13496 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 29, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CLARENDON CITY HALL-LIBRARY them to "Use it and be the smartest young direct their lives. Only in this way will our PROJECT CALLED "A LESSON FOR people in God's world." problems of drugs, sex, liquor, and breaking AMERICA" Also speaking briefly were County Judge of the law and many other horrible problems Tom Catlett, Clarendon school superinten of our time ever come to an end. dent Glen Fugatt and Carver High School If Abbie Hoffman claims to be an Ameri HON. BILL ALEXANDER principal J. J. Lacy. can, he is absolutely wrong. An American OF ARKANSAS Mrs. Karl Neal, State Librarian, and former would never do or say the things he has to Clarendon resident, presented a framed life many students everywhere. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES membership certificate in the Arkansas I wish that this man if so hooked on Wednesday, April 29, 1970 Library Association to Dr. Jacobs. communism be sent to USSR or any other On the Monroe County Library Board are country with this form of government and Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, in a Ewing Johnson, Holly l..irove, chairman, and that he be banned from our State of Kan day when most are inclined to trod the Dr. Lily Peter, Marvell, Mrs. Nollie Penning sas or any other State. He is a disgrace to heavily beaten path to Washington, D.C., ton, Clarendon, Mrs. Ruel Sain, Holly Grove, us all and if we put up with him and others to secure funds for building projects, the Doug Hunt, Brinkley, Cowan Meacham, Mon like him we are just as much a disgrace I citizens of Clarendon, Ark., have demon roe, and librarian is Mrs.
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