5048 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST ll, 1899. Thundercliffe Marshall, .Colliery Agent and Coal Embhton, The Cedars, Methley, Leeds, Charles Exporter, Trinity House Yard, Richard Smith Croysdale, Shaw Lane, Headingley, Leeds, Pickering, Newspaper Editor, 13, Linnaeus Street, Frederick McCulloch Jowitt, Harehills Grove, Alfred Redfern, Merchant, 41, High Street, Leeds1, John Arthur Holroyd, Carlton Mills, Richard Simpson, Steam Trawler Owner, 115, Leeds, James Yates, Wellington Mill, Bram- Coltman Street, Henry Witty, Gentleman, 9, ley, Leeds, Frederick Halliday, Rosemont, Market Place, William Wheatley, Ale and Porter Bramley, Leeds, Walter Knapp Appleyard, Merchant, 55, Myton Gate, George Winn, Baker, Claremont, Headingley, Leeds, Alfred George 72, Mytou Gate, James Farrell, Stationer, 21, Barrs, Park Square, Leeds, Francis Reginald Limvaeus Street. Kitson, Monkbridge Ironworks, Leeds, Arthur For the East Riding of the Couiity of York. Greenhow Lupton, Sprmgwood, Roundhay, Charles William Henry Wall-Bridlingtou, Leeds, John William Garnett, Greengates Esquire, Ashe Wiudham, Esquire, Wawne, House, Apperley Bridge, John Dods Johnstone, Edward William Sheardown, Esquire, Beveiiey, Perseverance Mills, Leeds, Robert Jowitt, Hare- John Simons Harrison, Esquire, Beverley, Thomas hills Grove, Leeds, Arthur Sykes, Roundhay, Staveley Stephenson, Esquire, Walkington, Leeds, Arthur Payne Baines, The Heath, Adel, Robert Ranby, Stephenson, Esquire, Beverley, Leeds, William Walker Macpherson, Wellington John Thompson, Esquire, Pocklington, William Foundry,
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