local history federation ancashire LANCASHIRE LOCAL HISTORY FEDERATION NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO. 10 FEBRUARY 2015 ================================================================= LLHF NEWSLETTER EDITOR: MRS. M. EDWARDS Telephone: 0161 256 6585 email:
[email protected] *DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: MAY 15TH, 2015 =============================================================== Chairman: Julia Beeden 01995 602441 015395 61226
[email protected] Vice-Chairman: Morris Garratt 0161 439 7202
[email protected] Secretary: John Wilson 01524 261594
[email protected] Treasurer: Nancy Hollings 0161 370 3123
[email protected] Membership Secretary: Zoë Lawson 01772 865347
[email protected] Newsletter Editor: Margaret Edwards 0161 256 6585
[email protected] Website manager: Stephen T. Benson 01772 422808
[email protected] ================================================================= From Wolkowisk to Wallgate and Other Journeys; A History of the Wigan Jewish Community by Hilary Thomas, with a Foreword by Alex Miller Launched on Monday, 15th December, at the Museum of Wigan Life (Wigan Local Studies), this book (price £8.99, 275pp., 28 illustr.; 30pp. of biographies) tells of the Jewish community from early C19 (Note: there are references to Jews in Wigan in medieval times). A congregation formed in c.1885 and a synagogue was established in 1886. The descendants of some early Jewish families (the Sytners, Nimans, Foxes and Adlers) have shared their memories and helped to bring the small community to life. This extremely valuable record is available from the Museum shop. (See website) 1 =========================================== THIS IS THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE NEWSLETTER ACCORDING TO THE NEW ANNUAL SCHEDULE. PLEASE NOTE DEADLINES FOR 2015: FEBRUARY 1st; MAY 15th; AUGUST 15th; NOVEMBER 15th. The editor cordially invites you to submit your society information, your news, your notes, your reports and your articles.