VOL. XXX No. 6 June 2018 Rs. 40.00 Chinese Embassy in , ICS, FICCI, FCC and IAFAC co- In the First Session of the Seminar, speakers talked about hosted the seminar “Beyond Wuhan: How Far and Fast Strategic Communication between and India. can China-India Relations Go”.

In the Second Session of the Seminar, speakers talked In the Third Session of the Seminar, speakers talked about Practical Cooperation between China and India. about Personnel & Cultural Exchanges between China and India.

Ambassador Luo Zhaohui met with Mr. Suresh Prabhu, Ambassador Luo Zhaohui met with Vice Admiral Srikant, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation of Commandant of the National Defence College of India. India. SCO Qingdao Summit

1. Welcomes Foreign Leaders Attending the SCO Qingdao Summit 4 2. Xi Jinping Chairs the Small-scale Talks of the SCO Qingdao Summit 7 3. Xi Chairs SCO Summit to Draw up Blueprint for Shared Future 9 4. Full Text of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Speech at the 18th SCO Qingdao Summit 13 5. Leaders of the SCO Member States Jointly Meet the Press Xi Jinping Delivers a Speech as Head 15 of the SCO Presidency 6. Full Text of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Remarks at SCO Joint Press Conference 17 7. SCO Leaders Voice Expectations of Future Cooperation 18 8. SCO Qingdao Declaration Calls for Common Ground to Face Global Challenges 19 9. Wang Yi Gives an Interview to the Media on the SCO Qingdao Summit 21 10. Qingdao Summit Ushers in New Era for SCO 24 11. Journalists at SCO Qingdao Summit 25 12. Lights and Fireworks Show Lights up Sky of Qingdao 28

China India Relations

1. Xi Jinping Meets with Prime Minister of India 31 2. Wang Yi Meets with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj of India 32 3. India-China Cooperation to Benefit Asia, World: Modi 34 4. Chinese Envoy to India Proposes “5 Cs” to Promote Sino-Indian Ties 34 5. Keynote Speech by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Luo Zhaohui at the Opening Ceremony of China-India 35 Relations Seminar 6. Ambassador Luo Zhaohui Meets with Honorable Minister of Commerce and Industry Mr. Suresh Prabhu 39 7. Spotlight: AIIB Meeting Kicks off with Focus on Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure 39 8. India Becomes AIIB’s Largest Borrower: Official 41 9. Xizang Receives Officially-Organized Indian Pilgrims 41 10. Yunnan Celebrates International Yoga Day 44

External Affairs

1. Xi Jinping Urges Breaking New Ground in Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics 45 2. Xi Jinping Meets with Foreign Representatives Attending a Special Session of Round-table Summit of 48 Global CEO Council 3. Xi Jinping Meets with Nepal’s Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli 50 4. Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un Hold talks in Beijing 52 5. Xi Jinping Chairs the Fourth Meeting of Heads of State of China, and 56 6. Xi Jinping Holds Talks with President of Russia 57 7. Li Keqiang Holds Talks with Nepal’s Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli 60 8. Li Keqiang Holds Talks with Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill 61 9. Li Keqiang Meets with President Vladimir Putin of Russia 63

Culture & Life

1. People Take Part in Dragon Boat Races Across China 64 2. Lotus Flowers in Bloom in Hengyang, China 65 3. People Make Zongzi to Greet Upcoming Dragon Boat Festival Across China 66

1.Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Comes into Xizang Buddhist College 68 2.Change of a Pema Tibetan Village 70 3.Beautiful Scenery of Lhasa, Xizang 71 4.Tashi Dhundrup: Manager and Dancer 72

Book Review - Xi Jinping - The Governance of China-II 74 SCO Qingdao Summit

SCO Qingdao Summit XI JINPING WELCOMES FOREIGN LEADERS ATTENDING THE SCO QINGDAO SUMMIT On June 9, 2018, President Xi Jinping hosted a banquet at the Qingdao International Conference Center to welcome the foreign leaders w h o a t t e n d e d t h e S h a n g h a i Cooperation Organization (SCO) Qingdao Summit.

Qingdao in June is exuberant with green mountains and the beautiful sea. Located on the shore of the Yellow Sea, the Qingdao International Conference Center is beautifully lit in rich colors, constituting a colorful and splendid picture matched by the city night show on the opposite of the bay.

At about 7:10 p.m., leaders from the SCO member states and observer states and heads of the international organizations attending the SCO Qingdao Summit arrived successively. The motorcade went along the Binhai Avenue in an orderly manner. The distinguished guests walked along the lit red carpet towards the banquet hall with the national flags of various countries and the flags of the international organizations projected the Prosperous Age. extend his warm welcome to state on the main gate. Along both sides of leaders and heads of international the red carpet, ebullient Qingdao Inside the banquet hall were organizations. Xi Jinping pointed out teenagers welcomed guests and bright decorations and a houseful of that Shandong is the home of friends from all over the world, distinguished guests. Xi Jinping and Confucius and birth place of waving national flags, ball-flowers and the distinguished guests jointly Confucianism. The Confucian glow sticks, and dancing merrily. entered the banquet hall in the concept of unity and harmony has melodious tune of welcome. much in common with the “Shanghai Xi Jinping posed for a group Spirit”. Under the guidance of the photo with foreign leaders in front of On behalf of the Chinese “Shanghai Spirit”, the SCO has not the large traditional Chinese realistic government and the Chinese people, only delivered fruitful outcomes in painting called Flowers Blooming in Xi Jinping delivered a speech to cooperation fields including security,

4 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit

economy and people-to-people and Xi Jinping had warm talks with member states and observer states. cultural engagement, but also made various foreign leaders and they The melodious traditional Chinese historic strides in institution building. extended their joint wishes to the classic music and the beautiful dance At present, the SCO has become a development and prosperity of the performed by young girls in clothes major force in maintaining regional countries in this region, the happiness with luminous long sleeves created a security, promoting common and well-being of the people, the wonderful atmosphere where “the development and improving global better future of the SCO, and the bright moon shines over the sea, governance. success of the Qingdao Summit. from far away we share this moment together”. Kites in various shapes led Xi Jinping emphasized that After the banquet, Xi Jinping, the changes of the scenes where Qingdao is a famous “sailing capital”. together with the distinguished tourist attractions and traditional It is from here that many ships set sail guests, went to the sightseeing culture of Shandong were displayed in pursuit of dreams. Tomorrow, we platform outside the banquet hall one after another, highlighting the will hold the first SCO Summit here where they enjoyed the light and long-lasting history and magnificent after the membership expansion of firework show called A Warm mountains and rivers in the land of the SCO to draw up a comprehensive Welcome to Friends from Afar set on Shandong. The video of China’s blue print for the future development sea above the Fushan Bay. beautiful mountains and rivers and of the SCO. The Qingdao Summit is a the Chinese people living and new starting point for us. Together, let The show consisted of several working in peace and contentment us hoist the sail of the “Shanghai chapters including A Moonlit Night, demonstrated the humanistic feelings Spirit” and jointly launch the new The Charm of Shandong, Nation of of a prosperous China. The smiles of journey for the development of the Peace and Prosperity, Toward a Better the Chinese people of all ethnic SCO. Future, and the Community of a groups on the circular screen Shared Future. The evening party expounded that the Chinese people The banquet proceeded in a began with the display of the scenic are striving to pursue happiness. In relaxing and harmonious atmosphere. photos of the capitals of the SCO the starry sky, astronauts explored the

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secrets of the outer space through show was themed on the four seasons. party ended with the beautiful space trips, showcasing humans’ The green “spring” depicted the melody of the Nation of Peace and beautiful wishes to build a future exuberant scene; the fiery red Prosperity. together through technological “summer” highlighted the splendid innovation. Accompanied by the colors of flowers; the golden Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, inspiring music, colorful fireworks “autumn” conveyed the happiness of Wang Yi, Zhao Kezhi, He Lifeng were let off, shining in the night sky of a good harvest; the snow-white and others attended the above the city, while peace doves were flying “winter” brought the special coolness activities. on the circular screen. The firework to the coast in summer. The evening


On June 10, 2018, the small-scale Leaders of all the SCO member states the “Shanghai Spirit” and scored talks of the 18th Meeting of the exchanged views on the development tremendous achievements, becoming Council of Heads of Member States of the SCO and major international a c o m p r e h e n s i v e r e g i o n a l of the Shanghai Cooperation and regional issues. org anization with impor tant Organization (SCO) were held at the influence in the world. Now, the SCO Qingdao International Conference At around 9:00 a.m., leaders of is standing at a new historical starting Center. President Xi Jinping chaired the SCO member states arrived at the point. We should carry forward the the talks. Prime Minister Narendra conference center in succession. Xi fine tradition, actively deal with Modi of India, President Nursultan Jinping welcomed them warmly, internal and external challenges, and N a z a r b ay e v o f K a z a k h s t a n , shook hands and exchanged greetings c o m p r e h e n s i v e l y p r o m o t e President Sooronbay Jeenbekov of with them. After then, all leaders took cooperation in all fields, so as to push , President Mamnoon a group photo. the SCO for steady and long-term Hussain of Pakistan, President development. Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping pointed out in the Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan, and speech that since its establishment 17 Xi Jinping raised four proposals President of years ago, the SCO, in the face of on the development of the SCO. attended the meeting. international vicissitudes, has upheld

News From China June 2018 7 SCO Qingdao Summit

First, we should carry forward the effectively fight against the “three liberation and facilitation to maintain “Shanghai Spirit” and strengthen forces”, in a bid to practically global multilateral trading system. solidarity and coordination. We safeguard regional peace, security and should stick to mutual trust, mutual stability. Fourth, we should play an active benefit, equality, consultation, respect par t and show inter national for diverse civilizations and pursuit of Third, we should deepen practical commitment. We should firmly common development, and deepen cooperation and promote common safeguard the international order and solidarity and mutual trust, increase development. We should make bigger international system with the mutual support and translate the moves in such aspects as industrial purposes and principles of the potential and opportunity brought by coordination, market integration, and Charter of the United Nations as the the membership expansion into more exchanges of technologies. We should core, promote the building of a new tangible cooperation outcomes. follow the principle of extensive type of international relations consultation, joint contribution and featuring mutual respect, fairness and Second, we should promote shared benefits, strengthen exchanges justice and win-win cooperation, and security cooperation and join hands to and cooperation in infrastructure stick to resolving the hotspot issues cope with all challenges. We should construction, connectivity, industrial through political and diplomatic uphold the common, comprehensive, parks, scientific and technological means. cooperative and sustainable security innovation and other fields, and share concept, cope with traditional and huge development opportunities in Xi Jinping stressed that the SCO non-traditional security threats in a Eurasia. We should send the is a cause that conforms to the trend c o m p r e h e n s ive m a n n e r, a n d unanimous voice of supporting trade of the times, as well as is in line with

8 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit the common interests of all countries. as well as the development of the opportunities, properly cope with China is willing to, together with all SCO, and agreed that the meeting this challenges, push forward all-round parties, remain true to the original time was the first summit after the cooperation in economy, trade, aspiration, march forward hand in membership expansion of the SCO finance, agriculture, connectivity, and hand, promote the SCO to realize new and it was of major realistic and people-to-people and cultural development, and build a closer historical significance. The accession engagement, and stick to fighting community with a shared future, so as of the new member states has against the “three forces” to ensure t o m a k e n e w a n d g r e a t e r enhanced the SCO’s capacity for the sustained, healthy and stable contributions to safeguarding world cooperation in all fields. The SCO has development of the SCO. peace and stability and promoting a l s o s h o u l d e r e d g r e a t e r development and prosperity of responsibilities in safeguarding The meeting decided that the humankind. regional security and stability and 2019 SCO Summit will be held in a d va n c i n g d e ve l o p m e n t a n d Kyrgyzstan. Leaders of the SCO member prosperity. Under the new situation, states spoke highly of China’s the SCO should stick to carrying Wang Yi attended the above contributions as the presidency over forward the “Shanghai Spirit”, activities. the past year to promoting the continue to intensify communication cooperation among all member states and coordination, fully grasp the XI CHAIRS SCO SUMMIT TO DRAW UP BLUEPRINT FOR SHARED FUTURE

President Xi Jinping chairs the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong province, June 10, 2018. Xi delivered a speech during the meeting.[Photo/Xinhua]

News From China June 2018 9 SCO Qingdao Summit

Qingdao — President Xi Jinping meeting, Xi hailed the 17-year-old world that enjoys lasting peace, chaired the Shanghai Cooperation organization as “a new model for universal security and common Organization (SCO) annual Summit regional cooperation” and shared prosperity,” Xi said. on June 10, aiming to bring the group ideas on how to tackle global to a shared future of common challenges. CREATIVE VISION OF prosperity amid global instability and SHANGHAI SPIRIT uncertainty. The two-day summit saw leaders sign documents in diverse fields Xi attributed the SCO’s strength The 18th Meeting of the Council including security, trade facilitation to the Shanghai Spirit, which of Heads of Member States of the and people-to-people exchanges, champions mutual trust, mutual SCO in East China’s port city of sending out a signal of unity and benefit, equality, consultation, Qingdao marked the first gathering of collaboration, against the backdrop respect for diverse civilizations and leaders of all its eight member states of global challenges such as pursuit of common development. — since India and Pakistan were hegemony, power politics, security admitted as full members last year. threats, unilateralism and trade Now the spirit is embodied with protectionism. rich content as shown in Xi’s speech The SCO accounts for 20 percent at the summit. of the global economy and 40 percent “We should, guided by the of its population. Shanghai Spirit, work closely to build “We should uphold innovative, an SCO community with a shared coordinated, green, open and Joined by leaders from across future, move toward a new type of inclusive development,” he said, Eurasia and heads of international international relations, and build an calling for resolving issues regarding organizations at a roundtable open, inclusive, clean and beautiful unbalanced development.

The 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is held in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong province, June 10, 2018. President Xi Jinping chaired the meeting and delivered a speech.[Photo/Xinhua]

10 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit

President Xi Jinping chairs the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong province, June 10, 2018. Xi delivered a speech during the meeting.[Photo/Xinhua]

H e p r o p o s e d c o m m o n , b e t we e n c u l t u r e s s h o u l d b e interests and major concerns, comprehensive, cooperative and championed.” according to Xi. sustainable security. He also called for extensive Xi stressed the need to cooperate “We should reject the Cold War consultation, joint contribution and on combating terrorism, separatism mentality and confrontation between shared benefits in global governance. and extremism, and conduct a “Peace blocs and oppose the practices of Mission.” seeking absolute security of oneself at A ROADMAP FOR ACTION the expense of the security of other China would train 2,000 law countries,” he said. The Qingdao Summit went enforcement officers for all parties in beyond theories and concepts, the next three years to enhance law The President stressed open and outlining a roadmap for concrete enforcement, Xi said. inclusive cooperation for win-win action. outcomes. T h e S C O ’ s e c o n o m i c Strength of unity and mutual component has g rown more “We should reject self-centered, trust should be built up with states prominent in recent years, and Xi short-sighted and closed-door respecting each other’s choice of p r o p o s e d i n c r e a s i n g t h e policies,” he said. “Equality, mutual d e v e l o p m e n t p a t h s a n d complementarity of development learning, dialogue and inclusiveness accommodating each other’s core strategies and pursuing the Belt and

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Road Initiative to achieve shared support for the SCO. the four international events Xi chairs growth through discussion and in China this year, practicing “major- collaboration. The SCO will also expand country diplomacy with Chinese partnership networks in international characteristics.” China’s package for common cooperation, contributing to development included setting up a 30- resolving important issues and The other three events are the billion-yuan ($4.7 billion) special improving global governance. Boao Forum for Asia annual lending facility within the SCO Inter- conference in April, the Forum on bank Consortium. The SCO was established in 2001 China-Africa Cooperation Summit in by China, , Kyrgyzstan, September and the First China Calling for closer ties through Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. International Import Expo in people-to-people and cultural India and Pakistan joined as full November. exchanges, Xi said China would members last year at the Astana p r o v i d e 3 , 0 0 0 t r a i n i n g Summit in Kazakhstan. Its observer They are all aimed at building “a opportunities in human resources states are Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran new type of international relations” development for SCO member and Mongolia. and “a community with a shared states in the next three years to future for humanity” — two ideas Xi enhance public understanding and The Qingdao Summit is one of has expounded over the past five years.

President Xi Jinping (6th R, front) poses for a group photo with other leaders and guests ahead of the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong province, June 10, 2018. Xi chaired the meeting and delivered a speech.[Photo/Xinhua]


Carrying Forward the Shanghai Spirit to Build a Community with a Shared Future

Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China At the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Qingdao, June 10, 2018

Qingdao, June 10 (Xinhua) — Over the past 17 years, guided by international justice and fairness. Chinese President Xi Jinping the SCO Charter and the Treaty on delivered a speech at the 18th Meeting Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, The SCO enjoys strong vitality of the Council of Heads of Member Friendship and Cooperation Between and momentum of cooperation. States of The Shanghai Cooperation the Member States of the Shanghai This, in the final analysis, is attributed Organization (SCO) here on Sunday. Cooperation Organization, we have to the Shanghai Spirit, a creative forged a constructive partnership vision initiated and followed through The following is the full text of featuring non-alliance, non- by the SCO that champions mutual the speech: confrontation and not targeting any trust, mutual benefit, equality, third party. In doing so, we have consultation, respect for diversity of Dear colleagues, achieved a major breakthrough in the civilizations and pursuit of common theories and practices of international development. The Shanghai Spirit, In this lovely season of June, I am relations, created a new model for transcending outdated concepts such delighted to welcome all of you to the regional cooperation, and made new as clash of civilizations, Cold War and picturesque city of Qingdao for the c o n t r i b u t i o n t o p e a c e a n d zero-sum mentality, has opened a 18th meeting of the Council of Heads development in our region. new pag e in the histor y of of Member States of the Shanghai international relations and gained Cooperation Organization (SCO). Today, the SCO stands as a increasing endorsement of the Over 2,500 years ago, Confucius, the comprehensive regional cooperation international community. great Chinese philosopher, had this to organization that covers the largest say: “What a joy to have friends area and population in the world. Its Dear colleagues, coming from afar!” It is therefore of members account for about 20 special significance that I host my percent of the global economy and 40 Mencius, another ancient distinguished guests in Shandong, the percent of its population. The SCO Chinese philosopher, aptly observed, home province of Confucius, for a has four observer states and six “When Confucius looks down from summit that will chart the future dialogue partners as well as extensive the peak of the Dongshan Mountain, course for the SCO. cooperation linkages with the United the local Kingdom of Lu comes into Nations and other international and view; when he looks down from the In five days, the SCO will regional organizations. With its ever peak of Mount Tai, the whole land celebrate its 17th birthday, an rising international influence, the comes into view.” At a time when the occasion for us to review our SCO has become an important force wo r l d i s u n d e r g o i n g m a j o r organization’s remarkable journey for promoting global peace and developments, transformation and and important achievements. d e ve l o p m e n t a n d u p h o l d i n g adjustment, we must aim high and

News From China June 2018 13 SCO Qingdao Summit look far, and keep pace with the progress of various countries and open, inclusive, clean and beautiful underlying trend of both the world resolve issues caused by unbalanced world that enjoys lasting peace, and our times to push for more development. We should bridge the universal security, and common progress of human civilization. gap in development and promote prosperity. To this end, I would like to shared prosperity. propose the following: While hegemony and power politics still persist in this world, the — We should pursue common, First, we need to build up growing call for a more just and comprehensive, cooperative and strength of unity and mutual trust. equitable international order must be sustainable security. We should reject W e s h o u l d e n s u r e f u l l heeded. in international the Cold War mentality and implementation of the Qingdao relations has become an unstoppable confrontation between blocs and Declaration, the Outline for the trend of the times. oppose the practices of seeking Implementation of the Treaty on absolute security of oneself at the Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, While various traditional and expense of others, so as to achieve Friendship and Cooperation, and non-traditional security threats keep security of all. other documents. We should respect emerging, the force for peace will each other’s choice of development prevail, for security and stability are — We should promote open and paths and accommodate each other’s what people long for. inclusive cooperation for win-win core interests and major concerns. outcomes. We should reject self- We s h o u l d e n h a n c e m u t u a l While unilateralism, trade centered, short-sighted and closed- understanding by putting ourselves in protectionism and backlash against door policies. We should uphold others’ positions and boost harmony globalization are taking new forms, in WTO r ules and suppor t the and unity by seeking common this global village of ours where multilateral trading system so as to ground and setting aside differences. countries’ interests and future are so build an open world economy. This will enhance the cohesion and interconnected, the pursuit of appeal of our organization. cooperation for mutual benefit — We should champion equality, represents a surging trend. mutual learning, dialogue and Second, we need to strengthen inclusiveness between civilizations. It the foundation for shared peace and While we keep hearing such is important that we overcome security. We need to actively rhetoric as the clash of civilizations or cultural misunderstanding, clash and implement the 2019-2021 program the superiority of one civilization over supremacy through exchanges, of cooperation for combating “three another, it is the diversity of mutual learning and coexistence. evil forces” of terrorism, separatism civilizations that sustains human and extremism, continue to conduct progress. Indeed, mutual learning — We should follow the principle the “Peace Mission” and other joint between different cultures is a shared of achieving shared growth through counter-terrorism exercises, and aspiration of all peoples. discussion and collaboration in enhance cooperation on defense engaging in global governance. We security, law enforcement security Dear colleagues, should reform and improve the global and information security. We need to governance system, and work with all give full play to the role of the SCO- The world today faces both other countries to build a community Afghanistan Contact Group to opportunities and challenges. The with shared future for humanity. facilitate peace and reconstruction in road ahead, bumpy as it may be, will Afghanistan. China offers to train lead to a promising future. We should Dear colleagues, 2,000 law enforcement officers for all stay committed to the Shanghai Spirit, parties in the next three years through surmount difficulties, defuse risks and The Shanghai Spirit is our shared China National Institute for SCO meet challenges head on. asset, and the SCO is our shared International Exchange and Judicial home. We should, guided by the Cooperation and other platforms to — We should uphold innovative, Shanghai Spirit, work closely to build enhance law enforcement capacity coordinated, green, open and an SCO community with a shared building. inclusive development, achieve future, move toward a new type of coordinated social and economic international relations, and build an

14 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit

Third, we need to build a of the SCO Inter-bank Consortium. enhancing partnerships with the powerful engine to achieve common U n i t e d N a t i o n s a n d o t h e r development and prosperity. We Fourth, we need to forge closer i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d r e g i o n a l should increase complementarity of ties through cultural and people-to- organizations, and by engaging in o u r r e s p e c t ive d e ve l o p m e n t people exchanges. We should actively dialogue with the International strategies, continue to advance the i m p l e m e n t t h e o u t l i n e f o r Monetary Fund, the World Bank and Belt and Road cooperation under the e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n other inter national financial principle of delivering shared benefits cooperation and other documents, institutions, we can contribute our through extensive consultation and ensure the continued success of such share to resolving hotspot issues and joint contribution, accelerate regional well-recognized programs as the improving global governance. trade facilitation, and step up the youth exchange camp, and secure implementation of the Agreement on solid progress in cooperation in Dear colleagues, International Road Transport education, science and technology, Facilitation and other cooperation culture, tourism, health, disaster relief Thanks to the support and documents. China will welcome all and media. In the next three years, assistance of all the other SCO parties to the first China International China will provide 3,000 training member states over the past year, Import Expo to be held in Shanghai in opportunities of human resources China has completed its SCO November this year. The Chinese development for SCO member states presidency and hosted this summit. government supports building a to enhance public understanding of Here I wish to express my sincere demonstration area in Qingdao for and support for the SCO family. thanks to you all. China will maintain China-SCO local economic and trade C h i n a o f f e r s t o p r o v i d e active, practical and friendly cooperation, and will set up a meteorological services to all parties cooperation with other SCO member committee of legal services for SCO using its Fengyun-2 weather satellites. s t a t e s t o e n s u r e t h e f u l l member states to provide legal implementation of the consensus support for business cooperation. Fifth, we need to expand reached at this summit and support partnership networks of international Kyrgyzstan in its SCO presidency. In this connection, I hereby cooperation. By intensifying Let us join hands to create an even announce that China will set up an exchanges and cooperation with SCO brighter future for the SCO! RMB 30 billion equivalent special observer states, dialogue partners, and lending facility within the framework other countries in our region, by Thank you. LEADERS OF THE SCO MEMBER STATES JOINTLY MEET THE PRESS XI JINPING DELIVERS A SPEECH AS HEAD OF THE SCO PRESIDENCY On June 10, 2018, leaders of the Kazakhstan, President Sooronbay Xi Jinping introduced the member states of the Shanghai Jeenbekov of Kyrgyzstan, President i m p o r t a n t c o n s e n s u s e s a n d Cooperation Organization (SCO) Mamnoon Hussain of Pakistan, achievements reached at the SCO jointly met the press. President Xi President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Qingdao Summit. All parties agree to Jinping delivered a speech as head of President Emomali Rahmon of enhance solidarity and coordination the SCO presidency. Prime Minister Tajikistan and President Shavkat and deepen partnerships featuring Narendra Modi of India, President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan were peace, cooperation, equality, N u r s u l t a n N a z a r b a y e v o f present. openness, inclusiveness and mutual

News From China June 2018 15 SCO Qingdao Summit

benefit. All parties, guided by the international interactions and deepening practical cooperation. I vision for common, comprehensive, cooperation of the SCO and work am confident that with our joint cooperative and sustainable security, with the United Nations and other efforts, the SCO will enjoy an even will jointly uphold regional security i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d r e g i o n a l better future. and stability. All parties will uphold organizations to jointly promote the authority and efficacy of the rules lasting peace and common prosperity Before meeting the press, leaders of the World Trade Organization, of the world. All parties will actively of the member states signed the strengthen an open, inclusive, suppor t and cooperate with Qingdao Declaration of the Council transparent, non-discriminatory and Kyrgyzstan in taking over the of Heads of Member States of the rules-based multilateral trading presidency work and ensuring the SCO and a series of resolutions, regime, oppose trade protectionism success of next year’s summit. including issuing An Action Plan for of any form, and enhance the Belt and 2018-2022 to Implement the Treaty R o a d c o o p e r a t i o n a n d Xi Jinping stressed that leaders of on Long-Term Neighborliness, complementarity of our respective the member and observer states of Friendship and Cooperation Among development strategies. All parties the SCO and principals of relevant the SCO Member States, the will continue to carry out cooperation i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d r e g i o n a l Programme of Cooperation Among in culture, education, science and organizations have agreed to abide by the SCO Member States on Counter- t e c h n o l o g y, e n v i r o n m e n t a l the goals and principles of the SCO Terrorist, Counter-Separatist and protection, health, tourism, youth, Charter, carry forward the Shanghai Counter-Extremist Measures for media and sports, with a view to Spirit, as well as jointly pursue 2019-2021, the Anti-Drug Strategy promoting mutual learning between regional peace, stability and of the SCO Member States for 2018- cultures and amity between the development by promoting good- 2023 and the Program of Action for peoples. All parties will expand neighborliness and friendliness and Its Implementation, and the SCO

16 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit

Concept to Prevent Abuse of Activities Over the Past Year, and A General, Director of the Executive Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Report by the Council of the Regional Committee of the SCO Regional Substances, formulating the Draft Anti-terrorist Structure on the Anti-Terrorist Structure and others, Programme of Cooperation Among Activities of Regional Anti-terrorist as well as witnessed the signing of the SCO Member States on Food Structure in 2017, signing the cooperation documents in such areas Security, ratifying the SCO Concept Memorandum of Understanding on as economy, trade, customs, tourism on Environmental Protection, An Cooperation Between the SCO and external exchanges. Action Plan of the Joint Message Secretariat and the United Nations from Heads of Member States of the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, SCO to Young People, A Report by O r g a n i z a t i o n ( 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 2 2 ) , Wang Yi, He Lifeng and others the SCO Secretary-General on SCO appointing the SCO Secretary- attended the above activities. FULL TEXT OF CHINESE PRESIDENT XI JINPING’S REMARKS AT SCO JOINT PRESS CONFERENCE Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China At the SCO Joint Press Conference, Qingdao, June 10, 2018

Qingdao, June 10 (Xinhua) — development as it enters a new phase Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, Chinese President Xi Jinping on in history. We have had an in-depth mutual benefit, equality, consultation, Sunday attended a joint press exchange of views on major respect for diversity of civilizations c o n f e r e n c e a t t h e S h a n g h a i international and regional issues, and a n d p u r s u i t o f c o m m o n Cooperation Organization (SCO) reached broad consensus. development, and jointly pursue summit held in the coastal city of regional peace, stability and Qingdao. During this summit, we have fully development by promoting good- recognized the new progress made by neighborliness and friendship and The following is the full text of our organization since the accession deepening practical cooperation. his remarks: of India and Pakistan, issued several documents including the Qingdao We share the view that the world Dear colleagues, Declaration of the Council of Heads is undergoing major development, Friends from the press, of Member States of the SCO and the transformation and adjustment. The Ladies and gentlemen, Joint Statement of the Heads of trend toward multi-polarity and Good afternoon. It is my pleasure to Member States of the SCO on economic globalization is deepening meet with you. Promoting Trade Facilitation, and and countries are increasingly r a t i f i e d a n a c t i o n p l a n f o r interdependent. In the face of Leaders of the member and implementing the Treaty on Long- tortuous recovery of the world observer states of the Shanghai Te r m G o o d - N e i g h b o r l i n e s s, economy and various international Cooperation Organization (SCO) and Friendship and Cooperation of the and regional hotspot issues, countries heads of international and regional SCO Member States covering the are confronted with many common organizations have gathered here at next five years. We have agreed to threats and challenges that no one the beautiful coast of the Yellow Sea abide by the goals and principles of can tackle alone. Only by enhancing to draw up a blueprint for the SCO’s the SCO Charter, carry forward the solidarity and coordination and

News From China June 2018 17 SCO Qingdao Summit deepening partnerships featuring r e g i m e , a n d o p p o s e t r a d e regional countries including SCO peace, cooperation, equality, protectionism of any form. All parties observer states and dialogue partners, openness, inclusiveness and mutual will continue to work in line with the and step up dialogue and exchanges benefit will we be able to achieve principle of mutual benefit to with the UN and other international lasting stability and development. i m p r o ve r e g i o n a l e c o n o m i c and regional organizations to jointly cooperation arrangements, enhance promote lasting peace and common We hold that security is the the Belt and Road cooperation and prosperity of the world. f o u n d a t i o n f o r s u s t a i n a b l e complementarity of our respective development of the SCO. All parties, development strategies, deepen We agree that the Kyrgyz guided by the vision for common, cooperation in business, investment, Republic will take over the rotating comprehensive, cooperative and finance, connectivity and agriculture, presidency of the SCO after this sustainable security, will jointly advance trade and investment summit. All parties will actively uphold regional security and stability facilitation, and foster new prospects suppor t and cooperate with by implementing the Shanghai for integrated development of the Ky r g y z s t a n i n f u l f i l l i n g i t s C o n v e n t i o n o n C o m b a t i n g region to deliver benefits to our responsibilities as the President and Te r r o r i s m , S e p a r a t i s m a n d people and add fresh impetus to ensuring the success of next year’s Extremism, the Convention Against global growth. summit. Terrorism, the Convention on Countering Extremism and other We stress that the time-honored Ladies and gentlemen, cooperation documents, promoting history and splendid culture of Friends, counter-terrorism intelligence countries are the shared wealth of exchanges and joint actions, mankind. On the basis of respecting I would like to take this strengthening legal foundation and each other’s cultural diversity and opportunity to thank the leaders of capacity building, effectively social values, all parties will continue a l l c o u n t r i e s a n d h e a d s o f combating terrorism, separatism, to carry out effective multilateral and international organizations for extremism, dr ug trafficking, bilateral cooperation in culture, attending the summit. I am grateful transnational organized crime and education, science and technology, for the vigorous support and cyber crime, and leveraging the role of environmental protection, health, assistance China has received during the SCO-Afghanistan Contact tourism, youth, media and sports, its presidency and in hosting this Group. with a view to promoting mutual summit. My thanks also go to friends learning between cultures and amity from the media for covering the We point out that economic between the peoples. progress of the SCO and the globalization and regional integration Qingdao Summit. are the compelling trend of our times. We believe that it is very All parties will uphold the authority important for the SCO to expand I am confident that with our joint and efficacy of WTO r ules, international interactions and efforts, the SCO will enjoy an even strengthen an open, inclusive, cooperation. On the basis of equality better future. transparent, non-discriminatory and and mutual benefit, all parties will rules-based multilateral trading work to deepen cooperation with Thank you. SCO LEADERS VOICE EXPECTATIONS OF FUTURE COOPERATION Qingdao, China, June 10 with Chinese President Xi Jinping of the SCO, Xi called for carrying (Xinhua) — Leaders of the Shanghai chairing the meeting. forward the Shanghai Spirit to Cooperation Organization (SCO) surmount difficulties, defuse risks held the annual summit of the At the 18th Meeting of the and meet challenges. Eurasian institution here on Sunday, Council of Heads of Member States

18 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit

Other SCO leaders also voiced Pakistani President Mamnoon promote regional integration. their expectations of future Hussain said that in just 17 years, the cooperation in various areas so as to S C O h a s b e c o m e a m o d e l The leaders of the four SCO give full play to the organization’s role organization for safeguarding observer states also attended the after its expansion. regional security and promoting meeting. exchanges among member states. He Indian Prime Minister Narendra suggested SCO leaders strengthen Afghan President Mohammad Modi said India will be very happy to communication and jointly promote a Ashraf Ghani said that the problems cooperate with other SCO countries more fair and reasonable international of terrorism and narcotics must be in the framework of the SCO in economic system. confronted comprehensively, and that different areas such as organic he looks forward to expanding his farming, dairy and animal husbandry, Russian President Vladmir Putin country’s cooperation with the SCO. ag ricultural education, food said combating terrorism is one of the processing and pharmaceuticals. priorities of the SCO, and the Belarusian President Alexander organization should take further Lukashenko said the SCO is capable Kazakh President Nursultan measures to promote regional stability. of contributing to safeguarding Nazarbayev said the Shanghai Spirit is international security. He called for a driving force for the SCO to carry He also called for alignment of e n h a n c i n g c o o p e r a t i o n i n out its work effectively. He suggested projects within the framework of the information and cyber security as expanding trade and investment and the well as nuclear security. cooperation from a bilateral level to a Belt and Road Initiative, thus further multilateral scale, promoting enhancing cooperation. Iranian President Hassan settlements in local currencies among Rouhani said countries in the region member states, strengthening President of Tajikistan Emomali need to value their common ground, exchanges in digital information Rahmon said regional tensions have address disputes peacefully, seek t e c h n o l o g y a n d d e v e l o p i n g aggravated because of various long-term common interests, respect infrastructure. security threats. The SCO should each other and abandon conflict and promote closer cooperation in law confrontation for a more secure, Kyrgyz President Sooronbay enforcement and defense, and jointly stable and prosperous region. Jeenbekov said the SCO should play a combat the “three evil forces,” drug better role in safeguarding regional trafficking and other transnational Mongolian President Khaltmaa security and stability, adding that he organized crimes. Battulga said the SCO is an important hopes its members would further platform for regional cooperation, coordinate their positions and actions Uzbek President Shavkat adding that he hopes Mongolia can to better address the threat posed by the Mirziyoyev called on SCO member increase its participation in regional “three evil forces” of terrorism, states to continue expanding cooperation within the SCO separatism and extremism in the region. economic and trade cooperation and framework. SCO QINGDAO DECLARATION CALLS FOR COMMON GROUND TO FACE GLOBAL CHALLENGES Qingdao, June 10 (Xinhua) — annual summit held in China’s coastal and multi-polar g eopolitical Leaders of Shanghai Cooperation city of Qingdao. situation and growing uncertainties, Organization (SCO) member states the international community is in issued a declaration on Sunday at Amid the increasingly diverse urgent need of seeking common

News From China June 2018 19 SCO Qingdao Summit ground and effectively coping with extremism,” it said. the declaration. global challenges, said the document made public during the 18th Meeting Member states recognized the The SCO supported the peace of the Council of Heads of Member special role of the SCO regional initiative proposed by international States. counter-terrorist agencies in jointly society, including China and Russia, combating the “three evil forces” of to mitigate the region’s tension, SCO members have made terrorism, separatism and extremism, promote denuclearization of the “building a community with a shared and safeguarding regional security. peninsula and maintain lasting peace future for humanity” a common in Northeast Asia. concept, according to the document. It is very important to improve these institutions’ work, including “ S C O m e m b e r s s u p p o r t “The inclusion of India and development of a system to monitor dialogue and contact between the Pakistan into the SCO has lifted and cope with potential threats in Democratic People’s Republic of cooperation in various areas to a new global information space, said the Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of level,” it said. declaration. Korea, and between the DPRK and the , and calls on all Member states reiterated their “SCO members will continue to related parties to facilitate the commitment to the Treaty on Long- regularly hold joint anti-terrorism development of dialogue,” the Te r m G o o d - N e i g h b o r l i n e s s, drills and coordinate efforts to crack declaration read. Friendship and Cooperation of the down on the spreading of terrorism SCO Member States and would online,” it added. They also support improvement c o n t i n u e t o d e v e l o p g o o d - of the global economic governance neighbourly relations and friendship They are concerned about the system and development of in areas of common concern, rising threats posed by increased drug economic, trade and investment including building shared borders into production, trafficking and use as well cooperation while opposing permanently peaceful and friendly as the financing of terrorism through fragmentation of international trade ones. the drug business. “A common relations and trade protectionism in balanced position should be any form. “ S o m e c o u n t r y o r b l o c developed in combating illegal unilaterally develops anti-missile trafficking, including online Member states would enhance systems in an unrestricted manner, trafficking of drugs and precursor cooperation under the framework of denting global security and damaging chemicals.” current multilateral banks and world stability,” said the document, financial institutions in the region, stressing that ensuring one’s own S C O m e m b e r s s u p p o r t such as the SCO Interbank security should not come at the price settlement of global conflicts by C o n s o r t i u m a n d t h e A s i a n of endangering other countries. political and diplomatic means within Infrastructure Investment Bank to the framework of basic codes and help finance regional cooperation Member states proposed that a principles of international law to projects, it said. comprehensive United Nations treaty achieve general security and stability, on fighting international terrorism said the document. Fruitful multilateral and bilateral should be passed by reaching a cooperation projects would be held consensus based on UN documents It is very important to keep in culture, education, science and such as the Charter of the United implementing the comprehensive technology, health, tourism, folk art Nations. agreement on Iran nuclear issue, and and other fields to promote cultural the Korean Peninsula issue should be communication and people-to- “It is forbidden to interfere in solved only through dialogue and p e o p l e e xch a n g e s, s a i d t h e other nations’ internal affairs in the consultation as well as political and document. name of countering terrorism and diplomatic approaches, according to

20 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit WANG YI GIVES AN INTERVIEW TO THE MEDIA ON THE SCO QINGDAO SUMMIT O n Ju n e 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 , S t a t e family of the SCO jointly reviewed Chinese concept of "unity and Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang the extraordinary journey of the SCO harmony", which transcends such Yi gave an interview to the media in over the past 17 years, and made a outdated concepts as clash of Qingdao, introducing the outcomes comprehensive plan for the path and civilizations and Cold War and zero- of the Shanghai Cooperation direction of the SCO in the future, as sum mentality. It has become the core Organization (SCO) Qingdao well as reached a series of important value of the SCO, and will continue Summit. The following is the full text. consensuses. The leaders of the to provide strong guarantee for the member states signed and witnessed development and growth of the Q: China hosts the SCO Summit 23 cooperation documents, making SCO. Meanwhile, the "Shanghai again after six years. Meanwhile, it is the Qingdao Summit the most fruitful Spirit" has in fact revealed the basic also the first summit held after one compared with the previous norms which should be abided by in membership expansion of the SCO, summits. It is fair to say that under the s t a t e - t o - s t a t e e xch a n g e s. I t to which the international community joint efforts of China and all member completely conforms to the purposes has paid high attention. What do you states, the outcomes of the Qingdao and principles of the Charter of the think of the features and significance Summit exceeded the expectation. United Nations (UN), which will of this Summit? The Qingdao Summit is a new surely exert positive and far-reaching milestone in the development process influence on the building of a new A: Compared with previous SCO of the SCO, and of important type of international relations for all summits, the Qingdao Summit is the significance in inheriting the past and countries. largest one running at the highest u s h e r i n g t h e f u t u r e f o r t h e level, delivering the most outcomes development of the SCO. The Second, the awareness of a and creating a series of records of the following three aspects are the most community with a shared future has SCO. This is the first summit held important ones: been formed. The building of a after membership expansion of the community with a shared future for SCO. At present, the SCO has 8 First, the "Shanghai Spirit" has mankind is a major initiative put member states, 4 observer states, and been highlighted. The "Shanghai forward by President Xi Jinping who 6 dialogue partners. Its economic Spirit" can be summarized as mutual takes the front line of the times, aggregate and total population trust, mutual benefit, equality, grasps the direction of human account for more than 20 percent and consultation, respect for diversity of progress and focuses on the common 40 percent of those of the world civilizations, and pursuit of common interests of all countries. As the SCO r e s p e c t i ve l y. I t s t a n d s a s a development. President Xi Jinping member states live side by side as comprehensive regional organization stressed at the Summit that the SCO neighbors with similar development that covers the largest area and enjoys strong vitality. This, in the final tasks and closely interlinked destiny, population in the world today. Heads analysis, is attributed to our adherence they should play a leading role in of state or government from 12 to the "Shanghai Spirit". The Qingdao building a community with a shared countries, and principals from 10 Declaration also reiterated that it is by future. At this Summit, all parties international organizations or following the "Shanghai Spirit" that established the common vision of a institutions gathered together in t h e S C O s t a n d s t h e t e s t o f community with a shared future for Qingdao. The registered foreign international vicissitudes and mankind in the Qingdao Declaration guests exceeded 2,000 people, and becomes an extremely important and and uttered the loudest voice of Chinese and foreign journalists who stable force for the cur rent sharing weal and woe and the same covered the Summit surpassed 3,000 international situation which is full of destiny of our times. This will not people. Under the host of President uncertainties. The "Shanghai Spirit" only be conducive to deepening the Xi Jinping, all state leaders of the big highly matches with the traditional mutually beneficial cooperation

News From China June 2018 21 SCO Qingdao Summit among the SCO member states and also the consistent theme of the SCO. young people, the Summit calls on injecting inexhaustible impetus into At the Qingdao Summit, all parties the vast young people to set up the the development of the SCO, but also agreed to strengthen cooperation in correct values, and consciously resist promote the common development various aspects for building a extreme thoughts, so as to contribute and prosperity of the region and the community with a shared future. To positive energy to regional peace and world at large. sum up, there are major achievements stability. in the following five aspects: Third, the SCO propositions on The third is that new impetus has global governance have been put The first is that there has been a been injected into economic forward. President Xi Jinping pointed new plan for the development of the cooperation. The Qingdao Summit out that we should adhere to the SCO. The scale of the big family of has adopted multiple practical outlook of global governance on the the SCO has become ever larger with cooperation documents with great basis of extensive consultation, joint more and more members, but significance and wide coverage, contribution and shared benefits, solidarity and mutual trust are the fine involving numerous fields including constantly reform and improve the traditions of the SCO. The Qingdao trade facilitation, food security and global governance system, and push Declaration reiterated that all parties customs cooperation, which is all countries to join hands in building a will further develop good-neighborly conducive to further promoting the community with a shared future for and friendly relations and turn mutual in-depth and practical development mankind. The Qingdao Declaration borders into borders of lasting peace of cooperation among various also emphasized that the SCO will and friendship. The Qingdao Summit countries. In particular, the Summit promote a more equitable and adopted the implementation outline announced the joint statement on balanced international order on the for the Treaty on Long-term Good- promoting trade facilitation, which b a s i s o f e q u a l , c o m m o n , Neighborliness, Friendship and calls for the maintenance of the comprehensive, cooperative and Cooperation of the SCO Member multilateral trade system with the sustainable security. This is the States in the coming five years, and r u l e s o f t h e Wo r l d Tr a d e political consensus reached by the put forward a series of major Organization as its core and the member states based on common cooperation measures, planning a building of an open world economy, needs, contributing the SCO wisdom roadmap for the development of the thus sending out the unanimous to the improvement of global SCO in the coming five years. voice of upholding multilateralism governance. Global governance is the and opposing protectionism. More common cause of all countries. The The second is that new measures and more countries have realized that SCO has the responsibility and have been put forward in security engaging in construction behind capability to play a constructive role in cooperation. The Qingdao Summit closed doors will not work, while this regard. I believe that as the SCO has ratified a three-year program of coordinated development is a general continues to develop and grow, it will cooperation to combat the "three trend. We are glad to see that the Belt surely become an important and forces" and other impor tant and Road Initiative has gained more active force in the process of global documents which focus on the major extensive support, and that new governance. threats that influence regional progress has constantly been made in security, and conform to the common the integration of the development II. Q: The Qingdao Summit demand of various parties. The strategies of various countries and adopted a series of cooperation documents are of important realistic regional cooperation initiatives. documents covering such multiple significance in that they have clear areas as politics, security, economy targets and are feasible. The Qingdao The fourth is that new outcomes and people-to-people and cultural Summit also adheres to a forward- have been made in people-to-people engagement. How do you evaluate the looking vision, pays attention to and cultural cooperation. The SCO achievements of this Summit? preventing extreme thoughts from pays high attention to environmental spreading, and has formulated protection problems. Leaders of the A: The original aspiration of the counter measures to this end. member states have jointly ratified SCO is to jointly strive for stability Through the joint message from the concept of environmental and promote development, which is heads of the SCO member states to protection cooperation, setting up the strategic goal of committing to

22 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit maintaining ecological balance and the SCO 17 years ago, systematically alignment of the development realizing green and sustainable mapped out the development of the strategies of various countries and development. In addition, various SCO in the future and made clear the build a new engine to achieve parties also agreed to continue general direction. c o m m o n d e v e l o p m e n t a n d carrying out productive cooperation prosperity, opening up broader space in culture, education, science and Xi Jinping stressed that the and prospects for the SCO to technology, health, tourism, youth, "Shanghai Spirit" is the soul and conduct mutually beneficial women, media, sports and other shared asset of the SCO, which cooperation. fields. should be adhered to and carried forward. We should, guided by the The above mentioned important The fifth is that a new situation "Shanghai Spirit", continue to work proposals put forward by President has been opened up for external together and cooperate sincerely to Xi Jinping completely match with the exchanges. The SCO has always p u s h t h e S C O , t h e n e w development requirements of the upheld the principle of openness, comprehensive organization, to be an SCO, the common interests of e q u a l i t y, i n c l u s i v e n e s s a n d example of regional cooperation. various countries in the world as well transparency in external exchanges. as the epochal trend of the Our friend circle has been constantly President Xi Jinping put forward development and progress of the expanded. This Summit was not only the outlooks on development, world, which will not only boost attended by principals sent by the UN security, cooperation, civilization and v i g o r o u s l y t h e S C O ' s o w n and other long-term cooperative global governance. The five outlooks development, but also be conducive partners, but also by the high summarized the basic concept of to promoting the peace and representatives from the Eurasian building a new type of international prosperity of the region and the Economic Union, the International relations, adding new epochal world at large. Monetary Fund and the World Bank connotation to the "Shanghai Spirit" for the first time. The SCO Secretariat and endowing the SCO with new After the Qingdao Summit, the also signed cooperation documents historical missions. SCO will embark on a new journey. with the UN Educational, Scientific Facing the new situation and new and Cultural Organization. These all President Xi Jinping called on all tasks, what issues should the SCO embody that the international parties to work closely to build an focus on? What measures will China community highly recognizes the SCO community with a shared future, take to advance the development of cooperation concepts of the SCO, move toward a new type of the SCO? and pays more and more attention to international relations, and build an the growing influence of the SCO. open, inclusive, clean and beautiful A: Just as President Xi Jinping world that enjoys lasting peace, mentioned in his speeches delivered III. Q: President Xi Jinping universal security, and common at the Qingdao Summit, the delivered important speeches at the prosperity. As agreed by all parties, development of the world today Qingdao Summit. We have noticed "the formation of a common vision faces both opportunities and that there are many new concepts in of building a community with a challenges. The road ahead, bumpy as his speeches. What kind of important shared future for mankind" was it may be, will lead to a promising influence will these new concepts and written into the Qingdao Declaration, future. This is the general situation propositions of President Xi Jinping becoming the most important and environment that the SCO faces exert on the future development of political consensus and goal that the in the future. We believe that to the SCO? eight SCO member states strive for. maintain the healthy and stable development of the SCO, we must A: At the SCO Qingdao Summit, President Xi Jinping also tangibly and well implement various President Xi Jinping delivered several suggested that the SCO should, in line consensuses reached by leaders of all important speeches, in which he with the principle of extensive countries at the SCO Qingdao comprehensively summarized the consultation, joint contribution and Summit. development progress and useful shared benefits, advance the "Belt and experience since the establishment of Road" construction, promote the First, we should stick to the

News From China June 2018 23 SCO Qingdao Summit development orientation of the SCO. cooperation potential in safeguarding announced a series of important At the beginning of its establishment, regional peace and stability, pursuing measures China has taken to support the SCO has established the principle common development and prosperity the SCO cooperation, including of "not targeting any countries and as well as promoting exchanges and o f f e r i n g t o t r a i n 2 , 0 0 0 l aw international organizations", and mutual learning among civilizations, enforcement officers for all parties formed a model of cooperation thus bringing more tangible security and providing 3,000 training featuring partnership instead of and development dividends to the opportunities of human resources alliance, and dialogue rather than people of all countries in the region. development in the next three years. confrontation. All member states China will set up an RMB 30 billion should continuously uphold the Third, we should promote the equivalent special lending facility "Shanghai Spirit", hold high the improvement of global governance. within the framework of the SCO banner of peace, development and The Qingdao Declaration put Inter-bank Consortium, set up a cooperation, seek no exclusionary forward that all member states China-SCO legal service committee, clubs, and have no geopolitical support the improvement of the and build a demonstration zone in calculations. We should actively global governance system and Qingdao for China-SCO local promote the building of a new type of support the UN to play a core role in economic and trade cooperation. international relations characterized this regard. The SCO, with 8 full These measures combine China's by mutual respect, fairness and justice members, 4 observer states and 6 advantages and are closely linked to and win-win cooperation, and join dialogue partners, can form a synergy the needs of all parties, which are force to build a community with a of 18 countries. If the SCO actively conducive to the development of the shared future for mankind. carries out communication and SCO and win widespread popularity. cooperation with the UN and other Second, we should focus on i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d r e g i o n a l "A good harvest depends on deepening practical cooperation. All organizations, it can contribute the hard work". The SCO is a new type member states should seize the period strength of the SCO to the of organization built upon advanced of development and opportunity in enrichment and improvement of the concepts. Today, the SCO starts again the next 5 to 10 years to further global governance system and to from China and sets sail again from cement the cooperation foundation advancing international order to Qingdao. China will, as always, work of the SCO, innovate ways of develop towards a more just and w i t h a l l m e m b e r s t a t e s t o cooperation, enrich the connotation reasonable direction. co mp reh en sively imp lemen t of cooperation, and ensure that outcomes of the Summit, so as to cooperation in three major pillar areas As a founding member state of make the SCO enjoy closer solidarity, of security, economy, and people-to- the SCO, China has always regarded more efficient cooperation, more people and cultural engagement to the SCO as one of its diplomatic energetic actions and brighter advance side by side, so as to let the priorities. During the Qingdao prospects. SCO release increasingly stronger Summit, President Xi Jinping QINGDAO SUMMIT USHERS IN NEW ERA FOR SCO Beijing, June 12 (Xinhua) — The In his speech at the summit, Xi spoke of the need to build up 1 8 t h S h a n g h a i C o o p e r a t i o n President Xi Jinping offered his strength of unity and mutual trust, Organization (SCO) summit has insights on development, security, strengthen the foundation for shared injected fresh impetus to the building cooperation, civilization, and global peace and security, build a powerful of an SCO community with a shared governance, enriching the Shanghai e n g i n e t o a c h i e ve c o m m o n future and ushered in a new era for Spirit and giving the SCO new historic development and prosperity, forge cooperation among member states. missions. closer ties through cultural and

24 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit people-to-people exchanges, and politics, security threats, unilateralism, up a 30-billion-yuan (4.7 billion U.S. expand partnership networks of and trade protectionism. dollars) equivalent special lending international cooperation. T he SCO is confident in facility within the framework of the These proposals are indeed in line addressing the problems as member SCO Inter-bank Consortium, and with the national conditions of the states deepen partnerships, prioritize support building a demonstration member states and the interests of cooperation on security, follow the area in Qingdao for China-SCO local their peoples. trend of economic globalization and economic and trade cooperation. The summit held in east China’s regional integration, enhance people- Today, the SCO stands as a port city of Qingdao marked the first to-people connectivity and mutual comprehensive regional cooperation gathering of leaders of all eight learning in culture, and expand organization that covers the largest member states since India and inter national exchang es and area and population in the world. Its Pakistan were admitted as full cooperation. member states, namely, China, India, members last year. In doing so, the SCO member Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, At the summit, member states states will be able to achieve lasting Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, stressed unity, coordination, and stability and common prosperity. account for about 20 percent of the common development. Concrete initiatives have been global economy and 40 percent of its T h e y m a d e “ b u i l d i n g a made at the two-day summit, with 23 population. community with a shared future for cooperative documents in diverse It has also become a significant humanity” a common concept in the fields signed, more than any previous organization in promoting world Qingdao Declaration. This move SCO summit. peace and development, and demonstrated their recognition of the China announced plans to train safeguarding fairness and justice in Chinese philosophy and firmly 2,000 law enforcement officers for all the world. upheld the building of an SCO parties in the next three years through Standing at a new historic community with a shared future. China National Institute for SCO starting point, the SCO will make At present, the world is faced with International Exchange and Judicial greater contributions to the lofty challenges such as hegemony, power Cooperation and other platforms, set cause of human progress. JOURNALISTS AT SCO QINGDAO SUMMIT

Journalists interview at the media center of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, June 8, 2018. The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit is held from June 9 to 10 in Qingdao, and has attracted many journalists from home and abroad to come here to report. (Xinhua/Yin Gang)

News From China June 2018 25 SCO Qingdao Summit

A journalist from Uzbekistan (1st R) interacts with a robot at the media center of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, June 8, 2018. The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit is held from June 9 to 10 in Qingdao, and has attracted many journalists from home and abroad to come here to report. (Xinhua/Li Ziheng)

A journalist from Pakistan receives an interview from Xinhua at the media center of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, June 8, 2018. The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit is held from June 9 to 10 in Qingdao, and has attracted many journalists from home and abroad to come here to report. (Xinhua/Li Ziheng)

26 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit

A journalist from China Media Group prepares for a live broadcast at the media center of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit is held from June 9 to 10 in Qingdao, and has attracted many journalists from home and abroad to come here to report. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

Smartphone photo taken on June 7, 2018 shows a journalist from India interviews a volunteer at the media center of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province. The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit is held from June 9 to 10 in Qingdao, and has attracted many journalists from home and abroad to come here to report. (Xinhua/Li Ziheng)


A lights and fireworks show takes place in Qingdao, the host city of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, in east China’s Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Xu Yu)

A lights and fireworks show takes place in Qingdao, the host city of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, in east China’s Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Zhang Cheng)

28 News From China June 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit

A lights and fireworks show takes place in Qingdao, the host city of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, in east China’s Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Li Ziheng)

A lights and fireworks show takes place in Qingdao, the host city of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, in east China’s Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Zhu Zheng)

News From China June 2018 29 SCO Qingdao Summit

A lights and fireworks show takes place in Qingdao, the host city of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, in east China’s Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Yan Yan)

A lights and fireworks show takes place in Qingdao, the host city of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, in east China’s Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

30 News From China June 2018 China India Relations


On June 9, 2018, President Xi important consensus. Both the two in Wuhan as a new starting point to Jinping met with Prime Minister countries and the international continuously enhance political Narendra Modi of India in Qingdao. community spoke positively of this mutual trust and comprehensively meeting. The positive atmosphere of carry out mutually beneficial Xi Jinping pointed out that more caring for and supporting the cooperation, so as to promote China- than one month ago, Mr. Prime development of China-India relations India relations for forward-looking Minister and I successfully held an is taking shape. China is willing to, development in a better, faster and informal meeting in Wuhan, reaching together with India, take the meeting steadier manner.

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Xi Jinping stressed that China and the first time. The Chinese side stands prosperity. The Indian side is ready to India have reaped quite a few early- ready to work with India and other promote bilateral relations for harvest outcomes in implementing member states to jointly carry forward constant and forward-looking the consensus reached at the meeting the “Shanghai Spirit” and promote development on the basis of the in Wuhan. The two sides should make the sound and stable development of informal meeting in Wuhan. As a new persistent efforts to speed up the the SCO. member, India stands ready to play an implementation, maintain strategic active role in the SCO, and supports communication, expand economic Narendra Modi expressed that China in successfully holding the and trade cooperation, promote the informal meeting between Qingdao Summit. people-to-people and cultural President Xi Jinping and him in exchanges and enhance coordination Wuhan not long ago was very After the meeting, Xi Jinping and and cooperation on international and successful and also very important, Narendra Modi jointly witnessed the regional affairs. which has further fir med his signing of relevant bilateral confidence in developing India-China cooperation documents. Xi Jinping welcomed India’s relations, and will certainly be a attendance at the meeting of the milestone in the history of the Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Council of Heads of State as a full relations between the two countries. Wang Yi and He Lifeng attended the m e m b e r o f t h e S h a n g h a i India-China cooperation is of great meeting. Cooperation Organization (SCO) for significance to world peace and WANG YI MEETS WITH EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINISTER SUSHMA SWARAJ OF INDIA On June 4, 2018 local time, State implementation of the consensus of b i l a t e r a l r e l a t i o n s a n d t h e Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang the leaders’ informal meeting, well fundamental interests of the two Yi met with External Affairs Minister plan high-level exchanges in the next peoples, and properly handle issues Sushma Swaraj of India on the stag e, push forward various and differences by putting them in an sidelines of the Formal Meeting of institutional arrangements between appropriate position of bilateral the BRICS Ministers of Foreign the two countries, and expand relations, so that the partial interests Affairs in South Africa. practical cooperation in all fields, in a would not influence the overall bid to bring more benefits to the two interests. Both sides should, in line Wang Yi expressed that the peoples. with the consensus reached by the informal meeting between President leaders of both countries, earnestly Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Wang Yi said that China and India safeguard the peace and tranquility in Narendra Modi in Wuhan in April was share extensive common interests, the border areas and avoid taking a complete success and had a far- and have far more consensus than actions that may complicate and reaching impact. The trust and differences. The cooperation between aggravate the situation. Facing the friendship established between the China and India will speed up the international situation that is full of leaders of the two countries have led common development of the two uncertainties, China and India, all sectors of society in China and countries, benefit the entire world, together with other parties, sent a I n d i a t o e n h a n c e m u t u a l and make contributions to the clear and consistent signal of understanding and deepen exchanges progress of human civilization. To adhering to multilateralism, opposing and cooperation in various fields. The this end, both sides should always protectionism and unilateralism, and two countries should speed up the proceed from the overall situation of safeguarding the purposes and

32 News From China June 2018 China India Relations

principles of the Charter of the achieving an unprecedented success. development of bilateral relations. United Nations at the just-concluded The meeting has charted the course India firmly adheres to the one-China Formal Meeting of the BRICS for the development of bilateral policy, and will properly handle Ministers of Foreign Affairs, which relations in the next stage, becoming Taiwan question, Xi Zang-related reflects the general aspiration of the an important milestone in bilateral issues and other issues concerning vast developing countries. China and relations. India is ready to work with the core interests of China. As the India should enhance coordination to China to well implement the two largest emerging markets and play constructive roles in promoting c o n s e n s u s o f t h e m e e t i n g. developing countries, India and the forward-looking development of Differences between India and China China share a common position in multilateral mechanisms such as are unavoidable, but they can be such aspects as maintaining the BRICS cooperation and the Shanghai resolved by adhering to dialogue and international political and economic Cooperation Organization. consultation as long as both sides o r d e r a n d p r o m o t i n g t h e have the willingness. The Indian side improvement of global governance. Sushma Swaraj noted that the thanks China’s assistance in such Both sides should further strengthen informal meeting of leaders of India aspects as Indian pilgrims’ trip to Xi coordination and cooperation within and China in Wuhan enhanced mutual Zang and providing hydrologic data, multilateral mechanisms, so as to trust between the two countries, and is willing to, together with China, make contributions to safeguarding deepened bilateral cooperation and make efforts to consolidate the public the common interests of developing improved each other’s comfort level, o p i n i o n f o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e countries.

News From China June 2018 33 China India Relations INDIA-CHINA COOPERATION TO BENEFIT ASIA, WORLD: MODI Singapore, June 1 (Xinhua) — populous countries, and among the progress. Indian Prime Minister Narendra fastest growing major economies. Modi on Friday hailed his country’s Our cooperation is expanding. Trade “I firmly believe that Asia and relationship with China, saying that is growing,” said Modi. the world will have a better future, cooperation between New Delhi and when India and China work together Beijing will benefit Asia and the He said the two countries have in trust and confidence, sensitive to world. displayed “maturity and wisdom” in each other’s interests,” he said. managing issues and ensuring a Modi made the remarks in his peaceful border. The Shangri-La Dialogue has keynote speech at the 17th Asia been held annually since 2002 in Security Summit, commonly known Modi said the informal summit Singapore, gathering military as the Shangri-la Dialogue, which between leaders of the two countries officials, diplomats and experts to opened Friday evening and runs till in April helped both sides cement the discuss regional security challenges Sunday. understanding that “strong and and cooperation prospects. stable” India-China relations are an “We’re the world’s two most important factor for global peace and CHINESE ENVOY TO INDIA PROPOSES “5 CS" TO PROMOTE SINO-INDIAN TIES

A seminar entitled “Beyond Wuhan: How Far and Fast Can China-India Relations Go” is held in New Delhi, India, on June 18, 2018. The China-India relations could be promoted with the help of “Five Cs” -communication, cooperation, contacts, coordination and control, Chinese Ambassador Luo Zhaohui said on Monday. (Xinhua/Zhang Naijie)

34 News From China June 2018 China India Relations

New Delhi, June 18 (Xinhua) — underlined the fact that the two management of bilateral differences, The China-India relations could be leaders have had one-on-one the ambassador said the two promoted with the help of “Five Cs” - meetings on different occasions countries as neighbors could not wish communication, cooperation, during the past four years. away differences. “We need to narrow contacts, coordination and control, differences through expanding Chinese Ambassador Luo Zhaohui On trade front, he said that China cooperation.” said on Monday. would like to negotiate a “regional trade arrangement” with India to The seminar was also addressed Speaking at a seminar - “Beyond expand trade relations. “We may by a number of former diplomats, Wuhan: How Far and Fast Can China encourage economic cooperation on academicians, educationists, scholars, India Relations Go,” the Chinese major projects such as new industrial journalists and business leaders from envoy said both sides needed to parks and high-speed railway,” he said. both countries. strengthen exchanges between senior officials of the government, military Proposing better people-to- Amitabh Kant, CEO of the and legislature, and give full play to the people contacts between the two Indian think tank National Institution existing mechanisms to enhance sides, the Chinese ambassador said, for Transforming India (NITI), said strategic communication and increase “We should give full play to the high- that it was high time that India and mutual understanding. level people-to-people and cultural China should not only work together exchange mechanism to enhance to address bilateral issues but strive to The seminar was organized to exchanges in the fields of movie, find solutions to the problems faced discuss the present scenario of Sino- sports, tourism, museum and youth.” by the world as a whole. Indian ties in the aftermath of an informal meeting between Chinese Advocating coordination on T h e s e m i n a r wa s j o i n t l y President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime international and regional issues, Luo organized by the Chinese embassy in Minister Narendra Modi in central said both countries needed to India with the Delhi-based Institute Chinese city of Wuhan in late April, enhance cooperation in platforms like of Chinese Studies (ICS), the followed by their meeting on the SCO, BRICS, G-20 and join hands to Federation of Indian Chambers of sidelines of the SCO Summit in tackle global challenges to forge Commerce and Industry (FICCI), China’s eastern port city of Qingdao global economic integration, free the Foreign Corres-pondents’ Club earlier this month. trade and multilateralism. of South Asia (FCC) and Indian Association of Foreign Affairs T he Chinese ambassador S u g g e s t i n g c o n t r o l a n d Correspondents (IAFAC). KEYNOTE SPEECH BY AMBASSADOR H.E. MR. LUO ZHAOHUI AT THE OPENING CEREMONY OF CHINA-INDIA RELATIONS SEMINAR (18 June 2018, The Imperial)

Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO of NITI Namaste and very good morning! Studies, FICCI, FCCSA and IAFAC. Aayog, Thank you all for participating and Ambassadors, Distinguished Guests, I’m delighted to join today’s supporting the event. Ladies and Gentlemen, seminar co-hosted by the Chinese Embassy, Institute of Chinese I just came back from Qingdao

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where President Xi Jinping and Prime In Qingdao, the two leaders India to reduce trade imbalance. A Minister Modiji held the bilateral agreed to hold the second round of new bilateral trade target has been set meeting on the sidelines of the SCO informal summit next year. This is the for 100 billion USD by 2022. India Summit on June 9th. This is their 14th most significant outcome of the agreed to facilitate the establishment meeting in last four years. Their meeting. of Bank of China branch office in d i s c u s s i o n f o c u s e d o n Mumbai. The two sides agreed to implementation of consensus The Chinese Defense Minister, share hydro-logical information reached during Wuhan informal Minister for Public Security will visit concerning cross-border rivers and summit 41 days before. India respectively and the Special enhance connectivity in the region Re presentatives’ Meeting on including the BCIM cooperation As new full members of SCO, Boundary Question will be held in projects. India and Pakistan both made their Beijing this year. contribution to the success of the The two sides decided to move SCO Qingdao Summit. Modiji The two foreign ministers will f o r wa r d ‘ C h i n a I n d i a P l u s ’ travelled to China twice within a soon co-chair the first meeting of cooperation in Afghanistan, starting very short time. We have also taken high-level people-to-people and from joint training program for note that Prime Minister Modiji cultural exchange mechanism this Afghan civil servants. made a speech at Shang ri-La year. Dialogue in Singapore which sent a D u r i n g t h e i r m e e t i n g i n p o s i t ive m e s s a g e. We r e a l l y China will import more sugar, Qingdao, President Xi once again appreciate that. non-Basmati rice and medicines from talked about Bollywood movie

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Dangal. He also mentioned two other multifaceted and complicated, calling China-India relations, namely movies, Baahubali 2 and Hindi for special care and attention. communication, cooperation, Medium which are being screened in contacts, coordination and control. China. He is a super fan of the From the perspective of Bollywood movies. domestic development, both First, Strategic Communication. countries are at the critical stage of T h e Q i n g d a o m e e t i n g i s economic development, deepening Change is the key word of our essentially the continuation of the r e f o r m , a n d a d v a n c i n g times. The World is changing, China Wuhan informal summit. In Wuhan, modernization. Socialism with and India are changing. In a changing the summit created a new model of Chinese Characteristics has entered a world, how to coexist with each engagement between the two leaders. new era. The Chinese people are other, how to look at respective It is of great significance and a pursuing the Chinese dream. In the development and how to judge milestone in the history of bilateral meantime, India puts forward a vision intentions of China and India, are key relations. of “New India”. We really need a issues that urgently call for the peaceful atmosphere. We should also strategic guidance from the leaders. Wuhan Summit enhanced the synergize the development strategies chemistry and friendship between the and share governance experiences. Besides the informal summits, two leaders. President Xi told the the two leaders agreed to maintain guest that he had only received foreign From the global perspective, in strategic communication in different leader twice outside Beijing over his recent years, the developing countries forms such as phone conversation, past five years of tenure and both represented by China and India have correspondence, and meetings. were for Modiji. The First was in Xi’an emerged as a group, contributing to Certainly they will meet again during in 2015. Wuhan was the second one. the ongoing “rise of the East” in the BRICS Summit in South Africa in Modiji was deeply touched. transforming world. Against the July and probably G20 Summit in backdrop of anti-globalization and Argentina in November. They spent 9 hours together over rising protectionism, China and India 7 events including 4 one-on-one as major emerging market economies, We need to strengthen exchanges meetings, besides walking and tea- are faced with the pressure of between senior officials of the tasting along the lakeside, boat ride established powers. As neighboring government, military and legislature and museum tour. major emerging countries, we should of our two countries. coordinate our positions and also Strategic communications, explore ways to be with each other. We should think about signing of meetings, heart-to-heart dialogues are Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and important. What’s equally important Friends, Friendly Cooperation. Around ten is to implement the consensus, years ago, we have already provided transmit leaders’ personal friendship Now I want to share with you the the draft to the Indian side. Under the down to the people, and take more fields of priority with 5Cs to promote SCO framework, we have such a concrete actions. treaty.

Friends, F r o m t h e g l o b a l Second, Economic Cooperation. Why China-India relations are so perspective, in recent important that the two leaders pay years, the developing Former Chinese Premier Zhu such attention to? Rongji once said, China has the best countries represented by hardware while India has the best From the bilateral perspective, we China and India have software. China and India working are neighbors that cannot be moved emerged as a group, together could become world’s best. away. We are the most populous and c o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e In the City of Linyi, northern part of largest developing countries. We have China, there is a software industry shared historic glory of friendly ongoing “rise of the East” park with more than 100 Indian interactions. We also have pending in the transforming world. engineers working there with their boundary issues. Our relations are so family members. They have their own

News From China June 2018 37 China India Relations temple, own restaurant and own Third, People-to-people contacts full member of the SCO. We hope community. that in the future China-India- Yunan Minzu University of Pakistan Leaders Meeting could be China is India’s largest trading China is the first University outside of held under the SCO framework. partner. Last year, the bilateral trade India to issue MA degrees for Yoga. volume reached 84.4 billion US In Dali University of Yunnan Fifth, Control and management dollars. More than 800 Chinese province, there are more than 540 of differences companies are investing and doing Indian students studying. There are business in India, creating over one more than 20000 Indian students India is our immediate neighbor. lakh job opportunities for India. studying in China. A 200-member It’s quite natural to have differences Indian youth delegation will visit with neighbors. We need to narrow China does not seek the trade China early next month. differences through expanding imbalance with India. In March this cooperation. However, it does not year, a trade delegation led by Chinese We should give full play to the mean that differences would be Commerce Minster Mr. Zhong Shan high-level people-to-people and ignored. We are talking about the purchased goods worthy of 2.4 billion cultural exchange mechanism to early harvest to give hope to US dollars in India. We encourage enhance exchanges in the fields of ourselves and to the outside world. more Indian companies to participate movie, sports, tourism, museum and We are talking about the CBMs along in the first China International Import youth. the border areas to prevent the Expo in Shanghai this November. But Doklam incident from happening surprisingly so far only four Indian We will continue to promote again. We could not imagine what companies have decided to participate religious exchanges, and arrange the would happen to the bilateral in the Expo. We call for the Indian pilgrims by Indian Yatris to Kailash relations if the Doklam issue government and the business circles Manasarovar in China’s Tibet. escalated last year. We could not stand to be more active in participating and another Doklam incident. to take more concrete actions to solve Four th, Coordination on the trade imbalance. international and regional issues The boundary question between our two countries was left over by We would also like to negotiate a In Wuhan, Modiji briefed history. We need to build on bilateral FTA with India to expand President Xi India’s Neighborhood convergence to find a mutual trade relations. We finished the First Policy and the concept of the acceptable solution through the feasibility studies around ten year ago. World as One. That’s quite similar Special Representatives’ Meeting We may encourage economic with President Xi’s “Neighborhood while adopting confidence building cooperation on major projects such as diplomacy as the highest priority”, measures to maintain the peace and new industrial parks and high-speed and the idea of “building a tranquility along the border. railways. A Chinese company has community of shared future for helped India finish the feasibility mankind”. Ladies and Gentlemen, study of the high speed rail from Delhi to Chennai. We proposed to the China-India relations have gone The China-India relations Indian side to start a pilot high speed beyond bilateral scope. We have broad belong to all of us. What’s most rail project from Delhi to Agra. converging interests and face important is to walk to the same common challenges in Asia and direction and make joint efforts to Connectivity cooperation is beyond. We need to enhance allow the Dragon and Elephant another highest priority. We are happy cooperation in SCO, BRICS, G20 and Dance while making One Plus One to speed up the cooperation among join hands to tackle global challenges Eleven. I wish everyone could the BCIM countries. At the end of to forge global economic integration, brainstorm, share insights and this month, the annual conference of free trade and multilateralism. We suggestions in panel discussions to AIIB will be held in Mumbai. India is should continue to push forward make today’s seminar a great success. the largest beneficiary country from “China India Plus” cooperation. AIIB. Thank you. India and Pakistan has become


On June 19th, Ambassador Luo Zhaohui met with the Minister of Commerce and Industry Mr. Suresh Prabhu and exchanged in-depth views on China-India relations and pushing bilateral practical cooperation in trade and commerce forward. Economic and Commercial Counsellor Li Baijun was present. AIIB MEETING KICKS OFF WITH FOCUS ON PRIVATE SECTOR INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE Mumbai, June 25 (Xinhua) — (AIIB) kicked off in India’s financial Infrastructure: Innovation and The third annual meeting of Asian hub Mumbai on Monday with the Collaboration.” Infrastructure Investment Bank theme “Mobilizing Finance for

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Over 3,000 delegates from over adopted by the Chinese government extremely delighted at the progress 80 members as well as varied in clearing hurdles for building that the Bank has made,” he said. multinational organizations are massive infrastructure across China. attending the two-day event, which “We must be innovative and we must The indian minister has also will see brainstorming sessions on be responsive to the needs of the lauded AIIB for its achievements in a how to mobilize finance for huge (local) people,” he said. short time-span of three years. infrastructure needs in developing countries in Asia and beyond. He also termed the Beijing-based “The Asian Infrastructure bank as a problem-solver in order to Investment bank has really matured Policy-makers, officials from forge a win-win partnership. “I in a short period of time, and is AIIB members, and participants from believe that we are not just financers, rapidly progressing to become one of partner organizations, private sector we are problem solver for the the most important infrastructure and civil society organizations will government, for the private sector,” financiers across the world,” said the share their insights on addressing the he said. minister, who is also on the board of huge infrastructure-deficit in a governors at AIIB. sustainable, environment and society- At a media-briefing during the friendly manner. event, AIIB Vice President Danny Various private companies and Alexander also enumerated priorities international agencies are showcasing At AIIB Governors’ seminar and lending norms of the AIIB. their latest solutions, advanced during the event on Monday, AIIB “Lean, clean and green is the way we technologies and other offerings in President Jin Liqun stressed the need work. We invest in sustainability and t h e a r e n a o f i n f r a s t r u c t u r e to increase the private-sector are guided by those priorities. Our d e v e l o p m e n t a t t h e I n d i a i nve s t m e n t i n f i n a n c i n g t h e bank is apolitical and all projects have Infrastructure Expo. infrastructure in developing countries to pass our test on sustainability and of Asia. environment,” he said. Among others, International Fund for Agricultural Development “We are trying to work with the He also said that AIIB would (IFAD), a UN agency headquartered private sector to do infrastructure consider investing in projects outside in Rome is also ready to join hands projects and investments in other Asia as long as they serve to benefit with AIIB in the area of rural- productive sectors so that we don’t Asian regions too. infrastructure in countries like India have to put pressure on the balance- This year, AIIB also launched an and China. sheet of the government,” said Jin. inaugural Asian Infrastructure Forum during the Mumbai meeting, drawing Alexander Boehm, IFAD’s H e c a l l e d u p o n a l l t h e investors from private companies representative and technical specialist governments in Asia in particular to around the globe. Speakers at the a t t h e G l o b a l E n g a g e m e n t clear hurdles in the way of private- forum called upon multinational Knowledge and Strategic Division, sector investment for building companies to follow public-private told Xinhua at the sidelines of the infrastructure. partnership model in order to build meeting that China and India share cross-country connectivity in Asia. the responsibility to lead new He also hoped that the private international institutions. sector will be more than willing to On the sidelines of the AIIB pour money into infrastructure meeting, an “India Infrastructure “Given their size, given their projects if government clears Expo 2018” was also organized by the market size and enormous potential, practical hurdles in the way of host country to highlight the it only makes sense to these countries investment. tremendous scope of building to be more active internationally,” he infrastructure in India. said, while highlighting the potential He said that AIIB wants to work scope in building rural-infrastructure as a bridge between private sector and While inaugurating the expo on in India and China as well as other governments. Sunday, India’s Finance Minister developing nations. Piyush Goyal welcomed AIIB guests Jin also shared the best practices from around the world. “We’re Indian Prime Minister Narendra

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Modi is scheduled to address the 23 projects worth 4.2 billion U.S. 1.9 billion U.S. dollars of fund to gathering on Tuesday. dollars, a significant increase from finance various projects in India has 2016. also been approved by the bank. During the annual AIIB meeting, 22 seminars focusing on building It was estimated that Asia’s While 75 percent of the bank’s infrastructure in Asia and beyond, infrastructure needs will be over 1.7 capital comes from Asia, some gender and infrastructure and finding trillion U.S. dollars per year till 2030. members from non-Asian regions ways to fund infrastructure are being like Europe, North America, and organized. India has emerged as the biggest East Africa, among others, have also beneficiary of the multilateral bank joined the bank. According to the latest AIIB with the country already garnering 1.2 annual report, the bank has financed billion U.S. dollars of funds. Another INDIA BECOMES AIIB’S LARGEST BORROWER: OFFICIAL New Delhi, June 25 (Xinhua) — The annual meeting will see Alexander said AIIB will India is the biggest borrower from the participation from 86 members. They consider investing in projects outside Asian Infrastructure Investment will deliberate on the strategies to Asia. Bank (AIIB), getting its projects mobilize financing for infrastructure financed to the extent of 4.4. billion in the region. “So far, AIIB has only invested U.S. dollars in the past three years, in one solar power project in Egypt,” Subhash Chandra Garg, the country’s AIIB’s Vice President and he was quoted as saying in the secretary at the Department of Corporate Secretary Sir Danny statement. Economic Affairs, said in an official Alexander said that the bank is statement. apolitical and all projects have to pass While 75 percent of the capital is the bank’s test on sustainability and from Asia, several non-Asian regions AIIB’s third annual meeting environment. like Europe, North America, some begins in India’s financial capital in East African and Latin American Mumbai on Monday. The two-day “Lean, clean and green is the way countries have also joined the bank as annual meeting of the bank focuses we work. We invest in sustainability members. on infrastructure with the theme of and are guided by those priorities,” he “innovation and collaboration”. added. XIZANG RECEIVES OFFICIALLY- ORGANIZED INDIAN PILGRIMS Lhasa, June 20 (Xinhua) — The pilgrims will travel to Mapam Yumco pilgrimage. I’m here to find Nathu La Pass in southwest China’s Lake and Mount Kangrinboqe, both something,” he said. Xizang Autonomous Region on sacred Hindu and Buddhist sites in Wednesday welcomed the first group Xizang’s Ali Prefecture. This year, the pass is expected to of officially-organized pilgrims from see about 500 officially-organized India this year. Anuj Gupta made the journey pilgrims from India who will make with his 66-year-old mother. “This is the 2,874-km pilgrimage, according In the following 12 days, the 38 her dream, and mine too. This is a holy to Yang Zhigang, deputy director of

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42 News From China June 2018 China India Relations the office of foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs in Xigaze City.

“The pilgrims will be provided with room and board, as well as medicines and other help in their journey,” Yang said.

The Nathu La Pass sits over 4,000 meters above sea level and is wedged between Xizang’s Yadong County in Xigaze Prefecture, and India’s Sikkim State. It is the shortest land pass for trade between China and India, and also the highest altitude land pass for trade.

In 2015, the pass started to receive officially-organized Indian pilgrims. The pilgrims traditionally China-India-Nepal border, to reach So far, 509 such pilgrims entered climbed over Qang La Pass, which is their destination. The road is steep Xizang through the pass. 5,200 meters above sea level on the and usually covered by snow.

News From China June 2018 43 China India Relations YUNNAN CELEBRATES INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY

Kunming, June 22 (Xinhua) — Some 300 people gathered for an event marking the third anniversary of the founding of the India-China Yoga College (ICYC) at Yunnan Minzu University in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, to celebrate the 4th International Yoga Day.

According to ICYC executive director Fang Zhen, the three-month event comprises a series of activities, including advanced yoga workshops, yoga lectures and a Yunnan province yoga competition.

At the event’s opening ceremony, The ICYC was jointly founded in The institution has taken the lead Sailas Thangal, India’s Consul June 2015 by Yunnan Minzu in formal yoga schooling for degrees General in Guangzhou, awarded University and the Indian Council for in China, and is the country’s only licences to practice yoga to five ICYC Cultural Relations, and is the world’s institution to offer postgraduate subsidiaries in Shanghai, Beijing, first yoga institute set up outside programs in yoga. Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Xi’an. India.

44 News From China June 2018 External Affairs


On June 22-23, 2018,Chinese Work Relating to Foreign Affairs held guidance of the thought on President Xi Jinping, also general in Beijing. diplomacy of socialism with Chinese secretary of the Central Committee characteristics for a new era. of the Communist Party of China Chinese President Xi Jinping has (CPC) and chairman of the Central called for efforts to break new ground In an address at the Central Military Commission, delivers an in major country diplomacy with Conference on Work Relating to address at the Central Conference on Chinese characteristics, with the Foreign Affairs held in Beijing on

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Friday and Saturday, Xi, who is also CPC Central Committee; Zhao Leji, on diplomacy of socialism with general secretary of the Central member of the Standing Committee Chinese characteristics for a new Committee of the Communist Party of the Political Bureau and Secretary era,” said Xi. of China (CPC) and chairman of the of the Central Commission for Central Military Commission, Discipline Inspection of the CPC He highlighted major aspects of underscored the importance of Central Committee; Han Zheng, the thought: keeping in mind both internal and member of the Standing Committee international imperatives, focusing on of the Political Bureau of the CPC - Uphold the authority of the r e a l i z i n g C h i n e s e n a t i o n ’s Central Committee and Vice Premier CPC Central Committee as the rejuvenation and promoting human of the State Council; and Vice overarching principle and strengthen progress, and making contributions to President Wang Qishan. the centralized, unified leadership of the building of a community with a the Party on external work; shared future for humanity. Xi said since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, facing - Advance major countr y He also urged the efforts to with the vicissitudes of the d i p l o m a c y w i t h C h i n e s e firmly safeguard China’s sovereignty, international situation, China has characteristics to fulfill the mission security and development interests, overcome difficulties to push forward of realizing national rejuvenation; take an active part in leading the major country diplomacy with reform of the global governance C h i n e s e ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s i n a - Take preserving world peace system, and build a more complete groundbreaking way under the strong and pursuing common development network of global partnerships, so leadership of the CPC Central as the purpose to promote the that new advances will be made in Committee, having withstood various building of a community with a major country diplomacy with challenges, cracked hard nuts and shared future for humanity; Chinese characteristics to create a made achievements of historic favorable environment for, and make significance. - Enhance strategic confidence due contributions to, building a with the socialism with Chinese moderately prosperous society and a Through these practices, China characteristics as the support; great modern socialist country in all has accumulated useful experience aspects. and came to the conclusion that - Forge ahead the Belt and Road conducting external work requires construction in the principle of The conference was presided taking into account both domestic achieving shared growth through over by Li Keqiang, member of the and inter national situations, discussion and collaboration; Standing Committee of the Political maintaining strategic confidence and B u r e a u o f t h e C P C C e n t r a l resolve, putting forward innovations - Follow the path of peaceful Committee and Premier of the State in diplomatic theory and practice, development on the basis of mutual Council. Attending the conference promoting strategic planning, respect and win-win cooperation; were: Li Zhanshu, member of the advancing diplomatic agenda globally, Standing Committee of the Political safeguarding China’s core and major - Develop global partnerships B u r e a u o f t h e C P C C e n t r a l interests, upholding win-win while advancing diplomatic agenda; Committee and Chairman of the cooperation and justice while Standing Committee of the National pursuing shared interests, and - Lead the reform of the global People’s Congress; Wang Yang, thinking about worst-case scenarios governance system with the concept member of the Standing Committee and risks. of fairness and justice; of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of “We have kept a firm hold of the - Take national core interests as the National Committee of the development trend of China and the the bottom line to safeguard China’s C h i n e s e P e o p l e ’s P o l i t i c a l world in the new era since the 18th s o v e r e i g n t y, s e c u r i t y a n d Consultative Conference; Wang CPC National Congress and made a development interests; Huning, member of the Standing series of important innovations on Committee of the Political Bureau external work in theories and - Nurture a distinctive style of and member of the Secretariat of the practices, thus forming the thought Chinese diplomacy by combining the

46 News From China June 2018 External Affairs fine tradition of external work and the changes in a century, said Xi, adding process to realize the second is characteristics of times. that the two aspects are intertwined expected to begin, with a series of and interacted. significant moments and events in “ We s h o u l d t h o r o u g h l y the period, he said. implement the thought on diplomacy He stressed that China enjoys o f s o c i a l i s m w i t h C h i n e s e many favorable external conditions to The flag of a community with a characteristics for a new era, carry out work related to foreign shared future for humanity should be continuously facilitate a favorable affairs at present and in the years to upheld to help make the global external environment for realizing the come. governance system fairer and more C h i n e s e D r e a m o f n a t i o n a l reasonable, and the construction of rejuvenation and promoting the the Belt and Road should be building of a community with a Calling the period between the solidified and deepened to elevate the shared future for humanity,” said Xi. 19th and the 20th CPC National country’s opening up to a new level, Congress “a historical juncture for Xi continued. He pointed out that in order to realizing the two centenary goals of have a correct assessment of China,” Xi said the period is of great He also highlighted furthering international situation, an accurate significance in the historical progress the country’s foreign relations, understanding of history, the overall of the great rejuvenation of the including those with major powers, situation and China’s role and position Chinese nation. n e i g h b o r i n g c o u n t r i e s a n d in the world pattern should be developing countries. formed. Throughout the human history, the development of the world has Xi noted that diplomacy Xi suggested to not only observe a l w a y s b e e n t h e r e s u l t o f represents the will of the state, and the current international situation, contradictions intertwining and the diplomatic power must stay with but also review the past, summarize interacting with each other, he the CPC Central Committee, while historical laws, and look forward to continued. the external work is a systematic the future to better understand the project. trend of history. Xi then called for in-depth analysis of the law of how the He thus asked political parties, As for the accurate understanding international situation changes when the government, the people’s of overall situation, Xi underlined not the world comes into its transitional congresses, the Chinese People’s only the observation of phenomena period, and the accurate grasp of the Political Consultative Conference, and details, but also a dee p basic characteristics of the external the military, local authorities and the appreciation of the essence and environment China is facing at this public to improve their coordination overall situation, in order not to get historical juncture, in order to better and make their own contributions, so lost in complex and changing plan and facilitate the country’s work as to form a new situation of the international situation. on foreign affairs. external work under the overall leadership of the Party that He also asked to have a clear Xi stressed that the country’s coordinates all sides, and ensure that understanding of China’s status and external work should be based on the the foreign policies and strategies of role in the evolving world pattern, and overall plan of the CPC Central the CPC Central Committee are formulate principles and policies of Committee, and should further implemented. China’s external work in a scientific improve its layout and highlight its way, through cool-headed analysis of priorities. Stressing that cadres are the international phenomena and China’s decisive factor after setting the relation with the rest of the world. The external work should focus political course, Xi called for a strong on the key points in time of the Party contingent of foreign affairs China has been in the best period and the country’s work to break new personnel that are loyal to the CPC, of development since modern times, grounds, as in the next five years, the the country and the people and are while the world is undergoing the country’s first centenary goal is politically solid, professionally most profound and unprecedented expected to be realized, and the competent and strongly disciplined in

News From China June 2018 47 External Affairs their conduct. conference, Li Keqiang said General Affairs Commission of the CPC Secretary Xi Jinping’s important Central Committee, said that the He called on foreign affairs address comprehensively summed up most important outcome of this cadres to enhance ideal and belief the historic achievements China has conference is that it established the education so as to upgrade their scored on foreign affairs since the guiding position of Xi Jinping competency and overall quality, and 18th CPC National Congress and thought on diplomacy. he also called for improving the living kept a firm hold on the development conditions of personnel stationed trend of China and the world from Xi Jinping thought on diplomacy abroad so as to iron out their concerns the overall situation of the cause of is an important part of Xi Jinping and worries. the Party and the country. Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, said Xi stressed that the reform on the Li said Xi’s address indicated the Yang. institutions and mechanisms clear direction for the work on foreign concerning foreign affairs is the affairs in the new era and provided It is a major theoretical internal demand of advancing fundamental guidance. achievement in the thoughts on state m o d e r n i z a t i o n i n t h e s t a t e governance in the area of diplomacy governance system and governance He called for a thorough by the CPC Central Committee with capabilities. u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d f u l l Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and a implementation of the address and fundamental guideline for China’s He called for implementing the Xi Jinping thought on diplomacy of external work in the new era, Yang reform on the institutions and s o c i a l i s m w i t h C h i n e s e said. mechanisms concerning foreign characteristics for a new era in order affairs under the decision of the to promote the work on foreign “We should integ rate our central Par ty leadership and affairs on all fronts. t h o u g h t s a n d a c t i o n s i n t o enhancing the party-building in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s institutions abroad so as to form a While delivering concluding important address and Xi Jinping management mechanism catering to remarks at the conference, Yang thought on diplomacy, and make the requirements of the new era. Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau new advances in China’s external of the CPC Central Committee and work,” he said. W hen presiding over the director of the Office of the Foreign XI JINPING MEETS WITH FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES ATTENDING A SPECIAL SESSION OF ROUND-TABLE SUMMIT OF GLOBAL CEO COUNCIL On June 21, 2018, Chinese Focusing on the summit’s theme Xi said the companies had President Xi Jinping met with of opening up, cooperation and p a r t i c i p a t e d i n , w i t n e s s e d , executives of a number of famous mutual benefit, Xi and the executives contributed to and benefited from multinational companies, who are in exchanged views on topics ranging the reform and opening-up drive of Beijing to attend a special session of from the Belt and Road Initiative, China over the past four decades, the round-table summit of the Global innovation and smart manufacturing, during which the country sustained CEO Council at the Diaoyutai State to green development and global rapid economic growth and helped Guesthouse in Beijing. governance. more than 700 million of its people

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shake off poverty, according to UN “People should car r y out “It is not a solo performance of standards. cooperation to help each other and China but a chorus of countries face challenges together, while along the route,” he said. “We Looking forward to the future, pursuing a win-win situation. encourage multinational companies China had more confidence in reform to cooperate with Chinese companies and opening up, and more belief that “The international community is to achieve mutual benefits and realize opening up can be a key move for a global village and should not engage more substantial results.” China’s development, he said. in zero-sum games. The future of the world should be decided by all H e e m p h a s i z e d t h a t a s Since 2017, the global economy countries, with international rules innovation and development had had seen steady and positive written by all, global affairs jointly b e c o m e m o r e p o p u l a r, a n d development. However, Xi said world governed by all, and development innovation-driven development economic growth was still weak, as progress shared by all. China is willing strategies advanced, the pace of trade protectionism, isolationism and to work with other countries to build a China’s technological innovation had populism continued to rise, and the community with a shared future for become more steady. challenges to world peace and humanity,” said the Chinese development were getting more president. “We always regard meeting the severe. people’s aspirations for a better life as He pointed out that the Belt and the starting point and final objective “In the new situation, opening up Road Initiative, which has greatly of technological innovation,” he said. should never stop and quality of the tapped potentials and benefited the opening up should be pursued,” Xi people since it was launched five years On green development, Xi said said. ago, is not exclusive, but open and the modernization China is building inclusive. is the one of harmonious coexistence

News From China June 2018 49 External Affairs between human and nature. deepening reform. They said the rest of the world should increase their understanding He stressed that China would “Over the past 40 years, China’s of the Chinese culture and the impose the strictest rules and laws to economic development has been governing of the Communist Party protect the eco-environment in order achieved thanks to opening up. In the of China. to leave a sustainable environment to future, China’s high-quality economic future generations. development must be pursued with They said they appreciated even greater opening up,” he said. C h i n a ’s f i r m s u p p o r t f o r X i s a i d t h a t e c o n o m i c globalization and its opposition to globalization had made important “China’s door to the outside trade protectionism, as economic contributions to world economic world will open even wider, rather globalization was an irreversible development, and had become an than being closed,” he said. “China trend. irreversible trend. will continue to greatly ease market “China will follow the principle access, create a more favorable The executives agreed that of achieving shared growth through environment for investors, strengthen multinational corporations enjoy a discussion and collaboration in the protection of intellectual property constantly expanding space for engaging in global governance, rights and expand imports to create a development in China. continue to play a responsible role as a m o r e r e l a x e d a n d o r d e r l y major country, actively participate in environment for domestic and T h e y s a i d C h i n a h a d the reform and construction of global foreign entrepreneurs to invest and demonstrated its leading role in governance systems, and inject start businesses in China.” building a community with a shared impetus into the refor m and f u t u r e f o r h u m a n i t y w i t h optimization of global governance,” The entrepreneurs attending the contributions such as pushing to he said. meeting spoke highly of China’s reach the Paris agreement on climate r e f o r m a n d o p e n i n g - u p change. Xi called on the international achievements, and said they community to “take the road of appreciated China’s contribution to T h e y s a i d t r a n s n a t i o n a l reform, opening up, innovation and world economic growth. companies were willing to participate development, and not to go backward in the Belt and Road Initiative and t o i s o l a t i o n , i n f l e x i b i l i t y, They stressed that multinational expand exchange and cooperation protectionism and unilateralism.” corporations were pleased to be part with China in many areas to achieve of the reform process of China over greater development and grow with He stressed that foreign capital the past 40 years, as they had benefited the Chinese economy. had played an active and important from the long-term growth of China r o l e i n C h i n a ’s e c o n o m i c while making their own contribution Liu He,Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi,He development and the process of to China’s development. Lifeng attended the meeting. XI JINPING MEETS WITH NEPAL’S PRIME MINISTER K.P. SHARMA OLI On June 20,2018, Xi Jinping are friendly neighbors sharing weal Xi said China appreciates Nepal’s meets with Nepal’s Prime Minister and woe,” Xi said. “Since the firm adherence to the one-China K.P. Sharma Oli at the Great Hall of establishment of diplomatic ties policy and will, as always, support the People in Beijing. between China and Nepal, the two Nepal’s efforts to safeguard national countries have always carried out independence, sovereignty and Xi made the remarks while mutually beneficial cooperation on territorial integrity and support meeting with Nepal’s Prime Minister the basis of the ‘Five Principles of Nepal’s independent choice of social K.P. Sharma Oli.”China and Nepal Peaceful Coexistence.’” system and development path suited

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to its national conditions. consolidate the political foundation cooperation on law enforcement of their relations. capacity-building, so that the two He expressed hope that Nepal countries could jointly fight against would achieve its development goals China is willing to work with transnational crimes and safeguard at an early date. Nepal to build an all-round and their common security. mutually beneficial pattern for China-Nepal relations are facing cooperation, Xi said. “China and Nepal should new opportunities for development, strengthen communication and said the president, noting that the two He said the two sides should coordination on major international sides should maintain close high-level strengthen cultural exchanges and issues,” Xi said. exchanges, strengthen strategic create new highlights in Sino- communications, continue to adhere Nepalese humanities cooperation to Oli said Nepal and China to the Five Principles of Peaceful build a solid foundation for bilateral enjoyed a time-honored friendship C o e x i s t e n c e , r e s p e c t a n d friendship. and their relationship served as a accommodate each other’s core model for relations between i n t e r e s t s a n d c o n c e r n s, a n d He also called for strengthened countries with different systems and

News From China June 2018 51 External Affairs sizes. He thanked China for its support new situation, Oli said, adding the to Nepal’s national transformation Nepalese side highly values President N e p a l a d m i r e s C h i n a ’s and development, saying that Nepal Xi’s proposition on building a development achievements and firmly adheres to the one-China community of shared future for highly appraises China’s important policy and will never allow any forces mankind and is willing to actively and positive role in international to engage in any anti-China activities participate in the Belt and Road a f f a i r s a s w e l l a s C h i n a ’s on Nepalese territory. construction. neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and Nepal is willing to expand Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi,He Lifeng inclusiveness, Oli said. cooperation with China under the attended the meeting. XI JINPING, KIM JONG UN HOLD TALKS IN BEIJING

On June 19,2018, Xi Jinping, Un, chairman of the Workers’ Party Tuesday. general secretary of the Central of Korea (WPK) and chairman of the Committee of the Communist Party State Affairs Commission of the The two leaders had a candid and of China (CPC) and Chinese Democratic People’s Republic of in-depth exchange of views on the president, held talks with Kim Jong Korea (DPRK), in Beijing on current development of China-

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DPRK relations and the situation on realizing the denuclearization of the relations between the two parties and the Korean Peninsula. Korean Peninsula and establishing a the two countries, and opened a new lasting peace mechanism on the chapter in the development of They agreed to safeguard, Peninsula. China-DPRK relations. consolidate and develop China- DPRK relations, and jointly push “China speaks highly of the “The CPC and the Chinese forward the sound momentum of summit,” Xi said. government attach great importance peace and stability of the Korean to China-DPRK friendly cooperative Peninsula to make a positive Comrade Chairman’s visit to ties,” Xi said. contribution to safeguarding world China showed the great importance and regional peace, stability, h e a t t a ch e s t o t h e s t r a t e g i c “ N o m a t t e r h o w t h e prosperity and development. communication between the two international and regional situations parties and two countries, Xi said, change, the firm stance of the CPC Xi said that China was pleased to expressing his appreciation to Kim. and the Chinese government on see the important summit between consolidating and developing the Comrade Chair man and U.S. Xi stressed that he and Kim had relations with the DPRK remains P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Tr u m p i n met three times in less than three unchanged, the Chinese people’s Singapore achieve principled months, which pointed out the friendship with the DPRK people consensus and positive results in direction for the development of the remains unchanged, and China’s

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support for the socialist DPRK anniversary of China’s reform and the focus to economic construction, remains unchanged,” he said. opening-up policy. Xi said that since and the development of the DPRK’s the reform and opening-up, the socialist cause has entered a new stage Xi voiced his willingness to work Chinese people have been courageous in history,” Xi said, adding that China with Kim to continue implementing to carr y out self-refor m and supports the DPRK’s economic the important consensus reached by innovation, on the basis of the development, the improvement of both sides, and promoting the long- national conditions and having the p e o p l e ’s l ive l i h o o d , a n d i t s term development of China-DPRK whole world in view, and have development path that accords with relations in a healthy and stable way, to explored a development path suitable its national conditions. benefit the two countries and the two for China’s national conditions. peoples. Kim said he was very happy to “We are happy to see that the meet with General Secretary Xi This year marks the 40th DPRK made a major decision to shift Jinping again in a short period of

54 News From China June 2018 External Affairs time. He stressed China is DPRK’s constructive role to this end, Xi said. Central Committee; Chinese Vice great friendly neighbor, and Comrade President Wang Qishan; Ding General Secretary Xi Jinping is a great Kim said the DPRK-U.S. summit Xuexiang, member of the Political leader who is greatly respected and had achieved positive results in line Bureau of the CPC Central trusted by the DPRK people. with the interests of concerned C o m m i t t e e, m e m b e r o f t h e parties and the expectations of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Kim said he appreciated the international community. Committee and director of the sincere friendship of and valuable General Office of the CPC Central support from Comrade General “If the two sides can implement Committee; Yang Jiechi, member of Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC, the the consensus of the summit step by the Political Bureau of the CPC Chinese government, and the Chinese step solidly, the denuclearization of the Central Committee and director of people, to himself, the WPK, the Korean Peninsula will open up a new the Office of the Foreign Affairs DPRK government, and the DPRK and important prospect,” Kim said. Commission of the CPC Central people. Committee; Guo Shengkun, member He said the DPRK greatly of the Political Bureau of the CPC “I will guide all WPK members appreciated China’s important role in Central Committee, member of the and the DPRK people to earnestly promoting denuclearization of the Secretariat of the CPC Central implement the important consensus Peninsula as well as in maintaining Committee and head of the reached by Comrade General peace and stability on the Peninsula. Commission for Political and Legal Secretary and me, to lift the Affairs of the CPC Central unbreakable DPRK-China relations “The DPRK side hopes to work Committee; Huang Kunming, to a new level,” Kim said. with China and other concerned member of the Political Bureau of parties to promote the establishment the CPC Central Committee, Xi said for a period of time, with of a lasting and solid peace member of the Secretariat of the joint efforts of parties concerned, the mechanism on the Korean Peninsula, CPC Central Committee and head of Korean Peninsula issue had been put and make joint efforts to achieve the Publicity Department of the CPC back on the right track of seeking lasting peace on the Peninsula,” Kim Central Committee; Cai Qi, member settlement through dialogue and said. of the Political Bureau of the CPC consultation, and the situation on the Central Committee and secretary of Peninsula was developing towards Before the talks, Xi held a t h e C P C B e i j i n g M u n i c i p a l peace and stability. welcome ceremony for Kim at the Committee; and State Councilor and North Hall of the Great Hall of the Foreign Minister Wang Yi. “Comrade Chairman has made People. positive efforts for realizing Choe Ryong Hae, vice-chairman denuclearization and maintaining After the talks, Xi and his wife of the WPK Central Committee; Pak peace on the Peninsula,” Xi said. Peng Liyuan held a welcome banquet Pong Ju, DPRK premier; Ri Su Yong, for Kim and his wife Ri Sol Ju, and vice-chairman of the WPK Central On the recent DPRK-U.S. watched an art performance together. Committee and director of the summit, Xi said it marked an International Department; Kim important step forward in the political Related activities were also Yong Chol, vice-chairman of the WPK Central Committee and settlement of the Korean Peninsula attended by Li Keqiang, Chinese director of the United Front nuclear issue. He called on the two premier and member of the Standing Department; Pak Thae Song, vice- sides to implement the outcomes of Committee of the Political Bureau of chairman of the WPK Central the summit, and parties concerned to the CPC Central Committee; Wang Committee and Minister for Science make concerted efforts to advance the Huning, member of the Standing and Education; No Kwang-chol, peace process. Committee of the Political Bureau of Minister of People’s Armed Forces; the CPC Central Committee and and Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho, China will continue to play a member of the Secretariat of the CPC attended related activities.


On June 9, 2018, President Xi the first meeting of heads of state of results at the current stage. As China, Jinping held the fourth meeting of China, Russia and Mongolia more Russia and Mongolia are neighboring heads of state of China, Russia and than three years ago, the three countries and traditional strategic Mongolia with President Vladimir countries have, centering on the partners to each other, the three Putin of Russia and President mainline of the integration of the countries enjoy natural advantages Khaltmaa Battulga of Mongolia in “Belt and Road” construction of a n d a so un d fo un d a ti o n o f Qingdao. Xi Jinping chaired the China, development strategies of conducting cooperation. Today, meeting. The three heads of state Russia, especially the construction of against the backdrop of economic comprehensively summarized the the grand Eurasian passage, and globalization and regional economic progress and results of the trilateral M o n g o l i a ’s “ P r a i r i e R o a d integration, the three parties should cooperation, and jointly mapped out Development” initiative, relied on the make concerted efforts to blaze a the priority tasks and direction for the geographical advantage of being universally beneficial trail featuring next stage. neighboring countries to each other mutual benefit and win-win results to advance and deepen cooperation and integrated development to forge Xi Jinping pointed out that since gradually, which has achieved fruitful an example of cooperation between

56 News From China June 2018 External Affairs neighboring countries. economic corridor construction, and customs and tourism to facilitate actively discuss cooperation in such trade and personnel exchanges. The Xi Jinping stressed that, in the areas as infrastructure connectivity, as three sides should conduct people- next period, China, Russia and well as promote the sub-regional to-people and cultural exchanges in a Mongolia should deepen political cooperation in the neighboring more intensified manner. m u t u a l t r u s t a n d s t r a t e g i c regions of the three countries. The coordination, enhance mutual three countries should expand Khaltmaa Battulga expressed support, respect each other’s core coordination and cooperation within that developing friendly cooperation interests, accommodate each other’s the framework of the Shanghai with China and Russia, the two m a j o r c o n c e r n s, s t r e n g t h e n Cooperation Organization (SCO), everlasting neighboring countries, is coordination and cooperation in and elevate the level of Mongolia’s the top priority of Mongolia. international and regional affairs, and relations with the SCO. Mongolia is Mongolia is willing to make joint well grasp the general direction of the welcome to participate in the SCO efforts with China and Russia to trilateral cooperation from the cooperation in a more in-depth implement the consensus of the political perspective. The three manner. trilateral cooperation, launch the countries should, with the promotion construction of the Mongolia- of key cooperation programs as the Vladimir Putin expressed that it is China-Russia Economic Corridor as locomotive, guide comprehensive very important for Russia, China and soon as possible, as well as propel cooperation. The three countries Mongolia to deepen cooperation. He cooperation in infrastructure, energy s h o u l d , c e n t e r i n g o n t h e is very glad to see the trilateral transportation and other areas. implementation of the Planning cooperation being advanced steadily. Outline of the Construction of the Russia agrees to strengthen the Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, China-Mongolia-Russia Economic trilateral cooperation in areas such as Wang Yi, He Lifeng and others Corridor, focus on promoting the transportation, infrastructure, attended the meeting. XI JINPING HOLDS TALKS WITH PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN OF RUSSIA

On June 8, 2018, President Xi congratulated Vladimir Putin on his shared future for mankind. China is Jinping held talks with President beginning of the new presidential willing to make joint and consistent Vladimir Putin of Russia at the Great term and praised Vladimir Putin for efforts with Russia to consolidate Hall of the People. The two heads of choosing China as the first country to mutual trust at a high level, expand state jointly agreed to uphold the visit in his new term. Xi Jinping cooperation in various fields, deepen concept of everlasting friendship and pointed out that China-Russia people-to-people and cultural the spirit of strategic coordination, comprehensive strategic partnership exchanges and mutual learning, and expand and deepen cooperation of coordination is mature, stable and intensify international coordination in various fields so as to promote firm. No matter how the international and cooperation, pass on the concept China-Russia relations to achieve situation changes, China and Russia of everlasting friendship between greater development at a high level in have always firmly supported each China and Russia from generation to the new era. Member of the Standing other in maintaining core interests, generation, and constantly enrich the Committee of the Political Bureau of conducted in-depth cooperation in s t r a t e g i c c o n n o t a t i o n o f the Central Committee of the various fields, and jointly participated coordination between the two Communist Party of China and Vice in global governance in an active countries, in a bid to promote China- Premier Han Zheng attended the manner, playing the role as the anchor Russia relations to advance and talks. in promoting the building of a new renew with each passing day, and type of international relations and the benefit the people of the two X i J i n p i n g o n c e a g a i n building of a community with a countries.

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Xi Jinping stressed that under the Xi Jinping pointed out that as SCO. joint efforts of both sides, China- permanent members of the United Russia cooperation in various fields at Nations (UN) Security Council, China Vladimir Putin said that present has maintained a strong and Russia firmly uphold the d e e p e n i n g R u s s i a - C h i n a momentum, and the integration of international order and international comprehensive strategic partnership interests has been constantly system with the purposes and of coordination is the priority of deepened. The docking between the principles of the UN Charter as the Russia’s diplomacy. Both Russia and “Belt and Road” construction and the core, advocate democracy in China accommodate each other’s Eurasian Economic Union has international relations, promote the core interests and major concerns, achieved important early harvests. process of the political settlement of actively promote dialogue and The two sides should earnestly study hotspot issues, and continue to play an cooperation in various fields new ideas and new measures for active role in safeguarding world including politics, economy and cooperation in various fields and peace and international strategic people-to-people and cultural translate the advantages of bilateral stability. China is willing to work e n g a g e m e n t , a n d i n t e n s i f y high-level political relations into more together with all member states of the communication and coordination in practical cooperation achievements. Shanghai Cooperation Organization international affairs. Bilateral Both sides should strengthen people- (SCO), including Russia, to take the relations have reached the best level to-people and cultural cooperation Qingdao Summit as an opportunity to in history and become a model of between the two countries and further carry forward the “Shanghai country-to-country relations in the enhance the friendship between the Spirit” and ensure the continued, world today, which has played an two peoples. healthy and stable development of the important role in safeguarding

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News From China June 2018 59 External Affairs international peace, security and countries, and the G20. China and the Russian Federation, stability. Russia is willing to strengthen witnessed the signing of multiple cooperation with China in economy, The two heads of state listened to bilateral cooperation documents and trade, investment, energy and the reports of the principals of the jointly met with Chinese and foreign infrastructure. Russia appreciates cooperation committees in various journalists. China’s efforts as the SCO presidency fields between both countries and the in promoting cooperation among the foreign ministers of the two countries, Prior to the talks, Xi Jinping held member states, and supports China in and exchanged in-depth views on a welcoming ceremony for Vladimir successfully hosting the Qingdao issues of common concern including Putin at the square outside the East Summit. Russia stands ready to the situation on the Korean Peninsula Gate of the Great Hall of the People. i n t e n s i f y c o o r d i n a t i o n a n d and the Iranian nuclear issue. Han Zheng, Ding Xuexiang, Wang cooperation between the two sides in Chen, Sun Chunlan, Yang Jiechi, Hu international and regional affairs and After the talks, the two heads of Chunhua, Wang Yi, Liu Qibao, He within the multilateral frameworks state jointly signed the Joint Statement Lifeng and others attended the including the UN, the BRICS Between the People’s Republic of ceremony. LI KEQIANG HOLDS TALKS WITH NEPAL’S PRIME MINISTER K.P. SHARMA OLI

60 News From China June 2018 External Affairs

On June 21 ,2018,Chinese China is willing to work with countries uphold the Five Principles Premier Li Keqiang held talks with Nepal to build an interconnectivity of Peaceful Coexistence and respect Nepal’s Prime Minister K.P. Sharma network across the Himalayas each other’s core interests and major Oli at the Great Hall of the People in through the projects in ports, railways, concerns. Beijing. h i g h w a y s , a v i a t i o n a n d communications, he said. Nepal firmly adheres to the one- Li said China and Nepal are good China policy and will never allow friends and partners linked by Li called on the two sides to make anti-China activities on Nepalese soil, mountains and rivers. use of their complementary advantages Oli said. to cooperate more in economy and Since the establishment of trade, production capacity, investment The Nepalese side admires diplomatic ties between the two and agricultural products. China’s positive role in international countries, China and Nepal have political and economic affairs, and developed friendly cooperative ties on Li said China supports its appreciates China’s neighborhood the basis of the Five Principles of companies in investing in Nepal, and diplomacy of amity, sincerity, mutual Peaceful Coexistence, Li said. hopes the two sides start FTA benefit and inclusiveness and China’s negotiations as early as possible. concept of building a community China is willing to make joint with a shared future for humanity, Oli efforts with Nepal to inject new Both China and Nepal advocate said. impetus into bilateral ties and safeguarding multilateralism and free cooperation, he said. trade, Li said, calling on the two sides Nepal is willing to enhance to use multilateralism to maintain the cooperation with China in ports, The development of bilateral ties stability of the international order. roads, railways and communications, is not only beneficial to both sides, but and increase communication and also to regional peace, stability and China is willing to communicate coordination in regional and prosperity, Li said. and coordinate more with Nepal in international affairs, he said. the United Nations, the Shanghai China appreciates Nepal’s firm Cooperation Organization, the South Prior to the talks, Li held a adherence to the one-China policy, Asian Association for Regional welcome ceremony for Oli. respects Nepal’s independent choice Cooperation and other multilateral of social system and development organizations to safeguard common After the talks, they jointly path, and supports Nepal in interests, Li said. witnessed the signing of documents s a f e g u a r d i n g i t s n a t i o n a l concerning bilateral cooperation in independence, sovereignty and Oli said Nepal and China enjoy politics, transport, infrastructure, legitimate rights and interests, he said. long-term close relations, and both industrial capacity and technology. LI KEQIANG HOLDS TALKS WITH PRIME MINISTER OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA PETER O’NEILL On June 21, 2018, Chinese Both Premier Li Keqiang and future. Premier Li Keqiang holds talks with visiting Prime Minister of Papua New Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill have expressed While holding talks with Prime Guinea Peter O’Neill in Beijing. the willingness to cooperate more Minister O’Neill in the Great Hall of between the two countries in the the People in Beijing Thursday,

News From China June 2018 61 External Affairs

Premier Li said the relations between infrastructure, and industrial capacity. the two countries have maintained Papua New Guinea is willing to stable development in recent years, China supports Papua New work with China to expand bilateral and become an example for relations Guinea’s hosting of the APEC trade and investment, have more between China and the island meeting this year and is willing to cooperation in the projects in natural countries in the Pacific Ocean. cooperate and coordinate more in the gas, industrial parks, community multilateral mechanism such as the colleges, and cooperate more in fields “China appreciates Papua New United Nations, APEC, and the such as tourism and have more Guinea’s firm adherence to the one- Pacific Islands Forum and in dealing people-to-people exchanges, said China policy and will, as always, with the climate change issue to O’Neill, who also thanked China for support Papua New Guinea’s safeguard the common interests of its good support for his country’s independent choice of development developing countries, Li said. hosting of the APEC meeting 2018. path suited to its national conditions,” said Li, stressing that China is willing O’Neill said relations between After the talks, they jointly to link the Belt and Road Initiative Papua New Guinea and China have witnessed the signing of documents w i t h P a p u a N e w G u i n e a ’s continued a strong momentum of concerning bilateral cooperation. development strategies to make use development since the two countries of their complementary advantages established diplomatic ties, and the O’Neill also laid a wreath at the and create more opportunities for governments of the two countries, Monument to the People’s Heroes at cooperation in economy and trade, the two peoples have maintained the Tian’anmen Square in Beijing investment, energy, resources, friendly ties. Thursday.


On the afternoon of June 8, 2018, side is willing to strengthen the rapid development of economic and Premier Li Keqiang met at the Great integration between the “Belt and trade cooperation as well as constant Hall of the People with President Road” initiative and the Eurasian expansion of cooperation in other Vladimir Putin of Russia, who was in E c o n o m i c U n i o n , c o n t i n u e new areas. The Russian side stands China for a and attendance at expanding the scale of bilateral trade, ready to, together with the Chinese t h e S h a n g h a i C o o p e r a t i o n steadily promote oil, gas and other side, strengthen the alignment of Organization (SCO) Qingdao Summit. energy cooperation projects, discuss development strategies, continuously Li Keqiang expressed that China stretching the cooperative industrial advance practical cooperation in a n d Ru s s i a a r e t h e b i g g e s t chain, and enhance cooperation in various fields, intensify people-to- neighboring countries to each other. such fields as science and technology, people and cultural exchanges, and The healthy and stable development aviation and finance, in a bid to elevate better coordinate and cooperate of bilateral relations is of important China-Russia comprehensive under the SCO and other multilateral significance to both countries and the strategic partnership of coordination mechanisms, so as to assist bilateral world. President Xi Jinping met with to new stages. relations and cooperation in Mr. President again, injecting new Vladimir Putin expressed that at achieving more outcomes. impetus into the development of present, Russia-China relations have Wang Yi and He Lifeng attended China-Russia relations. The Chinese been running at a high level, with the the meeting.

News From China June 2018 63 Culture & Life


People take part in a dragon boat race to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival at Nanhu Park in Huaibei City, east China’s Anhui Province, June 18, 2018. Dragon boat race is a traditional event for the Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, or June 18 this year. (Xinhua/Wan Shanchao)

People take part in a dragon boat race to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in Nantong City, east China’s Jiangsu Province, June 18, 2018. Dragon boat race is a traditional event for the Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, or June 18 this year. (Xinhua/Jiang Jianhua)

64 News From China June 2018 Culture & Life

People take part in a dragon boat race to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in Zaozhuang, east China’s Shandong Province, June 18, 2018. Dragon boat race is a traditional event for the Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, or June 18 this year. (Xinhua/Gao Qimin) LOTUS FLOWERS IN BLOOM IN HENGYANG, CHINA

A dragonfly rests on a lotus flower bud at Nanhu Park in Hengyang, central China’s Hunan Province, June 21, 2018. (Xinhua/Cao Zhengping)

News From China June 2018 65 Culture & Life

A honeybee hovers over a lotus flower at Nanhu Park in Hengyang, central China’s Hunan Province, June 21, 2018. (Xinhua/Cao Zhengping) PEOPLE MAKE ZONGZI TO GREET UPCOMING DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL ACROSS CHINA

People pick leaves to make Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, to greet the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival in forest of Zhangjiajie City, central China’s Hunan Province, June 11, 2018. (Xinhua/Wu Yongbing)

66 News From China June 2018 Culture & Life

A resident makes Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, to greet the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival in Zhangjiajie City, central China’s Hunan Province, June 11, 2018. (Xinhua/Wu Yongbing)

Residents take part in a competition of making Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, to greet the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival in Chongqing, southwest China, June 11, 2018. (Xinhua/Yang Min)

News From China June 2018 67 Xizang Today


The intangible cultural heritage on the list of fifth batch of regional- publicity materials, the exhibition perfor mances and exhibition level intangible cultural heritage by the a i m s t o f u l l y p r e s e n t t h e officially organized by the Culture people’s government of Xizang achievements made in recent years in Department of Xizang Autonomous Autonomous Region. At present, conserving intangible cultural Region is held in Xizang Buddhist there are a total of 460 items of heritages in the Region, helping College, Lhasa, Capital City of regional-level intangible cultural people from all walks of life realize China’s Xizang on June 9th. heritages on the list. and understand the colorful cultural heritage of the region and improve It is known that recently, 137 Through dancing and singing the public awareness of protecting items have been officially approved performances, display boards and cultural heritages.

68 News From China June 2018 Xizang Today

News From China June 2018 69 Xizang Today CHANGE OF A PEMA TIBETAN VILLAGE 66-year-old Banchennu, an elderly woman from a Pema Tibetan village, was selling felt caps (traditional hats of the Pema people) for 200 yuan (30.8 US dollars) per hat at the entrance to the village, while in the stall next to hers, 23-year-old Tian Chao was helping her family sell their homemade magnolia-vine wine.

Business was good, as their village was crowded with tourists, and they are both able to use skilled Chinese to introduce their products to visitors.

Pema Tibetan is also known as the Pema people, with about 20,000 in population inhabiting in the deep mountains of Tielou Township, Wen County, Gansu Province. Some also Tourism Festival was held locally from converted into guesthouses for live in Sichuan Province, and they are June 14 to 18. Entering Pema people’s tourists. The village also has their known as one of the oldest tribes in village, the old homes on either side own driving club. Asia. of the road have been turned into shops selling “chigezhou” masks Several meters away from the Banchennu’s family lives in (traditional Pema dance masks) or Pema River next to the village is the Rugong Mountain Village in Tielou locally brewed rice wine. Many of the forest. During the tourism festival, Township. She is the fifth generation rooms on second floors have been villagers perform scenes of their daily inheritor of the felt cap making handicraft in her family. She learned the craft when she was young, and in the past, she would just make a few for family and friends.

“Now we often get orders over the phone, I make them at home, and people come to pick them up,” Banchennu said.

“Times have changed. Before, young people wanted to leave the mountains, and they don’t like wearing ethnic clothes. Now, they would wish to have several sets of ethnic clothes, and the felt hats are also be in big demand,” she said.

The Pema Folk Culture and

70 News From China June 2018 Xizang Today life by the banks of the river, such as Pema marriage customs, sowing with two cattle, stomping roofs, singing mountain songs, and collecting firewood. At night villagers and tourists join hands and dance around a bonfire, dancing until late into the night.

“Recently, the guesthouse on the second floor has been full, and the restaurant is going well. It uses all local vegetables, smoked meat, and other local flavors,” Zhou Minghui, a villager from Caoheba Village said.

He turned his family home into a guesthouse, adding tables and chairs in the courtyard to give people a rural homestay experience. His wife cooked the food, and he greeted the guests. Relatives who came to help many people who work outside are of Wen County, since 2018, rural dressed in Pema clothing singing and gradually returning today. Opening a tourism has brought more than offering toasts to the guests while they guesthouse can earn up to two or 200,000 tourists, with tourism ate, the atmosphere was very lively. three hundred thousand yuan per year income reaching 81.45 million yuan at most. (12.54 million US dollars), increasing Zhou Minghui said that people’s by 21.8 percent and 23.6 percent dream here was once to go out. But, According to Zhang Lixin, head respectively. BEAUTIFUL SCENERY OF LHASA, XIZANG

The weather of Lhasa in June is fine for sightseeing. Photos taken on June 5th show a picturesque area of Lhasa, China’s Xizang.

News From China June 2018 71 Xizang Today

The weather of Lhasa in June is fine for sightseeing. Photos taken on June 5th show a picturesque area of Lhasa, China’s Xizang. TASHI DHUNDRUP: MANAGER AND DANCER

Performance of The Spirit of the Hornbill.

72 News From China June 2018 Xizang Today

In May in Douyu Village, Douyu He has been able to share this style of assigned to a 250-square meter two- Lhoba Township in Lhunze County, dance with people outside his story building. With only four people L h o k a C i t y i n t h e X i z a n g hometown, helping more and more in the family, Tashi Dhundrup felt Autonomous Region, a large area of people understand the unique ethnic that the empty space in the house was highland barley has already emerged culture of the Lhoba people, which being wasted, so he opened a family from the ground and the peach and has made him very happy. guesthouse. There are now some apple trees have already turned green. road workers who stay at the This is the only Lhoba-inhabited area Tashi Dhundrup began dancing guesthouse. in Lhoka City. There are a total of 66 Lhoba dance when he was 15 years households and 254 people here, of old, and his love for the dance has In addition to an annual income which 53 households and 215 are never diminished. In the eyes of his of more than 30,000 yuan (4,668 US ethnic Lhoba. Here, the traditional son, he is an idol. For Tashi dollars) earned from the guesthouse, culture of the Lhoba people is Dhundrup, watching his son grow up Tashi Dhundrup operates a small inherited and innovated. is a great care and comfort. Another shop that sells daily goods and is also interest is how his small businesses a small restaurant, where villagers A performance of Lhoba original can profit. Not only is Tashi come to sit in small groups. Tashi dance called The Spirit of the Dhundrup a dancer, he is also the Dhundr up is responsible for Hornbill is being performed on the owner of a family guesthouse, shop, c o l l e c t i n g c a s h a n d s e l l i n g village’s square. Carrying a long knife and restaurant. In 2014, Douyu merchandise, while his wife is and dancing with heroic spirit is Tashi Lhoba Township invested a large responsible for making food in the Dhundrup, who became the lead amount of funds into improving kitchen. d a n c e r w h e n t h e d a n c e i s infrastructure in the areas of choreographed in 2014. He went on transportation, irrigation works, and For Tashi Dhundrup, the most to perform with the dance troupe at communications. The township also enjoyable thing is dancing Lhoba the Yarlong Cultural Festival in Lhoka built the Douyu Lhonba Township dance and singing with fellow city and at the 2015 Xizangan New Ecological Civilization Model Village, villagers in the village square during Year Gala, which inspired him greatly. and Tashi Dhundrup’s family was summer. Under the green trees, the

Tashi Dhundrup makes change for a customer inside his shop.

News From China June 2018 73 Book Review rhythm of the music is lively, and the crowd of dancers moves gracefully and laughs.

“Now the country’s policies are good. We don’t need to spend money to send children to school, and can get more than 30,000 yuan subsidies from the government each year. There is also a portion of income that comes from collecting cordyceps, growing highland barley, potatoes, and oilseed rape gives us enough to eat for the year. Now that our income is high, our lives are getting better, and there is nothing to worry about. My only wish is that our children will be able to study well at school and g r ow u p t o m a ke t h e i r ow n contributions to the country,” Tashi Dhundrup said. Tashi Dhundrup’s wife cook noodles for a guest in the kitchen.

Xi Jinping - The Governance of China-II

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held in 2012, the Central Committee with Xi Jinping as general secretary has led the whole party and the people of China in the drive to realize the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. In pursuit of these goals the country has upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics, advanced the Five- point Strategy and the Four-pronged Strategy in a coordinated and integrated manner, and achieved historic progress in reform and opening up and socialist modernization. We have braved new challenges, blazed new trails, resolved long- standing and complex problems, realized long sought objectives, championed the causes of the CPC and the country, and brought Chinese socialism to the threshold of a new era.

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