DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR TO ACCOMPANY MAP I-1661 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE CHELAN 30-MINUTE BY 60-MINUTE QUADRANGLE, WASHINGTON By R. W. Tabor, V. A. Frizzell, Jr., J. T. Whetten, R. B. Waitt, D. A. Swanson, G. R. Byerly, D. B. Booth, M. J. Hetherington, and R. E. Zartman INTRODUCTION Bedrock of the Chelan 1:100,000 quadrangle displays a long and varied geologic history (fig. 1). Pioneer geologic work in the quadrangle began with Bailey Willis (1887, 1903) and I. C. Russell (1893, 1900). A. C. Waters (1930, 1932, 1938) made the first definitive geologic studies in the area (fig. 2). He mapped and described the metamorphic rocks and the lavas of the Columbia River Basalt Group in the vicinity of Chelan as well as the arkoses within the Chiwaukum graben (fig. 1). B. M. Page (1939a, b) detailed much of the structure and petrology of the metamorphic and igneous rocks in the Chiwaukum Mountains, further described the arkoses, and, for the first time, defined the alpine glacial stages in the area. C. L. Willis (1950, 1953) was the first to recognize the Chiwaukum graben, one of the more significant structural features of the region. The pre-Tertiary schists and gneisses are continuous with rocks to the north included in the Skagit Metamorphic Suite of Misch (1966, p. 102-103). Peter Misch and his students established a framework of North Cascade metamorphic geology which underlies much of our construct, especially in the western part of the quadrangle. Our work began in 1975 and was essentially completed in 1980.
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