U The Wisconsin Pinto Association

…offers our eers seeral opportunities to proote and enoy the into horse

ultiudge shows with a uniue and wide ariety of classes for t pen outh ateur ony iniature and olid egistry diisions

uality shows known throughout the region for welcoing enironent offering an eceptional into show suitale for the firsttie ehiitor or the seasoned trainer igh calier into un failyfriendly atosphere with outh actiities air and reedknowledgeale udges cellent show facility with any aenities aturday night catered dinner for all hardworking show staff with a “What can we do to help you?” attitude nd the friendliest ost helpful ehiitors in the idwest

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Wisconsin Association HOW TO CONTACT US!!!!

2020 Executive Officers athy indley – resident athy aprelian – ice resident whisperingwillowfaryahooco kapkatgailco

orlyn ongerchreck – ecretary ary ishefske – reasurer clongerschrecklieco ishefskewirrco

2020 Board of Directors ina othu andy ueker innieluyahooco kippyyahooco

oelle aufer eather elson oellelaufergailco hnelsongailco

Wisconsin PtHA Web Site WPtHA Email wwwwisconsinpintoco wisconsinpintoaolco

WPtHA on Facebook 2020 WPtHA Royalty Wisconsin into orse ssociation ueen – nnie ufto r ueen – ope uner Wisconsin PtHA State Director rincess – ikayla iggins athy indley uke – ick ostwick rince – ate ostwick whisperingwillowfaryahooco

Wisconsin Pinto Youth

Wisconsin Pinto Horse Association offers fun and educational opportunities for all youth to learn more about the Pinto breed, the PtHA and WPtHA and develop life-long memories and friendships through a variety of programs and activities at our shows and year-round. Youth Creativity Stall Pizza Parties & Games Hippology Contest Mentor Program Scavenger Hunt Free Stall at WPtHA Show Free Banquet Dinner Youth Sportsmanship Award

2020 Royalty (l-r): 2019 Queen Ashley Carns, 2019 Sweetheart Lauryn March, 2020 Prince Nate Bostwick, 2020 Duke Nick Bostwick, 2020 Princess Mikayla Higgins, 2020 Jr. Queen Hope Sumner, 2020 Queen Annie Tufto.

WPtHA also has a strong and active Royalty Program featuring several positions, a Royalty Ride at each show, WPtHA promotion opportunities and a Royalty/Youth Mentor program at each show.

Come Join the FUN!!!

WISCONSINWISCONSIN PINTOPINTO HORSE ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION 20202020 SHOWS MayMay 16 16-17-17 JulyJuly 18-1919 August August 15 15-16-16 Jefferson,Jefferson, WIWI PL/SD,PL/SD, ST/HN, ST/HN, Solid Solid Registry, Registry, Mini/Pony,Mini/Pony, YA,YA, AMAM Classes, Classes, Western, Western, English, English, Trail,Trail, Show Show Hack, Hack, MiniMini Barrels, Walk/TrotWalk/Trot and and more! more! 4 Judges4 Judges Each Each Weekend Weekend,, WeekendWeekend & YearYear--EndEnd High High Point Point Awards Awards TackTack Vendors, Vendors, Concession Concession Stand Stand,, ExhibitorExhibitor SaturdaySaturday Dinner, Dinner, Youth Youth Activities Activities GrandGrand Entry Entry & & Royalty Royalty Ride, Ride, AmpleAmple Camping w/ w/ Electric Electric & & Water Water

www.www.wisconsinpinto.comwisconsinpinto.com ForFor more more information, information, contactcontact [email protected] or or KathyKathy FindleyFindley (262) 930930--55845584 JOINJOIN OUR OUR NEW NEW SPONSORSHIPSPONSORSHIP PROGRAM! PROGRAM!

TheThe WPtHA WPtHA “Heels “Heels Down Down”” Sponsorshi Sponsorship Program collaborate collaborates swit with hdedicated dedicated individualsindividuals w whoho wa wantnt t too maintai maintain, improveove aandnd promot promote et hethe Wisconsin Wisconsin PintPintoo Hors Horsee AssociatiAssociation andnd itsits endeavors. endeavors.

WeWe wan want tt oto improv improvee ththee futufuture byy investininvestingg i nin th the epresent. present.

HeelsHeels Dow Down nSponsor Sponsorss suppor supportt ththee Year-Endd All-ArounAll-Aroundd Awar Awardsds in i nexchange exchange forfor exclusiveexclusive promotions.

20201919 Sponsors Sponsors were were Dana Dana Panella/Panella Panella/Panella ShowShow Horses, Horses, Shana Shana Ray Ray & &Jeff Jeff Somers/ShanSomers/Shana aRay Ray Performan Performancece Horses,s, CailCailynyn Schave/Orchar Schave/Orchard dView View TraininTraining gan andd Nell Nell Tekampe/Nell Tekampe/Nell Tekampee Performan Performancece Horses. Horses. AnyonAnyone interestee interestedd i nin becomi becomingng aa 2020 Heels DowDownn Spons Sponsoror shoul should dcontact contact WPtHWPtHAA Preside Presidentnt KatKathyhy Findleyy fforor mormoree information. information.


Quality Quarter Horses & Solid Pintos Western and English Disciplines

We also raise Registered Jack Russell Terriers with the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America. We raise family companions, show dogs, and hunting dogs.

N3075 Trielo Rd. Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 | 920-728-2023 or 920-723-0164 [email protected] | facebook.com/mooncrestjackrussellterriers

What is a Pinto?

What is the Pinto Horse Association of America?

U U –


For more information on The Pinto Horse Association of America, visit their website at www.ptha.net.

How to Register Your Pinto

Paperwork needed for WPtHA Horse Shows

For complete registration information, visit www.ptha.net or call PtHA at (405) 491-0111. For complete information on all Wisconsin PtHA Horse Shows and activities, please visit wisconsinpinto.com, email us at [email protected] or call Kathy Findley at (262) 930-5584 .

Benefits of Membership in P t H A

           

Wisconsin Pinto Horse Association 2020 Membership Form



City State Zip

Home Phone Cell Phone


National PtHA Membership #:

Type of Membership: Family (Includes spouse and all children 18 & Under) $25.00

Senior (Individuals 19 & older) $20.00

Youth (18 & under) $20.00

Please list all Family names and Ages for all Youth Members: (Must include birthdate of all Youth for Year-End Award tabulations.)

A membership card and number will be issued. If you do not receive a card, check with the Treasurer before the first show. It will be your responsibility to secure membership in order for the membership number to be recorded for points and show results.

I/We hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Wisconsin PtHA as outlined in the Constitution.

Signed Date

Please mail this form and payment to: Kathy Kaprelian, 3558 108th Street, Franksville, WI 53126

2020 WPTHA and PTHA Event Schedule

PtHA Annual Convention ...... March 12-14 Oklahoma City, OK

Wisconsin PtHA ...... May 16-17 Jefferson County Fair Park, Jefferson, WI

World Championship Horse Show ...... June 8-20 Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex, Tulsa, OK

Wisconsin PtHA Horse Show ...... July 18-19 Jefferson County Fair Park, Jefferson, WI

Wisconsin PtHA Horse Show ...... August 15-16 Jefferson County Fair Park, Jefferson, WI

Color Breed Congress ...... November 6-14 Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex, Tulsa, OK

WPtHA General Membership Meeting and 2021 Elections ...... November TBD

WPtHA Year-End Awards Banquet ...... TBD Opportunity to purchase booklet cover & newsletter covers for promotional purposes.

For more information about these events, visit our websites at www.ptha.net or www.wisconsinpinto.com or email us at [email protected]!

Also follow us on Facebook -- Wisconsin Pinto Horse Association