MIT Faculty Newsletter Vol. XXIV No. 4, March/April 2012
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Massachusetts Vol. XXIV No. 4 Institute of March/April 2012 Technology MITFaculty Newsletter in this issue we feature commentary on the selection of the next President of MIT. In addition to the articles below, several of this issue’s pieces make reference to an incoming new administration. We also offer “MIT’s Ongoing Commitment to OpenCourseWare,” (page 8) and “MIT: Rebuilding Community,” (page 10). From The Faculty Chair The Search for MIT 2030: A Capital Editorial MIT’s Seventeenth Planning Framework The Next President President for the Future of MIT Samuel M. Allen Israel Ruiz and Martin Schmidt LIKE MOST OF THE MIT community, THE NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 THE UNEXPECTED ANNOUNCEMENT I learned by e-mail at about 9:00 am on issue of the Faculty Newsletter (FNL) fea- in mid-February of Susan Hockfield’s February 16 that President Hockfield tured a number of articles about MIT 2030. decision to step down as MIT President is would step down. Two days earlier, I’d We appreciate having this opportunity to both a loss and an opportunity. Since she had a call from the office of the Chair of reflect on the engagement that has joined the Institute in December 2004, the MIT Corporation, John Reed, occurred to date, and to renew our com- MIT has seen growth and expansion in a requesting to meet with me on February mitment to fully engage the MIT com- variety of areas, both academically and 16, but not indicating the purpose. When munity in this ongoing conversation. financially. From the establishing of the John arrived for that meeting, he greeted In listening to the comments and con- MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) in 2006 me by saying, “Well, I guess now you cerns of the community regarding MIT 2030, through the recent MITx initiative, the know why I wanted to see you.” we have heard a couple of overarching Institute has maintained and expanded its Several colleagues have asked ques- themes that we wish to address. We agree preeminent position as a leading science tions about the Presidential Search that it is of the utmost importance to and engineering university in the country process, and specifically how the faculty ensure that MIT will pass on an outstand- (and, indeed, the world). membership on the Search Committee is ing physical campus and surrounding Still, as with many changes in leader- determined. environment to future generations, and ship, the opportunity for an innovative in doing this we are mindful of two prin- perspective and for a unique approach Selection of Faculty to Serve on the ciples moving forward: should guide the selection of the next Search Committee 1. Ensuring that the academic needs of President of MIT. In order to attain a John gave me a “crash course” on the MIT remain at the forefront of planning more varied view on whom or what type process of selecting a new President. The priorities; of person might be best to next serve in continued on page 4 continued on page 14 continued on page 3 contents The MIT Faculty Vol. XXIV No. 4 March/April 2012 Newsletter Editorial Board From The 01 The Search for MIT’s Seventeeth President Alice Amsden Faculty Chair Samuel M. Allen Urban Studies & Planning Robert Berwick 01 MIT 2030: A Capital Planning Framework Electrical Engineering & Computer Science for the Future Israel Ruiz and Martin Schmidt Markus Buehler Civil & Environmental Engineering Editorial 01 The Next President of MIT Nazli Choucri Political Science 05 Faculty Committee Activity: Spring 2012 Update Olivier de Weck Aaron Weinberger Aeronautics & Astronautics/Engineering Systems Ernst G. Frankel 06 New Open Access Working Group Formed: Mechanical Engineering Formulating Response to Elsevier’s Policy Change Jean E. Jackson Richard Holton Anthropology Gordon Kaufman 08 MIT’s Ongoing Commitment to OpenCourseWare Management Science/Statistics Hal Abelson, Shigeru Miyagawa, Dick Yue *Jonathan King (Chair) 10 MIT: Rebuilding Community Biology O. R. Simha Helen Elaine Lee Writing and Humanistic Studies Letters 12 On the Creation of MITx Stephen J. Lippard Steven R. Tannenbaum Chemistry Seth Lloyd 13 Over-Schooled and Under-Skilled Mechanical Engineering Ernst G. Frankel Fred Moavenzadeh Civil & Environmental Engineering/Engineering Systems 16 Training Scores Big at MIT: James Orlin Gets Personal with lyndaCampus Sloan School of Management Robyn Fizz *Ruth Perry 17 Travis Merritt and the Founding of Charm School Literature Section Eve Odiorne Sullivan George Verghese Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 18 MAP Program: Calling All Faculty Rosalind H. Williams JoAnne Yates Science, Technology, & Society/Writing Patrick Henry Winston 19 Workshop: Leadership Skills for Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Engineering and Science Faculty David Lewis M.I.T. Numbers 20 Past Presidents of MIT Managing Editor *Editorial Subcommittee for this issue Photo credit: Page 1, Ali Almossawi, Creative Commons; Page 20, MIT Libraries Address MIT Faculty Newsletter Bldg. 11-268 Cambridge, MA 02139 Website Telephone 617-253-7303 Fax 617-253-0458 E-mail [email protected] Subscriptions $15/year on campus $25/year off campus 2 MIT Faculty Newsletter March/April 2012 The Next President of MIT “Someone who will help broaden • Robert Birgeneau (Chancellor, continued from page 1 MIT’s impact and involvement, particu- University of California at Berkeley); larly in reinvigorating U.S. technological • Alice Gast (President of Lehigh University); that capacity, this Faculty Newsletter has and manufacturing prowess.” • Mark Wrighton (Chancellor, varied the usual editorial-writing process. Washington University). Instead of restricting the writing of the “We want one who puts the best tradi- editorial to the FNL Subcommittee for tions of MIT – the disinterested pursuit of Ultimately, the decision of who will be this particular issue, a request was sent to knowledge – above any other considera- offered the next Presidency of MIT resides the entire Newsletter Editorial Board solic- tion, be it branding or marketing. We with the MIT Corporation. A joint iting opinions on this question. What want the principles of science to prevail, faculty/Corporation Presidential Search follows is an amalgam of the different not those of the business school.” Committee has been established, and ideas and viewpoints offered by the input will be solicited from MIT faculty, Editorial Board respondents. “We need a President who will make students, and staff. The Committee’s rec- sure that the people in whose neighbor- ommendation(s) will then be forwarded “Moral rather than financial leadership hoods we sit will gain some advantage from to the entire Corporation, where a final is what matters to me. Someone who pays our presence rather than any disadvantage.” decision will be made. For more informa- attention to the people at all levels on this tion on how this process will proceed, campus. We need a President to protect “We want someone who will do some- please see the article by Faculty Chair Sam the intellectual property that is our sub- thing to restore the collegiality that used to Allen, “The Search for MIT’s Seventeenth jects and our research from those who distinguish the way that MIT did business.” President,” on page 1 of this issue. would profit from them and who under- stands what a treasure our student body “We need a person who has a good . is.” understanding of industrial relations and contact management. A leader who will The Passing of Alice Amsden “In my personal view, the last great bring people and ideas together that will lead IT WAS WITH PROFOUND shock and MIT President was Jerry Wiesner. We toward cooperation and mutual support.” deep sorrow that we learned of the sudden need someone like that: not only a great death of Professor Alice Amsden on scientist and intellectual, but someone “We want someone who will listen to March 14. A longtime Newsletter Editorial who has international prestige, who has his or her constituency.” Board member and the Barton L. Weller managed large institutions, and has great Professor of Political Economy in MIT’s fund-raising skills, already giving evidence There were also a few specific sugges- Department of Urban Studies and that they can raise funds of a billion tions of candidates from both inside and Planning, Alice was an innovative and dollars (and more).” outside the Institute. From within they vibrant presence on the MIT campus. included: A contributor both in the pages of the “We need a person who is technologi- FNL and behind the scenes, her most cally savvy, particularly with regards to • Tyler Jacks (Koch Institute); recent Newsletter article was “Rise of the needed changes in teaching methods, sub- • Eric Lander (Department of Biology and Rest, Fall of the Best,” in the jects, and research.” the Broad Institute); September/October 2011 issue. Calling • Susan Lindquist (Department of Biology upon her expertise in economic develop- “We want someone who is a scientist and the Whitehead Institute); ment, Alice wrote of the role the Institute or an engineer; not an administrator.” • Rafael Reif (Provost). could play in the return of American manufacturing prowess. “We need a President who will speak Candidates from outside MIT (but For a more extensive review of her up against those who would pervert scien- often with MIT affiliation) included: career see the article in the MIT News tific findings or muzzle the scientific com- ( munity for the sake of corporate • Joseph Aoun (President of Northeastern); 0316.html). As a colleague and friend she contributions, and who will defend the • Lawrence Bacow (former President of will be greatly missed. truth even when it might look more Tufts); politic to remain silent.” • Bob Brown (President of BU); Editorial Subcommittee 3 MIT Faculty Newsletter Vol.