Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1971-1972

Eastern University Year 1971

Eastern Progress - 04 Nov 1971

Eastern Kentucky University

This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1971-72/11 Photo Contest Bell Tower Page 4 «T 111 £.isrc r ii pr o r, n ss Page 8 j/ SSittingetting ThtThe PactPara In jjA PrograssivaPrnrressiv* EraFra ~] 1 «^^~~ f

49th Year, Number 11 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 8 Pages Thursday, November 4, 1971 Parking Problems Probed Demos Sweep Courses Receive Faculty Approval Kentucky Offices Board of Regents and will apply Senate meeting that Eastern mended, if it can be reasonably government are Lyman Ginger BY RAY WALKER to USAFI courses taken prior might become one of these arranged. 10 spaces be reserved BY ROBERT BABBAGE. JR. and Ed Hancock. Dr. Ginger, Academic! Editor as well as subsequent to the testing centers. in front of Wallace Building News Kdilor who has never held a public Voting on recommendations effective date. The rationale for establishing until zone 10 is fully available. Lt. Gov. Wendell Ford led the office, was elected state by the Council on Academic The Senate also passed a adjunct faculty status includes The report asked that a Democratic Party to a Superintendent of Public In- Affairs, the Faculty Senate, recommendation granting the following: statement on zone 10 be made sweeping victory of Kentucky's struction. Hancock was Monday, passed proposals to credit for acceptable per- -Adjunct professorships as to present condition and state offices Tuesday, defeating elected state attorney General. grant credit for courses com- formance on selected tests of are a means of status and projected time of full utilization Republican Tom Emberton by a Two more women were pleted through the United States the CLEP. Credit will be further professional recognition by faculty of the Wallace margin of some 60,000 votes victorious in seeking state of- Armed Forces Institute awarded as recommended by for individuals who serve in this Building and a sketch showing with almost all of the state's fice. Mrs. Frances Jones Mills (USAFI), a proposal to par- departments and approved by capacity. the extent of parking (zone 4 3,079 precincts tabulated. was elected clerk of the Court of ticipate in the College Level the Council on Academic Af- -An adjunct professorship and Kit Carson Drive) presently Ford's running mate, Julian Appleals and Miss Mary Louise Examination Program fairs. may enhance one's chances for available to faculty of the Carroll, may receive more Foust will succeed herself as promotion, recognition, and Wallace Building. (CLEP), and a policy relative to Council Recommends votes than any candidate for the state Auditor. perhaps even salary con- adjunct faculty. The Senate passed a petition state office, as he is leading Drexell Davis has been The Council on Academic All proposals must now be sideration in his own from the Committee on Student Republican Jim Host by 100,000- elected state Treasurer. G.A. Affairs' recommendation noted, organization. Organizations and Activities passed by the Board of Regents plus votes. Ford, Thomas James and "There is increasing realization -By designating individuals asking the Senate to approve as before they can be im- A 47-year old insurance Robert Duncan were elected to as Adjunct Professors and plemented. nationwide that many in- an official University executive from Owensboro, positions on the railroad If the USAFI proposal is dividuals acquire competency Adjunct Instructor Eastern has organizations the University Ford felt his victory was in- commission. passed, the University would and knowledge of the sort which greater opportunity to plan Film Organization. dicative of a national attitude The Democrats will control cooperatively and coordinate grant credit for college level are the objectives of college This will be a student interest that would eventually elect the the state House of Represen- more closely with them and courses as recommended by courses in other ways than group whose purpose is to Democratic Party in the nation- tatives, as they took 76 of the 100 their agencies. departments and approved by experiencing formal instruction improve group and personal wide election one year from seats up in Tuesday's election. the Council on Academic Af- in the traditional college set- -A significant amount of good knowledge through film study now. fairs, with due consideration of ting." will and public relations ac- and production of films. Ford also defeated Com- Kentucky state senators, are the recommendations of the To provide a means for crues to Eastern through Ad- Sponsors for the new monwealth candidate A.B. elected to four years terms with junct Professorships. Commission on Accreditation of measuring academic organization will be Dr. Bryan Photo by Larry Bailey Chandler and American Party half of the body up for election Service Experiences of the achievement of adults outside Lindsay, chairman of the nominee William Smith. every two years. Of the 19 seats Serve Without Pay American Council on the mainstream of higher humanities department, and GOVERNOR-ELECT Wendell Ford was caught smiling on a Among other Democrats contested, the Democrats won Education; education, the College Entrance Dr. Paul Smeyak, assistant visit to the campus last spring, but he was all smiles Tuesday elected to state office Tuesday These adjunct faculty 14, and thus maintain the Examination Board established professor of drama and speech. night as it became apparent that the Democratic Party would was Thelma Stovall, re-elected (0 Grant Credit members will serve without pay majority in the state senate. CLEP in 1965. The organization will be on a sweep all of Kentucky's state offices and maintain a majority in to her third term as the Emberton congratulated the A spring 1970 survey by the To dale twenty-eight "subject from Eastern. the legislature. American Council on one year probation. Secretary of State. Wendell Democratic winners and examinations" and five In other business the Senate Education showed that of the Butler was elected Com- pledged his support to them. "general examinations" have passed a report by the 1728 colleges and universities missioner of Agriculture, after Former Governnor Chandler been developed by teams of Executive Committee con- having served as Superin- responding, approximately 90 said that at age 73 he was college faculty members in cerning faculty parking on Student Association Assists percent granted credit for tendent of Public Instruction for retiring from politics and would cooperation with teaching campus, especially zone 10 of USAFI courses. This 90 percent the past four years. devote time to the University of specialists of the Educational the Wallace Building. included all public granted In Kidney Machine Drive Two new faces in state Kentucky's athletic program. Testing Service. The tests are The report was sent to Dr. credit for USAFI courses. This given at designated campus J.C. Powell, Vice President for Fla., who made the motion,asked was conducted and the lack of 90 percent included all public BYPATCARR - centers throughout the United administration, recommending that individuals collect the communication between iffsluutionV«n Kentucky with the entire faculty be informed of Staff Writer coupons and turn them in at the students and administration. the exception of Eastern. States at specified times during parking facilities and various Student Senate voted to Student Association Office. Another letter is being sent to This policy will become ef- the year. options available to them. supervise collection of General Nov. 6 has been declared'a the maintenance department fective upon its approval by the Hope was expressed at the The report also recom- Mills coupons on campus for a day of mourning for those dead asking that the chain across the kidney machine for Bill" Lucy of in Viet Nam. A letter is being - drive-way between McGregor Estill County. sent to the administration Hall and Crabbe Library be Chicago Lucy, retired educator and asking them to also recognize it replaced by a post. Joyce Albro, Dr. Martin Takes Office coach, has a terminal kidney as a day of mourning. No junior from Louisville who Coming To illness. General Mills will moratorium or ceremony is made the proposal, said that Eastern President Robert R. president expires. donate a kidney machine, which planned. this would expediate the rate of Martin will be sworn in next The AASCU has 285 member § Richmond could prolong his life, for 650,000 John Begley, sophomore from student movement to and from week as the national president schools which are similar to: General Mills coupons. Sub- Harlan, was appointed to fill a classes. of the American Association of Eastern in their basic structure! The University Center Board! sequently the machine would student court vacancy. Chuck Kelhoffer, student State Colleges and Universities and are state supported. (announces that Chicago, aj become property of the state of A letter is being sent to offices association president, vetoed at a meeting of the organization Dr. Martin has been at j [popular rock group, will appear;: Kentucky to be used for other connected with open house the $300 appropriation for the in Denver, Colorado. Eastern since 1960. He wasj [in concert November 17 at 8-i persons suffering from the policies at Homecoming. Don University Players to attend the Dr. Martin, who served on the honored earlier in the spring as j ip.m in Alumni Coliseum. disease. Meade, who made the proposal, Southeastern Theatre Con- 11-member board of the the recipient of the Department j Tickets will be $3.00 for full 3 Bob Ekle, senior sociology said the letter was to protest the ference in Columbia, South Association for the past six of the Army's Distinguished' jtime students with their ID.: major from Fort Lauderdale, manner in which the situation Carolina. He said that unlike the years, was named president- Citizen award. Last summer! 'ickets for students and all: students from the political elect one year ago. His official Dr. and Mrs. Martin toured )ther persons at the door will be j science department, the drama duties will begin on Nov. 10. He Europe on a grant extended .00. majors had not tried to raise will remain on the board after them by the Danforth Foun- Coeds Views Vary funds before asking the his year long tenure as dation. ftj«»ai&aiaaa^^ Student Association to furnish the money. On Dorm Hours Four amendments to Section year in Walters. II of the proposed Student BY KATHY MAY Not as many people stay out Handbook revision were ap- Staff Writer all night as were expected. proved. The amendment Women's hours at Eastern Vicki also said that it makes a presented by Mike Dickman have long been a controversial dorm seem more like home. She concerned illegal search and issue. This semester for the first thinks that self-regulated hours seizure. The one made by Harry time, upperclass women were foster a sense of freedom for the Pratts states that a search given the option of having self- girls and give them more authorization cannot be Pholo by Donald Watlbaurn regulated hours for a fee of responsibility. authorized without a search BOB EKLE, Inter Fraternity Council president proposed at the fifteen dollars. According to the " Dianne Clair, president of warrant from a court of law. last meeting that the Student Senate help sponsor a drive for presidents of the dorms with no Telford Hall and a junior from Another amendment would General Mills coupons by providing a central collection point in hours -Telford and Walters and Louisville says that there are allow persons of legal age to the Student Association office. The drive is under way to help the resident director of Telford, absolutely no problems with possess alcoholic beverages on buy a kidney machine for Bill Lucy, a resident of Irvine who is the new system is working out unrestricted hours in Telford. University property. suffering from a terminal kidney disease. fine. The director of Walters Even the girls who have hours declined to comment. and live in Telford can ask the Vicke Murrell. president of dorm director for special Life Savers: Walters Hall and a junior from permission to stay out late. Columbia, Ky. said that open There were several problems hours make dorm life a lot last year in Telford because it is Student Coupon Collection Has Real Purpose easier. She said that the one of Ihe easiest dorms to sneak into. Dianne thinks it is problem of guys sneaking into BY FAWN CONLEY Bill Lucy, Irvine, who is suf- ments to the move in order to the dorms is eliminated because ridiculous to force girls to stay Staff Writer fering from terminal kidney reach everyone interested on of the attendants at the doors. out all night. campus and to make the How would you like to help disease. She can't tell a big difference Freshmen women will Mr. Lucy is an employee of collection of the coupons easier. between being a floor coun- probably not have unrestricted save a life? General Mills, but has had to "This isn't just a Greek selor of a dorm with restricted hours because the parents do Eastern students can help quit working because of his project." Ekle said. He feels (Continued On Page Four) provide a kidney machine for hours and being a counselor this illness. The General Mills that everyone should cooperate Company has agreed to provide in this collection. For Men And Women a machine for Mr. Lucy upon Letters concerning the the surrender of 650,000 General collection are being sent to all Mills products' coupons. organizations on campus in Councils Propose Open Hours The idea for a campus drive hopes that individual members originated from Don Richard- will help out. The men's and women's Sunday. February 14 from 4:30 directors, assistant directors, son, Irvine, who approached Eastern students can obtain Inter-dorm Councils, working p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Honor's graduate assistants, and Bob Ekle, Inter Fraternity the coupons from the following through the office of student of and Parent's Day—Sunday, resident assistants must be on Council president, as to how General Mills products; Betty student affairs and with the April 30 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 duty at that time. students on campus can get Crocker Cake Mixes; Wheaties, approval of the officas of the p.m. During the Open House, each involved. Kaboom, Total, Kix, Cheerios, dean bf women and the dean of Open House will be held only dorm -must abide by the In last Tuesday's Student Count Chocula, Frankonberry, men have proposed the in those dorms whose House regulations proposed. All Senate meeting Ekle moved or Captain Crunch cereals; following open house dates for Councils vote to approve it and guests must enter only through that the Student Association Bugles, Whistles or Taco Ptioto Submitted both men's and women's have two-thirds of their the lobby, and will only be help sponsor the drive for the snacks, and Gold Medal Flour. 'The Two Of W residence halls: members serve in supervisory permitted in the living quarters coupons by providing a central The coupons should be turned The Carpenters will bring their sound to reportedly going fast. Prices are $2.00 for full Christmas season—Sunday, capacities during the hours when accompanied by his or her collection point in the Student into the Student Association Eastern's Alumni Coliseum next Tuesday at 8 time EKU students with ID's in advance. Tickets December 12 from 3:00 p.m. to designated. host or hostess. Association office. office as soon as they are p.m. Featured with Richard and Karen Car- will cost $4.00 at the door. 6:30 p.m. after the Hanging of In addition to House Council Doors must be kept open in During the meeting, other collected. The deadline is penter will be Denny Brooks. Tickets are Ihe Greens: Valentine's Day, members, all residence hall i ( miliniicd On I'age Kight) senators came up with amend- December 1. Newt F.ditor Robert A. Babbage. Jr. Feature EdKor Paula Good in WK iSaarn progress Sports Editor Jim Kark Academics Editor Ray Walker Artt Edhor Lea Davit Managing KdKer F.ditorial Pag* Editor Kdtter-hi-Chief Business Manager Circulation Manager Tarn Smith Jack Front Jrm Ho MlhcPark Jim ROM Organliaiioat Editor Dianaa ( oleman Editorial cartoonist John Payne

Editorial* represent opinions of editors and not necessarily those of the University, faculty, or Administration.

t Ford, Carroll Elected Promises Must Now Be Fulfilled

The battles and skirmishes are over. more financial aid to the cities. and universities in Kentucky are going through a key period in their develop- The Democrats have swept the state. Ford and Carroll said they would The time has now come for the promises permit strip mining in areas where the that were made during the campaign to land can be reclaimed, and felt that the ment. The creation of Northern Ken- be realized. state government should exercise more tucky State College and the addition of Wendell Ford and Julian Carroll led care in issuing strip mining permits. the University of Louisville to the their entire slate to a convincing vic- system have created new and in- tory, with all cabinet posts being filled They felt that research should be done creasingly complex problems for the by members of the Ford-Carroll team. to find cash crops to replace reduced state to solve. This Democratic victory may be an growing of tobacco and that the highway indication of things to come in the 1972 development over the next few years We do not advocate favoritism of any presidential election. The nation's should center around the Appalachian segment of education over a no trier. We political analysts are carefully Highway system. maintain that each division has its scrutinizing the results of this statewide important place in Kentucky's Of greater concern to us at Eastern is Educational process, and that each election, one of only two in the country their position on higher education. this year. should be given its due consideration During the campaign the emphasis when its problems reach Frankfort. Throughout the entire 20-month seems to have been on primary, campaign, the Ford-Carroll team secondary, and vocational education pledged many changes and im- with a marked absence of higher Ford, in his victory speech Tuesday provements in the present system. The education's place in the Democratic night, dedicated four years of his life to Democrats pledged to remove the sales scheme of things. serving the people of Kentucky. If this tax on food for home consumption. They pledge and other campaign promises ?f\Yr\le planned to create a Department of The seriousness of this absence is are fulfilled, Kentucky appears to be in Urban Affairs, and promised to give heightened by the fact that the colleges good hands for these next four years. Prof Explores Implications Of UN China Policy

China policy in more realistic terms. expansion, perhaps except for the ween the U.S. and China and to promote will extend its dejure diplomatic international climate which will be recognition of the People's Republic of BY TAE-HWAN KWAK First of all, the Peking regime is quite restoration of Taiwan which Peking clearly no "passing" phenomenon as we regards as a lost territory. conducive to peace and stability in East China as the only "lawful" government t believed in early 1950's. Peking has now It is very regrettable that the Asia. of all China soon after if not before, Editor's Note: (Tae-Hwan Kwak is a been in effective control of the mainland majority of the United Nations expelled The U.S. should make it clear that it President Nixon visits China. Korean-born Assistant Professor of China for 21 years. Mao Tse-tung's the Nationalist representatives from the Political Science at Eastern.) "Empire" has not been challenged by world organization. However, it is my non-Communist forces in China. After opinion that Peking representation in n .'i w U.S. foreign policy toward Com- Mao passes away, it seems likely to be the U.N. in the long-run, would munist China has substantially altered some sort of collective leadership with strengthen the U.N. can deal effectively the past few years. Yet some of the with the many untouched international fundamental elements of U.S. China problems that involve and affect China, policy since 1950 are still unchanged. including the reduction of arms and the For two decades, the U.S. still of- Vietnam issue. LeUers for publication should be typewritten. concerning, open doors. It seems a bit ridiculous ficially recognizes the Nationalist China is likely to use the U.N. for its double spaced, and not more than 29* words long. for the University to try to insure the goodness of' Government on Taiwan as the govern- propaganda purposes. Initially she may All letter* mast be signed and no names will be itsstudentswithgarbagecansinthedoors. (I refer ■ ment of all China and still does not use the veto in the Security Council of withheld from print. The editor reserves the right to the rule that the doors must be ajar with trash to edit all letters providing the meaning will not be cans stuck between the door and the frames.) In extend a dejure recognition toward the the U.N. producing undesirable and my estimation it is the function of the university to Peking regime (the government of the altered. LeUers which may subject the Progress even disruptive results. Eventually, and-or the writer to libel will be returned for teach rather than to babysit. people's Republic of China). The U.S. however, China will learn that her rewriting or withdrawal.' It seems the only Progress to be found is in the still maintains military bases and participation in international affairs in name of this paper. alliance system on the immediate Mike Murphy a more cooperative manner will Commonwealth Hall periphery of China. For instance, about promote her national interests. Open House Questioned ten thousand American troops are What now should a new U.S. Taiwan stationed on Taiwan to fulfill our policy be? First of all, the U.S. must Dear Editor; Dorm Mother Defended defense commitment to the island. continue to honor and fulfill its defense As most everyone knows, the male dormitories Furthermore, the U.S. is still currently were not permitted an open house during Dear Editor; commitment to Taiwan. Abondonment homecoming. From the available information, it engaged in military action in Vietnam. of American commitment would be seems 2 or 3 men* dorms submited their ap- In regard to the alleged irregularities at Case In Peking's eyes, American military politically indefensible; thus it could plications to the dean of men who was to pass them Hall, some things should be put in the proper action, bases and alliance system are on. He then held these applications evidently perspective. While sixty-three people signed produce extremely undesirable political allegations of various sorts, the dorm can ac- threatening Peking's "core" interests. predominant power of Chou-En-lai, a effects on Asian allies, particularly waiting for the other dorms to follow. The deadline The U.S. foreign policy should be for the applications passed with the applications, commodate up to five hundred and fifty students. moderate in Sino-American relations. Japan and South Korea. submitted still in his office. No one can deny that the student handbook is too redefined as objective realities change. Furthermore, in a military sense But the U.S. can and should modify its If this is true, I fed the students as well as the vague about student rights, nor that things happen This is particularly true in relation to China is defensive rather than offensive, present policy toward Taiwan. It should visitors to the campus have been done an injustice in all dormitories that shouldn't however it is U.S. policy toward the Peking regime. although China's manpower is defen- through the inefficiency of the administration. disgraceful when complaints take the form of no longer support the Nationalists' somewhat personal attacks on a very fine lady sively strong in relation to the super- claim to be the government of all China; At the present tune, the open house policy here China's internal conditions and in- at Eastern is at least 2 years behind that of the who had made more than a career of helping girls. . ternational environment would make it powers. More important, there is no and it should gradually remove neighboring University of Kentucky. imperative that the U.S. policy makers convincing evidence that Peking's American military forces from the As a transfer student, I was also caught Larry Goins can and should redefine our present leaders are committed to territorial island in order to reduce tensions bet- unaware when I heard of the schools regulations DupreeHall

Feiffer nu: m? Rf6rfT? SUACKLBV, BSWT Hit Eastern Weakly Student PaMicatioa of East era Kentucky UaivoraHy

Associated Collegiate Press. AM Anserkau. Fall Semester. 1970-71

Ataodated Collegiate Press Association Cotommn tcbateetlr Proas Association National Newspaper Service Kentucky Irtarconegjatc Press A asocial Ion Reprasrulod for asthma I advertising by National Education . /_F* Advertising Service, toe. \L Member of the National Council of College Publications I WB rr. A K FEr5f5? advcrtUna is intend** to help the i Any false or mldtislng artvttHaass should be reported to the Progress Office.

Entered as Second Class matter at the Post Office In Richmond. Kr .tncky 4047S. Progress staff writers: Jill Bat-then. Betsey BeU. Vtckl Buchanon. Keith Carroll. Marie CkMester. Lisa Collins. Fawn Conley. John Davidson. Delma Francis. Joe Gibson. Bonnie ... Gray. Ken Guuette. Herb Hagaa. Jeaa Herald. Debbie Jenkins. Steve Johnson..Russ Jones. Bob KeUey. Kathy May. Stephanie Mersoa. John Nelson. Charles Owens. Marty Patrick. Carolyn Keppert. Steven Rabin. Maria Sample. Jndy Scbeib. Merle Seals. Sandy Sharp. Barbara Stntxke. and "The Sow."

* THE EASTERN PROGRESS-Thurtday, Nov. 4, 1971-Page 3 S R O In Auditorium ©n The arts Brass Choir Rewards Audience -J BY LEA DAVIS* . Fin* ArU Editor, A standing-room-only crowd greeted been more of a staging problem than a Frederick Peterson's brass choir last musical one. Thursday evening at Edwards Auditorium. "Brass Square" by Earl Zindars was In Alumni Coliseum The concert opened with a crisp, a study in contrasting sections. The clearly stated fanfare by William French horn section was repeatedly Walton. Although short, this piece called upon and did fine with the ex- Carpenters Billed Tuesday provided excitement which was to last ception of a few tuning errors. "There Richard and Karen Carpenter, who Boys, the BeeGees, and Burt all evening. "When I Can Read My Title form the nucleus of the well-known Bacharach. Clear" was a very beautiful rendition of and Variations" by Verne Reynolds an old Tennessee hymn. The low brass featured the exceptional trumpet musical group the Carpenters, are the Herb Alpert of A&M Records saw handled its initial entrance with good abilities of Tanya Moores. The choir creators of a counter-revolution to the their potential as a complete foil to hard taste and Eldon Matlick played a superb harsh, loud sounds of hard rock: their rock and signed them to a contract. French horn solo. The group performed executed each change of mood, color sound is soft with true harmonious Since, then have received at least four Coming Tuesday the various texture changes with and texture well. "Brass Band On tones. gold singles (singles selling over a relative ease. For it to finally gain acceptance and million) and the Grammy Awards for Richard and Karen Carpenter, talented brother and sister duo, headline A baroque piece, "Symphony" (from Parade" was in a different style than recognition from record companies, Best New Group and Best Vocal Duo. the Fairy Queen, Act IV) followed. This the music had come, before. This light, however, the brother and sister team, Tuesday night's University Center Some of their popular recordings are Board concert at 8:00 p.m. in Alumni piece by Henry Purcell was a demand- English, band-style piece with counter who will be appearing at Eastern with ing work. There were some problems their group on November 9th, had to "Ticket to Ride", "We've Only Just Coliseum. Also included in the program will be folk-rock artist Denny Brooks with balance here. The trombones could melody in the horns and trombones fight for almost five years. Begun," "Rainy Days and Mondays," brought the concert to a close. The modern Carpenters were "For All We Know," and their most and the entire Carpenters' troupe. rarely be heard, although this may have preceded by two other groups formed recent "Superstar." during the past five years, before their The group, which has four other present success-the Carpenter Trio, members, is making plans for a and Spectrum. European tour and will record the title Although both of these groups were song of Stanley Kramer's Columbia film,

very successful locally, the record "Bless the Beasts and Children." Blind Faith . companies didn't think they could com- Their own NBC-TV show called John LH Hookw Louis Armttroaf pete with the popular hard rock sounds, "Make Your Own Music" is also being launndo Almiidi Tim Hirdin BHGHI and so they both were disbanded. planned for this summer. London Symphony Orchestra Ouka Ellinfton Soon after Spectrum broke up, Karen, Featured with Denny Brooks, the Woody Guthrit Pin Staftr Yutal Lttoof BM E«WM who had been the percussionist of the Carpenters will be appearing in the RtMta Tebaldi Git* Camabtll Sun Gttz Maria Callat group, began singing also, and the ALUMNI Coliseum at 8 p.m. November Mfn Montgomery Lai McCann Jinii lin Arethi F unklin Rock Classics Soul unique sound of the present-day Car- 9th. Tickets, which can be purchased at Artth. Franklin Leadbelly ChftAtkim MJQ Sagovii penters was born. This music shows the the Cashier's Window in Coates, are $2 N. Y. »roMotica ConnonMI Addtrity Eddy Arnold Al Hirt influence of the four groups they ad- for full-time students with I.D.'s All Fiat Artt Qu.rtu Jowl Kriai Benny Goodman Rod McKutn Jazz Opera mired most: The Beatles, the Beach tickets are $4 at the door. Herb* Mann Rty Chariot Judy Collins Minim Da Plata Pittaburth Sym. Orchettri Rtmtty Lawn Dava Vin Ronfc Garry Mulligan Laun Nyro Otii Reddina. Count Botit William Stlinbara Carl01 Montoya Ahmad Jamil Campus Flick Will Present Glen Ytrfarouflh Mini Callat Muddy Waters Alex Ttytor Jimmy Smith BWio HoHidiy Two Top-Flight Movies $uper saving$ BY MIKE RAMSEY once again presents a portrayal of Campus Movie-Airport-Tonight the film revolution. The first was a re-creation, Airport will be shown in Hiram Brock done in documentary style, the new film Auditorium at 7:30p.m. The movie was is fictional, based on an incident, and is adapted from Arthur Hailey's best set on a Caribbean island in the 1800's. II selling novel about a big city airport. An Marlon Brando, using an English ac- enormous assemblage of diverse cent, has the leading role, that of an characters marks this film as out-of the Englishman sent by the Brittanical LOW LOW PRICES ordinary. government to organize a revolt of the There is Mel Bakersfield (Burt slaves. Lancaster), the overworked airport "Queimada" means burn in Por- manager, faced with problems on the tuguese, and the island of Quimada has airstrip (a blizzard and a grounded jet earned its name, first in the 16th Cen- stuck on the runway), nagging, social tury when it was razed to stamp out a conscious wife (Dana Wynter) at home, native rebellion, and again, during the telling of Pontecorvo's story. Sir TOP ARTISTS TOP VALUES and a sympathetic airport employee, Tanya (Jean Seberg), every ready with William Walker (Marlon Brando), coffee, tea, and sex. arriving on the island, encounters a Then there is Mel's brother-in-law, spirited slave-luggage porter, Jose Vernon Demerset (Dean Martin), the Dolores (Evaristo Marquez) and airlines best pilot, making with the recognizing something in the man, wisecracks on the ground, having an trains him to become a bandit, teaching affair with stewardess Gwen Meighen him to kill for himself and then, more (Jacqueline Bissett) who is pregnant, importantly, to kill for others. and a marriage of convenience with Soon Jose Dolores becomes, like patient wife, Sara (Barbara Hale). Emperor Jones, that other legendary Other characters that Mel and Vernon porter, the king of the mountain. The Portuguese regime is overthrown and come into contact with are Joe Patroni i Niaa lyaaaaaka 7 Raaard tat Tae CaaaW Battar I Reeenj tat «"•*«■■•»"•">«•< "^■■T»a«Maaia«I^AW»1naaanlaal slavery, is abolished but the rebel taw—I Cm. MM STt M (George Kennedy), the airports NOWOXL"?"" •—*■•"" troubleshooter; Mrs. Ada Quonsett leader, aware that he is incapable of NOW ONLY NOW ONLY 5.98 5.98 MOW ONLY 3.98 (Helen Hayes), a little old lady administration, lets the others take over stowaway; a socialite smuggler (Jessie the government and heads back to the Royce Landis); an emotionally hills. Ten years later, sir William disturbed passenger (Van Helfin) and returns to Queimada. This time, the his distraught wife (Maureen English have a stranglehold on the Stapleton), not to mention a Boeing 707 island's economy via the Antilles Sugar packed to the rafters with Screen Actors Company, the workers are rebelling and members. Get them all aboard the plane, Jose Dolores, practicing what the place the stowaway next to the mad Englishman originally taught him, has bomber, and the film is finally off and now become the enemy. running. Burn! has had some thirty or more Gillo Pontecorvo's first movie minutes cut from its original running Tin tNaMM Sywi*o»*i?e since his Battle of Algiers is called time, which may account for the lack of JkmnllHtm+.nimtm-ltHmi*:!****** •»"•« «■'Ut .Qahar. MaaaaUa I ktd tat aaaaaMataalRaaanltat c«. i • aval ferwuin-i Cat l-JtfUM continutity at times, and the confusion Vat. I. M. Ill - ck«c« >• **—-"*«•"*> NOW ONL Y 0NLY Burn.' It will be shown Monday nite Nov. ■aaaaaCa uaaai NOW ONL Y "°» 5.9Q 8th for one showing only. The director of events during the intial hour. NOW ONL Y 2.98 5.98 2.98 STAIR mm® m& WALLACE'S

G>^= BOOK STORE "Figure On Banking With Us" 292 South Second Street Downtown—Richmond TWO COWfBMM 10CATWHS- November Wind The painted hurts on the bridge - MAIN STRUT X BIG Even look cold - -Gerald Vizenor Page 4-Thuraday, Novmmbr 4, 1971-THE EASTERN PROGRESS Physics Department 'Gamorous' Gal Sponsors Seminars Coed Places Second In State

BY BARBARA STl'TZKE perclassment and graduate Different types of contests legitimate. Her friends thought Staff Writer students to attend. The physics abound. But Ellen Eichmeyer, she was only joking. faculty is also asked to come. sophomore economics major The EKU physics department However, not many people from Louisville, entered a The contest was sponsored by is again this year sponsoring a from outside the department unique one-Scholl's "Great the Scholl Manfacturing series of seminars on various attend the seminars, although Gams" (legs) Contest-and was Company of Chicago, Illinois. (hey are free to do so. Dr. named state runner-up, winning Mr. Jack Scholl, vice president fields and topics in physics. a pair of Scholl's Exercise Dr. Ted George, chairman of George thinks "(he term and general manager said, physics scares most people." Sandals. "These fine young women from the physics department, ex- every part of the country have plained that the seminars He added that sometimes some physics classes are asked to Ellen decided to enter the helped us to focus attention on replace the now-extinct Physics contest after reading a attend certain seminar the idea that health and beauty Club. The seminars began in the magazine ad. She said, "We had go hand and hand, and that the fall of 1970 and have been more meetings, and some students to send an eight by ten, full- simple act of walking can of the associated physical successful than the Physics length picture. A friend of contibute importantly to our Club Dr. George said. sciences have attended mine took some pictures and we state of health and well-oeing. ' The seminars meet on Friday meetings. sent the best one in. afternoons at 3 in Moore 123. Dr. The seminars are more in- Contest judges included Amy George said "moral per- formal than the classroom Ellen, a transfer student from Vanderbilt, famous authoress, suasion" is used to get up- situation, and their main the University of North Bert Bacharach, syndicated purpose is to get students and Photo by Donald WaHbaum Carolina, is a former dance columnist, and Leon Leonedoff, faculty to mix on the same major. She said, "I owe my legs producer of the Radio Music Women's Hours level. "They can speak up as Busy Hands to my dancing teacher." In all Hall. colleagues; people get down she has had U years of dance Working to make a stained glass effect on a McGregor Hall date lounge. The workshop is (Continued From Page One) and talk about what their instruction. Ellen has also modeled for bottle is one of the girls who participates in the conducted by Mrs. Polly Howard volunteer Mademoiselle Magazine. She not want it. uianne thinks that current interests are," ex- weekly Arts and Crafts workshop. The workshop worker with the Recreation Program. Ellen said that she had a hopes that through her title she all upperclass women should plained Dr. George. is held every Thursday night from 6:3fr*:30 in will be able to model leg wear difficult time convincing ELLEN EICHMEYER have no hours but that money is Among the people who everyone that the contest was and obtain other modeling jobs. the biggest factor prohibiting its present talks to the siminars Wesley Foundation progress at Eastern. are the physics faculty mem- Club-Tivity Miss Mabel Criswell, bers, seniors and graduate resident director of Telford Hall students-who are required to said that last year one of the give one siminar a year, as an Myers Addresses Students TKE Hosts Photo Contest dorm's major problems was the "induction into the profession "- large number of girls caught -and visiting professors and sneaking in and out.Her biggest problems. Dr. Myers said that mittee, Dean Myers said that it and will continue through Admission will be 75 cents, lecturers from other campuses. BY DEBBIE JENKINS, Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity Wednnesday. All practice worry last year was that the this service belongs to the is made up of both students and and all students are invited to Dr. Christopher E. Laird is Staff Writer students and that all in- faculty. It decides on vital will host Eastern's second sessions will begin at S p.m. in attend. back door might be left open organizing and supervising the and make the dorm unsafe for During an October program formation is kept confidential. issues and cases. He said that annual photography contest Weaver Gym. Cheerleaders will talks for this year's seminars. the university tries to have next week. Over $100 in prizes be present at all practice Keene the girls. This year that does not at the Wesley Foundation, Dr. Speaking of financial aid, Dr. George said most science Dean Myers said that over 50 siudents on every committee. will be awarded in five Coffee House constitute a problem. Thomas Myers, vice president sessions to help. r»i departments use the system of for student affairs, spoke to a percent of Eastern's students "The concept of student af- categories. In a survey taken for one receive some type of financial fairs is the concept of helping seminars in their teaching group of students on the various Entries are open to all full and Volunteers Needed A coffeehouse will be held in week at Telford, an average of because it gives a good chance aid. students become successful,' the Keene Hall lounge at 9 p.m. only thirty girls out of the 650 areas of student affairs. Dr. Myers said. "If you want part time students, faculty and for students and faculty to He said that there are two staff at Eastern. Prints sub- featuring Steve Lewis and Mark who live there came in after the something changed, get in- Anyone who is interested in benefit from each other. areas of student affairs: ad- Included in the Student life mitted should be no larger than Maddox. dorm was locked at 12:00 and ministrative services and volved in getting it changed. volunteer work in the areas of Eastern's physics department area of student affairs, are 132 "EKU cares about its eleven by fourteen inches. 2:00 p.m. began the system to unify the student life. Included in the mental health or mental Miss Criswell also believes organizations and activities, students. When students know Photographs must be in one of physics department and to administrative services are and recreational and other retardation, should call Lynne Musical Get Together that all upperclass women admissions, student health that the faculty cares and the five categories of nature, create some kind of ex- programs for Ihe residence Administration wants them to Crothers (4262). Help is needed should have unrestricted hours services, the counseling ser- landscapes, people, action, and tracurricular activity the halls. be successful, there is no in these fields. but that freshmen women vice in Ellendale Hall, and abstract. Todd hall will host a most students and faculty would like "Dorm recreation should be trouble." Dr. Myers said we spectacular gathering of should not. She feels that the financial aid. an extension of learning ex- Pictures must be submitted to Phi Delta Kappa and would be free to attend. Dean Myers said that the have a long way to go and that the Tekes in Todd Hall Lobby musical talent including jazz, atmosphere in Telford is much perience," said Dean Myers. "we need students working Dinner Meeting Dr. George emphasized that student health services will be Films, outings, crafts, cards, November 8-12 10:00 a.m. to 2 folk, country and rock more relaxed as compared to improved with the construction together with the ad- last semes!er the main benefit of the seminars coffeehouses, and social ac- ministration to build a great p.m., with a one dollar entry fee specialists, Saturday at 7:3p of the new Student Health tivities sessions, are among and the photographer's name, The professional fraternity p.m. is the free exchange of ideas Service Building. university." between students and faculty present residence hall campus address, and category for men in education, Phi Delta The Counseling Service in Kappa, will hold its first dinner Audubon Films BUCCANEER and the chance for them to mix Ellendale Hall is open to all programs. on each entry. | Drwe-ln Theatre as collegues in the field of students with academic, Dr. Myers said that the new Board Accepts Judging will be done by the meeting of the year in the physics. vocational, personal, or social University Center will add a photography staff of the President's Room of the Student whole new dimension to student Courier-Journal. Union Building at 6:30 p.m. The first Audubon wildlife Ends Sat life. It should be opened by Fine Arts Bid Each entry winning first prize tomorrow. The speaker will be Film of four to be shown this January at the latest. school year at Eastern was Included in - the 'building are in each category will be PrtMdeni .Mjtfift:»AU fhi NOW , The '6oafd oT Regents of awarded $10. Second place Delta Kappans are urged (b "Exploring Big Bend", in the ; twelve bowling lanes, some Adults Only! - twenty pool tables, a grill Eastern has accepted the bid of winners will be awarded an come. Hiram Brock Auditorium at- seating approximately 600 John Nuveen and Co. Inc. and Associated Press Yearbook for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday (Nov. 2). DEVASTATING!' people, six meeting rooms, Associates, New York and 1971 and third place winners Beta's Give Party This film demonstrated how -H.Y. POST offices for student organizations Chicago, to buy $5.45 million in will receive a roll of film. land once ruined by ranchers and associations, reading and UNIVERSITY bonds to finance construction of Winning photos will be Beta Theta Pi gave a has restored itself. The area Is n^nt rf.p !^_, music rooms, a T.V. room, a a fine arts building on the displayed on campus at a place Halloween party last Thursday now included in Big Bend formal room, reception room, and time to be announced later. National Park. Features of the CENTER and a cafeteria seating 1000. campus. at the Shriners Hospital in Nuveen's bid of 5.628 per cent Lexington for the children who park are cacti, ferns, snakes, hummingbirds, bats, deer and net interest was the lowest of Frankfort Internship were in the hospital and could other species. Speaking of the Rights and three bids considered by the not participate in the usual Responsibiities Report Com- Board. Halloween festivities. They The film, narrated by Junior and seniors with an gave candy to the children and Naturalist Ty Hotchkin and overall grade point average of provided entertainment by his wife, showed nature 2.6 or better are qualified for a giving a skit. revivifying the animal and "THE Frankfort internship which plant life of the rugged Chisos BOBBY JACK offers the opportunity to earn 15 EKU-TV Mountains and the Chihuahuan [IBERTINE hours of upper division credit Desert. while working in an agency of SPECIALIZING IN the Kentucky state government EKU—TV will present a dramatic recitation and per- Direction Eastern REGULAR CUTS, for a period of seven months. In addition to the credit and spective on the unique genre of camille black poetry with Francois invaluable exprience, students SHAMPOOING, Jackson, a student poet at Direction Eastern, a selected to participate in the reorganization of the KYMA RAZOR CUTS. program wiill receive a stipend Berea College, and Dr. William Sutton, professor of English at Club, will meet at 6:30 p.m. of $324 per month from the tonight in Combs 225. SUNM0NTUES COMPLETE HAIR state. Interested students Eastern. The presentation will RATEDR should contact Dr. Robert be tonight at 7:30 p.m.. "The STYLING Kleine, Wallace 315, as soon as Greek Mixer possible. BUI Moore To Perform

All At it* MOM There will be an all Greek LANDLORD" Mixer tonight from 6 to 8 p.m. at Chef Heading Tryoats Professional folk singer, Bill HOURS -BAM T08PMMOM. ■ FRJ. Moore, will perform in concert the Steak Out as part of the at the Wesley Foundation at • activities sponsored this week —PLUS 8 AM TO 6PM SAT. Rock Freshmen cheerleading p.m. Saturday night. Moore is in Alpha Gamma Delta's Spirit Hudson tryouts for boys and girls with from Asbury College. He has Week. Admission is by wearing "The Men'* Hmir Styling Shop L.T.D. no deficiencies at mid-term will cut several albums and has your Greek letters. All mem- Pcrtor Mm (Behind Jerry •») be held November 11 at 4 p.m. in travelled throughout the bers of the Greek system are HORNETS Weaver Gym. Practice sessions Southeastern United States urged to come and show their OffEastarn By Pau will be held beginning Monday presenting folk concerts. spirit. NEST"

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I . < (r*-- THE EASTERN PROGRESS-Thuraday, November 4, 1971-Page 5 McDowell Examines In Placement Office Chaotic Conditions Job Opportunities Available psychologists have found in First National Bank ot or by calling 2766 and give us Wednesday, Nov. 10— BY DELMA FRANCIS Christ what they could find Louisville would like to invite your name and address—you Humphry Robinson and Staff Writer nowhere else. Jesus made and Eastern Seniors to their will then receive all the Company Accounting Firm, is making a tremendous social "Career Conclave" to be held at necessary information from Louisville, will interview all Josh McDowell, 32-year-old impact on people." the Executive Inn in Louisville First National. Seniors, they interested Accounting Majors in Christian activist, considers the McDowell related how his are hiring! velocity of history and the rapid during the Christmas holidays. Dean Young's Office, 317 own life had been changed since If you think you might be Tuesday, Nov. 9— Combs. pace at which the world races he established a personal Indianapolis Public Schools, through its activities to be the relationship with Jesus Christ. interested in joining one of their main cause of today's chaos. offices, whether it be in ac- Indianapolis, Indiana will in- all interested people in Sales. He had always harbored intense Preferably Business Major but Every ten years printed hatred for his father, an counting, research and terview all interested Secon- matter doubles. Everything alcoholic. After a serious development, personnel, dary and Elementary majors will talk to anyone interested in changes faster than ever before automobile accident, he began auditing, or one of their many with special "interests in Special selling insurance. in history according to Mc- to wonder how and why he had other offices, then they are Education—Reading Specialist Wednesday, Nov. 10—Federal Dowell. "Man is always afraid come out of it alive. interested in seeing you. You do and Industrial Arts. Highway Administration, of change, but is constantly not have to be a business major. Wednesday, Nov. 10— Homewood, Illinois, will in- doing new things." At this time he realized that Contact the Placement Office American General Insurance terview all interested Ac- "Rapid movement in only the mercy of Christ had Co., Richmond, will interview counting majors. technology causes fear. Today, saved him. During his by November 19 either in person there are more people, therefore recuperation, he accepted there are more problems. With Christ. Also during this period —wmr the advancement in technology he realized that he no longer felt DRIVE-IN THEATRE people don't feel significant any hatred but love for his father. 4 MIU* SwiSh MUi.H more. They don't find any As a result of his son's changed ■ma IM4 - Ph. 42 J-17U meaning in life." life, the elder McDowell also HOME COOKING McDowell related that lack of accepted Christ. FRI. SAT. SUN. meaning in one's life leads to Photo Submitted 7:30 And 11:50 P. M feelings of insecurity. People In the past 11 months Mc- You Art Always Welcome at... then tend to look for an escape. -Dowell has spoken to more than 'Chuting' 300,000 college students in 30 JOMpM Itvn* p'lltnfi "They develop an instant type "chute" for Merilee's ride are, from left, Bob An AvCO tmboily film jlo-nng countries at over 400 colleges Merilee Benson, a third-grader at St. Marks of life. Everything must happen Catholic School at Richmond, enjoys a roll down Burris, a junior recreation major from instantaneously." and universities. Of these, 10 Columbus, Ohio; Debbie Rainey, a junior P.E. percent made the decision to a parachute during recreation period. Eastern GOLDEN RULE CAFE The answer to the racial students conduct the class twice a week as part major from Winchester; and Karen Moss, a problem must be found in- accept Christ personally. When asked about the up- of their work in Physical Education in the junior health, P.E. and recreation major from stantly; the instant answer to Lexington. frustration is the use of drugs, coming explo 73 McDowell Elementary School course. Helping hold the V/e are Ar own for good food. bringing instant release. Ac- said, "It will have a fantastic cording to Dr. Dimijian, effect- 100,000 bods coming psychologist at the University from 210 countries and HHW d dtHctots H-wdi kui of Dallas, "the problem of protectorates in vision and Reading Exam Option Offered society is people, not drugs," training." said McDowell. McDowell stressed that inner McDowell called the true peace is what everyone is Graduates now attending Continued Education rather Interested Students should Jesus Movement "one of the looking for, and that "you can't Eastern and close to than the College of Arts and see Dr. Charles Nelson, most significant social establish inner peace and a receiving their Masters Degree Sciences. It is a non-csdited chairman of the foreign movements of our time. Many relationship with God except course. lanoimge department through His Son, Jesus Christ." can now better their chances of scientists, sociologists and passing their final exam. BURGERMATIC The reading exam, which is part of the final exam is com- LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? ON IASISM 1Y-FAS1 EKU Library Director pulsary for most degrees. A student can enroll next NAME BRAND SHOES semester in a night class at Hombvym 18' Elected Vice-President Eastern, in which the major foreign languages are being SAVINGS 30%-60% F Ernest E. Weyhrauch, John Thurman, assistant taught. French rnw **w director of library at Eastern, reference librarian; was elected Vice-President and Mrs. Sandra Robertson from The course is not mandatory, WHY PAY MORE ... Chuck Wagon, president-Elect of the Kentucky the periodicals section; Mrs. but if you pass with and "A" or Library Association at its fall Helen Abdulkadir and Mrs. "B", you need hot take the Wff SILL FOR USSS meeting in Louisville October Verna Casey from the catalog reading portion of the exam. Crfeoiny MHkslMfcM 28-30. section; Mrs. Marilee Gabbard, Spanish, French, German, LARGEST SELECTION IN RICHMOND One of the major respon- assistant in the learning and Russian are the languages sibilities of this office is plan- resurces center; and Mrs. being offered at $25.00 dollars a ning the program for the annual Elizabeth Castle, circulation semester. The classes are of- KLA meeting in the fall of 1972. librarian. fered through the College of SAMPLE SHOE CENTER In addition, he shares with the 263 E. Main Next To Krogers -president the duties of representing the state group at regional and national library -' conventions as well as in local library activities within Ken- atucky. The Kentucky Library Association includes librarians from the state Department of LOVE i Libraries and from regional, w ImvJprfltty public, school, college, Cosmetics mr frimre. ^ 4 university, industrial and other Have You special libraries throughout the AT state. Other Eastern librarians STOCKTON PHARMACY Shopped 'present at the Louisville "meeting were Miss Juanita. Phillips, chairman, library Main Street science department; Miss Betty Hatfield, and Mrs. Shirley Keys Made Fountain Our Rik Rak? Deane, Assistant Professors of library science; Mrs. Mary Exciting news for lemon lovers featuring the Revlon-kissed lemon. I Big sizes, big values on winter ref.V,UI> care for skin and hair—just , ■;)■:« when you need it most! Nice? Nice. MOTION PICTURE ATTRACTIONS

HIRAM BROCK AUDITORIUM • ••••••• November 4, 5, & 6 - Thursday, Friday a. Saturday AIRPORT(G) Drama Made from Armor Halley's bast sailing novel about a big city airport - with a gallery of star parformers ■ Burt Lancaster, Daan Martin, Jean Sabarg, Haltw Hayes, Jaqueline Bisset, George Lemon Lemon Kennedy, Lloyd Nolan Moisture Conditioning Barry Nelson, Dana Wynter, Lotion Shampoo I Van Hellin, Maureen Stqseaton] [ • *•••••• A creamy-whip A concentrated, Just a few November 8 Monday of lemon extra-rich drops make I BURN (GP) Drama moittwiaiiig lathering a bath a Revolution In the Caribbean lotion. Non- •shampoo for all lemon-scenled with Ennlo Marlcene's ■ magnlflclent musical score greasy. Quickly hair types. Rich beauty If you have, you Know you saved money on the current absorbed. To in protein and treatment styles. If you haven't, better drop in and see what Marlon Brando, Evarlsto smooth over conditioners, Marques that moisturizes you're missing. Shop it today and open your University hands, elbows, with quick, easy even the • •••••** legs and body. rinsing too. Shop Student Charge Account November 11, 12, a. 13 driest skin. A big, big Twice the Thursday, Friday Saturday The regular 1 THE SEGUILED(R) Drama 14 ounce size, regular size, a BURGERC >QUEEN value, 2.45 2.50 value 2.50 size 1 Clint Eastwood, Geraldlne Slip Page, Elizabeth Hartman. only -|75 only-|50 now ^oo Pamelyn Ferdln Open To 12 only^ Imtiprati} • ••••*•• Sunday tliru Thursday 1? SAVE 1.00 SAVE .50 . &bop* Sleeted Short SuUlecti SAVE .70 Friday. TJI 1:00 STOKK HOIKS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 11 A.M.-7 P.M. All Program* ' Ticket Office Opens 7:30 p.m. Satunday ill 2:00 SATURDAY 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Admission 75cent* Children I BIG HILL AVE. ON U.S. 25 212 WATKR ST.

I Page 6-Thursday, November 4, 1971-THE EASTERN PROGRESS Tennessee Tech Invades ) Hanger Field Saturday an average of 47 yards per BY JIM KURK BY JIM KURK well as knocking out Tech with a game. Jay Bonds, a 200 pound Progress Sports Editor Sport. Editor win Saturday. This game will pit the two top freshman, has picked up 251 The Colonels will try to get rushing attacks in the OVC yards for a 42 yard average per back on the winning track again against each other. The Eagles' game from the other halfback NFL Races Develop this Saturday afternoon when powerful ground game hat slot. He_ ranksjwith on the the second-place Tennessee crunched out a league leading league rushing charts. With half of the season now completed, some Tech Golden Eagles invade 1550 yards this season for an Jim Wsddell, a starter in the interesting races have developed In the National Hanger Field for a 1:30 p.m. average of 221.4 yards per Tech defensive backfield the Football League divisional chases. Four of pro contest. It's key game in the game. Eastern ranks second past two seasons, took over the football's six divisions have more or less turned OVC race since the Eaglet are with 1388 yards rushing for a quarterback job this year and nr- into two team affairs, while in the other two one of only two teams left that 173.5 average. the has capably run the Tech '; everything is still pretty wide open. have a chance of catching the Tech runs out of the wishbone attack. The 5-«, 170 pound senior One of those wide open divisions is trie Axy league leading Western T formation, and each of their has proved to be an adequate '■ Hilltoppers. three backs in the wishbone passer also, completing 47 per Central. Last year, the Bengals got off to Tech, considered a darkhorse ranks among the top ten in the cent of his tosses. a miserable start, winning only one of their first contender at the beginning of conference. Leading the Tech has a solid group of seven games, but they won their last seven to the season, has surpassed all rushing corps_is Jeff Axel, a offensive linemen who are in- capture the AFC Central title. expectations. They will come burly, 215 pound junior fullback. strumental in their "grind-it- This season, the situation is almost almost into the game with a 6-1 overall Axel, a transfer from Arizona out" offense. Senior guard John exactly the same as last year. The Bengals are Photo by Jim record and a 3-1 conference State, has already been named Chuy, a 250 pounder anchors the slate, the only blemish being a the OVC's player of the week forward wall. Chuy is a four once again off to a 1-6 start, but are not really out of makes the stop with help from Stan Robots (61) EASTERN'S DEFENSIVE UNIT, which has narrow 15-7 loss to Western. It's twice this season. He leads year starter who is considered a striking distance. The sliding Cleveland Browns performed well all year long, smothers a and Waliy Chambers (78). The Colonels meet a must game for the Eagles as a good pro prospect. second-place Tennessee Tech here this Saturday Tech in rushing and ranks third lead the group with a 4-3 mark. Western ballcarrier with some gang-tackling on loss Saturday would shatter in the conference with 602 Another mainstay up front is , at 1:30 p.m. The question is, can the Bengals pull off the same this play in the Homecoming game here two their chances for an outright yards, averaging five yards per the Eagle captain, Jim Bishop. stunt again? Judging from the schedule, the an- weeks ago. Colonel linebacker Doug Greene (87) tiUe. carry and 86 yards per game. The Tech defensive unit only swer would be yes. The rest of the Bengals' op- Eastern, which has lost three Two freshman halfbacks ranks fifth in the conference as ponents are teams they are capable of beating. of its last four games, was complement Axel to give the far as yards allowed per game However, they have had injury problems and bad completely knocked out of the Eagles speed and power in their is concerned, but they are tops - luck all year long, and to end this season with a Murray Knocks Colonels title picture after last running game. The speed is in the most important category, weekend's 17-7 loss to Murray. provided by Terry Johnson, a points allowed. Tech has given seven game streak would be a tremendous task, The Colonels now take on the 165 pound freshman scatback up only 60 points in their seven especially with the problems the Bengals have had role of, a spoiler, and they can who currently ranks seventh in games, the best mark in the Out Of Title Contention l at the critcial quarterback slot. regain a lot of lost prestige as OVC rushing with 279 yards for conference. It looks like the winner of this Sunday's BY JACK FROST Eastern fumbled four times The Racers got the key play Browns-Pittsburgh Steelers game will come away Managing Editor and threw two interceptions. from defensive back Mike Tepe as the AFC Central winner. Whoever wins here, One of those interceptions was in the third quarter when stole The month of October proved returned 28 yards for a Racer the pass from Fricker, who was Rifle Squad Loses To UK Shooters though, will probably have the worst record of any to be a disaster in Eastern's TD. making his first start since the Dave Snelling (254), target, when he swung his rifle BY KEN GULLETTE division winner in the NFL. quest for the 1971 Ohio Valley Switching back to the I- Middle Tennessee game, and Harry Hensley (252), and out and dropped seven points on Staff Writer The other wide open division is the NFC Central, Conference crown. formation. Eastern rolled up 336 returned it for the score. That Thomas Boggs (251). that one bullseye," said Brooke, where the Minnesota Vikings hold a narrow edge The Murray Racers total yards. Jimmy Brooks play broke Eastern's spirit. Eastern's rifle team, led by "Glen Haberlin shot an ex- who feels this year's team is over the surprising Chicago Bears and the Detroit knocked the Colonels out of accounted for 138 yards as he Murray added a field goal in Glen Haberlin, shot for a total of cellent score of 85 standing that somewhat improved over last Lions. The Vikings have been more consistent than contention last Saturday, 17-7 regained the look of the past the last quarter to ice \he vic- 1276 last Saturday, finishing could easUy have been 90 or 92 year. the other two contenders, and they seem to have a and thus Eastern went through three years. He is only 302 yards tory- Stan Watts, the Racers' second to UK in a meet at had he not had a lapse of Among the shooters Saturday the month without a win. They short of the coveted 1,000 yards adept kicker, split the uprights Lexington. thought on the second to last (Continued On Page Seven) slightly easier remaining schedule, so look for did tie highly rated Eastern rushing in a season. The 5-10 from 22 yards out. them to win out here "Our scores weren't quite Michigan 0-0. senior will also break the 4,000 Girls' Volleyball enough to beat the big man from In the other divisions, where two team races have Eastern Coach Roy Kidd had yard mark for career yards. the North," said Captain Strong Optimistic developed, the winners may not be clearly deter- not lost to Murray since he has Murray broke on top 7-0 in the Starts This W«ek Ronald Brooke, rifle team mined for several weeks yet, as none of the con- been the Colonels' head mentor. first half on a 38-yard toss by Women's intramural coach. "UK scored 1366 and is tenders has shown any real signs of weakening. In The loss also marks Kidd's first quarterback Tom Pandolfi to volleyball starts this week with well on the way to a second winless string of four straight as wide receiver Scott Crump. leagues playing on Wednesdays place finish in the Ohio- As 71 Season Nea the NFC, look for the surprise team of the year, the a coach and player. That's the way it stood at the and Thursdays. There were not Kentucky league behind BY JERALD COMBS "old men" of the Washington Redskins, nose out The Colonels, who dropped to half. The Colonels put together Mitchell, and Robert Brooks.; enough teams intered to for- Murray State. UK is presently SUff Writer the Dallas Cowboys in the East and the San 2-3 in the OVC and 4-3-1 overall, an 86-yard drive in the third mulate a Monday night league; in 1st place in the South East Dunagan, a 6-5 senior, has a Francisco 49ers edge the Los Angeles Rams in the whipped Murray in all the quarter and tied the game on a however, Monday nights are Conference. While aU the sports talk is 37" arm span which allowsjfcfcsS West. Key games will be return matches between statistics but turnovers killed two yard run by quarterback available for practice in Eastern's top five scorers about football this time of year, to guard and play under the the offensive threats time and Bob Fricker and a conversion Weaver Gym from 7:30 till 9 were Haberlin, who scored 265 basketball for EKU is only one boards with much bigger men. the top two contenders in each division, both of He. start*d_ mo*t of last year, (Continued On Page Seven) again. by Steve Stagnetti. p.m. points, Dave McMQTan J254), month away. After talking to Eastern bead basketball coach and according to Strong "has Guy Strong, one can see that he shown"tte capability of really seems anxious ' to begin and improving." r The 6-3 Mitchell, a junior, was there is no wonder. This year Strong has probably the second leading scorer on the the strongest team he has had squad last year although he did since he began coaching at not start early in the sea*** Eastern. The Colonels are Brooks, a 6-5 sophomore, is picked by some of the national "making a strong bid to start," GO! magazines to finish first in the said Strong. "He'll be hard to * MADISON • OVC this year. keep out of the lineup." "Our team will have much Backing up these three will be more quickness and speed," senior Chuck Worthington, and EKU21 Tenn. Tech 17 Strong said of the team as a sophomore Rick Stansel. 14\KI%0A whole, "but we won't have that In the pivot Strong has Dan extremely large team. This Argabright, a 6-10, 230 pound BANK junior. Argabright sprained his could hurt us on the defensive Morehead 35 East Tenn 14 boards." ankle last Saturday, but Strong MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION "We have a good-shooting said that "he's been looking team," he added, "and we look good in practice." The Colonels WKU 28 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM for the break. We have a real also have sophomore Bob Middle Tenn. 27 group of competitors, in fact Wiegeleat center as well as it's the hardest working team Dunagan. 2 COHViHItHT LOCATIONS: lWbad." In the squad's early practice Murray 28 Austin Peay 10 Mention guards sessions, Strong said that and Strong's eyes light up. "We' "we've been working on of- MAIN STREET and WATER STRUT fed we have one of the finest fense, timing, and recognition UK 28 Vandy 7 pairs of guards in the country," of defense. In the first two said Strong. He Is referring to weeks we've tried to give George Bryant, a 6 foot senior everyone an opportunity to Alabama 34 who was AU-OVC last year, and play." LSU 27 senior Billy Burton, a 6*3", 185 Strong feels that "the league pound bustler. will be more balanced this year, Bryant and Burton will be and it's tough to win with un- Auburn 33 Miss St 17 capably backed up this year by derclassmen with the balance in Wade Upchurch, Charlie the league. You must play .500 Brunker, and Bobby Newell. ball on the road to win in this 1 Newell, a sophomore, needs league. * - Ohio St 28 Michigan St 21 only experience to help the "We're going to have to be team greatly. He is, according ready to play in December," he to Strong, "going to help our added. "We have no really soft Notre Dame 21 Pittsburgh 10 defensive game, expedally in teams. In a pre-season poll of the pressure part." the independent teams in the At the corners this year Mid-East Regional, we play two Georgia 28 Florida 7 Eastern has a pleasant problem of the top four, Florida State who to start. Strong has three and Dayton, and we could meet fine performers at the forward a third, Jacksonville, in the All- Tennessee 28 South Carolina 8 slot: Daryl Dimagan, Charlie College Classic." •. COUNTRYWIDE THEATRES, INC. UL 21 Tulsa 20 T0WNE CINEMA NOWI Stanford 18 UCLA 12 [Fantasy becomes Atlanta 30 Cincinnati 21 reality in the games Cleveland 28 Pitt. Steelers 20 •••••«« people play!

K«, *»■ IT0NY The BANK OF RICHMONDI iNTHONY MEMBER F.D.I.C. Gxnetoaeflier University Shopping Center

— THE EASTERN PROGRESS-Thursday, November 4, 1971-Pagt7 Kurk's Korner Coed Netters Finish 8-0 (Continued Krom l'a|(r Six) which will take place on a crucial day in pro foot- The Eastern women's tennis nationally last year in the 18- who played three years of ball, November 21. team recently completed its fall year-old division and was the varsity tennis at Richmond schedule with a perfect 8-0 Ohio high school state singles Model, EKU's laboratory November 21 is also . the day on which the slate, the second year in a row and doubles champion for three school. Miami Dolphins and defending world champion that the team has gone through years. Other team members are Baltimore Colts, AFC East contenders, will meet the season undefeated. senior Anne Flynn of head on. Look for the Dolphins to take this division. Victories this fall came over Rounding out the top four Lawrenceburg; sophomore And of course, in the AFC West, we once again Murray State University, In- members of the team are fresh- Barbara Rlcke of New Albany, have that classic struggle between the Oakland diana University, Transylvania man Jeanne McClure, who I nd.; sophomore Lois Raiders and the Kansas City Chiefs. There's not University, University of played four years at New Ausherman, who played at much to choose between these two, as anybody who Kentucky, Morehead State Albany, bid., and is the current Lexington Henry Clay; Jenny University, and Centre College. Indiana high school state Sherrod, a freshman who saw last Sunday's tie between the two clubs will champion; Kathy Etcher, a played at Lexington Lafayette; assert. The Raiders have usually won in the past, Susie Boone, a sophomore freshman form Highlands High and Vicki Jones and Nancy though, and should again this time. from New Carlisle, Ohio, played School, who was a member of Hundley, freshmen who played the No. 1 position for the EKU the doubles team that won the first and second positions at gal netters. Miss Boone, un- Kentucky high school state Lexington Bryan Station. beaten in her two seasons at championship last spring; and The team is coached by Dr. Eastern,.was tanked 32nd Barbara Black, a sophomore Martha Mullins. DU'S Take Flag Football Title lineman (either offensive or each day and statistics show BY JOHN NELSON defensive). Sorority girls acted that over 12,000 students have ONE HR. CLEANERS as cheerleaders. taken advantage of the Staff Writer Monday through Thursday,, facilities. The Delta Upsilon flag for the next two weeks, will be The Office of Men's In- Pnoto Submitted football team overpowered devoted to volleyball play in the tramurals has been keeping a EASTERN'S WOMEN'S TENNIS team recently McClure of New Albany, bid. In back are Bar- COftNfft NORTH SECOND t, MVMI ST. their opponents, OKNY, from Coliseum auxiliary gym. record of the number of completed its second consecutive unbeaten bara Black of Richmond, Barbara Ricke of New the Independent division last Coliseum facilities for basketball students using the facilities and season with an 84 mark for its 1971 schedule. Albany, Ind . Susie Boone of New Carlisle, Ohio, RICHMOND. KENTUCKY week and completed their play will discontinue on these the time at which most students season undefeated. The D.U.'s days. "The Begley basketball participate. Raymond Dobbs, Comprising the team are, in front from left, Lois Kathy Eicher of Ft. Mitchell, Anne Flynn of ^rwRJOfO TOV w#T QRWsffy took this game by a score of 21 courts will remain open. The Assistant Director of Men's Ausherman, Nancy Hundley, Jenny Sherrod, Lawrenceburg, and Dr. Martha Mullins, coach. to 0 and were dubbed the Coliseum courts will be Intramurals, says this method and Vicki Jones, all of Lexington, and Jeanne Oaft-Hour^^^■^kT~W VW ■Drvk^l W ^F^WwiDRRR^BT^pCIIURRRUI R^RRWRARMJ University Flag Football available for volleyball team enables individual teams to SMTT < Champs. In a pre-season practice from 5-5:45 p.m. and 9- reserve courts for practice inf •• I lour «9#rvlc# exhibition game the D.U.'s 9:45 p.m. Monday through when it would least interfere Harriers Finish Fourth In Invitational Thursday. with free play activities. as his last race. Morehead took teams from Kentucky and some 4 Days A W«t defeated OKNY 12-6. nut of state teams. An all-star football game, Eastern's extremely well Handball doubles play begins BY JOR GIBSON the meet, with 1st, 2nd. 4th, 5th, sponsored by the Inter- organized Men's Intramural tonight and first round scores Staff Writer and 6th, place. Program has been, and will are due at 5 p.m. Of the twelve The Colonels' next action will Fraternity Council, was Dlaved "By far, our best per- at 5:30 p.m. yesterday. Each continue to be, a great success fraternities on campus, there be in the Kentucky Federation in all phases this fall. All were only seven entries. From formance of the season was in meet at Bellarmine College in fraternity was represented by the Western Kentucky In- three members: an offensive students are welcome to par- the Independent league came Louisville. All the O.V.C. teams ticipate in free play activities nineteen entries. vitational," remarked Eastern will be there, along with other back, a defensive back, and cross country coach E.G. Plummer. Out of a field of eight colleges Rifle Team Falls in this invitational Eastern (Continued Krom Page Six) finished fourth. One of the other were four new members who teams was Cumberland, which were competing for the first earlier in the year put five time. They were Steve Foley, runners in front of Eastern's Bettina Bentley, Patty Mains, first man. This time a Cum- and Jim Marshal. Steve Foley berland runner finished sixth scored 233 points which is very RESTAURANT with Colonel harrier Tom respectable for a brand new Findlev four seconds behind him. The next Eastern runner shooter. "QUALITY FOOD AT INEXPENSIVE PRICES" was Kirk Davis who finished The ROTC team, including 11th. The next Cumberland Haberlin, Snelling, Boggs, and runner came in 15th with John Fryman, scored over 1000 Try Our Famous Kentucky Hot Brown Eastern Steve Wooldridge four points for the first time this seconds back. Dan Maloney year, the team had a 252 point If You're Looking For a Good Meal, Go Out To The MANOR HOUSE finished 31st and Jim Sebree average. The next rifle 37th. giving Eastern 102 for the match will be this Saturday meet Eastern By-Pass Murray won the meet with 28 morning against U of L. points taking second, third, fourth, fifth, and 14th places. .Western, was second and k—jl- «A- «»t»iton; PRESENTED BY E. ■ K. U. CENTER BOARD of Western came in first. .i Last Thursday Eastern hosted Morehead at the Arlington Golf Course. The Colonels, still ridden down with Photo by Larry Bailty injuries, suffered a 18-45 defeat. Tom Findley and Steve Thursday afternoon. Here the DU's quarterback, Wooldridge, two of the Colonels' DELTA UPSILON FRATERNITY'S flag foot- regulars did not run and were ball team finished its season undefeated as they Billy El am, looks upfield for a receiver while Dean RaUiff of OKNY charges in after him. replaced by Mervyn Lewis and scared a 21-0 victory over the independent Steve Seiss, two track men who champions, OKNY, in the title game last are not regular cross country runners. Kirk Davis came in 3rd and improved his time by 56 seconds Team, OVC OVC since his last run at Arlington. Dan Maloney finished 9th and art '^SSSISSS brought his time down 30 Stars Named seconds. Jim Sebree finished 10th with about the same time i; Eastern's senior tailback, Jimmy Brooks, has been named scoreboard- *•« DENNY BROOKS the "Renegade Back of the Week" for his performance in 1171 OVC Standing. the Murray game last weekend. Conference AU Points Brooks gained 138 yards in 32 W L T W L T Off. Def carries against the Racers to WESTERN 5 0 0 6 1 0 1*4 63 move up.to second place in OVC TENNESSEE TECH 3 1 0 « 1 0 131 60 !1 rushing statistics. MIDDLE TENNESSEE 3 1 0 5 3 0 139 128 Senior tackle Harry Irwin, MURRAY 2 2 1 3 3 1 96 168 who finished the Murray game MOREHEAD 2 3 0 4 3 0 176 111 with the highest blocking EASTERN 2 3 0 4 3 1 115 108 percentage among Colonel EAST TENNESSEE 0 3 1 0 6 1 78 163 linemen, was named AUSTIN PEAY 0 4 0 1 6 0 74 135 "Renegade Lineman of the Last Weeks' OVC Scores Week," while Wally Chambers and Ed King received the Murray 17, Eastern 7 weekly defensive awards. Western 34, Morehead 11 King, the Colonels' junior Tennessee Tech 14, UT-Chattanooga 7 linebacker, was named Middle Tennessee 28, Ball State 7 "Headhunter Back of the Northwood (Mich.) 17, Austin Peay 14 Week" for his efforts against This Weeks' OVC Schedule Murray (five unassisted tackles Tennessee Tech at Eastern, Hanger Field, and seven assists) while 1:30 p.m. Chambers, Eastern's junior Western at Middle Tennessee (N) tackle, had one of his best East Tennessee at Morehead games as he had nine Austin Peay at Murray unassisted tackles, three ■-- • assists, and caused one fumble. Western's sophomore quarterback, Leo Pecken- ,» paugh, has been named this % weeks' OVC offensive player of TAX SHELTERED ANNUITIES 8:00 November 9 I- the week for his efforts in the C HUltoppers' 34-11 destruction of NOW AVAILABLE ?" Morehead last Saturday. ALUMNI COLISEUM p Peckenpaugh completed nine of FROM YOUR LOCAL AGENT «g 15 passes in the game for 93 yards and one touchdown, and McPHERSON INSURANCE TOM A com carried the ball 12 times for 85 You're sure to win. Genuine TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED AT THE yards including touchdown runs handsewn Bass Weejuns® of two and 48 yards. He led the SERVICE moccasins come in many CASHIERS WINDOW COAT C0ATES BUILDING. styles — but the comfort is Toppers on four scoring drives 106 St. GEORGE-COLLEGE PARK CENTER! always the same. Weejuns® of 46, 80, 74, and 48 yards. ... the smart thing — the $200 * Murray's Dave Ford, a 280 right thing — to wear. E. K. U. FULL TIME STUDENTS WITH I. D •••••••••• pound senior defensive tackle, John Hancock Mutual has been named the defensive 1400 player of the week for his LIFE INSURANCE CO. B & H SHOES GENERAL ADMISSION performance in the Racers' 17-7 BEN McPHERSON DAVE GRAHAM win over Eastern last Saturday. University Shopping $400 "• Ford had eight unassisted UFE-H0ME-AUT0-HEAITH tackles, six assists, caused one Center ALL TICKETS AT THE DOOR. fumble, blocked one pass, and kept pressure on the Colonel 623-8626 quarterback aU day. 1 #■■!« '

Page 8-Thuraday, November 4, 1971-THE EASTERN PROGRESS Marie Covington| Powell Dedication To Be Wins 24th Title A Real* Ding Dong'Affair half hour, 12 for the three- BY USA COLLINS logelhcr and we discuss and KY PAULA GOODIN made by the University. Staff Writer exchange ideas. By this we are Feature KdHor As no bells arc cast in this quarter hour, and 16 for the hour. country, the Verdin Company The iX'partmenl of Music has 1971 marks (he twenty-fourth able to get a broader idea of had to contract for the bells with been asked to supervise the year EKU has had a what our prospective field is like." Bells will truly play at the a company in Holland. But the playing as it will obviously Homecoming Queen. Miss dedication of the new Powell Verdin Company did all the affect the entire community. Marie Covington received this Her freshman year she at- tended Georgetown College Student Center. Heard for the assemblng and installation. The can be played loud year's title. first time on campus will be the When the carillon was finished, or relatively softly, but it is not Although Miss Covington felt where she was a cheerleader. As a sophomore she transferred cast bell carillon housed in the members of Eastern's yet known how far the sound the competition was too great to Bell Tower, located just behind Department of Music traveled will reach. win, the judges thought dif- to EKU to benefit from what she feels is a better physical the Keen Johnson Student Union to Cincinnati to play the carillon ferently. "After meeting all the Building at the opening on a trial basis. girls I was sure I didn't have a education program here. The uniqueness of the carillon I "Besides the better physical ceremonies of the new Student makes it a big attraction for*' chance," she said. "I was so Center. The carillon has an electric shocked I couldn't believe it and education program," said Miss Eastern. The other closest;- Covington. "I like Eastern The uniqueness of the carillon keyboard console which is set all of a sudden I found myself up in a special room underneath genuine cast bell are because here the campus is so rises from the fact that it is the located in Cincinnati and crying." only installation of this kind in the tower with which it can be Commenting on her newly much bigger where as at Dayton, Ohio. The interest it Georgetown I knew everybody. Kentucky according to the I. T. played manually, or the acquired title Miss Covington automatic role player allows has stirred can be noted by the Here it is an experience to meet Verdin Company of Cincinnati. said, "It truly is one of the tapes to be made so the carillon letters of inquiry the University someone new every day. There are many other imitative greatest honors I've ever has received from other "Eastern's campus is one of devices, however, such as can be played automatically. A received but it is still un- timer with time slots for every locations with carillons. the loveliest in the state and I electronic types or chimes believable." five minutes makes possible 120 feel that there is a good which do not use bells. Dr. George Muns, chairman Sponsored by Keith Hall, Miss automatic selections per 24 relationship between the Consisting of 37 bells ranging of the Department of Music, Covington is a senior physical hours. students and their department. in weight from 1,000 pounds, 36 said that a carillon is rather like education major from inches in diameter to 25 pounds, a very good organ; when a new Georgetown. She is a member The teachers here really care The carillon also has a eight and one-sixteenth inches one is installed reports go out all of the Campus Health, Physical about their students." Westminster attachment Miss Covington presided as in diameter, the carillon was for tolling the hour. This chime over the professional world Education and Recreation Club produced by the I. T. Verdin and the state and national the first runner-up to the has a sequence of tones; four for describng the features of the Company to specifications carillon. H.P.E.R. chapters. Homecoming Queen last year the quarter hour, eight for the and, as a senior, was her high "I feel that the H.P.E.R. Club greatly benefits all P.E., Health school Homecoming Queen. and Recreation majors. The Her junior year at EKU Miss Covington was a representative Poly Science Students, Prof club brings these majors for the junior class, a member of the Athletic Board and a finalist in the Miss Richmond Attend Four-day Workshop contest. She is presently on the Open Dorms Keith Hall Judicial Board. f^tioto by L»rry Bailey Two political science students and will be involved in the Colleges and universi- "The function of the board is from Eastern and Paul Blan- judiciary committee. ties around the country were * to decide the punishment for EASTERNS BELL tower will sound their first cast in Holland, ranging from 25 to 1,000 pounds. chard, assistant professor of The model Senate will be invited to send two sena- various infractions of dorm official notes with the dedication of the new The chiming of the bells, every quarter hour, will political science, will attend a divided among party caucuses, tors to represent one of the fifty (Continued From Page 1> Powell Student Center. The tower holds 37 bells, be supervised by the Music Department. model United States Senate committee hearings, and states. rules. Meetings are only called The excursion is financed inv rooms where guests are visiting when necessary and so far this sponsored by the Stetson general senate sessions. Bills and guest rosters or sign-in and University political science and resolutions will be in- part by the Office of Student year we haven't had any." Affairs, Student Association, sign-out sheets will be provided After graduation Miss department in Deland, Florida. troduced by the individual and the department of political in men's dorms. Covington plans to teach It is to be a four-day political senators following procedure science. The proposal for the three physical education, preferably Fair Seeks Pollution Solution science workshop in which the used in the United States dales for Open House were elementary, somewhere in purpose is to learn more about Senate. made with the understanding Kentucky. "Physical education "A Pollution Solution" is the sciences, chemistry, physics, information. Representatives legislative processes. The senators will be assigned Nationally-known political that an evaluation would take is important in elementary 1971 theme for Eastern's annual and geography the purpose of will also attend form the The two EKU students, Philip to committees and all figures and experts in various place aftor each and that the schools because that age span is conservation fair. Dr. Edwin the tair according to Dr. Hess, Department of Parks, Water Johnson and Thomas Tarvin, legislation introduced will be fields will be present to address approval of each following Open the time t6\ train children to Hess, chairman of (he biology "is to inspire the student to 1'ollution Control. United States will represent the state of reviewed by the appropriate and participate in the Model department, "challenges (he Department of Agriculture, Soil House will be determined by the exercise and learn body func- construe! projects thai involve Kentucky. Johnson, a senior committee before it is taken up Senate. Some guest speakers student body to attend it they solutions to our environmental Conservation, and the State from Newport, will portray by the senate as * whole. will include Senator RoNft effectiveness of the previously tions. are interested In (he en- problem." Students are urged Department of Fisheries. They scheduled one. Teaching here in the state Kentucky's Senator Marlowe Johnson and Tarvin were Byrd of West Virginia, Senator vironmental problem." The fair lo submit posters and exhibits will hand nut government Lawton Chiles, and former This proposal was recom- would make me feel like I will be held tomorrow from 9 literature and answer Cook and will be on the public chosen by the political science which will be judged. Senator Spessard Holland. mended by Dr. Thomas D. personally will have done a.m. until 4 p.m. in the Moore questions. Persons who works committee and Tarvin, a department on the basis of their Myers, Vice President for something to benefit the welfare Science Building. Films and exhibits will also don't attend, said Dr. Hess, senior from Brookville, In- scholastic record and their A group of judges will de- serve all the proceedings and student affairs and approved by of the children and Kentucky as Sponsored bv the depart- be provided by Eastern's "are not interested in the air diana, will portray Kentucky's willingness to participate in the President Robert R. Martin. a whole." ments of geology, biological science clubs who will hand oui they breath." Senator John Sherman Cooper program. awards will be presented. XMAS GIFTS

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