Art Nouveau Heritage – a Global Média Project

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Art Nouveau Heritage – a Global Média Project 13 2009 San Pellegrino Terme Art Nouveau Architecture and Universal Exhibitions L’arquitectura Art Nouveau i les exposicions universals Lluïsa Vidal: Painted Like a Man, Disappeared Like a Woman Lluïsa Vidal: va pintar com un home, va desaparèixer com una dona the route 3 © Comune San Pelligrino Terme © Comune San Pelligrino San Pellegrino Terme Dr. Daniele Rota City Council of San Pellegrino Terme [email protected] ater and Liberty: these In 1885, thanks to the presence of the Palazzolo and Salaroli two words best sum up the establishments, with drinking water and spa baths, San Pellegrino splendour that suddenly came welcomed 2229 tourists, more than the town's total population. to the tiny northern Italian With private and tourism-generated funding, the town of San Pellegrino, in Società delle Terme (Thermal Baths Company), headed by the the Brembana Valley north of lawyer Cesare Mazzoni, launched the architectural and urban Bergamo, in the early 1900s. In transformation of the entire town. This development largely just a few years, it was catapulted from small country town took place in the space of just six years. In this brief period, Wto international tourist attraction. architect Romolo Squadrelli and engineer Luigi Mazzocchi, San Pellegrino's thermal waters had been known for thanks to a forward-thinking plan matured after visits to some time. In 1803, the Pesenti-Licini company had set up Europe's top spa centres, regaled San Pellegrino with some of the first bottling plant and development continued thereafter. the best examples of Italian Art Nouveau, or Liberty. © Comune San Pelligrino Terme © Comune San Pelligrino coupdefouet 13 | 2009 coupdefouet 13 | 2009 Stained glass window, River God with ivy and vine leaves, by Giovanni Beltrami, in the lobby of the Casinò Grand Kursaal, or Casinò. Project by Romolo Squadrelli, directed by Luigi Mazzocchi (1905-1907) Vidriera Déu fluvial amb heures i fulles de vinya, de Giovanni Beltrami, al vestíbul del Casinò Grand Kursaal o Casinò. Projecte de Romolo Squadrelli, dirigit per Luigi Mazzocchi (1905-1907) 4 la ruta the route 5 San Pellegrino Terme Doctor Daniele Rota Quarti, Tommaso Bernasconi i el pintor Malerba. Tot es coneixien bé entre Walking along Viale Papa Giovanni, one comes across the Ajuntament de San Pellegrino Terme ells i havien participat en la Gran Exposició de Torí de 1902 i de Milà de sumptuous Casinò, or Grand Kursaal (from the German Kur: thermal [email protected] 1906. El projecte de San Pellegrino els va permetre crear nous edificis spa; Saal: hall, building). It was built in just 22 months (completed segons els estàndards i els models del Modernisme, amb la generosa in July 1907), to a design by Squadrelli and directed by Mazzocchi, igua i Liberty... són els mots que sintetitzen millor aportació econòmica de la Società delle Terme. a master in the use of hydraulic quicklime and reinforced concrete. Terme © Comune San Pelligrino l’esplendor que va envair el petit municipi de la Vall L'edifici consta de dues plantes, amb dues exedres laterals que s'estenen Squadrelli brought with him leading Art Nouveau artists Brembana, a Bèrgam, a l’inici del 1900, quan va passar cap al visitant com si volguessin abraçar-lo. L'estructura es caracteritza of the day: Alessandro Mazzucotelli, Giulio Croce, Giovanni de ser un petit poble rural a convertir-se en un centre per dues torres que s'alcen atorgant al conjunt impuls i força escènica. La Beltrami, Michele Vedani, Eugenio Quarti, Tommaso Bernasconi turístic internacional. Els banys termals havien estat façana encarna algunes característiques pròpies del Liberty: la tendència a and the painter Malerba. construïts molt abans: el 1803 la Societat Presenti-Licini utilitzar nous materials com el ciment, el ferro forjat i el vidre, i la presència With private and tourism- They were all well known, instal·lava la primera planta d’embotellament, que poc a constant de motius naturalistes. Al costat de l’entrada hi trobem obres de generated funding the having participated in poc s’havia anat modernitzant, ciment tractat de Giulio Croce the Great Expos of Turin Afins al 1885, quan gràcies que representen, a la dreta El architectural and urban (1902) and Milan (1906). als establiments Palazzolo i triomf de Bacus i el seu seguici, transformation of the The San Pellegrino project Salaroli, que oferien aigua per i a l'esquerra , El ritme del bosc entire town was launched allowed them to create new beure i banys termals, a San dissenys de Bernasconi. buildings in line with Art Pellegrino s’hi comptaven 2.229 Terme © Comune San Pelligrino Al damunt del pseudoarc Nouveau standards and models, backed by generous funding turistes, un nombre superior al de les tres portes d'entrada s'hi from the Società delle Terme. dels habitants del poble. troben caps de faunes i altres Period postcard showing the building of the Casinò The two-storey Grand Kursaal has two lateral exedras that Gràcies al capital privat figures mitològiques. Sobre Postal d’època que mostra la construcció del Casinò reach out, as if to embrace the visitor. The building also features two i al que generava el turisme, les finestres del primer pis, soaring towers that lend the whole thrust and a theatrical power. la Società del Terme, presidida uns discs de ciment esculpit, The façade embodies certain Art Nouveau features, including the Above the pseudo-arch of the three entrance doors are per l’advocat Cesare Mazzoni, amb els rostres dels grans va impulsar la transformació compositors de la història tendency to employ new materials like concrete, wrought iron and faun's heads and other characters from mythology. Cement discs arquitectònica i urbanística (Rossini, Verdi, Ponchielli, glass, as well as the continual presence of naturalistic themes. On containing the busts of great composers like Rossini, Verdi, de tot el municipi. Aquest Chopin, etc.), recorden al either side of the entrance are artworks in cement by Giulio Croce Ponchielli, Chopin and so on, are located above the first-floor desenvolupament va produir- visitant que es tracta d'un depicting the "Triumph of Bacchus and his Procession", on the right, windows to remind visitors that they are about to enter a place se en el transcurs d’uns sis espai de diversió i esbarjo. De and the "Rhythm of the Forest" (designed by Bernasconi) on the left. of entertainment and leisure. Indeed, from 1907 to 1917, the anys, un període breu en què fet, de 1907 a 1917, els locals Casinò's rooms were used for gambling, the upper class's favourite l’arquitecte Romolo Squadrelli del Casinò van destinar-se als pasttime. The façade is rich in naturalistic and mythological coupdefouet 13 | 2009 coupdefouet 13 | 2009 i l’enginyer Luigi Mazzocchi, jocs d'atzar, principal diversió elements that make it quite unique: laurel leaves, beetles (the gràcies a un programa a llarg de la burgesia acabalada. La frieze below the cornice reminds us of the best in the French Art termini, madurat durant la façana és rica en elements Nouveau tradition), poppies and palms, just to mention a few. seva visita prèvia a les millors naturalistes i mitològics que la All of this is enriched by Mazzucotelli's contributions in wrought ciutats termals europees, van fan única dins el gènere: fulles Terme © Comune San Pelligrino iron: the two lampholders with floral themes and the enormous dotar San Pellegrino d’alguns de llorer, escarabats (el fresc del pennon that soars from the top of the building. dels millors exemples de pintor Malerba sota la cornisa In the entrance hall, the theme of the earth, with flowers as a Modernisme italià o Liberty. recorda la millor tradició de key element, unfolds. Quarti did the timber ceiling, as well as much Si recorrem el Viale Papa l'Art Nouveau francès), roselles furniture that has since been lost. On the right, one shouldn't miss Giovanni, ens trobem amb i palmes, per citar-ne alguns. the beautiful stained glass "River God with Ivy and Vine Leaves" el sumptuós Casinò o Grand Tot plegat enriquit per la done by Beltrami to a design by Giovanni Buffa. It sits above a Kursaal (de l’alemany Kur: presència d'elements de ferro basin where thermal water once bubbled forth. balneari; Saal: sala), construït forjat de Mazzucotelli: els dos The heart of the Grand Kursaal is doubtless the grand en només vint-i-dos mesos (de portalàmpades amb elements central staircase, flanked by two young figures, one male and novembre de 1905 a juliol de florals i l'enorme penó que one female, used as lampholders and executed by the Milanese 1907), segons el projecte de llueix al capdamunt de l'edifici. sculptor Tagni. The lower part of the staircase is dominated by Romolo Squadrelli i sota la Al vestíbul hi trobem el the theme of water: seven gold stucco panels by Bernasconi direcció de Luigi Mazzocchi, tema de la terra, on les flors represent the "Horses of Neptune". High up on the walls, gran coneixedor de la calç Skylight by Giovanni Beltrami, above the central staircase of the Casinò són un element característic. numerous female figures done in bronze-treated concrete by hidràulica i del ciment armat. El sostre de fusta treballada Lluerna de Giovanni Beltrami, sobre l’escala central del Casinò Vedani stand out. They hold beautiful chandeliers done by Squadrelli va fer-hi és obra de Quarti, que va Mazzucotelli in wrought iron and stained glass with vitreous intervenir els artistes modernistes més grans de l'època: Alessandro realitzar també molts dels mobles, avui desapareguts. A la banda dreta, paste touches. A stained glass skylight depicts two butterflies, a Mazzucotelli, Giulio Croce, Giovanni Beltrami, Michele Vedani, Eugenio cal destacar la bellíssima vidriera Déu fluvial amb heures i fulles de vinya, sign of the renewal of time.
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