U The Wisconsin Pinto Horse Association …offers our emers seeral opportunities to promote and enoy the into horse Multi-udge shows with a uniue and wide ariety of classes for tH pen outh Amateur, ony, iniature and olid Registry diisions uality shows known throughout the region for: - welcoming enironment offering an exceptional into show suitale for the first-tie ehiitor or the seasoned trainer -High calier into horses -Fun faily-friendly atmosphere with outh activities -Fair and reed-knowledgeale udges -Excellent show facility with many amenities -aturday night catered dinner for all -A hard-working show staff with a “What can we do to help you?” attitude -And the friendliest, ost helpful ehiitors in the idwest! n-site tH Registration Meership at all shows how Weekend High oint wards nnual ear-nd igh oint ward rogram nnual ear-nd ll-round ward rogram nnual ookie of the ear ward rogram ear-nd wards anuet WtH oyalty rogram “eels own” ponsorship rogram Exclusie adertising opportunities through WtH ewsletter Info ooklet articipation opportunity at the Midwest Horse air – WPtHA reed Deonstrations ospitality ooth Bi-monthly newsletters Charter wesite and aceook promotion pportunity to serve as an Executive fficer, on the oard of Directors, on any of seeral Charter Comittees or at any WPtHA orse how nd aove all we hae fun with our intos and each other! Wisconsin Pinto Horse Association HOW TO CONTACT US!!!! 2020 Executive Officers Kathy indley – President Kathy aprelian – Vice resident (262 0-5584 (262 0-5584 whisperingwillowfar@yahooco [email protected] Corlyn onger-chreck – Secretary Mary ishefske – Treasurer (269 1-3804 (414 3-0552 clongerschreck@liveco mmishefskewi.rrco 2020 Board of Directors Tina othu Sandy ueker (920 8-2023 (847 9-9878 minnielu91@yahooco kippy124@yahooco Joelle aufer Heather elson (920 9-6483 (608 2-8375 [email protected] [email protected] Wisconsin PtHA Web Site WPtHA Email www.wisconsinpintoco wisconsinpintoaol.co WPtHA on Facebook 2020 WPtHA Royalty Wisconsin into orse ssociation Queen – Annie ufto Jr ueen – Hope uner Wisconsin PtHA State Director Princess – ikayla iggins Kathy indley Duke – Nick ostwick (262 0-5584 Prince – Nate ostwick whisperingwillowfar@yahooco Wisconsin Pinto Youth Wisconsin Pinto Horse Association offers fun and educational opportunities for all youth to learn more about the Pinto breed, the PtHA and WPtHA and develop life-long memories and friendships through a variety of programs and activities at our shows and year-round. Youth Creativity Stall Pizza Parties & Games Hippology Contest Mentor Program Scavenger Hunt Free Stall at WPtHA Show Free Banquet Dinner Youth Sportsmanship Award 2020 Royalty (l-r): 2019 Queen Ashley Carns, 2019 Sweetheart Lauryn March, 2020 Prince Nate Bostwick, 2020 Duke Nick Bostwick, 2020 Princess Mikayla Higgins, 2020 Jr. Queen Hope Sumner, 2020 Queen Annie Tufto. WPtHA also has a strong and active Royalty Program featuring several positions, a Royalty Ride at each show, WPtHA promotion opportunities and a Royalty/Youth Mentor program at each show. Come Join the FUN!!! WISCONSINWISCONSIN PINTOPINTO HORSE ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION 20202020 SHOWS MayMay 16 16-17-17 JulyJuly 18-1919 August August 15 15-16-16 Jefferson,Jefferson, WIWI PL/SD,PL/SD, ST/HN, ST/HN, Solid Solid Registry, Registry, Mini/Pony,Mini/Pony, YA,YA, AMAM Classes, Classes, Western, Western, English, English, Trail,Trail, Show Show Hack, Hack, MiniMini Barrels, Walk/TrotWalk/Trot and and more! more! 4 Judges4 Judges Each Each Weekend Weekend,, WeekendWeekend & YearYear--EndEnd High High Point Point Awards Awards TackTack Vendors, Vendors, Concession Concession Stand Stand,, ExhibitorExhibitor SaturdaySaturday Dinner, Dinner, Youth Youth Activities Activities GrandGrand Entry Entry & & Royalty Royalty Ride, Ride, AmpleAmple Camping w/ w/ Electric Electric & & Water Water www.www.wisconsinpinto.comwisconsinpinto.com ForFor more more information, information, contactcontact [email protected] or or KathyKathy FindleyFindley (262) 930930--55845584 JOINJOIN OUR OUR NEW NEW SPONSORSHIPSPONSORSHIP PROGRAM! PROGRAM! TheThe WPtHA WPtHA “Heels “Heels Down Down”” Sponsorshi Sponsorship Program collaborate collaborates swit with hdedicated dedicated individualsindividuals w whoho wa wantnt t too maintai maintain, improveove aandnd promot promote et hethe Wisconsin Wisconsin PintPintoo Hors Horsee AssociatiAssociation andnd itsits endeavors. endeavors. WeWe wan want tt oto improv improvee ththee futufuture byy investininvestingg i nin th the epresent. present. HeelsHeels Dow Down nSponsor Sponsorss suppor supportt ththee Year-Endd All-ArounAll-Aroundd Awar Awardsds in i nexchange exchange forfor exclusiveexclusive promotions. 20201919 Sponsors Sponsors were were Dana Dana Panella/Panella Panella/Panella ShowShow Horses, Horses, Shana Shana Ray Ray & &Jeff Jeff Somers/ShanSomers/Shana aRay Ray Performan Performancece Horses,s, CailCailynyn Schave/Orchar Schave/Orchard dView View TraininTraining gan andd Nell Nell Tekampe/Nell Tekampe/Nell Tekampee Performan Performancece Horses. Horses. AnyonAnyone interestee interestedd i nin becomi becomingng aa 2020 Heels DowDownn Spons Sponsoror shoul should dcontact contact WPtHWPtHAA Preside Presidentnt KatKathyhy Findleyy fforor mormoree information. information. MOON CREST QUARTER HORSES Quality Quarter Horses & Solid Pintos Western and English Disciplines We also raise Registered Jack Russell Terriers with the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America. We raise family companions, show dogs, and hunting dogs. N3075 Trielo Rd. Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 | 920-728-2023 or 920-723-0164 [email protected] | facebook.com/mooncrestjackrussellterriers What is a Pinto? T differenc between Pint and int s is hat t Pinto s c from array any bloodlines and T Pint ors ssociati of erica ognizes horse, pony, iniature, utility and Ear outcross breeds. American Paint orse it to istered odlines int, meric Quarter ors and Thoroughbr horses y. he HA Color egistry does ccept horses ith Appaloos characteristics, ules Donkeys. What is the Pinto Horse Association of America? T Pint Horse ciety started the 0s with purpos of edi supe colored ses. current t Hors Associati of eric was corporat in 195 includes more han 000 members ,000 Pinto horses, ies miniatures. It offers Long ivision istry or key ules. Ther are different ypes f annual fetim membership HA: Individual, Youth, ateur, ovice, oint, ssumed Trade Name, orporate, ndicat Joint nture, Decendent's state, Trust Guardianship other custodi entities tnership. UPtHA ognizes sizes tosU – Horse ore han inches hands), Pony (38- inches), iniature (34- inches and iniature A (34 ches s). Pint Utility ors is equine ssessing psy/Vanner or Drum eding. UPtHA lassifies t Pint t ht typesU: ock, unter, asure, ddle, iniature A, iniature psy/Vanne Drum. HA® olo egistry ors must have four quare inches of umulativ whit in t qualifying one erlying k kin. May registere with approv outcross be ocumented entage. T colo uirement s modified with e size o t equine uirin only hre square hes f ponies w squa inches miniatures. T PtHA® Colo egistry s t cept ses wit Appaloosa haracteristics, Mules onkeys. Pintos classified s ing either obiano Overo colo terns. PtHA® olid egistry Hors is y of horse, luding ocumented, s t meet PtHA® Colo egistry requirements. So horses y wed show So Registry lasses. he PtHA® Registry w cept y ses, ponies, miniatures hat not meet T Color egistry lifications, luding th Appaloos and A. F Ea ivision gistry information, ase er PtH website. For more information on The Pinto Horse Association of America, visit their website at www.ptha.net. How to Register Your Pinto Pint horses be istered ctly through he t Hors Association Americ through tH Field Representative. T ist t ctly through PtHA, visit hei ebsite at Hwww.ptha.netH to nload membership istration application orms. tHA ield Representatives an foun at most PtH se shows an pect your se, ill necessary erwork sign temporary tHA ber that ws t show mmediately f three months. T Field epresentativ will hen orwar t paperwork o H and permanent ber w signed. as see h PtHA ebsit f complet information istration uirements cluding olor, rov outcross eds, sizes tc. Paperwork needed for WPtHA Horse Shows 1. Copy urrent ational PtHA embership Car or wner xhibitor, f applicable. lso, opy urrent mateur or out ational PtHA Membership Card(s), f icable. All emberships a aine show.) 2. Copy urrent ational PtHA egistration aper or orse, ony, Miniature or Utility t hown. On-site tHA egistration vailab at ll iscons PtHA Hors Shows or ified ses.) 3. Copy l icable paperwork—including tHA ease otification rm, Family elationsh Form, tc. EE E SHOW ILL OR R EBSITE COMPLETE NFORMATION. 4. Copy urrent iv oggins es LEASE OTE he State Wiscons requires all -of-state orses urrent ealt Certificate—pleas ing opy of his ell. Any tems ovide how ffic may esult n disqualification. Th equire opies ist ill etained il PtHA how ffic taff or urrent how eason. For complete registration information, visit www.ptha.net or call PtHA at (405) 491-0111. For complete information on all Wisconsin PtHA Horse Shows and activities, please visit wisconsinpinto.com, email us at [email protected] or call Kathy Findley at (262) 930-5584 . Benefits of Membership in P t H A This versatile anization ffers many ortunities or olvement ard programs. embers ceiv a ree ual fic PtHA Rule ok, monthly newsletters, bi-monthly
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