ר״ח סיון תשע״ח • MAY 15, 2018 Yeshiva Toras Chaim/ Alumni Association Annual Dinner honoring Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein Ateres Zekeinim Award

Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits Parents of the Year Award

Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman International Keser Shemtov Award

Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz Alumnus of the Year Award

ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater Memorial

Tuesday, May 15, 2018 Dyker Beach Golf Course 1030 86th Street Brooklyn, New York


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER MESSAGE FROM THE ROSHEI HAYESHIVA שליט"א Moreinu HaRav R’ Yisroel Meir Kagan שליט"א Moreinu HaRav R’ Yitzchok Wasserman

כינוס לצדיקים הנאה להם והנאה לעולם

גמרא At first glance, this would seem rather odd. The that were gathered together צדיקים does not state that the ,itself כנוס decide or do something. Just the mere fact of the their being together, seems sufficient for it being something . לעולם to them and alsoנאה serves to כנוס The explanation for this is that the the צדיקים encourage, to warm, and to give the assembled that עבודת ה' strength to continue, each in his own way, the he is engaged in. Just the proximity of the others will give each person the uplift needed. ,the fact that the Talmidei HaYeshiva ,כנוס So to, in our their families and friends gather together will enable all of us to draw strength and inspiration from each other. Through the ,כותלי ישיבה of the time and effort spent in the זכות the in and Yiras Shomayim experienced by the עליה Talmidim who are strengthened and encouraged by our dedicated supporters, we will all be revitalized and carried forward to greater heights.


Twenty six years ago, a small group of devoted alumni gathered together and decided to celebrate the Yeshiva's 25th anniversary with a formal dinner and commemorative journal. We attributed the enormous success of the Dinner to its being a one time event. Each year, we are delighted and encouraged with the strong response to the Alumni Dinners. This 26th Alumni Dinner promise to be as exciting as the past Dinners, and I am very pleased to once again be a part of making it happen. The Dinners serve to reconfirm and exemplify the strong kesher between the Yeshiva and its talmidim. Also, by participating in the dinner and journal we all have an opportunity to demonstrate our hakaras hatov to the Yeshiva. A strong showing at the Dinner sends a very positive message back to the Yeshiva and is surely a source of encouragement to the Hanhala. May we continue to be a source of nachas to our Roshei HaYashiva and Rebbeim. Chesky Schonfeld

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMEN It has been our pride to serve as Chairmen for the Alumni Association Annual Dinner. We certainly realize the effect of this great Makom Torah upon us and all of Klal Yisroel. Our admiration and appreciation of the Roshei Yeshiva, HaRav R’ ,שליט"א and HaRav R’ Yisroel Meir Kagan שליט"א Yitzchok Wasserman for over 50 years of Harbotzas Torah with love and devotion to each and every talmid, knows no bounds. We therefore cherish the opportunity to demonstrate our Hakaras Hatov in this small fashion. The entire Alumni Association deserves tremendous credit for its ongoing commitment to Toras Chaim in all ways, throughout the year. The success of tonight’s Dinner could have only been attained with their help. Congratulations to all the honorees, and all the guests who have participated on their behalf. Your assistance in helping the Yeshiva meet the challenges of tomorrow is immeasurable.

Shimshi Bandman Nissan Ringel Dovid Bloom Heshie Schertz Mordechai Kliger Dinner Chairmen Journal Chairmen

Moshe Fleischman Aryeh Leib Klainberg Avichai Muller Avrohom Orlofsky Campaign Chairmen

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Association dedicates tonight’s Dinner in memory of

נל ע" הרב יהודא אליעזר בן משה ישראל הרבטר ע"ה

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לע"נ הרב יהודא אליעזר בן משה ישראל הרבטר ע"ה

R’ Yudi learned in YTC as a bochur in the early 70’s and returned as a yungerman for several years before joining the Darchei community in 1985. He was a most dedicated father, friend and community member whose warmth, caring and sensitivity to others endeared him to all. He was a beloved talmid, entrusting Yeshiva with his three sons and one son-in-law, as talmidim, and championing Yeshiva’s cause in promoting and assisting in Yeshiva events.

יהי זכרו ברוך

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We take pride this evening in paying tribute to

Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein Ateres Zekeinim Award

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein Ateres Zekeinim Award

With respect and admiration for the towering contributions you continue to make to the Olam HaTorah. We are humbled and grateful for the warm interest and support you so graciously express for Yeshiva. And most of all, we thank you for sharing with us your remarkable family members, R’ Naftali, beloved and devoted Menahel of Yeshiva, and R’ Yanky, a most wonderful addition to our staff of Rebbeim. It is a special pleasure to have your grandsons, as our talmidim, as well.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We take pride this evening in paying tribute to

Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits Parents of the Year Award

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits Parents of the Year Award

Partnering in your son’s chinuch has been a privilege and an opportunity to observe the remarkable chinuch of your home. The impact of your quiet service to the community, are broadcast by your many friends and admirers. We are proud to be among them.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We take pride this evening in paying tribute to

Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleiman International Keser Shemtov Award

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman International Keser Shem Tov Award

You embody the core values of Yeshiva and serve as an inspiration to further our vision of nurturing erliche Bnei Torah. A talmid par excellence, we treasure our exceptional relationship, spanning the continents and decades.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We take pride this evening in paying tribute to

Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz Alumnus of the Year Award

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz Alumnus of the Year Award

A true ambassador of the YTC mission, you live your life as a committed, and we shep nachas ,בן עליה and בן תורה caring from your many accomplishments. Your special continued connection with Yeshiva is a source of great joy to us.


The chain of mesorah weaves its way through our history forging a path that links father to son and Rebbe to talmid. It is the enduring strength of this bond that insures the survival of our people and it is the fire of Torah that fuses each link to this chain. “Study is the life breath of the Jewish people - the goal of Jewish .זצ"ל existence - its purpose, its destiny,” stated Reb Jewish life stands and falls in the measure of its devotion to study. It is the devotion of Bnei Torah to study which provides the life-blood of Yiddishkeit even to those limbs which are far removed from the heart. The survival and eternity of Jewish peoplehood depend on the development of talmidei chachomim. It is they who transmit our spiritual heritage from generation to generation. Without its talmidei chachomim, Jewry lacks those men of wisdom who are links in the great chain of tradition spanning the ages and it lacks the educators to instruct the coming generation in the purity and perfection of our eternal tradition. In the tradition and spirit of “survival strength”, Yeshiva Toras Chaim was founded in 1967 in the solid rock of Torah precepts. It was the first Yeshiva high school between the Mississippi and the West Coast. With its foundation firmly entrenched in Torah, YTC began its upward growth. From that fledgling state the Yeshiva has grown to a formidable institution. Despite numerous challenges, the Yeshiva has indeed “shteiged”. The original student body consisted of 34 young men. Through careful cultivation and nurturing the fertile soil of young hearts, this number has continued to grow as the hearts of our talmidim turn with devotion to the bottomless depths of teachings in yam hatalmud. While providing for a total experience in an atmosphere charged with the spirit of Torah, Yeshiva Toras Chaim’s uniqueness is manifested through its focus upon the development of each individual talmid.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER These talmidim have come from a wide range of places, as far away as Iran and as close as Denver, as exotic as Mexico and as familiar as Brooklyn, as distant as the Soviet Union and as near as Kansas. Yet, as diverse as their backgrounds are, these young men have found common ground in the pages of the gemara and in the joy of “chapping a tosfos kashya”. They have found themselves through the guidance of a Rebbe and through being part of the heritage of Toras Chaim. The years spent in Denver and the memories of that time are highlighted by the heritage of Toras Chaim, those small nuances of style and comportment that uniquely say “Denver”, while they merge the personality of Rebbe to Talmid. Perhaps it was the tie that added a special touch of esteem to a budding Talmid Chochom or the visits to the nursing home that blended a refining stroke of compassion to our adolescent hearts. Was it the weekly inspection that imbued us with an appreciation for orderliness, or was it the lesson that indeed, it was a privilege to put away seforim in the Beis Hamedrash? Denver, the yearly Shabbaton - that magical time of the year when our little world was invaded by strange young children who were perhaps the bochurim of tomorrow. How many of us found ourselves, while convincing them of what Yeshiva meant to us? And then there was Purim. Purim in Denver. Of course, the Roshei Yeshiva were there and the Rebbeim were there as well - to listen and to hold our hands as we poured out the secret aspirations of our hearts, helping us peer into ourselves, allowing us to discover who we really were. And it was always a zman of Kabolas HaTorah. Remember Elul. Remember Orchos Chaim L’Horosh. Remember the shmooze before Neila and the ecstasy of dancing after Yom Kippur and feeling the words of Boruch Hu Elokenu. And Simchas HaTorah in Denver, it was then that we learned that simcha was an avoda as well.

Or perhaps the heritage of Denver is captured in the weekly

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER medley of nigunim that we learned from the “eltere bochurim” and are still singing at our shalosh seudos tables as well. Was it the graduation that allowed us to recognize the enormity of what we had or was it the knossos that taught us the enormity of tefilla? Was it the ’s farher that taught us the importance of what we had achieved or was it the soft words of the Rebbe who taught us what we could achieve? And the message was always Torah. Whatever our livelihood, Torah was to be our career; whatever our ambition, Torah was to be our goal. That was our mandate and still today the message is the same. The building may be new, still the Yeshiva is the same. The ties are still on. The farher is still as hard as ever. The inspections go on, although those bedspreads are a bit old. And yes, the knossos remain, although it’s no longer a quarter for Shacharis. But above all, the message is still Torah and the medium is still devotion of the Roshei Yeshiva and the Rebbeim, molding and shaping a new generation of talmidim, young men who generate in the Bais Hamedrash a Kol Torah that reverberates throughout, joining with the echo of Torah that spans the centuries, wending its way backwards along the chain of Mesorah. This is the essence of Toras Chaim/Denver.


Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan Rabbi Yitzchock Wasserman Rosh Yeshiva Rosh Yeshiva

Rabbi Ahron Y. Wasserman Rabbi Aaron B. Kagan CEO Vice President

Rabbi Binyomin Seiligman Rabbi Chaim Abrams Controller Director of Operations

Beis Medrash Rabbi Dovid Nussbaum Rabbi Elisha Zeiger Rabbi Eli Mozes Mesivta - High School Rabbi Naftali Seidenfeld Menahel Rabbi Moshe Chill Rabbi Yisroel Field Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Orloff

General Studies Rabbi Avrohom Berkowitz, MA Principal

Dorm Parents Rabbi and Mrs. Shimshon Rubin


2017 Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi M. Feldheim Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Polter Mr. and Mrs. Shui Schmuckler Rabbi and Mrs. Avi Daina Rabbi and Mrs. Yankee Rubin

2016 Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Gottesman Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Zeiler Rabbi and Mrs. Yehoshua Hoffman Mr. Itzy Zeiler

2015 Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi Steinberg Rabbi and Mrs. Yehuda Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Z. Gendel Rabbi and Mrs. Avromi Robinson

2014 Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Sruly Knobloch Rabbi and Mrs. Berish Goldenberg Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Kliger

2013 Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Morgenstern Rabbi and Mrs. Michoel Maimon Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Grossberg Rabbi and Mrs. Yehoshua Scheinberg

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER This Dinner has been sponsored by our very own alumnus

Shaul and Chani Mizrahi

With tremendous appreciation for always lending physical and emotional support with an unending, devoted friendship to Yeshiva.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our Roshei Yeshiva Rebbeim

We are so grateful for the years spent at Denver Yeshiva.

Saul and Chani Mizrahi Miz Construction Lakewood, 732-942-1321

DIAMOND In honor of the esteemed Roshei HaYeshiva שליט"א Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan and שליט"א Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman We wish to extend our deepest Hakoras Hatov for their tireless dedication and support.

to all tonight’s מזל טוב Honorees

Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Kliger

DIAMOND In honor of Zeidie and Mommy Whose legacy of a lifelong commitment to Torah, Chessed and the Klal is a beacon to all.

Your foresight and insight has been a founding influence on our lives.

Your unceasing and unstinting caring and dedication to our family continuously carries us.

May your lofty ideals always be realized by your families and may they always be a source of nachas.

Dovid and Shifi Bloom & Family

AMUD HAYESHIVA to the מזל טוב Roshei HaYeshiva that I have and הכרת הטוב To express in words the owe to the Roshei Yeshiva is impossible.

הצלחה May Hashem give them strength and . עבודת הקודש to continue their

Avigdor and Chanah Daina

AMUD HAYESHIVA AMUD HAYESHIVA In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan and שליט"א R' Yitzchok Wasserman

Mazal Tov to Yakir Markowitz on a well deserved honor.

Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Hoffman

AMUD HAYESHIVA In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva שליט"א Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan שליט"א Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman

who transformed a vision into a glorious reality.

In honor of Rabbi Ahron Y. Wasserman Rabbi Aaron B. Kagan for their tireless and unmatched dedication and commmitment to the growth and success of the Yeshiva.

Dovid and Shifi Bloom

PARNES HAYOM In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Naftali Seidenfeld A Rebbe for Life Stellar Stewardship, Masterful Chinuch, Potential Realization, Igniting Aspirations

In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Orloff A Formative Foundation, Nurturing Neshamos, Influencing Ideals

In honor of our YTC Talmidim Shimon and Avrohom A huge source of Nachas to all.

Dovid and Shifi Bloom

PARNES HAYOM We proudly salute tonight’s Parents of the Year שיחיו Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits חינוך הבנים For setting a gold standard in for others to emulate.

Thank you for your inspiration that is our aspiration.

!חזק ואמץ

Abish Brodt Itche Rosenbaum Eliyahu Zaks

PARNES HAYOM In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva R' Yisroel Meir Kagan R' Yitzchok Wasserman

May Hashem bentch the Roshei HaYeshiva מרביץ תורה and Hanhala to continue to be .יראת שמים and

Dr. and Mrs. Kasriel Tomaszewski

Associated Urologists Lakewood, NJ

PARNES HAYOM מחותנום In honor of our Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein

יה"ר שתזכו לראות רוב נחת ועונג -עושר ואושר מכל ב"ב ומכל יו"ח עד מאה ועשרים שנה בבריות גופא ונהורא מעליא

Fruchthandler Family

SPONSOR הצלחה Wishing continued to Yeshiva Toras Chaim

Mazal Tov to Tonight's honorees

Yochanan and Nechama Ishakis

SPONSOR In honor of the esteemed Roshei HaYeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan and Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman

Mr. and Mrs. Arie Lax

SPONSOR Best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Braunstein

SPONSOR In honor of our wonderful parents Rabbi and Mrs. S. Braunstein

Mazal Tov on this well deserved award! We are truly humbled by your endless love and devotion to us. We are privileged to have you as our role models and sounding boards for bringing up our family and building a home with a foundation built of Torah and Yiddishkeit. and have continued מרביץ תורה May you continue to always be nachas!

Moshe and Chani & Family

EITZ CHAIM PATRON In honor of the שליט"א Roshei Yeshiva

In honor of R' Ahron Yisroel for everything that he does for the Yeshiva.

May the Yeshiva continue to flourish.

My Zeidy would be proud of what the Yeshiva represents.

Best wishes, Yitzy and Raizy Beren

EITZ CHAIM PATRON In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva All of the Rebbeim and the Distinguished Honorees who deserve this meaningful recognition for all that they do for the benefit of the Yeshiva and their talmidim, both current and past.

Yoel and Guitty Goldfeder

EITZ CHAIM PATRON In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva and Hanhalah

Best wishes for continued success.

Yumi and Rivka Guttman

EITZ CHAIM PATRON Mazal Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz on your well deserved honer

A special Thank you to the Roshei Yeshiva for all they have done for me and my family. May Hashem continue to give you koach to be .through Klal Yisroel מרביץ תורה

Zevie and Chana Rochel

EITZ CHAIM PATRON Best wishes to the Roshei Yeshiva for continued success.

to all of מזל טוב Tonight's Honorees on their well deserved honors.

Dr. Menashe Kohn & Family

EITZ CHAIM PATRON In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva and Rebbeim

Shmuel Dovid and Ayala Perle

EITZ CHAIM PATRON In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva שליט"א HaRav Yisroel Meir Kagan שליט"א HaRav Yitzchok Wasserman

A special thanks to Chesky Schonfeld for his dedication to the Yeshiva

I feel privileged to call myself an alumnus of this great Yeshiva - A Home Away From Home

Avi and Devorah Rosenthal Lakewood, NJ

EITZ CHAIM PATRON In honor of the Founders and Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Denver

שליט"א Rav Yisroel Meir Kagan and שליט"א Rav Yitzchok Wasserman who have built a magnificent Makom Torah together with an outstanding staff of Rebbeim. May Hakadosh Boruch Hu bentch the Roshei Yeshiva with Koach and Eitzah to continue to lead and guide the Yeshiva for many years to come.

Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein

SAR ELEF GOLD With much Hakaras Hatov we thank the Roshei Yeshiva Rabbi Kagan Rabbi Wasserman and the entire Hanhalah for their constant commitment, dedication and love they have provided to our dear son Avrami.

May Hashem grant you strength and good health for many years to continue your Avodas HaKodesh.

May Hashem bentch you with Nachas from your Mishpachas and all of your Talmidim.

Shmuli and Devora Herskovits

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin שליט"א Yitzchok Wasserman Your tireless efforts, endless energy, devotion. and timeless hours on behalf of Torah - Has affected generations - Has instilled yiddishkeit & blessed the Denver Jewish Community to all corners of this country כבוד שמים Has spread - - Has blessed both our & our children’s lives

There are no words to adequately express our deepest to both of you for all that you have done and הכרת הטוב continue to do for our family. and the אריכות ימים ושנים May Hashem grant you both . עבודת הקודש strength to continue your tremendous May you be zoche to continue to go .מחיל אל חיל עד ביאת גואל צדק במהרה בימינו

Nachman and Yachet Kleinman

SAR ELEF GOLD Although words can never do justice, to the מכיר טוב we want to be Roshei HaYeshiva for us and all מסירת נפש for their never ending of their talmidim. The Roshei Hayeshiva gave, and continue to give their lives, in every sense of the word, to all of us. .שלי ושלנו - שלהם

and the ,כוחות that you should continue to have the יהי רצון .to lead this choshuva baston of Torah סיעתא דשמיא

Thank you for everything,

Yakir and Dina Markowitz

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of our children, the Menahel and Twelfth Grade Rebbi Rav Naftali Seidenfeld and our daughter Deena Our grandchildren, the Ninth Grade Rebbi Rav Yaakov Orloff and our granddaughter Esti and our grandchildren, Talmidim of Yeshiva Toras Chaim Shimon Bloom Avrohom Bloom and Elazar Frischman

We are so very proud of you all! .מחיל אל חיל May you go

Zeide and Mommy/Bubby

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of my Roshei Yeshiva שליט"א Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman and שליט"א Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan הרבצת תורה for over 50 years of

and to my Rebbe שליט"א Rabbi Dovid Nussbaum

Congratulations to this year’s honorees.

Shimshi and Chanie Bandman

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of


Roshei Yeshiva

Aron Shimon and Devorah Berkowitz

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of the

Roshei Yeshiva to tonight's מזל טוב


on deserving honors.

Ari Bistritzky


טנא ברכות

בר ג שי אחווה ורעות מביעים אנו ברכה נאמנה מקרב לב לידידינו הנעלים הרב שלמה בראונשטיין הי"ו ורעיתו הנכבדה מרת צארטי תח '

לרגל העטרם באות-כבוד "עטרת זקנים " בדינער השנתי של ישיבת " תורת חיים " ,דענווער , "

עטרת זקנים בני בנים ותפארת בנים אבותם

ביקר רב שמעון ואסתי פלוטשעניק

SAR ELEF GOLD Mazel tov to our distinguished Roshei Yeshiva HaRav Yitzchok Wasserman and HaRav Yisroel Meir Kagan for all your efforts on behalf of the Yeshiva and Harbotzas Torah. to all the מזל טוב Shmuli Herskovits on this well deserved honor. May Hashem continue to grant you .הצלחה continued strength and

Heshie and Bonnie Schertz

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva and all the Staff and Supporters

Suri and Dovid Spector

In memory of ז"ל Yudi Harbater

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva and Rebbeim of Yeshiva Toras Chaim. to all the מזל טוב Honorees on this well deserved honor.

Dovid and Shoshana Wanounou

SAR ELEF GOLD Congratulations and best wishes to this Year’s Honorees יישר כוחכם

Special wishes and warmest regards to our cousins Mr. & Mrs. Nachman Kleinman and family ברכה והצלחה

And, as always, thanks and gratitude to the הנהלה and ראשי ישיבה of YTC for their on-going efforts and accomplishments, which are personified by YTC alumni.

. נחת רוח We are, hopefully, your

Robert and Elky Willner and family

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor and appreciation of the Roshei Yeshiva

and Rebbeim

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Zinn

SAR ELEF GOLD Mazel Tov and best wishes to Tonight's Honorees

on your well deserved honors.

Heshy Zweig

SAR ELEF GOLD In honor of Rabbi Ahron Yisroel Wasserman Rabbi Aaron Boruch Kagan as you undertake more הצלחה We wish you continued of the Yeshiva's responsibilities

In recognition of Rabbi Chesky Schonfeld and The Dinner Committee For their tireless efforts in making this Dinner a success.

Mazal Tov to our Fellow Honorees

Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein

SILVER to ישר כח A tremendous R’ Chesky Schonfeld and Crew (aka Ms. Esti) for all the never ending efforts to take our Alumni Association to the next level. You don't stop for nothing. Hashem should give you and your Rebbetzin bracha, simcha and nachas for many years to come.

Thank you to Rav Dovid Nussbaum for being the most devoted Rebbi anyone can imagine. Like a father to a son, Rebbi’s dedication to his talmidim and , רוחניות always looking for their growth in has been a real game changer for me. over the בחברותא Thank you for the years we spent learning phone when I lived in Eretz Yisroel - one of the most special shafts I ever had.


SILVER In honor of Devora and Shmuli Herskovits who symbolize Torah and Chessed.

They are a caring and giving couple, always helping others, both in their families and community.

We are very proud of them!


Tatty and Ima

SILVER In honor of Rebbitzen Reva Wasserman Our admiration for you knows no bounds. You are the mother of this great Mossad and the heart and soul of the Yeshiva. You live and breathe the Yeshiva 24/7. bentch you with good health and youthful הקב"ה May energy to continue to do the work you love.

In tribute to ע"ה Rebbitzen Leah Kagan .שליט"א The Eishes Chayil of the Rosh Yeshiva Who was an outstanding role model for generations.

Tzurtie Braunstein

SILVER In honor of Yakir and Dina Markowitz Alumnus of the Year Awardees

To a most deserving couple. We are so proud of you, of the way you live your lives, the way you parent your children, your mesiras nefesh for Torah, avodah and gemilas chasadim, your commitment to your community, and your dedication to family.

ישלם ה ' פעליך, ותהי משכורתיך שלמה מעם ה'

With Love Dad and Laura

SILVER Behind Every Great Man… Behind Every Great Menahel… Behind Every Great Rebbi… Behind Each and Every Child… Behind Each and Every Grandchild… !!אמא Is our

In Honor of our Parents Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie שליט"א Braunstein Whose boundless love and care designate them as Parents and Grandparents of EVERY year! ילכו מחיל אל חיל בבריות גופא ונהורה מעליא עם רב נחת דקדושה מכל צאצאיהם לאורך ימים ושנים טובים בכבוד ובאהבה Your Braunstein Children Mendy and Blimie A.Y. and Penina Reuven and Fayge Avremi and Frayde Benyamin and Mirel Chesky and Rosalee Pinny and Malky Gershie and Reva Tuly and Gitty Moshe and Malki Dovid and Tirza

SILVER In honor of Zaidy and Bubby Braunstein

Our most dear and treasured grandparents. A true king and queen of our family, whom we look up to and admire.

With royalty and wisdom you guide and teach us by example.

We are so privileged and proud to be your grandchildren.

Michael and Miriam Dovid and Kayla Shlomo and Shoshana Yehuda Leib and Brocha Leba Dovi and Penina Yoni and Esther Golda Yitzchok, Chaya’la, Yehuda, and Yisroel

SILVER In honor of our grandparents Zeidy and Bubby Braunstein

You constant availability and guidance to us something that we appreciate immensely! bentch you with nachas from all your הקב״ה May children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!

Yehuda and Bracha Esther Yisroel Menachem Chana Sara

SILVER מזל טוב to all the deserving Honorees

to הכרת הטוב Much R’ Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim

.הצלחה Wishing continued

Mayer and Fagie Bodner

SILVER In honor of Tonight’s Honorees to the הכרת הטוב With much הנהלה of Yeshiva Toras Chaim.

Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Feder

SILVER In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz

on a well deserved honor.

Yosef and Shira Fine

SILVER In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva

שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan

שליט"א R' Yitzchok Wasserman

David and Susan Jacobson

SILVER In honor of Yakir Markowitz

on an honor well deserved!

Moshe Nakar

SILVER לעלוי נשמת יהודא אלי עזר בן משה ישראל Harbater איש נאמן איש אמת

דוד ולאה פרעסער

SILVER In honor of שליט"א Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman and שליט"א Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan to the הצלחה Wishing continued Yeshiva

Mr. and Mrs. Nissan Ringel

SILVER הצלחה Continued to the Roshei Yeshiva and Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Shui and Esther Malky Schmuckler

SILVER Best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein Ateres Zekeinim Award Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits Parents of the Year Award Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman International Keser Shem Tov Award Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz Alumnus of the Year Award

We are deeply grateful for their efforts in the support of Torah and their abiding friendship and devotion to this Mosad HaTorah.

.ברכה והצלחה We wish them continued success with much Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman

Rabbi Aaron Baruch Kagan Rabbi Ahron Yisroel Wasserman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In memory of הרב יהודא אליעזר בן משה ישראל הרבטר ע"ה ע"ה R' Yehuda Harbater

A most dedicated father, friend and community member whose warmth, caring and sensitivity to others endeared him to all.

He was a beloved talmid and dedicated supporter of the Yeshiva.

יהי זכרו ברוך

Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman

Rabbi Aaron Baruch Kagan Rabbi Ahron Yisroel Wasserman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER הכרת הטוב With pride and a tremendous amount of we recognize Rabbi Chesky Schonfeld

who this year, just like in the past years, has done for .up and above what could be expected מוסד this

יישר כח

Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan

Rabbi Yitzchak Wasserman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Yeshiva Toras Chaim would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to this year's Chairmen

Shimshi Bandman Nissan Ringel Dovid Bloom Heshie Schertz Mordechai Kliger Dinner Chairmen Journal Chairmen

Moshe Fleischman Aryeh Leib Klainberg Avichai Muller Avrohom Orlofsky Campaign Chairmen

.for all your efforts towards makng this Dinner a success יישר כח

Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan Rabbi Yitzchak Wasserman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Yeshiva Toras Chaim would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to

Alumni Ambassadors Chaim Abrams Fishel Hirth Chaim Perle Yehuda Abrams Aaron Kagan Shmuel D. Perle Shimmy Belen Aaron B. Kagan Shimshon Rubin Doneal Bernstein Gedalia Litke Avi Silber Yussi Breningstal Shaul Mizrahi Yosef S. Wasserman Avi Daina Tzvi Muntner Moshe Zeiler

Alumni Committee Raphael Badouch Eliezer Ginsberg Mordechai Mandelbaum Yechiel Blech Yumi Guttman Michael Mansour Yona Feder Avrohom A. Herskowitz Moshe Pinkerson Yaakov Frankiel Michael Maman Chananel Polter Avromi Robinson Moshe Seror

.for all your efforts towards makng this Dinner a success יישר כח Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan Rabbi Yitzchak Wasserman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER אשת חיל To my Dina You have been the best partner and mother I could have ever dreamed of. Hashem should continue to send us bracha for the next 100 years as He has done for the past 13 years.

Thanks for everything.


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER As Abba always said, and to this day, I have the words ringing in my ears “Ema and I believe in you. We KNOW you can do it!” Anything I am today, along with my family, and my of מסירת נפש siblings and their families, is ALL from the literal Abba & Ema for many נחת and גזונט Hashem should shower you with years to come, as you only deserve.

Abba and Ema, thank you for everything.

With hearts bursting from love, Yakir and Dina Yehuda, Tzvi, Esther & Avromi

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To the Class of 2000 (and Moshe Nakar) Really, one of the best things that ever happened to me. Thanks for taking me in like a brother. As we all continue in our own lives, with our own families Baruch Hashem, it's great to know we are all there for each other.

(Note- this is not applicable to anyone that gave less than $360 for this years dinner.)

I love you guys!


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In recognition to Zeidy and Mommy Braunstein for always teaching us by example what it means .עוסק בצרכי ציבור באמונה to truly be The pride you take in your childrens achievements .עטרת זקנים are the real jewels in your

Naftali and Deena Seidenfeld

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER מעומק ליבי באתי להביע הכרת טובתי לכבוד הראשי ישיבה הרה"ג ר' ישראל מאיר קגן שליט"א הרה"ג ר' יצחק ווסרמן שליט"א

כה יתן ה' וכה יוסיף לכת " ר בריות גופא ונהורא מעליא ושיזכו להמשיך להרביץ תורה ולהאדירה עוד רבות שנים מתוך הרווחה ולקבל פני משיח בב"א

ועוד רצוני להביע בזה הכרת הטוב להרמי"ם להרב ישראל פילד שליט"א ולהרב משה טשיל שליט"א ולהרב יעקב חיים אורלוף שליט"א בעד התמסרותם לטובת הישיבה ולתלמידיו יהי נועם ה ' עליכם ותזכו להמשיך פעולתכם הטוב

נפתלי ודינה זיידענפעלד


With you, as Alumnus of the Year, the Yeshiva of Denver has much to be proud of !

We join in honoring you and taking this opportunity to express our Hakaras HaTov to Hakodosh Boruch Hu for blessing us with children of such integrity, middos, and dedication to Avodas Hashem.

May Hashem bentch you with continued nachas and hatzlacha in every area of your lives.

Love, Poppi and Mommy Taub

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of my dear children Shmuli and Devora upon receiving this well deserved "Parents of the Year" award.

,חנוך בנים ,Your utmost dedication to your family and upholding Torah values in the ,גמילות חסדים acts of secular workforce are truly exemplary.

Shmuli, ז"ל I have no doubt that Tatty, Rabbi Shimon Herskovits from נחת shepping enormous , שמיםis looking down from the man you have become, and surely so proud of all that you and Devora have accomplished. from your children נחת to continued yiddishe זוכה May we all be Avrami, Mordechai, Blumie, Eliyahu, and Rechi.

הקב"ה יתן לכם שפע ברכות והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיכם ולעלות מחיל לחיל .

Love, Mommy Herskovits

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To my dearest children Yakir and Dina Although there are many times in life one is given the opportunity to express thoughts and feelings, because of life’s frenzied existence it rarely happens.

Baruch Hashem, there are milestones that offer this wonderful chance. Your love of Torah and acts of chesed will always be an inspiration to all who are fortunate enough to know you.

נחת May Hashem grant you much from your beautiful family .in all that you do הצלחה and



ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein Your vision and reach know no bounds. In countless places, near and far, your imprint can easily be found.

Wherever you enter, whatever you touch turns to gold, Because your passion to spread the beauty of Torah is pure and bold.

In this great Yeshiva, your children and grandchildren, Magidei and Talmidim giving over the Torah with geshmak and becoming terrific masmidim.

May you continue for many years buliding your beautiful family together, and help to keep the flame of Torah burning forever.

With love, awe, and admiration,

Shaul Aryeh and Brochie

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the pillars of our family Zaidy and Mommy Braunstein upon receiving the Ateres Zekeinim Award. that we express רבונו של עולם to the הכרת הטוב It is with much our apprecition for having such warm, caring, loving parents who are constantly there for us.

You have given to us and to others in amounts that know no bounds, and in ways which serve as a shining example to us all.

הצלחה and ברכה always give you continued ה' May . עבודת הקודש in your

Love, Your children

Yitzi and Rivki & Binyamin and Kayla

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear parents Tutty and Mummy Kleinman We are fortunate to have been raised by parents from whom we learn so much each day!!

We wish you mazel and bracha and may you continue to see only nachas from us and all your children and !!!לאורך ימים ושנים טובים grandchildren in good health

Yossi & Devori and Laya and Meir Mayerovitz

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Mummy and Tutty Kleinman on receiving the International Kesser Shem Tov Award.

Thank you for being the amazing role models that you are. We hope to live up to the legacy you have set out for us and give you lots of nachas.

.מחיל אל חיל May you continue to go

Love your children and grandchildren, Binyamin and Miriam Betzalel, Dovy, Rivky, Naftali and Ella Lamm

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor אבא ואמא .awardees עטרת זקנים the

!ותפארת בנים אבותם We say

P.S. Looking foward to joining you!

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To my Dear Parents , Tutty and Mummy Kleinman As your youngest, I am privileged to fly with you across the world to attend the Yeshivas Toras Chaim Annual Tribute dinner.

I am so proud to be your daughter, because not only do I have the opportunity to honor you on this special night; I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to honor you every night, for the rest of my life.

I love you both so much, and am blessed to be able to wish you congratulations on receiving the International Keser Shem Tov award.

May Hashem continue to give you much nachos from me .עד מאה ועשרים and the rest of your beautiful family

Your (baby) Deena

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER שיחי' Mazel Tov to our esteemed and beloved parents You are pillars of chessed You are a beacon of hope for many You are a pillar of strength for even more You are selfless and devoted You are parents whose existence is for others

Our very own dearest exemplary role models: Tutty and Mummy Kleinman Your love, devotion, and caring knows no bounds.

The world is a better place because of you And for all that and much more, we love you!

May Hashem continue to give you gezunt, nachas, and koach to continue all that you do.


Eli, Chanie, Chayala, and Miri Kleinman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our dearest Totty and Mommy Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman

Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor. The dedication and devotion you show to the Yeshiva and Roshei Yeshiva is truly admirable, and is merely a microcosm of your selflessness and generosity.

You inspire us to no end.

May Hakodosh Baruch Hu bentch you with an abundance of bracha, nachas and the strength to continue in your avodas hakodesh.

With Love, Mordechai and Chaya Rochel Teichman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Braunstein

ז מרה והלל שיר ושבח לראשי משפחתנו יומם ולילה תורה וחסד עסקם ידם ולבם פתוחים בהרחבה כל עת דעת וחכמה מפיהם אנו נהנים יחד פעלם רק לטובות המשפחה

ו אהבתם תמיד מרגשים את כל אחד ואחד תמיד על לבם מסורים לכל פרט ופרט אשרינו שזכינו להורים כאלו

שיתן לכם ה' עוד כוחות לנהל משפחתנו עוד רבות בשנים בבריאות הגוף יחד נזכה כלנו - לקבל פני משיח צדקנו טוב וחסד ירדפנו אתכם כל ימי חייכם את משכרתכם תהא שלמה מאת ה'

באהבה, אברהם ותמר ומשפחתם

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To a dear uncle and friend שליט"א Rabbi Naftali Seidenfeld and his wife Deena

Your Harbotzas HaTorah is magnanimous and inspiring.

Wishing you continued hatzlacha in your Avodas Hakodesh.

Yehuda and Bracha Neuwirth


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We would like to recognize our esteemed grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Braunstein You are so generous with your time and concern for all the children and grandchildren. You are a true example for us to emulate.

.from all of us נחת to much continued זוכה May you be

Yanky and Esty Orloff

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear grandparents Zeidy and Bubby Braunstein We are so lucky to have you as our grandparents. We are very fortunate to have grandparents that are always there for us and such role models in our lives. in all your ברכה והצלחה always give you ה' May to only have much זוכה and may you be עבודת הקודש !from your whole family נחת

Love, Ari and Leah Neuwirth Tzvi and Huvie Neuwirth Yechiel Nosson and Aliza Segal

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לזכרונו הטהור של ידידי הנאמן וחברותי החשוב הרב יהודה הרבטר לז "

שהשאיר רושם גדול בעולם התורה לדורות

והעמיד משפחה מפוארה של בני תורה

שימשיכו עבודתו הדגולה

יהי זכרו ברוך

דוד נוסבוים

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our esteemed grandparents Zaidy and Bubby Braunstein We are fortunate to have you as role models for our family. You have taught and demonstrated the beauty of life of Torah and mitzvos.

In honor of our dear uncle and aunt Tuli and Dena Seidenfeld

In honor of our dear cousins Yanky and Esti Orloff

Akiva and Chayala Neuwirth

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our Nephew/Niece/Cousins Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein You both have our highest admiration for all your accomplishments and your warmth for your personal and extended mishpachos.

Wishing you and your envoys in the Denver Chinuch world continued Hatzlocho in your Avodas Hakodesh and much Nachas from all.

Aunt Fay Dicker Moishe and Suri Cohen Mordechai Zvi and Tobi Dicker Asher and Estie Dicker

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER אפריון נמטיוה להאי גברא יקירא אחינו הרב ר' אהרון ברוך הכהן קגן שליט"א על שמוסר נפשו גופו ומאודו לעמוד לימין אבינו עטרת ראשינו ראש הישיבה הרה"ג ר' ישראל מאיר קגן שליט"א ולהיות אחיעזר ואחיסמך לכל ענינו הישיבה הקדושה ברוח ובגשם במעשים כבירים בתמידיות נפלאה. יה"ר שימצא תמיד הצלחה מבורכת בעבודתו הקדושה למעין הישיבה וירוה בנחת נעמים ממשפחתו המפוארה יחד עם נו"ב חני הנכבדת שתחי' לאורך ימים ושנים טובות.

בלב ובנפש רגש משפחת קמנצקי - פילאדעלפיא משפחת פורמאן - ברוקלין משפחת ליפשיץ - שיקגו משפחת קגן - לייקווד משפחת קגן - מאנסי

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov Zaidy and Bubby on this well-deserved honor. The personal attention and abundance of love that you shower on each and every grandchild make you the perfect candidate for the Ateres Zekamin Award.

May you continue to serve as the role models for our family in good health and happiness, for many years to come.

Ely and Kayla Zevi and Bashy Dachs Shimi and Miriam Maryles Ely and Yitty Jacobowitz Yitzchak, Asher, Yehudis and Elisheva

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to our dearest Dina and Yakir on this well deserved honor.

.is truly exemplary לימוד התורה Your devotion and dedication to As our very first brother-in-law you have paved the way and taught us the meaning of a true Ben Torah. We are so lucky and proud to call you family.

May you continue to be a true mashpia for us and all of Klal Yisroel. We love you (most of the time)!

Love, Shev and Yitzy Michal and Shua Gayil and Yossi Avi & Tali

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Yakir and his Eishes chayil Dina To an amazing brother with a gigantic heart, always ready to do everything possible to help anyone, with a great sense of humor that lightens up every ,מידות טובות situation and a wonderful balance of .and happiness שאיפות לרחניות We’re so lucky to have you as our brother. May it be Hashem’s will that you have tremendous yiddishe nachas from your wonderful children, continue in all your endeavors and הצלחה and סייעטא דשמיא to have .for our family and all of Klal Yisroel תפארת always be a We are so proud to be part of your family.

With love and respect, Amichai and Dahli Racheli and Aryeh Yigal and Chani Dovi and Yocheved Shai and Rivka Tova Simi and Riki

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER With gratitude to the Yeshiva for their heartfelt .with the Harbaters נשיאות עול

תלמיד Reflection on my father draws focus to my having been a .of the Yeshiva תלמיד and a תלמיד of a

פנימיותדיקה רוח I am aware of the wonderful .and I thank you משפחה imbued in me and my

Nisson Harbater

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear brother-in-law and sister Shmuli & Devora Herskovits and pillars תורה Exemplary parents, supporters of of the Dallas community. We are proud to be your family! from your נחת May you continue to enjoy much .מחיל אל חיל wonderful children as they grow

Yudi & Chavi Braunstein Moshe Tzvi and Riva Danziger Eli and Rivki Tress Leibi and Rochel Orzel Menachem and Zahava Orzel Yussie and Tova Gewirtz Eli and Fraydi Kutner Yosef Chaim and Gitty Danziger Yossi and Fayge Orzel

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Shmuli and Devora Herskovits We are always amazed by the amount of koach you always invest into your children, and their yeshivos.

Hashem should give you the strength to always continue.

Ephraim and Tovi Herskovits

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear brother-in-law and sister-in-law Rabbi Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein

Shmuel and Shaindy Bloom

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our aunt and uncle HaRav Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein Thank you for setting such a marvelous example for our family and community in showing what it .מרביצי תורה means to be מחזק to be כח should continue to give you the הקב"ה from נחת and you should see מוסדות התורה many your beautiful family.

Yudi and Chavi Braunstein

In honor of Shmuli and Devorah You are raising a beautiful family and have influenced and touched many lives.

.עד מאה ועשרים Keep up the great work

Yudi and Chavi

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our beloved machatanim עמו"ש Nachman and Yachet Kleinman who are most worthy of the International Keser Shem Tov Award. and אדישא נחת May we be zoche to share much .בנים ובני בנים עוסקים בתורה ובמצוות

With great admiration, Yussi and Sury Teichman Moshe and Raizy Zicherman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In recognition of tonight’s Parents of the Year Shmuli and Devora Herskovits May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant you continued kochos to carry on your Avodas Hakodesh on behalf of the Yeshiva and the many other worthy causes that you are involved in.

Ephriam and Chaya Etti Adler Mendy and Hindy Schmookler

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our very special parents Rabbi and Mrs. Braunstien You are our source of strength in every way. You are there to advise us, guide us, and inspire us through your direction and example.

We are fortunate to be constant beneficiaries of your warmth, care, love, and wisdom.

With much love, Duvie, Basi and family

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear brother and sister-in-law Shmuli and Devora Herskovits Mazal Tov on a well deserved honor. May Hashem continue to give you nachas from your children and hatzlocha in everything that you do.

Shmuel and Leah Backenroth & Family


. כח לעשות חייל May Hashem give them continued

Thank you Chesky and Mordechai Kliger for all you do for the Yeshiva

Raphael and Karmit Badouch

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Congratulations to Yakir and Dina Markowitz for the well deserved honor. We are proud of your achievements and all you do for Klal Yisrael. Hashem should bless you with good health, happiness, and continued success.

Thank you to the Roshei Yeshiva Rabbi Kagan and Rabbi Wasserman for their devotion to all the Talmidim that have passed through the doors of the Yeshiva.

I am eternally grateful.

Shimi and Michal Belen

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of my dear friend Yakir on an honor well deserved.

A great friend to all, a great chavrusa for the time that we had together, and a true product of the Yeshiva.

May you have much Hatzlacha in all your endeavors.

Avi Daina

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our very special Uncle & Aunt

HaRav Shloima and Tzurtie Braunstein

,to your family, and to us ,כלל Your dedication to the your nieces and nephews, is legendary, and something that we cherish and truly aspire to emulate. grant you many happy & healthy years together to be ה' May . עבודת הקודש able to continue your admirable work of

Simcha & Esther Noach & Jodie Elisha & Fayge Yoli and Mindy Yosef Dov & Malka

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of R' Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein

Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor. .ברכה והצלחה May you have continued

Shlomie and Naomi Berger


Loved and admired by us all !

Much hatzloaha always, Bubby and Zaydo Danny, Shoshana and family Moshe, Suri and family


שליט"א Roshei Yeshiva

Mazal Tov to Yakir

Meir and Miriam Berman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Much appreciation to the Roshei Yeshiva

and Rabbi Dovid Nussbaum

Gershon Biegeleisen

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In recognition of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein for being outstanding role models for Harbotzas Torah. May you continue to see much nachas from your efforts.

In admiration, Yitzchok Bodner and Family

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER A special thank you to Nissan and Leba Ringel

for all those extra touches that really make a difference!

Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Denver Alumni Association

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our inspiring niece and nephew Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits

Mazal Tov on receiving the Parents of the Year Award.

We are so proud of you, in all that you do for your family, community, yeshivos, and Klal Yisroel!

May you and your beautiful family continue to be a source of nachas to all.

We love you!

Tanta Toby and Uncle Larry and Family


.ברכה והצלחה Wishing them continued

Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Balaban

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to a wonderful couple Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz on this well deserved honor

We are in awe of all that you do for our community and beyond. You are true role models of Torah and chessed to all. bentch you with bracha and הקב"ה May hatzlacha in all that you do.

Tzvi and Daniela Thaler Yehuda and Yocheved Brecher Yechiel and Miriam Schon Gavi and Michal Sytner

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman It is a pleasure and a true Kiddush Hashem to do business with you. Your middos and mentchlichkeit have earned you a stellar reputation and they make you a most worthy recipient of the Keser Shem Tov that you so proudly wear.

Wishing you continued bracha and hatzlacha!

Yanky Brenner, Esq. The Law Office of Yanky Brenner 732-276-1776 [email protected]

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER With humbleness and feeling we pay tribute to the memory of ע"ה Rabbi Harbater who was an exemplary Yeshiva Toras Chaim talmid and parent.

.עליה have an נשמה May his

Avi and Chanah Daina


מרים בת ר' משה זאב הלוי

Binyomin and Ita Arnstein

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לכבוד מורינו ראשי הישיבה הרה"ג ר' ישראל מאיר קגן שליט"א

הרה"ג ר ' יצחק ווסרמן שליט"א

ולכבוד ידידי היקר הרב ר' דוד נוסבוים שליט"א

משה אשר דאוויד

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits A worthy tribute to a couple who dedicate themselves to numerous Torah and Chessed causes. from their נחת see much בע"ה They should beautiful family and continue their .for years to come עבודת הקודש

Bernard and Chavi Englard

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our dear friends Shmuli and Devora who have built a home filled with warmth and joy and are truly deserving of the title Parents of the Year.

Mazal Tov on this honor. May you have continued nachas from your family.

Boruch and Daphna Englard

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Tatty, Zaidy and Bubby

May you have continued Hatzlacha in your Avodas Hakodesh.

Yossi and Ahuva Ephrathi

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva, The Honorees,

The various chairmen, ambassadors and committee members, and of course, R' Aaron Baruch Kagan and R' Ahron Yisroel Wasserman

Yonah and Aliza Feder


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לע"נ ישראל יעקב בן שאול יצחק ע"ה

In memory of our father ע" ה Mr. Ed Bernstein Who was extremely close to Yeshiva Toras Chaim and the entire Yeshiva had a special place in his heart.

Dedicated by his children


שליט"א R' Dovid Nussbaum

Dovid and Rivky Feiner

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER and best wishes to מזל טוב Yeshiva Toras Chaim and to the esteemed honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein It was a pleasure and chizuk working with you!

Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits A Yeshiva parent and supporter par excellance

Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman Thank you for your steadfast commitment to the Yeshiva

Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz הצלחה My old friend from camp days. Much

It was a pleasure working with all of you!

ברכה and הצלחה to much continued זוכה May you be .עד מאה ועשרים שנה Chesky and Segal & Esti Schonfeld


.הצלחה Wishing them much continued

Mr. and Mrs. David Feldheim

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER הכרת הטוב With much to the Roshei Yeshiva

Tzvi Zev and Rivky Fine

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In recognition of our beloved alumnus, chaver and colleague Shmuli Herskovits Thank you for all you do to build the Dallas Jewish community.

Your leadership is invaluable.

The Dallas Kollel

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of my dear friend Yakir and the other Distinguished Honorees

.מחיל אל חיל May you continue to go

Abba Barnett


שליט"א Roshei Yeshiva

לעלוי נשמת

ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater

Daniel Flegmann


Mazal Tov to Tonight's Honorees

Moshe and Blimi Fleischman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of שליט"א Rabbi Chill The Yeshivas illustrious 10th grade Rebbe. Thank you for teaching, inspiring and elevating our son Elazar, enabling him to reach new heights.

To שליט"א Rabbi Seidenfeld the world's best Menahel for the enormous dedication to each and every talmid.

Special thanks to Rebbetzin Seidenfeld for giving Elazar a home away from home.

With much appreciation, Basi and Duvie Frischman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear mechutanim Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein

Meir and Chani Frischman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazel Tov to our dear parents Nachman and Yachet Kleinman upon receiving the International Keser Shem Tov Award. Your unwavering commitment to Torah and Mitzvos is a shining example for us to follow.

May Hashem give you both the strength and health to continue in all your future endeavors.

With love,

Danny & Pearly and Yosef Gestetner

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazel Tov to Yeshiva Toras Chaim Denver On the Annual Tribute Dinner

Yasher Koach to the Roshei Yeshiva, Rebbeim and Hanhala

It is very fitting that the dinner journal be dedicated as a zechus for ע"ה R’ Yudi Harbater May it be a source of comfort for his family.

Dr. and Mrs. Yaacov Yisroel Goldstein and family Neve Yaakov, Yerushalayim


Elimelech and Brucha Goldstein , Maryland

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לזכר נשמת יששכר דוב גרנק ע"ה

In memory of our beloved father Dov Granek Whose kindness, integrity, dedication to his family, and devotion to Hashem will never be forgotten.

Yocheved and Ya'acov

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Shmuli Herskovits Pillars of example how to make a Kiddush Hashem in everything you do. It is a privilege to work together with you.

Wishing you much nachas from (Caleb and) your beautiful family.

Sruly and Miriam Greenwald


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To Rabbi Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein on this momentous occasion of receiving the Ateres Zekanim Award at Yeshivas Toras Chaim. May you continue to be a beacon of light for our family and all of Klal Yisroel; serving as role models in Torah, avodah and gemilas chassadim.

R’ Yisroel Braunstein and Family R’ Josh Braunstein and Family Mrs. Esther Braunstein and Family R’ Michel Guzik and Family


שליט"א Roshei Yeshiva to all tonight's מזל טוב Honorees

רחמים חבר ומשפחתו

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to our dear friends Shmuli and Devorah Herskovits upon the well deserved honor of being chosen as Parents Of The Year. From afar we have watched as your beautiful family has grown and developed into the wonderful children that they are.

יהי רצון שתלכו מחיל אל חיל

Dovid and Aliza


To The Roshei Yeshiva and Hanhala

.you put into your talmidim כוחות In appreciation of all the to continue your efforts כוחות grant you the ה' May in Avodas HaKodesh and success in all your endeavors.

Fondly, Moshe and Zipora Heisler

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear friends Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie עמו"ש Braunstein

Your devotion for Harbotzas Torah and Klal Yisroel is legendary.

May you continue your Avodas Hakodesh in good health, and .from your wonderful mishpochos רב נחת may you only have

Naftoli and Shaine Hirsch Michel and Naomi Lisker


In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva Rabbi Kagan and Rabbi Wasserman

And to Rabbi Aaron Boruch Kagan and Rabbi Ahron Yisroel Wasserman who have taken on to continue the legacy of their parents in insuring the continuing success and growth of the Yeshiva.

In tribute to ע"ה Rabbi Yudi Harbater You are truly missed in the Agudah of Bayswater and the Bayswater community.

Fishel and Vicki Hirth

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Yakir and Dina Markowitz

.מחיל אל חיל May you go

Ari and Devorah Hoch

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our dear friends Yachet and Nachman Mazal Tov on this beautiful Keser Shem Tov Award.

May you have lots of continued nachas and mazal from your family, in good health until 120.

The Kleinmans are a true Kiddush Hashem.

We are proud to your friends.

Raizy and Dovi Holzer

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits

Helen and Harvey Ishofsky

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לעלוי נשמת גדעון בן אהרן ע"ה גרשון בן אהרן ע"ה ליזה מריאנה בת זאב ע"ה שלמה עמנואל בן יעקב יצחק ז"ל We’d like to take this opportunity to express our eternal gratitude to שליט"א Rav Yisroel Meir Kagan שליט"א Rav Yitzchok Wasserman and the Entire Faculty of Yeshiva Toras Chaim for laying the foundations of our lifelong endeavor to excel in .תורה, עבודה, וגמילות חסדים We cherish your ongoing guidance and support over the last 39 years! May the Yeshiva continue to thrive עד ביאת הגואל במהרה בימינו !

In memory of ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater

Moshe and Raizel Japha

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Tzurtie and Shlomo Braunstein

Their commitment to Mosdos Torah is legendary.

May they continue to enjoy nachas in good health from their mishpacha.

Sender and Soshie Hirth

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Congratulations to our dear cousins Yakir and Dina Markowitz on this special honor.

Moti & Penina Yossi & Ricky Dovi & Shani Shia & Hadassah Chaim & Soralee Yehuda & Nina Dovid Aryeh & Rikki Eli & Gitty Yossi & Shani Dovid Aryeh & Rachelli Daniel Moti & Gitty Tzali & Toby Shmuli & Batsheva Yidi & Rechi Yankie & Bracha Devora Moti & Tzipora

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva and be gebentched מחיל אל חיל May they continue .אריכות ימים with gezunt and

Chaim Shimon and Chanie Neuberger & Family

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER A well deserved honor to our dear friends Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein for their dedication to Torah, Chinuch, and Gemilas Chesed.

Mazal Tov.

Yisroel and Isabelle Katz

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our dear friends Nachman and Yachet Kleinman

Mazal Tov upon being

awarded the Keser Shem Tov Award.

We wish you continued hatzlacha in all your endeavors.

David and Miriam Klein Australia

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear cousins Nachman and Yachet Kleinman In recognition of their dedicated and tireless efforts on behalf of Yeshiva Toras Chaim.

We admire you both for all of your committed work on behalf of Yeshiva Torash Chaim and many other worthwhile Jewish institutions and causes.

May Hashem reward you with good health and Koach to always be able to continue your good Chessed and Maasim Tovim.

May you also be blessed with much happiness, fulfillment, .אי"ה and lots of nachas from your beautiful family


Hana and Joe Kornwasser

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER to my dear children מזל טוב Nachman and Yachet Kleinman

What a well deserved honor. How proud I am to be your mother.

נחת and ברכה, הצלחה to continued זוכה Ma you be from your beautiful family.

Mrs. Rebecca Kornwasser

Melbourne, Australia

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Nachman and Yachet Kleinman Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor.

May you continue to have much nachas from your family.

Moshe Zev and Rachele Lamm

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to our dear machatanim Nachman and Yachet Kleinman upon receiving this well deserved honor.

May you continue to have lots of nachas from your/ our beautiful family.

Yeshiva Toras Chaim and the City of Melbourne are very fortunate to have such people amongst them.

Mr. and Mrs. Boruch Gestetner

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein

Philippe Katz

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazel tov to all the Honorees to the הצלחה Yeshiva for many more years.

Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Zussman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In tribute to R' Yakir Markowitz .עמילות בתורה A true role model in Your trademark passion for ruchniyus has left its mark on your family, your community, and those of us lucky enough to be your friends.

With admiration, Shneur and Shoshie Levine


שליט"א Roshei HaYeshiva

Ary Luger

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER to the הצלחה Continued Roshei Yeshiva

Sol and Miriam Majer , California

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Dear Yakir, Dina, Yehuda, Esther, Tzvi and Avrumy

I'm sure that you will continue to be a source of nachat to Klal Yisroel.


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to my dear friends and neighbors Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits

With love from the Lone Star State

Lazer Michelson

Dallas, Texas


שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan

שליט"א R' Yitzchak Wasserman

For five decades of exemplary chinuch, of which I personally gained immeasurably.

Chesky and Segal Schonfeld

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our dear cousins Nachman and Yachet Kleinman

An honor so well deserved as a tribute to your ongoing and unwavering commitment to your Yeshiva. Your devotion to your beautiful family is truly exemplary.

Wishing you much continued nachas.

Yosef Chaim and Chana Holzer Yaakov and Mindel Shmuly and Yachet Leible and Siam Chesky and Leah Alexander and Yaeli

Melbourne Australia


ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater

Who served as an inspiration to all.

Jay and Joyce Moskowitz

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear einikel Avroham Shea Rubin and the Roshei Yeshiva, Menahlim, Rebbes, Mashgichim, and all dedicated staff

Zeidy and Bobby Rubin

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Graduating class of 1978 on our 40th anniversary.

And in memory of our dear friend and classmate ע"ה Aron Yehoshua 'AJ' Schwartz

Koby Mozes

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In recognition of the entire


from whom I had the opportunity to benefit from throughout my years in Yeshiva.

In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Yakir Markowitz A couple whose kind hearts, positive attitude, and zest for life are contagious.

Avichai & Elisheva Muller

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לכבוד תלמידי החשוב ר' יקיר מרקוביץ ואשתו החשובה

אנו שמחים להכירו בתור בוגר השנה דישיבה תורת חיים

אי"ה תמשיך לעלות על במתי התורה ויראה

דוד ושרה גיטי נוסבוים

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לכבוד להראשי ישיבה שליט"א

יהודה ארי' נוסבוים ורעיתו

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazel Tov to our dear mechutonim Nachman and Yachet Kleinman on being selected for the .פרס כתר שם טוב and much געזינט bentch you with הקב"ה May .in all your endeavors הצלחה from your entire family נחת Wishing you continued !עד מאה ועשרים שנה

יהי רצון שתשרה שכינה במעשה ידיכם

Motti and Miriam Mayerovitz

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Yakir and Dina Markowitz Kol hakavod to a Yeshiva who produced such a wonderful talmid.

We are so proud of both of you

Pesi Reichman Yerachmiel and Chanie Milstein Avram and Esther Deitel Berel and Tzippy Kalisch Heshy and Hindy Fligman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Shmuli and Devora Herskovits

Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!

From Dallas to Denver, it all comes back to Brooklyn so we can actually get to see you!

Yosef Meir and Chaya Dusya Chaifetz Michoel and Rahel Kadosh Yair and Aviva Oksenberg



Our guides and inspiration.

Avromi and Yocheved Orlofsky

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לעלוי נשמת ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater and dedication , אהבת ישראל ,whose legendary smile to Yeshiva are an inspiration to all.

,for his wife Shira, his children מליץ יושר May he be a .כלל ישראל the entire Denver family, and all of

Chesky and Segal Schonfeld

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לכבוד הר' קלמן קליינמאן ורעיתו הורי ידיד נפשי ר' אלי נ"י מקבלי פרס כתר שם טוב הבינלאומי .

יהי רצון שתזכו להמשיך בדרכיכם הישרים לגדל בניכם לתורה ועבודת השם מתוך הרחבת הדעת.

יחזקאל שניאור אסטרייכער ורעיתו

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman

Congratulations on receiving the truly fitting International Keser Shem Tov Award.

May you continue to see much nachas from all your children.

Yossi and Gitty Ostreicher


I can't think of two people who better exemplify achrayus, hard work, and giving back to the community.

May you continue to lead by example.

Chaim and Shulamis Perle

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Best wishes to Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein

A noble couple who serve as role models dedicating their lives to Torah and Chesed on the highest level.

Dovid and Cyna Singer

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER With special appreciation to the שליט"א Roshei Yeshiva for their superlative efforts in molding Bnei Torah and especially our children.

Dr. and Mrs. Izzy Perle Brookline, MA

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva,

שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan


שליט"א R' Yitzchok Wasserman

Yosef and Faygala Pilchick

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Remax Real Estate LTD and the CG Group would like to welcome Nachman Kleinman to our residential team.

We wish him much success.

Congratulations on this beautiful honor and milestone


Please contact Nachman for all your real estate needs C: 347.721.1951 [email protected]

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein on being honored with the Ateres Zekeinim Award. What a small world, indeed, that our families cross paths once again through Denver! May you have continued nachas from your “young” askanim in Denver! They have learned from the finest askonim – their parents and grandparents! You can be proud of such outstanding “Peiros”.

May you be blessed with continued good health and nachas from all of your wonderful children and grandchildren!

In friendship and admiration, Eli and Sheryl Prenzlau, Far Rockaway, Denver, and Jerusalem


Mr. and Mrs. Kleinman

A very befitting award for a couple whose Shem Tov precedes them all the way across the world.

Your dedication to the Klal with your trademark smile and kindness is an inspiration for us all.

Mordechai and Esther Malky Bernfeld Shmuli and Laya Wagner Tzvi and Leah Zicherman Yossi and Ariella Zicherman Eli and Tzippy Golding

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to our dear niece and nephew Devora and Shmuli on this well deserved honor. to continue their efforts on זוכה May they be behalf of the Yeshiva.

Tanta Mimi and Uncle Joey

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our dear machatonim Rav Shlomo and Tzurtie .on this truly deserved honor מזל טוב Best wishes and The care and dedication that you apply to your family, friends, and talmidim are beyond the scope of the imagination.

May all those that benefit from your .הצלחה רבה kindness have

.יישר כחכם

With great admiration, Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmerman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva שליט"א Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan

שליט"א Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman

With deep Hakaras Hatov for their help and guidance.

May they have continued Hatzlacha and Bracha in all their efforts!

Binyamin and Michaela Zaghi Binyamin Zaghi DPM Podiatric Medicine and Foot Surgery 212-477-2244

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our good friends, Yakir and Dina Markowitz

To a great friend, chavrusa and roommate - we've shared in so many of life's experiences, in good times and in better times. You always have a clarity and vision that helps those around you see what’s important. You have grown tremendously and continue to look for ways in which to grow, inspiring all of us to do the same.

As a couple, you both exemplify what it means to build a bayis ne’eman and continue to lead and inspire in ways few people can. You each have a simchas hachayim that is contagious and invigorating.

May Hashem continue to pour his blessings upon you and your family, giving you renewed strength to grow and succeed throughout your life.

With warm wishes, Avromi and Esti Robinson

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Yakir and Dina on a well deserved honor.

May Hashem give you both the strength to continue the wonderful work and dedication that you do for your family and Klal Yisroel.

Chedva and Yitzy Taub

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To our yedid Yakir AKA... Works hard at everything he does Amazing friend and mentor Crazy fun meals in the Holy Land Kesher with his rabbeim Excellent negotiator Role model to us younger bochurim

Thanks for being there for us, both in Denver and in Eretz Yisroel.

Wishing you tons of hatzlacha!


Adam Crystal • Michoel Maman Tzvi Muntner • Max Pinkerson Moshe Dovid Robinson

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER With much respect and admiration for our cousins Rabbi Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein

עטרת זקינים בני בנים ותפארת בנים אבותם בנים ובני בנים from your נחת Continue having .עד מאה ועשרים שנה and they from you

Tzvi and Deena Moses Label and Vivian Steinhardt Ephraim and Esther Becker Rebecca Balsam Alex and Leah Gans

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Shmuli and Devora Herskovits

Gussie Rosenberg Shelly and Rochel Rosenberg Bernie and Izzy Rosenberg Oscar and Aviva Rosenberg

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In cherished memory of our dearest Avner Abensour אבנר בן גבריאל זצ"ל הי"ד

כל שרוח הבריות נוחה הימנו רוח המקום נוחה הימנו... to the entire הכרת הטוב We wish to express our Yeshiva Toras Chaim

,ראשי ישיבה to the קשר Avner always felt a true . חברים and to all of his ,רביים the Since the time of the Yeshiva’s inception, Avner was truly from .of this Citadel of Torah and Middos תלמידים the most precious

יהי זכרו ברוך

.גאולה שלמה בקרוב בימינו אמן to the the זוכה May we be

Nissan and Kayla Rosenthal & Family


Yakir and Dina

An outstanding and inspirational couple who excel in Torah and Chessed. to see your children זוכה May you be follow in your footsteps.

Eli and Chumi

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the outstanding Yeshiva and Hanhala

May you all be gebentched!

Avroham Shea Rubin

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We are so proud to join in paying tribute to the children of our dear friend Suri Yakir and Dina Markowitz Who extend themselves on behalf of Torah, Tzedakah and Chesed With genuine sincerity, dedication and enthusiasm. We applaud your focus and wish you continued hatzlacha in all your holy efforts!

Berish and Yidisel Braunstein Hashi and Miriam Herzka Leah Werner Ali and Naomi Scharf

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of a dear and inspiring friend Shmuli Herskovits

.ברכות you with all his abundant בענטש May Hashem May He give you continued strength to be the most selfless person I know.

,הכרת הטוב With deep Yisroel Schecter Dallas, Texas

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to all the Honorees and thank you to the Rebbeim and Hanhala of the Yeshiva for your continued dedication to all your talmidim.

Rabbi Aryeh and Judy Scheinberg

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein on this well deserved honor.

May you continue this chessed on behalf of Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Denver and the entire community.

Mark and Shavy Scholssberg

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan שליט"א R' Yitzchok Wasserman

יהי רצון שתזכו להמשיך בעבודת הקודש מתוך שמחה והרחבת הדעת.

Heshy and Malkee Schwartz Lakewood, NJ

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In tribute to Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein "Ateres Zekeinim" of a glorious family whose manifold contributions to the lives of our children and community reflect the bountiful Torah ideals you represent.

Fondly, Tzvi and Bracha Steinberg

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER A special mazal tov to our illustrious mechutanim Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein May we be zoche to share in the nachas from our .עמו"שbeautiful children and grandchildren

To our children Rabbi and Mrs Naftali Seidenfeld You are a continuous source of nachas to us. We wish you much hatzlacha in all your endeavors on behalf of Yeshiva Toras Chaim.

Rabbi and Mrs. Shiya H. Seidenfeld

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Yakir and Dina Markowitz on this well deserved honor.

Yakir - you are a person who rises to the top of every yeshiva, neighborhood, or field you enter.

I’m proud to be one of the many people out there who consider you a great friend.

(I hope you're not still feeling the aftershock from retreat)

Thanks for making me feel like a kid again,

Moshe Seror

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER It is our great pleasure to pay tribute to our dearest friends R' Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein A special couple who personify the ideals of Torah, Chesed, and Tzorchei Tzibur. In the zechus of your Avodas Hakodesh, may Hashem grant you good health and much nachas from your entire mishpacha.

With love and admiration,

Mendy and Toby Shayovich

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Shmuli and Devorah Whose commitment and devotion to their family and Klal Yisroel make them truly deserving of this great recognition.

נחת May Hashem continue to grant them much . ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיהם and

Sruly and Yael Siegfried

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Congratulations to our mechatunim Nachman & Yachet Kleinman upon receiving the Keser Shem Tov Award

ישלם ה' פעלך ותהי משכרתך שלמה מעם ה"'..."

Boruch & Devoiry Sonnenschein

And a special Mazel Tov from…

Mrs. Gita Sonnenschein Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Genuth

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear friends Shmuli and Devorah Herskovits Exemplary models of chessed.

May you be proud and enjoy much nachas from all your children

Gershon and Adina Tenenbaum

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER No Yeshiva has Alumni like Yeshiva Toras Chaim! .to these special alumni יישר כח A

Chaim Abrams Nachman Lapa Alex Adler Avichai Muller Shimshi Bandman Shaul Mizrahi Doneal Bernstein Tzvi Muntner Moshe Tzvi Crystal Dovi Ort Avi Daina Chaim Perle Yonah Feder Shmuel Dovid Perle Moshe Fleischman Moshe Pinkerson Chaim Tzvi Friedlander Nissan Ringel Tzvi Haskell Shimshon Rubin Zevi Heisler Moshe Schwartz Avrohom Abba Herskowitz Dovid Yosef Thaler Aryeh Laib Klainberg Yosef Shmuel Wasserman Mordechai Kliger


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear machatanim R' Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein. May you continue to be Marbitzei and Machazickei Torah!

ע"ה R' Yudi Harbarter לע"נ

Dovid and Leah Rhein

לעלוי נשמת ע"ה R' Yehuda Harbater

Rabbi Menachem and Dena Deutsch

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Dina and Yakir Markowitz

Chaya and Vicky Mayer

Congratulations & Mazel Tov to all the Honorees In tribute to the Roshei Yeshiva הצלחה for all their efforts and best wishes for continued ז״ל With fond memories of Reb Yudi Whose smile will always be remembered, and who remained a talmid all his life יהי זכרו ברוך

Aaron & Efrat Kagan

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of שליט"א The Roshei Yeshiva

Chaim Tzvi and Raizel Friedlander

In honor of שליט"א HaRav Yisroel Meir Kagan and שליט"א HaRav Yitzchok Wasserman with much hakoras hatov.

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Ethan and Hinda Dubin


Hashem should bentch you that you should .עוסק בצרכי ציבור to be כח continue to have

Moshe Becker

to the מזל טוב Roshei Yeshiva and all the Honorees

Dr. and Mrs. Moshe Diamond (Zobdeh)


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to all tonight's Honorees to the הצלחה Wishing continued Yeshiva

Dovid Zussman

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva שליט"א R' Yitzchak Wasserman שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan

Mazal Tov to all tonight's Honorees

Mr. and Mrs. Allon Feig

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לכבוד מרנן ראשי הישיבה שליט"א and in honor of all the distinguished Honorees

Heshy and Judy Arem

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim

. הצלחה and ברכה May you have continued

Elimelech and Brucha Goldstein & Family

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER מזל טוב to the הצלחה and continued ישיבה

Avrohom Juravel

In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Braunstein

Mrs. Arlene Feuer Feibusch

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva We cherish and remember their work and tireless effort on behalf of their talmidim.

Thanks and gratitude,

Chaim Zvi and Toby Gendel

הכרת הטוב With much to the ראשי ישיבה and R' Chaim Kahan

Nasanel and Yehudis Gold

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the שליט"א Roshei HaYeshiva

לע"נ ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater

Rabbi and Mrs. Feivy Mendlowitz

In honor of Devora and Shmuli Herskovits Parents of the Year and so much more!

With love and great pride,

Tanta Fagie

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In Tribute To the Roshei Hayeshiva שליט"א HaRav Yisroel Meir Kagan שליט"א HaRav Yitzchok Wasserman Thank you for your dedication to the growth and well-being of the yeshiva and community. And a special thank you to Rabbi Dovid Nussbaum for going the extra mile.

Mrs. Edythe Markowitz

In honor of the שליט"א Roshei Yeshiva

Hecky and Rochel Attar

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER to the הכרת הטוב With Roshei Yeshiva and Rebbeim of Yeshiva Toras Chaim

מזל טוב to all the Honorees

Eliezer Kliger

With deep appreciation to Rabbi Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein

לע"נ Reb Yehuda Harbater

Lynne Gordon Yudi and Shoshana (Barros) Gordon


Mr. and Mrs. Eztion Genauer

With fondest recognition and appreciation to our dearest friends Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein for your chessed, kindness, and concern for all Klal Yisroel know no bounds. continue to enable you to continue הקב"ה May .עד מאה ועשרים שנה your noble deeds

Rebbetzin Shirley Pelcovitz and family

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Wishing continued success to the Yeshiva

Rabbi and Mrs. Naftali Beren

to הכרת הטוב With deep Yeshiva Toras Chaim

.הצלחה Wishing continued

A Grateful Alumnus

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER For R' Yisroel Meir Kagan R' Yitzchok Wasserman on your many years of hard work for the Yeshiva and Klal Yisroel.

.מחיל אל חיל May you continue

Arie Laufer

continue to guide generations of ראשי ישיבה May the who continue to grow every day in ,תלמידי חכמים .תלמוד תורה and יראת שמים to מזל טוב:As a sterling example Yakir Markowitz for being awarded Alumnus of the Year. May every bachur in in education מהלך Yeshiva Toras Chaim receive the same unique .עבד ה' and בן תורה that helped define Yakir Markowitz into a continue to influence future classes חכמה and חן May Yakir's into following his example. D. Perlow


and The Persian Boys

Moshe and Rosita Safamanesh

In tribute to the Roshei Yeshiva

In memory of my chavrusa and good friend ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater

Hillel and Keren Traub & family


Roshei Yeshiva to tonight’s מזל טוב


Menachem and Toby Walfish

In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein You are role models for the entire family and for the community at large. Your concern for others and involvement in .is legendary כל דבר שבקדושה May Hashem continue to repay you with much nachas from your beautiful family!! With much affection and admiration, Yoel and Sara Malka Krasnow

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Yakir Markowitz There is no one more deserving of this award and recognition. The passion that you bring to your every day life of being a parent and a father is contagious and valued within our community. It is a testimony to your Yeshiva and your Rebbeim who have imbued within you these sterling character traits, that have set you up as a major asset for our Waterbury community and Klal Yisroel as a whole. May you continue to make your Yeshiva proud and have continued success in all that you do to help the community and klal yisroel. Yossi and Esti Klein

In honor of the Roshei Hayeshiva and a big Yasher Koach to Reb Harold and Rebbetzin Segal.

Harry’s fan club

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER לכבוד מורי ורבי הרב שלמה בראנשטיין שליט"א בהוקרה על כל מה שקבלתי , קניתי , ונהניתי בשנים החשובים , שנות המתיבתא . הן מהשיעורים הבהירים הן מהעצה ותושיע . הן מתורת המחשבה , שפסח לי אופקים חדשים. הן מהדוגמה החי של גדלות האדם שלמדתי ממנוי בדיבור ובמעשה... בנוי על יסודות של מרן בעל פחד יצחק זצ"ולמל עלה בקודש. ובהשפעות אלו , עדיין נשאר בליבי , אפילו שנים לאחר ימי המתיבתא! יה"ר שתזכה לרוב נחת מכל המשפחה הדגולה (שזכיתי ב"ה להנות הרבה גם מהם ). וגם מהבנים , אלו התלמידים , לאורך ימים ושנים טובות עם כל מילי'ה דמיטב. הכבהרגשי רת הטוב, מאיר מרזל

Shmuli and Devora Mazal Tov on this much deserved honor! May you continue to be such great role models for us all for many years to come. Shira and David Greenberg Melissa and Marc Feder Hannah and Alan Feder Tali and Jon Feder

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva שליט"א R' Yitzchok Wasserman שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan

Daniel Stirewalt

In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein Their warmth and generosity and friendship to all is an example for all of us to emulate. We treasure and are thankful for our relationship.

Sarah Cyperstein Mimi Gross

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of our dear machatunim R’ Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein May Hashem grant you many more years of gezunt and nachas from your wonderful children, grandchildren, and great . עד מאה ועשרים שנה grandchildren

Nosson and Ruth Nusbaum

Mazal Tov to the Roshei HaYeshiva to יישר כח R' Ahron Yisroel Wasserman and R' Dovid Nussbaum

.that I still have with all of you קשר I appreciate the

Moshe Ingber

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva Best wishes for continued success.

Mr. and Mrs. Binyomin Seror

Special Mazel Tov to Yakir from ABE'S

With much Hakoros Hatov to The Yeshiva

Avraham Hendeles

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva Rabbi Kagan

and Rabbi Wasserman

In appreciation for all you have done.

The Rubin Family Monsey, NY

הכרת הטוב With to the Roshei Yeshiva and to all the מזל טוב Honorees

Chananel and Mashy Polter

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In tribute to Yakir & Dina Markowitz for a well deserved honor. May you see continued success in all of your endeavors and much nachas from your children. Your friends from Chestnut Ridge, Nechemia & Frumie Adler Yitzy & Nechama Diskind Shmuli & Rivkie Fromovitz Yehuda & Gitty Schneider

In memory of ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater

Yitzy and Shira Melamed

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the ראשי ישיבה שליט"א

In memory of ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater .עבד ה' and ,אוהב ישראל A good friend, an

David and Feige Gruman

Mazal Tov to our dear niece and nephew Devora and Shmuli on a well deserved honor.

We marvel at your zest for life and ability to keep smiling and make everyone around you smile (or laugh out loud!) We are so proud of you and your beautiful family.

Uncle Yossi and Tanta Chumi Uncle Chezkel and Tanta Suri

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazel Tov Yakir on this well deserved honor.

תזכו למצוות

Moishe and Nurit Rosenberg

Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein Great neighbors and friends. In honor of Rabbi Naftali Seidenfeld .that he's doing הרבצת תורה for all the In memory of ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater A dear friend. Yecheskel and Chani Kaminsky

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to tonight’s Parents of the Year, שיחיו Mr. and Mrs. Shmuli Herskovits .for others to emulate חינוך הבנות For setting a gold standard in

May you continue to see much success in all your worthy endeavors.

Binyomin and Yocheved Fishman

Mazel Tov to the שליט"א Roshei HaYeshiva Hashem should send the Roshei Yeshiva kochos and מרביץ תורה and health to continue being being marbeh Kovod Shomayim.

Yehoshua and Zeeva Scheinberg


Mazal Tov to Tonight's Honorees

Shimmy and Rachel Walfish

An honor well deserved! Mr. and Mrs. Kleinman the more we got to know you the more we saw how special you both are. From visiting Eli in yeshiva, flying him in for our wedding, going out in Eretz Yisroel, Eli's aufruf... we were always so amazed. May Hashem bentch you and your entire beautiful family !כל טוב and ,ברכה , הצלחה with loads of Raphael and Sossi Perlstein

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazel tov to Yeshiva Toras Chaim From what was, to what is, .be בע"ה and to what will

לזכר נשמת ז"ל R' Yehudah Harbater .who meant so much to so many אדם חשוב an

Aryeh Leib Klainberg and family

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Shmuli Herskovits Truly deserving of this honor.

Chaim and Pessi Celnik


The Roshei Yeshiva

Shlomo and Esther Haber

In honor of all the Honorees Great job with all you’ve done.

David and Simone Safdieh

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the שליט"א Roshei HaYeshiva and Their families May you continue to see all your endeavors blossom. Fortunate are we who were given the opportunity to be inspired from your derech in Torah, Avodah, and G'milus Chasodim. Jaeger Families East and West

In memory of our dear colleague ע"ה Rabbi Yehuda Harbater Although you physically left us, your friendship and camaraderie remain alive within us. Your sudden passing resonates with the message to make the most of every single day, as you certainly did. May the Ribono Shel Olam fortify your family, guide them and make them flourish in the path you paved.

Jaeger Families East and West

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We terribly miss Rabbi Harbater He was an Eved Ne’eman to Hashem. His ehrlichkeit was second to none.

May he be a Malitz Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

Moshe and Shainy Bender

Mazal Tov to wonderful friends Rabbi Shlomo and Ceil Braunstein on a well deserved honor.

Ruth and Erwin Forley

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the הנהלה Roshei Yeshiva and חבר and my Yakir Markowitz

Nisson Harbater

Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein on a well deserved honor.

Yaakov and Susan Salamon

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz The pillar of the YTC Yeshiva and presently the pillars of the Waterbury, CT community.

Continued hatzlacha.

With much admiration, Baruch and Chanala Levine

In honor and appreciation of the wonderful Roshei HaYeshiva

שליט"א HaRav Yisroel Meir Kagan


שליט"א HaRav Yitzchok Wasserman

Yitzchok and Toby Kahn

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER It is indeed an honor to give honor to such exemplary parents and grandparents R' Shlomo and Tzurtie You have raised a wonderful Torahdik family and may all the future generations continue in their footsteps. to Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Denver הצלחה Wishing continued .to R' Shlomo & Tzurtie נחת and continued With all good wishes, Mrs. Susie Brafman

Mazal Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz Most fitting recipients of tonight's Alumnus of the Year Award. May you be zoche to continue your wonderful work on behalf of the klal for many years to come. Menachem and Estee Lipman

Congratulations to Dina and Yakir for this well deserved honor.

Aunt Sally and Uncle Naftali

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER to tonight’s מזל טוב Honorees

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nakar

to הצלחה Wishing continued Yeshiva Toras Chaim

Shlomo and Chana Yitty Feigenbaum

In honor of Uncle Shlomie and Aunt Tzurtie for all they do for the klal and the prat.

Zvi and Goldie Bloom

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to our dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman R' Nachman is a devoted of the Yeshiva and truly deserving of the award.

Rabbi and Mrs. D. Nojowitz

In tribute to the שליט"א Roshei Yeshiva and to the dedicated Hanhala and Rebbeim

Mordechai and Ella Schlanger

To our dear Tzurtie Braunstein חוט המשולש

Shoshana Perr Lynn Broyde

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To Tzurtie and R' Shlomo Mazal Tov on your being honored. תורה מוסדות to support זוכה May you be for many years to come. Harvey and Leah Krasnow

Mazal Tov to a very deserving couple Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits

Sandra and Merrill Berman

Mazal Tov to Nachman and Yachet Kleinman on an honor well deserved.

Best wishes, Zev and Judy Moskovits

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER May we all share in recognizing the success and growth of Yeshiva Toras Chaim May Rabbi Kagan and Rabbi Wasserman continue to be the captains of the “Torah” leading the way. Ron & Georgi Holder

In memory of ע" ה HaRav Yehoshua Gutman ע"ה HaRav Moshe Kahan

Rabbi and Mrs. Aryeh Greenberg

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva and Hanhala and this year's most deserving Alumnus of the Year Yakir Markowitz .סיעתא דשמיא and הצלחה Best wishes for continued Dovid Yosef and Leah Thaler

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva and the entire Hanhala

Drs. Mark and Sondra Heiligman to הכרת הטוב With much Rabbi Kagan .ישיבה and the entire

.הצלחה much ישיבה Wishing the Eliyahu and Leah Zimmerman

Best wishes to our mechutanim The Braunsteins !חיל אל חיל May you go from

The Orloffs in Los Angeles

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER to the ברכה והצלחה Wishing continued שליט"א Roshei HaYeshiva

Rabbi and Mrs. Shea Z. Goldenberg

וכתר שם טוב עולה על גביהם In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman Recipients of the International Keser Shem Tov Award. יה"ר שתצליחו בכל מעשי ידיכם ולראות רב נחת מכל יוצאי חלציכם. Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Schwartz and Family Brooklyn, NY

In Honor of Yakir & Dina Markowitz May you merit raising children who love Torah and Chesed and follow in your footsteps to bring you much Nachas.

Uncle Yossie & Auntie Leah

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of the esteemed Roshei Yeshiva

Mordechai Mandelbaum

Wishing the Yeshiva

and the Rebbeim continued success! Leo Itzkowitz (Class of '75)

In honor of a dear friend and chavrusa Yakir Markowitz This honor is long overdue and well deserved. May you continue in your avodas hakodesh and may you have much nachas from your mishpacha. Raphael Chill

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie לאי"ט Braunstein with everything you do הצלחה May Hashem grant you much .אריכות ימים ושנים with good health and Feivel and Miriam Kirshenbaum Monsey, New York

לזכר נשמת ר' אריה לייב בן ר' צבי דוב אסתר בת ר' יום טוב ליפמין

The Pollacks

ע"ה R' Yehuda Harbater לזכר נשמת Mazal Tov to The Roshei Yeshiva and Tonight's Honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Unger Rabbi and Mrs. Calev Unger

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to our esteemed neighbours of close to thirty years Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman for being honoured by Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Denver. Nachman is a very deserving honouree, as he is a very proud talmid of the Yeshiva, has been zocheh to raise a wonderful frum family, and is a dedicated Bal Korah at the Kollel Minyan. Special mention should be made of the care and devotion,the Kleinmans have given to their respective parents over the years. Wishing Hatlacha for the future, Mr. and Mrs. Avrumi Jager

לזכר נשמת הרב יהודא אלעזר בן משה ישראל who epitomized what it meant to be a "real" Yid. He was an incredible husband and father which, along with his hasmadah and devotion to Yeshiva Darchei Torah, made him a true role model for us. and wonderful children אשת חיל grant his רבש"ע May the .to him נחת and may they be a tremendous ,כח Yair and Lainy Weinstein

In honor of Rav Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein .כלל ישראל A couple that has done & continue to do so much for the benefit of We in particular are tremendous beneficiaries of your . הרבצת תורה וגמילות חסדים from your wonderful famliy for many נחת May you have much happy and healthy years. לע"נ ר' יהודא אלעזר בן משה ישראל .ד כותלי בית מדרש A Yid who never left the Dovid and Hennie Bender


Chaim Abrams

In honor of The entire Hanalah of Yeshiva Toras Chaim לע"נ ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater Mr. and Mrs. Shalom Moshe Travis

to the הצלחה Wishing continued Yeshiva

Aryeh and Perry Rozenberg

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz

Yitz and Aviva Schlanger

Mazal Tov to a special couple who exemplifies a Kiddush Hashem in every aspect of their lives. R' Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein We are honored to be your friends.

Nosson and Chana Basha Gold

Mazal Tov Ceil! On being honored with the crown of the grandparents award. Enjoy this much deserved honor! Sincerely, Andrew Cohen First Vice President Wells Fargo Advisors

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Uncle Shlomo and Aunt Tzurtie Braunstein Wishing you lots of nachas from your entire family. Love, Yossi and Devorah Ashlem

Mazal Tov to the Parents of the Year Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits

Well deserved. The Winstons Dallas, Texas

Mazal Tov Yakir and Dina on this well deserved honor. You have a shem tov that brings much nachas to the institutions that helped to guide you on your journey. May you and your family always be blessed to grow together and perpetuate the nachas that you generate for Hashem and all of Klal Yisroel. Jeremy and Shayna Bekritsky

בברכותינו בלבביות ליקרנו מכובדינו וקרובינן הר' נחמן ומרת יאכיט עמו"ש הרבה ידישע נחת! ברכה והצלחה בכה"ע עד בלי די! יצחק יעקב קארנווסער ומשפ'


Rabbi and Mrs. Yehuda Pollak

With much Hakoras Hatov for all the Yeshiva has done for me. Kalman Lebovics & Family

Wishing continued success to Yeshiva Toras Chaim

A Grateful Talmid

In memory of ע"ה Jacob Feldman

Long time alumnus and Talmid Chochom

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER ראשי ישיבה שליט"א In honor of the and the Rebbeim of Yeshiva Toras Chaim. Best wishes to all the Honorees בהכרת הטוב

In honor of R' Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein on this well deserved honor.

Mordechai and Miriam Herskowitz

Mazal tov and best wishes to all the Honorees. Yasher Koach to Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits. May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community. Pinchas and Dena Englander

Mazal Tov Shmuli and Devora! We are proud of everything you do for your Dallas community and the Yeshiva! Love, Shelley and Richard Glazer

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER A well deserved honor to two great parents Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Herskovits

All the best, Larry and Karen Kosowsky

לע"נ ר' יהודה אליעזר בן משה ישראל Who dedicated his life to Mosdos HaTorah and to the middah of emes. .for his family always שמירה May it serve as a Zev and Leah Bald & Family

In honor of Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein .הרבצת התורה and החזקת התורה You are role models to us in .from your mishpachos always רב נחת bentch you with הקב"ה May Zev and Leah Bald & Family

In honor of two of our favorite people עמו"ש R' Shlomo and Tzurtie

Krunchy and Dovid Friedman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Congratulations to Shlomo and Tzurtie

Love, Rita and Ernie Bloom

In honor of our dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman מחיל אל חיל

Kaddish and Shulamis Rubinfeld

For such wonderful honorees, our cousins Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman Wishing you much continued hatzlacha. Mendel and Yachet Bernath Barnetts Sweet Creations

The Yeshiva מצליח should continue to be in helping Klal Yisroel. David and Mary Erani

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In appreciation to the Roshei HaYeshiva for influencing our lives and our children and grandchildren's lives. Heshy and Rochelle Riesel

In honor of a terrific couple Yakir and Dina Markowitz Your parents have much to proud of! Surki Lieberman & family

In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Braunstein

With admiration and respect, Mrs. Eva Weiss

Best Wishes to The Yeshiva From Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Dovid Bresler

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of a very special couple Yakir and Dina Markowitz

Yankey and Lea Mayer

In honor of Sambo Thanks for keeping the sodas cold.


Mazal Tov to our friends Yakir and Dina Markowitz on this well deserved honor!

Suri and Shimmy Handelsman

Mazal Tov Yakir

From The Melkas

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER To the honored grandparents of every year.

Lloyd and Bethie

Mazal Tov to the Roshei HaYeshiva .to the Yeshiva הצלחה Wishing continued

David Hazan

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva Mazal Tov to The Braunsteins on a well deserved honor. Avraham A. Herskowitz

Thank you Rabbi Wasserman and Rabbi Kagan With much gratitude to the Yeshiva, Rabbi and Mrs. Leonard Berman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Shmuli and Devora Leaders in the Dallas community.

Jeremy and Carolina Scharf

In appreciation to R' Shlomo and Tzurtie Braunstein for our close family connection and to their children Naftali and Dena for expanding that bond of family. Akiva and Aviva Balsam

In memory of ע"ה R' Yudi Harbater

Rabbi and Mrs. Shragie Polter

Mazel tov to Tonight's Honorees

Gedalya and Avigayil Ishakis

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of שליט"א R' Yitzchok Wasserman שליט"א R' Yisroel Meir Kagan

David Marciano

To the honored Roshei Yeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan Rabbi Yitzchok Wasserman give you many more years הקב"ה May of Nachas, Gezunt and Nachas. The Sankary family

In honor of the

Roshei Yeshiva

David and Tunie Mansour

In honor of Dina and Yakir A wonderful couple who is certainly deserving of this honor. We are proud to know you. Berel and Perri Hecht

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER We have fond memories of Rabbi Harbater from days of yore when Abba Beinish attended Yeshiva Darchei Hatorah. יהי זכרו ברוך Yaakov and Rashi Grossman

In honor of my children Chesky and Segal Schonfeld ברכה והצלחה רבה רב נחת ושמחה לכל המשפחה for the Roshei Yeshiva אריכות ימים Best of health and Mrs. Stella Schonfeld

Mazal Tov to Yakir and Dina on this honor. May Hashem give you the ability to continue contributing to your community and Klal Yisroel Love, Bernice Weinberger

In honor of Yakir and Dina Markowitz

The Gewirtzmans NCE Homecare

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER to מיטב הברכות Nachman and Yachet Kleinman From Family Zimbal

In honor of Chesky Schonfeld הצלחה רבה .for all his hard work on behalf of the Yeshiva Mrs. Frumie Cohen to הצלחה Wishing continued Yeshiva Toras Chaim Rabbi and Mrs. Yankel Horowitz

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva הרב יצחק ווסרמן שליט"א הרב ישראל מאיר קגן שליט"א Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Friedman

לזכר נשמת ז"ל R' Yudi "Hobs" Harbater

Shalom and Etti Fogel

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees Hillel and Naomi Erlanger

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kleinman and Mr. and Mrs. Yakir Markowitz Chaim and Rivky Bernstein to the הצלחה Mazal Tov and much Yeshiva and all the Honorees Aharon D. Eisemann

In honor of Rabbi Shlomo and Mrs. Tzurtie Braunstein

Sam and Sara Bergman

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva

Avrohom Aboud

הצלחה Wishing continued Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Tenenbaum

To our dear friends and neighbors Yakir and Dina Markowitz Mazal Tov on this beautiful honor! May you continue to have much nachas ! עד מאה ועשרים from your children Sincerely, Shloimy and Suri Lebovics


Daniel Golfeiz

Mazal Tov to all tonight's Honorees

Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Zisow

In honor of Uncle Shlomo and Aunt Tzurtie מזל טוב! והצלחה רבה! Ezriel & Elisheva Ebstein

With gratitude

Bill and Miriam Pinkerson

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Bronstein to the הצלחה Wishing continued Yeshiva and Roshei Yeshiva Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Yaakov Friedman

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazel Tov to Nachman and Yachet Kleinman. upon being awarded the Keser Shem Tov Award. Dr. and Mrs. Danny Lanzer (Australia)

With great appreciation to the Roshei Yeshiva Rabbi and Mrs Moshe Himes

Greetings from Akiva and Suri Eisenberg

Shlomo and Tzurtie לכבוד .from your family נחתMay you have much Judah and Rifkie Freedman

לזכר נשמת ר' יהודא אלעזר בן משה ישראל הרבטר ע"ה The Lauers

ברכה והצלחה Ephraim Lev

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER ברכה והצלחה Yisroel Zev and Leah Lieberson

לע"נ הרב יהודא אליעזר בן משה ישראל הרבטר ע"ה

Aharon D. Eisemann to the הצלחה Wishing continued Yeshiva

Rabbi Dovid Epstein

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva

Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Kenner

לכבוד הראשי ישיבה שליט"א יה"ר שתזכו להמשיך עבודתכם הקודש מתוך בריאת הגוף והרחוות הדעת. Tzvi and Deena Rajchgod

In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva Wishing them continued gezunt and hatzlacha. Nachman and Nechama Lapa

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER Mazal Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Markowitz Yosef and Raizy Gutman

In memory of R' Yudi Harbater .ראשי ישיבה In honor of the Moshe D. Goldberg to the Yeshiva הצלחה Wishing continued Rabbi and Mrs. Yisrael Grossberg

In honor of The Kleinmans Rabbi and Mrs. Naftali Alt

Congratulations to The Kleinmans Moishe and Nechama New to the Yeshiva הצלחה Wishing continued Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Rockove

In honor of The Roshei Yeshiva Mr. and Mrs. David Barnett

In honor of The Markowitzes Mayer and Ruti Adler

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER to the Yeshiva הצלחה Continued Rabbi Yosef Aryeh and Yehudis Shifra Perlman

Greetings from Yaakov Applegrad

Best wishes to The Honorees Dov Steinberg

ברכה והצלחה Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Rosenthal

מזל טוב לראשי הישיבה הנכבדים בברכת כל טוב תמיד ובהוקרה רבה, Sheila Lapa

In blessed memory of Rabbi Yehuda Harbater Illona and Jake & Avrohom Aharon Weiman


for joining us

this evening!