Old Waterford Society
OLD WATERFORD SOCIETY .. - . Number I3 January I980 I Page Medieval Waterford Parts 11 and 111 I.. .' II County Waterford in *the ~hirteenthCentury. by C.A. Empey. 111 The Goverment of the ~unicipal'ityof Waterford in the Thirteenth Century. The Social and l$conornic Evnlutian of South Kilkenny kn the Settentegn and Eighteenth Centuries. Life in Ring in the Nineteenth Century. .. 1 . Veterinary ~ns~ec'tionat Waterford Port, I 1876 to 1900. by M.W. ~erild~. *. 8prfng Pragraaip of the Old Wat aaford Sw.ie>ty. Those names marked * have paid their subscription for 1980. All other - rubacripti~mof G2.50 for 1980 are now due and my be sent to the Hm. Treasurer of the Old Waterfor6 Society - Mrs. R, Lmley9 29, Daiay Terraoe, Waterford. New members .*relcone. Anthony, adisa M. KiPdalton, ~iltown,via Waterford Anmnclata, Sr. M. Convent of Mercy, Waterford Asaumpta, Sr, EB. Presentation Convent, -, Co. Waterford Bennis, Mias E, Church Road, Tramore, Co. Waterford * BeIfwt Library Society for Promoting Knowledge, 17, Donegal ~tree~wf-t. Bowe, Mra. EC,, 21, Thomas Street, Waterford. Brady, Bllr. P. Kilmgmge, Ki"lmacthom%s, Co, Waterford Bmsil, Mr. .XI. "SCilla~4~~,John1-s Hill, Waterford Brem, Mr. J, , 18, Main Street, Mooncoin, via Waterford Brennrtv -Smith, Paim M.A., 'lGliftonn,'Pramare, Co, bterford. Brem, Mr. R. Sweetbiax Park, 'Pramore, Co. Waterford' Buckleg, Mrs. M. 3, Clashrea Place, Waterford' +Burke, Mr. J. Ballyglan, Woodstown, Co. WaterGord Wke, I&. & %a. W ., "AislinI1, Xew S tree t , terf ord Ihcophy, Hra. ., 18 Noanlam, %amore, C?. pierford. Call, lib. & Mrs. 2. , ltl;eath Hillf1, Sltmmerville Avenue, Waterford Cahillane, W.
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