Annual Report 2018-19 Government College Hatpipliya Dewas Name of the college - Govt. College Hatpipliya, Dewas Place of the college - Tilya Khedi Hatpipliya, Dewas District - Dewas Division - Ujjain Year of establishment of college - 1989 Name and of Principal - Dr Pushpalata Mishra Contact details( Mail id , Phone ) - Mobile No. 09926024382 - Email :
[email protected] Name & Post of Reporting In charge - Dr Vijay Kumar Verma Contact details ( mail id, Phone no.) - Mobile No. 09425950274 - Email:
[email protected] Date of report submission - 11/11/2020 Part I 1. The Principal’s Report (2 pages)- Highlights the key activities, events, and successes of the past year and briefly describes major new initiatives to be undertaken over the next year. Highlights the key activities, events, and successes of the past year Academic Activities: st 1. Academic activities started from 1 of July with 1 week zero classes. A ‘Zero Classes’ are conducted under which lectures for moral and ethical values are taken. 2. According to higher education norms two CCE are conducted. In CCE we give different task to students like class room teaching, Model making and presentation, group discussion, Role plays etc. to improvement in their academics as well as their personality. 3. We display 10 English –Hindi meanings on notice board every working day for language improvement. 4. According to higher education norms every month we organized special lectures on different subjects prescribed by higher education Personality Development Cell. Events: 1. Hosting District Level Chess Competition. 2. 7 days special Leadership Training camp in Adopted village Successes: 1. One NSS Volunteer Selected For Maa Tujhe Prannam Scheme.