NBS Publi- cations U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE / National Bureau of Standards


Bibliography of Kinetic Dati»

on Gas Phase Reactions oi

Nitrogen, Oxygen,

Nitrogen Oxidei :


The National Bureau of Standards' was established by an act of Congress March 3, 1901.

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^ Headquarters and Laboratories at Gaithersburg, Maryland, unless otherwise noted; mailing address Washington, D.C. 20234. ' Part of the Center for Radiation Research. > Located at Boulder, Colorado 80302. * Part of the Center for Building Technology. BUREAU Of STAfMRDS jUN 1 3 1975

^cjoo Supplementaiy Bibliography of Kinetic

aj' 1 Data on Gas Pliase Reactions of Nitrogen,

Oxygen, and Nitrogen Oxides (1972-1973)

Francis Westley

Chemical Kinetics Information Center Institute for Materials Research U'- National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234


This work was supported by the NBS Office of Standard Reference Data


The Naval Ordnance Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20360

5^ /

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Rogers C.B. Morton. Secretary

NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Richard W. Roberts, D;rec/or

Issued June 1975 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 726-00272

National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 371-1

Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 371-1, 88 pages (June 1975) CODEN: XNBSAV

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402

(Order by SD Catalog No. C13.10 :371-I) . Price $1.4J cents (Add 25 percent additional for other than U.S. mailing). TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction • l

Guidelines for the user 2

Journal and report codens 6

Part I. Reactions Involving N (and O) species 11

N» -> N + hv 11

N + M -> N» + M 11

N + M* -> N» + M... 11

M» + M -> N + M 11

N + N -> N2» 11

N + N + M -> Ng + M * 11

N + N + M -> N^ + M* 11

N + N + M -> N^* + M 11

N + N + M -> Ng* + M* 12

N + N + M->N2 + M + hv 12

N + -> N + N2 (exchange) 12

N + -> Ng + NO 12

N* N^o -> N2 + NO 12

N + NO -> Ng + 0 12

N + NO -> N^ + 0* 12

N + NO -> Ng* + 0 12

N» + NO -> Ng + 0 12

NO M N + + -> N^o + M 12

N + 0 -> NO + hv 12

N + 0 + M -> NO + M 12

N + 0 + M -> NO + M* 12

N + 0 + M -> NO* + M 13

N + Og -> NO •»• 0 13

N + Og -> NO* + 0 13

^ * °2* -> NO + 0 ' 13

O2 + "> + ° 13

iii N2 -> N + N 13

\* -> N2 + hv 13

Ng** -> N2» + hv 13

+ M -> N + N + M

\ + M» -> N + N + M 14 -> Ng* + M N + N + M , 14

^2 + M -> N2* * M (electronic excitation) 14

+ M -> + M (vibrational excitation) , 14

^2 + M* -> N2» + M (electronic energy transfer) 15

^2 + M* -> N2'^ + M (electronlc-vlbrational energy transfer) 15

-> + M''' + M (viljratlonal energy transfer) 15

"2 + M** -> N2'^ + M* (electronlc-vlbrational energy transfer) 16

\* M -> N2 •» M (electronic relaxation) 15

^2* •*- M -> N2 + M (rotational relaxation) 16

^2* + M -> N2 + M (trans la tlonal relaxation) 16 N^^ + M -> + M (vibrational relaxation) 16

^2* + M -> N2 + M* (electronic energy transfer) 17

Ng* + M -> N2 + M'^ (electronlc-vlbrational energy transfer) 17

^2^^ M -> + + M* (vlbrational-electronlc energy transfer) ..».• 13

+ M -> N2 + M''' (vibrational energy transfer) • ig

\* + M -> N2»* + M (electronic transition) 19

^2* + M* -> N2 + M** (electronic energy transfer) 19

Ng** + M -> N2» + M (electronic transition) 19

N^** + M -> N2''' + (electronlc-vlbrational energy transfer) 19

^2** + M -> N2* + M* (vibrational energy transfer) 19

^2* + N2* -> N2 + N2** (electronic energy transfer) • 19

^ + 0 -> N NO 19

N2 + 0* -> NgO* 20

> 0 + M -> N2O M 20

+ 0» + M -> N2O + M 20

1^2 + O2 -> NO + NO 20

N2O -> Ng + 0 20 iv -> N2 )- 0« 20

NgO* -> N2 + 0 20

N2O* "> \0 + hv 20

N2O + hv -> N2 + 0* 20

NjO + M -> I/2N2 + NO + M (overall) 20

N2O + M -> N2 + 0 + M 21

^20 + M» -> N2 + 0 + M 21

\0 + M* -> N2 + 0* + M 21

NgO M -> N2 + I/2O2 + M (overall) 21

\o + Vi^ ~> + M (vibrational energy transfer) .rt,.,,- ...... 21

NgO* + M -> N2O + M (electronic relaxation) 21

N2O* + M -> NgO + M (rotational relaxation) . • ,, 21

NgO* + M -> NgO ¥ M ( trans lational relaxation) ^t.... 21

U + M -> + M (vibrational relaxation) 22

N^o'^ + M -> NgO + (vibrational enerj^y transfer) 22

NgO + NO -> S2 + NO2 22

-> , >. \0 + 0 N2 + Og . 22

^*20 + 0 -> N2 + O2* 22

NgO + 0* -> N2 + O2 o., -. 22

N2O 4- 0 -> NO -f m , 22

N2O + 0» -> 110 NO 23

N2O2 -> H2 + O2 23

N2O2 -> NgO + 0 , 23

N2O2 + M3 -> N2 + NO + O2 23

^202 + NO -> N2O + NO2 23

N2O3 + N2O5 -> 4NO2 • 23

^204 + M -> NOg + NO2 + M (a.t low and hi^ pressure)... , r..... 23

N2O5 + M -> NO2 + MO3 + M 23

N2O5 + N2O5 -> 4NO2 + O2 (overall) * 23

NO* -> NO + hv 23

N0«* -> NO* + hv , , 23

NO + hv -> K + 0 , 24

V NO + bv ~> ro* 24

NO + M -> N + 0 + M 24

-> 0» NO + M N + + M 24

NO + M -> M* + 0 + M , 24

NO + M* -> IJO* + M (electronic enepj^y traiisfer) , 24

NO + M* -> NO=t + M (electrijQic-vibratiorjal energy transfer) 24

Jfl' -> NO + N0+ + M (vibrational energy tr>ir=sfer) , 24

NO* + M -> I© + M (electronic relaxation) 24

NO* + M -> NO + M (rotational relaxation) 25

N0+ + M -> 10 + M (vibrational relaxation) ». , 25

NO* + M -> NO + M ( trans laticnal relaxation) 25

NO* + M -> NO + H* (electronic energy transfer)..., , , 25

N0+ + M -> NO + (vibrational energy transfer)....,. 25

NO** + M -> NO* + H (electronic transition) 25

N0+^ + M -> N0=^ + (vibration-vibration resonant exchange) 25

NO + NO -> N^ + O2 (overall) 25

NO + NO* -> Ng + O2 25

NO + NO -> NgO + 0 (first step in overall decomposition) 25

NO + NO* -> N^o + 0 26

NO'^ + N0+ -> NO + (vibrational energy transfer) 26

NO -i- NO + 0^ -> NOg + NOg 26

NO + NO^ _> 1(02 + NO2 26

NO + 0 -> N + O2 26

-> NO + 0 NOg* , 26

NO + 0 -> NO2 + hv 26

NO + 0 M -> NO2 + H 26

NO + 0 + M -> m^* + M 26

NO + 0 + M -> NO^ + M + hv 27

NO + Og -> NDg + 0 27

NO + Og -> NO2 + O2 27

NO + Oj _> JJ02 + 02* 27

NO + 0^ _> + O2 27

I vi

I NO + O3 -> O2 -f hv 27

NO + 0^* -> NO2* + O2 27

NO2 -> NO + 0 27

NO2* -> NO2 + hv 27

NOp + hv -> NO -•- 0 28

NOg + hv -> 0 28

^'^ -> ^2* 28

^(^2 M -> NO -«- 0 -I- M 28

NO2 + M -> NO2* + M (electronic excitation) 28

vibrational energy transfer) • • 28 NOg ^ "> N02'^ ^

N02» + M -> NO2 + M (electronic relaxation) 28

N02^ + M -> NO2 + M (vibrational relaxation) 28

NOg* + M -> NO2 + M* (electronic energy transfer) 28

N02^ + M -> NO2 + M'^ (vibrational energy transfer) 29

NO2 + NO2 -> NO ••- NO -t- O2 ^ 29

NO2 + ND2 + M -> N2O4 + M 29

NO2 + NO3 -> NO + NO2 + O2 29

NO2 + NO3 -I- M -> N2O5 -(- M 29

^^2 0 ~> ^ ^2 29

NO2 0 -> NO 02» 29

NO2 + 0 M -> NO3 M 29

^^2 * ^3 ^3 ^ 29

Part I, Reviews , 29

Part II, Reactions Involving Only 0 Species 30

0»(1d) -> 0(3p) + hv , 30

0»(lS) -> 0(3p) + hv 30

0»{3Sg) + hv _> o(2P) , 30

0»(5Sp) -> 0(3?) + hv 30

0«^(lS) -> 0»(1d) + hv 30

0(3p) + A -> [0 - A] 31

0»(lD) + A -> [0 - A] 31

0(3p) + K» -> 0»(lS) »• M (electronic energy transfer) 31 vii 0*(1d) + M -> 0(3p) + M (electronic relaxation) 31

0»(lS) + M -> 0{3p) + M (electronic relaxation) 31

0»(5s) + M -> 0(3p) + M (electronic relaxation) 32

0»(1d) + M -> 0(3?) + M* (electronic energy transfer) 32

M» = 0^*{si\) .32

M» = 02»(blZ/)... 32

0»(1d) + M -> 0(3?) + (electronic-Tibrational energy transfer) 32

0*(lS) + M -> 0(3?) + M* (electronic energy transfer) 32

0*(lS) + M -> 0(3?) + M »• hv 32

0**(lS) + 0(3?) -> 0»(1d) + 0*(1d) (electronic energy transfer) 32

0 + 0 -> Og + hv 32

0 + 0 + M -> Og ^. M 32

0 + 0 + M -> Og + M* 32

= Na** . 32

M» = N2*»(c\) 32

M» = 0»(lS) 32

0 + 0 •» M -> Og* + M 32

0(3?) + 0*(lD) + M -> 02«(B^^~) + M 33

0 + Og -> 03* 33

0 + Og + H -> O3 + M 33

^ * ^2 ^ "> ^3* + ^

0*(lD) + 03(lA) -> 0(3?) + 0(3?) + O^iTpLf) 33

0»(lS) + 0^ _> 0 0* + O2 33

0 + O3 -> O2 + O2 33

0 O3 + 0^^ (vibrational chemiexcitation) «••••• ..• 34

0»(lD) + 03(lA) -> 02(x3Zg-) + O^^^p , 3^

0*(lD) + 03(lA) -> 02(x^^~) + 02»(?) (vibrational, or electronic) 34

0»(lD) + 03(lA) -> 02+(X3^g-, v > 0) + Q^'^a^^-, v > 0)... 34

0*(lS) + Og _> 02 O2 • 34

0(3?) + >CxC< -> products , 34

^2 -> 0 -f 0 34

V(a\) -> 02(r^^') 34 ' ' ' viii °2*(a\) -> OgCX^V^ +

02*(blZ/) -> OgCX^Eg-) + hv V(A^/^ -> 02(X%"^ ^2^-6%-) -> ^z(^p * hv

°2*(a^V * A -> - A]

O2 + hv -> 0 + 0*(^1>)

^2 + hv -> 0 + 0*(^S)

^2 + N -> 0 0 M

O2 + H* ~> 0 + 0 + M

^zi^P " "> * * ^ 02»(A^/) + M -> 0(3p) + 0(3P) + M

^2(y^P * " * * ^ O2 + M* -> 0»(1d) + 0*»(1S) + M

02*(B^^~) + M -> 0(3p) + o»(l7)) M

+ M->0 + 0 + M (vibrational dissociation).. ••••••

02(X^g") + M -> 02»(a^g) M (electronic excitation)

0_(x'^ ~) + M -> 0^*{o^Yj') + M (electronic excitation)...,..

02(X'^„~) + M -> 02«(A'^"^) ^ M (electronic excitation)

^zU^fT^ + M -> 02»(B"^~) M (electronic excitation)...*,.

+ M -> Oz^ ^ (vibrational excitation)

02(X'^g~) > M* -> 02*(a^g) + M (electronic energy transfer).

M» = I»(52P^/2)

M* «= h*(2D)

M* =

M» = OgMa^g)

M» = S02#«(3b^)

^zC^^P * ^* 02*^^^^g*^ ^ (electronic energy traiisfer) M» = NOg*

M* = 0*(1d)

M» = S02*»(33^)

(electronic-vibrational energy transfer) * ^2 + ~> * ^ (vibrational energy transfer) ,r,,, 37

02«(alA^) + M -> 02(X'^^~) + M (electronic relaxation) 37

Op*Cb^r *) + M -> Op(X'^ ~) + M (electronic relaxation)..,,.. 33

0^* + M -> O2 + M (rotational relaxation) , 33

^2* + M -> O2 + M (trans la tional relaxation)..... *...... «.. 33

02=^= + M -> 0^ + M (vibrational relaxation) 38

0^«{g,^A^) + M -> 02(X^^~) + M* (electronic energy transfer) 39

M*^ I*(52p^/2) = ' 39

M« = 02*(alAg) 39

02*(a-'Ag) + M -> 02(X^g'") + (electronic-vibrational energy transfer) 39

NO=l= (X2rtj.^ M+ = V = 4.) 39

M+ = O^H^^-, V = 5) 39

02*{h^l^*) + M -> 02(X*^^~) + (electronic enerfjy transfer) 39

M* = l2»(A^iiJ... = . 39

0^=^ + M -> + (Til)rational energy transfer) 39

~) + M** (electronic energy transfer) ao 05»(a^A ) + M» -> Op(X'^I,

M* = V(A^'iu) " ^0

02*(a^^^) + M* -> 02**(b-^Eg'*') + M (electronic energy transfer) AO

M* = I*(52p^/2) 40

02**(b^Z^*) + M -> 02*(a^g) + H (electronic transition) 40

°2*(a^A^) + 02»(a^g) ~> 02(X^g") + O^^H'b^^g*^ (electronic energy transfer)... AO

°2*(a"^^g) + >C=C< -> product 4Q

-> 0 -«- O2 40

O3 + hv -> 0 + O2 40

^(lA) + hv -> 0(3P) + 02«(a^g) AO

03(lA) + hv -> 0(3p) + 02»(blZg+) 40

0^{lk) + hv -> 0»(lD) + 02(x3Eg~) AO

03(lA) + hv -> 0»(lD) + 02»(alAg) Al

03(lA) + hv -> 0*(lS) + 02(x^g-) 41 0^{lk) -> 0*(lS) + hv + 0^*{sM^) 41

X 03(1a) + hv -> 0»(lS) + 02»(b^Z/) 41

O3 + M -> 0 + O2 + M

O3 + M» -> 0 + O2 + M 41

M* = 0*(^C) 41

M* = 02»(a^g) 41

M* = 02#(i3ll:g+) 42

= 02*(?) 42

03(lA) + M* -> 0»(lD) + 02(X^,g-) + M..... 42

O3 + -> 03=^ -f M (vibrational energy transfer) • * 42

O3+ + M -> O3 + M (vibrational relaxation) 42

03^=^ + M -> 0^+ + M (vibrational transition) , 42

O3 + >C=C< -> products 42

Part II. Reviews .«,« ^2

Part III, Author list of references aa





A reaction-oriented list of references is provided for papers and reports published in 1972 and 1973, containing rate data for reactions of N, Ng, NgO, N2O2, N2O3, N2O4,

'^205, NO, NO2, i©3, NO4. 0. O2 and O3 with each other. Some reactions of species in excited states are included. This bibliography, corering about 500 papers, extends the coverage of two previous bibliographies on the same subject, COM-71-00941 NBS-OSRDB-71-2, August 1971 and NBS Special Publication 371, February 1S73. Some work published prior to 1972 omitted in the previous publications has been included here.

Key words; Bibliography; chemical kinetics; excited state; gas phase; nitrogen atom; nitrogen molecule; nitrogen oxides; oxygen atom; oxygen molecule; ozone.


In August 1971 the Office of Standard Reference Data issued a publication with the title;,, "a Bibliography of Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Reactions of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen Oxides", (CCW-71-0081, NBS-OSRDB-71-2), covering papers dealing with purely chemical reactions published between 1900 and January 1971, In February 1973 this work was supplemented by: A Supplenentarjj Bibliograjhy of Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Reactions of Nitrogen, Oxygen and

Nitrogen Oxides , (NBS Special Publication 371), listing papers dealing with purely chemical reactions published between January 1971 and Janusiry 1972, as well as earlier papers which were omitted in the 1971 bibliography. In addition, the supplementary publication listed papers dealing with N and 0 species in excited states which were not included in the earlier bibliography; the largest class of reactions in this category was the production of molecular oxygen in an

excited singlet state (a^A^^ and c%j).

The present bibliography is an extension of NBS Special Publication 371. It includes papers, not previously listed, that describe studies of the kinetics of chemical reactions as well as of processes involving N and 0 species in excited states published through January 1974. Most of these papers were published during the 1972-1973, A small number of earlier papers, omitted in the previous bibliographies, are also included here.

Like the previous publications, this bibliography does not include ion-molecule reactions gf N and 0 species. Fbr this type of process the reader should consult Ferguson, E. E,,, Rate Constants of Thermal Energy Binary Ion-Molecule Reactions of Aeronoraic Interest," Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 1^, 159 (1973).

This bibLiograpdiy is not the result of the effort of a single person, but of the whole staff of Chemical Kinetics Information Center. My thanks to all of them.

In particular, I wish to thank Dr. David Garvin, Director of the Center, for his more than helpful su^estions and constant guidance; Mr, James G. Koch, Supervisor, for tracking down and obtaining papers and reports otherwise very difficult to obtain; Mrs. Geraldine W. Zumwalt and Miss Darlene Connelly, for typing a difficult manuscript with peirticular care.


Arran^ment of the reTwrt . This bibliography is in three parts:

Part I . Reactions of Nitrogen and Oxygen Species,

Part II . Reactions of Oxygen Species.

Part III . The combined bibliography for Parts I and II, arranged alphabetically by authors. The complete reference citation for each article mentioned is given here. Occasionally explanatory notes are appended; these establish the "bibliography chain" for closely related papers by the same authors.

Parts I and II are arranged by reaction, following the order indicated below. At the end of each of these parts are appended short lists of critical reviews or surveys dealing with reactions previously listed.

Ordering of chemical reactions . The bibliography lists references to published papers and reports in which rate data are reported for reactions of N, N^, NgO, NgOg, N2O3,

N2O5, NO, NO2, HO3, NO4, 0, O2 and O3 with each other. As written above, the sequence of these atoms or molecules defines the order in which the reactions are arranged, i. e,: seraialr)habetically, by first reactant.

Forward and reverse reactions are listed separately. Reactants are always on the left.

Within each reaction the reactants and^^products are arranged according to the same scheme; separately and alphabetically. The general "third body", is always last.

So, equations are written:

N2O + 0 -> N2 + O2 and not 0 + NgO -> O2 + N2

N2O + M -> N2 + 0 + M and not M + N2O -> M + 0 +

O3 + M -> 0 + Og + M and not M + 0^ -> M + O2 + 0

This ordering scheme runs counter to chemical conventions that order by oxidation state. It does bring the atom and its parent molecule together for this simple collection. The rule for arrangement is also simple. It is a character by character comparison of two formulae or equations from left to right, with the priority order being blank, numerals, and then letters; e.g.: NgOg precedes NO.

Chemical symbols without asterisk or dagger (ground state) take precedence ova* those with asterisk or dagger (excited state), e.g.:

NO2 + 0 -> NO + 0^ precedes NO^ + 0 -> NO + 0^*

NO + H* -> NO* + M (electronic aiergy transfer) precedes NO* + M -> NO + M (electronic relaxation)

The chemical equations of the overall reactions are not always balanced. An unbalanced equation indicates that the author mentions the reactants and the products of the reaction without the help of an equation, or that the chemical equation given by the author is unbalanced.

Very often, a reference mentioning a reaction without a third body, M, will be found under a heading indicating the same reaction with M on both sides.

In order to render the chemical change occuring in a reaction easily observable to the eye, a reactant, or a product may appear two, or even three times in the same heading, e.g.:

^2% + %55-> 4NO2 + O2 (overall)

N2O5 + NO -> NO2 + NO2 + NO2 (overall)


I How to find a reaction * It Is felt that the most profitable method for finding references dealing with a certain reaction included in this bibliography, would be to consider first all headings with the same reactants, with or without third body M, with or without hv, in excited or in gro\ind state, and regardless of the products. Only thereafter, should the user accept or reject a paper, according to his own objective. As an example: DecomTX)s^tion of NU . The user should consider the reactions having on the left side:

NO ->; NO* ->; NO + hv ->; NO + M ->; NO + M* ->; NO* + M ->;

NO + NO ->; NO + N0» ->:

Display of Chemical Reactions and Formulae , (a). General . Most of the reactions listed in TJarts I and II show a chemical change. Some of these show a photolytic, chemi luminescent or energy transfer process that occurs simultaneously with the chemical change. In addition, there is an important number of reactions that are simply collisional energy transfer or photo- excitation processes.

An excited species is indicated by an asterisk or dagger placed between the symbol of the species and the bracket including its configuration. The asterisk denotes an electronically, rotationally, or translationally excited species. In general, the electronic configurations of oxygen species are always indicated, while those of nitrogen species appear only occasionally. The rotational or translational configurations are always omitted.

The dagger indicates a vibrationally excited species only. The vibrational configurations are only occasionally indicated.

An electronic energy transfer from a lower to a hl^er excited state - or vice versa - is outlined by a double asterisk following the higher excited state, e.g.:

Ng* + M -> + M (electronic transition)

NO** -> NO* + hv

02*(a^Ag) + 0^*(a^^g) -> OgCX'^g") + 02**(b^Eg*^ (electronic energy transfer)

Similarly an energy transfer between two different vibrational levels is outlined as follows;

NO^ + M -> NO'*' + M''= (vibration-vibration resonant exchange)

+ Wi^ -> NO + NO'^ (vibrational energy transfer)

(b). Excited state of reactants and products . In part I, symbols defining electronic or vibronic states are omitted (vide supra) and an excited atom or molecule is indicated ty a simple asterisk or dagger. A certain number of energy transfer processes involving the species Ng, N2O, NO, or NOg which in the first two bibliographies of this series Included under the same heading all the pertinent papers - regardless of the type of energy considered - are now split up into several headings, according to the types of energy Involved. For instance, the reaction:

^2* + M -> N2 + M* (energy transfer) which in the August 1971 and February 1973 bibliographies appeared as such, is split up in the present supplement, as follows:

Ng* + M -> N2 + M* (electronic energy transfer)

Ng* + M -> N2 + (electronic-vlbrational energy transfer)

N2^ + M -> Ng + M» (vibrational-electronic energy transfer)

N2+ M -> Ng (vibrational + + M''' energy transfer)

In Part II, the arrangement of electronic symbols is different. Taking into account the laree nu-nber of Papers dealing with molecular oxygen in excited states, as well as the 3 im'Dortance of excited oxyj^pn species in the fields of air pollution and atmospheric c&emistry, it was felt that a more detailed arrangement of the material included for reactions involving only oxygen STJecies would be useful. For that reason, the electronic configuration of ei-' cited states is indicated in the chemical reaction itself, in a bracket following the excited atom or molecule, e.g.;

O^i^A) + hv -> 0*(lD) + 02*(alAg)

As a general rule, if a reaction is purely chemical, the electronic configurations are omitted. However, if a reaction includes even a single electronically excited oxygen species, then the electronic configurations of all the 0 species (including the ground states) are in- dicated. The ground states are not followed by asterisks, e.g.:

0 + O3 _> 02 + O2

0*(lD) + 03(lA) -> O^Hyi^.f, V > 0) + 02+(X3E^-, v > 0)

02«(a^g) + M -> 02(X'^g~) + M* (electronic energy transfer)

In the special case when a molecule (or third body) acts as an acceptor for the excited oxvi^en species, it is indicated by the letter A (Acceptor), e.g.?

Og^^al^g) + A -> - A]

The order of priority of electronic states is based on the lowest^^minima of the potential

energy curves, followed by the next lowest ones [see: Gilmore, F. R. , "Potential iSnergy Curves for Ng, NO, O2 and Corresponding Ions," J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Trans. 5, 369 (1965)]. e.g.:

Priority of 0 atoms: 0(3p), 0*(1d), 0*(1s); Priority of 0^ molecules: 02(X'^g"); 02(alAg). 02*(bV^5 02*(cV^; 02»(A3Zg*); O^MB^E^").

If several reactions differ only by the type of energy involved, being similar in every other respect, the priority is based on the nature of the energy, in the order: electronic, rotational, translational, vibration. This rule applies to certain quenching, or energy transfer processes. The nature of the process is indicated in a bracket following the reaction, e.ff.:

02*(B^~) + M -> 02(X*^g~) + M (electronic relaxation)

0^* + M -> 0^ + M (rotational relaxation)

0^* + M -> 0^ + M (translational relaxation)

0^"^ + M -> + M (vibrational relaxation)

(c). Excitation of energy transfer agents ("third bodies") . An excited second, or third body is indicated by a second headin,? centered in the middle of the page. Biis arrangement results in grouping the reactions according to the second and third bodies, e.g.:

Op(X^ ~) + M» -> 0_*(a^_) + M (electronic energy transfer)

M* = I*(52p 1/2/ )J Derwent and Thrush DFSOAW-1972-53-162

M» = N^(2d)

McCulloi\gh and McGrath JPCMAE-1 973-1-241

4 M* = NDg*

Frank iewicz and Berry liSTHAG-19'('2-e-365

Gauthier and Snelling CHPLBC-1973-20-178

M* = S02»(3b^)

Davidson, et al. JPCMAj!;-197a-l-307

Reference Citation *

The references under each reaction list the author (s) and the sources, in the following form:

Author (s) Source--Vo lume-Page Itamber of Author (s)

Thompson, S, L. JC PS A6-1968-49-3400 1 Taylor and Setser JCPSA6-19r73-58-4840 2 Thompson, et al. CBFMAO-1972-19-<39 3 or more

Variations from this format (which we will call "short reference ) are usually in the direction of more explicit specification. These variations are never made in the first two fields, source and year. They are fixed and always present.

The sources are indicated W their ASTM CODEN ahbret lations*^; a list to those CODENS used in this report follows. In this list, the CODENS include an additional sixth character, which is a "check character"**). A coden prefixed with an asterisk is one not in the ASTM CODEN set. These we have assigned for reports from industrial laboratories, research institutes and universities. When the CODEN system adopts appropriate CODENS they will be replaced. The present, temporary CODENS usually have U or Z for the sixth character.

^Blumenthal, J, G., Karai^n, M., Editors, "CODEN POH PERIODICAL TITLES" (including Non- Periodical Titles and Deleted CODEN), Vol. I and II, ASTM Data Series DS 23B. Third iidition, (1970); Padusis, M., Editor, First Supplement to Third Edition, DS 23B-Sl'T05-02302l-42, 1972), and Second Supplement to Third Edition, DS 23B-S2 (05-023022-42, 1974). (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103)

The final sixth character in the journal codes is a check character . This is not shown in the listings in ASTM DS 23B and DS 23B-S1, but the calculation is explained in the, introductions to them. See also Subroutine for the Calculation of CODEN Check Characters, D. Garvin, National Bureau of Standards, Techn. Note 733 (Sept. 1972)


AAQAAE Anales de la Asociacion Quimica Argentina (Buenos Aires)

ACSRAL American Chemical Society, Abstract of meetings, papers

ACUSAY Acustica (Stuttgart/Zurich)

ADCSAJ Advances in Chemistry Series (Washington)

AGEPA7 Annales de Geophysique (Paris)

AIAJAH A. I, A, A. Journal (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

AICEAC AIChE Journal (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)

AJCFAS Australian Journal of Chemistry

APEGBA Applied Physics and Engineering (New York)

APOPAI Applied Optics (Washington)

APPLAB Applied Physics Letters (New York)

ARBSAA Academic Royale Des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Classe des Sciences, Bulletin (Brussels)

ASACAW Astronautica Acta (Vienna)

ASJOAB Astrophysical Journal

ASRAA9 Applied Scientific Research, A: Mechanics, Heat, Chemical Engineering, Mathematical Methods

ASSLAD Astrophysics and Space Science Library

BAPSA6 Bulletin of the American Physical Society

BBPCAX Berichte der Bansengesellschaft fuer Physikalische Cheraie (Germany)

BCSJAQ Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

B00KA7 Book

BSCFAS Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Paris)

BUKKAT Bunko Kenkyu (Tokyo)

CBFMAO Combustion and Flame

CBSTE9 Combustion Science and Technology

CCHKAZ Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics (Amsterdam)

CEPSAB Chemical Engineering Progress, Symposium Series

6 CHDBAN Cgmptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 1 Academie des Sciences, Serie B. Sciences Physiques (Paris)

CHDCAO Coraptes Rendus HeMomadaires des Seances de I'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (Paris)

CHPLBC Chemical Physics Letters (Amsterdam)

CJCHAa Canadian Journal of Chemistry

CJPHAD Canadian Journal of Physics

CSSPAD Chemical Society, Special Publication (London)

DABBBA Dissertation Abstracts International, B. The Sciences and Engineering

DKPCAG DoKlady, Physical Chemistry, Proceedings of the Academy of Science of the USSR (New York)

EOSTAJ EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Ifoion

ESTHAG Environmental Science and Technology (Washington)

FDCSB7 Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society

HITEA4 High Temperature (New York)

KIECAP High Energy Chemistry (New York)

IEJQA7 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (New York)

lETNAE IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (New York)

IECFA7 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals (Washington)

IJCKBO International Journal of Chemical Kinetics

IJPYAS Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (Calcutta)

IVUFAC Izvestiya Vysshikh Ucheboykh Zavedenii, Fizika

JACSAT Journal of the American Chemical Society

JAPIAU Journal of Applied Physics (New York)

JASMAN Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

JATPA3 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics

JCFTAR Journal of Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions I (London)

JCFTBS Journal of Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II (London)

JCPBAN Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physicochimie Biologique

7 JCPSA6 Journal of Chemical Physics

JCTLA5 Journal of Catalysis

JFLSAL Journal of Fluid Mechanics

JGREA2 Journal of Geophysical Research

JM0SA3 Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy

JNEAAR Journal of Research NBS, Sect. A, Physics and Chemistry

JOPQAG Journal de Physique (Paris)

JOSAAH Journal of the Optical Society of America

JPAMA4 Journal of Physics B. Atomic and Molecular Physics (London)

JPCAAC Journal Air Pollution Control Association

JPCHAX Journal of Physical Chemistry

JPCMAE Journal of Photochemistry

JPCRBU Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data

JQSRAE Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer

JTPLA2 JETP Letters, Soviet Physics (New York)

JUPSAU Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (Tokyo)

KICAAB Kinetics and Catalysis

KRSFAU Kratkie Soobshcheniia po Fizike (Moscow)

MFEOAR Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University (Osaka)

MOPHAM Molecular Physics (London)

NATUAS Nature (London)

NATWAY Naturwissenschaften (Berlin)

NPSCA6 Nature, Physical Sciences (London)

NSENAO Nuclear Science and Engineering

NTMKAS Nauchnye Trudy, Institut Mekhaniki, Moskovskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet

0PSUA3 Optics and Spectroscopy (Washington)

PCSLAW Proceedings of the Chemical Society, London

PFLDAS Physics of Fluid

PHRVAO Physical Review

PHZFAG F.iysikalische Zeitschrift (Leipzig) 8 PHZSAL Physikalische Zeitschrift der Sowjetunion

PICABU Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics

PLRAAN Physical Review, A

PLSSAE Planetary and Space Science

PPSBAP Proceedings of the Physical Society, London, Section B

PPSOAU Proceedings of the Physical Society, London

PRLAAZ Proceedings of Royal Society, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (London)

PRLTAO Physical Review Letters

PRVAAH Physical Review, Series A

RJPCAR Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry

RPHAAN Revue de Physique Applique

RSINAK Review of Scientific Instruments

SPHDA9 Soviet Physics - Doklady (New York)

SPHJAR Soviet Physics JETP (New York)

SPTPA3 Soviet Physics - Technical Physics (New York)

SUPBAA Scripta Facultatis Scientiarum Naturaliura Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis (Brno, Czech.)

SYMCAQ Symposium on Combustion

TCHAAO Theoretica Chimica Acta (Berlin)

TDKKB7 Tottori Daigaku Kyoikuga Kuhukenkyu Hokoku, Shizenkagaku (Tottori, Japan)

TEXCAK Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry (New York)

TFS0A4 Transactions of the Faraday Society

UFNAACt Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk

USP0A7 Uspekhi Potoniki (Leningrad)

XADRCH United States Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service

XCCIAV United States Department of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Scientific and Technical Information

Z.APHAX Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Physik

ZENAAU Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Ausgabe A. Astrophysik, Physik und Physikalische Chemie (Tuebingen, Germany)

ZEPYAA Zeitschrift fuer Physik (Berlin)

ZPCFAX Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (NF) 9 Shock Tute, Proceedings of the International Shock Tube Symposium, 7th, University of Toronto, Canada

Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Invited Papers and progress Reports from the International Conference of the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, 7th Amsterdam, Netherlands

MTP(Medical and Technical Publishing Company) International Review of Science: Physical Chemistry, Series One 1972-1973

Gorenle I Vzryv, Materialy Vsesoluznogo Simpozluna Po Goreniiu I Vzrivu, 3rd

Proceedings of the Symposium on Emissions from Continuous Combustion Systems (General Motors Research Lab.)

Chemiluminescence and Bloluminescence

Shock Tube, Proceedings of the International Shock Tube Symposium, 8th

AVCO - Everett Research Report


10 1

I. Reactions Involving N (and O) Species

H» -> N + hv

Hutchison, R. B. DABBBA-1971-31-3a24 Lavrrence and Sava^oje PHRVA(>-1966-141-67 Lin, et al. JC PSA6-1970-53-3896

N + M -> lt» + M

Stone and Zipf JCPSA6-1973-58-4278

N + M» -> N* + M

Golde and Thrush FDGSB7-1972-53-233

N* + M -> N + M

Black, G, XADRCH-1973-AD 762201 Golde and Thrush FDCSB;'-1972-53-233 Husain, et al. FDCSF7-1972-53-?01 Lin and Kaufman JCPSA&-1971-5&-3760

N + N -> Ng*

Becker, et al. Zi3{AAa-i971-26-929 Golde and Thrush FDCSB7-1972-53-52 Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ-1972-33(>-79 Groth, et al. BBPCAX-1972-76-1101 Thrush and Golde 26WVA9-1973-2-73 (review)

N + N + M->N2 + M Brennen and Shane XAIKCft-1971-A]) 721216 Campbell and Gray GHPLBC-1973-ie-607 Hanson and Watson AIAJAH-1966-4-749 (review) Shallhorn, P. M, DABBBA-1971-32-1755 Shui, V. H. JCPSA6-1972-67-1704 (calculation) Slovetskii and Todesaite HIi;CAP-19'«'3-7-259 Slovetskii and Todesaite HIEGAP-1973-^-284 Washier, H. Gg, 27Z]!;AE-1971-a-4 (rfeview)

N + N + M->N2 + M»

Felder and Young JCPSA6-1972-56-6028 N+N+M->N2»+M

Becker, et al. BBPCAX-1969-^3-911 Becker, et al. 25QHAW-1971-^-^l Becker, et al. FDCSB7-1972-53-35 Becker, et al, 25QHAW-igr?l-7-39 Brennen and Brovm JCPSA6-1970-52-4910 Brennen and Shane XAffiGH-1971-AD 721216 Duthler and Broida 26WVA9-1973-2-101 Ghosh and Gupta IJPYAS-197^-46-18 Groth, et al. NATWAY~1972-59-3?9 Groth, et al. BBPCAX-1972-76-110 Kley, D. FDCSB7-1972-53-69 Shui, y. H. JCPSA6-1972-57-i704 (calculation) Thrush and Wild JCK'BS-l£r?2-68-2023

11 N + K + M -> i^I^* + M*-'

Ghosh and Gupta IJPYAS-1972-4G-18

N + N + M -> + K + hv

Becker, et, al. ZJiNA AU-1 971-26-929 Gross, R. V. F.

N + -> " + ^l, (exchange

Lyon, R. K. CJC:H;Af;-1972-5n-34.;57 (upper linlt fi;5liraate)

N + N^n -> \ + NO

Husain, et al. FDCSB7-1972-53-201

N* + N^o -> + *

Husain, et al. FDCSB7-1972-53-201 Lin and Kaufman JCPSA6-1971-5.V376C

N + NO -> + 0

Black and Eckstrom XADRCH-197;'j-AD 757050 Hamlin and ''t'ers JQ^;!UE-197?r-13-293 (reviev'; Husain, et al. FDCSB7-i972"5?r-201 Hushfar, et al. APOPAI-1971-10--1343 Hushfar, et al. APOPA 1-1972-11-1656 Lin, et al. JC PS A6-1970-53-:^x396 Quan, et al, SYMCACi-lt?(';vi4-a51

N + NO -> + 0*

Felder and Young JCPSA6-1972-57-&?2

N + NO -> Ng* + 0

Bin-Nun and Rokni I EJQA7-1974-14J!.-1 0-ii9 Black and Eckstrom XAffiCH-1973-AD 757050 Black, et al. JC PS A6-1973-58-4792 Felder and Young JC PS A6-1972-57-572

N* + NO -> + 0

Husain, et al. FDCSB7-1972-53-201

N + NO + M -> N^o + M

Schofield, K. JPCRBU-1973-2-25 (evaluation)

N + 0 -> ID + hv

Mandelraan, et al. JCPSA6-1973-58-84:

N + 0 + M->NO + M

Cam'D'bell and Gray CHPLEC-1973-18-607

N + 0 + M -> NO + M*

Felder and Young JCPSA6-1972-56-6028 Ghosh, et al. IJPYAS-1970-44-162 (mechanism) 12 1 )

N + 0 + M -> NO* + M

Cam-obeli, et al. CHPLBC-197 1-8-6 12 Campbell and Thrush JQSRAE-1968-8-1571

N + 0^ -> NO + 0

Baulch, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-107 (evaluation) Bowman and Seery 26NPAE-1971-123 Campbell and Baulch 26BMAD-1 972-9-45 (review) Hamlin and Myers JQSRAE-1973-13-293 (review) Husain, et al. FDCSB7-1972-53-201 Hushfar, et al. APOPAI-1971-10-1843 Hushfar, et al. APOPAI-1972-1 1-1656 Livesey, et al. CBSTB9-1971-4-9 (evaluation) Quan, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-851 (calculation) Schmidt and Schiff CHPLBC-1973-23-339 Shahed, S. M, DABBBA-19V1-31-7320 Stupochenko, et al. APEGBA-1967-1 (review) Thompson, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-787

N + 0^ -> NO* + 0

Hushfar, et al. APOPAI-1971-10-1843 Hushfar, et al. APOPAI-1972-11-1656

N + O^* -> NO + 0

Schmidt and Schiff CHPLBC-1973-23-339 Wayne, R. P. ASSLAD-1971-25-240 (review) Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7-1972-53-234 (review)

N* + 0^ -> NO + 0

Husain, et al. FDCSB7-1972-53-201 Lin and Kaufman JCPSA6-1971-55-3760

^2 -> N + N

Tree, J. NATWAY-1969-56-553 (calculation)

^2* -> Ng + hv

Becker, et al. BBPCAX-1969-^3-911 Becker, et al. ZENAAU-1971-26-929 Becker, et al. FDCSB7 -1972-53-35 Brennen and Shane XADRCIF1971-AD 721216 de Chaff nut, F. IETNAE-1972-19-112 Freund, R. S. JCPSA6-1972-56-4344 Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ-1972-330-12 Granzow, et al. JPCHAX-1968-72-3741 Groth, et al. HATWAY-1972-59-379 Jeunehorarae, M. L. XCCIAV-19e7-AD 812578 LeBreton, et al. JCPSA6-1971-55-2940 Lyutui and Melnikov 0PSUA3-1973-34-385 Millet, et al. JCPSA6-1973-5&-5839 Polak, et al. HIECAP-1972-6-164 (calculation)

Thrush and Golde 26WVA9-1973-2-73 ( r ev i ew Zipf, E. C, Jr. JCPSA6-1963-38-2034 •

-> N2* + hv

Axtmann and Sears JC PS A6-1966-44-3279 Axtmann and Sears NSENACH1965-23-299 13 11 ))

^2** ~> ^2* + (continued)

Beclcer, et al, FDCSB7-1972-53-35 Becker, et al, 25QHAW-1971-7-39 Bourene and Le Calve JCPSA6-1973-58-1452 Brennen and Shane XADRCH-1971-AD 721216 Brocklehurst, B. TFS 0A4-1 964-60-2 151 Brown and Miller TFS0A4-1957-55-74a Calo, et al, RS INAK-1970-41-1639 Carlson and Rieper JCPSA6-1972-57^60 Dondes, et al. XADRCH-1972-C00-3461-1 Duthler and Broida 26WVA9-1973-2-101 Ghosh, et al, IJPYAS-1970-44-162 (mechanism) Golde and Thrush FDCSB7-19'?2-53-52 Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ-1972-330-12 Hartfuss and Schmillen ZEMAAU-1968-23-722 Jeunehomrae, M, L. XCCIAV-1967-AD 812578 Kurzwe^, et al. JCPSA6-1973-59-2641 LeCalve and BourSne JCPSA6-1973-Ki-1446 N2+M->N+N+M

Hanson, R. K. DABBBA-1969-il9-2400 Hanson and Ba/^anoff AIAJAH-1972-10-211

Hanson and Watson AIAJAH-1966-4-749 ( r ev iew Shui, V. H. JCPSA6-1972-57-1704 (calculation) Soloukhin, R. I, 23CHAG-1970-7-663 (review) Stupochenko, et al, APECtBA-1967-1 (review) Treanor and Marrone PFLDAS-1962-5-1022 (calculation) Troe, J, NATWAY-1969-56-553 (calculation) Wa^^er, H, G^. 27ZJ!;aE-1971-8-4 (review) Yalovik, M. S. 26J0AP-1971-3'^8

No + M»->N + N + M

Tsivenko and Myasnikov HIECAP-1973-7-332

N^* + H -> N + N + M

Golde and Thrush FDCSB7-1972-53-52 Hornuni^, H, G. JCPSA6-1972-56-3172 (mechanism) Mamikonyan, et al. HI ECAP-1 972-6-425 (calculation) Polak, et al, HIECAP-1972-G-164 (calculation)

Polak, et al. H I ECAP-1972-6-350 ( rev i ew Shui, V. H. JCPSA6-1972-57-1704 (calculation) Vincenti and Kruger 300i(A7-1965 (review) Yalovik and Losev NTMKAS-1972-4

N_ + M -> N„« + M (electronic excitation)

Axtraann and Sears JCPSA6-1966-44-3279 Axtmann and Sears NSENA&-1965-23-299 Carlson and Rieper JCPSA6-1972-tj7-760 Cartwright, P. G. PRVAAH-1970-2-1331 Chutjian, et al. PRLTAO-1973-30-195 Dreyer and Perner CHPLBC-1972-1&-1G9 Hornung, H. G. JCPSA6-1972-56-3172 LeBreton, et al. JCPSA6-197i-55-2940 Mamikonyan, et al. HIECAP-1972-G-425 (calculation) Pugnln, et al. IVUFAC-1972-15-49

+ M -> No^ + M (vibrational excitation)

Abraham and Fisher JAPI AU-1972-43-462 (calcTilation) Filippov and Vendillo RJPCAR-1962-36-1069 Polak and Slovetskii HITEA4-i9V2-10-575 IH 1

+ M -> + M (vibrational excitation) (continued)

Popovich, et al. RJPCAR-1971-45-123 Siraonaitis and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-1-181

^2 + M* -> Ng* + M (electronic energy transfer)

Bochkova and Chernysheva OP SUA3-1971-31-359 Brown and Miller TFS0A4-1957-53-748 Cosby and Mo ran JCPSA6-1972-57-4111 Granzow, et al. JPCHAX-1968-72-3741 Le Calve and BourSne JCPSA6-1973-58-1446 Siraonaitis and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-1-181 Sokabe and Murai MFEOAK-1972-13-163 Taylor and Setser JCPSA6-1973-58-4840 Wauchop and Broida JCPSA6-1972-56-330 Yantashita, I, BUKKAT-1972-2 1-180

+ M* -> + H (eiectronic-vibrational energy transfer)

Bauer, et al. JCPSA6-1969-51-4173 (calculation) Bellisio, et al. JCPSA6-1968-48-2376 Burrow and Davidovits PRLTAO-1968-2 1-1789 Czajkowski, et al, CJPHAD-1973-51-1582 Felder and Young J CP S A6-1972-57-572 Fisher and Smith APOPAI-1971-10-1803 (calculation) MacDonald, J. R. JCPSA6-1972-57-1016 (review) S cheer and Fine JCPS A6-1962-36-1 264

+ m"^ ->N2^+ M (vibrational energy transfer)

Abraham and Fisher JAPI AU-1972-43-462 (calculation) Basov, et al. SPTPA3-1969-13-1630 (calculation) Bauer and Roesler CSSPAD-1966-20-245 Bauer and Schotter JCPSA6-1969-51-3261 Berend, et al. JCPSA6-1972-57-360 (calculation) Biryukov, et al. 26J0AI^1971-3-b94 Bjorre, A, TEXCAK-1968-4-372 (calculation) Bjerre and Nikitin CHPLBC-1967-1-179 (calculation) Borghi £ind Charpenel ASACAW-1972-17-833 (calculation) Cheo, P. K. IEJQA7-1968-t^^4-354 (review) Fisher and Kuraraler JC PS A6-1968-49-1 075 (calculation) Fisher and Kuramler JCPSA6-1968-49-10a5 (calculation) Gower and Carswell APPLAB-1972-2 1-556 Green and Hancock JC PS A6-1973-59-4326 Gueguen, et al. CHDBAN-1971-272-1139 McKniffht, W. B. JAPI AU-1969-40-2810 Moore, C. B. B00KA7-1967-133 (review) Rao, et al, CHPLBC-1972-17-531 RaijT), D, JCPSA6-1965-43-316 (calculation) Rat)P and Englander-Golden JCPSA6-1964-40-573 (calculation) Rapp and Englander-Golden JCPSA6-1964-40-3120 (calculation) Roach and Smith JCPSA6-1969-50-4114 Rosser, et al, I EJQA7-1968-QE-4-336 Sadowski, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-23 Sato, et al, JCPSA6-1969-50-1911 Schaefer, W, ZAPHAX-1965-19-55 Sentman and Solomon JCPSA6-1973-59-39 (calculation) Taylor and Bitterraan *AVEVZ-1968-294 Taylor and Bitterraan 23CHAG-1970-7-577 Taylor, et al, *AVEVZ-1966-250 Teare, et al. MTUAS-1970-225-240 (calculation) Vfhite, D. R. JCPSA6-1968-49-5472 Williams, A. P. ASSLA&-1971-25-177 15 • . . 91

transfer) + M** -> N^''' ^* (electronic vibrational energy

Bauer, et al. JC PS A6-1969-51-4173 (calculation) Penzes, et al. IJCKBO-1972-4-449

N_« + M -> Np + M (electronic relaxation)

Blank Ct. XADRCft-1973-AD 762201

BBPCAX-1969-7;5-qi 1 BprkPT" pt al ZiiNA 971-26-929 Brpnnpn and Shane X^DRCH-1971-AD 721216 de Chaffnut F. I ETMAE-1972-19-1 12 T)r pvpr and Pprnpr CHP LBC-l 972-16-1(1 Dreyer and Perner * JC P S A6-1973-58-1195

Gann . pt al CHPLBC-1972-16-3aO Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ-1972-330-79 Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ-1972-330-9'?

Gnl f5 p and Thrii<^h PRLAAZ-1 972-330- 12 Gro th pt al BBPCAX-1972-76-1101 Janra J- SUPBA (^-1972-2-75

IV T).J-/* FDCSB7-1 97?-53-iS9 KIpvX C J' f Mpvpr pt a 1 ^ JPCHAX-197?-76-l Millet, et al. J CPS A6-1973-58-58:59 Polak, et al. HIECAP-1972-6-164 (calculation Ravodina and Popova IVUFAC-1973-16-127 Simonaitis and Heicklen JPCMA£-197.3-1-181 Slanger, et al. JPCMAE-1973-2-63 Taylor and Setser JA C SAT-1 971-93-4930 Thrush and Golde 26WVA9-1973-2-73 (review) Thrush and Wild JCFT 3S-1972-G8-20Z3 Tilford and Wilkinson ASJ0AB-196&-141-427

M (rotational relaxation)

Andersen and Hornig M()PHAM-1959-2-49 Gelb and Kapral CHPLBC-1972-17-397 (calculation) Kneser, H. 0. B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (review)

N^* + M -> 1^ + M (trans la tional relaxation)

Kohler, M. ZEPYAA-1949-125-715 (calculation)

M -> + M (vibrational relaxation)

Bauer and Cummings JCPSA6-1962-36-G18 (calculation) Bauer and Roesler CSSPAD-1966-20-245 Black and Eckstrora XADRCH-1973-AD 757050 Blythe, P. A. JFLSAL- 1961-1 0-33 (calculation) Calvert and Arame JCPSA6-1966-45-4710 (calculation) Cheo, P. K. I EJQA7-196B-QE-4-334 (review) Cottereau, et al. 27ZEAE-1971-8-30 Cottrell and Read JCPSA6-1962-37-2733 Delos, J. B. JC PS A6-1973-59-2365 (review) Dixon and Greenwood PRLAAZ-1924-1 05-1 99 Dreyer and Perner JC PS A6-1973-58-1 195 Eckstrom, D, J. JC PS A&-1973-59-273? Evans, L. B. JASMAN-1972-51^9 Filippov and Vendillo RJP C AR-1962-36-1069 Fisher and Bauer JC PS A6-1972-57-1966 (calculation) Fisher and Kuinraler JC PS A6-1968-49-1075 (calculation) Fisher and Smith CHPLBC-1970-6-438 (calculation) Golde and Thrush FDCSB7-1972-53-52 Hanson, R. K. DABBBA-1989-29-2400 Henderson, M. C. PICABU-1962-4-J25 Henderson and Donnelly JASMAIl-1962-34-779 Henderson, et al. JASMAN-1969-45-109

1 + M -> + M (vibrational relaxation) (continued)

Hodge, A, H, JCPSA6-1937-5-974 Hurle, I, R. CSSPAD-1966-20-277 Hurle, I. R. JCPSA6-1964-41-3592 Hurle, I. R. 27ZEAE- 1971-6-3 (review) Hurle and Russo JC PS A&-1965-43H434 Hurle, et al, JCPSA6-1964^0-2076 Kamimoto and Matsui AlAJAH-1969-7-2358 Kewley, D. J. JCPSA6-1973-59-549 Kley, D. FDCSBP-ig^r 2-53-69 Kneser, H, 0, B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (review) Kovacs and Mack APPUB-1972-20-487 Lawley, L. E. PPSBAP-1952-65-131 Lefl;ay, F, J0PQAG-1964:-25-99 Levitt and Sheen CSSPAD-1966-20-269 MacDonald, J, R. DABBBA-1971-32-1135 McLaren and Apple ton 27ZEAE-1971-8-27 McNeal, et al. CHPLBC-1972-16-507 Meolans and Zeitoun CHDBAN-1972-27 5-493 Millikan, R. C. CSSPAD-1966-20-219 (review) Moore, C, B. B00KA7-19e7-l33 (review) Parker and Ritke JASMAN-1972-51-169 Parker and Ritke JASMAN-1972-52-1380 Parker and Ritke JCPSA6-1972-56-4834 Perner, D, FDCSB7-1972-53-64 Piercy, J. E. JASMAN-1969-^i6-602 (review) Popovich, et al. RJPCAR-1971-45-123 Provencher and McKenney CJC HAG-1972-5(>-2529 Schaefer, W. ZAPHAX-1965-1&-55 Sentman and Solomon JCPSA6-1973-59-89 (calculation) Shields and La/»eraann JASMAN-1957-29H:70 Shin, H. K. JCPSA&-1972-57-1363 (review) Soloukhin, R. I. 23CHAG-1970-7-663 (review) Taylor and Bitterman *AVBVZ-196r('-282 (review) Taylor, et al, AVSVZ-1966-250 Treanor and Marrone PFLDAS-1962-5-1022 (calculation) Treanor, et al, JCPSA6-1968-4a-1793 (calculation) Tsuchiya and Kuratani CBFMAO-1964-8-299 Van Itterbeek, et al. ASRAA9-1957-6-421 Vincent i and Kruger BOOKA7-1 965 (review) White. D. R. JCPSA6-196a-49-5472 Yalovik and Losev NTMKAS-1972-4

+ M -> Ng + H* (electronic energy transfer)

Black, G, XADRCH-1973-AD 762201 Brekke, A, PLSSAE-1973-2 1-698 (mechanism) Duthler and Broida 26WVA9-1973-2-101 Golde and Thrush FDCSB'('-1972-53-233 Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ-1972-330-97 Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ-19V2-330-109 Golde and Thrush 26WVA9-1973-2-4fci£ Granzow, et al, JPCHAX-1968-72-3741 Henriksen, K. PLSSAil-197;Y-?.l-353 Johnson and Fontijn CHPLBC-1973-23-252 Meyer, et al. JPCHAX-1972-76-1 Meyer, et al. JMOSA3-1972-44r-206 (mechanism) Siinonaltls and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-l-lal Stedman, et al. JACSAT-1968-90-6856 Thrush and Wild JCFrBS-1972-G8-2023

+ M -> N2 + M^ (electronic-vibrational energy transfer)

Dreyer and Perner JCPSA6-1973-5&-119o 17 1 .

^ + M -> Np + M* (vibrational-electronic energy transfer)

MacDonald, J. R. JCPSA6-1972-57-1016 (review) Milne, E. L. JCPSA6-1970-52-5360 Provencher and McKenney CJ C HAG-1972-50-2529 Starr, W. L. JCPSA6-1965-43-73 Tsuchiya and Suzuki BCSJA8-1971-44-901

+ M -> + M''' (vibrational energy transfer)

Basov, et al. SPTPA3-1970-15-126 (calculation) Bauer and Roesler CSSPAD-1966-20-245 Bauer and Schotter JC PS A6-1969-51-3261 Berend, et al. JCPSA6-1972-57-360 (calculation) Biryukov, et al. S FHJAR-1969-28-762 (calculation) Black sind Eckstrora XADRCH-1973-AD 757050 Brau, et al. JCPSA6-1970-52-4306 Bulthuis, K. JCPSA6-1975-5&-5786 Camac, M, XADRCH-1973-AD 762316 (calculation) Cook and McNeal JCPSA6-1972-56-1388 Demin, et al. JTPLA2-1973-18-149 Fisher and Kummler JCPSA6-1968--49-1075 (calculation) Fisher and Kuniraler JC PS A6-1968-49-1 085 (calculation) Gordiets, et al, SPHJAR-1968-26-1039 (calculation) Gower and Carswell APP LAB-1972-2 1-556 Grin', et al. JTPLA2-1973-18-155 Hooker and Millikan JCPS A6-1963-38-2 14 Horn and Oettinger J C PS A6-1971-54-3040 Huetz-Aubert and Tripodi JCPSA6-1972-55-5724 (calculation) Kamiraoto and Matsui AIAJAH-1969-7-2358 Konyukhov, et al, JTPLA2-1969-10-53 Legay, et al, Cffl)BAN-1968-266-a55 Legay, et al, IEJQA7-1970-QE-6-181 Le^y-Soramaire and Legay JOPQAG-1964-25-917 Legay-Somraaire and Legay CJPHAD-1970-48-1966 MacDonald, J, R, DABBBA-1971-32-1 135 McKnight, W, B. JAPIAU-1969-40-2810 McLaren and Apple ton 27ZEAE-1971-a-27 McNeal, et al. JCPSA6-1972-&?-4752 Meolans and Zeitoun CHDBAN-1972-27 5-493 Oettinger and Horn XCCIAV-1970-AD 710607 Patel, C. K. N. APPLAB-1965-6-12 (mechanism) Patel, C. K, N. APPLAB-196&-7-15 (mechanism) Patel, C. K. N. BAPSA6-1965-10-72 (mechanism) Patel, C. K. N. JCPBAM-1967-64-82 (review) Patel, C, K, N, PRLTAO-1964-13-6 17 (mechanism) Piercy, J, E. JASMAN-1969-46-602 (review) Rapp, D, JCPSA6-1965-43-316 (calculation) Rapp and England er-Golden JCPSA6-1964-40-573 (calculation) Rapp and England er-Golden JCPSA6-1964-40-3120 (calculation) Roach and Smith JCPSA6-1969-50-4114 Rosser, et al, I EJQA7-1968-QE-^-336 Rushbrook, P, R, DABBBA-1970-31-1892 Sadowski, et al, JPCMAE-1972-1-23 Sato, et al, JCPSA6-1969-50-1911 Schaefer, W, ZAPHAX-1965-19-55 Taylor and Bitterman *AVEVZ-1967-282 (review) Taylor and Bitterman 23CHAG-1970-7-577 Taylor, et al, AVEVZ-1966-250 Teare, et al, NATUAS-1970-225-240 (calculation) Treanor, et al, JCPSA6-1968-48-1798 (calculation) Tsuchiya and Kuratani CBH4A0-1964-8-299 Vasil'ev, et al. HIECAP-1972-6-194 (review) Weber and Deutsch I EJQA7-1966-QE-2-369 18 )

Ng"^ + M -> + m''' (vibratioaal energy transfer) (continued)

White, D. R. JCPSA6-1968-49-5472 Williams, A, P. ASSLAD-1971-25-177 Zittel and Moore APPUB-1972-21-81

N^* + M -> + M (electronic transition)

Dreyer and Perner CHPLBC-1972-16-169 Dreyer and Perner JCPSA6-1973-58- 1195 Golde and Thrush PRLAAZ- 1972-330-79 Puf^nin, et al. IVUFAC-1972-15-49

N^* + M* -> + M** (electronic energy transfer)

Hays and Oskara JCPSA6-1973-59-1507 Hays, et al, CHPLBC-1 972-14-352 Jahca, Y. SUBPAA-1972-2-75

Ng** + M -> 1^* + M (electronic transition)

Axtmann and Sears JC PS A6-1966-44-3279 Axtmann and Sears NS ENAO-1965-23-299 Becker, et al, FDCSB7-1972-53-35 Brocklehurst, B. TFS OA4r-1964-60-2 151 Brown and Miller TFS0A4^1957-53-748 Calo, et al. RSIMK-1970-41-163 Dreyer and Perner CHPLBC-1972-16-169 Ghgsh, et al, IJPYAS-1970-44-162 Grun and Schopper ZENAAU-1954-9-134 Hartfuss and Schmillen ZENAAU-1968-23-722 Hirsh, et al, XADRCH-1966-AD 800398 Hollstein, et al, CJCHAG-1969-47-1858 Janca, J. SUPBAA-1972-2-75 Kimtall, L. J. XADRCH-i971-AD 741130 Kley, D. FDCSB7-1972-53-69 Peyron, et al, IEJQA7-1970-QE-6-179 Ravodina, et al, 0PSUA3-1973-34-243 Shemansky and Broadfoot JQSRAE-1971-1 1-1385 Yamashita, I, BUKKA1^1972-2-180

Ng** + M -> + (electronic-vibrational energy transfer)

Dreyer and Perner JCPSA6-1973-53-1195

N^** + M -> Ng* + M* (vibrational energy transfer)

Bruce, et al. JCPBAJI-1967-&i-36 (nechanisra) Kennealy, et al, JCPBAK-19&?-64-43 Krause, et al. JCPSA&-1972-46^593 Patel. C. K. N. JCPBAN-196'i' -64-82 (review)

^2* * % (electronic energy transfer) Hays and Oskam JCPSA6-1973-59-1507 Hays, et al, CHPLBC-1972-14-352 Janca, J, SUPBAA-1972-2--75

+ 0 -> N + NO

Bowman and Seery 26NPAE-1.971-123 Iverach, et al, SYMCAQ-1973-i4-767

Livesey, et al. CBS TB9-1 971-4-9 ( evaluat ion Quan, et al, SYMCAQ-19'.'3-14-851 (calculation) Shahed, S. M, DABBBA-1971-31-7320 StuTJOchenko. et al. APEGBA-1967-1 (review) 19 ) ) )) ) )

+ 0 -> + NO (continued)

Thompson, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-78r«' Vincenti and Kru.i^er B00KA7-1965 (review)

Gaedtke, et al, BBPCAX-1972-76-1101 (mechanisrn)

* 0 + M -> NgO + M

Lin and Bauer JC PSA6-1969-50-;5377 Schofield, K. JPGRBU-1973-2-25 (evaluation)

+ 0* + M -> NgO + M

Simonaitis, et al, JG REA2-197P.-/V-4248

+ O2 -> I«) + NO

Stupochenko, et al. APEGBA-ig67-l (review) Thompson, et. al. CBFHAO-1 972-19-69 Thompson, et al. SYMCA(^1973-14r-7a7 Vincenti and Kruger B00KA7-1965 (review)

\0 -> N2 + 0

Delos, J, B, JCPSA6-i973-b9-2365 (review) Fisher and Bauer JCPSA6-1972-57-1966 (calculat Ion Gehelein and Jortner TCHAAi>-1972-25~14o (calculation

Stearn and Eyring JC PSA6-1935-3-778 ( calcul a t i on Troe, J. BBPCAX-1f)68-72-903 (review) Verem'ev, et al. KIG.AA3-1972-13-24.3

NgO -> Np + 0*

Delos, .1. B. JC ?SAtr-1377'-'o9-?7,i',^ (r ev iew Stearn and Eyring JCPSA6-19;55-3-77a (calculation)

\0* -> Np + 0

Gaedtke, et al. BBPCAX-1972-76-1101 (mecli^wi Ism)

NpO* -> NpO + hv

DJeu, et al, I EJQ A7-1963-QE4r-338

Gueguen, et al. C HDBAN- 1(^70-270- 166B ( c al cul a t i on Lukasik, S. J, JASMAN- 1956-28-455 (calculation Margottln-Maclou, et al, APOPAI-1 97 1-10- 17r^^

NpO + hv -> Np + 0*

Greenberg and Heicklen IJCKBU-1972-4-417 Preston and Barr JCP5A6-19'r^l-54-3347 Ridley, et al, JC PS A6-1973-5fH3878 Simonaitis, et al, IJCK30-1972-4-497

NpO + M -> I/2N2 + NO + M (overall

Bes, et al, JCPBAN-1973-70-433 Bonnefois and Destriau BSCFAS-1970~2113 Destriau, M, BSCFAS~iy7l-2848 Halladay and Mrazek JCTLA5-1973-23-221

20 ))

N^O + M -> + 0 + M

Blair and Getzinger 27ZjCAE-1971-8-42 Borisov and Skachkov KICAA8-1972-13-34 Borisov, et al. KICAA8-1973-14-247 D'Amato, R. J. DA3BBA-19?l-;52-853 Dorthe and Destriau BSCFAS-1971-2406 Gilbert and Ross JCPSA6-1972-57-2299 (calculat ion LiT5kea, W. H. DABBBA-1971-32-2739 LiT)kea, et al. CBSTB9-1973-6-257 Navailles and Destriau BSGFAS-196a-2295 (mechanism) Scho field, K. JPCRBU-1973-2-25 (evaluation) Soloiikhin, R. I, ASACAW-1972-17-G33 Soloukhin, R. I. DKPCAG-1972-207-999 Soloukhin, R. I, SYMCAQ-1973-14-7^.' Thompson, et al. SYMCA(^-1973-14-7a7 Zaslonko, et al. 26J0AP-1971-3-G85

N^O + M* -> + 0 + M

Stedman, et al. JACSAT-1968-90-6356

N^O + M* -> + 0* + M

Simonaitis, et al, IJCKBC)-1972-4-497 Simonaitis and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-1-181

N^O + M -> N;, + i/20p + M (overall)

Bes, et al. JCPBAN-1973-70-433 Bonnefois and Destriau BSCFAS-1970-2113 Destriau, M. BSCFAS-1971-2iM8 Halladay and Mrazek JCTLA£r-19'?3-28-221 Rao and Path ZENA AU-1 9'?0-25-l 772 Verera'ev, et al. K I CAAa-1972-13-243

^2^^ + ~^ ^ (vibrational energy transfer)

Biryukov, et al, SPHJAR-1969-28-762 (calculation) Demin, et al. JTPLA2-1973-13-149 Grin', et al, JTPU2-1973-18-155 Gue^juen, et al. CHDBAN-1971-272- 1139 Patel, C. K. N. APPLAB-1965-6-12 (mechanism) Patel, C. K. N. BAPSA6-19d5-10-72 (mechanism) Roach and Smith JCPSA6-1969-50-41 14 Sharraa, R. D. PHRVAO-1969-177-102 (calculat ion Sharma, R. D. PLRAAN-1970-2-173 (calculation) Sharraa and Brau *AVEVZ-19f33-PiPT-303 (calculation

N^o* + M -> N^n + M (electronic relaxation)

Gaedtke, et al. BBPCAX-1972-76-liai (mechanism)

N2n* + M -> + H (rotational relaxation)

Andersen and Horni,^ MOPHAM-1959-2-49 Holmes, et al. ACUSAY-1960-10-155

NpO* + M -> NpO + M (trans la tional relaxation)

Kohler, M. ZEPYAA-1949-125-715 (calculation)

21 )) )

NgO* + M -> NgO + M (vibrational elaxation)

Bates, R. D, , Jr. DABBBA-1971-32-3275 Guet^en, et al, CHDBAiV1970-270-1668 (calculation Henderson and nonnelly JASMAN-1962-34-779 Holmes, et al. ACUSAY-1960-1(>-155 Kneser, H. 0, B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (review) Mar^ottin-Maclou, et al. APOPAI-1971-10-1768 Slobodskaya and Tkachenko OPSUA3-1969-26-105 Waraer, G. W. JASMAN-1938-9-30

N^o"^ + M -> NgO + M"'' (vibrational energy transfer)

Djeu, et al. I EJQA7-1968-QiiHt-33S Gue^^ien, et al. CHDBAN-1971-272-1139 Roach and Smith JCPSA6-1969-50-4114

\0 + NO -> + NOg

Borisov, et al. K I CAA»-1973-14-247

\0 + 0 -> + O2

Blair and GetziriJ^er 27ZEAE-1971-8-42 Borisov an J Skachkov KICAAa-1972-13-34

D'Amato, R. J. • DABBBA-1 971-32-853 ( mechan i sm Dorthe and Destriau BSGFAS-1971-2406 Lin and Bauer JCPSA6-1969-^0-3377 Lipkea, W. H. DABBBA-1971-32-2739 Lipkea, et al. CBSTB9-1973-6-257 Milks and Matula SYMCAQ-1973-14-83 Soloiikhin, R. I, DKPCAG-1972-207-999 (mechanism) Soloukhin, R. I, SYMCAQ-1973-14-77 Thompson, et al. S YMCAQ-1973-14-787

\0 + 0 -> N2 +

Dorthe, et al. CHDCAQ-1972-275-593 Dorthe and Destriau SYMCAQ-1973-14-343

+ 0* -> N2 + O2

Ghorraley, et al. JPCHAX-1973-77-1341 Greenberg and Heicklen IJCKBO-1972-4-417 Lissi and Hei<;klen JPCMAE-1972-1-39 Loucks and Cvetanovic JCPSA6- 1972-57-1682 Paraskevopoulos, et al, CJCHAG-1972-50-ia38 Simonaitis, et al, IJCKBO-1972-4-497 Siroonaitis and Heicklen IJCKBO-1973-5-231

\0 + 0 -> m + MO

Blair and Getzinger 27ZEAE-1971-8-42 Borisov and Skachkov KICAA8-1972-13-34

D'Amato, R, J, DABBBA-1971-32-853 ( mechani sm Dorthe and Destriau BSCFAS-1971-2406 Lipkea, W. H. DABBBA-1971-32-2739 LiDkea, et al. CBSTB9-1973-6-257 Milks and Matula SYMCAQ-1973-14^83 Navailles and Destriau BSCFAS-1968-2295 Simonaitis, et al. JP GHAX-197 1-75-3205 Soloukhin, R. I. DKPCAG-1972-207-999 (mechanism) Soloukhin, R, I, SYMCAQ-1973-14-77 22 NgO + 0» -> NO + NO

Boxall, et al. FDCSEP-1972-53-182 Ghormley, et al, JPCHAX-1973-77-1341 Greenberp and Heicklen IJCKB0-1972-^-4:17 Lissi and Heicklen JPCMAE-1972-1-39 Loucks and Cvetanovic JCPSA6-1972-57-1682 Nicolet and Peeterraans AGEPA7-1972-28-751 (review) Paraskevopoulos, et al, CJC HAG-1 972-50-1838 Simonaitis, et al, IJCKBO-1972-4-497 Simonaitis and Heicklen IJCKBO-1973-5-231

N2O2 -> N2 + O2

Krezenski» et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-11

N2O2 -> N2O + 0

Krezenski, et al, JPCMAE-1972-1-11

+ NO -> N2 + NO + O2

Krezenski, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1^11

\02 + NO -> N2O + NO2

Krezenski, et al. JPCMA]S-1972-1-11

^203 + N2O5 -> 4NO2

Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1971-8-259 (mechanism)

N2O4 + M -> NO2 + NO2 + M (at low and hi^ pressure)

Bauer and Kneser PICABU-1961-3-518 Kneser, H, 0. B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (review) Richards and Re id JACSAT-1932-54-3014 Schofield, K, JPCRBU-1973-2-25 (evaluation) Sessler, G, PICABU-1961-3-522 (review)

N2O5 + M -> NO2 + NO3 + M

Dutton, Mo L. DABBBA-1972-32-6324

N2O5 + N2O5 -> 4NO2 + O2 (overall)

Dutton, M. L. DABBBA-1972-32-6324 Dutton, et al. JPCHAX-1972-76-2614

NO* -> NO + hv

Campbell and Neal FDCSB7-1972-53-72 Campbell, et al, CHPLBC-1971-8-612 Campbell and Thrush JQSRAB-1968-8-1571 Dondes, et al. XADRC}f-1972-C00-3461-l Jeunehomme, M. L. XCCIAV-1967-AD 812578 Mandelman, et al. JCPSA6-1973-58-84 Weinstock, et al, JCPSA6-1972-56-3456

N0»* -> NO* + hv

Groth, et al. JQSRAE-1971-11-1475

23 1

NO + hv -> N + 0

Cieslik and Nicolet PLSSAE-1973-2 1-925 (review)

NO + hv -> NO*

Krezenski, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-11

NO + M->N + 0+ M

Myerson, A, L. SYMCAQ-1973-14-219 Soloukhin, R. I» 23CHAG-1970-7-663 (review) Stupochenko, et al. APEGBA-1967-1 (review) Vincent i and Kru^er B00KA7-1965 (review) Vinokurov, et al, KRSFAU-1971-8 NO+M->N+0*+M

Lawrence, G, M. PLRAAN-1970-2-397 Mentall and Morgan JCPSA6-1972-56-227 Stone and Zipf JCPSA6-1S72-56-2870

NO + M->N» + 0+ M

Mentall and Morgan JC PSA6-1972-56-227 Stone and Zitjf JCPSA6-1972-56-2870

NO + M* -> NO* + M (electronic energy transfer)

Karl, et al. JCPSA6-1967-46-244 Melton, L, A. DABBBA-1972-32-6332 Melton and Klemjerer JCPSA6-1973-59-1099 Siraonaitis and Heicklen JPCMAE-igrfS-l-lSl Slanger and Black JCPSA6-1971-55-2164 Taylor and Setser JCPSA6-1973-5&-4840 Wauchop and Broida JCPSA6-1972-56-330 Young and Van Volkenburgh JCPSA6-1971-55-2990

NO + M* -> NO^ + M (electronic-vibrational energy transfer)

Karl, et al. JCPSA6-1967-46-244 Ogryzlo and Thrush CHPLBC-ig73-23-34

NO + M^ -> N0=^ + M (vibrational energy transfer)

Berendj et al. JCPSA6-1972-57-3601 (calculation) Green and Hancock JCPSA&-1973-59-4326 Horn and Oettinger JCPSA6-1971-54-3040 Rapp, D. JCPSA6-1965-43-316 (calculation) Rushbrook, P. R. DABBBA-1970-31-1892 Taylor, et al. *AVEVZ-1966-250 Vasil'ev, et al. HIECAP-1972-6-194 (review)

.NO* + M -> NO + M (electronic relaxation)

Basco and Norrish PRLAAZ-1962-268-291 (mechanism) Campbell and Neal FDCSK'-1972-5^2 Campbell and Thrush JQSRA]!hl968-8-1571 Johnson and Fontijn CHPLBC-1973-23-252 Krezenski, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-11 Melton, L. A. DABBBA-1972-32-6332 Melton and Kleraperer JCPSA6-1973-59-1099 Melton and Klemperer PLSSAE-1972-20-157 Simonaitis and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-1-181 Stezhenskii, A. I. TEXCAK-1968-4-448 (review) 2k NO* + M -> NO + M (rotational relaxation)

Bass and Hill JCPSA6-1973-5a-5179 Kneser, H. 0. B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (review)

NO^ + M -> NO + M (vibrational relaxation)

Amme, et al. JCPSA6-197^58-4707 Andreev, et al. CHPLBC-1973-18-567 (calculation) Bass and Hill JCPSA6-1973-58-5179 Boxall and Simons PRUAZ-1972-32ar-515 Calvert and Amrae JCPSA6-1966-45-4710 (calculation Moore, C. B. B00KA7-1967-133 (review) Sato, et al. JCPSA6- 1969-50- 19 11 Stephenson, J. C. JCPSA6-1973-59-1523 Taylor, et al. *AVEVZ-1966-250 Vincent i and Kruf^er B0aKA7-1965 (review) Zembekov and Umanskii HIECAP-1973-7-184 (calculation)

NO* + M -> NO + M ( trans lational relaxation)

Kohler, M. ZEPYAA-1949-12&-715 (calculation

NO* + M -> NO + M* (electronic energy transfer)

Melton, L. A. DA BBBA-1972-32-6332 Melton and Klemperer JCPSA6-1973-59-1099

NO^ + M -> NO + M")" (vibrational energy transfer)

Berend, et al. JCPSA6-1972-57-3601 (calculation Karl, et al. JCPSA6- 1967-46-244 Moore, C. B. B00KA7-1967-133 (review) RatDp, D. JCPSA6-1965-43-316 (calculation) Sato, et al. JCPSA6-1969-50-1911 Steiiienson, J. C. JCPSA6-1973-59-1523 Taylor, et al. *AVEVZ-1966-250

NO** + M -> NO* + M (electronic transition)

CamTJbell and Neal FDCSB7-19'?2-53-72 Krezenski, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-11

NO^"^ + M -> NO''' + M''' (vibration-vibration resonant exchange)

Basco and Norrish PRUAZ-1962-26a-291 (mechanism) Lin, M. C. 26WVA9-1973-2-487

NO + NO -> + O2 (overall)

Bes, et al. JCPBAK-l973-70-433 StuTOChenko, et al. APEGBA-1967-1 (review)

NO + NO* -> N^ + 0^

Krezenski, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-11 Mandelraan, et al. JCPSA6-1973-58-84

NO + NO -> Npf) + 0 (first step in overall decomposition)

Lin and Bauer JCPSA6-1969-50-3377 Myers on, A. L. SYMCAQ-1973-14-219

25 ) )

NO + NO* -> NgO + 0

Krezenski, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-11

N0+ + N0+ -> NO + (vibrational energy transfer)

Stephenson, J. C. JC PS A6-1975-59-1523

NO + NO + Og -> NO2 + NO2

England, C. DABBBA-1971-31-6585

Johnston, H. *M I S CZ-1970-4-TF7/S3 ( r ev i ew Lanrendeau, N. M. *MISCZ-1972 Stedraan, et al. JPCAAC-1972-22-260 Stedraan and Niki ESTHAG-1973-7-735 Stedraan and Niki JPCHAX-1973-7;'-2604

NO + NO,^ _> NO2 + NO2

Harker and Johnston JPCHAX-1973-7i'-l 153

NO + 0 -> N + O2

Ouan, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-851 Vincenti and Kruger B00KA7-1965 (review)

NO + 0 -> NOg*

Becker, et al. ASSLAD-1971- 25-261 Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1970- 6-583 Becker and Thran BBPCAX-1972- 76-1111 Cody, R. J. DABBBA-1972- 33-1068 Ghosh, et al. AGEPA7-1970- 26-53 Groth, et al. NATWAY-1972- 59-379 Navailles and Destriau BSCFAS-196a- 2295

NO + 0 -> + hv

Becker and Thran BBPCAX-1972-76-1111 Becker, et al, BBPCAX-1971-75-1137 Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1972-15-215 Becker, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-353 Cody, R. J. DABBBA-1 972-33-1 068 Fontijn and Lee JU SAAH-1972-62-1095 Golde, et al. JC PS A5-1973-.59-3953

Kaufman , F. 26WVA9-1973-2-83 (review)

NO + 0 + M -> NO2 + M

D'Amato, R. J. DABBBA-1971-32-a53 (mechanism) Gaedtke, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-295 Harker and Johnston JPCHAX-1973-7^,'-l 153 Lin and Bauer J CPSA6-1969-50-3377 Wagner, H. Gg, 27ZEAE-1971-8-4 (review)

NO + 0 + M -> NO2* + M

Becker, et al. ASSLAIH1971-25-261 Becker, et al, BBPCAX-1971-75-1 137 Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1970-6-583 Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1972-15-215 Becker and Thraji BBPCAX-1972-76-1111 Groth, et al. NATWAy-1972-59-379 Kaufman, F." 26WVA9-1973-2-83 (rev lew 26 ))

NO + 0 + M -> NOg* + M (continued) Slanger, et al. IJCKBO-1973-5-615 Williams, D. J. AJCHAS-197J-26-1837

NO + 0 + M -> NDg + M + hv

Becker, et al, ASSLAD-1971-25-261 Becker, et al, BBPC AX-1971-75-1 137 • Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1972-l.'r-215 Becker, et al. SYiMCAQ-1973-14-353 Becker and Thran BBPCAX-1972-76-1111 Golde, et al. JC PS A6-1973-59-3953

Kaufman, F. 26WVA9-1973-2-83 { re vi ew Slan/^er, et al. IJCKB0-1973-&-615

NO + Og -> + 0

Lin and Bauer JCPSA6-1969-50-3377

NO + 0^ -> NO2 + O2

Bemand, et al. JCFTBS-1974-70-564 Ghormley, et al. JPCHAX-1975-77-1341 Johnston, H. *MISCZ-1970-4-TF7/S3 (review) Stedman and Ntki ESTHAG-1973-7-735 Stedman and Niki JPCHAX-1973-77-2604

NO + 0^ -> NO2 + Og*

Gauthier and Snelling CHPLBC-1975-20~17a

NO + 0,^ -> NOj,* + O2

Ackerman, M, ARBSAA- 1967-55-1311 Kuryio, et al. JPCMAE-1974 (in press) NO + 0^ -> NO2 + O2 + hv

Stedman, et al. JPCAAC-1972-22-260

NO + 0^* -> NO^* + O2

Gordon and Lin CHP LBC-1973-22-262 Gordon and Lin ACSPJ^L-1973-166-PHyS-l22 Kurylo, et al. JPGMAE-1974 (in press) NO2 -> NO + 0

Troe, J. BBPCAX-196B-72-908 (review)

NO2* -> NO2 + hv

Ackerman, M. ARBSAA-1967-53-1311 Becker, et al. BBPCAX-1971-75-1 137 Becker, et al, CHPLBC-1972-15-215 Becker and Thran BBPCAX-1972-76-1 111 Braslavsky and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-1-203 Cody, R. J. MBBBA-1972-33-1 068 Gangi and Burnelle JCPSA6-1971-5&-()43 (calculation) Gangi and Burnelle JCPSA6-1971-55-851 (calculation) Ghosh, et al. AGEPA7-1970-26-53 Heil, 0. ZEPYAA-1932-'r?-563

Kaufman, F, a6WVA9-1973-2-a3 ( re vi ew Kerapter, et al, CHPLBC-1972-16-310 LeBreton, et al. JC PSA6-197 1-55-2940 LeBreton, et al. 25QHAW-1971-7-291 Lee and Uselman FDCSB7 -1972-53-125

27 1

NOg* -> + hv {continued) Navailles and Destriau BSCFAS-1968-2295 Sackett and Yardley JCPSA6-1972-57-152 Sakurai and Broida JCPSA6-1969-50-2404 Solarz, et al. JC PS A6-1973-58-5172

+ hv -> NO + 0

Gaedtke, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-295 Gaedtke, et al. CHPLBC-1972-16-177 Gaedtke and Troe BBPCAX-1973-7?-24 (calculation) Gerstnayr, et al. JPCHAX- 1972-76-474 Harker and Johnston JPCHAX- 1973-77-1 153 Holmes, et al. ESTHAG-1973-7~519 Stedman and lliki ESTHAG-1973-7-735

Nn^ + hv -> + 0

Basco and Morse PRLAAZ-1973-334-553 (mechanism)

m2 + hv -> NO2*

Braslavsky and Heicklen JPCMAE-197;';-l-203 Frankiewicz and Berry JCPSA6-1973-58-17a7 Gerstraayr, et al. JPCHAX-1972-76-474 Solarz, et al. JCPSA6-1973-58-5172

NO2 + M -> + 0 + M

Gaedtke and Troe BBPCAX-1973-^-24 (calculation) Warner, H. G.^^, 27 ZEAE-197 1-8-4 (review)

+ H -> 1^2* + (electronic excitation)

LeBreton, et al. JCPSA6-1971-55-2940

NO2 + M''" -> ^^^^2^ (vibrational energy transfer)

Steishenson, et al. JCPSA6-1968-43-4790

NOg* + M -> 1^2 + M (electronic relaxation)

Becker, et al. CHP LBG-1972-15-2 15 Becker and T}\ran BBP C AX-1972-76-1 11 Braslavsky and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-1-203 Cod:', R. J. DABBBA-1972-33-1068 Frankiewicz and Berry ESTHAG-1972-6-365 Fraiikiewic/ and Berry JCPSA6- 1973-5(3-1787 Kaufman, F. 26WVA9 -1973-83 (review) LeBreton, et al, 25QHAW- 1971-7-291 Sakurai and Broida JCPSA6-1969-50-2404 Solarz, et al. JCPSA6-1973-58-5172 Williams, D. J. AJCHAS-1973-26-1837

N02^ + M -> 11)2 + M (vibrational relaxation)

Cody, R. J. DABBBA-1972-33-1068

NO2* + M -> VD^^ + M* (electronic ener,?;y transfer)

Frankiewicz and Berry ESTHAG-1972-6-365 Frankiewicz and Berry JC PSA6-1973-58-1787 Gauthier and Snelling CHPLBC-1973-20-178 Ghosh, et al. AGEPA7-1970-26-53 Jones and Bayes CHPLBC-1971-1 1-163 Jones and Bayes JCPS A6-1973-59-3119 28

I ) ))

NO^* + M -> NO^ + (vibrational energy transfer)

Basco and Morse PRLAAZ-1973-334-553 (mechani sra

NO^ + -> 10 + NO + 0^

Laurendeau, N. M, *MISCZ-1972

+ + M -> N^o^ + M

Schofield. K. JPCRBU-1973-2-25 (evaluation)' Sessler, G, PICABU-1961-3-522 (review)

NO^ + NO 3 -> NO + NO2 + O2

Berces and Forgeteg TFSOA4f-1970-G6-640

NO2 + NO3 + M -> N2O5 + M

Johnston, H. *MISCZ-1970-4r-TF7/S3 (review) Wu, et al, JPCHAX-1973-77-2507

NO 2 + 0 -> If) + O2

Bemand, et al. JCFi'Bb-iy74-70-564 Black, G. XADRCH-1973-AD 762201 Breckenridge and Miller J C PS A6-1972-56-475 Clyne and Cruse JCFrBS-1972-S3-128l Clyne and Cruse TFS0A4-1971-67-2869

D'Araato, R. J. DABBBA-1971-32-053 ( mechani sra Davis, et al. JCPSA6-19'?3-5a-530 Gerstmayr, et al, JPCHAX-1972-76-474 Barker and Johnston JPCHAX-1973-77-1 153 Slanger, et al, IJCKBO-1973-5-615 Stedman and Niki ESTHAG-1973-7-735 Stedman and Niki JPCHAX-1973-77-2604

NO2 + 0 -> ID + 02*

Basco and Morse PRLAAZ-1973-334-553 (mechan i sra

NO,2 + 0 + M -> NO3 + M

Gaedtke, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-14-295 Barker and Johnston JPCHAX-1973-77-1153 Stedman and Niki ESTHAG-1973-7-Z55

NO 2 + O3 -> NO3 + O2

Ghorraley, et al, JPCHAX-1973-77-i341 Johnston, H, »M I S CZ-1970-4-TF7/S3 (review) Stedman and Niki ESTHAG-1973-7-735 Wu, et al. JPCHAX-1973-77-2507

Part I, Reviews

Bortner, M, H. e00KA7-1963-172 (atmospheric reactions) Bortner, M, H, XADRCH-1963-AD 417113 (atmospheric reactions)

29 t

Part I. Reviews (continued) Brasseur and Nicole PLSSAE-1973r-2 1-939 (chemospheric reactions) Campbell and Baulch 26BlA]>-1972-9-46 (atomic N reaction) Carrington, T. 26WVA9-1973-2-7 (chemiiuminescent reaction^) Duthler and Broida 26WVA9-1973r-2-101 (N^ afterglow) Fisher and Smith APOPAI-1971-1O-1803 quenching)

Fontijn, et al, 26WVA9-1973-2-393 (chemiiuminescent reactions) Gilbert and Thomas CCHKAZ-1972-6-139 (nitrogen oxides) Johnston, H. •MISCZ-1970-4-TF7/S3 (M), NO^ atmospheric reactions) Kaufman, F. 26WVA9-1973-2-83 (NO^ airglow)

Kneser, H. 0. B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (Ng, NgO, NO relaxation) Millikan, R. C. CSSPAD-1966-20-219 (N^ relaxation)

Moore, C, B, B00KA7-19e?-133 (N^ energy transfer) Nicolet and Peetermans AGEPA7-1972-28-751 (N q reaction in atmosphere) Reston and Cvetsinovic CCHKAZ-1972-4-47 (decomposition of nitrogen oxides)

Schofield, K. JPCRBU-1973^3-25 (N^o and NgO^ formation and decompositioi

Soloukhin, R. I, 23CHAG-1970-7-663 (N^, NO in shock tube)

Stupochenko, et al. APEGBA-1967-1 (N^, NO in shock waves) Taylor and Bitterman AVEVZ-1967-1 (I^ relaxation) Thrush and Golde 26WVA9-1973-2-73 (Ng afterglow) Troe, J. BBPCAX-1968-72-90B (JiO^, NgO)

Vincent i and Kruger B00KA7-1965 (N2, NO)

Wagner, H. G. 27ZEAE-1971-8-4 (N, N^, m, in shock waves) Zafonte, L. *MISCZ-1970-4-TP?/S2 (NO photoxidation in air)

Part II, Reactions Involving Only 0 Species

0*(1d) -> 0(3p) + hv

Hernandez, G. JGREA2-1972-77-3625 Hutchison, R, B. DABBBA-1971-31-3824 Lawrence, G, M, PLRAAN-1970-2-397 Sipler and Biondi JGREA2-1972-77-6202

0*(ls) -> 0(3?) + hv

Corney and Williams JPAMA4r-1972-5-686 Hutchison, R, B, DABBBA-1971-31-3824 Lawrence, G, M, PLRAAN-1970-2-397

0*(^Sq) _> o(3p) + hv

Hutchison, R, B. DABBBA-1971-31-3824 Lawrence, G, M. PLRAAN-1970-2-397 Lin, et al. JCPSA6-1970-53-3896 Muraraa and Zipf JCPSA6-1971-55-1661 Savage and Lawrence ASJOAB-1966-146-940

0*(^Sq) -> o(3p) + hv

Hutchison, R, B. DABBBA-1971-31-3824 Johnson, C, E. PLRAAN-1972-5-2688

0»*(lS) -> 0»(1d) + hv

Yamagishi, M. TDKKB7-1971-22-55

30 2

0(3p) + A -> [0 - A]

Bonanno, et al. JCPSA6-1972-57-1377 Boocock and Cvetanovic CJC HAG-1 96 1-39-2436 Mani and Sauer ADC SAJ-1968-^2-142

0»(1d) + a -> [0 - A]

Paraskevopoulos, et al, CJCHAG-1972-50-1838 Pravilov and Vile sot USP0A7-1971-4:1

0(3p) + M* -> 0*(lS) + M (electronic energy transfer)

Breldce, A, PLSSAE-1973-21-698 (mechanism) Henriksen, K, PLSSAE-1973-2 1-663

0*(lD) + M -> 0(3p) + M (electronic relaxation)

Black, G. XAimCH-1973-AD 762201 Black and Eckstrom XAT)RCH-1973-AD 757050 Castellano and Schumacher AAQAAih-1972-60-375 Clark Md Noxon JCPSA6-1972-57-1033 CI ere and Reiffsteck JCPSA6-1968-48-2799 Delos, J. B, JCPSA6-1973-59-2365 (review) Fisher and Bauer JCPSA6-1972-57-1966 (calculation) Fortin, et al. CJCHAG-1972-50-2747 Gaedtke, et al. SYMCA(^1973-14-295 Gaedtke, et al. BBPCAX-1972-76-1101 (mechanism) Ghormley, et al. JPCHAX-1973-77-1341 Giachardi and Wayne PRLAAZ-1972-330-131 Greenberg and Heicklen IJCKBO-1972-4-417 Heidner and Husain IJCKBO-1973-5-819 Heidner and Husain NPSCA6-1973-241-10 Heidner, et al. CHPLBC-1972-16-530 Heidner, et al. JCFTBS-1973-69-927 Hernandez, G. JGR£A2-1972-77-3625 Koroleva and Khvorostovskaya 0PSUA3-1972-33-344 Lissi and Heicklen JPCMAE-1972-1-39 Loucks and Cvetanovic JC PSA6-1972-57-1682 Peterson and Vanzandt PLSSAE-1969-17-1725 Pravilov, A. M. MISCZ-1972-165 Pravilov, et al. HIECAP-1971-5-265 Pravilov and Vilesov RJPCAR-1971^15^27, Pravilov and Vilesov USEDA7-1971-41 Simonaitis and Heicklen IJCKBO-1972-4-529 Simonaitis and Heicklen IJCKBO-1973-5-231 Simonaitis, et al. JGREA2-1972-77-4248 Sipler and Biondi EOSTAJ-1971-52-883 Sipler and Biondi JGREA2-1972-77-620 Snelling, D. R. CJCHAG-1974-52-257

0»(lS) M -> 0(3p) + M (electronic relaxation)

Atkinson and Welge JCPSA6-1972-57-3689 Atkinson and Welge JPCMAE-1973-1-341 Black, G. XADRCH-1973-AD 762201 Corney and Williams JPAMA4-1972-5-686 Felder and Young JCPSA6-1972-56-6028 Filseth, et al. JCPSA6-19'<'2-52-239 Koroleva and Khvorostovskaya 0PSUA3-1972-33-344 London, et al, JCPSA6-1971-54-4512 Paulson and She^diefd JATPA3-1965-27-331 Slanger, et al. CHPLBC-1972-17-401 )

0*(5s) + M -> 0(2p) + M (electronic relaxation)

Roth, et al. ZENAAU-1973-28-725

0*(1d) + M -> 0(2p) + M* (electronic energy transfer)

M* = 0^*{a\)

McCullou/^h and McGrath JPCMAE-1973-1-241

Giachardi and Wayne PRLAAZ-1972-330-131 Snelling, D. R. CJCHAG-1974^52-257 Wayne, R, P. FDCSB7-1972-53-172 (review)

0*(1d) + M -> 0(^P) + (electronic-vibrational energy transfer)

Black and Eckstrom XADRCH-1973-AD 757050 Collins and Husain JPCMAE-1973-1^1 Felder and Young JCPS A6-1972-57-572 Ghormley, et al. JP CHAX-1973-77-1341 McCullough and McGrath JPCMAE-1973-1-241

0*(ls) + M -> 0(3p) + M* (electronic energy transfer)

Black, G. XADRCH-1973-AD 762201

0»(lS) + M -> 0(3p) + M + hv

Cunningham, D. L. DABBBA-1973-33-3850

0*»(ls) + 0(2p) -> 0*(1d) + 0*(1d) (electronic energy transfer)

Olson, R. E, CHPLBC-1973-19-137

0 + 0 -> O2 + hv

Moses and Wu PHRVA0-1952-8r?-628 (mechanism)

0 + 0 + M->02 + M

Campbell and Gray CHPLBC-1973-18-607 Soloukhin, R. I. 23CHAG-1970-7-663 (review) Thrush, B. A. ASSUD-1971-25-231 (review) Wa^er, H. Gg, 27ZEAE-1971-8-4 (review)

0 + 0 + M->02 + M*

M* = Na*

Kaskan, et al. XCCIAV-1965-AD 470984

M» =

Ghosh, et al. IJPYAS-1970-44-162 (mechani sm

M» = o*(is)

Felder and Young JCPSA6-1972-56-602a

0 + 0 + M -> Og* + M

Kiefer, J. H. JCPSA6-1972-57-1938 (calculation) 32 0(3p) + 0»(lD) + M -> 02«(B^I^") + M

Dorthe and Destriau SYMCAQ-1973-14-5i3

0 + O2 -> 03*

Campbell and Baulch 26BMAD-1972-9-45 (review)

+ + M -> 0^ + M

Axworthy and Benson A])CSAJ-1959-2l-3a8 Ball and Lark in NPS CA6-ly73-245-63 Benson, S, W, ADC SAJ-195S>-2 (reviw-;) Benson and Axworthy ADC SAJ-1959-2 1-39B (review) Bevan and Johnson JCFrAR-1973-G9-922 Campbell and Baulch 26BdAD-1972-9-45 (review) Castellano and Schumacher AAQAAE-l 972-G0-375 Castellano and Schumacher CHPLBC-1972-13-625 Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFAX-1973-83-54: DeMore, W. B. JPCHAX-1972-76-3527 Filippov and Emel'yanov RJPCAR-1961-3&-196 Filippov and Emel'yanov RJPCAR-i962-36-89 Filippov and Kohozev RJPCAR-1961-3&-1021 Filippov and Vendillo RJPCAR-1961-35-303 Gaedtke, et al. SYMCAQ-1973-i4;-295 Huie, et al, JPCHAX-1972-76-2553 Kart)ov, et al. HIECAP-1971-5^31 Mearns and Morris CEPSAB-1971-67-37 Popovich, et al. RJP CAR-1971-45-1 23 Pravilov, et al. HIECAP-1971-5-349 Pravilov, et al. HI ECAP-iy?1-5-265 Pravilov and Vilesov RJPCAR-1971-45-727 Pravilov and Vilesov USP0A7-1971-41 Samoilovich and Filippov RJPCAR-1962-36-760 Samoilovich, et al. RJPCAR-1962-36-517 Snelling, D. R, CJCHAG-1974-52-257 Stedraan and Niki JP CHAX- 1973-77-2604 Tchen, H. RPHAAN-1972-7-205 Thrush. B. A. ASSUD-1971-25-231 (review)

0 + 0^ + M -> Og* + M

Bevan and Johnson JCFTAR-1973-69-216 Rosenberg and Trainor JC PS A6-ig73-59-2 142

0»(lD) + 0 (1a) -> 0(3p) + o(3p) + 0 3 (x%") Giachardi and Wayne PRUAZ-1972-330-131 McCullough and McGrath JPCMAE-1973-1-241 Snelling, D. R. CJC HAG-1974-52-257 Webster, H. A,, III DABBBA-1972-33-673 Webster and Bair JCPSA6-1972-57-3802 o*(is) + -> 0 + 0* + O2

London, et al. JCPSA6-19'?l-54-4512

0 ^ O3 -> O2 ^ O2

Axworthy and Benson ADCSAJ-1959-2 1-388 Balakhnin and Egorov K I CAA8-1972-1 3-255 Benson, S, W, ADC SAJ-1959-2 1-405 (review) Benson and Axworthy ADC SAJ-1959-2 1-398 (review) 33 0 + Og -> 0^ + O2 (continued)

Black and Eckstrora XADRCH-1975-AD 757050 (review) Castellano and Schumacher AAQAAE-1972-60-375 Castellano and Schumacher CHPLBC-ig72-13-625 Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFAX-1975-63-54 Davis, et al. CHPLBC-1973-22-273 Husain, et al, JPCMAE-1972-1-69 Johnston, H. *MISCZ-1970-4-'IF7/S3 (review) Jones, I. T, N. ASSUD-1971-25-253 Ponovich, et al, RJP CAR-1971-45-123 Samoilovich and Filippov RJPCAR-1962-36-760 Snelling, D, R, CJCHAG-1974^52-257 Wayne, R. P. ASSLAD-1971-25-240 (review) Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7H1972-53-172 (review)

(vibrational chemiexcitation)

Karpov, et al. HIECAP-1971-5-431

0«(lD) + 0„(1a) -> 0^(1%-) + 0 (x%-)

Davenport, et al. FDCSB7-1972-53-230 Giachardi and Wayne PRLAAZ-1972-33(>- 131 Jones, I, T, N, ASSLAD-1971-25-253 Lissi and Heicklen JPCMAE-1972-1-39 Snellin^, D, R, CJCHAG-1974^52-257 Wayne, R, P. FDCSB7-1972-53-172 Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7-1972-53-230 (calculation) Wayne, R, P, FDCSB7-1972-53-231 (review)

0»(lD) + 0 (1a) -> 0 ~) + 0 * (vibrational, or electronic) '3^ ' "2^"(x^ (?) Castellano and Schumacher AAQAAE-1972-60-375 Davenport, et al, FDCSB7-1972-53-230 Lissi and Heicklen JPCMAE-1972-1-39 McCullouf^h and McGrath JPCMAE-1973-1-241 Wayne, R. P, ASSU]>-1971-25-240 (review) Wayne, R, P, FDCSB/-1972-53-231 (review) Wayne, R. P, FDCSB7-1972-53-172 (review) o*(iD) + o„(1a) -> 0 +(x3y V > 0) + 0 +(x3y V > 0) 3

Webster, H, A., Ill DABBBA-1972-33-673 Webster and Bair JCPS A6-1972-57-3802

0*(lS) + -> 02 + O2

London, et al, JC PS A6-1971-54-4512

0(3p) + >c=C< -> products

Davis, et al, JCPSA6-1973-59-628

-> 0 + 0

Troe, J, BBPCAX-1968-72-908 (review) Troe, J, NATWAY-1969-56-553 (calculation)

02*(a\) -> 02(X%-)

Krasovskii, V, I, UENAAG-1954-54-469 (review)

02*(alAg) -> O^ilfPi:.-) + hv

Crutzen. et al. JGREA2-1971-76-1490 (review) 3^ 1 )

02*(t)%+) -> 02(X%") + hv

Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1971-8-259

Dorthe and Destriau SYMCAQ-1973-14-343 Dorthe, et al, CHDCAQ-1972-275-593

Dorthe and Destriau SYMCAQ-1973-14-343 Dorthe, et al, CHDCAQ-1972-275-593

0^*{a.\) + A -> CO2 - A]

Ackerraan, et al, CHPLBC-1972-12-526 EVirukawa, K, DABBBA-1 972-32-571 Hollinden and Timmons JACSA'P-1970-92-4181

O2 + hv -> 0 + 0*(1d)

Pravilov, et al, HIECAP-1971-5-349 Pravilov and Vilesov RJPCAR-1971H:5-727

O2 + hv -> 0 + 0»(lS)

Ridley, et al, JCPSA6-1973-58-3878

02+M->0+0 + M

Bell and Kwong IECFA7-1973-12-90 (calculation) Benson, S, W, ADC SAJ-1959-2 1-405 (review) Filippov and Vendillo RJPC AR-1962-36-1 069 Hanson, R, K, DABBBA-1969-29-2400 Kuksenko and Losev TEXCAK-1969-5-305 (calculation) Kuksenko and Losev TEXCAK-1969-5-309 (calculation) Mearns and Morris CEPSAB-1971-67-37 Samoilovich and Filippov RJPCAR-1962-36-760 Soloiikhin, R, I, 23CHAG-1970-7-663 (review) Stupochenko, et al, APEGBA-1 967-1 (review) Treanor and Marrone BOOKA7-1963-160 (calculation) Treanor and Marrone PFLDA&-1962-5-1022 (calculation) Vincent i and Kruger B00KA7-1965 (review) Wagner, H, Gg, 27ZEAE-1971-8-4 (review)

02 + M*->0 + 0 + M

(filippov and Vendillo RJPCAR-1962-36-1069 Popovich, et al, RJPCAR-1971-45-123 Simonaitis and Heicklen JPCMAE-1973-1-181 Stedman, et al. JACSAT-1968-90-6856

+ M -> 0(3p) + o*(1d) +

Lawrence, G, M, PLRAAN-1970-2-397

02»(A^/) + M -> 0(^P) + 0(3p) +

Bell and Kwong AICEAC-1972- 18-990 Bell and Kwong I ECFA7-1973-12-90 (calculat ion

35 0?(X^ ") + M -> 0(''5p) + 0»(5S) + M

Borst and Zipf PLRAAN-197 1-4-153 Mumma and ZiT)f JCPSA6-1971-55-1661 Yaraa^ishi, M. TDKKIf?-1971-22-65

+ M» -> 0»(^D) + 0»*(lS) + M

Yama^ishi, M. TDKKFi'-igVl-EZ-SS

0^*{B^^) + M -> 0(3P) + 0*(1d) + M

Bell and Kwong AICEAC-1972-i8-990

0^+ + M -> 0 + 0 + M (vibrational dissociation)

Camac and Petty BAPSA6-1958-3-286 Treanor and Marrone BOOKA7-1963-160 (calculation)

02(x^^~) + M -> 02»(alA^) + M (electronic excitation)

Huffman, et al. JCPSA6-1.969-50-4594: Julienne and Krauss JNBAAH-1972-76-661 (calculation) Konishi, et al. JUPSAU-1 970-29-526 Schulz and Dowell PHRVAO-1 962-128-174 Trajmar, et al. PRVAAH-1971-4-1482 Wong, et al. PRLTA&-1973-31-9G9

02(X'^^~) + M -> 02»(b^I'p.'^) + M (electronic excitation)

Konishi, et al. JUPSAU-1970-23-526 Me eke and Bauraann ZEPYAA-1932-73-139 Schulz and Dowell PHRVAO-1962-128-174 Trajmar, et al. PRVAAH-1971-4-1482 Won^;, et al. PHLTA0-i973-31-gS9

02(X"^^~) + M -> 02«(A'^'*") + M (electronic excitation)

Bell and Kwong AICEAC-19'.'2-13-99n Konishi, et al. JUPSAU-1970-29-526

02(X'^f,~^ + M -> 02»(B"^^") + M (electronic excitation)

Bell and Kwong Al 0^0-1972-18-990

0^ + M -> 0^^ + M (vibrational excitation)

Kuksenko, et al. SPHDA9-1966-H-,546 (calculation) Kuksenko and Losev TEXCAK-1969-5-305 (calculation) Schulz and Dowell PHRVAO-1962-128-174

") + M* -> 0 (electronic energy transfer) 0_(x^. (a^ ) + M

M» = I*(52p^/2)

Derwent and Thrush FDCSB7-1972-53-152

M* = N»(2d)

McCullough and McGrath JPCMAB-1973-1-241

M* = N02«

Frankiewicz and Berry ESTHAG- 1972-6-365 Fraakiewicz and Berry JCPSA6-1973-58-1787 Jones and Bayes CHPLBC-1971-1 1-163 Jones and Bayes JCPSA6-1973-59-oll9 36 651 ) )

Gauthier and Snelling CHPLBC-1973-20-178 Jones and Bayes JCPSA6-1972-57-1003

H* = S02»»(^^)

Davidson, et al. JPCMAE-1973-1-307

02(X^r^~) + M» -> O^^ih^YJ") + M (electronic energy transfer)

Frankiewicz and Berry JCPSA6-1973-58-17ar7

M» = 0*(1d)

Ghormley, et al. JPCHAX-1973-77-1341 Giachardi and Wayne PRLAAZ-1972-330-131 Snellin;^, D. R. CJCHAG-1974-52-257 Wayne, R, P. FDCS 67-1972-53-172 (review)

M* = S02»«(3b^;

Davidson, et al. JPCMAE-1973-1-307

02(X'^g. ) + M* -> 0^^{1^ ~, V > 0) + M (electronic-vibrational energy transfer)

M* = 0*(1d)

Ghormley, et al. JPCHAX-1973-77-1341 McCullough and McGrath JPCMAE-1973-1-241

0^ + -> O^"^ + M (vibrational energy transfer)

Bauer and Roesler C SSPAD-1966-29-245 Berend, et al. JCPSA6-1972-&7-360 (calculation) Fisher and Kuramler J C PS A6-1968-49-1 07 (calculation) Fisher and Kummler JCPSA6-1968-49-1085 (calculation) Green and Hancock JCPS A6-1973-59-4326 Kamimoto and Matsui AIAJAH- 1969-7-2358 Moore, C. B. BOOKA7-1967-133 ( r ev i ew Rapp, D. JCPSA6-1965-43-316 (calculation) Taylor, et al. *AVEVZ-1966-250 Vasil'ev, et al. HIECAP-1972-6-194 (review) White, D. R. JCPSA6-1968-49-5472 Williams, A. P. ASSUD-1971-25-177

0 »(a^A ) + M -> Op(X^Zp.~) + M (electronic relaxation)

Ackerman, R. A. DABBBA-1972-32-ffi41 Ackerman, et al. ACSRAL-1971-162-PETR-24 Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1971-8-259 Breen, J. E., Jr. DABBBA-1972-33-147 Collins, et al. JCFT BS-1973-69-145 Crutzen, et al. JGREA2-1971-76-1490 (review) Davidson and Ogryzlo 26WVA9-197^2-111 (revi ew Frankiewicz and Berry ESTHAG-1972-6-36b Furvikawa, K. DABBBA-1972-32-5711 Purukawa and Ogryzlo ACSRAL-1971-162-PETR-25 Purukawa and Ogryzlo JPCMAE-1972-1-163 Groth, et al, NATWAY-1972-59-379 Herron and Huie ACSRAL-1971-162-PETR-23 Jones and Bayes JCPSA6-1973-59-31 19 37 *(alAg) + M -> O^iX^Y.p-) + M (electronic relaxation) (continued)

Parker and Ritke JCPSA6-1973-59-3713 Wayne, R. P. ASSLAD-1971-25-240 (review)

+ M -> 02(X^I^-) + H (electronic relaxation)

Becker, et al, CHPLBC-1971-8-259 Davidson, J. A, DABBBA-1972-32-6946 Davidson, et al, JPCMAE-1973-1-307 Groth, et al. MTWAY-1972-59-379 Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7-1972-53-232 (review)

* + M -> Op + M (rotational relaxation)

Andersen and Hornig MOPHAM-1959-2-49 Kneser, H. 0. B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (review) Kohler, M. ZEPYAA-1949-125-715 (calculation)

* + M -> Op + M ( trans lational relaxation)

Kohler, M. ZEPYAA-1949-125-715

+ M -> 0 + M (vibrational relaxation)

Basco and Morse PRLAAZ-1973-334-553 (mechanism) Bauer and Roesler CSSPAD-1966-20-245 Breen, et al. JCPSA6-1973-59-556 Breig, E. L. JCPSA6-1969-51-4539 (calculation) Calvert and Amme JCPSA6-1966-45-4710 (calculation) Camac and Petty BAPSA6-1958-3-286 Cleaver and Crow JCPSA6-1973-59-1592 Collins and Husain JPCMAE-1973-1-481 Dixon and Greenwood PRLAAZ- 1924-105-1 99 Dogva., S. K. DAEBBA-1971-31-6531 Eckstron, D, J. JC PS A6-1973-59-27ar7 Evans and Winter JASMAN-1969-45-515 Generalov and Losev SPHDA9-1963-8-60 Hanson, H. K. DABBBA-1969-29-2400 Henderson, M. C. PICABU-1962-4-J25 Herzi^eld, K. F. JCPSA6-1967-47-743 (calculation) Herzfeld, K. F. PI CABU-1961-3-504 (calculation) Hodge, A. H. JGPSA6-1937-5-974 Karaimoto and Matsui Al AJAH-1969-7-2358 Kaye and Sherratt PRLAAZ-1933-141-123 Kiefer and Lutz PFLDAS-1965-8-1393 Kneser, H. 0. B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (review) Kneser, H. 0. PHZFAG-1934-35-983 Kovacs and Mack APPUB-1972-20-4a7 Kuksenko and Losev HITEA4-1968-6-759 (calculation) Kuksenko and Losev TEXCAK-1969-5-309 (calculation) Lawley, L. E. PPSBAP-1952-G5-181 Lutz and Kiefer PFLDAS-1966-9-1638 May, J. PPSOAU-1938-50-553 Millikan, R. C. CSSPAD-1966-20-219 (review) Parker and Ritke JASMAN-1972-51-169 Parker and Ritke JASMAN-1972-52-1380 Parker and Ritke JCPSA6-1972-56-4S34 Parker and Ritke JC PSA6-1973-58-014 Parker and Ritke JCPSA6-1973-59-3713 Piercy, J. E. JASMAN-1969-46-602 (review) Pohlraann, W, PICABU-1961-3-532 Pumper, E. J. PHZSAL-1935-8-300 Roesler, H. ACUSAY-1966-17-73 Sherratt and Awbery PPSOAU-1931-43-242 Shields and Lee JCPSA6-1964-40-737 38 ) ) )

O^* + M -> + M (vibrational relaxation) (continued)

Shin, H. K. JCPS At7-1972-57-1363 ( r ev i ew Shuler, K, E, JPCHAX-1957-61-84:9 (calculation) Soloukhin, R. I, 23CHAG-1970-7-683 (review) Stupochenko, et al, APEGBA-1967-1 (review) Thompson, S. L. JCPSA6-1968-49-3400 (calculation) Treanor and Marrone BOOKA7-1^«3-160 (calGulat ion Treanor and Marrone PFLDAS-19ffi-5-1022 (calculat ion Vance, C, B, PHRVAO-1932-39-737 Van Itterbeek and Zink ASRAA9-1958-^-375 Vincent i and Kruger B00K.A7-1.965 (review) Warner, G, W. JASMAN-193S-9-30 Webster and Bair J CPS A6-1972-56-6 1 04

Webster and Bair JCPSA6-1972-57-3802 ^ Weston and Campbell PPSRAI^19.'53-66-'769 White, D. R, JCPSA6-1968-i9-e472

i'^* transfer) 0_«(a^A ) + M -> 0 (x^Z;,") + (electronic energy

M« = I*(.52p^/2)

Derwent and Thrusli FDCSB7-1972-53-162 M* = 02»(alA^)

Jones and Bayes JCPSA6-1972-97-1003

M» = S0«(1a

Breckenridge and Miller JCPSA6-1972-56-465

~) 0^*(a^A ) + M -> 0 (x^ + (electronic-vibrational energy transfer)

M+ = N0=*=(x2n V = 4) r*. Ogryzlo and Thrush CHPLBC-1973-23-34

M+ = O^+CX^X:^-. V = 5) .

Parker and Ritke JCPSA6-1973-59-3713

•) ~) 0_»(b^ll + M -> 0 (X"^!! + M* (electronic energy transfer)

Derwent and Thrush JCFrBS-1972-68-720

0^^ + M -> 0^ + M^ (vibrational energy transfer)

Bass, H, E, JCPSA6-1973-5&-4783 Bauer and Roesler CSSPAI>-1966-20-24:5 Berend, et al. JCPSA6-1972-57-3601 (calculation) Center, R. E. JCPSA6-1973-5&-5230 Collins and Husain JPCMAE-1973-1-481 Kiefer, J. H. JCPSA6-1972-57-1938 Parker and Ritke JCPSA6-1973-59-3713 Piercy, J. E. JASMAN-1969-46-602 (review) Rapp, D. JCPSA&-1965-43-316 (calculation) Vasil'ev, et al, HIECAP-1972-6-194 (review) Webster, H, A,, III DABBBA-ig72-33-673 Webster eind Bair JC PSA6-1972-S7-3802 White, D, R, JCPSA6-1968-49-5472 Williams, A, P, ASSUl>-1971-25-177

39 )

02*(a^A^) + M» -> 0^(r^.~) + M*» (electronic energy transfer)

Derwent and Thrush JCET BS-1972-68-720 Thrush, B. A. ASSLAD-1971-25-231 (review)

0 «(a^A ) + M» -> 0 »»(h^y +) + M (electronic energy transfer)

Derwent and Thrush FDCSB7_i972-53-162 Thrush, B. A. ASSUD-1971-25-231

Op*«(tiy +) + -> 0 M *(a^A ) + M (electronic transition)

Davidson and Ogryzlo CJ C HAG-1974-52-240 Davidson and Ogryzlo 26WVA9-1973-2-111 (review)

02»(a^A^) + 02*(a^A^) -> 0^{x^Y^) + 0^**{-ti'^1^*) (electronic energy trans

Becker, et al. CHPLBC-1971-8-25 (mechanism) Thrush, B. A. ASSUD-1971-25-231 (review)

02»(a^A^) + >C=C< -> products

Ackerman, et al, ACSRAL-1971-162-PETR-24 Ackerman, et al. CHPLBC-1972-12-526; Herron and Huie ACSRAL-1971-162-PETR-23 Herron and Huie ESTHAG-1970-4-685 Huie and Herron IJCKBO-1973-5-197 Johnston, H. *MISCZ-1970-4r-TF7/S3 (review)

O3 -> 0 + O2

Troe, J. BBPCAX-1968-72-908 (review) Troe, J. NATWAY-1969-56-553 (calculation)

O3 + hv -> 0 +

Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7-i972-5;^172 (review)

0^('^k) + hv -> 0(3?) + 02»(a^Ag)

Castellano and Schumacher AAQAAE-1972-60-375 Castellano and Schumacher CHP LBC-1 972-13-625 Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFAX-1973-83-54

Crutzen, et al, J&REA2-1971-76-1490 ( r evi ew Simonaitis, et al. CHPLBC-1973-19-601 Wayne, R. P. ASSLAD-1971-25-240 (review)

O^i'^k) + hv -> 0(3p) + O*i'o^l^p

Simonaitis, et al. CHPLBC-1973-19-601

0^{'^k) + hv -> 0»(1d) + O^iJpl.')

Davenport, et al. FDCS B 7 -1972-53-230 Gaedtke, et al. BBPCAX-1972-76-1101 (mechanism)

40 1 )

O^i'^A) + hv -> 0»(1d) + 0^*{a.'^A^)

Castellano and SQhuraacher AAQAAE-1972-60-375 Crutzen, et al. JGREA2-1971-76-1490 (review) Davenport, et al, FDCSB7-1972-53-230 Fortin, et al. CJ CH AG-1972-50-274:7 Ghorraley, et al, JP CHAX-1973-77-1 34 Giachardi and Wayae PRLAAZ-1972-330-131 Huff rami, et al, JCPSA6-1969-50^594 Jones, T. T. N. AS SLAD-197 1.-25-2 53 Lin and Demo re JPCMAE-1973-2-161 Lissi and Heicklen JPCMAE-1972-1-39 Simonaitis, et al, CHPLBC-1973-19-601 Snelling, D. R. CJCHAG-1974-52-257 Wayne, R, P, ASSUD-1971-25-240 (review) Wayne, R, P, FDCSB7-1972-53-231 (review) Wayne, R, P, FDCSB7H1972--55-172 (review) Wayne, R, P, FDCSB7-1972-53-230 (calculation) Webster and Bair JCPSA6-1972-56-6104 Webster, H, A,, III DABBBA-1972-33-673

0*(ls) O^^(Ia) + hv -> + 02^^%P Ridley, et al, JCPS A6-1973-58-3a78

0^(1a) + hv -> 0*(1S) + 02*(a^A^)

Ridley, et al, J CPSA6-1973-58-3878

0^{'^k) + hv -> 0*(lS) + 02*(bll:^+)

Ridley, et al, JC PSA6-1973-58-3a78

+ M -> 0 + 0^ + M

Axworthy and Benson ADC SAJ-1959-2 1-388 Benson, S, W, ADC SAJ-1959-2 1-405 (review)

Benson and Axworthy ADC SAJ-1959-2 1-398 ( rev i ew Black and Eckstrom XADRCH-1973-AD 757050 (review) Filippov and Emel'yanov RJPCAR-1961-35-196 Filippov and Emel'yanov RJPCAfi-1962-36-a9 Filippov and Kobozev RJPCAft- 1961-35-1021 Filippov and Vendillo RJPCAlt-1961-35-303 Popovich, et al, RJPCAR-1971-45-123 Samoilovich and Filippov RJPCAR-1962-36-760 Samoilovich, et al, RJPCAR-1962-36-517 Soloukhin, R. I, 23CHAG-1970-7-663 (review)

O3 + M* -> 0 + 0^ + M

M* = 0»(1d)

Davenport, et al, FDCSB7-1972-53-230 McCullouf^h and McGrath JPCMAE-1975-1-240 Wayne, R, P, FDCSB7-1972-53-230 (review) Wayne, R. P, FDCSB7-1972-55-172 (review) Webster and Bair JCPSA6-1972-&7-3802

M* = 02»(a\)

Becker, et al, CHPLBC-1972-14-489 Campbell and Baulch 26BMAD-1972-9-46 (review) Castellano and Schumacher AAQAAE-1972-60-375 (mechanism)

^11 ) ) )

M* = »(alA 0 ) (continued)

Castellano and Schumacher CHPLBC~1972~13-625 (mechanism) Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFAX-1973-83-54: ( raechan i sm Crutzen, et al, JGREA2-19'?l-76-1490 (review) Groth, W. FDCSB7-1972-53-^3£ Husain, et al. JPCMAE-1972-1-69 Jones, I. T. N. ASSLAI>-1971-25-25;5 Wayne, R. P. ASSUD-1971-25-240 (review) (review) Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7.-1972-53-173

Campbell and Baulch 26BMAI>-197a-9-45 ( r ev i ew Snelllns, B. B. CJCHAG-1974:-52-257

M* = 02«(?)

Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7-1972-53r-172 (review) (calculation) Wayne, R. P. FDCSB7 -1972-53-230

Oj(lA) + M* -> 0*(1d) + + M

Uavenport, et al. FDCSB 7-1972-53-230

energy transfer) 0 + M''' -> 0,^ + M (vihrational 3 (review) Moore, C. B. K)0KA7-1967-133 Rosenberg and Lowenstein JCPSA6-1973-59-2751 Webster, H. A.. Ill DARBBA-1972-33-673 Webster and Bair JCPSA6-197a-57-3B02

0^ + M -> 0„ + M (vibrational relaxation) 3 -1972-9-45 (_r ev i ew Gordon and Lin CHP LBC-1973-2Z-262 Rosenberg and Trainer JCPS 1^6-1973-59-2142 Samoilovich and Filippov RJPCAfi-1962-36-760

0 =t+ + M -> 0 + M (vibrational transition) 3 3 Bevan and Johnson JCPrAR-1973-69-216 Rosenberg and Lowenstein JCPSA6-1973-59-2751

0 + >C=C< -> products

Johnston, H. *MISCZ-1970-4-TF('/S3 (review) Stedman, et al. JPCKAX-1973-77-2511 Part II, Reviews

Bortner, M. H. B00KA7-1963-172 (atmospheric reactions) Bortner, M. H. XADRCH-1963-AD 417113 (atmospheric reactions) Campbell and Baulch 26BMA]>-1972-9-46 (atomic N reaction) Carrington, T, 26WVA9-1973-2-7 (chemiluminescent reactions)

Crutzen, P. J. ASSLAD-1971-25-78 (0, O3 in atmosphere)

Crutzen, et al. JGREA2-1971-76-1490 (singlet 0^ in atmosphere) Davidson and Ogryzlo 26WVA9-1973-2-111 (singlet quenching) Fontijn, et al. 26WVA9-1973-2-393 (chemiluminescent reactions) Johnston, H. *M I scz-igTO-^-irvss ^2» ^ atmospheric reactions) Kneser, H, 0. B00KA7-1965-2A-133 (02=^ relaxation) l\2 1 ;

Part II, fteviews (continued)

Mini Iran T) C n 1 1 X 1 Kan f n • v.> • woorAxr^xyoo^cu cxy

iXfL/IVA r xyOi XOO v'-'g » 3 » energy iiTansxerj

Hn r>T> 4 e>i P T V r ooxjAir^xyocr^crt r ^"3 flash photolysis) "res ton ana. i/Vcvanovic C CViC 47—1 OnO—A-'A!) decomposition)

c.Vil P-P U T oCnili t n* 1 • AUJiirA f ir» r «i iCO^J r photochemistry)

ooiQiuvniUf ji* X* 9'^PffAf— 1 OCn— ( C\ f\ 1 1-14. 1.-. \ ^ ' 2» O3 in shock tube)- 4 wmiA—1 cy?7— Ol/iXUUOncIUVOt aX* A Ixi X yO r X ^2 shock waves; 4 COT 4T\_

?77H A Hi—1 071 — v

Wayne, R» P. 26WYA9-1973-2-481 \oxu(3J.\2i> w cwiu i_n ^2 pnoiocnenixs try Wayne, R. P. FDC SB7-1972-5.3-172 (singlet 0 and 0^ in O3 photochemistry)

Zafonte, L. M I SCZ-1970-4rTFP-S2 (singlet 0 and Og in air)

43 Part III. Author list of references

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76 NBS-114A (REV. 7-731

r.c. DEPT. OF COMM. 1 1. PUHLICAITON OR Rl-IJORT NO. 2. Ciov 't Acccs.sion 3. Ret" ipient Acec-ssion No. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA No. 1 SHEET NBS SP 371-1

4. rn Li: and suivi rn.i' 5. I^ublication Date Supplementary Bibliography of Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Re- June 1975

actions of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Oxides (1972-1973) 6. Performing Organization ( ode

7. AU'l IIOR(S) 8. Performing Organ. Report No. Francis Westley


12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Complete Address (Street, City, Stale. ZIP) 13. Type of Report & Period NBS Office of Standard Reference Data Covered Final Naval Ordance Systems Command, Code: ORD-3311 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20360


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 726-00Z7Z

16. ABSTRACT (A 200-word or less factual sumwary of most significant information. If document includes a significant

bibliography or literature survey, mention it here.) A reaction-oriented list of references is provided for papers and reports published in 1972 and 1973, containing rate data for reactions of N, N^,

N„0, N,,0„, N„0_, N.O,, N^O^, NO, N0„, N0_, NO,, 0, 0„ and 0, with each

other. Some reactions of species in excited states are included. This bibliography, covering about 500 papers, extends the coverage of two previous bibliographies on the same subject, COM-71-009A1, NBS-OSRDB-71-2, August 1971 and NBS Special Publication 371, February 1973. Some work published prior to 1972 omitted in the previous publications has been included here.

17. KEY Vt'ORDS {six to twelve entries; alphabetical order; capitalize only the first letter of the first key word unless a proper name; separated by semicolons) Bibliography; chemical kinetics; excited state; gas phase; nitrogen atom; nitrogen molecule; nitrogen oxides; oxygen atom;

oxygen molecule ; ozone


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PERIODICALS program coordinated by NBS. Program under authority of National Standard Data Act (Public Law 90-396). JOURNAL OF RESEARCH reports National Bureau of Standards research and development in physics, NOTE: At present the principal publication outlet for mathematics, and chemistry. It is published in two sec- these data is the Journal of Physical and Chemical tions, available separately: Reference Data (JPCRD) published quarterly for NBS by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Amer- • Physics and Chemistry (Section A) ican Institute of Physics (AIP). Subscriptions, reprints, Papers of interest primarily to scientists working in and supplements available from ACS, 1155 Sixteenth these fields. This section covers a broad range of physi- St. N. W.. Wash. D. C. 20056. cal and chemical research, with major emphasis on Building Science standards of physical measurement, fundamental con- Series—Disseminates technical infor- mation developed at the Bureau on stants, and properties of matter. Issued six times a building materials, components, systems, and whole structures. year. Annual subscription: Domestic, $17.00; Foreign, The series presents research $21.25. results, test methods, and perform- ance criteria related to the structural and environmen- • Mathematical Sciences (Section B) tal functions and the durability and safety character- Studies and compilations designed mainly for the math- istics of building elements and systems. ematician and theoretical physicist. Topics in mathe- Technical Notes—Studies or reports which are complete matical statistics, theory of experiment design, numeri- in themselves but restrictive in their treatment of a cal analysis, theoretical physics and chemistry, logical subject. Analogous to monographs but not so compre- design and programming of computers and computer hensive in scope or definitive in treatment of the sub- systems. Short numerical tables. Issued quarterly. An- ject area. Often serve as a vehicle for final reports of nual subscription: Domestic, $9.00; Foreign, $11.25. work performed at NBS under the sponsorship of other DIMENSIONS/NBS (formerly Technical News Bul- government agencies. letin) —This monthly magazine is published to inform Voluntary Product Standards—Developed under pro- scientists, engineers, businessmen, industry, teachers, cedures published by the Department of Commerce in students, and consumers of the latest advances in Part 10, Title 15, of the Code of Federal Regulations. science and technology, with primary emphasis on the The purpose of the standards is to establish nationally work at NBS. The magazine highlights and reviews such recognized requirements for products, and to provide issues as energy research, fire protection, building tech- all concerned interests with a basis for common under- nology, metric conversion, pollution abatement, health standing of the characteristics of the products. NBS and safety, and consumer product performance. In addi- administers this program as a supplement to the activi- tion, it reports the results of Bureau programs in ties of the private sector standardizing organizations. measurement standards and techniques, properties of matter and materials, engineering standards and serv- Federal Information Processing Standards Publications ices, instrumentation, and automatic data processing. (FIPS PUBS)—Publications in this series collectively constitute the Federal Information Processing Stand- Annual subscription: Domestic, $9.45; Foreign, $11.85. ards Register. Register serves as the official source of information in the Federal Government regarding stand- NONPERIODICALS ards issued by NBS pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended, Monographs—Major contributions to the technical liter- Public Law 89-306 (79 Stat. 1127), and as implemented ature on various subjects related to the Bureau's scien- by Executive Order 11717 (38 FR 12315, dated May 11, tific and technical activities. 1973) and Part 6 of Title 15 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations). Handbooks—Recommended codes of engineering and Consumer Information industrial practice (including safety codes) developed Series—Practical information, based on NBS research in cooperation with interested industries, professional and experience, covering areas of interest organizations, and regulatory bodies. to the consumer. Easily understandable language and illustrations provide useful background Special Publications—Include proceedings of confer- knowledge for shopping in today's technological ences sponsored by NBS, NBS annual reports, and other marketplace. special publications appropriate to this grouping such NBS Interagency Reports (NBSIR)— special as wall charts, pocket cards, and bibliographies. A series of interim or final reports on work performed by NBS for outside Applied Mathematics Series—Mathematical tables, sponsors (both government and non-govern- ment). manuals, and studies of special interest to physicists! In general, initial distribution is handled by the engineers, chemists, biologists, mathematicians, com- sponsor; public distribution is by the National Technical Information puter programmers, and others engaged in scientific Service (Springfield, Va. 22161) in paper and technical work. copy or microfiche form.

National Standard Reference Data Series—Provides Order NBS publications (except NBSIR's and Biblio- quantitative data on the physical and chemical proper- graphic Subscription Services) from: Superintendent of ties of materials, compiled from the world's literature Documents, Government Printing and Office, Washington, critically evaluated. Developed under a world-wide D.C. 20402.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC SU: CRIPTION SERVICES The following current-awareness and literature-survey survey issued quarterly. Annual subscription: $20.00. bibliographies are issued periodically by the Bureau: Send subscription orders and remittances for the pre- Cryogenic Data Center Current Awareness Service ceding bibliographic services to National Technical Information Service, A literature survey issued biweekly. Annual sub- Springfield, Va. 22161. scription: Domestic, $20.00; foreign, $25.00. Electromagnetic Metrology Current Awareness Service Issued Liquefied Natural Gas. A literature survey issued quar- monthly. Annual subscription: $100.00 (Spe- terly. Annual subscription: $20.00. cial rates for multi-subscriptions). Send subscription order and remittance to Electromagnetics Division, Superconducting Devices and Materials. A literature National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. 80302. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Bureau of Standards Washington. D.C. 20234 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICIAL BUSINESS COM-215




FRANCIS WESTLEY Chemical Kinetics Information Center National Bureau of Standards

This work was supported in part by the Naval Ordnance Systems Command


National Bureau of Standards, Office of Standard Reference Data Bibliography Series No, 71-2 (August 1971)

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 75-605213

Rsprodueed by NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATiO-^J SERVICE SprinaflelcJ, Va. 22155


The National Standard Reference Data System was established in 1963 for the purpose of promoting the critical evaluation and dissemination of numerical data of the physical sciences. The program is coordinated by the Office of Standard Reference Data of the National Bureau of Standards but involves the efforts of many groups in universities^ government laboratories^ and private industry. The primary aim of the program is to provide compilations of critically evaluated numerical data. These tables are published in the NSRDS-NBS series^ which is one of the established publication series of the National Bureau of Standards^ as well as through other appropriate channels.

The task of critical evaluation is carried out in various data centers^ each with a well-defined technical scope. A necessary preliminary step to the critical evaluation process is the retrieval from the world scientific literature of all papers falling within the scope of the center. Each center^ therefore, builds up a com- prehensive well-indexed bibliographical file v;hich forms the base for the evaluation task. Since these bibliographical records are potentially of value to many research workers and others interested in the particular technical area, it seems desirable to make them generally available. The present series of publications is an effort to achieve this end.

Further information on NSRDS and the publications which form the primary output of the program may be obtained by writing to the Office of Standard Reference Data, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234.

David R. Lide, Jr., Chief, Office of Standard Reference Data 9


In trOCtUC tiOn<,c«««e...«..««».«ec.««e««..e...... Guidelines for the user ...«...,<>...*...c..«.ee».«cee««13 J o ui^n al and report codes. u«c«.eo««*«««<>«ceoo«o*««cc«e«17 Part I (a). Reactions Involving N nrd 6 species....*,.

N* * M -> N * Mo . 22 N * N » * hv. 22 N * N M -» N^ M ....22

N N M N2* * M.... 23 N N M > N^ * M hv...... e.oce... 23

N N * N2 (exchange) , « . 24

N * ^3 ~* ^2 ^ ••••••«••• «o«oco« •

N NgG -» N^ * N6 c . . . . 24

N* * N26 > N^ * Ne5* « 24 N NO > N^ * 0 24

N * NO > N^ * 0* « i . - . 25

N NO > N2*^ * 0 25

N* NO > N2 * 0. . . 25 N NO M > N2O M ....25 N NO2 - Ng O 0 25 N * ~* ^2 * ^2 *************************** 25 N NO2 ^ N2O 0 « • • • 25

N N62 > N2O*' * 0...... 25 e , N N02 - NO NO 25

N NO2 > NO NO* ..26 N * ~* P^ocli^c^s*. ••...•.•..•26

N 0 J> NO hv 26 N 0 M -* NO M 26 N 0 M > NO M* 26 N 0 * M > NO* M 26 N^O^M-NO-^M* hv 27 N Og -* NO 0 27

N 02* -* NO 0...... 27 N O^ - NO O2 27

N2* > N2 hv 28

N2** > N2 hv 28

-» . N2 hv N N* .....28

N2 hv -» N* N* 28 N2 * M -» N N * M 28 N2* * M» N N M.... .29

N2 M > N2* M (electronic) 29 N2 M* > M (energy transfer) 29

N^* M > M (electronic) 29

N^* M > M (rotational relaxation).. 30 Np* M > M (vibrational relaxation). 39 M > M* (energy transfer) 30

N^* M > N^** M (electronic) 30 N2 — N2 * ( exchange-overall )..... • 30 N2 N0 - N li^e 30

N2* N0 - 21 N2 0 - N N6 31

N2 0* > N20 hv 31 0 M - N26 M 21 N2 M - N26 M 21 N2 e»* M > N20* M N2 62 * ^^2 31 N2 02 * ^2^ * ^ • 31 N2 02 "* * 32 N2 - 03 - N20 * 02 32

N2 * 03* > N20 * 02 32

N2* 03 > N20 > 02 32 N2 03 hv > N20 02 32 N20 N2 0* > 32 N20* N2 0 > 32 N20* N2 0* > 33 4N20 3N2 2N02 (overall) > 33 - N20 hv N N0 22 N20 hv - N* N0 23 4N20 hv > 3N2 2N0 02 (overall) 33 N20 hv N2 0 33 N20 hv - N2 0* 33 N20 - N2* hv 0 34 N20 M - N N0 M 3^ N2 0 M* > N N0 M 3^ N20 M > I/2N2 N0 M (overall) 3^ N20 M - 0 M 24 N20 - N2 M* 0 M 35 N20 M > * (overall) ^2 1/202 ^ 35 N20 M > N20* M 33 N20* M > N20 M 35 N20 N0 > N N2 02 35

3 NgO NC - Ng 36 N2 N6 62 36 0 - N • 36 N^e 6 - N2 N0 ^2 (overall) 36 N20 0 - N2 02 - 36

N20 0* -* N2 02 37 N2 0 0 - N0 N0, 37

N2 0 0* - N0 N0 38

N20 0* > N0 N0* 38 N20 0 - N20 0 (exchange) 38

N20 0 > ^202* 38

N20 0* - . 38 N20 0 M > ^202 M 39 N20 02* > N2 03 39 N20 02 -* N0 N02 39

^2^2* ^ ^2 02 39 N202 * M > N2 02 * M 39 N202 M > N20 0 M 39 N202 * M > N0 N0 M ....39 N2O2 - NO + NO 39 N202* N0 - N20 N02 39 ^2^2 * ^2 ^ ^2^4 ^2^2 * ^2 " ^*^2 * ^^2 39 N203 - N0 N02 39 ^2^3 * ^^2^5 ^ ^N02 i 40 ^2^3 * 1/2^2 "* ^^2 * ^^^2 ^0 ^2^3 "* ^3 ^ ^^2 * ^^2 * ^2 ^0

^2^4* ^ ^^2 * ^^2 ....40 N20^ hv > N0 N0 02 (overall) 40 N204 M -» N0 N0 02 * M 40

N20^ M - N02 * N02 M ( at low and high pressure )...... 40 N2^4 0 > no2* * N0 40

^2^5 - N0 N02 02 » 41 N2C5 - N203 02 41

^2*^5 * - N02 * N02 1/202 ( overal I ) . • . . 41 N205 M > ^205* M 41

^2^5* * ^ ^ ^2^5 * ^ 41 ^2*^5 * - N02 N03 M 41 N205* M > N02 N03 M 42 ^2^5 * ^2^5 "* ^^^2 * ^2 (overall) 42 ^2^5 * N0 - N02 N02 * N02 (overall) 42

^2^5 * ^^^2* ^ N0 N02 * N02 * 02 43

e'tcl^ange ) ^^2^5 * ^^2 ^ '^2*^5 * ^^2 ( 43 ^2^5 * ^^^3 ^ ^^2 * ^^2 * ^^2 * ^2 ^2^5 * ^2 ~* ^2^5 * ^2 < exchange) 43 ^2^5 * ^3 "* ^2^4 ©2 * ^2 Coverall) 43 ^2^5 * «3 > N«3 * N«3 * «2 ^3

Nfl* N 6 , 43 > NO hv 43 N0 hv - NO^ (overall) 43 N6 hv > 1/2 * 1/2^2 44 3N6 hv > N^^* 44 N0 M - N 0 M 44 N6 M > N0* M (electronic) 44 N0 M* > N0* M (energy transfer) 44 N6* M > N6 M (electronic) 44 N0* M > N0 M (vibrational relaxation).. 45 N0* M > NO M* (energy transfer) 45 N0 N0 - N 45 N0 NO - N2 N02 * ^2

NO N6 - N20 0 ( first step in overall

decotnpo si ti o n )...... a. . 45 NO NO - NO NO (exchange) 45 NO NO* - N2 O2 46 NO NO M - N2O2 M 45 NO NO* M - ^2^2* * " 46 NO NO NO - I/2N2 N^O (overall) 45 NO NO* - products 46 NO NO I/2O2 - ^2^3 46 NO NO Og - NOg NO2 46 NO NO O3 - N20g 43 NO NO2 - NO NO2 (exchange)

NO* N02 - N2O 02 48 NO NO2 * N203 48 NO NO2 02 NO2 N03 48 NO N03 - N20^ 48 NO NO3 - NO2 N02 48 NO O - N O2 49 -» NO 0 NO 0 ( exchange ) 49 NO 0 - NO2* 49 NO O - NO2 hv 4g (N0)„ 0 > N0„* (N0)„ ^„ n d n- I, DO (NO)^ O > N02 (N0)^_j hv 50 NO O M - N02 M 5Q NO 0 M - N02* M NO 0 M - N02 M hv NO 02 - N02 0 5^ -* NO O2 N03 ,

5 N6 63 -* * ^2 ^2

NCJ ©3 ^ N02* * 52 N0 63 - N63 6 52 N02* ^ N 02 52

N62* - N02 * 52 N62 hv > N6 0 53

N02 hv - N0 6* 53 N62 hv > N6 1/262 53 N0 2 * M - NO 0 M 53 N02* M - N0 0 M 54 N02 M - N0, NOg, N2, 02 (overall ctecom- posi t ion )« • 54 N02* M » N02 M (electronic) 54

N02* M - N02 * M hv 55 N02 N02 > N2 02 * ^2 N02 N02 - N0 N0 02 55

N02 N02* > N0 N0 02 55 N02 N02 - N0 N03 55

N02 N02* - N203 * 0 55 N02 N02 M - N20^ M 56 N02 N02 02 N03 N03 56 N02 N02 * ^3 -* ^205 * ^2 (overall) 56 N02 N03 - N0 N02 * 63 N02 N03* > N0 N02 * 02 56 N02 N03 - N02 * N03 (exchange) 55 N02 N03 M - ^2^^ * 56

N02 N03 M > ^205* * M 57 N02 6 - N0 02 57

N02 0 - N0 02* 58

N02 0 > N0* 02* 58

N0 2 O* > N0 02 58 N0 2* 6 - N€» 02 58 N02 0 - N02 0 ( exchange ) 53

N02 0 - N03* 58 N02 0 M - N03 M 53 N02 02 -* N0 63 58 N02 62 - N0^ 58 N02 02 * - N0 03 58 N02 * 63 - N03 02 58 N03 - N0 02 59

N0 3* > N0 02 59 N0 3* - N02 0 59

6 •

N6^ M -* e> M 59 N6^* M - N6^ M 59 N63 NO^ - 59 N6^ - N(J^ (exchange) 60 0 > ^2 Na^ * €>2 -* N62 63 60

N6^ - N62 * ^2 *'

Part I (B). Reviews 61 Part 11(a). Reactions involving 6 species.... G* M > 6 M 62 0* M > 0 (energy transfer) 62 0** M > 0* M hv 63 0 0 M - 02 M 63 0 0 M - 02 M 64

0 0 M - 02* M 64 0*0*M-02*NC* hv 64

0 02 > 0 02 ( exchange ) 64

0 02 > 03* 64

0* 02 > ^ * < energy transfer) 64 0 02 M - 03 M 64 0* 02 M - 03 M 66 0 03 - 02 02 66

0 03 -* 02* * 02 67

0 03 > 02* * 02* 67

0 03* > 02 * ^2 67 0* * 03 02 * 02 67

0* * 03 ^ 02 > 02* 67

0* * 03 ^ 02* * 02* 68

02* > 02 * hv 68 02 hv - 0 0 68

02 hv - 0 0* 6g 02 M - 0 0 M 6g 02* M > 0 0 M 69 02* M - 0 0* M 02 M* > 02* M (energy transfer)

02* * M > 02 * M (rotational r elaxa t ion ). • 02* M > 02 M (vibrational relaxation).,

©2* M > 02* M* (energy transfer) 02 02 - « * 63

7 .

63* > 6 * ^2 71 63* > 0* 71 Q3 hv - 0 62. 71

63 hv > 6 62* 71

63 hv > 0* 02 71

03 hv - 0* 02* 71 03 hv > 3/202 Coverall) 72 03 M- 0 02 * M 72

03 M* > 0 02 M o 73 03 M* » 0* * 02 M 73

03* M > 0 02 * M 73

0^ + M 0 + O2 + M 73 03 M - 3/202 * ^ (overall) 74 > 3/20„* M 033 M ' -"^^"2 74 03*>3* M > 03 M 74

Part II (B). Reviews. • 75 Part III. Author list of re ferences



FranclB Weetley

A blbl iogi'aphy of references to published papers and reports containing rate data for reactions of N, Ng, N3, N2<3, ^2^2* ^^2^3* ^2^^^' ^2^5* ^^2' ^^3" N0^, 0, ©2 s.nd with each other is presented. In addition two lists of critical reviews dealing with the above reactions are included. Over 900 papers are 1 1 sted , Key Words: Bibliography, chemical kinetics, gas phase, nitrogen, oxygen, ozone, nitrogen oxides.


This bibliography lists papers and reports on the gas phase reaction kinetics in the nitrogen - oxygen system, 6nly reactions among N, , tJ^ , ^'^^ the nitrogen oxides are considered. The material is presented in two ways: ( 1 ) by reaction, listing each pertinent article, and (2) in a general reference list, arranged alphabetically by first author. The articles Included have been selected from the files of the Chemical Kinetics Information Center, The criterion for inclusion of an article is that there must be some new infor- mation on the reaction, when the article in question is com- pared with the chronologically preceding ones. That Is, simple quotations of the results of others and ad hoc guesses have been, excluded. There are gr.ay ar.eas, such as the sta-t,enient of a rate calculated from that of the' reverse reaction and the equilibrium constant, or mechanistic information. If the in- formation seemed to be important the reference was Included,

This project Is an activity of the Chemical Kinetics Information Center, NoB.S, The work was supported by the 0fflce of Standard Reference Data, NeE,S, and the Naval 6rdne.nce Systems Command 6RD 3311 as part of a program to foster the production of tables of chemical kinetics.

9 These reactions hax^e been studied since the early days of chemical kinetics. The first kinetic information concerning the N ~ 0 chemistry ^as provided by Berthelot in 1878,^*^ In a very simple expes-'icQent , he found that at constant volurae and temperature the concentration of ozone decreases with time and the results of his measurements express in a very crude form the rate^^ of ozone disappearance. But the r^jal ground work of the N - 6 chemicpl kinetics was laid dov/n ii.i the first decade of the 20th century. 2 In 1901 Warburg3 measured the overall rate constant for the spontaneous decomposition of ozone: 63 - 3/2 02 ^ ^ ^ In the following years, similar studies of this reaction were performed by Clement (1904), Perman and Greaves (1908) and

Clarke and Chapman ( 1908).^ But the most important year of this decade, from the point of view of N - 0 chemistry. Is - no doubt - 1906, In this year, Jaha^ measured the overall rate constsint for ozone decomposition by using both Warburg's static end Clement's dynamic methods. He proposed a mecha- nitiiQ for the overall reaction ( 1 ) by breakints it into three elementary steps: 03 = 0 02 (2) 0 0 02 ^ 0 03 - 02 * ©2 ) The Jahn mechanism is a milestone in the progress of N - 0 chemistry. In a modified form it is the current basis for interpre tin^i the decomposition of ozone. In the sarae year, Nernst® published a paper reporting the measurement of the rate constant for the formation of NO, according to the reaction: N2 02 N0 N0 ( 5 ) Q At the same time Jellinek , reported the rate constant for the reverse reaction, the decomposition of N0; M0 N0 N2 02 < 6 ) For more than 40 years rate constants based on these ex- periments T7ere the only available kinetic data for reactions (5) and (5), In 1948, Gilbert and Daniels^*^ published a paper dealing \7ith a theoretical and experimental re eval via t ion of the N0 formation and decomposition kinetics. After mentioning that the equilibrium constant for the reaction N2 * 02 "* * has been calculated accuj" a t ely from spectroscopic data, they remarked that the "calculated values are more reliable than the experimental measurements of Ncrnst and Jellinek, with which they are in fair agreement," This remark about Nernst's and Jellinek's kinetic data is a measure of theii* endurance. These experimental results have shown a remarkable ability to survive and, together with Jahn's data, are quoted even today. Experimental work on the nitrogen-oxygen system continues. Reactions in this set are important in the fields of air poll uti on, upper atmosphere physics and rocketry as well as for tests of chemical kinetics theory. But while continued study may lead to improved rate constants, it Inci-eaees the tftsk of the user ^ho must select a valUe, Fortunately, chemists have undertaken reanalyses of the existing data with the eoal of establishing best values. Johnston's recent monograph on reactions of neutral oxygen species is a definitive study of the papers listed in Part 11(a) of this bibliography.

«• Superscript figures indicate literature references at the end of the Introduction, . ,

Schofield , Kaufman and Bortner have all recommended rates for various N - 6 Interactions, More definitive studies are needed. The editor hopes that this compilation will assist data evaluators in their work on this system. He looks for- ward to the day when a survey of the nitrogen - oxygen system can safely recommend the study of a few selected papers instead of the present mass of material, A much larger bibliography has been published by G, S, Bahn. It has excellent coverage of the report literature as well as of published articles dealing with reaction kinetics of chemical reactions in nitrogen-oxygen system. It lists both sources that report research and simple quotations of the work of others. It has been invaluable in the preparation of the present work. 0ur bibliography differs from Bahn'^s in several ways. We have excluded simple quotations as not contributing to the useful body of knowledge. There are several additional reactions included here. At times we have not agreed with Bahn about which reactions were studied by a particular author and, consequently have reclassified a paper. Finally, with the passage of time new work has been repor ted In recent years there has been a large increase in the number of papers on the reactions of atoms or molecules prepared in specific excited states. 6nly some of these studies are included here. The reader interested in "active nitrogen" should consult the book by Wright ar'.d Winkler^^. However, while the bibliography given at the end of their book is impressive ( 1529 references) thetie two authors overemphasize the phenomenology of "active nitrogen" and devote only a few pages to its chemical kinetics. We have in general restricted ourselves to rate measurements and our list will be of interest mainly for papers on "active nitrogen" published since 1966. For the study of excited oxygen atoms, the review by McGrath and McGravey^^ is most useful. The reactions of molecular oxygen in ex- cited singlet state (-^A^ g^^ are not included in this bibliography. The reader interested in this subject should read the critical reviews by Wayne 1 R (for reactions of singlet molecular oxygen in gas phase) and by Gollnick 1 9 (for reactions of in solution). A recent review by Zipf 2 0 on the collisional deactivation of metastable atoms and molecules includes tabulated results for the quenching of N*, N^*, 6*, and ' The chemical production of excited states is another topic of interest which was recently discussed in reviews by Carrington and Garvin 2 1 and by Thrush 22 covering atoms and molecules in vibrational, electronic and rotational excitation (including species of the N - 6 system), the subject being treated from a mechanistic point of view, rather than a kinetic one. It is our plan to prepare a separate bibliography on the production and reactions of excited species of the N - 6 system. Undoubtedly there are errors of omission, citation and inclusion in this bibliography. For these we apologize. And we thank, in advance, all users who bring these errors to our attention

11 This bibliography is not the result of the effort of a single person, but of the whole staff of Chemical Kinetics Information Center, My thanks to all of them.

In particular, I wish to thank Dr. David Garvin, Director of the Center, for his more than helpful su({i{est ions and con- stant guidance; Mr, James Koch, Supervisor, for tracking down and obtain in^i; papers and reports, otherwise very diffi- cult to obtain; Mrs. Helen Henderson and Mrs, Geraldine Zum- walt, for typing a difficult manuscript with particular care.

N0TE 0N THE PREPARATION 6F THIS BflGK The text of this book is stored on magnetic tape in the General Purpose Scientific Document Image Code ( GPSD IC ) . The camera-ready copy was prepared on an IBM 1403 printer equipped with half line spacing and a print train containing the XC8 symbol set. The General Purpose Scientific Image Code System is described in NBS Technical News Bulletin 54, 35 (Feb. 1970) and earlier references therein.

12 ) "


1. Berthelot, M., "Sur la Stability etc L'Ozone," AnnaleB de Chimie et de Physique (5th series) 14 . 361 ( 1 878 ) 2. For an excellent critical survey of the early period in ozone chemistry see: Axworthy, A. E«, Jr., "Collisional Processes in Gas-Phase Kinetics," Ph.D. Thesis - Univ. of Southern Calif. (Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1959) L. C. Card No. Mic-59-1837 3. Warburg, E. , "Ober Spontane Desozonisirung, Si t zungsber icht e der KSnigllch Preussischen Akademie der Wi ss enschaf t en, Physlkalisch - Mat hema ti sche Classe pg. 1126 ( 1901 );, (Superseded by Annalen der Physik 9, 1296 (1902); Erratum: Annalen der Physik r3, 1080 (1904)) 4. Clement, J. K,, "Ober die Bildung des 6zons bei Hoher Temperatur," Annalen der Physik ^4,

334 ( 1 904 ) 5. Perman, E, P., and Greaves, R. H., "The Decomposition of 6zone by Heat," Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 80 «

353 ( 1 908 6. Clarke, H. E,, and Chapman, D. L., "CLX. The Measurement of a Homogeneous Chemical Change in a Gas. (The Thermal Decomposition of 6zone)," J. Chem, Soc. (London) 93, 1638 (1908) 7. Jahn, S., "Beitrfige zur Kenntnis des Gzons. II. Ober die Zer f al lageschwi ndi gke 1 t des 6zons bei Ver schi edenem Druck, " Z. Anorg. Chem. 48, 260

( 1 906 ) 8. Nernst, W., "Ober die Bildung von Stickoxyd bei , Hohen Temper a tur en " Z. Anorg. Chem. 49, 213

( 1 9 06 ) 9. Jellinek, K., "Ober Ze rse t zungsgeschvr indigkei t von Stickoxyd und AbhSnglgkeit Derselben von der Temperatur," Z. Anorg. Chem. 49, 229 (1906)

10. Gilbert, N, , and Daniels, F., "Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen In a Gas Heated Furnace," Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 40, 1719 (1948) 11. Johnston, H. S., "Gas Phase Reaction Kinetics of Neutral Oxygen Species," Natl. Std. Ref. Data Series - NBS 20 (September 1968) 12. Schofield, K., "An Evaluation of Kinetic Rate Data for Reactions of Neutrals of Atmospheric Interest," Planetary Space Sci . r5, 643, 1336, (1967) 13. Kaufman, F., "Reactions of Oxygen Atoms," Progress in Reaction Kinetics, G, Porter editor, (Pergamon Press, N. Y. ) 1, 1 (1961) 14. Bortner, M, H., "A Review of Rate Constants of Selected Reactions of Interest in Re-Entry Flow Fields in the Atmosphere," Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Tech. Note 484 (May 1969) 15. G, S. Bahn, "Reaction Rate Compilation for the H-O-N System" (Reprinted from Py rodynamlcs. Vol. 5, 1967) (Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, N.Y. 1968).

13 16, Wright, A. N., and Winkler, C. A., "Active Nitrogen," Phyelcal Chemistry, A SerleB of Mo no graphs. No, 14 (Academic Frees, N. Y., 1968) 17, McGrath, W. D., and McGravey, J. J,, "The Production, Deactivation and Chemical Reactions of 0(D) Atoms, Planetary and Space Science X§_, 427 ( 1967 )

18, Wayne, R. P., "Slnglet Molecular 6xygen, " Advances In Photochemistry 7, 311 (1969)

19, Oollnlck, K.. "Type II Pho tooxygenat 1 on Reactions in Solution, Advances In Photochemistry 6, 1 (1968) 20, Zlpf, E, C, "The Colllslonal Deactivation of Meta- stable Atoms and Molecules in the Upper Atmosphere," Can. J. Chem. 47, 1863 (1969) 21, Carrlngton, T., and Garvin, D,, "The Chemical Production of Excited States," Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics 1, 1 07 ( 1 969 ) 22, Thrush, B. A,, "Gas Reactions Yielding Electronically Excited Species," Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 19 . 371 ( 1968)

lA •


This bibliography lists references to published papers and reports in which rate data are reported for reactions of N. N^, N3. N^f, N262. N263. N^a^. N6. N62. N63. N0^, 0, are Included that 6^ and 63 with each other. ( No reactions involve other atoms or molecules). As written above, the sequence of these atoms or molecules defines the order in which the reactions are arranged, i. e.: semi - alphabe t lea lly, by first reactant. The bibliography Is in three parts:

Part I . Reactions of Nitrogen and Gxygen Species, and

Part II . Reactions of 6xygen Species, are arranged by reaction, following the order indicated above. Both forward and reverse reactions are listed. Reactants are always on the left. Within each reaction the reactants and products are arranged (separately) according to the same scheme. The general "third body , M, is always last. This ordering scheme runs counter to chemical conven- tions that order by oxidation slate. It does bring the atom and its parent molecule together for this simple collection. The rule for the arrangement is also simple. It is a character by character comparison, with the priority order being blank, numerals, and then letters. The references under each reaction list the author(s) and the sources, in the following form: Number of

Author(s) Source-Year-Volume-Page Author( s )

Johnston, H. S. JACSA- 1 95 1 -73-4542 1

Jones and Davidson JACSA- 1 962 -84-2 868 2

Ashmore, et al . TFS6A-1 962 -58-685 3 or more Variations from this format (which we will call "short reference" are usually in the direction of more explicit specification. These variations are never made in the first two fields, source and year. They are fixed and always present The sources are indicated by their ASTM C6DEN abbre- vlatlons. A pulde t o these C6DEN p reced e s Part I. A source code prefixed with an asterisk is a code not in the ASTM C6DEN set. These are codes we have assigned for reports from industrial laboratories, research Instltuties and universities. When the C6DEN system adopts appropriate codes they will be replaced. The present, temporary codes usually end with Z or U. They are at times derived from the company name and at times from their stock symbols. At the end of parts I and II, the sections I (b) and II (b) each include a short list of critical reviews or surveys dealing with the reactions listed in sections I (a) and II (a), respectively.

L. E. Kuentzel, Editor, "CODEN F0R PERIODICAL TITLES, ASTM DS-23 A . (1966). J. G. Blumenthal, M. Karaman, and A. Peters, Editors, "SUPPLEMENT T6 C6DEN F0R PERIODICAL TITLES," ASTM DS-23A-S1 . (1968), ASTM

DS- 23A-S2 . (1969), (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Penna., 19103).

15 Part III Is the combined bibliography for Parts I and II, arranged alphabetically by authora. The complete reference citation for each article mentioned is given here, Occasionally explanatory notew are appended. These establish the "b 1 b I i o ftjr aph i c chain" for closely related paperE" by the same authors. Most of the reactions listed in parts I and II show a chemical change. Some of these show a photolytlc, chemi- lumlnescent or energy transfer process that occurs simultaneously with chemical change. In addition there are a few reactions that are simply colllsional energy transfer or photo-excitation, The goal here is to survey ,t he c hem ical reactions in the nl trogen- 3xygen system. Energy transfer and photo-excitation processes are included only whcsn they appear (to us or to the original author) to be important in the mechanisms of chemical pr oce sses . Symbols" defining electronic or vlbronlc states are usually omitted and an excited atom or moLecuLe is indicated ty a simple asterisk. However, for a number of papers, the electronic states are indicated in brackets placed after the short refer- ence a The chemical equations of the overall reactions are not always balanced. An unbalanced equation indicates that the author mentions the reactants and the products of the reaction without the help of an equation, or that the chemical equation given by the author is unbalanced. Very often, a reference mentioning a reaction without a third body^ M, will be found under a heading indicating the same reaction with M on both sides. In order to render the chemical change occurring in a reaction easily observable to the eye, a reactant, or a product may appear two, or even three times In the same heading, (e.g,: see reactions (3), (4), (15) and (6) In the Introduction), It is felt that the most profitable method for finding references dealing with a certain reaction Included In this bibliography, would be to consider first all headings with the same reactants, with or without third body M, with or without hv, in excited, or in ground state, and regardless of the products, 6nly thereafter, should the user accept, or reject a paper, according to his own objective. As an example: Decomposition of N6 , The user should consider the reactions having on the left side:

-» N6 - ; N6* - ; N6 hv ; N6 M - ; N6 N6 - ;

N6 N6* - ; N0 N6 hv - ; N6 N6 N0 - ; N0 N9 N6 hv -


AANLA Attl della Accademia Nazlonale del Llncei, Rendicontl, Classe dl Sclenze Flsiche, Matematlche e Natural! ACANA American Chemical Society, Annual Meetings, Abstracts of Papers ACMOA American Chemical Society Monograph Series ACPYA Acta Physlcochlml ca U.R.S.S. frACRPZ Aerochem Research Laboratories, Report ACUSA Acustlca ADCSA Advances In Chemical Physics ADPCA Advances in Photochemistry AFCRL Research Report, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, OAR, L, G, Hanscom Field, Mass. AGEPA Annales De Geophyslque AIAJA A.I.A.A. Journal (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) AJCHA Australian Journal of Chemistry »AJGAZ Aerojet - General Corporation, Azusa, California, Repo rts ANPYA Annalen Der Physlk (Leipzig) APNYA Annals of Physics (New York) ARPCA Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry (Chemical Society of London) ASJOA Astrophysical Journal »ASTSZ Aerospace Corporation, Thermochemistry Research Department, Report »AVEVZ AVCO - Everett Research Report BACCA Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Division of Chemical Science (Translation) English BAPSA Bulletin of the American Physical Society BBPCA Berlchte Der Bunsengesellsc haf t Fuer Phys ika 11 sc he Chemie BBSDA Boeing Company, Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories, Document (Seattle, Washington) BERGA Bergakademie BICRA Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University BJAPA British Journal of Applied Physics BMIRA Battelle Memorial Institute, Research Reports BOOKA Book *BPCHZ University of Bonn (West Germany) Institute for Physical Chemistry BSCFA Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France BURSA Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Physical Series (Translation) *CARBZ Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Report CBFMA Combustion and Flame CCCCA Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications »CCKNZ Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics

All codes not preceeded by an asterisk are ASTM CODEN abbreviations for periodical titles.

17 )

CESWA Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves (English) CC6MA Chemical Communications (London) CHBEA Chemlsche Berlchte CHLSA Chemlcke Listy CHMBA Chemistry in Britain CHPLB Chemical Physics Letters (Amsterdam) CHREA Chemical Reviews CJCHA Canadian Journal of Chemistry »CNVRZ Convalr, San Die^o, California, Reports C0REA Comptes Rendus Hebdomadal res des Seances de I'Academie des Sciences, Paris CPRCA Combustion and Propulsion, AGARD Colloquium (Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development CSSPA Chemical Society, Special Publications (London) DABSA Dissertation Abstracts, Section B DANKA Doklady Akademll Nauk SSSR (Russian)

DASRA Defense Atomic Support Agency Report ( DASA ) DFS0A Discussions of the Faraday Society DKPCA Doklady, Physical Chemistry Section, USSR (English) »DWCMZ Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, Report »ERDEZ Explosives Research and Development Establishment Report, Essex, England »FGRPZ Flzlka Gazor azryadno 1 Plazmy (russlan)

FPSPA Flzlcheskle Problemy Spekt roskopi 1 , Akademia Nauk SSSR (Russian) «-GESLZ General Electric Company, Space Sciences Laboratory (Missile and Space Division) «G6TTU University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany, (Reports and Miscellaneous Publications) »GQRZZ Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Report HCACA Helvetica Chlmica Acta HTRRA High Temperature Reaction Rate Data, University of Leeds, Department of Physical Chemistry (Leeds, Engl an d ) lAESA Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, Preprint lAPWA International Journal of Air and Water Pollution

»ICRPZ Chemical Propulsion Information Agency ( CPIA ) Published Report lECFA Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Fundamentals lECHA Industrial and Engineering Chemistry lETNA Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Transactions on Nuclear Science IJCKB International Journal of Chemical Kinetics IMZGA Izvestiya Akademll Nauk SSSR, Mekhanlka Zhldkosti I Gaza (Russian) JACSA Journal of American Chemical Society JARSA Journal of the American Rocket Society JASMA Journal of the Acoustical Society of America JASSA Journal of Aero/Space Sciences JCPQA Journal de Chimie Physique JCPSA Journal of Chemical Physics

18 ) )

JCSfJA Journal of the Chemical Society (London) JCTLA Journal of Catalysia JES6A Journal of the Fl ect rochenil cal Society JFLSA Journal of Fluid MechanicH JG<;HA Journal of General Chemistry of the tJ,S,S.R« JGRF-A Jovirnal of Geophysical Research JM6SA Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy JNBAA Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. Series A, Physics and Chemistry JPCAA Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association JPCHA Journal of Physical Chemistry JPCUA Journal of Physical Chemistry (U.S.S.R. JPLCZ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, University of California, Repo rt JQSRA Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer KHNPA Khlm Ic heskaya Nauka I Promy shlennost KHVKA Khimlla Vysokikh Energli (Russian) KICAA Kinetics and Catalysis (U.S.S.R.) (English) MDPCA Memoirs of the Defense Academy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering ( Yokosuka, Japan MFMPA Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory MNRAA Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society M6PHA Molecular Physics »MVERZ Michigan University, Engineering Research Institute, Report NACGA Nachrlchten Der Akademle Der Wlssenchaf ten in Goet-tlngen, Mathematlsch - Physlkallsche Klasse. IIA. NACNA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Technical Notes NASCA N.A.S.A, Technical Note (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) NATUA Nature (London) NBTNA National Bureau of Standards (U.S.) Technical Notes NSRDA National Standard Reference Data Series, NBS 6PSUA Optics and Spectroscopy (U.S.S.R.) (English) »6SC6U 6hlo State University, Columbus, 6hlo (Miscellaneous Publications) »0STIZ Office of Scientific and Technical Information (London) PAIRA Pennsylvania State Univ., Ionospheric Research Labo ratorles PFLDA Physics of Fluids PGARA Progress in Astronautics and Rocketry PHCBA Photochemistry and Photoblology PHCMB Physical Chemistry, A Series of Monographs PHDTA PHD Thesis PHMAA Philosophical Magazine (London) PHRVA Physical Review PHYSA Physlca (Utrecht, Netherlands)

19 e

PHZFA Phys ikallsche Zeltschrlft PICAB Proceedlnes of the International Congress on Acoustics PLSSA Planetary and Space Science PNASA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States PPS6A Proceedings of the Physical Society (London) PRGDA Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics PRKNA Progress in Reaction Kinetics PRLAA Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences PRLTA Physical Review Letters PRSLA Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) PYDYA Pyro dynamics

QUREA Quarterly Reviews ( London ) RADMA Radium (Paris) RSCRA Research Correspondence SCIEA Science SPHDA Soviet Physics, Doklady (English) SPHJA Soviet Physics - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (English) SPWPA Si tzungsber 1 cht e der Preussischen Akademle der Wissenschaf ten , Phys Ikal Isch-Mat hemat Ische Klasse •»-SYCLZ Symposium on Chemllumi nescence SYMCA Symposium on Combustion

TEKHA Teor et icheskaya I Eksper imentalnya Khimiya, Akademlya Nauk Ukralnskoi SSR (Russian) TFS0A Transactions of the Faraday Society

TNFKA Trudy Nauchno - I s s ledovat el ( Skogo Flzlko) Khlmlcheskogo Instituta Im. L. Ya« Karpova »TRWSZ TRW Systems, Redondo Beach, California, Report »UACHZ United Aircraft Corporation, Research Laboratories, East Hartford, Connecticut VMUFA Vestnik Moskovskogo Unlvers iteta, Serlya III, Fizlka, Astronomiya (Russian) WZTUA Wissenschaf t I iche Zeltschrlft der Technlschen Universltaet Dresden XCCIA United States Department of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Scientific and Technical Information, AD, XN0PA United States Naval Ordnance Laboratory Report X^BRA United States Army Ordnance Corps, Ballistic Research Laboratories Report (Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland) ZAACA Zeltschrlft Fuer Anorganische Und Allgemelne Chemle ZACHA Zeltschrlft Fuer Angewandte Chemle ZACMA Zeltschrlft Fuer Anorganische Chemle ZEELA Zeltschrlft Fuer El eck trochemle ZENAA Zeltschrlft Fuer Natur for sc hung. Tell A, Astrophyslk, Physlk, Physlkallsche Chemle ZEPCA Zeltschrlft Fuer Physlkallsche Chemle, St oechiome trl Und Verwandschaf t slehre ZFKHA Zhurnal Flzlcheskol Khlmli (Russian) ZOKhA Zhurnal Obshchel Khlmli

20 ZPCBA Zeitschrift Fuer Phys Ikal isc he Chemle, Abtellung B. Chemie dcr El ementarprozesse , Aufbau De r Materia ZPCFA Zeitschritt Fuer Physlkal Ische Chemle, Neue Foige ( Frankfurt ) ZPMFA Zhurnal Prlkladnol Mekhanikii Tckhnlcheskoi Flzlkl (Russian)

1 2GEA Chemicai Reactions In the Lower and Upper Atmosphere Proceedings of an International Symposium Arranged by the Stanford Research Institute, San Francisco, Cal i fornia

21 , ,• ., , t )


M > N M

Bl ack , et ai JCPSA- 1969-51 - I 1 6 Cd) Youn^* al JCPSA- 1968-49-4769 (^D)

Zipf, E. C. CJCHA- 1969-47- 1863 (^D, or ) (review)

N «• N > N. hv

Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9 500-ECS-SR-l ( review)

N N M - N. M

Al I en , et al . PFLDA- 1962- 5-284 Anderson, J, M, PPS6A- 1957- 70-887 (mechanism) Atallah, S. AFCRL- 1961- RPT/761 (evaluation) Avramenko and Krasnen'kov BACCA- 1963- 1 095 Back, et al, CJCHA- 1959- 37-2059 Barnes, et al, BMIRA- 1964- RMI-197-10-2 (review) Barth, C, A. *JPLCZ- 1961 - 1 -64 Bates, D, R, AGEPA- 1952-8-'194 (discussion) Baulknight, C. »GORZZ- 1965- RPT/RM-274 (evaluation) Bayes and Kistlakowsky JCPSA- 1958- 29-949 (mechanism) Bayes and Kistlakowsky JCPSA- 1960- 32-992 (mechanism) Becker, et al, ZENAA- 1969-24-1840 Benson and Pueno JCPSA- 1962- 36- 1 597 Berkowitz, et al JCPSA- 1956- 25-457 (lower limit estimate ) Bortner, M, H, NBTNA- 1969-484 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler DASRA- 1967-RPT/1948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ- 1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 ( review) Brocklehurst and Jennings PRKNA- 1967-4-1 ( review ) Camac , e t al I AESA- 1958- 26-PR/802 Camm and Keck »AVEVZ- 1959- RPT/67 Campbell and Thrush CC6MA" 1965- 250 Campbell and Thrush TFSOA- 1966- 62-3366 Campbell and Thrush pr I aa- 1967- 296-201 (rate and mechan ism Campbe II a nd Thrush TFS0A- 1968- 64-1265 Campbe II a nd Thrush TFS0A- 1968-64-1275 Ca rrut hers , G. R. PHDTA- 1964-Illlnois Univ. Cherry , et al , *TRWSZ- 1967-RPT/O 883 2-60 01 -TOOOO Clyne and Stedman JPCHA- 1967-71-3071" Dun± or d, H . B. JPCHA- 1963- 67-258 Evenso n, K • M • PHDTA- 1964- 0regon State Univ. Evenso n an d Burch JCPSA- 1966- 45-2450 Fors t et al , JPCHA- 1957- 61-320 Mamme r I ing , et al PFLDA- 1959-2-422 Ha r tec k , e t al, JCPSA- 1958- 29-608 (overall) Herron , et al. JCPSA- 1958- 29-230 He rron , et al. JCPSA- 1959- 30-879 Jansso n an d Mlddleton BJAPA- 1967- 18-1079 Jennin gs a nd Linnet QUREA- 1958- 12-116 (review) Kauf ma n , F PFLDA- 1963-6-1 199 Keck J, C JCPSA- 1960- 32- 1 035 Kelly, and Winkler CJCHA- 1959- 37-62 Kelly and Winkler CJCHA- 1960- 38-2514 Kr etsc hmer , C • B »AJGAZ- 1962- RPT/AN-671 Kretsc hmer and Petersen JCPSA- 1963- 39-1772 Kurzwe g an d Brolda JM6SA- 1959-3-388 (mechanism) Lin an d Fy fe PFLDA- 1961- 4-238 (review) Mannel la, G, G. CHREA- 1963-63-1 (review) Marsha II, T. C, PFLDA- 1962- 5-743


I • . . . ) ) ) ) )

N M - N, M ( Coot i n ued

Marshall, T. C. PFLDA-1963- 6-1200 Marshall and Kawcyn PFLDA-1962' 5- 1657 Meivroyannls and Winkler CJCHA-1961- 39-1601 Miyazakl and Takahashi MDPCA-1966- 6- 41 1 Mlyazakl and Takahashi MDPCA-1967' 6-469 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA-1968- 8-791 Morgan and Schiff CJCHA-1963- 41-903 Peng and Pindroh BBSDA-1963" RPT/D2-13422 (review) Pillow and Rogers PPS6A-1963- 8 1- 1 034 Pratt, N. H. NGTRA-1963- Pratt (review) Rabinowitch, E. TFS0A-1937- 33-283 ( estimate ) Riozzl , M. A., Jr. DABSA-1970- 30-3594 Rozlovskii, A. I. KICAA-1967' 8-1027 (review) Schofield, K. PLSSA-1967- 15-643 Shane and Brennen CHPLB-1969- 4-31 Shui, et al. JCPSA-1970" 53-2547 Shui, et al. MFMPA-1970- RPT/70-2 Stedman, et al . JCPSA-1968" 48-4320 (mechanism) Thrush, B. A, JCPSA-1967- 47-3691 Wentink, et al , JCPSA-1953" 29-231 Wright and Winkler PHCMB-1968" 14-161 ( review Young and Sharpless BAPSA-1958- 3-320 Young and Sharpless JCPSA-1963- 39-1071 Young and St. John JCPSA-1966- 45-41 56 Young, et al . JCPSA-1964- 41-1497

N N M - N2 M Young and Black JCPSA- 1966-44-3741 Young and Sharpless JCPSA- I 963-39- 1071

N N M - N, M

Bayes and Kistiakowsky JCPSA- 1958' •29-949 ( mechanism Bayes and Kistiakowsky JCPSA- 1960 •32-992 ( mechanism Becker , e t a I *BPCHZ- 1968 •SHA/2 Benson , S . W JCPSA- 1968' 48-1765 ( review Berkowitz, et al JCPSA- 1956 •25-457 ( mechanism Brctnnen and Shane CHPLB" 1968 •2-1 43 Brown, R. L. JCPSA" 1970 •52-4604 Harteck, et al, *SYCLZ- 1965 •91 Jonathan and Petty JCPSA- 1969 •50-3804 ( mechani sm McNcal, R. J. BAPSA- 1967- •12-542 Marshall and McLennan I ETNA- 1963 •10-124 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1967 •7-1 155 ( mechanl sm Phillips, L. F. CJCHA- 1 963 •41-732 ( mechanism Stedman, et al JCPSA" 1968 •48-4320 ( mechanism Takahashi, S. MDPCA" 1967 •7-475 Young and Black JCPSA" 1966 44-3741 N N*M>N^*M*hv

Benson, S, W. JCPSA-1968" 48-1765 (review) Berkowitz, et al. JCPSA-1956- 25-457 ( rate and mec hani sm Campbell and Thrush PRLAA-1967 •296-201 Gross, R. W. F. JCPSA-1968- •48- 1 302 Harteck, et al . »SYCLZ-1965- •91 McNeal, R. J. BAPSA-1967- 12-542 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1966- •6-305 (rate) Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1967- 6-469 (mechanism) Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1967- •7-1155 (rate and mec hani sm ) Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA-1968- •8-791 Takahashi, S. MDPCA- 1967- •6-475

23 . ) 1 1 1 ) ) )) ) t) ) ) )

N II M > M hv ( Con t inued )

Takahashl, S. MDPCA-1966-5-305 (rate) Young and SharpLess JCPSA- 1963 -39- 1071

N N2 - N ( exchange

Betr-Nun and Lifshitz JCPSA- 1967-47-28 78 N

Trautz, M« ZEELA- 19 19-25-297 N6

Henrlques, et al, JCPSA- 1938-6-51 8 Klstiakowsky and Volpl JCPSA-1957-27-1 141 (upper limit e s t i ma t e ) Pease, R, N, JCPSA- 1939-7-749 (mechanism) Zellkoff and Aschenbrand JCPSA-1954-22- 1685 (mechanism)


Black, et al JCPSA- 1969-51-1 16 [N*( ^D); N6*( B^n^ )]

N0 -» N, e

Atallah, S. «AFCRL- 1 96 1 - RPT/76 ( evaluation Back and Mui JPCHA- 1 962-66- 1 362 (product yield) Barnes, et al. BMI RA- 1 964 -BMI - 1 97- 10-2 ( review Bates, D. R, AGEPA- 1952-8- 1 94 Baulch, et al . HTRRA- 1 969- 4- 1 ( eva luat ion Bortner, M. H. NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 ( evaluation Bortner and Kummler «GESLZ- 1 969 -RPT/GE-9 500-ECS-SR-l ( review Cherry, et al . »TRWSZ- 1967-RPT/0883 2-6001-TOOOO dyne and Thrush NATUA- 1 96 1 - I 89-56 dyne and Thrush PRL AA- 196 1 - 26 1 -259 Davidson, N. »AVEVZ- 1 958- RPT/32 Doering and Mahan JCPSA- 1 961 -34- 1 6 17 Ellas, L. JCPSA- 1965-42-431 (product yield) Fenimore and Jones JPCHA- 1 957-6 I -654 Fortijn et al . CJCHA- 1964-42-2440 Click, et al . JCPSA- 1957 - 27-850 Heicklen and Cohen ADPCA- 1 968- 5-2 27 (r evlew Herron, J. T. JCPSA- 1 96 1 -35- 1 1 38 Herron, J- T. JNBAA- 196 1 -6 5-4 1 Kaufman and Decker SYMCA- 1 959-7-57 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1955-23- 1 702 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1957-27- 1 209 ( mechani sm Kaufman and Kelso SYMCA- 1 959-7-53 (re view ) Kistiakoysky and Volpi JCPSA- 1957-27- 1 1 41 ( lower I 1ml est ima t e Klstiakowsky and Volpi JCPSA- 1 958-28-665 ( lower limit estimate ) Kretschmer, C. B. »AJGAZ- 1 962 -RPT/AN-6 71 ( estimate ) Lin and Fyfe PFLDA- 1 961 -4-238 (r evlew Mayer, S. W. J PCHA- 1 967- 7 1 -4 1 59 ( calculation Mayer, S. W. JPCHA- 1 969 -73-3941 ( calculation Peng and Pindroh BBSDA- 1 963-RPT/D2- 3422 ( review ) Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1 962-36- 1 509 Pratt, N . H. NGTRA- 1 963-RPT (rev 1 ew ) Rozlovskii, A, I. ZFKHA- 1956-30- 1349 Rozlovskii, A. I. KICAA-1967-8-1027 ( review Rozlovskii and Rodin DKPCA- 1967- 177-8 19 ( review Sagert and Thrush DFS0A- 1 964-37-223 ( review Schiff, H. I. AGEPA- 1964-20- 1 1 5 ( review


til .«• . 98 ) 1 ) )

N N0 - ( Continue d )

Spealman and Rodebush JACSA- 1935-57- 14 74 ( mec hanl sm Takezaki and Mori BICRA- 1967-46- 38 Verbeke and WlnkVer JPCHA-19 60-64-31 Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949-53-369 Wise and Freeh JCPSA- 1952-20- 1 724 ( mec hanl sm Wray and Teare JCPSA- 1962-36-2582 Zeldovlch, J» ACPYA- 1946-2 1-577

Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 ( review)

N N0 - N, 6

Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA-1958-28-51 0 (mechanism) Morgan and Schiff CJCHA- 1963-41-903 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1962-36-1 509 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1962-36-32 83

N NO > Ng 6

Young , e t al JCPSA - 1968-49-4769 ( '^D ) N N6 M ^Ngt) M

Bortner and Kummler DASRA-1967-RPT/1 948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9 500-ECS-SR- 1 (review Pease, R, N, JCPSA- 1939-7-749 (mechanism) N 0 6

Liuti , et al AANLA- 1968-45-364 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA-1965-42-31 71 N

Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969' RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- ( re vl ew Clyne and Thrush TFS0A-1961- 57-69 Liuti, et al. AANLA- 1968- 45-364 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA-1965- 42-31 71 Schiff, H. I. AGEPA-1964- 20-1 1 5 ( review) Spealman and Rodebush JACSA- 1935« •57-1474 (mechanism)

N N02 -* N^O 0

Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9 500-ECS-SR- ( re vl ew Clyne and Thrush TFS0A- 1961-57-69 Kaufman and Kelso SYMCA-1959-7-53 (review) Kistlakowsky and Volpi JCPSA- 1957-27- 1141 Liuti, et al AANLA- 1968 -45- 3 64 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1965-42-31 71 Schiff, H. I. AGEPA- 1964-20- 1 1 5 (review)

N N02 > N20 0

Clough and Thrush PRLAA- 1969-309-419 (vlbr. excit. mechan 1 sm N N02 - N0 NO Baulch, et al HTRRA-1969-4-57 (evaluation)

25 , .• • ) ) ) ) )

N N0p - N6 NO ( Continued

Bortnei* and Kummler *GESLZ- 1969- RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 (review) Clyne and Thrush TFSdA- 1961 • 57-69 Doerin({ and Mahan JCPSA- 1 961 • 34- 16 17 Kaufman and Keleo SYMCA- 1959 •7-53 (mechanietn) Li ut i , e t al . AANLA- 1 966' 45-364 Mayer, S. W. JPCHA- 1967- 71-4159 (calculation) Phillips and Schlff JCPSA- 1965 •42-31 71 Schlff, H. I. AGEPA- 1964 •20- 1 1 5 ( review Spealman and Rodebush JACSA-1935 •57-1474 (mechanism) Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949- •53-376

N » N6 N6

Clouj^h and Thrush PRLAA- 1969-309-419 (vibr. excit. mechanism)

N "* products

Verbeke and Winkler JPCHA- 1960 -64-31 9

N 0 > N6 hv

Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 ( review) N*6*M-N6*M Barnes, et al, BMIRA-1964-RMI-197-10-2 (review) Barth, C. A. *JPLCZ- 1961 - 1 -64 Bates, D, R, AGEPA- 1952-8-194 Baulch, et al HTRRA- 1969-4-24 (evaluation) Baulknight, C. GORZZ- 1965-RPT/RM-274 ( evaluati on Bortner, M, H, NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler DASRA-1967-RPT/1948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR-l ( review) Campbell and Thrush TFS0A- 1966-62-3366 Campbell and Thrush PRLAA- 1967-296-222 (rate and mechani sm Campbell and Thrush TFS0A- 1968-64-1265 Campbell and Thrush TFS0A- 1968-6 4- 12 75 Cherry, et al *TRWSZ-1967-RPT/0 883 2-60 01-T0000 Freedman and Daiber JCPSA- 1961 -3 4-1 271 Harteck, et al JCPSA- 1958-29-60 8 lonov and Nikolaev IMZGA-1968-154 Kretschmer, C, B, *AJGAZ- 1962-RPT/AN-671 Kretschmer and Petersen JCPSA- 1963-39- 1772 Lin and Fyfe PFLDA-1961-4-238 (review) Mavroyannis and Winkler CJCHA- 1961 -39-1601 Peng and Pindroh BBSDA-1963-RPT/D2-13422 (review) Pratt, N. H. NGTRA-1963-Pratt (review) Rozlovskii, A, I, KICAA- 1967-8-1029 (review) Sagert and Thrush DFS0A- 1964-37-223 (review) Wray and Teare JCPSA- 19 62-36-25 82 Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963-39- 1071 Young and St • John JCPSA- 1966-45-41 56 Young, et al JCPSA- 1964-41 -1497 N*0*M>N0*M

Tanaka , Y. JCPSA- 1954-22-2045 (mechanism) Young and Black JCPSA- 1966-44-3741 Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963-39-1 071

N 0 M ^ N0 M Callear and Smith DFS0A- 1964-37-96 Tanaka , Y. JCPSA- 1954-22-2045 ( mechanism

26 , .• «, ,, r ) ) ) 1) ) )

N * e * U ^ N6* M ( Continued ) Vandersllce, et al JCPSA-1959-31-738 (mechanism) Young and Black JCPSA- 1966-44-3741 N e M-N<3*M*hi/ GroBS and Cohen JCPSA- 1968- 48-2582 Kaufman and Keiso JCPSA- 1957' 27-1209 (mechanism) Takahashi « S. MDPCA- 1968- 8-61 1 Young and Sharpless DFS0A- 1962- 33-228 (mechanism) Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963- 39-1071 N ^2 "* 0

Atallah, S, »AFCRL- 1961 RPT/761 ( bes t va lue Barnes, et al. BMIRA- 1964 •RMI-197-1 0-2 ( review ) Baulch, et al HTRRA- 1969 •4-11 ( eva luation Becker, et al, ZENAA- 1969 •24-1280 Bortner, M, H, NBTNA- 1969 •TN-484 (e valuation Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ- 1969 •RPT/GE-95 00-ECS-SR- ( review Camac and Feinberg SYMCA- 1967 •1 1-137 ( eview Cherry, et al «TRWSZ- 1967 •RPT/08832 -6001-TOOOO Clark and Wayne PRLAA- 1970 316-539 Clyne and Thrush NATUA- 1961 •189-56 Clyne and Thrush PRLAA- 1961 •261-259 Davidson, N. »AVEVZ- 1958 •R?T/3 2 ( r eview Fenimore and Jones JPCHA- 1957 •61-654 ( review Gllck, et al JCPSA- 1957 •27-850 (doubtful Heicklen and Cohen ADPCA- 1968 •5-227 (re view ) Kaufman and Decker SYMCA- 1959 •7-57 ( reverse ) Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1955 •23- 1 702 Kistiakowsky and Volpi JCPSA- 1957 •27- 1 141 Kretschmer, C« B. »AJGAZ- 1962 •RPT/AN-67 Kretschmer and Petersen JCPSA- 1963 •39-1772 LJ n and Fyfe PFLDA- 1961 •4-238 (re view ) Mevroyannls and Winkler 1 2GEA- 1961 •287 Mayer, S, W, JPCHA- 1967 •71-4159 ( calculation Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1968- 8-469 Peng and Pindroh BBSDA- 1963- RPT/D2-13 422 ( review Pratt, N. H. NGTRA- 1963 •Pratt ( re view ) Rozlovskli, A, I, KICAA- 1967 •8-1027 ( eview Schlff, H. I. AGEPA- 1964 •20- 1 1 5 ( evl ew Schofleld, K. PLSSA- 1967 •15-643 Tunder, et al, ASTSZ- 1967 •RPT/TR-IO OK 9210-02 )-l Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949' •53-369 ( eve rse ) Vlastaras and Winkler CJCHA- 1967 •45-2837 Westenberg, et al CHPLB- 1970- 7-597 Wilson, Wm , E., Jr. JCPSA- 1967- •46-20 17 Wilson, Wm. E., Jr *ICRPZ- 1967 •1-147 Wray and Teare JCPSA- 1962 •36-2582 Zeldovich, J, ACPYA- 1946- 21-577

N 6. - N6 6

Bortner and Kummler «GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR-l ( review) Clark and Wayne CHPLB- 1969-3-405 <^Ag) (upper limit

es tlma te )

Clark and Wayne PRLAA- 1970-316-539 (^A ) e

Hunten and McElroy JGREA- 1968-73-2421 (^A ) (evaluation) Westenberg, et al CHPLB- 1970 -7-597 N 6^ - NO 6^

Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-l969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR-l ( review)

27 , , ,, . ,. , , ) )

0^ - NfJ &2 ( 9ontin ued;> Chen and Taylor JCPSA- 196 1-34- 1344 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1962-36- 15 09 Schiff, H, I. AGEPA- 1964-20- 1 1 5 (review) SchoficLd, K. PLSSA-1967- 15-643


Becker, et al. »BPCHZ- 1968- SHA/2 Benson , S . W JCPSA- 1968- 48- 1 765 ( review) Bcrkowitz , et al JCPSA- 1956- 25-457 (mechanism) Bi-ennen, W JCPSA- 1 966- 44- 1 793 Brennen and Shane CHPLB- 1968- 2-143 Dunford, e* al. CJCHA- 1964- 42-2504 ( review) Fink and Welge ZENAA- 1 964- 19-1 193 1 965- 9 1 J e un e h omme j M JCPSA- 1966- 44-2672 Jeunehotnme , M. JCPSA- 1966- 45-1805 Jeunehomme and Duncan JCPSA- 1 964 - 41-1 692 Jonathan and Petty JCPSA- 1969- 50-3804 Keck, et al. APNYA- 1959- 7-1 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1967- 6-469 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1967- 7-1155 (mechanism) Takahashi, S. MDPCA- 1967- 7-475 JCPSA— 1 967- 47—3691 f r>(>view) Tilford and Wilkinson JM6SA- 1964- 12-397 (mechanism) Zar e , e t a I JM6SA- 1965- 15-117 Zlpf, E. C Jr. JCPSA- 1963- 38-2034

'It' It N. ^ hv Calo and Axtmann JCPSA- 1971- 54-1332 Fink and Welge ZENAA- 1964- 19-1 193

N, hv - N N*

Beyer and Welge JCPSA- 1969- 51-5323 ( *P

hv - N* N*

Beyer and Welge JCPSA- 1969-51-53 23 (^D and P ) M-N*N*M

Applet on, et al, JCPSA- 1 968-4 8-599 Atalla h, S, *AFCRL-1961 -RPT/761 (best value) Baulkn Ight, C. »GORZZ- 1965-RPT/RM-274 ( evaluation Bo rtne r , M, H, NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Byron S. JCPSA- 1966-44- 13 78 Gary, B, PFLDA-1965-8-26 Hall , et a I, JASSA-1962-29-1038 (review) Peng a nd Plndroh BBSDA-1963-RPT/D2- 13422 (review) Pratt, N. H, NGTRA-1963-Pratt (review) Shui , et al, JCPSA- 1 970-53-2547 Sve tts ov, et al KHVKA- 1967- 1-174 Troe a nd Wagner BBPCA- 1967-71 -937 (review) Tunder , e t al »ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-1001( 9210-02 )-l Wray, K. L. PGARA-1962-7-181 (review) Wray a nd Byron PFLDA- 1966-9-1 046 Wray, et al SYMCA-1962-8-328 (review) Young , e t al • JCPSA-1964-40-1 17 (product yield)

28 .• ,• . ) ) ) ) )

M^ N*N*M Berkowltz, et al JCPSA- 1956- 25-457 Phillips, L. F. CJCHA- 1963 41-732 ( tnechanism ) Shul , et a I , JCPSA- 1970- •53-2547 (mechanism) Tllford and Wilkinson JM6SA- 1964- 12-347 (mechanism)

M (electronic)

Lutz, B. L, JCPSA- 1969-51-706 Wray, K, L. JCPSA- 1966-44-62 3

N. M » N, M ( energy transfer

Ba SCO , et al • PRLAA-1962 269- 1 80 Callear and Smith NATUA- 1962 •196-888 Callear and Smith DFSeA-1964- •37-96 Callear and Smith TFS6A- 1963- •59-1735 ( mec hani sm ) Callear and Smith TFS6A- 1965- •61-2383 ( es t imati on

N, M > N2 * M (electronic)

Bayes ar d Kistiakowsky JCPSA-1958-29-949 (mechanism) Bayes ard Kistiakowsky JCPSA- 1960-32-99 2 Becker, et al, »BPCHZ-1968-SHA/2

Bl ack , e t al JCPSA-1969-51-1 1 6 ( Brennen and Shane CHPLB" 1968" 2-1 43 Brown, R. L, JCPSA- 1970- 52- 4604 Dressier, K, JCPSA- 1959- 30- 1621 Dugan, C. H« JCPSA- 1967- 47- 1512 ( rev iew Dunford, H, B, J PC HA- 1963- 67-258 Dunford, et al, CJCHA- 1964- 42-2504 ( review Herron, J, T, JNBAA- 19 65- 69-287 ( review Huber and Kantrowitz JCPSA- 1947- 1 5-275 Jarmain, et al ASJ6A- 1953- 1 18-228 Jarmain, et al ASJ6A" 1955- 1 22-55 Jeunehomme, M, JCPSA- 1966- 45-1805 Jeunehomme and Duncan JCPSA- 1964- 41-1692 Johnson and Fowler JCPSA- 1970- 53- 65 Jonathan and Petty JCPSA- 1969- 50- 3804 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1958- 28-510 ( mechanism Lichten, W, JCPSA- 19 57- 26- 306 Lukasik and Young JCPSA- 1957- 27- 1 1 49 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1967- 6-469 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1967- 7- 1 1,55 Morgan and Schiff CJCHA- 1963- 41-903 Muschlltz and Goodman JCPSA- 1953- 21-2213 Noxon, J, F, JCPSA- 1962- 36-926 Phillips, L, F, CJCHA- 1963- 41-732 ( mechanism Setser, et al, JCPSA- 1970- 53-1 004 Shemansky, D« E, JCPSA- 1969- 51- 5487 Sheridan and Peterson JCPSA- 1969- 51-3574 Stedman, et al JCPSA- 1968- 48- 4320 Takahashi, S, MDPCA- 1967- 7-475 Thrush, B, A, JCPSA- 1967- 47- 3691 ( review Wilkinson and Mulliken JCPSA- 1959- 31- 674 Young, R. A, CJCHA- 1966- 44-1 171 Young and St . John JCPSA- 1968- 48- 895

Young, et al JCPSA- 1968-49-4769 ( A^E^* )

Young , et al , JCPSA- 1969- 50-303 Zipf, E. C. CJCHA- 1969- 47-1863 ( review

29 , ) 1 1

N, M > No M; (rotational relaxation)

Parker, et al. J ASMA- 19 53-25-263 Se tser , e t al • JCPSA-1970-53-10 04

N, M > No M (vibrational relaxation)

Bethe and Teller »MUERZ-194l RPT/X-1 1 7-BRL (calculation) Blackman. V. JFLSA-1956- 1-61 Calo and Axtmann JCPSA-1971 54-1332 Dickens and Ripamontl TFS6A-1961 •57-735 (calculation) Duff and Davidson JCPSA-1959 •31-1018 (calculation) Gaydon and Hurle SYMCA-1962 8-309 Hanson and Baganoff JCPSA-1970 •53-440 Henderson, M. C. JASMA-1962 •34-349 Henry, P. S. H. NATUA-1932 •129-200 (calculation) Knudsen, V. 6. JASMA-1933 •5-1 12 Mlllikan and White JCPSA-1963 •39-98 Millikan and White JCPSA-1963 •39-3209 (evaluation) Parker, J. G. JCPSA-1964 •41-1600 Penny and Aroeste JCPSA-1955 •23-1281 (calculation) Schwartz and Herzfeld JCPSA-1954- 22-767 (calculation) Schwartz, et al , JCPSA-1952 •20-1591 (calculation) Shilling and Partington PHMAA-1928 6-920 Strehlow and Cohen JCPSA-1959- •30-257 White and Millikan AIAJA-1964 •2-1844 Zipf, E. C, CJCHA-1969 •47-1863 ( review)

N. M ^ N, M (energy transfer)

Becker an d Bayes JPCHA- 1 967-71-37 Brenne n and Klst 1 akowsky JCPSA- 1966-44-2695 Callea r and Smith DFS6A- 1964-37-96 Callea r an d Smith TFS6A-1965-61-2383 (mechanism) Callea r and Wood CHPLB- 1970-5-1 26 Calo a nd Axtmann JCPSA- 197 1 - 54- 1 332 Dugan C. H. JCPSA- 1966-45-87 (estimation) Freema n and Phillips JPCHA- 1 964-68-36 2 Noxon J. F. JCPSA- 1962-36-9 26 Proven Cher and McKenney CHPLB-1970-5-26 S tedma n , e t al • JCPSA- 1968-48-4320 Welge, K. H, JCPSA-1966-45-166 (mechanism) Wright and Winkler CJCHA- 1962 -40-5 Young and St. John JCPSA- 1 968-4 8-898 Young and St • John JCPSA- 1968 -48- 2572

Young, et al • JCPSA-1968-49-4769 [ No( A^^E ) and M - Nd*( -n„)]

Young , e t al , JCPSA- 1969-50-303

N. M > N, M ( electronic Campbell and Thrush TFSOA- 1969-65-32

N^ N^ N2 * (exchange-overall)

Bar-Nun and Lifshltz JCPSA- 1967-47-28 78 N^ N6 - N U^e

Tunder, et al. »ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-1001( 9210-02 )-l


Hi , ,

N, N0 -

Fon t ijn, et al. CJCHA- 1964-42-24 40 - N N6

Barnes, et al. BMIRA-1964-RMI-197-10-2 (review) Baulch , c t al , HTRRA- 1969-4-7 (evaluation) Bortner, M. H. NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler DASRA-1967-RPT/1948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 ( review) Camac and Feinberg SYMCA-1967-l 1-137 Fenlmore and Jones JPCHA- 19 57-6 1-65 4 Gllck, et al JCPSA- 1957-2 7-85 0 Peng and Pindroh BBSDA-1965-RPT/D2-13422 (review) Pratt, N. H. NGTRA- 1963-Pratt (review) Tunder, et al *ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-100 1( 9210-02 )-l Vetter, K. ZEELA- 19 49-53-376 Wray, K. C. PGARA-1962-7-181 (review) Wray and Teare JCPSA- 19 62-36-2582 Wray, et al. SYMCA- 1962-8-328 (review) Wray, et al, JCPSA- 1970-53-41 31 Zeldovlch, J. ACPYA- 1 946-2 1 -577

6 > N^e hv

Cadle, R. D. DFS6A-1964-37-66 (evaluation)

N. 6 M

Bates and Witherspoon MNRAA-1952- 112-101 Baulknight, C. »GORZZ- 1965- RPT/RM-274 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler DASRA-1967' RPT/1948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969- RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 (review) Davidson, N, *AVEVZ- 1958- RPT/32 ( review) Groth and Schierholz CHBEA-1957- 90-987 (mechanism) Groth and Schierholz JCPSA- 1957- •27-973 (mechanism) Harteck and Dondes JCPSA- 1954- 22-758 Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA-1968- 72-159

N. 0^ M -» N^e * M Bates and Witherspoon MNRAA-1952" 112-101 (mechanism) Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ-1969- RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 (review) Cadle, R. D. DFSGA-1964- 37-66 (evaluation) DeMore and Raper JCPSA- 1962- 37-2048 (quantum yield) DeMore and Raper CJCHA- 1963- 41-808 (quantum yield) Groth and Schierholz JCPSA- 1957- 27-973 (mechanism) Norrlsh and Wayne PRLAA- 1965" 288-200 (mechanism) Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA-1968" 72-159 (mechanism)

6 M DeMore and Raper ASJ0A-1964-139-1381 (mechanism) Sn-elling and Bair JCPSA- 1967-47-22 8 N, 02 -* N N0.

Tunder, et al. *ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-1001( 9210-02 )-l 02 - N20 0

Tunder, et al. »ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-1001( 9210-02 )-l

31 , , 3 5 1 )) ) ) )) ) )

Baulch, et al HTPRA- 1969' 4-36 (evaluation) Camac and Feinberg SYMCA- 1967 •1 1-137 Davidson, N, »AVEVZ- 1958 RPT/3 2 ( review Frank-Kamene t zky, D, ACPYA- 1947 •22-27 ( rate and mec hanl sm Gilbert and Daniels lECHA- 1948 •40-1719 ( review Gllck, et al JCPSA" 1957 •27-850 Hi rschf cl der , et al, JPCHA- 1953 •57-403 Ne rnst , W, ZACMA- 1906 •49-21 Peng and Pindroh BBSDA- 1963 •RPT/D2- 13422 ( review ) Trautz, ZAACA- 1916 •96-1 (review ) Vetter, K. ZEBLA- 1949 •53-369 ( mechanism Vctter, K, ZEELA- 1 949' •53-376 ( mechani sm Wecker and Baurer PYDYA- 1966 •4-57 Wray, K. L. PGARA- 1962 •7-181 (review) Wray and Teare JCPSA- 1962 •36-2582 Zeldovich, J, ACPYA- 1946 •21-577 ( rate and mechanism

N, * ^3 ^2^' a.

Bates, D. R. AGEPA- 1952-8-1 94 Bates and Witherspoon MNRAA- 1952-1 12-101 ( review)

^2 * «3

Bates and Wltherspoon MNRAA- 1952 •1 12-101 ( review) Groth and Schierholz CHBEA- 1 957 •90-987 (mechanism) Groth and Schierholz JCPSA- 1957 •27-973 (mechanism) Harteck and Dondes JCPSA- 1954 •22-758 (mechanism)

N, 03 > N^O - 02

Bates and Witherspoon MNRAA- 1952- 1 1 2- 1 01 (mechanslm) Harteck and Dondes JCPSA- 1954-22-758 (mechanism)

N, 03 hv ^ N^a 02 Paper and DeMore JCPSA- 1964-40- 1053 (quantum yield)

N^O > N2 0

0raevskii, A, N, SPHJA- 1965 21-768 ( review) Reuben and Linnett TFS0A-1959 55-1543 (review) Troe and Wagner BBPCA-1967 71-937 ( review

N20* > N, 0

Bell, et al. JCS0A- 1957- 1 474 (me chan ism ) DeMore and Paper ASJ 0A- 1 964- 1 39- 1 38 ( cvalua tlon Fishburne and Edse JCPSA- 1 964-4 1 - 1 297 ( mec hanl sm Friedman and Blgeleisen J ACSA- 1 9 53- 75- 22 1 ( mec hanl sm Gill and Laldler CJCHA- 1958-36- 1 570 ( rev lew ) Johnston, H, S. JCPSA- 1951 - 19-663 ( eval ua ti on ) Johnston, H. S. JCPSA- 1 952- 20- 1 1 03 ( eva luatlon ) Johnston and White JCPSA- 1 954-22- 1 969 ( eva I ua tlon) Lindars and Hinshelwood PRLAA- 1955-231 - 1 78 ( mec hanl sm Nikitin, E. E. DANKA- 1 9 59 - 1 29 - 1 57 ( cal culat ion ) Snelling and Balr JCPSA- 1967-47-228 Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1 962-37- 1 835 ( evaluation

32 • •, , ) ) ) ) ) )

DeMore and Paper ASJrtA- 1964 139-1381 (evaluation) Snelllntf and Balr JCPSA- I 967 •47-228 2Nrt2 (overall

Graven , W, M JACSA- 1959- 81-6190 Jo sh 1 , S . S . TFSf»A- 1 927- 23-227 Jo sh 1 , S • S . TFS6A- 1929- 25-108 Joshl, S. S. TFS6A- 1929- 25-1 18 Jo shl , S • S TFS6A- 1929- 25-137 Kueck and Brewer JCPSA- 1932- 36-2395 Snelling and Balr JCPSA- 1967 47-228 NgO hv - N NO Bates and Wltherspoon MNRAA- 1952- 112-101 (calculation) Doe ring and Mahan JCPSA-1 961- •34-1617 Doerlng and Mahaii JCPSA- 1962- 36-1682 Young, et al JCPSA- 1968- •49-4769 (quantum yield) hv - N NO

Young, et al JCPSA- 1 968-49-4769 (quantum yield)

4N20 hv > 3N2 2N0 6, ( overall )

Grelne r , N , R JCPSA- 1967- 47-4373 (quantum yield and mechanism) MacDonald, J« Y. JCS0A- 1928- •1 (quantum yield and mechanism) No yes, W. A., Jr. JCPSA-1937- 5-807 (quantum yield and mechanism) Preston and Cvetanovlc »CCKNZ-1971 • •4-preprlnt (review and mechanism

NgG hv -» N, 6 Castelllon and Noyes JACSA-1957-79-290 (quantum yield) Doerlng and Mahan JCPSA- 1961 -34-1617 Doerlng and Mahan JCPSA- 1962-36-16 82 Murad and Noyes JACSA-1959-81-6405 (quantum yield) Noyes, W. A,, Jr. JCPSA-1937-5-807 (mechanism) Young , e t al JCPSA- 1968-49-4769 (quantum yield) Zellkoff and Aschenbrand JCPSA-1954-22-1680 (quantum yield and mechan ism Zellkoff and Aschenbrand JCPSA- 1954-22-1685 (quantum yield and mechan 1 sm

NgO hv - N2 0

Bates and Wltherspoon MNRAA- 1952- 1 1 2- 1 01 ( calculation Castelllon and Noyes JACSA-1957-79-290 (quantum yield) Cvetanovlc, R. J. JCPSA- 1965-43- 1 8 50 ( mec hanl sm Greenberg and Heicklen I JCKB- 1970-2-1 85 ( quantum yield ) Hampson and 6kabe JCPSA- 1970-52- 1 930 (quantum yield) Noyes, W. A., Jr. JCPSA-1937-5-807 ( mechanism Warneck, P. JCPSA- 1 965-43- 1 849 (quantum yield) Yamazakl, H. CJCHA- 1 970-48- 3269 ( mec hanl sm Yamazakl and Cvetanovlc JCPSA- 1 963-39- 1 9 02 ( mec hanl sm Yamazakl and Cvetanovlc JCPSA- 1 964-40-582 ( mechanl sm Yamazakl and Cvetanovlc JCPSA- 1 964-41 -37 03 ( mec hanl sm

33 , t,• , .• ) 5 5 1 ) 1 ) )

H^e hv - ( Cont inued

Young, et al JCPSA- 1 968-49-4769 ( * D, or *S) ( quantum yield

Yo ung , e t ai • JCPSA- 1969-50-309 (*S)

*) Young , et al JCPSA- 1968-49-4769 ( A^Eu ( quantum yield N^O M - N N0

Pease, R, N, JCPSA- 1939- 7-749 (review) Tunder, et al. »ASTSZ- 1967 RPT/TRl 00 1( 9210-02 )- Wourtzel, M. E. RADMA- 19 19 •1 1-332 Zelikoff and Aschenbrand JCPSA-1954 •22-1685 (mechanism)

^ N M

Campbell and Thrush TFS0A- 19 66-62-3366 Young , e t al . JCPSA- 1969 -50 -303

H^e M > I/2N2 N6 M (overall)

Briner, et al, JCPQA- 1926" 23-609 Kueck and Brewer JPCHA- 1932- 36-2395 Lewis and Hinshelwood PRLAA-1938- 168-441 Stewardson, E, A, TFS6A- 1934- 30-1 018 M - 6 M

Barton and Dove CJCHA •1969-47-521 Baulkn ight . c. »GORZZ- • 1965-RPT-RM-2 74 ( evalua t i on Bell, et a I. JCS6A •1957-1474 Benson and 6'Neal NSRDA- •1970-NBS 21-553 ( review Borisov, A . A. KICAA- •1968-9-399 Bradley an d Kistiakowsky JCPSA •1961-35-256

Drummond a nd Hiscock AJCHA- • 1967-20-81 Fine, B. D • NASCA- 1962- TN/D- 1528 (evaluation) Fi shburne and Edse JCPSA- • 1 964-41 - 1 297 Fi shburne and Edse JCPSA' •1966-44-51 Fi shburne and Edse »6sceu- •1962-6hio State Univ. Fi shburne, e t al . »6SC6U- 1965- 6hio State Univ. Fi shburne e t al • PFLDA- •1964-7-1391 Gill and L aidler CJCHA- 1958- 36-1570 (review) Graven , W, M. JACSA- 1959- 81-6190 (mechanism) Gu tman , e al . JPCHA- •1966-70-1793 Hunter , E PRLAA- •1934-144-386 Johns t on H. S. JCPSA- 1951- 19-663 (evaluation) Johnston H. S, JCPSA- 1952-20-1130 (evaluation) Johnston a nd White JCPSA- 1954- 22-1969 (evaluation) Jost, W« WZTUA- 1967-16-1367 Jost , et a I. »G6TTU- 1963- Gottingen Univ. Jost, et a I. ZENAA- 1964-19-59 Kassel , L S ACM6A" 1952- 57-227 Kaufman, e t al. JCPSA- 1956-25-106 Lindars an d Hinshelwood PRLAA- •1955-231-162 Lindars an d Hinshelwood PRLAA- 1955- 231-178 Mar t inengo et al , ZPCFA- 1966- 51-104 Modica, A. P « JPC HA- 1965- 69-21 1 Musgrave and Hinshelwood PRLAA- 1932-135-23 61 schewski e t al . BBPCA- 1966- 70-450 61 sc hewski et al • NACGA- 1965-1 1

3A . 51 ) ) ) ) ) )

N^f* M -» * M ( Cont inued )

Oraevskii, A, N, JTPLA- 1965-48- I 1 50 Pease, R, N, JCPSA- 1939-7-749 (review) Powell, R. E. JCPSA-1959-30-724 (review) Preston and Cvetanovic *CCKNZ-1971-4-Preprlnt (review and mechan ism Schumacher, H. J. B66KA- 1 938- 131 ( rev lew Troe and Wagner BBPCA- 1967- 71-937 ( review) Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1962- 37-1 835 Wourtzel, M. E. RADMA- 19 19- 1 1-332

Campbeli and Thrush TFS6A- 1966- 62-3366 Campbell and Thrush TFS6A- 1968- 64-1275 Young, et al , JCPSA- 1969- 50-303 Zabolotny and Cesser JCPSA- 1962- 36-565

M > N, 1/26, all )

Bcnnefois and Destriau ^ 1 1 0 — Brlner, et al. J CPQ A- 1 9^;6 0 — oO V 1 mec nan i sm ) Graven, W. M. JT ACSAA A — 19\ c\ 59a <~% — 8 1-6190 Hlbben, J. H. FN ASA— 1^27 " 1 3-626 Hibben, J. H. J ACSA- 1928 — 50-937 T A ^ OA 1 o o o Hibben, J. H. J ACSA— 1 92o — — Hinshelwood, C, N, ZPCBA— 1 9 30 lO—lb/ I review! — Finshelwood and Burk PKL AA— 1 y li'*- rv T A A Hunter, E« PkL AA"" 1 y o4 — ry n g- A Hunter, M, A, Zb Pu A— 1905 — bo— 4-4 1 Hutchison and Hinshelwood PK L AA" 1 y


Bell, et al. JCS6A- 1957- 1 474 Flshburne and Edse JCPSA- 1 964-4 1 - 1 297 Friedman and Blgelelsen J ACSA- 1 9 53-75-22 1 ( mec hanl sm Gill and Laldler CJCHA- 1 958 -36- 1 570 ( review Johnston, H. S, JCPSA- 1951 - 1 9-663 ( evaluation Johnston, H. S. JCPSA- 1952-20- I 1 03 ( evaluation Johnston and White JCPSA- 1954-22- 1 969 ( evaluation Lindars and Hinshelwood PRLAA- 1955-231 - 1 78 ( mec hanl sm Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1 962-37- 1 835 ( mec hanl sm

NgG M NgO M . >

Bell, et al. JCS6A- 1957-1474

35 5 ) ) ) )

M » N^O M ( Cont inued )

Flshburne and Edse JCPSA- 1 964-4 1 - I 297 Fricke, E. F. J ASMA- 1941 - 1 2-245 Friedman and Bigeleisen JACSA- 1953-75-22 15 ( mec hani sm Gill and Laidler CJCHA- 1 958 - 36- 1 570 ( review 1 Johnston, H. S. JCPSA- 1 95 - 1 9-663 ( evalxoation ) Johnston, H. S. JCPSA- 1 952-20- 1 1 03 ( evaluation Johnston and White JCPSA- 1954-22- 1 969 ( evaluation Kneser, H. ANPYA- 1 933- 1 6-337 ( evalua-f ion ) Knudsen and Fricke J asma- 1 94 1 - 1 2- 25 Kuechler, L. ZPCBA- 1 938 - 4 1 - 1 99 1 Lindars and Hinshelwood PRL AA - 1 955- 23 - 1 78 ( mec haiii sm )

N N. 6.

Pease, R, N, JCPSA- 1939-7-749 (mechanism)

Barton and Dove CJCHA-1969 '47-521 (mechanism) Bradley and Kistiakowsky JCPSA-1961 35-256 Fishburne and Edse JCPSA-1964- 41-1297 Graven, W. M, JACSA-1959 •81-6190 (mechanism) Jost, et al. »G6TTU-1963 Gottingen Univ. (mechanism) Jost, et al. ZENAA-1964 •19-59 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1955 •23-602 Lindars and Hinshelwood PRLAA-1955 •231-162 ( mec hani sm Mayer, S. W, JPCHA- 1967 •71-41 59 ( calculation Mayer, S. W. JPCHA-1969- 73-3941 ( calculation Musgravc and Hinshelwood PRLAA-1932 •135-23

N0 6,

Barton and Dove CJCHA-1969-47-521 (mechanism) Fishburne and Edse JCPSA-1964-41-1297 (mechanism) Jost, et al, »G6TTU- 1 963-Got t ingen Univ. (mechanism) Jost, et al, ZENAA-1964-19-59 (mechanism) Kaufman, et al. JCPSA-1956-25-106 (mechanism) Reuben and Linnett TFS6A-1959-55-1543 (mechanism) N^O 0 - N

Tunder, et al. *ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-1001( 92 10-02 )-l H^e 6 - N6 6^ (overall)

Kretschmer, C, B, »AJGAZ-1962-RPT/AN-67 1 (upper limit est i mate )

Barton and Dove CJCHA-1969" 47-521 Bell, et al, JCS0A-1957" 1474 (mechanism) Borisov, A. A. KICAA-1968- •9-399 Bortner and Kummler DASRA-1967- RPT/1948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969" RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 (review) Bradley and Kistiakowsky JCPSA-1961' 35-256 Fine, B. D. NASCA-1962- TN/D-1528 (estimate) Fishburne and Edse JCPSA-1964' 41-1297 (mechanism) Fishburne and Edse JCPSA- 1966- 44-51 5 Fishburne, et al. *0SC0U-1965' 0hio Univ, Friedman and Bigeleisen JACSA-1953' 75-2215 (mechanism) Graven, W. M, JACSA-1959- 81-6190 (mechanism) Gutman , et al, JPCHA-1966' 70-1793 Henrici and Bauer JCPSA- 1969" 50-1333 Henriques, et al, JCPSA-1938' 6-r518

36 , • • , ) ) )

6 ( In ued 2 Cont ]j

Hunter, E. PRLAA- 1934- 144-386 (mechanism) Jo st, et al. *G0TTU- 1963-Got t ingen Univ. (mechanism) Jos t , e t al ZENAA-1964-19-59 (mechanism) Kaufman, et al JCPSA- 19 56-25- 106 Klstlakowsky and Volpi JCPSA- 1957-27- 1 1 41 (upper limit e s 1 1 ma t e ) Lindars and HI nshclwood PRLAA- 1955-231 - 162 Mert lnen«o et al • ZPCFA- 1966-5 1- 1 04 (mechanism) Meyer, S. W. JPCHA- 1967-71-4159 (calculation) Meyer, S. W. JPCHA- 1969-73-3941 (calculation) Murad and Noyes J ACSA- 19 59 -8 1-64 05 Glschewski, et al NACGA- 1965-1 15 (mechanism) 6lschewski, et al BBPCA-1966-70-450 (mechanism) 6raevskii, A, N, SPHJA-1965-21-768 (review) Reuben and Linnett TFS0A- 1959-55- 1 543 (mechanism) Verdurmen, E, A, Th« JPCHA-1966-70-1767 (upper limit estimate ) Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA- 1968-72- 159 Zabolotny and Cesser JCPSA-1962-36-565 (mechanism) Zellkoff and Aschenbrand JCPSA- 1954-22-1680 (mechanism)


Cvetanovic, R, J, JCPSA-1965-43-1850 (mechanism)

Greenberg and Heicklen I JCKB- 1970- 2-185 ( Hampson and 0kabe JCPSA- 1970- 52-1930 Heicklen and Cohen ADPCA- 1 968- 5-227 ( review

Preston and Cvetanovic JCPSA- 1966- 45-2888 ( ) Reuben and Linnett TFS0A- 1959- 55-1543 ( mec hani sm

Scott and Cvetanovic JCPSA- 1971 54-1440 ( ) Verdurmen, E, A, JPCHA- 1966- 70-1767 ( upper 11 mi t est 1 ma te ) Warneck, P, JCPSA- 1965- 43-1849 (quantum yield)

Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA- 1968" 72-159 ( ^D)

Yamazaki, H. CJCHA- 1970' 48-3269 ( ) Yamazakl and Cvetanovic JCPSA- 1 963- 39- 1 902 Yamazaki and Cvetanovic JCPSA- 1964- 40- 582 N6 Barton and Dove CJCHA-1969 47-521 Baulch, et al. HTRRA-1969 •4-^44 (evaluation) Bell, et al. JCSeA-1957 •1474 (mechanism) Borisov, A. A. KICAA-1968 -9-399 Bortner and Kummler DASRA-1967 -RPT/1948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969 -RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 (review) Bradley and Klstlakowsky JCPSA-1961 -35-256 Fenlmore, C. P. JCPSA-1961 -35-2243 Fenlmore and Jones JPCHA-1958 -62-178 Fenlmore and Jones JPCHA- 1959 63-1834 (estimate) Fenlmore and Jones SYMCA-1962 -8-127 Fire, D. B. NASCA-1962 TN/D-1528 (estimate) Flshburne and Edse JCPSA- 1964 -41-1297 (mechanism) Fishburne and Edse JCPSA-1966 -44-515 Flshburne, et al . *6SC6U-1965 -Ohio Univ. Friedman and Bigelelsen JACSA-1953 -75-2215 (mechanism) Graven, W. M. JACSA-1959 -81-6190 (mechanism) Gutman, et al . JPCHA- 1966 -70-1793 Henrlcl and Bauer JCPSA-1969 -50-1333 Henriques, et al. JCPSA-1938 •6-518 Herron and Schlff CJCHA-1958 -36- 1 1 59 Jost, et al. »G0TTU-1963 -Gottlngen Univ. (mechanism) Jost, et al. ZENAA-1964 -19-59 (mechanism) Kaufman, et al • JCPSA-1956 -25-106


t ., )

U^e e - N6 NO ( Continued )

Kaufman, F. PRKNA-1961 I - 1 ( review Klstlakowsky and Voipi JCPSA-1957 '27-1141 (upper limit e s t i ma t e ) Lewis and Uinshelwood PRLAA-1938 •168-441 (mechanism) Lindars and Hinshelwood PRLAA-1955- •231-162 (mechanism) Mayer, S. W. JPCHA-1967- 71-4159 (calculation) Mayer, S. W. JPCHA-1969- 73-3941 (calculation) Majptlnengo, et al . ZPCFA-1966- 51-104 (mechanism) Mu^«ad and Noyes JACSA-1959- •8 1 -6405 MuB({rave and Hlnshelwood PRLAA-1932' •135-23 (mechanism) Noyes, W. A,, Jr. JCPSA-1937- •5-807 (mechanism) Olschewski, et al . NACGA-1965- 115 (mechanism) eischcwskl, et al . BBPCA-1966 •70-450 (mechanism) Reuben and Linnett TFSClA-1959- •55-1543 (mechanism) Schofield, K. PLSSA-1967- •15-643 Warneck knd Sullivan BBPCA-1968 •72-159 Zelikoff and Aschenbrand JCPSA-1954- 22-1680 (mechanism)

NgO 6 - N6

DeMore, W. B, JCPSA-1970-52-4309 ( *D) Donovan, et al« CHPLB-1970-6-488 (^D) Greenberg and Helcklen IJCKB- 1970-2-1 85 (^D) Hampson and 6kabe JCPSA- 1970-52- 1930 Helcklen and Cohen ADPCA-1968-5-227 (review) Graevskil, A, N, SPHJA-1965-21-768 (review) Preston and Cvetanovic JCPSA-1966-45-2888 (^D) Reuben and Linnett TFS0A-1959-55-1543 (mechanism) Scott and Cvetanovic JCPSA-1971 -54-1440 (^D) Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA-1968-72-159 (^D) Yamazakl, H. CJCHA-1970-48-3269 (*D) Yamazakl and Cvetanovic JCPSA-1963-39- 1902 ( re I . rate see: NgG O'' - Ng 02 ^ Yamazakl and Cvetanovic JCPSA- 1964-40-58 2

N^e 6* > N0 NO*

Bl ack , et al JCPSA-1969-51-1 1 6 [6*(*S); N0*(B^n^)]

N^O 0 - N^O 0 (exchange)

J&tte and Klein TFS0A- 1966-62-3135

N^O 0 > N^Og* Jaffe and Klein TFS0A- 1966-62-3135

N^O 0

Bl ack , et al CJCHA-1969-47-1872 ( S) Stuhl and Welge CJCHA-1969-47-1870 (^S) Young, et al JCPSA- 1968-49-4758 (^D)

Young, et al JCPSA- 1968-49-4769 ( *D, or ^S)

Young, et al • JCPSA-1969-50-309 (^S)

38 Flshburne, et al, »6SC6U-1965-ehio State Univ. Jaffe and Klein TFS6A- 1966-62-31 35

> 6-

Bortncr and Kummler »GESLZ- 1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SP- 1 ( review)

Tunder, et al. *ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-100 1( 9210-02)-!

^2^2 ^2 6, Strausz and Gunning CJCHA- 1961 -39-2549

N2O2 M ^ 62 M

Fishburne, et al, »6SC6U-1965-6hio State Univ. (mechanism)

^2^2 * ^ ^2^ 6 M Fishburne, et al» »6SC6U-1 965-6hio State Univ, (mechanism)

^2^2 * M ^ N0 N0 M

Fishburne, et al. *6SC6U- 1 965-6hio State Univ. (mechanism)

Guggenheim, E. A. M0PHA- 1966- 10-40 1 (evaluation) Rice, 0. K. JCPSA- 1 936-4-53 (mechanism) N262 Strausz and Gunning CJCHA- 1961 -39-2549

N 0 0 -• N 0 2 2 2 2 4 Guggenheim, E. A. M0PHA-1966-1O-4O1 (evaluation)

^2^2 * ^2 ^ ^^2 * ^^2 Bodenstein, M. HCACA-1935-18-743 (mechanism) Rice, 0. K. JCPSA- 1936-4-53 (mechanism) Sole, M. CCCCA- 1964-29-2227 (mechanism) Stoddart, E. M, JCS0A-1939-5 (mechanism) Trautz and Schlueter ZAACA- 1924- 136-1 (mechanism) ^2^3 N0 N02

Bauer, et al . ACUSA- 1959-9-181 Bodenstein, M. ZEPCA- 1923-104-51 (mechanism) Klein, et al . JCPQA- 1963-60-148 Leifer, E. JCPSA- 1940-8-301 (mechanism) Schumacher, H. J. B00KA- 1938-139 ( review) Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 1928-136-77 (mechanism) Sprenger, G, ZEPCA- 1928-136-49 (mechanism) Wayne and Yost JCPSA- 1951 - 19-41

I 39 5 ) ) ) )

Schumacher, H« J« B66KA-1938-139 (review) Schumacher, H, J, B00KA- 1938-419 (review) Schumacher and Sprenjjer ZEPCA- 1928- 1 36-77 (mechanism) Sprentjer, G, ZEPCA- 1928- 136-49 (mechanism)

Rase hi f • ZACHA- 1905- 18-1281 Sanfourche, A. BSCF A- 19 19-25-63 3 Sanfourche , A. C0REA- 19 19-168-30 7

N263 * 63 ^ > N€J,

f Schumacher, H« J. B06KA- 1938-419 (mechanism)


Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1962-37-1 835 (evaluation)

^2^4 * > N6 N0 62 ( overall ) Holmes and Daniels JACSA-1934-56-630 (quantum yield)

^2^4 * M -* N6 N6 M Tipper and Williams TFS6A-1961-57-79 (mechanism) Treacy and Daniels JACSA- 1955-77-2033 (mechanism)

^2^4 * * ^*^2 * M ( at low and high pressures)

Bauer, S. JPCHA-1953 •57-424 Bauer and Gustavson DFS6A-1954 •17-69 Bauer, et al . ACUSA-1959 •9-181 Benson and O'Neal NSRDS-1970 •NBS 21-554 ( evaluat 1 on Blend, H. JASMA-1962 •34-129 Brass and Tolman JACSA- 1932 •54-1003 Brokaw, R. S, JCPSA-1961 35-1 569 ( upper limit estimate Carrington and Davidson JCPSA-1951 •19-1313 Carrington and Davidson JPCHA-1953 57-418 Cher, M, JCPSA-1962 •37-2564 Gr^neisen and Goens ANPYA-1923 •72-193 Kistiakowsky and Richards JACSA-1930 52-4661 Kneser and Gauler PHZFA-1936 37-677 ( review) Olson and Teeter NATUA-1929 •124-444 Preston and Cvetanovic *CCKNZ-1971 •4-Preprint ( review and mechanism) Richards and Reid JCPSA- 1933 1-114 Richards and Reid JCPSA-1933 • 1 -737 ( review Schumacher, H. J. BOOKA-1938 • 1 47 ( review Selle, H. ZEPCA-1923 104-1 Sessler, G. ACUSA-1959 9-1 19 Sessler. G. ACUSA-1960 10-44 Teeter, C. E., Jr. JCPSA-1933- 1-251 ( review) Verhoek and Daniels JACSA-1931- •53-1 1 86 Wegener, P. P. JCPSA-1958 28-724 Wegener, P. P. PFLDA-1959 2-264 Wegener, P. P. JARSA-1960- 30-322 Wieder and Marcus JCPSA-1962' •37-1835 ( eva lua tl on ) Zimet, E. JCPSA-1970- •53-51

NgO^ O - NO2 NO Golomb and Good JCPSA- 1968-49-4176

40 I, • 8 ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Bodensteln, M, ZEPCA-1923-104-51 (mechanism) BuBse and Daniels JACSA- 1927-49- 1 257 (mechanism) ^2^5 - ^2^3 Bodenstein, M. ZEPCA- 1923 104-51 (mechanism) Kaseel , L . S ACM6A- 1932 •57-189 Schumacher, H. J. B00K A- 1938' • 1 39 ( review ) Schumacher, H, J. B66KA- 1938 419 ( review Schumacher and Sprenger ZACHA- 19 29 •42-697 (mechanism) Schumacher and Sprenger ZPCBA-1929' •2-267 (mechanism) Sprenger, G, ZEPCA- 1928 136-49 (mechanism) ^2^5 hv - N6, N0, 1/26^ (overall) Holmes and Daniels JACSA- 1934- 56-630 (quantum yield) Preston and Cvetanovic *CCKNZ- 1971- 4-Preprlnt (review and mechanism

M > ^*2^5 M

Johnston, H« S« JCPSA-1952' •20-1103 (evaluation) Johnston, H. S« B66KA- 1966 •14 (evaluation) Johnston and White JCPSA-1954- 22-1969 (evaluation) Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1962- •37-1835 (mechanism) N2«5

Johnston, H. S. JCPSA- 1952- 20-1103 (evaluation) Johnston, H. S. Bee»KA-1966- 14 (evaluation) Johnston and White JCPSA-1954- 22-1969 (evaluation) Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1962- •37-1835 (mechanism) N0. M

Amel I and Daniels JACSA- 1952-74-6209 ( estimate ) Benson , S. W, Be0KA- 1960-408 (re view ) Benson and O'Neal NSRDA- 1970-NBS 21- 555 (evaluation) Cowan et al. JCPSA-1953-21-1397 Ford a nd Endow JCPSA- 1957-27- 1 1 56 ( mec hanl sm Ford, et al, JCPSA-1960-32-1256 Hisats une, et al . JACSA- 1 957 -79-4648 Johnst on, H. S. B06KA- 1966- 14 (rev lew ) Johnst on, H. S, B00KA- 1966-299 (re V lew ) Johnst on, H. S. JACSA- 1951-73-4542 Johnst on, H. S. JACSA-1953-75-1 567 Joh nst on, H. S. JCPSA-1952-20-1 103 ( evaluation Johnst on and Perrlne JACSA- 1951 -73-4782 Johnst on and White JCPSA- 1954-22- 1969 ( evaluation Lowry and Seddon JCSOA- 1 938-626 (mechanlsm) Mills and Johnston JACSA- 195 1 -73- 93 A., Jr. JCPSA-1947-15-337 ( mec hanl sm R . A., Jr. JCPSA-1947-15-613 ( mechanism R. A., Jr. JCPSA-1950- 18-572 ( estimate R. A., Jr. JCPSA-1953-21-2079 ( mec hanl sm et *l. JCPSA-1950-18-573 ( estimate Powel ft, E. JCPSA-1959-30-724 ( revl ew Schott and Davidson JACSA- 1958 -80- 1 841 SchumaCher, H. J. ZEELA- 1 941 - 47-673 ( review SchumaCher and Sprenger ZAdHA- 1929-42-697 ( revl ew SchumaCher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 1929- 140-281 ( mec hanl sm Schuma Cher and Sprenger ZPCBA- 1 929-2 -267 ( mechanism Smith and Daniels JACSA- 1 947-69- 1 735 ( mec hanl sm Spreng er, G. ZEELA-1931 -37-674 ( mechanism Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1962-37- 1 835

41 s , , . • t ) 9 ) ) )

Johnston, H. S. JCPSA- 1952 20-1103 (evaluation) Johnston, H. S. BeOKA- 1966 14 (evaluation) Johnston and White JCPSA- 1954 22-1969 (evaluation) Wl edcr and Marcus JCPSA- 1962 37-1835 (evaluation)

^2^5 6^ ( overal I

Bodenst el n . M. ZEPCA-1923-104-51 (mechanism) Busse a r-d Dan 1 els J ACSA- 1927 -49-1 2 57 Daniels an d Johnston JAGSA- 1921 -43-53 Daniels e t al. J ACSA- 1922-44-24 02 Hlbben J . H. PNASA- 19 27- 13-626 Hibben J. H. J ACSA- 1928-50-940 Hibben , J, H. JCPSA- 1 9 30-34- 1 387 Hirst, H. S, JCS6A- 19 25- 127-657 Hirst a nd Rideal PRLAA- 1925 -109-5 26 Hodges and Linhors PNASA- 1931 - 17-28 Hunt an d ]) an 1 e I s J ACSA- 1925-4 7-16 02 Johnst o n, H. S. B66KA- 1966- 1 4 ( review) Johns t o H • S « B60KA- 1966-299 (review) Johns to n a nd Tao J ACSA- 1951-73-2948 Kassel L. S. ACM6A-1932-57-182 (review) Li nhors t a nd Hodges J ACSA- 19 34-56-836 Loom! and Smith JACSA- 1928- 50- 1864 Mills and Johnston J ACSA- 1951-73-93 8 Moelwyn -Hughes, E, A. B0e5KA-1957- 1 086 (review) Moelwyn -Hughes, E. A, B66KA-1957-1 107 (review) Moelwyn -Hugh e s , E . A. Be6KA- 1957- 1 1 1 5 (review) Presto n an d Cvetanovic CCKNZ- 1 971 -4-Preprin t (review and mechanism) Ramsperger and Tolman PNASA-1930-16-6 Ramsperger, et al. PNASA- 19 29- 1 5-453 Rice and Getz JPCHA- 1927-31- 1 572 Schumacher, H. J, B06KA- 1938- 139 (review) Schumacher, H. J. B06KA-1938-419 (review) Schumacher and Sprenger ZACHA- 1929-42-697 (mechanism) Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 19 29- 1 40-281 Schumacher and Sprenger ZPCBA- 19 29-2-267 Schumacher and Sprenger PNASA- 1930- 16- 129 Sprenger, G, ZEPCA- 1928- 136-49 White and To I man JACSA- 1925-47- 1240

N_0^ N6 - Ne>_ N02 * ( overall )

Amell and Daniels JACSA-19 52- 74- 6209 ( estimate Baxter and Dicklns on JACSA- 19 29- 51- 109 Busse and Daniels JACSA- 19 27- 49- 1 2 57 Jach, J. TFS6A- 19 57- 53- 41 Johnston, H. S. B66KA-19 66- 14 ( rev 1 ew ) Johnston, H« S. B00KA- 19 66- 299 ( re view ) Johnston, H* S, JACSA- 1 53- 75- 1567 Johnston and Perrl ne JACSA- 19 51- 73- 4782 Kassel , L • S ACM0A- 19 32- 57- 190 ( review Mills and Johnston JACSA-19 51 - 73- 938 Norrish, R, G. W, JCS6A-19 27- 761 ( me Chan 1 sm ^gg» R • A . , Jr JCPSA- 19 47- 15- 337 ( mechanism 6gg, R. A,, Jr, JCPSA- 19 47- 15- 613 ( mechanism 6gg, e t al JCPSA-19 50- 18- 573 ( mechanism Powell, R. E. JCPSA-19 59- 30- 724 Schumacher, H« J. B60KA- 19 38- 139 ( re view ) Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 19 28- 136 -77 ( mechanism Smith and Daniels JACSA-19 47- 69- 1735 Sprenger, G, ZEPCA- 19 28- 136 -49 ( mechanl sm Wilson and Johnston JACSA-19 53- 75- 5763 Zabolotskli, T, V. JGCHA-19 50- 20- 1441 ( mechanl sm Zabolotskii and Solnyshkova JGCHA-19 50- 20-1 445 (mechanism)

A2 • . . I 1 ) ) ) )

N6, 0, 2

Blacct, et al. J ACSA- 1962-84-40 1

( exchange )

Amell and Daniels JACSA -1 952-74-6209 R- A., Jr. JCPSA -1947-15-613 (estimate) e t al , JCPSA -1950-18-573 (mechanism)

N63 > N6, N0, N6, 6, ^2^5 2 ""2 2 2 Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA-1928-136-77 (mechanism)

^2^5 ^2 - ^2^5 * ^2 ( exchange ) 6gg, R. A«, Jr. JCPSA -1 953-21-2079

^^2^5 6. 6. 0, ( overal )

Kassel « L • S ACM0A- 1932-249 ( review Lowry and Seddon JCS6A- 1938-626 (rate and mechanism Nordberg, M, E, SCIEA- 1929-70-580 Preston and Cvetanovlc »CCKNZ- 197 1 -4-Prepr i n t (review and mechan i sm Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 1928-136-77 (rate and mec hani sm White and To I man JACSA- 1925-47- 1 240

^ N63 - N0. 6, ^2^5 ^3 3 2 Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA-1928-136-77 (mechanism)

N6 - N 0 Callear and Smith DFS0A- 1964-37-96

N0 > N0 hv

Basco , e t al PRLAA- 1961 -260-459 Basco , et al PRLAA-1962-269-180 (mechanism) B' Black, et al JCPSA-1969-51-1 1 6 ( "r> Bubert and Froben CHPLB- 1971- 8-2 42 Callear and Smith TFS0A- 1963- 59- 1720 Callear and Smith TFS0A- 1963- 59- 1735 ( mec hani sm Callear and Smith DFS0A- 1964- 37- 96 Callear and Smith TFS0A- 1965- 61- 2383 ( mec hani sm Fink and Welge ZENAA- 1968- 23- 358 J e un e h omme , M JCPSA- 1966- 45- 4433 Jeunehomme and Duncan JCPSA- 1964- 41- 1692 Keck, et al. APNYA- 1959- 7-1 Kleinberg and Terenin DANKA- 1955- 101 -445 (mechanism) Kleinberg and Terenin DANKA- 1955- 1 01 -1031 (mechanism) Nicholls, et al CBFMA- 1959- 3-1 3 ( review ) Nicholls, et al ASJ0A- I960- 131 -99 Tanaka, Y. JCPSA- 1954- 22- 20 45 (mechanism) N0 hv - N, N02 (overall)

Leiga and Taylor JCPSA- 1965- 42-2107 (quantum yield and mechanism] Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ- 1971- •4-Preprint ( review and mechan ism

43 •, , ., 4 ) ) )

Na hv ^ 1/2 1/2(^2

Flory and Johnston J ACS A- 19 35-57-2641 Kondraticv, V, N, ACPYA- 19 35-3-2 47 MacDonald J. Y. JCSOA- 1928 I ( quantum yiel.d eind mechanism) 3Ne

MacDonald, J. Y, JCSOA-1928-1 (quantum yield and me Chan ism N6 M N 6 M

Baulch, et al . HTRRA-1969 4-31 (evaluation) Bortner, M. H. NBTNA-1969 TN-484 (evaluation) Desai, S. V. PHDTA-1969 •Calif. Inst, of Tech, Freedman and Dalber JCPSA-1961' •34-1 271 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA-1957 27-1209 Peng and Plndroh BBSDA-1963- RPT/D2-13422 (review) Pratt, N. H. NGTRA-1963 Pratt (review) Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ-1971 4-Preprint (review and mec han i sm ) Stezhenskll, A. I. TEKHA-1968 •4-698 Troe and Wagner BBPCA-1967- 71-937 (review) Tunder, et al. *ASTSZ-1967 •RPT/TR-IOOK 9210-02 )-l Vinokourov, et al, »FGRPZ-1969 101 Wray, K. L. PGARA-1962 7-1 31 ( review Wray and Teare JCPSA-1962 •36-2582 Wray, et al. SYMCA-1962 8-328 ( review Young and Sharpless JCPSA-1963- 39- 1071 Young, et al . JCPSA-1964- 41-1497

N6 M > N0 M (electronic)

Daiber and Williams JQSR A- 1 96 1 - 1 - 1 35

N0 M > N0 M (energy transfer) Bates, J. R. JACSA- 1932-54-569 Becker and Bayes JPCHA- 1967- 71-371 Callear and Smith TFSeA- 1963- 59-1735 Callear and Smith DFS0A- 1964- 37-96 Callear and Smith TFS0A- 1965- 61-2383 (mechanism) Callear and Wood CHPLB- 1970-5-1 28 Dugan , C. H, JCPSA- 1966- 45-87 (evaluation) Fallon , e t al JPCHA- 1959-63-2082 (mechanism) Noyes, W. A., Jr. JACSA- 1931-53-51 Robinson and Nicholls PPS6A- 1958-71-957 Welge, K. H, JCPSA- 1966-45-166 ( mechanism Young and St . John JCPSA- 1 968- 48-898 Young, et al JCPSA- 1968-49-4 769 [N6*(2 "r>

M* - N2*(a3e^

N6 M > N0 M (electronic) Basco, et al PRLAA- 1961 -260-459 Ba SCO , et al . PRLAA-1962-269-180 (mechanism) Broida and Carrington JCPSA-1963-38-136 (mechanism) Callear and Smith TFS0A- 1963-59- 1720 Callear and Smith DFS0A- 1964-37-96 Jarmain, et al ASJ0A- 1953-1 18-2 28 Jarmain, et al ASJ0A- 19 55- 1 22-5 5 Kleinberg and Terenln DANKA- 1955- 1 01 -445 Klelnberg and Terenln DANKA- 1955- 1 01 - 1 031 . • , , ) ) ) )) ) )

Ne»* M > Nf> M (electronic) ( Continued )

Weber and Pcnner JCPSA- 19 57-26-860 Young and Sharpless DFS6A- 1962-33-22 8

N6 M > N0 M (vibrational relaxation) Kamimoto and Matsui JCPSA- 1970-53-39 87 Mo n son, et al« PLSSA- 1961 -3-86 Robben , F JCPSA- 1959-31-420 Robben, et al JCPSA- 1961-33-630 Slobodskaya and Tkachenko 6PSU A- 1970-29- 1 38

N0 M ^ N^J M (energy transfer)

Basco , e t al . PRLAA- 1 962-269- 1 80 ( mec hani sm ) Callear and Smith NATUA- 1962- 196-8 88 Callcar and Smith TFS6A- 1 963-59- 1 735 Callear and Smith DFSe A- 1964-37-96 Callear and Smith TFS0A- 1965-61-2383 (est ima ti on N6 - N N0,

Baulch, et al HTRRA- 1969-4-61 (estimate) Tunder, et al, »ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-1001( 92 10-02 )-l Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949-53-369 N6 NO - Nf)^ 0^ (overall)

Ivanov, V. N, BURSA- 1963-27-40

N0 N6 - ^2 ( overall)

Baulch, et al HTRRA- 1969- 4- 40 ( evalua t ion Bes, et al JCPQA- 1970- 67-73 1 Briner and Boubnoff JCPQA- 1913- •1 1-59 7 Davidson, N. »AVEVZ- 1958- RPT/3 2 ( review Freedman and Daiber JCPSA- 1961 • 34-12 71 Gilbert and Daniels lECHA- 1948- 40-1 7 19 ( review Click, et al JCPSA- 1957" 27-85 0 Click, et al SYMCA- 1955- 5- 393 Greig and Hall TFS0A- 1966- 62-65 2 Heicklen, J, JPCHA- 1966- •70-24 56 Hi rschf el der , et al. JPCHA- 1953- 57-40 3 Jcllinek, K, ZACMA- 1906- 49-22 9 Kaufman and Decker SYMCA- 1959- 7-57 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1953" 21-75 1 ( reevalua ti on Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1955" •23-17 02 La coste, et al, JCPOA- 1970- 67-63 6 Peng and Pindroh BBSDA- 1 963" RPT/D 2-13422 (review) Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ- 1971 • •4-Pre print (review and mechanism Rice, 0, K. JCPSA- 1936- 4-53 ( mechani sm Rozlovskii, A, I. ZFKHA- 1956- •30-13 49 Trautz, M. ZEPCA- 1909" •68-29 5 ( r evi ew Trautz, M. ZAACA- 1916" 96-1 ( review ) Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949" •53-36 9 ( rate and mechanism Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949-53-37 6 ( rate and mechani sm Wecker and Baurer PYDYA- 1966- 4-57 Wise and Freeh JCPSA- 1952" 20- 22 Wray and Teare JCPSA- 1962" 36-25 82 Yuan, et al, JPCHA- 1959- '63-95 2 Zeldovich, J, ACPYA- 1946" 21- 57 7 ( rate and mechani sm

45 , • , ) ) )

N0 N6 - l/ZNgO I/2N263 (overall) Brincr and Boubnoff JCPOA-1913-1 1-597 (overall)

N6 N6 -» N^f 6 ( first step in overall decomposition)

Baulcha et al , HTRRA- 1969- 4-51 (evaluation) Camac and Feinberg SYMCA- 1 967- 11-137 (meehanism) Heicklen, J, JPCHA- 1966- •70-2456 Kaufman and Kelso SYMCA-1959> •7-53 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1955- 23-1702 Kaufman and Kelso JCPSA- 1953- •21-751 Rozlovskii, A, I, ZFKHA- 1956 •30-1 349 Tundcr, et al. »ASTSZ- 1967- RPT/TR-IOOK 9210-02 ) Vetter, K. ZEELA-1949- •53-369 Wise and Freeh JCPSA- 1952- •20-1724 Wise and Freeh JCPSA- 1953- •21-752 (review)

NG N6 -» N6 N0 (exchange)

Klein , e t al JCPQA- 1963-60- 1 48 Splndel and Stern JCPSA- 1960-32- 1 579 (estimate)

N0 N6 - N, 6,

McGee and Heicklen JCPSA- 1964-41-2974 (estimate) Wright and Winkler JPCHA- 1962-66- 17 47

N6 N6 M - N2 02 * ^

Bodenstein, M. HCACA- 1935- •18-793 (mechanism) Golomb and Good JCPSA- 1970 •52- 1 595 Rice, 6. K, JCPSA-1936- •4-53 (mechanism) Sole, M. CCCCA- 1 964- •29-2227 (mechanism) Trautz and Schlueter ZAACA- 1924- 136-1 (mechanism)

N6 N0* M - ^2^2^ M Strausz and Gunning CJCHA- 1961 -39-2549 (mechanism)

N6 N6 N6 - I/2N2 ^2^3 ( o ver al I )

Briner and Boubnoff JCPQA- 19 13- 1 1 -597 McGilvery and Winkler CJCHA-1952-30-194 (rate and mechanism

NO N0 -• products Cohen and Heicklen JPCHA- 1967 -7 1-558 N0 N0 1/262 - N263 Briner and Fr idSri HCACA-1918' 1-181 Briner and Frld^ri JCPQA- 19 18- 16-279 Jolibois and Sanfourche C0REA-1919" 168-235 ( estimate Rasehi g, F ZACHA- 1905- 18-1281 ( mec hani sm Sanfourche, A« BSCFA- 1919- 25-633 Sanfourche, A, C0REA-19 19- 168-307

N0 N0 02 -* N02 N0, Altshuler, et al, SCI EA- 1962- 138-4 42 Ashmore and Tyler JCTLA-1962-1-39 Ashmore, et al, TFS0A- 1962-58-685 Baulch, et al HTRRA- 1970-5-36 (evaluation) , • . , - ) ) ) ) ) 1)) )

Bodenstein, M. ZACHA-1909-22-11 53 Bodenstein, M. (Meinecke) ZEELA-1910- 1 6-876 Bodenstein, M. ZACHA -1918-31-145 Bodenstein, M, (Wachenhelm ) ZEELA-1918-24'r 183 Bodenstein, M, (Linder) ZEPCA- 192 2- 100-87 Bodenstein, M. ZEPCA- 1923 104-51 ( mechanism Bodenstein, M. HCACA- 1935 18-743 ( rate and meehan 1 sm Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969- RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- ( re vl ew Briner and Fridf ri HCACA-1918- 1-181 Briner and Frid^»ri JCPOA-1918- 1 6-279 Briner and Malei: JCPOA-1923" 20-1 73 Briner, et al JCPOA- 1921 « 19-290 Briner, et al. JCPOA- 1924- •21-25 Brown and Crist JCPSA- 1941 9-840 Bufallni and Stephens I APWA- 1965- 9-123 Burdick, C, L, JACSA-1922 44-244 Calhoun and Crist JCPSA- 1937- 5-301 Crist and Calhoun JCPSA- 1936- 4-696, Crist and Roehllng JACSA- 1935- 57-2196 Foerster and Blich ZACHA- 1910- 23-2017 ( rate and mechanism ) Gershinowltz and Eyring JACSA- 1935- 57-98-5 Gilbert and Thomas TFS6A-1963- 59-1600 (estimate) Glasson and Tuesday JACSA-1963- •85-2901 Grelg and Hall TFS6A- 1966- 62- 652 Greig and Hall TFS6A- 1967- 63- 655 Guggenheim, E. A* M6PHA- 1966- 10-40 1 ( review Hall and Greig CG6MA-1966- 326 Hasche , R • L JACSA- 1926- 48-2253 Hasche and Patrick JACSA- 1925" 47-1207 Heicklen and Cohen ADPCA-1968- 5-203 ( review Hisatsune and Zafonte JPCHA- 1969- 73-2980 Ivanov, V. N, BUPSA- 1963- 27-40 Johnston and Slentz JACSA-1951- 73-2948 Jolibois and Sanfourche C0REA- 1919- 168-235 ( est Ima te ) Kassel , L . S JPCHA-1930- 34-1777 ( review Kasse I , L. S ACM6A- 1932- 57-165 ( e va I ue, 1 1 o n ) Kornfeld and Klingler ZPCBA- 1929- 4- 37 Koslewa , D BERGA- 1960- 12-423 Lunge and Berl ZACHA- 1906- 19- 857 Lunge and Berl ZACHA-1907- 20- 1713 Matthes, F, PHDTA-1933- Berlin Moelwyn-Hughes , E, A, B06KA-1957- 1125 ( review ) Morecroft and Thomas JPCHA- 1967- 71-1543 Morrison, et al IECFA-1966- 5- 175 Norrish, R. G. W. JCS6A-1927- 761 (mechanism) Norrish, R. G. W. JCS6A- 1929- 1158 (mechanism) Raschig, F,, ZACHA-1905- 18-1281 (mechanism) Rice, 0. K. JCPSA-1936- 4-53 ( review ) Sanfourche, A. BSCFA-1919- 25-633 ( rate and mechanism Sanfourche, A, C0REA-1919- 168-307 (mechanism) Schumacher, H. J. B00KA- 1938- 311 ( review Smith, J, H. JACSA- 1943- 65-74 Sole, M, CCCCA- 1964- 29- 2227 (mechanism) Sole, M, CCCCA-1965- 30- 257 Sole, M, CCCCA-1965- 30- 3798 (review) Sole, M, CCCCA- 1966- 31- 489 ( rates and mechanism Sole, M, CHLSA- 1963- 57-673 (review: mechani sm Sole, M, NATUA- 1966- 209-706 Stoddart, E. M. JCS6A- 1939- 5 (mechanism) Tipper and Williams TFS6A-1961 57-79 ( rate and mechanism Trautz, M, ZAACA-1916- 96- 1 ( review ) Trautz, M, ZEELA- 1919- 25-4 , , . ) )) 1 ) )

N0 N6 6^ - NO^ ( Ck> n t inu ed }

Trautz, M, ZEPCA-191 1-76-129 Trautz and Schlueter ZAACA- 1924- 136-1 Treacy and Daniels JACSA- 1955-77-2033 (rate and mechanl sm ) Wourtzcl, E, CeREA- 19 20 -170-2 29 Zabolotskll, T. V. JGCHA- 1950-20- 1449 (mechanism) Zabolotskil, T. V. JGCHA- 19 50-20- 1451 Zabolotskii, T. V, KHNPA- 1956-1 -680

N6 0 -• N 6 3 2 5 Zabolotskll, T. V, JGCHA-1950-20-1441 (mechanism)

N0 Ne^ N6 ( exchange )

Klein, et al JCPO A- 1963-60-1 48 Lelfer, E, JCPSA-1940-8-301 (lower limit estimate ) N0

Klstlakowsky and Kydd JACSA- 19 57-79-4825 ( mechanism Rice and Wunderllch JPCHA- 1965-69- 21 37 ( mechanl sm

N6 -* ^2^3 Helcklen and Cohen ADPCA-1968' •5-195 (review) Klein, et al , JCPOA-1963- •60-148 Lelfer, E. JCPSA-1940 8-301 (mechanism)

Schumacher, H, J. B60KA-1938- • 1 39 ( review Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA-1928 •136-77 (mechanism)

* N0 NO, ^2 "* ^^2 NO. Ashmorc and Burnett TFS0A- 1962-58-2 53 Benson , S • W, B00KA- 1960-408 (review) Helcklen and Cohen ADPCA-1968-5-203 (review) Ray and 0gg JCPSA- 19 57-26-984 Schott and Davidson JACSA- 1958 -80- 18 41 N0 N03 N^e^ Treacy and Daniels JACSA-1955-77-2033 (mechanism) N0 NO^ - NO^ *

Ashmore an d Burnett TFS6A- 1962-58-253 Ashmore an d Levitt RSCRA- 1956-9-S25 Ashmore an d Levitt JCPSA- 1957-2 7-31 8 Bortner an d Kummler *GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- ( review Brown and Crist JCPSA- 1941 -9-840 Calhoun an d Crist JCPSA- 1937-5-30 1 (mechanism) Cowan, et al. JCPSA- 1953-21-1397 Crist and Wertz JCPSA- 1939-7-719 Davidson a nd Schott JCPSA- 1957-27-3 I 7 Edwards an d Christie CC6MA- 1967-789 Foerster a nd Bllch ZACHA- 1910-23-2017 Ford, H. CJCHA- 1960-3 8- 1780 ( calculation Ford and Endow JCPSA- 1957-2 7-1 1 56 ( mec hanl sm Ford, et al, ADCSA- 19 59-2 1-410 Ford, et .1. JCPSA- 1960-3 2- 12 56 He Ickl en .nd Cohen ADPCA- 1968-5-195 (review) HI sat sune e t al • JCPSA- 1955-23-2467 HI sa tsune e t al JACSA- 1957-79-4648 V1, .

( NO N6-, — N6, N6p Cont Inu ed ) Husaln and Norrish PRLAA- 1963-273- 165 Johnston, H. S. B66KA-1966-14 (review) Johnston, H« S. B66KA-1966-299 (review) Johnston, H. S, JACSAi- 1951-73-4542 <3gg. R. A., Jr. JCPSA-1950-18-572 (mechanism) Schott and Davidson JACSA-1958-80- 1841 (review) Schumacher, H, J. Be6KA- 1938-31 1 (review) Smith and Daniels JACSA-1947-69-1735 (mechanism) Tipper and Williams TFS6A- 1961 -57-79 (mechanism) Treacy and Daniels JACSA- 1955-77-2033 (mechanism) Troe , J. BBPCA- 1969- 73-906

0 - N 6,

Atalla h, S »AFCRL-1961 -RPT/671 (evaluation) Barnes , et a I • BMIRA-1964-RMI-197-10-2 (review) Baulch , et al. HTRRA-1969-4-1 9 (evaluation) Bo r tne r, M . H. NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Bo rtne r an d Kummler DASRA-1967-RPT/1 948 (evaluation) Bo rtne r an d Kummler »GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR-l ( review) Clark, et al. JCPSA- 1969-51 -26 85 Davids on, N. »AVEVZ- 1958-RPT/32 (review) Fenimo re a nd Jones J PC HA- 19 57-61 -654 Click, et al . JCPSA- 1957-27-850 Kauf ma n an d Decker SYMCA-1959-7-57 Kaufma n an d Kelso SYMCA-1959-7-53 Kaufma n an d Kelso JCPSA- 1955-23-1 702 Pe ng a nd P Indroh BBSDA-1963-RPT/D2-13422 (review) Pratt N. H. NGTRA-1963-Pratt (review) Ro zlo skii and Rodin DKPCA- 1967- 177-819 (review) Rozlovskil . A. I. ZFKHA- 19 56-30- 1349 Schof eld, K. PLSSA- 1967- 15-643 Sulzma nn a nd Ludwii^ CNRVZ- 1961 -RPT/ZPh-087 (review) Vetter . K. ZEEL A- 1949-53-369 Wl Ison , Wm • Fa, Jr. ICRPZ- 1967- 1-147 Wi se a nd F rech JCPSA- 1952-20-1 724 Wise a nd rec h JCPSA-1953-21-752 (review) Wray, K. . PGARA-1962-7-1 81 (revlewj Wray a nd ear e JCPSA- 1962-36-2582 Wray, et I. SYMCA-1962-8-328 (review) Zeldov Ich, J. ACPYA- 1946-2 1-577

N0 0 — N6 6 ( exchange ) Herron and Klein JCPSA- 1964-40-2731 Mayer, S. W. J PC HA- 1967-71-41 59 Mayer, S. W. J PC HA- 1969-73-3941

N0 6 - N0,

Benson, S* W. JCPSA-1963- 38-1251 (estimate) Freedman and Kelso X0BRA- 1969- RPT/1430 (mechanism) Jaffe and Klein TFS0A- 1966- 62-3135 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964- 41-1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA-1966- 44-3645 Spindler, G. B. PLSSA-1966- 14-53 (mechanism) N0 0 - N0, hv

Applebaum, et al. PHCBA-1965- •4-1003 (mechanism) Baulch, et al . HTRRA- 1970- •5-24 (evaluation) Bo rtne r and Kummler DASRA- 1967- •RPT/1948 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ-1969/RPT-GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 ( review) Bulewicz and Sugden CSSPA-1957-9-81 Clyne and Thrush PRLAA- 1962-269-404 Del Greco, et al JCPSA- 1966-4 4-4349 JfIh .« ) - ) ) ) ) )

N6 6 - NO, hv ^ Continued

Dohert y an d Jonathan DFS6A- 1964- 37-73 Fonti n an d Rosner JCPSA-1967- 46-3275 Fonti n an d Schiff 12GEA-1961 239 Fonti n , e t al. JCPSA- 1964- 40- 64 Gaydon . A. G. PRLAA- 1944- 183-111 (mechanism) Golomb . et al . JGREA- 1965- 70- 1 1 55 Good a nd H ill «AFCRL-1965- RPT/66-284 Good , et a I. »AFCRL-1958- RPT/68-0 143 Ha r tun i an , e t al . JCPSA-1966- 44-1765 Heickl en a nd Cohen ADPCA- 1968- 5-237 (review) Jonat an a nd Petty TFS6A- 1 968- 64- 1 240 Karmi ova and Kondrat iev ZFKHA-1951- 25-312 Kaskan 9 W E. CBFMA-1958- 2-286 Kauf ma n , F PRKNA- 1961 - 1- 1 ( review Kauf ma n. F JCPSA-1959- 28" 352 Kaufma n , F PRLAA- 1958- 247-1 23 ( estimate Kauf ma n an d Kelso SYM:CA-1959- 7-53 Kauf ma n , e t al . JCPSA-1956- 25-106 Keyser , et al. CHPLB- 1968- 2- 523 Levitt . B. P. JCPSA- 1965- 42-1038 Reeves . et al. JCPSA- 1964- 41- 764 Schlf , H. I . AGEPA- 1964- 20-1 1 5 ( review) Spindl er, G. B. PLSSA- 1966- 14-53 (mechanism) van de r Bl iek and Cas sanova XCCIA-196 7-AD-6455 16 van de r Bl iek, et al, PRGDA-1967- 2-1543 Vanpee and Ki neyko JCPSA- 1970- 52-1619 Wurs te r an d Marrone »CARBZ- 1961 RPT/0M-1373-A4 Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963- 39-1071

(NO) 6 > N6„ ( N0) n 2 n-1 Oolomb and Good JCPSA- 1968-49-4176

( N6 ) 6 > N6^ ( N6) hv n 2 n-1 Golomb and Good JCPSA- 1968- 49-4176 Vanpee and Ki neyko JCPSA- 1970- 52-1619 N0 M - M

Barton and Dove CJCHA- 1969- 47-52 1 (mechanism) Baulch . et al. HTRRA" 1970- 5-15 ( evalua tion Benson 9 S W. JACSA- •1969- 91-21 52 (mechanism) Bo rtne r an d Kummler DASRA- 1967- RPT/1 948 (evaluatioi Broida . et al. TFS0A' 1961- 57-25 9 (mechanism) Clyne and Thrush PRLAA- 1962- •269-4 04 Dohe rt y an d Jonathan DFS0A- 1964- 37- 73 Fenimo re, C. P. JCPSA- 1961 - 35-22 43 Fishbu rne and Edse JCPSA- 1 966- 44-51 5 Fonti n an d Schiff 12GEA- 1961 • 239 Fonti n , e t al. JCPSA- 1964- 40-64 Ford a nd E ndow JCPSA- 1957- 27- 1 1 56 Fo rd a nd J af f e JCPSA- 1963- 38- 29 35 Fo rd, e t a I. ADCSA- 1959- 21-41 0 Garvin , et al. CJCHA- 1960- 38-17 95 Har tec k. P DFS0A- 1964- 37-22 0 ( revi ew ) Hartec k , e t al. JCPSA- 1958- 29-13 33 Ha rtle y an d Thrush DFS0A- 1964- 37-22 0 ( review Hartlc y an d Thrush PRLAA- 1967- 297-5 20 Har tun ian , e t al • JCPSA- 1966- 44-1 7 65 Heickl en a nd Cohen ADPCA- 1968- 5-237 ( review Huffma n an d Davidson JACSA- 1959- 81-23 1 1 Jaf f e and Klein TFS6A" 1966- 62-31 35 Jonath an , N. DFS0A- 1964- 37-22 1 ( revi ew Ka skan , W E. CBFMA- 1958- 2-286 Eauf ma n . F JCPSA- 1958- 28- 35

50 . ) -1 91 ) ) ) )

N6 > 0 M - N0. M ( Cont inued

Kaufman, F. PRKNA- 1961 - 1 -1 ( review ) Kaufman, F. PRLAA- 1 958-247 -123 (rates and mechanism ) Kaufman and Kelso 1 2GEA- 1 961 -255 Kaufman and Kelso »SYCLZ- 1 965-65 Kaufman and Kelso SYMCA- 1 959 - 7-5 3 Kaufman, et al . JCFSA- 1 956-25- 106 Kistiakowsky and Volpl JCPSA- 1 957-27- 1141 ( rates and mechanl sm Kleln and Herron JCPSA- 1 964- 4 1 1285 Lindars and Hlnshelwood PRL AA- 1 955- 23 -162 ( mec hanl sm ) Mearns and Morris J PCHA- I 970 - 74- 3999 Mlyazaki and Takahashl MDPCA- 1 968-8-7 77 Mlyazaki and Takahashl MDPCA- 1969-9-6 25 Ogryzlo and Schlff CJCHA- 1959-37- 1 690 ( ra tes and mechanl sm ) 1 Reeves, et al . JCPSA- 1 964 -4 764 Schlff, H. I. AGEPA- 1964-20- 1 1 5 ( review Schuck, et al. J PCAA- 1 966- 1 1 695 Slanger and Black JCPSA- 1 970 -53- 3717 Spealman and Rodebush JACSA- 1935-57- 1474 (mechanism) Splndler, G. B. PLSSA- 1 966- 1 4- 53 ( estimate Stuhl and Nlkl CHPLB- 1 970 -7- 97 Troe, J. BBPCA- 1969-73- 144 Troe, J. BBPCA-1969-73- 906 Vetter, K. ZEEL A- 1 949- 53- 369 Westenberg and dc Haas JCPSA- 1 964-40- 30 87 Zabolotskll, T. V. JGCHA- 1950-20- 1449 (mechanism)

N0 6 M - N0. M

Becker, et al, BBPCA-1968- 72-157 Becker, et al. »BPCHZ-1968- SHA/2 Bticker, et al. CHPLB-1970- 6-583 Brolda, et al . TFS6A-1961' •57-259 (mechanism) Bulewlcz and Sugden CSSPA-1957" 9-81 (mechanism) dyne and Thrush PRLAA- 1962- 269-404 Doherty and Jonathan DFS0A-1964" '37-73 (mechanism) Golomb and Good JCPSA- 1968- 49-41 76 Jonathan, N, DFS6A-1964' 37-221 (review) Jonathan and Petty TFS6A-1968- 64-1240 Karmllova and Kondratlev ZFKHA-1951- 25-312 Kaufman, F. DFS0A-1964' 37-21 9 ( review Kaufman, F. PRLAA- 1958- 247-123 (mechanism) Kaufman and Kelso »SXCLZ-1965- 65 Keyser, et al. CHPLB-1968" 2-523 McKenzle and Thrush CHPLB-1968' 1 -681 Reeves, et al. JCPSA-1964' 41-764 Spealman and Rodebush JACSA- 1935- 57-1474 (mechelnlsm) N6 6 M - N0, M hv

Freedman and Kelso X0BRA- 1969-RPT/l 430 ( mechan 1 sm Golomb and Good JCPSA- 1968-49-4 176 Takahashl, S. MDPCA-1968-8-61 Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963-39- 1071 Ne

Baulch, et al HTRRA-1970- •5-8 (evaluation) Ralzer, Yu . P. ZFKHA-1959 33-700 (calculation) Vetter, K. ZEELA-1949 53-376 N0 62 - NO^ Crist and Wertz JCPSA- 1939-7-71

51 ,• ,. 1 1 ) A 5 1 )

NO - ( Continued 6^ I Focrster and Blich ZaCHA- 1910- 23-2017 (mechanism) Schumacher, H* J. B

J PCU A- 1 960 — 3 4 - 1 2 9 BoT»nk T. J PCU A- 1 96 1 - 35-11 23

1^%^ B. ^ K A A A 1 XV VA KUUI %- A *GFSLZ- 1 968- RPT/GE-9500-IV X X ^ V# X_/ 7 ' V/ Vr X-/FCS-SR-V-" k^J IV 1 (review)\ X v A. ^ W / *• - V-ff^l\> %JoiijorH\J 1 1 CL netVI. X 1 1-& ii«V*D HK 1 CCflMA-Vy V^ V II I* 1 966 783 1 £7l~i V^ V U V) >fg 1 1 OLA n11 VJi TWi^iisViX IAS. VAB 1 TFS6A— 1967- 63-91 v^ *r jr A « f *c % a> ^ 9 TFS6A- 1 964- VJ60<-359\J ^ 7 \( XratesCX V ^3 andOk 11 ^X ffno^V\ArkUIV? V^ licit IX Xi silltcttn )/ V* ft n r> or t tna A 1 ^ P Vf X VX GL 11n VX XZ«P llVX^ W W V* y-f I »^ rx X ^ ^ f ^97«1r X X V lllC Vf 11 d IIn X Sula m / - — U X VX 0 V? — — n If X V^ XV C 1 1 CLAn1 1 VI V^ V9^ I K 45A 1n XXADPPly I v^ xvA 1 968 <~* — TfXX c^ X a v^ W1 1 JL/ A v^ 1^ ^ "t"^ n1^ * JCPSA- 1956 25- 736 A — ^ VF C 1 El 0 %t %J 11 CX 11 VX X V^ D U jf JCPSA- 1X 957 X1 1 9-799 ,TfvV*no + - VP VV 11 11 O V V^0011 OL 11 VX Vaf X W SQ XJ VJr JCPSA- 1954 22-689 InCLh(A Xff^ V C^ CA ^V OlA 1 # .TCPSA — 1 963 — 39-3277 J) \f 1 iJm,\Jo XT* vXA n11 0 ^7tf> -f-V Oft V> 4_ DFS0A- 1 962- 33- 118

X 1 1 X %r V X ^-V O CX 11 VX V^l 1 XXX JCPSA- 1 962- 36- 1 509

XPhia A X. 1V- 1*r M.J r>«O andCX 11 VX Schi-f€Vrf IX X. X. X. JCPSA- 1962- 37-924

»^Sf»hVrf 1 1 X1 -fX -fX 0 Hn 9- TX 9 AGEPA- 1 964- 20-1 1 5 ( review) - w3 V< hoI IVJ X-f X1 ^oldV- \JL ^ KJV 9 PLSSA- 1967 1 5-643 « haIXGX XIn X1 ^3RinUX /) Thrush, B, A, CHMBA- 1 966- 2-287 ( rates and mechanism Zabolotskli, T. V. JGCHA- 1950- 20-1441 (mechanism) Zabolotskil, T, V. JGCHA- 1950- 20-1449 (mechanism) Zabolotskli and Solnyshko va JGCHA-1950-20- 1445 (mechanism)

CI yne , e t al TFS0A- 1 964-60-359 Thrush, B. A, CHMBA- 1966-2-287 N0 0^ - N03 0

Zabolotskil, T. V. JGCHA-1950-20-1449 (mechanism)

N02 ^ N 02 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41-1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1966-44-3645

N62 -* N0 2 hv Baxter, W. P. J ACSA- 1930-52-39 20 Becker, et al, BBPCA- 1968-7 2- 157 Becker , e t al »BPCHZ- 1968-SHA/2 Blacet, et al, JACSA- 1962-84-401 Brolda, et al TFS0A- 1967-57-259 Bulewlcz and Sugden CSSPA-1957-9-81 (mechanism) Clough and Thrush TFS0A- 1967-63-91 Clyne and Thrush PRLAA- 19 62-269-404 Clyne, et al TFS0A- 1964-60-359 (mechanism) Doherty and Jonathan DFS0A- 1964-37-73 (mechanism) Douglas, A, E« JCPSA- 1966-45- 10 07 Ford and Jaffc JCPSA- 1963-38-2935 Freedman and Eelso X0BRA- 1969-RPT/l 430 (mechanism)

52 . ) - 1 ) ) ) )

NO. - N6, hv ( Cont inu ed

Golomb and Good JCPSA- 1968-49- 41 76 Hartlcy and Thrush DFS6A- 1964-37- 220 ( review Hlraoka and Hardwick JCPSA- 1 963- 39- 2361 Jonathan, N. DFS0A-?- 1964-37- 221 ( review Jonathan and Petty TFSOA- 1 968-64- 1240 Karmllova and Kondratlev ZFKHA- I 951 -25- 312 Kaufman, F. PRL AA- 1 958 - 247 -123 (mechanism) Kaufman. F. DFS0A- 1964-37- 219 ( review) Kaufman and Kelso »SYCLZ- 1 965-65 Keyser, et al. CHPLB- 1968-2-5 23 Keyser, et al. JCPSA- 1 97 1 - 54- 35 5 Lcvitt, B. P. TFS6A-1962-58- 17 89 Levltt. B. P. DFS0A- 1964-37- 22 2 ( revi ew Myers, et al . JCPSA- 1 966-44- 71 8 Neuberger and Duncan JCPSA- 1954-22- 16 93 Norrlsh, R. G, W. JCS0A- 19 29 - 1 60 4 ( mechan ism NofTlsh, R. G, W. JCS6A-1929-161 1 Paulsen, et al. JCPSA- 1 970-53- 64 7 Reeves, et al. JCPSA- 1 964-4 1 76 4 Sackett and Yardley CHPLB- 1970 -6-3 23 Sakural and Capelle JCPSA- 1 970-53- 37 64 Schwartz, S. E. PHDTA- 1 968-Cal il . Univ., Berkeley Schwartz and Johnston JCPSA- 1969-51- 12 86 Splndler, G. B. PLSSA- 1 966- 1 4- 53 ( mechani sm Stuhl and Nikl CHPLB- 1970-7-1 97 Thrush, B. A. CHMBA- 1966-2-2 87 hv - N6 0

Blacet, et al . J ACSA- 1 962-84-40 1 1 (quantum yield) Ford, H. CJCHA-1 960-38- 1780 ( review Ford and Endow JCPSA- 1957-27- I 1 56 ( mec hanlsm Ford and Jaffe JCPSA- 1 963-38-2935 (quantum yield) Ford, et al. JCPSA- 1 957- 26- 1 337 Gaedtke and Troe ZENAA- 1 970 -25-789 Gaydon, A. G. PRLAA- 1 944- 1 83- 1 1 ( mec hanl sm Husaln and Norrish PRL AA- 1 963-273 - 1 65 Lipscomb, et al . PRLAA- 1956-233-455 ( mec sm ) Pitts, et al. JCPSA- 1963-39-238 ( quantum yield) Pitts, et al. JCPSA- 1964-42-3655 (quantum yield) Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ- 197 1 -4-Prepri nt (review and mechanism) Stephen, et al . I ECHA- 1 956-48- 1 498 ( mechanism Troe, J, BBPCA- 1969-73-906

hv - N0 0

Cvetanovic, R, J, JCPSA-1965- 43-1850 (mechanism) Hampson and Okabe JCPSA- 1970- •52-1930 (quantum yield) Preston and Cvetanovic JCPSA-1966 45-2888 (mechanism)

N0 2 hv ^ N0 1/202 Baxter and Dickinson JACSA- 1929-51 -109 Dickinson and Baxter JACSA- 1928-50-774 (quantum yield ) Holmes and Daniels JACSA- 1934-56-630 (quantum yield ) Norrish, R. G. W. JCS0A- 1927-761 Norrish, R. G. W. JCS0A- 1929- 1 158 (quantum yield and mechanism) Norrish, R. G. W. JCS0A- 1929-1604 ( mechanism N02 M-N0*0*M Baulch, et al HTRRA- 1970-5-10 (evaluation) Davidson, N. »AVEVZ- 1958-RPT/32 (review)

53 I, , , 852 1 ) ) )

Flshburne and Edse JCPSA-1 9 66-44-51 Fishburne, et al J C PSA - 1 965-4 3- I 847 Flshburne, et al« ttOSCrtU- I 965-rthlo State Univ. Hiraoka and Hardwlck JCPSA- 1963-39-2361 Huffman and Davidnon J ACSA- 19 59-81-231 Jungen and Troe BBPCA- 1 970-74-27 6 Levitt, B. P. TFS6A- 1962-58-1789 Levitt, B. P. TFS6A-1963-59-59 (estimate) Steinberg and Lyon AGANA-1957-131-5 1R Troe, J. BBPCA- 1969-73- 1 1 Troe, J. BBPCA- 1969 -73- 144 Troe, J, BBPCA- 1969-73-90 6 Troe and Wagner BBPCA-1967-71-937 (review) Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949-53-376 Zlmet, E. JCPSA- 1970-53-51

N0, M - N0 6 M

Brolda, et al. TFS6A- 1961 • 57-259 ( mechanl sm Jonathan, N. DFS6A- 1964" 37-221 ( review Karmilova and Kondratiev ZFKHA-1951 • 25-31 Kaufman , F PRLAA- 1958" 247-123 (mechanism) Kaufman, F. DFS0A-1964- 37-21 9 ( review Klein and Herron JCPSA-1964- 41-1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA-1966- 44-3645 Spindler, G, B. PLSSA- 1 966- 14-53 (mechanism)

NO, M - N0, N0. N, 6„ (overall decomposition)

Flshburne, et al »0SC6U- 1965-0hlo Univ. Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ- 1971 -4-Prepr int (review and mechan ism Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ- 1971 -4-Preprlnt (review and me c ha n 1 sm )

N6. M - N0^ M (electronic)

Baxter JACSA-1930-52-39 20 Becker , e t I. BBPCA- 1968-72- 157 Becker . et a I. »BPCHZ- 1 968 - SHA/2 Bl acet . et a I. JACSA- 1962-84-401

Brolda , et a I.I TFS0A- 1961 -57-259 (mechanism) Bulewi cz a nd Sued en CSSPA- 1957-8 1 (mechanism) Cl ough and Tlbrush CC0MA- 1 966-783 (mechanism) CI ough and Tlbrush TFS0A- 1967-63-91 Clyne and Thirush PRLAA- 1962 -269 -404 Clyne et al TFS0A- 1964-60-359 (mechanism) Doherl: y an d Jonathan DFS6A- 1964-37-73 (mechanism) Fo rd a nd J aff] e JCPSA- 1963-38-2935 Fr eedm an a nd Kelso X0BRA-1969-RPT/143O (mechanism) Ha r tie y an d Thrush DFS0A- 1964-37-220 (review) Jonath an , N. DFS0A- 1964-37-221 (review) Karml ova and Kondratiev ZFKHA-1951 -25-3 12 Kauf ma n. F PRLAA-1958-247-123 (mechanism) Kauf ma n, F DFS0A-1964-37-219 (review) Kauf ma n an d Kelso »SYCLZ- 1 965-65 Keyser . et al. CHPLB- 1968-2-523 Ke yser . et al. JCPSA- 197 1-54-355 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41 -1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1966-4 4-3 645 Levitt . B. P. TFS6A- 1962-58- 1789 Myers, et al. JCPSA- 1 966-44-7 1 Re eves , et al . JCPSA- 1964-41-764 Sakura 1 an d Capelle JCPSA- 1970 -53-3764 Schwar tz. S . E . PHDTA-1968-Calif . Univ., Berkeley Schwar t z a nd Johnston JCPSA-1969-51-1286

54 ,• ., 875 1 ) ) )

N6. M - N6. M (electronic) ( Cont inued )

Spindler, G. B PLSSA-1966-14-53 (mechanism) Thrush, B. A. CHMBA- 1966-2-28 7 Troe, J, BBPC A- 1969-73-906

M - N6. hv N6 2 *" ""2 Spindler, G. B. PLSSA-1966-14-53 (mechanism)

"2 2 2

Joshi, S. S, TFS6A- 19 27-23-227 ( mec hani sm Joshl, S. S. TFS6A- 1929-25- 108 ( mechanism Joshi, S. S. TFS0A- 1929-2 5- 1 1 ( mechanism Joshi, S. S, TFS6A- 19 29-25-137 ( mechanism - NO , N6

Ashmore an d Burnett TFS6A-1962" 58-253 Ashmore an d Levitt RSCRA-1956- 9-S25 Ashmore an d Tyler JCTLA-1962" 1-39 Baulch, et al. HTRRA-1970- 5-45 ( evaluation Bodensteln (Ramstetter) ZEPCA-1922- •100-1 06 Calhoun an d Crist JCPSA-1937- 5-301 (mechanism) Fl shburne et al. JCPSA-1965" 43-1847 F 1 shburne et al. *6SC0U-1965- Ohio State Univ. Herschbach , et al. JCPSA-1956' 25-736 Hiraoka an d Hardwick JCPSA-1963- 39-2361 Huffman an d Davidson JACSA-1959- 8 1-231 Kassel , L S. ACM0A-19 32- 57-156 (evaluation) La cost e, e t al. JCPOA-1970- 67-736 Musgrave a nd Hlnshelwood PRLAA-1932' 135-23 Norrlsh, R . G. W. NATUA-1928' 122-923 Rosser and Wise JCPSA-1956' 24-493 Schof i eld, K, PLSSA-1967" 15-643 Schumacher , H. J. B00KA-1938' 280 ( review Schvunacher . H. J. ZEELA-1941" 47-673 (review) Zlmet, E, JCPSA-1970- 53-51

* 2 N0 N0 0,

Blacet, et al. JACSA- 1962-84-40 1 Ford, H. CJCHA-1960-38-1780 (calculatlor Norrlsh, R. G. W, JCS0A-1929-1 158 (mechanism) Norrlsh, R, G. W. JCS0A- 1929- 1604 (mechanism) N0, N02 - N0 N0.

Ashmore and Burnett TFS0A- 1962-58-253 Ashmore and Levitt JCPSA- 1957-27-31 Ashmore and Levitt RSCRA- 1956-9-S25 Davidson and Schott JCPSA- 1957-2 7-31 Flshburne, et al JCPSA- 1965-4 3- 18 47 Flshburne, et al »0SC0U-1965-0hlo State Univ. Huffman and Davidson JACSA- 1959-8 1-231 Levitt, B. P. JCPSA- 1965-4 2-10 38 Schott and Davidson JACSA- 1958-80-1841

* N02 - N203 0

Ford and Jaffe JCPSA- 1963-38-29 35

55 . . ., ., ) 87


Carrinftton and Davidson JPCHA- 1953- 57-41 Scllc, H. ZEPCA- 1923- 104-1 Wegener, P. P. JCPSA- 1958- 28-724 Wegener, P. P. PFLDA- 1959- 2-264 Wegene r , P . P JARSA-1960- 30-322 Wegener, P. P, CPRCA-1961- 4-261 ^2 ^ ^^3 N0.

Schott and Davidson J ACSA- 19 58-80-1841

N0, N0. 0 -» N 0 0^ ( overall ) "3 *^2 5 Johnston, H. S. B00KA-1966-14 (review) Johnston, H. S, B00KA-1966-299 (review) Johnston and Yost JCPSA- 19 49 -17- 386 Nordberg, M, E. SCIEA- 1929-70-58 0 Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA-1928-136-77 (mechanism) fichumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 1929- 140-281

N0, N03 - N0 N0, 0,

Ashmo r e an d Burnett TFS0A- 1962-58-253 Ashmo re an d Levitt JCPSA- 19 58-27-31 Ashmo re an d Levitt RSCRA- 1956-9-S2 5 Be nso n , S. W. B00KA- 1 960-408 (review) David son a nd Schott JCPSA- 1957-27-31 Ford, H. W • CJCHA- 1960-38-17 80 Ford and E ndow JCPSA- 1957-27-1 1 56 Johns ton , H. S. B00KA-1966-14 (review) Johns t on , H. S. B00KA- 1966-299 (review) Johns ton , H. S, J ACSA- 19 51-73-4542 ^gg, R. A. , Jr JCPSA-1947-15-337 (mechanism) R. A. , Jr , JCPSA-1947-15-613 (mechanism) P. A, , Jr JCPSA-1950-18-572 (mechanism) Scho t t and Davidson JACSA- 1958 -80- 1841

N0- N03* > N0 N0,

Blacet , et al JACSA- 1962-84-40 1 1 Fo rd , H . CJCHA- 1963-38- 1780 Ford and Jaffe JCPSA- 1963-38-2935 Pitts, et al JCPSA- 1964-42-3655 - N0, , N03 N02 N03 ( exchange Ford and Jaffe JCPSA- 1963-38-2935 N0„ N0^ M - N-0^ M

Benso n , s W. B00KA- 1960-408 (review) Cowan , et al. JCPSA- 1953-21-1397 Ford and E ndow JCPSA- 1957-37-1 1 56 (mechanism) Ford, e t a I. JCPSA- 1960 -3 2- 12 56 Hi sat sune , et al • JACSA- 19 57-79-4648 Hisat sune, e t al • JCPSA- 1955-23-2467 Johns ton , H. S. B00KA-1966-14 (review) Johns ton, H. S. B00KA-1966-299 (review) Johns ton , H. S. JACSA- 1951-73-45 42 Johns ton a nd Yost JCPSA- 19 49- 17-386 Kasse I, L. S. ACM0A-1932-249 (review) Lowry and Seddon JCS0A- 1938-626 (mechanism) R • A « , Jr. JCPSA-1947-15-337 (mechanism) R • A • , Jr JCPSA-1947-15-613 (mechanism) R. A. , Jr JCPSA-1950-18-572 (mechanism)

56 . , , , 1 ) ) ) ) t ) )

Nrt^ * NCi^ M - N^O^ W ( Co nt inued )

R. A., Jr. JCPSA-1953 •21-20 79 (mechanism) Schott and Davidson JACSA-1958 •80-1841 Schumacher. H. J. B66KA-1938 4 19 ( review Schumacher and Spren^jer ZEPCA-1928' •136-77 (mechanism) Schumacher and Spren«er ZACHA-1929- •42-697 ( revl ew Schumacher and Spren^er ZEPCA-1929- •140-281 (mechanism) Schumacher and Spren^er ZPCBA-1929- 2-267 Smith and Daniels JACSA-1947- •69-1735 (mechanism) Sprenger, G. ZEELA-1931 37-674 (mechanism) Treacy and Daniels JACSA-1955- •77-2033 (mechanism)

N0 M > ^2^5 M

Johnston. H. S. B06KA-1966-14 NGg 6 - N6 02

Baulch et al • HTRRA- 1970- •5-1 ( eva lua t ion Benson S. W. JCPSA" 1963- •38-1251 ( mec hani sm ) Bo rtne r and Kummler DASRA- 1967 RPT/1 948 ( evalua tl on ) Bo rtne r and Kummler *GESLZ- 1969" RPT/GE-9 500-ECS-SR-l (review) Cal I ear and Smith NATUA- 1967- •213-382 18 Clyne and Thrush TFS0A- 1962- 58-511 ( 0 tracer Clyne and Thrush JCPSA- 1963- •38-1252 ( mec hani sm Clyne , e t al , PRLAA- 1966 •295-355 Felmlee, et al, DWCMZ- 1966' •RPT/SL- 7531 1-a Fishburne, et al. JCPSA- 1965- 43-1847 Flshburne, et al. »6SC0U- 1 965' •0hlo Sta te Univ. Ford and Endow JCPSA- 1957- 27-1 156 Ford, et al, ADCSA- 1959- 21-410 Henrlques. et al JCPSA- 1938- 6-518 Herron and Klein JCPSA- 1964- 40-2731 Herron and Schiff CJCHA- 1958- 36- 1 1 59 Hi raoka and Hardwlck JCPSA- 1963 •39-2361 Huffman eind Davidson JACSA- 1959' •81-2311 (estimate) Husain and Norrlsh PRLAA- 1963" •273-165 Kaufman , F JCPSA- 19 58- 28-352 ( lower limit estimate ) Kaufman , F PRLAA- 1958- 247- 1 23 Kaufman and Kelso SYMCA- 1959- 7-53 ( lower limit e s 1 1 ma t e ) Kistlakowsky and Kydd JACSA- 1957-79-4825 ( lower liml estimate Klstiakowsky and Volpi JCPSA- 1957-27- 1141 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41- 1285 Mayer, S, W, JPCHA- 1967-71-4159 ( calculation Mayer, S, W, JPC HA- 1969-73-39 41 ( calculation Nutt and Biddlestone TFS0A- 1962-58-1376 0gryzlo and Schiff CJCHA-1959-37-1690 (mechanism) Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1962-36- 1509 Preston and Cvetanovlc CJCHA- 1966-4 4-2445 Preston and Cvetanovlc JCPSA- 1966-45-28 88 Schiff, H. I, AGEPA- 1964-20-1 1 5 (review) Schofleld, K, PLSSA- 1967- 15-643 Schuck, et al , JPCAA-1966-1 1-695 Smith, I. W, M, TFS0A- 1968-64-378 Spealman and Rodebush JACSA- 1935- 57- 1474 Stephens, et al lECHA- 1956-48- 1498 ( mechanl sm Stuhl and Niki CHPLB- 1970-7-1 97 Takezakl and Mori BICRA- 1967-46-38 8 Takezaki and Mori BBPCA- 1 968-72- 157 Troe, J, BBPCA- 1969-73-90 6 Tunder, et al, *ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR-1001( 9210-02 )-l Vetter, K. ZEELA- 1949-53-37 6 Westenberg and de Haas JCPSA- 1969-50-7 07

57 • • • )

Kane, et a I. JCPSA-1963 39-840 (mechaniam) Lipscomb, et al PRLAA- 1956 '233-455 (mechanism)

G ^ N6*

Stair and Kennealy JCPOA-1967-64- 124 (mechanism)

N02 > N6 02

Preston and Cvetanovic JCPSA- 1966-45-2888 (*D)

N62 6 - N6 62 Bulewicz and Sugden CSSPA-1957-9-81 (mechanism) N02 0 — N02 0 (exchange)

Herron and Klein JCPSA- I 964 -40-2731

N02 0 - N03*

Benson, S. W« JCPSA-1963 38-1251 (estimate) Ford, H. W, CJCHA-1960 •38-1780 Ford and Endow JCPSA- 1957 27-1156 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964 41-1285 Klein and Herron JCPSAt1966 44-3645 Troe, J. BBPCA" 1969 73-906 N02 0 M - N03 M

Benson , S • W. JCPSA-1963-38-1251 (mechanism) Callear and Smi'f:h NATUA-1967-213-382 Davidson, N, »AVEVZ-1958-RPT/32 (review) Ford and Endow JCPSA- 1957-27-1 1 56 Ford, et al, ADCSA- 1959-21-410 Husain and Norrish PRLAA- 1963-273- 1 65 Jaffe and Klein TFS0A- 1966-62-3135 Kaufman , F PRKNA-1961-1-1 (review) Schuck, et al JPCAA-1966-1 1-695 Smith, I. W. M. TFS0A- 1968-64-378 Troe , J « BBPCA- 1969-73-906 N02 ©2 - N0 0^

Davidson, N, »AVEVZ- 1958-RPT/32 (review)

N02 * ^2 - N0^

^eSa R» A,, Jr. JCPSA- 1953-21-2079 (mechanism)

N0. , 02 hv - N0 0^

Stephens, et al, lECHA- 1 956-48- 1 498 N02 - 03 - N03 02

Benson, S, W. B00KA- 1969' 408 ( review Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969- RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SRl (review) Ford, H. SYMCA-1962- 8-119 (review) Ford, et al. ADCSA- 1959- 21-410

58 , 9 1 ) ) ) )


Ford, et al. JCPSA- I 957- 26- 1 336 Ford, et al. JCPSA- I960 - 3 2- 1 2 56 Herschbach, et al . JCPSA- 1956-25-736 Johnston, H, S. B60K A- 1 966- 1 4 ( revi ew ) Johnston, H. S. B60KA- 1966-299 (rev lew ) Johnston, H. S, JACSA- 195 1 -73-4542 Johnston and Crosby JCPSA- 1954-22-689 Johnston and Yost JCPSA- 1949- 1 7-366 Kasscl, L. S. ACM0A- 1932-57-24 Lowry and Seddon JCS6A- 1938-626 ( mec hanl sm ) Schlff, H. I. AGEPA- 1964-20- I 1 5 ( revi ew Schott and Davidson JACSA- 1 958-80- 1 841 ( review Schumacher, H, J. Be6KA- 1 938 -4 1 9 (rev 1 ew ) Schumacher and Sprenger ZACHA- 1929-42-697 ( review Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 1 928- 1 36-77 ( mechanl sm Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 1929 - 1 40 - 28 ( mec hani sm ) Schumacher and Sprenger ZPCBA- 1929-2-267 Sprenger, G. ZEELA- 1 93 1 - 37-67 4 (mechanism)

N63 - N0 0.

Crist and Wertz JCPSA- 1939 -7 -7 19 Schumacher, H« J« B00KA-1938-31 1 (review) Schumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA-1928-136-77 (mechanism)

N03* > N6 6.

Ford, H. W. CJCHA- I960" 38-1780 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964- 41-1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1966- 44-3645 Troe, J, BBPCA- 1969- 73-906

- N02 <3

Blacet, et al« jAcSA" 1962" •84-40 1 Ford, H. W, CJCHA- I960' 38-1780 Ford and Endow JCPSA- 1957" 27- 1 1 56 Ford and Jaffe JCPSA- 1963" 38-2935 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964" 41-1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964" 44-3645 Troe, J. BBPCA- 1969" 73-906 N0. M - N0, 0 M

Huffman and Davidson JACSA- 19 59-8 1-231 ( review Zabolotskll, T. V. JGCHA-1950-2 0-1449 ( mechanl sm

N0 M - N03 M

Blacet, et al. JACSA- 1962- 84-40 1 1 Ford, H. W, CJCHA- I960" 38-1780 Ford and Endow JCPSA- 1957" 27-1 1 56 Ford and Jaffe JCPSA- 1963- 38-2935 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964- 41- 1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1966" 44-3645 Pitts, et al JCPSA- 1964" 42- 3655 Troe, J, BBPCA- 1969" 73-906 N0. N03 - N02 N02 62 Benson, S. W. B00KA-196O-4O8 (review) Johnston, H. S. B00KA-1966- 14 (review) Johnston, H. S. B00KA-1966-299 (review) Johnston, H. S. JACSA- 1951 -73-45 42

59 . ) ) )

- NO. N6^ N6, 6 2 ( Con t inued

Kassel , L . S ACM0A- 1932- 57-249 (review) Lowry and Seddon JCS6A- 1938- '626 (mechanism) Schott and Davidson JACSA- 1958- 80-1841 Schumacher, H. J, B06KA- 1938' 419 ( review Schumacher and Sprenger ZACHA- 1929- 42-697 (review) Schumacher and Sprenger ZPCBA- 1929- 2-267 Sprenger. G, ZEELA-1931- 37-674 (mechanism)

( exchange

€fgg, R. A., Jr. JCPSA-1953-21-2079 (mechanism)

NtJ 0 > N0, 0. 3 " ' ""2 "2

Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ- 1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 ( review) N0. 02 - N02 03

Schoti; and Davidson JACSA- 1958- 80- 1641

N03 03 ^ N02 * ^2 * ^2

Benson , S • W. B00KA-196O '418 (lower limit estimate) I;owry and Seddon JCS0A-1938 628 (mechanism) J»chumacher and Sprenger ZEPCA- 1928 •136-77 (mechanism)

N0^ - N02 0-

0««?» A., Jr. JCPSA-1953-21-2079 (mechanism)

60 . • 1


Barth, C. A. AGEPA- 1964- 20-182 Baulch, e-t al , HTRRA-1969- 4 (evaluation) Baulknight, C, GQRZZ- 1965- RPT/RM-274 (evaluation) Benson , S • W* BfiGKA- 1960- 408 (Nitrogen oxides) Benson and G'Neal NSRDA- 1970- NBS 21 (nitrogen oxides: pgs* 553, 554, 555) Bortner, M, H. NBTNA- 1969- TN-484 (evaluation) Bortner and Kununler DASRA-1967- RPT/1948 ( Ch • 19: evaluation) Bortner and Kummier *GESLZ-1969- RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- Brocklehurst and Jenni ngs PRKNA-1967- 4- 1 Carrlngton and Garvin »CCKNZ-1969- 3- 107 (mechanism) Davidson, N, AVEVZ- 1958- RPT/3 2 Ford, H. W. CJCHA-1960- 38-1780 (mechexnism) Ford, H. W, SYMCA-1962- 8-119 (mechanism) Heickien, J. AIAJA- 1967- 5- 4 Heicklen and Cohen ADPCA- 1 968- 5-157 (nitric oxide) Johnston, H. S. Be6KA-1966 (nitrogen oxides: pgs, 14, 299) Johnston, H. S, NSRDA-1968- NBS 2 0 Kassei , L • S ACM6A-1932- 57-156 Kaufman , F PRKNA- 1961- 1-1 Lin and Fyfe PFLDA-1961- 4- 238 Mannella, G* G. CHREA- 1963- 63- 1 Nicolet, M. JGREA-1965- 70- 679 Pene and Pindroh BBSDA-1963- RPT/D2- 13422 Pratt, N, H, NGTRA-1963- Pratt Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ-197 1- 4-Preprint Ratajczak and Trotman- Dickenson »6STI Z-1970-UWIST (general tables Schiff, H. I. AGEPA-1964- 20- 1 1 5 Schofield, K. PLSSA- 1967- 15-643 Schumacher, H« J. B06KA- 1938 (nitrogen oxides: pgs 131, 1 39, 147, 280, 285, 311, 419) Troe and Wagner BBPCA- 1967- 71- 937 Tro tman-Di ckenson and Milne NSRDA-196 7-NBS-9 (general tables) Wright and Winkler PHCMB-1968- 14 ( active Ng )

61 •,.• .


M ^ 6 M Biedenkapp and Bair JCPSA- 1970-52-61 19

Black , ct al CJCHA- 1969- 47-1872 ( S ) Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFA- 1969- •65-62

Clark, I. D. CHPLB- 1970- •5-317 ( D) Clerc, ct al JCPSA- 1969- •50-3721 DeMore, W. B. JCPSA- 1970- •52-4309 Donovan, et al, CHPLB- 1970' •6-488 Filseth and Welge JCPSA- 1969- •51-839

Filseth, et al JCPSA- 1970- •52-239 ( S) Hampson and 6kabe JCPSA" 1970" •52-1930 Izod and Wayne PRLAA- 1968- •308-81 Izod and Wayne CHPLB- 1969-4-208 (*D) Jones, et al PRLAA 1970- 316-431 (^D) (mechanism) McConkey, et al, PLSSA 1970- 18-771 McGrath and McGarvey PLSSA 1967- 15-427 ( review) Noxon, J, F. CJCHA 1969" 47-1873 Noxon, J, F, JCPSA 1970-52-1852

Scott and Cvetanovlc JCPSA- 1971 • 54-1440 ( D) Snelling and Balr JCPSA" 1967- 47-228

S'tuhl and Welge CJCHA- 19 69- •47-1870 ( S) T?arneck and Sullivan PLSSA- 1966- •14-1225 Tamazakl , H, CJCHA- 1970- •48-3269 Young, R, A, CJCHA- 1969- •47-1927 ( review) Young and Black JCPSA- 1966" •44-3741

Young, et al JCPSA- 1968- •49-4758 ( ) 1 Young , et al JCPSA- 1968- •49-4769 ( D, or S) 1 Young, et al JCPSA- 1969- 50-309 ( *S) Zlpf, E. C. CJCHA" 1969- 47-1863 ( review)

M > 0 M (energy transfer)

Clark, I, D, CHPLB-1970-5-317 [6 d; M* -

* Gauthler and Snelling CHPLB-1970-5093 [ 6* - d; M* - 0,* ( ^E„*)] g Izod and Wayne NATUA-1968-217-947 [0* - ^D; M» 02' (Ag, or ^Sg*)] (es^ Izod and Wayne PRLAA- 1968-30-881 (0* ' ^D; M* - 0^*

0* Izod and Wayne CHPLB- 1969-4-208 [ - ^D; i M* - 0*( ^Eg* )] , '* Jones , e t al PRLAA-1970-316-431 [0 - *d; M* - 02* ( *| or *E *)] (mechanli^

Scott and Cvetanovic JCPSA-1971-54-1440 [6* - ^D; M* - 02* (*Sg*)]


I • • , , , ) ) ) ) ))

6** M > 6* M hv

Hampson and 6kabe JCPSA- 1970-52-1930 (^S to ^D)

Ackermann^ M. DFS0A- 1964- •37-209 ( revi ew Anderson, 6. L. *UACHZ- 1961 •RPT/R-1 828-1 Atallah, S. »AFCRL- 1961 •RPT/761 ( evaluation Barnes, et al, BMIRA- 1964 RMI- 197 -10-2 ( review ) Barth, C. A, «JPLCZ- 1961 • 1 -64 Bascombe, K. N. »ERDEZ- 1965 •RPT/E.R .D,E. l/S/65 Bauer and Salkoff JCPSA- I960' •33-1202 Baulknlght, C. »GQRZZ- 1965 •RPT/RM- 274 (evaluation) Benson and Fueno JCPSA- 1962- 36-1597 Bor±ner, M» H, NBTNA- 1969- •TN-484 Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ- 1969- RPT/GE- 9500-ECS-SR- 1 (review) Brabbs and Belles SYMCA- 1967- 1 1-125 Camac and Vaughan JCPSA- 1961 • •34-460 Camac , e t al lAESA- 1958- •26-PR80 2 Campbell and Nude I man XCCIA- I960- AD 2423 27 ( review Campbell and Thrush PRLAA- 1967 •296-222 Campbell and Thrush TFS6A- 1968- •64-1265 Cherry, et al *TRWSZ- 1967- RPT/088 32-6001-TOOOO Cheslck and Kistiakowsky JCPSA- 1958- •28-956 Demetrlades and Farber JARSA- 19 59- 29-528 El 1 as , et al CJCHA- 1959- 37-1680 Flaherty, et al *GESLZ- 1962- RPT/R62 SD97 Golden and Myerson PLSSA- 1961 • 3- 175 Golden and Myerson JCPSA- 1958- 28-978 Helms, S. P. NACNA- 1958- TN4144 ( calculation Hi rschf elder , et al JPCHA- 1952- 57-403 Jahn, S. ZACMA- 1906- 48-260 ( mec hani em Jensen and Kurzlus *ACRPZ- 1967" RPT/TP- 1 49 Johnston, H* S. NSRDA- 1968- NBS 20 ( evaluation Kaufman , F PRLAA- 1958- 247- 1 23 Kaufman , F PRKNA- 1961 • 1- 1 (review ) Kaufman , F PFLDA- 1963" 6-1 199 Kaufman and Kelso 1 2GEA- 1961 255 Keck, J. C. JCPSA- I960- 32- 1035 Kiefer and Lutz JCPSA- 1965- 42-1 709 Kretschmer, C« B, *AJGAZ- 1959- RPT/1 61 1 Kretschmer, C« B. *AJGAZ- 1962- RPT/AN- 671 Kretschmer and Petersen JCPSA- I960- 33- 948 Kretschmer and Petersen JCPSA- 1963- 39-1772 Krongelb and Strandberg JCPSA- 1959- 31- 1196 Lin and Fyfe PFLDA- 1961- 4- 238 ( review Marshall, T« C. PFLDA- 1963- 6-1200 Marshall, T. C. PFLDA- 1962- 5- 743 Matthews, D. L, PFLDA- 1959- 2- 170 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1968- 8- 777 Miyazaki and Takahashi MDPCA- 1969- 9- 625 Morgan and Schiff JCPSA- 1963- 38-1495 Morgan, et al, JCPSA- I960- 33- 930 Moses and Wu PHRVA- 1951- 83- 1 09 Nicolet, M. PAIRA- 1954- RPT/61 Peng and Pindroh BBSDA- 1 963- RPT/D2- 1 3422 ( review ) Pratt, N. H. NGTRA- 1963- Pratt ( review Reeves, et al. JCPSA- I960- 32- 632 Rink, J, P, JCPSA- 1962- 36-572 R^nk, et al, JCPSA- 1961- 34- 1942 Soloukhin, R, I. CBFMA- 1967- 1 1-489 Soloukhin, R. I, CESWA- 1967- 3- 246 Takahashi, S, MDPCA- 1970- 9-733 Warneck, P, JCPSA- 1964- 41-3435 (quantum yield) Wilson, J. PHDTA- 1962- Corne II Univ,

63 • ) )

Wilson, J. JFLSA- 1963-15-497 Wise and Ablow JCPSA- 1961-35-10 Wlse and Freeh JCPSA- 1952-20-1 724 ( mec hanl sm Wray, K. L. JCPSA- 1963-38-l£ 18 Wray, K. L. SYMCA- 1965- 10-5J!3 Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963-39-1071 Zellkolf and Aschenbrand JCPSA- 1954-22-1680 ( mechanl sm

0 M - 02 Barth and Hlldebrandt JGREA- 1961 -66-985 (upper limit estimate ) Mulcahy and Williams CHPLB-1970-7-455 (mechanism) Young and Black JCPSA- 1966-44-3741 Young and Black PLSSA- 1966- 14-1 13 Young and Clark PRLTA-1960-5-320 (review) Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963 -39- 1071

0 0 M - 0. M

Bauer and Salkoff JCPSA-1960-33-1202 ( calculation ) Young and Black JCPSA- 1966-44-3741 Young and Sharpless JGREA- 1962-67- 3871 0*M-02*M*hv

Young and Sharpless JCPSA- 1963-39- 1071

* e * { exchange )

Brennen and Nlkl JCPSA- 1965-42-3725 Herron and Klein JCPSA- 1964-40-2731 Jaffe and Klein TFS0A- 1966-62-3135 Johnston and 0''Shea JCPSA- 1953-21-2080 Johnston, H« S, NSRDA-1968-NBS 20 ( evaliiation ) Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41 -1285 Mayer, S, W. JPCHA- 1967-71-41 59 Mayer, S. W. JPCHA- 1969-73-3941 0gg and Sutphen JCPSA- 19 53-21-20 78 0gg and Sutphen DFS0A-1954-17-47

02 ^ 03^

Hochanadel, et al JCPSA- 1968-48-2416 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41-1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1966-44-3 645

0* ©2 > 0 02 ( energy transfer

Clark, I. D. CHPLB-1970-5-317

0 0. M - 0^ M

Ackermann, M« DFS0A- 1964- 37-209 (review) Axworthy, A. E,, Jr. PHDTA- 1959- S, Calif, Univ. Axworthy and Benson ADCSA- 19 59-21-38 8 Basco, N, PRLAA- 1965- 283-302 Bascombe, K. N. »ERDEZ- 1965-RPT/E.R,D.E. l/S/65 Benson, S, W, JCPSA- 1960- 33-939 (review) Benson, S, W. JACSA- 1969-91-2152 (mechanism) B^nson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1957-26-1 718 Benson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1965-42-2614 Beretta and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1932-17-417


I , . ) 40 1 1 )

0- M ( Cont i nued

Bo rtne r, M . H. NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Bo rtne r an d Kumml e r DASRA- 1967-RPT/l 948 (evaluation) Bo rtne r an d Kumml e r »GESLZ- 1969- RPT/GE- 950 0- ECS- SR- 1 (review Campbe 1 1 a nd Nude I man XCCI A- 1Q60-AD 242327 (review) Caste I 1 ano and Sc humacher ZPCF A- 1962-34- 198 Caste I I ano and Sc hvimac her ZPC FA- 1969-65-62 1 1 dyne , et al • DISOA- 964-37-2 Cl yne et al . TI^^SfJA- 1965-61 -2701 Da vi ds on , N. »AVEVZ- 1958-RPT/32 (review) Deme t r i ade s, S. T J ASSA- 19 58-25-653

De vins . J. C. JES0A- 1956- 1 03-4 60 Dicken s , e t al . NATU A- 1960- 1 87-6 86 Do nova n , e t al. TFS0A- 1970-66-25 51 El i as et al . CJCHA- 19 59-37- 16 80 Eucken , A. ZEPC A- 1923- 107-436 (quantum yield) Euckfen and Patat ZPCBA- 19 36-33-45 9 Fl uegrg e an d Meadrick »CARBZ- 1970-RPT/RM-2777-B- 1 ( review) Ford a nd E ndow JCPSA- 1957-27-1 1 56 Ford , e t a 1. JCPSA- 19 57-26- 1337 Ford , e t a I. ADCSA- 19 59-21-41 Fo rd, e t a I. JCPSA- 1960 -3 2- 12 56 Gl i ssm ann and Schumacher ZPCBA- 19 33-21-323 Groth W. ZPCBA-1937-37-307 (quantum yield) Groth V. ZPCBA- 1937-37-31 5 j

Hacker . et al. JCPSA-1961 -35-^788 I Har tec k an d Donde JCPSA- 1953-21- £240 Har tec k an d Donde JCPSA- 19 53-2 1-2241 Har tec k an d Reeve XCCI A- 1957- ADl 36 421 Heldt L. J. JACSA- 1935-57- 17 10 Hochan ade I , e t al JCPSA- 1968-48-2416 In te za rova and Ko ndrat ev BACCA- 1967-2326 Jackso n , W F . JACSA- 19 34 -56- 2631 Jackso n an d Kisti akowsky JACSA- 19 30-52-3471 Jahn , S. ZACMA-1906-48-260 (mechanism) Johnst on , H. S. NSPDA- 1968-NBS 20 (evaluation) Jone s and Davidsoi JACSA- 19 62 -84- 28 68 Kaufma n, F JCPSA- 1958-2 8-35 2 Kaufma n. F PRLAA- 1958-2 47-1 23 Kauf ma n. F PRKNA- 1961 - 1-1 Kauf ma n an d Kelso 1 2GEA- 1961 -255 Kauf ma n an d Kelso DFS0A- 19 64-37-26 Ka uf ma n an d Kelso JCPSA- 1964-40-1 1 62 Kauf ma n an d Kelso JCPSA- 19 67-46-4541 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41 -1285 Kre tsc hmer 3 C » B *AJGAZ-1959-RPT/161 Kr etsc hmer , C . B *AJGAZ-1962-RPT/AN-671 Kret sc hmer and Pe t ers en JCPSA- 1960-33-94 8 McGrat h an d Norri sh PRLAA- 19 57 -242- 2 65 Mathia s an d Schif f DFS0A- 1964-37- 38 Mathia s an d Schif f JCPSA- 1964-40-31 18 Me abur n , e t al . JPCHA- 1968-7 2-3920 Mi yaza ki a nd Taka hashi MDPCA- 1 968-8-777 Mulcah y an d Willi ams TFS0A-1 968-64-59 Nalban djan * A . B ACPYA- 1939-1 1-453 Ni cole t , M DFS0A-1964-37-7 (review) Ri tchi M. PRLAA- 1934- 146-848 Sauer M. C. , Jr. JPCHA- 1967-7 1-331 Sauer and Dor fman JACSA- 1964-86-42 18 Sauer and Dorfman JACSA- 1965-87-38 01 Schof i eld, K. PLSSA- 1967- 15-643 SchumaCher a H . J • JACSA-1930-52-2377 (review) Sc humaCher a H . \T a B00KA- 1938-331 (review) SchumaCher 9 H . J » B00KA- 1938-433 (review) Schuma Cher 9 H » »J . ZPCBA- 1932-1 7-405 Si ange r an d Black JCPSA- 1970-53-3717 Snelli ng, et al . JCPSA- 1966-44-41 37 Stephe ns, et al • IECHA-1956-48-1498 (mechanism) Su tphe n. W T. PHDTA-1955-Stanf ord Univ.

65 et, , , , n 1 , 1 ) ) ) ) )

6 0. M - 6- ( Cont 1 ued )

Vaughan and Noyes JACSA- 1930- 52- 559 ( quantum yield and mechanism Volman, D « Ef JACSA- 1951 - 73- 1018 Volman, D. H. JACSA- 1 954- 76- 6034 Warneck, P. DFS«A- 1 964- 37- 57 Warneck, P. JCPSA- 1964- 41- 3435 Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA- 1 968- 72- 159 (quantum yield ) Wulf, R. JACSA- l 932- 54- I 56 ( review Zablotskli, T. V. JGCHA- 1950- 20- 1449 (mechaniBm) — Q O _ Zaslowsky, et at* J ACoA 1 you

6 ^ M ^ O-^ ^ M DeMore and Raper JCPSA- 1962- 37- 2048 (mechanism) DeMore and Raper CJCHA- 1963- 41- 808 Sullivan and Warneck JCPSA- 1967- 46- 953 Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA- 1968- 72- 159 (quantum yield)

6 0.

Ackermann M, DFS0A. 1964- 37-209 ( review Axworthy, A. E.. Jr. PHDTA- 19 59- S. Calif . Univ. Axworthy a nd Benson ADCSA- 19 59- 21-388 BarneSs et al, BMIRA- 1964- RM:I-197- 10-2 ( review Bascombe K, N, »ERDEZ- 1965- RPT/E.R. D.E. l/S/65 Benson , Sa W. JCPSA- 1957- 26-1351 ( mechani sm Benson, S, W. JCPSA- 1960- 33- 939 ( review ) lienson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1957- 26-1 718 Denson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1965- 42-2614 Beret t a an d Schumacher ZPCBA- 1932- 17-417 Berlad, A, L. JCPSA- 1967- 46-2777 Bortner, M . H. NBTNA- 1969- TN-488 ( evaluation) Bo rtner an d Kummler DASRA- 1967- RPT/1 968 ( re view Bo rtne r an d Kummler *GESLZ- 1969- RPT/GE-9 500-ECS-SR-l (revie Campbell a nd Nudelman XCCIA- 1960- AD 24232 7 ( review Castel lano and Schumacher ZPCFA- 19'62- 34- 198 Castel lano and Schumacher ZPCFA- 1969- 65-62 Clark, et al. PRLAA- 1970- 317-407 Clyne, et al. TFS0A- 1965- 61-2701 C 1 yn e , e t al . NATUA- 1963- 199-1 057 Davidson, N, »AVEVZ- 1958- RPT/3 2 ( review Deme tr i ade s, S, T. JASSA- 1958- 25-653 Devins, J. C. JES0A- 1956- 103-460 Eucken and Patat ZPCBA- 1936- 33-459 Gl issmann and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1933- 21- 323 Harteck an d Dondes JCPSA- 1954- 22- 758 Heidt, L. J. JACSA- 1935- 57-1710 In tezarova and Kondrat'ev BACCA- 1967- 2326 Jahn, S. ZACMA- 1906- 48-260 ( rate and mec hani sm Johns on , Ha S • NSRDA- 1 968- NBS 20 ( e valua ti on Jones and Davidson JACSA- 1962- 84-2868 Jones et al. PRLAA- 1970- 316-431 ( mechani sm Kament skay a and Pshez hetskii ZFK HA-19 58-32-1 22 Kauf ma n, F PRKNA- 1961 - 1- 1 ( revi•lew ) Kief f r an d Lutz SYMCA- 1967- 1 1 -67 Lewis and vo n Elbe JCPSA- 1934- 2- 537 (calculation) Lundel 1, e t al. SYMCA- 1969- 12-307 McGrat h an d Norrish PRLAA- 1957- 242-265 Mc Kenn ey a nd Laidler CJCHA- 1962- 40-539 Mathia s an d Schiff DFS0A- 1964- 37-38 Mathia s an d Schiff JCPSA- 1964- 40-31 18 Ni cole t , M PAIRA- 1954- RPT/6 Philll ps a nd Schiff JCPSA- 1962- 36-1509 Pshezhetsk ii, et al. JPCUA- 1959- 33-402 Pshezh e tsk ii, et al. TNFKA- 19 59- 2-27 Rl tchl e, M PRLAA- 1934- 146-848

66 • , 7 ) 1 )

0 0. - 0, i Cont in ued )

Schlff, H. I, AGEPA-1964-20-1 1 5 (review) Schumacher, H, J. B60KA- 1938-331 (review) Schximacher, H, J« B06KA- 1938-433 (review) Schumacher, H, J. JACSA- 1930-52-2377 (review) Schumacher, J, ZPCBA- 19 32-17-40 5 Schumacher, H, J. JCPSA- 1960-33-938 (review) Sutphen, W. T. PHDTA- 1955-Stanf ord Univ. Vo Iman , D , H JACSA-1951-73-1018 (mechanism) Warneck, P, DFS0A- 1964-37-57 Wulf and Tolman JACSA- 19 27-49-1650 Zaslowsky, et al JACSA- 1960-8 2- 1682

0 03 ^ 02

Baiamonte, et al , JCPSA- 1966-44-673 Fluegge and Headrlck »CARBZ- 1970-RPT/RM-2777-B-1 ( review) McGrath and Norrish PRLAA- 1957-24 2-265 McGrath and Norrish PRLAA- 1960-254-3 1 McGrath and Norrish ZPCFA- 1958- 1 15-245 (mechanism) Wulf, 0. R. JACSA-1932-54-156 (review)

0 03 » 02 0. Baretta and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1932- 17-417 Fluegge and Headrlck »CARBZ-1970' RPT/RM-2777-B- 1 (review) Gllssmann and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1933- •21-323 Klstlakowskl, G. B. ZEPCA-1925 •1 17-337 Schumacher, H, J. JACSA-1930' 52-2377 (review) Schumacher, H. J. ZPCBA- 1932- 17-405 Schumacher, H, J. B00KA-193a- •433 ( review Snelllng, et al. JCPSA-1966- 44-41 37

0 ^3 ^ ^2 0- Wxilf, 0. R, JACSA-1932-54-156 (mechanism)

0 03 ^ 02 0. Biedenkapp and Balr JCPSA- 1970 52-61 19 Bortner and Kummler *GESLZ- 19 69 RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- ( re vl ew

DeMore, W. B. JPCHA- 1969-73-391 ( *D)

Gauthier and Snelllng CHPLB- 1970 -5-93 ( )

Jones, et al • PRLAA- 1970 •316-431 ( D) (mechanism)

Snelllng and Balr JCPSA- 1967 •47-228 ( ^D) Snelllng, et al . JCPSA- 1966- 44-41 37

Sulllvan and Warneck JCPSA- 1967 •46-953 ( )

Warneck and Sullivan BBPCA- 1968- •72-159 ( ^D)

Warneck and Sullivan PLSSA- 1966- •14-1225 ( ^D)

^3 - «2

Baiamonte, et al . JCPSA- 1966-44-673 Benson, S. W. JCPSA- 1957-26-1351 (mechanism)

^ Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFA- 1969- 65-62 ( D ) Jones and Wayne PRLAA- 1970- 319-273 (0*(^D); 0^^ (^A

or )) (mechanism) Katakls, D. JCPSA-1967-47-541 (*D)

67 .,» « )

6* 63 -» * ^2* ( Conti nued ) McGrath and Norrlsh NATUA-1958-182-235 (mechanism) McGrath and Norrish PRLAA-1960-254-317 [e*(^D)] (mechanism)

6* ©3 - 0,

Fitzsimmons and JCPSA- 196'*-40-451 (lower limit estimate KatakiSj, D, JCPSA-1967-47-541 (^D) Webster and Balr JCPSA- 1970-53-4532

02 » ^'2 hv Keck, et al« JCPSA- 1958-28-723 Keck» et ai, APNYA-1959-7-1 Nicholls, et al CBFMA-1959-3-13 (review) Nicholls, et ale ASJ 0A- 1960-131-399

02 * - <5 * 0

Nicolet, M« DFS0A- 1964-37-7 (review)

0. * 0^

Beyer and Welgc JCPSA- 1969-51-5323 (^D, or ) Clerc^ et al JCPSA- 1969-50-3721 (mechanism) sv Di tchburn and Heddle PRLAA- 1953-220-61 Filseth and Welge JCPSA- 1969-51-839 (mechanism) Izod and Wayne CHPLB- 1969-4-208 (mechanism) Naldbandjanfl A. B. ACPYA- 1939-11-453 (mechanism) Young, et al JCPSA- 1968-49-4758 (*D) (quantum yield) »M-*0*0*M

Atal I ah , S » »AFCRL- 1961-RPT/761 (evaluation) Bascombe, K« N« *EFfDEZ- 1965-RPT/E.R. D,E, l/S/65 Baulknight, C, *GORZZ- 1965- RFT/RM-274 (evaluation) Benson, S. W, JCPSA- 1957-26-1351 (mechanism) Benson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1957- 26-1718 (estimate) Bortner, M, H, NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Byron, S« R. JCPSA- 1959- 30-1380 Camac and Feinberg SYMCA- 1967- 1 1-137 Camac and Vaughan JCPSA- 1961 -34-460 Camac , e t al lAESA- 1958- PR802 Campbell and Nude I man XCCI A- 1960- AD 242327 Chesick and Kistiakowsky JCPSA- 1958-28-956 Duff, P» E. PFLDA- 1958-1-242 Eckerman, J. XN0RA- 1961 - RPT/6724 Evans, J, S. NACNA- 1956-TN/3860 (calculation) Generalov and Losev JQSRA- 1966- 6-101 Generalov and Losev ZPMFA- 1960- 64 Hall, et al. J ASSA— 1962- 59-1038 (review) Hi rschf elder , et al , JPCHA- 1953-57-403 Johnston, H. S, NSRDA- 1968- NBS 20 (evaluation) 1 Kaufman , F « PRKNA- 1 961 - -1 ( review ) Kondratiev and Nikitln JCPSA- 1966-45-1078 Lo sev, S. A. DANKA- 1958- 120-1291 Losev, S. A. DANKA- 1961- 141-894 Losev and Shatalov SPHDA- 1969- 14-227 Matthews, D. L, PFLDA- 1959- 2-170 Nikitln, E. E. JPCUA- 1959-33-208 Nikitin and Sokolov JCPSA- 1959-31-1371 Peng and Plndroh BBSDA- 1963- RPT/D2- 13422 (review)

68 • ., - 1 ) ) )

i ©^M— 0*6*M ( Cont nued \

Pratt, N. H. NGTRA- 1963' •Pratt (review) Schexnayder and Evans NASCA- 196 1 •RPT/1 08 Troe and Wagner BBPCA- 1967- 71-937 ( review) Tundcr , e t al »ASTSZ- 1967 •RPT/TRIOO l( 9210-02 )-! Vaughan and Camac BAPSA- 1959 •4-290 Watt and Mycrson JCPSA- 1 969" 51-1638 Wray, K. L. PGARA-1962- •7-181 ( review Wray, K. L. JCPSA- 1962- •37-1254 Wray, K. L. JCPSA- 1 963- •38-1518 Wray, K, L, SYMCA- 1965- •10-523 Wray, et al. SYMCA- 1962- 8-328 ( review

M » 6 M

Dorrance, W« H« JASSA- 1961- •28-43 ( review Gaydon and Hurle SYMCA- 1962 •8-309 Click and Wurster JCPSA- 1957 27-12 24 Helms, S. P. NACNA- 1958- .TN4144 (calculation) Losev and Generalov SPHDA-1962 •6-106

6, - 0 0 M

Benson, S. W, JCPSA- 1957-26-1351 (mechanism)

0. 6, M ( energy transfer )

Bledenkapp and Balr JCPSA- 1970- 52-61 19 Clark, I. D. CHPLB- 1 970- 5-317 Fallon , c t al JPCHA-1960- 64-505 (mechanism) Gauthler and Snelllng CHPLB- 1970- 5-93 Izod and Wayne CHPLB-1969- 4-208 Jones, et al PRLAA- 1970- '316-431 ( mec ha n 1 sm Vol man, D. H. JACSA-1954- 76-6034 (mechanism)

02 M > &2 * ^ (rotational relaxation)

Parker, et al. J ASMA- 19 53-25-263

0, M * 0o M (vibrational relaxation)

Balamonte, et al, JCPSA- 1 966-44-673 Benson, et al , JCPSA- 1962-37-1386 (calculation) Bethe and Teller *MUERZ- 1941 -RPT/X-1 1 7-BRL (calculation) Blackman, V, JFLSA- 1956- 1 -61 Byron, S, R. JCPSA- 1959-30-1380 Camac, M. JCPSA- 1961-34-448 Dlckens and Rlpamontl TFS0A- 1961-57-735 (calculation) Dorrance, W, H, JASSA- 1961- 28-43 (review) Duff and Davidson JCPSA- 1959-31-1018 (calculation) Fltzslmmons and Balr JCPSA- 1964-40-451 Generalov, N. A, VMUFA- 1962- 17-51 Generalov, N. A, DKPCA- 1963- 148-51 Generalov, N, A, VMUFA- 1963-18-3 Generalov and Losev BUPSA- 1963-27-1079 Generalov and Losev SPHDA- 1963- 8-60 Generalov and Losev JQSRA- 1966-6-101 Generalov, et al . SPHDA- 1964- 9-405 Getzlnger, et al, SYMCA- 1965- 10-779 (estimation) Gllck and Wurster JCPSA 1957- 27-1224 Helms, S. P. NACNA- 1958- TN-4144 (calculation) Henderson, M, C, JASMA- 1962- 34-349 Henry, P, S, H, NATUA- 1932-129-300 ( est Ima tl on Holmes, et al , PPS0A- 1963- 81-31

69 , . . . V ) ) ) ) 1)

M > 6, M (vibrational relaxation) ( Continued )

Holmes et a I. PICAB- l 962' •4-J 31 Holmes e t a I. PPS6A- 1964 83- 769 Jarmai n , e t al . ASJ0A" 1955 122 -55 Kiefer and L ut z SYMCA- 1 967' •11- 67 Kl tifn a nd Par t ington PHMAA- 1930 9-1 020 Kn ese r , H. 6 ANPYA- 1933 16- 337 ( calculation Kneser , H. 0 JASMA- 1933 •5-1 22 ( calculation Kneser and K nudsen ANPYA- 1934 •2 1- 682 Knoe tz el and Knoet zel ANPYA- 1948 2-3 93 Knudse n, V. 0. JASMA- 1933 •5-1 1 2 Lipsco mh , et al. PRLAA- 1956 233 -455 Losev and Ge neralo SPHDA- 1962 •6-1 081 Lutz and Kie ±er PFLDA- 1966 9-1 638 Mi llik an and White JCPSA- 1963 39- 3209 ( eva lua t i on C'slpov , A. I FPSPA- 1960 •1-1 88 ( calculation 6sipov . A. FPSPA- 1962 •1-1 88 6slpov ^ A • SPHDA- 1962- 6-6 03 6sipov ^ A o KICAA- 1963 •4-4 27 ( calculation Parker a J » JCPSA- 1961 •34- 1763 Parker . J. JCPSA- 1964 •41- 1 600 Parker and wope JASMA- 1965 •37- 718 Parker and wrope JCPSA- 1965 •43- 4427 Penny and Ar oes te JCPSA- 1955' •23- 1281 ( calculation Salkof f and Bauer JCPSA- 1959 •30- 1614 ( calculation Schwar t z and Herzf eld JCPSA- 1954 •22- 767 ( calculation Sc hwar tz , et al. JCPSA- 1952 •20- 1591 ( calculation Shield s an d Lee JASMA- 1963 •35- 251 Shi Hi ng and Part ington PHMAA- 1928 •6-9 20 Snelli ng, et al JCPSA- 1966' 44- 41 37 ( mec hani sm 5>t rehl ow and Cohen JCPSA- 19 59 30- 257 Tr eano r an d Wurst er JCPSA- 1960 •32- 758 Van It terbee k and MariSns PHYSA- 1940' •7-1 25 Vo Iman , D. H JCPSA- 1956 •23- 122 ( mechanl sm Watt a nd Mye rson JCPSA- 1969 •51- 1638 White, D, R. JCPSA- 1965 •42- 447 White D. R. JCPSA- 1965- •42- 2028 White and Mi llikan JCPSA- 1963' •39- 1803 White and Mi lllkan JCPSA- 1963- •39- 1807 White and Mi llikan JCPSA- 1963 39- 21 07 White and Mi llikan AI AJA- 1964 '2-1 844 Zipf , E. C. CJCHA- 1969 •47- 1863 ( review

M > 6o * M ( energy transfer )

Vol man , D , H JACSA-1954-76-6034 (rel. rates) 6^ - 0 ^3

Bascombe, K. N. »ERDEZ-1965-RPT/E.R, D.E, l/S/65 Benson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1957-26- 1718 Bortner, M. H. NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Campbell and Nudelman XCCIA-1960-AD 242327 (review) Davidson, N. »AVEVZ- 1958-RPT/32 (review) Duff, R. E. PFLDA- 1958- 1-242 Johnston, H, S. NSRDA- 1968-NBS 20 (evaluation) Tunder, et al *ASTSZ-1967-RPT/TR1001(9210-02 )-

0, ^0*0-

Fallon, et al. JPCHA- 1 960-64-505 (mechanism) Vaughan and Noyes JACSA-1930-52-559 (quantum yield and mechanism) Vol man , D , H JACSA-1954-76-6034 (quantum yield)

70 • • • ) ) ) ) )

Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41 -1 285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1966-44-3645

03* > 0

Cadle, R. D, DFS0A-1964-37-66 (estimation)

6 hv - 0 0,

Benson, S. W, JCPSA- 1957-26- 1 351 ( mec hani sm Benson, S, W, JCPSA- 1 960 -33-939 ( revi ew Beretta and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1932- 1 7-4 1 7 ( mechanism Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFA- 1 962-34- 1 98 ( quantum yield) Kistiakowsky, G. ZEPCA- 1 925- 1 1 7-337 McGrath and Norrlsh PRLAA- 1957-242-265 ( mec hani sm McGrath and Norrlsh ZPCFA- 1 958- 1 5- 245 ( mechani sm Nlcolet, M. DFS0A-1964-37-7 (re view ) Norrish and Wayne PRLAA- 1965-288-200 ( qua n t ura yield and mechanism) Schumacher, H, J. JACSA- 1930 -52-2377 Schumacher, H. J. JCPSA- 1 9 60 - 33- 93 8 ( review) Schumacher, H. J, ZPCBA- 1 932- 1 7-40 5 ( mec hani sm Warburg, E. SPWPA- 19 13-644 ( mec han 1 sm Wayne and White BBPCA- I 968-72- 1 3 1 ( quantum yield and mechanism)

03 hv ^ 0 0. Jones and Wayne JCPSA- 1969 51-3617 (quantum yield) Jones and Wayne PRLAA- 1970 -319-273 [02*(*A or -Eg*)]1 (quantum yield and mechani

0. hv ^ 0 0<

DeMore, W. B, JPCHA- 1969-73-391 (quantxim yield) DeMore and Raper JCPSA-1962-37-2048 (quantum yield) DeMore and Raper CJCHA-1963-41 -808 (quantum yield) DeMore and Raper JCPSA- 1966-44-1780 ( qtiantum yield) Raper and DeMore JCPSA- 1964-40-1053 (quantum yield) Snelling and Bair JCPSA- 1967-47-2 2 8 Snelling, et al JCPSA- 1966-44-41 37 Yamazaki, H. CJCHA- 1970-48-3269 (quantum yield)

0. hv - 0

Baiamonte, et al JCPSA 1966- "44-67 3 Benson , S , W, JCPSA 1957 '26-13 51 ( mec ha n i sm ) Biedenkapp and Bair JCPSA 1970' 52-61 19 (quantum yield) Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFA 1969' •65-62 ( mechanism Fitzsimmons and Bair JCPSA 1964 •40-45 1 ( mechanism Gauthier and Snelling CHPLB 1970 •5-93 Jones and Wayne JCPSA 1969 •51-36 17 (quantum yield) Jones and Wayne PRLAA-1970-319-273 [0*(^D); ^2*^^^g» ^ (quantum yield and mec! Jones, et al PRLAA-1970-316-431 [0*(^D)] (quantum yiel. and mechani: McGrath and Norrish NATUA- 1958- 182^235 (mechanism) McGrath and Norrish PRLAA-1957-242-265 (mechanism) McGrath and Norrish PRLAA-1960-254-317 [0*(^D); 05*(*A )]

( mechani sm

71 7881 0 ) )) ) ) )) )

hv - 0 62 ( Cont jLnued ) Wayne and White BBPCA- 1968-72-131 (quantum yield and mechanism) Webster and Bair JCPSA- 1970-53-4532 (quantum yield)

hv > ^/2^2 Coverall) von Bahr, E, ANPYA- 1910- 33-591 Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFA- 1969- •65-62 ( q uantum yield an

M -» 6 6, M

Axworthy, A. E., Jr. PHDTA- 1 959- S, Calif . Univ. Axworthy and Benson ADCSA- 1959-2 1 -388 Bascombe, K. N, «ERDEZ- 1 965-RPT/E . A. D.E. l/S/65 Benson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1 957-26- 1 7 18 Benson and Axworthy JCPSA- 1965-42-26 14 Beretta and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1 932- 1 7-4 1 Berlad, A. L. JCPSA- 1 967-46-2777 Bortner, M. H. NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 ( evaluation Campbell and Nudelman XCCI A- 1960- AD 24232 7 ( review Davidson, N. »AVEVZ- 1 968-RPT/32 ( review Demetriades, S. T. J ASSA- 1 958- 25-653 Duff, R. E. PFLDA-1958-1-242 Garvin, D. JACSA- 1954-76- 1 523 Gill and Laidler TFS0A- 1959-55-753 Glissmann and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1 933- 2 1 -323 Harteck and Dondes JCPSA- 1953-2 1 -2240 Harteck and Dondes JCPSA- 1 9 53-2 1 -224 Heidt, L. J, JACSA-1935-57-1710 Jahn, S. ZACMA-1906-48-260 ( mechani sm Johnston, H. S. NSRDA- 1 968-NBS 20 ( evaluation Jones and Davidson JACSA- 1962-84-2868 1 Kaufman, F. PRKNA- 1 961 - - 1 (rev iew ) Kaufman. F, PRLAA- 1 958-247- 1 23 Kiefer and Lutz SYMCA- 1 967- 1 1 -67 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1 964-4 1 - 1 285 Mathias and Schiff JCPSA- 1 964-40-3 1 1 Nikitin, E. E. JPCUA- 1959-33-20 Nikitin and Sokolov JCPSA- 1 959- 3 1 - 1 37 Pshezhetskii , et al . JPCUA- 1959-33-402 Ritchie, M. PRLAA- 1 934 - 1 46-848 Schumacher, H. J, B06KA- 1 938- 433 (rev iew ) Schumacher, H. J« ZPCBA- 1 932- 1 7-405 Sutphen, W, T. PHDTA- 1 955-Stanford Univ. 1 Troe and Wagner BBPCA- 1 967-7 -937 ( review Tunder, et al. «ASTSZ- 1 967-RPT/TR 1 0 l-( 9210-02 )-l Volman, D. H. JACSA- 195 1 -73- 1 0 1 Wieder and Marcus JCPSA- 1 962- 37- 1 835 Wulf, 6. R. JACSA- 1932-54-156 ( revi ew Wulf and Tolman JACSA- 1927-49- 1 1 83 Wulf and Tolman JACSA- 1 927-49- 1 2 02 Wulf and Tolman JACSA- 1 927-49- 1 6 50 ( mec hani sm

72 . . 8 ) ] ) )

rt^ M-O*^^ M { Cont inued ) Zabolotskii, T. V. KHNPA-1956-1-680 Zaelowsky, et al JACSA- 1960-82-2682

63 M Beretta and Schumacher ZPCBA- 1932 17-417

Biedenkapp and Balr JCPSA- 1970-52-6119 [M* " ^2< ^^g >^ Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ- 1969- RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- 1 (review) Castellano and Schumacher ZPCFA- 1969- 65-62 (mechanism) Clark and Wayne CHPLB- 1963" 3-93

Clark, et al . PRLAA- 1970 317-407 [M* = "2' )]

dyne, et al . , NATUA- 1963 199-1057 (mechanism) Donovan, et al . CHPLB- 1970-7-453 [M 62( Fluegge and Heedrick »CARBZ- 1970" RPT/RM-2777-P- 1 (review) Glissman and S<:humacher ZPCBA- 1933- 21-323 Izod and Wayne PRLAA- 1968-308-81 [M )]

Jones, et al , PRLAA- 1970 316-431 (mechanism) * Jones and Wayne PRLAA- 1970-319-273 (M o r 2 g» S ( mechanism - McNeal and Cook JCPSA- 1967-47-5385 [ M* 62( A )] M* March, et al PHCBA-1965-4-971 [ «2< Mathias and Schlfl DFS6A- 1964- 37-38 McGrath and Norrish ZPCFA- 1958- 15-245 (mechanism) Morgan, et al • DFS0A- 1962- 33-1 1 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1962- 36- 3283 Phillips and Schiff JCPSA- 1962- 37- 924 (upper limit es tlma te Schumacher, H. J, ZPCBA- 1932- 17-405 Schumacher, H. J. B66KA- 1938" 433 ( review Snelllng, et al , JCPSA- 1966- 44-4137 (mechanism) Wayne and Pitts JCPSA- 1969- 50-3644 [M Webster and Balr JCPSA- 1970- 53-4532

63 M* » 0* 62 M

Jones and Wayne PRLAA-1970-319-273 [6*(*D); M* - 0^* or 'Eg-)] Katakls, D. JCPSA-1967-47-541 [6*(*D)] McGrath and Norrish PRLAA-1960-254-317 [6*(^D); 6p*(^A )]

( mechanl sm

Phillips and Schiff JCPSA-1962-37-924 [ 0*( ^ D ) ( mechanism

63 M>0*02*M

Volman , D . H JACSA-1951-73-1018 (mechanism)

63* M* » 0 62 M

Balamonte, et al» JCPSA- 1966-44-673

73 ) ) ) ) ) ) )

M - 3/262 M (overall)

Bel ton, et al. JCS6A-1926- 128 -3153 Campbell and Nudelman XCCTA-1960- AD 24232 Chapman and Jones JCSfJA-1910- 97- 2463 Clarke and Chapman JCS6A-1908- 9 3- 1638 Clement, J. K. ANPYA-1904- 1 4- 334 GVissmann and Schumacher ZPCBA-1933- 21- 323 Griffith and McKeown JCS6A-1925- 127 -2086 ( ra te and mechani sm Griffith and McKeown ZEPCA-1926- 120 -236 ( review Grlffith and McKeown JACSA-1927- 49- 2721 ( review Hlbben, J. H, JACSA-1928- 50- 937 Jahn, S. ZACMA-1906~ 48- 260 Johnston, H, S. B66KA~1966- 1 4 ( revi ew ) Johnston, H. S. Be56KA-1966- 2.99 ( rev i ew ) Kamentskaya and Pshezhetskii ZFKHA-19 5- 8- 32-11 22 Kassel, L. S. ACM0A-1932- 57- 264 ( review Lewls, Be JPCHA-1933- 37- 533 Moelwyn-Hughes , E. A. B06KA-1957- 1 12 ( review Perman and Greaves PRSLA-1908- 80- 353 Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ-1971- 4-P repr i nt (review and mechanism) Pshezhetskll , et al. JPCUA 1959- 33- 402 Rlesenfeld and Bohnholtzer ZEPCA 1927- 130 -241 Riesenfeld and Schumacher ZEPCA 1928- 138 -268 Rlesenfeld and Wassmuth ZEPCA- 1929- 143 -397 ( rate and mechani sm Rlesenfeld and Wassmuth ZPCBA-1930" 8-3 14 ( mechani sm Schumacher, H. J. B06KA-1938' •433 ( rev iew ) Schumacher and Sprenger ZPCBA-1929- 6- 4 46 Schumacher and Sprenger ZPCBA-1930' 11- 38 ( r eview Sprenger, G. ZEELA-1931- 37- 674 ( Ng^g catalysts) Sutphen, W. T. PHDTA-1955- Sta nf ord Univ. Trautz, M. ZAACA-1916- 96- 1 (re view ) Warburg, E, SPWPA-190 1- 112 6 Weigert, F. ZEPCA-1912- 80- 78 Weigert and Bohm ZEPCA-1915' 90- 189 Wulf, 0. R. JACSA-1932" •54- 1 56 ( review Wulf and Tolman JACSA-1927- 49- 1650 Zaslowsky, et al . JACSA-1960' 82- 3682

M > 3/262 M

Glissman and Schumacher ZPCdA- 1933-21-32 3 Schumacher, H. J. B66KA- 1938-433 (review)

M > 6- M

Cadle, R. D. DF6SA-1964-37-66 (estimation) Hochanadel, et al JCPSA- 1968-48-24 16 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1964-41 -1285 Klein and Herron JCPSA- 1966-44-3645 Volman, D. H. JACSA-1951-73-1018 (mechanism) • • 1 )

Axworthy, A, E«, Jr. PHDTA-1959-S, Calif. Univ. Barth, C. A. AGEPA- 1964-20-182 Baulknight, C. »G0RZZ-1965-RPT/RM-274 ( evaluation Bortner and Kummler »GESLZ-1969-RPT/GE-9500-ECS-SR- Bortner, M. H, NBTNA- 1969-TN-484 (evaluation) Bortner and Kummler DASRA-1967-RPT/1948 (Ch. 19: evaluation) Carrington and Garvin »CCKNZ-1969-3-107 (mechanism) Davidson, N. »AVEVZ- 1958-RPT/32 Ford, H, CJCHA-1960-38-1780 (mechanism) Ford, H. W. SYMCA-1962-8-1 19 (mechanism) Heicklen, J« AI AJA-1967-5-4 Johnston, H. S. NSRDA- 1968-NBS 20 (evaluation) Kassel , L • S ACM 6A- 1932-57-264 Kaufman , F PRKNA-1961-1-1 Lin and Fyfe PFLDA-1961-4-238 McGrath and MoGarvey PLSSA-1967-15-427 (6* deactivation) Pratt, N. H. NGTRA- 1963 -Pratt Preston and Cvetanovic »CCKNZ-1971 -4-Preprint Schumacher, H. J« B66KA- 1938-331 Schumacher, H. J. BeOKA- 1938-433

Wayne, R. P. ADPCA-1969-7-31 1 a^L^) and

Zipf, E. C. CJCHA-1969-47- 1863 (6* and 6^*) (deactivation)

75 ) )


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Laboratory Research Report 245 (1966); AD 805556 ,

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Campbell, E. S. , and Nudelman, C. , "Reaction Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties in the 6zone-6xygen System. "a Survey of Properties for Flame Studies," Department of Chemistry, New York University AF6SR TN-60-502 (I960); AD 242327 Campbell, I. M. , and Thrush, B. A., "The Kinetics of the Nitrogen Afterglow," Chem. Communications 250 ( 1 965

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( 1 968 Campbell, I. M« , and Thrush, B. A., "Some New Vacuum Ultra-violet Emissions of Active Nitrogen," Trans. Faraday Soc. 65, 32 (1969)

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( 1 962 ) Cherry, S. S., Gold, P. I., and Van Nice, L. J., "Screening of Reaction Rates," Phase I Final Report (TRW No. 08832-6001 -TOOOO, May 1967); Cherry, S. S., and Van Nice, L. J., "Screening of Reaction Rates, Phase II Final Report, Volume I, Technical Analysis (TRW No. 08832-6002-TOOOO, December 1967), TRW Systems, Redondo Beach, California. The Phase I report contains the rate evaluation, both list the same values for the rate coefficients.

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;,M MBS-114A (1.71) rij.S. DEPT. OF COMM. 1. PUDL.ICATION OR REPORT NO. 2. Gov't Accession 3. Recipient's Accession No. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA NBS -OSRDB - 7 1 -2 COM-71-008A1

' < SHEET [I'lTLE AND SUBTITLE 5. Publication Date

lA Bibliography of Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Reactions hf Nitrogen^, Oxygen^ and Nitrogen Oxides 6. Performing Organization Code

ij,AUTHOR(S) 8, Performing Organization

', Francis Westley itpERFORMiNG ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No.

! NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 11. Contract/Grant No. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20234 L- BiSponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered NA

14. Sponsoring Agency Code


ABSTRACT (A 200-v.ord or less factual summary of most sigriificant information. If document includes a significant bibliography or literature survey, mention it here.)

A bibliography of references to published papers and reports containing rate

I data for reactions of N^^ N^, N2O; ^2'^!' ^2*^3^ ^^2^4^ ^20^^ NO^ NO2, NO^,

KO, , 0, 0^ and 0„ with each other is presented. In addition two lists of 4 2 3 critical reviews dealing with the above reactions are included. Over 900 papers are listed.


''KEY WORDS (A.Iphabetical order, separated by semicolons) Bibliography; Chemical kinetics; Gas phase'; Nitrogen; Nitrogen oxides; Oxygen; Ozone