well, and since I had Sundays off ...

My hand was already on my back waiting for someone to twist it! I wanted the experience. Sometimes Pawnee went with me but most of the time she stayed home with our boys. One time the elders insisted I take a week off and take my boys fishing. A friend took us to the Crane Prairie Reservoir, south of Bend. We caught several 21- 24 inch trout from his boat! * * * * * * * Pawnee had secretarial duties that included: 1) T AIW AN - "Southeast Asia Newsletter" and a separate Bank Account for the Taiwan work; 2) BRAZIL - "Operation '68 Newsletter" and its separate Account; 3) Mimeographing and bulk mailings of both newsletters; 4) Other Office: a) Church Bank Account (deposits, preparing checks for signature); b) typing and mimeographing and putting into book form, Dick Ady's sermons on the Holy Spirit; d) Church Bulletin typing and printing; e) Secretarial duties, correspondence, etc.; t) making the office friendly to scheduled and unscheduled visitors; g) LATE EVENING DEMANDS by a husband who frequently asked her to work overtime for free! (No wonder they sent me off somewhere!) * * * * * * * Preaching in Pendleton and Lebanon was rewarding because they were just glad to get someone - anyone! We also conducted our 4-day leaflet, 5Ih-day-door knocking in both places. There was a study in Pendleton I shall never forget. She was a black lady with a beautiful spirit. 'Do you understand what we've been looking at in Scripture?'

"Yes, you've made it quite plain and understandable." 'Are you ready to be baptized?' "No." Same results at the end of a study on a following day. That was a reasonable attitude on her part: she was large (over 300 lbs) but more importantly, she was blind! I wasn't listening with my heart. So the Lord had someone else tell me she was afraid - of water!

In our next study I told her what Jesus had gone through for our salvation: of His face­ battered by the Roman Soldiers who struck Him; of the crown of steel-like thorns that were pressed upon his head bringing rivulets of blood coursing down His face; of the scourging by the Roman Officer until His back became pulp; of (after all of that) carrying His cross part way up the hill; and then ofthe nails and then the jarring pain as the raised cross fell into the hole!

Jesus prayed in the Garden that He might be spared such an ordeal. But He ended His prayer saying: "Not my will but Thine be done." And I suggested that if He could go through all of that for you and me, we should have faith to obey His will for us, and she agreed. But it was terribly frightening for her. Read why. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 42 The Pendleton church baptistery was a home-made affair with wooden steps (no railings) going up to the edge of the baptistery and wooden steps down into the water. She trembled violently, but she went through it for herself and for her Lord. And then she was all smiles! * * * * * * * One time, returning from Pendleton, and with Bob G. as a passenger, he related how that when he gave his dissertation on Education, before a group of Professors (Educators), his right leg began bouncing. He managed to get it stopped and his left leg began doing the same. He got it stopped and both legs were twitching. He said he was glad he was standing behind a speaker's rostrum where his fright wasn't that visible. He said he received a standing ovation.

I said, 'Bob, how would you like to meet strangers at door after door, on stage day after day, week after week, believing that what you might say could influence the course of another's life and ultimate destiny?'

He said, "Marvin, I couldn't do it. I'd be scared half to death." It does become exhausting work after awhile. Pray for strength. Pray for love. Pray that His Holy Spirit will get there a few minutes ahead of you. The rewards of joy is worth every bit of it!

Reader, whoever you are. There are some things that are so vitally important that the adrenalin ought to be surging. Adrenalin helps every nerve to be attuned to what you are plan­ ning. You aren't necessarily frightened when that Adrenalin reaches your nerve ends - you just think you are! And if you can calmly approach such events without an adrenalin surge, chances are you'll not do all that well. Expect it! Recognize it! Receive it with joy!, not fear. ******* But now a humorous event. At least, onlookers thought so. I had preached a sermon in Lebanon and had offered the invitation at the end. A visitor came forward saying that she wanted to be baptized, so we made everything ready: one need was to move the pulpit to give the morning worshippers good visibility for the proceedings.

The baptistery was immense and would have served well on the Day of Pentecost! Its top was at floor level where everyone could see all that went on. All that was hidden was the entry into the water. I waded out to the far side (that brings memories of cartoons) and waited for our supplicant to come across. Suddenly, quite a way before she reached me, but visible to all, she went under the water, sprang up with both hands in the air and shouted, "Praise the Lord!"

She took another step and did it again! She took another step and did it again! I was dumbstruck - dumbfounded! I'm sure my mouth was open. I heard snickers and then outright laughter.

It wasn't funny to me which probably made it all that much funnier to onlookers. And to tell the truth, I do not now remember what happened after that! It's all a daze, a fog. I suppose I went ahead with a "proper"(?) baptism. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 43 I do not recall how many others were brought to the Lord in Pendleton, or in Lebanon. I do know that in a week's campaign in Lebanon (son Gary helped on weekends), we increased the membership by 50% - going from 12 to 18! :-) They had had over 100 at one time, but infight­ ing had caused them to split four ways - five, if you count those no longer attending!

Does that prove the renouncing of human creeds is wrong? Does that show individual freedom in Christ should be aborted? No. In fact, if it proves anything, it proves that human creeds do not exist in such a setting, and that individual freedom is present. But the lack of love shows that Jesus is not being allowed to be the Head ofthis Church at that time! In any event, the Headquarters is in Heaven, where Jesus is enthroned, and not on this earthly sphere.

Church splits send a terrible message! Love for one another is lacking in such a group. A burial of self into Christ "] die daily" (I Cor. 15 :31) ,'] am dead with Christ" (Gal. 2:20), if it has taken place, leaves one "dead." And you ought not to be able to feel hutt, 01' insults, or even take note of spit upon yourself, or anything else other than a need to see others as being better than you are. People should be able to see that which was seen of the early church (in its initial storming of lands and islands): they were amazed at how they loved one another.

Virtually every church split has been the result of someone being on an ego trip. Lack of fellowship. Lack of fellows in the same ship. But don't abandon ship when it's sinking. Pump a little love into those watertight compartments, into the hold. What hold? See that you hold on to bewildered pilgrims who need to see the love of Christ in brethren. * * * * * * * Setting that aside, 1 must share with you a Lebanon incident. When I went to leave tract four, the door opened and she said, "I sure have been enjoying the tracts you've been leaving. Will there be any more after this one?"

I said, 'No. This was the last one. I'll be knocking on your door tomorrow.' She said, "Well, it won't do you much good. We're Lutherans." I said, "Praise God! I wish more people were something where God is concerned. But I don't have time to talk with you today. I'll see you tomorrow."

Well, think about it. Would you not prefer that more people were walking hand in hand with Christ (even if they may only be engaged and not yet married to Him) than walking hand in hand with Satan who hates the name of Jesus?

Pawnee had Saturdays off from church-secretarial chores and came along the next morning. The lady's husband was home, and he said, "Come on in. How about a cup of coffee? We sure have liked those tracts you've been leaving. The wife said you had a Bible study of some kind. Let's hear it." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 44 Afterward, he said to his wife, "I've never been baptized. Have you?" She said, "No, I haven't." He said, "We need to be baptized." And then he began to make excuses. He said, "We can't go now. We'd need someone to watch the children. My wife has her hair up in curlers, as you can see. We're going out with some friends this evening. We've got steak cooking in the Dutch oven. It will have to be arranged for some other time."

Pawnee spoke up and said, "I'll watch the children and the steak in the oven. There are bathing caps at the church so that your wife won't have to get her hair wet. You just go along with my husband." 1 took them to the church building and baptized them. * * * * * * * At some time during "shared outreach," I was asked to call on a church member's sister who lived in Portland. Such calls can be difficult, so 1 took along a Columbia Christian College student: Gene Short, whose parents had moved to Ketchikan from the Hood River Valley. We were invited in. Almost immediately, the hostess said, "What do you think 1 should do about my baby girl? She's almost three years old and 1 haven't had her baptized yet."

1 said, "Let's not talk about that for the moment. I'd prefer discussing our own relation­ ship with Jesus." After a short study, she replied, "I can see now that r don't need to worry about my baby being baptized. When she's old enough, she can choose for herself. I'm the one that needs to be baptized. It's pretty late to be taking my children out. Can 1 be baptized tomorrow?

As we walked down the sidewalk from Myrna's, Gene was shaking his head. "I can't believe this. We weren't there more than 30 minutes, and she wants to be baptized!" * * * * * * * Why does everyone need baptismal cleansing? We should be familar with the passage that says, "The body shall return to the dust, and the Spirit unto God who gave il." The Spirit does not come from God unholy; rather it is pure. "The son shall not inherit the iniquity of the father; neither the father the iniquity (?f the son. The soul that sins, il shall die." (Ezek. 18:20)

So we are born pure. But we take that purity and we pollute it - by doing things God would not do - by thinking things God would not think - and in other ways as well. We cause that Spirit to resemble God no longer (made in His image but broke the mirror!) and we die spiritually. And so Jesus told Nicodemus that "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. " Nicodemus asked, "How can a man he born again? Can he enter into his mother's womb and be born whe11 he is old? " By his question, Nicodemus showed his understanding that Jesus was talking about a man being reborn. We are in need of a rebirth in order to live a spirit-led life. Read the first part of John Chapter Three.

Yes, there's a need to know Jesus shed His blood, and that we cannot earn salvation by how we live our lives - we can't save ourselves. However, too many try to make full-grown Christians of individuals before they receive God's Spirit. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 45 "What man knows the things of God except by the Spirit of God that dwells in him?" (I Cor. 2: 11) How can they fully understand before they have been reborn Spiritually? How can they grow in knowledge and in truth? "As new born babes. desire the sincere milk of tlte word that you might grow thereby. "

In the "Preface," I wrote about a fish dinner and the need to throw out the bones. Be care­ ful in throwing out "bones of contention" lest you throw out the flesh with the bone, and that you don't throw out the "new-born baby" with the bath water. He'll need help to grow. * * * * * * * In 1998 or '97, I was visiting a congregation and there was Myrna, along with her children. She and Tom had separated, and that was sad. I had baptized Tom not very long after baptizing Myrna. Tom was of Afro heritage; Myrna wasn't. He told me this story about a trip he made.

"Marvin, I decided to take my children to see my parents in Texas. Myrna stayed home. was driving, and we had crossed into Texas. I passed up a slow-moving car. Almost at once he sped by me and slowed down. So I passed him again. He came speeding around me and went on up ahead before stopping. He got out of his car and waved me down, so 1 stopped and got out of my car.

Then he said, "Listen, Nigger boy, don't you know better than to pass a white man on the highway? I'm going to teach you a lesson!" And he started a round-house swing at me. Now I know, that as a Christian, I'm supposed to be gentle and all that. But my action was involuntary; I didn't even think about it. I ducked his swing and planted a blow on his chin. I knocked him out, left him lying there, and went on. But I felt guilty about it."

Tom was an ex-prize fighter! I said, 'Tom, you didn't do wrong. I believe you did the best possible thing for that man that you could have done. It is written, in Provo 26:4, that we are not to answer a fool according to his folly. The very next verse says, "answer a fool according to his foUy." (Prov.26:4&5) Your involuntary reaction was, for him, the best of the two answers at that moment. ' * * * * * * * Another answer from God follows. I recall studying with a man after taking some clothing from the church for his family. We visited together a little bit and at a propitious moment I asked to share some Bible with him. He agreed, and I presented the gospel to him. He said, "Marvin, I killed a man. Oh, I've paid my debt to society; I spent some years in prison. But I haven't paid my debt to God. Some day when I've done more (penance?) for my deeds, I'll be baptized."

I told him that he could never do enough; that he could never lift himself into heaven by his own bootstraps, nor could he ever become so good as to be his own savior, no matter how hard he tried. He said, "Well, I just don't feel worthy." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 46 I told him he could never be worthy any more than I could have ever been worthy. But if you see your need for a Savior, call me at this number. He called me that evening and was buried into Christ Jesus for forgiveness of his sins. * * * * * * * We did an outreach program in Milwaukie, a suburb of Portland. There were some sig­ nificant events there that I'm just not able to recall. We baptized some that much I know. Then one summer, a small congregation in Omak asked for help.

A Columbia Christian College student (Dennis Sangster - Canadian) came with me, and he was a great help. We both put out tracts on the run, both in Omak and in nearby Okanogan. I was speaking nightly at the church in Omak and one evening a visitor said, "I was trying to catch one of those two guys putting out tracts so 1 could talk to them. I came to the door, looked out and they were already halfway up the street and running!"

We baptized six people that week. Two of them were an Aunt and U nele of Pawnee's who were living in Okanogan! Nightly attendance was gratifying with a number of visitors. I hope they were able to continue a harvest after we left. * * * * * * * I did some door knocking, and baptizing, for the Peninsula church of Christ. It had quite a few ebony Christians there and the Lord added more. I also had a brief program at the Westside church in Portland. In Chap. Six, I spoke of work in Bend and I recall picking up new people for worship. Dennis and I did some door-knocking in Seattle. I met Dennis in Nashville in 1983 or 84. He was leading singing for a large congregation. I forgot to ask him about our Seattle work. * * * * * * * There was an Evangelism Forum in Prineville. (The family that I and other preachers, stayed with had a son [Darryl Quick] who, with his wife Kay, later became part of the group meeting in our home.) In my Sunday sermon, I confessed having been a drunk when I was single in the Islands, and how I used to weave my way to a Turkish bath, to get the alcohol sweat out, so I could drink some more, and that I used to drink like a fish. (The end of that story later.)

I was taking an Oregon State College extension course on counseling. The instructor had been taught by Victor Frankl who had taken Sigmund Freud's chair in Vienna. He brought one of his counselees to elass and had us students listen while he talked with him. We were seated in a balcony above, and he said to us, "This man is an alcoholic by his own admission. What would you say to him?" and he had us take turns answering.

When it came my turn, 1 talked about getting drunk three times on one "liberty ashore," of going, during the day after times of getting drunk, to a sweat shop so I could drink more, then of meeting a buddy at the Base Beer Hall where we consumed from a half-case to a full-case of beer, and then of going to the barracks to my locker where I kept a fifth of rum. I said that I drank like a fish, but that a fish had more sense -- it drank only water! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 47 The instructor asked his counselee which of the men would he want to counsel with if he had to pick one. The fellow chose me. Back to Prineville. After I left, a man answered the invitation and was baptized. He was conquering alcoholism and said that my sermon helped him to realize that he needed to get on God's side so he could get some help. * * * * * * * Roy Osborne was a speaker at a C.C. College Lectureship. His sermons were outstanding, but he didn't dare stand out in a high wind! He was so skinny that someone said of him, "Turn Roy sideways and have him stick out his tongue and you'd mistake him for a zipper!" Someone else said that Roy took up sky-diving once, but then they wouldn't let him jump. They were afraid he wouldn't come down!"

On a Saturday, I got on a plane in Portland on my way to Ketchikan AL for a door­ knocking campaign. Gene Short's parents (Ben & Earlene) were living there and were the instigators of my coming. I was given a port-hole seat number and as I started to my seat, I exclaimed, to the fellow in the seat next to mine, 'Roy Osborne! Where are you headed?' He was on his way to hold a meeting in Seattle. We had a great visit. He left the plane at Sea-Taco

The flight continued from there and landed on Annette Island. We then took a Sea-Plane across a short distance to a dock at Ketchikan where the Shorts met me. I spoke the next day (Sunday) at the morning and evening worship services (and nightly thereafter, including the second Sunday there). We started out putting out tracts the next day.

One Aleut Indian (big fellow), who wanted to talk, took me all around the Island, showed me how Ketchikan was laid out, introduced me to others, several of whom came to the evening services. He was baptized while I was there. One meeting was held in a park where there were many totem poles. The practice was to bury a slave under each totem pole. Each pole represented a tribal family's history. One pole had a figure of Abraham Lincoln on top. That was the last totem pole the tribal group put up and they did not bury a slave under it!

The meeting in the park was held in a large, Indian lodge. There was a fire pit in the center (no fire) and planks providing stepped seating all around, going up to entryways. There was a smoke-vent hole at the top. Rain was not a problem in Ketchikan, it was a blessing.

[The streets, the sidewalks, and of course the houses, were all of wood with a saw mill down at the wharf on the Bay. For eight days, all the time I was there, there was no rain and Ketch-as-ketch-canners were worried about fire burning down the whole town! With rain as an almost daily occurrence, they didn't have - didn't think they needed - a fire department!]

Back to the lodge. People were seated all around the center and, as I spoke to them, I had to keep turning around and around in order to make eye contact with everyone. A thing that took place the morning I was leaving could show I may have gotten dizzy from it. What? Sunny skies for a door-knocking campaign where it always rained? We just think we' re running the show! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 48 But now a door-knocking incident. There were other fruit bearing times of joy, but this one stands out. He said, "You're the fellow that's been leaving those tracts! Come on in! Piece of cake? Cup of Coffee? We've been hoping you'd stop by. My wife and I have noticed that people who attend church ... well ... their marriages hang together better than others.

"We'd like to begin attending somewhere ... sort of like insurance in a way, although we know there's more to it than that. Could you study with us?" The study had a joyful ending, and they were both baptized that day and continued to attend every service of the church, including the Monday morning breakfast that was held for me before I boarded a plane to leave. ******* The Ketchikan church of Christ was quite unusual. They were the only baptismal regeneration, weekly communion service, congregation on Ketchikan Island. The church had excellent attendance --- of both non-instrumental and instrumental believers! They got along fine. No one was rocking the boat. They loved one another; unusual for many churches!

At the breakfast, a sister said to me, "Marvin, what are your feelings about instrumental music?" I answered her thus: 'There was a congregation like this one of mixed belief regarding the use of instruments. At assembly one Lord's Day morning, the piano was missing! Well, of course the pro-instrumental people accused the non-instrumental people of having taken it. The argument went back and forth for five years. Finally they found it, it was in the baptistery!'

There was an outburst of happy laughing. They caught on immediately. (My preference is a cappella singing. If I'm to teach and admonish in song as Scripture says, I want to be able to hear my brother's admonishment, and he to be able to hear my teaching in song. But even so, I don't find the gospel saying, "Believe, repent, confess, quit playing the piano, and be baptized." We ought not to be majoring in minors. It's alright to omit the major and minor keys, but why claim who is, and who isn't, going to Heaven because of it?

She then said, "We are of the instrumental persuasion, but we have been enjoying a cappella music so much, that when we get to the mainland, we're going to look up a non-instru­ mental church." (I hope no one told them that because they believed instrumental music was okay, that they were going to hell on that account.) "Who art thou who judges another? To his own Master he stands or jails, yea, God is able to make him stand." (Rom. 14:4)

Ah well, fools rush in where wise men fear to tread and, having been a professed atheist for a number of years, I'm one of God's fools. There will be some, I suppose, who will not appreciate the answer J gave above. * * * * * * * Allow me to point out again, as I just got through saying, this is a fish dinner, and you are expected to pick out the bones. Use what you can. Take the gospel to others. Try as best you can to be loving. You don't have to agree with me ----- LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 49 ----- but you do have to love me. Do you realize that it would be impossible for any two people to agree exactly alike on any and every subject? I'm imperfect. You're imperfect. Our Maker didn't make any two snowflakes alike. Yes, I'm pretty flaky alright. Snowflakes provide elements that help grow crops, so maybe that's not too bad either! * * * * * * * Another unique thing about Ketchikan was the church building itself. It was built on pilings out over the Bay. The first floor was a good-sized auditorium. The second floor was the preacher's home. The third floor was partitioned off with several classrooms. I could visualize living there and fishing for King Salmon out of my bedroom window!

The "bottom fell out" of the construction business and Hugh and Joyce had to discontinue their salary-providing giving. Other contributions fell off as well. Calling someone back from Taiwan or Brazil was out of the question. Things were looking shaky! I thought, 'Mayflower, you said you'd take me back.'

Then Ketchikan called saying their preacher had left and would [ come there and work for them. 'Whoopee! Thank you, Lord!' I told our elders of their offer to move me there. They said, "Marvin, please don't go. Construction will pick up again. We're borrowing so we can keep you here, so don't worry about it."

Later in the year, they said, "Marvin, we're sorry. We simply do not have the money to keep you on the pay roll. You were the last one hired. But we will do all we can to help you find a church where your work can be continued." Ketchikan, in the meantime, had hired another man. Oh well, if I had hooked a King Salmon, I wouldn't have been able to reel it up to the second floor anyway. :-) * * * * * * * Central sent out letters of recommendation to churches all over the west. The deacons in a congregation in Albuquerque NM were agitating to find a man to send out as a missionary to the Pacific Northwest. Silas became informed of my plight and told them of me. The elders said that contributions wouldn't permit putting on a new man. The deacons argued that the church needed to be challenged and that if a new man was brought in the money would be there.

They finally persuaded the elders to try it, and one of the elders called me. We agreed upon terms and I agreed to move there for a period of getting acquainted. Pawnee's dad, and other friends came to help us pack. We had sold our home on N.E. 127th and had moved into an apartment building on N.E. Hassalo, having done so considering the possibility that work for any church might not last very long.

We had rented a U Haul and since it was the first of a new year, we traveled south to good weather in California and then east to Albuquerque arriving there to begin the year 1971. Incidentally, the contribution at Pennsylvania Street increased by double my agreed upon salary. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " FROM COMFORT ZONE TO POWER ZONE " 1968-1971

Chapter Seven Page 50 [However, I think it is time to take "a detour" and share something of the part Pawnee and the children played in my Spiritual journey. And SO, before we speak further of Albuquerque: a chapter on "Family Matters."]


I. How was the lady in Pendleton, who was afraid of water, convinced to obey? Have you ever really thought about all that our Lord went through? If so, has it given you a willingness to attempt something you thought ti be beyond your ability?

2. An adrenalin surge makes us nervous. Should we welcome it and ifso why?

3. Individual egotism can have disastrous results. Do you agree with that statement? In your opinion, what disastrous results might develop? (Page 43)

4. Why could we say that "a child is not born with the guilt of sin"? (Page 44)

5. Is it permissible for someone to have a difference of opinion with someone else? (Page 45, paragraph 2)

6, From page 45, how would you reconcile Tom's actions with Jesus' instructions: "If someone hits YOII on the right cheek tllrn to him the left cheek also." (Matt. 5 :39)

7. Repentance is a change of will that no longer relies on self to guide his life, Is penance the same thing making us more eligible for salvation? (Page 45)

8, When we look at someone are we seeing them, or are we seeing the shell they live in? Have you ever looked with disgust at a person? How is it possible for a leopard's spots to change?

9. Do the marriages of Christians "hang together better"? (Page 48)

J O. Should we prefer vocal music to instrumental? Ifwe point to the Bible, is Scripture 'Perfectly Clear" on the subject? Should we condemn either one? Why, or why not?

II, Is it possible for Christians with opposing views to live in peace? Goes on all the time? (Comment) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Blessed 1s He Who lias His Quiver Full ... ,. (Psalm 127:5) 1944 - 1971


CHAPTER EIGHT Page 51 My intent had been to travel in our narrative to Albuquerque, . Woke up before 1 a.m., and wrestled with remembrances until some time after 1 a.m., with the recognition that our "Rug Rats" had had a part to play and that I hadn't partied alone in my growing pains. Thus I deem it desirable to make a detour before driving on to Sandia. Sandia meaning Watermelon: the name for the mountains to the north of the ancient city of Albuquerque founded by the Spanish quite some time before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock!

What better place to begin than with the appearance of the first of the wee bairn. Pawnee and I married Dec. 5th 1944 after a whirlwind courtship of three months. ("Their marriage will never last.") However, she has endured (as of 12/5/2000) 56 years of wedded wandering and worry. She has prayed about our children's problems, our grandchildren's problems, and now about those of our great grandchildren, and suffered through her husband's idiosyncrasies. * * * * * * * Pawnee didn't look to be 19 then. I was transferred from Whidbey Island W A to San Francisco - working in the Federal Bldg on 8th & Market. Pawnee applied for a Library card. The Librarian said, "Take it home and have your parents sign it." 'But they live in Oregon.' "Have your Guardian sign it." 'Will my husband do?' "Your husband?! I thought you were a Jr. High School kid!" A couple months later, when she went to pick up an item we had ordered: "Your big brother (me!) was here about an hour ago and picked it up."

Walter Lee was born in San Francisco a few minutes after 12/25/45 and very soon there­ after he was raising his parents and being called Skipper, which later on was shortened to Skip. His first name honored my brother and his middle name honored Pawnee's dad. I was sent to a Meteorology school in New Jersey. We lived in Island Heights where Skip said his first words: "No, no!" Military discipline influence, most likely. After New Jersey we left for Hawaii and the Naval Air Station at Kaneohe. * * * * * * * Walter soon browned up like a native. In 1947 Pawnee became pregnant a second time. Her Dr. said, "Do your normal chores, get out and walk. Pegg, you make her keep busy. Her morning sickness will pass." At Aiea Navy Hospital, we lost twins: a girl and a boy. The girl lived almost a day. Same Dr., next pregnancy: "Pegg, don't let her raise a hand to do anything. You do the cooking and everything else." He had rewritten "the music." * * * * * * * For her continued well being, we were then flown back to the mainland. She stayed with her folks in Parkdale OR while I took advanced courses at Naval Air Station Lakehurst, New Jersey (Blimps). After graduation, I bought a new Kaiser Auto and drove from NJ to OR. Loaded up family and belongings and drove from there to Corpus Christi TX.

Soon after arriving there, Anitra Joanne was born on (1/14/49). I sang to her before she put in a visible appearance. Her first words weren't words. She hummed one of the tunes I had been singing to her before she was born. Someone said he didn't believe in prenatal experience and went on to say his mother dropped a phonograph record when she was carrying him "". but it didn't affect me, affect me, affect me." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " Blessed Is He Who Has His Quiver Full..." (Psalm 127:5) 1944-1971

CHAPTER EIGHT Page 52 Gary Thomas was born to us 111611950 without fanfare except that he was so ugly looking that Pawnee was certain he wasn't hers. If he weren't such a fine Christian man today, he'd sue me for ugly remarks. Actually, the forceps delivery was quite difficult. Since then, there is no doubt who fathered him. He's handsome and looks just like me, but without the warts!

We left Corpus Christi in January 1951, bought a house in Odell OR (Hood River Valley) and I went aboard an Aircraft Carrier in Bremerton W A and spent the next two years touring the Sea of Japan. The Korean hills were often visible and so was "Artic sea smoke" on cold mornings. Its formation is caused by water vapor rising from the warm water into ice cold air.

Pawnee became a part of everything she could get to, and she had our new Kaiser auto we had bought shortly before leaving Corpus Christ. It had POWER! and she used it. The Dee Hwy had a sharp curve hidden by trees and a Rail Road Crossing with no warning signs. The train to Parkdale only went up and back once a day, a distance of 17 miles.

She came around the curve and realized she was seeing box cars going by. She did not "freeze," as many would, but made a 90 degree right turn into space not much wider than the car, between the train and a high bank. Then she had to have a Trainman back the car out for her. Even though she expected a "chewing out," she wrote and told me about it. I stopped worrying about her driving. She had shown great presence of mind and I was proud of her.

She joined the Eastern Star (Ladies Masonic Order), the Methodist Sunset Circle, began work at the Odell Fruit-Packing House, and attended where my brother preached each Sunday. She kept after Walt to tell her what the church's creed was: "Every church has a creed, what's yours?" He kept trying to tell her there wasn't a written one accepted, "Just the Bible."

Walt and Jewel kept studying with her and before I came home she was baptized and that meant attendance three times a week and getting three children ready. Once, during that time, Ship to Shore phone calling was set up and I called. Arrangements were made for her to use the neighbor's phone. She had a sore throat! The Operator kept telling her to speak up! Finally, the neighbor gave her a whiskey-toddy and that helped so that I could hear her.

Picture the following scene that took place at the Grange Hall. Meetings there were big events for the fruit growers of the valley and Pawnee and the children attended with Walt & Jewel. Walter: "Mama had some whi ... " "WALTER!" "Mama had ... " "WALTER!" (faster) "Mama had some whiskey." And then, red-faced, she had to explain why. Her family, my brother and his wife, were of help but she did a fine job managing a home while I was gone. ******* I turned my life over to the Lord shortly after arriving at my next duty station: the Navy Postgraduate School at Monterey. I must admit, there were times when I took it back again, but we won't go into that! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Blessed 15 He Who Has His Quiver Full ... " (Psalm 127:5) 1944 - 1971

CHAPTER EIGHT Page 53 On 10/23/53 (Pawnee was now 27 and 1 lacked three weeks of being 34) twin boys (Wayne & Duane) were born at Ft. Ord Army Hospital. As soon as they could walk, Anitra dressed them up as girls: Sally & Mary. She had wanted a sister! * * * * * * * We could talk about Gary's illness (Glomular Nephritis: Brights Disease) at 6 years and its recurrence twice thereafter; about Wayne's near electrocution (good thing his diaper wasn't wet!); other childhood illnesses, but we'll jump to 1965, after our move to Portland.

Walter joined the Coast Guard and was stationed in New York. Gary and the Twins started paper routes and kept them until we sold our home on 127th. Anitra and Gary were attending Columbia Christian College and the Twins were in Columbia Christian High School at the time of this next incident.

While living on 127th, there was a College Lectureship at the Eastside church. One evening, seated at the dining table, 1 remarked, "1 was called on to lead the prayer at the Lectureship today." Silence. No comment. No one saying, "Hey! Great dad!"

I said, 'Well, it was something of an honor. After all, there were about 500 people there. '

One kid said, "More like 300." Another said, "Over half of them were women and children, so that cuts it down to about 100." Another said, "They only call on preachers to lead prayer so that brings it down to about 10." A fourth kid spoke, "Yeah, and since nine of them were on the program, what other choice did they have?" That's called "cutting dad down to size; puncturing pompous pride" and they were good at that! * * * * * * * Later, Walter married a New York girl, and two boys (Sean & Tom) were born. He agreed to giving her a divorce so she could marry another. Then, while living with us in Illinois, he married Carol and another boy (Ian) was born. All three boys live back East. Both Sean & Tom are married. [an has finished College. Carol Pegg, Ian's mother, sent me the FROG items: Fully Rely On God.

While working with an oil-exploration crew, Walter was killed in a helicopter crash in the bad lands of North Dakota. I was asked what it felt like to lose a son and I replied, 'I don't know. I'm sti 11 in shock.' Even so, I know my Lord does all things well, so I don't question it. * * * * * * * Anitra finished College, married, and while working at Tectronics in Beaverton, she wrote some beautiful songs (words and music to a dozen or more). She has always been musically talented (prenatal influence?): She has sung professionally, played the flute as "The voice of the Robin" in "The Secret Garden" in Portland, and also plays the Piano, Organ, Piccolo, and Guitar.

With good reason, Anitra divorced after 16 years and married Robert Cameron. If proper respect for vows and treatment count for anything, he has been her first husband. He calls her Annie, and so I refer to this song, Anitra wrote, as Annie's song which she titled: "You Gave Me Life." She began it with the chorus. LEARN fNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Blessed Is He Who Has Hi s Quiver Full.. ." (Psalm 127:5) 1944 - 1971

CHAPTER EIGHT Page 54 CHORUS © view, You gave me life and I love You. You gave me morning and sun, CHORUS You gave me meadows to run, You gave me ... You gave me star shine, mountains and dew, Jesus, my Savior, you're first in my heart, You gave me life and I love you. We'll walk together, we never will part, I can be strong if I know I'm with you, Life was as dreary, as dreary could be, You gave me life and I love You. I had a great love, but that love was me, You came along helped me find a new (Repeat Chorus)

Here are two more of her songs. I think you'll like them. She has written several. She has the songs copyrighted. (I "know" the music but I don't know how to put it on paper. Ask her.)


Well, isn't it strange, it's a puzzle to me, And the King has decreed that whoever They kil.led a man & it should have been would flee me From the powers of the world should And He never told them they'd made a forever be free. mistake He just let them kill Him for my soul was Repeat Chorus at stake.

Chorus HE'LL ALWAYS SATISFY ME © But why? He was holy, He was pure, He was just Jesus took all of my sins, And me, well I'm lower than the wind­ And nailed them to Calvary's tree; driven dust In Him life's beauty begins, On the road where he walked, by the In Him I'll ever be free. river, by the sea Wonderful, wonderful sight, And the Son of a King died for me. Jesus, my Savior I see; In Him I'll stay, walk every day; Well, isn't it strange, it's a puzzle to me, He'll always satisfy me. This all took place in a far century; And He never knew me, never looked on I was alone and so lost, my face, Searching for reality, And yet I am saved by His infinite grace. Night times I'd turn and I'd toss, Terrible visions I'd flee; Chorus Saw on a hill far away, Something like eternity; Well, isn't it strange; it's a puzzle to me, Knelt at the cross, gave up my dross; Through this man's death I can live He'll always satisfy me. eternally, LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Blessed Is He Who Has His Quiver Full ... " (Psalm 127:5) 1944 - 1971

CHAPTER EIGHT Page 55 [Anitra & Bob were part of the Christmas Revels cast for several years. It has a large core group that plays in major cities around the Nation every year. One year in Portland a dancer who has danced before the King of Norway. Yearly, they emphasize the cultures of different Nations. Bob has lost interest in performing there but Anitra has continued her participation.] * * * * * * * Gary's birth, at Corpus Christi TX, (11/6/50) lacked two months of following Anitra's by two years. He finished two years at Columbia Christian College in Portland and then went on to finish the next two years at Oklahoma Christian College. While there he married Pamela Skelton, an only child of Arthur & Peggy Skelton of Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Pam finished the four years in 2 Yz and then had to wait for her class to graduate 1Y2 years later to learn her standing. She graduated Suma Cum Laude. She says that she graduated "Praise the Lordy." She is a poet with unusual depth of insight. If you read the Dedication page, you read one of hers. I plan to add more of them at the end ofthis book.

Gary preached for Franklin LA for over 15 years while working full-time in Social Services for the State of . The church in Franklin would buy him a new set of tires, now and then, since he drove to Franklin from New Iberia. Such was his church income!

Pam taught at an Ace (Accelerated Christian Education) School. Her pay was free tuition for her children of which, after adopting four more, they had six. Of two birth daughters, three adopted daughters, and one adopted son, (Jerry, the only one now at home), who is the youngest.

The oldest "birth" daughter was AIM's (Adventures in Missions) youngest "Aimer" ever when she was accepted into the program at Lubbock TX. After 7 months of schooling, she spent two years as a Missionary in , Ecuador. She was upstaged by a younger sister who was also 16 but three months younger than Catherine when she was accepted into AIM. Anitra Susan spent two years in Kocise Slovakia after her 7 months of schooling in Lubbock.

Catherine has graduated from Harding U. in Searcy AR where she has done considerable translating of Spanish to English and vice versa. She, and her husband, are moving from Arkansas to Portland OR planning to arrive 9/5/01. Her Company is allowing her to relocate there. They plan to spend a few weeks in our home while we travel back to places we have been in the past. * * * * * * * Of our twins, Wayne is a few minutes the older. He has a son & two daughters, two of whom are married and he is a grandfather of a grandson living in Spokane-W A with his parents, and a grandfather of a granddaughter living with her parents in Kennewick WA. Wayne has a high position with Boeing of Everett WA. Wayne's son (Jason) is bringing a singing group from Spokane this month to sing in Lincoln City on 8/25 and at our worship service 8/26. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Blessed Is He Who Has His Quiver Full..." (Psalm 127:5) 1944 - 1971

CHAPTER EIGHT Page 56 Wayne has taken time out, each year for several years now, to travel from where he lives, near Everett W A, to Farewell Bend on the eastern border of Oregon to fish with his dad. We fish for catfish in the Snake River. It's a no-limit area where we have never been completely "skunked." Wayne is quiet, but still waters run deep! * * * * * * * Duane, the other twin, is a Dentist. He has two offices: one in Westport WA and one in Raymond W A (keeps him busy). His wife is a Dental Assistant and is of great help in his work. He does the dental work, for all his kin, free of charge, and they fly from the Southland to have their dental work done! 'Tis cheaper to buy a plane ticket than to pay Louisiana fees.

He IS an excellent Dentist and believes in preventive medicine. He and his wife are very active where they attend worship. His oldest son is a Youth Minister in Virginia and has been a Portland Radio Announcer. Duane is also (three times) a Grandfather but not by his oldest son. * * * * * * * Going back in time to our departure from Portland to Albuquerque, when we left Portland, the twins had just finished the first semester of their Senior Year at Columbia Christian High School. They were both active in sports. Duane had grown the faster of the two and had trouble, at times, in knowing just where his feet were. Wayne was the more athletic. They had 100 students in the school. They won a District Meet in Basketball against like-size schools.

Their soccer team played against schools of all sizes in Portland and the surrounding area. They beat Parkrose, a large school in Portland, twice during the season. Their win-loss record, was good enough to send them to State, again against schools of every size. At State, Columbia Christian came in Third. Wayne was voted Most Valuable Player.

We, and others, thought it a travesty to take them out of Columbia Christian High School when they were but one semester away from graduating with their classmates of four years. We left them behind when we moved.

So we left the twins in Portland. Wayne stayed with Claud (remember the name?) & Regina Miller. Duane stayed with the Harpers who had a daughter, Beth. One time when Beth & Duane were scuffling in the yard, Beth threw him over her shoulder onto his back. He said, "How'd you do that?!" He landed on his back again! He didn't ask her to show him another time. * * * * * * * (Which brings to mind of a time when we had left Gary at the downtown Honolulu church building. We had a station-wagon load of our kids, and a neighbor'S kids, so we hadn't missed him. Another member brought him home. Gary was the first one to climb in over the tail-gate after that!)

Five kids can get rambunctious! We threatened to move away some day, when they were all away somewhere, and not leave a forwarding address. In the process of moving, we had been too busy with packing, goodbyes, other needs: Utilities, etc., we hadn't had time to write. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " Blessed Is He Who Has His Quiver Full .. " (Psalm 127:5) 1944 -1971

CHAPTER EIGHT Page 57 Gary was signing up for a course at the Univ. of Okla .. Someone saw him put his address on the form and said, "Gary, your folks don't live there." Gary replied (probably from past experience), 'Oh? Where do you think they live?' "Albuquerque NM." 'What makes you think that?' "I read it in the Christian Chronicle."

So Gary put down: Address Unknown. "We had done what we had often threatened!" Within two days, or so, of getting settled in, we had written to him, and he visited us there on one of his weekends. * * * * * * * Time-Travel to a later time, when Duane was working as a Kaiser-Permanente Dentist Partner in Portland, one of his former teachers was in his chair. As he turned on the drill he threateningly said, "Do you remember that D you gave me in English?" She said, "Yes, I do - and you deserved it!" He said, "No I didn't - I deserved an F."

His grades weren't that good in High School. By the time he started College he was married, had two boys, and had enough of an inducement that they called him "curve-breaker." * * * * * * * We had left them a car to use when we left Portland. At their graduation from Columbia Christian, we flew back to be there. Loaded their clothes, and other such, that they had at the Harpers and the Millers, and we were on our way. Part of our trip into Nevada was by way of Mid-Southern Oregon. Lots of rabbits, and I told Pawnee not to try to miss them; you 're apt to wreck the car. The boys had pleasure saying: "Mom, got another notch in her steering wheel."

We drove by way of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado where I came down with a fever. (Possibly from watching them get too close to the edge! although Mom was the one doing the yelling.) They took turns, with their Mom, driving on to Albuquerque.

For a time, they were part of the High School class that met in our home. In the next Chapter, I will be sharing an unusual session that took place.

But now we leave Chapter Eight and go on to Chapter Nine to our V-Haul trip and stay in Albuquerque. I don't believe we have ever seen such rough roads, anywhere, as those we encountered in Arizona. But the truck was large enough to keep us from falling into the holes. (What if we had been driving a VW!) We did wonder how well our furniture was holding up. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Blessed Is He Who Has His Quiver Ful1. .. " (Psalm 127:5) 1944 -1971



1. Must we have a credo of some kind? [so, why the admonition to accept someone who is weak in the faith, "but not for disputes over opinions."? (Rom. 14:1) Does Titus 2: 1 contradict that in any way? But asfor you, teach what benefits sound doctrine." (Page 52)

2. Do persons with "a leadership position" tend to become puffed up - develop a sense of self-importance? (page 53)

3. We are told to weave a web of protection around our children. Do we sometimes attach the same importance to the brain children we "give birth" to? LEARNfNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "LOVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

CHAPTER NINE Page 59 Memory of our move to Albuquerque has dimmed. T remember that we ate as much of our fruit as we could manage to ingest before reaching the California border. That which remained was taken from us. We bought more in California that wasn't taken from us in Arizona.

We were getting our kicks on Route 66 until we climbed into the mountains and encountered ice. The weight of the car towed behind the truck accentuated the sliding, but the Lord brought us to our destination unscathed except for an accelerated heartbeat. We had become a 2-car family in Portland; I had to use one car quite often on trips away from home.

If you have opportunity, take a trip to New Mexico. It truly is a Land of Contrasts. The city of Albuquerque was established long before the Pilgrims landed on our East Coast! It is nestled on a plain that is a mile high. To the north is Sandia Crest which is almost as high as Mt. Hood 's 11 ,225 ft, year-around snow-covered peak, in Oregon.

And yet, by following the highway to the north side of the mountain, one can drive to the peak! En Route, you pass the cave of "Sandia Man" where was found what may still be considered the oldest human skeleton discovered. From there, you can see planes flying below as they take off and land. You can also see the which runs north-south off to the west of Sandia Crest. There is a Cafe and a Shop at the top. There is another way to get to the restaurant on top: by taking the Cable Car at the foot of the mountain. Pawnee didn't want to try that!

Old Town Albuquerque is in the South-Center of the City. It has two buildings whose history dates back to the time of the Conquistadores. One is a Cafe (La Placita) whose walls are two-feet thick. They serve malicious sopapillas. (Why malicious? You tend to eat too many! Though Gary, at a later visit, didn't seem to get his fill!) The other is an old Spanish Mission.

There are many shops with wares of unusual quality made by the Indian Nations of New Mexico: Zuni, Navajo, Acoma, Laguna, Hopi and Jemez are a few that come to mind. There are many others, however those are the peoples I remember as being in the Albuquerque area.

Maria's pottery is beautiful with an artistry no one else can quite duplicate. It has also become ~ expensive. One Navajo rug, for which, along with blankets, they are famous, that was hung for display, was valued at $1200 - and this was in 1971. Their Turquoise jewelry is exquisite! Coal black stones called Apache tears are unique in quality. Clothing Imports from Central America, such as Guatemala, are reasonable and available. Many of their souvenirs will catch your eye. We enjoyed going to and went often.

We had not much more than got settled in before Silas Shotwell took us on a tour of old Spanish Missions, of which there were many. It was an all-day, very enjoyable trip. One of Silas' degrees dealt with Southwest history. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "LOVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

CHAPTER NINE Page 60 We returned north on a highway that took us through a town to the south of Albuquerque. Silas said, "Oh, Sock-a-row, first town I've been able to pronounce since we left Alba-cue-key." The following Sunday, in Bible class, Pawnee related highlights of the tour and mentioned Silas' taking us thru Sock-a-row, which brought grins, chuckles and then outright laughter.

Someone saw Pawnee's embarrassment and explained that it should be pronounced S'core­ oh. The correct spelling is Socorro. (1 was taught some Spanish while there: Como estas frijoles tennis shoes. Translation: "How you bean Keds?")

The building on Pennsylvania Street was quite large and impressive in that the "sanctuary" was built like a theatre. From the entrance the floor sloped to the stage. It offered good visibility, and sound, wherever you were seated. Classroom space on the first floor, and at higher levels, was more than adequate. Young people's classrooms were as numerous for grade levels as you would expect to find in a Public School setting. (The building has since been sold and a new one built closer to the foothills of Sandia. In 1971, there were ten churches of Christ in Albuquerque.) * * * * * * * In one of my Teen classes, I referred them to I Pet. 1:22 KN: Seeing that you have purified your hearts unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that you love one another fervently. J then asked the meaning of "unfeigned" and one of them answered: "Not fakey." 'Alright, that really says it. What is the meaning of fervently?' And one of them replied, "Give it all you've got!" I said, 'Great! Now let's apply those answers to the verse. Seeing that your hearts have been purified unto love of the brethren that isn't fakey, love one another giving it all you've got.

'Since I've been with you here in Albuquerque, I've noticed there is one young man none of you treat very well. He's in our class right now, and 1 think you know who it is I'm talking about. His dad left the family. His mother is an alcoholic and has to enter a clinic at times in order to sober up.

'This young man has a younger brother whose clothes he washes and irons. He gets him ready for school. He does the housework. He does the cooking. He works as the church janitor and at whatever job he can - grass-cutting and so on - to put food on the table. He does not ignore your class activities because he wants to. He has no other choice. And yet he is faithful to bring his little brother, and himself, to every class and church service.

'So now, tell me --- what do you think of your attitude toward this brother-in-Christ? Have you loved him with an unfeigned love? Do you show him love giving it all you've got, or have you treated him shabbily because he's poor?' Suddenly, there was the sound of sobbing and the shedding of copious tears. 1 shared an earlier prayer: 'God, help me to love, help me to love.' In following days, improved treatment of him, of one another and of others, was very noticeable. * * * * * * * Silas had heard of our work with small groups in POltland, and four groups were already meeting when we arrived. (One conducted by an elder who resigned as an elder about a month after I arrived there. Which was sad. He was a shepherd, not a cowpuncher.) LEARNfNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "LOVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

CHAPTER NINE Page 61 The congregation was cosmopolitan in nature, but the "melding pot" had already been in evidence. Someone commented on how pleasant sounding was the speech of a German sister. She said, "Oh! You sink I have an ags-sent?" The State has a very meaningful Spanish-Mexican heritage and we came to love their talented contributions to the church.

As further emphasis of New Mexico as a land of contrasts: on another trip, Silas took us through the Jemez Indian Reservation to Los Alamos where the A-Bomb was built. We then went from the Los Alamos Proving Grounds to the ruins of the Cliff Dwellers, a distance of 20 miles that took us from the "Atomic Age" to the "Stone Age!" As we looked down from above into the valley of the cliff dwelling Indians, Silas related to us the story of this ancient people.

He talked about the cave in the valley floor - how that it was their place of gathering for worship to the gods. History is lost of their departure from there. As Silas talked, we noticed a crowd gathering to listen. Some arriving later probably thought he was a tour guide. For us he was! I took a picture of Pawnee looking out of a cave entrance high on the cliff.

Once, when we came back from an Abilene Lectureship (Silas had got my small group meeting lessons as part of the Lectureship agenda), we stopped off at the Carlsbad Caverns (awesome). Then we returned by way of Cloudcroft where the highway took us through forests that reminded us of Oregon vistas. From there on to White Sands where the dunes are constantly on the move. The sand is as white as you could imagine it to be. Contrasts! One after another! * * * * * * * My stay wasn't all play. I was able to do follow-up studies with visitors to services and with others that church members had asked for someone to visit. I was kept busy.

Silas had gained the interest of each one of the Albuquerque churches of Christ for an Evangelism Clinic to be followed by a week of door-knocking. Prior team training was needed. Utilizing the centrally located facilities on campus at the Univ. of New Mexico in Albuquerque, he held weekly classes presenting an approach named for an outreach begun in Florida, but Silas added the fact that faith is demonstrated in baptism; that it is, itself, faith in action.

Virtually every student had obtained an ability to present the approach: "Have you come to a place in your life where you feel that, if you were to die tonight, you'd go to Heaven?" And then the question, "If you were to die tonight, and stand before God, and He were to say to you: 'Tell me, why should I let you into my Heaven?' What do you think you would answer?"

There was reply to be made to one who said he didn't believe in God or in heaven. And there was emphasis on the sinfulness of all. And then how Jesus was the answer God gave that would allow Him to admit once-sinful Savior-cleansed man into His presence. As a result of Silas' classes, baptisms were going on before the Clinic began. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "LOVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

CHAPTER NINE Page 62 Harvey Porter, minister to the Montgomery St. church of Christ, was a great help and many of his congregation took part. While he was with them, membership increased from 50 to 1000+.

An invitation went out to preachers across the U.S. to come and take part. Thirty, or more, came to hear lessons and to participate. They were going to be allowed to accompany teams knocking on doors, but they themselves were to be silent and not to enter into doorway conversations in any way, shape or form. They were to take note that in order to present the gospel, you need not be a professional.

Two of the preachers who attended had a part in my pilgrimage: Dale Smith and Jesse Clayton. Jesse was the preacher at the Park Forest IL church of Christ. Dale was at West Chicago. Before coming to the Clinic, Dale had won the Indiana Toastmaster's speaking championship, then the U.S., and then the International contest where he received the title of "The World's Greatest Speaker."

The evening before the door-knocking began, about 100 participants met together on a hill overlooking the City. There we sang hymns, but mostly we joined in a number of prayers for the people of Albuquerque; for a Spiritual revival. MANY were baptized at the churches of Christ in the City in the days that followed .

As an illustration to the truth that God can use anyone: there was one scruffy looking pair that many thought should not be allowed to knock on doors. That couple was the first to bring candidates for baptism to the church building!

One elderly lady (rough character), who had recently moved to the City from Alaska, was baptized. She attended a Ladies Bible Class that I happened to be teaching because Silas was away. At the end of the class, she exclaimed: "Damn, isn't this great! And we don't even have to pay for it!" I could wish everyone could be that appreciative and exuberant about their salvation. And I'm certain our Lord appreciated her comments also. * * * * * * * Silas had started his own Publishing Company called "Good News!" He had written a wealth of classroom materials he named "Spiritual Pediatrics," as well as materials dealing with presenting the gospel. Silas had me put together a book of instructions for starting and conducting small-group sessions. I titled it: ' ~recious Encounter.' Bill Henegar designed the cover. (Bill was a State Governor's Campaign Manager. He has been with Pepperdine for several years now.)

[At a much later date, when Silas was at Wenatchee, several hundred dollars of his work had been ordered by a group. (l cannot be more definite as to who because I have forgotten if it was a church, an individual, an eldership, and so I've said 'a group.') They would not pay for them or return them! Silas had to sell "Maria" pottery, furnishings, etc., to payoff indebtedness. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "LOVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

CHAPTER NINE Page 63 [Paul, in writing to the church at Corinth, spoke of perils he had undergone. A couple were these: "... in perils ji'om my own countrymen, ... , in perils from false brothers." (II Cor. 11 :26) Be warned: the harder you work for Jesus, the greater the troubles Satan will endeavor to plague you with! (Silas now heads up the Western Chapter of a mission to rescue "burned out" preachers and elders. It's called "Safety Net." One congregation asked Silas if he knew of a preacher who was a eunuch. Their last three preachers had ran off with members' wives!)]

The book was dedicated to my wife, £awnee ,Elizabeth who has been my most precious encounter. Every preacher present was given a copy. (The first edition sold out and I have not given permission for a second edition. However, many other such, as good or better, have been written and a second edition would be superfluous.)

After our preacher participants had gone home, report after report of people being brought to Christ, came back to us in Albuquerque. Preacher after preacher became excited about the approach and its ability to reach into hearts. Every one had a story to tell. * * * * * * * There was a congregation being started in a Chicago suburb by the West Chicago church of Christ. Dale Smith endeavored to get permission from the Penn. St. elders for me to move to Chicago to be the preacher for the new church. They answered that they had brought me from Portland to send as an evangelist to the Northwest and that that was where I was going to go.

It was to be to a congregation needing help - one without a preacher. To that end T made a flight to a church in SW Oregon. I arrived there on a Wednesday evening in time for the evening Bible Class. The teacher was more than somewhat on the legalistic side - excessively so, I might add. They supposed me to be a casual visitor not knowing I might be one seeking to work with them in a full-time capacity.

During the class, one who was a visitor asked the meaning of "Amen" and received an explanation of the Greek to which she seemed puzzled. It was apparent she hadn't understood.

I was allowed to speak and I said, "in the common vernacular, 'It means right on! You can say that again!"'(Learned that from my kids.) The teacher did not receive my response graciously.

She smiled and said, "Now that I can understand." But, while I was rather certain I wouldn't receive the nod to move there, I was more than certain that I did not want to. And I didn't make known my purpose in being there that evening. * * * * * * * A request came from a congregation in Pullman WA, the location of Wash. State University. I flew there with a flight change in Seattle. From Seattle to Pullman, I was able to present the gospel to the WSU Football Coach. No visible results therefrom, just a recognition from him that it was worth thinking over. LEARNrNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "LoVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

CHAPTER NINE Page 64 Imagine my surprise to discover that one of the church leaders was Obert Henderson. Obert was a Prof. at Wash. State and a cousin of my brother's wife! I had met Obert at a church potluck when I was 16 and he was 11. He said he knew me as a heathen then. (I was.) We both shared the same birth date: 11114. Other members of the congregation were a sister and brother­ in-law of my daughter's husband. It felt like old home week.

The members met and salary was discussed. I told them that Albuquerque's plan (as related to me when one of the elders called while I was in Portland), was to bring me there at a $200/week salary and to send me out with $200/week support.

They said that they would be able to provide half of that and Albuquerque could use the other $100 for other work. I reported back to Albuquerque and Pullman was agreed upon as the place they would help. But there was disagreement as to commitment made to me. They called me in to an elder's meeting. The elder who had called me in Portland denied having given me any salary figure. "What made you think we would pay you $200 per week?"

I said, 'Brother __, when you first called, you asked if! would be willing to come there at a $200 per week salary, and then to be sent out with $200 per week support. I agreed to that, and then you called back the next day and asked if I would agree to $10,000 per year. That worked out to about $192.50 a week, and 1 said that would be fine.

'However, my first check, after I arrived here, was $175, which you've been paying me these past seven months, and 1 have said nothing about it. Furthermore, Pullman isn't asking for the $200 support you said you'd give; rather only half of that. '

"I NEVER said anything about $200 a week or $10,000 a year either. But since you told Pullman that, we'll support you at $100 a week for the first year. Then, if you're half as good as you think you are, you'll have increased the membership to where they can take over all of your salary. So we will support you there for one year and then we' ll make an evaluation of results." * * * * * * * What then exacerbated matters was that which followed the meeting with the elders. Silas asked me why the elders had called me in for a meeting. 1 told him what had taken place. He was incensed. "Marvin, 1 know what you were told, and I know what the Deacons had offered as well. Contributions have increased by twice that which you were promised. And to top that off, Pullman hasn't asked but for a $100 support anyway!"

Pepperdine's President (Bill Banowsky) had been after Silas to come there as "Assistant to the President." Silas wrote letters to the membership telling them what the elders had said to me. The elders asked him to apologize. The next Sunday, following a short sermon, he apologized for having sent the letters. Then he said, "I am resigning as of today. Edna Mae and I are moving to Los Angeles where I'll be working at Pepperdine University." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WfNNER "LOVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

CHAPTER NINE Page 65 We made preparations to move to Pullman WA. Oh, the twins had already left for Pateros WA to work in the 400-acre orchard of a Camp Yamhill friend's dad: Jack Nickell, who was on the Board of Columbia Christian Schools. They took one of the cars and Pawnee learned just what "Pray without ceasing" meant.

Some of the stunts they pulled later on were much more hair-raising: "White Water Rafting," jumping into the river from the tower structure of a railroad bridge. 'Wayne, why did you do that?' "Because a train passing underneath was shaking it! I had to jump before I got thrown off!" Duane became engaged, started hanging on to his money, and the other young fellows working there started calling him "Super Jew!" I'd say that was a compliment. * * * * * * * Every time I had gone to visit Silas & Edna Mae in their home, 1 had to stop and admire the water-color painting of a cowboy (his horse behind him) opening (or closing) a wire gate. It looked so much like an area in Montana where I had spent a summer on my Uncle's Cattle Ranch that each time I had to stare at it again.

One evening, I came home from a study and there was the painting on the sofa of our apartment. I knew the Shotwells were leaving on a trip, so I said to Pawnee, 'Did Silas bring that over here for safe-keeping?' She said, "No. Silas gave that to you." I said, 'Sure he did. Now why did he leave it here?' She replied, "Like I said, he gave it to you."

The painting was done by H.C. Zachary who is in the Cowboy Hall of Fame and, until he started doing the art work for The Herald of Truth, was himself a cowboy. Silas took us to visit the Zachary's when we were in Abilene. When Silas & Edna Mae returned, I said, 'Silas. I can't accept that painting. It's too valuable. You shouldn't give it away!'

He said, "Marvin, I wouldn't want to give you something that wasn't valuable. I love you too much to give you something not worth anything." All I could say then was 'Thank you.' * * * * * * * Remember the "rough talking" lady from Alaska? By the way, she was in her 80's. I recall one of the Ladies Bible Class members saying to her, "Oh, you're all excited now, but you'll get over it." !! I was too stunned by the remark to think of a reply. There are still times, when something like that is said, by a brother or a sister, that I get tongue-tied.

'Lord, help each and every one of Your children to get excited, and remain excited, with a realization of Your presence now, and with the joy that will surpass all knowledge when we get home to be with You in Heaven!' I hope she never got over her excitement. We stand in peril even among well-meaning(?) brethren at times.

As we were getting ready to drive away, she came with a basket of goodies of every kind imaginable. Pawnee and I didn't have to stop at Cafes on the way, and we still had "picnic" stuff all the way to Pullman! Chapter Ten is next. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "LOVE, GENUINE AND UNCONDITIONAL" 1971

Chapter Nine Page 66


1. Page 60 tells of a teen-age class study. What was its theme? What can we learn there-from that will help us to win souls to Christ?

2. Page 61 briefly touches on the "Silas-Shotwell-Approach" in sharing the gospel. Wish there were more on the subject? You will find it when we come to Chap. 15.

3. Do we need special qualifications in order to win souls to Christ? (Page 63)

4. Not necessarily through whom, but from what persistent enemy, will discouragement originate? (Page 63)

5. An addition to the story of the "rough character," spoken of on page 62, was the comment from a class member, to her, as follows: "You've got a lot of excitement now, but you'll get over it." Has that happened to you? Is this study helping you to regain some of the excitement you once had? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF yOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 67 Our furniture had been collected from three "storage" places: Silas & Edna Mae's home, the church building, and our apartment, and packed once more into a V-Haul with a towing hitch: our car being towed unseen behind the truck (that is, unseen at the start!).

We went by way of "Four Corners" where (theoretically, if not in reality) you could place your feet just right and be standing in New Mexico, Arizona, Vta:h and Colorado all at one and the same time! We traveled north, in Colorado for our first time, near its western border, eventually crossing over into Utah, and thence into Idaho.

Somewhere near Boise we swung north again. Had I known what we were in for, I may have continued west into Oregon and taken a circuitous route into Washington and approached Pullman from the north! Being unaware of the perils ahead I, in blissful ignorance, tackled White Bird Hill. (To allay fears, that highway has since been "leveled out" and guard rails are in view.)

On some of those turns, I could see the taillights of our car, and I wasn't sure but what we might run into the car's rear bumper! There were miles and miles of climb through McCall and the town of White Bird. A little further is a sign saying ski resort. (That was believable inasmuch as you are surely at the top ofthe Rockies! Well, it seemed like it!)

From there it is twisting, turning, tipping the truck (the weight of the car towed behind may have kept it from tipping onto its side!) down through the Nez Perce (Nay Per-say) Indian Reservation lands into Lewiston ID. From there it's a steep, twisting highway out of the gorge to the plateau where Pullman lies.

I had been to Pullman by Air travel. Pawnee hadn't seen the country, but after the trip by truck there was little left to be nervous about. Growing wheat, on immense wheat fields, moved with the breeze in such a way as to appear as waves on the sea. On hill-sides we saw combines with one wheel well below the other to enable them to traverse the sides of the hills. We were told that the land was so fertile that they had turned it up on end so they could farm both sides.

Pullman itself, seems to have been built down in a bowl with several "V' s" around its rims for "pouring out its contents" by means of Highways to north, northeast, east and south. To Pawnee, its appearance reminded her of "the seven hi lis of Rome." In the winter, when the hills were snow covered, we noticed that each and every way home was up one of those hills!

A prestigious University (Wash. State) is located on its eastern side. (Eight miles to the east is another College: the Univ. of Idaho at Moscow ID.) While by no means their only offerings, Wash. State is primarily an Agricultural Univ. and has one of the best Veterinary­ Medicine programs in the country. Their mascot is a Mountain Lion and thus their football team is known as the Cougars. The State of Wisconsin, and Tillamook in Oregon, process superb cheeses, but you haven't lived until you've sampled Washington State University's "Cougar Gold." You must be registered to purchase -- get in line! * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 68 Upon arrival, we were provided a good-sized group to unload our belongings and we were soon ensconced within a large home the church provided for us. We were near the top of one hillside. The church's building was on College Avenue halfway up an adjacent hillside - Wash. State University campus at the top.

As would be expected, church membership was primarily College students and Instructors (Professors and Instructor Assistants). Also, similar to Ketchikan AK (see Ch. 7), it was a mixed group coming out of different "Restoration Movement" backgrounds.

"Restoration" referring to a time in America's early history when there was a move to drop man-made creeds and return to the New Testament for faith and practice. One of the prime events, along that line, took place in August of 1801 in what later came to be called the "Cane Ridge Meeting" in Kentucky. (We heard Silas present this 200 years later at Hood River 8/5/01).

Seven Evangelists from the following Denominations: Presbyterian, Baptist & Methodist churches preached simultaneously to groups of listeners numbering 5,000 who had traveled from far places (many were without any church affiliation) to hear what this ecumenical group was advocating. There were no hotels or cafes in Cane Ridge but these were Pioneer stock! They were used to bringing their necessities and to living out of wagons where they traveled.

These seven were all urging believers to return to the Bible and to permit Jesus, who had established His church, to be its Head. It was a grand and glorious plea that caught on like wild fire! One hundred years later, men arose who saw themselves as being defenders of the faith! As a result, there developed a "Heinz Variety" of practices. The unity of believers, who claimed to have no creed but the Christ, no book but the Bible, was rent asunder. * * * * * * * Just as the Ketchikan church was unique, the Pullman church was unique as well. Strength can be found in diversity! Talents can be expressed where there is acceptance among believers! My desire to "go to Ketchikan" was fulfilled in the make-up of the Pullman church. I was happy even though that same diversity brought problems that saw a few withdraw themselves, which I will discuss later.

In the past, letters had been sent to Restoration Movement churches to the effect that, if they had young people coming to Wash. State Univ., we would warmly welcome their worship with us. Obert and Juanita Henderson did the lion's share of getting those invitations sent each year. We heard from several that it was our invitation that had brought them to the University at Pullman and to worship assembly with us.

Even several from the University of Idaho came to attend with us. One fellow from Idaho Dan Rich, attended a Monday night College class at our home. (We still hear from Dan today. After attending colleges in Virginia and New York, today he is Dr. Dan Rich, has a prestigious position with a well-known Company. I'll be writing more about Dan in later chapters.) * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 69 Advertisements in the College paper, and in Pullman's City paper, were inexpensive and I began making use of that. I wish now that I had kept copies of the ads we placed because now I have to improvise their content. However, I do remember enough to write an approximation of a few of them.

"Looking for a place to stay? We're advertising high-price housing requiring a complete commitment. Celestial Real Estate. In my Father's house are many mansions. (John 14:2) High interest demanded! To hear more, call Marvin, REAL estate agent, at ...... "

Another: "Worried? Concerned? High blood pressme? It can be injurious to your health, you know. Cast aI/your care upon Him, because He cares/or you. (I Pet. 5:7) Before seeing a doctor, call upon one who Scripture calls the Great Physician. Dial ...... for a check-up."

"Wishing you well with your CoHege Studies. The Psalmist of old had another reason to read. He said, Your word have I hid in my heart that I might /lot sill against You. (Psa. 119: 11) Campuses can be high-temptation locales. Join a Bible study that meets at Marvin's. We'll arrange for another student to bring you. Dial ...... for additional information."

Make a visit to a young lady by myself? Never! One young man was a tremendous help. Steve was the brother-in-law of our daughter's husband (married to his sister, Cherry) and a Senior at Washington State. He went with me on every call. We even made calls to a few students at the University of Idaho, although they were referrals rather than answers to ads. * * * * * * * One call to meet me came from a male caller. He asked to meet me at the College Cafeteria. He introduced himself as a Campus Minister and wanted to know where I got off preaching a salvation by works. I asked him what he was referring to, and he said, "You preach baptism as necessary to salvation. That's salvation by works. Salvation is by grace through faith."

I said, 'Jesus commanded baptism. But I have a question to ask of you. Do you believe repentance is necessary as a step toward salvation?' He said that he did. I then said, 'Do you believe that confession is a needed step?' He said that he did.

I said that I agreed with him on both counts because Jesus commanded both. 'Jesus also commanded baptism. And it is not something you do to yourself. Someone else has to bury you. You needn't move a muscle when you are baptized. However, in order to confess Jesus as Lord, you have to move muscles in your throat and in your lips. Does that make confession a work?

He, angrily, jumped to his feet and left the Cafeteria. I never saw him again. As a matter of fact, every one of them is a work: repentance, confession and baptism, but they are God's works, not man's. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus UlltO good works, that we should walk il1 them. (Eph. 2: 10) * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF yOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 70 The Lord gave us the ads! As a result of them, and of Steve and our follow up on phone calls, we baptized many students that first semester. They were not the only ones who gave their lives to the Lord. The wife of the Manager of Air West in Pullman saw the ad regarding health and high blood pressure. She was the only person I have met (although undoubtedly there are others) who took her blood pressure every day! After being buried with her Lord, her new life in Christ left out the need to constantly check her blood pressure. She lived in downtown Pullman. * * * * * * * I was told that two people, who attended regularly, had never been baptized and that other preachers had studied with them. I was given some of their personal history. Frederick Dumin was a Professor and the Head of the History Dept. at Wash. State. His wife, Lilo Levi, was Jewish by birth. Professor Durnin's dad was a Lutheran Minister in Germany when Hitler came to power, and he got Fred & Lilo out of Gennany before the Nazi pogrom began.

They agreed to a study with me which we conducted in their home. He told me that his father worked hard for the Lord and that he had not been baptized. Since he was sure that his dad was in heaven (sans baptism) that he didn't need to be baptized either. Listen to the answer God gave me to say to them.

Fred, no one can say whom God will, or will not, can)' to Himself. A word from God that illustrates the truth of that: He said, I will have mercy on whoml will have mercy. It will be up to each individual to respond to the knowledge God has given him.

'Fred, do you believe that your father was an honest man who would have obeyed every truth that God presented to him? He said yes. Would he have wanted you to do the same? He then said, "Lilo, we need to be baptized." (They later visited us in Illinois. There's a story there, although they slept through it. It's in the next chapter.) * * * * * * * After our twins finished work on the Nickell ranch, we helped them get moved to Pullman. They both got work as cooks at a Restaurant on the southeast side of Pullman, near the College. Duane had had a High School Subject that required on-the-job training at a Portland Restaurant, and had experience. Three young ladies they had met at Camp Yamhill, in the coastal mountains, came to visit. I later returned from Illinois to officiate their weddings to two of the girls.

Duane read in a W.U. College bulletin that a certain individual had just made the first hole­ in-one on the campus golf course. Duane exclaimed, "That's not true. Wayne made a hole in one a month ago!" They had teed off and then couldn't find Wayne's ball. One of them said, "Maybe it went in the hole" and that's where they found it! Since they were neophytes, they supposed that's what it was supposed to do. So they hadn't mentioned it to anyone. * * * * * * * We later installed four men as elders at Pullman: Obert Henderson, A. L. Betts (a Math. Professor at W.U., Vern Skelton (who headed up ODOT in the County), and Frank Hazen (who was working on the Hells Canyon Dams. Frank & Prudence (Prudy) Hazen were good friends of Claud (remember that name?) and Regina Miller who often visited Pullman to see the Hazens. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 71 A. L. Betts was a Rotary Club Member in Pullman and helped me to become a Rotarian. His wife, Irma, was a Deputy Sheriff and when "ladies" were arrested, she had to stay with them overnight, at the Jail. They had an aerie home at the end of the road high in the mountains north of Moscow ID.

Ofttimes, when they had visiting "Firemen" (Professors) from out of State to their home for dinner, A. L. would say, "When Irma doesn't come home at night, I know just where she is; she's in Jail." Irma would hasten to explain. However, one time she just let his statement hang without making any explanation. He was so embarrassed at having to explain, that he never said that again.

Vern and Marge Skelton, with their children, lived to the north toward Colfax W A. The family was truly a credit to the congregation in every way. No relation to a daughter-in-Iaw's parents with the same last name. Vern and Obert helped intercept barbs that were thrown at me. * * * * * * * One example: I was asked by a couple if I could come visit them the next evening (Monday). "Just you, Marvin; not Pawnee or the boys. We wish to discuss some things with you." "We" (as I discovered after I got there) turned out to be three more couples.

That evening, after dinner, the nine of us (post-grad students, wives. and I) were seated in the living room. The host then said, "Marvin, the reason we wanted to talk with you is because we are dismayed that you do not believe in the God-breathed Inspiration of the Scriptures."

I replied, 'Whatever are you talking about. Both of my sermons yesterday were on that very subject. What do you mean: I don't believe in it?'

"Oh, we know that you say that you do. But it's obvious that you do not!" I replied, 'All right, you must have some reason for saying that. Let's hear it.'

"Marvin, as long as you've been here, we haven't heard one sermon against instrumental music in the church; nor one sermon against The Herald of Truth (radio broadcast sermons of the Highland church of Christ coming out of Abilene TX). Nor have we heard you preach anything against Orphan Homes or the indwelling ofthe Holy Spirit."

I had answers. 'Let's look at your objections one by one; instrumental music first. This congregation is made up of people from all over with different backgrounds. They are meeting with us because we're the only "baptismal-regeneration, weekly communion service," group for miles around. They aren't insisting that we strike-up-the-band. But if! get up and preach against instrumental music, half of our congregation will get up and leave!'

'As far as The Herald of Truth is concerned, as long as I have anything to say about it, not one cent of your contribution will be sent in support. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) \971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 72 My wife and I will continue to help them but it has always been a separate and extra thing with us; not something that takes anything from what we purpose to contribute to the church treasury. The church has never sent them anything.

'When it comes to Orphan Homes, isn't it a pity that we aren't doing something there? The Pullman church doesn't take part in that. I don't either. We should. But it isn't up to me, or to you either, to dictate to someone else's conscience. Each child of God should listen to his own heart and prompting from the Lord.

'Now, your last point: my Bible says that if anyone has not the Spirit of God he is none of His! I'm sorry, I can't back down an inch on that point. I believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and I will teach such.'

Our host, speaking for all of them, and I think they wanted a scapegoat to blame for their intent (In a Bible class Obert challenged one for saying he didn't always agree with Paul.) He said, "That's what we thought you'd say. We are going to begin meeting in Moscow ID."

Jesus told His disciples not to discourage those who were casting out demons in His name. He said, "Don't stop them." (Mark 9:38-39) Paul said, It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out ofgood will. ... But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. (Phil. 1: 15& 18)

The church at Moscow thrived for a time and, because of a proximity to where they lived, others of our members met with them for awhile. But most of them came back later and the church there eventually closed its doors. Which was too bad. It could have been a great base from which to reach University of Idaho students. But then, nothing established on negativism can hold up for very long. * * * * * * * One Sunday morning, after preaching a sermon on love, a visitor met me, as we were leaving the building, to say "I believe that was the greatest sermon I have ever heard. I hope one day you can preach that at the church in (central Washington) where I attend."

I got home, just in time to pick up the ringing phone, to hear: "That was the worst sermon I have ever heard. Why don't you pack up your bags and leave?" The caller didn't identify himself. I told Obert Henderson about it. "Don't let it worry you. You're needed here." ******* Bishop Kinsolving (protege of Bishop Pike) spoke at a University in Central Washington at Wenatchee. His hobby was "Situation Ethics" and his address inflamed the Denominational preachers that came to hear him. He challenged them to a debate. No one accepted his challenge. The preacher at the Wenatchee church of Christ heard about it and wrote to Kinsolving to accept his challenge. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 73 Kinsolving said that he couldn't make another trip there but that he was due to speak at Wash. State Univ., and he named the date. The Wenatchee preacher called me to say that he could not come to Pullman and would I meet Kinsolving in debate.

I knew I would be in way over my head if I were to try to debate a Scholar few others would tackle. So I called Prentiss Meador in Seattle. He said he couldn't come. He then referred me to Jim Reynolds who was preaching in a California church of Christ. I had heard Jim speak at one of the Columbia Christian College Lectureships.

Jim said that he would be glad to meet Kinsolving. He, and another Christian man, came to stay with us in our home before the meeting was to take place. They met, a day or two later, in a jam-packed 1,000-seat auditorium on Campus. Kinsolving's argument was that the situation determined whether a thing was good or bad.

I remember the example he presented, of someone who had sex with a Prison Guard to become pregnant so she could obtain release and return home. I don't remember Jim's reply. He did enlarge on Kinsolving's example. He made such a strong rebuttal that Kinsolving lost his cool. Students with questions, that were intended to back Kinsolving, were ranted at by him.

The following day, when Kinsolving was to make his presentation to the College students, a few of us went to hear what he would say to them. In that lOOO-seat auditorium (and he was accustomed to a packed house) there were less than 100 scattered around to hear him. I dare say he never extended another challenge anywhere.

Jim stayed a week with us and held a meeting on Campus. It was a smaller meeting place but was an SRO (standing room only) event. Visitor attendance at services, and at our Monday night College class, increased considerably. At a later date, I got to hear Jim again. He was on a Lectureship at Pepperdine. He had stopped preaching however, and had become a Lawyer. * * * * * * * I arranged for a Bible study with a Teller where we banked. She was from Ireland. In the study, I brought out how sin and God cannot dwell together. Her husband said, "I've never sinned." I was dumfounded. His wife said, "If my husband says he has not sinned, he has not sinned. AliI could think of to say was that those that are well need not the Physician. I should have asked them what they thought to be the meaning of sin.

Another failed study was with a College Student. After presenting the gospel, I asked if he believed all we had looked at. He said he did. I asked him if he was ready to be baptized. He said no. I replied, 'Why not?'

He said, "I'd have to change my life style and I'm not ready to do that." He had counted the cost and wasn't ready to pay. Ah, but the Scripture says, "Come and buy wine without price." On the other hand, "The wages of sin is death. " There are hidden costs in doing your own thing. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 74 Silas Shotwell, the preacher at Albuquerque's Pennsylvania Street church, resigned because he believed I had been unfairly treated by their elders, and had moved to become the Assistant to the President of Pepperdine University in California. It became apparent that some of the "fallout" (blame for his leaving) dropped upon me, and it should.

I made certain of sending a report to them every month, but not once did I ever hear back from them. Jesse Clayton decided that 10 years at Park Forest was long enough. He had been at our Evangelism Clinic in Albuquerque and thought I might be looking for a congregation with which to work. He recommended me to the Park Forest elders.

They made a conference call to me in Pullman to see ifT might be interested. I told them: "I want to stay in Pullman. However, the Albuquerque elders have left my support in doubt, and Pullman, with a poor financial base of College Students, is not able to provide a living wage." They asked me to find out what Albuquerque's plans were.

In my January report, I asked for their intent concerning my support. I did not receive an answer. In my February and March reports, I broached the subject again. Never an answer.

The Park Forest elders called to ask what I had learned and I told them that it was still up in the air - that I had asked Albuquerque for a reply but that I had not received an answer. They pressed me for a decision. I said that I didn't wish to leave before the W.u. School term had ended and that if I had not heard from Albuquerque by that time, I would be interested.

Silas called to see ifT could work with him in an evangelism presentation in Pontiac MI and I acquiesced - okay, I agreed :-). The Park Forest elders called to see if I could come back to Illinois and meet with them. We made arrangements for me to stop by to see them when I returned from Pontiac. Then my son called to say he was marrying a Fayetteville AR girl and could I come there and officiate. That first week in May was a busy one!

Walter's (Skip) wife had left him and had gone back to a lover in New York. She heard I was in Pontiac MI. She was visiting a friend near there and called to ask if I would meet with her. We met and she asked me to intercede with Walter to take her back. She had the boys with her. I suggested she return to Pullman and live with us for a time while I talked with him. I gave her money for the trip and she drove back.

From Pontiac, I took a bus to Park Forest and I was met by Don & Doe Whetstone. They became very dear friends and they have traveled back to the West Coast to visit us twice now. The visit with the elders was very enjoyable. They asked for me to return with Pawnee because "She needs to be a part of this decision also." [At a later date, we were picked up by two elders and their wives. They took us from O'Hare into Chicago. As we were pulling up to a stop light, Dick Shewmake (I believe it was) said "Lock your doors." Downtown? In broad daylight? That trip was fortunate. They realized that if they didn't take me, they wouldn't get Pawnee!] LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 75 From Park Forest, it was a plane trip to Tulsa OK. Art Skelton, the father of Gary's fiance met me there and then drove to Fayetteville which was no little distance away. On May 5th, Gary married Pamela Skelton. She's the poet I spoke of in an earlier chapter. Art and 1 discussed theology all the way back to Tulsa where I caught a plane to Pullman. * * * * * * * Walter was working for a Datsun Dealership in Portland. I called to see ifhe could give me a good deal and bring it to Pullman. He found Karen and the boys with us. They smoothed out their differences and he agreed to a new exchange of wedding vows. She left back to Portland with him and we started making payments on a Datsun.

Later in the year, J officiated at the weddings of, first Wayne, and then Duane. 1 don't know how often a preacher has given four of his boys the charge to exchange "I Do's" all in the same year! * * * * * * * Now it is the last of July and we're making plans to leave Pullman. The Park Forest elders told me, after we arrived, that they had called the elders at Albuquerque. They told them they had planned to continue my support at Pullman! They never did let me know it. Many a "marriage" has failed due to a lack of communication! * * * * * * * Being a retired military man, we made many trips to Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane. a distance of about ninety miles, to shop at the Commissary, the Post Exchange and for Medical care for both of us. The Military required that Pawnee have yearly cancer check-ups after her cancer surgery at Madigan Army Hospital at Ft. Lewis W A.

We made trips across the wide "Palouse," waving wheat country, back to the Hood River Valley to spend time with Pawnee's Parents and Siblings, and with my Mother, Sister and Brother. Peggy Marshall, a dear friend of Pawnee's, and a Secretary at Columbia Christian College, spent a week with us in Pullman.

[Now - at this writing: August 2001, a Grandson (Jason who is Wayne's son), his wife and son, are living in Spokane. Jason has his Master's Degree in Computer Science and a very successful business connected with it. That of which we are the proudest is his work with a church of Christ in Spokane. He is part of an a capella singing group that will be coming to Lincoln City to sing Sat. 8/25/01 in a public auditorium. The next day, Sun. 8/26, they will be conducting services in our church building. His sister and her family (Bonnie, Ryan and "Princess" Grace), who live in Kennewick WA, will also be with us.]

At one point during a Pullman winter, J was found to be a "walking Pneumonia" case. It was my first bout with such. Two more opportunities to wrestle with it followed several years later on. The third such, my fever was 104. Carol Seeley, door-knocking team member with me in Portland, now a nurse in Lincoln City, scared me! "You can fry your brain! See a Doctor!" What was that thought that came to your mind? You have to have a brain before you can fry it? Was that nice? J resemble that remark! * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "BEWARE WHEN ALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU" (Luke 6:26) 1971-1972

CHAPTER TEN Page 76 Chapter Eleven is next. We will be moving to Crawford Countryside, thirty miles south of downtown Chicago, to the "Park Forest" church of Christ. The church had its beginnings in a planned community to the south and east of Matteson (mailing address town for Crawford Countryside) called Park Forest. Crawford Countryside was a location on Crawford Avenue. After the church was duly registered as the "Park Forest church of Christ" a move was made to a large and newly built building on Crawford Avenue. Its registered name moved with it.

We had thought that there could never be a church as warm as the Seaside church of Christ on the Monterey Peninsula where I had put on my Lord in baptism. "Park Forest" was more than a carbon copy. The scenery left a little to be desired: corn and soy bean fields for miles and miles. Not too impressive.

But the people we came to know in Illinois, we also came to love. Were it not for Claud and Regina Miller, Pawnee's going back to College, and an incident involving a helicopter crash, we might still be there. But that's another story coming up in a later chapter.


I. What is meant by the term "Restoration Movement"? (Page 68)

2. "The children of men are wiser than the children of light " (Luke 16:8) Sometimes it is possible to borrow from them. Do you see an example of that in this chapter? (Page 69)

3. How can we counter someone's claim that baptism is a work? (Page 69)

4. The answer given to the History Professor came from Whom? (page 70) [This is another example showing we do not have to depend on ourselves for answers. Take courage!]

5. What is said in the 2,d paragraph on page 72 that might stand as a dictum?

6. Paragraph 6 on page 72 has a comment. Do you agree with the statement of the paragraph?

7. Some things demand we take a stand. Discuss that but don't quibble with another about it. After all, he has a right to be wrong? /(1\ !1\)\

8. Can a situation determine the good or evil of something, or does its very nature allow it to stand on its own two feet? (Page 73)

9. What would you have said to the Bank Teller and her husband? Would it have helped? (Page 73)

10. What do the results of the two failed studies teach, if anything?

II. For the main, the 20 baptisms at Pullman resulted from ads in the College paper. But even though we reached several, students and Post-Grad students are incapable of contributing a great deal in a financial way. We left Pullman because of a communication break-down! How important is it to keep lines-of-communication open in our lives? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 77 The Moving Co. arrived and household goods that had traveled from Oahu to Texas to Mt. Hood to Monterey to Oahu to Chula Vista to Mt. Hood to Portland to Albuquerque to Pullman were on the move again! Of course, some things had been discarded and others accumulated.

We were given a send-off by Obert & Juanita Henderson, and prayers were offered for our safe journey. We drove east through Moscow and Troy, then south of Hwy 3 crossing the Clearwater River to Hwy 12. Then the climb was up through beautiful Rocky Mountain vistas through Lolo Pass to Missoula.

We slept in our car in a well-lit parking lot and, after a fast-food breakfast, took 1-90 to Billings MT (where I had spent eleven years of boyhood). We then left 1-90 and went southeast through Hardin MT (memories of a Crow Indian prize fighter I met one night when I was 14; he decided I wouldn't provide a warm-up bout) and then south through western Wyoming to 1-80.

Days and dates are vague now. We had begun the practice of trading off the driving every 100 miles. Whoever was the passenger was supposed to sleep. Near the end of our journey, we stayed the night in an Illinois town to shower and rest up. The next morning we turned offI-90 to U.S. 30 just east of Joliet IL and arrived at the Park Forest church on a Tuesday.

We were to be domiciled in the house across the street from the church building, but our household goods had not arrived, and we were put up in a motel. Heavy rains flooded an under­ pass and kept us from a Wednesday meeting. Thursday we moved into a 3-bedroom 2-bath home, with additional rooms in a daylight basement. It was across the street from the church building. * * * * * * * Our first guests were Professor Fredrick Dumin and his wife, Lilo Levi Durnin. They were en route to Montreal in Quebec Canada where he was to be a visiting Professor of History for the following year. They arrived and spent the night Saturday. We had moved in two days before.

That night, we were called upon by members of the De Mau Mau gang; to which member­ ship therein required killing a honky (white). We knew nothing of this at the time. Fortunately, neither Fred nor Lilo awakened.

Hwy 30 crossed Crawford Ave. two blocks south of us. At that intersection there were four Service Stations, two of which remained open all night. Near midnight, there was an incessant ringing of the doorbell and both Pawnee and J headed for the front. The home had a split level entry. Stairs going down led to basement rooms.

Windows were tall, oblong shaped, that cranked open and shut; it was August-warm and were open. Screens were on the inside and remained in place. Pawnee went to the window and I started down the stairs. Pawnee said, "Don't go down there; there' s a Black man outside." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 78 I thought, 'So what?' But before I got to the landing (and the door) I realized that was a strange way for Pawnee to react. 'We haven't been racists, not intentionally. She must have a premonition of something.' So I retraced my steps, went to the window and called down, 'How can we be of help?'

I could see a car parked (not in our driveway) in a parking lot bordered by trees off to the side of our driveway. He said, pointing to Crawford Avenue, "Is this the way to Chicago?" That was an odd question! Especially so, since there were at least two Service Stations a few blocks south, whose lights were visible, and that remained open all night.

I thought, you wake people up to ask a question like that?! I replied, 'You can get there that way.' He said something like: "You wouldn't jive a fella, would you?" I repeated, 'You can get there that way. '

He spun on his heel and went to his car. When they left, I was able to see that there were three or four men in the car. (Lights from the church building provided background illumination.) They drove to the intersection (we were on the southwest corner) and turned north on Crawford Avenue.

(There's more to the story that wasn't funny but the following was humorous. We had left the bedroom, Pawnee by one hallway, I by another. We came back to bed the same way, not knowing the other person was nearby, and when we got in bed we banged heads! At church the next morning, "Pawnee, how did you get that black eye?!" She said, "Marvin hit me!")

The car came back. I recognized it by the odd sound made by its exhaust. I hurried to the front room in time to see them go by again, this time headed west. I thought, 'They're up to something. I wonder if they are casing the church building thinking to break in?" I continued watching and the lights went out in the entrance foyer of the church building!

I went to the phone and called the Matteson Police. Two cars came. One ofthem was from the Olympia Fields Police Force. The building was U-shaped with a large fellowship hall and kitchen running parallel to the room with offices and assembly hall. Many classrooms were in the basement area. One end had a second floor with another office, a classroom, and a 3rd floor of clothing available for needy people. The entrance end had a second floor with a "Cry Room" over the entrance foyer: glassed in so that mothers could see Worship Services while there.

The Police went all around the building without finding sign of forced entry. They said that if we were to see anything else suspicious during the night, not to hesitate giving them a call. In the morning we learned that the foyer lights were on a timer and went off at midnight.

But what we didn't know (nor did the Police tell us, three people had already been killed in a town six miles south. Another lady was asked if "they" could use her phone. She slammed the door. This came out in the paper. The killings were ascribed to members of the De Mau Mau. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 79 Hey! People of every race have been guilty of crimes as bad, even worse! There's good and bad in people of any and every color. We've known mostly good in all of them. We did learn of a section of Chicago that few white people left from alive, especially during the night.

At Prairie State College, my Psychology class instructor was a Black Professor. I was scheduled to speak for a Black congregation in the aforesaid don't-go-into-at-night area. I invited him to come and he did. I don't know if that helped my final grade but it probably was in need of improvement.

I spoke at the south-Chicago congregation three times altogether and enjoyed their "Amen" and "Preach on brother!" That's like "sic 'em" to a dog! They would meet me at the appointed time, find a place somewhere down the street for me to park, leave someone to guard my car, and walk me to and from the building to insure my safety. * * * * * * * Mine was an Associate Ministry. James Tabor arrived the same week we did. He was a brilliant young man and he enrolled at the University of Chicago where he got his Doctorate. He had earlier obtained his Master's Degree at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles. Jim did most all of the preaching. I did most of the "prospect" teaching, stories of which I'll relate.

But first: the basement of the "parsonage" had sliding partitions in one half that allowed provision for four classrooms. They were moved back so as to form one large room where I held classes on small group meetings. Later on, four small groups began meeting in homes.

One group, in which Pawnee and I took part, met in Don & Billie Thompson's home. The Gurganus', the DiGregorios, and the Urans also took part. I can picture faces but once again find names have faded. Now, when we go back as we have done a few times, "our group" meets again. Warm fuzzies!

Don't expect all your efforts to be approved by everybody. A brotherhood paper castigated my "Precious Encounter" book. It was claimed that we carried out things not approved by the elders. That was a lie. We had elders in virtually every group and they approved the activities. It was claimed that we sat around in a group and held hands. No, we stood and held hands - for prayer. And we didn't believe our Lord disapproved of that.

I wrote a scathing rebuttal to the article and took it to our elders for comment. They said, "Marvin, don't send it. It wiIJ add fuel to their fire and you won't change their mind. Let it die." * * * * * * * I was in the Office and our Secretary referred the phone call to me. (Jim was probably in School.) The caller said, "I'm thinking of divorcing my husband, but I decided I should get the advice of someone first. Could you talk with me?" I asked if she could come to our building and she said her husband had the car. I asked if she would want me to come there and she said yes. They were living in Country Club Hills which was about ten miles, or less, distant. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, r Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 80 She had been born in Ireland and had come to the States, with her parents, when she was a young girl and had met and married Don. She told me reasons which had made her unhappy with married life, which mainly had to do with an absence of communication on the part of both.

I said, "Roselyn, from the fact that you called a minister, it would seem that you realize any action you might take should be guided by God.' She said yes and that was why she had called the church. I then asked if she believed if she were to die tonight she would go to heaven. She said, "No, I wouldn't."

After presenting the gospel to her, we went to the church building and she was baptized. She said, "God has forgiven me a lot. I need to forgive Don and keep my marriage intact." Later on, I baptized Don. They had two young boys.

One time later, Don said to Roselyn, "1 gave up former friends to be a part of a church family. It isn't working out. You've had a number of different people in our home; no one, except for Marvin & Pawnee, has had us in their home! And I need friends."

Roselyn came to see us and cried. Pawnee called around. Soon they had more invitations than they could handle. But it shouldn't have happened in the first place. People get lost in a church family. We go off and leave them sitting on the steps of the building. "Gary, have your folks left you?" People get lost especially if it's a large family as was Park Forest. (And Reader, that's a lesson from this book I hope you take to heart.) * * * * * * * Park Forest had five capable, loving, intelligent, self-sacrificing elders. (I can't think of any way I might benefit by saying that; no "axe to grind.") Alphabetically, they were Charles Hellums, Jack Plummer, Lou Riebe, H.O. Rose, and Dick Shewmake.

[The same could be said of the elders where 1 worked at the Central church in Portland, and at Pullman W A. They were everything a group of elders ought to be. I'll talk about three others later (in Bourbonnais IL) with whom I later worked who were also shepherds and not cowboys.]

Charles Hellums was a Railroad Official who soon left to take over Illinois Central's operations in Peoria IL. Jack Plummer was a School Superintendent and a former preacher. Lou Riebe was in charge of Continental Can Co. in Palos Heights. H.O. Rose was retired. Dick Shewmake was Vice President of a large Chicago firm.

After Charles Hellums left, Wendell Terry became an elder. He was a Court Recorder who listened to many tales, sad and otherwise. Of H. O. Rose, Jim Tabor said, "His Bible has notes and underlining on every page!" Brother Rose died not longer after we moved to Park Forest.

Jack Plummer was our Song Leader. He had a magnificent voice; sang with the Chicago Symphony with their rendition of The Messiah during the Christmas Season. The elders bought us season tickets to once-a-month stage presentations. John Denver was with one group. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 81 They paid our way to an encampment at Lake Geneva (Geo. Williams College Campus) each year. (The College students made beds for some 200 guests, prepared and served all the meals during the church's stay.

We listened to great speakers such as Jim Tabor and Dale Smith, Prentis Meador and many others. Of an evening a number of us would gather around a campfire and sing. It was a break to leave the Chicago heat for Wisconsin cool. The church paid my way to an Abilene TX lectureship each year and suggested I take time off for another such. We were treated royally the entire time we were at Park Forest. * * * * * * * I had a large garden, laid out in plots, wherein I experimented with several kinds of vegetables. It was called "Marvin's Gardens." One day a neighbor asked me what I was planting in a certain plot. I said, 'Okra.' He said, "You can't grow okra this far north. That's a southern crop." That fall, as I was gathering okra for him and me, he said, "I want to know how you did this. It never would grow for me."

I told him that the one thing okra required, in order to grow it in colder climes, was warm feet. 'In addition to horse manure, in the okra plot I worked in a lot of chicken manure, and it's hot.' We gave away lots of zucchini, tomatoes, sweet corn, etc., and Pawnee baked a lot of zucchini bread [recipe upon request - e-mail: [email protected]]. * * * * * * * We were given a registered Toy Poodle by members who were moving. "Prissy Miss" was carrying puppies when we got her. She had a litter of six. We put an ad in the paper and sold five of them at $75 intending to keep the sixth one as a companion for Prissy. "If you would sell her, what would you take for her?" 'Not interested.' "What would you have to have?" 'I suppose that if someone offered $125, I'd probably sell her.' "You just sold her!"

One pup was taken by a church family (Don & Lida Taylor) who had a daughter who was a "brittle-diabetic." The poodle would raise a ruckus when it came time for her to take her insulin shots, knowing that she needed them! It would begin barking at the door when it came time for her to get home from school. They thought that poodle was a gift from above.

Prissy was a smart dog and knew not to get on the furniture except when she thought she wouldn't be seen! When Pawnee came over to the building to talk and to say the coffee was ready, Prissy would sit on the back of the couch and watch the church building across the street. When the five of us would get near, she would jump down off the couch and wait tail-wagging at the door as if she had been there all the time Pawnee was gone.

Tony & Judy Murray lived in a home to the west of us. They also had a garden and we traded crops. We had a back yard fenced in with a high fence Prissy couldn't get over. The Murray's poodle was able to jump it! We soon had more puppies to be rid of. (The Murrays later moved away to Kansas. Heard from them the first time in about 30 years; the joys of E-Mail!) * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 82 Wayne & Charlotte Briggs, with children: Julie & Adam, moved into the house after the Murrays left. Julie spent a lot of time with us. I spent a lot of time with Wayne. Wayne had a plane and he took me to places I will write about later.

[But first, some of their Viet Nam Missionary history. Charlotte worked in Saigon and rode her bicycle to and from work. One day she noticed there was no traffic, and that no one was on the streets. She found out why after they hurriedly hustled her into the building where she worked. The Tet Offensive was on and there was an infiltration scare!

Another event brought an end to their missionary work. Wayne was "on base" when a rescue mission was preparing to go out to pick up someone surrounded by the Congo The Base Chaplain was away, so Wayne volunteered to go with them. When they made the pick-up the Cong opened fire on the 'Copter. Wayne took machine-gun fire down his right arm.

While at Park forest, and after moving away, he continued to have trouble with the arm. We visited them the year Hurricane Andrew hit Florida and Southern Louisiana. Wayne worked as a Psychotherapist in an Abilene TX hospital.

We stopped there on our way home from Louisiana. Before we arrived, Wayne had been riding a motor-bike when a dog attacked. He was thrown and the bike landed on his right shoulder and arm. After that he was able to swing his arm in a 360 degree circle: no rotator cum Pawnee couldn't bear to watch!

After we continued our way home, Wayne decided to have the arm amputated. While recovering in a hospital room, he asked Charlotte to sneak in an artificial arm. They hid it under the covers, on his right side, with just the plastic hand showing.

When the nurse came in, he told her that his arm felt terribly cold. "Would you please rub it for me and get some circulation back?' She proceeded to do that and then suddenly exclaimed, "Oh you! You don't have an arm!" He had one arm left, but the arm she was rubbing wasn't it.] * * * * * * * On a flight to a lectureship at Michigan Christian College [now Rochester CC] to which Wayne flew me we hit a bird and stuffed the pitot tube (carburetor-air-intake) with feathers and killed the engine. Wayne noticed a landing field below and called for clearance to land.

The Tower told him he was coming in too high and that he would have to circle the field and come in lower. He said, "Can't do that! My engine's dead; no power. I have to set it down now!" It was a bounce-back-up landing but he got it down. Putting on feathers hadn't helped our flight attitude a bit. They were removed and we were on our way again.

(That reminds me of a response made by a Wave in the tower at Barber's Point Hawaii. The Pilot was flying in from the States. He radioed: "This is Flash Gordon requesting landing instructions." She replied, "Circle the earth once more Flash. Buck Rogers on final.") LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 83 Another time, Wayne flew me to St. Louis MO to learn of Stanley Shipp's work. He was a Missions Class Instructor. We had heard a lot about Stanley's work and his ability to inspire students. (Clara Druzskowski was thinking of taking classes there, which she did before moving to Connecticut to help establish a new congregation.) We were impressed with StanLey Shipp and his program. It was very demanding and tended to weed out all but the dedicated applicant.

Our navigation to and from St. Louis was accomplished with a map and by the names of towns written on their water towers; also by following highways! On our return, his radio­ direction-finder helped. He could have been trying to make me nervous. He had already done that with his Michigan drop-from-the-sky landing!

There are so many whose stories I would like to tell, whose faces I recall, but the events surrounding them are too hazy to write about. I remember saying to Dave Fieldor, 'How are you this morning?' He replied, "I don't know. I haven't asked my wife yet." * * * * * * * Back to storys of outreach. The Carlton's asked me if! would baptize their son. I replied that it would depend upon his response to a study with him. They agreed. Ron was only nine years old. Jesus, who knew the Bible by heart, said to His parents when He was twelve, Know you not that I must be about my Father's business?"

It being the only Scriptural recording of His boyhood, I saw that as an example of the age when one should be turning his life over to God. But I never saw it as a law. Scripture reports that by the mouth oftwo or three witnesses let everything be established. That only has one.

And while I thought Ron to be a bit young, I was amazed at his understanding of Scripture and of the meaning of baptism. I baptized him and later I baptized one of our granddaughters of the same age. She too was a deep thinker. * * * * * * * Patty Letter had asked if r would study with her husband. I came by and Tom said, "My wife set you onto me, right?" I said she had. He said, "I'm not interested in changing religions. I've been a Catholic all my life. You're wasting your time." Tom was a Dispatcher working for a firm that assigned Truck Drivers for other Companies.

Their son who was a Junior or Senior in High School asked if! would come and study with him. I noticed Tom standing near where he could hear what J was saying. Tom was the boy's Step-Dad. As we closed the study and got ready to go to the building for the baptism, Tom asked to come along. The next day he asked me to come and study with him and Tom was baptized.

Tom Letter's decision to be buried into Christ was far from superficial. He found every way he could to serve his Lord. His wife, Patty, was just as dedicated. They often went with me on our Joy Bus picking up youngsters; especially helpful when I had to drive. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 84 There was one little, dirty, ragged four-year old who about broke Patty's heart. When we returned children to their homes, this little girl would start crying as soon as we came near to where she lived; she DID NOT want to get off the bus! More than once, I remember Patty saying, through her own tears, "I wish 1 could take her home with me."

Tom decided he should go into the ministry. He quit a lucrative job, sold their home, and he enrolled in a Preacher's School. Later, when they learned that Tom and Patty's marriage was a second one, he was allowed to graduate as a Counselor but not as a Minister. Chalk that loss to the brotherhood up to legalism! * * * * * * * My first wedding was for John and Jane Burton (late 1972). I hadn't begun work with the Park Forest church very long. They are grandparents today. We've remained good friends and we still correspond; E-Mail pen-pals.

This next wedding was quite unusual. I received a call from a lady who wanted to know if I would do a wedding for her daughter and her fiance. I said I'd be happy to. She said, "Don't you want to know something about them?" I said, 'Okay, what's to know?'

She said, "For one thing, her husband-to-be is confined to a wheelchair." When I asked if she loved him and wanted to marry him, she said yes. 1 said, "So what's the problem?" She said she had called several churches and the first thing they did was to tell her the cost. Then when she told them the groom was a wheel chair patient none of them would do the ceremony. I told her, 'I have a huge price that I charge; a book for my library.'

I learned her daughter and betrothed were patients in a Virginia hospital and had to return there for scheduled surgeries. To get to Illinois, she got him and his wheel chair on and off the bus at stops en route. There were several because they only had enough money for a short haul each time. When they got off they bought candy bars to sell door to door to get enough money for another destination further along. They planned to return the same way.

I told the elders of their plight and they said, "Marvin, you get bus tickets to Virginia for them. You also give them $50 for food along the way." (The money didn't come out of my pocket. It came from the church benevolence fund.)

The mother's name was Isolde. She had been a member of Hitler's Youth Corp in Nazi Germany and had married an American Soldier named Bob when the war ended. During the bombing of Berlin, she lived in the cellar of a bombed out house and often went without eating. She was so traumatized by the experience that she was determined that nothing like that should happen to her again. They had several freezers she kept filled.

I called to ask her where in Virginia the kids were going and if they would resent our helping them to return to Virginia. She said, "Why don't you come to the house and ask them?" LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 85 I had bought tickets and when I told them we wanted to give them money for meals along the way, the couple started crying. Isolde said, "I've never seen anything like this! We've gone to different churches, Bob and I, and at every one they had their hand out, 'Gimme, gimme.' This is the first time I've known of a church that would bring you money! I have another daughter who has just started High School. Do you have a class she could attend?"

I said, 'Yes we do. I teach a High School class Monday evenings in our home and she would be most welcome. I'd also like to have a study with you and Bob. Would that be agreeable? They were willing and we set a Saturday morning for it.

Our High School class had finished the Slh Chapter of Romans. The next class would be taking up a study of the 61h Chapter in which Paul writes of baptism into Christ, of being buried with Him. I felt Susan should be taught the substance of it in a one-on-one setting. So I called Isolde to see if Susan could have a special study with me. She thought that would be fine.

After explaining the 6th Chapter of Romans to Susan and tying other passages with it, she said that she would like to be baptized. I called Isolde to see if she would like to be a witness to Susan's baptism. She was irate.

"When you said a special study, 1 thought you just wanted to explain some things about the church. I had no idea you'd be talking about baptism. I had her baptized when she was a baby. Besides, if she's to be baptized her father and I want to be there." This was on a Friday.

I said, 'That would be wonderful! How about this evening?' She replied, "No way! Her dad doesn't get off work until four in the morning, and he'll want to be there." So I said, 'How about tomorrow then?' She said, "That won't work out either. Susan leaves for Florida with her Scuba team first thing tomorrow morning and she doesn't get back until late Sunday. You'll have to wait for another time."

I said J hoped the study with her and Bob was still on for tomorrow. There was a long silence. Then, quite reluctantly she said, "Well, I said we'd study with you, so J guess we'll have to." (The foregoing took place just a few days after Tom Letter had been baptized.)

I asked Tom to come with me and told him I wanted him to stay completely quiet. 'Tom, if you make a remark, and it might be an excellent one even, it could throw me off in the study. I have a procedure I'll have difficulty getting back to if you were to get me off track. Tom was so quiet that Saturday morning that they thought he was a mute, unable to talk!

As we came to the end ofthe study, Isolde was visibly upset. "Oh my, oh my! What if? ... I should have let you baptize Susan yesterday evening. What if something happens to her on her trip?! I made her wait! Oh, pray that she'll be alright! Bob, since I made Susan wait it's only right that we should wait so she can witness our baptisms." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 86 "Marvin, Susan will be back late Sunday. Could the three of us be baptized Monday morning after Bob gets home from work at four?" She later changed that to six a.m., but I believe that was the earliest I had ever baptized someone. * * * * * * * Jim and I began a Bible study with Isolde in her home on a once-a-week basis. She always had Tea and Petit Fours to serve when we came. We assigned her New Testament Books telling her to take note of problem passages and to write down questions. She found and had many of both. Her understanding of Scripture progressed rapidly.

She would hear of fruit and vegetable sales in III inois and in Indiana (the border was close by). She would purchase large amounts and she would always share them with others, taking food items as her way of expressing her love for her brothers and sisters in Christ. 1 think my garden may have frustrated her to some degree, but she always brought us fruit.

She was always up at four a.m. to get Bob his breakfast before he went to sleep and so she was up and around early. As soon as she saw a light in our living room (our kitchen light shone through to the living room) she would knock at our door.

Living across from the church building cut in on our time, especially of an evening. Pawnee would set dinner on the table and then the phone would ring. No sooner would the call end than there would be a knock at the door; then another phone call. Many was the evening when it was 10 p.m. before we would be able to set down to eat!

We got to where we looked forward to breakfast time when we could talk over things together. Then Walter came to live with us. He was driving cement truck for Cy Adams, one of our church members, and we would have to wake him up. We took to pulling our shades so the light wouldn't shine out front and for a little while we had our "breakfast" conversations.

One morning as Walter was leaving for work, he met Isolde at the end of the walk. She said, "I see that your parents aren't up yet. The house is still dark." He replied, "Oh no, they're up. They just haven't opened the shades yet." After that shutting the shades never helped. 1 determined never to live across from a church's building again, and we never have. But she was a dear and we did enjoy her company. * * * * * * * For some, getting married requires unusual dedication. The couple were school teachers. They had driven two cars from Tennessee. They stopped at 2061h and Crawford (church building address) to arrange for their wedding and then went on to Michigan to visit his parents.

They had had their blood tests taken before leaving Tennessee. They went into Chicago to get their marriage license and were told his blood test had expired. The Court House would not give them a license until he had a new blood test taken. That took a little time but they returned before the License-Bureau closed and the license was filled out and given to them. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 87 While they were getting their license, someone rifled his car of wedding gifts and $200 dollars! They reported that to a nearby Police Station and that took additional time. They had left one of their cars in the church parking lot, so we knew they would be back; we just didn't know when. Some of the people we had asked to attend as witnesses to the wedding had to leave.

They arrived, apologized, and told us of their woes. She went across the street to our house to put on her wedding gown and then returned to the church building. At one point during the ceremony, J intoned: 'Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife ... ' He said, "1 do." And I continued with the charge. Then he said, "I still do."

Because of the late start it was late when their "wedding vows" were exchanged. When the nuptials ended, we told them we were going out with others to dinner. "Go across to our house to change. Fix the lock so it will lock behind you when you leave." After they put on traveling clothes and locked the door, he realized he had left his jacket in the house!

Since he did not wish to leave his jacket, they went down to nearby Hwy 30 and checked in at a "flea bag" motel, and then went across to MacDonald's for their wedding dinner! The next morning, he retrieved his jacket and they set out for California - in two cars! - with CB's with which to keep in touch! I daresay Truck Drivers enjoyed their exchange of endearments en route. Have you ever had "a bad hair day" such as that one? One thing sure, they'll never forget it!! * * * * * * * One day J did a bit too much furniture lifting at the church and "threw my back out." Pawnee took me to the Navy Base Hosp., north of Chicago on Lake Michigan, a distance of 60 miles. I was carried into the hospital on a stretcher. "There's not a thing we can do for your back. You might as well go home."

Chet Waltrip had been a Trainer for one of the Chicago Major League Teams: the Chicago Bears, I believe, although it could have been the White Sox or the Cubs. He came to the house and worked my back over. I was able to walk after his help. He was a member at Park Forest and later became one of its elders. [The Lord has since taken Chet home.] * * * * * * * Before Walter stayed with us, our son Duane and wife Gail came to live with us for a short time. They then moved into an apartment just south of Sauk Trail in Matteson. Duane went to work for Continental Can Co. where Lou Riebe (elder) was the CEO.

The elders asked me to talk with young men about coming to Park Forest for the summer to help with the young people of the church who were to be given summer employment with church members. I went to Oklahoma Christian in Oklahoma City, to Columbia Christian in Portland, and I wrote to Dan Rich (nickname: Dan the man!) at the University ofldaho in Moscow.

I recruited several. Today, r can picture several of them, some who returned on additional summers, but it has been more than 25 years and most of their names I have forgotten. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 88 One such I should not have forgotten came to us from Albuquerque by way of Okla. Christian: Steve (?). Don Boderman of Columbia Christian was another that impressed us. We put out tracts and knocked on doors; once on doors where Duane and Gail lived. As a result of a study, we baptized twin girls, Patricia and Marian Lake, who lived there. Then their parents and their brothers were baptized later on.

Dan Rich went to work for a well-known Paint Co. in Chicago. It had no connection with the church, but Dan devoted his spare time to church work. He later went to the University of Virginia for studies where he met and married a Virginia lass who was also a member of the church of Christ. (Dan had attended our Monday night classes at Pullman WA.)

They later moved to Utica NY where Dan completed his Doctorate in Physics. (That's a tough subject!) Phyllis, Dan's wife, got her Master's Degree. He went back to work for the Paint Co, in Chicago and they have sent him all over the world in the interests of the Company. [They now live in Trenton NJ and have three children: a girl and twin boys. We empathize having raised twin boys ourselves.]

The "Summer Students" were well accepted with one or two negative incidents, but the good they were able to do far outweighed the bad. A couple of them thought that being members of the church where their boss attended ought to give them special privileges.

Cy was a millionaire and a hard worker for the church. He had an immense operation; one of them: at a large gravel pit where he manufactured cement. I couldn't begin to count the number of rigs in his fleet of cement trucks (100 perhaps). Walter went to work for him later and I warned him about being familiar with Cy. But then, Walter knew better to begin with.

Cy couldn't afford to have his people start doing what one of the summer students had done: slap on the back, "Mornin' Cy, how are you fella? Good to see you!" There was another such incident with a student working at the Maybelline Co. that one of our deacons (Dave Fieldor) managed.

But all in all, I would recommend such a program again; for Park Forest and for other churches that could find work for summer students. Of course, they would need to be told that they were not to take unwarranted privilege, or be familiar with the boss even ifhe is a Christian.

[In 1952, aboard a Carrier in the Sea of Japan, one of my crew did to our boss, a Lt Cdr., what was done to Cy: a slap on the back, "Good morning, Silvani"! I had been given ten seamen to train as weather observers, weather map entries, etc.. I had a responsibility of recommending them for promotion. Eight were promoted but the one who showed undue familiarity with our Senior Officer was not; nor was another who didn't bother to study.] * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 89 Marbeth Bingman lived on the same street as Paul & Judy Bertrand, all dedicated Christian people. I was impressed with them and their children. So were their neighbors! One that enjoyed Marbeth's & Judy's company was Toni Campagna. The Campagnas were Catholic.

I received a call from Marbeth that Toni wanted a special study about the gospel. She told Toni that I could explain it and that I would agree to study with her. I came over for the study and Toni was baptized. Whenever I would come to their home, her husband (Bob) would get up and leave. He was a Detective on the Richton Park Police Force.

[By the way, I used an approach Silas Shotwell taught in Albuquerque when I was there with him. Silas is now an elder, and the preacher, for the Hood River OR church of Christ. He is also the Regional Director of Safety Net. Contact Silas, or me, for lessons on the approach.]

One day Toni called and asked if it was all right to bargain with God. I said that Abraham did. 'Why?' She said that she had made a bargain with God that if He would see to her parents being baptized she would quit smoking. I said, 'Toni, do you believe in the power of prayer?' "Oh yes! That's why I called you!"

'Toni, there's no such thing as time with God. He can move back and forth in time and sees things that are not as if they were. So, as far as God is concerned, He has already kept His part of the bargain.' "Are you telling me I should quit smoking now!" 'You catch on fast!' "Alright, I will."

I asked her where he parents lived and she told me they lived in New Hampshire. Inwardly I groaned a little (oh ye of little faith). Then she went on to say that they were coming for the Easter vacation to stay for a few days. I told her to call me when they got there. I went to Toni's home when her folks arrived, studied with them that day, and then took them to the building for their baptisms.

When they returned to New Hampshire, they were traveling 50 miles (100 mile round trip) to attend a church of Christ. One day Toni's mother was in a Super-Market and met a High School class mate she hadn't seen since school! She was asked about recent events and she told her she had been to Illinois to see her daughter and that she had been baptized while there.

The party asked her what church she had been baptized at. When she said church of Christ, the person exclaimed, "Church of Christ! There are eight of us of that persuasion meeting in a home here in town. Why don't you and your husband join us?"

The story of the Campagnas doesn't end here. Marbeth's and Judy's influence continues. Bob, Toni and the two children left on vacation. Traveling south, before they reached Rantoul IL, their car threw a connecting rod. They were alongside the highway with the hood up and the engine smoking. A gentleman pulled in behind them and said, "It looks as if you're in trouble." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, T Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 90 Bob said he thought a piston had frozen; that they'd blown a rod. "Good Samaritan" told him that that would take time to be repaired. "I'll call a garage in Rantoul. They're honest and do good work. You and your family come stay with my >'life and I until your car is repaired." !!

So they did that. They discovered that the one who had stopped, who was giving them help, was an elder in the church of Christ! When they returned from their vacation, Bob called: "Marvin, could you come study with me?" When I arrived he said to his teen-age son, "Come sit with us. This won't hurt you either." I baptized them both that morning!

Later on they moved, with Marbeth and her family, to Florida to partner in a printing business. Dear Reader, do you see the Lord's hand in all of this? Surely, this COULD NOT have come about by accident! He loves mankind; Detectives and everyone else. He'll help you to share the gospel. Store up the Word; He'll bring it to your remembrance; rely on Him not self! * * * * * * * Jim Tabor and I did many things together. When he was at the church building, Pawnee knew that at 10:30, Jim and I, and sometimes the Secretary, would be coming across the street for coffee. And Pawnee knew that when Jim was there that, as a rule, he and I would be going some place to eat lunch; often the Red Lobster (not necessarily an endorsement).

We went together to a yearly Christian Church Preacher's Retreat in Indiana at least three times. Once we were privileged to hear Elton Trueblood speak. I had books he had written and I bought more.

Jim and I did a study with a Jewish man and his daughter. He had passed his Bar Mitzvah as a boy but often referred to the "Ten Commandments" movie. Selena became exasperated and said, "Oh Dad! You think CharJeton Heston is Moses and Cecil B. DeMille is God!"

Unknown to us, Selena had asked a church member how long it took for someone to be baptized. She was told that it didn't take long; "a minute or so." At work, she asked her boss if he had a stop-watch. He did and she asked him to time the length of time she could hold her breath. About the best she could do was 30 seconds!

Shortly after that, Selena called wanting to be baptized. Our daughter-in-law came along. Gail has an excellent singing voice. She said to Selena, "We'll sing a song or two while you're being baptized. Selena sounded quite nervous when she said, "MAKE IT SHORT!"

I started attending a Counseling class conducted by a preacher in North Chicago who had his Doctorate in Psychiatry. Selena went with me a number of times. It wasn't very long after that when her dad (Bernie Beck) was baptized. He loved to stroll around at the back of the Assembly and comment. He was especially happy with h is new found faith.

One time, Selena invited Pawnee and me to a Seder (a Passover) at their home. It helped to give the Lord's Supper even greater meaning. Even Ch rist, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificedfor llS. If you have opportunity to observe such, take it in. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER " Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 91 The elders learned of a place in Indiana that had school buses for sale. They asked Jim and me to investigate and that if we found one in good condition at a reasonable price, to bring it home. We found one we liked. I was put in charge of our Joy Bus program and took steps to be licensed to drive and pick up youngsters.

The next step was to find them. Jim Gurganus (School Teacher and church deacon) partnered with me. Jim had a degree of "fame" I believe he would have preferred not going through. To determine the location of a brain lesion, he had to be awake when his skull was lifted! The operation cured his epilepsy. The procedure was in a Chicago newspaper.

Tom and Patty Letter also went out as a team, others as well. The first door Jim and I knocked at, Don & Diane Fekamp (twins) asked to go. (There will be more about Diane later in this chapter.)

Donna Miller, and her daughter Jody, began riding our bus. Jody was about four years old at the time. When I wasn't driving (we often hired a bus driver), Jody wanted to sit on my lap. It probably helped that the kids liked me. /(,T\)\ [Today, years later, it is Donna Hau and she is one of the Park Forest church Secretaries.]

We began giving awards to those who brought someone. Then we had a contest to see who could bring the greatest number of new kids. Many brought one or more. One young lady brought nine new riders on the contest-Sunday. The prize was a flight over the local area which took in some of Chicago. Wayne Briggs flew her north where her dad worked. I went along. Her dad knew we were coming and he was outside as Wayne tipped the plane so the girl and her dad could wave to each other.

We soon had to add a second bus, and we began bringing a full load of 50 kids in each bus. We rigged up a speaker system and I taught them lessons and songs as we rode. I went with one bus picking up kids and with the other bus taking kids home.

The elders decided (when we were running just one bus) that so many un-parented young ones were disruptive during worship. Yet, they didn't want us to have to take them home after Bible class. So we began a Children's Worship hour in the Fellowship Hall.

Different men, and some of our teen-age boys, brought lessons. We had puppet shows, Bible lessons and songs. And we put up stars under names for Bible verses recited by memory. "Jesus wept" counted if they could tell why He wept. r don't believe I was contradicted in reporting to the elders that the kids loved it. Of course, one of them dropped in now and then.

The kids all called me "Mr. Marvin." [Today some still attend and, when I return to visit, still call me "Mr. Marvin." One day, Pawnee called a Bus Kid ' s Mom to talk to her. The youngster asked who was calling. "Mrs. Pegg." Then she said to tell her it was Mr. Marvin's wife. Pawnee heard him say, "Mom, Mom! Mrs. Marvin wants to talk to you!" LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 92 I put out a special church bulletin for the kids and their families. I did some teaching with it, praised well-behaved youngsters, and mentioned accomplishments in Class and in Worship. With the help of a couple of the kids, we delivered the bulletins every Saturday morning, making the rounds to see who was, and who wasn't, to be picked up the next morning. That also helped to keep up attendance. * * * * * * * Then 1 began a morning Bible Class that I called our M.B.C .. I guess that could have been called "Marvin's Brain Child" but we called it Morning with Bible and .Coffee for Moms ofJ2us Qhildren. Six mothers were baptized as a result of that class; more baptized after we left.

[One of them, and her husband, have stayed in touch with us. Tom and Linda Patterson visited us here on the West Coast in 2001,2002, and this year: 2003. Linda reminded me of the events that led her to Jesus. "You knocked on my door and asked if I had any chi Idren you could pick up with your bus to take to Bible class.

"1 answered that one of my children is only 2 Y2 years old and the other is only 6 months old. You said, 'Bring them!' So 1 did. Then you statted that class. I wasn't interested but to be polite 1 came once. Then you said, 'Next Monday we're holding the class at your house.'

"One of the women, with whom I became acquainted at church, stayed after a class, and I was telling her that you seemed to be pushing all this at me. She said, 'I think he's wanting you to be baptized.' I answered her, "1 believe you're right, and I should be. Let's call him at the church building and see ifhe will baptize me today."]

Even though we had stayed in touch across the years, 1 had forgotten all of that. I thought to myself when Linda related that, '1 sure was pushy!' but I'm glad 1 was. Then I asked Tom who had baptized him. 'Jim?' He said, "No, Marvin, you baptized me," and he went on to explain how that came about. * * * * * * * Jim Tabor came up with the idea of a "Summer Fun Time" for the kids. They were divided into three groups, each group to have three classes of a morning. Jim, Wayne Hawley, and I each taught a class to each group. (Wayne had been recently hired as a minister for High School kids.)

After providing lunch (sometimes eaten on the bus), we would take them to special things in Chicago: the Planetarium, a Museum, a "Coal Mine," and other unusual place to visit. I was the one with the bus license and did the driving; Jim knew Chicago and did the navigating.

For ours and the church's protection, every youngster had to have written permission to take part. I called on a home of a youngster vvho had just started riding the bus. She had heard of our summer plans and wanted to attend. Her mother said, "1 can't believe a church is doing all this for the kids and not charging anything! Tell me something about your church." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 93 I proceeded to tell her and must have said too much. She said, "What's your connection with the church?" I told her I was one of the preachers. She said, in a disgusted tone of voice, "Oh, I thought you were a bus driver!" That ended the conversation. She signed the permission slip and dismissed me!

What's the lesson here? Consider this: many believe one has to be a "Professional" to share the gospel. Not so! True, more opportunities might turn up when you're in the thick of things, so to speak. But being a "Professional, as we might put it, can be a hindrance. Too often a paid Preacher is seen as "just doing his job" or he is a "holier than thou" they can't relate to. The common, garden-variety Christian they trust. So jump in and get your feet wet!

If an effort has God's approval results will verify it. And if he approves He will activate what you initiate. (Remember the scruffy couple in Albuquerque.) Get it out of your head that you are doing it. Accept your role as His servant or handmaiden. Above all else, step out in faith! He will supply the wisdom. We learn to do by doing. Become a soul winner. * * * * * * * When Jim and I came to Park Forest, attendance was quite close to reaching 200. He and I left about the same time. I left shortly before Jim. Wayne had already left for some type of sales work (furniture, I believe). During the five years Jim and I were there, attendance increased to over 500. About 100 to 120 of the increase resulted from the bus program the elders initiated.

God be praised. We served and thus servant-credit belongs in the main, to Jim Tabor. His sermons were inspiring. Perhaps it could be said that I helped reach some, but the elders and Jim kept them. (All with the help of the Holy Spirit.)

Jim left for Notre Dame where he was given "blanket permission" to teach the Bible as he saw it. He was called in and asked how it was that so many were wanting into his class. Jim said, "No secret. I'm teaching Bible." Jim could make it alive and pertinent to life.

From Notre Dame, Jim went to William and Mary and taught for some time. Today he is at the University of North Carolina. Jim reads, writes, and speaks at least seven languages. He is in the process of translating a new, chronological version of the Bible without (as I understand it) putting unwarranted twists to the original text.

He spends a good deal of time in Palestine and has been given credit for discovering new caves. He is one of a select few who have been given complete access to the Dead Sea Scrolls. His scholarship has been well attested. [A while back, we heard him address students at a College in a southwest Portland suburb. We were traveling from Hood River to the Coast so our timing wasn't the best. We were late but we still caught most of it.] * * * * * * * When we were working with the church in Portland, we had met Gerald and Betty Long. Pawnee had received a recipe for Spiced Tea from Betty. Doe like the tea and made some she shared with some friends who began a trendy cafe in a town west of Mattesoll. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 94 They named it "The Butler's Pantry." When "Pantry" guests arrived they were served a cup of the spiced tea. The Cafe was written up in a Chicago paper. They were asked where they got the recipe for the spiced tea. The paper wrote his statement that it came from an old trunk he had found in the attic of his parent's home. Later on he lost the recipe and asked Doe if she would ask Pawnee for it. Pawnee gave it although she felt like telling him to go look in that old trunk again.

[Rather recently I preached one Sunday in Sandy OR where Gerald is an elder. We went to their home for lunch. Pawnee shared the trunk and the tea incident. They got a charge out of it.] * * * * * * * I went a few times with Billy James to the Illinois State Prison at Joliet. We would go to prison cells asking men if they would care to attend a Bible Class. One time a prisoner was standing near me in an areajust outside of the cells. Billy said later, "Do you know who that was you were standing by in the cell block?" I replied that I did not. He said, "That was Richard Speck, the guy who killed those seven nurses in Chicago." He didn't come to our class.

We held classes in the prison chapel which was quite large. Many who came did so just to get out of the cells for awhile. Billy was heckled by some; others came to learn. The hecklers were making it difficult for Billy to present a study. I asked him to let me try something and he agreed. I told the group that there was a time in my life when I was a professed atheist. 'Some of you may be there now. I'd like to share what brought me to a beliefin God. All of you who have doubts about God's existence, or about His interest in what goes on, join me in a class over in the far end of the building.'

I had a fairly large bunch. I told them about studying the stars hanging over the Hawaiian Islands and how I had wondered where they ended. I supposed if something ended it would have to end in something. If it ended in a vacuum, the vacuum continued on, and so forth. 'The space we look into has to be eternal because it would be impossible for it to end. Therefore, the possibility of an eternal God made sense, and I went looking for Him.'

One fellow said, "Do you really believe in God?" r replied that I did. He said, "Do you think you are going to Heaven when you die?" 1 replied, 'Yes, and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not in a rush to get there because I believe God has work for me here.'

He said, "Well, I asked because I thought that if you were in a hurry, I could choke you to death right now and send you on your way." A most accommodating fellow! I enjoyed my work with Billy James. Lawrence Anderson, of the Park Forest church, heads it up now. * * * * * * * I worked with Silas Shotwell in an evangelism clinic in Pontiac MI. An elder of the church in Dayton OH sat in on classes I taught. Back in Dayton, as pali of a group planning an area meeting, he put my name forth to be one ofthe speakers. LEARNlNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 95 That year's home congregation had a Saturday meeting prior to the eight-day event (nine days counting the Saturday assembly of the speakers). Ten preachers were to speak nine times: a different church each Sunday morning and evening, and week-day evenings. We were given a list with the name and address of each church and when we were to speak there.

Guides were named to go with us which would have been tOliurous for them were it not for the need to guide speakers to their congregation only. Otherwise, they would have had to hear the same sermon over and over!

The church where r was to speak Sunday morning, was Zenia OB. A couple days before the program began, a half-mile wide tornado ripped through Zenia and leveled much of it. The help that came from miles around was phenomenal. The church was provided with two warehouses from which to distribute food, clothes and furniture. Radio stations were saying, "Do you need help? Go to the church of Christ." That was unsolicited good will!

1 was taken through Zenia. The twister was so powerful that in one instance the engine of a train, with two box cars following, was lifted off the tracks and laid on their sides. Another event involved an I8-wheeler that was lifted in the air and sat down on a store roof!

But that which really "brought it all home" to me was seeing a couple, sitting in a pile of what must have been a beautiful brick home, using sticks to pry rubble aside searching for "memories" (J suppose) with tears running down their cheeks.

Since my scheduled Sunday stop was Zenia, it could no longer be made. So I was drafted to be one of the Saturday key-note speakers along with Otis Gatewood and someone else who was the Editor of a brotherhood paper called "Gospel Minutes." * * * * * * * One of the preachers in the area (Roger Pace of the Meadowdale church of Christ) called me after I returned home to Park Forest to see if! could hold a meeting for them. The Park Forest elders gave their approval. At such times prayer is essential! Some time after the meeting, Roger came to see me at Park Forest about his going into the Service as a Chaplain.

Just before 9111101, r received a letter from Roger dated 8115/01. Be had learned of my whereabouts by calling the Park Forest church. He wrote of his 23 years as a Navy Chaplain. A couple lines of it 1 shall quote:

"First, your stories of your time in the Navy ... revived my interest in the Chaplain Corps. Secondly, your sermon on small groups deeply stirred me. While at a Chaplain-run organization called CREDO in Japan, I ran Small Groups for three years. It was the single most intense spiritual experience of my life. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 96 "Presumably, you are in retirement. I hope you are in health. If you entered the Navy in 1938 (it was 1939), then you must be about 83 (make it 82) give or take. May the years have been kind to you. May you continue to enjoy worship, fellowship and prayer. What more is there?"

Roger is right. If God is on our side, who can be against us? And He leads us to worship, fellowship and prayer. We never know who we are going to influence. We never know what the impact upon many lives will be when we speak a word on behalf of our Lord.

Reader, become a Barnabas. Barnabas? You'll find him in the Book of Acts. Bar means son; Nabos means encouragement. Barnabas was the nickname of a friend of Paul and it means Son of Encouragement. That's worth striving for. Roger Pace was one such.

Special events and speakers at Park Forest brought gifted men our way: Silas Shotwell for an Evangelism Meeting; Dale Smith for inspiring messages; Joe Shu lam from Jemsalem; Prentiss Meador from Springfield MO. We were blessed to have those godly, dedicated men with us. * * * * * * * As stated earlier, Park Forest elders encouraged taking in a special event yearly. Silas Shotwell and I were again together in a program in Nashville. We stayed there in a home owned by one of our Park Forest church members. I worked with him in St. Louis MO and while working in a door-knocking outreach for a large Ft Worth congregation I substituted for Silas one evening in Denton TX, north ofFt Worth.

At Park Forest, I conducted a lengthy Leadership Training program. It had been developed by Ron Willingham and was used by many churches at that time. AliI had to do was to follow explicit instmctions. Men who had been timid (overly cautious in expressing themselves) became leaders. I found it to be of help to me as well. A final "dinner program" was held in Kankakee. * * * * * * * There was a time in my life that seems unreal to recall. r was stationed at Corpus Christi TX. We were living in Navy Housing on Base in a quadruplex, one story building. I was happy that we were living in the end of one! Next door to us was the Brown family. Pawnee said to me, "They're really nice people. You ought to get to know them." I said, 'I've got one friend here, that's all I need.'

My friend got a part time job selling Fuller Brushes. He sold a few to Pawnee. I looked at them and said, 'Those are quality products. I think I'll get a job selling Fuller Brushes.' She almost convulsed laughing. "You couldn't stand on a street corner and sell $5 bills for a dollar!"

She was right! So I developed my own "leadership training" program by getting a Fuller Brush kit. Training? In what? Getting over shyness so I could talk to people! However it celtainly was a good thing we didn't need the money then. Other than the first door, to which the Manager directed me, it was some while before I got my second sale. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 97 It had become so bad that I was saying, 'Fuller Brush man, I don't suppose you want anything either.' A lady took pity saying, "With that approach, no one will!" But then she said that she had been waiting to get a certain item. She told me what it did and I started selling that one item. Then someone told me they wanted a brush. "Why?" And I started selling those also.

By sticking with it we can learn to do most anything. Don't say you can't do personal work. One doesn't sit down for the first time in front of a typewriter and begin typing 20 to 100 words a minute. We learn to do by doing. Don't be afraid to fail. Find some tools to use. In a final chapter I'll have some suggestions. Above ALL, ask God for help. He WILL give it! * * * * * * * Back to Park Forest and the wonderful "family" there. [We are going there this October. I'm slated to speak simply because we' ll be there. We will sing songs of happiness when we get there, and shed copious tears when we leave. For now, we will return there in our story.]

Two families were making a 100 mile round trip to be with us. Bill & Alberta Burton were coming from Martinton IL. They had two boys and wanted them to be in on the young people's activities and so they were coming several times a week. The Claytons came from a town to the west of Kankakee and it was a 100 mile trip for them also. And several were coming from the Kankakee area itself. They got together to see about beginning a new congregation.

When they met a second time they asked if I would meet with them. 1 did, and the question was asked if I would agree to be their preacher. There were about 25 at the meeting. I said that I would if we had the approval of the Park Forest elders and if "acting elders" could be appointed before I came. You'll find a Scripture precedent in I Tim. 3: 10 ... let these alsofirst be tried.

They agreed and then took a secret pledge to see if my salary could be provided. There was ample support. The next step was to see the Park Forest elders. If they were to say "no" my answer would be 'no'. They had paid our way from Pullman WA to Park Forest IL for the "long haul" and not for us to be going off to some other location.

We went to the Park Forest elders for their approval. They said, "Getting a congregation established in the Kankakee area has been one of our long range goals. We didn' t expect it to happen this fast! However, beginning a work at the end of the school year is not good timing. Why not wait until school starts this coming September?"

A few months later, with the blessing of the elders and the congregation, and after a special meeting at Park Forest the 151 Sunday in September, we began meeting in a Kankakee suburb called Bourbonnais on the 2nd Sunday of September. At the special meeting, the elders placed hands on me and prayed for the Lord to bless our endeavor. Our first meeting was in a school building called Shabonna School. LEARN1NG TO BE A SOUL WfNNER "Oh, J Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 98 The city fathers had signs erected coming into town that read: "Entering Bourbonnais" and underneath was written: (Bur - bone - ay). They wanted people to give it the pronunciation of the French Acadians who established it.

Pawnee and I searched for a place to purchase and finally had a house built in Bourbonnais. During the six months it was being built, at the suggestion of the Park Forest elders, we continued to stay (rent free!) in the home across the street from the Park Forest church building. * * * * * * * The Joy Bus program continued without us. Diane Felcamp refused to ride the bus. She was too angry with me for leaving Park Forest. Her folks offered to bring her to Bourbonnais (30 miles) but she would not agree to that either.

[Some years later, after we had moved to Oregon, Diane was attending college in southern Illinois. I don 't remember why she wrote to me or what I replied. God must have given her the needed help. She returned to Park Forest, was baptized, and became the church Secretary.

[She came out to Oregon and stayed with us two weeks. After returning to Illinois, she married a young man named Jim Rose. Jim and his parents were active members at Park Forest. He and Diane had a beautiful girl they named Shannon. When Shannon was about two years old, tragedy struck.

[Jim was a passenger in a car that was struck by a drunk driver and Jim was killed. The Police Officer who came to make report to Diane had a difficult time convincing her that Jim was dead. A couple days later, before Jim was buried, Diane realized she was pregnant. She gave birth to a boy she named Christopher.

[Today, Diane has married again, this time to a preacher's son . Tyler Mereness is a fine young man and he dearly loves Diane and the children. Since beginning this paragraph we have been there and recently had dinner in their home: a ~ enjoyable evening. Clara Druzskowski, and her mother who is also named Clara, were present. Clara had taken over the Secretary task. * * * * * * * After moving from Park Forest, I returned for a study with a young girl, age about 14. We sat in the car in front of her home while r presented Jesus. She said she wanted to put Him on in baptism; to make Him the Lord of her life. I said, "Let's go see if your Mother would like to go with us."

Her mother said, "Preacher, Sandy was baptized when she was a baby. She doesn't need to be baptized." My answer was one the Lord provided. I said, 'You had her dedicated to the Lord because of your faith, and that wasn't a bad thing. But Sandy wishes to express her own faith, not that of yours or of someone else.' She said, "Can T come along and watch?" That was what we had hoped for. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" [972-[977

CHAPTER ELEVEN Page 99 There were many other happenings during the five years we worked at Park Forest that have faded beyond my ability to recall other than glimpses of events lacking sufficient background of memory to allow for elaboration: baptisms, wedding, funerals that Jim and/or I took part in.

One memory ever so sorrowful is that of two very difficult funerals. Parents had bought their two boys shotguns for Christmas. Since most hunting seasons would have ended by then, they gave them their guns early. The family went hunting for pheasants. One flew up and the oldest boy fired just as his young brother raised up in front of him.

Exactly one year later, the mother's sister's son drowned in a crowded Public Swimming Pool that had Life Guards to protect swimmers! What could anyone say to ameliorate their pain? Assurances that God receives the innocent is of little consolation to grieving parents. I can only pray that He gave them some surcease from sorrow, if not then, at a later date. * * * * * * * Our next "field of work" was Bourbonnais IL begun with the blessings of the Park Forest congregation. Her elders and members were very encouraging with personal visits and with visits to our Sunday assemblies, especially those with pot-lucks! /('"' !"')\

And so, for the next five years we lived in Bourbonnais, Kankakee County, 30 miles south of Park Forest, 60 miles south of Chicago, 90 miles south of the Great Lakes Naval Air Station, 60 miles north of Chanute Air Force Base at Rantoul. I'm retired Military, and we went to Chanute quite often. * * * * * * * Memory recalled: Clara Druzskowski introduced me to her Niece for the purpose of making a gospel presentation to her. I'm sure that her confession and baptism was largely due to the influence of Clara's pattern of living as well as that of the truth of the gospel. Later, I heard that the girl had fallen away; maybe for a time only. Jesus doesn't easily turn loose of His own. * * * * * * *

Chapter Eleven Page 99


I. Discuss paragraph one on page 79.

2. "Precious Encounter" is referred to on page 79. Guidelines for meeting are given in Chap. 15. Comment on the next to last paragraph on page 79 .

3. to the caller who was" .. thinking of divorcing ... " Marvin could have replied, "When your husband gets home with the car, come see me. " Why, or why not, say that?

(Continued next oage) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Oh, I Thought You Were a Bus Driver!" 1972-1977

4. What did Marvin see as Roselyn's need as being more important than reminding her of her "I do's"?

5. What lessons do we get from Don's statement to Roselyn about friendship

6. What observations can you make fTom the support for their preachers given by the Park Forest elders as shown on pages 80 & 81? What might be the results in other churches where such as that is done?

7. Could you keep, or have you kept, a sense of humor as did Wayne Briggs under similar circumstances? (Page 82)

8. Have you ever arbitrarily refused to baptize someone under age 12? (Page 83)

9. Legalism?1 Is it correct to apply such a label to someone trying to protect the purity of Bible teaching? Are there "watchdogs" that bark at friend and foe alike? Discuss. (See paragraph 2 on Page 84)

10. Which type of events (normal or trouble-filled) do we find the easiest to remember? (See the story of the teachers that begins near the end of Page 86)

11. Does a Christian relationship (brother-sister) gmill us special privileges? (Page 88)

12. Is there a possibility a neighbor, or neighbors, watch our behavior? [12b. Answer this to yourself only: What are they seeing in your family'S behavior?]

13. Read the Campagna story beginning on page 89. Do you see God's hand at work? In how many instances? Will He do the same for you? Has He done so already I?

14. Have you pictured members of Jewish faith as being unreachable? (Lilo Levi Dumin was not unreachable (Chap. 10; neither were the Becks.) (See Page 90)

15. A knock on a door created Iife-time friends. Do you bel ieve God wi II leave you a spiritual-orphan if you go to work for Him? (Page 92)

16. Does one have to be a 'professional" Christian to be effective? (Page 93)

17. How do we go about learning to do "personal work"? Hint: get out of your comfort zone!

18. What meanings does the word "eternal" convey to you? (Comment on the author's observations on Page 94)

19 . Must we know beforehand just who our efforts for God might influence? (Top of Page 96)

20. We may need special training - to overcome what? (End of Page 96)

21. What does page 97 say is the way to learn? [Note: "It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than it is to think your way into a new way of acting." Try it; you'll be glad you did. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck'" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 101 The year is 1977 and our new congregation began meeting in the Shabonna School in the town of Bourbonnais, Illinois. There were about 25 "plank owners" (which could be strictly a Navy term) that put our group together and got things underway in Bourbonnais (Bur-bone-ay). After "beating the bushes" (calling on friends and relatives of the beginning group), we quickly grew to about 40 in number.

Every yearly quarter had a month with five Sundays, and each 5th Sunday, the men were asked to talk about the sermons of the quarter that impressed them (for whatever reason). Harry Sohn's choice concerned "giving of our means" and his comments were better than my sermon.

Not long after, Harry came down with the same cancer from which his dad had died. His wife and I were with Harry when he, peacefully, passed on from his sleep. Harry had died 13 years to the day on which his father died. A month or so earlier, a known acquaintance died as a result of the same cancer and it had taken four men to hold him as he thrashed around. Harry's peaceful exit could have been due to his relationship with his Heavenly Father.

Some time after Harry Sohn's death, Jo married a man named Steve Monte!. Jo's children fell in love with Steve before Jo did. I officiated at their wedding.

1 could wish I had a listing of all who were "the beginners" but because I am fearful of leaving out someone, or someones, I'll not attempt to name them other than to mention the names of our elders and their wives: Bill & Alberta Burton, Bob & Jean Gurzinski, Wayne & Geneva Seeley, and ofthose who were a part of happenings I remember. * * * * * * * Events that will come to mind will not necessarily be in order of occurrence. The house we bought was a two-story structure with three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the second floor. The lower floor consisted of a hallway, living room, dining room & kitchen, half-bath, and a "family" room. I added two exhaust fans in the attic that were operated by temperature levels. We proceeded to turn the back yard into garden plots (still had my Troy-Built).

1 could fill a page or two with stories of experimental planting within railroad-tie-banked raised beds. I had rototilled leaves and manure into the ground before adding soil. One instance will suffice since this isn 't meant to be an agricultural report. I asked someone if they would like a carrot. "A carrot? You sure you can afford it!" Eyeballs popped out when I brought it in.

I had obtained peat-soil (ancient glacier deposit from a nearby town) so rich it would burn if you held a match to it! Because I was a preacher, it was given to me. The soil was black in color. In order to protect the carrot seedlings, I planted them with radishes which served a dual purpose: radish leaves shielded them from sunlight and the rows were thinned as we pulled the radishes to eat. Carrots grew to 3 to 4 inches across at the top and to 18 inches in length before they hit the hard pan and made a 90 degree turn. Furthermore, they were solid and sweet! * * * * * * * LEARNINGTOBEASOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 102 I tilled the neighbor's garden in the Spring and he in turn cleared the snow from our driveway during the Winter with his snow blower. The snow became deep a winter or two. The winter of 78, the temperature (w/wind chill factor) dropped to 89 degrees below zero. The winter of 79, it dropped to 90 below! Both winters, ice formed in two of our bathroom commodes.

I grew a beard to protect my skin from chapping. Pawnee liked the fact that it hid my face improving my looks, and so she has never agreed to my removing my beard. The next time after that when r went back to Park Forest as a guest preacher, I was referred to as 'the bearded boy from Bourbonnais."

[A few "conservatives" on the West Coast have hinted strongly that I should shave. If they ever want to enforce that, they'll have to deal with Pawnee!] * * * * * * * I spent a great deal of time with Larry Combs and his family. He went with me on a number of evening visits, and they have always been exceptionally hospitable (to everyone). Besides, he baked a mean pecan pie. I also visited often with Jim & Billie Clayton; studied with, and baptized two of their daughters.

A humorous incident at Park Forest took place the first time the Claytons came there. Billie Thompson's maiden name was Clayton. Billie Clayton introduced herself to Billie Thompson as (what else) Billie Clayton. Billie, nee Clayton, Thompson said, "No, I'm Billie Clayton!" They exchanged confused looks!

John and Melinda Sutherland were two more people I came to greatly appreciate. Melinda was a tireless worker with the young people, and made certain we had a Vacation Bible School each year. She took the responsibility of putting together class materials for the children. John showed me where to fish and did a great deal of work on our house. He once repaired an area where siding had been blown off by high winds. * * * * * * * Visits with the elders as a group, and also with their families were a little less often, due for the most part, to the distance away that they lived. The elders, and their wives were very supportive, invited me to their meetings, and it seemed they were always wanting to raise my salary. I don't recall their commenting (at the meetings) on my lessons, nor did they ever suggest that [ preach on this or that subject. I preached "Bible" and that suited them.

One dear fellow had some sort of fault finding, or another, after every sermon (or so it seemed at the time). One Lord's Day morning he went a bit far with a criticism. r smiled, but that afternoon I wrote out the Scriptures that supported my presentation.

He had to report to work that evening, but his wife was there and I gave my written­ defense to her. For the next few years, if he ever disagreed, he never again voiced it to me. That's not to say I was always right! * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck! " 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 103 One young man, whose mother was on the Board of the College Church of The Nazarene, had been taught the Restoration Plea shortly after doing a stint in the Navy (so we had that in common). Sam Ends and I became golfing buddies.

While attending Illinois Wesleyan University, Sam became disillusioned because of the dilemma he was facing in trying to live without sinning. Because of that, and because of bad advice, he quit attending church assembly and began coming home on weekends. He'd call me, "Marvin, how about a round of golf? One thing though, don't talk to me about religion!"

By the time we'd get to the second tee, he would bring it up! I remember saying to him, ' Sam, I'm not worried about you. I'm as confident as I can be that I will be with you, you with me, in heaven one day. So you've got problems now. The Lord isn ' t going to turn away from you, and He's going to help you with your problems. Let's play golf."

[At a much later date, I officiated at Sam's wedding to a precious College girl named Lyndell. Sam's mother acquired the use of the Nazarene College church building. It was huge, T -shaped, and seated about 1000. Sam played trombone, but not at his wedding. From Illinois Wesleyan, a 45 piece ensemble did play, on stage: kettle drums, et ai. There were five bridesmaids and a Matron of Honor, five groomsmen and a Best Man, and six flower women who carried flower pots to the stage. Little ones were left in the Nursery. The place was packed! A reception took place in an upper floor of the Bourbonnais Municipal Bank.] * * * * * * * [Sam was our first visitor from back East after we moved to the Coast. We had bragged on the Coastal climate, how that it stayed relatively warm in the winter and cool in the summer. He came at Christmas time and there was ice everywhere. Portlanders, with summer homes in Lincoln City, found flooded basements due to water pipes that had burst!

[As couples arrived with our grandchildren, we moved Sam from one room to another, and then to another, and then to another. The last really wasn't really a room unless you'd refer to floor space in the laundry room as a room. He has often remarked that it was the best Christmas ever. It sure made the Holiday season for us: having him with us .

[Sam & Lyndell & their two children, now live in a suburb of Kansas City MO and attend church at Lee's Summit MO (also a K.C. suburb). Sam has (for several years now) an Insurance Agency there. We will be visiting them the last of this month. Sam has arranged for me to preach on 9/30101. We're looking forward to lots of hugs when we get there; tears when we leave.] * * * * * * * The church moved to a building where an over-pass crossed over I-57. We were paying rent to another church group. Then we made plans to purchase a house on the same street but east of the over-pass. However, we discovered zoning restrictions that would not make it feasible to modify the house into a church structure. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truckl" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 104 In the meantime, a tornado came through and toppled a huge railroad box-car crane, from a next door salvage plant, on to the house property. It crashed through a thick cement foundation that w('1.s in the yard. So we found ourselves back in Shabbona School. Then we were given an opportunity to purchase the church building we had rented; and we bought it. * * * * * * * I don't know how Sam came to know them. He told me of two young men from the country of Lebanon who were living in Kankakee. I made a visit and met Habib Habib and Alex Habib. They soon moved into the house the church had considered purchasing. They were then but a short walk from the church's building.

Habib and Alex were from Beirut, Lebanon and had come to the U.S. to attend Olivet Nazarene College. Since many were mispronouncing their name as Ha-bib, they finally changed the spelling to Habeeb so it would be pronounced correctly.

After their baptisms, they became willing learners and were enthusiastic supporters of the church. Sam said that I had baptized them, but that part is hazy. If the Lord gave me the words to say to them (and I'm sure He did), He has since removed them from my memory insofar as an ability to recall them.

They became Managers of Specialty-Foods: Habeeb of a Subway Store and Alex of a Taco John's. I loved Super-Burritos but Alex would never let me pay for one. I found a way to outfox him. That only worked for a little while before he caught on that I was sending someone else in to buy them for me. He even went so far as to make sure his workers would recognize me! The super-burritos they fixed for me were super!

The boys had quit College and were being threatened with deportation. Several of us from the church went with them to the Immigration Office in Chicago. When we praised their honesty and integrity, and their contributions as industrious citizens, the Immigration Officer said he would place their names at the bottom of a stack, following which, after a short time longer, they would be eligible to remain in the U.S ..

They became citizens and today Alex is a Supervisor and part Owner of several stores. Habeeb moved south to Champaign-Urbana. Habeeb has his BA Degree and works as the Chief Operations Officer of Benefit Planning Consultants, Inc.. Both married some while back and have families: Alex has four children, Habeeb has two, and they are schooled in Christian Schools. [Today, Habeeb is an elder. He has a Web Page: [email protected]] * * * * * * * I'll take up a story of another Nazarene College student named Lisa. Lisa was in attendance at worship with us for a second time. I had learned a little about her; that she was attending Olivet Nazarene, learned where she worked and that she didn't work on Mondays. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck " 1977-1982 '

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 105 After church service, I told her that I had a hospital visit to make on Monday to the north of Park Forest and asked her to go with me. En route, I said, 'Lisa, have you reached a place in your Spiritual life where you feel that if you were to die tonight, you'd go to Heaven?' She replied, "Oh, yes!"

I said, 'That's wonderful! We should all feel that way. How old were you when you realized that Heaven was your home?' She said, "Eighteen."

I said, 'Tell me, how long, after you felt that assurance, was it until you were baptized, or have you been baptized?' She answered, "That's when I was baptized, when 1 was eighteen."

I said, 'Tell me about it. ' "Alright. The preacher extended the invitation. I went forward and confessed my belief in Jesus. He took me to a nearby lake and immersed me for the forgiveness of my sins."

J replied, 'Welcome, Sis. I didn't know the Nazarene church taught that,' and she said that her preacher in Ohio did, but that it wasn't being taught that way at the College church 111 Bourbonnais, and that was the reason she had began attending where I preached.

Later on, Lisa had gone to work for Alex at Taco John's. Then she started having health problems. Her red-blood cell count was well below the level where most people pass out. One doctor checked it and asked, "Are you from Mars?" We became very worried about her and started checking up on her to make sure she was awake and conscious. * * * * * * * [ (Post 1983) Sam Ends had been our first visitor to the Coast. Not long after we had a second visitor: Lisa Kidder. Pawnee was working at a Home Health Care Agency as Medical Records Supervisor. The owner, where she worked, checked Lisa's blood count and couldn't believe she was still on her feet!

[J took her fishing with me. She caught the biggest ocean Perch I have ever seen! Took her whale watching out of Depoe (no, I didn't misspell that) Bay. It was the first time on the ocean for her. She spent the entire trip way out on the end of the bow-sprit!!]

[Back in Illinois, she was discovered to have a tumor between her heart and her lungs. That was excised chemically. Then she was diagnosed with Leukemia and given six months to live. She began going "downhill" health wise. Her Doctor told her she could have chemo-therapy or she could opt for quality of life. She chose the latter and her Doctor prayed with her. * * * * * * * [Alex called her into his Office. (1 need to point out here that both Alex and Habeeb had set a practice of never dating anyone of their help!) "Lisa, is there anything you wish you could see before ... y'know ... before ... " She said, "Yes. I've always wanted to see the California Redwoods." LEARNfNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-\982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 106 ["Okay, I'll take you." In a disgusted tone of voice, Lisa replied, "Sure, Alex," and started to walk out of the Office. Alex said, "Lisa, come back here. r meant what I said. You have vacation time coming and I have vacation time coming, and I'll take you there!"

[They went to see the young preacher hired after Pawnee and I had left. The conversation I don't recall having been related to me clearly, but they probably asked for his opinion, blessing and prayers. He said, "It won't look good for you two to go travel ing across country together."

[Lisa answered, "Look, Jerry. If we wanted to do what you infer, we wouldn't have to go across country for it. Alex has his apartment and I have mine!" "Well," he replied, "1 don't think you should. Too many people will think you are sleeping together."

[They went to see the elders to get their opinion. They received their blessings and their prayers. "Have a safe and enjoyable trip." They knew the devotion of both to their Lord.

[Lisa's doctor had told her that pain would soon begin, probably starting in her left shoulder and going down her arm. It began when they set out. After nighttime stops, they'd meet together for breakfast and then resume their journey. Shortly afterward, Lisa would comment about the pain shooting down her arm. Alex would pray for God to take away the pain. They would be, "perhaps 30 minutes" along the way and Lisa would remark, "Alex, the pain is gone." This became a daily occurrence.

[After visiting the giant Sequoia trees of California (the Redwoods), Lisa said, "Alex, we can't get this near to the Pegg's and not go see them." They arrived and Alex called me down to our daylight basement. "Marvin, I need your help. My feelings toward Lisa aren't exactly brotherly. I think I'm in love with Lisa."

['Don't you know?' "No. That's the reason I wanted to talk with you."

['Well, Alex, think about it. There are several young ladies at the Bourbonnais church who think you are a fine young man; and several young ladies who work for you who think the same. If anyone of them were dying, would you feel the same way about them as you feel about Lisa?'

["Oh, NO!" 'Alex, that ought to tell you something.' "But ... if r ask Lisa to marry me, she'll think I'm just asking out of pity for her, and turn me down." 'Yes, Alex, that's possible. But if you really love her, is that not a chance you ought to be will ing to take?'

[Later, 1 had a chat with Lisa. 'Lisa, about the Leukemia you have. That's Satan's work. God wants you to be a witness for Him. And you are not going to die from this. God is going to heal you. Don't allow Lisa to feel sorry for Lisa! I don't feel sorry for you. There's no reason I should. Furthermore, stay away from negative people. Stay away from people that feel sorry for Lisa!' LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 107 [From Illinois, Lisa called, "Marvin, guess what? I replied that Alex had asked her to marry him. She said, "Yes! How did you know?" I told her I was playing a hunch, but I didn't tell her 1 had reason for my hunch.

[She called again a few days later, "Marvin, when I got home, my Doctor sent me to one Doctor and then to another. Today, she called me in to tell me the reason she had sent me to them was ' ... to see if they confirmed my diagnosis. You no longer have Leukemia. You haven't been taking the medicine I prescribed. There's only one answer: someone has been praying for you!' " Of course, several had been praying for her including her doctor.

Today, about 17 years or so later, Lisa and Alex have four beautiful children and the entire family is very active in the Bourbonnais church of Christ.] * * * * * * * Back to '77-82 and the building the church purchased. The auditorium was of good size and had a wing wherein were classrooms, a kitchen and a fellowship hall.

Billy James was still teaching Bible to prisoners at Ulinois State Prison. He had baptized more than a few. Two, who had served their time and were released, he sent our way. The first one we put up in our church building. In return for having a place to stay, he did the janitorial work for us.

One night, r received a call that the church's building was on fire. I dressed and hurried over there. The fire had been confined to the classroom-fellowship hall area and the Fire Department had put out the blaze.

The Fire Chief asked me if we had a man living in the building. I answered that we did. He said that the fellow had been running down the street trying to get someone to report the fire. The Fire Chief was driving his own car and the fellow came running up to his car and asked him if he could call the Fire Department (!), and then the fellow collapsed on the street!

The Fire Chief reported the fire and then took our "tenant" to the hospital. He said to me, "1 gave orders that he not be released from the hospital until I came after him. I'd like for you to pick him up and bring him here. I'll call the hospital to let them know you're coming for him."

1 picked him up and told him that the Fire Chief asked me to bring him to the building. He said, "Oh, no!" r said, 'He just wants to ask you a few questions about the fire. You don't have anything to worry about. What has you upset?' He said, "1 was in prison for arson." !!

I replied, 'Surely, you couldn't have been so dumb as to set fire to your room?! Where would you stay if the building burned down?' He was exonerated - not found guilty, that is . The Fire Chief said the fire could have been of natural cause. But because of the damage to the building (the need to take some of it apart), we no longer had a place for him to stay. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 108 Truth can come out in dramatic ways. Later, he was brought to trial in Kankakee and I was called as a witness. This time he'had been caught in the act. He had set a fire in the hallway of a hotel. He also confessed to having set our church' s building afire. The hotel fire was called a class "A" felony because lives were endangered. I don't remember his sentence, but he was returned to prison.

At the time of the trial, we learned that his parents lived a mere six miles away from us, but that they wouldn't let him stay with them because either Mom or Dad had to stay awake all night lest he bum down their home! It is said the reason a Psychiatrist has difficulty changing a light bulb is that the bulb has to want to be changed! God CAN help us "dim-bulbs" with our hang­ ups, but we must want His help, and we must pray for Him to supply it! * * * * * * * Billy then sent us another ex-prisoner, a parolee whose last name was Williams. He was devoted to the cause of the Lord. I believe he might have been treated better if his arrival hadn't been so close on the heels of the arsonist. He was a charcoal colored child of God . He visited us, ate with us in our home, and I visited him and his family in Kankakee. * * * * * * * Terry and Karen Hunt moved to Bourbonnais from Indiana and placed their membership as part of Christ's church with us. Karen was a counselor for the schools in the County. Terry taught Seventh Grade but resigned after one year. "No discipline; no way to enforce it." Terry often played golf with Sam and me. Hospitality, like others there, was a key-note of the Hunts.

They were burglarized while living in Kankakee. Karen was saddened with the loss of a ring that had been her mother's. They happened to look over the ground beneath the window where the burglar had gained entry, and there was the ring lying there! The Lord knew how saddened Karen would be and caused the thief to drop it! After that year, they moved to Eureka not far from Peoria, Illinois where two daughters were born.

[They visited us twice in Lincoln City. When we visited them in the mid 1990's, they also had a four-month old boy. Both Terry and Karen read to him for months before he was born. Now, Pawnee and I watched as she read to him.

He excitedly followed each page with his eyes as she read! Dale Smith is a prize-winning author of children's books that are well worth reading to children to promote their interest in reading. You might look for them on the Internet. Start your search with "Over Is Not Up!" He believes in reading to them before they are born.] * * * * * * * I became a member of the Rotary Club that met in an Olivet College room. I made several acquaintances there; among them was a Counselor from India who had married a U.S . girl. Their children were beautiful. He and his family began attending the church of Christ. His name was Abraham Kurien and he had a part in the following. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck! " 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 109 One day, a black man knocked on our door, said he was told that I was a preacher for the church of Christ, and introduced himself as Solomon Aguh. I invited him in. He said he was planning on going to Nigeria to teach the gospel to his parents and baptize them. "But," as he put it, "before I baptize them, I'd better be baptized myself."

1 had a talk with Solomon to be satisfied that his understanding of baptism agreed with Scripture, and then I called my India friend (Abe Kurien) and invited him to come with us. We went to a Park along the Kankakee River. Solomon and I waded out to where the water became of sufficient depth, and I baptized him.

Someone else had done the planting, I just watered. Afterward Abe said, "That's exactly the way I was baptized before 1 left India!" Upon reflection, 1 wish now I had asked Abe the circumstances: who had taught him, etc .. * * * * * * * I baptized quite a few in the Kankakee River at that same park. Ann Clayton was one of the number, and her younger sister (Kathy) later on. If memory serves me, Ann was baptized at a church picnic, and she had a number of witnesses to her burial into the death of Jesus. [1 visited Ann, while she was attending College in Nashville, at a later date, while on a fund-raising tour.]

I'm able to remember some others with whom 1 shared the gospel, but I do not recall, date­ wise, the order of their commitment. One was the Starr's daughter (the family moved away having been moved by the Company brother Starr worked for. There was a lot of that - "moving away" - as Companies shut down and left the area.)

Others I baptized were Jim Seabert, Bill Stua, Joe Mitchell, and a young lady we helped out of a wheel chair. Pawnee remembers the Starr's daughter; 1 do not. I'm sure there were others. One I now recall, who was the first one 1 baptized at Bourbonnais, was Mark Brown. Mark and his wife moved north and began attending at Park Forest.

I first met Jim & Sue Seabert when they lived close to the Indiana line. They later moved into Martinton, which was closer but still over 20 miles from where the church met. I know that the study with Jim was unusual. That impression has stayed with me. There was something the Lord gave me to say that was a key unlocking Jim's heart. * * * * * * * A visitor from away said to me, "Will you visit my sister in Bradley. She's a member of the church but she doesn't attend anywhere." 1 called and was met at the door by her husband. I introduced myself as a preacher for the church and he said he didn't care to talk with me. I said, "I didn't come to talk with you, 1 came to talk to your wife."

He paused as he said, "Oh. Well -- come on in then." After hearing Bonnie and me talking, he cut in with a question that made it obvious that he had been raised Catholic. I shared Scripture with Bill and then left. Later that week, he came by our house for additional study and was baptized. Both Bill (when he wasn't on the road) and Bonnie attended faithfully. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 110 Bill Stua was a truck driver and the next person I shall talk briefly about became Bill's partner in ajoint truck purchase. Joe Mitchell wasn't quite as rough a talker as Bill, but he didn't fall far short of matching him. I guess my 20 years in the Navy "inoculated" me against such, but they did gradually clean up their act. I baptized Joe also. Joe was married to Pam but they later spl it the sheets. * * * * * * * Then there was a young lady (College age) that I visited a number oftimes while she was in the hospital. (While at College, she had married a young man whom I shall refer to as J.J. He became our song leader at church.) A horse had stepped on her and the injury had required surgery. It seemed that a nerve had been severed and she was unable to walk. I had help in getting her into the baptistery.

Later on, she stayed at a hospital in Chicago and went through a type of "rehabilitation." She came in a wheel chair to church services. At the invitation, she rose and walked (unsteadily) to me. Everyone applauded.

Her folks stabled horses on a ranch out to the southeast of Kankakee. The building (barn?) was so big that they could run horses in one large area inside the building. I do not remember the number of horse stalls that I counted but there were three long rows of them.

One day she told me that her folks were at a horse show in (another State) and that the owners of the ranch had been killed in a car wreck. The children had inherited the ranch and wanted the place. They said that unless the remaining $12,000 was paid (by a date prior to her folks' scheduled return) they were going to foreclose. She was in tears.

She said that her law suit against the hospital would soon be settled, but not soon enough to prevent her folks from losing the place. "Can you help me?" I took her with me to see Don Whetstone. Don was a Vice President for Sears Bank in the Sears Tower in Chicago.

Don talked with her lawyers about her law-suit and was satisfied that it would soon be settled in her favor. "Marvin, before you cash in your Certificate of Deposit in the Matteson Bank, allow us to loan you the $7,000 because you don't want to stop that rate of interest you are being paid." 1 talked with Jo Montel about the girl's need. They provided the additional $5,000 she needed.

It wasn't long after that we discovered the whole thing was a farce - a con job! She did not get a settlement. Nurses testified they had seen her get out of bed at night and walk to the bathroom! She and her new husband had been "paper hangers" at College and in the Kankakee area! For the uninitiated, a "paper hanger" is a bad check writer.

She was liable for debts incurred, her parents were not, although events showed they must have been in on the big lie about losing the ranch. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck l " 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page III In fact, she and her dad came by our home, and the Montel's afterward, the same Saturday evening, with checks written on an account her dad had closed out at an earlier date! Steve Montel was suspicious and called a friend at the bank who told him the account had been closed!

On my tax return, r deducted the bad loan as a loss. Of course, there was a penalty for closing my IRA account. The loss of interest across the years has been considerable! So what! The Lord has provided all our needs and continues to do so. The "big loss" was the two we had loved and had befriended.

I was called in by the I.R.S. and told that inasmuch as I was not a Loan Company, I could declare, yearly, only a part of the sum, and that I could not even do that unless I took steps, by means of a law suit, to recover the loan. I called and told the girl I would have to do that. She had a very valuable horse. They declared bankruptcy! They may have thought it to be necessary in order to keep me from taking her horse and selling it. I wouldn' t have had a place to keep it.

They moved to Colorado and then back to Illinois and applied for membership at the Cardinal Drive church of Christ at Rolling Meadows, a suburb of Chicago. I was a friend of the preacher there. We had known one another at the Pearl Harbor church of Christ in 1957, and r had told him of the rip-off.

After learning they had lived in the Kankakee area, he called me to ask me about them. told him that if they were truly repentant, I saw no problem regarding their acceptance. But to show their sincerity to have them start sending $10 a month toward repaying the $7000 they owed me. They haven't sent so much as a thank-you note in over 20 years. May the Lord forgive them that we might be reunited in Heaven. * * * * * * * I recall going to a hospital to see someone who had been involved in a motorcycle accident. I don't remember who had told me about her. When I got there, I found that she was in a coma and had been thus for some time. I asked the nurse on duty if she would mind my praying with the young lady. She said, "Go ahead, but she won't hear you."

As I was praying, she opened one eye and looked at me. The following day she came out of the coma. I visited again. A Denominational preacher had been to see her. He told her that God had punished her and that the reason shepherds carried a stick was to whip the sheep back in line. He said THE Shepherd had used His stick on her!

I told her that, while God did allow us free will, He did not attack us. He loves us. He did allow the Prince of Darkness a certain amount of free rein. God gets the bad press for many things that Satan carries out. I told her that God can turn things around and bring good out of that which Satan causes; that if she would look to God He can bring good out of this LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck! " 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 112 I told her that the shepherds carried a staff, with a crook on it, and a club. The club to protect the sheep from predators and the crook to lift the sheep out of crevasses when they fell into one. They weren't used to beat the sheep but to care for them. Were my visits to her in vain? We don't HAVE to see results. God will take care of the harvest. I may see her again in a life that will be ours in Heaven. * * * * * * * We knew Pete and Eva Rosendahl while at the Park Forest church. They were the first couple the Elders took Jim Tabor and me to visit when we first came to Park Forest.

Pawnee was an Admissions Clerk at Riverside Medical Center (so called because they had a Psychiatric Ward in addition to regular hospital care. Pawnee kept me informed and I had several occasions to visit patients being treated in the Pysch. Ward. They would lock me in but always saw fit to let me out later (1\ ! 1\)

Pawnee told me that Pete had been admitted to the Hospital and I went to see him. Pete was dying and he knew it. He wanted to do something for Eva. She had been his "strong right arm" across the years. He said he wanted to repeat his marriage vows, but to make it secret until the moment the ceremony began. Pete filled me in on what to say. Eva and his nurses were all present when I began talking about a day, so many years ago, when they had first met. * * * * * * * Pawnee's work there as an Admitting Receptionist, spurred her interest in becoming, first, a Medical Records Technician, and then a Medical Records Supervisor. Requirements were College courses that included Anatomy & Physiology, then to go to work in a Medical Records Department of a Hospital while taking a supervised Medical Records Independent Study Course.

So, at age 50, she went back to College and went thru the courses with flying colors. That was followed by a job in the Medical Records Office at Hillman Memorial Hospital in Manteno, the next town to the north of Bourbonnais.

A question on one of her modules was so vague that she called a phone number she had been given "in case she had a problem." The answer she was given was just as vague. (As it turned out, she was meant to use her own initiative in making an answer.) She was worried .

"Marvin, my test grade from this last module should come in the mail today. As soon as it comes please call me. I'm so afraid I failed it." The results came. I called her. Because of her fear of having failed it, J disgustedly told her what her grade was. 'You got an A.' * * * * * * * We decided to have a special meeting, a home-coming. We had a song leader of a congregation in Streator, some distance to the west, who agreed to come and lead our singing.

Many, from far and near, from Park Forest and elsewhere, promised to come. Everyone pitched in to get the building and grounds in shape. I came with my lawn mower. LEARNINGTOBEASOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 113 There must have been a half-acre of land and the grass hadn't been cut in awhile. "Marvin, go home! The rest of us can get this." But I wanted to help. My mower slipped into a trench and I tried to push it out with my foot. Bad move.

My foot went underneath and in an instant I had lost the toe of my shoe and was looking at a bleeding foot. Someone said, when the toes were being looked for, "Maybe we ought to call a toe truck." (One can often find a Joker in the deck.) The toes were found but they were too mangled to reattach to my foot.

Larry Combs hurried me to the hospital. It was a Saturday and Pawnee wasn't working. Someone came to the house: "Now Pawnee, don't get worried. Marvin's all right. He's in the hospital. (By this time she's about to faint.) He cut some toes from his foot with the lawn mower."

My big toe was cut in half horizontally and the doctor was able to save most of it. The two toes next to it were shortened by half. (The sewing, delayed a few days, was ~ painful.) The Doctor said he was going to admit me. I said, 'No way! Not unless you make sure that I can leave in the morning. I have to preach tomorrow. It's a special occasion and no provision has been made for someone else to take my place.' He said, "You aren't going to feel like preaching, or even like getting out of bed! But, in the event that you do, make certain your foot is above your head!"

Scripture says, "How beautiful are tlte feet oft/lOse wlto bring good news, who proclaim peace, wlto hring good tidings, who proclaim salvat;on, wlto say to Zion, 'Your God reigns! '" Perhaps I have been disqualified from preaching or sharing the gospel. No, any feet bringing good news are beautiful. Get yours prettied up!

Pawnee brought me a suit and tie, a shoe for my left foot, and crutches I believe Larry supplied. About all that could be seen of me, while 1 preached, was a blood-colored bandaged foot in the air. I literally soaked my suit with perspiration. But I stayed for the pot-luck! (I' ,") I don ' t remember my sermon. More than likely, no one else did either. * * * * * * * Pawnee and I, the elders and their wives, often went out, on a Sunday evening after services, to share a meal together. One such time, Geneva Seeley said, "Marvin, I sure liked the sermons you brought today." I said, 'Well thank you. What was it you liked about them?' She replied, "Oh ... uh ... well ... I sure liked them."

I laughed and said, 'The reason I asked, I have forgotten what 1 preached!' Now if even the preacher can forget a lesson so quickly, what's the point of preaching? I don't remember what I had for dinner recently. I guess 1'd better stop eating. Oh yeah? I need food for my physical body and I need food for my spiritual body as well. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 114 There is one sermon I do remember, that is, I remember the subject of said sermon. While preparing it I thought, 'Why am I putting this together? There's no one in the congregation who is a homosexual.' Yet, I felt compelled to continue with it!

Sunday, as I delivered the address, I felt a woman (a visitor!) staring at me. Afterward. she asked if I would talk with her. I gave her directions to our home. She told me of a situation wherein she was involved. We discussed the subject further and we prayed together. Tom Letter was back from his "Preacher School." He lived in the area she did, and he followed up on the outcome. She broke off the attachment she had felt for the other woman. I have never, since then, doubted the Lord's ability to bring the correct lesson to someone needing to hear it!

Let me repeat what I have said several times in this story: listen for God's help, listen for answers He will give, trust His desire to use YQ!! to take the gospel to others. * * * * * * * Silas Shotwell called to relate information of an all-denominational Evangelism Forum to be conducted in Kansas City MO. Over 300 denominations were expected to palticipate. Billy Graham, Luis and others would be evening assembly speakers. Some well-known gospel singers would be on the program.

Day-time class-teachers would include three from the church of Christ: 1) a preacher from Texas whose congregation had given a one-day sum of one million dollars; 2) Silas Shotwell speaking on an evangelism subject; 3) and "yours truly" teaching "Evangelizing the Military."

It was a week-long meeting. I was provided quarters in the Radisson Hotel on the Plaza and held classes in a room of the same building. One of our Bourbonnais Elders, Wayne Seeley and his wife Geneva, took me to K.C.. I'm uncertain as to where they stayed. One lunch hour, Charles Colson (of Watergate fame) spoke at the K.C. Rotary Club which met in the Radisson.

As a member of the Rotary Club, I got to attend and hear him. Among other things, he spoke of his conversion to Christ while in prison, and of his subsequent Prison Ministry. I've been a Chuck Colson "fan" ever since, and now I daily copy his "Break Point" messages.

The evening assembly of the Evangelism Forum was conducted in a HUGE underground assembly room a couple of blocks from the Radisson. During some inspiring singing, a couple to my left held up their arms. Then, since no one else had their arms up, they took them down again. I took the arm of the one on my left, and my elder's arm, and we lifted "up holy hands to God", as says Scripture. Holy hands? If you've been baptized into Christ, you can count on it! * * * * * * * It was a Saturday, May 2nd 1981. The phone rang, "Your son, Walter Pegg, has been killed in a helicopter crash." Things became a little hazy after that. He had been with an oil­ exploration crew looking for oil in the Badlands of North Dakota. His responsibility was to drill and set off explosives creating earth vibrations from which oil deposits could be determined. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck! " 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 115 Their Helicopter had crashed into a deep canyon on Friday May I st. All eight aboard were killed. Walter was the only one thrown clear. He was burned but recognizable, others were too badly burned for recognition. Knowing his adventurous spirit, we wondered if he had been at the controls. We were told that he only needed a few more hours for his license, but that he could not have been at the controls because a door handle was in his hand.

I preached the next day, morning and evening. I sure enough have no memory of those sermons! Because of being badly burned, he was cremated. His memorial service was held in Lavina MT. His ashes were scattered there.

Park Forest church members and Bourbonnais church members pressed money into Pawnee's purse and into my suit pockets. When we added it up, they had given us over $1800! Not only did we have the plane fare, we were able to bring his brother Gary and Gary's wife Pam (who were then living in Rockwell TX near Dallas), and we were able also to pay the fare for Walter's twin-brothers to come from the West Coast (Portland and Seattle).

We got to see all the wonders of Walter's work on his Montana ranch: a bridge; a huge root cellar that kept the temperature at a constant 40 degrees; a glass enclosed gazebo with hanging crystal that bathed one with colored light; a large yurt as temporary housing while building permanent homes; a chicken house the floor of which could be moved out from under the chicken-house and power-hosed clean; black-painted water tanks exposed to the sun during the day and which then kept the chicken-house warm on coldest nights; etc.

Pawnee's Bro-in-Law (Kayo), and her sister, rented a motor home and brought Walter's Grandparents. A nephew (Jim Martens) and a cousin of mine (Warren Maart) came to the memorial in Lavina. Walter was so liked that all three churches there wanted their facility used for his memorial. It was held in a non-partisan building so all would feel free to attend.

I've often wondered if, before they crashed, they were calling "May Day!" Could it be that no one paid attention because it was May 1st, May Day?

We thought about the many trips we had made from Illinois to Oregon without making the detour to see Walter's place! Pawnee's parents were getting so old that we thought we had to hurry to get to see them again. We thought a time will come when we can make a side-trip. The time came, but not as we would have chosen. * * * * * * * Both Pawnee and I began making trips to the Hospital on Chanute Air Force Base. One time, my blood sugar was so low that I was in paralysis, although I could still hear and understand what people were saying.

After something over an hour had gone by, someone said, "Let's see if we can get him to drink a coke. Maybe that will help." It brought me back to where I could communicate and perambulate. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page) 16 One Sunday, Alberta Burton asked if she could come home with us for lunch. She was the Director of Social Services for Watseka County and had her Master's Degree in a related field. After we had eaten, she said, "The reason I invited myself: I've become concerned about the many trips the two of you have been making to the Air Force Hospital at Rantoul. Do you talk about Walter's death?"

When we said no she wanted to know why we did not. We both said essentially the same thing. 'Maybe Pawnee (maybe Marvin) isn't thinking about Walter, and perhaps the scab over the wound is healing. In bring it up, it will begin bleeding again.'

She said, "You both are bleeding all the time. And the only way you will recover from what has happened to Walter, is if you DO start talking about him. Share good memories. Talk about him with each other and with others. If you don't, your health is going to continue to get worse and worse." We began talking about him, hospital visits stopped, and our health improved.

I was asked how it felt to lose a son; insensitive question. I said I didn't know. The party said, "Why don't you know? You did lose a son, did you not?" I said, 'Yes we did. But I've been in such shock I haven't known how I felt.' God sent Alberta who helped us bear up. * * * * * * * [This next incident took place a few years later, after we had moved to Oregon. Alberta had slipped on an icy back step at home and had hit her head on the cement and suffered a severe concussion. We were told that no one was allowed to visit or to phone.

[Some time later, the restriction was removed and we called. As we were talking, Alberta interrupted and said, "Hold the line a bit, Billjust walked in." And then we heard her gasp. Then Bill took the phone and said, "Marvin and Pawnee, we just got word that our son was killed in an auto crash on a Texas highway. A drunk crossed the line and hit his car head on. I have to talk with 'Bert. '"

[We immediately began calling people of the Bourbonnais church. 'Bill and Alberta need your help. Help them get word to relatives and friends. Help them in everyway you can.' Do you really think that it was a coincidence that we were on the phone with the ones who helped us in our hour of need?

[Someone once said, "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous!" He sees all, knows all, and He does all things well. There's a cosmic reason behind everything and He is the Creator of the Cosmos. Trust Him to help you in every reasonable, worthwhile endeavor, but don't call it coincidence.] * * * * * * * We had several visitors to our home in Bourbonnais (besides local church members) after Walter was killed: our daughter and her husband, Walt (my brother) & Jewel, Pawnee's parents, Pawnee's sister and her husband, all from Oregon. Gary & Pam visited several times from Louisiana. Wayne and Jason (Grandson) had been out earlier from the Seattle WA area. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 117 I supposed this next caller was planning on coming to visit as well. Pawnee was at work at Hillman Memorial Hospital when the phone rang at home. (I just now wondered how he got our phone number!) "Marvin, this is Claud Miller." (Remember the name from earlier chapters?)

'Claud, what prompts your call? Are you planning a visit? Everything okay with the family? Everyone well?' "No, nothing like that. We're looking for a preacher." 'Claud, r don't know of any preachers back this way who are looking for a church with whom to work. Don't you have any preachers there on the West Coast?'

"Yeah, I suppose there are some back here that are looking, but we were thinking of you." 'Of me? J'm flattered, but I'm not interested.' "What would it take to get you interested?" Claud! Read my lips! I am not interested.' "Yes, you said that. But if you were interested, what would it take?'

I laughed. And then I told him that I was very 'happy with the church here. We love the people here, and we aren't thinking of moving, that is, not until Pawnee finishes with her Medical Records Course. After that, well ... maybe then we'll consider it.'

Regina spoke up from the extension she was on: "Marvin, I can't believe what I'm hearing!" 'What? That we aren't ready to return to the West Coast?' "No ... that Pawnee is in Medical Records. I have a Home-Health-Care Agency, and I've been told that if I don't find someone to head up my Medical Records Dept., I'll be leaving myself wide open for lawsuits. If she will come back and work for me, I'll pay her (thus and so)."

I calculated that quickly and realized it would be more than she was making at Hillman. She asked me to relay her offer to Pawnee, and I did so. Pawnee reminded me: "1 have a few more modules to go before I can be certified. At the end of each module, I have to take a test that is watched over by a Medical Records Supervisor. There is one here who is doing that for me. Who would I have back there?"

They called back and I told Regina of Pawnee's objection to moving from the area, and she said that she would call me back again. When she called back, she said there was a Medical Records Supervisor in Newport who said she would be happy to monitor Pawnee's exams. Claud then said, "Now what's your excuse?"

I hemmed and hawed and said I'd think about it. He said, "Why don't you come back and conduct a meeting for us?" I answered that rather than do that, why did I not simply mail him the tape oflast Sunday's sermons, and then if you still want me to hold a meeting I'd hold one. * * * * * * * A week later, he called saying that the congregation wanted me to hold a meeting there, and I agreed to do that. We went back to hold a meeting with the Lincoln City OR church the last part of September 1982. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 118 We called Duane's wife, Gail, in Portland to tell her we would be at the Portland Airport later in the day and would she and Duane care to say hello at the Airport before we left for Lincoln City. She said she would meet us but that Duane had just left for Lincoln City! Our son, Duane, was winding up his dental studies and had decided to go to Lincoln City to talk with a Dentist there about joining him in his Practice. His twin brother came down from Seattle. Walter' s widow, Carol, who was living in Sandy OR, came also.

On Sunday, after the last sermon, a pot luck dinner was held at the home of Byron & Nolia Pickering. Before dessert, Wayne got up to leave and one of the members asked him where he was going. He told her, "To get to the Motel before 2pm or I'll be charged another night's rent."

She asked him what Motel he was staying at and he told her he had stayed the night at the Esther Lee Motel. She told him to wait. She called the Motel and said, "This is Linda Love. You have a room rented to a Wayne Pegg. He's going to be late getting there. Don't charge him any additional rent."

As she was saying that, Carol spoke up to say she was registered there also. Linda said, "There's another Pegg registered with us by the name of Carol. She will be late also. Don't charge her any additional rent."

Of all the Motels in Lincoln City (so many that I couldn't begin to count them without going to a Phone Directory), they both had selected the one that was owned by a member of the church! And Duane is thinking about setting up Office in Lincoln City?! It looks as if the Lord is trying to tell us something!

So we agreed to come to work for them, but not until we had given Bourbonnais about three months to find a new man. 'We will begin work with you 1/1/83.' * * * * * * * While we had been at Bourbonnais, membership grew from 40 to 80. During that time, over 200 of our membership had left! One by one, factories closed moving south where taxation wasn't quite as injurious. Bumper stickers, and other signs, proclaimed: "Last one to leave Kankakee, please turn out the lights."

We contracted for Movers in Kankakee to take us. They said they would load it all and take everything for the price quoted. It was, by far, the lowest we could find anywhere. One reason for their low price, they had a party in Portland who wanted the same movers to move their things to Illinois! Even though it was a "take-everything" agreement, there were things we believed we wouldn't need on the coast: my rototiller, for one thing. So we had a garage sale.

When the moving date arrived, and we were headed down the highway out of town, past the Kankakee State Park, Pawnee (in tears) said, "If I'm going home, why do I feel as if my roots are being torn up!" * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 119 It wi II soon be 19 years since we left those dear friends at Bourbonnais and at Park Forest, Illinois. We had started talking about the West Coast, where all of our family (except for Gary) lived, realizing that death (it had happened to Walter) could happen to anyone of our kids or grandchildren.

Once, when Jason was four, he called: "G'pa, when are you coming to see me?" I replied that it was a long way. He said, "Like all day and all night and all day and all night and all day?" I told him that he had that right. He said, "G'pa, why don't you move cwoser?" That was a heart breaker!

Several have been to see us since we moved away. Lisa (Kidder) Habeeb has been out to see us four times and brought her beautiful daughter (Alexandra) once. Their three boys haven't come our way - yet! Yes, that's the same Lisa that was given six months to live about eighteen years ago.

Sam Ends has been out four times, once with Lyndell. Terry & Karen Hunt have brought their two girls twice; their youngest hasn't yet seen the Coast. Jack & Helen Plummer, with their daughter (Lisa) and her husband (Michael), Diane {nee-Feicamp} Mereness stayed two weeks with us. She was the first person on our Park Forest Joy Bus.

Larry and Nancy Combs were out. Larry gave me a hand exploring our septic system. We took them to see some of Oregon's highlights, and not just our yard! Tom and Linda Patterson were out this year. We got to see things by taking them that we hadn't seen before: the town of Astoria near the mouth of the Columbia River, and the "Astoria Column."

We've been back there a few times. Carol Pegg, and grandson Ian, live in Park Forest. We are headed back that way again leaving Lincoln City one week from tomorrow as I write this. We will make a record of our trip and include highlights as a "Travelogue" chapter. * * * * * * * [n a few days, a granddaughter and her husband (Catherine & Chris) will be arriving here from Searcy Ark where both have graduated from Harding. They will be living in our house for a short span and then moving to Portland. (I flew to Shreveport LA, a couple years ago, to officiate their wedding.)

Catherine went into the AIM (Adventures In Missions) program at Lubbock TX and became their youngest "Aimer" ever at age 16. After seven months of intensive schooling, she went to Quito Ecuador where she spent two years as a Missionary. Chris has an additional course to take that is offered in Portland or Eugene. They have stepped out on faith and plan on moving to Peru as self-supporting missionaries. * * * * * * * The next Chapter takes up our work in Lincoln City, OR - out on the West Coast where the Coastal Mountains "march out into the Sea." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Call a Toe Truck!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TWELVE Page 120 I've been called names I'd never repeat. However, once as a guest speaker at Park Forest, I was known as "The bearded boy from Bourbonnais." But the handle I thought to be the funniest was an introduction by the preacher in Hood River OR. He introduced me as being from Brandy-a, Illinois. Afterward he said, "Well, I knew it was some kind of liquor."

Visitors from Illinois let it be known that I had been called "Mr. Marvin" by the kids back there. Right away, the kids ofthe Lincoln City church began calling me by the same name.


r. Sometimes the best argument is not to argue. (Page 103) Have you used that approach?

2. "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ... " (Matt. 28: 19) Bringing the gospel to those living among us is another way of doing that. Someone has said that the meaning is "As you are going ... " Does God's love extend to people ofa Foreign Race? Which nation, or nations, in your opinion?

3. Could there be those belonging to Denominational groups who are "wise virgins" so to speak? (Pages 104 & 105)

4. Lisa had "six months to live." Now, nearly 20 years later, her four children are a credit to her and Alex. Is God willing to intervene at times? (Page 106-107)

5. (Page 107-108) Would you say he was burned out of house and home?

6. Can you read of the burglary on page lOS and doubt that God will intervene for those He loves?

7. If you commit yourself to actively share the gospel, can you expect God's help? (Page 109)

8. Must you Il.l&h someone to be "Saints" with their speech? (Pages 109-110

9. Can we anticipate joy from every contact we reach with the gospel? (Pages 110-111)

10. Prayer has power to do what as written in paragraph 7 of Page III? Must we personally see results when we've "cast out bread upon the waters"?

II. A preacher's thoughts: "Why am I preparing a lesson on this topic?" Are you willing to listen when God contacts your inner ear with a silent prodding? (Page 114) "Lord, here am I. Send me!"

12. Having health problems due to grief? Talk it out. Lost a loved one? Share it. And you may need to allow someone else who is grieving to do that

13. Did God prod Pawnee into going back to College for a Medical Record's degree as a means of effecting a return to Oregon and to our remaining family? Who is in charge after all is said and done? (Paragraph 5 of Page 117)

14, Does God work out His will, or His good pleasure? Could he do that for you if you were to commit your life to Him? (Page liS) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 121 Although the Lincoln City church was paying for our move, we still sought out, and got a great bargain from a local moving company who had just received a call from a Portland address for assistance in moving to Kankakee. (The Portland call, to be moved, was from people who lived next door to members of the church who knew us and discovered the Peggs were back!) They did a great job of packing and everything arrived intact. It had to be stored in a couple different locations: Paul & Linda Loves' garage and Regina's Coast Home Nursing building.

The price quote we were given, by the moving company, was the same whether it was to include everything or only a suitcase. Even so, we had a garage sale, before packing. In thirty eight years, we had accumulated much in the way of gifts, clothing, and other mementos. A factory outlet in Bourbonnais sold 3-piece suits at $49 and a second suit could be bought for a penny! and so I had a few - a few? That was an understatement! As it turned out, I didn't have a lot of use for them in Lincoln City. Church attendance, and visitation, is "beach-comber" attire so as not to embarrass anybody. Today, if someone has a tie on: "".are you preaching today?"

Our garage sale before moving was satisfactory, except that I disliked having to sell my Troy Built Rototiller. Got about half what I had paid. I supposed I'd be doing little gardening on the coast. And until this year, when moss killed out the grass in the backyard, I haven't needed it. The party offered less than what I had tagged but when he saw that I didn't much care whether 1 sold it or not, he met my price.

When we arrived, Linda Love put us up in the Esther Lee Motel, free of cost to us, for a month before we found a place on the lake. Had a dock to fish from we enjoyed a short while before moving again. For the first six months, there was a weather phenomenon referred to as an EI Nino, and it rained some of every day! Pawnee said, "I'm getting tired of this rain." I replied, '1 don't mind. I haven't had to shovel any of it.' * * * * * * * We were not happy about leaving Bourbonnais, and had I known what we would be getting into at Lincoln City I believe I would have backed out. There were problems of which I was not given a clue. They gradually surfaced however. I should have "stuck to my guns" in my intent not to go where elders had not been appointed.

One couple who pulled away told me they had planned to move before they knew 1 was coming, and that my coming had nothing to do with their decision. Another fellow (teacher) and three other couples, who left just before, or shortly after we arrived, told me the same thing. Another member and his female friend, upon whom I made several visits, finally said, "We understand you were brought here to run Byron off." If so, no one told me. He and his female friend didn't come back. * * * * * * * I preached in Lincoln City for eight years, and then I resigned for medical reasons. It got to the point where I couldn't hear what I was saying; couldn't tell what emphasis I was, or was not, making. I was unaware of an infection in my skull bone behind my ear! LEARNrNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THrnRTEEN Page 122 At Madigan Army Hospital the infected bone was removed. New skin was also grafted to my right ear drum. I was told that it was unlikely that hearing would ever return to that ear. Neither the graft nor removal of the infected bone area improved my hearing, but at least I did learn why I was having a hearing problem. * * * * * * * All in all, I baptized thirteen of the contacts T had made. That which pointed out this to be a tourist town transient area was that all but two moved on and they died. Earl Wells' widow (Ruby) still attends regularly. One had a sister who lived in Boston and belonged to the group there. She convinced her she hadn't been properly baptized and that she needed to come there.

Claud talked me into joining the Lion's Club where I met Earl Wells. Earl became ill and he asked me to come and share God's Word with him. Earl was baptized. I baptized a family of five in the Lake; two young ladies (Marsha Frost who now lives in Salem, and the one who went to Boston) in the Salmon River; two in the Christian Church baptistery, two in the Hospital therapy pool; and one in the Public Swimming Pool. We now have our own baptistery.

And, of course, I conducted funerals and several weddings that were conducted in this area, in Portland, and in the Hood River Valley. Local weddings included Gina (Love) & Mark, Henry & Trish Rojo (repeat "I do's"), Dick & Brownie, Carlos & Cynthia Rojo, Rico & Diane Raja, Tony & Amber Erlewine.

There were other local weddings, one on a bluff just south of Whale Cove. The next was Dick & Brownie's wedding at Fogarty State Park. There was an archway-bridge over a stream that went into the ocean. I went to the middle of the bridge. The Bride's party came from one end, the Groom's from the other, and they met in the middle for the ceremony.

The next wedding was a repeat of wedding vows by Trish & Henry Rojo at the church building. Then an arbor-wedding in the backyard of Paul & Linda Love's home, for their daughter Gina & Mark Baete. A theatre-dessert wedding in Seattle (Harvey & Jane Miller's daughter, Lee) was interesting; took place at a dinner theatre and was part of the program.

We had a successful fishing trip to Farewell Bend on the Snake River, so we had a fish fry to which we invited the church. Regina helped deep fry the catfish and she and Pawnee made hush-puppies. Amber (Claud & Regina' granddaughter) and Tony Erlewine used the occasion to promise unending loyalty to each other, in our backyard, as the dinner closed.

Then two weddings, close in time to each other, were in the church building. First were Carlos & Cynthia Raja; second was Carlos' older brother, Rico & Diane Raja. At a Bed & Breakfast in Gladstone OR (Portland suburb), I did a wedding for guests we had met at our Bed & Breakfast. I had other weddings for Nephews in the Hood River Valley. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 123 After I retired, we had some great preaching by a young man by the name of Mark Pollock who drove to Lincoln City almost every Sunday. Other guest speakers came when he could not. When Mark quit coming, a former preacher asked to work for us again.

He was SO talented that he did EVERYTHING! I endeavored to get him to see that men would leave if they weren't used and that, given time, it was possible they might become almost as good as he was. He wasn't convinced.

Three were selected to be elders: Byron Pickering, Silas Shotwell, and 1. The trouble accelerated at that point. Rather than placing blame on an individual, or individuals, I prefer to place the blame on Satan and leave it there. After all, he is the author of dissension.

Then Sam Coy, and his family, began driving from Dallas OR, almost every Sunday, to preach for us. Sam brought excellent lessons. He had employment with the State and wasn't able to do much in the way of outreach in this area. At times, when he couldn't come over, 1 would get drafted! He was with us for about five years. * * * * * * * Shortly after first arriving in Lincoln City, I learned that the church had a $95,000 debt that was owed on the church's building. We drove the Honda, we had bought in Illinois, back to Bourbonnais. Pawnee flew home from there and I began a tour in mid Sept. to raise money to pay the debt. I thought I might be as long as a month getting the help needed.

Both churches (Bourbonnais & Park Forest) sent help to Lincoln City. The Gingerich children gave me the dimes & quarters they had collected on their paper route! In Indiana, I was invited by parents of a Park Forest church member to spend the night. When I got to Centerville OH, I was reluctant to spend the kids' money, so I slept in the car in the church parking lot.

An elder at Centerville, who had first arranged for my ten (minus one) churches at which to speak during the Dayton OH Evangelism program, insisted I stay with them for a week and use their home as a base of outreach. I had hit a deer in Indiana and he also arranged for my Insurance Co. to make repairs to my Honda. When the Insurance Agent found deer hairs caught in the chrome strip, he was satisfied that I had hit a deer.

Somehow, a former Park Forest member, living in Wisconsin, heard of my having slept in my car and sent $1000 to me for motel stays as I traveled so that I wouldn't spend any more nights shivering in my car! (We have just learned that the Hartmans, who sent that sum, are now living in Oklahoma City. We hope to see them when we get to Oklahoma next week.)

I had a 1984 book that Dr. Mac Lynn had compiled of churches titled "Where The Saints Meet 1983." He put out a new one yearly (I believe), but the name stayed the same other than the year. Mine was up to date. I used it to locate churches as I traveled. By means of it, I was able to call on MANY churches that I otherwise would have missed. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 124 From Dayton (Centerville) I traveled south to Cleveland. I did not get help there or any from churches where I stopped in Kentucky. I began to get "down in the mouth" and I don't suppose that helped. I stopped in a NUMBER of places in Tennessee and SEVERAL in Nashville. It appeared that they received requests by the gross daily.

In Kentucky and again in Tennessee, I locked my keys in the car! In Kentucky I wasn't charged; in Tennessee I was. In Texas, I backed into a telephone pole that was surrounded by the asphalt of a church parking lot! The rear bumper caved in. J must have been doing over 3 miles per hour. They were the only mishaps of the trip. Fortunately? Providentially!

Louhan Tucker worked for a firm in northwestern Illinois. He learned of my efforts and offered his 800 number phone service so that I could communicate with Lincoln City and my wife, and so they could get in touch with me. That helped. I learned of contributions sent I had not known of, some from places where I had stopped ..

I went from Tennessee into Arkansas, and from there back into Tennessee using Mac Lynn's home in Nashville as a base. From Tennessee into Mississippi and back. Leaving Tennessee for the last time, into Arkansas again, into Missouri, then into Illinois stopping at Steve and Jo Montel's in Carbondale. Jo was the widow of Harry Sohn before she married Steve.

From there I went back into Missouri and to St. Louis and the congregation where I had once worked with Silas Shotwell (no help). On to Springfield where Prentis Meador preached. He took me to dinner, but no help there either. J made a circle to church locations in that area. Then into Oklahoma, then to Arkansas, to Oklahoma, to Missouri, to Oklahoma.

Traveled west from Tulsa to OKC. Called on ten or more churches there. I met with Bob Rowland. 1 had known Bob when he was President of Columbia Christian College. He was an elder at a 1200 member church there. Their help was to tell me to change my approach and ask for personal support. "Few wish to buy buildings but they don't mind supporting preaching." But they didn't give me personal or building support either one!

[Bob later moved to the West Coast and became the preacher for a congregation in Newport. While they were there, we visited in their home and they in ours. We had to park a distance from the house and walk on boards to get to their front door. Their purchase of a cliff home had proven disastrous. An ocean storm took out their driveway and much of their front yard. For quite some time, a neighbor wouldn't allow them access along his yard. Then, when Cindy came down with cancer again, they moved to California to be near her. If they ever received any thing for the house, it most likely would have been minimaL] * * * * * * * From Oklahoma City I went north into Kansas, then back into Oklahoma and south into Texas. At Whitesboro (Union Street) TX, I received comf011ing help. They pledged $100 a month for a specified length of time. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Willi" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 125 Made a swing up to Wichita Falls and visited with Cherie Miller's brother and his wife. They sent help. Then back into Oklahoma again. Then east thru Pawnee's childhood locations, then south into Texas. (Through use of Louhan' s 800 number, I would learn of other help being sent to Lincoln City.) * * * * * * * At one place in Texas, I was asked if I knew Dale Smith. r said that I did and asked if he knew where Dale was. He said Dale was working for the Shannon Oaks church of Christ in Sulphur Springs TX. I headed there.

I found the building, walked into the Office and said to the fellow behind the desk, 'Is Dale Smith in the building?' He told me that Dale had moved to Irving TX. "What did you want of him?" So I told Jon Hazelip of my travels. He said to come back on a date when the elders met.

After I left, Jon's wife asked him what that bum had wanted. Jon told her that I had wanted money and "he wants us to send him some every month." If, because of the Herald of Truth, the Hazelip name seems familiar, Jon was the nephew of that Hazelip and the son of a Hazelip (Harold Hazelip's brother) that preached in Houston.

I went south calling on a number of large churches. After reaching Houston (Jon's dad was away), I turned back north by another highway and other churches, then west and spent four days with Dale & Mary Jo Smith in Irving TX. While there, I called on churches in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Did not know if any help would be forthcoming from Sulphur Springs.

The elders called Dale and he must have given them a favorable report. When I returned to Sulphur Springs, they pledged $400 a week support for three years. That totaled $67,200 and with other support coming in, we could look forward to a burning of the mortgage! * * * * * * * After that, I headed west. In EI Paso it was raining so hard I had to get off the highway. I spent a short night in a motel and headed out again at first light. The sweetheart calling me didn't live "in the West Texas town of El Paso"! I ate breakfast across the border in New Mexico and continued driving getting to Prescott AZ late afternoon, where I took time to thank the Mount Vernon church for the help they had sent.

r heard that a snow storm was headed that way and [ made rapid time getting out of the mountains, across the line and into Needles CA about nine p.m .. [kept on driving. Not far out of Needles, I got behind a big truck. It was doing 80. Another car got behind me and we were making good time.

Then the truck speeded up to 85 and I decided [ didn't want to go that fast so I slowed down and the car behind went around me. That's when I saw "California Highway Patrol" on the side of his car! I don't know why he didn't pull me over. I guess he was after the trucker. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 126 I kept on driving through the night. In Oregon, I crossed over to the Coast from Corvallis on a twisting, turning road that I hope never to travel again. My fatigue may have had something to do with a feeling of stressfulness. I got home December 20th near nightfall. I had driven a day, stopped for a short night, a long day, a long night and a day. Got home and Pawnee wasn't there! She has a "shopping gene" but it was too late for her to be checking out stores.

I called her folks in Parkdale and found her. She knew when I was due to leave Shannon Oaks in East Texas. She didn't expect me home that soon. She said, "Where are you calling from?" J told her I was calling from the kitchen. She said, "Whose kitchen?" I said, 'Our kitchen.' She drove the 160 miles from Parkdale the next day.

To sum up the results of the trip, the payment of the building debt was in sight. Not long afterward, Shannon Oaks paid Pawnee's and my way there. We stayed with Jon and Carolyn for a few days and we were treated royally by the church. They even gave us the use of a van to drive to New Iberia LA to visit with our son and his family. * * * * * * * We saw a FOR SALE sign and applied for a V.A. loan to buy a place on N.E. 36th. First, we had to find past Military & Tax records. They were stored "somewhere" in boxes in two locations. Our land lord-to-be bought the place before we could find our records. He offered to rent it to us and so we moved into the place we had hoped to buy.

Then our landlord put a FOR SALE sign out on the lawn. We told him we were going to buy a place before we had to vacate with little left time to look. He took the sign away. A few months later the sign was back again! He wanted to sell the house to us for half again that which he paid for it. It became obvious that he planned all along for us to buy it from him and bought it before we could submit our application.

This time the FOR SALE sign stayed up, so we started looking. Six months later, we found a place we thought we could fix up . Two years after the three years pledge from Shannon Oaks, on March 1st 1986, we closed on a house eight miles out oftown, with a V.A. loan.

Stipulations were made that I get repairs made on the place to then be inspected before we were given the loan! Wayne & Duane came to help replace the rotted front deck, to which I added an alcove to break up the long line. Later they, and John Baasch, helped redo the roofing.

That same day (3/1/86), Regina Miller' s Home Health Care folded and Pawnee was out of a job. She wasn't the only one. At least seven other church members also lost their jobs! AND, that day, Shannon Oaks sent word they were stopping their support in order to hire a second man to work with them.

I volunteered to cut my salary to $100 a week so they could use the rest of my salary to pay off that which remained owing on the church's building. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will'" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 127 How did we get by? On savings for awhile. We ran into Jon & Carolyn Hazelip at Pepperdine. He was incensed that Shannon Oaks had dropped our support a year before the agreed upon date. He had quit preaching and had began working for a firm in Florida. * * * * * * * Pawnee and I went to Expo 86 in Vancouver B.C. and enjoyed it immensely. Our experience in staying at a Bed & Breakfast there influenced us in starting our own. We began a Bed & Breakfast (3/1/87) exactly one year after moving in.

Members helped us turn an empty daylight basement: (no walls, cement floor, no plumbing, open ceiling, open stair well - just a fireplace) into a living room, two bedrooms each with its own bath. We were helped by Claud & Bob Miller, Gilbert Taylor, Jim Seeley and my brother, Walt. When it came time to put plumbing in, Bob Doescher (church member) came from Portland. * * * * * * * This area is known for high winds at times. Waves generated by such have been known to throw huge logs on to a tourist turn-around area. The Lincoln City Police cordons off the area whenever such winds and seas build up.

Our home is situated on the northeast side of a high hill. For some time we were sheltered from the wind. On the hill above us, a roof was blown off a building and we didn't even realize the wind was blowing. We did suspect such those times when our lights would go out. It was either that or someone had run their truck or their car into a utility pole.

An entrepreneur logged off the trees on the hill above. And then standing trees began to fall. We lost ten including a flowering plum tree at the end of the house. One fell from his property the end of which hit and bent a rain gutter on our house and smashed a metal wheelbarrow. A couple other trees threatening the house, my brother helped me put down.

Then a big tree (80 to 100 ft) fell from our property onto our neighbor's home! It broke the main beam running the length of the house and smashed in the front door as well. His Insurance Adjustor saw other trees on our property that were threatening our neighbor's home and told him he needed to inform me about them; that I would be liable if another fell on his home.

Three trees were lodged together. Drop the one to the east and it would most likely fall on the neighbor's car port. And since it was keeping another from falling, the one in the middle would fall on the house. Temporarily, the third one was holding the other two up, and unless it was dropped correctly, it could take out his electric lines leading to his house! The third one, on the west side of the trio, was the biggest.

I believed I could fall the biggest one back onto my property. The problem was that when it fell away, the other two would damage the neighbor's home considerably. What to do? I asked Walt (my brother) ifit would be possible to wrap a chain around the three and carry all of them to the west when they fell. He said that a nylon rope would do better. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking [II Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 128 At church one Sunday, r spoke to Bob Miller of my plans. He said he would come along and help. His son-in-law (Travis Shepherd) came along with Bob. The area where the three were touching (where the rope should wrap) was about 12 to 15 feet above ground. Travis asked if r had a 2 by 4 I could cut into foot-long pieces. The middle tree was on a slant, and Travis nailed "steps" up the side, to allow him to get to the area where the three were together. He then wrapped a nylon rope around the three ofthem.

J made an undercut on the tree to the east and left a narrow "hinge" to keep it from falling (we hoped!). Then J did the same to the leaning-toward-the-house center tree. r put an undercut on the side of the big one. Then Bob took a saw, with a longer bar, that he had brought along and began cutting on the tree, under the "tent" formed by the three. It wouldn't fall! We put wedges in the cut. Cut some more. Drove wedges in deeper! It still wouldn't fall!!

Travis and I tied a rope to Bob's waist. We were up the hill on the southeast side of the three trees. Bob could not hear the breaking of the tree with the saw going by his ear! We could, and when we'd hear a cracking sound we'd tug on the rope and help Bob to get out of there.

Then a wind came up from the southwest! The trees were cracking as they bent with the wind toward the neighbor's home. (We had told them earlier to evacuate the premises.) The wind let up and the trees started going the way we wanted them to. The large tree took the other two with it and all three dropped harmlessly onto my property. Travis said, "Praise the Lord" and I said, 'Amen!' The Lord knew where they should fall and placed them there.

Bob Miller (like our son-in-law Bob Cameron who lives in Portland) has been like another son in that he has always made himself available whenever we needed help of any kind. He is a contractor and I doubt there is little he doesn't know about building construction; and on the side, he's an excellent mechanic as well. He's also a dedicated Christian! * * * * * * * The salary we paid Bob Doescher (a third Bob), for his help in modifying our home into a B&B, probably didn't pay his way from Portland and back. In addition, I added insult to injury. Bob said a certain hammer was his. I knew it was mine and asked if he was certain he had brought one. Recently (some time later), r found a hammer identical to mine! Now I don't know but what the one he said was his, was his! I endeavored to return one of them to him. He said to forget it, that he had bought another. But I lost a friend.

We had a I a r g e black bath tub where I baptized a granddaughter! Finally replaced it with a black shower stall, matching mop-board, and floor tile to replace the yellow covering. A Bed & Breakfast guest, from west of Salem, came with a Pick-up and hauled the tub to her home.

Another helper around the place (Bob Cameron, son-in-law) did all kinds of work: wiring, light fixtures, locks, putting in a built-in dish washer, cutting down a hillside of brush, fixing the driveway light that hangs above the garage door, repairing furniture, and I'm going to say: et cetera, because there was much more that he did. Our daughter has been a great help also. * * * * * * * LEARNINGTOBEASOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Willi" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 129 We had a group meeting that met in our home for a long time: Bob & Cherie Miller and their girls; Jim & Carol Seeley & their girls; John & Maggie Baasch; later on Mike & Annette Dooley, Kip & Marsha Frost. It was believed more would attend if the meeting were held in town, and so we switched to Jason Love's home. Jason has always had coffee and other goodies. * * * * * * Harvey & Jane Miller were our first Bed & Breakfast customers. If you read the Chapter on Hawaii, you may have remembered their names. After 25 stays with us, we quit charging them during the off-season; had to send a check back now and then! [I and their granddaughters, who call me Grandpa, stay in touch by E-Mail. Recently, Harvey & Jane signed on. We hope to join them in Hawaii at a Pearl Harbor church reunion next year.]

To keep up with our records, we found a computer most helpful. I took classes at Lincoln County Community College. A grandson (Ryan Bennett) put together an excellent web site.

Compliments on our Web Site came from many sources! Ryan did that at his home but he also came here to help. I also received a lot of help from Rosco Pirtle, a Christian friend who lives in Vancouver W A who is a brother of Edna Mae Shotwell, and from Dale Pierce who is Edna Mae's brother-in-law and another fine Christian man.

Through our Bed & Breakfast operation, we have literally met people from around the world : even one from the People's Republic of China! A few were recent new-comers to the U.S. , such as one fellow from Belgium who was a Professional Therapist hired by the Lincoln City Hospital. He was with us 25 nights altogether. I shared the gospel with Frank & his wife and they were baptized in Portland the Sunday following.

Others with us, of special remembrance [he ran off hundreds of our brochure without cost to us] were Oscar and Liliana Olmos, originally from Argentina. There have been young ladies from Italy and from Japan. Many from Germany. We have a door-knocker Jim and Carol Seeley gave us that lets people know we must be Christians. Several guests came to church with us .

A remarkable statistic: in 13 years and 10 months of operating our Bed & Breakfast, we never lost so much as a wash cloth, and we had no way to monitor the comings and goings of guests in the daylight basement! People who will stay at a B&B know they will be meeting strangers in a stranger's home. That doesn't faze them. They like people! And people who like people like themselves.

I could regale you with numerous Bed & Breakfast tales, of strangers at our table becoming close friends to each other, of humorous happenings, of the breakfasts we served, but such is a bit too far afield from the intent of the story. Our last year of operation was a busy year - our best year as far as the number of guests that came our way. And that became true in spite of the fact that the Lincoln City chamber would not tell people we existed, even though we had paid $100 for several years for the "advantages" of being a Member! We were getting many "repeats and referrals." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER 11llRTEEN Page 130 We decided we couldn't stand the gaff any more: too much work. Added to that was the realization that we weren't making much. Advertising had become a considerable cost. The Credit Card service became higher. There was the State License to be paid. And then, last year, the County not only doubled our property tax, they taxed every item we used for our B&B: our dishes, linens, furniture, everything! On 12/31100 we closed our doors to paying guests.

One Thanksgiving week we had 20 for a Dinner on a Monday. Some of them left and others came. We had 23 on a Wednesday. Thanksgiving Day, 21 were here. They were all relatives. We had a great time. We didn't buy the place to run a Bed & Breakfast. We bought it because we have a large family and we wanted a place where they could all congregate. * * * * * * * In 1998, I was given 2 112 years to live. That was followed by three months of radiation. It could be the reason for the crowd that came to celebrate my 80th birthday in 1999. Carol Pegg even surprised me by flying back from her home in Illinois.

Anitra & Bob C. came and were joined the next day by Pro singers and their friends. My brother & Jewel came from Parkdale. Sherry & Butch Muhs (Walt's daughter & son-in-law) & their family came from Hermiston. Butch gave me a painting he had done to relax from taking depositions at the scene of a 50-car pile-up (Butch is an Oregon State Hwy Patrolman).

There were exactly 50 there the first day and more came the second day. Some may have supposed it might be my last birthday! : > )- - (Personally, since the cancer didn't get me, I believe I'm going to live until I die!) Once more we were glad we had a lot of room.

The next year, Ian Pegg (Carol's son and our grandson) drove out along with three girls. We supposed one of them was destined to be a "granddaughter" but Ian insisted they were merely college friends . No doubt Ian had told them of the beauty of Oregon. * * * * * * * There are other things and persons to talk about. Claud Miller and I hung around together. went with him after Home Health Care supplies near Tacoma; with him after lumber in Newport; fishing in his boat out of Depoe Bay, etc., etc ..

We went into the hills to cut up wood for our fireplaces. There would be slash piles with timber the loggers didn't want, and the Forest Service, before burning them, would (for a fee) give Permits to take what we wanted. We spent a LOT of time together.

When we would go into a restaurant for lunch, if the waitress was new or hadn 't seen us before, invariably she would say, "Are you guys twins?" I remember Claud saying one time, "No, my name is Miller, his is Pegg." She said, "Well you look enough alike to be twins." That time I replied, "Y'know, people have been telling us that all our lives." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 131 One time we made a trip into Canada. Claud & Regina were in one car, we were in our own car, but we had C.B.'s so we could talk back and forth. "Let's stop here!" "Did you see that?" At Lake Louise the waitress asked if we were twins. We denied it. When we went to pay our bill, she came back to Pawnee & Regina and said, "They really are twins, aren't they."

We started comparing notes. During the war with Japan, Claud and I were both on Islands in the Pacific: he was on Palmyra, I was on Johnston. We had both married southern girls. He had been a preacher in Washington State, J was a preacher in Oregon. We were both wearing Timex watches! We both had the same shoe size 9 1/2EEE!

They had two boys and one girl. We had two boys and one girl before the twins were born, and they kept one of them during his Senior year.

Claud was a joy to travel with. He knew the parts of Oregon we would travel together. He knew stories about the area and he was a good story teller. No doubt you have noticed the past tense. He died two or three years ago. I was with him just moments before he died. He was buried at the National Cemetery in Portland. We miss him; the church misses him. * * * * * * * Oh, I almost forgot. I started playing Duplicate Bridge. Not a few attended church with me at times. I baptized Marion Gross. She was my partner for a time. She died later on. My favorite partner, Milt Aronson, moved away. Now I seldom play but I've been teaching my granddaughter, Catherine, and she is SMART!

A year ago from this past May, we started a "Club" for kids of an Apartment complex. It consists of 85 low-income apartments. At this writing I am the teacher for the group. We meet on Tuesdays from 5 to 6 pm, teaching the kids self-confidence, self-esteem. We will include sessions talking about Recognizing abuse, Resisting it, Reporting it.

Someone else, Marie (Apt. Mgr.), will take my place during the five-week trip coming up. It has been both enjoyable and satisfying. Makes me feel that "the old man" is still of some use. Oh yes, I continue to pray for wisdom in relating to them. They seem to like "Mr. Marvin." * * * * * * * Again, events as written are NOT necessarily in order of their occurrence. I've been summing up that which took place across almost 19 years as they came to my remembrance. Things yet to put down will go back to a time shortly after returning to Oregon.

As I added up the years, I thought about previous stays. Until Lincoln City, our longest stay in any place, during our married life, had been 6 years. It would seem then, that the length of this chapter should be three or more times as long as any other. It will not be as long as the last three. "Why not?" you might ask. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware afMen Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 132 Until we moved to Bourbonnais, my preaching had been incidental to my main interest: that of sharing the gospel in home studies. Becoming a "pulpiteer" demanded that I spend considerable time in sermon preparation. A speaker needs to bear in mind that if he preaches to just 40 people for 30 minutes, he has taken up 20 hours of their time!

At Bourbonnais, it came to be 40 hours, and much of the time I was speaking to a greater number than 80. I preached in Lincoln City for eight years. It has been almost eleven years since I resigned. Health problems have been many. Hearing others (unless they speak toward me when no one else is speaking) has become a problem also. Personal outreach has suffered because I am unable to hear personal conversations well. I don't have as much to write about. * * * * * * * But I do wish to write a bit more of Diane who was nine years old when she first got on the Joy Bus. We haven't been back to Park Forest in some time, and we haven't met her new husband. She married the preacher's son and her last name became Mereness. Her story began in 1973 when I knocked on her door. (Diane, are you 35 now?!) Her new husband (Tyler) is a fine Christian man who treats both her and the children with consideration and love.

Clara Druzskowski (Connecticut worker) is now the Park Forest Secretary and puts out their Bulletin. For some time, Diane was the Secretary for the Park Forest church. Due to Diane's influence, her sister and her parents have been baptized and attend at Park Forest. * * * * * * * I had failed to mention that when Susan Summers (Isolde and Bob's daughter [see chapter eleven]) heard I was coming back to officiate at Sam's wedding, she pushed her wedding date forward. The day before Sam's wedding, r helped her name to become Mrs. Beisboer.

Tenants had left our house in need of considerable cleaning. We returned, once again, to Bourbonnais for that purpose. Isolde came down from Crawford Countryside (a distance of 30 miles one way) to help us. Along with us, she scrubbed and painted for almost a week.

We left it unrented for a time. Not many months later, Susan called saying that she and John wanted to buy our home. We returned to Bourbonnais to sign papers and turn the house over to them. I had baptized Susan, performed her wedding, and now I had sold her our home in Illinois! We still feel like we have roots back there. Susan began a home-cleaning-business but has since moved somewhere further south in Illinois. * * * * * * * We have made frequent trips to Madigan Hospital at Fort Lewis, a one-way distance of205 miles and, while there for medical care for Pawnee and myself, we also shopped at the PX (Post Exchange) and the Commissary. Pawnee had cancer surgery there. Four of my six surgeries were at Madigan. Then, because of down-sizing, we were cut off from further care because we "lived outside the catch area" of 50 miles. So much for the promise of "care as long as I lived." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will! " 1977-1982

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Page 133 We joined Kaiser Permanente in Portland. We were given reduced rates because Duane was the Professional Director ofK. P.'s Dental Clinic in Clackamas. We received excellent care. Then, when I was discovered to have prostate cancer, they sent me to Immanuel Legacy in Portland and paid for three months of daily (except week-ends) radiation treatment. Then Duane quit KP and began his own practice. KP rates went up. I dropped out in favor of VA treatment. * * * * * * * Other reasons for going to Tacoma developed as I shall relate. Following on the heels of Oral Roberts' plea for $1,000,000 ("and ifI don't get it, God is going to kill me!"), we made a trip to Tulsa OK to an Evangelism Workshop. (Gary, Pam and the girls were there also.)

Wayne & Geneva Seeley were there. She & Pawnee went into a shop on the Fairgrounds and bought some craft items. I asked Pawnee what she planned to do with them. She said she was going to decorate them and give them as gifts. I said, 'You paid that much for them and you have to decorate them yourself?! I believe if! had a saw I could make those.' She said get one.

Well, she hadn't realized what she would be turning loose! I now have a scroll saw, a radial arm saw, (just sold my table saw), a skill-saw, a band saw, two electric belt sanders, a Dremel hand sander, a portable electric belt sander, a drill press, a drill, a vise, a router, and!!!!!! - recently sold my lathe and shaping tools.

I started making craft items. One of our Bed & Breakfast guests, who had a Day-Care Center, bought an amount we rounded off at $200. Then she asked if we would hold a craft party at her home. I might add that Linda Callahan, and Fred, were members of the church of Christ in Tacoma. We still correspond by E-Mail.

At that party, we sold over $400 of craft items (took orders and then delivered them to the home of the party hostess). At each party we held, two or three others wanted us to hold a party at their home. (Our prices were a good deal lower than what they had experienced at the Tacoma Fairgrounds.) We held craft parties in Portland also. I was the cut-up and Pawnee the pretty-up.

Then our Bed and Breakfast business began growing and we were no longer able to keep up with both so we stopped scheduling party appointments. Grandsons were attending a church school in Portland that raised funds by holding two yearly craft sales. For a few years we took crafts to the school. We simply left them - didn 't need to stay. The school kept 25% of the sale and mailed us a check for the balance.

All along, B&B guests have purchased items that caught their eye. A few of our church members have bought things to give at Christmas. Pawnee surpassed me with her involvement in craft making. She makes pillows, does scherenschnitte (paper cutting), decorates burned out light bulbs in country and Victorian styles, as well as making my wooden things look good. Now we are considering a digital camera so we can sell on E-Bay. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Beware of Men Speaking III Will!" 1977-1982

CHAPTER TIllRTEEN Page 134 God is good. He has showered us with dear friends and provided for all our needs. Our children and grandchildren visit quite often. Of course, they could never visit often enough! Our church family has been loving and caring. All of that has kept us young. * * * * * * * Two sisters, who were older than I, have died. The circumstances were especially sorrowful and traumatic for me. Midge (Mildred) had married a Belgian. She had been a member of the church (Christian). The man she married (Rene Martens) was Catholic. Midge didn't switch over (or so I was told) but she attended the Catholic church in Hood River.

Their oldest son joined the Navy and while at San Diego, I baptized him. For a time, I was not welcome in Rene's home. They were living in Parkdale in the Hood River Valley.

Then years later, after we had moved back to Oregon, Midge called asking if she and Rene could come over on a Saturday and discuss my faith.!! I was elated! The Friday before they were to come, Rene went into the hospital. Saturday, he died of a virus that had attacked the brain. The next Wednesday, we buried Rene. That night, Midge died of a heart attack.

Mabel called, "Marvin, I would like for us to get together so I can talk with you. I need to get my life right with God." Before I traveled to meet with her, her husband died. While she was talking with her boys, and arranging for me to preach Cecil's funeral, she fell back from the chair, dead from a heart attack. Her Chihuahua did something they had never known it to do. It didn't bark when she fell, it screamed, and went running into her bedroom.

I preached Cecil's funeral. A few days later, I preached Mabel's funeral. After everyone but a nephew (Jon Martens) had walked way, I collapsed. Jon caught me before I hit the ground. That was followed by a severe heart fibrillation at Madigan Hospital and 1 took heart medicine for nearly five years. I vowed never again to preach a loved one's funeral.

Don't assume you have days of time to get around to sharing the gospel with someone. Don't put it off 'til tomorrow - it may never come. If the bridge was out, but they couldn't see it, and they were headed for it, would you keep the information to yourself? Ours and our neighbor's eternal destiny is so much more important than their physical demise. Ask God's help in knowing what to say. If you feel you lack the wisdom, just ask! He'll provide.

CHAPTER 13 - OUESTIONS: I. I f you baptized 13 and no one remained where you were, would you tend to get discouraged? 2. Whose church's increase are we to labor for, ours or the Lord's? Can we look forward to ajoyous reunion one day? 3. While raising money to pay for a church building, two children gave paper-route dimes & quarters. (Page 123) Look two paragraphs further. What did that become following a parking-lot cold sleep? 4. On the money raising tour, Marvin became depressed. Later, he learned that help came from places where he had stopped. Was there a lesson there? 5. Trees needed to be felled. Who dropped them? (Page 128 paragraph 4) 6. Church family gave considerable help at this time; such has gone on across the years! Count your blessings. Aren't you glad you belong to the Family of God? 7. Must we know the outcome of our studies? What reminders do we find at the end of this Chapter? 8. The young man from Belgium, and his wife, stayed at the Pegg's Bed & Breakfast. Marvin presented the Gospel and they were baptized in Portland. Paul "planted, Apo[[os watered, but God gave the increase." (Romans 3:6) Is it necessary for us to know the outcome of our studies with someone? Sometimes? Why?

The following may not easi ly lead to questions, although you may see possibilities in Chaps.15&16. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Disclaimer: Chapter 14 is a travelogue. It has no Soul-Winning teaching value. Of possible interest only to those living wOk1ahoma, Shreveport, KC Missouri, Bourbonnais & Park Forest Illinois.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN Page 135 Two days after the terrorists flew into New York City's World Trade Center Towers, we began a trip that was to take us five weeks and one day, across over 7000 miles, to visit with family and friends. We had planned it for some time. Pawnee's brothers and her sister had bought plane tickets to join us in Durant OK. Adolph & Charlotte were flying from Portland. Darrel was coming from Los Angeles. Darrel didn't know there was to be a family reunion in Durant. Pawnee and I were traveling by car. The day before we left, our beloved daughter-in-law (Pamela Pegg) sent this poem she wrote about an hour after seeing couples leap from the World Trade Center Towers: Hand in Hand. © Will you hold my hand "It started out such a normal day. The work was waiting. The clock was As I die? And you smiled a yes ticking That didn't reach your eyes. And Muzak filled the air. You nodded your' head Then came the shudder. You reached out your hand. Then came the sound And it didn't matter how much we A phone rang and someone said, each made A plane has hit on a floor below And it didn't matter we were black Terrorists---Get out of there. and white We ran to the windows And it didn't matter who worked for Smelled the smoke whom Saw the Black clouds engulf us It only mattered we would choose how Like an angry ghost. we died. No way out for us up here We'll step off this ledge Today is the day we will die. Hand in Hand." Will you hold my hand As I face my death? written by: Pamela Pegg - Shreveport Louisiana 9111101 Plans had been made to make a ten State tour visiting relatives and friends when the terrorists hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We heard that gasoline prices had gone "sky-high" - $4 to $5 a gallon - and it appeared we would have to cancel the trip.

9112 Wed., we explored the internet and discovered that average gas prices were well under $2 so plans were on again. That evening, we attended a city-wide church prayer session at the High School to pray for those killed, the survivors, the Firemen & Policemen, our leaders And the Military. Catherine (Gary & Pam's Daughter, our Granddaughter) & Chris Businelle (C's husband) had arrived Saturday from Searcy Arkansas, and came along to the prayer session with us. They agreed to "house-sit" until we returned from our trip - perhaps beyond mid-October

All trip times will be PDT throughout LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 136 9113 at 8:43a.m. with speedometer mileage reading 43,622 we left home, Marvin driving. We picked up the Salem Statesmen at the end of the driveway. Headline read; GRIM SEARCH, LITTLE HOPE regarding survivors at the WTC or the Pentagon. Before getting to Bob & Anitra's, east of Newberg, on a 2-lane road, we were in the passing lane. Up ahead, a bus turned off to the left, stopping on an incline with the back end of the bus almost in our lane. It was possible for the bus to roll back. Close call? Providential protection?

Got to Bob & Anitra's at 10:25. Anitra served us orange juice, scrambled eggs and sausage & veggie dish, with really yummy apple bread. Bob has finished Judi's (one of their tenants) house: pale yellow with white trim & green accents, and is painting the front home, next to them, a soft peach color with white trim & green accent. Left their place at 11 :32. This is 2 days past the terrorism and every one we meet is having an emotional crisis.

Stopped at the Troutdale Flying J for gas priced at $1.699 and pumped 12.954 gallons ($22.01). Pawnee began driving. Mileage 43 ,717 Marvin lacked 5 miles of doing his hundred. At 1:20 p.m., Marvin took over with 102 miles on the trip meter - mileage 43,926. Then, at 3:05 p.m. , Pawnee took over with 208 miles on the trip meter.

Passed Emigrant State Park at the top of Cabbage Hill east of Pendleton. Thundercloud formation around us . Pawnee saw Buffalo not far beyond the Park. Scattered drops of rain falling. At 4:30 p.m. , with 308 miles on trip meter and mileage at 44,026, Marvin began driving.

We have just lost one hour: crossed into Mt.Time Zone with Farewell Bend State Park in sight ahead. 26 minutes later, passed Farewell Bend: rain falling with wind and lightning. We are ignoring Time Zone changes for our trip log.

At 5:40 stopped at Wal-Mart in Ontario OR for map, jam, etc .. Spent $14.83 At 5:52 back on the road and soon crossed into Idaho. Speed limit here is 75MPH !! At 6:23 p.m., with trip meter 386 miles, stopped at a Flying J in Caldwell for gas $20.01 - figured out to a little over 30 miles/gallon! Parked by the Flying J and ate our dinner: 112 of a meat sandwich and a full sandwich of peanut butter & Jam. Decided we had better drive all night in order to make it to Durant in time for the reunion.

On trips to and from Illinois, we had driven all night a number of times. At 81 & 75 , we' re a bit older now! At 7: 15p.m., took off again for a few more miles. (During the night, we had to make a couple short-nap stops along the way!)

At 7:44p.m., at Boise ID, Pawnee took over the driving. It had turned dark (actually 8:44 Idaho time). It is now dark but lightning flashes light up storm clouds around us. Then at 9:10- mileage 44,227 - Marvin got behind the wheel once more. Then at 10:36pm, Pawnee began driving - mileage 44,326. Close to the Utah line we found the nicest Rest Area ever - mileage 44,342 - still in Idaho. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 137 9114/01 Second Day 12:04a.m. - mileage 44,411 - trip meter 308.3 we gassed up just before getting into Ogden UT. Took 10.97 gals. $17.00 and slept until 1:45 a.m. (Pacific time) At 2:02a.m. - Mileage 44,427 - trip meter 15 - Marvin took over the helm from Pawnee. At mileage 44,526, Pawnee got behind the wheel - trip meter 115, the time not noted.. A little further, we saw a deer beside the highway. At mileage 44626 - trip meter 215 - Marvin got behind the wheel. At 5:30a.m. we pulled into a rest stop and slept until 6:40a.m.

Marvin took his blood sugar (139) and now we are ready to go find some breakfast! We woke up to scenic grandeur: buttes and arroyos carved out by a Master Artist. We had taken an out-of-the-way route on the possibility of seeing new beauty. Unusual terrain. Large buttes with large & small rocks scattered - looks like chopped walnuts on top of frosting! 7:15a.m. Pulled off to a viewpoint and took some pictures of rock formations: pillars, balancing rocks. It may be a barren waste but like almost any place, it does have its own charm. Took pictures.

Back on the road at 7:35a.m. Stopped at 8:28a.m., in Green River CO for breakfast $18.03 counting tax and a $3 tip. Finished breakfast at 9:30 and then watched part of the Memorial Service in Washington D.C. for all the victims lost in the destruction of the World Trades Center, The Pentagon and those in the plane which crashed in Pennsylvania, as well as all the Firemen, Policemen, and other rescuers who lost their lives.

The date is 9/14. Gassed up at a cost of $16.00. Back on the road with Marvin driving. 9:40a.m. - mileage 44,716. At 10:02 with the mileage 44,740 - trip meter 24 - Pawnee began driving. She remarked that the colors and shapes of the sand hills reminded her of elephant skin! Wavy road was making it difficult to write. At ll:30a.m. - mileage 44,841 - trip meter 124 - Marvin driving again.

At mileage 44901, we stopped along a river for lunch consisting of an olive&pimento meat sandwich w/cheese spread, 3 prunes each and a taco-flavored party mix. Marvin had a glass of Attain. Pawnee took over with the trip meter at 224.7 - mileage 44,975 - Bought $3 of $1.899 gas in Sargent CO.

Watch the Scenery! Fall colors. Gunnison Ntl. Forest. At 3:20p.m. - mileage 45,006 - trip meter 289 - stopped for gas in Salida. Took 9.4 gals at $1.759 total $16.50 At 4:38 p.m. - mileage 44,506 - trip meter 059 - Marvin took over the driving when we came to Canon City and drove on to Pueblo CO.

We booked a room at a Super 8. Had dinner in our room: Peanut butter & Jelly sandwich and "Vienna" sausages. The Motel provided coffee and donuts. Thus far on our trip there have been flags everywhere! even flying from the antennas of big trucks. (In another log that Pawnee kept, she wrote: "Took hot showers, and ate sandwiches in our room. Sure felt good to go to bed to sleep!") Marvin had a banana & milk with which to take his ibuprofen before scrubbing his "pearlys" and to bed. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 138 9115/01 Third Day 5:40a.m. PDT We each had half of an Access Bar, and then coffee & doughnut "on the house." Met a guy in the lobby who said his mother grew up in Atoka OK. He now lives in Kansas. He said that when you enter Kansas, there is a sign that says, "Welcome to Kansas. Set your watch back 50 years." Trip meter 92 - Marvin driving, finishing out his 100 counting his mileage when we stopped the day before.

At 6:53a.m. - mileage 45165 - trip meter 159 - Pawnee took the wheel. Went through La Junta CO, beautiful for location. We planned that 56 miles further, at LaMar CO, we would take a "straight line" south into the panhandle of Oklahoma. The highway was as straight as an arrow, for the most part, but rolling hills denied long range visibility.

At 8:30a.m. - mileage 45264 - trip meter 258 - Marvin at the helm. Stopped in Springfield CO for gas. Took on 8.25 gallons at a cost of $14.00 Bought 3 postcards and stamps for $1.81 Yes, knowing we had planned for five weeks away, we tried to keep expenses at a minimum. Pawnee slept through this part of her home State of Oklahoma.

South of Stratford TX, mileage 45364 - trip meter 100 - Pawnee took over. Speed limit: 70mph. Pawnee believes she ought to do 72, or at least 70 and a few more. Stopped in Claude TX for a Qig burgher, fries and drink - $6.95 Left there at 12:27p.m.

At 12:35p.m. Marvin took over the driving chore (which it had become!) - mileage 45465. At 1:35p.m., Pawnee took note of a convertible we passed. It had the top down. Words on a license plate holder said, "Driving Topless." Pawnee said she didn't check to see if she was topless. Marvin had to watch the road anyway.

Pawnee took over at 2:05p.m. - mileage 45564 - trip meter 300. A few miles further, there were two Police Squad cars that had a fellow, of a flag flying car, handcuffed. Pawnee drove slow and reverently Gust kidding) through Quannah TX. She has a cousin by that name.

Almost every town had a reduced speed to 55 - then a very short distance beyond: 45mph - another short distance 35mph - and occasionally another block's distance 25mph. I guess the signs are either intended to give you time to slow down, or an excuse to arrest you for speeding. We slowed down. At Chillicothe TX, we stopped for gas taking on 11.9 gallons at $17.89 - left there at 2:40p.m ..

We had been driving ESE from Amarillo TX, close by the southern border of Oklahoma, having taken that route because of the straight-line highway from Amarillo to Sherman TX. Sherman is almost due north of Dallas and due south of Durant, our first destination.

At 3:48p.m. - mileage 45664 - Marvin behind the wheel. At 5:27p.m. - mileage 45764 - Pawnee took her turn driving. With about 22 miles remaining on what we referred to as "the first leg of our trip," we reentered Oklahoma. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 139 We entered Durant OK and turned west. Marvin had spotted the "Best Western Motel," where reservations had been made prior to leaving home. We had expected to be the last of our "group" to check in, but we were the first.

Although we kept a time and mileage log the entire trip (unless we were staying over somewhere), this narrative will no longer continue with such. Since I'm getting bored with writing it down, you are most likely getting bored reading it! Except when we were stopped somewhere (other than in Durant where Darrell did most of the driving with his fancy rented car), we continued to take 1OO-mile distance turns, and we did keep time & mileage logs.

We got to Durant, and rainfall, about 8p.m.. Adolph and Charlotte weren't there yet and we still didn't know if they were able to get a flight or if all airline flights had been canceled because of the terrorist attack. But shortly after we were ensconced in our room, Charlotte and Quannah came to the door. Adolph was taking things into his room, which was two doors down from ours. Due to the "old man's" need to noctambulate, we left the bed next to the window for Charlotte. Quannah wasn't staying. He had known this to be our arrival date.

Sun. 9116 - Breakfast, for the four of us, was in a Waffle-emphasized Cafe in the Motel area, a short walk from our room. I picked up the tab & paid by credit card. Adolph & Charlotte gave me cash for their part. Pawnee I were getting short of the Federal folding finances.

After attending church in the morning, we got lost trying to find where the reunion was. We had been given the right Street but the wrong building number. We had explored the Street every way we thought to be possible, but had left out about three blocks of it, and that was the area of the street we finally explored. One of Pawnee's kin had enough Indian blood that the Choctaw Indian Community Center was made available for the reunion.

Darrell arrived Sunday morning, after we had left. At the Motel, he was told that we had left word for him to come to the Choctaw Center for the reunion. He thought, "Reunion?! Five people?!" But he came looking for us. "All the James boys & Lahoma & Mickey were there." Yes, and about 50 to 80 besides them (someone else said 60+). Made lots of pictures.

The food was good and there was PLENTY of it! Grant Praytor was the Master of Ceremonies. Hiawatha (Hi) was there, Quannah, Pocohontas (Pokey), Lahoma, Etombe (Tom), Quilby, and (Bennie). Bennie had spent some time in both Moscow Russia and in Turkey. Pawnee doesn't know his Indian name.

One by one, the "clans" assembled for group pictures: the James', the Praytor's, the Parker's, Moran's, Moffatt's, Morse's, and others of whom Pawnee doesn't remember. Discussed getting names of people at the reunion. An E-Mail to Tommie James should do it. She can get them from Grant Praytor. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 140 Following the reunion, we took off from the Motel with Darrell driving - Adolph guiding - Pawnee and Charlotte kibitzing - Marvin observing. Headed northeast on State Hwy 70. Darrell: "Do you remember driving along these roads?" Adolph and Pawnee: "No, we never got far from home in a wagon." Pawnee: " ... he wasn't at the reunion. He's dying of cancer. I'd like to go see him while we're in Boswell."

Traveling the 65mph speed limit through countryside. Considerable conversation about people - country - and the afternoon family reunion. Drove through Caddo and Bokchito. Laughing about Lee Parker (Dad) and his pal switching babies in buggies while a church meeting was going on. They stayed near a crossroads to watch buggies speeding by during the night.

Writing is becoming difficult due to the rough road. Also getting dark and difficult to see the page. Speed limit 70mph - Darrell driving 58 to 63. Much of conversation too low for me to hear. Entering Boswell: Parkers lived 14 miles south.

Took off on a dirt road that led to a home where the Parkers had lived for a time. Critters encountered, on or beside the road, included in the order seen, were a goat, a deer, a snake (the snake appeared, at first, to be a rattler. Darrell & Adolph got out to investigate. When it didn't coil when they threatened it with pebbles & sticks, they decided it was a Bullsnake), then an owl, and lastly a skunk that our passing by didn't make nervous.

Returned to Durant about 9:30p.m. and had a late evening meal. I had a pecan waffle that, for my taste, was toasted too brittle. Even so, it was good. We talked for some time about the day's trip, etc., and then off to a late session in "the arms of Morpheus."

Mon. 9/17 - "Marvin and I ate breakfast in our room. All five of us left in Darrell's rental car. Went to Boswell. Saw Ettie Miriam." We are on another tour, taking an old & remembered road. It was rough enough that I would have gladly forgotten it.

We stopped at a steel girder bridge, built in 1921 before all but one of the five-some had been born, that crossed Clear Boggy and took several pictures. Entered Bokchito - now on Hwy 70 - Hugo-Bennington crossroads - Hugo three miles further. Stopped for a small terrapin and took pictures. In Boswell, we stopped at a Parker cousin's home: Etta Miriam's. Wonderful visit reminiscing over old times, friends, stores and buildings, etc ..

"Went to the cemetery and made pictures of Grandpa Parker's grave. Then on to Clear Boggy bridge. Did not go on to where we once lived. Will come back later." Anything in quotes is Pawnee, or one of her siblings, talking.

On to Hugo. Stopped at a McDonald's for a 27 cent Senior Citizen's coffee or coke, except for Charlotte. She didn't want to admit to being a Senior Citizen and paid $1.09 for hers! Left Hwy 70 headed north on Hwy 271. Then left 271 headed to Nashobo on Hwy 144. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 141 Adolph talked to two ladies at Christ's Church for so long that the rest of us finally got out of the car to find what he had to talk about: many memories. On a country road, leading off from the Hwy, we came to a bridge and a stream where Adolph remembered a rope, tied to a leaning tree limb, they used to swing out on and then drop from into the stream. Took pictures.

Stopped again to take pictures of a house "where Grandma lived." Went back to the Hwy, retracing route. Stopped in Antlers for a luncheon bite: Steak & Jalapeno Pockets & Jo Jo's. (l believe your reporter either went to sleep or the road was too rufffor rytin.')

Spent the evening with Grant and Pat Praytor. Grant had more chickens, ducks and goats one could count (might have been able to count the goats if they had stayed in one spot). He also had doves and quail and baby fowl - 2 calves and three dogs. Livestock buildings and pens were all over the place!

Pawnee comments: "At the Praytor's (besides us) were Tommie James (female) [who is Tom and Charlotte James' daughter], Grant & Pat's son Dan and his wife June (full-blooded American- Indian) and their two daughters, Dani and Caitlin. Had a great time. Lot of funny hunting stories. Delicious dinner" [I say: sumptuous]. "Looked at pictures including old ones." Back to our Motel in Durant after 10p.m ..

Tue. 9118 - "Marvin and I ate breakfast in our room. Then while Adolph, Charlotte and Darrell were at Breakfast, I went over to Wal-Mart and bought a new camera and four more rolls 0f film - $29.95" Began raining shortly after leaving; been raining since. Charlotte wanted to know how long the rain usually lasted. Darrell said, "About three days." Everyone laughed.

"Today, we went as far East as Hugo and then went North to Nashoba in the Kiamichi Mts. where Uncle Homer was in the CCC, and where Grandma Parker and Aunt Bo used to live. Adolph and 1 used to spend a couple of weeks, each, with Grandma."

Stopped in Bennington and visited with Lahoma James. She took us across to a Senior Center where meals were available at $2 a dinner! Yes, we took advantage of that. Quilts were being quilted for a charge of $50.00 !! (the finished quilts were worth much more!). There was a poster, for teaching children, on the Bulletin Board. Lahoma said she'd send me a copy.

The rain stopped and we went on to Boswell. Found the house where Grandma Parker had once lived, and where Etta Meriam had lived across the street. Pawnee stayed with G' ma and Aunt Bo the year she went to the 6th Grade. Changes to both homes. Took several pictures.

From there, we went to a cemetery where Grandpa Raburn Parker's tombstone brought more picture taking. Then we continued on for miles on a muddy road. Stopped and took pictures at a bridge over the "Muddy Boggy," then the "Clear Boggy," and on to where the school used to be. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 142 "Taking a load of cotton, by wagon, to the Gin in Boswell was an all-day trip," Adolph recalled. Stopped for a lengthy talk with a fellow and his wife. She was related to the Moffatt's through the Weather's, or something like that. Found an old tree near where the Parker home was at one time: somewhere off road E4050 and road NI080. Took pictures.

Then we traveled some distance to Quannah's ranch, reaching there shortly after 6p.m .. Quannah had about 300 Guinea hens (they were easily herded into four separate pens for the evening). A nearby town had a population of Vietnamese who much preferred the dark meat of the Guinea hens. He also had hundreds of Canada geese, Bantam hens - and six dogs! The dogs helped him round up the Guineas so expertly r was reminded of the sheep dogs in New Zealand.

" ... to Hi & Quannah's place where Lahoma had fixed dinner. Quilby and Elaine, Tom and Charlotte and their granddaughter, Mattie, were also there. (It was) a really enjoyable evening. Mattie got books and took them to Marvin for him to read to her. Tom had his crushed arm in a cast and has to sleep with it tied upright!"

Dinner at Quannah's consisted of nine or ten entrees plus desert! While driving on a dirt road, leaving Quannah's place, we saw a group of three raccoons, and then one more, and (at separate places for each) three possums and two cats. We got back to our Motel in Durant about 10:30p.m. CST.

Wed. 9119 - "Marvin and I ate breakfast in our room again. Got all loaded to take off for OKC and Darell pointed out a gash in one of our front tires. We went across the Hwy to a nearby Wal-Mart and bought two new tires at a cost (with tax) of $189.80. J bought a magazine to read while we waited - $l.75. We also bought coffee - $l.03 (with tax).

"After the tires were put on, we took off for Edmond OK" [northern suburb of Oklahoma City] "to spend time with Beth." [Beth is a cousin and a former classmate of Pawnee's as welL] "Drove through some pretty country. The motorists here all exceed the speed limit and seem very discourteous to me, despite frequent signs saying 'Drive Friendly.'

"Got gas in Moore OK - $20.00 Got into Edmond a little after 3p.m. and decided to have a bite before going on to Beth's - $4.48+ .35 tax. Sure great to see Beth! We ate turkey, salad, potato casserole, etc., and went to" [the church of Christ] "their huge new building.

"After church, we went to Braum's" [cafe] "with Beth and her daughter Lynda, and her husband David, their daughter Cathy and her two children, Gabrielle and Jason(?) for ice cream treats."

Thu. 9/20 - "Slept really late! First time I have felt rested since we started this trip. Marvin called the V.A. hospital and arranged to pick up a refill of his Prazosin. Beth went with us to guide us. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 143 "After Marvin got his Rx, we went to the "Search" building (The Search for God) and met Mack Lyon who founded it. Got a tour of the building. Beth goes up every week to help mail out videos of the broadcasts.

"Back to Beth's for dinner. Her son, Don, who is a architect, came by. Also, the youngest, Jack, who is in partnership in a PVC pipe store and feed store. Also, David and Lynda. They (D.&L.) arranged to meet us, the following day, at the OKC Memorial of the bombing of the Murray Building.

Fri. 9/21 - "Up early and loading up. Ate breakfast and we were on our way. Sure hated to leave Beth all alone. She had tears.

"Met Lynda and David at the Memorial. They both work nearby. Took many pictures of the Memorial. David and Lynda were able to tell us stories about it - the meaning of different things - for instance, the East and West walls: on one wall there is 9:01 and on the other wall is 9:03 with the reflecting pool between them. The bomb exploded at 9:02 and the reflecting pool is where 5th Street was."

David told me about the shallowness of the reflecting pool. Because floating clouds being reflected in the pool look so far away, the pool looks deep. He said that ducks will sometimes make a landing and tumble head over paddle feet. That was the only humorous interlude. Most of the time, my eyes were wet.

"There are 168 chairs (19 of which are small and represent the 19 children who died). The chairs are arranged in rows representing the building's floors on which they died with the name of the victims on them. They light up at night. Also saw the weeping Jesus." There is a wall at the corner, where the statue ofJesus is, with 168 open spaces representing those killed .

"Took the Indian Nation toll road through Oklahoma - first tol1 $1.75 - second $1.50. Gassed up at Mt. Pleasant TX - $19.60. Got to Gary's, in Shreveport LA, a little before 5 p.m."

Sat. 9/22 - "Marvin went with Gary to Wal-Mart. Pam is working today. She called and asked someone to bring her wallet, so Marvin and I did . While there, we bought two new pillows. Also, ingredients to make Chicken & Rice for dinner tomorrow.

"Gary had a tooth extracted Tues. and it is still very painful." (The tooth?! She didn't even see the tooth. I wonder how she knew it was painful?) The dentist called in a Rx for Codeine for him. Anitra Susan and Todd came up from Lafayette to spend the night. Todd is really quiet!" (We were meeting Susan's husband for the first time. By the way, just after she turned 17, Anitra spent two years in Kocise Checkoslovakia as a Missionary.) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 144 Sun. 9/23 - "To church - all 7 of us. Seems to be a friendly church. Pam invited another couple, and their three children, for dinner! Nearly 3p.m. when we ate. The couple (Brian and Melissa) have two older boys (from Brian's former marriage) and a little two-yr. old (half black son) - Melissa's boy as a result of a rape. Anitra and Todd left for home - fairly long drive and they had to work tomorrow - and we went to evening church service.

Mon. 9/24 - "Jerry off to school and Pam off to work. Gary called the dentist and got in at 11 a.m. Marvin took him and planned to go on to the V.A. to have an infected cyst on his neck excised. Change of plans. Gary & Marvin came home and we met Pam at a Chinese Restaurant for lunch. Gary paid - we meant to pay but he beat us to it. We got the tip.

"After lunch, Marvin & Gary went to the V.A. hospital to have the infected cyst looked at. The surgeon cut it out and packed it with iodoform gauze and I'M supposed to pack it 2x a day for the next 2 1/2 days until he goes back to the V.A.

"I went with Pam to Wal-Mart and bought rice and poppy cock." (Beats me! You know these Cajun's.). "Saw what Marvin typed. It's candied popcorn. Pam went after Jerry at school after dropping me off at the house. I put the chicken and rice dish to cooking."

Tue. 9/25 - "Gary went back to work this a.m .. Pam took Jerry to school - late - and then went to work at Wal-Mart. I packed Marvin's surgery site with much difficulty." (Yeah, she used tiny scissors with sharp points that dug into the inside wall of the wound. I broke out in a sweat!)

"Pam came home for lunch and went back to work. I fixed egg & sausage sandwiches for Marvin and me. Then we went to Wal-Mart and dropped off my film to be developed. Got some great pictures of our Oklahoma stay. We then went to "Big Lots" - sort of a discount place - and purchased merchandise. Oh yes, we found the Post Office and mailed some letters.

"A little after 4p.m., Pam called and asked us to pick up Jerry at school - which Marvin did. I think school is actually out about 2:30. While Marvin was gone, 1 fixed dinner.

"After dinner, Gary took us over to Norman and Ann Bales. Ann is a nurse and she did the packing of Marvin's wound while I watched. She also loaned me her surgical forceps so I can do the packing easier. Pam came home for awhile and then back to the store for a 10p.m. meeting."

Wed. 9/26 - "Gary went to work. Pam took Jerry to school a little after 8:30 and then went to work. Marvin and I had breakfast and showered and I then packed his wound. A little easier with Ann's "forceps" (special tweezers) and also after having seen it done.

"After Pam came home about noon, we had a bite to eat and then went to a Dollar Store off to the southeast. Then to shopping at Wal-Mart. Then to evening services at the church of Christ." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 145 Thu. 9/27 - "Gary took off today. Pam was going to also, but wound up going in for a couple of hours. Marvin, Gary, Jerry and I went to the Dollar Tree and Gary bought the rest of the houses they needed for their Christmas Village. I bought a Bridge and a Gazebo for them and then ten pieces for us.

"Stopped at Wal-Mart (the one to the SE) and bought alcohol so I could sterilize the forceps and scissors. Took things back to the house and then went back to the Wal-Mart where Pam works and to go to lunch. While at Wal-Mart, bought five cheese sticks so Marvin would have food with which to take his Ibuprofen.

"We went to Pancho's for lunch and this time we beat Gary to the register! After lunch, we went to the V.A. Hosp. and had Marvin's surgery site checked and repacked. The Dr.'s Assistant was incensed that the Doctor hadn't given Marvin any tools or adequate instructions as to packing the wound. He wanted Marvin to lodge a complaint but Marvin refused. So he wrote his own complaint into the medical record!

"The Dr.'s Asst. said it was healing well. He gave me some better tools and instructions to use a little less idoform each time. I had been trying to pack in the same amount every time. I asked how long to keep packing. He said, "About ten days, or as long as you want to keep on hurting him." While we were in the Hosp., Gary gassed up our car. Wish we could have come up with some way to repay him - bless his heart.

"Anitra and Todd came up and spent the night on their way to Todd's Folks. Todd filled out our papers to get registered for Tricare. Gary gave us a CD player that plugs in to the car's cigarette lighter. Turns out it works fine until you hit a bump in the road, then it turns off."

Fri. 9/28 - "Up early. Gary fixed toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Made quite a number of pictures before leaving. Breaks my heart to leave Gary. We get to see him so seldom. On our way north through western Arkansas and western Missouri. Only had to gas up once during the day. Got as far as Harrisonville and stopped at a Motel for the night. Ate at Wendy' s."

Sat. 9/29 - "Up early - showered and washed our hair. Ate breakfast at the Wagon Wheel. A thrift store was next door, so we checked it out. Marvin bought 200+ sheets of computer paper for $2.00+ tax. Got to Sam & Lyndel Ends about 11 a.m .. Visited and had a sandwich. Lyndel and I visited a few antique and craft shops. I bought a punched tin lantern for the Ends and a cel1uloid nail buffer for me.

"Sam & Lyndel, along with their two children, took us to eat at Jack's Crab Shack; a really unusual place. Sam ordered a "Big Daddy" Crab dinner for Marvin. (He took two-thirds of it with him and ate crab for two more days!) Then he showed us around Kansas City. At the Plaza, we saw a number of horse drawn carriages. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 146 "Went to the building, where Lyndel works, which has an unusual fountain out front. A huge, multi-colored clay-marble ball floated on the fountain's water cushion! Kids spun it!" "We saw other fountains for which Kansas City is noted: one was a good-sized water-fall in front of a building.

Then we went to Union Station where we saw the most beautiful and amazing fountain I have ever seen. The sun had gone down and colored lights lit up geysers of water that were exploded into the air in a number of different shapes. It was new and this was its second day of operation. After the tour, Marvin became convinced Kansas City was the most aesthetically beautiful of any he had ever seen."

Sun. 9/30 - "Sam fixed French Toast for breakfast. Then to Bible class and worship at Lee's Summit. An immense church building, to which Sam took us later, was being built. Temporarily, they were meeting in a school building. Marvin preached in the a.m. for which he was given $75. No evening service.

"Lyndel and I walked to the Post Office, about a mile round trip. She would like to write a book, chronicling her Dad's legal woes, or else a play, but with her job, kids, etc., seems unable to find the time. Sam has an Insurance Agency and doing well. They have a beautiful two-story home - two-car garage beneath. Lyndel is painting the outside of the house and had a few touch­ up spots yet to do. So I watched and we talked."

Mon. 1011 - "Up before 6:30. Saw Lyndel off to work. Sam fixed oatmeal for us for breakfast (our usual when we're home). Sam left for work, and to take the children to school, about 8: 15 and we left for Illinois with me driving the first 100. Our first stop for gas was along the Hwy.

"Into Illinois at a little town, we ate a lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the city park. Very peaceful. A number of workers were parked in different places eating their lunches. In one corner of the park was a small log house that had been built in the 1800's. We were able to look in the windows and see the fireplace, rocking chair and cradle.

"Stopped at an antique mall in Sumner Hill IL. I bought some gift items. Last gas stop of the day was in Dwight IL. From there it was an eastward trek to Kankakee and then north to Park Forest IL. We got to Carol Pegg's around 7p.m .. Our grandson, Ian, was there to meet us. Had a good visit with him before he had to go home. He lives in Lisle, about an hour' s drive north, and had to be at work at a Bank in the a.m .. One of Ian's friends, Mike, was also there for awhile. Carol had a delicious dinner ready. She had re-done her home and J love it!!"

Tue. 10/2 - "Slept in and had a late breakfast. Called a few people to let them know we were in the area. Carol's Bible class met at her home - quite enjoyable. (Marvin worked on his book.) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WlNNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 147 Ladies in the class were Jan, Pat, Lori and Claudia. Jan is an R.N. and packed Marvin's surgical site and said it looked good. Claudia is a stay-at-home mom but has sung professionally. Pat used to teach. She and her husband do a lot ofbicycIe riding. Lori is a Dr. of Psychology and taught at Governors State College.

"In the afternoon, we went to Bourbonnais to see Lisa (Kidder) Habib and her four children: Jacob, Alexandra, Lucas, and Colin. Beautiful home. Then back to Carol' s."

Wed. 1013 - "Carol' s friends, David & Bonnie, came for breakfast about 9a.m.. I cooked the apple Dutch baby. Came out good. They stayed until lunch time. We had meat loaf sandwiches for lunch. Carol & I then left Marvin home" (Marvin used Carol' s computer to work on his book).

"We went out to Tinley Park to her bank where she deposited the check Marvin got at Lee's Summit and gave me the cash. "We then went to a thrift shop with no purchase, and then to a shop that sells only angels - tons of them. Then to a great re-sale shop where I bought a blouse.

"Marvin and I met Jack & Helen Plummer at Ciao's and had dinner. From there we went to mid-week service at Park Forest. Jack taught the class. Saw many old friends: Clara D., Betsy Addams, Jim & Regina Gurganus, Donna Miller, Diane Felcamp Rose Mereness and her "new" husband, Tyler, and her 2 children by Jim Rose (Shannon and Christopher), Kim (nee Uran) and more." (Other friends present, we had known years past, were Irene Blaylock, Ken Lake, and Michael Hayes; but we were in the Fellowship Hall on another evening and so there may have been others there that I thought to be present the second evening rather than this time.)

Thu. 10/4 - "Carol's friends, Roger & Phyllis, came for breakfast at 9a.m .. I made stuffed (with cream cheese & walnuts) French Toast with Apricot-Orange sauce. They stayed until about 1 p.m.! I finally fixed a sandwich and milk for Marvin to have with his Ibuprofen.

"Carol and I went to some re-sale shops, gift/antique shops in Flossmoor. Then on our way home, we stopped at the Unique Thrift Store and I found a "Sandwich" pattern goblet and small platter, and a depression glass cup - all for $3.20+ .25 tax.

"We went up to Lisle to Ian's apartment (very nice)." (But then he's a neatnik!) "From there we went to a Ghengis Khan restaurant for a stir fry dinner. Really yummy!!" (I never saw so many varieties offood and delicacies, and all of them delicious!)

Fri. lOIS - "Carol's friend, Sandra, came this morning. She and Carol own a vacation plan together. Sandra began a group which meets once a month called "Sisters." She began with about 20 who she felt were having problems - marriage, etc .. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 148 She says that now about six show up. Marvin told her small groups do better anyway. She left about 3:30 and Carol began to get ready to go to a memorial service for Sam, her next door neighbor. (After the memorial service, Carol went with Kim's grandmother to a play.)

"After Sandra left, Marvin & I left to see if we could find the Unique Thrift Shop so J could buy a dressy sweater to wear to dinner tonight. On the way J dropped off a roll of film for developing. In Chicago Heights we found the Unique shop and I bought a sweater. Stopped at Walgren's on the way home, picked up the pictures and bought a tin of coffee.

"Back to Carol's, where 1 changed, and we went to Carlo's for dinner with Jack & Helen, Jim & Vivian, Michael & Lisa, & Betsy Addams. Had a wonderful time and the meal was great also."

Sat. 10/6 - "Carol had an 8 to 8 shift today. I did a couple of loads of laundry. Marvin worked on his book. Then we went over to see Don & Billie Thompson and had a good visit. Some of Ian's friends (Matt [Evan's older brother] and his wife and Paul) came over. Ian was supposed to come but he never made it."

Sun. 10/7 - "Up and away for church in Bourbonnais. Saw so many old friends and loved ones! Marvin preached a.m. & p.m. and was paid $125.00 Tom & Linda Patterson, daughter Stacie, son Mark with his wife Tanna and son Gabriel came from up near the Wisconsin line!

"Following morning worship, Lisa & Alex Habeeb had a large number out to their home for dinner: Larry & Nancy Combs, Alberta & Bill Burton, Pam & Bill S., Karen & Terry Hunt with son Alex and daughter Tamara from Eureka IL, Derek & Meg Wenzel man with two sons & Daughter Emily (a doll), Habeeb & Joy Habeeb with son Paul & daughter Hannah from Urbana TL, Susie (nee Clayton) & Cathy (nee Clayton) & Susie's little ones, Tom (Preacher) and Patty Tate, Marvin & me.

"It was wonderful. After evening Services, at the church building, there was a chilli cook­ off along with potato soup, sandwiches, etc., in the fellowship hall - plus a beautiful cake to celebrate the Tate's 30th anniversary." (While I may have had a hand in establishing the church in Bourbonnais - worked with them for five years - Tom Tate has been the best thing that has ever happened to that church.)

Mon. 10/8 - "Last night, Carol thought she might be coming down with the flu, but this morning she was feeling fine. After breakfast, she and I went out to Tinley Park and she got Marvin's check cashed. We then went to two re-sale shops where I bought a couple items. Then to Frank's and bought 4 rolls of ribbon for our craft supply. At Cub grocery, spent $6.39

"Back home to eat lunch. Carol left for work about 3p.m.. We got caught up on our reading until 5:30p.m. and then went to Diane Mereness' for dinner. Clara and her Mom were there also. We really enjoyed the evening. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 149 "Tyler may never "make a million" as everyone says, but he seems to be a really nice guy; and funny; and romantic. He has written a number of very good poems to Diane showing a vivid imagination. Who knows, maybe he will "make a million" writing children's books, which we suggested he do. Shannon & Christopher are well mannered and have an advantage one could wish for every child: they are growing up in a home filled with love."

Tue. 10/9 - "Carol and I went up to The Straw Hat and I bought a hummingbird candle­ holder for Linda Love and an "angel" for Carol. Then we went to St. James Hosp. gift shop and I bought a toy Volkswagon as part ofIan's Christmas gift. Then I took Carol to lunch with the P.F. church of Christ "lunch bunch" at the Old Country Buffet. Marvin met us there.

"In the shopping center there, Marvin bought a couple Zip Drive discs. I bought Xmas cards at a card shop; to The Dollar Tree for batteries; then sugar-free cookies & sardines."

"By then we were running late. Marvin and I took off for Bourbonnais to have dinner with Larry and Nancy Combs. On our way, we went by our old home - little change. Larry & Nancy took us on a tour of Bourbonnais, Bradley, and Kankakee. Lots of new expensive buildings all over the place! A Sports Complex has been built near Bourbonnais with Soccer Fields and about six Baseball Diamonds, Bleachers and Club Houses.

"Then the Combs took us out to eat at an out-of-the-way Cafe in west Kankakee. Didn't look like much on the outside but the place was packed with Diners. The food was good! - down home cooking. Had a great evening! They are great folks."

(Shades of nostalgia and wishing we could stay among such great friends! For their home, Larry had added on a room at the back and had let the roof of the original house extend a short way into the new room. Nancy had decorated the room, and the roof!, with unusual and beautiful conversation-piece craft items.)

Wed. 10110 - "Showered and washed and set my hair and did a few housekeeping chores. Then met Alberta Burton, Lisa Habeeb, and Carol at "Michael's" for lunch - about a three hour one. Had a great visit. Marvin stayed home and ate left-overs from "doggie bags" for lunch. Stopped at a bakery and then checked out the Amish furniture shop next door. Dropped off film which Carol picked up for us later.

"Went to Don & Billie Thompson's at 4:30p.m. and they took us to dinner at a Greek Restaurant. From there, we went to mid-week services at the South Holland church of Christ where Peter Bumpass preaches. Peter is a scholarly individual and an excellent Bible class teacher. We returned "home" about 9: 15p.m .. " LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 150 Thu. 10111 - "By 10:30a.m. we arrived at the Fraileys in Manteno fL.. John and Barbara Frailey rent out a portion of a large building, that used to house their towing business, to Crafters and different Dealers. I bought a really cute wooden toy-wheelbarrow with bunny sides. Also a Starlight pattern dessert bowl and a peanut butter sherbet, all for $4 plus tax. Left the IFrailey's at 3:30p.m .. They are the salt ofthe earth.

"Got back to Carol's about 4p.m.. Went to Jim & Regina Gurganus's, at 5, for dinner. Very enjoyable discussions of old times, etc .. Regina likes chicken things. Never saw so many chicken objects" - (unless at my sister's, MaryAlice Frier, in Oregon) - "very tastefully displayed. John DiGregorio came over for dessert. When questioned, John said he wasn't coping too well since Vi's death; that she never taught him how to cook and clean. Home before 9p.m .."

Fri. 10/12 - "Carol fixed a sausage/cheese dish as her friend, Sharon, and Sharon's Mom, Sophie, were coming for breakfast. Sharon is Kim & Dawn's Mom. Ian and Kim dated a few years. Breakfast about 9:30a.m .. Sharon & Sophie left about 11:15. "Carol and I went to a couple of Thrift shops on Sauk Trail where I bought an old aluminum pitcher - syrup pitcher, I believe."

"When we got back, Marvin and I went to Kankakee to see Pearle Peterson. We had left the area in 1982, so finding the Peterson ranch turned out to be time consuming! Seems odd to go out and not see Augie. Pearle is staying in that big old farmhouse by herself. She is so sweet."

"On our way home, we stopped at a Craft Shop in Bourbonnais. Bought a soap dispenser for the Rose room and two Mary Engelbreit plaques. Got home after Carol had gone to work. Had left-overs from our dinners out."

Sat. 10/13 - "Carol works 8a.m. to 8p.m. today. I did 2 loads of laundry and pressed a few things. Cut Marvin's hair. We ate our "doggie bag" eggplant parmegiano for lunch. Ian and his friend, Chris, and Chris' wife Jenny and their little 2 yr. old, Ariel, came over. Ariel sure loves Ian and vice versa."

Sun. 10/14 - "To Bible class and worship in the a.m .. Jack Plummer taught the class. Marvin preached a.m. and p.m.. (They gave him a check for $300!! The Park Forest church is the largest congregation where he preached on this trip.) After the a.m. Service, we went to the Old Country Buffet with Paul & Judy Bertrand, Pat & Marian Lake. Very enjoyable.

"Went home to Carol's and started packing the car. Kimmie's sister, Dawn, came over and also Ian. Carol came home and took a nap. Ian went to church with us. Paul & Judy's dau. Ginny and her daughter and husband were there in the evening. Shannon (Diane's 6 yr old) gave me a necklace and Marvin an eraser shaped and colored as a butterfly. "After evening services, we went with Jack & Helen Plummer, Michael(?), and Ian for an evening meal. It was a watery­ eyed farewell afterward." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page lSI Mon. 10115 - Now we are on our way home. Comments as to who is driving, distances and such, shall cease. We will mention places where we stop. We were hoping to get to my Niece's home in Southwest Nebraska this first day, but it was a little too far. We drove through Illinois, Iowa, and most of Nebraska. Called Judy from our Motel room in Ogallala NE, received directions to their place and made a breakfast date for the next morning.

Tue. 10116 - Up early to greet a heavy frost and cold. About 60 miles south to go to get to Champion NE. Sausage, eggs, toast and juice for breakfast. Roger has a huge ranch and runs several head of Cattle. Frenchman's River goes through the back yard. Roger has built a bridge across, also steps down to the river, a table with a large umbrella. No problem catching catfish.

Roger took us to meet his folks. Then we went into town (Imperial NE) where they own a Crafters Mall. One of the best displayed Craft Stores I have seen. A reporter was there and I wrote out a piece about our trip, and visit, for the local paper. Pawnee tried to buy a unique piece of pottery Judy had made, but Judy wouldn't let her pay. It was her gift to Pawnee.

Then we went to their Coffee Shop and were each treated with a "Black Forest." This time WE insisted on paying for one of her cups with "Java Jitters" etched on it. Judy's "helper" made Reuben sandwiches for us. A very clever shop with meeting rooms.

Pawnee bought some fabric and some film and by 2:30p.m. we were on our way again. Instead of going back north to Ogallala and Hwy 80, we took a straight west-bound highway into Colorado. Then due south of Cheyenne, we turned north and stayed at a "Day's Inn" motel in Cheyenne WY.

Wed. 10/17 - We were up early and took advantage of a free continental-breakfast, gassed up and we were on our way north, planning on a stop in Billings MT. We were running Iowan gas, so we pulled off to the Crow Indian town of Lodge Grass (I played basketball, against them, as a teen-agel', and as a guard on the Custer MT team).

A mix-up as to who had what-keys-where caused us to lock the keys in the car! About a half-hour later, a young fellow was given instructions by a former Police officer and he "broke" in for us. Poor use of the word "broke" because he didn't break anything getting in.

In Billings, we called my Niece (Pat Kainu) from a convenient Burgher King and Pat and her husband, Gary, met us there where we visited for about a half-hour. Then we continued on west. Speed limits in both WY & MT allowed about 80mph. In good weather, which we had, it was not a problem to keep up the pace and we arrived in Missoula MT.

We supposed we had crossed into Pacific time, but it was still Mountain time. So it was about 8:05 MST when we checked into a room at a very nice Motel. (We had to mail back the room key.) LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Scenes and Old Habitats" Sep/Oct Travelogue

Chapter Fourteen Page 152 Thu. 10118 - After a Motel-breakfast consisting of juice, bagels with cream cheese, and coffee, we were on our way. Beautiful highway through the Rockies but quite curvy in places in Montana and Idaho. Got to a Visitor's Center in Spokane WA and called Jason & Lori's home but no answer. (Didn't get to see our handsome great-grandson, Ethan.)

Found the Aurora Consulting Group in the directory and called Jason. Went to his Office and got the tour. A second floor of a large building with over 20 rooms of busy people. Jason and two others started the company. We were impressed!

On our way again. Stopped along the highway and Pawnee fixed peanut butter and jam sandwiches for lunch. Gassed up in Kennewick and called Ryan & Bonnie (another Niece) but no answer and so we continued on. Stopped in Hood River at a bakery. Debated going up the valley to Jewel's but we were anxious to get home after being gone five weeks and a day!

Cathy and Chris had been asked to stay at the Esther Lee Motel as nighttime managers and were almost moved out of our house. They had kept the plants watered and our outdoor-cat fed while we were gone. Ah, but it's great to be home, but we had had a wonderful time. And you want to hear something remarkable. The only time we had rainy weather was when we were staying somewhere. God gave us beautiful skies for our traveling time. End of Travelogue.



CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 153 I foresee this chapter as being relatively brief. I have no wish to keep such things as God has taught me to myself; could not do so if I were so inclined. Most of the methods I have used God gave to others first who then shared them with me. Nestled within means & ways of service are occasional God-given insights: wisdom received of Him when requested. He promised such to any that would ask. May He put upon your heart a concern for the lost.

In sharing the gospel, I have adopted an approach that "works for me." I do not claim that it is necessarily the best for everyone. I soon switched a totally erroneous outreach to one of simply inviting friends to church services. That works. And you will have the joy of seeing some baptized. You will have the joy of getting them interested in Scripture, and God has said that His word would not return to Him void. One day, though you may not be witness to it, some to whom you spoke will be influenced by remembering that someone cared. God will be glorified.

Then I began taking along Bibles with like-paginations so that I might simply say, 'Turn to page number .... ' The theme of the study was "What Else Does God Require?" My Bible was marked with the page & Scripture to turn to next. Thus we proceeded from a brief look at Scripture inspiration to repentance, to belief, to confession, to baptism. * * * * * * * Over the years, I have witnessed efforts to teach all of "the rules" of Christianity before a candidate was baptized, and then they "work" their way to a fear of being lost. 1 have witnessed efforts to convert someone into becoming a full-grown Christian before they were baptized. To me, that seems contrary to Scripture.

For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man '05 ,\l'irit withill him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God We have nol received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who i .. from God, that we may understand what God hasfreefy given us. (I Cor. 2:11-12 NIV)

Look at verse 14 of the same chapter: The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand tit em, because they are spiritually discerned.

Add to that the intent of Peter' s words in I Pet. 2:2-3: Like newborn babes, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up il1 your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. At baptism, one is born of water and the Spirit and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within. Now they can begin to understand and grow. * * * * * * * My next approach was a sharing of the Word with the Jule Miller filmstrips and a projector. 1 baptized several using his 5-lesson films. I dropped that "system" when I realized that a contact didn't have to understand the entire Bible before he came to Christ. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 154 My next "method" was Bristow's "A Few Minutes with Someone Who Loves You." I used that during my "Portland" and "Sharing" Outreach days. However, Silas Shotwell introduced me to the Kennedy (Florida) approach. That was in Albuquerque in 1971, and I have continued with that since then. A brief outline follows. * * * * * * * Almost any conversation you allow someone, and you should, can lead up to a statement such as; 'That's interesting. But permit me to ask you a personal question. Have you come to a place in your life to where you can be certain of going to Heaven when you die?' [That question can be phrased any number of ways. You should attempt to avoid a "canned" approach.]

Most people will answer, "No, I'm not certain of that - probably would not." 'Thank you for your honest answer. I have another question we might consider.'

'If you were to die tonight, and stand before God, and he were to say to you, "Why should I let you into my Heaven?" What do you think you would answer? Now I'm sure God will not ask that, and I realize you probably haven't written a thesis on the subject, but even so, what comes to mind? Offhand, what would you say to Him?' [Put the question to your friend in your words.]

Most people will imagine a monologue that will end up with something like the following: "I've tried to do right. J haven't been perfect, but I don't know anyone who has been. I've done the best 1 knew how to do."

Your reply could be something like: 'Have you ever wondered if your best would be good enough?' Most answers will be: "Yes, I suppose I have wondered about that, but I think I've been as good as the next fellow; better than a good many!"

'Yes, I'm sure you have been. But here is where a problem comes up: Scripture says that God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, which is to say, He can't overlook sin. We might try to identify the meaning of sin. It's being unlike God.

'You see, He formed us in our Mother's womb and gave us a clean and pure spirit. One way of looking at that is found in the Scripture that says the body will return to the dust, and the spirit unto God who gave it. God's gifts are pure and holy.

'But what I have done, and what every person has done: we took that unsullied spirit and we polluted it. How? By changing the image within causing us to become unlike God. We thought things God wouldn't think; we did things God would not do, and we have left undone good things He would have had us to do. God cannot overlook such aberrations (sins) on our part. Sin's definition: missing the mark, and the target's center is God Himself. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 155 '} wonder how many times a day I sin. Would it be 50, maybe a 100? And I can also be good for nothing. Scripture says that he that knows to do good and doesn't do it, to him it is sin. And I can also be good for nothing by trying to taking the credit for my "good deeds" rather than giving the credit to Him who deserves all of it!

'But let us suppose that every day 1 live a life with only one bad thought, only one bad deed, and I get everything done I ought to do but one. And so I come before God saying, "Really, God, I'm a pretty good fellow. I only sin three times a day." And He replies, "Yes, you are an unusual individual. Do you realize that this last year you've had a thousand crimes on the book?" It doesn't take a thousand crimes to have the police looking for us. One is enough! We might be righteous in our own eyes, but not in the eyes of God.

'God told Adam & Eve, that if they ate of a certain fruit, they would die that very day! Satan told them they wouldn't. They dishonored God and they were cut off from His presence; driven from the Garden. Death is separation. Cut off the arm from the body, the body may well continue living but the arm dies. They became cut off from the Father of spirits and they died spiritually that very day. We have done the same. We have dishonored the spirit we were given. We became separated from the Father of Spirits. Thus we need to be reborn Spiritually.

'My inner nature has been cut off from a Spiritual life with God and I can't save myself. can't lift myself into Heaven by my own bootstraps. But we try. [We might compare our feeble attempts as an effort to jump across a 100 foot wide canyon, or making a scrambled egg breakfast for company by mixing in together good eggs and rotten ones (good deeds and rotten ones) hoping they'll be acceptable. You can't get there that way!]

'Friend, if such were the whole story, there would be no hope for anyone of us. God knew we could never measure up, so He sent His Son to die in our place. He bore in His own body our sins upon tlte tree. It's a free gift! We don't deserve it! We can't earn it! But Jesus is the answer of Holiness to our predicament. We receive forgiveness by faith.' * * * * * * * Some suppose faith to be belief. It is not. The Bible tells us that the devils believe, and tremble! There are dimensions to faith. I like the modem language Tom Atkinson used to explain the dimensions of faith: Decision, Declaration, Demonstration, and a Dedication of faith. Let us look at how they are defined in Scripture.

'First, a decision of faith: Jesus said, II certain man Itad two sons. To one Ite said, Go into tlte jield'ii and work. He said, 1 go, hilt Ite went not. To tlte other he said go into tlte fields and work. He said, I go not, but afterwards he repented and went. (Mt. 21:28-30) He made a decision of will from that of doing what he wanted to do to that of doing what his father wanted. There are other Scriptures, such as Luke 13: 1-5, that show the need for repentance from one's own works to that of the Father's. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 156 'Then there's the need for a declaration of faith which the Bible tenns confession. See Mt. 10:32; Luke 12:8; Rom. 10:9-10; I John 4:15; Rev. 3:5 [Make yourself familiar with one or more of these scriptures.]

Then there's the need for a demonstration of faith. Here is where so many have stumbled. Therefore, here is where you need to take them to Scripture itself. Passages, for which you have a method of your own in turning to.

Look up the following: John 3:1-8; Mt. 3:13-17; Mk 16:15-16; Acts 8:26-39; Rom. 6:1-4; Gal. 3:26-29, Col. 2:9-13 . Don't settle for one passage; get to know them all.

'There are other Scriptures as well. Note that in Colossians 2, one is demonstrating one's faith to God! and not to man. In the book of Acts there are a number of conversions given. In everyone, the person or persons are baptized; by which every one demonstrated their faith in Jesus' burial and resurrection and their own burial and resurrection with Him. * * * * * * * ANSWERING OBJECTIONS TO WATER BAPTISM: and many objections to it have been raised. Pride can be a problem for some. It's humiliating to admit you are dead and fit for nothing except to be buried. And that feeling is probably more sub-conscious than thought out. The reaction of some may be kindred to that ofNaaman, the leper. Read II Kings Chapter Five.

He became incensed because the Prophet had sent word (that in order to be cleansed of his leprosy) he needed to dip himself into the Jordan River, and he turned back toward his own land. His servant then said, "Master, if he had hid you do some great thing, would you 110t have done it? How much simpler to dip thyself and be cleansed." He did that and was cleansed.

Others listen to any explanation of Scripture in order to avoid getting wet. Perhaps they are afraid of being buried, or would rather do some great thing they could take pride in. When Jesus told Nicodemus he had to be born of water, He was not talking about passing through the water when the mother's water breaks at birth. He was talking about a 'dead in sin" man being reborn! Nicodemus understood Jesus was talking about someone who had already been born physically. He borrowed from the language of Jesus and said, ... how can a man be born again?

There are others who say that being born of water does not require water baptism. "Out of him shall flow rivers of living water" which Jesus went on to say referred to the Spirit flowing out from one, and so that becomes the water birth. On the contrary, that refers to the sharing of the Gospel one becomes capable of doing after being "born of water and of the Spirit."

Col. 2 speaks of being "buried by faith in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. " Jesus, at His baptism, spoke of it as being necessary to fu(fill righteousness, to make it complete. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 157 Those who understand that water can be a grave (many sailors have been buried at sea), realize they have entered the grave with Jesus (into His death where His blood was shed) and have been washed in His blood, resurrected, raised from a Spiritual death. Their own demonstration of faith and not that of their parents, or the faith of someone else.

We become separated from God: spiritual death! And so we need a rebirth. It is OUR demonstration that is needed and not that of our parents'. * * * * * * * Then we are admonished not to give up on God - a dedication of faith. Satan would have you get discouraged and deny your Lord. He will try to make you think you are worse than you ever were. You think you are because you are more conscious of sin! But your Heavenly Father has given you Jesus. He will give you all things with Him. Dedicate your life to Him: Rev. 2:10 .

Decision: "I am dead in sin and need a Savior"; Declaration: "Jesus died to save me and is the Christ, the One and Only Savior"; Demonstration: "God raised Him from the grave and He will raise me with Him"; Dedication: "And now I live every day for Him who died for me and He will take me Home when He comes again!"

Don't discount I John 5:13. We are promised eternal life with God in Heaven because of our faith that Jesus paid the penalty. As a matter of fact, don't discount .my Scripture; it's been given by inspiration of God! All of it!

What if we run out of friends or family with whom to share the good news? It can happen. I drove a number away through my over-zealousness. J alienated others because I would no longer join them in their practices. But there ARE those who look for a way out of the world's doubt and confusion. If you are afraid you might become alienated from the human race, consider Him who was referred to as "the friendless One." * * * * * * * Don't appear to others as guiltless. The difference between you and one of the world (in the final analysis) is that he's a sinner and you are a saved sinner. The difference is slight indeed but wonderful even so. Speak from a heart of love. Understand the nature of the world the doubter is living in and don 't be piqued if his conversation is in need of change. Don't see anyone by their outward appearance. See the beauty of the soul God put in him or her. If change is needed, the Holy Spirit will do it

Paul wrote: I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. (I Cor. 9:22) Think on that. We do not reach out with the gospel to save ourselves (Christ has already accomplished that). We do not proclaim His salvation to heap praise and glory to ourselves (the praise and the glory belongs to God, the joy we can share with Him). And the "dumb smuck" who shares his last slice of bread with someone down on his luck may sit higher in the eyes of our Lord that those of us who are in demand because of our "smarts." LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 158 And so, above all, ask God to help you to love realizing that even the most vile characters can become objects of His love. After all, He created them as well as you! Ask God for wisdom in knowing what to say and what to answer each person, and every person is different, every person has had problems in life that differ from another, and most everyone needs a different answer than that which you gave to a previous creation of God.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make use of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. (Col. 4:5-6)

In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do tltis with gentleness and re~Jlect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who ~peak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may he ashamed of their slander. (I Pet. 3: 15-16) * * * * * * * Jesus asked the Father to send forth reapers. Before you can reap a harvest, you need to sow some seed. Who has broken the hard crust on the soil around us? When I first began knocking on doors for the church, after a day or two, I found myself knocking on as many as 100 doors without being able to set up a single study!

I said, Father, I know I'm the one you are sending. I know You know I am the one you are sending. But how do we get them to know it? Then He called to my remembrance how I used to leave literature, about the Mayflower Dairy and their products, in doors of an evening. (Did God have a reason for getting me that job?)

When I called the next day, I found people to be friendly & receptive. I thought, I need to do that now! I looked around for some seed to sow before I came back to reap, and I found the tracts I discussed in Chapter Six. From then on, most everyone was friendly and many were receptive. Never again was I able to knock on 100 doors in a day.

I think our approach became both significant and unique. Before you can get people to care what you say, you have to show that you care. We didn't say to people that we were out to save them from themselves, or to expand the borders of Christ's Kingdom, although that was our motive in a sense.

We asked if there was ill1Y way that we might be of help. To say that, you have to have a sacrificial group of people to back you up! The Central church of Christ in Portland was just that; a sacrificial group. We baptized many and some of them made valuable contributions to the Family. Other places where we took our message were sacrificial to a degree. But then, our work with many of them consisted of a week, or weeks, rather than years as with Central LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 159 To go door-to-door, you need backing -- and you also need to be able to love. Behind that door there is I ikely to be someone in need of a Savior. Behind that door is someone that God loves. Pray: "Father, help me to love as You love. Help me to love. Help me to love." * * * * * * * I spoke of becoming frustrated over the ones going "out the back door" as we brought "new children" in the front door. Don't baptize them and forget them! Get them with a group that are meeting casually each week, to share life stories and who have questions to ask one another about the Christian walk, and to share their problems, and to make new friends.

Find a book on questions to ask at meetings (mine is out of print). Spend a significant amount of time in prayer and get everyone to share, silently if necessary. In short, supply a climate of learning, of scripture study, giving them examples of living in the ones they meet there. Don't allow anyone individual to monopolize the time, unless it be a new Christian.

Many find it difficult to pray silently even though they have doubts and fears andlor trauma to share. Let's consider how to conduct a "small group" meeting that can help them overcome such fears and to realize their membership in the Body of Christ is important.

Invite five couples to come to your home. One couple might be someone you consider to be strong in faith. Make the other four couples those you think might need encouragement, and perhaps one couple can have a mate who was recently baptized. Try to have an age-range that would include teens and the elderly; a vocation range from the "technical" to the "dishwasher." This will guard the group from becoming a clique.

Tell each couple that this is such an important get-together that you are going to call them by phone the night before to remind them of the meeting at your house. Ask each couple if (select a night) would interfere with work or other plans. You might ask them to name 1st, 2nd, & 3rd weeknight choices in an effort to find one agreeable to all. [We had enough who worked evenings that we arranged a Sat. morning for them. We had four groups meeting by then.]

When they arrive, inform them of the meeting's purpose: to get to know one another, to pray for each other, and to provide an atmosphere allowing questions of any kind. Tell them there will be guidelines for sharing, such as: "We will go around the room beginning with whom­ soever the "director" might ask to start. That person will "have the floor" until he has answered and then it will go to the next person.

"If you feel you wish to make comment, it must be directed to the person "having the floor" at that moment. There are to be no conversations carried on between others while someone is answering. The person "with the floor" will feel his answer is unimportant, and you won't want that to happen. In other words, there will be no "group meetings" within the group. Each one of us is worth listening to! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 160 "At the same time, don't get off the subject with your answers and give others the feeling you are monopolizing the time. Later on, as we come to know each other better, when someone has a problem they are wanting comments upon, we will make that problem the subject of the meeting and continue our sharing with that subject in mind.

"Beginning questions will be non-threatening and easy to answer. At the same time, while some questions may be "warm fuzzies" for most of us, someone may be traumatized by them because of their life history. [I found it difficult to answer some questions, without tears, because of my own family history. My wife learned things about me she had not known until then.]

"Why keep a group small? The object is to spend two hours together at a session. Two hours translates into 120 minutes. 120 minutes, divided by ten, allows for 12 minutes each. If we have 15 people, 120 minutes is reduced to 8 minutes for each one's sharing. That isn't to say that a group should not grow. But when a group grows to more than 12 people, it should divide into two groups. Then invite a few additional people to bring each one up to 10 or 12.

"A few more group-guidelines, and then we will begin the meeting. If someone has to hire a baby sitter, in order to attend, each couple (including the couple with children) will be expected to contribute an equal portion so that couple can attend without it being financially difficult for them every week. Agreed?

"Each meeting will close with shared prayer. You need not pray aloud unless you wish to do so. We will hold hands and then to let the person next to you know that you have finished praying (aloud or silently) squeeze their hand to pass the prayer along.

"While a meeting is to last two hours, it is to close at that time. The host couple will then serve coffee/tea and cookies (bought or baked). Later, if we hold a meeting, by someone's request for it to be held at their home, we won't want anyone competing to see who can be "the hostess with the mostess".

No one has to stay for refreshments if they don't wish to. Would you care to feel obligated jf you had to get up for work early the next morning? We promise not to talk about anyone who has to leave early. All of this may sound good, but if you haven't been a PaJt of something like this before, you may not be all that certain you will like it. That's understandable.

However, we do ask that you agree to be a part of four more get-acquainted meetings - to commit yourself to that - and then if you wish to no longer continue with it, well and good, no one will think any the less of you. You were invited tonight because we do think well of you and want you to take part. We feel your input will be valuable, and we hope you'll share your thoughts with us. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 161 "What if you have other plans made for two or three weeks from tonight (for example)? Let the "director" know that you can't be there, that you'd like to be, but that something else has come up and you won't be attending that night, or the next night as the case may be. Do the "director" the courtesy of calling whenever you cannot attend, otherwise they will be waiting to start for you to arrive.

"Now, one last thing, since you came tonight not knowing the session was to be of two hours duration, we are going to close with a prayer. Then each of you will be given a print-out of what we have discussed tonight along with that which we wil1 take up for discussion next week. Look at the hand-out sheet for a preview of next week's session:

"While we DO expect each person to answer, be it understood that "PASS" is an answer! So, let's begin with a question or two. 1) Where were you born? 2) Where were you living between the ages of 6 & 12? 3) How many brothers and sisters did you have at that time? 4) Were any siblings born (or adopted) into the family when you were older than 12? Why topics so easily answered? In order to make it less stressful to share now and later on." * * * * * * * Note, none of the foregoing suggestions for a group meeting is Medo-Persian law. Groups can use other guidelines than these. The important thing is to blend others into the Body; to help them realize they are important; to give them a sounding board where they can express ideas, doubts, and fears.

Do people who don't know each other fall in love with each other? Not likely. But what do we have in common that would help us to love one another? Jesus who loved us when we were yet abject sinners. And, as Dale Smith says, "Don't be a soil inspector!"

We (Pawnee and I) began a small group in our home. Then the elders began directing two more. Then I began leading a Saturday morning meeting in the beautiful double-wide mobile home of Jim & Corrine Buckelew. In January of 1971, we moved to Albuquerque. The group we began in our home, in 1968, continued to meet for a number of years after we moved away. We began a couple more small groups in Albuquerque in addition to those already meeting there.

What were the advantages, or results, of such meetings? 1) Church growth [we seldom lost newly baptized members after that!]; 2) Greater love and harmony within the body; 3) Individual spiritual development [one timid soul who would not assist, in any capacity, with serving the communion, came out of his shell to where he could lead singing!]; 4) Greater commitment to outreach. * * * * * * * [We are saying that "ordinary members" {there really is no such thing} become sharers of the gospeL] Why such results? They really feel like they have something to share!. LEARNrNG TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 162 Encourage new disciples to ask old friends to church, to group meetings, and to help them (financially if necessary) to go to Men, Women, and Family Encampments. Perhaps have a special, brief, Sunday evening "Celebration-Invite a Neighbor" Worship Service with refreshments to follow. Introduce visitors and put them at the front of the refreshment-line.

Another suggestion for helping new ones: Silas Shotwell has written materials on "Spiritual Pediatrics" that are excellent. Silas is an Elder at the Hood River OR church of Christ. Contact him there. I'm sure the charge for them will be minimal; pay in advance and don't expect him to bear the cost of printing and mailing. By the way, I like the term: spiritual pediatrics, because we need to take new babes under our care, just as we were cared for at Monterey CA. * * * * * * * God wants you to reach others with the gospel of Jesus. He will help in every way you turn your will over to Him. God lives in you if you are His. Have faith that He cares for you. Illustration: I was fishing on the Snake River bordering Oregon & Idaho ......

I said, Father, I really appreciate these three fish you have given me but I would like to catch a big one. I cast my line out and Wham! The fight was on! I wrestled it up and down the river. Finally got it to shore and my pole would not lift it out of the water, the fish was so big!

1 began laughing. 'Father, you really have a sense of humor. I realize I didn't specify but when I said a big one, I was thinking catfish, Dot carp.' I reached for the needlenose pliers to get the hook out of its mouth and inadvertently gave it some slack. It broke my 30lb test line but I managed to stomp on the sinker and save it. Be careful what you ask for; you might get it!

Still laughing, I cast out again and immediately another hit. I pulled in the biggest catfish I caught that year. On the second hook, was another one just an inch or two smaller. It was the second biggest I caught that year, and I had never caught two at the same time in 18 years of spring fishing there, except a time or two that I caught a bass on the second hook * * * * * * * Is help with something so trivial as catching a fish surprising? Hey, He is interested in His children. And He is a better Father than anyone of us. That which is important to us becomes important to Him, even things others would see as insignificant.

Read I Cor. 7:14 In this passage you will note that our children become important to him, even before they become Christians, because what is important to the Christian parent (His child) is important to Him.

Think on this: have you ever deeply loved someone? Did things that interest them become of interest to you? Most likely you answered yes, or one day you will find yourself becoming interested simply for the reason that you DO love them. Our God is Love and things that are pure that interest us become of interest to Him! If you love God and Jesus, He's on your side! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 163 Brother, Sister, be like Peter. He was the first ordinary human being to walk on water! Have faith that Jesus will uphold you in any effort for Him. But remember, to Him is the glory. You are merely a bond-servant whose bonds He released. You didn't deserve it! You don't deserve the credit for it! You aren't being asked (as a Christian) to earn it!

He does ask you to love as He loves; to love souls in the way He loves them. Do the "things" that interest the One Who shed His blood for you, interest you? How great is your love for Him? Step out of the safety of "the boat" and get your feet wet! * * * * * * * Next point: why not be humble about whatever success you might experience in being a part of winning souls for Christ? Let's look at a new interpretation of the talents in Matt. 25: 14- 30. One servant was given five talents; another servant was given two talents; and another servant was given one. To whom did the talents belong? To whom did the earnings there from belong?

What did the one-talent man do? He hid it! And that is what we do when we endeavor to keep the credit, for that with which our Lord helps us, to ourselves. We want the glory! We want to be praised! We want to be admired for what we do! THE GLORY DOES NOT BELONG TO US! We need to give that "talent" back to God!

Think long and hard on this Scripture: I Cor. 4:7 For who makes you ([(fferent from a11yone el~e? What do you have thatyoll did 110t receive? And ifyou did receive it, why do you boast as though you did 11ot? * * * * * * * Each of us has a certain degree of intelligence acquired through study, learning, and experience. God brings to mind seeds of wisdom contained in that study, learning & experience. If it were otherwise, the Psalmist would not have written: Thy word have I Itid in my heart tltat I might no/ sin against thee (Psalm 119: 11). He will recall, for you, His word and His wisdom from the wealth of mining we have done in order to come to know Him.

Furthermore, we learn to do by doing. If you type, if you know how to swim, if you know how to adjust a carburetor, to paint a portrait or a scene, if you've become adept at memorization you had to begin from a starting position that improved as you practiced. You have to begin by believing you can learn to do it! Sharing the gospel isn't any different, and practice (as they say) makes perfect. We learn to do by doing; we learn, properly, from right motives.

HOWEVER, If you are seeking the plaudits of men, stay home. If you are seeking self-aggrandizement, stay home. If you have a sacrificial heart, get out there and reap a harvest for God. There is nothing more important; there is no greater goal; there is nothing that will give you greater joy! There is little that will bring you more trials, but consider Him "Who for tlte joy that was set before Him endured tlte cross.... "(Heb. 12:2) May the God of all Glory be with you, amen. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Page 164 Is the grief you will experience worth it? Oh yes, there's joy amid the trials. "As it is written: 'No eye has seen, ItO ear has heard, no mind has cOllceived what God has prepared for those that love him,' but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit." (II Cor. 2:9 & 10) * * * * * * * What do churches of Christ have to offer? Why should another "Christian group" exist? Do we not have a sufficient number of churches already?

In this nation, when individual freedom was applauded, disciples of many faiths sought to be free from a State "Govemment-directed" religion. In addition, the churches of this world had left the authenticity of the Scriptures and had tumed to man-made creeds. Christians of MANY faiths championed the wisdom of a "Back To The Bible" movement. "Other foundation can no mall lay than that which is laid, which is JeSllS Christ." (I Cor. 3: 11)

Scripture speaks of Jesus being "the head of the body, the church" (Eph. 1:22, 4: 15; Col. 1: 18, 2: 19) The Head of the church, having returned to the Father in Heaven, has His Headquarters there. There can be no earthly "helldquarters." Three times in Scripture we are told not to add to or take anything from that which "has once and for all, been delivered unto the sanctified." (Jude 3)

If He built His church, the church belongs to Him. Was Peter made The Head of the church? No way! "For other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid which is Christ Jesus." Christ is King and all allegiance belongs to Him. This is what Nationalists have against us. They see us as rebellious, as anarchists. Ah, but we are told to obey the laws of the land "because the powers that exist were put in place by God Himselj:" But an even higher motive lies in the words of Jesus, telling us to love all men as being better than ourselves.

We are told that "all Scripture is given by impiration of God ... that the mall of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work." (2 Tim. 3: 16-17) Therefore, man made creeds can only serve to divide the body. The Bible alone will not give one a man-made name. Nevertheless, keep in mind this quote: "Not the only Christians, but Christians only." At one time, God had "7,000 men who had 1101 bowed the knee to Baal." In His eyes, He may have millions today who see Him as the one and only Wise King.

The of in church of Christ means "belonging to." Is that a meaningful name to give His church? The tale is told of a wealthy man who agreed to contribute handsomely to a group who would put "This Is A Church Of Christ" on their building. They demurred. He offered the same if they would put "This Is Not A Church of Christ" and they refused that also. Man made creedalism only divides us into warring groups. How sad.

Let's remember that when people cannot agree, cannot get along, more likely than not someone is pushing their own "rule of law" - or seeking to satisfy their own ego - and the two are quite likely to be the same thing! LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "New Bottles for Old Wine"





CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 167 The year and month was June of 1944. World War II was going on. I had gone overseas in March of 1940. I was returning to the United States for the first time in over four years as a passenger on a Jeep Carrier, either the PetrofBay or the Lipscomb Bay (one of the two had gone down with the loss of 1200 lives off Tarawa. Obviously, I wasn't on the one that went down.)

The seas were rough and the metal deck of the hangar was hard and cold. Even so, my sleeping bag was comfortable and I was sound asleep when someone woke me up. I said something like, 'What gives.' He said, "I think you'd better move from where you are sleeping."

I said, 'What are you talking about? The Captain announced that passengers can sleep any where, except for the Officer's and the Crew's Quarters, that we can find to sleep.'

He replied, "I know about that, but you are sleeping in a bad location. You see, lashed up in the overhead above where you've been sleeping is some heavy equipment. I woke up thinking about it and decided to see if anyone was sleeping under it. You are, and it might be a good idea to move from there."

I did move, and a short while later that gear came crashing down. I would have been crushed - flattened out - killed! Such as that is what I'm referring to as "Providential Protection." At the time, I was an immoral unbeliever who didn't believe in God! I deserved to die. Thefool has said in his heart, there is no God! and I was one of God's fools!

That narrow escape should have taught me something; unbelief prevailed. Hindsight says that God awakened that Sailor to have him come from his comfortable bunk and warn me. Most ~ikely God knew that a skeptic such as I would require convincing. * * * * * * * Looking back across the years, I came to see many, many times that God intervened so as to keep me alive. But how many times has He sustained me when I wasn't even aware of it?!! Now r frequently add to a prayer, "Father, thank you for the numerous times you have smoothed the path before me when I didn't even know about it!"

Friend, Cast all you care upon Him Jor He cares Jor you. God is a loving God, a God of limitless power, and yet a merciful Father. Not only has He provided an entrance into His presence, He stands ready to assist you in any loving, caring help you desire to take to others. You won't have to go it alone. He will be there to provide you with the wisdom, the help and the answers you will need. But not against your will. Dim bulbs must desire to be changed.

I have no Scriptural proof that God looks ahead in time to see someone eventually turning in repentance to Him. I do believe God is not restricted in time and so it is possible. We may see a useless bum. God may see him as a totally changed individual winning souls to the Lord.

In fact, I knew someone like that; someone who was an alcoholic for more than 30 years who later became a pillar in the church. His name was Irvin Roberts (a brother-in-law to my brother). Irvin had a hand in saving my life, an incident I will relate later. And so I want to share an awareness of the many times my Lord must have provided protection for me. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 168 It must have been about 1930. Walt and I had been peddling vegetables by day and traveling at night in central Montana. Most roads were dirt or gravel then. One 50 mile stretch of gumbo took us all night to get across (shovel the mud from the side of, and in front of, the wheels and lay down gunny sacks for traction). Returning home from Roundup to Billings MT, I had gone to sleep. I woke up to see the truck off the road with a canyon below. I grabbed the wheel and twisted it back to the left which woke Walt up. (About 1980, Walt became an admired Elder.)

As a lad, there were car accidents from which I walked away unscathed. They mayor may not have been providential events. One time our car went off a bridge into a river. Another time we hit a bridge abutment and I was hit by a quart jar of fruit (it didn't break). One of my sisters was driving each of those times.

Once, while wading along the edge of a lake, I stepped off a ledge into deep water. I was 11 years old and I did not know how to swim. I jumped up several times, in order to take a breath, swallowing water each time, and I happened to jump back on to the ledge from which I had fallen . The friend watching me was laughing until he saw me coughing up water!

I was one of three 14-yr old boys who hopped a freight train in Custer MT with the purpose of getting work picking peaches in Marysville, California. I went to catch a moving train and my foot missed the rung of the ladder. My leg was rubbing on a wheel but I managed to pull myself back up. Providential? Possibly.

Coming into Marysville CA, I was looking out of the box car. A "Knight of the Road" said, "This Engineer likes dirty tricks. He's going to hit the brake and that door is going to shut fast enough to cut your head off, son!" I barely got out ofthe way in time! Providential?

Going up the Feather River, toward Keddy CA, at night, we had climbed onto a narrow platform that went around a tanker. We did so to get behind a box car for shelter from the wind. That canyon gets cold! Steve and Andy used their belts to fasten themselves to stanchions at the two corners and went to sleep. During the night, I went to sleep and started to fall forward onto the tracks. Andy woke up and shoved me back! Providential? T went to the back end of the tanker and strapped on back there. Daylight came and they searched for me with tears. * * * * * * * As a young man of 18, working in the woods near Seattle between Redmond and Fall City WA, I stepped up on a log to get out of the rain water running down the road. Must have thought I was a squirrel. I was walking down the log carrying a double-bitted axe that we used for slashing brush, and it was sharp as a razor.

I slipped and in an effort to catch my balance I yanked the blade of the axe into the back of my neck and cut an artery. I wasn't a squirrel, just squirrley! Dick (brother-in-law) and I rushed back to the cabin. Walt, my brother, hadn't left into the woods yet. He tried pouring alcohol on the cut but that washed away the hair to let it pulse a bit better. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 169 Dick pressed a handkerchief to my head and he and I got in the back seat while Walt statted down the road. The road? An old, and rough, railroad bed! Lawrence had heard the car start up. He had gone looking for fall-down timber in the direction we had to go to get the 14 miles to Redmond in our pUddle-jumper. He heard the car coming and he came out on the road as we got there. Walt slowed to let him jump on the running board.

Lawrence said, "Where are we going?" Walt pointed his thumb to the back seat. Lawrence looked and said, "Stop this car! Right now!" He told Dick to get in the front seat. He applied pressure and stopped the bleeding. When I would begin to pass out, he would let up on the pressure and allow blood to flow into my head again. Providential?

No medical facilities in Redmond. We had to go on to Kirkland. The doctor looked at the red 'jelly" on the seat and floor boards and would not give me an anesthetic when he stitched it up for fear I would not wake up. It took a full month of recuperating before I was allowed to go back to work in the woods again! * * * * * * * In 1936 through most of 1939, I had spent long summers in Oregon & Washington, and the winters (except for one) in Custer MT in High School. I would take exams and leave early, get back as late as November for make-up work. I traveled back and forth (and around) by thumb (hitch-hiking). As you can well imagine, close calls were many.

Because Germany & England were at war, in 1939 I went into the Navy. Boot training took place in San Diego. Two months of that, and then two months as South Unit Librarian. From there, in March of 1940 aboard the U .S.S. Chester as a passenger, to a Ship in the Hawaiian Detachment, another Heavy Cruiser. En Route "The worst storm ever encountered on Fleet Maneuvers." Boatswain's Mates were running for the rail while this land lubber kept his hand over his mouth -- to hide a wide grin!

"Steaming" among the Islands on a hot tropical night, I took my mattress, and covers, up on the deck of the Fan-Tail. During the night, a wave came across the stern that carried me and my bedding into a U-shape draped around a railing post! The epitaph of many has been "Lost at Sea."

I was a part of "Ship's Company" aboard the U.S.S. New Orleans, Heavy Cruiser. In July of 1941 the Ship went to Seattle. Two days before it sailed, orders came to transfer a volunteer, of my rate, to Johnston Island. I was informed that I was the volunteer. I was bitter. My mother had planned on coming from Montana to meet me. My brother had orchard land he wanted us to buy in partnership. We planned to look at it together.

My battle station aboard the New Orleans was the Forward Repair Party. Off Guadalcanal, the New Orleans took a torpedo aft of No. 2 Turret and every man in the Forward Repair Pmty was killed. Not exactly providential for them, but for me? LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 170 Thus, on December 7th 1941, I was on Johnston Island about half way between Pearl Harbor and the Japanese held . Johnston was in a lagoon (no dreams of tropical paradise here) with another smaller island called Sand Island. The highest point, on either island, was 15 feet above the water. Most ofthe Military contingent was on Sand Island.

There were no trees and, for camouflage, the buildings were painted the same color as the white coral sand. The coral reef surrounding the lagoon protected us from stormy seas. I recall sitting on a bench and turning to the fellow sitting near me and saying, 'Hey Soule, I didn't see you walk up.' He said, "What do you mean, you've been talking to me for ten minutes!"

The only Civilians were workmen who were dredging coral and dumping it on the end of Johnston Island to make it long enough for a landing strip. Our Military contingent consisted of 35 Marines and 11 Sailors. We were armed with four 3-inch guns and 100 rounds of practice ammunition.

Every morning, about 4a.m., the power-house whistle would blow. We would be in "pits" that we had dug at approved locations. Anderson and I had done such a good job with one of them that the Marines took it over as a machine-gun pit!

So we built a second one. There, with fixed bayonets, we would stay until daylight, staring out into the dark trying to see beyond the barbed wire strung in the water. All to be seen was the sparkle made by phosphorous when the waves sloshed on the sand. Enemy sightings, figments of our imagination, ceased when the Power House whistle blew "stand down."

PBY Pilots said the Island couldn't be seen above 7,000 feet in the air; that it looked like a white cap. Subs would surface after the Seaplanes landed and begin bombardment. Star shells would explode and light things up as do the floodlights for a nighttime football game.

This was no game! During one shelling, I was running along the beach to the next "fox­ hole" we had dug. I heard a shell whistle and I dropped to the sand just as another shell exploded in the water bathing me and my rifle with wet sand and water.

I have heard it said that it isn't the shell you hear that gets you. If you hear it, it has already gone beyond. Nevertheless, the one I heard caused me to drop flat. Had J not done so, the one that hit near me would have killed me. Providential? I made a head-first dive into our trench. Andy was along a half-minute later.

A humorous conversation ensued. He said, "You know, Pegg, they should have trained us to stand on our hands and shoot with our feet." I replied, 'Andy, if they did that, we'd be apt to get our "rear ends" shot offi' He said, "But we'd still be able to keep our heads about us." * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 171 I was asked if I would like to skip two grades and be rated as a Machinist Mate Second Class. I had enlisted for a period of six years, so J still had four years to serve on my enlistment. Such ajump would increase my pay more than a little and give me a chance to get off the Island. I declined saying that I preferred waiting for an opportunity to get into Meteorology as a career.

Another man accepted the advancement. Shortly afterward, he was transferred to a Destroyer. In the battle of The Coral Sea, it was sunk. Eleven men were saved when it went down, and he was one of them. But the report that came back to us said he had "lost it" and didn't even know his own name. Since his work was below decks, he must have gone topside for a breath of fresh air! * * * * * * * Back at Pearl, some time later, as a trained weather observer, J went out on a submarine­ search patrol a day after one such flight had failed to return. They were slow moving crates with a cruising speed between 80 and 100 knots and on patrol flew at about 1000 feet. Since no transmission reporting trouble had been sent, it was supposed that a surfaced sub had shot them out of the air. The sub would have heard them coming before they would see it!

On our patrol, the right engine caught fire and they had to feather the prop. Fortunately, it was a bi-motor with an engine on the port side. We limped back into Pearl. * * * * * * * At a much later date, stationed at Corpus Christi TX in 1949, I went out with a crew aboard a PB4Y2. It was a double-decker, 4-motor, capable of landing on land or water. We were on a hurricane search. We were out several miles when the Plane Captain said, "Put on this Mae West." I said, 'What's going on?' He said, "Can't you smell it?" I replied, "Now I do. Where's it coming from?"

"Windows" were port holes. We went to one on the starboard side and it wasn't what you would call an encouraging sight! Streaming off the trailing edge of the wing, close to sparks coming from the starboard inboard engine nacelle, coating the fuselage, was aviation fuel being siphoned from a wing tank.

The Pilot banked around to a return course and we were signaling "May Day!" Now we had some idea as to what happened to another "never-heard-from" PB4Y2 that had gone out the week before. Someone had left the cap off the tank after refueling. Sabotage? Could have been. I never learned of the opinion given at the investigation.

The runway was coated with foam. One spark from the wheels when landing could have blown the plane to bits. Before the plane had completely stopped, the Plane Captain was out and kissing the runway. Coincidence or Divine Providence? Someone said that coincidence was God's way of remaining anonymous. * * * * * * * LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 172 A later date near-mishap took place when I was home "on leave" (vacation) staying at my brother's. He would wake me up around 3a.m. saying, "Come on. Let's go." And go we would, into the woods where he would hand me a power saw. We would cut tall timber into 30 or 40 ft lengths. Walt did the falling and bucking for a gyppo outfit that sold the logs at Hanel's Mill near Mt. Hood OR. His bro-in-Iaw, Irvin Roberts worked with Walt if he wasn't off on a binge. As I had reported at the beginning of this chapter, Irvin was an alcoholic.

I was a Sailor, not an experienced woodsman. One time, I cut through the toe of my boot and just barely scraped my foot with the saw. On another occasion, I was working by myself and I had come across a tree that had been blown down. It was wedged between some standing trees. I measured off lengths and began my first cut.

Irvin had come to where I was working and took notice that "my tree" wasn't laying the way it was because it wanted to. You cannot hear much over the noise of a chain saw, but a finger moving across a throat I did understand. I cut the engine and asked what the problem was. He said, in no uncertain terms, "Get around on the other side of that tree and get around NOW!"

So I moved. He said, "Now go ahead with your cut." J barely got started when the tree snapped in two. If! had been standing where I was cutting, before Irvin came up, the force of the tree being released from its bind would have driven the chain-saw into my body. No doubt about it: J would have been killed! Coincidence or Providential protection? It's your toss. * * * * * * * Walt saw where J had been cutting on a hillside. r had started at the top and was working my way down the hill. He said, "Marvin, you should not have done that. Always start at the bottom, and then if logs start rolling you'll be above them. Since you've already cut most of it and nothing has moved - go ahead with what you're doing. But if they do start, don't worry about the saw. Drop it and get out of there!"

I continued making small logs out of big ones. I felt something and looked up the hill in time to see an avalanche of logs thundering my way. I threw Walt's saw under a log and made like a squirrel across logs getting out of there. Then silence broken by Melvin Green's call, "Marvin! Marvin! Are you all right?" My unique ability and agility saved me again! Oh, yeah? * * * * * * * In 1959, I finished my twenty years and retired to the Hood River Valley. I briefly wrote of the following incidents in Ch. 5: Parkdale. We had bought a 20 acre orchard near Parkdale. Almost ten acres were young non-bearing fruit trees. We raised strawberries between the rows.

Coming back from Odell OR, after taking a load of berries in, I was driving an old jeep pick-up with a lot of play in the steering. Coming around a curve on the Loop Highway, I was turning the wheel to go left, but it wasn't responding! The twins, aged 6, were with me. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 173 The jeep left the Hwy going between a telephone pole and the bridge abutment, sailing out into the stream. Even though it ended up across the current, it sat there long enough for me to put each boy on the hood and then wade them, one by one, to the bank. Coincidence? No way! * * * * * * * We had five children, all in school. My Navy pension didn't amount to a whole lot and I got a job selling Fuller brushes - again. Then one fall, I went to work at a Cannery in Hood River, followed by a job at Harvey Aluminum in The Dalles. I had on protective eye glasses when molten aluminum landed in water and exploded. A cheek was burned and an eyebrow singed, and my glasses were cracked! I would have lost my left eye had I not had the glasses on. * * * * * * * Hood River was 17 miles down the Valley; the base ofMt Hood was closer. We had gone into town to keep a dental appointment for Pawnee. There was four feet of snow everywhere; snow plows had plowed clear the highways. There came up a Chinook (Indian word for snow­ eater) wind along with torrential rain fall. Bridges were flooded out all over.

We were asked as to the route we had taken into town. We had taken the Dee Secondary Hwy. They said we could not return that way, that cars were stranded in low areas with water going over their hoods. So we returned home by way of the Mt. Hood Loop Highway that went along the eastern hillsides of the Valley.

En route home, we had to come down off the hill to go west across a bridge. After making the turn west, a man flagged me down. I didn't know him. Why should that have been strange? I was President of the Parkdale Grange. I was President of the Parkdale PTA.. I attended Agricultural meetings in Hood River. Bowling Team member. And selling Fuller brushes, I had knocked on every door in the Valley! I thought I knew everyone, but 1 didn't know this guy.

He said, "1 don't think you want to go any further." I said, 'Why not?' He said, "Come look." So I got out of the car and followed him. Boulders and timbers had jammed up against the bridge turning the river east. Then the waters had washed out a wide swath underneath the black top!! The road went all the way to the bridge - apparently.

Had he not stopped us, all seven of us would have plunged into the muddy maelstrom and drowned. No question about it! Who was that fellow that stopped us? I never saw him before. I never saw him again. Who was he? The Book of Hebrews 1: 14 gives me a clue. It reads: Are /lot all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? * * * * * * * Two of our children were having problems at the local High School. So we sold the orchard to my brother and moved into Portland where we enrolled them in a Christian School. Of course, most of our relatives lived in the Hood River Valley and we often went back.

On one such trip our headlights picked up a large Mule Deer in our lane, facing the concrete divider. It was raining hard, that and oncoming lights had accounted for poor vision. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 174 I saw no way that we could miss that deer. I think I closed my eyes and braced for the impact. Nothing! No crash! Where did that deer go? How could it have gotten out of the way? ***** ** On another winter-time trip to the Valley, during a hard rain (it rains a lot in Oregon. Can't have a rain-forest without the rain!), we had turned off 1-84 and started back west parallel to the Highway.

The engine quit, and that was unusual because the black top was rounded and because of volcanic ash soil, water puddles were virtually non-existent. Oh, obviously, water had somehow gotten into a couple of the spark plugs. But it had never done that before and it never ever did it again. It took me about a minute of twisting the key to get it started again.

We had taken the Dee Secondary Hwy across the Tucker Bridge over the Hood River. We were following a Scout Jeep. Suddenly it swung to the left. I hit my bright lights to see what it was dodging. There before us was a landslide of mud, moving boulders and timber, going across the Hwy and into the river. Had we been there a minute earlier most likely we would have been swept into the river with the landslide.

Would you call that coincidence? I call it Providential protection!! The Jeep turned around with blinking lights warning oncoming cars. We made a tour by way of the Odell Hwy back to the area of the slide and warned traffic until an ODOT (OregDeptOITrans) crew showed up. * * * * * * * Some might say that I've been "living a charmed life." Every child of God does. Oh, He never promised us a rose garden. I've gone through six surgeries and two cancers. I knew of a Christian family who did everything together. All six of them were killed in a car crash. They all went to Heaven together. Everyone of the Apostles, except John, died a violent death.

Not everyone lives to be 82, which I will be a week from this coming Wednesday if I live until then. However, like I told the prison convict who offered to choke me to death and send me on my way, I want to live as long as the Lord has some way to use me.

Friend, on faith, I've gone into areas of Chicago where I wondered if I would get out alive. If I had met my demise on such a trip, a better land was waiting. In the words and the wisdom of Solomon listen to Ecclesiastes 12:13 Now aU It as been heard; here is tlte conclusion of tlte matter: Fear God and keep His commandments,for this is the whole duty of man. * * * * * * * We were all nervous there on Johnston Island. In fact, one fellow lost it. If it was his way of getting off the Island, it worked. Well, Pearl had been bombed, the Philippines were falling, and Wake Island had been lost to the Japanese. And we had no defense whatever. The date is vague now. It may have been Sunday evening Dec. 14th when they first shelled us. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 175 We saw flashes from two points and thought there was a sea battle going on until a star shell burst overhead. Then we realized they were shelling at us. Dumb me: since most of the fire seemed directed at Johnston, 1 stood on Sand Island's beach to watch the show. Someone was crying, "Mama, Mama" and I was saying, 'Why doesn't someone shut that kid up?'

During the week, a provisions ship made its way to Johnston and off-loaded two five-inch guns with ammo. One was set up on Johnston and the other on Sand. Christmas Eve, we were again shelled, this time by a Submarine using the Japanese equivalent of our five-inch. The gun on Sand Island wouldn't train to the Sub's location; and the Marines stripped the threads of the one on Johnston Island trying to get offthe first salvo!

The next evening, as soon as the PBY's landed after bringing mail and news from Pearl Harbor, the shelling began again. This time the Marines were ready. There was an explosion out by the reef with their first salvo! For a few days thereafter, Pilots reported the Sub lying on a shelf of the reef. We had a good radio, and every day following each of the three shellings, Tokyo Rose reported that Johnston Island had been annihilated. "You feel annihilated, Chuck?" "Don't know. How's it supposed to feel?" * * * * * * * The C. O. decided it might be smart to have a crew sleeping near the dock where the Motor Launch was tied up . Then if an attack began we would have the engine warmed up and ready to take the Plane Crews out to the PBY's anchored to buoys inside the lagoon. So he asked me and another sailor to start sleeping in the warehouse by the dock.

The day of the evening this was to start, the other sailor turned into Sick Bay. I went down to the warehouse anyway, and set up a cot on the end nearest the dock. The warehouse was huge; not quite big enough for a football field, but of adequate size for a basketball court - not that we had one. Swimming, fishing, and diving for sea shells were the major sports.

The warehouse had three doors: one to my left, one to my right, and another on my right that was near the far end of the building. It had a cement floor, and during the night I heard a tin can go rolling across the deck. I set up in my cot, listening. Then I remembered there were kittens in the warehouse and I lay back down. We had talked about an enemy boat party setting fires.

Just as I let my weight down on the cot, I heard what sounded like the bolt of a rifle being moved, and I bolted upright. Too dark to see anything and I didn't hear anything further. I let my weight back down for a moment only. 'I do know what the movement of a rifle bolt sounds like and that is what I heard!"

I sat up, swung my feet off the cot, reached down and took my Bowie knife out of its scabbard and sat there with it on my lap while I swung my head from door to door to door. Where the doors were there was a grayish outline, and I knew if anyone came between me and one of the doors that I would see him. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Page 176 And the longer I waited, the more I became convinced there was an enemy soldier in the warehouse and that he had heard me! Then, near me, between me and the middle door, a shape! I lunged with the knife with the intention of thrusting it where his neck met his shoulder. I don't know why I stopped the downward plunge. I yel.led who's there!? Did I expect him to say, "Watashi wa"?

He made the longest standing leap I have ever seen a man take. He had seen the knife flash in the dark and did not see any way he could get out from under it. "Japanese!!" He came back, shaking violently, and sat down on my cot and shook for awhile before he could talk.

He was a Carpenter's Mate. He, and the Electrician, and the Storekeeper, had blacked out the Electrician' s shack and had been playing poker. The Warehouse was his shop. He had built a rack for his rifle. After kicking the tin can, he listened.

(We were all spooked!) Then he opened the bolt of his rifle, to put it away, and sat down on a bench - thinking of his winnings or losses I suppose. He didn 't know I had started sleeping in the Warehouse. I didn't know it was his shop and that he kept his rifle there. I swore him to secrecy saying if the e.O. found out I thought an enemy was afoot and did nothing about it, I could be in big trouble. Was it his "Providential Protection" or was it mine? Had I killed him, my life would have taken an entirely different course! ******* This ends my story. I hope it hasn't sounded like some tribute to Marvin. God forbid that we should glory simply because He used us. He knows our coming in and our going out. He shapes us in our mother's womb, and He makes plans to use us. Not all He has used were educated and erudite. He has used bums at times. I'm an example of that! "Lady, can you spare a glass of water? I'm so hungry I don't know where I'm going to sleep tonight! "

As a footnote: I'm proud to live in a Country where men of every Nation and color are welcome, where freedom of religion is its password. I'm proud to have served twenty years in the Military. God bless America.

P.S. Friend, if you haven't been obedient to the Gospel of our Lord, look up a preacher (or any other man of God) where you live. Have him immerse you into Jesus, get in the Lord ' s Army, and let Him live in you.

Then get out there and get your feet wet! He will even go so far as to "help you walk on water!" He can, and will, use you if you'll let Him! Be like Peter: get out of the boat! Does not the Potter have power over the clay? (Ref. Rom. 9:21) God bless, Marvin. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"


Page 177 DISCUSSION PAGE ONE (See next page TAKE NOTES LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER "Making Sense of Coincidence"



TAKE NOTES LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER Addendum Poems and Observations

Addendum Page 179

Tuesday, Sept 11, 2001 © For whom the Horror of Today Is very, very real 1'm thankful for So grateful Simple things tonight For the simple things That today's terror Tonight. Is on television And not in my town Not in my life; Sept. 12, 2001 © That everyone that left my house This morning The world is different today, they say Returned safe and sound. I don't buy it Tonight Evil is still Evil While I'm praying Good is still Good for all the stunned, And in the Crisis time The Grieving, We see both magnified. The Dying, We are still human God is still God And in the Crisis time We grieve within His Arms.

As Pam has written, "Evil is still Evil" and there is some of it in every human being. As Scripture says, "For all have sinned andfall short of the glory of God. ,. (Rom. 3:23)

Valuable Lives© Loved by family Hundreds of lives Each of these lives Were nothing to them Discounted so easily But fuel for their bomb Discarded so cheaply Thousand of lives By the terrorist mind Were nothing to them Was unique, But fodder for their hatred irreplaceable, Yet each of those lives Even among those of us Was a living soul Who never knew them Cherished by God They are missed; Needed by Friends They are mourned.

Poems written by Pamela Pegg, member of the church of Christ, Shreveport Louisiana; Daughter­ in-Law of the author. LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER Addendum Poems and Observations

Addendum Page 180 By grace are you saved through faith, and that not o.fyourselves. It is the gilt of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are God's workmanship, created bv God unto God works that we should walk in them. Eph.2:8-10

And yet it seems that some are so fearful of seeking salvation by works, they leave out obedience entirely! "Although He was a son, He learned obedience from what He suffered, and being made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him. " (Heb. 5:8)

t, Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? ... The one wlto hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without afoundation." (Luke 6:46 & 49) Page 174 As the Scripture says, "He who believes in Him will not be put to shame." For there is no d!fference between Jew and Gentile -- the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,for, "Everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved."

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed ill? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard" And how call they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet oftllOse who bring good news!" (Romans 10:11-15)

When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvestfield." (Matt. 9:36-38)

"M:y food," said Jeslls, "is to do the will of Him who sent me and to jinish His work. Do you not say, 'Four months more alld then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true. t, (John 4:34-37)

I have been told, by returning Missionaries, that being in a land where the language is foreign to them, gives them a new perspective. Suddenly, EVERYONE becomes someone in need of the Gospel. And I have wondered why that is true.

Is it possible that there's a greater awakening of servanthood, of humility, and a keener sense of purpose? At "home" we excuse ourselves with the thought that if we approach them "They'll think I'm some kind of a nut, or a fanatic of some kind." Heaven forbid that the gospel (WHO?) should be treated that way. "Y'know, don't cast your pearls before swine!" LEARNING TO BE A SOUL WINNER Addendum Poems and Observations

Addendum One Page 181 Brethren go to College, and to Preacher Schools, for the purpose of standing behind pulpits. That's where the limelight is; that's where the glory and the respect and the homage is! Why, even with your poorest efforts to bring new light to Scripture, there's always someone to praise you at the doorway as they leave. And when they see you on the street and seek you out, they depart with an affirmation of your position: " 'Joy'd your talk."

The Lord has a multitude of Preachers and Teachers. What he needs for the harvest fields are reapers: *evangelists! who will bring a message of salvation: "one on one" workmen! The glory is minimal, but the joy is manifold! ... there is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. (Luke 15 :7) ~The title is not required to share the gospel and to do the work of an evangelist.

Who will read this story - realize they are the one the Lord is sending? What preparation will you need? Store up the word in your heart. Profit from your mistakes. Rest not on your own understanding. Don't be a "soil inspector." ONE message - and usually only one - can change the vilest sinner: the Gospel of Jesus. Love him or her. The Lord does.

[Update: 10/26/03 - Back in Chapter Six you can find a young lady named Barbra Miller. Her daughter (MaryAnn) has been spending a few days with her G'ma Regina Miller and attending the church of Christ in Lincoln City. (Her G'pa Claud Miller died a few years back.)

Yesterday (following morning worship), I presented the gospel to MaryAnn. I felt that I wouldn't be seeing her for awhile since she was scheduled to start College this week. She wasn't sure that she was ready to be baptized. I ended our lesson saying that when she felt she was ready to give me a call. MaryAnn called me at home in the afternoon and asked to be baptized. Come to find out, she had told family that if she was ever baptized she wanted Marvin to do it.

Never get full of self because you've baptized someone. Paul said, 1 have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that plants anything, nor he tbat waters, but God Who gives the increase. The angels rejoiced yesterday! So did this "antique"!]