Summer 2003

Special Report Departments How It Is, That Every American Shall Come EDITORIAL 5 2 Science and the LaRouche To Understand Gauss Youth Movement Sky Shields Laurence Hecht 10 Learning the Science of Pedagogy 3 LETTERS Riana St. C1assis 4 NEWS BRIEFS 13 LaRouche in Dialogue with Youth BOOKS Lyndon H. LaRouche talks with youth from three continents. 58 The Solar Fraud: Why Solar Energy Won't Run the World Features by Howard C. Hayden Reviewed by Greg Murphy 26 The Elements, the Solar System, and 60 The Conquest of Space The Prebiotic Principle by David Lasser Reviewed by Marsha Free man Laurence Hecht A new look at the geometric model of the atomic nucleus proposed 64 Stikky Night Skies by Laurence Holt Books by Robert J. Moon, a physical chemist in the anti-Bohr tradition. Re vie wed by Rick Sa nders 35 Six-Cornered Snowflakes and Five-fold Symmetry Ralf Schauerhammer How Johannes Kepler's examination of "nothing," produces something to think about.

43 : The New Mode of Transport For the 21 st Century On the Cover: LaRouche Yo uth Movement leader Sky Shields demonstrates helicoidal james Powell and Gordon Danby minimal surface formed by soap film. Photo The inventors of the world's first superconducting maglev by Robert Lucero; cover design by Alan system tell how can revolutionize world Yue. transportation, and even carry payloads into space.

THE SOLAR FRAUD To keep the huge Solar Electric Generating System in Kramer, Calif. producing a mere 103 MW of electricity (a bout one­ tenth that of conventional power plants), requires wash­ ing several million square meters of mirror 25 times a year, plus a natural gas back­ up system that can produce power during cloudy weather. See p. 58 for more.



Editor-in-Chief Laurence Hecht Science and the Managing Editor Marjorie Mazel Hecht Associate Editors LaRouche Youth Movement Elijah C. Boyd David Cherry Marsha Freeman Colin M. Lowry OU won't read about it in Science or challenge to master Carl Friedrich Gregory B. M�rphy YNature, but the big news in science Gauss's 1799 proof of the Fundamental Elisabeth Pascali today is the growth of a youth move­ Theorem of Algebra. In that revo­ Richard Sanders ment, committed to the principle of dis­ Charles B. Stevens . lutionary paper, the 21-year-old Gauss covering the truth. dismisses the earlier proofs of three of Books As the articles in our Special Report the most prestigious figures in 18th David Cherry demonstrate, this process is already Century mathematics-d' Alembert, Art Director well under way. We have now around Euler, and Lagrange. The problem, Alan Yue us, in a social-political and intellectual Gauss notes, is that they have ac­ Advertising Manager process that has chosen to name itself cepted, without proof, the existence of Marsha Freeman the LaRouche Youth Movement, a core the "imaginary" or "impossible"

SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD grouping of several hundreds of very number, and thus proven nothing. It Francesco Celani.-Ph.D. serious young people in the 18 to 26 were necessary, Gauss insisted (then, as Hugh W. Ellsaesser, Ph.D. age bracket. Around this rapidly always) to establish the physical­ Bertha Farfan, M.D. expanding core is a very much larger geometric basis for the existence of this James Frazer, Ph:D. circle of university-age youth, debating new type of magnitude, befo re John Grauerholz, M.D. Emmanuel Grenier the ideas which are being forcefully invoking it in a proof. Hence his Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. presented to them by this dedicated construction of the domain of the Wolfgang Ullge, M.D. cadre of thinkers. doubly extended magnitude, in which Ramtanu Maitra The centerpiece of the educational the new species, known as complex Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., Ph.D. program for these youth has been the BA Soldano, Ph.D. number, may exist. Jonathan Te nnenbaum, Ph.D. · 21st Century Sclence & Technology (ISSN 0895-6820) is published 4 times a year in 2000, every third month, by 21 st Cen­ tury Science Associates, 60 Sycolin Road, Suite 203, Leesburg, Va . 20175. Te l. (703) 777-7473. Address all correspondence to 21 st Cen­ tury, P.O. Box 16285, Washington, D.C. 20041. Second-class postage is paid at Lees­ burg, Va. and additional mailing offices. 21 st Century is dedicated to the promo­ tion of unending scientific progress, all directed to serve the proper common aims of mankind. Opinions expressed in articles are not nec­ essarily those of 21 st Century Science Asso­ ciates or the scientific advisory board. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Subscriptions by mail are $25 for 6 issues or $48 for 12 issues in the USA and Canada. Airmail subscriptions to other countries are $50 for 6 issues. Back issues are $5 each ($6 foreign). Payments must be' in U.S. cur­ rency. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 21st Century, P. O. Box 16285, Washing­ ton, D.C. 20041-0285. Cc;>pyright© 2003 21st Century Science Associates

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2 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY EDITORIAL The truth is, that very few, even great atomic weight, such as uranium among the ranks of professional mathe­ and thorium."3 maticians who would claim to know What she wrote about all the space Gauss's proof, have actually mastered being fi l led with natural radiation this relatively elementary lesson. And (later called cosmic and terrestrial) from that systemic fa iling, are derived an was lucid, far-sighted, and was proven entire family of problems embedded in Letters correct. The explanation of the nature the axiomatic underpinning of modern of radioactivity was given in a two­ mathematical physics. part paper by Ernest Rutherford and Thus, the first challenge facing any­ Radiation Expert Frederick Soddy, in which they pre­ one from the generation of scientists sented their theory of radioactive dis­ trained by those methods of lesser intel­ On Curie integration. 4 lectual rigor which have prevailed in Zbigniew Jaworowski, our lifetimes, is to re-educate oneself, To the Editor: M.D., Ph.D., D.Se. on the principle that nothing is known I wish to correct one error in the very Central laboratory for Radiological which is not demonstrable by the meth­ interesting article on Maria Sklodowska Protection ods of physical-geometric constructibil­ Curie, which appeared in your Winter Warsaw, Poland ity demanded by Gauss. That will be 2002-2003 issue. I liked the article very best accomplished, in the course of car­ much, especially the part on her role in Notes ______1. H. Becquerel, "Sur la radio-activite de I'uranium," rying out the second challenge, which America, unknown to me. I sent fo ur Comptes Rendus, Acad. Sci., Paris, Vol. is to take up the awesome responsibili­ issues to the Society Maria Sklodowska­ 133:977-980 (1901). ty for properly educating this new gen­ Curie in Homage in Warsaw, and fo ur to 2. P. Curie, M. Curie, "Sur les corps radio-actifs," eration. the headquarters of the Polish Society of Comptes Rendus, Acad. Sci., Paris, Vol. 134:85- 87 (1902). Nothing less than a most rigorously Oncology in Krakow. I received positive 3. Mme. Sklodowska Curie, "Rayons emis par les Socratic approach will suffice: Nothing comments. composes de I'uranium et du thorium," Comptes can be asserted which is not known. On The error relates to the history of our Rendus, Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. 126:1101-1103 (1898). truthful self-examination, most will find understanding of radioactivity. The 4. E. Rutherford, and F. Soddy, "The Cause and that they possess a great deal of accu­ article states on page 36, "It was Marie Nature of Radioactivity," Philosophical mulated learning, with huge holes Curie's job to explain to the world Magazine, Part 1: Vol. 4:370-396 (1902); Part 2: Vol. 4: 569-585 (1902). where the actual proof should lie. what this phenomenon [radioactivity] Because the method of knowing how we was ...." This is not quite true. In know has been abandoned in science their early papers, Maria Sklodowska education, often on grounds of efficacy, and her husband proposed a wrong A Real Love most of what is called scientific knowl­ explanation for the essence of radioac­ For Curie edge today is no different than articles of tivity: They regarded radioactive To the Editor: fa ith. That practice must end. The guid­ atoms as a kind of condenser, trapping I recently read the beautiful article on ing principle must be that every assump­ the radiant energy incoming from the Marie Curie in your Winter 2002-2003 tion employed must be rigorously exam­ Cosmos. issue. On a whim, I picked up the issue ined. No hypothesis, whether it be an It was Henri Becquerel, who, in and opened it up. Denise did a wonder­ imaginary number, or an elementary 1901 , first suggested that radioactivity fu l job . ... Almost 20 years ago, I particle, is presumed valid until the is caused by breaking apart of the shared an apartment with her and her experimental anomaly suggesting its radioactive atoms. ' Maria and Pierre husband Roger. Around that time, I also existence has been demonstrated. strongly objected to this idea in a paper did a lot of research on Curie, and sub­ The task is challenging, but should presented to the French Academy, on mitted some material to your prior not be daunting. The best way to begin, their request, by its member Becquerel group, the FEF [Fusion Energy we have found, is to begin. To those (a sign of his magnanimity).2 Here they Foundation]. Denise's article with a passionate commitment to the noted that "activity does not vary with flowed with real love of the subject, and pursuit of truth, there should be nothing time," and assumed that radioactive gave an excellent overview.... more exciting than the prospect of atoms absorb their energy from an Paul Kaeprzak being able to participate in the educa­ external source. This paper was a con­ tion of a new generation dedicated to tinuation of what Maria had written this principle. in 1898: Please join us in helping to shape the "Interpreting spontaneous radiation Correction intellectual leaders of this abandoned, of uranium and thorium, one can "no future" generation, into the Renais­ imagine that all the space is traversed The correct e-mail address for the sance generation they wish to become. constantly by rays analogous to Krafft A. Ehrieke Institute for Space Yo u have nothing to lose but your pes­ Roentgen rays but much more pene­ Development, listed on p. 44 of the simism and despair. trating, and that these rays can be Spring 2003 issue, is -Laurence Hecht absorbed only by certain elements of KrafftEh riekel [email protected].


FUSION ENERGY ACHIEVED IN SANDIA NATIONAL LAB'S ZETA PINCH DEVICE Scientists from the Sandia National Laboratory in New Mexico announced that they had achieved substantial nuclear fusion for the first time on their pulsed-power Z­ machine. Dr. Ramon J. Leeper, director of the Sandia effort, reported the deta ils of the experiments at a meeting of the American Physical Society in Philadelphia, April 5-8. "It's the first observation of fusion for a pulsed-power source," Dr. Leeper stat­ ed. In the Z-pinch, the energy output of the Z-accelerator-machine is converted to soft X-rays, which then impinge on small pellets, the size of BBs, containing hydro­ gen fusion fuel. The soft X-rays ablatively drive the implosion of the BB-sized pel­ lets-targets-by burning off a small layer on the surface. The implosion then com­ Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratory presses the fusion fuel to high densities and temperatures like those seen in the Illustration of the Z-pinch fusion device. hydrogen bomb and at the center of stars. The target chamber is in the center of the central cylinder, where the fu sion CLIMATE SC IENTISTS FIND 20TH CENTURY TEMPERATURES 'NOT SO HOT' re action takes place. The 20th Century is neither the warmest century nor the one with the most extreme weather of the past 1,000 years, concluded researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, after examining and compiling results from 240 scientific studies. The review also confirmed that the Medieval Warm Period of 800 to 1300 A.D. had much higher temperatures in many parts of the world than that of the 20th Century, and that the Little Ice Age of 1300 to 1900 A.D. was a worldwide phe­ nomenon. Many climate indicators were reviewed, including borehole data, glacier advances or retreats, pollen, tree ring growth, fossils, seafloor sediments, and shift­ ing tree lines. The study was funded by government agencies and the American Petroleum Institute.

KENYA'S LEADING MEDICAL OFFICIALS PROPOSE REINTRODUCTION OF DDT Leading health officials in Kenya have proposed the reintroduction of DDT to stop the spread of malaria, which now kills 700 Kenyans per day. The campaign for DDT was launched this spring by Kenya's major research institute, KEMRI, whose direc­ tor, Dr. Davy Koech, said that the country was in a dilemma and must act fast to safe­ guard the health of the general public. KEMRI's study proposing DDT was support­ ed by top medical officials. The only option in combatting malaria is to turn to DDT, Dr. Richard Muga, Director of Kenya's Medical Services, told the East African Standard. Kenya banned DDT in 1986, a ban that the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources, Dr. Newton Kulundu said April 19, may have been out of an exaggeration of its dangers. Countries that have re-introduced DDT have much lower malaria rates. (For more on DDT, see 27 st Century, Fall 2002 articles and www.21

CHIMPS 'SHOULD BE RECLASSIFIED AS HUMANS'? BANANAS! Some scientists are so upset with the traditional classification of human beings as distinct from animals, that they argue in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that chimpanzees, which share 99.4 percent of human genes, should be reclassified as human beings. "We humans appear as only slightly remodelled chim­ panzee-like apes," claims one of the authors.

SOUTH AFRICA'S PEBBLE BED REACTOR READY FOR CONSTRUCTION STAGE The South African utility, Eskom, is ready to proceed to the next stage of South Africa's Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) project, subject to the required approvals being issued-a nuclear license and the approval of the environmental impact statement. The PBMR is a fo urth-generation nuclear reactor design, which is super-safe, meltdown-proof, modular, and mass-producible. In May, the Pretoria

Courtesy of PBMR High Court struck down a challenge to the project by the environmental group Cutaway view of the plan fo r a multi­ Earthlife Africa. Eskom's chief executive said that the company viewed the PBMR "as module PBMR complex, with 8 nuclear a strategic National Demonstration Project with the potential to bring major macro­ units. economic, social, and strategic benefits for South Africa as a whole."

4 Summer 2003 21 st CENTURY NEWS BRIEFS SPECIAL REPORT How It Is, That Every American Shall Come to Understand Gauss by Sky Shields

May 22, 2003 he past several weeks featured five, T weekend-long educational events for the youthful organizers of Lyndon LaRouche's Democratic Presidential campaign-in Los Angeles, Phila­ delphia, and three held simultaneously by telephone hook-up in Seattle, Germany, and Mexico. Each of these intensive educational weekends, which we have called cadre schools, began with a short address by LaRouche, fol­ lowed by a lengthy question-and­ answer session with him, probing the deepest issues of philosophy, sci­ ence, history, and art. Each cadre school also fea­ tured what was termed a "pedagogical festival," where demonstrations of physical scientific principles that had been worked out by the youth themselves were presented. These demonstrations were an inflec­ tion point in a long process of intellec­ tual development, which we have car­ ried out for the growing numbers of full­ time and part-time activists of the LaRouche Yo uth Movement. This process had really begun in earnest, when a small group of us in Los Robert Lucero Angeles took up Lyndon LaRouche's Author Sky Shields demonstrates helicoidal minimal surface fo rmed by soap fi lm. challenge to master Carl Friedrich Gauss's 1799 proof of the Fundamental nor the universe, can be reduced to a set was then to disseminate this throughout Theorem of Algebra.1 LaRouche chal­ of a priori axioms and postulates, from the youth movement as a whole, in lenged us to "know truth"-to go which history supposedly unfolds order to achieve the mental, moral, and beyond the ability to repeat taught inevitably, apart from mystical interven­ strategic effects Lyndon LaRouche had knowledge (in the way we were instruct­ tions by little green men, or the violent called for. This all exploded much soon­ ed in school), to be able to know how fits of arbitrary impositions of will by the er than we had intended, however, we know. He chose the mastery of the Nietzschean mathematicians, and the when the rest of the youth movement, 1799 proof of the Fundamental Theorem would-be imperialists who have created hearing that work on the Gauss paper to initiate this process. them. had begun, insisted on broadening the In that 1799 proof, Gauss demon­ Our initial intent was to try to estab­ work group. strates that, contrary to the I ies of Eu ler, lish, in a small core group, a certain It became clear that the problem of Lagrange, and the Bush Administration level of competence in, at least, reading working through the Fundamental chicken hawks-neither mathematics, the topics contained therein. The plan Theorem was not just a problem of the

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 5 Fundamental Theorem. There existed an A pedagogical entire historical and intellectual context, evening in "a geometry," in which it first had to be Wiesbaden situated. The bulk of what we needed in Germany, in April order to situate Gauss's breakthrough 2003, where Los properly, in terms of the historical fight Angeles LaRouche as well as in terms of the epistemology, Youth Movement was contained in the pedagogical series organizer Jason "Riemann for Anti-Dummies," assem­ Ross (right) bled by one of our senior advisors, discusses the Bruce Director.2 problem of In this series, Director and others, doubling the as part of a program leading up to cube. mastering the mathematics of Bern­ hard Riemann­ which was required to understand the LaRouche-Riemann method of eco­ nomic forecasting­ internationally, for collabora­ have presented a tion on pedagogical method, thorough working­ as opposed to simply the ped­ through of elements agogical topics. of the work of This question of teaching, or Riemann's teacher, pedagogical composition, Carl Friedrich Gauss. effectively cemented the topic For the rest, we've of discussion as being a sub­ begun a process that suming idea, rather than sim­ shouldn't find a rea­ ply the series of predicated son to slow down facts which could be organ­ any time in the next ized, like notes in a musical 10 years or more. piece, to convey that idea. The What, Really, Is effect was necessarily to force Algebra? the adoption of a producer, as For instance: What is the system, gogical projects, in small groups, most­ opposed to a consumer, identity fo r cer­ algebra, that the algebraists LaGrange ly informally. This comes on top of the tain youth organizers. A consumer, such and Euler mystified? Is it really the regular, scheduled, class sessions each as an average American today, interacts deductive set of symbol manipulations week. with the world merely in terms of simple learned, like seal training, in algebra Pushing this process quickly brought object relations. The consumer's world class? As an antidote to such training, out two, important problems: (1 ) We had is a series of objects-either of desire or we acquired copies of the original far too many people for only one or two of discomfort-and symbols, such as algebra book, the Hisab al'Jabr w'al people to teach, and (2) people had those of algebra (as presented in any Maqabala, by AI Kwarizmi,3 to work severe blocks on the subject of mathe­ modern textbook) severed from the out what this system, al'Jabr, really matics. physical universe, to be manipulated was, because we understood that it was The first of these was, of course, a according to a set of rules, in order to this physical system that Gauss drove welcome problem. It's a characteristic obtain desired results. to the point of breakdown, in order to problem of a healthy economic process. The producer is capable of seeing an force a breakthrough into what he It was resolved by the development of a entire developmental process enfolded called a "higher space." One group of capability, later identified by another of in every product, where the consumer students began a project of working, our advisors, Jonathan Te nnenbaum, as only sees "things to buy." Whether it is chapter by chapter, through Gauss's a "brigade system" (referring to the edu­ the economic history and human effort Disquisitiones Arithmeticae,4 which cation of the French military engineer­ which bring a product into being, or the Gauss worked on concurrently with his ing corps in the Ecole Polyte chnique history of the human effort behind the Fundamental Theorem paper (both of under Gaspard Monge and Lazare idea from which a mathematics is which were written in his late teens Carnot in the late 18th Century). We derived : these should be the real objects and early twenties). We created an established a network, initially internal of human thought. To the extent that this environment where people are often to the West Coast offices (Seattle, San sense has been imparted throughout the up until two to four o'clock in the Leandro, and Los Angeles), and which movement, we have developed a far morning, working intensely on peda- has now spread both nationally and more efficient network of teachers than

6 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT we would have otherwise. In the end, nobody ends up knowing work on the Platonic solids and the Educating All mathematics, but a few can perform golden section;

The second problem was a much great calculating feats on command. The • a lead-in to Gauss's work on the more insidious one. We have an organi­ rest end up with a diffe rent kind of trau­ divisions of the circle;

zation that is clearly unique in many matic damage-though both abuses • apparatuses to demonstrate da respects, but one stands out: LaRouche need to be repaired, in order to sustain a Vinci's work on waves, fo unding the campaign organizers come from almost fu nctional revolutionary cadre. In this study of hydrodynamics, which led to every different background possible. way, our Gauss and other pedagogical Riemann's anticipation of shockwaves There are no requirements to join the work served a dual function, as sort of in air;

campaign, other than a passion to do psychoanalysis for the membership. • a presentation of the constructive good for humanity. We are a proof of the Solving this second problem, served to principles behind Brunelleschi's dome principle contained in the Declaration of aggravate the first, as youth movement in Florence, including least surfaces, Independence, "that all men are created members who had been terrified of the and the catenary; and fi nally,

equal"-that all humans are born with science work, say, six months before, • a physical demonstration of the the exact same capacity for human rea­ fi nally decided to dive in, and needed to Pythagorean comma, and the goldmine son, and the absorption, generation, and be caught up to the rest. of paradoxes within music and the communication of. creative discovery. It was this apparatus that was brought human voice. Therefore, the people working on the to bear around the Los Angeles Cadre This had the equivalent effect of a sci­ projects cited are, for the most part, not a School, and pushed into a phase shift. ence-driver economic projectS for the bunch of "science buffs ," but rather peo­ Jonathan Te nnenbaum presented the members of the youth movement, forc­ ple who recognize this as part of a high­ LaRouche Yo uth Movement with what ing the development of new skills, in er, more universal course of study. he called a "shopping list" of pedagogi­ particular increasing the capability and Reinforc ing this understanding is not cal demonstrations. Among the included experience at physical constructions easy. Most people have undergone so projects were: and demonstrations of principle, includ­

much Social Darwinist brainwashing in • constructions for demonstrati ng ing design and execution of the appara­ the course of their education, that they Kepler's determination of the planetary tuses involved, a capability which had block themselves psychologically on orbits; been limited prior to this.

certain subjects. Math is possibly the • demonstrations of Fresnel's work The idea now is to push this process most common block, but this is true for on light; even further. An intensive cross-conti­

all so-called "subjects": "I'm not a math • Abraham Kaestner's pioneering nental project, studying the works of person"; "I'm not a history person"; "I'm work on mathematics, which brought us Lazare Carnot, Gaspard Monge, and the not artistically inclined"; or, 'I'm not Gauss, and later Riemann; Ecole Polytechnique has begun. Also,

into politics," are all considered perfect­ • a demonstration and constructions projects have been either proposed or ly normal things to say, by current social of Leonardo da Vinci and Luca Pacioli's taken up on the geometry and engineer­ standards. But, they are all absolutely ing of Gaspard Monge, projective geom­ absurd. etry, techniques for identifying a given All human beings, all children, have surface by its local characteristics, a natural curiosity in all thi ngs. Only Christiaan Huygen's work on light and some sort of trauma in their youth wave fronts, Leonardo da Vinci's work would serve to sour them on different on perspective and his work on transla­ subjects. Math class is often this trau­ tion of motion, and consistently coming matic experience. Most math classes in back to mainstays such as Gottfried elementary and high schools have the Leibniz's differential calculus, and the same Darwinist character as a dog other projects mentioned. breeder's kennel. Instead of actually Multiple translation projects, from red iscovering the greatest ideas in French and German original texts, into human history, and making that both English and Spanish, are also in the process the subject of human menta­ works. It is for this reason that LaRouche tion, students are trained to perform has dubbed us, no longer the "No­ tricks (admittedly, sometimes spectacu­ Future generation," but rather a lar feats of rote calculation) for which "Renaissance generation." Much fu n they are given treats and good grades. will be had, and much trouble caused, Some make it as prize show dogs, and in the days, weeks, and months to come! are then tracked as math studs, to be mated under the watchful eye of a pro­ Notes ______fessor or peer review board. Others Brendon Barnett 1. Carl Friedrich Gauss, "New Proof of the Theorem That Every Algebraic Rational don't quite make the cut, and are told jonathan Te nnenbaum talking about Integral Function in One Variable Can Be to study I iberal arts (or perhaps home Gauss at a LaRouche Youth Movement Resolved into Real Factors of the First or the Second Degree" (Helmstedt: C.G. Feckeisen's, economics). cadre school in Los Angeles. 1799). English translation by Ernest Fandreyer,

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 7 Department of Mathematics, Fitchburg State Algebra of AI-Khowarizmi with an Introduction, ic projects, like the Apollo Mission to the Moon, College, available through http://www.theacad­ Critical Notes, and an English version by Louis the Manhattan Project, the original Strategic Charles Karpinski (New Yo rk: The Macmillan Defense Initiative as proposed by Lyndon H. 2. This entire series can be found on the website of Company, 1915). LaRouche, Jr., and the principle behind them, the LaRouche Yo uth Movement, http://www.the 4. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Disquisitiones Arith­ see Lyndon LaRouche's essays ''The Gravity of, in the "Riemann for Anti­ meticae, transl. Arthur A. Clarke, S.J. (New Economic Intentions: The Science Driver Dummies" section. Haven: Ya le University Press, 1966) Principle in Economics," and "SOl Revisited: In 3. Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of the 5. For more information on science-driver econom- Defense of Strategy" at

Pythagoras Has One Professor Freaking Out at Exodus to LaRouche

aRouche Yo uth Movement organiz­ Figure 1 The Pythagorean Theorem-or what's Lers have been regularly deploying to left of it as taught here--has, like other college campuses throughout the algebraic techniques, such as FOIL (fi rst, United States and globally, attempting outer, inner, last), "completing the to provoke a discussion of the sort of a� square," the quadratic formula, and so ideas required to head off a civilization­ on, the same significance to most mod­ al crisis of war and depression. We gen­ b ern math professors, and the victims of erally succeed, but there have been a their malicious dog-show training, as a few notable exceptions. doll with stickpins does to a voodoo Since we have emphasized mastery of This author obtained the San priestess: It is a mystical talisman, to be the Pythgagorean Theorem (that is, Francisco State mathematics curriculum wielded in the same desperate way understanding why it is true, not simply from the school's website, to find out demonstrated by Euler, LaGrange, and what the formula is) in our own educa­ what is taught there, that Meredith 0' Alembert, in Gauss's account of their tional work, organizers frequently chal­ claims allows students to "seek out new attempts to prove, using taught symbol lenge students they meet to produce a truths on their own." This is from the manipulation, the Fundamental proof. The purpose is to demonstrate the book Elementary and Intermediate Theorem of Algebra. The actual algebra diffe rence between mere taught knowl­ Algebra, available in the San Francisco (al jabr) of AI Quarizmi (or Khowarizmi), edge and actual understanding. State campus bookstore: which this textbook formulation obfus­ A reporter for the San Francisco State "A triangle is a right triangle if it has a cates (as it also does the mathematical campus newspaper, the Colden Cater, 90° or right angle. The side opposite the and philosophical work of Pythagoras was apparently provoked by such a 90° angle is called a hypotenuse. The and the Pythagoreans), takes a quite dif­ challenge. We would have preferred other sides are called legs. In any right ferent, even antithetical, fo rm. that he try to think through the matter for triangle, if a and b are the lengths of the The Real Theorem of Pythagoras himself. Instead, it appears he took the legs and c is the hypotenuse, then a2 + First, what does it mean to "square" a opposite approach, and sought the opin­ b2 = c2" (Figure 1). number? Is this simply the act of multi­ ion of an "authority," in this case the That's what the book's authors call "the plying a given number by itself? If so, chairman of the college math depart­ Pythagorean Theorem." Now, what exact­ what does this have to do with the ment. This "expert's" cited comments ly does that fo rmulation mean? Te sting it lengths of the sides of a right triangle? seemed so foolish to us, that we had a on triangles, by substituting numbers for The answer to this can be found in a look at the curriculum he teaches. It the lengths, a student would come to see general investigation of the properties of proved to be a perfect example of the that it seemed to "work" in every case-­ squares. Readers who are fam iliar with problem we are criticizing. but why? Because the book says so? Plato's Meno dialogue, or who have First, we cite the campus newspaper attempted to solve the prob­ report: Figure 2 lem of doubling the square, " 'The idea of the missing fraction know that this cannot be that represents the hole between one accomplished by simply dou­ and two is more than 2500 years old, bling the length of one side. dating back to Pythagoras,' says SF State This action gives a square Mathematics Department Chair Dr. four times as large as the David Meredith, who says he once lost a original; tripling the side student to LaRouche's 'cult.' He adds gives a square nine times as that modern mathematics instruction large, and so on (Figure 2). encourages students to learn and seek DEE One can investigate the out new truths on their own, rather than relationship between a length mimicking math as taught." of line and the square con-

8 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5


structed on it. It is a shorthand for this (Figure 4). Close inspection will reveal social climbing,young, aspiring political physical geometric relationship, which two identical squares in the construc­ party hack ("This won't help me get a is later referred to as "squaring" a num­ tion, each with a side of combined high paying job! I just want to make ber. (Archytas, and later Gauss, demon­ length a + b, and each containing four friends and influence people.") strate that this is a special case of a more of the original triangles as part of its But the truth is, that it is precisely general physical geometric conception area. (One of these identical squares is because of the fact that most of those of powers.) pictured,by itself, in Figure 5.) people whom we consider our political Now, looking back at our triangle, "a Removing the same area from each of and intellectual leadership in the world squared" would seem to mean the the two identical squares-in this case today, have not worked through prob­ square built on length a. Our theorem the four triangles-should give us the lems like this,that we are in the crisis we would then look something like the same remaining area. But,in the one case are in today. We have reached the end image in Figure 3. But now, we have a we have two squares, the a square and of a system, where all the currently new problem-how do you add one the b square, left over. In the other case, accepted rules of economics, social square to another, and still have a we have only one,the c square, left over. relations, science, and mathematics no square? The reader should try different But, because of our construction, these longer apply. And only if there is a methods for this, before looking at the areas must be equal! That is, a squared movement in the world today, centered solution we will provide here. plus b squared must equal c squared. around rediscovering the method by Now,for a demonstration (this is only "But, you can't expect people to work which discoveries are made (not just one of many possible). Looking at our through everything like this! It would consuming their by-products), will we drawing, we see that several more trian­ take much too long!" might be the typi­ be able to seek out the new ideas that gles,each the same as our original, can cal argument from one of today's "new are required to get us out of this mess. be seen implicit in it. Draw these all in math" professors, or perhaps from a -Sky Shields

Warning:, S9cial,�Um�ing, May ,Be H(\Zardo�s, :to tqur' J\1�ntal , ." , ' . ' ,!. , , ' , . " ' _ _ -';' 0 ;-:-' ; ':':" . ,; ;:� : . , \ \ y Berkeley College Democrat ,Nasir "It's very hard to glean quite what all, they wanted me to explain to them ,Khan was one of those we met on he stands for, since his 'followers are the'�igni ficans�, of the,Rythagoreap. carnPus"who rejected the challenge to, quite' preoccLJpied with,explaining t , theorem, and rn�themati� lly , prove : it i g ' � grasp higher concepts. Nonetheless, bystanders what,it means to be 'sub2' as bJirig true.r'could not/ and, did n(;jt,' though clea�ly exuding pride in igno­ lime' and the 'universal principles of quite understand how it related to pol-

rance,his published comments give an geometry.' Don't believe me? Well,as itics.,. " ." " idea of the kind of 'debate ,we,:have I decided to find out more about the" .Rerh�ps this'F�n help t?answer th,f. provoked on college campuses. In an man one day in an effort to educate questi6n on so·mimy people's minds: article in the University of California at myself about a group that claims to Why can't Democrats seem to muster Berkeley College ,Democrats maga- share the same party allegiance ,as the intellectual, wherewithal to stop a ,zine, thecSmartass,Khan writes about myself, I was shocked by some of the bUIi\,=h of chickir;lhawks:fr()m starti��ll?· LaRouche: thiligs his recruiters told me. First;ot world war? ' -,-Sky Shields'

SRECIAL RERORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 9 Learning the Science Of Pedagogy by Riana St. Classis

here is a special difficulty in writing Riana St. Classis Tabout pedagogy, for its domain is speaking at the inside the human mind. One can Youth Panel of the describe the objects used to facilitate it; September 2002 one can describe the concepts at which LaRouche particular pedagogies are driving; one conference. can describe its effects; but, pedagogy EIRNS itself can only be experienced as the reliving of a discovery. I have watched a Lyndon LaRouche recently wrote a Comparative Literature and English group of 20-year-olds struggle, yawn, paper, titled "The Pantheo-cons: The departments often amounts to a compul­ and sink ever Weird Religions of Cheney'S Empire."l sive disorder, an obsessive fixation on further down In this paper, he elaborates the particu­ word objects conceived as magic, as in their chains, lar pol itical/cultural crisis we face at somehow powerful in themselves: You as if they were this moment, as a specific happening cannot know what the author of a text being swal­ of universal history, using the specific really meant when he wrote it. All you lowed into a to reveal the universal, general condi­ can know is words and how to manipu­ pit of mud, tion of man that this moment reflects. late them. suddenly be­ From this standpoint he defines the This is the same disorder that is come alive and animated as if a bolt of solution to the crisis, which is depend­ revealed in the mathematics and sci­ went through the room, and, ent on the development of an under­ ence departments in their slavish obses­ in a flash, reap the fruits of the tedious standing and usage of a method of sion with equations and formulae, the previous two hours labor, producing truthfulness, a method of knowing, by true origin of which they are either energy that would keep them going for society or, at least, by a significant por­ ignorant or in which they are uninter­ the rest of the night in lively conversa­ tion of society. ested. For example, I never knew that tion, and the production of geometric Within the first few pages, LaRouche quadratic equations were concerned constructions. identifies the critical, weakened con­ with areas, with squares. Instead of The electric moment when a young dition of the minds of the population knowing, I merely chanted the rules of woman cries out: "Oh, that's what the that allow the operations of a operation, the deductive laws, like catenary has to do with LaRouche's eco­ Rumsfeld and Cheney to occur. As incantations. nomics! It's a principle of efficiency!" LaRouche states in that paper, empiri­ It is this very fixation on sense­ This is the mysterious moment of true cism and the deductive method, based certainty, objects as such, that pedagogy pedagogy, of true communication. In on arbitrary axioms and postu lates, undermines, as it directs attention that moment she seemingly sponta­ have been appl ied to rei igion, and toward the invisible, real universe. Like neously generates the idea that was the have spawned the various fundamen­ LaRouche's writings, pedagogy is locat­ generator behind my organization of the talisms that run rampant in our society ed in the specificity of history, for each pedagogical. today. The religious fundamentalist's discovery has been made by a unique I could have told her, "The catenary, irrational belief in the literal meaning human personal ity at a particu lar the form that a chain takes when it is of his religious text is essentially the moment in time, while it simultaneously suspended between two points, reflects same as the irrationalism of today's elaborates the universal reflected in the the Principle of Least Action in the uni­ scholars, in both the so-called human­ particular, and so reveals to us that verse, and it is through the discovery of ities and hard sciences. The underly­ which remains unchanged in the ever­ such principles that human beings ing belief is that we cannot know; we changing universe. increase their ability to survive on the cannot know the intentions of either Becoming Leaders planet, and this is real economics, humans or the physical universe. All Etymological excursions are often LaRouche's economics." I could have we can know is what is right in front of used as diversionary tactics, to cover a said this, and it would have meant noth­ our faces. lack of conceptual comprehension, but I ing. It required two hours of agony for us As I began to understand what this hope to use etymology for the opposite to have a meeting of the minds, and, meant, I comprehended what I had effect, to aid me in unfolding what ped­ after it occurred, infinite possibility encountered in the various university agogy is. The origin of the word "peda­ opened before us, and no one noticed as departments in which I did time. What is gogy" is the Ancient Greek word paida­ the next four hours flew by. taken for erudition in today's gogas, which is derived from the word

10 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT for the slave (pais) who leads (agogas) by arbitrary assumptions and the attended four schools, in the course of the children (also, pais) to school, and deductive method, unable to appre­ getting a degree, the degree my father then comes to mean the mode of hend creativity as anything other than a despaired of my ever getting, despaired instruction itself. We retain its implica­ random occurrence. After he spoke, he because I had showed such promise tion of leadership. LaRouche's youth went to exit stage right, but found there when I started college. movement goes into the marketplace, were no stairs there. So Sky leapt from My first year, I attended the infamous creating piecemeal extensions of the the stage, in' a motion both graceful and st. John's College, and gave my father Platonic Academy. carefree. his first shock when I informed him that Considering the derivation of peda­ Afterward, one of the older members I was not going to pursue the sciences, gogy, think of us making ourselves of the organization commented that in meaning I was not going to go into med­ slaves to the truth, and by so doing, that moment he was struck: "My God, icine. At St. John's, I became enthralled making ourselves free. We are chil­ these are only children. We are going to with the Greek language and classical dren who must lead, and we must be led by children." Sky was non­ culture, and I decided that st. John's was make ourselves leaders. So, what we plussed, for we do not seem children to not rigorous enough for me. attempt with the pedagogicals is ourselves. In the intervening year, I saw So, I went to the school that had coherent with the Greek conception of what this older member saw in Sky's spawned St. John's, the University of education as shown in Plato's Meno easy action. Like children, we become Chicago. And there I encountered a dialogue. ecstatic when we discover, and usually, Classics Department for the strong, and a At Temple University, the LaRouche we are unafraid of playing. But we are, school that is the epitome of a youth recently intervened in a speech, by a professor, a follower of Leo Strauss, who was speaking on Plato, politics, and knowledge. A young LaRouche organizer questioned the professor about the discovery process of knowing demonstrated in the Meno. In the scene to which the organizer referred, Socrates goes through the process of leading a slave-boy to dis­ cover how to produce a square that is twice the area of a given square. Socrates says this is not a process of learning and teaching, but a process of reminding someone of something they already know. Socrates speaks metaphorically, witti­ ly reminding his listeners that a discov­ ery takes place in the individual sover­ Jason Ross eign mind. You can lead a horse to Michael van der Nat (left) and Ali Razenagh experiment with soap bubbles at a water, but you can't make him drink. California cadre school. The professor said this scene was mere­ ly "ventriloquism." (In other words, the for the most part, undeveloped, unfamil­ Hobbesian world. I asked a next-door slave was incapable of making a dis­ iar with Beauty and classical culture, neighbor of mine, who was madly study­ covery.) Another organizer objected, unfamiliar with what it means to make a ing for a notoriously hard genetics final, saying that he uses that same pedagogy discovery, and the true power of our why she did not make a study group. She all the time with people on the street, minds. So, we are children leading chil­ snorted and declared: "If I help someone, and he gets the same discovery every dren. We are developing the principle of she may do better on the test than I. Then time. All human beings are capable of leadership in ourselves as we are help­ she could get into the medical school knowledge, and even a Straussian pro­ ing develop it in others. from which I am rejected." fessor can make a discovery about the The first time I met Sky Shields, I had Thankfully, I ran out of money and had universe. just turned 26 years old, and I was trying to return to New Mexico. So, I attended During the LaRouche political orga­ desperately to finally finish a bachelor's the University of New Mexico, a school nization's national conference on Labor degree. I had been invited to a weekend that cost, in one year, half of what one Day 2002, one of the panel discussions cadre school, a student conference, at a quarter-year at the University of Chicago presented LaRouche's Youth camp in Palm Springs, California. I was had cost. I made my father happy by tak­ Movement, and some of us were asked immediately struck by Sky's patient and ing up the sciences again, while I contin­ to speak. Sky Shields, a young man relaxed, yet extremely energetic, love for ued studying Greek. But I could never from Los Angeles, spoke about the hell knowledge and for sharing that knowl­ quite find what I was meant to do. of being a physics student imprisoned edge. I had spent nine years, and had In the end, I wound up at the

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 11 University of Washington with a couple and it is an effective metaphor for the of years toward a Chemistry degree, a problem with the deductive method­ couple of years toward a Fine Arts and with my mathematics education degree, and, when I went to the cadre before I met this organization. In school, I was one final paper away approximating the area of the circle by from getting a Comparative Literature the area of a polygon, one approaches degree. closer and closer to the area of the cir­ Soap Bubbles cle,as one increases the number of sides We crouched on the concrete floor of of the polygon. Yet,the closer one seems the camp restroom,intensely focussed on to get to the circle, the further away, in Sky's activity. Many others had fled from reality, one is. For the action of the cir­ the foul odor emanating from the stalls, cle is continuous and without angles; but we few did not seem to care; we con­ the more sides a polygon has, the more tinued to play, following Sky as he posed discontinuities and the more angles it one problem after another using soap will have. bubbles. We, and he, were making a When I was in school, I believed tremendous mess,which is why we were that one day I would know from relegated to these surroundings. whence came the equations I used. I "When you blow a bubble,why does it would know how they had been con­ always take a spherical shape, no matter ceived, and I would know their real what the shape from which you blow it? meaning. But the further in school I When you blow successive numbers of got, the more unreal the mathematics I EIRNS/Stuart Lewis equally sized bubbles onto a plate, what used seemed to me. The less I could configuration do they take? Why? What A soap film catenoid comprehend how anyone could possi­ does this tell us about the nature of space, bly have come up with it. I thought and what does it show us about the uni­ took out a chain, and made a catenary. that this simply meant I was not as verse? Did you ever explore any of these He played with it for a few moments, smart as they. If I were a genius, facts when you were taught about geom­ and told us that it was investigations into would know. etry in school? What does that say about the properties of this shape that led That day in a smelly bathroom, your education?" Leibniz to discover the infinitesimal cal­ became so excited that I almost cried. As a finale, Sky dipped two rings in culus,as the solution to Kepler's call for Finally, after years of mathematics study, the soap, put them together and then the invention of a means to calculate the I had some sense of where what I had slowly pul led them apart. A bubble non-constant curvature of a planetary memorized came from, of how it was stretched between the two rings, taking orbit, or the related phenomenon of the discovered, and I finally felt that it was a peculiar shape, taking the form of a non-constant curvature of the hanging discovered by a mind like mine. This negatively curved surface called the chain. event changed the course of my life,my catenoid. Sky showed us that this is the On Squaring the Circle behavior, and the way I saw myself in form you would create if you spun a Nicholas of Cusa's quadrature of the relation to the universe. But the change catenary around a horizontal axis that circle is a fundamental discovery,a nec­ itself was only visible in its outward lay just below its minimum point. Sky essary moment in the history of science, effects. Sky led me to lead. Later,at our first cadre school in Seattle, I pulled out the soap bubbles and a length of chain. Sky had inspired a desire in me to share what he gave me that after­ noon in a post-modern bathroom in a camp outside Palm Springs. Now, everywhere I go, I carry a chain for instant demonstrations of the proper­ ties of the catenary, and bubbles for pedagogical purposes. Thus, we travel out to our peers, and change them as we were changed. This is how we change society.

Notes ______1. ''The Weird Religions of Cheney's Empire: The Panthea-cons:' by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., appears in Executive Intelligence Review, May 2, 2003.

12 Summer 2003 21 st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT LaRouche in Dialogue with Youth

Here are excerpts from discussions of Lyndon LaRouche with Yo uth Movement organizers, at cadre schools that took place during February-May 2003. More complete transcripts can be fo und on the LaRouche website www. and the LaRouche Yo uth Movement website, www.

May 10, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

How Do We Measure Time? Question: I've been thinking about this concept for a while now, about how physical space-time is a multiply con­ nected process. So, I was thinking about this concept of time, and how we have different con­ cepts, like the LaRouche and youth movement leaders at a March 2003 conference in Germany. simultaneity of eternity; but, cal bowl, a container which they're in. al surface, on which events are occur­ then you can Now, they don't know how far distant­ ring-that goes out the window. also think of that is, how far that surface is from Why? Well,he discovered,in the ellip­ time as a where they're standing-but they imag­ tical function,that the Sun was located at measure of change. So, then, I started ine that, someplace out there, there is a one of the two foci of the relevant ellipse. thinking about, what are we measuring point, a surface, which you can see the And he also discovered that the rate of that change against? inside of, and where all these different the planet's motion, along the elliptical LaRouche: Ah! objects, stars and so forth, might be pathway, was constantly non-uniform. Question: And then, you get in areas moving. And you try to measure the And what the measurement was. That of composition, where now you know relationship among the movements proved that there was an operating phys­ you're talking about the Noosphere, among those bodies, the way ancient ical principle,invisible to the senses,but and then, there's still this element of people constructed these astrological whose effect was,nonetheless, visible to time, and the ambiguities that are pre­ schemes; calendar schemes for the the senses. And therefore, you can not sented with it. So, I'd like you to com­ annual calendar,things of that sort. simply say, that, from Euclidean geome­ ment on what this element is. Now,you call that the sensorium,this try,from looking at the universe from the LaRouche: Okay. Well, it goes to the imagination-you project a sphere, that standpoint of Euclidean geometry, you question of curvature,hmm? I don't know you're inside a sphere; you're on some can come up with a mathematical how much discussion among all of you normalized point inside the sphere,and description of the laws of the universe. there has been, about this question of you're looking up toward the interior That's what he proved, among other Gaussian curvature, and its relationship surface of the sphere, in which all these things-as others had proved before him. to the idea of a Riemannian universe. objects are moving about as light points: The 'Shadow' of the Universe Most of my work, of course, is based on Is that real? Now, what does that mean? That that particular problem,that concept. And then, you find out, that it's not means, essentially, that you have a real Now, as I've described it before, but real. It is real,it's a real shadow of reali­ universe, whose shadow is the universe just to situate this for everyone: If you ty,but it's not the reality as such. This,of you think you're seeing. In other words, imagine ancient man, that is, ancient course, is the significance of, among if you're looking at this spherical senso­ intelligent man,looking at the nighttime other things, Kepler's discovery. When rium up there, which you imagine sky, on a clear night, and seeing a Kepler discovered that the motion of the you're inside it; you're looking up at it, panoply of stars, and also planets, and planets, starting with Mars, was not cir­ like the ceiling of the universe; and you some other objects floating around up cular,but elliptical in form, and discov­ think, that the mathematical relation­ there, and they would imagine the uni­ ered two other things. This whole busi­ ships between the events you're observ­ verse to be,in a sense,like a big spheri- ness about assuming that this is the actu- ing, as on that sensorium, are reality.

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 13 They're not. But, there is some reality to All right, therefore, you have a sense of time is changed, in terms of practice, them, isn't there? two universes-or maybe three: One is then there is no such thing as universal, What is the reality, which they corre­ the sense-perception universe, which is fixed, permanent clock-time. The uni­ spond to? Well, think of them as the only a shadow, as, for example, Plato verse does not go "tick-tock." The uni­ shadows of something projected upon defines it; then, you have a universe as verse speeds up. It speeds up, because of the sensorium from outside that uni­ you know it, in terms of principles; but the effects of the processes of principles. verse. Think of that universe, the one then, there's a larger universe, which It speeds up, because man's interven­ you think you're observing, as an imagi­ includes what you know, and what you tion, with new physical principles, nary universe-one created by the sens­ have yet to discover, which is the real speeds up the effective measurement of es, as an artificial sense, of what you're universe. What happens, therefore, when time. That is, time tends to speed up; actually experiencing, but an image man discovers a principle? Well, man's time becomes quicker. which is determined by the way your discovery of a principle, is not simply a So, the idea that people can take a sense organs are constructed. Now, matter of observation: It's a matter of fixed clock-time measurement, and what is the real process, which is caus­ intervention. Of willful intervention in the apply that to the universe, and tell me ing this effect in your sense organs? universe. When man, who is a creature of what the actual history of the universe Well, that's what Kepler's law meant, will, discovers a physical principle, and was relative to man-they don't know Kepler's law of gravitation. uses it, even though the principle discov­ what they're talking about. They may be Now, how does this reflect itself? It ered already existed, man changes the very good astronomers. They may be reflects itself, that the planet is now order of effects in the universe. good scientists in general, but they still moving-like Mars-it's moving along So, therefore, we have three universes don't know what they're talking about. the elliptical orbit it follows. At every to consider: the totally imaginary, shad­ So, that's what the anomaly is: that point you observe it, no matter how fine­ ow universe of observation, sense per­ time is not an absolute clock-time, func­ ly you divide the points, the rate of ception; the universe, as we know it, in tioning independent of the physical motion is changing, relative to sense terms of physical principles, which is changes in the universe. Time is a reflec­ perception. So, what is regular? What is good, it's real; whereas the shadow uni­ tion of a direction and of relative power constant? Well, at every point, on this verse is merely a shadow universe, but, of the processes we're deploying, rela­ pathway, you're dealing with a different it is not complete. We have not yet dis­ tive to the universe and relative to man's curvature, which is intersecting the cur­ covered the universe in full. So, there we actions. So, time is essentially, intrinsi­ vature of some elliptical pathway, as if it are: We say, the process now is deter­ cally, relative. It is not absolute, in the were touching it at that point. Call it a mined by man's discovery, and efficient sense of "tick-tock." "singularity"-the intersection of the use of, discovered universal physical real curvature of the action, as against principles. Ah! What Is a Thought? the imagined curvature, which is a shad­ A Riemannian Surface ow of the effect. How do we measure the effect of Question: I was thinking, about thinking, Now, to understand the universe, you adding a new physical principle, as a you know: What is thought? Is it a cre­ have to understand the relationship discovery, to the repertoire we already ative form? Are there forms of thought, between the two curvatures. The curva­ had? In Gauss's measurements, or in like, maybe, when I have a conception of ture of the function, which is defined by Riemann's work in general, it's defining something, it's not in the form of lan­ the tangent action, or tangential interfer­ what's called a "Riemann surface." A guage? I'm not thinking in a thought­ ence at that point; and the motion with­ Riemann surface is typical of the case, well, I don't know if the thought is the in the orbital pathway, as a different sur­ where you have the intersection of one idea; or, if the thought is the communica­ face. The two surfaces give you a sense universe, with the tangential impact of tion through the language of the thought of mapping of the universe. Now, obvi­ another universe upon it-typical that is produced, so- ously, the universe is much more com­ Riemannian surface. In this case, you LaRouche: Well, that's not such a big plicated then, isn't it? It's more compli­ say, you measure the change in effective problem. It's a big challenge, but it's not cated, because you have to look at all action within the universe, as a result of formally a big problem. The problem is, the curvatures, to see what is really hap­ adding the action of this additional that society today is so full of all these pening in the universe. And you come physical principle that we discovered. assumptions, which people are taught to up with a different kind of universe. What that means, of course, in prac­ believe, or induced to believe, that what Now, we also have a second thing tice is, that relative to man, man's power they ought to recognize at first-hand is going on: We have man in the universe. over the universe increases. This power blocked by the secretion of all of these To the best of our knowledge, the number is expressed in various ways, but it's also assumptions. of physical principles, in the universe, as expressed very simply in quickness. You're talking about speaking, as com­ a whole, is predetermined. That is, we When man discovers new physical prin­ municating. Talk about music, as a form don't determine the number of principles ciples, and applies them efficiently, the of communication: What's the purpose of that exist in the universe. We discover quickness with which man can effect it? The purpose is communication. What them, but we don't predetermine their changes in the universe, is increased. do you mean by communication? Well, existence. But, we're not aware of their Now, if the quickness of a standard let's take human communication. You existence, until we make the discovery. event is changed, if the measuring rod of have two levels of communication: You

14 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT of speech, to sing poetry. And the Classical poetry is used in that form. The remarkable thing about Classical poetry, as we've looked at some of these things, with the aid of some experts in India, on the question of the ancient Vedic Sanskrit poems, is that, some of these poems, for example, contain precise astro­ nomical information. Some of this astronomical information, calendar information, is embed­ ded in this poetry. The people who have trans­ mitted this poetry by oral tradi­ tion, in the lack of a written communication, by oral tradi­ tion, are able to transmit this over many successive genera­ tions with great fidelity-that is, with a minimal amount of error. Chris LewislEIRNS And the convergence of all the Discussion with LaRouche at an East Coast cadre school in November 2002. people who repeat these little hymns, is such that, the culture have animal communication among sensual standpoint. replicates the hymns. human beings-you know, "pass the So therefore, the question of speech, In many cases, the person who is salt," for example; that's animal commu­ the question of music, is how to deliver reciting Sanskrit, or Vedic-chanters, do nication. Then you have human commu­ ideas, whose existence is, in a sense, off­ not know the language in which they're nication, which involves ideas, that is, stage, by means of the way in which you reciting. But, nonetheless, they're able ideas which exist-they're real; or they're use the stage. So, speech, and music in its to communicate these hymns, with rela­ conjecturably, possibly real, but their literal form, are a stage. Painting, in its lit­ tively great fidelity. And thus, the poetic existence lies outside the domain of sense eral form, is a stage. The function of form, as a Classical poem, as known to perception, and they can be known to Classical composition, whether speech, the Vedic or Sanskrit, is thus shown to be sense perception, only as shadows, cast or drama, or poetry, or painting, is to pres­ a medium of communication, in its own by reality upon sense perception. ent ideas, which exist offstage, off the right, which is much more reliable than So therefore, you're trying to express a stage of sense perception, and the lan­ what we would call "prose speech utter­ relationship, between a sense-perceptual guage which pertains to sense perception. ance" today. frame of reference, and an idea. And the This involves irony. One of the aids in And thus, the use of musicality in function of language is to communicate speaking, as in singing, for the use of speech, as in singing, is an essential part the idea, by the way you refer to the irony, has to do with musicality. The bel of the process of communicating ideas. sense-perceptual reference. canto trained singing voice, that is, a The significance of this shows in irony. Now, what you do, is a sense of irony. voice, which has been trained to sing, Not only metaphor, as such, but irony For example, let's take the simple case of and to speak, in the Florentine bel canto more generally. You convey a meaning, the stage: You have the use by mode, is expressing a natural, physiolog­ by a matter of intonation, in such a way, Shakespeare of the soliloquy. You have ical potentiality of the human speaking­ that you convey different levels of irony. the actors on stage; they're acting. singing apparatus. And there is no differ­ The idea, which is always a tension They're acting out a part. They're within ence, between the speaking and singing between the sense-perceptual reference, a context, which is a play. Then you have apparatus, in terms of this characteristic. and the idea which exists beyond sense­ the soliloquy, which is performed by the Now, this gives you register shifts; it perceptual reference, is like the actor actor, who turns from his role inside the gives you difference in registration; it speaking offstage; also, at another play, the context-he turns toward the gives you differences in coloration, and all moment, speaking onstage. And there­ audience, and he delivers a commentary devices of color. And every device that fore, the distinction between the two, upon what is going on in the play, or exists in music, in song, exists in speech. enables the human being to communi­ something relevant to it, to the audience. Ancient Classical poetry is an example of cate ideas offstage-that is, relevant to So, you see the principle of communi­ this: Ancient Classical poetry is based ideas which exist in the domain beyond cation is thus illustrated: It's the relation­ essentially upon the use of what is other­ sense perception, but are using a lan­ ship between the physical referent, and wise known, in modern times, as the guage, which, in its obvious function, is an idea, which is totally offstage, from a "Florentine bel canto principle," principle designed essentially to communicate

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 15 references to sense perception. human potential. And so far, in society, dirty little boy they are before the altar, Sometimes, "pass the salt" can be a very few people really make it. But I at an altar call-I don't have any confi­ statement, which is a poetic idea. know, from long experience, that if you dence in altar calls. I've seen many of Sometimes, it's just saying, "pass the salt." do as I do, and accept the frustration that them, and I don't believe them. An altar that incurs, sometimes, you appeal to that call is a habit which is expressed by an within people which is good, naturally inveterate sinner, who has an altar call, Man Is good, it's the best thing in the universe. and then goes out and commits a sin, Intrinsically Good And this idea that Christianity deals and then has another altar call. And I with man as being intrinsically evil-that haven't seen it doing much good lately. Question: I have a lot of problems with is a false belief, which has nothing to do Particularly in the case of the the statements you're making. [This with Christ; has nothing to do with President of the United States, who has refers to LaRouche's comments on the Christianity, the conception of Christ. Just two defects: One defect is his fo rmer necessity for infrastructure develop­ think about the ludicrousness of this drug habit; the other is, he got off the ment.] First of all, I agree that the interi­ argument, about this: Christ came to res­ drugs in the way-through one of these or continents must be developed, but if cue the evil. This is a Jonathan Edwards­ fundamentalist things-which turned we tried to do the Eurasian Land-Bridge type of crazy idea, which spread among him into a beast. And that's the problem. today, we'd have it administered by cor­ some Protestant cults, and others. You're We have to bel ieve, if you want to rupt Western and Japanese business­ saying that God, the Creator of the uni­ defend Christianity, you have to believe men, Middle Eastern Wahab is, Central verse, has bad taste, that he would send in the essential goodness of man. Yo u Asian warlords, corrupt Chinese His Son to die, fo r a bunch of creatures have to believe in the redemption of bureaucrats, and the Russian mafia. which are the lousiest, most evil things mankind. Yo u have to believe in the Each would take the resources entrusted slithering across the planet. I would pro­ cause of trying to get other people to to him, for the development of the Land­ pose to you that God does not have bad participate in that process of redemption Bridge, and use it to line his own pock­ taste. And that Christ's sacrifice fo r the of mankind, not out of fear, not out of ets. redemption of mankind as a whole, hate, not out of combat against evil as Second, you equate budget cuts with expresses God's confidence in the essen­ such. You want to fight evil? Fight Bush. genocide. That assumes that the tial goodness of the human individual. But in the sense of the goodness, that increase in government spending dur­ And as Christ and many of the apos­ you have one life, and don't waste it. · ing the '90s actually saved lives. Which tles, and others, sacrificed their lives, Spend it wisely. Spend it, to do good. of course is not true. Most government willingly-not that they desired to sacri­ And most of humanity is like that. spending today is wasteful, and should fice their lives, but they did it when they They're reachable. It's our job-espe­ be cut. Yo ur fallacies, Mr. LaRouche, had to-did it in order to, on behalf, of cially those who become leaders-it's spring from your failure to apprehend that intrinsic goodness, which lurks in our job, constantly to reach, to bring the real problem, the sin enthroned in all mankind. forth the goodness, which is innate to all every human heart, and the only solu­ Our jo.b is to bring forth in man, to people. tion: personal faith in the blood of inspire them to recognize that goodness. Jesus, shed to atone for our sins. And to recognize it in themselves, and to LaRouche: We ll, actually, you can't cling to it, and not to slip into some kind Most Education To day complain about the morals of other of degenerate kind of behavior, which is Is Pretty Bad countries, because the worst morals I typical of people today, including many know in the world are found in the so-called fundamentalists. Question: As a brand-new organizer, United States, in the u.s. government. A fundamentalist, for example, who I'm having some trouble managing my And it is not-it was misspending, not supports a John McCain or a Lieberman, studies, having so many areas to study: excessive spending that was the prob­ or some of these crazy cults that support economics, mathematics, philosophy, lem. That's not the problem. The prob­ George Bush, is actually doing evil. etc., which are all interrelated, I find lem was, not enough spending in the Now, how can they say that their kind of myself jumping around a lot, and basi­ right way, and raising prices without Christianity is what I should listen to, cally wasting my spare hours or days to producing goods. when what I see them doing is evil? study, because I'm skimming over a lot And these other countries do not have Whereas I know that mankind, who · of topics. And, those hours are pretty as much corruption as we have. They often does commit evil, is intrinsically precious, as a full-time organizer. So, I don't have the luxury of being quite as good, and that God, through Christ, in guess I'm asking for your advice, which corrupt. So, we're in a sense better off particular, has expressed his confidence is: Where do you think the best place is with them, than otherwise. in the essential goodness of mankind. to start? And why? Besides, man is not naturally evil. And it's my job, as anyone else who And, I also have a second part, That's a wrong conception. Man is not follows that, is to bring forth in people, because I'm obviously finding that most intrinsically evil. Man is intrinsically to the degree possible, the essential so-called "historical" accounts, are good. However, there's a little problem goodness which lives within them-not nothing more than propaganda and fal­ here, of getting a person from a new-born to write them off, assuming that if they lacy, so I'm looking to find a way to condition, into realization of their true get down and crawl, and say what a research the true history of my Irish and

16 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT May 3, 2003, Te lephone hookup to Seattle, Monterrey, Mexico, and Wiesbaden, Germany

How Do You Use Your Emotions? Question: Hello Mr. LaRouche. I have a question on the fact that the survival of civilization has always depended on Renaissance thinkers, thinking outside sense perception and popular opinion. But, if you're going to be a Renaissance thinker, you have to be equipped with reason, and not be emotional. And so, what our parents bestowed upon us, is that it's okay to be emotional, it's okay to act on your emotions, and do what­ EIRNS ever you feel like doing. A geometry pedagogical with the LaRouche Yo uth Movement in Lima, Peru. So, my question is, how do you use and develop your emotions as a useful Celtic roots, for an historic account of experience with this sort of thing, instrument in this mission, since the the relationship between religion and reflecting upon my life's experience with world depends right now, on your the peoples who created them. it, would be, that you have to have an organization, on our Youth Movement, LaRouche: Oh! This is fu n. We ll, of independent standpoint-independent and how to get this Youth Movement to course, there may be some cross there, of any of the subjects as such, or as not act on emotions, when small things because, you know Classical Greek was classroom subjects-and you have to come up, but to see ourselves as sover­ the language of Christianity; it was the sort of "look down" on them from this eign individuals and be of use to language of St. Paul and John, for exam­ pinnacle, or observation point, which mankind? ple-the Gospel of John-which, in a lies above them. Then, you are the mas­ LaRouche: Well, this power to deal sense, touched the influence of people ter of the experience of the studies, with these kinds of problems, was like Cicero, in ancient Rome. And, of rather than you being a person, buffetted addressed by Classical art. Now course, affected strongly Augustinus and from one island in the sea of this or that, Classical art is not something that some­ others. And, from thence, Christianity to another. The problem is, when you're body invented. Classical art is actually a and that Classical Greek tradition in buffetted about. sort of secretion of the human being, a Christianity, was passed to Isidore of And, most education today, in most natural secretion. Seville, and it made its way up to universities and schools, is pretty bad. Any paradox in life, whether the para­ Ireland, of all places. And the Irish were It's gotten much worse, as I've observed dox of sense perception, where you find the only Christians in sight! over the recent generations. I thought it that, in some moment, things don't work And, the Irish then Christianized the was bad, when I went there-but, it's the way you would have thought they Saxons. And, as I've said, the Saxons, in much worse today. So, really, you have would from habits. And you realize turn, returned the favor by Christianizing a problem; you have a cultural problem there's something out there, besides the court of Charlemagne. But, then the in society, in which it's working. what your sense perceptions tell you. At Normans came in, and they slaughtered So therefore, you have to have an that point, you suddenly have a sense of the Saxons, and there's not been a independent standpoint, a sense of per­ irony-about metaphor, of irony. Now Christian seen in England since-at least sonal identity and knowledge, which this means that, the most important that's the Irish version of the story. stands above and outside the confines of experiences in life, are of this type. This, I think, is the reality of it-is to any of the subjects as taught. Then, you Things that evoke a sense of irony and look at this question of Irish and look at each of the subjects as taught, metaphor, that the world is not what Classical Greek-it's ideas. Ideas. And, clinically, as an observer of those sub­ habit instructs you to believe it was. of course, in the Irish, you're looking at jects, from the standpoint of where you That's the message you find important to the poetry and things like that-the leg­ find your own identity. It's the only way communicate. ends and so forth. But of course, there to deal with this. What I've done, and These things are called ideas-gen­ was the Norman influence there, too, so developed over the course of my life, I uine ideas; artistic ideas. So man tries to you've got to take into account, the quickly developed my point of view, my develop ways of communicating things Normans did conquer Ireland, and ruled sense of personal identity, as opposed to which obviously are important to socie­ it for some period of time. my exposure to this horrible thing, ty, and to the individual and to others. On the other thing-how to organize called the education to which I'm being Out of this comes art. It comes in the conflicting studies: My view is, from subjected. form of Classical poetry, which is an

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 17 evolution of a combination of the natural qualities of the human speaking-singing voice, which has natural peculiarities. Which are used, as a way of communicating, in composing poetry. This is true in music. It's true also in painting, great pa inti ng, great art. Why would a Greek spend so much time discovering what was impl icitly the catenary principle, in order to get out of tombstone carvings-as a kind of scu lpture-into a kind of sculpture, which captures a moment, a frozen moment of actual motion, as the great Classical Greek sculpture does. Or, the great paintings, for example, of Leonardo da Vinci, where this principle is explicitly developed by him, LaRouche giving the keynote address at a cadre school in California, August 2002. as this new conception of per­ spective, in the later period of his work ing apart and dying. Who believes that have an impassioned concern, fo r trying as an artist. the market is going up? Who believes to recognize what their problem is; what So, this irony, this need to communi­ that? Maybe a few idiots, who are brain­ is the thing they don't understand? What cate important ideas, as opposed to sim­ washed into believing that they have is it that confuses them? What are they ple, animal-like experiences causes overheard saying that. But everybody anxious about, in terms of ideas? Is there mankind to concentrate on this kind of knows things are collapsing. Any ordi­ a solution? And trying to put them question, and this kind of experience, which nary person out there knows that. through the experience, of discovering is important to governing civilization. So, now we're in a period of crisis. for themselves, what the ideas are that Now therefore, the person who is a And, the apparent thing is: We cannot are relevant, and what the solution slave or a serf, who is trained never to continue to do what we have been might be. do anything different than he's been doing. So, up to that point of perception That's our job. And, it really is the trained to do, he's not supposed to of a crisis, many people, because they same thing, as great Classical art. And it's change. He's not supposed to change have not been well-developed, in something we should have learned, if we what he does. He's supposed to do it! Classical culture and so forth, science, had been more generously exposed to a Like any good animal, who gets into the have been content to go along and get tradition of great Classical art, already. stall in time, at night, and out in the field by in life; especially as you get older, in the day, when ordered to do so. And, when you get into middle age, you say: to the slaughterhouse, too, when "I don't want to change my habits. I Gauss's Mathematics desired. So, that kind of person will trod don't want to change. Don't try to Vs. Newton along through life, never changing, and change me. I'm going to be like this walk all the way into the slaughter­ always." And they go on, stumbling Question: Hi lyn. This is Ian in Seattle. house, screaming at the end, but not along, through life, with habits they've And I have a question about the mathe­ knowing why they got there. already acquired-and a few picked up, matics of Gauss. I've read a little bit of Whereas the person who's alert, who here and there, added. But no sense of what you've written on him, as far as develops ideas from experience, from change. Then, you get to a period of cri­ the teachings of Gauss and Riemann ironies, realizes that the process of behav­ sis, and the population is stimulated to and leibniz, contrasting those of Euler ior, of society must be constantly chang­ realize, that nothing is working! And and lagrange and Newton. I was won­ ing. There are discoveries constantly suddenly, they begin to look for ideas, dering if you could contrast those for being made, which must be shared, by which take them outside pre-established me, so that I can maybe understand aid of Classical art. And that's it. habits. why the one, Gauss's teachings are so Now, what happens, when we come to That's the way it works. That's where much more important, than the others? great crises, like the one now, and people we are now. The problem is, in doing And what so specifically had gone are finding out that, it's going deeper than what we're doing, is that we ourselves wrong with Newton, Euler, et aU might be apparent from the news report­ have to supply the ideas, which these LaRouche: Well, first of all, the root of ing; they're fi nding out the system's com- people need. And therefore, we have to this thing, is empiricism. Empiricism was

18 Summer 2003 21 st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT invented by Paolo Sarpi, the tyrant of tion, essentially-an English publica­ points, of intersection of a real process, Ven ice, from the latter part to the last tion, of Kepler's New Astronomy, with with the imaginary process, which is the two decades of the 16th Century and the the assistance of some people who spherical system. first decades of the 17th Century. Paolo worked with him. And, then he faked And, by studying the curvature of pat­ Sarpi, among others, had a great influ­ the results. And that became known as terns of certain events-Gauss used ence on, to some degree, France; but, the Newtonian system. three, to demonstrate the orbit of especially on England, where his influ­ So, what the problem here is, that these Ceres-by taking a pattern of several of ence is most notorious, upon Francis guys were all involved in fa king! What's these events, and discovering the curva­ Bacon and Thomas Hobbes. the effect of the faking? If you have a soci­ ture, of the tangency, associated with the Sarpi was most famous through a stu­ ety, in which some faking is not allowed, observation of those events, he now dis­ dent of his, who was also a household in which people are actually discovering covers the real universe. lackey of his: Galileo Galilei, who was universal principles, experimentally, So, the complex domain, actually per­ quite a faker in his own right, who was proving them, then you have a society in tains to this the teacher of mathematics and so forth, which the individual member of society concept of the to Thomas Hobbes. knows what it means to discover a prin­ universe of Now, the purpose of this teaching, ciple, which lies outside naive sense reality, which was that Paolo Sarpi explained it as impression; does not rely upon statistics, lies outside the being based on the doctrines of a fe llow but relies upon the experimental ability to simple sensori­ called Wi lliam of Ockham. And so, it demonstrate the efficiency of the princi­ um. So there­ was the so-called Ockham's Razor, was ple discovered. Then, you have a society, fore, you have what we call "the com­ stripping out from science and knowl­ which is progressive. plex domain." And Gauss's essential dis­ edge, all those things which pertained to Now, if you have a society, which is covery was to prove, by these and relat­ principle. Eliminate all principles, and not so trained, then what do you have? ed works, and by his work in astronomy, substitute, instead, a set of so-called Yo u have a bunch of dumb sheep: who to prove the principle of the complex "reductionist" axioms and postulates will do as they're told, fo llow orders, domain, on which all competent modern and definitions. And allow nothing. know nothing better, and just do it, like physical science is based. Anything con­ All right, now the effect of this, was to human cattle. The objective of this trary, is incompetent. reduce knowledge to a statistical inter­ process, is to produce human cattle. pretation of sense perception. Now, I had Now, in the case of Euler and A earlier, the second question that I Lagrange: Euler was not stupid, but he Method of Truth received this morning, there, from Seattle, was a fanatic. Newton was probably not Question: Hi, this is Tirana, and I want­ was on this question about curvature. too intell igent, actually. He specialized ed to ask you: You speak a lot about the Now, imagine that, here you have the in black magic. But, Euler was a very difference between truth and opinion, spherical sensorium of the observation of skil led, very intelligent mathematician, and even say you've touched a lot on the heavens, of the night sky. And, imag­ from a fo rmal standpoint; from tricks the progression of principles in human ine that you can see nothing but those with arithmetic-for example, his dis­ history. And, I wanted to ask you, when points, as such. You now run a statistical covery for the mathematical model for you are approaching studying history, interpretation of those points, which you the knights' moves in chess is famous. and studying actually what happened, see displayed, as events, or singularities, But, he was evi l. It wasn't that he was history is easily manipulated. And, I was on the sensorium of this oval, this sphere, stupid, he was evil. And he deliberately wondering how do you approach that, in which you're contained. Then, you are created a fakery on the question of the or develop a method of truth for actual­ in the realm of empiricism. complex domain. Euler's student, his ly knowing what's going on in history, Whereas science is based on rejecting protege, who succeeded, and then later so that you can make a link between the that. Remember, now, before all these went to become the protege of Straussian roots of the Chickenhawks, crap artists came along, you had the Napoleon Bonaparte, faked it also. and things like that? I'm wondering case of Kepler, among others; you had Gauss Exposes the Fakers how you approach it? Leonardo da Vinci, before Kepler; you So, Gauss simply made a demonstra­ LaRouche: Once you accept the fact, had Nicholas of Cusa, before Leonardo; tion from the standpoint of simple proof, that human knowledge is of this form of you had Brunelleschi in the same period that this was fake-it's fake. And. that's discovery of universal principles, for as Cusa. So, science was already devel­ what Gauss proves; he proves that it's example, when I was walked into my oped! Yo u had the principle of least fake; that these guys are fakers. And, by first class in geometry in secondary action, as discovered by Fermat, in his doing so, demonstrates what I said in school, I was against it, from the start. work. Yo u had the work of Pascal. answer to the first question today, from Because it was obvious to me, that from Along, in the middle of this, comes Seattle: That we actually live, not in a the first days in the class of that course, Descartes, comes all these things-this sensorium, which is some kind of a big that it was based on a fraudulent assump­ Cartesian model, which was used for sphere-we're looking at the dots, the tion. It was based on the assumption, that Newton. And, Newton was a plagiarist. lights on the points of the sphere. But, you could have a scheme of geometry, Newton's work on astronomy was all rather, what we see of these events, as which ignored physical reality. For fake. He plagiarized an English transla- singularities, are actually tangential example-well, I won't go into that; I've

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 19 talked about that a number of times. Yo u want to eliminate nuclear power? moderate the climate, both for winter But anyway, so the point was, once No solar power. and summer. Yo u take an area which is you look at reality from the standpoint of Also, this whole idea of energy is a quasi-desert area, or desiccated area, the nature of man, as being unlike an crazy. Yo u know, I believe in Don and you convert it into a place where animal, man's ability to discover princi­ Quixote when it comes to windmills. people can I ive. Yo u convert areas ples, which we can prove are physically We need Don Quixote now, for a useful which are useless, into areas where you efficient, which exist outside the domain mission! He's an important character of grow food. So therefore, we want to of sense perception, but by knowing fiction, but now he can be an important manage what we're getting in terms of these principles, we then control the character of real ity. He can get out there solar, heat radiation. We want to man­ way we act, in a way to change the with his lance, and knock some of these age it, for the benefit of living processes world of sense perception. Now, that's things down, and get this ugliness off the on the Earth, including man. reflected, of course, by man's ability to landscape, eh? These ugly things, these For example. If we plant enough trees increase our potential population-densi­ monsters up there, sitting up there in the high plateau, or relatively high ty, from an ape-like level of several mil­ snarling, killing birds. They kill birds! plateau, of southern India, we would lion individuals, to billions now. Bird-haters! [laughter] probably lower the average temperature So, history, therefore, is a determ ina­ Now, the point is ... Now, this goes in the summer time, by 5 to 10 degrees. tion of the progress of man, and man's back to a piece of scientific idiocy, They need trees. Mrs. Gandhi had a pro­ ability to survive in the universe, and to which was understood already-the gram for putting in these semi-hybrid discover what the physical actions are, problem was understood by Plato, mango trees, and they're planting them and the kind of social relations, which already. The concept of power, as all over the place, developed at the were essential to that progress. That, to opposed to that idiot Aristotle's concept Delhi Agricultural Institute of India. me, is history. of energy. So, when people talk to you Yo u know, the Indian people-I don't That, I think, was the actual ancient about nuclear energy, or solar energy, know if you know what mangoes are, root of history, with what we know of they're Aristotelian idiots, who shouldn't really know what they are-but when Thales, and what we know of Pythagoras, be talking. They should be monkeys, and the mango crop harvests in India, every­ and that school and so forth, which I not talk. They can chatter, but not talk. body shuts down, and they'll take all the think is made clear to us by Plato. Because, the issue here is power. mangoes in sight, and if they've got a Most people who've studied history Now, power is reflected in various bathtub, they fill a bathtub with water, competently, work from a sense of Plato's ways in terms of energy, relative to what get naked, get in the bathtub with the dialogues-that is, in modem European people call energy. Power has two fea­ mangoes, and eat. Because a ripe civilization-and therefore, the concept tures, generally, descriptively, in the mango is a very popular thing. This is of history comes to us largely from form of energy. This is not where power particularly true in Bengal. Classical Greece, as in Thucydides, fo r comes from, but this is what power But, a mango would be treated by the example; The Peloponnesian Wa rs, is an reflects, in terms of energy language. Indian farm family, as a family heritage. example of this. But, actually, then One, is energy flux density. What is the The tree comes, these special trees, looked at, from the standpoint of modern intensity of energy, apparent energy, per come to fruit in three years. And then scientific cultures, which give us the abil­ square kilometer, cross section area of they fruit every year. And the fru it is deli­ ity to compare man's physical mastery of motion? It's called energy fl ux density. cious. So obviously, if you give a farmer the universe, with man's mastery of the Now, compare the energy flux densi­ help in planting these trees, and main­ challenge of the social processes, with ties of various modes of power genera­ taining them, the farmer's family is going which that occurs. tion. Solar power is the least efficient. As to protect those trees, and they will be a matter of fact, the use of solar power is assigned to the children to maintain Feb. 1, 2003, by telephone to East and insane. Because solar power has a very them. Because these trees are now a West Coast cadre schools important use on this planet: Light, light. family heritage. of something they like. What we want is more vegetables. We They're not going to chop those trees down for firewood, as they did before­ Nuclear Solar Power want more fo liage. We want the deserts vs. to bloom. What we want to do, is we what happened in turning the Deccan Question: This is John from the Los want to get areas which are too hot, to area into a semi-desert. Angeles region. My question is, why cool down. We want more moderate Enhance the Biosphere should we have nuclear power, versus weather. We want to turn the deserts So, we've got our Western land. solar power, and how exactly the gang­ into areas where people can live, under Yo u've got the great American desert. countergang operations work, with a normal conditions. Look at southern California. Look at lot of these modern leftist movements? How do we do that? We increase the what's happened to the aquifers. This is So, that's my question. biomass. Increase the amount of growth. insane! Look at Northern Mexico; what LaRouche: Okay. Because solar Now, for example, trees will absorb we're letting happen there is insane. The power is idiocy. Actually, solar power is about 10 percent of the solar radiation confl ict between Texas and Northern nuclear power. Where do you think you hitting the Earth's surface. It's very good. Mexico over water, is insane! And there­ get solar power? From nuclear fission Ta ke 10 percent of the solar energy, in a fore the thing with the solar radiation, is and fusion, in the sun. certain area; convert it into trees. You to organize its use, in such a way, as to

20 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT enhance the biosphere. Be kind to idly, and make many of them, in an lot of waste. Boiling oil generates waste. Mother Nature. Enhance the biosphere. area? These things are easy to put in ... You can't really be too efficient with Don't waste solar energy, trying to they're self-regulating. that. Coal is terribly wasteful. Hauling power television sets. Now, but with these kind of reactors, fuels all over the country is very costly, All right. Now, therefore, the other we can turn water into a fuel! Very sim­ and very wastefu l. Don't do it. aspect is, that if we use ....We waste a ply. Yo u use high-temperature reaction So, why not have a new system, lot of money, by taking gasoline as a fuel to disassociate water, producing a which can generate the fuels where we all over the landscape. This is insane! hydrogen, or hydrogen-based fuel. Yo u need them, and have them available on Why should we do that? We don't need can use fuel cells, you can use other a standard, in every part of the world, or to have gasoline as a fuel, or diesel oil as vehicles, you can convert from the use in every part of the United States, in par­ a fuel. We don't need that. If we have a of gasoline, or diesel fuel-which is a ticular. high-temperature gas-cooled reactor .... highly inefficient fuel, relatively speak­ So, therefore, there is no problem with let's take a very specific type of a ing-to a much more efficient fuel, it. If you're afraid of nuclear energy, die. nuclear reactor. The so-called UNIK which is a hydrogen, or hydrogen-based [laughter] Why? Because you have model-developed by a friend of ours, fuel. nuclear reactions going on in your body. who is now deceased, Professor So now, instead of carting oil all over Radioactive potassium reactions, which Schulten-which works. This model is a the county, with pipelines and natural are an essential part of I ife. Yo u don't self-regulating reactor, which operates in gas lines and so forth, you use natural like radioactivity? Don't lean against a a range of between 120 and 200 gas where you have it in excess, as a brick wall. Yo u'll get more radiation megawatts. That is, as the reactor chemical feedstock, for ferti lizers, things than from a nuclear reactor. A brick wall will do it all by itself. So, this whole idea .... What hap­ pened is this, very simply. To sum it up: 1964, there was an attempt to turn the United States from being the great pro­ ducer nation of the world, per capita, per square kilometer, into a parasitical consumer society, which would live by sucking the blood of other parts of the world, and destroying our own people, and turning them into a bunch of dum­ mies, which has been done with our education system now. So, as a part of that, they attacked technology. Now, the first attack was not on nuclear energy. The attack on nuclear energy happened after 1972. But the rock-drug-sex-counterculture, a key part, Brendon BarnettlEIRNS a leading edge of the campus radical Elkee Spies, Ryan Eleck, and Sylvia Spaniolo work with Platonic solids to constuct movement of the mid-to late 1960s, was the Moon model of the nucleus, at a Los Angeles Cadre School, April 2003. essentially based on "end of technolo­ gy": "Destroy technology. Go to a con­ becomes hotter, it tends to shut down like that. You take petroleum, and you sumer society." Which means a parasiti­ the rate of reaction. So, it keeps the rate shift the use of petroleum to chemical cal society, like the Roman Empire. And of reaction within a certain range. feedstocks, which is what it's most use­ the attack on nuclear energy, was deter­ With a high-temperature gas-cooled fu l fo r. Burning petroleum is very ineffi ­ mined to stop progress. reactor, you can generate in an area, or cient. Use it as a chemical feedstock, the Take the other case, the case of DDT. say, a complex of them .... Instead of benefit to humanity is much greater per There was never any reason to ban putting up a 1.2 gigawatt reactor, you ton consumed. DDT. The campaign against DDT was a put up a bunch of 200 megawatt reac­ You would turn the Middle East into complete fraud. People are dying today, tors, and you put them up quicker. production, a chemical factory, to pro­ because DDT was banned. It was one of Because the big thing about the large duce feedstock, which would be used the most efficient, most harmless types reactors is, you have to pour concrete, by the world, rather than burning the of insecticide available. Yo u have peo­ and you have to cure the concrete. So, stuff up, and polluting the atmosphere. ple dying of West Nile virus, because of therefore it will take you many years, up Much better. Then you would produce a lack of DDT. This was done to stop to 5 to 6 years, to complete the reactor, the hydrogen-based fuels, in your local technology. It was done as part of the and you have to spend and invest all the region, so you wouldn't be carting this war against technology, to transfo rm us capital in it. Why not build smaller reac­ stuff all over the place. The problem from a producer nation, into an imperial tors, which you can complete more rap- with other methods, is, they generate a consumer society, a predator preying

SPECIAL REPORT 21 st CENTURY Summer 2003 21 upon the rest of the world. d'Alemb ert, Euler and Lagrange: That is, social identity-what is denied most of And therefore, this campaign against the principle of cognition. Or, what these youth, and that's what they're nuclear energy, was a massive campaign becomes in mathematics, the principle of clamoring about, is the fact that their of brainwashing. And someone who's the complex domain. This is already fu lly parents' generation accepted a degener­ afraid of nuclear energy, and prefers understood, in a diffe rent frame of refer­ ation of the notion of man, as an identi­ solar or something, they have to be a ence, that of constructive geometry, by the ty, and imposed that condition upon brainwashed zombie. And they should Pythagoreans, Plato, and so forth. Contrary their children, who are in the 18- to 25- be told that. Because only by knowing to Euclid, contrary to all the fo rmalists. year group now. they're brainwashed zombies, can they So, what's happened in modern soci­ What do you have now? As I said, you free themselves of the slavery. ety: We have changed, under the influ­ have the American patchwork fa mily, of ence of empiricism and related kinds of the "now" and "no future" generations. reductionist belief, into a degenerate How many marriages in the family, or What Is Evil? culture, including mathematical-physi­ quasi-marriages? How many changes of Question: How are you doing, lyn. This cal culture, which is degenerate, in the sex, from time to time? How many step­ is Delante, from the Baltimore­ by and large. sisters and step-brothers, in that family Wash ington region. This might be riding There are a few exceptions here and relationship? What kind of relationships, off what you addressed for Rob, but I there, and they're very important to us. wandering in and out of the whole fam­ think most of us are here to change the But, my concern, also, is to use that, is to ily structure? What changes and condi­ conditions of this world; and, through­ say, "Look, there is no diffe rence, in terms tions of community are occurring in out history, you have dark ages and of knowledge, in terms of the nature of that? What sense of abandonment, or renaissances, and revolutions that are man, between physical science, properly adoption, are involved in that? created by youth movements. And, as we defined, and Classical art, as properly So, what you have is the generation of say that empires always fa ll, however, defined. There is no duality, between sci­ the no-future generation has been sub­ even in periods of history where the ence and culture, as it's commonly put­ ject to economic conditions, to a condi­ course of civilization had a high poten­ doesn't exist. If you say, "Culture exists tion of meaninglessness, to a threatened tial of discovering truth, they've also independently of, and contrary to sci­ state of existence, to an impaired sense fallen backwards as well. ence," that's not true! Absolutely false. of identity, in which the young people of At one of our East Coast Monday Because the nature of human ideas is the that generation require, a solid, hard night meetings, we were discussing the same. Therefore, if you have an idea in sense of "this is my personal identity. " potential of destroying the intentions of culture, it is of the same essential nature, And my intention, my principal inten­ evil, in its entirety, and having a perpet­ as in physical science. tion, with the youth movement is that: Is ual revolution. Which gets to the ques­ The only diffe rence is, is in what we to point to things, which will enable tion of, what is evil? Can you address call physical science, we're concerned young people, working together and that? with the treatment of the relationship solving their joint problems, as opposed And also, as a bonus, I would love to between the individual mind and nature, to just their individual problems, to bring hear from you on the question of mak­ outside of man-man's relationship to their individual problems under control, ing spiritual exercises. nature, as seen by the individual member by having a joint experience of the solu­ LaRouche: That's why I've treated of society. Whereas, in what we call cul­ tion to the individual problems of each. Plato as spiritual exercises, and why I ture, we're dealing with man's relation­ started from this Gauss example. ship to man, in society'S dealing with Because the Gauss problem in 1 799 goes what we might call the environment. Prostitution in Science directly to it. It goes to it in two ways: It So therefore, the questions have a dif­ Question: I have a question about goes to it, because it deals, identifies as ferent form, but the notion of the idea is knowing and ".bout learning [the more the target of Gauss's attacks, a method the same. And the notions of the ideas education you get], the less creative ini­ expressed by, especially d' Alembert, about man's relationship to nature, are, tiative you have. And, I see that's the Euler, and Lagrange, which is the by their nature, transformable into case with a lot of people. Some people essence of evil, as we experience evil in expressions of society's relationship to would just stay in school for their whole modern science, as empiricism; as the nature, and of man's natural relationship lives, or something like that. But, I've denial of the existence of the human, in to man. worked on various research projects, knowledge, by insisting that everything is So, that's where we stand. Once we including, discovering the genetic root mechanistically more or less determined, have that conception of man, and my of cardiomyopathy and various other as reduction ists defi ne it. belief is that our youth movement can things, like researching the nervous sys­ Now, the other reason I use that, is achieve that-that is, not instant knowl­ tem. And, I was wondering why these because it refers to a previous state of soci­ edge of everything in the universe, but research programs aren't as effective as ety, that is in pre-Euclidean Greece, in knowledge of that, as knowledge, rather they could be; or why you think that the which the Pythagoreans and others, espe­ than opinion or "repeat after me" sort of M.D.-Ph.D.s that I work with, don't cially as indicated by Plato, demonstrate opinion. Knowledge of that gives our have the creative ability, so they can exactly the same principle, which Gauss members, especially our youth, a sense come up with the idea of discovering addresses positively, in his attack on of an independent, personal identity, a the root of these principles?

22 Summer 2003 21 st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT skin, which tickles your sense organ, which then causes your mind to say, "What is it?" "It's an experience." Yes, the experience is true. But, it's the expe­ rience of your sense organ, not the expe­ rience of the world outside your skin. That's the beginning of knowledge. That's the beginning of science. Now, how do you know, what exists outside your skin? How do you know what exists beyond the scope of what your sense organs reflect to your mind? Yo u have to find an aperture. What is the aperture? The aperture is called "a paradox," an ontological paradox. Yo u find that the sense organ, sense-certain­ ty picture of the shadow, is not consis­ tent. . There's something wrong about it; there's an error. And, the case, what we did again; I did yesterday, by aid of the work of Bruce Director, in the presenta­ Michelle RasmusseniEIRNS tion on the question of the Kepler's dis­ Founding meeting of the Scandinavian chapter of the LaRouche Yo uth Movement covery of gravitation. I just touched on in Copenhagen, December 2002. one aspect of that. It's much more com­ pi icated than that. LaRouche: This very problem is, of plex domain was implicitly defined But, the aspect is, that Kepler noted, course, one of the contributing reasons before then, even by Kepler, and before that in the Aristotelian effort to derive why I answered the question, some years Kepler by the Classical Greek geome­ physical principles of the universe, from ago, at a conference-a side session--on ters. That is, the pre-Euclidean, Classical sense-certainty only, as did Copernicus youth organizing, at a conference in Greek geometers, typified by the and then Ty cho Brahe; in the attempt to Virginia: On what do we do, since the Pythagoreans, and the School of Plato. do that, they assumed, that simply universities stink, how do we get an edu­ This is the ancient Classics. observing mathematically-shall we cation? I said: Wel l, let's start with Gauss Now, as Plato emphasized, the idea of say, "statistically"-that a certain regu­ in 1799, exposition on the issue of the discovery is based on a very simple, and larity of pattern, which means essential­ fundamental theorem of algebra, and what should be obvious principle of, ly circular motion or linear motion: To proceed from that to history. among other things, biology. And, if you assume, that that the principle lay in the The point there, of course, is, that don't understand this principle, how can regularity of this motion, looked at from what Gauss did-he did something very you know anything about human biolo­ the circular or linear standpoint. important at that point, in this paper: He gy? What's raised by Plato, is the point Now, what Kepler observed is, that, by attacked the two most infl uential and that, you do not know the universe, from more precise normalization of the obser­ dangerous mis-leaders in scientific work the experience of your senses. The sens­ vations of the Solar System, observed in that time-Leonhard Euler and Joseph es are something, which you get from that the orbit of Mars was essentially Lagrange. And the curse of science to sense organs, which are part of your biol­ elliptic, not circular. Secondly, that the the present day, is that the ideas, the ogy-just like the sense organs of any rate of motion, along the pathway, the empiricist system, or its positivist out­ dog, any monkey. So, human knowledge trajectory of the orbit, was not uniform growth, as represented by Euler and is not based on sense perception. That motion, but was non-uniform motion. Lagrange in that matter, the anti- Leibniz only qualifies you to get you into a zoo Also, that the orbit was not around the forces of Euler and Lagrange, has been cage, as a monkey, or ape. center of the ellipse, but around one of the curse of all scientific work to the That, Plato makes the point, and then the two centers of the elliptical point. present time. explains it; he brings it up an the analo­ Now, therefore, you have the motion Most scientists, today, even if they're gy, the heurism in Th e Republic: That conform to one thing. If you take the competent in some degree, are funda­ what we call sense perception, is a result area from the position of the Sun, to the mentally incompetent in the most funda­ of biological tissue inside the human perimeter of the orbit; and look at the mental principles of science. And, what body. What we think we sense, with the motion a short distance after that; draw Gauss does-young Gauss, the stu­ mind, is not what happened. What we another line from the Sun to the perime­ dent of Abraham Kaestner-attacks sense, is the effect of something on these ter of the orbit. Now, look at the elliptic d'Alembert, Euler, and Lagrange, on this sense organs, which radiate, like shad­ area, so defined by that measurement. issue, the basic issue, and defined the ows, something they were stimulated by. And Kepler determined, that the area, complex domain, even though the com- The question is: What is outside your the amount of area subtended by

SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 23 motion, was always an expres­ sion of equal time. That is, that it was equal area, equal time. Now, this meant that there was a harmonic organization between the two extremes. You have A and B, two points of the ellipse, central points of the ellipse. One of these points, let's call it A, which fo r us is generally the Winter season, we're the shortest distance from the Sun; then you have from that, to the Summer sea­ son, which is the longest dis­ tance to the Sun for us, in the Northern Hemisphere. Now, you take the two areas, and compare them. Harmonically, they define a harmonic relation. And, he later, in his fo llowing book, expanded on this, to show that the organization of the Solar Doug Mayhew/EIRNS System conformed to some­ LaRouche Yo uth Movement press conference and rally at the State Capitol, Harrisburg, thing which had to do with Pennsylvania, addressed by Yo uth Movement leader Brian McAndrews. these harmonic relations; which Gauss demonstrated, then, at the Whereas, in this case, we see that what is verse. And, therefore, you can not derive beginning of the 19th Century, by show­ invisible, to the senses, can be known by laws of the universe, physical laws, con­ ing-what happened is, that when the mind, by examining a paradox, such sistent with a Cartesian manifo ld. Kepler had predicted the existence of a as the paradoxes addressed by Kepler, in There's a different universe, which is the fo rmer, disintegrated planet, in an area treating the Solar System. real universe, whose paradoxes are between Mars and Jupiter-that actually, Overthrow-rejection of Aristotelians reflected upon our sense-certainty, there was such a disintegrated planet, This means an overthrow-rejection of which he called the "complex domain." which is called the Asteroid Belt, which Aristotle. It means the overthrow-rejec­ And, it was the den ial of the existence of has, harmonically, the characteristics of tion of Galileo. It means the overthrow­ the complex domain, as real, by Euler the missing planet defined by Kepler. rejection of all the empiricists, including and Lagrange, which is the problem. So therefore, you had with Kepler, the Euler and Lagrange. This is the method, Now, this is a problem of method. The definition of a universal principle, what? of course-the method of Kepler, is also problem of method is denying the exis­ In which the principle itself, corre­ the method of Leibniz, on a higher level. tence of efficient forces, in the universe, sponds to nothing which is intrinsically So, what happened in the 18th Century, real ity which exists outside sense­ visible. Yo u don't see gravity. You don't the so-called Newtonian faction certainty; which we know only by the touch it. Yo u see the effects. Ah! Sense (Newton was essentially a bum, who Platonic method of examining the para­ perception. The sense organs can react stole everything, that he ever discov­ doxes of sense-certainty, and discover­ to the effects of gravity, but they don't ered; he was half-true, and he couldn't ing and proving the efficient principles, "see" gravity as such. get it right even then); so, the Newtonian which cause these aberrations from so­ That's a principle. Science is based on faction, typified by Leonhard Euler, and called assumed sense-certainty. this notion of the Platonic method. Lagrange-Lagrange was a protege of The prevalent method of mathematics Now, what happens with the case of Euler-attacked Leibniz by saying, and mathematical science, as taught in the empiricists, with both Aristotle earli­ "There is no such thing as this infi n itesi­ the English language and other lan­ er, and with the Aristotelian method used mal. There's nothing outside regulari­ guages, today-the empiricist method, by Claudius Ptolemy, by Copernicus, by ty !"-outside the regularity of what the positivist method-is to assume, that Ty cho Brahe, there is no principle. There might be called a "Cartesian manifold." if you have a sufficiently sophisticated is no universal principle. It's all confined That is, the definitions, axioms, and pos­ mathematics, you don't need physics. within the interpretation of sense certain­ tulates of a Cartesian manifold. That everything that happens in the uni­ ty, as being the primary reality. Anything So, what Gauss attacked them for, was verse, can be derived from a mathemat­ outside sense certainty, is some mysteri­ this: That, no: There are principles out­ ics, based on a certain set of fixed defi­ ous thing, which has nothing to do with side the domain of the Cartesian mani­ nitions, axioms and postulates. The the physical reality. It's out there. fold, which actually control the uni- problem is, that the physical scientist,

24 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY SPECIAL REPORT who does experiments, and does impor­ Yo u said, "Uh-uh. I got honest par­ Then came the 1960s, the Missile cri­ tant experimental work, before being ents, huh? Very sincere people." sis, the assassination of Kennedy, and accredited with this discovery, which Then you get into school, you get into the rock-drug-sex counterculture began may be a genuine discovery, is fo rced to classmates, and even as a young child, to run amok, and I decided I had to do re- state what he has discovered, in or playmates, as a young child, and you something about it. I'd been a manage­ terms defined by Euler, Lagrange, and find they're all lying. Most of the time, ment consultant, which I liked doing, such successors of Lagrange as Augustin they're lying. They're not telling the because I'm an economist. So, therefore, Cauchy, or Clausius, or Boltzmann and truth. They're trying to cultivate, they're naturally I liked this stuff, and the clini­ so fo rth. trying to project other people's opinion cal aspect of the reality of what goes on So therefore, the problem, today, in of them. They don't care what they are. in a firm. When people tell me about science, is that the scientist is a prosti­ They're most of the time concerned business, they say they took a course in tute, and there are very few exceptions to about what other people, they think, business, I say: "You don't know any­ it. Every scientist, who does something other people think about them. So, they thing about it. I was there. And what competent, can get himself certified, or have a very weak sense of inner identity. they tell you about business, is all a big paid, only if he prostitutes himself! He We ll, I resented that. I didn't like any lie. It's much simpler than that. It's more must, having discovered something in part of that, and I always got into a lot of complicated, but it's also simpler." one way-val idly, by experimental trouble. I got whopped on the side of the So then, I decided I had to do some­ methods-now, has to turn around and head frequently on this issue, but I thing. So, I ended up teaching a course prove, that he could have discovered decided I would stick to it. Better to get at one location, a one-semester course, that in a completely different way, con­ whopped in the head, than be a person and I began doing it elsewhere. In the sistent with his assumption of sense-cer­ who depends upon reflection as a spec­ middle of things that were happening. I tainty. And, it's that moral corruption, tator of himself. Don't make a spectator knew where the world economy was which pervades in science today, in the of yourself, huh? headed, the u.s. economy was headed. teaching of science, which is the source So, anyway, so I just got into one thing I was right. And I became more and of the problem you referred to. after the other. And when I would get run more involved. And one day, I found, into something I didn't agree with, didn't gradually, that what I had started to do, believe, I didn't have to disagree with it. was not something I had taken over, but How Did You Get Here? If I didn't believe it myself, if I didn't it had taken over me. And I've been at it Question: Hey, Lyn, this is Jason. So, know it myself, I refu sed to believe it. So ever since. looking back at how the youth· move­ I had great troubles with schools, A Sense of Mission ment originally got created, which was because they kept telling me things I So, I've had many missions along the you, about 60 to 70 years ago, that was knew were not true, and in later life, I way, but it's that simple. I wander based on, you had read Leibniz, and realized I was right most of the time. through life with a certa in, shall we say, you, as a young man, attacking Kant But that was easy, because, as I later tropism, a certain disposition, which I based on Leibniz. Now I don't really discovered, they lied most of the time, can trace back to childhood, early child­ know exactly what the intention was, so it was not difficult fo r me to make that hood, even pre-school childhood. A what the center was, when the [Baby] kind of judgment. stubborn cuss, who would never accept Boomers were being organized, back a So, I just took a sense of mission, and what I didn't believe, and could not be number of years ago, but now we've got had that kind of sense. beaten into believing it, or appearing to Gauss, and this constructive siege on So, coming into the wartime period, I believe it. They tried to beat me into the Ivory Tower, I was kind of wonder­ was in India, in service, coming out of bel ieving it, I would disbelieve it all the ing, how we did we get here? How did Burma. I sensed a mission. I became more violently, and all the stronger. we wind up, how did you, how did this involved in the cause of Indian inde­ Because if they were beating me, they become the center of things, how did pendence. It was a mission. I came were wrong. you get here? back. I fo und that my fe llow soldiers So, ... that's the way it happened. LaRouche: It's very simple. It really is were morally degenerating, under the And it was very fortunate, because by awfu lly simple when you look at it, as I influence of Trumanism, which was later having this kind of attitude, I missed a can look at it from the inside. called McCarthyism. So I first put my lot of the mistakes that other people Ve ry early, I knew that my parents bets on Dwight Eisenhower, who I make, who try to adapt too easily to the lied. And everybody else lied. It was encouraged to run for President. He sent garbage that's floating around them. obvious, you know. You have, company me a nice letter saying why he wouldn't, I think that's-Jason, what else can I comes-I don't know if you ever had an at that time. But, then I got involved with say?-I mean, that's me, in a nutshell. experience like this, but company socialists, because they were the only That's the whole. I just keep getti ng comes to visit the parental household. ones who were fighting McCarthy. grabbed up by missions, and the mission And everybody is very lovey-dovey, a And then, after McCarthy was defeat­ grabs me, and I'm not running the mis­ nice conversation-"Oh, we must do ed by Eisenhower, I looked at the social­ sion, the mission's running me. I'm not this again." And the minute the guests ists, and I said, "What a bunch of dum­ running for President. Working as a shad­ are out of the house, the parents start to mies! What am I doing here?" And got ow President of the United States has gossip about the guests who just left. out of there. taken me over; I haven't taken it over.

SPECIAL REPORT 21 st CENTURY Summer 2003 25 The Elements, The Solar System, and The Prebiotic Principle by Laurence Hecht

A new look at the geometric model of the atomic nucleus proposed by Robert }. Moon, a physical chemist in the anti-Bohr tra dition.

An octahedron nested inside an icosahedron, as conceived in the Moon model.

Illustration by Christopher Sloan

he coincidence of the Moon nuclear model-taken as a transmutations, which are explained under the Moon nuclear topological ordering principle for the 92 elements-with model in a way that should begin to supplant the patchwork Tthe Kepler ordering of the planetary orbits, has not been quilt of Ptolemaic form ulations employed in the "standard sufficiently explored (see accompanying article, page 31, for model" approach to nuclear physics. summary of the model). My recent experimental-constructive I will elaborate these matters, still under investigation, in investigations, pursuing the placement of neutrons in the greater detail in a subsequent report. Meanwhile, certain more vacancies allowed in the Moon-model geometry, confirm the general considerations, bearing on the question raised in a validity of the Moon model in accounting for a variety of oth­ number of Lyndon H. LaRouche's recent works, 1 of the rela­ erwise anomalous features of nuclear chemistry. These tionship among the distinct, but multiply connected domains include, especially, the leading anomalous features of the of biotic, abiotic, and cognitive, have come to light in the ordering of the isotope species, sometimes referred to as course of this work. I confine myself here, largely to these gen­ "magic numbers," and related pecul iarities of the nuclear eral considerations.

26 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY Kepler's ordering of the planetary orbits, as derived in his struction principle) of the nuclides, as determined by the 1596 Mysterium Cosmographicum2 proceeds in the sequence: Moon model, and you will recognize, as I did recently with a Eureka-like shout: "These are individuals!" That is-as I dis­ octahedron covered through several weeks of concentrated, hands-on icosahedron experience-in constructing the Moon model structure includ­ dodecahedron ing the neutron placements, no attempt to extrapolate (as by a (a discontinuity marked by the tetrahedron) preconceived notion of directionality) the configurations of cube. successive elements, or their isotopes is possible. The Moon nuclear model describing the ordering principle The configuration of each successive element, and even of for the 92 elements, proceeds in the sequence: each successive isotope, introduces some new topological rela­ tionship, reflecting the fact that the nested array of Platonic solids cube (and the subsumed sequence of cyclic solids defined by the edge octahedron midpoints) is governed by a multiply connected topological icosahedron ordering.4 The reason for the failure of earlier efforts to derive dodecahedron such an Aufbau Prinzip was the rejection of Kepler's (a discontinuity marked by the partial formation of a second, Pythagorean-Platonic conception of ordering. Thus are all efforts twinned dodecahedra/icosahedra shell) to construct the nucleus out of such reductionist notions as the cube close-packing of spheres (Pauling, Monti, et al.), Goeppert­ octahedron ..., etc. Mayer and Jensen's shell model, and the even more ivory-tower­ If, in Kepler's model, a cube is inscribed within the sphere like approach of the standard-model theory, doomed to failure. which designates the orbit of Mercury, and, within that cube, As an aid to adducing a clearer conception of my use of the a sphere, which designates the region of immediate influence term prebiotic, note the fo llowing two points. of the Sun, it is seen more clearly that the orderings are virtu­ First, the periodic table can be seen as a kind of menagerie ally the same! of the sort which Geoffroy-St. Hillaire and the young Cuvier Knowing what we know of the significance of the Platonic worked with in Paris of the 1790s. The periodic table is the solids as a topological ordering principle, and of the principle zoological laboratory, where creatures of the sort Leibniz called variously expressed as microcosm-macrocosm, or Leibniz's lesser monads are to be found and studied. The key to their clas­ monad, it would be both foolish and irresponsible to acquiesce sification is the Moon nuclear model. The individuality of each to the crude empiricism and radical indifferentism of contem­ nuclear species (element), and its varieties (isotopes), is the porary scientific discourse, either in giving ground to the argu­ strongest indictment of the crude form of atomism--decisively ment that these are merely matters of "coincidence," or, in fail­ rejected by both Lavoisier and Mendeleev-in which each ele­ ing to recognize their crucial importance, because they are ment is seen merely as the agglomeration of successive num­ "merely" of a topological, as opposed to metrical, nature. The bers of elementary parts. These are individuals. Hence, the demand of present-day ignoramuses, most often of mathemati­ first hint for use of the term prebiotic. cal-physics training, that one must "prove it-show me how it corrects a measurement of some existing (non­ understood) fundamental value," is what is to be avoided here. Even a scant fam iliarity with the actual history of sci­ entific progress, will show that all important discoveries of physical prin­ ciple proceed by identification of an appropriate transfinite ordering princi­ ple governing crucial anomalies. As with Kepler's solar system, so with Mendeleev's expl icit rejection of the Galileo-Newton universe, in his recog­ nition that the atomic masses of the ele­ ments do not obey a continuous func­ tion, but are periodic.3

The Prebiotic Principle By prebiotic principle, I mean, in first approximation, the evidence that something resembling life is present in the developmental process governing the elements and nuclides. Familiarize Kepler's ordering of the planetary orbits and the Pla tonic solids, reproduced from his yourself with the Aufbau Prinzip (con- 1596 Mysterium Cosmographicum.

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 27 The second point brings us to another crucial feature of a deeper epistemological sickness within the body of science. what Leibniz called his Monadology, one also referenced by No form of chemical combination, including the crystalline Nicholas of Cusa under the headings minimum-maximum state, can be properly understood apart from the understand­ principle and microcosm/macrocosm: Namely, the evolu­ ing of the nucleus. Thus, recognizing the valid ity of the Moon tionary principle for these species of lesser monads (and nuclear model as a topological ordering principle for the here, as with the case of biology, one must avoid being microcosm, we would see the crystalline form as an interme­ drawn into attempts to explain evolution by plausible "mech­ diate expression of that. Crystals, then, are like the hair and anisms"), is the topological relationship governed by the nails of the prebiotic microcosm. To attempt to conclude fun­ dodecahedron and golden section. The same principle damental facts from the study of crystallization, in itself, expresses itself in living processes. Thus, we have the identi­ would be like studying animal physiology, while restricting cal topological organizing principle expressing itself in one's investigations to the fur and scales of the beast. events on an astronomical, visible, and microphysical scale. Yet, even such an approach, properly carried out, could yield The first and last lie in the domain of abiotic process; the fruit, for there is no place in the universe where the hand of cre­ middle lies in the domain of living. ation will not show itself. Two types of anomalies associated The identity of topological ordering principle in the astro­ with crystalline growth are noteworthy in this connection. nomical and biological domains has been known since the First, is the recently discovered phenomenon, observed in time of Kepler. In his beautiful paper inspired by Braun and the case of metal alloys subjected to extreme conditions, of Schimper's 1828 discovery of the law of phyllotaxis, Gauss's the appearance of quasiperiodic crystalline forms of five-fold American devotee Benjamin Peirce extended that identity, by symmetry. Second, and more curious, are certain anomalous demonstrating the appearance of the Fibonacci series in the conditions of the crystalline state, noted by Pasteur, which relationships of the periods of successive planets-a relation­ also suggest a higher, non-entropic organizing principle. ship he humorously dubbed the "vegetable principle" in the Here, for example, we find the selective rotation of the plane universe.s Dr. Moon's nuclear model demonstrates that same of polarization of light by chiral crystals. The specific hand­ principle of golden-section-ordered topology, as governing the edness of the crystals formed by the living substance is only microcosm. No atomic nucleus is without it. Thus, the abiotic one expression of this anomaly. The prebiotic principle is domain is suffused with a principle which finally finds its fu ller equally revealed in the paradoxical fact that the solution of expression in the biotic. Hence, again, the term "prebiotic." such chiral crystals, itself, acts, in part I ike a crystal, rotating the plane of polarization of the incident I ight, but also, in Schroedinger's Confusion on Crystallization part like an anisotropic substance, in that the same rotation An apparent confusion, overemphasized by Schroedinger's occurs irrespective of the direction of incidence of the light. treatment of the topic, arises in the study of crystallography. In this most paradoxical phenomenon, one finds a hint of an Schroedinger attempted to illustrate the distinction of living ordering principle which must lie outside the ordinarily con­ from nonliving, by reference to the distinction between crystal ceived laws of crystallization. A closer consideration of an even growth and the growth of a biologic organism.6 The former more elementary feature of crystallization suggests the same appears as a process of agglomeration of identical parts thing. For, ask yourself, why do the faces of a growing crystal (although that conception itself breaks down upon closer remain flat? The usual explanation, that the rates of growth in examination), exhibiting the six-fold symmetries of cube and particular directions are somehow favored, leaves something to octahedron. The latter is a developmental growth, character­ be desired. One is led to the view that the solution from which ized by differentiation, and exhibiting the five-fold symmetry the crystal grows is itself a "quantized space." of the icosahedron-dodecahedron and the divine proportion. A fu ller treatment of the topic would require an examina­ In Schroedinger's fo rmulation, the former is entropic, the latter tion of the seem ing appearance of entropy under certain non-entropic. However, once the evidence demonstrated by exceptional conditions. We leave th is for another time. Our the Moon nuclear model is taken into account, the superfi­ treatment of crystallization demonstrates the type of ciality of the Schroedinger treatment is seen. approach to be used. Leibniz's works on dynamics had Beneath the surface of the molecular or ionic chemistry, already shown the absurdity of the Newtonians' introduction which is usually taken as determining the crystalline forms, of the entropy concept into physics. The introduction of this lie the nuclear processes which are determining, even if our concept into chemistry, by Clausius, Maxwell, et al. comes present understanding cannot elaborate exactly how. There from a foolish interpretation of statistical gas laws. What can are no ions or molecules, and therefore no electronic chem­ properly be adduced from such considerations are the istry, without nuclei. And there, in the nucleus, the evidence notions of atomicity and quantum of action. The first was so of an ordering principle common to living processes appears adduced, as Ampere reports his independent discovery of the again. It is not life, but it expresses the principle in an Avogadro Law in the 1814 "Lettre a Berthollet,"7 by consid­ inchoate form; it is prebiotic. eration of Mariotte's (Boyle's) Law and the calculus of proba­ Crystallization is a most interesting phenomenon, and a bilities; the second, by Planck's considerations of the anom­ most important one in the history of scientific progress. It is alies of blackbody radiation. The relevant, special impor­ Schroedinger's misevaluation of the similarity and diffe rences tance of Ampere's much overlooked 1814 work, is that Gay­ between crystallization and organic growth which is mislead­ Lussac's Law of Simple Proportions, and chemical combina­ ing. The problem arises, in part, from an artificial separation tion in general, is given a geometric treatment, under which of nuclear "physics" from chemistry, a problem which reflects the laws of crystallization are naturally subsumed.

28 Summer 2003 21 st CENTURY Had Ampere's methodological approach taken hold, sis of the heavier elements; there is too much air, and not instead of the bookkeeping representation of chemical for­ enough ground. It is an important part of one's self-inoculation mulae which still persists in spite of all contrary evidence, against such hoaxes, always to keep in mind that theories of the silly representation of entropy could not have arisen. origin, and cosmology in general, have ever been closely asso­ Clausius would probably have drowned himself in a large ciated with the needs of an oligarchical ruling elite. fishbowl, like Tho;"as Gray's favorite puss, grasping for the That said, several things are suggested by the correspon­ gold prize. I suspect the actual law of entropy is this: Let a dence of the Moon and Kepler models. Here fo llow some fool suspect that he has got his hands on the "ultimate parti­ scant, early reflections on the subject. At first sight, the solar cle," and he will surely wear it down with rubbing. system, in its gross structure, appears to be an incomplete expression of the same ordering principle governing the ele­ On Elements and the Solar System ments. Where there are 92 principal singularities on the lat­ The correspondence of topological ordering principle in ter and 148 more of derived nature, the solar system shows the Moon and Kepler representations, bears also on the gen­ only a mere nine principal orbits, and some moons, these all eral topical areas: the origin of the solar system, and the syn­ restricted largely to a single plane. Yet, in some way the thesis of the elements. opposite must be the case-the solar system, which is the Before entering into this admittedly still very conjectural more developed form, must be the more developed expres­ topic, I think a word of warning is necessary. Most efforts to sion of the ordering principle. The fact that all matter within account for the origin of the solar system, as with cosmology in th is solar system is composed of huge numbers of tiny nuclei, general, are marred by the introduction of ad hoc assumptions each built upon the same plan as the structure in the large, is which extend far beyond what scientific evidence would per­ one expression of this, and also a beautiful embodiment of mit. Once these assumptions are granted, the formulations of the macrocosm/m icrocosm principle. an ivory-tower mathematical-physics are applied, to produce a Certain fe atures of the two systems, however, are the plausible "model" resembling the desired result. The same flaw same. The appearance of the discontinuity following the is introduced in most approaches to the problem of the synthe- dodecahedron corresponds in the one case, to the distinc-

Inert Periodic Table of the Elements Gases IA o

H '.00197 IIA iliA IVA VA VIA

2 Li Be B C N o 6.941 9.01218 10.81 12.011 14.00607 15.9994

11 12 U 14 IS 16

3 Na Mg AI Si P S 22.98977 24.305 IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIII IB liB 28.086 30.97)7& 32.0& '" C 19 20 21 22 21 24 15 2& 27 28 2" ]0 31 12 J) ]4 04 K Ca Se Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se U-Ic;;: 39.M8 40.08 44.CJ559 47.1)0 50.11414 51.IJIJ& 54.'J]80 55.847 58.111)1 58.70 &J.';4& b5.J8 69.72 72.59 "'.921b 78.cU) c.. J7 J. '0 41 .2 45 ,. .7 " •• 50 " 52

5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Te Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te 85.4678 87.62 88.9059 91.22 q2.'�064 95. .,4 98 101.07 106.4 107.8b8 112.40 114.82 llB.&1J 111.75 127.&0

55 57 72 13 7. 7. 77 7. •0 •• .2 .J .' 6 Cs Ba *la Hi Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po 132.9054 . 137.14 138.9055 178.49 181.85 186.207 190.2 '''2.22 ICJ5.09 11J&.lJbb5 200.59 204.37 207,19 208.9804 illOI

.7 •• •• .04 105 '0& Fr Ra tAe Ku Ha (223) 12271

5. 5. atomic number .0 •• .2 .J ., .5 •• .7 •• 69 10 7. Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb lu 140.12 140.9077 144.24 (147) ISO." 151.9b 157.2.'i 158.9254 1&2.50 1&4.9]04 1&8.']42 173.04 114.91 atomic mass

.0 .2 .J •• •• qs ,. .7 ,. .. .00 '0' .02 .OJ Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No lr 2]2.0]81 2]1.0]59 238.029 217.0482 12441 124J) (2411 {2471 12.'i1l 12541 (2571 e2S81 (2551 (256)

21 st CENTURY Summer 2003 29 tion of the small, earthy inner planets from the large gas giants beyond the asteroid belt; in the other case, to a rough disti nction between light and heavy, abundant and rare, ele­ ments. The four shells, cube-octahedron-icosahedron­ What Is dodecahedron, represent the domains of Mercury, Ve nus, Earth, Mars, with the hydrogen-rich Sun at center, and this must in some way correspond to the nucleosynthesis. Thus, The Moon Model imagine the surrounding space as a great solution within which the solar system crystallizes, not by the laws of solu­ tion chemistry, but by the underlying principle expressed in Of the Nucleus? nucleus and solar system. As I contemplate these things, I see reflected in the pentag­ onal Plexiglas face of my model of the Moon nucleus, the n 1986, Dr. Robert J. Moon, the University of Chicago physi­ wind-blown leaves of a large maple tree (pentagonal leaves, I cal chemist and veteran of the Manhattan Project, conceived if you have ever examined them), and through them a very a new model for the atomic nucleus, which could account for blue, spring sky. There, in the momentary contemplation of a many of the otherwise anomalous properties of the elements single image, the multiply connected domains of prebiotic, and isotopes.1 Moon's was the first comprehensive attempt, living, and creative express themselves in unitary simplicity, since Dmitri Mendeleev proposed the Periodic Table in 1869, and conspire to produce a feeling of spiritual pleasure. to find a new principle governing the ordering of the elements. The author is the editor-in-chief of 21 st Century. Th is arti­ Dr. Moon had been a key participant in a mid-1 980s seminar cle was written April 27, 2003. series, which was conducted by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. with some of the leading non-Establishment figures in plasma Notes physics, biophysics, and related disciplines. The seminar series 1. See, for example, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., "The Weird Religions of was a crucial part of LaRouche's efforts at the time to push fo r­ Cheney's Empire: The Pantheo-cons," Executive Intelligence Review, May 2, 2003, pp. 12-35. ward his proposal for the Strategic Defense Initiative, partially 2. Johannes Kepler, Mysterium Cosmographicum, (New Yo rk: Abaris, 1981), adopted by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, as a science-driv­ As Kepler remarks in notes added 25 years after the first publication, the er project.2 The method of Johannes Kepler, in his discovery of germ of all his subsequent work, leading to the the discovery of the prin­ ciple of universal gravitation and the Harmonies of the World, is contained the principle of Universal Gravitation and founding of modern in this early (1596) work of his. experimental science-as distinct from the crude empiricism of 3. D. Mendeleeff,"The Periodic Law of the Chemical Elements," (Faraday Galileo and Newton-was a frequently visited topic in these Lecture, June 4, 1989), in D. Mendeleeff, The Principles of Chemistry, discussions. Third English Edition (London: Longmans, Green, 1905; New Yo rk: Kraus Reprint, 1969) Vol. II, Appendix II. Sometime in the spring of 1986, at the prompting of Charles 4. I discovered this in an investigation of the reason behind the magic num­ B. Stevens, a leading collaborator of LaRouche on science bers 50 and 82. Each represents a different anomalous feature of the matters, Dr. Moon undertook a concentrated study of Moon model construction. For example, the reason for the extraordinary stability of 50-Sn (tin) is the completion of the first pentagonal ring (the LaRouche's epistemological writings, supplemented with a "scalloped salad bowl") of the twinned dodecahedron. One would have reading of Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum. A lifetime of expected this structure to appear at atomic number 51, when five protons immersion in physical chemistry and nuclear physics, which have been added to the 46 of the first completed structure. The completely unexpected nature of this particular individual (50-Sn) derives from the had begun with his youthful apprenticeship to William Draper fact that the proton from the underlying icosahedron on the face of the first Harkins at the University of Chicago, came to fruition that complete (46-proton) structure "pops up" to form the fifth proton in the ring on the twinned structure. This explains both the reason why tin expresses spring in the still quite fe rti le and imaginative mind of the then itself in the greatest number of stable isotopes (10) of any element, and 74-year-old Moon. also the extraordinarily anomalous, "forbidden" transmutation of 49-indi­ I first saw the Moon model of the nucleus early in the sum­ um-1 15 into 50-tin-1 15. mer of 1985. Moon had inspired a retired machinist friend, Similarly, in respect to the "magic number" 82. In the careful construction of the elements of the Lanthanide series (itself an anomaly, the gross features of George Hamann, to build a set of nested Platonic solids in the which are readily explained by the Moon model), it is seen that the structural ordering and sizes specified. Using that model, made from anomaly producing the "magic" number of 82 neutrons arises from the need to locate the octahedron within the partially completed dodecahedral and icosa­ used aluminum printing plates, Dr. Moon first showed me the hedral "salad bowls:' Because of the skew positioning of the octahedral vertices construction of the atomic nuclei for the 92 elements. In within the face of the icosahedron, the protons forming at the octahedral ver­ Moon's model, the ordering principle for the protons is repre­ tices lie on a sphere which is almost equivalent in radius to the midsphere of the icosahedron, upon which the neutrons lie. Thus, in the formation of some sented by the vertices of a nested structure of four of the five of the first members of the Lanthanide series, the addition of protons, which, in Platonic solids (Figure 1). Eight protons, corresponding to the the general case, will create more neutron positions, actually eliminates some Oxygen nucleus, occupy the vertices of a cube which is the neutron positions. This is the reason that successive even-numbered elements in the series continue to show 82 neutrons in their stable isotopes. first nuclear "sheIL" Six more protons, corresponding to 5. B. Peirce, "Mathematical Investigations of the Fractions which Occur in Silicon, lie on the vertices of an octahedron, which contains, Phyllotaxis," Proceedings of the American Academy for the Advancement and is dual to, the cube. The octahedron-cube is contained of Science (1849), pp. 444-447. within an icosahedron, whose 12 additional vertices, now 6. Erwin Schroedinger, Wh at Is Life ? (Cambridge University Press, 1944). totalling 26 protons, correspond to Iron. The icosahedron­ 7. Andre-Marie Ampere, "Lettre de M. Ampere a M. lecomte Berthollet sur la determination des proportions dans lesquelles les corps se combinent octahedron-cube nesting is finally contained within, and dual d'apres Ie nombre et la disposition des molecules dont leurs particules to, a dodecahedron. The 20 additional vertices, now totalling integrantes sont composees," Annales de Chitnie, To me 90 (30 April 46 protons, correspond to Palladium, the halfway point in the 1814). pp. 43-86 + 2 planches.

30 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY periodic table (Figure 2). the modern, electron-configuration presentation of the period­ Beyond Palladium, a second dodecahedral shell begins to ic table. However, it seems to be inconsistent with the evi­ fo rm as a twin to the first. After 15 of its 20 vertices are fi lled dence from spectroscopy (upon which the electron-configura­ at Lanthanum (atomic number 56), a cube and octahedron tion conception rests) which suggests the periods of 2, 8, 18, nesting fi ll inside it, accounting for the 14 elements of the and 32; it also appears, at first, inconsistent with the older "Iaw anomalous Lanthanide series. of octaves," which was developed to explain the phenomena Next, the icosahedron forms around the cube-octahedron of chemical bonding, and was subsumed in Mendeleev's con­ structure, completing its 12 vertices at Lead (atomic number ception. 82), which is the stable, end-point in the radioactive decay series. Finally, the dodecahedron closes, and the twinned An Ordering of Neutrons structure "hinges" open, creating the instability which leads to From the period of my first exposure to Moon's nuclear the fissioning of uranium (Figure 3). model, I was of the opinion that the two apparently contra­ The completed "shells" ofthe Moon model, correspond to the dictory orderings (electron and proton) must be governed by elements whose stability is attested by their abundancy in the some higher principle, which was in some way contained in Earth's crust: Oxygen, Silicon, and Iron. These elements also the Moon conception. Moon encouraged such speculations, occur at minima in the graphs of atomic volume, and of other pointing out that the theory of electron orbits (the "extra­ physical properties (viz. compressibility, coefficient of expan­ nuclear electrons," as he insisted on calling them), had always sion, and reciprocal melting point) as established by Lothar suffe red from an aseptic separation of the electron from the Meyer in the 1870s to 1880s. Palladium, which is an anomaly in nucleus. the modern electron-configuration conception of the periodic During his lifetime, I worked out an ordering principle, table-because it has a closed electron shell, but occurs in the middle of a period-is not anomalous in the Moon model . Further, all fo ur closed-shell elements in the Moon model occur at maxima on the graph of paramagnetism (versus atom ic num­ ber), as reported by Harkins.3 The Moon model is thus consistent with much of the same experimental data which underlie the periodic table of the elements, and explains additional features not explained by

Figure 1 THE FIVE PLATONIC SOLIDS Te trahedron The fi ve regular; or Platonic, solids are best conceptual­

i ized as the regular tilings of I the surface of a sphere. Th ey I thus define a crucial bound­ I ary of what can be construct­ ------;:;7 Cube ed in visual space. In nested arrangements, the solids and their implicit variations repre­ sent a multiply connected manifold, which can define a transfinite ordering principle fo r the elements of the peri­ odic table. Octahedron (fj) Figure 2 A WORKING MODEl OF THE NUCLEUS Th e Moon model of the nucleus employs a nesting of fo ur of the five Platonic solids, similar to that conceived by johannes Kepler to describe the Solar System (top). Below is a photograph of a working model of the nucle­ us, made fo r Moon by retired machinist George Hamann in 1986. Th e scale model was constructed out Icosahedron Dodecahedron of used aluminum offset printing plates.

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 31 set of spheres was to be the primary location for the neutrons, in my extended conception of Moon's model. I assumed the addition of the fifth Platonic solid (tetrahedron) as the structure of an alpha particle at the center of the nucleus, and distrib­ uted the neutrons at the unoccupied edge-midpoints of the set of solids. When I did so, I found that the neutron "shells" closed at the electron-shell singu larities (2-Helium-4, 10- Neon-20, 18-Argon-40, 36-Krypton-84), specified in the mod­ ern periodic table (See table, p. 34). This suggested, for the first time, a relationship between the ordering of the nucleus and that of the electron shells. However, I could not see a cause for a relationship between the supposedly neutral neutrons, and the extranuclear elec­ trons. The difficulty suggests some error of assumption, which must be contained in the oversimplification provided by the Rutherford-Bohr model. Three years ago, aided by my recent study of the Ampere­ Gauss-Weber electrodynamics, I made an attempt to establish Dr. Moon around the time that he conceived of his model of a physical cause for the Moon model structure, by imagining the nucleus. the protons as occupying a set of current rings, like the Ampere magnetic molecule, which rings were arranged to cor­ using the edge midpoints and unfilled faces of his nested con­ respond to the symmetries of the nested solids.5 This did not figuration, to determine the otherwise undetermined distribu­ prove entirely satisfactory. tion of the neutrons in the nuclei.4 In any Platonic solid, there More recently, at LaRouche's suggestion, I dropped the are three implied spheres of differing radii. The unique char­ effort to explain the Moon model in terms acceptable to exist­ acteristic of the Platonic solids is the existence of a circum­ ing physics practice, the thinking being that there is something scribing and inscribing sphere. Intermediate between these, new here, which, by its nature, could not be explicable in the there is a sphere, sometimes referred to as midsphere (Figure old terms. Rather, I concentrated on looking at some of the key 4). For the two pairs of dual Platonic solids (cube-octahedron anomalies in the existing view of the ordering of elements and and icosahedron-dodecahedron), the midspheres pass through isotopes, and examined how the Moon model, considered as the vertices of the two related Archimedian solids, that is, the a valid ordering principle for the nuclear structure, could cuboctahedron and icosidodecahedron. (These cyclic, resolve them. With that in mind, a suggestion by Dr. Ben Archimedian solids, are formed by connecting the midpoints Soldano proved useful. In noting to him, the seemingly para­ of either of the Platonic solid duals.) doxical coincidence in ordering between the neutrons and the The existence of this subsumed ordering principle of the extranuclear electrons, referred to earl ier, he suggested look­ cyclic Archimedian solids, within the multiply connected ing at the nuclear transmutations, such as the K-capture, and ordering of the nested Platonic solids, suggested the appear­ electron and positron emissions. ance of a new physical singularity in this region. So, this third That soon led me back to an examination of the so-called


Figure 3 THE COMPLETED URANIUM NUCLEUS (a) To go beyond Palladium (a tomic number 46), which is represented by the completed dodecahedron, an identifcal dodecahedron joins the first one at a fa ce. When the second dodecahedron is completed, it is seen that six positions on the common dodecahedral fa ce are already occupied. This represents the nucleus of radon (a tomic number 86). (b) To go beyond Radon, the twin do decahedra open up, using a common edge as if it were a hinge. (c) To create 97-Protacta nium, the hinge is broken at one end. To create 92-Uranium, the position where two protons join must be slightly displaced, creating the instability which permits fission.

32 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY (a) Cube with circumsphere and insphere

(b) Cube with midsphere

Or. Moon, about 1952, at the control panel of the world's firs t scanning X-ray micro­ scope, which he built at the (c) points of cube forming the cuboctahedron 12 University of Chicago. Inset is the core of the world's second Figure 4 cyclotron, in construction, THE MIDSPHERE, LOCATION OF THE NEUTRONS which Or. Moon designed Every Platonic solid has a circumsphere, insphere, and and built at the University of midsphere. In (a), we see the circumsphere of the cube, Chicago. which passes through the 8 vertices, and the insphere, which is ta ngent to the 6 fa ces of the cube. The mid­ hypothesis, respecting the otherwise unexplained reason for sphere (b), which is intermediate in radius, touches the the distribution of the isotopes, the second "tier" of the period­ midpoints of the 12 edges of the cube. When these 12 ic table. points are conected (c), the fig ure fo rmed is the -Laurence Hecht

Archimedean solid known as the cuboctahedron. It is Notes ------cyclic, in that it can be constructed from 4 rings, each of 1. Robert James Moon (1911-1989) began studies at the University of Chicago whose circumference is divided in 6 parts. at the age of 16, in 1928. Wishing to solve the problem of controlled ther­ monuclear fusion, he went to Arthur Compton, then chair of the Physics Department, who sent him to the chairman of the Department of PhYSical Chemistry, William Draper Harkins. Harkins had challenged the Bohr orbital model of the atom as early as 1917, arguing (1) that no known chemical sys­ magic numbers. Rather than accepting the usual interpretation tem was flat, like the proposed Bohr orbits which form the basis for modern of spin-orbit coupling and other tenuous concepts to explain quantum mechanics; and (2) Bohr'S system limited itself to radiation phenom­ these phenomena, I simply viewed the magic numbers as a ena, although the chemical knowledge of the atom was much broader. Moon earned a doctoral degree in PhYSical Chemistry, under Harkins, catalogue of anomalies, of unusually stable isotopes and "for­ and then one in Physics, and taught in both departments at the University bidden" transmutations. I looked, in particular, at the magic of Chicago. numbers 50 and 82, wishing to see how the complex geome­ In the mid-1930s, Moon led construction of the second cyclotron in the world, with many improvements over the first device constructed by E.O. try of Moon's nested nuclear model might favor that number of Lawrence (Moon, R.J. and Harkins, W.D, Science, Vol. 83, No. 244 (1936). protons or neutrons. This required a more exact construction of During the Manhattan Project, he solved the problem of the carbon mod­ the Moon model representation for some of these heavier erator, making the first atomic pile possible. After the war, he constructed the first scanning X-ray microscope, and pioneered in optical biophysics nuclei, than I had previously carried out. The results were studies on the action potential in nerves. reward ing. A summary description is provided in Note 4 to the Moon's study of the electrodynamic theories of Andre-Marie Ampere and Wilhelm Weber, led him to reconsider the usual interpretation of the main article here (p. 30). These could be taken as preliminary Rutherford scattering data, which ignores the variation in force between confirmation of the extended validity of the Moon's nuclear charged particles as a result of relative velocities and accelerations.

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 33 Calculations based on the Weber Electrodynamic Law, forced Moon to re­ 2. Dr. Ben Soldano, whose challenge to the assumption of equivalence (of conceptualize most of what is, still today, taken for granted in atomic and inertial and gravitational mass) has still got the Establishment experts on nuclear physics. General Relativity running for cover when he approaches, later compared From 1974 onward, he was a key collaborator of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. the seminar series to the Solvay Conferences of the 1920s, in their poten­ A founding member of the Fusion Energy Foundation, from 1984-1986 he tial importance for shaping the future of science. edited its Intemational Joumal of Fusion En ergy. He was a member of the 3. W.O. Harkins and R.E. Hall, 'The Periodic System and the Properties of the advisory board of 21st CenturyScience Te chnology, until his death in 1989. & Elements," J. Amer. Chem. Soc., Vol. 38, No. 2 (Feb. 1916), p. 169. See: "Interview with Dr. Robert J. Moon" (in two parts), Executive 4. Hecht, op. cit., pp. 25 ft. Intelligence Review, Oct. 30, 1987, p. 31 and Nov. 6, 1987, p. 18; and Laurence Hecht, 'The Geometric Basis for the Periodicity of the Elements:' 5. Laurence Hecht, "Advances in Developing the Moon Nuclear Model," 21st 21st Century, May-June 1988, p. 18. Century, Fall 2000, p. 5.


Alpha Edges of Element particle Tetrahedron Cube Octahedron Icosahedron

2-He-4 2 Complete period

3-Ll-7 2 2 4-Be-9 2 3 5-8-10 2 3 6-C-12 2 4 7-N-14 2 5 8-0-16 2 6 Complete proton shell 9-F-19 4 6 10-Ne-20 4 6 Complete period

11-Na-23 12 4 6 2 12-Mg-24 12 4 6 2 13-AI-27 14 4 6 4 14-81-28 14 4 6 4 Complete proton sheil 15-P-31 16 4 6 6 16-8-32 16 4 6 6 17-CI-35 18 4 6 8 18-Ar-40 22 4 6 12 Complete period

19-K-39 20 4 6 10 0 20-Ca-40 20 4 6 10 0 21-8c-45 24 4 6 12 2 22-TI-48 26 4 6 12 4 23-V-51 28 4 6 12 6 24-Cr-52 28 4 6 12 6 6 12 8 25-Mn-55 30 4 "· 26=':&'56 30 6 12 12 Complete proton shell 27-Co-59 32 6 12 12 2 28-NI-59 31 6 12 12 29-Cu-64 35 6 12 12 5 30-Zn-65 35 6 12 12 5 31-Ga-70 40 6 12 12 10 32-Ge-73 41 6 12 12 11 33-As-75 42 6 12 12 12 34-8e-79 45 6 12 12 15 35-8r-80 45 6 12 12 15 36-Kr-84 48 6 12 30 Complete period

37-Rb-85 48 6 12 12 18 38-5r-88 50 6 12 12 20 39-Y-89 50 6 12 12 20 40-Zr-92 52 6 12 12 22 41-Nb-93 52 6 12 12 22 42-Mo-96 54 6 12 12 24 43-Tc-98 55 6 12 12 25 44-Ru-101 57 6 12 12 27 45-Rh-103 58 6 12 12 28 46-Pd-106 60 6 12 12 30 Comple!e proton .�hell

34 Summer 2003 21 st CENTURY How Johannes Kepler's examination of "nothing, " produces something to think about.

Six-corner Snowflakes Five-fold Symm

by Ralf Schauerhammer

ohannes Kepler was not only a creative scientist, but an interesting and humorous man. This is especially evident in a little paper he wrote for his patron, Wacker von JWackenfels, in 1611, titled A New Year's Giftor On the Six­ Co rnered Snowfla ke. There, in the introduction, Kepler writes:

Yes, I know well how fond you are of Nothing; surely not so much because of its minor value, but because of the fu nny and delightful play, which one can have with it, as with a merry sparrow. Therefore, I imagine that fo r you a gift should be the better and more welcome, the more it approaches to Nothing. JOANNIS KE· PLERI S.C. MAIES T. MATHEMATIC! With these words, Kepler starts a play of thoughts, which is , STRENA Sa still of interest today. Everybody who knows it, will take it from 'D<:J(.iMSa"".... time to time in his hands, like a good poem, and re-read it. And just as I had taken this little work, to re-read it, and think about a way to tempt the readers of this magazine into explor­ ing Kepler's work, another creative, interesting, and humorous man was to celebrate his 80th birthday-Lyndon H. C-�S.Ca{Maitft,wJWlOJ1",.. LaRouche, Jr. 11JH&01Ylrr AD .:NOaHI'M. r-T..,... For a long time I had been thinking about what to present to �M. uc xt a modest and joyfu l man like Lyndon LaRouche on his 80th birthday. Finally, my good friend, Kepler, gave me some Figure 1 advice: "You know, he especially likes Nothing!" And so, it THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE was obvious what I should do for a present: Ta ke a stout-heart­ Kepler and title page from his 7677 work. ed jump onto Kepler's shoulders, and continue writing on the topic of "Nothing."

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 35 c


lJ Te trahedron in a cube Te trahedron in another tetrahedron


""...... , ...•: .": ",: ... .. �<'::'.+ (

t·::: ...... j. .... Octahedron in a cube Icosahedron in a dodecahedron

Figure 2 THE FIVE PLATONIC SOLIDS AND THE 'COUPLES' Only fi ve Platonic solids can be built from the regular (equal-sided) planar figures-the square, triangle, pentagon. Th ese solid figures fo rm two "couples" or duals (the cube with the octahedron and the dodecahedron with the icosahedron), and one single (the tetrahedron), which Kepler called "hermaphrodite. "

Johannes Kepler understood very well in his little work On I. The 'Nothing' the Six-Cornered Snowflake how to present "Nothing." He The nothing begins with the fact that Kepler's relationship to starts out with a beautiful pun about Nichts (which is the Plato's Timaeus dialogue is unappreciated. This is strange, German word for nothing) and Nix, which is the Latin word for because Kepler refers explicitly to the Platonic solids, which snow. (In dialect and lax, everyday German, the word nichts is Plato uses in his Timaeus to construct the elements. Plato pronounced like nix). Kepler writes: "If you ask a German rejects the simple notion of the atom of Democritus, and about NIX, he will answer NIHIL, if he knows only a little of Kepler agrees with Plato, when he writes in the beginning of , Latin." his Snowflake paper, that the Epicurean concept of atoms is Recently I learned that Kepler's pun is actually threefold, "really nothing." This is no accident, because Kepler's Six­ because "Nix" also refers to a ghost living in the water. I was Cornered Snowflake, like Plato's Timaeus, deals with the ques­ not sure if this was a joke, so I checked into the matter. And tion: What kind of transformations create the elements, or indeed, in Kepler's time the word Nix referred to a male ghost "atoms"? What "action" produces, from the water vapor con­ living in the water, who (according to the tales of sailors), tinuum, the discontinuous snowflake in its specific geometri­ looked like a hippopotamus or a seal; the romanticists later cal shape? transformed this being into the female nixie, the mermaid. Be It is totally wrong to say that Plato, in his Timaeus, takes up that as it may, it is definitely true that Kepler, in his On the Six­ the so-called number magic of the Pythagoreans to explain the Cornered Snowflake, investigates which "ghost" sports about fo ur elements, with the aid of five Platonic solids. The Platonic in the water and transforms it once in a while into Nix. solids are rightly named after Plato, because the existence of Historians have written a lot of clever things on Kepler's On these solids, and the fact that there can only be five of them, the Six-Cornered Snowflake, and call it the work that founded was first discovered by Plato's friend Theatetus. The the science of crystallography, for example.) So it seems that Pythagoreans knew only the tetrahedron, the cube, and the "nothing" can be said about it any more. And it is exactly this dodecahedron; that is, only three regular solids. Therefore, it "nothing" that I will now take on. is not plausible, that they created an elementary theory of four

36 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY Figure 3 KEPLER'S RHOMBOIDS The two rhomboids Kepler discovered (the "small" rhomboid made out of 12 fa ces, includes the cube and octahedron; the "big" rhomboid made out of 30 fa ces includes the dodecahedron and the icosahedron). These are both metaphors of the creative idea of Theatetus.

elements on the basis of the three figures known to them. It ken down further by chemical reactions. But later, about 100 was about 150 years after the Pythagoreans that Plato's friend years ago, in the course of the discovery of radioactive radia­ Theatetus, was the first to construct the octahedron and the tion and the associated nuclear reactions, those smallest build­ icosahedron. ing-blocks suddenly were no longer "atoms." They could be Now another nothing: Kepler's discovery of the two regular divided into something, called "elementary particles," which rhomboids-the "small" 12-faced rhomboid (the rhombic were smaller than atoms. Later, even these elementary particles dodecahedron, which was known to the Greeks) and the were decomposed, using the tremendous amounts of power "large" 30-faced rhomboid (the rhombic trikontahedron)­ applied though accelerators. So there was need of a name fo r represent exactly the new idea, which Theatetus brought to yet another kind of "atom," called fundamental particles. light: Each of these rhomboids is the envelope of two Platonic So we see, that the word "atom" can be meaningful only if solids, the octahedron and the icosahedron, which Kepler it is related to a specific transformation, an action applied in a calls "married couples." (Today they are known as "duals.) The chemical test-tube, nuclear reactor, or accelerator. octahedron is the wife of the male cube, and the icosahedron For Plato this "atom-paradox" was already clear 2,400 years is the wife of the dodecahedron. The sharp corners of the ago. That is the reason he rejected Democritus' concept, and women touch exactly the centers of the faces of the men, and in the Timaeus dialogue, he described the processes that trans­ vice versa; the sharp corners of the men touch exactly the cen­ form the elements-earth, water, air, and fire into each other. ters of the faces of the women. To day we call Plato's "elements"-that is, these "atoms" in If one looks at a couple, not from the outside, but from the relation to physical transformation-the "physical conditions" inside center, one sees a harmonic ordering of the angles from or states of matter: solid, fluid, gas, and plasma. the center to the edges of Kepler's rhomboids, unifying the The relationship of the cube, icosahedron, octahedron, and couple. Now, one also sees why Theatetus had to discover tetrahedron describe the lawful geometrical constraints of both Platonic solids together. those transformations. Therefore, Plato explains how those The reason that it is justified to call the regular solids solids can be transformed into each other by a triangular con­ "Platonic solids," can be found in the Timaeusdial ogue. Here, struction of its regular faces. The new idea that Plato express­ for the first time, their deep physical meaning is expressed. es in the Timaeus, with the help of the Platonic solids-that is, Plato's objection to Democritus' atoms (which Democritus the way to make an universal physical principle of transfor­ defined as the smallest, indivisible building-blocks out of mation geometrically knowable-today is called "natural which all matter is composed) is easy to understand, if one law." And the next person who made a decisive step in devel­ looks into the history of modern science. oping this idea further was Johannes Kepler. Tw o-hundred years ago, the word "atom" was used to desig­ Now comes the icing on the nix, which belongs to this noth­ nate the tiny building-blocks of matter, which could not be bro- ing. Here we have four elements, but five Platonic solids! What

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 37 Figure 4 SNOWFLAKES CAPTURED BY CAMERA How much Kepler would have enjoyed seeing these photographs of snowflakes, which modern technology makes possible today.

about the fifth solid, the dodecahedron? For this, Aristotle avoid entering into this little work. Hopefully, I shall succeed "invented" a special type of matter, the insensible ether, floating in finding essentially nothing. around in the spheres of heaven that are unreachable by man. Kepler investigates here, what is the "specific cause" of This wrong conception is still also imputed today to Plato. But the fact that snowflakes always have the shape of a six­ Plato states explicitly in his Timaeus, that ether is only a fine pointed star? What "action" generates from the "continuous kind of air; that is, not a special type of element. So what is the stream" of water-vapor those "singular little stars" of pre­ role of the dodecahedron? cisely this form? Kepler does not give, as he promises in the Let's look into the Timaeus. There one reads, "Since there beginning, an answer to this question! He can get by with­ remained a fifth figure, God used it for the cosmos as its out doing this, only because he chooses not to simply solve ground-plan." Aha! Not the ether, but the "ground-plan" of the this question, but instead to investigate it mainly for the cosmos is related to the dodoecahedron. The philologists indi­ methods to research and answer such type of questions. If cate, that the Greek word that Plato uses for "ground-plan" in Kepler had not done this, he would not have been able to this context is hard to translate. In Plato's Republic, they say, stick to the "noth ing." Plato uses the same word for the "basic outlines" that the The correct method is to find possible principles for the "blissful state" must have according to the "divine model." So, "action" which expresses itself in specific geometric forms. For the dodecahedron contains this universal quality, and its trans­ example, Kepler looks at the rhombic form of the seeds of the fo rmation serves the cosmos as "ground-plan." pomegranate fruit. To explain this, material necessity is suffi­ The dodecahedron is thus something exceptional. And cient, because the seeds are compressed in the bounded space whoever has tried to construct the Platonic solids from scratch, of the fruit, and the specific rhombic form results from the knows this: Once you get the dodecahedron, the rest is child's need for close packing. play. Plato, however, did not think simply in terms of geomet­ But the same geometric form can be found in the bottom of rical construction, but in terms of different qualities of univer­ the honeycomb, where no compression can be assumed, and sal processes: The elementary transformations relate to fo ur thus another explanation must be found. Here, the action regular solids, and the underlying "ground-plan"-transforma­ implies that there is within the bee an instinct, which directs tion relates to the dodecahedron. The dodecahedron is the its action toward an aim. The bee itself does not know this "father" and the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, and icosahe­ aim, which the Creator embedded in its action, but man's rea­ dron are the children of the cosmic transformation-process. son is able to perceive and to know it: This form of the hon­ eycomb minimizes the work needed to build it. Incidentally, II. More Nothing in passing, Kepler explains to us the connections among the Yo u see, until now, I have managed to say nothing about Final Cause, the Leibnizian terminology Final Cause/Efficient Kepler's Six-cornered Snowflake. But now I can no longer Cause, and the Principle of Least Action.

38 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY - , ., ,r-- ---( .... t J • I • J I ,.3 I


Figure 5 A HONEYCOMB CEll Th e bottom of the cell of a honeycomb has three rhom­ bic fa ces. In this way, each fa ce can be used very eco­ nomically. The same is true fo r the bottom of the set of honeycombs lying on the opposite side. Three of these rhombic fa ces fo rm one corner of Kepler's "small" rhomboid.

In the case of the snowflake, unlike the pomegranate and the honeycomb, both of the above principles of action fai l. In the clouds, for example, there can be no limitation of space; as for an instinct to act, there are no bees there. So what kind of water-ghost is it, that generates those snow-crystals up there? What kind of "instinct" does such a water-ghost have to fo llow? I will not answer this exactly. I prefer to indicate what Kepler reports about the essential diffe rence between six-fold and five-fold geometry, as it is expressed in flowers, for example. The basis of this five-fold geometry is the "golden proportion," implicit in the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. This beau­ Figure 6 tiful form characterizes the " anima (soul) of the plants" and is FIVE-FOLD SYMMETRY, CHARACTERISTIC OF LIFE an emblem of its "capabil ity of procreating." The non-living In nearly all blossoms, there is fi ve-fold symmetry, car­ snowflake expresses a six-fold geometry. But why this specific rying lithe colors of life, II as Kepler said. one? The snow-crystals are generated exactly at the place, where there is a back and forth, a battle between cold and ing force." The coldness acts not by itself, but it is absence of warm. Kepler mentions, in this regard, the six-cornered ice­ living warmth, the same way that evi l is only the lack of crystals on broken windows of steam-baths in wintertime. good. Now I want to quote from thesis 8 of Kepler's On the Safe But back to Kepler's On the Six-Cornered Snowflake, and Fo undations of Astrology (Von den gesicherten Grundlagen there to a place where he nearly gives the answer about what der Astrologie) : the water-ghost nix does in creating six-cornered snowflakes. Kepler says: That everything that participates in the material is, as far as it participates in it, by its nature cold. However, I namely believe that warmth, which possessed the everything that is by its potential warm, owes this quali­ matter until then, is now overcome by coldness. As it ty to a living force, be it a force of itself or of that from acted until then in ordered fashion, so it now bends which it originated. in its order to retreat and gives way and holds com­ posure in those x-fold ordered feathery struc­ So, Kepler says, the warmth rises from the quality of a "Iiv- tures ... and takes care, not to be killed in action

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 39 Figure 8 (a) Figure 7 SCHEMATIC OF APPARATUS TO X-RAY CRYSTALS THE DEATH OF POlYXENA On the suggestion of the physicist Max von Laue, in Kepler refers to the dignity of the death of Polyxena, the 1912 a crystal was investigated fo r the first time with x­ youngest da ughter of the king of Tr oy, who was mur­ rays. Th e resulting pictures showed symmetrically dered by the Greeks after they conquered the city (an ordered spots of light. From the order of these spots on event depicted here). The poet Euripides reports her last the screen, one can adduce the six-fold spatial order of words: the crystal.

/I 'Greeks, you who have destroyed my city, I will die ready. Nobody should touch my body, because I will courageously offer my throat. Leave me unbound and kill me! By the Gods! Leave me die as a free being!' • • • ...In dying still she was concernedonly that she would • • • • • • • • fa ll with dignity, concealing what has to be concealed '. • • • • • • fro m men's eyes./I • • • • • ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • without honor and dignity. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Not without dignity! That is, for the commentators of • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kepler's writings an absolute nothing, and for that reason, I • • • • • • • • • have to say something about it. "Not without dignity" : • • • • • • • • • · • • • Doesn't this mean, that you are overwhelmed by a physical • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • power, but still do not give up your essence? So, in acting • • • • • • • • • with dignity, we see a higher principle, pointing beyond an • • • • • • • • • • • • individual existence. To act with dignity is possible only for a • • • • • • • ' . • moral being who is capable of free will-man. Kepler knew • • • • this with certainty. So his metaphor expresses the idea that • • • • • • there must be a higher principle that connects warmth and • • • coldness. Only this "connected ness" can explain that there is (in add ition to the five-fold geometry, which is obvious in the "immediate design of the plant" and in the "play of fo rm-giv­ Figure 8 (b) ing reason") an ordered geometrical form of non-living mat­ THE FORBIDDEN SYMMETRY OF QUASICRYSTAlS ter, which we can see exemplified in the six-cornered form of Wh en, in 1987, fo r the first time X-ray images showed a the snow-crystal. five-fold symmetry with in the crystal, it was called a Th is explains why Kepler states, for example, in his On the quasicrystal, because theory fo rbids this kind of order Safe Foundations of Astrology: "Where there is matter, there fo r "normal" crystals. is geometry!" Th is is a statement to which Plato also would subscribe. Aristotle, however, as Kepler explains in his Wo rld Harmonics, "cannot acknowledge the archetypical character This is no affront to God, no limiting of God. The intend­ and meaning of the quantitative figures [because] ... he ed action of creative reason is geometric! This is the "con­ denies the creation of the world." The reason for this is that nectedness" of active reason and living, as well as non-liv­ the geometric figures can be meaningfu l, only if there exists ing, matter, wh ich we found earl ier in the example of the a "Creator, who created the matter." "Geometry, " says instinct of the bee. In the bee, it expresses itself without the Kepler, "gave God the images to shape the world." bee knowing it in a specific geometrical form, a form

40 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY Figure 10 FIVE-FOLD SYMMETRY OF ADENO VIRUS Atoms of the inert gas krypton can fo rm clusters of icosahedrons, and viruses also very often have this shape. Here, the fi ve-fold symmetry of an adena virus.

chastic processes." Then, having done this, they attempt to describe by "laws of evolution," "self-organizing struc­ tures," or "fractals," what they before condemned as unknowable. In contrast, I believe to have found in Kepler's On the Six­ Cornered Snowflake an explanation why the universe can be known by the creative process of human cognition: Because the essential characteristic of the universe, which Kepler metaphor­ ically tries to express, is exactly the idea of the threefold-con­ nected phase space--connecting in a unique way the qualita­ tively diffe rent principles of action of the noosphere, biosphere, and non-living matter. This is likely the real key to the nothing of Kepler's On the Six-Cornered Snowfla ke. Figure 9 PENROSE TILING AND QUASICRYSTAlS III. Quasi Nothing To da y science attempts to explain the quasicrysta l by At the very end of his little work, Kepler states, that he has saying that it has a covering of two different types of unit "knocked on the door of chemistry." Since that time, we have cells. An example of this method is the so-called opened that door widely, stepped through it, and reached fur­ "Penrose-tiling"(a). But Kepler had already considered ther doors behind it. Therefore, we can spin the thread of th ose types of coverings, and had mentioned the impor­ Kepler's investigation fu rther, always taking care that nothing ta nce of "certain monsters " required to achieve cover­ will be the result. ings with fi ve-fold symmetry (b). As mentioned above, some of Kepler's thoughts in the Six­ Cornered Snowflake gave rise to an entire area of science known today as crystallography. This field of science investi­ expressing a Final Cause, associated with a least-action gates the kind of regular forms that fi ll Euclidean space com­ principle. pletely, without any gaps. A generalization of Kepler's six­ For the commentators of Kepler's On the Six-Cornered fo ld form was developed, and as Kepler had said, the differ­ Snowflake, such an idea means totally nothing, because ence of this shape from the five-fold form was found to be a they th ink like Aristotle. They deny all cognitive processes, very basic one: No crystal can have a five-fold symmetry. For they admit nothing but the laws of "causality," and they many years we were able to "look into" crystals with strong explain everyth ing else just as "chance" or as "result of sto- X-ray lamps, and we have never fo und a five-fold crystalline

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 41 of "instinct" do the atoms of the quasi-crystal fo llow to orient to this "actual infin ity"? Since Kepler's time, our possibilities of physical observa­ tion have improved tremendously. During the time of Kepler, there was not even a microscope, while today we can see down to the scale of atoms with the scanning tunnelling microscope. We can observe how atoms form clusters, and see how, for example, 13, 55, 147, 309, 561 ...atoms form an icosahedron. We also can see directly that viruses have the shape of icosahedrons; for example the hepatitis-C virus or the inner core of the HIV/A IDS virus, which each forms an icosidodecahedron. Shortly after the discovery of quasicrystals, in 1985, the so­ called fu llerenes were discovered. The most simple fo rm of the fullerene consists of 60 carbon atoms, organized in such a way, that each one sits in a corner of a truncated icosahedron. The name of this figure was coined by Kepler, who continued his "research in quasi-crystals" with this figure (Book II, para­ Figure 11 graph 28 of the Wo rld Harmonics) . One can conceive of this THE FULlERENE order of 60 carbon atoms in this specific icosahedral structure Th e fu l/erene, the most simple of which contains 60 car­ as a type of crystal in specifically curved space; that is, in the bon atoms, can be conceived of as two-dimensional surface of a sphere. crystals in a space of constant positive curvature. If I try to imagine which kind of nix is playing its tricks with these atoms, to lure them to "live" in specific geometries, I get the impression that matter in its smallest parts actually likes structure. curved space very much. And it seems, that only if this living Then, 15 years ago, something v8ry surprising happened­ principle of curved space is overpowered from outside, do someth ing which could not be explained very well until such small parts of matter "bend" in ordered fashion" and, not today. While X-raying an aluminum-manganese alloy, whose "without honor and dignity," take on flat crystal-forms. If these crystallization had occurred extremely rapidly, a five-fold small parts of matter get a chance to retreat, they sti ll contain crystal geometry was fo und for the first time-something that the trace of this curvature within them, and become, for exam­ mathematically should not be possible to exist. Solid bodies ple, those interesting quasicrystals. had been divided strictly into amorphous and crystalline, and One can, for example, also imagine that icosahedral clus­ now something new had appeared, which could be neither. ters of 13 atoms are compressed like the seeds of the pome­ The new substance could not be amorphous, because it granate, or as one can compress little balls of wax in the pa lm showed a global internal order, yet it could not be a crystal, of the hand. This interaction from outside degenerates the because of its fo rbidden five-fold geometry. This "impossible" symmetrically even distribution of the central angles of the thing was then named a quasi-periodic crystal or, for short, a clusters in such a way, that 6 of the 12 outer atoms are pushed "quasicrystal." into one plane, and 3 on top and 3 below it: In this way, the When I saw a quasicrystal for the first time, I immediately "curved" icosahedron-structure transforms into the crystal thought of Kepler's Wo rld Harmony, where he developed the structure of closest packing, characterized by a lattice of par­ concept of a quasicrystal (in Book Ii, Paragraphs 29-31). If allel planes. Yes, one might even think that atoms like to one looks at "certain monsters" that Kepler used in his organize in microscopic space in the highest multiplicity of attempts to tile a plane surface with five-fold and ten-fold regular orderings. If this were the case, they wou ld prefer even symmetric figures, one sees directly the "Penrose-tiling" used negatively curved space, to be able to form seven-fold crystals, today to describe those quasicrystals. Yo u see, Kepler is not for example, and even more interesting ones. only the founder of crystallography, but of a much deeper But this is still nothing, compared to what kind of space the concept of matter. elementary particles might like to form, that is, the type of The spatial order of atoms in quasicrystals is comparable to space inside the atoms. And it was Dr. Robert Moon, who stat­ the decimal representation of a transfinite number, for exam­ ed, in the very sense of Plato's Timaeus, that there we do find ple pi. The number pi expresses, the relation of the radius of a the order of the Platonic solids. Nothing fo llows. circle to its circumference, which geometrically defines pi pre­ cisely as a number. If this actually infinite idea of pi is Ralf Schauerhammer is an editor of the German-language expressed in the potentially infin ite series of decimal figures, science magazine Fusion and a leader in the LaRouche politi­ one obtains a one-dimensional quasi-crystal. This series of fig­ cal movement in Germany. He is co-author of The Holes in ures is not chaotically random, because it is defined by a the Ozone Scare: The Scientific Evidence That the Sky Isn't "transcendent" geometrical idea; but it is also not regular in a Falling, published by 21 st Century. This article first appeared repetitive way, as are the "number-crystals" created by the in the German-language Fusion, Winter 2002, and was tra ns­ rational numbers. The question, however, remains, what kind lated by the author.

42 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY For the 21st Century by James Powell and Gordon Danby

aglev is a completely new mode of physically contact the guideway, do not need Th e inventors of transport that will join the ship, the engines, and do not burn fuel. Instead, they are the world's fi rst wheel, and the airplane as a mainstay magnetically propelled by electric power fed M superconducting in moving people and goods throughout the to coils located on the guideway. world. Maglev has unique advantages over Why is Maglev important? There are four maglev system tell these earlier modes of transport and will radi­ basic reasons. how magnetic cally transform society and the world economy First, Maglev is a much better way to move levitation can in the 21 st Century. Compared to ships and people and freight than by existing modes. It is wheeled vehicles-autos, trucks, and trains­ cheaper, faster, not congested, and has a much revolutionize world it moves passengers and freight at much high­ longer service life. A Maglev guideway can transportation, and er speed and lower cost, using less energy. transport tens of thousands of passengers per even carry payloads Compared to airplanes, which travel at similar day along with thousands of piggyback trucks speeds, Maglev moves passengers and freight and automobiles. Maglev operating costs will into space. at much lower cost, and in much greater vol­ be only 3 cents per passenger mile and 7 cents ume. In addition to its enormous impact on per ton mile, compared to 15 cents per pas­ transport, Maglev will allow millions of human senger mile for airplanes, and 30 cents per ton beings to travel into space, and can move vast mile for intercity trucks. Maglev guideways amounts of water over long distances to elimi­ will last for 50 years or more with minimal Th e Maglev 2000 can nate droughts. maintenance, because there is no mechanical operate in the open air, or in In Maglev-which is short for MAGnetic contact and wear, and because the vehicle underground tunnneis. LEVitation-high speed vehicles are lifted by loads are uniformly distributed, rather than Using a low-pressure tunnel magnetic repulsion, and propelled along an concentrated at wheels. Similarly, Maglev will make it possible to get elevated guideway by powerful magnets vehicles will have much longer lifetimes than from Los Angeles to New attached to the vehicle. The vehicles do not autos, trucks, and airplanes. Yo rk in 7 hour.

21 st CENTURY Summer 2003 43 Second, Maglev is very energy efficient. Unlike autos, trucks, and airplanes, Maglev does not burn Cross section of Top half MAGLEV Vehicle oil, but instead consumes electrici- of aluminum figure-8 loop ty, which can be produced by coal­ Superconducting fired, nuclear, hydro, fusion, wind, magnet loops or solar power plants (the most effi­ Aluminum on vehicle Aluminum dipole loop dipole loop cient source now being nuclear). At (left) (right) 300 miles per hour in the open atmosphere, Maglev consumes Bottom half of aluminum only 0.4 megajoules per passenger U-shaped reinforced concrete guideway figure-8 loop mile, compared to 4 megajoules per passenger mile of oil fuel for a Figure 1 20-miles-per-gallon auto that car­ SCHEMATIC OF MAGLEV VEHiClE IN U-SHAPED GUIDEWAY ries 1.8 people (the national aver­ In this Maglev system, which is similar to the one in japan, the vehicle has super­ age) at 60 miles per hour (mph). At conductor loops (approximately 600 kiloamp turns). The guideway has aluminum 150 mph in the atmosphere, loops at normal temperature; their loop currents are generated by magnetic induc­ Maglev consumes only 0.1 of a tion as vehicle loops move past them. The induced currents in "figure-B" guideway megajoule per passenger mile; loops levitate and vertically stabilize the vehicle. which is just 2 percent of the ener­ The left and right dipole guideway loops are electrically connected to fo rm a cir­ gy consumption of . a typical 60- cuit. Net flux and current in the circuit is zero when the vehicle is centered in the mph auto. In low-pressure tunnels guideway. If the vehicle moves left from the center, the magnet fo rce develops to or tubes, like those proposed for· push it back to the center. Switzerland's Metro system, energy consumption per passenger mile will shrink to the equivalent of 10,000 miles per gallon. guideway. These induced currents interacted with the super­ Third, Maglev vehicles emit no pollution. When they con­ conducting magnets on the vehicle, levitating it above the sume electricity, no carbon dioxide is emitted. Even if they use guideway. The levitated vehicle is inherently and passively sta­ electricity from coal- or natural-gas-fired power plants, the result­ ble against all external forces, including cross-winds, and the ing CO2 emission is much less than that from autos, trucks, and centrifugal forces on curves, whether horizontal or vertical. If a airplanes, because of Maglev's very high energy efficiency. cross-wind tries to push the vehicle sideways, an opposing Maglev has further environmental benefits. Maglev vehicles magnetic force is automatically generated that holds the vehi­ are much quieter than autos, trucks, and airplanes, which is cle on the guideway. If the vehicle is pushed down towards the particularly important for urban and suburban areas. guideway, the levitation force automatically increases, prevent­ Moreover, because Maglev uses unobtrusive narrow-beam ing contact. If an external force lifts the vehicle away from the elevated guideways, its footprint on the land is much smaller guideway, the levitation force decreases, and the vehicle drops than that of highways, airports, and railroad tracks. back towards its equilibrium suspension height. Fourth, Maglev has major safety advantages over highway The levitation process is automatic, as long as the vehicle vehicles, trains, and airplanes. The distance between Maglev moves at a speed above its lift-off speed. Below th is speed, vehicles on a guideway, and the speed of the vehicles, are which is in the range of 20 to 50 mph depending on design, automatically controlled and maintained by the frequency of the finite electrical resistance of the aluminum loops on the the electric power fed to the guideway. There is no possibility guideway decreases the induced currents to the point where of collisions between vehicles on the guideway. Moreover, the magnetic force is too weak to levitate the vehicle. The since the guideways are elevated, there is no possibility of col­ vehicle is supported at low speeds by auxiliary wheels, or by lisions with autos or trucks at grade crossings. locally powering the guideway. These lower-speed sections of guideway are very short and are needed only when a vehicle How Does Maglev Work? accelerates out of a station or decelerates into it. Maglev has been a dream since the early 1900s. Emile Our 1966 paper sparked intense interest in Maglev in many Bachelet proposed to magnetically levitate trains using countries. It was quickly realized that superconducting mag­ attached alternating current (AC) loops above conducting metal nets made Maglev practical. Basically, superconducting mag­ sheets, such as aluminum, on the ground. Other ideas fol­ nets are extremely powerful and lightweight permanent mag­ lowed, based on conventional electromagnets and permanent nets. Because they have zero electrical resistance, even when magnets. However, all these proposals were impractical. Either they carry currents of hundreds of thousands of amps, their power consumption was too great, or the suspension was power consumption is zero, except for a very small amount of unstable, or the weight that could be levitated was too small. electric power for the refrigerators which keep the supercon­ The first practical Maglev system was proposed and pub­ ductor at cryogenic temperature. lished by us in 1966.1 It was based on Maglev vehicles carry­ After our 1966 publication, Maglev programs started in the ing lightweight superconducting magnets that induced currents United States, Japan, Germany, and other countries. Sadly, in a sequence of ordinary aluminum loops mounted along a U.S. Maglev development stopped in the early 1970s

44 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY (although it has since recommenced­ more on that later), when the Department of Transportation decided that High Speed Rail and Maglev were not needed in the United States because auto, trucks, and airplanes would suffice for the indefinite future. However, major development programs continued in Japan and Germany. Japan focussed on superconducting Maglev, and now has a commercially ready passenger Maglev system based on our original inventions. Japan Railways operates Maglev vehicles at speeds up to 350 mph on their 20-kilometer guideway in Yamanashi Prefecture. Japan Railways vehicles operate in the open atmosphere and in deep mountain tunnels, both as individual units, and as linked sets of up to five units. A Japan Railways vehicle on the Yamanashi guideway is shown here. The basic features of superconducting Maglev are illustrated in Figure 1 for a U­ shaped guideway similar to the one in Japan. The set of pas­ sive, null-flux aluminum loops on the sidewalls of the guide­ way levitates and laterally stabilizes the moving vehicle. The vehicle is magnetically propelled along the guideway by a second set of aluminum loops on the sidewalls, called the Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM). The LSM loops are connect­ ed to a power line through electronic switches. When ener­ gized, the AC current in the LSM loops pushes on the super­ conducting loops attached to the vehicle, causing it to move along the guideway. The LSM propulsion acts like a conventional rotary syn­ chronous motor, except that it is linear instead of cylindrical. It pushes the Maglev vehicles at a constant speed that is fixed by the frequency of the AC current in the LSM loops, regard­ less of whether there are head or tail winds, or the vehicles are climbing or descending a grade. The spacing between vehi­ Figure 2 cles always stays the same, making collisions impossible. PROPOSED ROUTE FOR Linear Synchronous Motor propulsion is very efficient-more TOKYO-OSAKA MAGLEV LINE than 90 percent of the electric power fed to the LSM loops The wide gray line is the 300-mile proposed To kyo­ ends up as drive power to the vehicles. Osaka line in central japan. The thin line is the present Japan Railways plans a 300-mile Maglev route between railway line. The location of the existing Ya manashi To kyo and Osaka, to carry 100,000 passengers daily with a trip Maglev line is shown (near Kofu). time of one hour (Figure 2). More than 60 percent of the route Pictured above is a japan Railways' vehicle on the would be in deep tunnels through the mountains in the center Ya manashi guideway of Japan. The proposed route would open this region, now sparsely populated, for development. Japan has spent more than $2 billion in developing its Maglev system, and Japan Railways' shaped guideway beam, providing the magnetic force needed Maglev vehicles have clocked over 200,000 kilometers on the to levitate the vehicle. However, in contrast to superconduct­ Yamanashi guideway, carrying tens of thousands of passengers. ing Maglev, which has an inherently stable magnetic levitation force, the Tra nsrapid magnetic levitation force is inherently Germany's unstable. In superconducting Maglev, as the vehicle gets clos­ Germany has followed a diffe rent path to Maglev. Instead of er to the guideway, its magnetic repulsive force becomes using superconducting magnets, the German Transrapid sys­ greater, automatically pushing it away from the guideway. In tem uses conventional room-temperature electromagnets on electromagnetic Maglev, as the vehicle gets closer to the its vehicles. The photo on page 46 shows how the electro­ guideway, the magnetic attractive force becomes greater, auto­ magnets are attracted upwards to iron rails at the edges of a T- matically pulling it closer to the guideway. To prevent the

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 45 Figure 3 MAGLEV 2000 OF Maglev vehicle FLORIDA VEHICLE 300 mph PA RAMETERS 100 passengers An M-2000 vehicle on 100 It length 38 ton weight a prefabricated narrow­ beam guideway.

Prefabricated guideway Transrapid beam In the German Tra nsrapid system, electromag­ nets are attracted upwards to iron rails at the edges of a T- shaped guideway beam, providing Rapid load/unload door the magnetic fo rce to levitate the vehicle. expansion \IOt.;� .(6 total) joint �1I �1,.• Ii .· .-,1 - \II;�i'qw.:· �... ,tIt high-speed vehicles from being drawn up to and Prefabricated �; "�ii; into contact with the guideway, and to overcome pier and cap unit " �.;..:t4 this inherent instability, Transrapid uses a servo ; 1, ;\�",1� Concrete footing control system that continuously adjusts the mag­ net current, on a time scale of thousandths of a second, to maintain a safe gap between the vehi- cle electromagnets and the iron ra ils on the guideway. modes of transport increases the productivity of the whole Because the electromagnets consume substantial amounts of economy, and thus pays for itself in added economic output. electric power to generate their magnetic field, the gap However, because of the current large budget deficits, the between the Transrapid vehicle magnets and the guideway weak economy, and even weaker economic thinking, a new must be small, on the order of one-third of an inch. In contrast, mode of transport like Maglev is unlikely to be supported by vehicles that use superconducting magnets are 4 inches or the present government unless it can pay back its cost within more away from the guideway. Transrapid vehicles have also a few years. Moreover, if Maglev systems can be paid back logged hundreds of thousands of kilometers on their test track quickly, they will attract private investment. in Emsland, Germany, and carried tens of thousands of passen­ To achieve this fast payback capability, we are now devel­ gers at speeds up to 280 mph smoothly and safely. The world's oping a second-generation superconducting Maglev System .first commercial Maglev system went into operation recently in that will be much less expensive to build, and that will produce Shanghai, China. The 30-kilometer Transrapid route carries much greater revenues by carrying piggyback trailers and auto­ passengers between the center of Shanghai and its airport. mobiles. This second-generation system is described in the next In our view, superconducting Maglev systems are better section. Initial levitation tests of the system will be carried out than electromagnetic or permanent magnet ones. The much this year at our Maglev-2000 of Florida facility, with fu nding greater clearance of the superconducting systems enhances from the U.5. and Florida Departments of Transportation. safety and greatly mitigates the problems of snow and ice buildup in colder regions. Large clearance also permits greater Moving People and Freight construction tolerances, substantially reducing the cost of the The second-generation Maglev 2000 system achieves four guideway. Second, because a superconducting Maglev system major innovations over the first-generation Japanese and can carry heavy trailers and freight as well as passengers, its German systems: revenue potential is much greater. Finally, the inherent very (1) Much lower guideway cost-$ 12 million per mile, com­ strong stability of superconducting Maglev systems helps to pared to $40 million to $60 million per mile. guarantee that safe operation is maintained at all times. (2) Much faster payback times-5 years instead of 50, by Implementing the first-generation Japanese and German carrying piggyback trucks. Maglev systems has been hindered by the $40 million to $60 (3) Electronic switching of vehicles at high speeds from the million per mile cost of their guideways. Assuming a daily rid­ main guideway to off-line stations for loading and unloading. ership of 30,000 passengers-high for the United States-a (4) Ability to use existing, conventional railroad tracks for $50 million per mile Maglev route with a net revenue of 10 Maglev vehicles. cents per passenger mile (ticket revenues minus operating and Key to these innovations are three fundamental Maglev- maintenance costs) would take 50 years to pay back its con­ 2000 inventions: struction cost. • Mass-produced, low-cost, prefabricated guideway beams Highway and air transport systems have historically been­ and piers. and continue to be-heavily subsidized by the U.S. govern­ • Quadrupole magnets (with two pairs of North-South ment. Indeed, investment by government into more effi cient poles, at right angles to each other), which enable vehicles to

46 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY travel on, and smoothly transition between, both narrow beam and planar guideways.

• Electronic switching from the main guideway to secondary guideway, without any mechanical move­ ment of the guideway's structures. Figure 3 shows an M-2000 vehicle on a prefabricated 6 narrow-beam guideway. The prefabricated, convention­ al, reinforced concrete box beams, with their attached aluminum-loop panels, are mass produced at low cost at a factory. The beams are then shipped from the factory, by truck or rail, to the Maglev construction site, along with the prefabricated piers. The only field construction required is the small poured concrete footings for the piers. Cranes lift the beams and piers into place, allow­ ing a complete guideway route to be erected in a few weeks. The beams and piers can also be transported along finished portions of the guideway to the erection Figure 4 site, eliminating the need for road or rail transport. The PA SSENGER AND FREIGHT VEHiClES ON projected cost of $12 million per mile for the M-2000 THE M-2000 GUIDEWAY elevated narrow beam guideway is based on our fabri­ Th e schematic dra wings show the relative size and configura­ cation experience for fu ll-size guideway components, tion of Maglev-2000 passenger and freight vehicles. including the beam. The projected costs do not include land purchase or modification of existing i nfrastru ctu re. 70 ,------,------,------,-----,,------,------,-----, Maglev is usually pictured as a high­ Passengers only $20 million/mile (2-way guideway) speed train for intercity passengers, or as a lower-speed system for urban transit. Although these are important applications, 60 the big market for freight transportation in the United States is intercity trucking. The United States currently spends more than $300 billion annually on intercity trucking, compared to only $65 billion per year on intercity air passengers. The biggest interci­ f '0 40 ty air passenger route, Los Angeles to and '5 0> from New Yo rk, carries only about 10,000 passengers daily, while many U.S. Passengers only: $10 million/mile (2-way guideway) Interstates carry 15,000 trucks per day, with some highways carrying more than 25,000 trucks daily. A Maglev route carrying 2,000 Payback time for dual passenger-freight Maglev trucks per day-20 percent or less of the system ($10 million/mile for 2-way guideway) Ql daily traffic-would take in as much rev­ E i= 20 percent of enue as a route carrying 100,000 passen­ N.Y.-Chicago gers per day, which is 10 times greater than truck traffic 10 on U.S.-80 the largest intercity air passenger market in Desired payback time for private investment the United States. The average haul distance for intercity 0 L_L---=����_""""__ "'-- ...... J trucks is more than 400 miles, with many 1 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 travelling 1,000 miles or more. Using Trailer trucks carried per day Maglev, truckers could pick up a load and drive it a few miles to the nearest station. Figure 5 The trailer would be put onto a Maglev ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES OF MAGLEV CARRYING vehicle (Figure 4), taking only a couple of BOTH PASSENGERS AND TRUCKS minutes. At 300 miles per hour, the trailer The figure shows the time it ta kes to pay back the cost of the Maglev guide­ could cross the country from California to way carrying passengers only, and a dual system that carries both passen­ New York in a few hours, instead of taking gers and fre ight. The conditions used in the calculation are 3 million pas­ days by highway. After arriving at a sta­ sengers per year, at 70 cents per passenger mile, net revenue, and 25 tons tion near its destination, the trailer would per tra iler truck at 20 cents per ton-mile revenue. be unloaded and driven to the customer.

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 47 mile fo r the Maglev 2000 guide­ Narrow beam guideway Planar Guideway way-well below the $40 million to $50 million per mile for the German and Japanese systems­ paying back the guideway takes 30 years. However, by carrying

3.8 2,500 trucks daily--only 20 per­ cent of the truck traffic between New Yo rk and Chicago-payback time drops to just three years. Short payback times will help attract massive private investment, aiding the rapid implementation Superconducting of Maglev. vehicle (quadrupole magnet) Guideway Unique, High-Speed loop panel Train Switching In addition to attractive eco- nomics, Maglev must be easily Figure 6 accessible and efficiently integrat­ M-2000 MAGLEV VEHICLE OPERATION ed with other modes of transport. ON NARROW BEAM AND PLANAR GUIDEWAYS Maglev 2000 is unique in its abil­ The Maglev 2000 system is unique, in that quadrupole magnets allow its high-speed ity to electronically switch high­ vehicles to easily switch from narrow beam to planar guideways. speed vehicles from one guide­ way to another, without having to slow down the tra ins, and Everyone would benefit: The shipper would pay less to mechanically move sections of the guideway, as do the transport his goods, and could shrink inventory by just-in­ German and Japanese systems. The superconducting quadru­ ' time delivery; the shipping company would make more pole magnets on the Maglev 2000 vehicles allow them to money, and reduce wear and tear on its trucking fleet; and smoothly transition, back and forth, between narrow-beam the drivers would not need to spend long, tiring hours on the and planar guideways (Figure 6). Most of the time, the vehicle road. rides on the low-cost, narrow-beam guideway, where the sides Figure 5 shows the economic advantage for Maglev to carry of the quadrupoles magnetically interact with aluminum loops trucks as well as passengers. Even at $10 million dollars per attached to the sides of the beam to levitate and automatical-

Figure 7 NATIONAL MAGLEV NETWORK PROPOSED BY MAGLEV 2000 This proposed 76,000- mile network would serve 90 percent of the u.s. population, making it possible fo r tra vellers to reach any major city within a fe w hours.

48 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY � C\ I '( III '" a :z >- �I ISLAND 6 i '" :z !lB�I'I�RIQQ��:Z SPACEPORT USA & MAGLEV STATION


Figure 8 MAP OF 20-MILE ROUTE FROM SPACE COAST REGIONAL AIRPORT TO PORT CANAVERAL There are three options shown fo r the proposed Maglev 2000 system in Florida. This fi rst installation is planned as a demonstration of the M-2000 fe asibility.

Iy stabilize the vehicle. At locations where the vehicle may region, making access difficult and time-consuming, Maglev switch off the guideway, it transitions to a planar guideway, can have 10 or 20 stations, or more, in a given region. where the bottom of the quadrupoles magnetically interacts with the aluminum loops on the guideway beneath, levitating A National Maglev Network and stabilizing the vehicle. In addition to easy access, for Maglev to be a major mode At switch locations, the vehicle can either continue along of transport, it must function as an integrated, interconnected the main guideway, or electronically switch, at full speed, to a network. Isolated, separate point-to-point Maglev systems secondary guideway that leads to an off-line station. The could be useful, but would not provide the broad transport switch section contains two lines of aluminum loops. capability needed in the 21 st Century. Figure 7 shows the Depending on which line of loops is activated when the vehi­ National Maglev Network proposed by Maglev 2000. The cle enters the switch, it can either keep going on the main 16,000-mile network, which would be built on the rights-of­ guideway, or switch to the secondary one. The vehicle slows way land alongside the U.S. Interstate highways, serves 90 down on the secondary guideway, and stops at the station to percent of the population. Each of the metropolitan regions unload passengers, or a truck, and pick up a new load. It then shown on the map would have multiple stations, as described accelerates out of the station on the secondary guideway, to above, with the result that 70 percent of Americans would be rejoin the main guideway at fu ll speed. living within 15 miles of a Maglev station. Travellers could Maglev-2000 systems can thus have many stations in an reach any destination in the United States, and the major cities urban/suburban region, without sacrificing high speed and short in Canada, within a few hours of leaving their house, while trip times. Users would board a Maglev vehicle at a nearby sta­ trucks could cross the continent in less than 10 hours. tion and travel at fu ll speed to a station close to their destination, Tr avel on Maglev would be much more comfortable than by without stopping at intermediate stations. Unlike airports, which air. There would be no noise or vibration, no turbulence, and all are limited to one or two locations in a given urban/suburban passengers would ride in comfortable, first-class-type seating.

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 49 Maglev vehicles will cost much less than airplanes, and are not Maglev routes at many other locations in the United States. space constrained, so there is no need to jam passengers togeth­ With a vigorous construction effo rt, the National Maglev er to maximize loading. Because Maglev fares will be much less Network could be in full operation well before the year 2020. than those for air travel, passenger volume will be greater, allowing more frequent and convenient scheduling. Instead of The Great Trans-Siberian Land Bridge one or two flights daily to a particular destination, there will be The growing world economy requires the movement 'of ever hourly, or even more frequent, Maglev departures. larger amounts of people and goods over long distances. In The cost to construct the Maglev 2000 National Network is particular, China, India, and other rapidly developing Asian projected to be about $200 billion. Although this is a large countries, where most of the world's population lives, need sum of money, it is equivalent to only two months of the annu­ modern, efficient, and low-cost transport systems that connect al U.S. transportation bill of $1,200 billion, of which $1,000 with Europe, America, and the rest of the world. Although billion goes to autos and trucks. The transportation savings most travellers to and from Asia now go by air, ships still move enabled by the U.S. Maglev Network would exceed $100 bil­ most of the goods. There are drawbacks for ship transport to lion annually, paying for the system in a couple of years. Asia: The distances and travel times are very long, shipping Unlike highways, autos, trucks, and airplanes, Maglev guide­ costs are expensive, and ships consume a significant fraction way and vehicles have no wear and tear, need virtually no of the world oil production. maintenance or repair, and should last 50 years or more. As an example, the shipping distance between Japan and Maglev 2000 proposes to build the first U.s. Maglev System Europe is 12,000 miles via the Suez Canal (1 8,000 miles for in Florida. Figure 8 shows the 20-mile route connecting the the Cape of Good Hope route), and the trip takes several Port Canaveral Seaport and the Space Coast Regional Airport weeks. At 1-cent per ton mile, the shipping cost from Asia to in Titusville, with an intermediate station at the Kennedy Europe is $100, or more, per ton of cargo. World shipping Space Port. The M-2000 line would carry cruise passengers to presently consumes approximately 7 percent of the world's oil the seaport and visitors to the ; it would production, a significant drain on oil resources. For much of also demonstrate the transport of trucks and freight to and from the world's long-distance transport, Maglev can move goods the seaport. Once operating, the M-2000 line would act as a much faster, cheaper, and with less energy use than can ships. convincing demonstration of the practicality and desirability For example, by using the existing Trans-Siberian railroad of Maglev transport, and would help spur the construction of structure, Maglev could transport cargo between Europe and

Planned or proposed main routes

Existing other lines

Other planned or proposed lines

Source: Executive Intelligence Review Figure 9 THE EURASIAN LAND-BRIDGE NETWORK

50 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY the Far East in only one day (compared to weeks by ship), at a As traffic grows, the system would evolve, becoming larger much lower cost, and using much less energy. and more capable. Other railroad routes would be converted Figure 9, taken from the E1R Special Report on the Eurasian to the MERRI system, new routes would be added, and dedi­ Land Bridge,2 shows the present railroad routes connecting the cated Maglev guideways built. An intriguing possibility is the Far East with Europe and other Asian countries. The report construction of a super-speed Maglev system across Siberia. In describes how these routes, combined with a network of new the super-speed Maglev-2000 system, described below, rail lines, could help to develop and transform the region, by Maglev vehicles operate in an evacuated tunnel at l/l ,OOOth moving people and goods efficiently and cheaply. An inter­ of normal ambient atmospheric pressure. Travelling at 2,000 connected Maglev system based on this railroad network can mph, Maglev vehicles would make the 6,OOO-mile trip in only be quickly developed. The initial phase of the Maglev system 3 hours, instead of the 30 hours for a Maglev vehicle in the would start with the existing 6,OOO-mile-long Trans-Siberian open atmosphere. The energy cost for the trip would be less railroad. This Trans-Siberian route already carries substantial than $1 per passenger, and about $1 per ton of cargo. freight, approximately 100,000 Trailer Equivalent Units (TEUs) The Trans-Siberian route is very appealing for super-speed annually from Japan to Europe. At 25 metric tons per TEU, and Maglev. Because much of the terrain is flat and undeveloped, 6,000 miles, this is equivalent to 15 billion ton-miles per year. low-cost evacuated surface tubes can be used, instead of much Transport times are many days, however. more expensive underground tunnels, which are needed in Building an elevated Maglev 2000 guideway along the regions having substantial populations and/or terrain changes. Trans-Siberian route would cost $60 billion, a formidable While the investment for a super-speed Trans-Siberian route is investment. However, there is a Maglev alternative that can considerably greater than for a MERRI system-$ 100 billion enable a high-speed system at lower cost. This system uses compared to $15 billion-the increased traffic revenues and existing railroad trackage to levitate high-speed Maglev vehi­ decreased operating cost would offset its greater cost. cles, and can be built fo r only $2 million dollars per mile. The There are many other places in the world where Maglev M-2000 MERRI (Maglev Emplacement on RailRoad land bridges could aid economic development, and improve Infrastructure) system attaches flat panels containing alu­ living standards. Some are outlined in the EIR Silk Road minum loops to the wooden or concrete ties of the existing Report. As an example, the Trans-Siberian Maglev system trackage. The railroad can still operate conventional trains could extend to the Bering Strait, where it would connect to an while the panels are being installed. After all of the panels are American-Canadian Maglev system. The Bering Strait is rela­ installed, Maglev operation on the resultant planar guideway tively narrow, about 50 miles across at the bridging point, and can begin. The iron rails still remain in place, but they do not could be crossed by a bridge or tunnel. Both have been stud­ hinder Maglev operation. Using MERRI, Maglev vehicles ied, and judged technically and economically practical. would average 200 miles per hour across Siberia, travelling Integration of North America-and eventually South 6,000 miles in only 30 hours compared to a week by ordinary America, through Mexico, Central America, and the Isthmus of train. The energy amount and cost per trip would be modest­ Panama-with Eurasia and Africa would connect almost all of about 300 kilowatt hours and $15 (at 5 cents per kilowatt­ the world with high-speed, low-cost, energy-efficient transport hour) per passenger, and 600 kilowatt hours and $30 per ton of people and goods. Africa would connect to Europe, via the of cargo. The total investment for the MERRI system is about proposed Gibraltar bridge, and through Egypt to the Middle $15 billion, including installation of the planar guideway, sta­ East. Of the seven continents, only Australia and Antarctica tions, and an initial rolling stock of 400 Maglev vehicles. With would not be in the world Maglev Network, although there are its high speed capability, a single Maglev vehicle carrying 50 plans for Maglev across Australia.3 tons of cargo each way could transport 10,000 tons per year When could a world Maglev Network come into being? between the Far East and Europe. Clearly, it wou ld evolve over decades. Initial sections, like the Based on the EIR Silk Road Report, about 2 million tons of U.S. National Network and the Trans-Siberian Maglev route cargo is carried per year (1997 values) on the Trans-Siberian could operate in 10 to 15 years. The fu ll world Network would Railroad, assuming 25 tons per TEU, with the traffic expected be in full operation by 2040 to 2050. to grow substantially. With 400 Maglev vehicles, the MERRI Trans-Siberian route could transport 4 million tons of cargo per New York to Los Angeles in 1 Hour year. At $100 per ton, this would be a revenue of $400 million Because there is no mechanical contact or friction between annually. Revenues would then grow rapidly as shippers begin levitated Maglev vehicles and the guideway, in principle the to appreciate the MERRI route's benefits. Maglev speed is unlimited. However, there always are limits. To tal annual freight traffic in the United States is 3.7 trillion In the ambient atmosphere, Maglev vehicles are limited, by air ton miles, or more than 10,000 ton miles per person. High vol­ and noise, to a maximum of about 300 miles per hour. In umes of freight traffic are indispensable for good living stan­ Maglev tests, Japan Railways has operated at 350 miles per dards, and reflect the necessary movement of foodstuffs, fuels, hour. Because air drag increases as speed cubed, this is a prac­ raw materials, and manufactured goods back-and-forth over tical limit. Noise emission increases as the seventh power of long distances. Assuming similar per capita volumes of freight speed, so that noise would limit speed to about 300 miles per traffic, for the roughly 5 billion people who will live in the hour, even if air drag did not. Eurasian continental land mass and its associated islands by In low-pressure tunnels, however, Maglev speed is virtually the year 2050, freight traffic in the region will total more than unlimited, at least for transport on Earth. The only limitations 50 trillion ton-miles annually. are the straightness of the guideway, which is not a problem

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 51 that is, 20 minutes out of the nomi­ nal trip time of one hour, might not warrant the additional tunnel cost. Tu nnelling costs are currently high, but not impractically so. Tu nnels cost on the order of $30 million per mile in competent rock. The U.s. Superconducting Super Collider facil­ ity, for example, planned a 45-mile tunnel fo r the superconducting mag­ nets that confined the 1 O-trillion elec­ tron volt colliding particle beams. Several miles of Superconducting Super Collider tunnel were excavated using a tunnel-boring machine. As tunnelling technology advances, costs should drop, making super-speed Maglev more economical. At an aver­ age of $10 million per mile for a 15- foot diameter tunnel, a two-tunnel Maglev system between New Yo rk and Los Angeles would cost $50 bil­ lion. Intermediate stops at Cleveland, Chicago, and Denver would connect Figure 10 to the 300-mph open air National THE STARTRAM SPACECRAFT LAUNCH TUBE Maglev Network, allowing travellers This artist's illustration shows the lower end of the launch tube, with its attached to reach all the major metropolitan tethers, as it leaves the ground. When it reaches the upper end of the launch tube, areas in the United States in a few the spacecraft exits into the low-density atmosphere. hours. Although the National Network will operate first, super­ speed Maglev will eventually connect for underground tunnels, and centrifugal effects, which are the main Network hubs, as an ultra high speed overlay. important only when close to orbital velocity, that is 8 kilo­ Super-speed Maglev technology is similar to, and actually meters/second (1 8,000 miles per hour). simpler than, the open-air technology. There are no wind or At 2,500 miles per hour, travel time from New Yo rk to Los weather problems, vehicle levitation and stability is not affect­ Angeles is only 1 hour. The energy expenditure per passenger ed by vehicle speed changes, there are no curves, and no need would be negligible, about the equivalent of one quart of for Linear Synchronous Motor propulsion on most of the guide­ gasoline. In contrast, an airline passenger expends almost 100 way, because magnetic drag at cruise speed is very small. gallons of jet fuel for the same trip. The reasons for the differ­ ence are simple. An airliner continuously burns fuel to stay StarTram: Riding Maglev into Space aloft and overcome air drag, while the Maglev vehicle So far, space travel has been a big disappointment-at least expends virtually no energy after it reaches cruise speed in the from the perspective of the millions of people who want to low-pressure tunnel (There is a small magnetic drag caused by visit hotels in space, and jet to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. the resistive losses in the aluminum guideway coils, but this is We ordinary fo lk have to be satisfied with television shots of taken into account by the quart of gasoline.) Moreover, virtu­ the astronauts in the space station, and tiny robots looking ally all of the kinetic energy which the Linear Synchronous down on the moons and planets of the Solar System. In many Motor (LSM) imparts to the Maglev vehicle when it accelerates ways, we have lost ground since the 1960s and 1970s, when to cruise speed, is recovered when the vehicle decelerates to astronauts drove Rovers on the Moon, hit golf balls, and stop at its destination. During deceleration, instead of acting as brought back gobs of Moon rock. a motor, the Linear Synchronous Motor functions like a gener­ The cost of getting into space has not come down much ator, converting the kinetic energy of the vehicle back into over the last 40 years. It still costs $5,000 to put a pound of electricity, which is fed back to the electric grid. payload into Low Earth Orbit, and much more to land it on the The concept of super-speed Maglev in low-pressure tunnels Moon. As for Mars-forget it. This is not surprising. Despite has been studied over the last 20 years. The proposed Swiss repeated attempts to build cheaper to reach orbit, Metro System would operate Maglev veh icles in low-pressure these rockets remain very complicated and expensive. tunnels through the mountains. The planned Japan Railways Unfortunately, this is inherent. Payload fraction is small, only 300-mile-long line between To kyo and Osaka has 60 percent a few percent, and the engines and structure are stressed to of the route in deep tunnels. The line could be built for low­ their limits. If a person is fortunate enough, and willing to pay pressure Maglev, although the relatively small time savings, $20 million for the trip, it is possible to spend a few days in

52 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY orbit. There is a better way. The cost of the energy to reach orbit is only 30 cents per pound, if one could do it efficiently without using a . The StarTram Maglev system is that better way. By using electric ener­ gy to propel and accelerate space­ craft, Maglev can achieve speeds of 8 kilometers per second or more, enough to go into orbit or reach the Moon, without needing propellant. This greatly reduces the weight and cost of the spacecraft and makes the launch cost very low. Five kilowatt hours of electri­ cal energy, (at an average cost in the u.s. of 6 cents per kilowatt hour) is equal to the kinetic energy of a pound of material travelling at 8 kilometers per second, the speed of an object in Low Earth Orbit. There is a constraint and a prob­ lem in using Maglev to launch into space, however. The constraint is rel­ Figure 11 atively minor, but the problem is A SPACECRAFT LAUNCH IN LOW-DENSITY ATMOSPHERE major. First, the constraint: To reach Artist's illustration of a Star Tram launch. super speeds, the acceleration process must take place in a low- pressure environment over a long path. As described in the previ­ produced by the repulsion fo rce between a set of superconduct­ ous section on the Los Angeles to New Yo rk super-speed Maglev ing cables attached to the tube, and a second set of supercon­ system, Maglev vehicles can travel at super speeds in low-pres­ ducting cables located on the ground beneath. The two sets of sure tunnels. The length of the tunnel needed to reach 8 kilome­ cables carry oppositely directed supercurrents, generating a mag­ ters per second will depend on the acceleration rate. For human netic levitation force that substantially exceeds the weight of the passengers subjected to an acceleration of 2 g (2 times the Earth's launch tube and its cables. To hold the StarTram launch tube at gravity), an 800-mile long tunnel is required; for unmanned cargo a stable equilibrium height, lightweight high-strength tethers craft, which could accelerate at 30 g without damage, a 60-mile (Kevlar or Spectra) are attached to it and anchored at ground tunnel is sufficient. Even at $30 million per mile of tunnel, the level. Figure 10 shows the lower end of the launch tube, togeth­ amortized cost of a Maglev tunnel per pound of payload del iv­ er with its attached tethers, as it leaves the ground and ascends ered to orbit would be small-less than the cost of energy. upwards. Using a combination of vertical and angled tethers, the The major problem, that of leaving the low-pressure tunnel launch tube is held in place even in the presence of high winds. and entering the atmosphere, is not as easily solved, unfortu­ The length of the tethers along the launch tube depends on what nately. At 8 kilometers per second, atmospheric heating and is needed to keep the tube at the proper angle, as it is pressed drag forces would quickly destroy the spacecraft, even if it upward by the repulsive magnetic fo rce. entered the atmosphere at high mountain altitudes. However, The magnetic levitation force is very large, even at high alti­ there is a solution to this problem. A low-pressure Maglev tudes. For example, if the launch tube cables carry 30 launch tube, termed StarTram, can itself be magnetically levi­ megamps of supercurrent, and the ground cables carry 100 tated to extremely high altitudes-high enough that the atmos­ megamps, the magnetic levitation force is 3 metric tons per pheric heating and drag forces, produced when the spacecraft meter of launch tube, at a vertical separation of 20 kilometers leaves the tube and enters the atmosphere, become accept­ (66,000 feet) between the tube and ground. The levitation able. At an altitude of 70,000 feet (about 13 miles), for exam­ force increases with decreasing separation distance, being 6 ple, atmospheric density is only 5 percent of the sea level metric tons per meter at 10 kilometers separation. value; at 105,000 feet (20 miles), it is only 1 percent. At such After the spacecraft reaches launch speed in the low-pressure altitudes, today's spacecraft structures are strong enough to Maglev tunnel located at ground level, it transitions to the survive the heating and drag forces, without compromising the StarTram launch tube, in which it coasts upwards to the release health and safety of passengers and cargo. point in the upper atmosphere. Upon reaching the upper end of Levitating the StarTram launch tube to such altitudes, although the launch tube, the spacecraft exits through the open end into a challenging task, is quite feasible. Large magnetic levitation the low-density atmosphere (Figure 11). The interior of the forces, for example, several tons per meter of tube length, can be launch tube is kept at low pressure by a combination of auxil-

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 53 iary systems. These include a mechanical shutter that opens just exist and are in use. This contrasts to the before the spacecraft enters the launch tube, gas jet ejectors that Concept, which requires structural materials that are 100 start up when the shutter opens, and a magnetohydrodynamic times stronger than any now in existence. (MHD) pump that expels any residual air that leaks past the gas The table (this page) summarizes the parameters and opera­ jet ejector system. (A radiofrequency source ionizes the air in tional capabilities for StarTram. A single StarTram facility could the MHD pump). Tu rbo molecular pumps supply additional launch a million tons of cargo, along with hundreds of thou­ pumping to help maintain low pressure in the launch tube. sands of passengers, per year into space. Flying into space After enteri ng the atmosphere, the spacecraft coasts would not cost much more than it now takes to fly around the upwards through the small amount of residual atmosphere to world. If human beings really want to have hotels and manu­ orbital altitude, where it makes a small eN (velocity change) factu ring in space, a robust defense against asteroids, solar burn to finalize the orbit. Depending on launch speed, the power satellites, colonies on the Moon and Mars, and so on, spacecraft can go into Low Earth Orbit, Geosynchronous StarTram is the way to go. Orbit, or any orbit in between. With slightly greater launch speed, it can reach the Lagrange points, or the Moon. As illus­ Maglev, Oil, and the World Economy trated in Figure 11, the spacecraft would launch with its wings Modern transport is the indispensable backbone of a high fo lded. For the return to Earth, the wings would deploy for living standard. Without autos, trucks, airplanes, railroads, atmospheric braking. Because a Maglev spacecraft does not ships, and pipelines, we wou ld retreat to subsistence on small use propellant, and its launch energy cost is virtually zero, patches of land, farming for produce and gathering wild foods weight is not an issue. Thus the StarTram spacecraft can be to sustain life. In turn, oil is the indispensable backbone of much stronger and more rugged, with much better thermal modern transport. Without it, we would not have autos, trucks, protection, than the . and airplanes. Coal-fired railroads and ships could still oper­ All of the technology for StarTram is available. The super­ ate, but much less capably. conductors, cryogenics, refrigerators, tethers, Maglev guide­ The amount of oil in the world is limited. The presently ways, and spacecraft can be built with materials that already known total world oil resources are only about 1 trillion bar­ rels, about 30 years' worth at the current con­ sumption rate of 80 million barrels per day. As STARTRAM OPERATIONAL PA RAMETERS living standards improve, and the world econ­ Spacecraft omy grows, the demand for oil will increase, Launch velocity 8 km/sec (to LEO orbit) resulting in an ever-greater rate of consump­ Launch altitude 70,000 feet (enter atmosphere) tion. It is not possible to know precisely when Payload to orbit 70 metric tons/100 passengers the world will reach the point when oil runs Gross take-off weight 200 metric tons out, because the date will depend on factors Deceleration @ 1.7 g like the amount of oil deposits yet to be dis­ 11 V loss through atmosphere 0.05 km/sec (from entry to orbit) covered, how difficult and expensive it will be Acceleration Tunnel to extract them, and how rapidly the world Length 1,280 km (800 miles) economy grows. There is a clear fork in the road here. If the Acceleration level 2.5 g world continues to rely on oil for transport, its Time in tunnel 5.3 minutes economy cannot grow much beyond the pres­ Launch Tu be ent level. In fact, the economy will shrink, and Length 280 km (175 miles) living standards will fall, as oil production Launch angle 5 degrees (at exit point) declines. To maintain a growing world econo­ Centripetal acceleration 2.5 g my and an increasing standard of living, it will Time in tube 0.6 minutes be necessary to shift to new modes and energy Superconductor current (tube) 14 megamps sources for transportation. New energy sources Superconductor current (ground) 280 megamps are possible, but there are limits. Hydrogen has Magnet levitation force (70,000 ft) 4 metric tons/meter been proposed as a long-range fuel for trans­ port. However, enormous amounts of electric­ Facility launch rate and costs ity would be needed to manufacture the Spacecraft launch rate 1 per hour hydrogen that would be needed, if it were to Number of flights per spacecraft 150 per year become the major energy source for transport. Spacecraft in fleet 60 The United States currently burns approxi­ To ns/year cargo to orbit 500,000 mately 5 billion barrels of oil per year for trans­ Passengers/year to orbit 200,000 port, which is approximately 70 percent of total Cost per kg of cargo to orbit $20 (capital + operating) u.s. usage. To produce the equivalent energy Cost of round trip passenger to orbit $13,000 (capital + operating) from hydrogen fuel would require 10 trillion Capital cost of facility $60 billion (inc/. spacecraft) kilowatt hours of new electric power-a factor Service/amortization lifetime 30 years of 3 greater than current u.s. electric genera- tion. To meet the 2020 world demand for

54 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY hydrogen fuel as a replacement fo r oil, would require construct­ 2.6 ing new electric generating 20 mpg auto with driver @60 mph (gasoline energy) capacity equivalent to 10 times 2.4 / en the present world capacity. This � 2.2 o is not a credible scenario. .s:::: 2.0 • Hydrogen can be produced from � 1.8 coal, but the resultant CO2 emis­ � sions would be much greater � 1.6 than those released by burning E 0;1.4 40 mpg auto with driver OJ oil. Accordingly, hydrogen fuel c: @60 mph (gasoline energy) 2,000 mph Maglev in 1.2 does not appear to be a major (/)3l low-pressure tunnel Thermal energy tric energy with very high effi­ � 0.4 / w into power plant (50 percent efficient) ciency, can meet 21 st Century . naIl. / 0.2 v n o e transport needs in a practical, Magle I p :;;;.----� Electric energy used by Maglev energy efficient way. Figure 12 o l____ ���==c:==::-l:· ::���::�I��::�I ��-�I --�� 200 300 400 500 600 1,900 2,000 compares the energy efficiency 100 Speed (mph) per passenger mile by Maglev, autos, and airplanes. Maglev Figure 12 energy usage is a factor of 1 0 or ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF VA RIOUS PASSENGER TRANSPORT MODES more better than autos and air­ AS A FUNCTION OF SPEED planes. The total annual passen­ Maglev energy usage is a fa ctor of 10 or more better than that of autos or airplanes. ger traffic in the United States­ autos, air and rail-is 2.5 trillion (2,500 billion) passenger miles. If all this travel were by Maglev their trip on the highway. The wear and tear on their automo­ at an average speed of 200 mph, the total electric energy use biles would be much less, the travel time much shorter, the would be only 100 billion kilowatt hours, which is about 3 per­ cost much smaller, and the trip much safer. cent of the 3,700 billion kilowatt hours currently generated in The benefits of improved mobility, greatly reduced energy the United States. The total annual freight traffic in the United consumption, freedom from having to depend on ever-shrink­ States-trucks, rail, oil pipelines, and air-is 3.7 trillion ton­ ing oil resources, and the economic savings outlined above for miles. Moving all freight by 200-mph Maglev would consume the United States, will apply to the entire world, making an additional 10 percent of current U.S. electric generation. Maglev the major mode of transport in the 21 st Century. Moving all passengers and freight by Maglev would save more than 5 billion barrels of oil annually, or about 70 percent The Maglev 2000 Water Train-Fresh Water for the World of our current consumption. The dollar savings in the costs of Maglev can help solve the world water shortage, by trans­ the crude oil, refi ning, and distribution would be enormous. At porting fresh water from areas where it it plentiful, to areas a savings of $1 per gallon of current oil consumption, the where it is scarce. Water is the most critical natural resource nation's transport bill would be reduced by $200 billion annu­ problem facing the world today. Hundreds of millions of people ally, far more than the cost of the electrical power to operate lack sufficient clean water for drinking, washing, and farming, the Maglev. At the U.S. average production cost of 6 cents per and the situation is growing worse, especially in Africa and Asia, kilowatt hour, only $30 billion of electric power would be where water tables are dropping as a result of over-pumping and needed annually for the Maglev operation. In practice, of droughts. In the United States, many regions are running out of course, Maglev will not be the sole mode of transportation in water, including the Southwest, California, and the High Plains the United States, so that the actual economic and energy ben­ States. Even in the water-rich East, areas like Florida, Atlanta, efits will be somewhat less than described above. and others have cut back on water consumption. World popu­ Clearly, it will take time to transition from the present auto, lation is projected to grow from the present 6 billion to more truck, and airplane-dominated transport system to a Maglev­ than 9 billion by the year 2050, with much of the growth in dominated system. Moreover, because Maglev will never regions that are already water short. This increase in population completely replace autos, trucks, and airplanes, it will operate will require hundreds of trillions of gallons of new water annu­ in concert with them in multi-modal transport patterns. For ally. Experts believe that disputes over water rights could spark example, Maglev will carry trucks for the bulk of their intercity many new wars and confl icts in the coming decades. travel, using the highway for local pickup and delivery. Desalination is often proposed as the solution for future water Similarly, passengers will be able to drive their autos to a shortages. Unfortunately, because it is expensive and energy Maglev station, and travel hundreds of miles with their car on intensive, it can supply only a small fraction of future world a Maglev vehicle to a station near their destination, finishing water needs. Desalination costs about $6 per 1,000 gallons of

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 55 fresh water produced, and con­ sumes approximately 400 kilowatt Figure 13 hours of thermal energy. To supply ARTIST'S DEPICTION OF all of the projected new needs for THE WAT ER TRAIN fresh water in 2050, using present SYSTEM desalination technology, would Each Wa ter Tra in vehicle has require $3 trillion, 10 percent of a bladder that holds 50, 000 current world GNP, and virtually all gallons of water. Th us a 200- (100 percent) of current world ener­ vehicle unit tra in could deliv­ gy usage. This is clearly impossible. er 70 million gallons per trip. Some improvements in desali­ A Wa ter Tra in vehicle with nation technology appear possi­ bladder fi lled is shown at top. ble. Using low-cost nuclear ener­ For the return trip, the blad­ gy, instead of expensive fossil ders would be collapsed fuels, for example, would signifi­ (bottom), in order to reduce cantly reduce the desalination air drag. cost. Studies of nuclear desalina- tion "nuplexes" have shown them to be attractive for meeting the drinking water and sanitary square of the loop current multiplied by the electrical resistance needs of populations in high GDP countries. However, even of the loop), still generate some small amount of magnetic drag with improvements, desalination does not appear suitable for on the Maglev vehicles, but because their time-averaged cur­ meeting the massive future water needs for agriculture, and for rents are much less than when they provided the levitation countries with low GDPs, where most of the world's popula­ force, the magnetic drag effects are much less. tion lives. Delivery by the Water Train is much cheaper and more Maglev offers a practical cost-effective way to supply much adaptable to terrain changes than by pipel ine. For every 300- of the new fresh water needs in the 21 st Century. The world foot increase in elevation of a pipeline, for example, water has plenty of fresh water to support its present and future pop­ pressure decreases by 150 psi; if elevation decreases by 300 ulations, but many regions have too little, while others have feet, water pressure increases by 150 psi. If there are major much more than they need. Using Maglev, fresh water can be changes in elevation, pipelines have to either build bridges transported for hundreds of miles at low cost, from places or drill tunnels-depending on whether the change is down­ where it is abundant, to users in locations where it is scarce. hill or uphill-or change water pressure using turbines or Figure 13 is an artist's illustration of the Water Tra in, a pumps. In either case, the process is very expensive. Maglev system designed to transport large amounts of water Because of its high speed, the Water Tra in can fo llow the over long distances. The Water Tra in consists of a long train of rise and fall in terrain with virtually no penalty. On upgrades, joined and levitated Maglev vehicles, each of which has a the Tra in slows slightly as kinetic energy is transferred to grav­ bladder that holds 50,000 gallons of water. A 200-vehicle unit itational energy; on downgrades, the train speeds up slightly as train would deliver 10 million gallons per trip. Travelling at gravitational energy is transferred to kinetic energy. At 200 200 mph, each Water Tra in could make fo ur round trips daily, mph, the Water Tra in can easily negotiate a 300-foot change bringing water from a source that was 600 miles away from its in elevation, with a speed change of only 20 mph. users. For shorter travel distances, even more round trips per The cost of delivery by Water Tra in is proportional to dis­ day could be made. For example, at 300 miles distance, a tance. Ta king into account the amortized cost of the on-grade Water Tra in could deliver 80 million gallons of water daily, guideway and the vehicles, plus the energy and other operat­ enough for millions of users. ing costs, the total cost for delivering 1,000 gallons of water Energy consumption of the Water Tra in is minimized by three over a distance of 600 miles is approximately one dollar. In design changes, which distinguish it from the single Maglev- comparison, just the amortized cost (not including operating 2000 vehicle proposed for passenger and freight transport. costs) fo r the approximately 600-mile pipeline in Libya-which First, by joining the Maglev vehicles into a long, streamlined cost more than $30 billion to build and delivers 600 million unit train, the air drag per vehicle is greatly reduced, by a fac­ gallons daily-is on the order of $5 per thousand gallons. tor of 4, compared to an individual vehicle. Second, collapsing There are many potential routes for Water Tra ins. In the the empty bladders for the return trip reduces air drag by anoth­ United States, billions of gallons per day of water could be er factor of 2, compared to the drag for fu ll bladders during the transported from the Lower Columbia river to California, delivery trip. Third, placing iron plates on top of the narrow­ Nevada, and the rest of the Southwest. In the High Plains beam guideway generates a strong upwards attractive force on region, water could be brought from the Mississippi and the superconducting magnets that acts to levitate the vehicle. Missouri Rivers to Colorado, Te xas, Nebraska, and other This "iron lift" levitation fo rce has virtually zero magnetic drag drought areas. In the Mideast, Tu rkey has a large water surplus, losses. The aluminum loops on the guideway now provide ver­ some of which could help Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and tical and lateral restoring forces around the equilibrium sus­ other water-short countries in the region. pension point, rather than levitation. The electric power losses China has large areas where water is very short, and is con­ in the aluminum loops (which are given by the product of the sidering a $60 billion canal system to help alleviate shortages.

56 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY The proposed canal has raised serious concerns about pollu­ would be a powerful incentive for engineering improvements tion effects, however. The Water Train eliminates these con­ that actually lowered cost, rather than a straight subsidy to cerns. There are many other areas in Asia and Africa to which help prop up an uneconomical system. the Water Train could bring much needed water. It is critically important that governments recognize that Finally, in contrast to pipelines, whose only function is to developing new, more efficient transport systems like Maglev, deliver water, using the Water Tra in, the same guideway that which do not need oil, should be a major near-term goal. Oil carries the water-bearing vehicles can also carry passenger should be reserved for use as a chemical feedstock. Those and freight vehicles, providing efficient, low-cost, high-speed countries, like Japan, Germany, and China, which have transport to help raise living standards, as well as bringing the already started to implement Maglev systems, have the poten­ water needed for life itself. The very high transport capacity of tial to become the world's leaders in this new mode of trans­ Maglev enables this dual usage capability. port. Maglev will yield enormous benefits, not only from its much lower costs for moving people and goods, and its Getting Maglev Moving reduced requirements for expensive energy, but also from the In our view, it is inevitable that Maglev will grow and evolve hundreds of thousands of new jobs that it will create. Many of into the major mode of transport in the 21 st Century. The ben­ these new jobs will be in companies that manufacture Maglev efits that it offers-greater speed, no need for oil, zero pollu­ vehicles and guideways for export to other countries. tion, reduced cost for passenger and freight transport, and Maglev is a transforming technology for transport, as important absence of congestion, will draw more and more users to it. in its impact as the introduction of ships, railroads, autos and The real question is, how soon can Maglev make a major trucks, and airplanes. Just as they transformed humanity's ability impact on transport, and what can be done to speed up the for rapid and efficient transport of people and goods, with a cor­ process? Maglev technology is already here. No fundamental responding improvement in living standards, so will Maglev. new materials or inventions are needed. Rather, Maglev needs References ______operating experience and testing on revenue routes, and engi­ 1.J.R. Powell and G.T. Danby, 1966. "High Speed Transport by Magnetically neering development and optimization to lower the construction Suspended Trains," Paper 66-WAlRR-5, ASME meeting, N.Y. , N.Y. Also, "A 300 mph Magnetically Suspended Train, Mechanical En gineering, Vo l. 89, and operating costs. Governments, particularly in Japan and pp. 30-35. Germany, have played a key role in developing Maglev, with Further details on the technology and applications of Maglev can be found at www. each spending about $2 billion. However, their first-generation 2. The Eurasian Land Bridge-the New Silk Road-Locomotive for Wo rldwide systems are too expensive and constrained in scope to be wide­ Economic Development, by J. Te nnenbaum, et ai, Executive Intelligence ly implemented. We need second-generation Maglev systems, Review (January 1997). like that of Maglev 2000, which have a lower capital cost and 3. A Maglev "Ring Rail" around the top end of Australia, between Melbourne and Perth, is discussed in "The Infrastrcture Road to Recovery," Feb. 2002, serve a wider market, such as the transport of truck-type freight. published by the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia. Although reducing the cost of Maglev systems and broad­ ening their capabilities is necessary, it is not sufficient. About the Authors Government leadership is also needed to make Maglev hap­ Dr. james Powell and Dr. Cordon Danby invented supercon­ pen. Ensuring efficient, effective, and affordable transport is a ducting Maglev in 1966, and were granted the first patent in the fundamental duty for government. In the past, the u.s. gov­ fi eld. Their original Maglev design is now operating in japan. ernment has always played a major role in vigorously plan­ Dr. Powell was a Senior Scientist at Brookhaven National ning for, and implementing, new and better modes of trans­ Laboratory, where he directed research on fission and fusion port. The rapid westward expansion and industrialization of reactors, from 1956 until his retirement in 1996. He is the inven­ the United States in the last half of the 1800s, was a result of tor of the compact ultra-lightweight Particle Bed Nuclear the massive land grants and subsidies to railroads from the Rocket, which was the basis fo r the Department of government. Similarly, the U.S. Interstate Highway system, on Defense/Strategic Defense Initiative programs on Space Nuclear which our material prosperity strongly depends, came into Th ermal Propulsion in the 1980s- 1 990s. In addition to Maglev, being because the government planned and funded it. Our he currently is involved with space nuclear propulsion and quality of life would be much poorer without air travel, which power systems fo r planetary exploration, as well as advanced enables the rapid movement of people and goods within the low-cost methods fo r vitrifying high-level nuclear waste. United States, as well as globally, but it also would not have Dr. Danby was a Senior Scientist at Brookhaven National happened without massive government fu nding of airplane Laboratory, where he directed research on superconducting development and airport construction. magnets and high-energy particle accelerators, from 1957 until Governments can help bring about second-generation sys­ his retirement in 1999. He is the inventor of aluminum­ tems by funding demonstrations of advances in Maglev tech­ stabilized superconducting magnets, and a pioneer in the nology, and by entering into public-private partnerships to development of MRI systems-Magnetic Resonance Imagery­ build revenue Maglev systems. In this latter role, government fo r medical diagnostics. In addition to Maglev, he is currently should not subsidize systems that are economically non­ involved in the development of next-generation MRI scanners. viable. Instead, government should offer funding incentives to Powell and Danby were awarded the Franklin Medal fo r bring about improved, lower-cost Maglev systems that will Engineering fo r their Maglev invention in April 2000 (p revious attract users. For example, the government's contribution to recipients included Nikolai Te sla and Charles Steinmetz). Maglev guideway cost could be structured so that as total cost 2000 of Florida is developing their advanced second-generation decreases, the government's contribution would increase. This Maglev system to carry passengers and tra iler trucks.

21st CENTURY Summer 2003 57 BOOKS All You Need to Know to Prove The Renewable Energy Economy Is a Hoax by Greg Murphy

The Solar Fraud: Why Solar called renewables. Energy Won't Run the World As an example, let us take a look at the by Howard C. Hayden stated "capacity added" for wind energy Pueblo West, Colo.: Vales Lake Publishing, 2001 in the 1990s: around 5,000 megawatts a Paperback, 220 pp., $21 .95 year worldwide. But, the round-the­ clock average power output is about 30 hen I was given this book to percent of that figure, if you are lucky. Wreview, I wondered if it was just That comes to only about 1,500 another disorganized effort to show that megawatts a year of growth in wind solar energy is not the stuff that dreams energy production-compared to the are made of. I was thoroughly surprised, 5,000 megawatts claimed. Th is is about and pleased, to find a book that attacks 15 percent of the annual average growth solar energy on the basis that it can in energy production from nuclear never supply the amount of energy power plants. Only a professional obfus­ needed to power an industrial econo­ cator could make an annual increase of my-and that it does so with humor. 9,900 megawatts in steady nuclear Author Howard C. Hayden points out power look puny compared to 1,500 correctly that most books on solar energy megawatts of stochastic wind power. and most textbooks on economics do not hoaxsters use fake accounting and Non-renewable 'Renewables' even cover the topic of energy, except to media hype to make their claims. Dr. Hayden systematically exposes mention it in relation to cost. The idea Part of the faking of the numbers is the hoax of renewable energy by show­ that energy is important only in terms of done by stating that a certain amount of ing that in every case of wind, solar, bio­ cost, and not in its relationship to the capacity is going to be installed, with the mass, and so on, there is not even level of development of society, is totally implication that capacity equals output. enough energy produced to produce the disconnected-and totally insane. But there is a big difference between the source again! In other words, a wind tur­ To demonstrate this relationship, Dr. capacity installed and the amount of bine cannot produce enough energy to Hayden gives a short overview of energy energy produced. The capacity factor­ produce another wind turbine (because use, and how it is tied to economic the percentage of energy produced from of the large amount of electricity needed advancements in the United States. For the amount of capacity installed-runs to smelt the aluminum). the first 100 years, we produced our ener­ between 20 to 35 percent with the so- The author devotes one chapter each to gy from the burning of coal and wood. Prior to 1850, the main source of energy was firewood, with coal used primarily AV ERAGE PER CAPITA U.S. ENERGY USE As the author notes: (kW-Thermal per person) for industry and railroads. After 1880, the "The average per use of wood as a source of energy was 16 capita U.S. energy c: OPEC Crunch reduced; coal became the dominant � 14 I I consumption rate of ---...... r energy source, and remained so until the G 12 I I . 77.5 kW-thermal petroleum era. Only in the recent period, 00 10 -....- -1- Post WW 11 ! corresponds to the ::i 8 ,_.- i " ! • -- work of 775 athletic have we added nuclear energy, although Q; Electricity I- 3.1 X - -". '!' only in a small way; nuclear is 20 percent c. 6 servants working fo r of the electrical power produced by utili­ r-- I ""'--. ! each of us around -� ...... _... ties, but 18.6 percent of all electrical pro­ I ; .- (Firewood) . . the clock. Readily 52 i duction combined. o I available energy 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 Renewable Energy Is a Hoax puts slave-owners The "fraud" the author refers to in the The average U.S. energy consumption rate per capita was about 3.7 out of business. " book's title, is the hucksters who claim kilowatts-thermal per person until the 1890s. when electricity and wide­ spread rail traffic increased consumption to around 5.4 kW-thermal per Source: H.C. Hayden. that that solar and other so-called person. Since the first OPEC embargo of 1973. per capita consumption The Solar Fra ud. p. 16 renewable energies are the answer to has been nearly constant at about 11.5 kW-thermal per person. the energy needs of the world. Such

58 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY BOOKS the solar-based renewable energies, in safe, economic, assured of ample fuel, it source, another favorite theme of the order to give the reader a full, realistic would still be unattractive because of the Malthusians, the author makes the point account of the energy density that can be political implications of the kind of ener­ that conservation is not a source of ener­ produced by each of these sources-as gy economy it would lock us into." gy, just as being on a diet is not a source opposed to the media hype about In other words, the world doesn't of nutrition. Dr. Hayden challenges any­ planned capacity, or some other fairy tale. deserve to have the "attractive" lifestyle one to lock himself or herself in a well­ The common feature of the renewables of enough power to light, heat, or cool insulated, empty room and use every is that each of these energies can work for its homes and schools, run its industries, known method of "conservation" to fill a a niche problem in a particular, special and so on. shot glass with gasoline. environment. For example, there are Another example of the anti-human A Complete Reference Guide Western ranches in locations where well thrust of this solar and renewable energy The energy conversion charts includ­ water is too deep to be brought to the sur­ crowd is from the "small is better" team ed in the book, makes it a complete ref­ face by the old-fashioned wind turbine. of Paul and Anne Ehrlich: "Over the next erence guide, giving readers the facts on They will need electric pumps, yet power decade or two, Americans should try to renewable energy questions and the way lines are very distant, and solar power is cut their per capita energy consumption the experts twist numbers. The charts are ideally suited to the task. In this case, the in half. Nothing less than a reorganiza­ important, because another of the ways problem can be solved either by solar tion of the American way of life is the fraud is maintained is through the cells, or a modern wind turbine fitted required." willful use of different units of measure with an electric generator. But neither This crowd of anti-human neo­ in the same press release or article. The solution for this particular problem has Malthusians preach to the developing charts in the back of this book will be of the juice to power an increasingly devel­ countries, that they should use the sun­ great help to readers in figuring out the oping industrial economy. beams and chicken manure they've coded figures into something that the The intrinsic inability of solar energy always had, because anything more reader could understand and not be "to run the world" (to use the author's would be "uncivilized." confused. phrase), makes ludicrous the current As for "conservation" as an energy In one of the charts, Dr. Hayden gives drive to promote renewables as a the heat content of fuels, so that way to ensure national energy they can be compared. For exam­ security in the aftermath of Sept. ple, take the number of kilograms 11, 2001 . The Director of the of coal and multiply that by 24.1 National Renewable Energy times 106 to get the amount of Laboratory, Admiral Richard Truly, joules of heat by mass. For a kilo­ for example, called for the devel­ gram of dry biomass, you multiply opment of ethanol, solar, biomass, by 15 times 106. Another chart and wind as the way to achieve gives a table of the amount of solar "energy security.'" The idea that intensity by land area. For exam­ the United States could become ple, at noon in the tropics with "energy secure" by burning wood clear skies, the solar intensity at chips and using sunbeams, instead the surface of the Earth is 950 watts of fully funding advanced, energy­ per square meter, but in Hartford, dense technologies, like nuclear Conn., the solar intensity is only and fusion, is ridiculous-unless 160 watts per square meter. one admires cavemen. The appendix also contains a The 'Civilization Stinks Crowd' short paper on how to determine the Some of the loudest cheerlead­ efficiency of a heat engine, which ers for the development of solar provides readers with another way and other renewable energies are to expose the I ies used to promote the crowd around Amory Lovins solar and other renewables. and Paul and Anne Ehrlich, whom To sum up: I would highly rec­ Dr. Hayden has aptly called the ommend this book for people who "civilization stinks crowd." want a better understanding of the To give an example, and a very renewable energy questions, pre­ telling one, Lovins says that it is sented with a good sense of morally wrong to use energy, and, humor. furthermore, "for over 90 percent Notes ______H. Hayden, The Solar Fraud of energy uses, electricity is an 1.This is from a March 14, 2002 speech indefensible luxury." Lovins him­ "A wind turbine cannot produce enough energy to given at the National Press Club by Admiral Richard H. Truly, Director of the self is opposed to having any produce another wind turbine." Here, one of National Renewable Energy Lab, titled abundant source of energy. He several collapsed wind turbines at Altamont Pass in "New Energy Systems Enhance National says : "If nuclear power were clean, California, July 2001. Security."

BOOKS 21 st CENTURY Summer 2003 59 David Lasser: A Distinctly American Space Pioneer by Marsha Freeman

The Conquest of Space War I. by David Lasser After the war, Lasser studied electrical Ontario, Canada: Apogee Books, engineering at the Newark College of 2002 [reprint from 1931] Hardcover, 191 pages, $21 .95 Engineering, and he completed a Bachelor of Science degree at the avid Lasser's contribution to the Massachusetts Institute of Te chnology in Dspace age was brief and very early 1924. He then held a variety of jobs, in the era of space exploration, but was including one with the New Yo rk Edison of lasting significance. In 1931, Lasser Company (where, historian Michael wrote the first book in the English lan­ Ciancone reports, Lasser was fired for guage on the possibilities for the explo­ protesting the dismissal of several ration of space. Apogee Books has done employees on the basis of time-motion a great service in reprinting this work, study results). In 1929, he became the bringing back to life this extraordinary managing editor of Science Wo nder pioneer. Stories magazine, published by Hugo What is most striking about David Gernsback. Lasser, is that The Conquest of Space is American Interplanetary Society but one contribution he made to proj­ In this new position, Lasser became ects whose aim was the betterment of David Lasser was born on March 20, interested in the possibilities of using mankind. Lasser did not make rocket 1902, in Baltimore, to parents who were rockets for space travel. He also sought research his life's work; he put aside his Russian immigrants. His mother was a to encourage writers to base their fic­ fascination with space in order to inter­ leader in Jewish welfare work in New tional stories more on science than on vene in the desperate moral and eco­ Jersey, and active in many philanthropic fantasy. With a handful of other writ­ nomic situation around him during the activities. Lasser did not complete high ers, Lasser founded the American Great Depression.' school, but went to work to help support Interplanetary Society (AIS) on April 4, Lasser's professional association with his family, and although under age, he 1930, as a means to "enlarge man's space exploration ended only three volunteered for the American Ex­ intellectual and spiritual life." It was years after the publ ication of The peditionary Forces and fought in World inspired by the German Society for Conquest of Space. But the book Space Travel, which had been founded inspired young people in the United in 1927 by writer Willy Ley and ama­ States and in England, to ded icate their teur rocket enthusiasts. lives to this infant space endeavor. As The purpose of the German Society the founding president of the American was not only to carry out experiments, Interplanetary Society in 1930, Lasser but to spread news of those develop­ led the effort to spread the word to the ments around the world, toward an English-speaking world that rocket international effort to propel man into experiments were already under way in the space age.2 The American Germany, Russia, and the United Interplanetary Society, under Lasser's States. guidance, dedicated itself to similar Like other early pioneers, Lasser suf­ aims. Lasser thought, as did Willy Ley, fered the humiliation of being called a that the scientists engaged in research "nut," because he believed man would needed a group of supporters to promote one day make trips to the Moon and the their case to the lay public, in order "to planets. More like his German col­ spark the country into believing that leagues Oberth, Willy Ley, and von space travel was feasible," Lasser wrote Braun, and unlike the reclusive in 1981 . American Robert Goddard, Lasser chose That Lasser believed this effort should to defend his ideas, regardless of public be worldwide, is indicated by the fact ridicule. He paid the political conse­ David Lasser (1 902-7 996). Although his that in 1931, he and French astronautics quences for the rest of his life. involvement in space explora­ pioneer Robert Esnault-Pelterie wrote a tion ended only three years after letter to Hermann Oberth, lobbying for th e publication of The Co nquest of the formation of an International Illustrations are from The Conquest of Space, his work inspired a generation of Commission for Astronautics. Although Space by David Lasser (Ontario, Canada: Apogee Books, 2002) fu ture space scientists and engineers. such an organization became less and

60 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY BOOKS less likely as the world suffered gy applicable to the future of through the Depression and later exploration. He then describes, in s�:...w-___ careened toward World War II, a style Michael Ciancone refers to the 19S0 founding of the as "speculative non-fiction," the International Astronautical Fed­ space ship that is ready to fly to eration fu lfilled Lasser's dream of the Moon. an effort on the part of all Lasser's journey, however, is mankind. different from the Apollo pro­ Soon after its formation, the gram, nearly 40 years later, in that American Interplanetary Society in Lasser's account, the "great began publ ication of the nations" have "agreed to aban­ Bulletin magazine, edited by don the race to reach the Moon, Lasser, which publ ished transla­ and pooled their knowledge, tions of papers and reports from skill, and resources." The result, Europe, and communications he asserts, is that "races unable to with the German Society for settle amicably their political and Space Travel. Although severe social difference had received economic conditions dictated �-.." from their scientists a striking les­ that only a handful of the most ��W11:.%).··. son in international co-opera­ committed would become dues­ tion." paying members of the AIS (it The American Interplanetary Society fo llowed closely The 10,OOO-ton ship, which had no more than 300 members the progress of its compatriots in Germany, who, in cost $100 million, is ready to until 1941), there was quick 1930, were testing their liquid-fueled Mirak, or ascend, carrying the crew, pas­ confirmation of the American Minimum Rocket. sengers, and "the accessories public's excitement and interest that we have tried desperately to in space travel. In its first issue, the terrestrial transportation (which shall reduce to the 10 pounds allowed each Bulletin announced that Esnault­ bring Europe and America within one of us." Lasser provides a colorful Peltiere would speak at the American hour's journey of each other), but also for description of the journey, how to eat Museum of Natural History, to be fo l­ the conquest of the planets ...." in weightlessness, the particulars of the lowed by excerpts of the 1929 German "It is hoped by this presentation of rocket propulsion system, and what the film, Wo man in the Moon. More than the future of rocket fl ights in the Earth's scientists will learn from their mission 2,000 people showed up at the audito­ atmosphere and in interplanetary to the Moon. rium, and the program had to be space that the mists of misunderstand­ Lasser began his study of rocket sci­ repeated, to accommodate those who ing, ignorance, and prej udice that sur­ ence when he found that previous gen­ had waited outside for two hours to round the 'interplanetary rocket' ques­ erations of fiction writers had either hear about space travel. tion may be cleared up," Lasser states rel ied upon fanciful and unworkable The Conquest of Space hopefu lly. techniques for getting their travellers Likely encouraged by this over­ Lasser reviews the history of rocketry into space, or glossed over the problem whelming response from ordinary citi­ and the fundamental questions yet to be entirely. In his book, he describes the zens, and already having delved into answered to make this ancient technolo- possibility of using atomic energy, and the science of rocketry, magnetic rails, as well as Lasser wrote The advanced chemical rock­ Conquest of Space. ets. He reports that, Unable to find a pub­ according to "one of lisher, the members of Britain's most eminent the American Inter­ men of science ... the planetary Society com­ util ization of the com­ bined their personal re­ plete atomic energy of a sources, and published it pound of matter would be themselves. It was quick­ sufficient to transport a ly sold out. SOO,OOO-ton spaceship In the preface to the • HOUR from the Earth to the FROM book, David Lasser states Moon, and retu rn!" BERL'''' TO NEWVORI( that the purpose of the In a remarkable dis­ work is "to present the cussion for that time, background of the pro­ In the 19305, it was assumed that the first use of rocket technology Lasser entertai ns a ques­ gram for the utilization of would be to carry mail and passengers, across the United States, and tion that has become, the rocket-not only as a then between Europe and America, but this was never fo und to be once again, of keen revolutionary means of practical. interest today. In a chap-

BOOKS 21st CENTURY Summer 2003 61 those concerned with the origin and development of life will be "concerned with cosmic verities," as they may find life elsewhere that is different from life here, as well as the confirmation of universal principles that are present everywhere. The chemists and physicists will be able to study "matter and its nature and possibilities not only on other worlds, but in space itself," Lasser suggests. "Certainly our own knowl­ edge of nature is pitifully small. It is inconceivable that discoveries on other plants would not add greatly to it." Lasser's final chapter, "A Glimpse of the Future," looks ahead to the year 1950, where "one may confidently en­ vIsion long-distance rocket-planes engaged in regular fl ights over the far places of the Earth." This will be possi­ ble, he proposes, because "the technical problems of controlling rocket fuels should be successfully overcome within five years." In 25 years, there should be sufficient time "for the training of pilots This 1930 dra wing of the trajectory astronauts would take fr om the Earth to the and navigators" in the operation of rock­ Moon is very fa miliar, in that it is the figure //8// employed nearly 40 years later in et-planes. the Apollo program. Keeping in mind that this was written in 1931, it is of interest that Lasser sees ter titled //New Worlds," he considers "The benefits to science of an explo­ that rocket-planes may be adopted by the possibility, and discusses the pre­ ration of Mars, Ve nus, and possibly of military men for warfare. "Two hours requisites, for I ife to exist on other the moon will for obvious reasons pre­ after a war has been declared a combat­ planets. cede any others," Lasser writes. "The ant nation might without warning find its Lasser reviews the seven conditions first and surest of these scientific cities bombarded by a fleet of rocket­ that astronomer Harlow Shapley had rewards will go to the astronomer. ... planes." outlined for extraterrestrial life, all of Conclusions reached from our position, "The rocket of 1950," he con­ which stand the test of time. Lasser then under the blanket of terrestrial atmos­ cludes, "may then be an agent of great discusses how the known conditions of phere, could then be checked on the good and of equal harm .... By the each of the planets of the Solar System airless moon or nearly airless Mars. We creations of our hands and our brains compare to these requirements. Based need no longer suffer the disadvantages we have accomplished our difficult on the limited knowledge extant at that of the 'fixed observer.' We could if nec­ climb from savagery to our present time, Lasser concludes, "we find essary carry our observations on three civilization. By such a creation as the remaining in the list of possible worlds planets simultaneously, and verify rocket, aided by our own willfulness, for exploration, and the possible exis­ beyond doubt conclusions reached only we may fall just as swiftly back to sav­ tence of natural life forms, only Venus on Earth." agery.... On the other hand, we know and Mars." He states in a footnote that For example, he explains, "the use of that the rocket opens new worlds "the moons of the major planets have a telescope on Mars, 40,000,000 miles immeasurably vast in their promise. not been considered, for we know farther from the Sun than the Earth, Barri ng acc ident, or a catastroph ic absolutely nothing about their surfaces. should certainly aid tremendously in war, the man of the future should see, This is true also of the asteroids and of these discoveries ....To both the world at least in part, the realization of that the planet Pluto." of astronomy and the public at large, promise." The Rewards for Science eager to know the domain of the little David Lasser and FDR The conquest of space, to David corner of the universe that is our solar As excited as David Lasser was Lasser, was not the planting of flags or system, the interplanetary voyage is rec­ about the coming age of space flight, even just the economic/technological ommended." he was also imbued with a sense of spin-offs from the great effort, but great Not only the astronomers will reap a social responsibility and commitment scientific and astronomical projects: harvest, Lasser said. Biologists and to the general welfare, undoubted ly

62 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY BOOKS from his upbringing. In an interview the growing influence of the American Interplanetary Society on with a reporter from the Baltimore Sun Communist Party in the organization, April 13, 1931. He concluded his in 1980, Lasser stated that in the and formed the American Security remarks, which outlined an ambitious 1920s, he worked at a nearby settle­ Union. With war under way in Europe, program of research, experimentation, ment house to help unemployed Italian and on the horizon in the United States, international collaboration, and pub­ workers. Lasser proposed to President Franklin I ic education about astronautics, stat­ He became involved in socialist pol­ Roosevelt that a large program be creat­ ing, "I think that despite the enormous itics from the time of the Sacco­ ed to provide the unemployed with the diffi culties that must be leveled before Vanzetti case, and attended lectures by skills and training needed to support the a successful space fl ight can be made, Norman Thomas, focussing his efforts industrial war effort. The President that it will be accomplished within the on the plight of the millions of people accepted the proposal, and asked Lasser lifetime of all of us. We should all feel out of work. "Unless we solved the to join the program as a consultant. The a great enthusiasm for our work in problem of the unemployed, all else Congress also accepted the proposal helping to make it a dream come wou ld be academic," he stated. He was but, as Ciancone reports, it blocked true." fired as editor of Wo nder Stories Lasser's appointment as a consultant, And they did. because of his political activity, and he "with one Congressman denouncing resigned from the American Inter­ Lasser from the floor of the House as Notes ______planetary Society in 1933, to fo rm a 'not only a radical but a crackpot with 1. Historian Michael Ciancone and Amelia Lasser, David Lasser's wife, have compiled a biograph­ local union for the unemployed. In mental delusions that we can travel to ical sketch of this unusual man ("David 1935, this became the Workers the moon.' " Lasser-An American - Pioneer" ), which was presented at the 53rd International Alliance of America, WAA. Finally, Lasser took a job as a labor Astronautical Congress in Houston in October In 1940, he left the WAA, opposed to consultant with the War Production 2002. Board for the duration of the war. In 2. M. Freeman, 1993. How We Got to the Moon: 1948, he was asked to join the effort to The Story of the German Space Pioneers. (Washington, D.C.: 21st Century Science rebuild Europe through the Marshall Associates). Plan, reportedly to help counter the influence of the Communist parties in the labor movements overseas. He served for only three months, when again the Congress would not approve his appointment. The FBI had listed the Workers Alliance of America as a radical organ ization. From 1950 until 1969, when he retired, David Lasser was the Economics and Research Director for the International Union of Electrical Radio and Machine Wo rkers. In 1980, he final­ ly received a letter of apology from President Carter, clearing his name, which stated that he had been "treated unjustly." David Lasser never lost interest in space. Upon retirement, he once again became actively involved, and during the 1980s worked on a book called Th e Cosmic Adventure, which was not com­ pleted. He travelled and met with astro­ physicists around the country, and par­ ticipated in an overnight session at the Palomar Observatory. He studied vari­ ous theories on the origin of the uni­ verse, and the philosophical implica­ David Lasser's 1931 book was the first tions of quantum mechanics, relativity, in the English language to propose a and cosmology. scientifically practical means to travel Twenty-five years before the Soviet into space, and he lived to see it take Union had started the space age when men to the Moon, and their spacecraft it launched Sputnik, David Lasser pre­ to the planets. sented the first Annual Report to the

BOOKS 21 st CENTURY Summer 2003 63 A New Look at the Night Sky

Stikky Night Skies grasp at flotsam and jetsam to keep us New Yo rk: Laurence Holt Books, 2003 afloat. I advise that you buy this piece Paperback, 234 pp., $12.00 of flotsam, along with H .A. Rey's book The Stars: A New Wa y to See Them, his book attracted me, in spite of its S;tikky­ and you will not have wasted your Tinfantile title, because it starts with money. some hubris, promising that we can NIght But think about this, while you're "learn 6 constellations, 4 stars, a planet, Sides looking for the constellations: Imagine a a galaxy, and how to navigate at night­ new Renaissance, where teenagers are Uflh , COIiSnU/lTlO"'� , ,SI1tIl' , A I'U�rr, "'1111111,."'1' H3WtO III J!VUlt'ft in one hour, guaranteed"! IIT "'l '!ir-H( (n U"Oult. 'tlA""lIrtl�, mastering the Fundamental Theorem of Oh, I do not intend to praise this the young Carl Gauss, the work of book to the skies; it's method is sim­ still bewildered, but less so. Then, the Kepler. Utopian? The LaRouche Youth ple and sequential, and it has no book presents the next challenge ... Movement has already started to do astronomy in it. However, the small and you can go back and forth with the this! challenge posed by identifying the unmarked pages, the marked pages, and And imagine this: Suppose that constellations, might keep some peo­ the night sky itself. every yard in the country, instead of a ple turning the pages, and then they That's all good. Unfortunately, we do TV dish mainlining porno fantasy and will no longer be as befuddled as not have enough planetaria (that play pro-war propaganda, had radio (or most, when looking at the night sky. classical music instead of rock other) telescopes instead, where kids That's good ! garbage), which are much better at would playfully educate their parents, It works this way. Yo u look at a photo­ fam iliarizing people with the night sky in what those images might mean for graph of the night sky, and you see noth­ than this book is. And we ought to have our colonization of space, and getting ing but dots. Then, the book helps you friends who can help us with this task, out of the confines of this tiny solar to see certain patterns, gestalts, constel­ but most of us do not, because our cul­ system? lations. Then you turn the page again, tural Titanic has gone down. So we -Rick Sanders


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