Montoursville Area High School 100 N. Arch Street March 2015 Montoursville, PA 17754 Volume 42 Issue 7

Being Who You Are By Senior Carly Mill

High school, a place full of blank stares, judgemental comments, whispers, and doubt. Doesn’t really seem like an easy to be, does it? It isn’t all rainbows and butterfl ies as we imagined when we were younger. As we get older we become more honest with ourselves, with who we are, and what we believe. You must stand up for your- self, love yourself and what you create yourself to be. You’ll have peo- ple by your side in this life; in the halls of high school but, I believe the most important one, the one that will always be there is the one looking at you in the mirror. Look at yourself sometime, ask yourself if you’re ok. Find things to love about yourself, everyday. We are all diff erent and that’s what’s beautiful about this world and society. We must understand that we are all diff erent. Next time you’re in the halls, hold your head up high and for goodness sakes, love who you’re becoming.

Page by Copy and Layout Editor, Haylie McQuillen NEWS The Arrowhead page 2 March 2015 “Oh the places we The Band and Chili cook-off will go”...for the heat up jilliano’connor kids news editor

isaacmiller news staff Senora Tammy Morgan holds up her prize for Seuss Day as a treat for the kids placing first in the faculty and staff chili cook The Thespian Society members re- in the school,” said Sophmore off. The cook off, which was held Feb. 26 cently put on a show for the eleme- Isaiah Mallery when asked and was organized by Mrs. April Gavitt, raised nerty kids at Lyter Elementary. why they performed the show. $346 to benefit guidance secretary Mrs. Patsy The kids got to celebrate Dr. The kids in the elementary much- Schmalhofer, who is recovering from a stroke. Suess day by watching a play ly appreciated watching the dra- “It was a fun time,” said Schmalhofer. “I am so of Sneetches on the Beaches. ma students perform for them. glad I could attend; we appreciate the support “We were all sneetches,” said “Seeing the smiles on the chil- from everyone.” Alyssa Lair when asked what drens’ faces was just amazing,” Mrs. Ronda Albert placed 2nd, and Mrs. Anne parts the students in Thes- said Lair when asked what Mussina placed 3rd.The Key Club also held a pian Society had to play. the best part of getting the dress down night to benefit Mrs. Schmolhofer. “We did the show on Doctor chance to act for the students.

The marching band proudly marches down the streets just behind the color guard showing off their beating hearts. The Marching band just recieved notice onnor that they won first place in the Mummer’s . C .

rs Day Parade that was held in August.

M The band performed the songs: “Hap- of py, Apache,” and “Saturday’s Alright for Fighting. With the band’s new traditional

ourtesy dancing, they wowed the judges and were C rewarded with a plaque, which them the hoto

P best band in the parade. Pictured above is the Thespian Society, which recently put on a show for the Lyter Elementary School students to celebrate Dr. Seauss Day. The play that was done was written by Dr. Suess. New Gap Outlet shoppers have Getting “” at mixed opinions states isaacmiller kendraparke Mrs Tammy Morgan when asked about shopping at the factory news staff features editor Although Kraft did not place at how she felt about the new Gap stores. States he said “I think I did okay and In the past few months many new outlet going in. Even though many are excited jilliano’connor I could have done better but I put in stores and restraunts have moved Many factory outlets are known for the new opening, others feel news editor my best and that’s all I could have into the area, but the new Gap out- for having more of a variety when dissapointed at the old store being hoped for,” said Kraft. let has not had as much talk as the it comes to the selection of items to taken out and replaced. MAHS’s Senior Alek Kraft was This was the first time that Alek other new buildings. buy. Along with the idea of more va- given the opportunity to go to State Kraft was given the opportunity to Several students and teachers “I seem to have more luck when riety some belive this also means Orchestra, which was held on March go to the state level for the violin. would find themselves at the Gap it comes to the factory outlets,” said more quality but less quality when it 12 through the 14 in Dallastown, PA. He has been known to accompany looking for new clothes to add to math teacher Mrs. Jenny Crawford comes to the product of the store. Kraft was extremely appreciative many pieces for the school during their outfits, but with the new Gap when asked about why she was glad “It’s the factory-made so that of his experi- choir concerts, as well as band, and mixed feelings come with it. the facotry outlet replaced the reg- means the quality of the clothes is ence at states. also plays for While the Gap store in the mall ular store. not as good as the regular stores,” “Compet- The Williams- has been takien out a new Gap out- The prices at factory stores are said sophmore Gabri Locricchio ing at States port Sympho- let, a factory store, has been put in also known to be lower than other when asked why she did not like the was a big ny Orchestra. next to Target. stores. idea of a new factory store replacing achievement Kraft has “I am very pumped for the new “I always find better prices at fac- Gap. for me,” said been playing Gap outlet,” said Spanish teacher tories,” said Crawford when asked Kraft, “It was the violin for

a big honor ft 12 years. a r

for me to play K His mother

at States my lek is the one who

senior year.” A encouraged of Kraft was him to play one of 22 the violin in violin play- ourtesy the first place, C ers that were which lead him hoto

chosen to P to enjoy the in- play at State Senior Alek Kraft poses, with his vio- strument. Orchestra. lin, at the District Orchestra compe- He said that

m Before go- he plans to u tition. His extraordinary placement c o ing to States, allowed him to participate in the PA continue to Y Kraft had to State Orchestra. play the vio- J. J. rke a

by learn a sym- lin in college

. P .

K phony which and hopefully

hoto by P

was an hour afterwards as long, as well as another piece that well.

hoto Sophmore Nate Ripley goes P lasted for 15 minutes. The school and town of Montours- Pictured above is the new Gap Outlet that just recently came into the new Gap outlet for the first time to look for new Once at States he had to perform ville takes pride in the success of all to the Target complex by the mall. The outlet has recieved the pieces in front of a panel of judges students, including Kraft, for excel- mixed emotions from the shoppers. clothes. The Gap outlet was recently opened and replaced who listened to the pieces and judge ling in his musical career and repre- the Gap store in the mall. his performance on his ability to play senting Montoursville well. them. page 3 Arrowhead Through the mind of Megan Staff Don’t act like you know, because Editorial Bullying makes you don’t a lasting impact

Over 3.2 million students are vic- meganstoner increase, and I understand that. falling apart, and once again I say it, please stay up-to-date with all the editor-in-chief tims of bullying each year, according I have a job and I know how it feels BRICKS ARE COMING OUT facts. to Approx- to lose some of your paycheck to the OF THE BUILDING! Times have changed since you went Walking through the halls of Mon- imately 160,000 teens skip school government. So once again I question why you to school when this building was ac- toursville High, what do you see? every day because of bullying. 71 per- Another argument that was used would just cover up the problem in- tually not falling apart, but please Some people would say that they cent of students report incidents of was the fact that the school could be stead of just fixing it? please please do not judge until you see smiling faces, students bonding bullying as a problem at their school. “made over” rather than redoing the I do know that the school does need have been in the school for more than with one another, and a beautiful Suicide due to bullying is the third whole thing. to be fixed, and $35 million is a lot, just the school board meeting. school. leading cause of death among young I’m sure that that is a good idea… but if you are going to argue against But unfortunately that is not how people, resulting in 4,400 deaths per for certain schools, but not this one. the school is. year. Why would we just cover up or hide There are cracks in the floor that Why do people insist on making the problems that will need fixed you can see through, bricks popping their “friends” feel bad about them- again in ten more years, rather than out of the side of the building, and an selves? just fixing the problems and having issue keeping the school at a decent I’ve been one of those 160,000 teens a good solid school for fifty or more temperature so the students and fac- that skipped school because of the years? ulty can stay comfortable. feeling I get when I walk in a class I understand how those individu- As many people know, the school and hear people whispering about als feel like their tax money is being board has approved a $35 million some rumor that was made up from wasted, and that they didn’t have half construction plan to completely redo someone who I thought I’ve been the stuff that the new school will the high school, and as many would friends with all my life. when they were in high school in the imagine there is much controversy People try to give advice like, “You

70s…but hello, that was in the 70s. toner with the plan. S just need to ignore it. It’ll go away if All of those people who feel like At the public school board meeting M. you don’t give it the attention people

they are right, let me ask you a ques- by in March, many individuals from the are looking for.” The best advice I community came and spoke as to tion. hoto got was, “These people that put you

When was the last time you spent P why they believe the school does not down, aren’t going to matter 5 years an entire day in the school? The front of the school is one of the major controversies con- need to be entirely redone. from now.” It was hard to process that Oh that’s right…is was back in the cerning the construction of a new high school building. Many in- One of the major reasons why at first because I was thinking about 70s when you went to school. dividuals in the community have banded together to try and fight people are against the new school is having to go to school the next day. There are times when classrooms the construction. because they don’t want their taxes to However, with each day that passed are below 60 degrees, walls that are by, I was able to talk to someone about what was going on and it be- came clearer that others’ opinions Look out, it’s Liz! don’t matter as much as your closest friends or teachers. Eventually I was able to put it to Fraternity and sorority members the side and spend time with my true friends to try and get my mind off it. It stinks because you can go years did not make good choices thinking that people are your friends, elizabethlee bunch of college guys sit through a but sometimes it turns out that it’s assistant editor class about not being racist doesn’t your friends who are the ones putting mean they are magically going to you down and making these rumors Fraternities and sororities have nev- stop being racist. about you. This scenario is not always er appealed to me. Probably because It is the feeling that these organiza- what people think bullying is. if you get that many girls living in one tions create that need to be addressed. I rarely see an unpopular kid being place there is bound to be enough More than just education needs to bullied by a popular jock. It’s not that drama to have a reality T.V. show. happen. Examples need to be set. way anymore. Also, it’s not very often Some people love them and I can Disbanding these fraternities and so- someone is bullying you face-to-face. absolutely see why. Everyone wants rorities is only the beginning. Today, teens will say anything they to feel like they are a part of an exclu- Shutting down the entire Greek want over the Internet or just by tex- sive community. system isn’t the answer. The positive ting you. I did, but then I left middle school work that they do for their commu- If you’re being bullied or know of and found out that being like every- system so harshly, but nities and campuses is tremendous. someone who is bullying, you need one else was boring and too much after the latest scandals forced to go While I will not be rushing to join a to talk to someone. Most of the time work. To me, that is exactly what it is clear that changes through di- sorority next fall, I wouldn’t discour- the person who’s being bullied will be joining a sorority or fraternity is do- need to be made. versity train- age others form doing it. honest and let you know what’s go- ing. The newest disgrace ing. What I would remind them would ing on. They make you prove to them that hit quite close to home Will diver- be to remember who you are and I know that when I was being bul- you are cool enough to hang out with at Penn State Univer- sity training don’t lose that just to join the crowd. lied, I kept to myself until someone them. sity when an unnamed really change What makes people awesome are all asked me what’s going on because I It may be naïve of me,but I like informant led the po- things, of the spectacular things that make felt like if I confided in others they to think that a different applicant lice to Kappa Delta Rho fraternity’s though? Just because you make a them different. would think I’m looking for a pity wouldn’t get a job just because they secret Facebook page. The reason party. I promise you that people care spent four years living in a different this discovery was so scandalous was Have something to say? and want to help. house that I did, and that everyone that there were pictures of nude and And if you are the one bullying, it’s can make friends without proving partially nude girls taken when they pretty low that you need to make how cool they are without being were sleeping or unconscious. someone upset and hurt just so you made a fool of. University of Oklahoma is also at- get attention from your “friends.” It’s However, I know the world is far tempting to calm the waves made Write a letter to the editor or be not “cool” to bully someone and it’s from a wish-granting factory. There after a video was released of a frater- not necessary. is a possibility that I could be passed nity singing a racist song. The frat was a guest writer and have your You can tell yourself all you want over for an opportunity just because I promptly shut down and forced off of that you’re just joking around but was in the wrong clubs, and I may go campus with the two leaders facing opinion published in The once you see it effecting someone, to college and make no friends. I just expulsion. you need to acknowledge it and stop like to think that won’t happen. The frat’s national leadership claims Arrowhead. whatever you’re doing before it gets I don’t mean to criticize the Greek that the remaining members will be too out of control. CREATIVE The Arrowhead page 4 March 2015

“Calling My Name” Freshman Kami Miller

One day, I was sitting in my room when I heard my mom calling my name from downstairs. I got up and started to go downstairs to see what she wanted. But before I got to the stairs, someone pulled me into my parents’ room. It was my mom. Then she said, “I heard that too.” Senior Clees Natalie

“The Titanic” Sophomore Kara Watkins I was all alone. Sitting there just waiting for something to happen. I have no idea on how long it’s been since I broke off from the rest. Being alone is scary especially when you’re in the middle of nowhere. Just then I heard the roar of something huge. I was more scared than ever, I had no idea what it was. As it got closer I saw that is was a ship, and it was heading right for me. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t move. I was in danger. But wait it started to turn, it didn’t matter it wasn’t enough. She hit me. She broke off the bottom part of me, as she screeched with pain I cried. But no one could help me. I sat there watching everyone go crazy because she hit me and is now sinking. All I could hear is the screams of fear from the people on the ship. I felt horrible. This water is way too cold for them to be in. there was nothing I could do to help them. I had to just sit here and watch the sea swallow the ship, people, and everything that was on her with it. After it was all over there were only dead bodies and pieces of the ship floating in the water. But it wasn’t all my fault. It was the ship and the waters fault too. Like people say, the ocean can be a place of paradise or it can be a place of hell.

“The ‘Necklace’” Freshman Sequoia Phillips

There was a depressed girl in my class. She’d been this way for about three months. Nobody ever asked her what was wrong, how she was, or anything. One day she came in all excited. Everybody, including the teacher, asked why she was so excited. She told us, “I’m finally going to be putting on my new necklace tonight!” Nobody said anything, just laughed. The next day we came in and she wasn’t there. My teacher broke the news by saying she hung herself. I then realized the “necklace” was a rope. Freshman Cierra Frantz Freshman page 5

“Calling My Name” Freshman Kami Miller

One day, I was sitting in my room when I heard my mom calling my name from downstairs. I got up and started to go downstairs to see what she wanted. But before I got to the stairs, someone pulled me into my parents’ room. It was my mom. Then she said, “I heard that too.” Sophomore Tyler Patterson Tyler Sophomore

“Always Pray” Freshman Alena Clary

As time ticked by my heart dropped Almost as if it had just stopped I stood there looking at the crash scene Seeing the grass red instead of green

Hearing screams and seeing the fear in faces Oh how I wished I could be in other places As I walked over to the ambulance bed The paramedic looked at me and said, “Your mother is dead”

My insides collapsed and I fell to the ground He caught me as he turned around Trying to calm me as I began crying But now it was me who felt like dying

As we drove up to the hospital, nothing seemed real When I exited the ambulance I just had to kneel Was I living? Was I dying? And again I began crying

They took me in to the hospital room Just walking in filled me with gloom It took me back to all the memories in the past day My mother hugging me and saying everything would be okay Freshman Isak Fowler Freshman

But everything was not okay! She was gone and I had nowhere to stay But I just had to calm down and pray God would get me through this day

“My Last Days” Freshman Sequoia Phillips

I’m lying in the hospital bed, A million thoughts are running through my head. Will this be my final day? Or are all my problems going to go away?

The doctor walks into the room, His face is full of gloom. Maybe I was overthinking, But the doctor was not blinking.

My mother grabbed me, Then she fell on her knee. She was crying, And I was dying.

I felt alone, I wanted my home. I’m hoping this will be a peaceful death, When I have my last breath. Junior Sarah Neilds FEATURES The Arrowhead page 6 March 2015 Running for fun: local races with a twist CURTIS maddygorini features staff The Color Run B BENJAMIN Also known as “the happiest 5k on the planet,” the Color Run is a race known worldwide. It is an un-timed race, therefore it is more for fun rather than a race to PR, or break one’s “personal record.” MILLER “It was the funniest 5k I’ve ever done!” said Junior Katie Harlacher, who par- O Alan and Deanna Miller ticipated in the race last year. Parents: Runners are recomended to wear all white clothes at the start, and at the end Birthday: 5/21/97 of the race the color powder thrown at them will create a cool rainbow explo- Status: In a relationship sion look (The color stains come out). Y FAVORITES Different colors are also thrown at participants at every kilometer throughout the run. Color: Blue A Color Run will be held in State College this year on a date that is to be Book: “Gym Candy” by Carl Deuher announced, so they recommend joining the VIP list for details. Movie: “Pitch Perfect” Class: Sports Education Pets: Dog, cat, two bunnies and Song: “Breaking Free”

her veal parmesean c Cuisine: Describe yourself in one word: Adventurous arla H Describe your fantasy date: “Have a nice romantic dinner, and then take

atie Kylie wherever she wants.” K of Most memorable high school moment: “Winning the football district title my senior year.”

ourtesy G Most embarrassing moment: “When Nick Russo spilled a slushie all C over my back during lunch freshman year.” hoto P Activities: Baseball (4 years varsity), Football (3 years varsity), Basketball Junior Katie Harlacher and her sister gradu- ate Alyssa ran the Color Run last year in Roa- I (3 years varsity) noke, Virginia. The race is known worldwide Plans after graduation: “Attend Lock Haven University to major in and has taken place in 50+ countries. R Health and Physical Education.” Warrior Extreme Challenge “Curtis is the epitome of leadership. If you would ask me what I want in a Although the course is only 1.1 miles, this race is called a challenge because leader, Curtis Miller is how I would respond.” includes 11 obstacles, such as smashing ice blocks with a sledge hammer, tun- -Mr. J.C. Keefer nels, quick sand, swimming in ice cold water, and much more that test the L toughest of athletes. Lycoming College campus Activities Board and intramurals are hosting the challenge on Sunday, April 12. ELIZABETH This year half of the proceeds from the race will go to benefit the Wounded Warrior project. CLISHAM The Night Flight Headlamps, torches and other means of illumination are strongly encouraged LEE in the Night Flight; a 5k or 10k trail race in the dark. of Runners can choose to either run the 5k or 10k the day of the race. Parents: Cole and Suzanna Lee “It’s an easy trail run for beginners” said Mrs. Susan Shoemaker, who has been Birthday: 11/1/97 a part of organizing for multiple Mid Penn Trail Blazers’ races, including the the Status: See Nate Ripley for details. Night Flight. FAVORITES The race starts at 8:30 on April 4 at Camp Mount Luther in Mifflinburg. Color: forest green Smith’s Knob Scramble Book: “Witches” by Roald Dahl Movie: anything directed by John Smith’s Knob Sramble is an 8 mile trail race held right here in Montoursville. Along with the Night Flight, Smith’s Knob Scramble is also apart of the Mid Hughs Penn Trail Blazers. Class: recess The race follows the Loyalsock Trail and it includes steep uphills and sharp Pets: Firefly, my pet rock and the jour- downhills. This year, the event will be held on Saturday, June 13. nalism staff It is located in Camp Conley, which is off of Little Bear road in Montours- M Cuisine: french toast with whipped ville. cream and fresh strawberries Describe yourself in one word: quirky Zombie Mud Run O Describe your fantasy date: “A hike to a pretty place and have a picnic. The Zombie Mud Run is a combination of zombies, mud, obstacles and run- Then a movie marathon with unlimited snacks.” ning of course. Most memorable high school moment: “All the 4th deadlines and It is held on the haunted grounds of “Shocktoberfest,” Pennsylvania’s premier N Chinese food with the spectacular Megan Stoner.” haunted scream park in Reading. “When [Mrs.] Kateria [Nettles] told me It is basically a combination of the famous Mud Run and Zombie Run, Most embarrassing moment: which are usually two separate races. if you jump in and out of a puddle really quickly the people around you will Contestants can sign up to be a human or a zombie; prices vary for each. The get more wet than you, because of displacement. She was lying, needless to “humans” in the race wear a flag football belt with 3 flags attached, symbolizing T say.” the vital organs; heart, brains and entrails. Activities: Key Club (10, 11, secratary 12), Rho Cappa (11,12), National The zombies are scattered throughout the race trying to capture the flags, English Honor Society (11,12), Arrowhead Staff (9, 10, photo editor 11, which means the runner’s goal is to finish the race with at least one flag left in tact. H assistant edito 12), Track (9, 10, 11), Cross country (7,8,9,10,11,12) Plans after graduation: “Attend University of Vermont, major in geogra- Hard Core Mud Run The Arrowhead is phy.” not responsible for A more local mud run type race is held on the Clinton County fairgrounds choosing the on Satruday, May 16. It is a 3-5 mile event that features multiple obstacles to Boy and Girl “E. Lee- She makes good choices.” test runners’ abilities. of the Month. -Mr. Theodore Barbor PHOTO STORY/EDITOR’S PICKS page 7

Vice Principal Mr. Chris King and Ju- nior Logan Mckeag MAHS race to get dodge- balls after the buzzer sounded to happenings begin the Teach- By Jenny Yocum ers vs. Students Dodge Ball game on March 18 during flex, hosted by The Senior Nick Russo hides on and under the Arrowhead. The stacked high jump pits during the “free play” game consisted of portion of the Teachers vs. Students Dodge Ball 11 teachers and 10 Game, when all student spectators were invit- students from the ed to join the teams to particiapted in one, big junior class. The dodge ball game. Students used different gym juniors beat the class equipment as sheilds and barriers in order teacher team all to stay in the game as long as possible. three times they played.

Junior Jillian O’Connor reads to a group of kinder- Students in Math Honors Society Seniors Gabrielle Young and Tessie Rafferty display the backdrop they garteners on March 13. Several kids from all grades sell different kinds of pie during painted for The Arrowhead’s Candy Land-themed 2nd annual Daddy went to Lyter Elementary School to read books that lunches on Pi Day, March 14. Daughter Dance. The dance, which is for any elementary-aged girl in Dr. Seuss wrote to celebrate the famed author. the school district, will be held April 18. Editor’s Pick: Confessions of a wannabe runner

kendraparke features editor “I will stop in 10 minutes...okay, 5 minutes...oh screw it, one more minute and that’s it.” I will be the first to admit that by no means am I a runner. Hopefully one day I will be, though. “My legs say keep lungs say, for the love of God, STOP!” A runner to me is someone that thoroughly enjoys running and does not struggle with the activity on a daily basis. “I have never loved water so much in my entire life!” Running is a hobby that within the last year I have discovered and I actu- ally do enjoy. Some days more than others, of course. “I know I could totally run faster if I didn’t have an elephant sit- During my runs on the days that ting on my chest.” I enjoy it a bit less I noticed I have some interesting thoughts. I decided to compile a list of all the thoughts that run through my head. Not all are “Dear shorts, please stay where you are sup- negative, but most are hilarious, in my posed to.” opinion. “On a daily basis I ask myself, why am I doing Running is not just a physical ac- tivity but a mental one as well. My this? Then I remember I actually do enjoy it.” thoughts are what keep me going “Those incredible, rare runs when you nev- along with the music that I listen to. Good music is key to a good work- er want to stop because of receiving a run- out. If I do not have my headphones when I am running then there is no “Do I run like a girl?” way that I will have a decent time, and one of my thoughts has to do “Dear chub rub, please do not exist!” with this. I hope that those that are beginner runners, like myself, can relate to my thoughts, and my thoughts reassure Song to run to? “Outsiders” by Eric Church them that they are not alone in this. Everyone struggles in the beginning “When you suddenly become a mouth breather.” and they just have to push through and have self motivation. Self motivation is key to anything “No headphones= Nightmare” that people do. From running I hope to gain more confidence in myself and set up a healthy lifestyle that I can continue into college and for the rest of my life. CREATIVE

The Arrowhead page 8 March 2015 Freshman Tashawna Davis Tashawna Freshman

Untitled Freshman Courtenie Young “World of Disaster” “I love you, I love you, I love you” I whisper to an empty Freshman Isak Fowler room and as I repeat it my voice gets louder and louder turning it into a sickening repetitive chant. Slipping from Why do we spread so much hate? As a society we fight with my lips it sounds like a prayer to your empty room and each other more than we work with each other, the pathetic part the only god that answers me are the echoes of my sobs is that it’s the littlest of things that set us apart. So I propose that but I knew there was no god anyways the day all the instead of taking the comments made by others and doing the good went away. Your mother called me in tears and I same yourself spread some joy and laughter, Making someone should have known because nothing good ever stays with smile makes all the difference in this world of disaster. me. I just thought maybe you would stay even if it wasn’t for me but you’re gone and perhaps you thought we would all be fine without you but we’re so far from that unrealistic dream. I remember you telling me that when you died people would cry and miss you for a short while but eventually they would get over it and forget you. Now I think what a sick joke that is because you meant Miss Venessa Lechler so much even if you were unaware of it. I know I miss you now but I also know I’ll miss you in five months and I’ll miss you in twenty years and I’ll reminisce about you on my deathbed and all the time in between. When I am so happy that my face starts to hurt from smiling and that I cry from laughter I’ll think of how that’s what you would want and I’ll smile and laugh and cry just a little more for you. You should know things won’t be the same without you although I suspect you knew that and figured it would be better but let me tell you it isn’t. I remember your hopes and dreams and you could have fulfilled them I know you could if only you hadn’t wanted to fly so badly. I always planned to take you on a trip to get you away from all of this. We would have taken that plane anywhere (I would have let you pick). Then you learned how to fly all by yourself using just some rope and a chair. You seemed like the type to soar through the clouds but your father told me your feet were only a few inches off the ground. “I still love you” I whisper once more but your room is so damn empty and you aren’t here to hear it anymore. Junior Areta Updegraff Junior Areta page 9 “The Desk” Freshman Alena Clary

Yes I get sat on by a lot of people I don’t remember all of them but that one boy He comes in clammy and sits Very quiet and rarely talks I’m always seeing these scrapes on his arms And some of them look very red and recent There are always boys mocking him Saying he’s no good and he should just kill himself How could people be so treacherous Everyone is worth the same in my eyes It got to the point where I could feel cold drops on me I knew they had to be tears How could they do this? Be so cruel? I had no will to stop it or I would I was useless

The next day the boy wasn’t there Junior Weisser Nicole I figured he probably got sick and didn’t come today But days past and he still wasn’t there. “The Uniform” All of a sudden the teacher spoke, Junior Danielle Kline “James committed suicide last night” There were sudden gasps and I could hear sobs From dawn to dusk, Look at what those boys had done? I absorb the life of a soldier. They basically took his life. With the blood and salty sweat, But what could I do but remember him, I am stained with the soldier’s sacrifice. After all I’m just a desk. Covered with soot and dirt, Miss Venessa Lechler Miss Venessa I am what keeps the soldier from getting hurt. From many miles within my tread, I am what keeps the soldier from being dead.

Although my stitching gets ripped around, “World of Disaster” I promised the soldier that I’d never give up. Freshman Isak Fowler I’d never give up on him nor her. I am the soldier’s best friend. Why do we spread so much hate? As a society we fight with each other more than we work with each other, the pathetic part I am the courage and strength is that it’s the littlest of things that set us apart. So I propose that That always has his back. instead of taking the comments made by others and doing the I am his bloody and emotional snot rag same yourself spread some joy and laughter, Making someone With many tears and blood that has fallen. smile makes all the difference in this world of disaster. Although the soldiers sacrifice may come to an end, When it is time to retire me, Freshman Kailey BeltzFreshman I will not be forgotten, Neither will my best friend. Senior Kayelyn Ivey Junior Bryce Bower ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT The Arrowhead page 10 March 2015 Students perform Turning the pages with Tori: music on their own Student authors pen novels torimayo nateripley a&e staff a&e staff music outside of school allows students to be more creative with Taylor Akers: The school’s musical students what they perform and how they excel in more than just school ori- perform. “Passing ented clubs like chorus or band. “I enjoy performing at Uptown

Some enjoy playing music on Butterflies” yo

rather than with the school be- aa their own, or in other clubs. cause Uptown offers more va- Senior Taylor Akers wrote and is M Students like, Freshmen David riety,” said Snyder. “I like rock ori T Chubirka, Chloe Taylor, and Ju- still writing a novel, “Passing Butter- music and Uptown allows me to by flies.” nior Calen Snyder play in the Up- perform it.”

It has a post-apocalyptic setting that hoto

town Music Collective. Yocum by Jenny Photo P Freshman David Chubirka sings takes the reader through a journey Senior Jason and plays guitar Senior Taylor Akers wrote and is Sophomore Abe Deacon is in the Bomboy plays for Uptown. with five character trying survive and guitar and sings find themselves, Akers said. still working on her book, “Pass- middle of writing a book “Ele- Churbirka on his own, and Akers started the novel the summer ing Butterflies”. Akers plans on ments Reincarnate”. He enjoys said he plays has done small going into to her sophomore year. getting it published in the fu- writing, but plans on doing oth- gigs at venues exclusively for ture. er things with his life Uptown be- “It was a boring summer so I took like diners and a walk and decided that I’d write a Writing, but if not I’ll continuing They are constantly being chaised cafes. cause it’s much more fun, and book,” said Akers. “I’m still working writing in my free time,” she said. by an anonymous group of people The Uptown its a great place on it, but I finished the first manu- who have been out to kill them for Music Collec- to be creative script within three months.” good through the millenia. tive, is a club and learn more that has per- At age 15 Akers was searching to Deacon aspires to finish his book about music get “Passing Butterflies” published, Abe Deacon: and continue to write more. He formances in than just play- but she was turned down various various ven- ing in your undecided title wants to do other things in his life, ues including Freshman David Chubirka plays gui- school. times due to her being too young. but he plans on getting published one Brandon Park tar at an Uptown Music Collective Eventually a company wanted to About a year ago Sophomore Abe day. or The Com- Bomboy plays show. in the school’s publish her book but wanted roughly Deacon started writing a book, and as Deacon is inspired by writers Dan munity Arts $8,000 right off the bat. Akers didn’t of now it is untitiled. Brown, J. R.R. Tolkien, C.S Lewis Center. band and inde- pendently. follow through with it but “Eventu- It’s about a group of four teeneagers and Brandon Mull. The concerts feature covers of He has his own YouTube chan- ally plans to be published,” she said. who have reincarnated throughout famous songs that the students Akers is constantly writing, if not time time. Many famous or revolu- can pick to perform. nel where he can record himself doing guitar and vocal covers. He for her AP Literature class, then for tionary people have been their pre- Check out Taylor The club teaches children, wants to pursue being a music The Arrowhead. She has been in vious lives, an example being Galileo. adults and everything in be- producer in the future. Journalism for four year now and Every time they reincarnate, they Akers’ novel tween. Whether a student plays in the took Creative Writing with Mrs. aquire a supernatural ability, like read- Many local bands have roots school band, independently, or Alissa Martin her sophomore year. ing minds or telekinesis. “Passing in the club, like Clouds Makes both, there is plenty of local plac- Akers plans on continuing writing, Characters Amy, Penny, Rory, and Sounds and Clyde Frog. Butterflies” in the es to be creative and successful if not in college, then for a hobby. Caleb always seem to find each other Snyder thinks that performing with music. “I’m hoping to minor in Creative in strange, rather uncanny ways. library. JASON Review of a new A ,imagine that taylorakers since the 2012 a&e editor R BOMBOY single “It’s Time,” I found the new Hailing from Las Vegas, Imagine album strangely refreshening. Dragons has quickly become a recog- In an interview with MTV, lead T Q: When did you start doing music? nizable band. singer Dan Reynolds spoke of the A: I really got into in 7th grade. It Songs like, “Demons,” “Radioac- new album before its release. looked cool. tive,” and “It’s Time” have filled radio “We [Imagine Dragons] embraced I stations around the country. These a lot of hip-hop influences with specific songs, released on the 2012 , but I think the next Q: What bands have you been in? album, Night Visions, were only the record will be more rock-driven. It’s A:I was in The Gnarly Peaches with tip of the iceberg. too early to say, but there is some m

Jacob Erb and Caleb Cipolla u weird stuff going on in these songs.” S c The indie-rock/alternative band o Y released its new album, “Smoke and And weird it is! A melodic, creative

J. J. Mirrors,” Feb. 17. jumble of rock, electronic and clean by T Q: What school activities do you Featuring the song, “I Bet My Life,” vocals certainly makes “Smoke and participate in musically? Mirrors” stand out in the indie rock hoto for the anticipated film, “Chappie,” P A: I am in band, choir, jazz band and Imagine Dragons radiated energy in genre. I can only imagine what will be select ensemble choir. this album. next for Imagine Dragons! Starting off with Q: Who is your role model(s) musi- “Shots” and “Gold,” P cally? I automatically fell A: Jimmy Page. He’s a fantastic guitar Q: Have you ever considered Uptown Music in love with the un- player. Collective? usual sound. Being m o

R c A: I did but the price is really high and I never used to the original . considered scholarships. sound of Imagine c usi Q:How many instruments can you Dragons, emotion- m play?

O al indie rock vocals gons a A: Nine. I can play the guiar, bass, vo- Q:What are your plans after high school? with a blast of bass, cals, ukulele, slide whistle, trombone,

A: I’m hoping to go to college for music produc- I was taken aback ginedr

ocarina, kazoo and the recorder. ma i

F tion and business. by their latest al- bum. m fro The catchy songs I Q:What is your favorite song/band? Q: What are your current plans? like “I Bet My Life” hoto A: “Black Dog” by Led Zeppelin. A: I’m actually trying to get a band together. It’s and “It Comes P L nothing serious, a few friends just jamming, but Back to You” con- “Smoke and Mirrors” reached number one the metaphorical gears are turning. trasted heavily with on Billboard Top 200 despite it’s early re- Q:What motivates you to continue the full-blown rock creating music? lease in February. The album has sold over E singles “Gold” and 195,000 copies in digital and physical for- A: I just like doing it. It comes natu- “I’m So Sorry.” rally. Being a fan of matting. SPORTS page 11 MARISSA Alek Kraft, winter sports make MAHS proud A ashlynnmcquillen FOLK sports staff Q: What are your goals for the season? Senior Alek Kraft broke the school’s The team will be losing seven se- swimming record for the 200 Indi- niors this year: Carly Mill, Staci To PR and break the discus and the vidual Medley, or IM. Shoemaker, Cayln Alexander, Alek T A: er m

l “I felt really accomplished after Kraft, Dexter Shearer, Nevin Shulte, shotput school record again. U . . beating the 200 IM record because it and Allison Chapman. B was something that I had been work- Other winter sports also ended their by ing towards all year,” said Kraft. seasons successfully.

H hoto The 200 IM is Medley swimming. Girls’ basketball competed at the Q: Why did you start playing your sport? P Medley swimming is a combination state level after 15 years of not going. A: I wanted to try a new sport. of four different swimming styles: Sadly, they lost 53-43 to Minersville. backstroke, butterfly, freestlye, and Wrestling also had a great season. L breaststroke, into on race. Juniors Ben Cerney, Keith Batkows- Q: He was also apart of a 400 meter ki and Garrett Hoffman competed at What motivates you on the field? relay that consisted of Seniors Dex- the state level. Batkowski placed 6th and Hoffman placed 8th. Mine and others’ expectations, and helping my team. ter Shearer, Nevan Schulte, and A: Sophomore Tyler Deters. The relay Freshman Gavin Hoffman also E team placed 6th overall in the district competed at the state level, placing champsionships. 6th. Q: What is your favorite MAHS sports memory? T A: Breaking the school record in shotput on my last throw of the season. ynn

Q: What is the number one thing to remember while performing? W iss M of E A: To stay relaxed and realize not every throw is perfect. ourtesy Q: What is your favorite part of the sport you play? C hoto P S It is a team sport but also individual. A: Seniors Nevin Shulte, Alek Kraft, Dexter Shearer, and Sophomore Tyler Deters pose with their bronze medals. The team won 6th place in the 400m relay. Q: How do you mentally prepare yourself before you perform? of A: Listen to music and relax with friends. “Wood ya’ look at the Logan that!” Koser Let’s Support all Q: What are your goals for the season? Sports Throw over 50 feet in the shotput. cheyennewood A: sports editor Sports in Montoursville are known

er for being successful and if they’re not, Q: m M Why did you start playing your sport? l

U they aren’t known much at all. . .

B Specifically, everyone loves girls’ My sister got me into it my freshman year.

A: by

soccer and basketball, wrestling, and especially football. hoto

O P Q: What motivates you on the field? If your team isn’t successful and dis- trict competitiors like one of those, A: My teammates. then it tends to go rather unnoticed. N Participating on the popular teams tennis teams rarely have fans besides is great, but it can be a bit of a surprise parents at meets, and the same goes Q: What is your favorite MAHS sports memory? when you go from girls’ soccer season for the cross country and softball to the swim team. teams. A: Talking to Lindsay VanNess at practice last year. I have always played soccer and The love of football in Montours- T have become accustomed to large, ville is especially apparent. loud student sections, especially for Not that it is a bad thing, but it can big games. Student sections add so definitely outshine other teams and Q: What is the number one thing to remember while performing? much excitement and energy to the school organizations. games. Last year when the editors of The H Don’t think about it too much and just throw. A: When I swam this year for the first Arrowhead were soliciting ads to pay time, I experienced what it was like to for the newspaper to be published be on a team that gets little to no rec- they heard excuses like “We already Q: What is your favorite part of the sport you play? ognition on a regular basis. Everyone donated to the football team.” would get super excited when just a It can definitley be frustrating for A: The freedom we have at practice.The harder you work the better you’ll be. few friends stopped by to check out students not into football or athletics a meet. in general. Of course, not everyone wants to So, just remember that everyone watch a swim meet. I know they are has “their thing” and it always feels Q: How do you mentally prepare yourself before you perform? not nearly as exciting as a district great to be supported. This spring, go The Arrowhead is not I listen to music with Ben Cerney. football game. However, it is still nice somewhere you wouldn’t normally. responsible for A: to feel support from your peers. Go to a track meet or a tennis match choosing the briulmer I have friends on other teams that Althletes of the Month. sports staff or the spring musical and cheer on deal with the same struggle. Both your fellow classmates. CREATIVE

The Arrowhead page 12 March 2015 Sophomore Leah Marriott Leah Sophomore

“Our World of Irony” Freshman Karina Dangle

Isn’t it ironic how this world is so ironic?

How you’re just soaringfigured through out, theyet skyyou on haven’t a rollercoaster reached thethinking loop. that you’ve got life

How you’re running the marathon ofstop life, running. when suddenly you get confused and you

You think that you have all the questions in life answered, but then you come across the question “What is my purpose in life?” and yet you leave it unanswered. Isn’t it ironic how we are told to be ourselves,else does. yet we can’t even dress the way no one really be. How we are afraid to our show our small eyes, without realizing how sparkling they can

How we can’t step out of the bubble we live in without the fear of getting popped. Isn’t it ironic how The Declarationwe are of slaves Independence to fear and says sin. that we are a free nation, yet

How Abraham Lincoln said thatstronger everyone than is others.created equal yet some are smarter or

How we are said to be beautiful inbetween our own us.way, yet we are afraid of the variety

Isn’t it ironic how peopledecide counting when their they last take breaths their wouldlast breath. die for one more, yet others

Isn’t it ironic how peopleyou didn’t who live want in because scraps would it was havetoo inexpensive. worn that piece of clothing that

How we wash down the drainthat a cup never of water crossed that our could minds. have been life to others, and yet

Or how we complain about our hair, yet people with no hair can look prettier than some. Isn’t it ironic how people with two eyes can pity the blind yet the blind can see a world full of compassion, forgiveness, and love better that we can. Isn’t it ironic how when the bell rings, from my poem, you won’t remember a thing and yet you leave this room with theunanswered. question “What’s my purpose in life?” still page 13 Senior Tess SullivanSenior Tess

Senior Grace McNamara

“Excerpt from I ‘Heart’ You” I was used to my mom gettingFreshman hurt Emma or having Pentz broken bones. Something

was always wrong. From the time she fell down the stairs and broke a

few bones and the time when she fractured her elbow when she was

taking my dog outside and slipped on ice. The hospital staff could be

our second family. But one incident was the worst day of my life. The

thought of losing my mom was the worst feeling ever. Freshman Rachel Cortright Freshman Senior Michala Swoyer

Sophomore Fiona Salvatori CREATIVE The Arrowhead page 14 March 2015

Sophomore Kara Watkins

When I Was a Little Kid Life was too fun to stop Junior Samantha Paradis But then I grew up and everything changed People got sick my life’s rearranged.

But daddy told me everything happens for a reason. Everything changes just like the seasons. And then daddy got sick He didn’t have to go He sat in his chair with his head hanging low

I didn’t understand what was happening you see, I was only seven Nothing ever made sense to me And by the time I was eight daddy was gone He was up in heaven and I thought I was alone

I sat in my room crying my eyes out I turned my head and saw a note from him saying smile now That’s when I realized that he would always be there But I’d still do anything to just have him here

A year went by things started going good

Daddy looking down, I’m doing the things I said I would Every now and then people bring him up I feel the tears coming but I’m trying to be tough

You see I’ll never forget him, he’s the best He was one of a kind, nothing like the rest Now he’s in a better place, and I have to move on

My dad, he was the inspiration behind this song Junior Elissa Stine Elissa Junior Log splitter, Senior Brandon Conboy Log splitter, page 15

Sophomore Kara Watkins

When I Was a Little Kid Life was too fun to stop But then I grew up and everything changed People got sick my life’s rearranged. Seniors Kyle Lewis, Hunter Nolan, Dexter Shearer But daddy told me everything happens for a reason. Everything changes just like the seasons. And then daddy got sick He didn’t have to go He sat in his chair with his head hanging low

I didn’t understand what was happening you see, I was only seven Nothing ever made sense to me And by the time I was eight daddy was gone He was up in heaven and I thought I was alone

I sat in my room crying my eyes out I turned my head and saw a note from him saying smile now That’s when I realized that he would always be there But I’d still do anything to just have him here

A year went by things started going good

Daddy looking down, I’m doing the things I said I would Every now and then people bring him up I feel the tears coming but I’m trying to be tough

You see I’ll never forget him, he’s the best He was one of a kind, nothing like the rest Now he’s in a better place, and I have to move on My dad, he was the inspiration behind this song

Freshman Cierra Bird

Junior Jason Klepper Senior Noble Woodhead Senior Woodhead Noble PEOPLE The Arrowhead page 16 March 2015

Page by the People Page C-100’s students show Editor Sarah Musheno off their art skills Junior Casey Krugle Senior Missy Cipcic Freshman Faith Sweeley

Freshman Kate O’Brien

Junior Able Upright

Senior Briann Cummins

Sophomore Nevan White

The Arrowhead Staff

Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Copy and Layout Editor People Page Editor A&E Editor Megan Stoner Elizabeth Lee Haylie McQuillen Sarah Musheno Taylor Akers

News Editor Sports Editor Features Editors Photo Editor Jillian O’Connor Cheyenne Wood Kendra Parke Jenny Yocum Mackenzie Rodrigues News Staff Sports Staff Features Staff A&E Staff Photo Staff Isaac Miller Ashlynn McQuillen Maddy Gorini Tori Mayo Bri Ulmer Bri Ulmer Jordynne Harvey Nate Ripley Business Manager Class Adviser Cartoonist Reporters Rachel Eichenlaub Ashlynn McQuillen Mrs. Sandra M. Trick Tyler Bolton Breanna Moser Patrick Bowes Madison Myers Lauren Caviston Emma Pentz The Arrowhead, the offi cial newspaper of Montoursville Area High School that is published nine times a year, has been established Breanne Doane Dominic Prato as a public forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, free and open discussion of issues. Letters to the editor Ashley Little Kaylie Schans are encouraged. Letters may be published anonymously, but all must be signed when submitted for publication. The Arrowhead Sarah Lomison Lane Snyder has the right to edit, reject or respond to any material. Letters can be submitted to Mrs. Sandra Trick in B207 or any staff member. Kami Miller Joshua Thomson If interested in advertising in The Arrowhead, contact the high school at (570) 368-2611. Lydia Minium