Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1998 No. 61 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Mr. ADERHOLT led the Pledge of Al- The message also announced that the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- legiance as follows: Senate passed bills of the following ti- pore (Mr. NEY). I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tles, in which concurrence of the House f United States of America, and to the Repub- is requested: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, S. 1244. An act to amend title 11, United DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. States Code, to protect certain charitable PRO TEMPORE f contributions, and for other purposes. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE S. 1260. An act to amend the Securities Act fore the House the following commu- of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of A message from the Senate by Mr. 1934 to limit the conduct of securities class nication from the Speaker: Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- actions under State law, and for other pur- WASHINGTON, DC, nounced that the Senate had passed poses. May 14, 1998. without amendment concurrent resolu- I hereby designate the Honorable ROBERT tions of the House of the following ti- f W. NEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. tles: NEWT GINGRICH, H. Con. Res. 255. Concurrent resolution au- MOTION TO ADJOURN Speaker of the House of Representatives. thorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I have a f H. Con. Res. 262. Concurrent resolution au- privileged motion to adjourn at the PRAYER thorizing the 1998 District of Columbia Spe- desk. cial Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Chaplain, Reverend James David to be run through the Capitol Grounds. H. Con. Res. 263. Concurrent resolution au- Clerk will report the motion. Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- The Clerk read as follows: er: thorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for Give us, we pray, the gifts of the spir- the seventeenth annual National Peace Offi- Mr. SERRANO moves that the House do now cers' Memorial Service. adjourn. it. O gracious God, from whom all The message also announced that the blessings flow, remind us that our daily The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Senate had passed with an amendment lives can be filled with benefits that question is on the motion to adjourn in which the concurrence of the House come from Your good spirit. The gifts offered by the gentleman from New is requested, a bill of the House of the of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, York (Mr. SERRANO). following title: goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and The question was taken; and the H.R. 2676, An act to amend the Internal Speaker pro tempore announced that self-control. May these lively contribu- Revenue Code of 1986 to restructure and re- tions to the human condition bless, the ayes appeared to have it. form the Internal Revenue Service, and for Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I object strengthen and give encouragement to other purposes. to the vote on the ground that a our daily lives and keep us all in Your The message also announced that the grace now and evermore. Amen. quorum is not present and make the Senate insists upon its amendment to point of order that a quorum is not f the bill (H.R. 2676) ``An Act to amend present. the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to re- THE JOURNAL The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- structure and reform the Internal Rev- dently a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The enue Service, and for other purposes,'' The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Chair has examined the Journal of the requests a conference with the House sent Members. last day's proceedings and announces on the disagreeing votes of the two The vote was taken by electronic de- to the House his approval thereof. Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. vice, and there wereÐyeas 15, nays 379, Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ROTH, Mr. CHAFEE, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. answered ``present'' 1, not voting 37, as nal stands approved. HATCH, Mr. MURKOWSKI, Mr. NICKLES, follows: f Mr. GRAMM, Mr. MOYNIHAN, Mr. BAU- CUS, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. BREAUX, and Mr. [Roll No. 152] PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE KERREY; and from the Committee on YEASÐ15 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Governmental Affairs: Mr. THOMPSON, Ackerman Frank (MA) McDermott gentleman from Alabama (Mr. Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. Brown (CA) Hoyer McNulty Conyers Johnson, E. B. Sabo ADERHOLT) come forward and lead the DURBIN, and Mr. CLELAND, to be the Eshoo Lewis (GA) Serrano House in the Pledge of Allegiance. conferees on the part of the Senate. Filner Martinez Slaughter b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3259 H3260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 14, 1998 NAYSÐ379 Rogers Skeen Thurman resentatives who has had the power to uni- Rohrabacher Skelton Tiahrt Abercrombie Ehlers Latham laterally issue subpoenas and the power to Ros-Lehtinen Smith (MI) Tierney disclose information obtained therefrom, and Aderholt Ehrlich LaTourette Roukema Smith (NJ) Towns Allen Emerson Lazio has abused these powers; Roybal-Allard Smith (OR) Turner Whereas the Committee on Standards of Andrews English Leach Royce Smith (TX) Upton Archer Ensign Lee Rush Smith, Adam Velazquez Official Conduct has determined that it is Armey Etheridge Levin Ryun Smith, Linda Vento improper to alter a House document if such Bachus Evans Lewis (CA) Salmon Snowbarger Visclosky alteration changes the meaning or exten- Baesler Everett Lewis (KY) Sanchez Snyder Walsh sively modifies the document; Baker Ewing Linder Sanders Solomon Wamp Whereas the Speaker of the House of Rep- Baldacci Farr Lipinski Sandlin Souder Waters resentatives has correctly and steadfastly Ballenger Fawell Livingston Sanford Spence Watkins called for adherence to the Rule of Law and Barcia Fazio LoBiondo Sawyer Spratt Watt (NC) emphasized that no man is above the law; Barr Foley Lofgren Saxton Stabenow Watts (OK) Barrett (NE) Forbes Lowey Whereas those upon whom the House of Scarborough Stokes Waxman Representatives has bestowed its Constitu- Barrett (WI) Ford Lucas Schaefer, Dan Strickland Weldon (FL) Bartlett Fossella Luther Schaffer, Bob Stump Weller tional power to investigate must abide by Bass Fox Maloney (CT) Schumer Stupak Wexler the Rule of Law, and must exercise the in- Bentsen Franks (NJ) Maloney (NY) Scott Sununu Weygand vestigative power fairly and judiciously and Bereuter Frelinghuysen Manton Sensenbrenner Tanner White in a manner that will preserve the dignity of Berman Frost Manzullo Sessions Tauscher Whitfield the House and reflect credit thereon. Berry Furse Markey Shadegg Tauzin Wicker Whereas the Rules of the House of Rep- Bilbray Gallegly Mascara Shaw Taylor (MS) Wise resentatives provide that documents and Bilirakis Ganske Matsui Shays Taylor (NC) Wolf other materials obtained pursuant to a Com- Bishop Gejdenson McCarthy (MO) Sherman Thomas Woolsey Blagojevich Gekas McCarthy (NY) mittee subpoena are records of the Commit- Shimkus Thompson Wynn tee that may not be publicly disclosed by a Bliley Gephardt McCollum Shuster Thornberry Yates Blumenauer Gibbons McCrery Sisisky Thune Young (FL) chairman without authorization by the Com- Blunt Gilchrest McGovern mittee; Boehlert Gillmor McHale ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð1 Whereas the Committee on Government Boehner Gilman McHugh DeFazio Reform and Oversight has adopted proce- Bonilla Goode McInnis dures governing the public disclosure of doc- Bonior Goodlatte McIntosh NOT VOTINGÐ37 uments and other materials obtained pursu- Bono Gordon McIntyre Barton Harman Riggs ant to a Committee subpoena; Borski Goss McKeon Bateman Hefner Rothman Boswell Graham McKinney Whereas pursuant to a Committee sub- Becerra Jones Skaggs Boucher Granger Meehan poena, Representative Burton obtained from Bryant Kaptur Stark Boyd Green Meek (FL) the Department of Justice tape recordings of Christensen Kolbe Stearns Brady Gutierrez Menendez the telephone conversations engaged in by Davis (FL) McDade Stenholm Brown (FL) Gutknecht Metcalf Dixon Meeks (NY) Talent Webster Hubbell while in prison; Brown (OH) Hall (OH) Mica Engel Myrick Torres Whereas the Department of Justice advised Bunning Hall (TX) Millender- Fattah Norwood Traficant Representative Burton of his responsibility Burr Hamilton McDonald Fowler Pombo Weldon (PA) to pay special regard to the sensitive nature Burton Hansen Miller (CA) Gonzalez Quinn Young (AK) of the tape recordings, which recordings the Buyer Hastert Miller (FL) Goodling Radanovich Department of Justice could not lawfully Callahan Hastings (FL) Minge Greenwood Reyes Calvert Hastings (WA) Mink disclose to the public; Camp Hayworth Moakley b 1026 Whereas Representative Burton inten- Campbell Hefley Mollohan tionally violated the Rules of the House of Canady Herger Moran (KS) Ms. FURSE, Ms. PELOSI, and Representatives and the procedures of the Cannon Hill Moran (VA) Messrs. RILEY, EWING, DAVIS of Vir- Committee on Government Reform and Over- Capps Hilleary Morella ginia, LATHAM, LEWIS of California, sight and displayed an utter disregard for Cardin Hilliard Murtha and KASICH changed their vote from both the privacy rights of those involved and Carson Hinchey Nadler the ability of the Bureau of Prisons to per- Castle Hinojosa Neal ``yea'' to ``nay.'' form its functions effectively by publicly dis- Chabot Hobson Nethercutt So the motion to adjourn was re- Chambliss Hoekstra Neumann closing the tape recordings and transcripts Chenoweth Holden Ney jected. of telephone conversations between Webster Clay Hooley Northup The result of the vote was announced Hubbell and his wife, other family members, Clayton Horn Nussle as above recorded.