(Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-12-18

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-12-18 ~ V 01 owan I KS! Servin~ The State Universitl/ of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit!1 Estabhshed In l86S-Ten Cents a Copy A oclated Press tea ed Wtre and WtrephOt/l ' United Pres Iowa elly. Iow a. TbUi'Sday, Diffmber 11. 1 - • I ouse " eat or I~awksLeave Snow Land InSunnyCalilornia l R~ommend Probe I , ~ ,Of Election Fraud Fans Greet Over 500 See Team Off W lJI ' T N ( P) - A HOll t? rommilt r('('(1 mm<'lld. :New Rocket ed 3-2 Wedne'Sda, th tOr. 0 Ie Alford, Lilt I Rod : \ ~re· ~ At Cedar Rapids Airport gntionisl, be d nL hi II u tnt ) ar unlil an in­ fo Put Man Iowa Team \'t' tigation i. mode of hi 1.'1 11 n. By JIM DAVIES By JO MOORE Iford, writ · in (. ndjdatl'. dl.'featcd Ih(' \ C' I('rll n R p. Stll" Wrltor Editor Brook IJa~ ' ( D-Ark ) b) aooul J.200 \'ot('~ a(ttOr ;l ('amp ,l i~ Into Space PASADENA - The SUI Coolball that had hoe or the Lltll Rock WASHINGTON IA'I - An inlen- team arrived in Pasadena Wednes­ school Int gration probl m Hay sive American program designed day. Temperatures were in the I lOOk what hl' called a modl>r te ISS Income to put a man into space was re- high 70's and the band was play· tand on th integration I u . , vealed Wednesday night by the na- ing "We're From Ioway." The ian in, the majority r port caU· tion's civilian space agency. Us Hawkeyes were then entertained in, (or on Inve tlgation wer R~ .. name: Project Mercury. and inlroduced to fan s at a recep· K nnt'th B. K atln IR-N,Y I, All· Time High Mercury also would be the nick- tion at the Huntington Hotel, of­ Da\'1 S. Dennl n Jr. IR·Ohlo l name of the £irst American hurled ficial headquarters Cor the Iowa into space, several years from team during the West Coast stay. Tilt' oth r two m mbers, chair· now at the earliest. said T. Keith Football team and wives and m n CliHord Davl ID·T M .l and G1ennan, chief of the National Aer- coaching staCC and wives and the Rep. Robert E. Jone Jr. 10· onautics and Space Administration. ofCicial party fl ew to CaliCornia on Ala .l. iened a d nline r port. Fllr More Thrust two DC-7 Mainliners arriving at The minority I'E'port by the The National Aeronautics and the Burbank Airport, 1:50 p.m., southern raid th re Wll no Space Administration (NASA ) gave Pacific time. r a. on to adopt the "hlahly un· a CaliCornia firm the job of de- The group was imm diately u ual" procedure of <wnyin, a S('lIt veloping a huge engine designed. taken to the Huntington Hotel Ito the appar t winn r o( th el c· NASA said, "to deliver far more where a Pasadena Oily College tion when he already had be n thrust lhan any other rocket now band complele with twirlers wel­ c rtifit>d by tilt" Stat of Arkan a .. comed them. The band played the in existence." Iowa Fighl song. but as smiling I Davi nnd Jont' sold the major- NASA selected Rocketdyne, a Iowans shook their heads, the ity r port was unjulti(l d In call· division of North American Avia­ crowd broke into the Iowa Corn Ing for "a departur (rom tilt' Ion Bye, Hello, California tobll. hed and w II recoanlzed tion, Inc., Canoga Park. Calif.. to Song. Iowa I Officials from the Tournament of proc dur " und r whIch Alford THE IOWA TEAM II~ wlvu .p.rted from CedlirRepidl .t f:30 •.m. Wednesday .e.,.I", overcoatl design and dev~lop an engine with Roses welcomed the Iowa Hawk· would be aled. up to 1If.! million pounds of thrust. eyes in the Huntington Ballroom i" bel_ freed", temperlltur", They ilrrlved lit Burb.nk, C.Iif., II few hour. later In .,rln,·lIke Tilt' Hou e i f will "PerCormance flighl rating tests and several of the o Cficia I Iowa we.thor. The toll'" then he.deJ for Pnoden. for. reception by the Tourn.m.... of Rosa. Committee. whether Alford shall be or the engine will be based on un­ party spoke, including SUI Presi­ The majority committee r port dent Hancber. Prof. Robert Ray, m~llned vehicle applications," the Id that vld nce prt> nled l' . and Dr. George Easton. SUI Ath· tabll bed a prlma locle case 01 announcement said, "but it may letic Director Paul Brechler intro­ West Europe (raud and lrreaularity In thf con- eventually propel manned satel· duced head football coach Forest duct of th lection. Iit~s and space craft." Evashevski, who in turn introduc­ AUord s Id t Lilli Rock th t Such an engine could launch ed each player by name and posi­ " (urther action will be taken in tion. To Arm With .pace.. JNI"" •• ' ~intf JI@\'erai my behalf imm'CIlately." H did The queen. of the Tournament oC nol specl(y what action or by tons. The thrust of rockets already Roses, a Pasadena City College Iwhom . developed by the Soviet Union has freshman, and her court reigned TOKYO 1.4'! - Mao T -tung'S re tirement a Pr Id nt oC Red Bays had told the committee ., not been announced, but they over the reception and gave each China raist'd hopes among anti-Communi t Asians that the Peipln& ('arlit'r In the dl'l Y lllt're was a claim to have shot up a 4,850- player an orange. PARIS (uPIl- The foreiin min. regime Is cracking. But mo t Western diplomat expected no chnn, c que tion of fraud In th e\ lion pound object to a height of,,132 Coach Forest Evashevski held a ers. islers of the 15 NATO nations reo in Pei ping policy. and lhat it should be Inv lIiat d. miles. press conference Wednesday night, One of the ~tewardesses, Pam solved Wednesday night to push a * * SUI Council Asks Put Object Put Mars but had little to say about the Powrie of SpringCield. Ill., attended bold 5.year plan for arming their . The Ch in Communi I party IH saJd that since h wa not Selection of Rocketdyne to de· Iowa team except "it is going to SUI (or several years. She said that alliance with latest nuclear mis· * Central Committ ~, In a cor fully cont tin, the election there would But Moo be no question of per~nallt l s. At For Student Ideas velop a rocket which would propel be a tough game." There will be she had been chosen especially for siles to meet growing Communist worded communiqu br akin, the take, h saId, was the integrity a heavier object much farther - two practices tomorrow - one in the Rose Bowl night. threats in Europe. At Jan. 7 Meet perhaps to Mars or Venus-came the morning, one in the aCternoon Arter a 45 minute delay due to new to the 600 million Chine or I ctlon . soon after the Air Force success· _ including a picture taking ses- engine trouble, the ' planes £jnally The NATO Council adopted the Still Head on th mainland, empha It.ed Th committee acted upon com· All SUI tuck-nts with complaint , fully fired two Thor ballistic mis­ _sion_ al________ 1 p.m. ___leCl___ at 9:50_ and___ 10:20 ____a .m. _ Johnresolution Foster after Dulles Secretary, DeJense of Secre-State W dn day that Moo i still the plaint 01 John F. Wells. LitH uage tlon or id a which th y boa . Rock w kly newspaper publisher, siles, almost simultaneously, from tary Neil H. McElroy, and NATO's would 11k to pr nt to Stud nl Of Party The U.S. State Deparlm nt ~ who ellar,ed tbere w r numcro Council will have an opporlumly both the ALlantic and Pacific Gen . Lauris Norstad warned that I coasts. SUI Student Rhodes Candidate Russia would take advantage of By THOMAS P. WHITNEY Brili h Far Ea t exper w r I'" election Irregularitl , a eonsplr· to do SO at th Council's Jan. 7 meetin" Judy Clark, A3 , Cedar The more significant of the tests any relaxation of the Western AP Forei," NO.1 AMly.t clin !!d to accept thi s vi w. They I acy by Arkansa Gov. Orval E . DES MOINES IA'J - A SUI stu­ thony Preus oC Fergus Falls, Minn., noled that the 65-year-old Brchl- Faubus and olhers to un at Hay Fall , Stud nl Council vlce·presl­ was Crom Vandenburg Air Force guard. Base, Cali£" where one of the 50- dent and a recent graduate of Lu­ who was graduated last year from The key fact in the po ilion of tecL of the Chinese Communist and that tick rs used by Alrord d nt. said Wedn day nlghl. tQn weapons was hurtled 1,500 ther College were selected Wed· Luther College. • Moro Divllionl Mao T e-tung is that although he revolution Is till relaining hi all- voters to indicate their write.1n Jan. 7 was h dul d a an im­ Norstad, supreme Allied com- is going to step down as head of pow rful J'ob a party 1 ader. choice were iIleaal. miles across the Pacific under nesday as Iowa's two candidates Andrews is a nationally ranked mander in Europe, was reported the Governm nl he will remain portanl plannlne Ie Ion by th combat-type conditions - a clear [or Rhodes Scholarships.
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