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Page 1 SANEM 3 STUDIES on the ANCIENT NEAR EAST and THE SANEM 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ S ˻ σ ⸢ ε SANEM STUDIES ON THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST AND THE MEDITERRANEAN INTRODUCTION TO THE EDITORIAL SERIES INTRODUZIONE ALLA SERIE EDITORIALE The SANEM editorial series, ‘Studies on the Ancient Near La serie editoriale SANEM, Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean’, is the oficial channel for East and the Mediterranean, nasce come sede uficiale delle the scientiic monographic studies of CAMNES, Center pubblicazioni scientiiche monograiche del CAMNES, for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, per created with the support of the publishing house Arbor iniziativa del centro studi e grazie al supporto della casa Sapientiae of Rome. editrice Arbor Sapientiae di Roma. The logo of the series, a chimera with wings, was chosen Il logo della serie, una chimera alata, è stato scelto as a symbolic embodiment of the close connections and come incarnazione simbolica delle strette connessioni e merging traits of Eastern and Western cultures. Indeed, delle reciproche inluenze tra le culture d’Oriente e quelle the iconography of the chimera was born within the d’Occidente. Infatti, l’iconograia della chimera nasce in Classical ambit, but its roots are to be found in the Nearambito Classico, ma le sue radici sono da ricercare nel East as the examples found in Ebla th (18century BCE) Vicino Oriente come dimostrano gli esempi ritrovati a Ebla and in Carchemish (11-9th century BCE) demonstrate. (XVIII secolo a.C.) e a Karkemish (XI-IX secolo a.C.). Works of signiicant scientiic value are published in the Nei SANEM sono pubblicate opere di signiicativo SANEM series regarding the broad ields of archaeology, valore scientiico inerenti l’archeologia, l’antropologia, anthropology, history, philology and art history of the la storia, la ilologia e la storia dell’arte, con particolare ancient past of the Near Eastern and Mediterranean attenzione ai moderni metodi di indagine volti alla cultural areas. Particular attention is devoted to modern ricostruzione e all’interpretazione dell’antico passato delle methods of investigation for the reconstruction and grandi aree culturali del Vicino Oriente e del Mediterraneo, the interpretation of these cultures in a time span thatin un arco cronologico che si estende dalla preistoria, stretches from prehistory to the Classical period. passando per la protostoria, ino al periodo classico. According to the principles of CAMNES, the SANEM Secondo i principi ispiratori del CAMNES, i SANEM series is ideal not only for established scholars but alsosono la sede editoriale ideale non solo per studiosi for the publication of the works of young researchers ataffermati, ma anche per la pubblicazione del lavoro dei the beginning of their academic careers and their research giovani ricercatori all’inizio delle loro carriere accademiche projects. e dei loro progetti di ricerca. Given the international context in which CAMNES Dato il contesto internazionale nel quale opera operates, the works of the series are predominantly CAMNES, salvo eccezioni, le opere della serie sono published in English, and subjected to double-blind peer pubblicate in inglese, e sottoposte a double-blind peer review by the SANEM Scientiic Committee, created review (autore e revisore saranno anomini) dal Comitato speciically for the editorial series. In special cases Scientiico del SANEM, creato appositamente per la serie CAMNES may also rely on a peer review outside theeditoriale. In casi particolari CAMNES può avvalersi anche Scientiic Committee. di un referaggio esterno al Comitato Scientiico. All volumes in the series are published following an Tutti i volumi della serie, che sono pubblicati senza irregular chronological sequence and are issued in paper una cadenza cronologica regolare, hanno un’edizione and in digital editions. cartacea e un’edizione digitale. Guido Guarducci, Stefano Valentini (Direzione CAMNES) BETWEEN SYRIA AND THE HIGHLANDS STUDIES IN HONOR OF GIORGIO BUCCELLATI & MARILYN KELLY-BUCCELLATI Stefano Valentini - Guido Guarducci (editors) ARBOR SAPIENTIAE EDITORE SANEM STUDIES ON THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST AND THE MEDITERRANEAN PEER-REVIEWED INTERNATIONAL SERIES International Scientiic Committee: Giorgio Buccellati, Giovanni Alberto Cecconi, Massimo Cultraro, Ian Hodder, Salima Ikram, Nicola Laneri, Mario Liverani, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Vincenzo Palleschi, Annamaria Ronchitelli, Adam Thomas Smith Editorial Board: Maria Elisa Garcia Barraco, Guido Guarducci, Valentina Santini, Stefano Valentini Bibliographical Reference: VALENTINI, S., GUARDUCCI, G. (Eds), Between Syria and the Highlands. Studies in Honor of Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean (SANEM 3), Arbor Sapientiae Editore, Roma 2019. _________________________________ © 2019 - Arbor Sapientiae Editore S.r.l. Via Bernardo Barbiellini Amidei, 80 00168 Roma (Italia) - tel. 06 887567202 [email protected] [email protected] ISBN: 978-88-31341-01-1 σТppur, 1λθθέ T˻˼δ⸢ τ⸣ ωτσT⸢σTS ˻ωKστWδ⸢Dύ⸢ε⸢σTS X ⸣τR⸢WτRD XI ύIτRύIτ ˼Uωω⸢δδ˻TI Τ ε˻RIδYσ K⸢δδYά˼Uωω⸢δδ˻TI XIII ˻UTώτR ˼IτύR˻PώI⸢S XXV ε ˻ , ˻ δ RuаeТСa, a VТllaРe Пrom σortСern SвrТa DurТnР ˼вгantТne PerТoНμ StuНв oП PreserЯatТon oП DomestТМ ˻rМСТteМture 1 σ ˻, ε D InteРratТnР ωonserЯatТon, ˻rМСaeoloРв, anН ωommunТtв at Tell εoгan (UrkesС) 1η S ˻ TСe WanНerТnР δТПe oП tСe ώТttТte Seal DresНen ZV 1ἅθλ at tСe ⸢nН oП tСe 1λtС ωenturвμ σeа ˻rМСТЯal δТРСt β1 ε ˻ s δetters 33צTales Пrom tСe Desert σomaНsμ ⸣rom Teбtual SourМes tТll ύertruНe ˼ell ˻ ˻ ṣamaРan anН tСe εules oП ⸢blaέ SвrТan ύoНs Тn SumerТan DТsРuТse 38 P ˼ń, D ˼ń ˻ Tale oП Tаo Temples oП tСe σТneЯТte η PerТoН ηθ δ ˼ ύТЯe a εan a ⸣ТsС or TeaМС ώТm ώoа to ⸣ТsС˹ SТtuateН δearnТnР anН tСe ⸢merРenМe oП ωommunТtТes oП PraМtТМe Тn ˼ronгe ˻Рe ⸢astern εeНТterranean anН tСe σear ⸢ast θ1 ε ˼ s δoЯe Пor ˼lueά⸢вeН ώurrТвa ωlarТies ⸢bla τpСtalmТМ Terms anН tСe γrНצώoа KТrta θλ צωolumn oП tСe ‘˼arton ωвlТnНer ⸣ ˼ ώouses oП σТppurμ ˻n ˻rМСТteМtural StuНв usТnР ⸢nω˻˼ ἆη ˻ ω Sвmbol oП WТsНom, DeМorateН аТtС ⸢arrТnРsμ TСe ⸢ar Тn tСe ⸢bla Teбts λβ D ω Quelques ˻speМts εéМonnus Нu Statut et Нu Rble Нes QuartТersάbâbtum Нans les VТlles Paléoά˼abвlonТennes 1ίί ω ω Y s τuter ωТtв Тn tСe TСТrН εТllennТum ˼ω⸢ 11γצTell εoгan V ˻ ,˻צε D ˻lТke but DТППerentέ DrТnkТnР Vessels Тn tСe ⸢astern εeНТterranean arounН βηίίά βίίί ˼ω 1ββ ⸢ R ,˻צV D ˼easts anН WТneέ ZoomorpСТМ Vessels anН tСe σortСern ωorrТНor oП tСe σear ⸢ast 1γλ R D τn tСe ˼asalt ˼ase Пrom Susa (Sbη)μ ˻ ReТnterpretatТon 1ηη ⸢ Sέ ⸢ TСe SМepter oП SТtaРroТ anН ⸢arlв ˼ronгe ˻Рe Sвmbols oП Poаer 1θ1 S ⸢ TСe Repentant ύoН Тn tСe ⸣looН Storвέ ˻ ωomparТson ˼etаeen When Gods Were Men anН Genesis 6-9 1θἆ D ⸣ TСe Roman ˼rТНРe oЯer tСe ωСabТnasμ εeanТnР Тn InПrastruМture 1ἅη ω ⸣ δaНТes anН ωupsμ ˻ ReМonsТНeratТon oП some ˻kkaНТan ˻rteПaМts Пrom σortСern SвrТa 1ἆθ ⸢ ⸣ Seen TСrouРС a ύlass Darklвμ ReeбamТnТnР ωonneМtТons ˼etаeen εesopotamТa anН tСe ωauМasus 1λἆ P ⸣ ˻bout tСe ⸢blaТte σames oП tСe “ωultТМ Journeв” β1β T ύ δa PatrТa ProtoТnНeuropea e le εТРraгТonТ InНeuropee β1ἅ R ώ δearnТnР Пrom Canis 203έ ImpressТons oП an ˻bsent ˻rtТПaМt β1λ ⸣ ώ, Y T TraМes oП TСТrН εТllennТum PastoralТsm Тn tСe Jebel ˻bН alά˻гТг ReРТon ββἅ ε δ ˼etаeen ⸢nНurТnР Sвmbols anН ⸢lТte IНentТtвμ σeа ύlвptТМ ⸢ЯТНenМe Пrom σuгТ 238 Y ε TСrouРС tСe ⸢вes oП tСe ˻nМТentsέ TСe PerМeptТon oП ˼eautв Тn γrН εТllennТum SвrТa βηη ε ε TСouРСts on ˻nМТent Teбtual SourМes Тn TСeТr ωurrent DТРТtal ⸢mboНТments βθβ ε ύ εάR, τ R δes εurs Нe KТlТгu βθλ P ε ˻ σote on δТons at Temple ⸢ntranМes Тn τlН anН εТННle SвrТan Temples βἅλ S ε Up anН Doаn Тn ⸢arlв SвrТan PalaМesμ SpaМes oП Poаer PerПormanМe anН ⸢МonomТМ WealtС βἆη ε ύ ε s “UrПormen Нes Kultbaues”, Тn Mensch undצSome ωonsТНeratТons on Walter ˻nНrae Baukunst. Eine Correspondenz β (1ληγ)μ 1άη, or ratСer…τn a ώТННenGrundthema oП ˻rМСaeoloРТМal ResearМС βλθ R εέ ε, S σέ ˻ ωolleМtТon oП Seals Пrom tСe Settlement oП Tell ώaгna 1 (SвrТa) γ1ί D σ εТnТatures oП Warsμ ⸣ТРСts, SkТrmТsСes anН ωonlТМts Тn ˻nМТent σear ⸢astern Seals γ1ἅ δ P Il ruРРТto Нel δeoneέ QualМСe τsserЯaгТone sulle ImmaРТnТ ⸣erТne nel εonНo SТrТano 323 Нel III εТllennТo aέ ωέ ⸣ P ˻ ύame oП ύoННesses (anН TСrones˹)έ Some ReleМtТon about a ωвlТnНer Seal ImpressТon Пrom tСe Roвal PalaМe ύ oП ⸢bla (Мaέ βγίί ˼ω) γγη D P WТlН Water ˼ufalo Bubalus( arnee [Kerr, 1ἅλβ]) Тn tСe ˻nМТent σear ⸢ast γ41 ε P, S S ύoТnР ReН Тn TСe Iron ˻Рe IIμ TСe ⸢merРenМe oП ReНάSlТp Potterв Тn σortСern δeЯant аТtС SpeМТiМ ReПerenМe to Tell ˻is, ωСatal ώcвhk anН ZТnМТrlТ ώcвhk γηβ ε R σel SeРno НТ ⸢blaέ εemorТa TopoloРТМa per la Città del Trono al ωentro Нelle Quattro PartТ Нel εonНo γθη ε S TСe Terqa ωloЯes anН tСe ˻rМСaeoloРв oП ˻roma γἅγ εάω T, R D ˼etаeen PСТloloРв anН ˻rМСaeoloРвέ Some ωomments on UrartТan δanНsМape εanaРement γἅἆ W W PlaМentas, SТeЯes anН tСe ˻nМestors 388 ˻ωKστWδ⸢Dύ⸢ε⸢σTS TСТs ⸣estsМСrТПt аoulН not СaЯe been possТble аТtСout tСe partТМТpatТon anН МollaboratТon oП tСe autСors anН tСeТr ine МontrТbutТonsέ TСank вou all Пor вour support anН ТnЯolЯementέ We are Рreatlв Тn Нebt to ⸣eНerТМo ˼uММellatТ, аСo ТmmeНТatelв anН entСusТastТМallв аelМomeН our projeМt, anН subsequentlв assТsteН us НurТnР eЯerв staРe oП tСe proНuМtТon oП tСТs bookέ It аas a Рreat pleasure to аork аТtС СТmέ TСank вou, ⸣eНerТМo, Пor вour support anН suРРestТonsέ You are bв all means tСe tСТrН Мurator oП tСТs Яolumeέ We also аoulН lТke to tСank
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