Summer 2003 Special Report Departments How It Is, That Every American Shall Come EDITORIAL 5 2 Science and the LaRouche To Understand Gauss Youth Movement Sky Shields Laurence Hecht 10 Learning the Science of Pedagogy 3 LETTERS Riana St. C1assis 4 NEWS BRIEFS 13 LaRouche in Dialogue with Youth BOOKS Lyndon H. LaRouche talks with youth from three continents. 58 The Solar Fraud: Why Solar Energy Won't Run the World Features by Howard C. Hayden Reviewed by Greg Murphy 26 The Elements, the Solar System, and 60 The Conquest of Space The Prebiotic Principle by David Lasser Reviewed by Marsha Free man Laurence Hecht A new look at the geometric model of the atomic nucleus proposed 64 Stikky Night Skies by Laurence Holt Books by Robert J. Moon, a physical chemist in the anti-Bohr tradition. Re vie wed by Rick Sa nders 35 Six-Cornered Snowflakes and Five-fold Symmetry Ralf Schauerhammer How Johannes Kepler's examination of "nothing," produces something to think about. 43 MAGLEV: The New Mode of Transport For the 21 st Century On the Cover: LaRouche Yo uth Movement leader Sky Shields demonstrates helicoidal james Powell and Gordon Danby minimal surface formed by soap film. Photo The inventors of the world's first superconducting maglev by Robert Lucero; cover design by Alan system tell how magnetic levitation can revolutionize world Yue. transportation, and even carry payloads into space. THE SOLAR FRAUD To keep the huge Solar Electric Generating System in Kramer, Calif. producing a mere 103 MW of electricity (a bout one­ tenth that of conventional power plants), requires wash­ ing several million square meters of mirror 25 times a year, plus a natural gas back­ up system that can produce power during cloudy weather. See p. 58 for more. Warren Gretzlwww.nrel.gov EDITORIAL EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief Laurence Hecht Science and the Managing Editor Marjorie Mazel Hecht Associate Editors LaRouche Youth Movement Elijah C. Boyd David Cherry Marsha Freeman Colin M. Lowry OU won't read about it in Science or challenge to master Carl Friedrich Gregory B. M�rphy YNature, but the big news in science Gauss's 1799 proof of the Fundamental Elisabeth Pascali today is the growth of a youth move­ Theorem of Algebra. In that revo­ Richard Sanders ment, committed to the principle of dis­ Charles B. Stevens . lutionary paper, the 21-year-old Gauss covering the truth. dismisses the earlier proofs of three of Books As the articles in our Special Report the most prestigious figures in 18th David Cherry demonstrate, this process is already Century mathematics-d' Alembert, Art Director well under way. We have now around Euler, and Lagrange. The problem, Alan Yue us, in a social-political and intellectual Gauss notes, is that they have ac­ Advertising Manager process that has chosen to name itself cepted, without proof, the existence of Marsha Freeman the LaRouche Youth Movement, a core the "imaginary" or "impossible" SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD grouping of several hundreds of very number, and thus proven nothing. It Francesco Celani.-Ph.D. serious young people in the 18 to 26 were necessary, Gauss insisted (then, as Hugh W. Ellsaesser, Ph.D. age bracket. Around this rapidly always) to establish the physical­ Bertha Farfan, M.D. expanding core is a very much larger geometric basis for the existence of this James Frazer, Ph:D. circle of university-age youth, debating new type of magnitude, befo re John Grauerholz, M.D. Emmanuel Grenier the ideas which are being forcefully invoking it in a proof. Hence his Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. presented to them by this dedicated construction of the domain of the Wolfgang Ullge, M.D. cadre of thinkers. doubly extended magnitude, in which Ramtanu Maitra The centerpiece of the educational the new species, known as complex Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., Ph.D. program for these youth has been the BA Soldano, Ph.D. number, may exist. Jonathan Te nnenbaum, Ph.D. · 21st Century Sclence & Technology (ISSN 0895-6820) is published 4 times a year in 2000, every third month, by 21 st Cen­ tury Science Associates, 60 Sycolin Road, Suite 203, Leesburg, Va . 20175. Te l. (703) 777-7473. Address all correspondence to 21 st Cen­ tury, P.O. Box 16285, Washington, D.C. 20041. Second-class postage is paid at Lees­ burg, Va. and additional mailing offices. 21 st Century is dedicated to the promo­ tion of unending scientific progress, all directed to serve the proper common aims of mankind. Opinions expressed in articles are not nec­ essarily those of 21 st Century Science Asso­ ciates or the scientific advisory board. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Subscriptions by mail are $25 for 6 issues or $48 for 12 issues in the USA and Canada. Airmail subscriptions to other countries are $50 for 6 issues. Back issues are $5 each ($6 foreign). Payments must be' in U.S. cur­ rency. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 21st Century, P. O. Box 16285, Washing­ ton, D.C. 20041-0285. Cc;>pyright© 2003 21st Century Science Associates Printed in the USA ISSN 0895-682 www.21stcenturysciencetech.com No more of this! 2 Summer 2003 21st CENTURY EDITORIAL The truth is, that very few, even great atomic weight, such as uranium among the ranks of professional mathe­ and thorium."3 maticians who would claim to know What she wrote about all the space Gauss's proof, have actually mastered being fi l led with natural radiation this relatively elementary lesson. And (later called cosmic and terrestrial) from that systemic fa iling, are derived an was lucid, far-sighted, and was proven entire family of problems embedded in Letters correct. The explanation of the nature the axiomatic underpinning of modern of radioactivity was given in a two­ mathematical physics. part paper by Ernest Rutherford and Thus, the first challenge facing any­ Radiation Expert Frederick Soddy, in which they pre­ one from the generation of scientists sented their theory of radioactive dis­ trained by those methods of lesser intel­ On Curie integration. 4 lectual rigor which have prevailed in Zbigniew Jaworowski, our lifetimes, is to re-educate oneself, To the Editor: M.D., Ph.D., D.Se. on the principle that nothing is known I wish to correct one error in the very Central laboratory for Radiological which is not demonstrable by the meth­ interesting article on Maria Sklodowska Protection ods of physical-geometric constructibil­ Curie, which appeared in your Winter Warsaw, Poland ity demanded by Gauss. That will be 2002-2003 issue. I liked the article very best accomplished, in the course of car­ much, especially the part on her role in Notes _____________ 1. H. Becquerel, "Sur la radio-activite de I'uranium," rying out the second challenge, which America, unknown to me. I sent fo ur Comptes Rendus, Acad. Sci., Paris, Vol. is to take up the awesome responsibili­ issues to the Society Maria Sklodowska­ 133:977-980 (1901). ty for properly educating this new gen­ Curie in Homage in Warsaw, and fo ur to 2. P. Curie, M. Curie, "Sur les corps radio-actifs," eration. the headquarters of the Polish Society of Comptes Rendus, Acad. Sci., Paris, Vol. 134:85- 87 (1902). Nothing less than a most rigorously Oncology in Krakow. I received positive 3. Mme. Sklodowska Curie, "Rayons emis par les Socratic approach will suffice: Nothing comments. composes de I'uranium et du thorium," Comptes can be asserted which is not known. On The error relates to the history of our Rendus, Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. 126:1101-1103 (1898). truthful self-examination, most will find understanding of radioactivity. The 4. E. Rutherford, and F. Soddy, "The Cause and that they possess a great deal of accu­ article states on page 36, "It was Marie Nature of Radioactivity," Philosophical mulated learning, with huge holes Curie's job to explain to the world Magazine, Part 1: Vol. 4:370-396 (1902); Part 2: Vol. 4: 569-585 (1902). where the actual proof should lie. what this phenomenon [radioactivity] Because the method of knowing how we was ...." This is not quite true. In know has been abandoned in science their early papers, Maria Sklodowska education, often on grounds of efficacy, and her husband proposed a wrong A Real Love most of what is called scientific knowl­ explanation for the essence of radioac­ For Curie edge today is no different than articles of tivity: They regarded radioactive To the Editor: fa ith. That practice must end. The guid­ atoms as a kind of condenser, trapping I recently read the beautiful article on ing principle must be that every assump­ the radiant energy incoming from the Marie Curie in your Winter 2002-2003 tion employed must be rigorously exam­ Cosmos. issue. On a whim, I picked up the issue ined. No hypothesis, whether it be an It was Henri Becquerel, who, in and opened it up. Denise did a wonder­ imaginary number, or an elementary 1901 , first suggested that radioactivity fu l job . ... Almost 20 years ago, I particle, is presumed valid until the is caused by breaking apart of the shared an apartment with her and her experimental anomaly suggesting its radioactive atoms. ' Maria and Pierre husband Roger. Around that time, I also existence has been demonstrated. strongly objected to this idea in a paper did a lot of research on Curie, and sub­ The task is challenging, but should presented to the French Academy, on mitted some material to your prior not be daunting. The best way to begin, their request, by its member Becquerel group, the FEF [Fusion Energy we have found, is to begin.
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