Deep Blue Deep Blue Research Collections Library (University of Michigan Library) 2005 Soapboxes and Saboteurs: 100 Years of Wobbly Solidarity: An Exhibit Hand, Franki Downloaded from Deep Blue, University of Michigan's institutional repository \ ' Soapboxers and Saboteurs 100 Years of Wobbly Solidarity September 6 - November 26, 2005 An Exhibit Curated by Julie Herrada Special Collections Library Uoiversity of 11.ichigan Special Collections Library Exhibh Hours: Monda)' - Friday: 10:00 - 5:00 Saturday: '1 0:00 - Noon Special Collections Library 7th Floor Harlan Hatcher Gradl,",e Libral), Dedicated to aU the anonymous Wobblies who sacrificed Universiry of Michigan their lives for their fellow workers, and to Carlos Cortez, Ann Arbo r, Ml who was a true living spirit of the IWW. (734) 764-9377
[email protected] http://www. tib.u mi CopyriJ.jht 200S by rh.... Univcrsi ry of Mlchis:' n 1J brnrr Ull i \lc r ~i f}' o f .\fich igan. Ann ,\ rb\)(, 1\11 U ni versity or Michigan Board of Regents: Davicl A. 6r;t ndotl Lau n.: n(c B. Delich Olivia P. "Mayn,lrC! Rebecca J\ lcGowan Andrea rischc:r Newman '\ ndrC'w C. I{jchn f:t S. Man in T3.y lor Kathe rine E. Wh itt: elcome to this exhi bi t celebrating the centenru al yea r of the Indus trial \Vu rke rs .... v ___ . ._ . ~ of the World, one of the most influential and colorful labor unions of ou( Sbr. ....... • • .l.-tI T.~ .0....