PRESENT Councillors Gill Burton (Chair), Ian Long (Vice Chair), Keith Boot, John Davies, Rob Hepworth, Mike Hillman, Georgina Jennick, Ben Rice, Graham Watts, Alan Whiting (outgoing Clerk) and Reg Southall (new Clerk).

IN ATTENDANCE Mr. Martin Webber and Mr. Kevin Rickard of Castle Farm Bishton who gave permission for their names to be included in the minutes during discussion of Planning Item A001/06.18. In addition, there were six Underwood allotment holders.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillor Anke Hillman and Councillor Johnson.

DECLARATION OF INTEREST Councillor Mike Hillman, declared his interest in Underwood Allotments. Councillor Rice, declared his interest in the Improvements/Extension to the Underwood Community Centre Gymnasium project.

ANNOUNCEMENTS John Griffiths (Assembly Member for Newport East) had circulated a poster containing his contact details. The Meeting agreed that the information should be displayed throughout the Bishton Community. AP1(06/6) – Clerk to produce up to 6 copies for distribution.

The Clerk confirmed Membership of One Voice Wales for 2018-2019 and sought nominations for 2 Councillors to represent Bishton Community Council (the Council) at the quarterly Area Committee meetings. Councillor Davies and Councillor Mike Hillman agreed to represent the Council. AP2(06/6) – Clerk to respond to One Voice Wales with full details of nominated Councillors.

Councillor Long informed the Meeting that 2 planters had been completed and 4 more were underway for distribution around Bishton village. The Meeting agreed that up to £100.00 from the planter’s budget to be allocated for compost and plants.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Underwood Allotments Six representatives who held allotments at Underwood raised a number of issues for discussion and points to be addressed concerning the allotments: i. It was agreed that the recent clean-up had been a success and that such an exercise should be carried out every Spring or as a minimum on a biennial basis with the Council funding the skip. Disposal of glass had been a problem and Councillor Jennick agreed to investigate. AP3(06/6) - Councillor Jennick to liaise with Newport Wastesavers re disposal of glass. ii. There was uncertainty expressed by the allotment holders on what issues required or didn’t require permission. The discussion focused on the erection of buildings, keeping of chickens and the general state of the allotments. iii. There was concern expressed regarding allotments which were not being worked with no extenuating circumstances, especially as there was a waiting list for allotments. iv. There was agreement that the issue of the quality of the car park surface needed to be addressed. Views on how best to take this forward were discussed and it was agreed that both the Council and the allotment holders themselves would investigate costs for resurfacing. AP4(06/6) – Councillor Jennick and allotment holders each to obtain 3 quotes for the resurfacing work. AP5(06/6) – Clerk to include agenda item in next Monthly Meeting for a review of the current allotment rules generally in light of the issues raised and a review of the resurfacing quotes. v. A health and safety concern was raised regarding the concealed entrance to the allotments. The foliage around the entrance was overgrown and limiting visibility. The allotment holders would be willing to cut back themselves with appropriate permissions. AP6(06/6) – Councillor Jennick to contact Newport Highways responsible for the adopted highway to seek a solution.

Bishton Playpark The public first of all expressed gratitude to Councillors Davies and Hepworth for their recent work to enable the park to be re-opened to the public. However, concern was raised regarding the entrance which allowed limited access to larger child buggies. Although there was a project planned for the playground which included replacement of the entrance gate to Bishton playground and removal of bollards, it was agreed to put in place a more immediate solution pending this project. AP7(06/6) – Councillor Davies to unlock the double gates and install signage to keep gate closed.

At this point the 6 allotment holders left the Meeting. Councillor Jennick also left the Meeting due to ill health.

MINUTES AND ACTION POINTS OF THE LAST MEETINGS The minutes of the AGM and the Monthly Meeting held Wednesday 2nd May, having been previously circulated to all Councillors and published on the Council website, were approved as a true record and duly signed by the Chair.


A – PLANNING A001/06.18 PROPOSED ERECTION OF FREE RANGE EGG PRODUCTION UNIT AND SILOS - Castle Farm, Bishton Mr. Martin Webber and Mr. Kevin Rickard of Castle Farm, Bishton, were present to answer initial issues raised by Councillors during the publicity and consultation period prior to the application of planning permission. They responded to questions concerning the environmental impact, the potential smell, removal of waste, the route and frequency of lorries to the farm and the size and location of the building and silos. They also confirmed that the proposed application, plans and other supporting documents could be viewed online within the consultation area at Anyone wishing to make representations about the proposed development have until 22nd June 2018.


A003/06.18 CONEX/ 18/0445 - PROPOSED TWO STOREY REAR EXTENSION FRONT PORCH, INSERTION OF FIRST FLOOR SIDE WINDOW AND INSTALLATION OF PARKING AREA TO FRONT OF PROPERTY - 7, Woodland Road, Llanmartin, Newport, NP18 2ES An issue was raised regarding the parking area to the front of the property. There was currently a disabled parking bay where the kerb would need to be dropped to enable access to the parking area. AP8(06/6) – Clerk to comment to Planning Authority on this issue.

B – FINANCE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT B001/06.18 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) The Clerk informed the Meeting that the 25th May 2018 deadline for implementing a Privacy Policy had been met and details were on the Council website. The Clerk also confirmed that the Council was now registered as a data owner with the Information Commissioner’s Office. The next step was to ensure that other than Councillors and employees of the Council, any persons or entities for whom we hold personal data were made aware of, and agreed to, our data Privacy Policy. AP9(06/06) – Councillors and employees who had not yet acknowledged the Privacy Policy email to do so. AP10(06/06) – Clerk to collate details of all personal information held by the Council and ensure all are in agreement with the Council’s Privacy Policy. The Clerk confirmed that the Council website host ICT Vision have ensured the website is GDPR compliant at no additional cost. The Meeting agreed that this was sufficient for the Council’s purposes and that no additional certification or functionality was required.


B002/06.18 Document Retention The Clerk confirmed that a Document Retention Policy had been completed and that details were on the Council website. The Council agreed that a timetable for a document disposal/destruction exercise would be agreed at the next Monthly Meeting. The issue of the process for document destruction was also discussed and it was agreed that clarification was needed on how best to achieve this. AP11(06/06) – Clerk to include Document Retention as an agenda item for July Monthly Meeting. AP12(06/06) – Clerk to confirm most appropriate document destruction process.

B003/06.18 Accounts for Audit The outgoing Clerk informed the Meeting that the Accounts for Audit 2017/2018 were not completed. It is anticipated that they will be ready for review and sign-off at the 12th June 2018 Finance Working Group Meeting. AP13(06/06) – Following sign-off of the 2017/2018 Accounts for Audit, the transfer of financial arrangements from the outgoing Clerk to the new Clerk to be taken forward with a target completion deadline of 1st July 2018.

B004/06.18 Communication Between Councillors The Meeting agreed that communication between Councillors needed to be improved. It was agreed that any Councillor who had information to disseminate should either e- mail to all Councillors themselves or, forward to the Clerk with instruction to circulate in order to ensure all Councillors are made aware of issues at hand. AP14(06/06) – Clerk to update the Standing Orders to reflect communication policy.

B005/06.18 Production of Minutes The Meeting discussed the format of the minutes. It was agreed that the current approach to have minutes containing relatively detailed information giving context to resulting action points would remain.

B006/06.18 Review of Ethical Standards The Clerk explained that the Standards Committee have produced an ethical standards questionnaire to be completed by each Community Council Meeting. Information was sought from the Councillors on their understanding of the provisions of the Code of Conduct and requirement for any training. AP15(06/06) – Clerk to complete ethical standards questionnaire and return to Newport City Council by 29th June 2018.

B006/06.18 Revised Financial Approvals flowchart and related Standing Order The Meeting agreed that this subject would be more appropriately dealt with during the quarterly Finance Working Group Meeting 12th June 2018. AP16(06/06) – Councillor Boot to re-send an updated budget approvals flowchart and draft amendment to Standing Orders ahead of the quarterly Finance Working Group Meeting 12th June 2018.

C – LEISURE AND AMENITIES C001/06.18 Election of Sub-Committee re Improvements to Gymnasium Progress to date Councillor Rice confirmed that the planning application for the project was registered with Newport City Council on 5th June 2018. The outcome should be determined by 30th July 2018. Councillor Rice also confirmed that the Big Lottery funding application 4 had passed the first stage and was into the second stage, a process which could take up to 3 months. AP17(06/06) – Clerk to circulate copy of initial planning application to Councillors for information. In light of the undertaking by Langstone Community Council to lend the Council up to £12,000 in the event S106 funding is delayed, it was agreed that an official response to recognise this support to the project was appropriate. AP18(06/06) – Clerk following consultation with Councillor Rice, to send a letter of thanks to Langstone Community Council on behalf of the Council.

C002/06.18 Allotments The issues arising and resulting action points are detailed under Public Participation.

C003/06.18 Problems at the Sports Field This agenda item to be held over until next Monthly Meeting.

C004/06.18 Inspection and Litter Bin Services This agenda item to be held over until next Monthly Meeting.

C005/06.18 Underwood Community Centre Handrail to Entrance Councillor Mike Hillman to investigate costs with Newport City Homes. It was also agreed that as the next Monthly Meeting is to be held at Underwood Community Centre, the potential siting of any handrail and issues which could subsequently arise could be assessed more readily. AP19(06/06) – Councillor Mike Hillman to liaise with Newport City Homes on potential costs and report back at next Monthly Meeting.

C006/06.18 Insurance Claim Re Storm Damage at Underwood Community Centre This agenda item to be held over until next Monthly Meeting.

C007/06.18 Broadband Provision to Bishton Village This agenda item to be held over until next Monthly Meeting.

C008/06.18 Mums ‘n Tots Lock on Cupboard at Underwood Community Centre This agenda item to be held over until next Monthly Meeting.

C009/06.18 Armistice and Armed Forces Communities Programme Councillor Long briefly explained that where local communities hold a self-funded remembrance activity, they can apply for up to 10 silhouettes via the Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund. Applications are open during June 2018 and he would investigate accordingly. AP20(06/06) – Councillor Long to investigate if this opportunity should be progressed.

C010/06.18 Annual Gardening Competition The Meeting agreed that the presentation evening for the Community’s Annual Gardening Competition would be held at Bishton Village Hall on Friday 5th October 2018. The Meeting also agreed that the Chair could have up to £200.00 from Council funds to purchase trophies and cups for the event. AP21(06/06) – Clerk to invite the Mayor, John Griffiths (Assembly Member for Newport East) and Martin Kellaway (Ward Member, Newport City Council) to the event.


To Note It was agreed by the Meeting that in future, any items held over due to lack of time would be dealt with before any new agenda items.

D – HIGHWAYS AND UTILITIES D001/06.18 Speeding Vehicles Through Bishton Village The issue of increasing volume of traffic and speeding through both Bishton Village and Underwood was discussed. The Meeting agreed that the most appropriate course of action to address this issue would be via the Crime Commissioner for Gwent. It was also agreed that it would be appropriate to have regular attendance of police representative at the Council Meetings. AP22(06/06) – Clerk to write to the Crime Commissioner for Gwent to raise the issues of speeding and attendance of police at Monthly Meetings.

Signed………………..…………….. Chair of Council