(Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-12-27
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. , - 01 owan Servin~ The State Universittf of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit!1 Established In 186S-Flve Cents a Copy (0 a City. Jowa, saturday. DeCembtof' '17 , 1 Alford Ban Top Criminal Captured "~:9Ioi· ' Fire Fatalities Add oses Steam In California . WASHINGTON (uPil - The FBI Friday announced lhe cap fn Congress ture of Daniel William O'Connor, To High Death Toll one of the FBI's ten most-wanted I North, West Demos fugitives. May Continue Fight O'Connor, 30, was arrested by WASHINGTON !UPD the EI Cajon, Calif., police, the FBI said. Over Yule Holiday ~ campaign by certain House lib eralli to block the seating of Dr. O'Connor was sought for inter By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dale Alford, the Little Rock seg state transportation of stolen prop regationist who defeated Rep. erty, and the FBI said he victim D£'ath hy fir!' brought , trngic !'nding to Illiln~ .1 1l41PP ' BrQok~ Hays m-Ark.) in the con ized merchants with fraudulent Air Line holiday t'Clehration in home throughout tht n.ltion. t It .I.,t gressional elections, appeared to money orders in Montana, North 6:! per\on - O1<ln) of th( m "hildr n - In t th ir live durin day to be losing steam. Dakota and Oregon . Some liberals who had been ex He was added to the "10 Most the pa t two day\. e pected to support the anti-Alford Wanted" list April 11, 1955. Strikes Still F'ath£'1'\ ,lnd motll('r al 0 were among the ,·ic.-tim . DOl '11' dri ve were backing away from it. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (oth£'r , Ilff rt'd ('nOll OT (']'iti(.'<ll injuri( , in flJmin~ d\\l'Ilill~' . Il seemed there might be a said O'Connor fired a shot at a compromise which would permit A gha t/y blaze t a ( 1m n ar I Royal Canadian Police officer May !At Stalemate Auburn, We h., nuffed oul th Alfprd to take his seat while elec 14, 1953, then beat the officer, tied * * * tlpn complaints against him are dis him up and threw him into a ditch. BV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ii\e of Ir . Ole 1J01I nb eh, 38, 345 D d Ea. tern Air Lin r l1\lIined in nd ei,ht of h(>r nln childr n Th posed of quickly. He also deserted from the U.S. ea a . tal mate Friday with the trilt- ! ranged In (rom 4 RHlltance Grow. Army, May 6, 1946, while stationed rou~. rs ge , A~ the same time, however, a at Ft. Campbell, Ky ., Hoover said. California, Here We Come ing mght I'nalne r Th irlin hD l 0 8 move to deny Alford recognition as O'Connor was arrested on the been . hut duwn for more th n. 1 Thl' (ather nd a dou ht r, 7, As Traffele a Democrat continued to attract basis of a San Diego Police De ROSE BOWL BOUND SUI students lined up for hure than two block, an hour before departu ... vuter' month urvl\' d_ Th father, a turk y strong support among Northern and dav afternoon for "Vanguard," the first of two chart.r.d traIns for the West Cout.-Dally Iowan Photo. Al o· "roundl'd with no Imm - groll' r, ~ aid he beli \'~ thl> fir partment warrant charging him __ ___ Idlllte likelIhood of ttlI'm nt w he,Dn \Hlh n h~rt ClrC\,lI\ in a Western democrats. Such a move, with the theft of a $15 trailer. II if successful, would restrict Alford's American Airline., awaiting a dt'- wire to n )eelrlc kitch n clock. To Mounts chances of advancing to a position The FBI said O'Connor had been ,·ss,·s s,·pp,· .ci ion by it triking pilots on a 7· He al,d tht' hou. m<'d to ex- of power in House committees. living in EI Cajon for several IM point agreem nt formula propo ~ plod In flame in the mom nt, It This issue wiIJ be threshed out years worklng as a handyman and Big 3 Ask Talks by fl'd raj m dialor . Th com- took him to ru. h out Id ror a fir By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in a Democratic caucus the day using the name Arthur Nelson. He h t d U In Unlul II r. had dyed his hair red, grown a 0 0 pany a. ac~ep . le p n... Five of Ihl' six m mber of th I Th Or t ,limm('r 01 hopt' Ihat be(ore Congress convenes. I ce t T G 1\ Whatever the outcome then, full mustache, gained 58 pounds ~dhe , AICrl ~me \tlloh, A SOCkA~tlfon family or Horacl.' A Cray Jr, di d t 1958 ChrL tma Iraflic d ath and added a tattoo to his arm to sal ID lIcago I a ,a <-u or wh n Oam . roared through th ir toll millht not be bound for anI'. w, sqme House member virtually is thwart identification, the FBI said. On Germany clarification on orne pomts o( the $150,000, IS-room man. ion In Ih bloody rl'COrd cnme Frld y ni ghl. eertain to rise on the floor on Jan. Rose Bowl propo ed .settlement and th~t no d~- pxclu~h't' Wlnd~r Form uburb Th number of d(' d load lit 310 7, the day Congress opens, and He maintained he was Art Nel To son until his fingerprints were WASHINGTON I!PI - The West- I Union a foce-saving opportunity clsion I In sight on occepung It. of Richmond, Va . at 9 p,m. lEST l, few by 38 than challenege Alford's right to a seat. ern Big Three countries have vir- to back away from what has been A sample of Iowa' Mi i sippi .E:o tern h:l. rench d agreem nt Croy. on of th \'lctJms, wa 0 Ih 348 d lid at th am hour in i I But chances that Alford wiuld hold identified by the San Diego Po lice Department and the FBI Fri tually completed drafting notes to viewed as a 6·month Soviet ulli river water-the frozen lIority- WlthO 5.300 m mbers of th ,Int r- dlrt'Ctor or th We t Vlrginl Pulp his seat were improving. the Soviet Union offering to clis- matum on Berlin. will end up in tht' Rose Bowl aIt 'r nntl nol A oclation of Machlni. t, & Co, w 4 . DEATH LOG Rep. Frank Thompson .Jr. (D-N.- day night. Paper III.' cuss the entire Cerman problem The Western attitude will be, r _ t ith tl b~t till Is at loggerhead With thl' Found d ad 10 th homp with 1 "m., (EST): 3-45 traffic; n J,), a key figure among Democrat- Confronted with the prints, he t I rave 109 cro coun ry w 1e night engineer . ' . ' . fire; ~ mllC.lI.MIOUI. Tatal ic house liberals said he was not admitted his true identity. at a new conference. Iauthorities said, that the three aI- SUI Marching Band ond Scotti:h F d 1'1 di t W L ' him w r hiS Wire, Cath rln , 47 , . e ro n ~ II or orr n on~ Iwo on . Thoma. 17 and Fo Ii'r. ~3_ now inclined to vite against seat- But the Allies will reject any lies are ~ure the Soviets did not thought of limiting talks to Ber- mean their BerlIn note of Nov. T7 Jllghlanders. a:~ in. Minnll' 13 ; and a daughter, u an Lt>e , ing Alford. Rep. Lee Metcalf the mo t tragic y r for highll ay m-Mont.), another liberal leader, lin's future, despite Soviet threats to be an ultimatum. Ft. Madison Mayor Walter Guen- W~ re right at II tal mate. I19 . A third n. Hora A Gray Father Too Fast d IIlh , 1956 said he also would have to be to turn their sector over to Com- None oC the wartime allies, it ther will present a cake of Miss- 1'h -r~, R no progre: that I can re- III, wa not at hom at Ih time. munist-controlled East Germany will be argued, Can single-hand d port. ., In P nn ylvania , two familit' "It I. th lir I bright ray in n shown why Alford was not en On The Draw, i. sippi river ice to Highlander Talks wIll contmu tad y. 10. t three childr n aeh in n ming otlwrwlse blellk piclllr," tiUed to be seated while charges within six months after last Iy renounce the arrangements {or Thanksgiving Day. joint occupation of Berlin. Drum Major Morgie Ladd of Iowa The 55() Eo. tern ntght ngln r. home , and a ruth r nd n IX'r. tionol Sar Iy Council ( S ) against him were studied. Kills His Son City and Band Drum Major Robert are bolklng ot 0 company d mond i. hed in anoth r. mon sold. Officials who reported this Fri- Any mOdification of these ar- I Charve. Heard T. Glover of SteubenVille, Ohio, as they qualify as pilot for j('t Thn- children or k and 1r •. The challenge of Alford's right CHICAGO lUPIl - A coroner's day said the Weslern notes will rangements, the notes will say, tha~ Fat.lItl .. Ease Up the SUI musical group leave Ft Iolrhn rs. Edword D gnnn di d In lin early III.' aid il wa lh ' !lr t rl'port to a seat would be in line with a jury recommended Friday that a be delivered within a few days, could come only CI'om new agr e .