Case: 4:71-cv-6 As of: 10/19/2019 10:42 AM CDT 1 of 114 CLOSED,CONSENT U.S. District Court Northern District of Mississippi (Greenville Division) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 4:71−cv−00006−DAS Gates, et al v. Cook, et al Date Filed: 02/08/1971 Assigned to: Magistrate Judge David A. Sanders Date Terminated: 03/10/2011 Demand: $0 Jury Demand: None Case in other court: Fifth Circuit, 08−60276 Nature of Suit: 550 Prisoner: Civil Rights Cause: 42:1983pr Prisoner Civil Rights Jurisdiction: Federal Question Plaintiff Nazareth (nmi) Gates represented by Jessica Feierman individually and on behalf of all other NAKAMURA QUINN & WALLS, LLP similarly situated Lakeshore Park Plaza, Suite 130 2204 Lakeshore Drive Birmingham, AL 35209−6701 (202) 393−4930 Email: jfeierman@npp− TERMINATED: 06/13/2006 LEAD ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Ronald Reid Welch RONALD REID WELCH, ATTORNEY P. O. Box 4589 Jackson, MS 39296−4589 (601) 352−6420 Email:
[email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Willie Lee Holms represented by Ronald Reid Welch individually and on behalf of all othr (See above for address) similarly situated LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Hal Zachary represented by Ronald Reid Welch individually and on behalf of all others (See above for address) similarly situated LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Mathew Winters represented by Ronald Reid Welch individually and on behalf of all others (See above for address) similarly situated LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Gary Butler represented by Margaret Winter AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION FOUNDATION, INC.