Sarah Stanbury
[email protected] Monsignor Murray Professor in the Arts and Humanities Department of English College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA 01610 Tel: 401-751-7633 COURSES: Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Sex and Gender in the Middle Ages, Animal Fiction and Fable, Thirteen Ways of Looking at Things, Medieval Dream Visions, Medieval Romance, Critical Reading and Writing. EDUCATION M.A, Ph.D. Duke University (English) B.A. Bennington College (Literature) ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2012- Monsignor Murray Professor in the Arts and Humanities 1997-1999 Chair of English Department 1992- English Department, College of the Holy Cross. Tenured in 1996 1984-1992 Lecturer, English Department, Tufts University Spring, 1990 Visiting Assistant Professor, Tufts University 1989, 1990 Visiting Assistant Professor, Writing Program, Wellesley College 1978-1982 Instructor, English Department, Northeastern University GRANTS AND AWARDS 2014 Holy Cross Summer Course Development Grant 2014 Holy Cross Research and Publication Award 2013 Holy Cross Research and Publication Award 2012 Faculty Fellowship, Holy Cross (awarded 2010) 2011-‘12 John Simon Guggenheim Fellow (for 2011) 2010 Guggenheim, Radcliffe Institute and NEH Fellowship applications 2009 Ford (Batchelor) Summer Fellowship 2006-‘07 Hewlett-Mellon Award for Sophomore Honors Seminar, 2005-‘07 O’Leary Faculty Recognition Award 2005-‘06 Holy Cross Research and Publication Award Jan-May ‘04 Faculty Fellowship, Holy Cross Jan-June ‘00 Visiting Fellowship at Clare Hall, Cambridge University 1 2000 Holy Cross Research and Publication Award 1999 Holy Cross Research and Publication Award 1998-1999 NEH “Teaching with Technology” Focus Grant. Project Director. With Virginia Raguin. Project Title: “Mapping Margery Kempe in the Medieval World.” (Web project Jan-May ‘98 Faculty Fellowship, Holy Cross 1997 Holy Cross Hewlett-Mellon Award (with V.