ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM FREE! WEDNESDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2018 Pride denied Aldermen shoot down LGBT parade request BY ALEX HOLLOWAY voted to deny the request. other housekeeping matters
[email protected] INSIDE Ward 2 Alderman Sandra ■ OUR VIEW: Starkville Board of without discussion. However, Sistrunk, Ward 4 Alderman Perkins asked that the item be Starkville Aldermen voted Aldermen flunk Civics test. Page 6A Jason Walker and Ward 5 Al- removed from consent to allow Tuesday to deny a request from derman Patrick Miller voted in a separate vote. Starkville Pride to host the Little and Perkins did not support of the parade. city’s first Pride Parade. immediately respond to phone Starkville Pride, a lesbian, After the meeting, Carver, calls for comment after Tues- Citizen: ‘God made gay, bisexual and transgender Little and Perkins left from the day’s meeting. Adam and Eve’ (LGBT) support group, was municipal courtroom’s back None of the aldermen who More than a dozen people seeking to hold the parade on Spruill Perkins entrance. Vaughn declined to voted against the parade voiced spoke in favor of the Pride pa- March 24. The proposed route came on a motion from Ward comment on his vote. their opinions on the matter rade during Tuesday’s citizen would have started on Rus- 6 Alderman Roy A. Perkins. Carver, reached later by during the board meeting. comment period, while two sell Street, and looped around Ward 1 Alderman Ben Carver phone, said he had “been ad- The parade was originally spoke against it. downtown Starkville on Main seconded Perkins’ motion.