(Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-12-18
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~ V 01 owan I KS! Servin~ The State Universitl/ of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit!1 Estabhshed In l86S-Ten Cents a Copy A oclated Press tea ed Wtre and WtrephOt/l ' United Pres Iowa elly. Iow a. TbUi'Sday, Diffmber 11. 1 - • I ouse " eat or I~awksLeave Snow Land InSunnyCalilornia l R~ommend Probe I , ~ ,Of Election Fraud Fans Greet Over 500 See Team Off W lJI ' T N ( P) - A HOll t? rommilt r('('(1 mm<'lld. :New Rocket ed 3-2 Wedne'Sda, th tOr. 0 Ie Alford, Lilt I Rod : \ ~re· ~ At Cedar Rapids Airport gntionisl, be d nL hi II u tnt ) ar unlil an in fo Put Man Iowa Team \'t' tigation i. mode of hi 1.'1 11 n. By JIM DAVIES By JO MOORE Iford, writ · in (. ndjdatl'. dl.'featcd Ih(' \ C' I('rll n R p. Stll" Wrltor Editor Brook IJa~ ' ( D-Ark ) b) aooul J.200 \'ot('~ a(ttOr ;l ('amp ,l i~ Into Space PASADENA - The SUI Coolball that had hoe or the Lltll Rock WASHINGTON IA'I - An inlen- team arrived in Pasadena Wednes school Int gration probl m Hay sive American program designed day. Temperatures were in the I lOOk what hl' called a modl>r te ISS Income to put a man into space was re- high 70's and the band was play· tand on th integration I u . , vealed Wednesday night by the na- ing "We're From Ioway." The ian in, the majority r port caU· tion's civilian space agency. Us Hawkeyes were then entertained in, (or on Inve tlgation wer R~ .. name: Project Mercury. and inlroduced to fan s at a recep· K nnt'th B. K atln IR-N,Y I, All· Time High Mercury also would be the nick- tion at the Huntington Hotel, of Da\'1 S. Dennl n Jr. IR·Ohlo l name of the £irst American hurled ficial headquarters Cor the Iowa into space, several years from team during the West Coast stay. Tilt' oth r two m mbers, chair· now at the earliest. said T. Keith Football team and wives and m n CliHord Davl ID·T M .l and G1ennan, chief of the National Aer- coaching staCC and wives and the Rep. Robert E. Jone Jr. 10· onautics and Space Administration. ofCicial party fl ew to CaliCornia on Ala .l. iened a d nline r port. Fllr More Thrust two DC-7 Mainliners arriving at The minority I'E'port by the The National Aeronautics and the Burbank Airport, 1:50 p.m., southern raid th re Wll no Space Administration (NASA ) gave Pacific time. r a. on to adopt the "hlahly un· a CaliCornia firm the job of de- The group was imm diately u ual" procedure of <wnyin, a S('lIt veloping a huge engine designed. taken to the Huntington Hotel Ito the appar t winn r o( th el c· NASA said, "to deliver far more where a Pasadena Oily College tion when he already had be n thrust lhan any other rocket now band complele with twirlers wel c rtifit>d by tilt" Stat of Arkan a .. comed them. The band played the in existence." Iowa Fighl song. but as smiling I Davi nnd Jont' sold the major- NASA selected Rocketdyne, a Iowans shook their heads, the ity r port was unjulti(l d In call· division of North American Avia crowd broke into the Iowa Corn Ing for "a departur (rom tilt' Ion Bye, Hello, California tobll. hed and w II recoanlzed tion, Inc., Canoga Park. Calif.. to Song. Iowa I Officials from the Tournament of proc dur " und r whIch Alford THE IOWA TEAM II~ wlvu .p.rted from CedlirRepidl .t f:30 •.m. Wednesday .e.,.I", overcoatl design and dev~lop an engine with Roses welcomed the Iowa Hawk· would be aled. up to 1If.! million pounds of thrust. eyes in the Huntington Ballroom i" bel_ freed", temperlltur", They ilrrlved lit Burb.nk, C.Iif., II few hour. later In .,rln,·lIke Tilt' Hou e i f will "PerCormance flighl rating tests and several of the o Cficia I Iowa we.thor. The toll'" then he.deJ for Pnoden. for. reception by the Tourn.m.... of Rosa. Committee. whether Alford shall be or the engine will be based on un party spoke, including SUI Presi The majority committee r port dent Hancber. Prof. Robert Ray, m~llned vehicle applications," the Id that vld nce prt> nled l' . and Dr. George Easton. SUI Ath· tabll bed a prlma locle case 01 announcement said, "but it may letic Director Paul Brechler intro West Europe (raud and lrreaularity In thf con- eventually propel manned satel· duced head football coach Forest duct of th lection. Iit~s and space craft." Evashevski, who in turn introduc AUord s Id t Lilli Rock th t Such an engine could launch ed each player by name and posi " (urther action will be taken in tion. To Arm With .pace.. JNI"" •• ' ~intf JI@\'erai my behalf imm'CIlately." H did The queen. of the Tournament oC nol specl(y what action or by tons. The thrust of rockets already Roses, a Pasadena City College Iwhom . developed by the Soviet Union has freshman, and her court reigned TOKYO 1.4'! - Mao T -tung'S re tirement a Pr Id nt oC Red Bays had told the committee ., not been announced, but they over the reception and gave each China raist'd hopes among anti-Communi t Asians that the Peipln& ('arlit'r In the dl'l Y lllt're was a claim to have shot up a 4,850- player an orange. PARIS (uPIl- The foreiin min. regime Is cracking. But mo t Western diplomat expected no chnn, c que tion of fraud In th e\ lion pound object to a height of,,132 Coach Forest Evashevski held a ers. islers of the 15 NATO nations reo in Pei ping policy. and lhat it should be Inv lIiat d. miles. press conference Wednesday night, One of the ~tewardesses, Pam solved Wednesday night to push a * * SUI Council Asks Put Object Put Mars but had little to say about the Powrie of SpringCield. Ill., attended bold 5.year plan for arming their . The Ch in Communi I party IH saJd that since h wa not Selection of Rocketdyne to de· Iowa team except "it is going to SUI (or several years. She said that alliance with latest nuclear mis· * Central Committ ~, In a cor fully cont tin, the election there would But Moo be no question of per~nallt l s. At For Student Ideas velop a rocket which would propel be a tough game." There will be she had been chosen especially for siles to meet growing Communist worded communiqu br akin, the take, h saId, was the integrity a heavier object much farther - two practices tomorrow - one in the Rose Bowl night. threats in Europe. At Jan. 7 Meet perhaps to Mars or Venus-came the morning, one in the aCternoon Arter a 45 minute delay due to new to the 600 million Chine or I ctlon . soon after the Air Force success· _ including a picture taking ses- engine trouble, the ' planes £jnally The NATO Council adopted the Still Head on th mainland, empha It.ed Th committee acted upon com· All SUI tuck-nts with complaint , fully fired two Thor ballistic mis _sion_ al________ 1 p.m. ___leCl___ at 9:50_ and___ 10:20 ____a .m. _ Johnresolution Foster after Dulles Secretary, DeJense of Secre-State W dn day that Moo i still the plaint 01 John F. Wells. LitH uage tlon or id a which th y boa . Rock w kly newspaper publisher, siles, almost simultaneously, from tary Neil H. McElroy, and NATO's would 11k to pr nt to Stud nl Of Party The U.S. State Deparlm nt ~ who ellar,ed tbere w r numcro Council will have an opporlumly both the ALlantic and Pacific Gen . Lauris Norstad warned that I coasts. SUI Student Rhodes Candidate Russia would take advantage of By THOMAS P. WHITNEY Brili h Far Ea t exper w r I'" election Irregularitl , a eonsplr· to do SO at th Council's Jan. 7 meetin" Judy Clark, A3 , Cedar The more significant of the tests any relaxation of the Western AP Forei," NO.1 AMly.t clin !!d to accept thi s vi w. They I acy by Arkansa Gov. Orval E . DES MOINES IA'J - A SUI stu thony Preus oC Fergus Falls, Minn., noled that the 65-year-old Brchl- Faubus and olhers to un at Hay Fall , Stud nl Council vlce·presl was Crom Vandenburg Air Force guard. Base, Cali£" where one of the 50- dent and a recent graduate of Lu who was graduated last year from The key fact in the po ilion of tecL of the Chinese Communist and that tick rs used by Alrord d nt. said Wedn day nlghl. tQn weapons was hurtled 1,500 ther College were selected Wed· Luther College. • Moro Divllionl Mao T e-tung is that although he revolution Is till relaining hi all- voters to indicate their write.1n Jan. 7 was h dul d a an im Norstad, supreme Allied com- is going to step down as head of pow rful J'ob a party 1 ader. choice were iIleaal. miles across the Pacific under nesday as Iowa's two candidates Andrews is a nationally ranked mander in Europe, was reported the Governm nl he will remain portanl plannlne Ie Ion by th combat-type conditions - a clear [or Rhodes Scholarships.