Separating Nightside Interplanetary and Ionospheric Scintillation with LOFAR

R.A. Fallows ASTRON - the Netherlands Institute for , Postbus 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, the Netherlands [email protected]

M.M. Bisi RAL Space, Science & Technology Facilities Council - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom [email protected]

B. Forte Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom [email protected]

Th. Ulich Sodankyl¨aGeophysical Observatory, T¨ahtel¨antie62, FIN-99600 Sodankyl¨a,Finland

A.A. Konovalenko Institute of Radio Astronomy, 4 Chervonopraporna str., 61002 Kharkov, Ukraine

G. Mann Leibniz-Institut fr Astrophysik Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany and

C. Vocks Leibniz-Institut fr Astrophysik Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany

arXiv:1608.04504v1 [astro-ph.IM] 16 Aug 2016 ABSTRACT Observation of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) beyond Earth-orbit can be challenging due to the necessity to use low radio frequencies at which scintillation due to the could confuse the interplanetary contribution. A recent paper by Kaplan et al (2015) presenting observations using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) reports evidence of night-side IPS on two radio sources within their field of view. However, the low time cadence of 2 s used might be expected to average out the IPS signal, resulting in the reasonable assumption that the scintillation is more likely to be ionospheric in origin. To verify or otherwise this assumption, this letter uses observations of IPS taken at a high time cadence using the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). Averaging these to the same as the MWA observations, we demonstrate that the MWA result is consistent with IPS, although some contribution from the ionosphere cannot be ruled out. These LOFAR observations represent the first of night-side IPS using LOFAR, with speeds consistent with a slow solar wind stream in one observation1 and a CME expecting to be observed in another. Subject headings: scattering — Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs) — Sun: solar wind — Sun: solarter- restrial relations 1. Introduction in the Netherlands but with a number of stations across Europe is capable of observing frequencies The use of interplanetary scintillation (IPS - in the range 10–250 MHz, including full coverage Clarke (1964), published by Hewish et al. (1964)) of those used by K2015. It has on-line beam- to observe the solar wind beyond Earth-orbit can forming capabilities and the ability to record data be a challenging proposition with few papers ded- per station, enabling it to be used as a large collec- icated to the subject. Early papers described ob- tion of individual telescopes, with baselines rang- servations of the level of scintillation of B0531+21 ing from ∼50 metres to ∼1,500 kilometres (as of ◦ out to 180 from the Sun (e.g. Armstrong & Coles early 2016), in similar fashion to more-traditional 1978). More recently, the Ukrainian URAN and systems. Several observations of IPS have been UTR-2 telescopes have been used to estimate so- carried out using LOFAR since full operations lar wind speeds beyond Earth orbit from obser- commenced in 2012 (initial observations are pre- vations of IPS (e.g. Fal’Kovich et al. 2010; Olyak sented in Fallows et al. (2013); Bisi et al. (2016)) 2013). One of the challenges is the necessity to use and irregular monitoring of ionospheric scintilla- low radio frequencies where the ionosphere could tion has been performed since 2014 (Fallows et al. be the dominant source of any scintillation seen. in prep.). Regular observations of IPS inside of Earth-orbit, The Kilpisj¨arviAtmospheric Imaging Receiver by contrast, are usually taken during local day- Array (KAIRA; McKay-Bukowski et al. (2014)), time hours and observatories such as the Institute a station built using LOFAR hardware in arctic for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Finland, has been routinely monitoring the iono- Japan, (e.g. Kojima & Kakinuma 1987), and Ooty, sphere, including ionospheric scintillation, since India (e.g. Manoharan & Ananthakrishnan 1990), 2012 (e.g. Fallows et al. 2014): The ionospheric IPS arrays use a higher observing frequency. scintillation conditions above KAIRA are natu- In a recent letter, Kaplan et al. (2015), here- rally more severe than above LOFAR: At auroral inafter referred to as K2015, presented wide- latitudes, refractive index gradients due to field- field “snapshot” imaging observations using the line elongated ionisation structures are stronger Murchison Widefield Array (MWA; Lonsdale et al. than in the case of middle latitudes structures. (2009) and Tingay et al. (2013)) in which they These observations can, therefore, be used to ver- claimed to see, from successive images, IPS on ify the effects of periods of strong ionospheric scin- flux measurements of two sources within the field tillation. of view, despite a 2 s time cadence between im- In this letter, we use observations of interplan- ages which might be expected to average out the etary and ionospheric scintillation from both of IPS signal. The observations were also taken at these arrays to provide a comparison with the night, with the scintillating sources at solar elon- K2015 result. gations of ∼110-115◦, potentially indicating that the scintillation seen could be ionospheric in ori- 2. Observations and Results gin. Hence, the question arises whether or not the interplanetary medium is the dominant source The observations presented here are analysed of the stochastic variations seen in the received with the aim of answering three specific questions:- signal. K2015 goes into significant detail to allay concerns, but the current lack of a high time- • Is IPS averaged out with an integration time cadence capability (although post-processing of of 2 s? voltage-capture data is now underway) does not allow for a proper evaluation of the scintillation • Is IPS observed beyond Earth-orbit, and seen. The use of high time-cadence observations could it be confused with ionospheric scin- can help to ascertain the combination of IPS and tillation? ionospheric scintillation contributions to the ob- • Which power spectra, those from IPS or served signal intensities. those from ionospheric scintillation, are The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR; van Haar- more consistent with the K2015 result? lem et al. (2013)), a modern based

2 In November 2015 a series of observations were taken under an ionospheric scintillation monitor- CS401-CS011: 00:38 to 01:48UT ing project, LC5 001, to observe both 3C48, a very 1.0 Baseline: 1080m compact source known as one of the strongest scin- Azimuth: -92 degrees tillators from plasma structures in the interplane- 0.8 Velocity: 51m/s tary medium, and Cassiopeia A, a relatively broad 0.6 source known to scintillate at low radio frequen- cies from plasma structures in the ionosphere, but 0.4 too broad to scintillate from plasma structures in Correlation the interplanetary medium. LOFAR was set up to 0.2 record beam-formed data from each station indi- vidually (“Fly’s Eye” mode - see Stappers et al. 0.0 (2011)) over the frequency range 110–178 MHz, 0.2 with a frequency resolution of 12 kHz and a time 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 Time lag, s cadence of approximately 0.01 s. The data were RS409-RS210: 00:38 to 01:48UT averaged in post-processing to a final frequency 1.0 Radial baseline: 80km resolution of 195 kHz and time resolution of ap- Tangential baseline: -5km proximately 0.1 s. The stations of the LOFAR 0.8 Velocity: 212km/s “core”, a dense group of stations covering an area with a diameter of approximately 3 km, were used 0.6 to observe Cassiopeia A; remaining stations across 0.4 the Netherlands and internationally were used to Correlation observe 3C48. 0.2 At this time, 3C48 was at a solar elongation of approximately 157◦ and scintillation was evi- 0.0 dent upon inspecting the data. This is a greater 0.2 10 5 0 5 10 elongation than the K2015 observations and any Time lag, s IPS is expected to be weaker as a consequence. RS306-RS205: 00:38 to 01:48UT The origin of the 3C48 scintillation is confirmed 1.0 Baseline: 11092m using a cross-correlation analysis: In the case of Azimuth: -70 degrees the ionosphere, bulk flows of 10s to 100s of me- 0.8 Velocity: 209m/s tres per second lead to a time delay of several, 0.6 and possibly 10s, of seconds over the short base- lines between stations within the LOFAR core (for 0.4 baselines with a component aligned with the iono- Correlation spheric bulk flow). The solar wind flows much 0.2 faster and even a slow solar wind stream of ap- proximately 350 km s−1 leads to time delays of less 0.0 than a second between any pair of LOFAR remote 0.2 stations, with baseline lengths of tens of kilome- 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 Time lag, s ters. Correlation of IPS is also expected over in- ternational station baselines of hundreds of kilo- Fig. 1.— Plots of auto- (dashed and dotted meters. lines) and cross-correlation (solid line) functions of In order to calculate power spectra and corre- time series’ calculated from the observations of 8 lation functions, time series’ were first obtained November 2015, over the entire duration of the ob- by taking the median over the pass-band of inter- servations. Top: Cassiopeia A data from core sta- est from the data received by each station. To tions CS401 and CS011; middle: 3C48 data from match the data presented in K2015, only 32 MHz remote stations RS409 and RS210; bottom: 3C48 of the recorded bandwidth was used, centred on data from remote stations RS306 and RS205. 155 MHz. A threshold was also applied to the

3 time series’ to clip obvious spikes due to radio fre- 20151108 - 00:38-01:48UT - LOFAR quency interference (RFI). Power spectra were cal- 102 Cas A culated using Welch’s method, averaging spectra 3C48 1 with a 50% overlap; cross-spectra were calculated 10 between station-pairs using the same method. For 100 calculation of the correlation functions, high- and low-pass filters were applied to the spectra to re- 10-1 move slow system variations and white noise re- spectively. 10-2 We present two sets of observations: one taken 10-3 on 8 November 2015 and the other on 10 November

2015. 10-4

10-2 10-1 100 2.1. 3C48 and Cassiopeia A on 8 Novem- Spectral Frequency, Hz ber 2015 Fig. 2.— Power spectra: 3C48 data from re- This observation ran from 00:38 to 01:48 UT, mote station RS406 are plotted in red; Cassiopeia with observation IDs L403712 and L403714 for A data from core station CS026 are plotted in 3C48 and Cassiopeia A respectively. Due to an er- blue. For ease of comparison these spectra were roneous setup for the observation of Cassiopeia A, normalised such that the level is matched at the these data have the lower time resolution of 1 s. A low spectral frequencies. Also plotted in grey, but weak impact from a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) shifted upwards so that it does not confuse the was recorded by the Advanced Composition Ex- other spectra, is a power spectrum of the 3C48 plorer (ACE) spacecraft in the early evening of data averaged to a 2 s cadence. 6 November 2015. The speed recorded by ACE was around 560 km s−1, rising to ∼700 km s−1 as the CME progressed. In the ∼30 hrs between this aligned with the solar wind outflow, indicating a CME starting to traverse Earth orbit and the time drift speed of ∼212 km s−1. This is clearly incon- of these observations, it is likely to have travelled a sistent with speeds expected from the ionosphere further ∼0.4 AU with the material predominantly but much lower than the speed expected from IPS. off the same side of Earth as the line of sight to The drift observed is perpendicular to the line of 3C48. Hence it is highly likely that the line of sight between radio source and Earth; inside of sight passed through a portion of this CME at the Earth-orbit, the scintillation pattern observed can time, making a further suitable comparison with be assumed to be mostly the result of scattering the assumptions made by K2015. around the point of closest approach of the line Example correlation functions are presented in of sight to the Sun, and the solar wind, assumed Figure 1. The Cassiopeia A data show high cor- to be radial in direction, flows perpendicular to relation with a time delay of ∼20 s on a baseline it at this point. For observations beyond Earth- of 1.08 km, equating to a drift speed of ∼51 m s−1. orbit, the solar wind flow is nowhere perpendicular This should not be taken as a direct measurement to the line of sight and the IPS drift speed rep- of the ionospheric drift speed: the correlations pre- resents a foreshortening of the solar wind speed. sented are examples only and the baselines used The angle between the solar radial direction and may not be exactly aligned with the drift direc- the measured IPS velocity for a line of sight with tion. an elongation of 157◦ is 67◦ if measured at Earth, −1 The middle plot of Figure 1 shows the cross- leading to a corrected velocity of 542 km s . This correlation function (CCF) of 3C48 data between calculation assumes minimum foreshortening and remote stations RS409 and RS210. The high-pass so a minimum velocity, but is consistent with the filter used was applied at a spectral frequency of speed expected from the CME measurement by 0.08 Hz. The CCF has a time delay of ∼0.38 s ACE. on a baseline of 80 km which was approximately The lower plot of Figure 1 shows the CCF of

4 3C48 data between RS306 and RS205; in this case stations were available for this observation: these the high-pass filter was applied at the lower spec- contain twice the number of antennas of the Dutch tral frequency of 0.02 Hz to better show slower remote stations with a corresponding increase in time variations which may correspond to any iono- sensitivity, and enable longer baselines to be used. spheric component. The CCF indicates a lower Data were analysed in 30-minute intervals. correlation near zero time lag (which corresponds As with the observation of 8 November, the with the IPS correlation seen in the middle plot), CCFs confirm that IPS is evident in the 3C48 but also a low, but significant, correlation at a data. Figure 3 shows power spectra from two 30- time lag of ∼-56 s. The baseline between these minute segments. The 3C48 spectra show well- two stations is relatively short (11 km) and not defined Fresnel knees around 0.3 Hz for the ear- well-aligned with the solar wind outflow, which lier time interval and around 0.2 Hz for the later would reduce the correlation due to IPS. The long- interval. Spectra from 2 s averaged data appear time lag correlation corresponds to a drift speed consistent with those of K2015. The Fresnel fre- of ∼209 m s−1, a speed consistent with those ex- quency for the CasA spectrum at 18:30 UT is lower pected in the ionosphere. Other CCFs from base- and distinct from that of 3C48. This is consistent lines with a similar alignment show similar results, with the likely presence of elongated ionospheric whereas different alignments do not, giving confi- structures originated by particle precipitation in dence that this correlation is due to an ionospheric the auroral ionosphere, with typically low iono- component. spheric drift. Later, in the 01:30 UT spectra, the Power spectra for both sources are shown in CasA spectrum is broadened in response to the Figure 2, using Welch’s method with 2048 points transition to a stronger scattering regime, with a per averaged spectrum for the 3C48 data and 256 Fresnel frequency closer to that of 3C48. This is points per spectrum for the Cassiopeia A data. consistent with both the presence of stronger ion- A further spectrum using 2 s averaged data was isation gradients as well as with typical ExB drift calculated from the 3C48 measurement, using 256 in the nighttime auroral ionosphere. A spectrum points as in K2015. calculated from 2 s averaged Cassiopeia A data is A sharply-defined Fresnel knee is seen at also presented: the decline in power at the high 0.07 Hz in the Cassiopeia A spectrum. In the 3C48 spectral frequencies of this spectrum appears more spectrum, a knee is evident at around 0.15 Hz, cor- consistent with the spectrum of B2322-275 from responding to the IPS component. The Cassiopeia the comparison night used in K2015 than those A spectrum shows a steeper decline than that of thought to be of IPS. 3C48, indicating a faster cascade from larger to Figure 4 shows the correlation functions of smaller scales. Comparing the 2 s 3C48 spectrum data from UK608 (Chilbolton, UK) and DE603 with the spectra seen in Figure 3 of K2015, par- (Tauntenburg, Germany) from the 18:30 UT time ticularly their spectrum of PKS B2318-195, it can interval: a clear CCF is seen, giving an estimated be seen that the spectra are broadly similar: both solar wind speed of ∼152 km s−1. Correcting for show a slight flattening at the highest spectral foreshortening as before leads to a minimum solar frequencies and a slight excess power at the low- wind velocity of 389 km s−1, which corresponds to est spectral frequencies, inside of 0.03 Hz. The speeds broadly expected from the slow solar wind. Cassiopeia A spectrum is clearly inconsistent with the spectra of K2015. This also indicates that the 3. Comparison with KAIRA 2 s time resolution has not completely filtered out the IPS component. Further observations of ionospheric scintillation have been taken by the KAIRA station situated in 2.2. 3C48 and Cassiopeia A on 10 Novem- northern Finland. Its high geomagnetic latitude ber 2015 location means that it is situated under a much more active ionosphere than LOFAR. An observa- This observation ran from 17:05 on 10 Novem- tion taken on 10 March 2015 illustrates the range ber 2015 to 02:45 UT on 11 November 2015, with of conditions seen, as demonstrated in Figure 5. observation IDs L403976 and L403980 for 3C48 These data were taken at the lower time resolu- and Cassiopeia A respectively. The international

5 UK608-DE603: 18:30 to 19:00UT 1.0 Radial baseline: 688km Tangential baseline: 20km 0.8 Velocity: 152km/s

20151110 - 18:30-19:00 UT - LOFAR 0.6

101 0.4 Correlation 0 10 0.2

-1 10 0.0

-2 10 0.2 10 5 0 5 10 Time lag, s 10-3 Cas A 3C48 Fig. 4.— Plots of auto- (dotted and dashed lines 10-4 10-2 10-1 100 with peak valuses of 1.0) and cross-correlation Spectral Frequency, Hz function of time series’ calculated from UK608 and DE603 data between 18:30 and 19:00 UT on 10 2 20151111 - 01:30-02:00 UT - LOFAR 10 November 2015.

101 tion of 1 s. 100 The time scale of the scintillation varies consid- 10-1 erably through the course of this two-hour obser- vation: The effect of this variation on the power 10-2 spectrum is also illustrated in Figure 5, where spectra for three sample periods through this ob- 10-3 servation have been computed. The power spec-

10-4 Cas A trum of UK608 data from 18:30 to 19:00 UT in the 3C48 LOFAR 3C48 observation from 10 November 2015 10-2 10-1 100 Spectral Frequency, Hz is also shown for comparison. The power spectrum of the first ten minutes Fig. 3.— Example power spectra from the obser- of the KAIRA observation is clearly distinct from vation of 10-11 November 2015: 3C48 data from the IPS seen in the 3C48 spectrum presented here. international station UK608 are plotted in red; However, the remaining two example power spec- Cassiopeia A data from core station CS501 are tra match the 3C48 spectrum almost exactly, illus- plotted in blue. For ease of comparison these spec- trating that scintillation from both regimes would tra were normalised such that the level is matched be impossible to distinguish from power spectra at the low spectral frequencies. Top: spectra from alone in this instance. 18:30 to 19:00 UT; plotted in grey is a power spec- trum of the 3C48 data averaged to a 2 s cadence. 4. Conclusions Bottom: spectra from 01:30 to 02:00 UT; plotted The results presented here lead to a few main in grey are power spectra from both 3C48 (upper) conclusions: and Cassiopeia A (lower) data averaged to a 2 s cadence. • IPS is not completely averaged out with a 2 s time resolution; • IPS is observed substantially beyond Earth- orbit with LOFAR, with estimated solar

6 present; KAIRA - Cas A - 20150310 0.6 0.4 • The low-cadence LOFAR ionospheric scintil- 0.2 lation power spectra presented here, taken 0.0 under quiet conditions, are not consistent 0.2 with the scintillation spectra given in K2015; 0.4 0.6 • The KAIRA ionospheric scintillation spectra 110 demonstrate a circumstance under which the 120 130 two would be indistinguishable from power 140 spectra alone. 150 160

Frequency, MHz 170 180 LOFAR has the advantage of being an array of

1806 1906 2006 individual stations which can be used to establish Time, hhmm UT whether observed scintillation is predominantly in- terplanetary, ionospheric, or a mixture of both. Cas A - KAIRA - 20150310 101 Under the present setup, MWA does not enjoy this advantage and so establishing which scintillation 100 regime is being observed is dependent on the num-

10-1 ber of sources scintillating in their field of view and how compact they are: K2015 state that they 10-2 only observed scintillation from two more-compact

-3 sources in their entire field of view and that iono- 10 spheric scintillation would be observed in the ma- 10-4 jority of sources if it were more prevalent during 18:06-18:16 18:16-18:50 the observation. This statement is borne out from 10-5 19:38-20:06 LOFAR imaging observations, where any signifi- 3C48 - UK608 10-6 cant ionospheric scintillation is observed through- 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 Spectral Frequency, Hz out the field of view and not on only two sources within it (de Bruyn and others, private commu- Fig. 5.— Median time series and dynamic spec- nications). The LOFAR field of view is narrower trum (upper two plots) across the passband of than that of MWA, but it would still be expected data from an observation of Cassiopeia A taken that, at the least, several other sources in the im- using KAIRA on 10 March 2015. The dynamic mediate vicinity of the ones exhibiting scintillation spectrum is displayed using the scale -0.02 (dark) in the MWA observation would do so if dominated to 0.02 (light), arbitrary units. The lower plot by the ionosphere, and not only the most-compact presents example power spectra from different two. This lends further confidence to the conclu- parts of the observation, as shown in the key. Also sions of K2015 that the scintillation they observed shown in grey is the UK608 power spectrum from was indeed predominantly IPS. the 18:30 to 19:00 UT segment of the LOFAR 3C48 The time resolution of 2 s used by K2015 would observation of 10 November 2015 for comparison. not allow any reasonable modelling of individal power spectra to obtain solar wind speed or other parameters. This is illustrated by the LOFAR wind speeds consistent with the probable power spectra from 18:30 UT on 10 November CME in the 8 November 2015 observation, 2015 given in Figure 3: here the Fresnel knee which and a slow solar wind stream in the 10 we assume to be due to IPS is at a spectral fre- November observation; quency of 0.3 Hz, beyond the 0.25 Hz limit of 2 s • The low-cadence IPS power spectra pre- time resolution spectra. However, the K2015 re- sented here are consistent with those pre- sults do raise the question of what could be pos- sented in K2015, but also demonstrate that sible given the ability to do high-time-resolution an ionospheric contribution is bound to be imaging.

7 Here, we have also demonstrated that realistic Fallows, R., Coles, W., McKay-Bukowski, D., observations of night-side IPS are possible with et al. 2014, Journal of Geophysical Research: LOFAR using cross-correlation techniques. Mod- Space Physics, doi:10.1002/2014JA020406 elling these results is more challenging as the com- mon assumption of scintillation from around the Fallows, R. A., Asgekar, A., Bisi, M. M., Breen, point of closest approach of the line of sight to the A. R., & ter Veen, S. 2013, Solar Physics, 285, Sun dominating the measurement is invalid once 127 that point becomes the Earth itself. It may be pos- Hewish, A., Scott, P., & Wills, D. 1964, Nature, sible, however, to apply the techniques described 203, 1214 by Fal’Kovich et al. (2010) and Olyak (2013) to LOFAR observations of IPS. Kaplan, D., Tingay, S., Manoharan, P., et al. 2015, Finally, this brief investigation has raised fur- The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 809, L12 ther questions about the conditions under which Kojima, M., & Kakinuma, T. 1987, Journal of IPS and ionospheric scintillation can be confused. Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 92, 7269 A more-comprehensive study is now underway to look into these, both theoretically and observa- Lonsdale, C. J., Cappallo, R. J., Morales, M. F., tionally. et al. 2009, Proceedings of the IEEE, 97, 1497 Manoharan, P., & Ananthakrishnan, S. 1990, LOFAR, the Low Frequency Array designed Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 244, 690 and constructed by ASTRON, has facilities in sev- eral countries, that are owned by various parties McKay-Bukowski, D., Vierinen, J.-P., Virtanen, (each with their own funding sources), and that I., et al. 2014, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience are collectively operated by the International LO- and Remote Sensing, 53, 1440 FAR Telescope (ILT) foundation under a joint sci- entific policy. KAIRA was funded by the Uni- Olyak, M. 2013, Journal of Atmospheric and versity of Oulu and the FP7 European Regional Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102, 185 Development Fund and is operated by Sodankyl¨a Stappers, B. W., Hessels, J. W. T., Alexov, A., Geophysical Observatory. MMB acknowledges et al. 2011, Astron. Astrophys, 530, A80+ Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Core funding and also his contribu- Tingay, S., Goeke, R., Bowman, J. D., et al. tion to this material is based upon work supported 2013, Publications of the Astronomical Society by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, of Australia, 30, e007 Air Force Material Command, USAF under award number FA9550-16-1-0084DEF. All data are avail- van Haarlem, M. P., Wise, M. W., Gunst, A. W., able upon request to the corresponding author. et al. 2013, A&A, 556, A2 Facilities: LOFAR, KAIRA.

REFERENCES Armstrong, J., & Coles, W. 1978, Astrophys. J., 220, 346 Bisi, M., Hardwick, S., Fallows, R., et al. 2016, submitted to Ap. J. Suppl. Clarke, M. 1964, PhD thesis, Cambridge Univer- sity Fal’Kovich, I. S., Konovalenko, A. A., Kalinichenko, N. N., et al. 2010, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, 1 This 2-column preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2.